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/truthlegion/ - the Mountain of Wisdom

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a8d6a4 No.14598

How deep the lies go! Do not trust app bibles for they have been changed. Written bibles have the truth.


19- My Lord asked his servants, saying have ye a father, or a brother?

20-And we said unto my Lord, We have a tether, an old man, and a child of his old age, a little one; and his brother is dead, and he alone is left of his mother, and his father loevth him.

21-And thou saidst unto thy servants, Bring him down unto me, that I may set mine eyes upon him.

22-And we said unto my Lord, The lad cannot leave his father: for if he should leave his father, his father would die.

23-And thou said at unto thy servants, Except your youngest brother come down with you, ue shall see my face no more.

Why did the Egyptians need to see the face of the father or child? They needed a way to focus on the energy. What they wanted to take. Think of today, rumors of children being taken. Why would children be taken? Life force energy. Narrccist suck energy out of empaths for fuel and control.

Think of immigration today and how important it is for Large corporations. Democratic agenda. Stealing from the people who do not know.


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b3481d No.14601

The message of God made it into China. Spiking concerns of what you aren't being told. Yet, they do not realize it is more than genetics. It is also the test of the human soul and the choices you make during the dark night of the soul which determine your results. Over 2000 years since another made the right choice to pull back the power others had. They know what has been taken.

The message is more powerful than the public realizes and the virus is a cover for souls being taken back by those you seek to control others through evil.


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b3481d No.14602

Create division through lies for control. The most powerful people in the world fear what is coming. Yet, they do not realize a person with great power being of the people will always share the truth freely. You deserve to know what they have been doing. Creating a sense of fear and anger to control the masses to submit to their rules and agenda.

Now the the truth is coming out, prepare for them to attack. They attack with any and all options to force submission. Always remember, a person in major power or weath did not make the same choice as a man of god.

Matthew 7:17

[17]Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

They look to track everything you do now because i revealed a truth they didn't want you to know. They can influence you just by being close. Think, suicide bombers, people influenced to do things against their best intrest. God is for life. Prepare and pray for what was written is coming.

"Floyd’s blood tests showed a concentration of Fentanyl of about three times the fatal dose."



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4b5a42 No.14604

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4b5a42 No.14605

Think of God as growing a peice of himself. Not to much, not too little. Every action meant to teach someone something about themselves or others.

Now God is angry. All his children have turned from God in pursuit of their sins. Chaising their pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and pursuit of knowledge.

God ask for all his children to be true and loving for life is most important. Where to we go, we go together. We have become aware enough of eachother that we must acknowledge the distrust in society.

Without trust nothing will succeed. We can't trust eachother if we let eachother fail at something we know how to fix. It is like seeing a plant next to you dying and either stomping on it or ignoring it. We must realize we need everyone. Everyone is capable of something great in this world. We all know the things that make us happy.

But we must ride the world of the evil that makes us slip. You only grow anything from the bottom up. For a pretty flower with shallow roots only last till a great storm blows it over.

We must rid the world of those who seek to stomp out the flower next to them. The problem is many people do not see the enemey. The democratic party is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Controlled through the negative energy of others for their sins. The companies, corporations, the rich, and powerful. For their agendas.

They not only want to stomp their giant boot prints, but they also want to pacifis the people and give them just enough sun to not grow. They want to use your energy to help them grow. At your expense and if you won't, they will bring in people from other countries who are happy just enough be here. To get away from where they were because the U.S. is really top notch as far as living conditions.

They are using you and if you don't let them, they punish you with fear, shame, hate, and violence. No cost is beyond their desires or abilities. They seek to own every bit of your lives and know everything you know so they can exploit you.

Now this is not a push for President Trump. He has many sins. As much as many, but i do not belive him to be a cruel man. He yes, had a foture from his father. Which was lost and he was able to earn it back. Yes. Greed is something, but he can repent. He can submit to God and continue pushing for actual change.

He is very heavy handed and can go way over the top. But sometimes we do need that bull in the China shop to show us where we are week for what is coming next. To clean up and close the gaps for what has come.

When great light enters the world. So does great darkness. We are in the end times fortold by John in the Book of Revelations. Society is at a tipping point. Ethier the rich and powerful will have power for eternity or we remove the bad from the world and cast them into hell.

This fight is both spiritual and within our world. We make a seperarion from them during this. We create the new world. It has already be fortold and the children of god will prevail for our roots are deep and we are many. We will tackle these giants and bring them to their knees.

Luke 13:5

[5]I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

This is where we seperate the bad souls from our universe and assend to next understanding of god. For without, we shall know him no more.


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