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File: 87c1f547fc99d84⋯.jpg (43.54 KB,778x433,778:433,KeyOfDavidII.jpg)

8639d8 No.35939 [Last50 Posts]

The Story Continues…….

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8639d8 No.35941

Taking back the country (and hopefully world!) from the elite, globalist, lying, filthy, scumbag, arrogant, racist, disgusting, oculist cabal. [1776 part II]

A must-watch:

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ

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8639d8 No.35943

File: 1c452644c1de3c2⋯.png (10.57 KB,576x97,576:97,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Excellent. Let the end game begin.

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8639d8 No.35944


I'm not sure if, or what, work is being done right now in other threads. I seen some Twitter posts about other people getting involved in research and development on players of the game.

There may be THOUSANDS of people, or it may only be a handful who are really in charge, and I feel it's the latter. Many daily employees probably have zero idea on what they're actually working towards and/or feel they are doing the 'right thing'.

I just wanted to throw it out there that others DO want to help, if there is anything they can do. Dig? Organize? Create reports? Standardize?

All of those things are helpful. It's entirely possible that we're doing just fine, I just don't know because I only really use THIS thread but absolutely have confidence in our GREAT white-hat autists. I've just made the mistake before of 'assuming' that things were good, and finding out different after the fact, so I'm 'vocalizing' it here now. Please don't take offense if these things are already in play.

Thought it might be helpful to:

1) Create a standard format for 'player' information (name, DOB, (residence?), company, affiliations, net worth, etc)

2) Create a thread of these organized, formatted, and standardized documents.

3) Leave no stone unturned.

These may be helpful also with any online profile pictures, posts, accounts, and such as a compliment to the already existing (but unknown thus far) indictments and hearings in the future.

Just a thought. God bless you all great people. #MAGA/MEGA

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8639d8 No.35945

File: 6220bcd2559cad3⋯.png (29.7 KB,588x171,196:57,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Yes sir. I've failed to mention that thus far. I just say prayers for the entire world, knowing full well what is at stake.

Specific prayers for any victims in the shooting. Hoping for a future with less senseless violence, and more employment.

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252424 No.35946

File: a5d54c6e9c86c53⋯.png (6.96 KB,241x209,241:209,redHorse.png)


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41db11 No.35947

Dear Lord please help us in this battle against pure evil and wickedness on your planet and in the minds of your children. I pray for strength, wisdom, guidance, and protection for the good hearted saints in this battle. I also pray that some may find you during such times.

I pray for guardian angels looking over any in harms way, that offense of the enemy be thwarted. That we dawn the full armor of the Lord and the great sword of righteousness.

I pray for all, and lastly for myself.

In the name of Yeshua,


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2b523f No.35948

File: 5eed12f57cdbcfc⋯.png (921.76 KB,578x1000,289:500,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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6e4d3a No.35949


Just one more thing.. I pray for utter confusion, stupidity, faltering, and otherwise horrible mistakes of the black hat/CIA/FBI cabal. May their computers be infected with bugs and their circuit boards mysteriously fry and short circuit.

Thank you again and forever.


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6e4d3a No.35950

File: 9f210aae773aa62⋯.png (165.84 KB,584x666,292:333,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)


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0437f5 No.35954

My favorite team wears camouflage too.

Best team ever.

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6e4d3a No.35958

I don't know what all the answers are. But I know what the answers aren't.

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6e4d3a No.35962

I may not be the prettiest guy in the world, but the TRUTH makes me look like a super model.

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1f63e7 No.35982

File: 89283dc1d5cc877⋯.jpg (148.58 KB,1024x1024,1:1,DUXsJe5WkAAKZce.jpg)

Ok. Time for some drunken shit talking. This guy just LOOKS like a prick.

Not that I judge people by looks, many times it's wrong. Sometimes the biggest prick-looking people are really decent. But.. sometimes it's correct.

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1f63e7 No.35983

File: 55ac0abb082a6b4⋯.png (620.83 KB,582x537,194:179,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

I <3 you Israel, you fuckin pricks. God loves you too, assholes. That's what matters. Shiza. Although, I'm not sure. I really <3 Norway too. And maybe Sweden. And Russia. And some in UK. And Canada. And Mexico. And Australia. Actually, one of my best friends from middle school is in Australia. And Venezuela where another one of my friends hangs out. And Germany too. And Africa where I found (online) the most amazing programmer guy. I'm sure there's more, but I can't remember.

WTF, I love everyone. Well.. almost.

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1f63e7 No.35984


I'd probably love China too, but don't know anyone there that I'm aware of. Or surrounding areas. I'm sure I know someone. Been around online for many moons and know many from all sorts of walks of life.

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7656e0 No.35985

File: 4a3391371d743cf⋯.png (65.53 KB,585x226,585:226,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)


Uh huh………………………………

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7656e0 No.35986

File: 8aa537e0d3aaabb⋯.png (249.6 KB,582x421,582:421,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

the obama things is still a faggot cocksucker.

Forgive me Lord. But you know it's true, and so do I.

Eff that guy. And michael.

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7656e0 No.35987

File: 615861b60dea5da⋯.jpeg (40.71 KB,600x314,300:157,yKJzTM9u.jpeg)

These fags put on shows and it's exactly like fucking high school politics (which I HATED when I was in high school). Couldn't STAND that garbage.

The who's who of the shit pile. Bunch of stinking, filthy, clowny, faggot fucking pieces of shit.

Again, forgive me Lord, but.. it's true.

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7656e0 No.35988

File: 1cb269280fc3152⋯.png (301.19 KB,586x460,293:230,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

File: 3af7acbb69a391f⋯.jpg (1.45 MB,3264x2448,4:3,20180125_024601.jpg)

Hey.. my riding boots look just like that! :D

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41db11 No.35989

File: 1cf9c89d8f8226d⋯.png (174.15 KB,585x822,195:274,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Go ahead you cunts. We'll destroy the entire U.S. and won't give two shits. We'll ERASE you all, and end up in Heaven laughing our butts off at you satanic pieces of shit, filth, and garbage.

Count on it.

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3d6678 No.35990


I know people from Paris, Italy, France, Poland, India, Alaska, Brazil, Spain, Ireland, Papua New Guinea, Japan…

Plus hundreds or thousands of people from the U.S.

I'm very popular. Not because I'm great or anything, but because I just love everyone who is decent, so apparently they automatically love me back. Funny how that works. I'm for the PEOPLE, not the scumbag parasites.

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3d6678 No.36006

File: 5c396645690dae6⋯.png (356.08 KB,588x504,7:6,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Alright. 'Skull n bonez goy' is gonna run for president! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Lol!!

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3d6678 No.36007

File: 90fab6aff0365f6⋯.png (365.46 KB,583x486,583:486,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Isn't this Bernie guy just another rich 'socialist' politician?


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3d6678 No.36008

File: 1ae0101074bc07a⋯.png (288.19 KB,588x482,294:241,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Holy crap!!

ABC news posts something actually newsworthy.

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3d6678 No.36009

File: 77d51aca2547724⋯.png (318.18 KB,585x487,585:487,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

This stooge just went down to Antarctica. I'm thoroughly convinced now that there IS something very evil down there, and these fags are worshipping it because they think it's greater than God.

But we know better. :)

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3d6678 No.36010

I'm just going to say that it IS entirely possible that Satan is an actual massive, huge beast on the planet. Could have been the one to build the pyramids, since nobody knows how they got those MASSIVE stones stacked up like that.

I'm just throwing it out there. I don't KNOW for sure. I think that's part of the fun. lol

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3d6678 No.36011


And easter Island, etc..

We know there's some strange and massive 'drawings' on the planet, carved in rocks that you can only see from a plane. We also know there WERE giant people too.

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1f63e7 No.36012


The theory is that the great flood washed the beast down into a hole in Antarctica, and it's been bound for some certain amount of years. (1,000?) Something like that. Anyways.. that would explain a ton of 'mysteries' but I'm just throwing stuff out there. I've really no idea.

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0437f5 No.36014

File: 9b8a4479b30bbb0⋯.jpg (103.36 KB,408x408,1:1,Eddiie-Murphys-Are-you-Ser….jpg)

The moment you realize that perhaps you were just put on earth to talk shit about pedophile satanist scumbag fags in 2017-? in the name of God himself.

Lol ;)

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0437f5 No.36015

File: 7ae12f95453ede1⋯.png (41.5 KB,586x369,586:369,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

I did kek at this one.

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0437f5 No.36016

File: e99dcb88c342aea⋯.jpg (59.4 KB,746x373,2:1,DUZ0OMJXkAA1DXx.jpg)

Oh thank the Good Lord Almighty!!

They speak the truth. That's massively encouraging. Not that we want to call y'all's place a shithole, but it is what it is.

Knowing is half the battle..

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0437f5 No.36017

File: 835c4ffa85e0a74⋯.jpg (120.66 KB,1024x733,1024:733,DUY99YuWkAA7Yqa.jpg)

Things CNN and MSM won't show you…

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0437f5 No.36018

File: 1afeeaeed339937⋯.png (22.91 KB,581x189,83:27,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Well again. ANYTHING the satan fags say, the OPPOSITE is usually true.

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89a239 No.36019

File: 368f3066394ceba⋯.png (374.58 KB,584x463,584:463,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Thank the Good Lord Almighty.

Let's break some eggs and make an omelet. :D

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89a239 No.36020

File: 1a1bc332306980a⋯.png (24.42 KB,585x188,585:188,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

I really like Mr. Educating Liberals on Twatter. And Goldilox. <3


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89a239 No.36021

File: 26d810be0b8b19a⋯.jpg (28.06 KB,631x436,631:436,DUaCWZLXUAAzIYu.jpg)

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89a239 No.36022

File: f28c47481359dbd⋯.png (20.9 KB,588x134,294:67,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

That brings up an interesting question: If you steal a Jesus figurine from an atheists house because you love Jesus too much, is it really a sin? lol

(not saying they were atheists, just wanted to throw it in there)

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89a239 No.36023


(The obvious answer is yes, you still shouldn't steal)


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2b523f No.36024

File: 1fca29cfd384b52⋯.png (28.22 KB,586x249,586:249,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

How VERY progressive.. er.. I mean.. digressive of California.

Good times. REEEEEEEEE!!

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2b523f No.36025

File: 9d0ead042937ff4⋯.png (25.42 KB,586x190,293:95,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Shut it down! You missed a letter. You're not a TRUE pro(di)gressive!

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2b523f No.36026

File: 1ab7db1c5bb9851⋯.jpg (158.37 KB,1200x933,400:311,DUaI9yPU8AATvLY.jpg)

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2b523f No.36027

File: 7b564618e2ce907⋯.jpg (234.49 KB,984x1200,41:50,DUaLRSEUQAA5vB5.jpg)

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2b523f No.36028

File: 313e54d82495cee⋯.png (321.25 KB,492x276,41:23,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

In my own defense, I wasn't drunk the ENTIRE time…. ;)

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2b523f No.36029


I had to ask if this was the message I should be sending. I think God says: "The message is really that if you believe in God, you can do whatever you want. But there's lot's of things you won't do, if you truly believe in God."

