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/thestorm/ - The Storm

Legacy Q Research

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This board is now under /QResearch/ control as of 10/08/2018

Looking for Q? Come to QResearch

File: 5a8fadc61356aa7⋯.jpg (1.75 KB,150x150,1:1,8bit.jpg)

dc9552 No.39166

META thread.

All bans have been lifted.

Mod logs made public.

Settings changed to mirror QResearch settings. (Tor posting disabled, images per post increased to 5, disabled CAPTCHA on thread creation, etc.)

Whitelisted Q, BO, and CMs temp tripcodes

QResearch CSS applied.

AIMfag/Pelicanfag spam removed.

QResearch banners added.

Announcement updated.

This board was hit very heavily with AIMfags since abandonment by the previous staff team. It has been used as one of their dumping grounds for disinfo as well as a way to coerce anons who were pissed off about AFLBs bans to move away from QResearch and participate on one of their primary boards (/bannedfromqresearch/ , endchan.xyz/aaanwopros/ , to a much lesser extent endchan.xyz/qthestorm/ and a few others).

On a side note: We control /bannedfromqresearch/ now. Way to leave the door open for us, dumbasses.

So I've done quite a bit of cleanup here, removing most of the AIMfag spam (I left this >>38827 weak attempt at spoofing as Q intact for your keks) if not all of it. Other than AIMfag garbage only some 5- reply threads have been deleted. This board is for anyone who wants to take a look at our old posts without having to wade through all the massive trash heaps. Don't worry, your shitposts are still here for all to see.

Maybe we'll find a use for /thestorm/ again sometime.

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98d4e9 No.39177

Where are you Q?

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fdb355 No.39192

Comey Benji post Twitter

Look at reply tweets

Seventh Gunner

Who really talks this way?

Google search Blanca 10/24

Read search results

Aloha 45?

Google search Blanca Blanco

Wikipedia movie roles

The Dog of Christmas

Read movie synopsis


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3064f0 No.39193

File: c26b26dc28a4f10⋯.jpg (405.39 KB,764x1199,764:1199,Living Tribunal Q.jpg)

I saw Comic book cover & thought QANON would like this… I love when Sir Patrick Mac (In Pursuit of Truth) says "Panic Panic Panic!!!" Nothing can stop whats coming!

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d28231 No.39318

File: 27995d8a2caadc2⋯.png (453.6 KB,1242x2208,9:16,28DD5C03-F980-470E-9C90-06….png)


First 6 words

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0f1309 No.39324


How did Breitbart knew about Podesta running pedo ring?

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fb5ece No.39364


satanic ritual abuse triggers and dates the elite sacrifice. not an exhaustive list butt pretty close

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