Hey Truth,
I have been thinking over the /reptilians/ board before 8chan's El Paso shutdown. Really great contact breads. I miss reading from Aleph a lot and truth be told couldn't create my own /reptilians/ for 8kun. This board(/truthlegion/) in particular is a great /x/ that really gets to the onion of a topic and really would be the best place to revive this conversation.
ITT: Uncover the truth behind reptilians and their D.U.M.B.s without building any biases for or against them. Expose the True source of evil going on in the elite pedo cabaal and fight for the liberation of the Planet and all its species.
Despite the majority of opinions people have on reptiles, there is evidence to suggest the opposite of the "Hollywood V-miniseries David Icke Draconian" mythos is true. That reptiles have existed on/in this planet for a looong while, receiving a history of bad press from benefiting parties, retreating into their caverns hoping to see the day man expires. I'm not going to tell you reptilians are benevolent or malevolent because I don't believing scaling beings on two axises will do anything to help understand what it is they want without a surface level glance.
What I am going to tell you is read through these threads> https://web.archive.org/web/20190802085629/https://8ch.net/reptilians/catalog.html < and discern for yourself what the truth really is before you come back and point out the Pope's serpent symbolism >>368.
Also, Bonus points to those who don't rely on Disney Owned Capeshit. Thanks!