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2b523f No.36030


And the TRUTH is, I RARELY get DRUNK drunk. Maybe 8 or 10 times in my life I've been completely blotto. I like.. a happy buzz.

But if you can stay away from drugs and alcohol, it's better. :)

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2b523f No.36031




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7656e0 No.36032


ONE of those things, however, obviously does NOT exclude…

..erasing evil from the planet.

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3d6678 No.36033

Satan is a beta..

Good job you satanist dumbfuck clowns.

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6e4d3a No.36034

File: e827be4449ed3f6⋯.jpg (124.27 KB,1024x768,4:3,DUaXaMgWAAEA4Bb.jpg)

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89a239 No.36036

File: a567dd5bd77524e⋯.png (39.05 KB,588x266,42:19,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

I know this guy, he said I could post this. ;)

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89a239 No.36037

File: 2f5111a06c1f05e⋯.jpg (68.15 KB,584x589,584:589,DUaX2YRW4AAE5Hp.jpg)

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89a239 No.36038

File: 20713d09022e3b0⋯.jpg (279.66 KB,1200x817,1200:817,DUaa25PU0AEofWw.jpg)

Mr. Garrison. Good stuff. :)

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89a239 No.36039

File: f3d4b4b5818c952⋯.png (27.19 KB,585x172,585:172,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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6e4d3a No.36040

File: f5ddb8067dc777a⋯.jpg (75.64 KB,729x408,243:136,DUWPpzkVwAA3u2r.jpg)

Part of the reason 'sold out' musicians are obligated to put (((their))) messages into the music…

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6e4d3a No.36041


They seemed to be all about the rap industry…

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6e4d3a No.36042

I've done some pretty effed up stuff in my life, but at the end of the day, I come out smelling like roses compared to 'these people…

..and it's all for a reason..

Which is why my parting message to good people I meet..

is: "Be good.."

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6e4d3a No.36043



Darn pinky finger.

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7656e0 No.36044


I mean, I knew that there was probably some really, really insanely disgusting crap going on. Well.. I knew there was..

But couldn't do anything about it. Wasn't my position to do so. So I just did fairly innocent stuff mostly. Trying to stay away from 'the world', for the most part.

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7656e0 No.36045


I DID however, try to tell people. But they wouldn't listen.

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7656e0 No.36046


Well.. SOME did..

Many people already knew that. Not like it was a huge secret. Some of us can just look at each other, not even have met before, and 'we know'. ;)

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1f63e7 No.36047


I mean stupid stuff I did. Like prank calling the neighbor or ordering pizzas to his house. I know, I know. Bad me. :(

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1f63e7 No.36049


There's some destruction of property. Robbed a church (but later repaid them by donating my BEST drum set I ever had).

Some other dumb stuff. Potato's in tailpipes. I accidentally almost took my friends' eye out with a plastic piece of pipe when it shattered while were were sword fighting.

I dunno.. some other stuff. Nothing too evil.

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1f63e7 No.36050


I guess you could say I was just 'mad at the world'.

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1f63e7 No.36051


Not to excuse myself, but there is an age where you go from knowing the concept of evil. I hadn't reached that point yet, and thus had NO IDEA how bad I would feel later in life. I TRULY hope I didn't break her. She seemed to be doing 'okay' but had problems anyways from her genetics, I believe. I think her parents were drug addicts, and thus why she was adopted.

Really didn't have much concept. I was just an overly sexual pre-teen that had been abused myself and was living in a hellish nightmare of life.

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1f63e7 No.36052


Meanwhile my best friend, who was the neighbor, told me that his step dad was molesting his sister. That's a little different, I think.

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252424 No.36053

My friend and I stole a car when I was 15. We got caught because he wanted to roll it off a cliff and walk back to town, and I said no, we're going to bring the car back.

We got pulled over. They were waiting for us. I asked the officer to please tell the car owner that I was sorry. It was a stupid thing to do. I won't say it was MY idea, but.. stupid nonetheless. I did learn how to drive a stick shift though, if there is a silver lining.

I went to court and laughed at the judge. 'How dare you judge me!' ringing in my head. I just had no respect for the world, but yet, I did. For certain underlying principles and concepts.

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252424 No.36054


I knew that GOD would judge me eventually.. and that my sins, however stupid, were NOTHING in comparison to some other.. sins..

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252424 No.36055


I've seen evil and hatred and nastiness. I know what it is when I see it or experience it.

MANY of us are broken. All kinds of stuff going on. Some of it OUR fault, some of it not so much..

SOME seem to revel in it.

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bbb9d1 No.36056

If you can forgive me for those things, and a few others that aren't as bad, then you can forgive me for anything I've done.

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bbb9d1 No.36057

There is ONE thing that I feel perhaps equally horrible about. I'm not going to say it, but it doesn't have to do with any humans.

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bbb9d1 No.36058


I'll give a hint though. That's why I call this: "Revenge of the cat"

I'm sorry kitteh. I don't even know what got into me. Pure anger and rage. And you were an annoying stray cat that wouldn't leave me alone.

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2b523f No.36059


I hope that cat went on to be okay. Wrong time, wrong place I guess. UGH. That's why I deserve to just die. I am a bad person.

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2b523f No.36060

Ok. Your turn.

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2b523f No.36061

I really wish my shirt was as white as it used to be. It's gotten a little dirty over the years.

Please forgive me father, for I have sinned.

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0437f5 No.36062


I am a bad person, or HAVE been a bad person, and these people are good. Nobody is PERFECT… but.. these people are good.

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41db11 No.36064

I don't wear white shirts for a reason, sir. And you know why.

Because it never fails.

As soon as I put it on, BOOM.. ketchup stain.

Every. Single. Time.

Good show, sir. Good show.

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89a239 No.36065

File: 123970bc213c347⋯.png (16.2 KB,591x87,197:29,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Fake news! ;)

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89a239 No.36066

File: 9959635d4d4b51f⋯.png (272.85 KB,586x401,586:401,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Better to be fired, than to mislead people…

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89a239 No.36067

File: c6d69f773f02191⋯.png (520.32 KB,583x470,583:470,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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89a239 No.36068

File: 94e021f1a3968d0⋯.png (374 KB,587x583,587:583,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Pretty sure that'll be forgiven… ;)

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6e4d3a No.36069

Funny. They ordered people to spy on people, and the people doing the spying, were worse than the people they were trying to spy on.

Or so it seems…

Then they find out.. the TRUTH.

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6e4d3a No.36070

File: 568424961fb111a⋯.png (564.17 KB,587x685,587:685,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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1f63e7 No.36072

But the thing, obviously that God was MOST concerned about, apparently..

Was that I left my first love.

And it was because of a money thing. I'd inherited money from my fathers death. Suddenly everyone started asking for it. Even my mom. I'm such a giver, that it was extremely difficult to not just give it all away.

I'd feared that she only wanted to be with me because of that money. Plus we were playing games with each other, pretending not to care. Doing childish crap like that.

I loved her so much, I didn't CARE about money. I always thought that even if we lived in a cardboard box. As long as I could be with her, then everything would be cool. Long story, but I just ended up spending it all, then came back to her, and it didn't work out. She's long gone now, I believe, but.. I tried many times after.

I'm truly tore up about that one, and always have been. She was my very first and I always have a special place for her in my broken, tore-up, beaten down heart. <3 I even tell that to my future ex's.

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3d6678 No.36073


But I don't have feet like fine brass, nor do I know anyone named Jezabel (unless it's a mis-spelled name), so that must be someone else, I believe.

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3d6678 No.36074


>unless it's a mis-spelled name

..and even then, I don't think I know anyone of that ilk…

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3d6678 No.36075

File: fb45706d22fe015⋯.png (185.41 KB,588x541,588:541,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Prayers up. Ugh. Unspeakably horrible what people do. :'(

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d91a98 No.36077

File: 9b39c762242289f⋯.png (797.12 KB,584x656,73:82,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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6e4d3a No.36078

I know. God wants me to 'watch' and I am. He inspires me to write when I can.

But he also knows I've been 'watching' my whole life. Had to DE-sensitize myself or I'd be an absolute emotional wreck. And I was for a period of time.

It KILLS me inside the things that people do. Unfathomable. Defies all reason and logic.

So horrible. So tragic. No words can describe it. Turns me into an emotional zombie of dry sarcasm with morbid humor and terrible coping mechanisms.

Nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, drugs… ANYTHING to escape for a short time. I abuse myself carrying the transgressions of others. Then I get treated like shit by arrogant haughty pricks trying to get a 'piece of ass' while all I want is a TINY bit of love and conversation. :(

I know. My 'aura' probably makes people nervous. I don't judge. Well, I TRY not to. It's not my job. But geez people. Truly nauseating. We ARE watching you. And quite frankly, it's HIGHLY disturbing. Enough that some people don't even want to be here anymore.

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7656e0 No.36079


I've met SO many good people too, though. GREAT people. They're usually the ones, like me, that avoid everyone else.

Tattoos, scars, rough exterior.. sometimes covering up a heart of gold so that no one can come near it. Trust no one. Or I should say.. trust VERY FEW. The world is a rough place with bad intentions and evil lurkers who take advantage of anyone they think they can.

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7656e0 No.36080


Some of us are just completely scatterbrain and broken though. Carrying the 'weight of the world' on our shoulders.

We don't mean to be 'aloof' but if you had my brain, you'd understand.

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6e4d3a No.36081


I guess I don't see much. I look at the world as either 'good' or 'evil'. And then there's a Grey area where most people fit in somewhere between there. Depending on which 'wolf' they decided to feed in their mind.

Typically a very early decision. Go with God, or go with the world? Some do a little of both, and repent on occasion, but try to keep it clean and good. Nobody is perfect. Try not to drag kids into our.. 'world'. We want them to be the best they can be, much better than ourselves. To RECOGNIZE evil and be able to defend themselves or run from it.

We teach 'stranger danger' for a reason.

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6e4d3a No.36082


Kids are so cool. So innocent. A joy to behold and talk to. Ask questions. They're pretty honest, lol.

Hopefully they'll grow up, and make the right decision.. if they're taught good and get good love and affection mixed with caring discipline.

I don't have any of my own, but I've helped raise a few. They turned out to be EXCELLENT people. Had to run off a few bad guys.

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6e4d3a No.36083


I guess the moral of the story, is that at some point we decide to put others above ourselves.

Tell ourselves NOT to fall into evil and sin. Not to entertain such things. Stay as far away as possible. Reject it with everything you have. It's not possible to COMPLETELY do, but we try. We weight various things based on a scale of this vs that.

Better to destroy yourself, than anyone else. That is one thing I'm certain of. It's all in the bible. This isn't any new profound knowledge.

