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86eb7f No.12525

This is a bit of a tale because there's a lot of detail to cover so please no "tl;dr" posts. I actually have a few questions afterwards. Also I want to post my story because I feel people should know how serious and rampant this shit is

>Be me

>Get in shouting match at my liberal arts school (get called a racist, sperg out)

>School tells me to find a counselor or they wont let me back in

>I dont have healthcare so I need someone cheap

>Lady head of disability services gives me three choices

>One was too expensive, one wasnt available, one was cheap

>Go with the cheap one because broke

>Call him up and arrange an appointment

>Says he's in a very Jewish part of my city

>Says his office is ontop of a pizza place

>Only thought of pizzagate as a verifiable meme, but never took it to heart

>We arrange a time for 6pm on a friday

>All of this is pretty off, but I need to get back onto school

>Get there, take an elevator to the second floor

>It's one of those shared office kinds of buildings, and everything was mostly hallways and rooms

>Walk around, realize the place is completely empty

>Walk down one hallyway and hear muffled noise from one of the rooms

>Knock on the door

>Moment of silence and then a rush to the door

>Counselor pokes head out from behind the door, seeming a little startled, I dont see anyone inside his office

>Tells me to wait in the waiting room and he'll be right out

>Go to the waiting room and wait, the waiting room is very dirty, with cups of water and napkins out on tables, some tables still had a bit of dust

>The waiting room was very dimly lit, mood lighting with golden lights

>15 minutes later he comes out with some young kid, like 12 or 13

>The kid is obviously very poor, wears a shirt 2 sizes too big and a very dirty one too

>The counselor says something like "We are making good progress [kids name] you're coming along nicely, comes off pretty staged

>the kid keeps his eyes to the ground, glances at me and then looks up and smiles

>He sends him off to the elevator, his parents werent there

>My turn

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86eb7f No.12526


>Get into his office and the first thing I see is one of those japanese paper wall things in the far end of the office it was blocking off a good 1/5th of the office space but I couldn’t tell what was behind it

>There were two armchairs, a couch, and atleast 15 spider fern plans all over the place

>These plants were on the walls, by the window, next to all the chairs, the office was relatively small, but there had to be atleast one plant for every square foot of the place

>His office just a back room and was lit with bright florescent lighting, I mean like, the medical grade shit, pure white, it was immediately sensitive to my eyes

>He had a large backpack in where he kept all his "paper work" and didnt have an office phone, just a cell with an app that gave him an extra phone number

>I immediately started to become anxious

>I sit down on the armchair facing his and our session begins, all the while I get more and more anxious for unknown reasons

>I start looking around, I couldnt keep focus

>He had these drawings of eggs on the wall, the kind that you would find in an explorer's notebook where they draw the kinds of eggs they find with notes next to them

>I noticed on the carpet some bar shaped ware marks, which I couldnt figure out what caused them until afterwards I realized the couch was a fold out bed

>The wear marks were parallel to the couch and were placed from what could have been the right side and left corner of where the bed would have folded out

<This is an after thought once I left but he probably fucked his on the bed and thats what made the marks

>He noticed that I noticed the marks too and seemed anxious as well

>We went through the session, I tried to give as little information as I could, but I did give him my address (I was in an apt building) before we even started so fuck my life on that one

>He was clearly not a psych or counselor of any kind, had me fill out "personal expression" worksheets clearly made for children (I was 28) and most of the talking was him asking terrible questions and mirroring what I said

>also he wouldnt stop smelling his finger

>By the end of it I felt like I was going to freak the fuck out even though nothing really scary actually happened

>As we concluded he reached his hand out to shake mine and I really didnt want to but did anyway to keep face

>His hands were really thick, hard and leathery like he was a construction worker or something for a long time, even though his online psych profile says he was a counselor for 30+ years

>I couldnt have gotten out of there faster, I felt like something was stripped off the back of my next for 3 days, I didnt know what happened in there, but all my senses told me something monstrous was going on in there, I felt like I saw someone get murdered right before my eyes

>we arranged a second meeting but I canceled a few days later, he seemd upset but I just hung up on him and blocked his number

>A few days later after that I was heading to the lobby to get a soda around 12am and I saw a dark green car out the front window parked on thefar side of the street facing the opposite way

>As soon as I walked upto the window the lights turned on and the car drove off quickly

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86eb7f No.12527


I remember reading an article about how spider fern plans can effect one emotionally. Not certain how true this was, I read it a while ago. Does anyone else know what I'm talking about?

Also what can anyone say about the egg paintings? What do eggs symbolize?

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86eb7f No.12528



All in all Pizzagate is absolutely real, you might think it's a joke or a conspiracy but believe me that you should believe in this thing as real as the sky is blue. It way bigger than just a few places here and there, any pizza place that has a home, office building or anything above it likely harbors pedophiles. This has been about a year ago but it still freaks me the fuck out.

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cad42c No.12636



Wow that is super creepy. Do you want us to dig on whoever owns/runs that weird and dirty joint?

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86eb7f No.12638


I'm gonna keep quiet about the specifics for a while just because I still live in the same town and the guy has my info. But I do want to know more about the use of spider plans and maybe a general spiritcooking/pizzagate thread.

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86eb7f No.12639


But yeah, it was a complete nightmare. After I got out I felt like something was stripped from the back of my head. Like I lost a layer of skin from the back of my neck to the back of my head. It was a bit of a mind fuck being in that room

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4adffc No.12664


>dark green car


Keep a low profile. Just pretend you're dumb (don't show any sign of intelligence) and pretend you do not know something is up in there even if you do want to investigate this deep.

If it seemed like you know something, you'll gain interest.

