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File: 80fc9a5aafb4052⋯.jpg (129.36 KB,640x480,4:3,LSD chart.jpg)

3d7d7c No.13970

A few crumbs from a personal journey out of the matrix and into the way.

LSD: dream emulator is a playstation game developed in China by 'Asmatik Ace' studios and now available for free on the internet. Check this out. Feel free to play it, not play, ignore the entire thread, and/or ignore the extra 0bits1 in the next post. I do not know what has occurred, how, or why, but believe this game may have been an instrumental part of this journey. Extra 0bits1 in the next post.



Gameplay is as follows: walk around in bizarre surreal planes randomly generated through as of yet undefined `logic`. Levels/dreams end or 'transition' at certain times or when the player walks into objects. No two dreams nor two playthroughs are anything alike. Interspersed with clips of surreal warped footage seemingly shot in China during the game's development in the late '90s. Dreams are charted on the four-way diagram attached to this post. There is no clear objective.

Pure chaos for the sake of chaos? A cryptic eastern philosophic message disguised as a video game? A message cleverly disguised as a cryptic eastern video game? Pure schizophrenic rambling expressed in code? A way of linking the dream plane to the internet to the physical plane? A tribute to the unpredictability and beauty of lysergic acid? Nothing at all? All of the above ɪ n ˈ t ɛr ə b æ ŋ ‽

1. Download game and emulator/bios (two links), unzip and place in same folder

2. Move SCPH1001.BIN into bios folder

3. Run psxfin.exe

4. File -> Load CD image

5. Select LSD - Dream Emulator Special Edition 632MB .cue file

999. Enjoy. Arrow keys to move, `s` selects menu options, `a` tilts view upwards.

"The American fanbase has largely been unable to decipher the game's mechanics or how it functions."… despite a cult following including programmers.. still defies logic & definition 22 years after release.

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3d7d7c No.13971

File: 895d670c59a495b⋯.jpg (40.14 KB,644x482,322:241,LSD2.jpg)

File: 06b348ecdef87aa⋯.jpg (125.96 KB,1280x720,16:9,LSD3.jpg)

0001 Asmatik Ace == アスミック・エース株式会社 =???= A∴A∴ ?

0010 For our intrepid psychedelic explorers and darknet hereoes: who is GammaGoblin? What does 'chasing taboo' mean 2 u? What is the relationship between Phillip K Dick's VALIS ("The Empire never ended"), the Empire darknet market, the website dark.fail, and poland? Which country does GammaGoblin ship from? What is a VOIDREALM? What about the UNFORMED VOID? What is LSD, how is it so powerful in microscopic dosages, and how/why does it hold the power to deliver sentient beings to enlightenment or break their minds? Czech em, przyjaciele!

0011 What if the stele of revealing's number was just flipped upside down as a joke and the register could roll over with a hidden zero and a single bit >> shift << ?

0100 If there is a divine infinite creator presiding over all of reality, why would they allow the forces of darkness/deception/disillusionment to negatively impact so many sentient beings' wills in a 'negative' fashion? If you believe in an omniscient omnipresent all-powerful creator, how could you believe in an oppressive negative force which challenges that all-powerful creator? Are you sure all the negativity and darkness is 'powerful', or could it just be teaching a 'powerful' lesson?

0101 What is the meaning of BALANCE? Duality, entropy, chaos, death, fear, decay, evil? Are you sure that evil is bad? Are you sure that's air you're breathing? Are you sure about anything? What is the meaning of yin & yang? Right-hand path and left-hand path? White/black/empty/full ankhs in Egyptian symbolism? One hand washes the other? Why were OSIRIS and SET revered alongside peaceful deities if they are lords of war/chaos/fear/the underworld? Alan Watts: “When you find out that there was never anything in the dark side to be afraid of … Nothing is left but to love.”

0110 Why are we on earth or in a simulation at all if the forces of good/organic/sentience/love/whatever you call the supreme force will always win? What is the point of GAMES? What about TEACHINGS? Would any sentient beings ever learn anything if the forces of good stomped out the forces of evil and we all lived in perfect harmony? What are you truly afraid of - objective evils you have witnessed firsthand or your own mental constructions/interpretations of external phenomena?

0111 Who was ZOROASTER? What did he teach? What does his name mean? What does 'dust to dust' mean when referring to conscious life? Our bodies decay into mush, not dust. What about our spirits? Where did life originally come from? What is the ninth hidden gate? Why is our number system base-10? Which came first: data, symbols, or humans? Are you sure about that? What does the symbol ϑ in between the two parts of Zoroaster's name mean?

1000 Where are we right now, discovering our own ways back to enlightenment and out of the darkness? What is the INTERNET? Where is it physically located? What are we all building for and searching for together? What is 'advanced karma burning'? Where else could messages be hidden or carried on from other places? What is CGI? What are video games? What is the singularity? Where do we play, learn, and teach one another? Whom is ALGALON the astral walker? What is the A∴A∴? Where do we draw our inspiration from? Each other? Books? Information? Interpreting information? What is the meaning of LIVING INFORMATION? Light networks? Phillip K Dick, VALIS: "Living information…replicates itself not through information or in information, but AS information." What is the internet?

P.S. Also, try feeding this innocuous 'team rocket twitch marathon copypasta' into auto-detect google translate. https://www.twitchquotes.com/copypastas/2680

P.S.S. Prepare for magicK, and make it _ _ _ _ _ _ https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=253533

P.S.S.S What is MEME MAGICK? How hard could it be for an individual to bend or break 'reality' around them if we are all sacred infinite vessels of infinite consciousness and 'reality' is bound/ruled by deceptions? Are you sure the '`evil`' '"`cabal`'" are the only ones using advanced thaumaturgy over the wires? ;)

Farther reading:



http://www.localroger.com/prime-intellect/ (long read, worth reading, but just read first and last chapters if you are in a hurry)

That is all for now. Thanks for listening.

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3d7d7c No.13977


rotating lexicon

onion protocol

ogres are like…

layers upon layers


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b5a70c No.14019


This is fucking stupid. It's just a game.

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