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bbb9d1 No.36084


Probably part of the reason why people cut themselves. Or turn into alcoholics. I dunno.. lots of pain out there in the world. Some of us feel it and it weighs on us.

Some were abused. Some are just not playing with a full deck. ALL KINDS of people out there with varying ailments.

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bbb9d1 No.36085


Try to be understanding and not judge. That's not our job.. except those who've obviously CHOSEN to be evil and take it out on others…

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0437f5 No.36086


BE KIND. Some are fighting a battle inside that you know NOTHING about.

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7656e0 No.36087


There's mystery surrounding my (earth) dad's death. I don't know. It was ruled as a suicide, but there's another theory that I won't disclose. I honestly don't know. There was some.. drama.. that night.

It's been a source of contention for me for my whole life. I was about 4.5 years old when that happened. Then I ended up with an abusive alcoholic step dad that hated me. Etc etc.. bad stuff. I just tried to avoid it by riding my skateboard and avoiding home. Art, music.. anything I could to keep my mind off of crap.

I don't know. It is what it is.

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7656e0 No.36088


Just wanted to be a good person, knowing that THIS day would come, although not entirely sure HOW it would play out…

Just that it certainly would.

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7656e0 No.36089


Treat people good. Tip well. Open the door for people. Be kind. Be understanding. Get to know people on a deeper level. Ask questions.. (even as adults, we don't mind that so long as they're not too weird or invasive).

Say 'hi', say 'goodbye' (or don't). Many times I just leave. I don't like saying 'goodbye' for personal reasons sometimes. Sometimes I do. Just depends on how jovial I feel at the moment, nothing more. I know I'll see most people again at some point, even if something bad happens. But that's up to them, God, and the world. Not me.

Yeah. Stuff like that. Play lots of video games. Yell at the TV. Throw controllers. Get pissed. Do it again later. Lol.

Good times. :)

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d91a98 No.36090

File: 8f6573669935a54⋯.jpg (179.07 KB,1200x1178,600:589,DUb8vQhVwAAZp7v.jpg)


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89a239 No.36091

File: be2e39251353cc9⋯.png (425.25 KB,586x411,586:411,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Thankfully I've already died once, so I KNOW the truth.. which is half the battle..

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89a239 No.36092


That's why I say, and I'll say it again..


And don't text or play with your phone while driving either. You might kill someone, and/or yourself. And you might not come back, and you might not like where you end up.

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252424 No.36093

File: 15a9deab5d056d7⋯.png (20.02 KB,582x136,291:68,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)


But SINCERE compliments, from the heart. Find something you like about someone.. something truly that is just what makes them unique or that you truly admire, and it's not bad to quietly say something about it. Or loudly. Whatever the situation seems to warrant.

It's nice. Makes both of you feel good. :) A win/win!

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252424 No.36094

I did study the 'How to win friends and influence people' book. Not because I needed to win any friends or influence any people.. but there's lots of good information on how to be a better person in general. Things the Bible isn't completely specific about. It's like a complimentary book, but mostly business people know it.

It also helps to know if someone's trying to butter you up or not. ;)

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252424 No.36095

I could go on for hours and pages and tell stories, but this really isn't so much about ME. I mean, I guess it 'kindof' is.. but, it's not. Truly. It's about the PEOPLE.

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7656e0 No.36096


I may just be a placeholder for someone REALLY special who hasn't come forward yet or whom we haven't seen. Someone that has no ego or evil intent and not driven by money or power, but by love. A TRULY good-natured person. God knows all and sees all. He will choose.

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1f63e7 No.36097

File: 597fc8229f8f98c⋯.png (251.94 KB,587x460,587:460,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Oh this whole conundrum.

In my own mind, it doesn't matter the who, what, when, where, why of who's fault or who's to blame about temptation.

The fact is, it's real, and it sucks. And that God DOES exist, and we should be good, because he's watching our every move and even thoughts. However, if you're not being actually DRIVEN by the holy spirit in your heart, then you lose sight of HIM, but he doesn't lose sight of you.

If that makes any sense. Which is why I typically just say: "Be good.." because truly.. it's impossible to be perfect and TRYING is.. ugh. A very boring life if you TRULY try to stay away from sin. That's why Buddhist monks stay away from society and live in their own world. Take vows of celibacy. Some people even do other things to prevent themselves from it. I won't go into detail.

Yes, the human condition, necessary for pro-creation, may be part of the mechanism that controls many things. But is it for flesh or lust? Or love?

THAT seems to be the question.

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1f63e7 No.36098


Many times in my life, I've had to apologize to God and say "Sorry God, I need to put you on the shelf for a while.. I'm diving into the world and it's utter chaos and it's for a reason.."

And he knows. :)

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2b523f No.36099

File: 01c362806cd860c⋯.png (23.5 KB,588x241,588:241,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

The death penalty is obviously a rule of law type thing, but also an 'eye for an eye' type of thing. We could go into the details, but the hardcore truth is that it takes money to feed and house people. It's not fair to take taxes from people to house those who've been overly evil. That is their decision, not everyone else's.

This goes into a bit of a rabbit hole about false accusations, false imprisonment, etc. TRUE Christians probably aren't real partial to the world anyways, so death isn't some huge deal. They WANT to be with God. Evil on the other hand.. they don't have much to look forward to in the afterlife.

So… it becomes a thing. A moral dilemma. HOWEVER.. the reason for HAVING the death penalty as rule of law is to hopefully thwart anyone from doing anything truly stupid. Or even putting themselves into a situation where they might do something truly stupid.

So then, the rule of law acts as a preventative measure to hopefully and wildly discourage anyone from being overly stupid.

If that makes sense.

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7656e0 No.36100

File: 61a362e62bc1443⋯.png (376.37 KB,586x560,293:280,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)


Perhaps enacting the death penalty as rule of law, can prevent some really senseless deaths. Perhaps people will think twice or three times before acting, if they don't just think they'll just 'go to jail' for such things.

Obviously nobody CURRENTLY incarcerated would be subject to it.. not until AFTER it is widely known as a rule.

That's between them and God, however. It's a complicated situation, but not overly.

Not much is truly black and white. That's why we have court systems. Would take some granular and methodical work to make it work, but it can work.. and will definitely save lives.

Anyways.. that's enough about that for now.

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bbb9d1 No.36101

Not doing my best work here. Just painting a picture with words. It all depends on the 'what now' after the fact.

I know there is one guy in Mexico(?) that works very much like I think things should. He works for almost free, and gives the rest of his earnings to the poor.

That's a great leader! I think he drives a Volkswagen beetle or something. Anyways, I read about him some time ago. You can look him up, maybe. I was truly inspired and gained some faith in humanity after reading about him.

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bbb9d1 No.36102

File: 02ff823623cdabb⋯.png (214.64 KB,587x396,587:396,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Goodness! Lol! Maybe not in YOUR expensive (for whatever reason) lobster risotto pockets.. but it would for many others…

These people are incredible. No wonder everyone hates politics (including myself). But this is for a divine purpose, apparently. (unbeknown to me initially).

There I was, just looking for a job. Just a stupid job that I can do and have fun, get a little money, and pay my bills.. but couldn't because I was 'white' and/or straight.

God works in mysterious ways…

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41db11 No.36103

File: 591b7e01d915f0f⋯.png (279.93 KB,585x492,195:164,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Obviously that's just weird..

But.. not against the law. I think they're just trying to bait the fine thread of morality with red herrings. However.. it is what it is.

At least they've dropped the Russia thing. lol

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252424 No.36105

File: a5c9edef54ceef6⋯.png (720.17 KB,588x674,294:337,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Mr. God already knows. The only thing I want from him, is possible forgiveness.

I KNOW I messed up. I KNOW I made bad decisions. I also know I've made good ones too. HE knows that. WE know that.

The only thing left, is.. well.. just hanging out in heaven and messing with the humans on planet earth. Lol. Or just chilling and having long discussions on the intricate details of morality and anti-gravity features, creation of universes, and how to turn dust into people. :D

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1f63e7 No.36107

File: 02c1f31606ed2a5⋯.png (36.34 KB,585x329,585:329,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Not entirely sure. But I believe that they're gearing up for a very big war. Good vs Evil. And GOOD people should too.

That means go out, get a gun or 10. Plenty of ammo. Can't hurt. We'll HOPE for the best, but prepare for the worst.

If you weren't already aware…

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bbb9d1 No.36108

File: 6604cc213c96ec4⋯.png (301.81 KB,585x562,585:562,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

I love (not really) when people give up before anything has happened yet.

If I've learned anything in this wild venture, it's that God TRULY works in mysterious ways in a divine sense that is beyond human comprehension and defies our 3 dimensional laws of this planet.

So.. trust me. If I'm wrong, it won't matter. But I'm not. I think I know the plan.. but I could be very wrong.

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bbb9d1 No.36109

File: ff6ef7abe70165f⋯.png (264.76 KB,584x462,292:231,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

I came to earth for a reason. I really hope it was just to piss this guy off. Lol

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bbb9d1 No.36110

File: 2c8c987d6a79699⋯.png (23.34 KB,587x170,587:170,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Huh. I wonder what's so big about her.

Is Cher a witch?

Cher witch trails? :D

I'm kidding. I have no idea. To me, these people are just… 'people'. I don't care for them. Some are arrogant and haughty sometimes. Sometimes very 'nice' seemingly, but.. some have their own skeleton closet.

I never know until I KNOW. But MOST of my time is spent learning new things, not following 'celebrities' I could truly care less about.

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1f63e7 No.36111

File: 0ab3c9e895a4bb7⋯.png (22.01 KB,587x153,587:153,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

She brings up a good point. Although, I'm not sure the ENTIRE game plan, or if this whole thing is an experiment, or what is the deal..

but.. a good point, nonetheless.

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1f63e7 No.36112


I just assume that Mr. Trump is a pretty good businessman. So if he does something, there's a reason for it…

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6e4d3a No.36113

Just as an aside..

I really hate it when Q says stuff like: "You've no idea the corruption that is out there."

"60% can't even be exposed to public."

"These people are sick."


"Who are we taught to trust?"

"These people should be hanging."

Stuff like that. I mean, I KNOW that unspeakably horrible things happen on this planet. I'm aware of that. I've seen clips of it.

But.. maybe the REALITY of it, just boggles the mind for most. Certainly understandable, but I still am a fan of full disclosure, no matter how sick it is.

But I've also been desensitized a bit over the years. Still.. I dunno. Perhaps it's best to just 'get rid' of it, and then find ways to make sure it never happens again.

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d91a98 No.36114

File: 1f75876462a5eff⋯.png (181.7 KB,580x498,290:249,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

I only share this to bring up ONE point. I've already talked about it with my 'they have all the shit I've posted over the years.. various tests and BS stuff I posted, none of which has any TRUE meaning for ME.'

I've been on the internet since the very beginning. And technically before it was actually made public, and there were no browsers.