Either way, pizzagate/boom2x are real. Just try to be as seemingly 'casual' as possible. Showing that you're being paranoid will also gain their interest. imagine what happens if you saw a serial killer doing their act, imagine

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0fb040 No.12739

Interesting thread, will keep monitoring. Describe the ethnicity of the guy.

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86eb7f No.12742

File: 0d19ca9ef61c79e⋯.jpg (30.89 KB,438x612,73:102,proxy.duckduckgo.jpg)


Big man, white, had a bird like face but with a bit of a bulbous nose. Actually he had similar features to that of Jeffrey Jones. Not exactly, but similar nose shape, eyes and head structure

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44edeb No.12744


Interesting. Personally I'm of the opinion that it's impossible in the long run to hide anything - everything expresses itself in the body, sooner or later. What do you think: if you would never have met that person before, do you think something odd would have stood out for you regarding his appearance?

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86eb7f No.12745

File: 420ad3ebde29595⋯.png (1.08 MB,1012x1136,253:284,Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)


I've seen and read articles that pedophiles have certain facial features or something of that such and there's some sort of facial recognition technology that can analyze such features. I do believe that it's impossible to hide who you truly are.

I believe that a man's handshake also has this capability as well. People with overly strong handshakes or weak ones define who they are as a person. This guy was a child psychologist with fully leathered hands. Even the part of the back of the hand on the base of the thumb had some sort of callusing to it. It was like shaking hands with someone with work gloves on.

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0fb040 No.12756

Though. One the one hand self-protection is primary, on the other hand, if there are really children being sodomized there…

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86eb7f No.12758


The thought crossed my mind of going back, arranging another empty office 6pm "meeting", and doing the assumed deed. I'm sure it'll be possible to get away with it if I'm careful, but thats a pretty big risk and I do have a lot on the line. Plus I dont think I have it in me to do that to anyone in general. But it has been contemplated a lot.

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cf9fa7 No.12764


hate only begets more hate



There is danger in lumping people into facial catagories…. reference all of the divisive human history, eugenics, et al…

The whole eye thing is dumb, I know many good people whose alignment in their body is off (most of us in some way or another, this world is tilted and our bodies emulate) and it can manifest as one eye being more open.


Have seen similar things in my experience…

I live and work in the belly of the beast…

Been to many a corporate HQ where I live (would name dont wanna dox), a JJC and to country clubs (not jewish for the freakin record can we all agree finally this is simply good vs evil and NOT exclusive to a religion) in my area…

ALL of which displayed the "sigls" kids photos with the one eye covered, wierd pizza references, a photo with a man holding a child wearing devil horns; bloody kid in mask photos (ad for a movie..but still, in plain sight, anons know)…calling the place a circus when its a posh club with no merrygoround or clowns or lion tamers in sight…

Not to mention some creepy conversations between a male security guard and a father telling said guard he can "play" with his kid..and the response being a chuckle and "as long as no one takes any photos". He stuttered and backtracked when I quickly jerked my head and stared at him hard…

All things that may not warrant a "normie" noticing but when you know how this world really runs in its underbelly…. each individual experience is suspicious and the combined total is proof for me personally…would it hold up in a court- doubt it, its all circumstantial, but I have no doubts that with the combined total of Q, anons, and the awakened "We (most definitely) have it all"

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86eb7f No.12777


>hate only begets more hate

Exactly, just another reason not too, but after what I've experienced I cannot help but consider it more like a doctor ridding a body of a cancer. Then again, I'm sure he will just be replaced or it will gain media attention and precautions to protect these people will be made.

>The whole eye thing is dumb

I can agree with that, I never really took it as 100% fact on everyone, but there were some characteristics of his face that seemed similar to what I'm used to seeing from these types of people. But then again, I have a bit of a bird like face as well so I'm just throwing myself under the bus if I continue supporting it as wholly true

>Your personal experience

That reminds me of another time when I went to college for education and the university had a grade school on it's grounds (Don't ask how they did that, it was just there and never really answered, not even the facility knew how that was legal). One time I had to do some classroom observations in a 3rd grade school and got some weird looks from one of the girls in the class. She kept giving me "fuck me" eyes. Yeah I know fucking gross, but that's the best way to explain it. The kinda look that has a mescivious grin, bowed head and intense stare, the kind of looks a seductive woman in movies would give. I've had kids take a liking to me before but never in a manner that this child was doing. This was on March 14th as well, so the students were doing activities referenced to Pi. At the end of my observation I waved bye to all the kids and told them happy Pi day and the girl came upto me asking if I was "going to celebrate with a pizza" I chuckled and said, "yeah a big pizza pi" not really thinking of the actual reference she was intending and left. It was shortly after I realized what was being said. None of the activities involved pizza in anyway, nothing was stated to celebrate with pizza. She just ran up to me and said I should get a pizza.

It should also be noted that the grade school sat ontop of the college cafeteria so I can image some sort of spirit cooking was going on there as well as the entire school was run more like a preschool than an actual grade school. Weird fucking shit.

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d09fa0 No.12797


>certain facial features

Phrenology [pseudoscience].

Of course, it's been a thing since the ancient times but bear in mind that medical knowledge or generally all knowledge that is lacking is as good as "poison".


The unsymmetrical eye thing is indeed not usually correct though as teeth problems or sleeping patterns could change that.

Oculesics/eye movement is a good way to start as someone looking horizontally to their right while face-forward is usually either angry or thinking on doing bad things or at least imagining and if a person's looking at you that way, you better run. People can't usually look to their right without tilting their head while you can do it casually with the left side. You'll notice it happen to you too when you're feeling hateful or angry, that it's easier to aim your eyes to the right.

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