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File: 032c863c7757d98⋯.jpg (20.91 KB,560x315,16:9,Random-Number-Generator-Ex….jpg)

dfffdd No.938

There’s more to Q than meets the eye…

The Global Consciousness Project (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Consciousness_Project) “is a parapsychology experiment begun in 1998 as an attempt to detect possible interactions of "global consciousness" with physical systems. The project monitors a geographically distributed network of hardware random number generators in a bid to identify anomalous outputs that correlate with widespread emotional responses to sets of world events, or periods of focused attention by large numbers of people.”

On October 18, 2001, Art Bell, on his Coast to Coats AM radio show, ran an experiment. He had as many of his listeners as were willing to focus on skewing the operation of the Global Consciousness Project. He chose a number for all listeners to focus on. The attached image shows the results: off the scales.

The impact Q is having is very similar to this experiment, and it’s highly doubtful that POTUS and his “minions” aren’t aware of this. This could well be the primary reason behind Q posting at all, and it could be why he continually tells us how important “we the redpilled” are in this unfolding drama.

As of 12/15/17, the only image (showing the results) that I could find was on the CoastToCoastAM.com web site, and that took some searching. Google and Bing have all but censored the hundreds of images and articles that used to be freely available (as of November 2017!) regarding this experiment. It stands to reason that the last thing they want is the general population becoming aware of how powerful they really are.

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5dca63 No.2095

Here's a link for those scientifically inclined:


This shows clearly how important it is to have thoughts that help the outcome you wish, most importantly positive thoughts.

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5dca63 No.2131

Meditation threads have been disappearing on /cbts/, so obviously someone really wants to keep this secret. THIS IS THE WAY TO GO!

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f28022 No.3266

Ok what do you want to make happen.

Pick something just you, me and a few other anons could reasonably affect.

>Choose time

>Create countdown clock

>Pick imagery visualisation

It's simple stuff. If you want to start pushing the boundaries, we can all start posting in the thread at the same time, with the same images, or similar ones.

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196dd2 No.3537

File: cf9197469ee86ac⋯.jpg (64.5 KB,540x568,135:142,29856957.jpg)

File: edda1dd79410641⋯.jpg (13.44 KB,236x227,236:227,pepesan.jpg)

>parapsychology thread

Fucking finally, I've been shilling this topic for years and nobody cared.

Plenty of info available, just don't expect google to help. Will come back with a fuckton of docs, books and leads (somewhat) shortly - have been looking into this quite a while along with neuroscientist gf specializing in consciousness. Don't kill this thread.

p.s. loving this board - though I wonder why you all give so much faith to Q, that is, beyond considering plausibility.

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10e0ab No.4400


at this point it is a fucking certainty that advanced autism coupled with abstract thought has real world effects. If you read the shit that buddhist masters and that hermes tri-whateverthefuck wrote the key concept in all of their metaphors is that the most important thing for becoming a 'zen monk' or whatever is "take all the knowledge you have and approach things as if you have never seen them before to observe them from angles which previously held beliefs would have rendered impossible.

And /pol/ has kind of proven such 'high energy memetics' to be literal magic. So maybe we should run an experiment of our own.. I have been focusing my spare autism on the electric grid, theres something profoundly wrong with it. And ever since then people I know have been saying shit like "hey you notice how much light bulbs are buzzing lately?"

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d41781 No.4492

File: da1a67a8c1e7fda⋯.jpg (141.48 KB,430x430,1:1,02efef6ad197a211d636db67e1….jpg)


guys, could this be in any way related to the program named in this Forgotten Languages article?


it seems very similar, although with dreams being central to the experiments/program.

and in other things, could any of this (cbts/qanon) be connected with Forgotten Languages? are they involved with this in some way, or how do they know everything they do? how does it all relate.

and why do FL articles seem to resonate so well with this whole situation.

specifically the articles in this post >>>/new/8836

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df8730 No.16716

Oldfag here. I remember the Global Consciousness Project spiking off the charts in the day (and hours) BEFORE 9/11. This wasn’t publicly known until after 9/11, when it was a quick blurb in a (neuroscience?) documentary that I can’t locate. The brief discussion included whether or not 9/11 could have been stopped or mitigated in some way if the spikes had been recognized as such, but hindsight being 20/20 and all of that, it was obvious in retrospect that FUTURE PROVES PAST.

Anyone else see this documentary or know what I am talking about? Ofc, it has since been buried. It wasn’t some obscure yt video. I think it may have even been a Nova doc on PBS dealing with neurological capabilities of the human brain. Either way, it was fascinating and lends credence to the theory, coupled here with Art Bell’s experiment.

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80a60f No.16770

File: ac6e0bce185e7e8⋯.jpg (140.5 KB,600x600,1:1,anime_real.jpg)


So what you're saying is, POTUS really is making anime real?

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93c363 No.16937



Roger Nelson

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df8730 No.17234


Thank you, Anon. This clarifies some errors in my post since I was recalling from memory. I am still not sure this is the doc I was referencing, but it’s important in that it includes the 9/11 bit.

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5e0ae2 No.17588

back on 4chan near the start of this, there were a few moments that felt like we were being "pushed" to use our intent and consciousness all together at once

i wouldn't be surprised if we were competing against CERN or dark ceremonies by the cabal, and possibly even caused a timeline shift

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7afe6f No.17596


Wow I've never seen someone bring up Forgotten Languages here. I've read through hundreds of pages of forum posts on another site. All with no conclusion of what it is.

I think global consciousness is a thing and it has been alluded to by Carl Jung. Those who have been initiated into the secret knowledge (not me) know far more of these answers to how the collective conscious ties to memetics and the future.

I do know that (((they))) like to flaunt their symbology. Many of (((their))) beliefs are used often as movie plots. Look at the 2016 movie Arrival. Once Linguist Louise Banks in the movie learns the alien language she is able to see forwards and backwards in time.

My theory is that this is what is happening at FL. Its some sort of using genetic algorithms or machine learning to find trends in ancient linguistic morphology to predict what a future language might be like.

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728e2a No.18257

File: 7eb4e1b5ce234a5⋯.png (272.91 KB,1864x692,466:173,prayer.png)

This is why Q frequently tells us to "pray." Every positive thought helps.

Pic related.

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ec9c26 No.24618

File: d6bbf8c9956bcdb⋯.jpg (79.99 KB,900x380,45:19,universe.jpg)

Mental hygiene is the most overlooked aspect of our life.

The amount of mental hygiene you have affects absolutely everything that happens in your life and directly impacts your subconscious.

Positive thoughts create positive outcomes and negative thoughts create negative outcomes. It's all intricately connected

thoughts -> actions -> consequences -> Karma

The entire state of this world can be traced to the past thoughts of its inhabitants.

Therefore, given the current situation, it is fundamentally important to spread awareness of the power of positive mental hygiene (prayer/meditation/Love). This has massive spiritual implications, because the power of positive anything represents the way back to the Source. Your intuition will confirm this. The meaning of life is to have Love in your Heart…

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af712e No.28557

Being one in the spirit…

From one of the letters of Saint Paul?

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af712e No.28787


"Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on Earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven."


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