By the time FB and social media came about, I was WELL aware of the intentions and marketing capabilities of such technologies, as well as human study. Why else would they have a 'like' button? It's just to show your friends (and THEM) what you like and don't like, so your friends know your personality, and THEY know what things to market to you.

Anyways.. I 'like' stuff on social media that I truly don't actually so much 'like' as I just kindof use it as a way of saying: "I've seen this post.." Or "I like YOU as a person, and am giving you acknowledgement."

Sometimes there's just downright goofy crap that I'll 'like' just for the fun of it, to make them think I'm really an effed up dude. Because I like to mess with people who are studying me.

So.. we should know that beforehand. Sometimes I do 'like' something and then think about it later and decide I didn't so much, but oh well. Again.. it's just to basically say I 'saw' it. They don't have a 'I have seen and acknowledged this post.' button, so the closest thing is a 'like' button.

Some people don't even post ANYTHING I really like, but I still like THEM as a person, because I know them and have talked with them.

The real life and on-line life thing is VERY different, and my REAL life and ON-LINE life are very different.

To me, on-line is pretty much just a big joke of stupid crap. A way to pass the time. Share dumb crap and make the people who are watching behind the scenes gasp and get all weirded out. It's good times.


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2b523f No.36115


My main actual subjects of study (well, before the knowledge of #PizzaGate) is computer science, and ghosts and such. I already know evil and a 4th dimension (and possibly more?) exist. I think it's fun studying CCTV footage and trying to play 'truth or fiction' with it. 99% of the stuff is probably garbage, but some is possibly true.

I lived in an actual haunted house and had very STRANGE occurrences happen to me there. So.. yeah. I've been 'aware' for pretty much my whole life of the spirit world.

And it's pretty obvious that if there is a spirit world, then there MUST be a God… which I found out for 100% certain later in life, obviously. But I was 99.99999999% sure before that.

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2b523f No.36116


One day, perhaps.. I'll tell you my story of my battery powered walk-man playing without any batteries. I even checked to make sure, even though I knew there were none because I took them out after it started playing, and it kept going. And the message was not cool.

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1f63e7 No.36117


Well. I won't keep anyone in suspense. Perhaps this is helpful knowledge.

It began as some weird 'noise' and I didn't even have them on, but I could hear it. So I listened closer.. I heard some raspy voice saying.. something. Wasn't quite sure. Then it said something along the lines of "FUCK YOU, MOTHERFUCKER!!" and I took out the batteries.. but it kept going, swearing curse words at me in an insanely weird non-human voice.

I ran downstairs (I was young!) and told my mom. She checked it out. It had stopped. She said I was white as a ghost. I was pretty white already, so that must've been something.

I'll never forget that..

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7656e0 No.36118


In sanities defense, and just as insurance, I will say that it's POSSIBLE that I'd bumped it and accidentally switched on the radio to a fuzz channel and mis-heard it.

But I'm PRETTY sure I was just sitting there reading a book when it happened and hadn't even touched the thing or came anywhere near it until it started going off…

So.. it was so long ago, I don't completely recall any non-thought-out arm movements I may have had, however.. it DID keep going after I took the batteries out. So.. THAT was weird.

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7656e0 No.36119

File: ea666275f790b9d⋯.png (450.47 KB,588x570,98:95,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

I'll just say.. if you DON'T want a baby, then either DON'T have sex, or use one of the many forms of birth control that are out.

It's really not fair to do otherwise.

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bbb9d1 No.36120

File: 2b89ee830d58444⋯.png (350.47 KB,583x554,583:554,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Yeah. How sweet. Love how we coddle our dumbest criminals.

I don't know WHO he killed, and that might be relevant. If it was.. say.. a violent and unholy dangerous criminal, then it might be forgiven.

But.. if not.. well.. he's digging himself a hole he may never be able to crawl out of. I'm certain that killing in self-defense is forgivable. That's why there's a difference between various crimes, based on intent.

'Accidentally' killing someone is much different than intending to, and carrying it out. The latter is death penalty type of stuff. But again.. what if you PLAN to kill an unholy violent criminal and carry it out? On earth, we call it the same crime..

I think the courts in heaven are a little different. BUT DON'T QUOTE ME ON THAT I wouldn't know, I haven't gotten that far, and certainly wouldn't want to mislead anyone.

I'm just.. making a point, based on our understanding of moral justice and law on earth vs what I feel heaven might be. I've only gotten to STAND in heaven for a few moments. I never even reached the gates.. so I would be cautious. But.. if you FEEL BAD about something, and you generally have a conscious.. then there's a good chance you may have done something wrong in the eyes of God.

Again, it's a weird line between war and murder. Vigilante justice? I'm not 100% on, so I just wouldn't recommend it unless it's absolutely necessary. We always have a 'war on this' or a 'war on that'. 'War on terror'. 'War on women'.

Wait until we have a war on evil itself….

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bbb9d1 No.36121


>War on women

Lol. Not saying there's ACTUALLY ever been a 'war on women'. That's fake news media stuff. :)

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bbb9d1 No.36122


>Again, it's a weird line between war and murder.

Well.. it's not even a weird line. You're setting up a scenario where two groups are EXPECTING to get shot at, and you're going to shoot back in self defense as well as offense. For… unfortunately.. many times.. political 'purposes'. The likes of which, we rarely truly know the depth and meaning of, perhaps.

The Bible mentions spiritual warriors and armor for a reason. The Bible says a LOT of things. It's sometimes hard to differentiate between what is of man himself, and what is truly from God. That's why letting your conscience, knowledge, and wisdom be your guide is so important as well as what you read…

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bbb9d1 No.36123

File: cec772aedd7408f⋯.png (18.59 KB,583x128,583:128,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

So are people supposed to have sex in public and fight behind closed doors?

That would be both gross and dangerous.

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41db11 No.36124


>really not fair

I say that. What I mean is: "It's absolutely sick, disgusting, wrong, immoral, and stupid to do this."

Just wanted to clear that up.

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0437f5 No.36125


>The likes of which, we rarely truly know the depth and meaning of, perhaps.

But.. y'know.. we trust our "leaders" to be doing the right thing. What else can we do? Stop them? Not really..

Which is why it's important to have..

..good leadership.

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0437f5 No.36126


>I'm certain that killing in self-defense is forgivable.

I should make the distinction, I guess, that means EQUAL FORCE.

Not using a GUN in a KNIFE fight. Preferably NO weapons outside of war, but if someone breaks into your house and you have no idea what they have on them or they're 3x your size, or whatever. Well.. stuff happens.

Sometimes I don't make those little distinctions because I feel they're pretty obvious and common sense..

Then I realize.. oh yeah… lol

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89a239 No.36127

File: 68dc0f50aad6ba7⋯.png (28.59 KB,587x232,587:232,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

They've got their heads shoved so far up each other's butt holes that they're not sure how things are in the REAL world.

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1f63e7 No.36128

I have a confession to make, which I'm sure most here already know, but I don't know who all ELSE is here.

When I first came on to 4chan during the IOKTBW thing, and it later morphed into 'satanic pedophiles are running the world, sacrificing children, and putting the dead bodies in our food' thing, I said once that I had been 'on the chans for years'.

That was false. I'd only been on for a short while.. maybe a month or two. I'm not really a huge fan of porn, or gore, but I do love a good story.. and people on the chans seem EXTREMELY intelligent, if not a little effed up and weird (like myself).

So when I said that, it was not only to possibly gain credibility so that I didn't come across to new people as a 'newfag' but also that I felt very much 'at home' on the chans, and was really kicking myself for not having known about it sooner.

I might have just passed it off as a weird, porn-heavy, shit-posting mecca of weirdness years ago, however. I dunno. Some news anchor was talking about the site, and said something about the 'strange but very intelligent people' and I automatically had to check it out.

I LOVE intelligent people, even if they're often a little weird, cooky, morbid, crazy, or just plain effed up. Crazy people are sometimes the best. Other times, the worst. It just depends.

I just wanted to clear that up, and not be a liar fag. I always come clean eventually, but 'disinfo is necessary' sometimes. I hope I can be forgiven for that too. Man, I'm just a mess. :/

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1f63e7 No.36129

File: 73f090acf2d7f0a⋯.jpg (105.6 KB,750x744,125:124,DUc7U-AVMAAuIjq.jpg)

Lol!!!!!! Somehow I think Ms. Rosie knows a thing or two about hell.. like maybe that's her planned destination.

I also just LOVE how these people say things completely opposite. Like true demons.

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1f63e7 No.36130


There's a very good reason, I think, why I absolutely can't stand and can't watch television. And it's not because I have 'all kinds of other stuff to do' all the time..

No.. it's very much not that. Although.. I do find staring into a box that wants to tell me what I should buy mildly disturbing. But truly, I'd ALWAYS rather be learning something new.. not being programmed on how or what to think.

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d91a98 No.36132

A little hint: In order to hang out with Satanists.. you pretty much need to BE a satanist. Or become one. They don't take kindly to outsiders.

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d91a98 No.36133

File: 2e795819f706bc1⋯.png (153.84 KB,583x444,583:444,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Well. They NEVER tell the complete, whole, and honest truth.

But at least they're consistent with that. lol

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1f63e7 No.36143

File: 6e1924f54bf2ac9⋯.png (357.13 KB,589x527,19:17,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

What I find really funny.. is that these people are worshiping Satan, thinking he's going to give them paradise on earth or in hell. Or make them 'rulers'.

Perhaps rulers on earth, for a short time. But.. when they die.. it's going to REALLY suck, and it's going to REALLY suck for eternity.

Stuck in a dark, Godless hole. No light. Vicious demons everywhere. I mean, I dunno.. obviously I've never been there. Just from various video's I've watched on exorcisms, ghosts, demons, EVP's, etc.. coupled with a ton of reading and some spiritual searching of my own.

There may be different 'levels' of hell. But what it seems is that the entities that are there are NOT very happy people. That's the consistent message I get. Not happy.. do NOT want to be bothered. Some violently angry. I dunno.. does NOT sound like a happy place.

I like LIGHT and good company. I like GOOD, wholesome, intellectual, and open-minded people. Open-minded, but also using discernment about morals, character, and divine knowledge.

Besides, I'm not one to follow beta males. Only the BEST for me, thanks. You can have that satan/allah crap.

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7656e0 No.36145

If spirits were not REAL, then WHY would they be spirit cooking?. The practice is to trap a soul in the room by painting the walls with a gross concoction of blood, semen, a few other gross choice ingredients and then killing the baby so it's soul gets trapped in the room.

That's spirit cooking in a nutshell.

Truth is.. you can't truly KILL anyone. You can kill their body, but THEY live on. So the 'death' penalty is a little bit of a misnomer. You're not killing them.. you're just releasing them from their 'flesh prison'. Depending on if they've accepted the Lord and repented for being an asshole or not is the depending factor on where they go next.

I'm fairly certain that children that are too young to know the concept of doing 'evil' get an automatic free pass to heaven, which would be why they would 'spirit cook' and try to trap the soul on earth. I don't really know THAT much about it and don't care to look it up because A) It's likely disinfo online, and B) I'm not into it at all, whatsoever.

I'm not going to get into fine details of something that doesn't matter in the big picture. The fact is, it needs to stop, and these people brought to justice. Swift, execution justice preferably.

But if this is what they're doing, then that would be the reason why. Obviously they're already AWARE of where THEY are going, so naturally they'd like to prolong their life as much as possible.. yet another reason for some of the witchcraft. Earthy life prolonging. Perhaps they're aware that where they're going isn't going to be really all that much fun..

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252424 No.36146

File: 6314a991128b1ce⋯.png (286.27 KB,587x436,587:436,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Me thinks that if all goes well, then THIS is nothing.. we may be able to SKYROCKET the economy this next year by making some good decisions, which I know will likely be made.

I think even the dumbass liberal idiots will kick themselves for even entertaining the idea of the Democrats. I'll admit.. I've voted Democrat. I even voted for Obama the first time. I mean, I realize that votes don't TRULY count.. it's really all about the electoral college, but it's a game like anything else. I'm just on the earth observing and watching. Seeing the changes. I'm pretty sure they give us two candidates that suck on purpose. And one is typically CLEARLY better than the other for many. You'll probably notice that none of the candidates talk like a regular person.

I hadn't realized Obama was who he was until somewhere during his presidency. Then I said.. oh. Well that sucks. I was truly hoping he was going to do great things. Not so much. Complete piece of garbage. Trash.

Anyways.. here's to 2018 and beyond! :)

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252424 No.36147

File: 2230f69ac6dba19⋯.jpg (82.88 KB,572x676,11:13,DUeibt2WsAAa8Gb.jpg)

An unfortunate truth. Someone with an IQ of 140 is much more likely to outdo someone with a 70 IQ. That's just how it is.

Balance comes in helping others do well.

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bbb9d1 No.36148

File: 9ee5f538a9f8605⋯.png (14.83 KB,506x106,253:53,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

This lady is a complete idiot, obviously.

I don't even know where to begin with this. Hey lady, dunno if you ever math, but 'white' people only make up about ~16%(?) of the worlds population. Divided into white vs non-white, white people ARE the worlds minority.


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bbb9d1 No.36149


But even beyond that, it's truly NOT about (lol) making America ANY of one color. It's about the PEOPLE and making the economy great after the Democrats have destroyed it. It's about each individual having a job and something to do to keep them happy and money in their pocket. It's about teaching the TRUTH rather than perpetuating lies told by the MSM and leftist cucks.

It has NOTHING to do with 'color' and everything to do with principle.

Not that you'd understand such things. Or maybe you do, and are just trained to work against it.

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bbb9d1 No.36150

File: c89d6fe43b12754⋯.png (310.9 KB,585x473,585:473,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Islam is very, very, very bad, mmmmmmmk?

No, seriously. It's bad. And they wipe their butts with their hands. And plenty of other weird stuff. Just say 'NO' to Islam.

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bbb9d1 No.36151

File: eb5fb8f7004d80e⋯.jpeg (69.37 KB,602x398,301:199,main-qimg-037b7182b1173a3….jpeg)

File: 3955d41f62552db⋯.jpg (46.8 KB,550x360,55:36,92802-004-860DE3FD.jpg)

File: 1cc1188bafeb31e⋯.jpg (379.53 KB,998x562,499:281,islam7.jpg)


Islam is just another form of Satan/occult worship.

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0437f5 No.36152

I've total faith that good people are now in charge and are working to right the wrongs as I write. I don't know what else I could possibly do, except commentate and try to paint a rather gruesome picture with words, as it is being changed behind the scenes to be better.

If you're able, you MIGHT consider writing a script to email all of your leaders with well thought-out messages on occasion. A bulk e-mailer. Don't FLOOD their inbox, but write something that is good and organized with sources. Find out what is REALLY going on.

That's what I did to try to find jobs.


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0437f5 No.36153

File: 9a7d996918a905f⋯.png (262.81 KB,588x504,7:6,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

John Kerry is just another skull-n-bones Satanist. Not even a good one. They're not sending their best. Lol

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0437f5 No.36154

File: 9e17071f5dfe31f⋯.jpg (63.49 KB,400x288,25:18,baal-worship.jpg)

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0437f5 No.36155

File: a0b9563673137d4⋯.jpg (22.47 KB,298x300,149:150,Rabbi-Rabbinovich1-298x300.jpg)

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d91a98 No.36156

This is a good read, IMO. The master-slave morality concept that Satanists seem to like. I quote Friedrich Nietzsche's work on occasion. He's just another human with a dumb but indisputable philosophy that 'we're all going to die eventually, so what does it matter' (essentially). Not very inspiring, but true none-the-less. What they don't seem to realize, is that we DON'T actually die and that there is a huge world beyond that.

Their not-so-divine idea is that, essentially, Satanists should control the masses and use them as slaves.

God has a different idea, one born out of loving and helping each other become free, do good things, and reach the kingdom of heaven.

I dabbled in Satanism when I was very young. JUST enough to understand it and it's philosophies. For the same reason I studied computer science (know thy enemy..).

Anyways.. yeah. Not something I would be interested in. I'm all about a good, spiritual and eternal life in heaven's garden. Not the abyss.

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89a239 No.36157

Simple python script for a bulk emailer. Could be better, but it's a start. All it does is take a message from a text file at [whatever] path and send it to all the recipients you list in the recipients list.

#import requests

# Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server - requires TLS or SSL:

# smtp.gmail.com

# Use Authentication:

# Yes


# Port for TLS/STARTTLS:

# 587


# Port for SSL:

# 465


# Server timeouts:

# Greater than 1 minute, we recommend 5


# Account Name or User Name:

# your full email address (including @gmail.com or @your_domain.com)


# Email Address:

# your email address (username@gmail.com or username@your_domain.com)


# Password:

# your Gmail password

import smtplib

import time

from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart

from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication

from email.mime.text import MIMEText

message_path = "path to message text file"

recipients_path = "path to recipients text file"

# read text file for message body

text_file = [line.strip() for line in open(message_path)]

recipients_file = [line.strip().split('\n') for line in open(recipients_path)]

# concatenate the message together

complete_msg = ""

for l in text_file:

complete_msg += l

# TODO: automate this recipient process with a bot to get and populate text file with addy's

msg = None

fromaddr = 'YourEmail@email.com'

recipients = ['put recipients here', 'separated by commas']

emaillist = [elem.strip().split(',') for elem in recipients]

# test_address = ['testemail@gmail.com']

server = None

msg = MIMEMultipart()

msg['Subject'] = 'subject of your choice'

msg['From'] = fromaddr

msg['Reply-to'] = fromaddr

msg.preamble = 'Multipart message.\n'

part = MIMEText("Please find attached file (resume) \n\n\n" + complete_msg)


# Loaded and ready to start sending..

for _ in range(7): # For x days (7) send email once per day..

server = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com:587")



server.login('YourEmail@Email.com', 'YourPasswordForEmailClient')

time.sleep(5) # 60 seconds x 60 = 1 hour


filename = "attachmentFileNameAndPath"

fp = open(filename, 'rb')

att = MIMEApplication(fp.read(), _subtype="pdf")

att.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename)


# or use this below..

# att.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=%s' % filename)


print("Sending message..")

server.sendmail(msg['From'], emaillist, msg.as_string())

print("Message sent..")


except Exception as e:




time.sleep(60 * 60 * 24) # 1 day..

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6e4d3a No.36158


This one is FOR using an attachment. Lol. I was using it to send my resume.

You can omit those parts, if there's no attachment, obviously.

There's some other things you may need to do to make it work, like if you're using gmail, you have to set it up in your account so that scripts will work.

Plenty of stuff online to help. :)

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6e4d3a No.36159

Here's a thought: Would it be possible to help fix up Mexico and make it livable so that people don't WANT or NEED to come to America?

Would that be possible, or no?

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6e4d3a No.36160


NOT that we don't want them here, but I'm sure that, given the choice, they'd probably rather be in their own home country - if it was a good enough place to live.

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6e4d3a No.36161


I mean.. we don't see countries like Norway flooding our borders and jumping the gates to get in. Perhaps we could learn from them.. and they can make their OWN country great again. ;)

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6e4d3a No.36162


The fact that they fly their Mexico flag here in America is pretty telling that they do love their heritage, but the COUNTRY is.. not livable.

It's all about the leadership.

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6e4d3a No.36163

File: f09a2f28a5ab082⋯.png (349 KB,586x481,586:481,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Truth. Dunno WHY there would still even BE an FBI if it's run by tyrants and those with foreign interests in mind over their OWN country. Traitors.

Not sure why they're still here, except that they have their hands in everything. I think our fine Military members could handle things though. Just a thought.

These 'people' are horrible.

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3d6678 No.36164

File: 00de3aa213ed9f6⋯.png (695.52 KB,586x662,293:331,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

It's a pretty amazing difference when the 'breadcrumbs' aren't going to the 3% elites and to the people instead. We don't ask for much! Just a simple, decent life. Many of us lowly peasants are givers too.. so part of those breadcrumbs, we share with people who have NO breadcrumbs.


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3d6678 No.36165

File: 9826ea7edc85c96⋯.png (282.27 KB,583x562,583:562,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Really hoping the entire WORLD knows by now…

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3d6678 No.36166

"..some feel that life is but a joke." - Jimi Hendrix

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3d6678 No.36167

File: bc9dac56f042aad⋯.jpg (154.77 KB,1067x1109,1067:1109,DUfkv94UQAEC4gJ.jpg)

No. What you 'stand' for is financial ruin of your own country in the interests of your handlers.

Let's just cut the BS.

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89a239 No.36168

The cabal (Soros, etc) has spent BILLIONS on simply trying to defeat Mr. Trump…

Imagine if they were TRUE humanitarians and used that money to help people…

Spending money simply to gain control should be very telling as to what their agenda truly is.

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89a239 No.36169

File: 68e9710f20809ef⋯.png (11.55 KB,505x105,101:21,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Leftists are both amoral and 'alegal'. Lol

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89a239 No.36170

Fun fact: There are people who actually study and believe in the oxford comma.

Even literacy has it's own undefined rules.

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d91a98 No.36171

File: 9bf94ea51f4f983⋯.png (461.88 KB,592x554,296:277,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Perhaps they forget (or don't get taught) the many 'white' people who fought and died to save their asses from the early cabal/tyrannical leaders of yesteryear.

Yes, many GOOD white people put their lives at risk to put you where you are today, and yet you mock them.

That says something, and it's not very good.

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d91a98 No.36172


Abraham Lincoln, a 'white' republican leader, was killed for it. Oh, but let's continue the narrative of the ones who carried that out. Good job, morons.

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d91a98 No.36173

File: bc8c05e5bc8f8ed⋯.png (385.36 KB,591x563,591:563,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

I was waiting for this type of stuff to happen…

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d91a98 No.36174

It's ALL about where your beloved leaders are leading you.

What could POSSIBLY be so bad about believing in God (preferably the one in the Bible whose book is one of the oldest in history) and respecting the rules and guidelines of it? HOW could that be a 'bad' thing? To be good? To help the poor? To search for divine truths?

But no.. they want.. homosexuality and moral degradation.

You can't make this stuff up. These people truly are the bottom of the barrel, intellect-wise.

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2b523f No.36175


If you want to be gay, then be gay. That's your choice.

But don't push your narrative on impressionable kids. You won't like the result.

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2b523f No.36176


It's not any different than if someone likes drugs, and encourages young people to take up drugs.

Same idea. Same consequences.

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41db11 No.36177

File: 4e9234250d68ffa⋯.png (533 KB,585x684,65:76,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Good on your, sir. :)

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41db11 No.36178

File: 020554c3924d63e⋯.png (419.18 KB,585x452,585:452,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Nice. :)

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41db11 No.36179

File: 1c55fbb1d0c66e9⋯.jpg (58.49 KB,600x600,1:1,DUfhzZnXkAEwM2O.jpg)

Yeah, I hear ya.

Again, I don't watch television for a reason..

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0437f5 No.36180

File: 9ca0dd63cc3b6ff⋯.jpg (111.29 KB,1129x631,1129:631,DUfNGCaXcAAY6yk.jpg)

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0437f5 No.36181

File: 0e12eceac831fe7⋯.png (243.88 KB,586x463,586:463,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

If you've ever played poker, then you know better than to underestimate a great player's hand.

They know things that you don't, but it's really all in the read of the opponent.

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0437f5 No.36182

File: c84e547eb07c135⋯.jpg (228.19 KB,1200x928,75:58,DUfdm55VoAAtEZT.jpg)

Nice meme. :)

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0437f5 No.36183


>I don't watch television for a reason..

And it's not just because it's mind-numbingly stupid. ;)

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3d6678 No.36184

File: 5232fe6a2c3ef7e⋯.jpg (35.42 KB,500x502,250:251,DUflfKlW0AAHLOd.jpg)

I'm sorry Kermit. We still love you. :D

Just don't let it happen again.

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3d6678 No.36185

File: 2e03cc4572640f5⋯.png (11.88 KB,520x102,260:51,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Truly evil people have always hated me.

It's like oil and water. Not to say I'm THAT divine, but.. I know a thing or two.

Unfortunately, I had to kind of blend in, so I put on the evil face for a while and talk about nasty stuff. Those that TRULY know me, however, know a very different side. There's only a few of them. Maybe more NOW, I don't know.

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3d6678 No.36186


Truly sad that I couldn't even go to CHURCH and find real, true believers. Not to say there aren't any there, but I didn't find much.

Mostly just arrogance and ego. The opposite of God.

Anyone who is a TRUE Christian is not very happy.

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3d6678 No.36187


Hymns and praises. Yadda yadda.

I don't think you people understand… and if I told you the truth, you wouldn't like me and probably kick me out.

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3d6678 No.36188


I certainly wouldn't be very 'popular'. lol

.and I wasn't.

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1f63e7 No.36189


Fun fact: I used to leave suicide notes in the back corner where I would sit and watch. They found them, and were disturbed. I got called into the Christian school I attended. It also had to do with my home life, but.. I wanted to see if anyone was paying attention.

Just a message, people. Not that I truly wanted to do that, as I had a job to do here. But.. the idea is that anyone who DOES love God, wants to be with HIM, not on this.. earth.

Again, I'm not suggesting anyone do that.

We need good people here on earth. Just need to change the narrative.

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1f63e7 No.36190


>in the back corner

Hidden in the Bible's behind the pew. Not out in plain sight.

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1f63e7 No.36191

Who'd have thunk that one day I might be changing the world from an area of great Occult activity, with nothing more than a crappy $300.00, 5 or 6 year old computer running on a live USB OS and single monitor.

Obviously it wasn't ME who created this, but the super badass white hats and great people. I just got sucked in trying to find a job.

I would've just watched the world burn, as I had no control over it, and nobody wanted the TRUTH, so.. figured I would just hum along on my merry way.

It's weird when you walk through THIS current world, and KNOW the truth. Changes the entire perspective.

I found more decent people in jail, and the courts and judges to be corrupt.

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2b523f No.36192


Not ALL of them. Some are very good people. But.. the system.. as a whole.. is tainted.

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2b523f No.36193

File: bbcfb01ab243ca6⋯.jpeg (12.91 KB,318x159,2:1,TheProblem.jpeg)


By these people..

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7656e0 No.36194

The idea of Church was never meant to be a profitable business…

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6e4d3a No.36195

Science has worked overtime for decades or Milena trying disprove the idea of God.

And what did they find?

The 'God particle'.

Imagine that.

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2b523f No.36196

Trying to figure out who Jezebel might be.. and then it hit me. But her name on earth isn't Jezebel, but starts with a J.

She's the reason I ended up in jail.

I might be wrong. Could be someone entirely different.. but.. would be a big 'coincidence'.

If that's true, then yes I DEFINITELY repent for that one. That was a horrible mistake on my part, and I did suffer the consequences. Lesson learned. :(

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2b523f No.36197


She may be pure evil and crazy to boot. Something I initially was attracted to. Seduced I tell you! Oh man. That was just.. weird. That entire scenario. Yeah. I was messed up for a while on that one.

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2b523f No.36198


I suppose that is part of my story. Who am I to go against what God has written, even if the names be correct.

Oh man. That's just insane. I think she's IN the service now too. Yeah.. oil and water with her. Not my 'type'.

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1f63e7 No.36199


Perhaps God knew I was going to read through the Bible and changed the names. I don't know. Disinfo is necessary to make the story, I suppose.

I don't like God having things against me, but I deserve it, and it was apparently necessary for this. I have a seemingly magnetic attraction to things I'm supposed to do in life.. but again, not knowing why. I just feel compelled to do certain things, study certain things, and make various life choices.

My apologies to any whom got hurt in that mess. I've thought about you quite a bit. That was definitely MY bad.


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7656e0 No.36200

File: 3eff28c7408d826⋯.png (434.43 KB,583x525,583:525,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)


Ok. J may not be PURE evil, but I'm 100% sure she would be 'friends' with THESE people. They all share a common denominator..

They're frigging completely insane.

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7656e0 No.36201


She even has a tattoo that's very significant.

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7656e0 No.36202


>They're frigging completely insane.

..and evil.

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7656e0 No.36203

Her house reminds me of the 'grapes of wrath'. Something ominous about that one.. very seductive..

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252424 No.36204

If you play with magic and evil, it will make you crazy.

And not the 'good' type of innocent crazy.

I mean.. psychotically crazy. That craziness provides a barrier to the world.. almost like an umbrella….

Much of this is rooted in insanity. Satan is insanity. God is sanity.

Hence all the questions about Mr. Trumps mental health, yet NONE on these people..

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252424 No.36205

File: 7f930718afa0066⋯.jpg (86.87 KB,600x650,12:13,DRvtsYCX4AUAUHw.jpg)

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252424 No.36206

May as well just #ReleaseTheMemo.

I think we all know now what's going on. Those who don't are in the 4-6% area.

Psst, pass it on. :)

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d91a98 No.36207

File: 2f16ace4509e0b2⋯.png (49.33 KB,585x386,585:386,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

I have to maintain and stick to the rule of law on this one.

IF DACA was not legally approved by the obama admin, then it's technically illegal. We can't start picking and choosing which laws we follow based on our 'feelings' or because Democrats want votes.

We need to stick to the RULE OF LAW. (period) or else there is no reason to make any laws, and people will not respect them any more than they already do.

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d91a98 No.36208


..though I do feel we can come up with OTHER solutions to help those people. ONE of which, is helping Mexico with some of their.. problems.

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d91a98 No.36209

File: 605e85f2122ddf9⋯.jpg (2.9 KB,73x73,1:1,Z2RSOiqx_bigger.jpg)

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d91a98 No.36210

File: f4cc8de60d88af1⋯.png (73.44 KB,587x329,587:329,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Well.. some of us just have zero respect for the 'dress up and look pretty' thing. I maintain my organic and human lifestyle and appearance. But I do shower, wash my clothes, brush/floss, wear deodorant, and eat fairly healthy, etc.. not as often as SOME people, but enough to maintain an outwardly 'imperfect' appearance.

All by design, I believe.

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d91a98 No.36211

File: 97e3bb2e916f6a1⋯.jpg (11.72 KB,620x465,4:3,ok-hand.jpg)

Just a note on this: Universally known as the "okay" sign.

It's been turned upside-down to "Oh, it means 666" or "Oh, it means White Power".

No, it means.. "Okay". Like.. I'm okay, you're okay. We're okay.

Funny how we can distort and create misconceptions about anything. Now, of course, everything is 'racist' or 'perverted' or whatever, being called so by people who are the true racist perverts.

We're not DIVINE and we're not EVIL.

We're just.. okay.

Balance, grasshopper.

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7656e0 No.36212

File: 2557590de99c223⋯.png (455.36 KB,543x610,543:610,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Such lovely stuff, these clowns.

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bbb9d1 No.36213

File: f93ad91da00143f⋯.png (125.85 KB,830x1041,830:1041,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)


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bbb9d1 No.36214

File: d99ec9d9fa09a20⋯.png (29.18 KB,590x287,590:287,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

No, no.. no disagreement.

The incredulous and exasperating hypocrisy is strong in these ones.

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bbb9d1 No.36215

File: 9a71bab5975b192⋯.png (488.86 KB,581x623,83:89,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)


Can we bring Roy Moore back now?

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bbb9d1 No.36216

Best quote I heard in a while, but hadn't shared it yet.

Something like: "Bill Clinton is just a skirt chasing good-ol-boy, far too stupid to pull off anything this evil. Hillary has always been the brains and rode his d**k almost to the top.."


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bbb9d1 No.36217

File: 2d52bf0e24d18b6⋯.png (16.13 KB,587x131,587:131,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

I used to always say: "All I know is that I don't know anything."

But since 2014, I can't say that anymore.

I DO know ONE thing…

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bbb9d1 No.36218

File: c2217a729392a97⋯.jpg (205.18 KB,897x1199,897:1199,DUb5t1OVoAABi7L.jpg)

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bbb9d1 No.36219

File: 9750385b9faa99c⋯.png (20.13 KB,588x129,196:43,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

The 'Republican' party needs to figure themselves out, and get back with God.

They've strayed..

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89a239 No.36220

File: 94af3d7e667f80f⋯.png (15.08 KB,588x91,84:13,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Well. Just like my job is to bring people back to God..

..their job is to corrupt, pervert, and destroy.

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89a239 No.36221

File: 4d4601f830d5135⋯.png (18.27 KB,584x109,584:109,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

I guess if the bar is over your head, you have to keep lowering it.

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89a239 No.36222

File: 00b81078f012b94⋯.jpg (174.41 KB,736x1104,2:3,DLO-aGRVwAA85dq.jpg)

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89a239 No.36223

File: 6076a91772d7e83⋯.png (30.31 KB,579x257,579:257,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Good on your, Jenna. :)

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6e4d3a No.36224

I still 'follow' more people than follow me on Twitter. Which is fine. I don't REALLY follow anyone but God.

And neither did Jesus..

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6e4d3a No.36225


Adonai, Yaheshua, Joshua, Yahweh..

You get my point.

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6e4d3a No.36226



Ugh. My apologies.

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bbb9d1 No.36227

File: 312d33d34642caa⋯.png (20.29 KB,585x131,585:131,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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bbb9d1 No.36228

File: dc06e622b5068c3⋯.png (27.26 KB,584x150,292:75,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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bbb9d1 No.36229

File: 6cc791e8e5c1e32⋯.png (55.2 KB,586x249,586:249,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Yeah. It's all 'fun and games' until the piper comes to collect.

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bbb9d1 No.36230

File: 0e29091ec62357b⋯.png (28.31 KB,583x255,583:255,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Some of us are a little more salty than sweet.

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bbb9d1 No.36231

File: 2fbe0997d89f70f⋯.png (554.44 KB,585x537,195:179,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

R.I.P. USMC Sergeant David J. Smith

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0437f5 No.36232

File: 89c25b600d1d17b⋯.png (64.77 KB,584x247,584:247,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Truth be told, minus my injuries, I would gladly trade places with any soldier on the front lines. Be a part of the sword of righteousness. Their job seems much more exciting and interesting than mine right now.


Not that I don't love it… but I like thrill and excitement. This is kind of boring.

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0437f5 No.36233

File: 64fbd673b72594a⋯.jpg (98.23 KB,832x849,832:849,DUfHxsgXkAY0bSz.jpg)

What a waste of a life.


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0437f5 No.36234

File: 13ee6463aa6109f⋯.png (196.34 KB,581x427,83:61,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

"Oh look I'm a Northwestern University graduate of (fake) Journalism, aren't I just cute?" bla, bla, bla..

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6e4d3a No.36235

File: 16bc747400a1204⋯.jpg (51.12 KB,480x479,480:479,DUaxlxjW0AQyYEn.jpg)

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d91a98 No.36236

File: 2c147705377b664⋯.jpg (160.6 KB,1029x1017,343:339,DUew6W7X4AAGtpw.jpg)

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d91a98 No.36237

File: c29ad087290fec7⋯.jpg (29.99 KB,486x315,54:35,DUfziBWXcAAzHs5.jpg)

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d91a98 No.36238

File: 319f1f5e5f3b224⋯.png (71.12 KB,584x229,584:229,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)


I'm at the point where I need stronger words.

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bbb9d1 No.36240

File: cd08bc9525b85f1⋯.png (396.46 KB,504x282,84:47,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Ok, I'm just getting bored now.

From now on, it's just going to be inspirational artwork.

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bbb9d1 No.36241

File: 868511c9db1f04c⋯.jpg (42.39 KB,634x397,634:397,Charles_Bronson_Death_Wish….jpg)

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bbb9d1 No.36242

File: 415db59f96a0792⋯.png (423.31 KB,584x509,584:509,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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bbb9d1 No.36243

File: f7f05d86abd55fc⋯.png (438.88 KB,584x536,73:67,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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252424 No.36244

File: 6c781e36ac49cc6⋯.png (18.47 KB,881x135,881:135,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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252424 No.36245

File: 38f2d394ddda651⋯.png (313.5 KB,583x443,583:443,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Barak gives himself a round of applause for being a complete cunt.

That's rich right there. Well.. SOMEONE got rich.

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41db11 No.36246

Ironic that Satan's only crime is tempting people.

It's people who've committed the crimes against humanity.

He doesn't like these people any more than anyone else. He's just a master trickster.

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41db11 No.36247

File: 6d755f5296be580⋯.png (211.86 KB,587x503,587:503,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

I'll take 'mysterious disappearances' for 300, Alex.

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7656e0 No.36248

File: 74df65b33d8223c⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,714x1000,357:500,guardian_angel.jpg)

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7656e0 No.36249

File: c9bc493413a03e1⋯.jpg (63.82 KB,728x546,4:3,DUh6xgLVQAA31oA.jpg)

Prevent a possible crime from someone who's never studied the country nor has the respect to become an official citizen.

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0437f5 No.36250

File: 5235370d8604bca⋯.jpeg (66.29 KB,487x627,487:627,DUhLViRV4AE1lGb.jpg:large.jpeg)

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41db11 No.36251

File: 107ad8311ad896c⋯.png (533.79 KB,587x455,587:455,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

What's funny, is I think that's from a store I used to work at.

It might not be, but looks like their signs, and I feel I remember that sign and thought it was funny.

But I could be wrong. That was many years ago, when I was with… J.

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41db11 No.36252

File: 3abe38b860e9c34⋯.png (384.15 KB,586x462,293:231,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Tons of theories on the shape of the earth.

What's funny, is that it doesn't matter what shape the earth is. That won't change ANYTHING for anyone any more than knowing how many numbers are in pi, or how many stars there are.

I guess it's fun to theorize, but.. kinda missing the point of being here. lol

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41db11 No.36253

File: 108c4f75c3e12a8⋯.png (161.28 KB,253x289,253:289,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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d91a98 No.36254

File: 02c497e8c4c4e77⋯.png (49.08 KB,586x270,293:135,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

That's weird, because right before this, I was going to take a nap, but was told not to. So I got up.

Coffee now, I guess.

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d91a98 No.36255


Now I keep thinking about this. Worst (adult) mistake of my life.

I have this seeming problem.. I see broken people (especially women) and I want to 'fix' them. If it's men, then we'll either really like each other, or really hate each other. There is seldom an in-between.

For women, I want to show them some care. I wish I could take all their pain and problems away, because I know how hard it is to live life in a mind-warp cage of phenomenal proportions stuck on planet earth with people who don't know, care, or understand.

They eventually end up splitting and going psychotic on me. Then they use others to punish me for even trying to help their broken selves, because they don't WANT to be fixed. They like their own craziness. They tell me that I drive them crazy. Uhmmmm.. you were pretty crazy before I showed up. That didn't start with me, I just revealed it.

I don't blame them, I'm a little partial to my brokenness myself. As bad as it sucks, it's a blessing sometimes.

I need to remind myself that I'm naturally attracted to really, really effed up people. Like a magnet. Some have 'evil inside'. I do too. I get it. I know. It sucks. The world sucks. People suck sometimes. They're rude, nasty, arrogant, sick, disgusting creatures at times. It almost all depends on where you grow up, who you meet, who your family is…

I dunno. Now I'm just rambling. Bah.

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3d6678 No.36257

File: 118a15b3cc498f9⋯.png (509.88 KB,582x450,97:75,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

If it wasn't for women, you wouldn't be here, fags.

Is that how you'd treat your own mother?


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6e4d3a No.36258


He's no match for God though.

Sorry guy.


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6e4d3a No.36259


I guess I'll just say it. I think she had an abortion or stillborn. Her tattoo is of a demon delivering or ripping her baby out of her womb.

IF that's the one named Jezabel in Revelation 2:20. I'm not completely sure.

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d91a98 No.36260

File: 066b0d1abde98a0⋯.png (501.44 KB,587x619,587:619,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

I don't give one iota of a crap about this Joe Biden guy.

I've seen his public demeanor. Pretty sick and I'd hate to see what he might do in private. Ugh.

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d91a98 No.36261

File: bd5ca1934ed9208⋯.png (43.61 KB,580x308,145:77,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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7656e0 No.36262

File: 0ccd8c3e68e1117⋯.jpg (65.21 KB,600x600,1:1,DUhy-sUX4AAtS3z.jpg)

DJT: 1

Fake news: 0

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7656e0 No.36263

You made your bed, now sleep in it.

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7656e0 No.36264


cabal freaks.

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2b523f No.36267

File: 12cf0d555211458⋯.jpg (88.3 KB,1199x899,1199:899,DUjABZdVwAA-2D_.jpg)

I'm starting to like this man. ;)

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2b523f No.36283

File: ef2469900f54b75⋯.png (156.17 KB,443x298,443:298,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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2b523f No.36286

File: 3fe796510c20efa⋯.png (284.87 KB,487x324,487:324,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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1f63e7 No.36287

File: 03658ce0162f102⋯.png (72.33 KB,588x271,588:271,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

I do appreciate a beautiful conservative lady.

We can't all be super models, but it's okay. It's all about the heart.

Angels have both. ;)

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1f63e7 No.36288

File: 6c43fbc9cb5b655⋯.jpg (74.67 KB,900x507,300:169,DUj1qRzVMAUJiPa.jpg)

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1f63e7 No.36289

File: 2e17fd1912a1cec⋯.jpg (80.58 KB,1100x784,275:196,DUj3eYZVMAArdTp.jpg)

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1f63e7 No.36290

File: d8f9e38603aae05⋯.png (28.32 KB,587x145,587:145,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)


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1f63e7 No.36291

File: 4349f65281ca96a⋯.jpeg (25.13 KB,500x262,250:131,i6BYlF3P.jpeg)

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1f63e7 No.36292

File: ff6df0c32c1dae2⋯.png (561.95 KB,585x539,585:539,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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1f63e7 No.36293

File: 5b0f8c2269cf06f⋯.png (538.22 KB,584x617,584:617,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Sad case, but awesome tribute.

R.I.P. Jacob

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1f63e7 No.36294

File: 9bcaac0a7d7338e⋯.png (293.04 KB,582x601,582:601,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Gonna have to agree with my Twitter buddy, Ms. Goldilox.

But I'm sure things are going to happen..

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1f63e7 No.36295

File: 4fe922d3bfea773⋯.png (28.19 KB,588x228,49:19,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd. :)

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1f63e7 No.36296

File: d2e1feb6fcea3a6⋯.png (22.28 KB,589x174,589:174,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

They drank wayyyyyyy too much of the not-so-cool aid.

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0437f5 No.36297

File: e228f235d1abae2⋯.png (33.44 KB,583x278,583:278,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

The delusional is strong with this one.

Thanks for the laugh Sarah. I needed that.

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8639d8 No.36301

File: fa8b98217f81c13⋯.jpg (11.62 KB,225x225,1:1,777.jpg)

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8639d8 No.36302

File: 707f0dfe0d17f23⋯.png (413.84 KB,590x443,590:443,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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8639d8 No.36303

I will post more beginning at midnight (my time / PAC TZ).

I'm using this time to honor and remember all innocent Jewish whom had perished during the Holocaust.


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7656e0 No.36308

File: 7233a9813062e0e⋯.jpg (110.6 KB,777x583,777:583,20180127_210828.v01.jpg)


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d91a98 No.36309

File: f12a0ac4d21e447⋯.png (321.99 KB,586x486,293:243,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Thank you, sir.

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d91a98 No.36310

File: 46107a2c372439a⋯.png (408.67 KB,584x446,292:223,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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252424 No.36311

File: c44198906d7629b⋯.png (197.42 KB,586x422,293:211,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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252424 No.36312

File: 510195aed12c706⋯.png (15.5 KB,587x89,587:89,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Good deal.

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252424 No.36313

File: c6ab8a5847d1d02⋯.png (331.45 KB,584x450,292:225,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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1f63e7 No.36314

File: 61d6f613b7e8f64⋯.png (64.99 KB,588x273,28:13,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

I've had literally DOZENS of run-ins with police officers during my ~20 year skateboarding career. Some good, some not so much. Some I was on a friendly basis with, but I was a little bit of a hoodlum. Our old police chief was a hoot. Good guy.

I understand they're people doing a job that, quite honestly, probably really sucks sometimes. They have to see the worst of the worst on a daily basis, and I do feel for them. As well as medics and all emergency personnel.

Just my 0.02 if it's worth even that.

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6e4d3a No.36316

File: 99242d94b7cdcd7⋯.jpg (74.08 KB,640x565,128:113,DUlyeiMXUAEAYwD.jpg)

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252424 No.36317

Waiting for Tuesday, I guess..

Not sure.

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6e4d3a No.36338

Part of the fun of this job now, is trying to read the bible and interpret which things are physical, and which are metaphoric.

I am fairly certain that I've probably pissed off enough bad people, and if they know who and where I am, then I might 'disappear' or just be killed.

I know ALOT of people in the physical world. A couple have actually contacted me via messenger about this whole deal, but I have nothing to say about it. It is what it is. I'm leaving everyone to figure it out for themselves. Figure it out, or don't. That's up to each person. I can plant the seeds, but you have to water them daily.

So yeah. I'll eventually run out of food, and it's getting too dangerous to go out in public, so I'm living on rice and random canned goods.

If nothing happens by Tuesday, then I suppose one part is metaphoric, but the 'finding myself in heaven' is physical. Either way, if God really needs me here, he can obviously resurrect me. Maybe that's the point. I just HATE to make the wrong decision.

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0437f5 No.36339

Life itself is a metaphoric game, with real and sometimes painful consequences.

One thing 20+ years of skateboarding taught me, is that you just keep going. Hurt yourself, fall down, break bones, mend, and keep going. Keep going until you just physically can't, and maybe a little beyond that. Sometimes the miracle doesn't happen after you're about to give up.

You're not going to need this body anyways, in the end.

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2b523f No.36341

EVERYTHING you need to know about life is in the Bible. Read it, understand it, and you can't really go wrong unless you choose to. And even then, every so often, you can repent and start back again.

Eventually you'll find the sweet spot where your life routine doesn't tempt you to do bad things that will hurt your mission to heaven. Even if you have to change jobs. Better that, than to continue down the wrong path. Either that, or make your own situation better. Whichever works. Depends on what is possible vs impossible. Don't spend too much time on something that will NEVER work. :)

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41db11 No.36342

File: c1a4b37e83ed75d⋯.png (401.26 KB,582x745,582:745,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

True words, unfortunately.

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41db11 No.36343

File: ba310a7dc7d47dc⋯.jpg (43.1 KB,480x360,4:3,Bikes.jpg)

Just so you know, if you didn't already.. (and I guess give myself a shameless plug purely out of necessity.. )

..but motorcycle enthusiasts ('Bikers') are some of the best people out there. Not ALL, but probably most. The REAL ones are sometimes mean and abrasive, at least at first.. many of them know the same things I know, but much more in the physical world.

==So please watch both ways before pulling into traffic. They're difficult to see sometimes, and we like to wear black, mostly. == :)

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7656e0 No.36345


Well that formatting technique didn't work right, lol


..can't stop on a dime. Thank you for your consideration.

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7656e0 No.36346

File: c30a0cb1b95dd78⋯.jpg (54.46 KB,1280x600,32:15,whiteHat.jpg)

Also, if you know any, give your local white hat some love. It seriously takes YEARS, AND YEARS, AND YEARS of practice, coding, reading, testing, writing, re-writing, re-writing, re-writing, reading, re-writing, reading, re-writing, sitting and staring at computer monitors until your eyes can't even see anymore to become even semi-decent at their craft.

Which just happens to be saving humanity right now.

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2b523f No.36347

File: eb3166733a7eaa4⋯.jpg (573.56 KB,2000x1000,2:1,Veterans.jpg)

File: 4fd9ff19f79a3ed⋯.jpg (156.24 KB,748x532,187:133,HomelessVeteran1Rev.jpg)

File: 1f80f02c4717836⋯.jpg (137.45 KB,778x461,778:461,proof-of-service-furnish-a….jpg)

And of course.. last but definitely not least..

Your local homeless or struggling veteran. Homeless ANYONE is bad, but especially if you've given everything you are to the country you love, and get little or no love back.

Because of scammers and asswipes that perpetuate stolen valor, the real homeless get ignored. Some think they're going to drive away in their Rolls Royce after they're done panhandling on the streets.

Terrible. Those people should be jailed.

It's up to us people stuck on planet earth to help everyone else that we can. THAT is the whole point in this perpetual LARP. It's better to GIVE than RECEIVE. Again, it's all in the Bible.

"For the first shall be last, and the last shall be first.."

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1f63e7 No.36348

This space intentionally left blank.

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1f63e7 No.36349

File: 2c24ead1c923a01⋯.png (257.73 KB,484x424,121:106,Make-It-So.png)

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252424 No.36350

'Black' people often blame 'white' people for slavery. But I had this question for them:


Riddle me that.

And then tell me who fought to stop it.

Or better yet, tell me who didn't.

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d91a98 No.36351

These people are sick. And stupid.

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d91a98 No.36353


Who owned the SHIPS that were sailing back and fourth to Africa? It wasn't done with the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria…

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d91a98 No.36354

Good vs. Evil

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d91a98 No.36355

Don't believe the first page of search results. If you want the TRUTH, you're gonna have to do some honest digging and research.

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2b523f No.36356

Did they go to Africa and just start grabbing people, or did they BUY people?

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2b523f No.36357

Was their life better in America, or in Africa?

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2b523f No.36358

Why were Native Americans called 'Indians'?

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252424 No.36359

What was Columbus originally looking for?

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252424 No.36360


..and why?

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252424 No.36361

Those who don't study history, are bound to repeat it.

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252424 No.36362

File: 209c11d9b5fb057⋯.jpg (63.49 KB,456x720,19:30,DUpyr3oUQAA6ZDJ.jpg)

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252424 No.36363

File: f8e66ab8e8560a9⋯.jpg (203.11 KB,1200x715,240:143,world-map.v01.jpg)

My wonderful guide to possible history. (?)

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252424 No.36364

The original theory was that the earth was flat…

Perhaps someone wanted to find out.

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bbb9d1 No.36366

File: d4a4653dc6c3d36⋯.jpg (60.53 KB,850x400,17:8,Infinity.jpg)

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bbb9d1 No.36367

Nefarious people like to HIDE the truth. They like to hide behind hidden symbols and meanings and languages.

God doesn't hide the truth. It's right in plain sight. RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE.


Yet.. people search for it still.

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bbb9d1 No.36368


The real question is: why?

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bbb9d1 No.36369


Why do people go completely OUT OF THEIR WAY and spend countless hours and lifetimes trying to deny that God exists?

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bbb9d1 No.36370


I'll give a hint.. it might have something to do with their own desires. Their own willfulness. Their own arrogance…

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bbb9d1 No.36372

Like Mr. VH says: "If you need to SEE something to believe it, try holding your breath for a while and see how that works out for you."

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bbb9d1 No.36373

These people want to be KINGS and RULERS. They want to be FIRST! They want ALL CONTROL.

Which, of course, is a satanic thing. God wants freedom, or else he wouldn't have given us free will at all.

Sometimes you have to fight for that freedom. Sometimes you have to fight for OTHER peoples' freedom.

The bigger protect the smaller. The have's help the have-not's.

And if you WANT something.. give it away.

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41db11 No.36374


>And if you WANT something.. give it away.

That has something to do with these nefarious 'charity' organizations..

Fun fact: I used to buy 20 or 30 of those little 'shamrocks' for Muscular Dystrophy from the store. Then put the name of the company I worked for on all of them to be hung up as subliminal advertising. Lol

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3d6678 No.36375


The GOLD ones, not the green ones. ;)

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89a239 No.36385

Mmmm.. amazing what one can make with just rice, eggs, and a little sweet n sour sauce. Just a FRACTION of the price of lobster risotto, I'm sure. ;)

Yet, so hearty and filling!

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89a239 No.36387

For the price of Hillary's ugly $12,000.00 Armani suit, and the $2.00 (?) price of this meal (high estimate)

I could make this meal 6,000 times.

Once a day for 16 years.

or 3x a day for 5 years.

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7656e0 No.36393

File: c0cefd06f63d67b⋯.jpg (115.97 KB,1076x1078,538:539,DUpN8qWVQAAh7QS.jpg)

Just a heads up. If something happens between now and Tuesday, I officially am casting my ballot for this wonderful woman as next president of the U.S.


It's official now. I wrote it.

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7656e0 No.36398

File: 66f661d4625eee5⋯.png (57.74 KB,999x488,999:488,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)


I'm sure true liberals would say: "No, it was only a $11,999.99 suit, you stupid ass! Get your facts straight!"


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7656e0 No.36401

File: c56dc98d115c590⋯.png (27.61 KB,585x191,585:191,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Funny story about that. It was due to the Clinton's 'domestic violence' laws that I got put in jail. Is it really domestic violence if you don't physically touch anyone?

I'm not saying anyone should yell and break shit, I'm just saying.. it's better than hurting a person physically.. for bringing her new boyfriend over the day after we break up.. but that's beside the point.

And I'll stand with that. That's what my counselor told me. ;)

Better to break THINGS, than people.

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d91a98 No.36403


..but best to just excuse yourself from crazy relationships before the SHTF, obviously. Oh the webs we weave.

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252424 No.36405

Mr. Wictor speaks some history. The, perhaps, finer details of various happenings during WWII?

Again, the TRUTH is hard to find. It's been buried for a reason. You have to really search and find it if you want to be educated and not fooled. Not saying this isn't correct. Just using it to make a point. I'm NOT a historian. Most of my studies are, again, spiritual and computer science.

https ://twitter.com/ThomasWictor/status/957783625084190720

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252424 No.36406

Another fun fact (lol, ugh): As SOON as my teachers taught me how to read books (THANK YOU TEACHERS!!!!) you could usually find me in the library trying to read the whole thing. I had stacks of books (words, not pictures).

Eventually I gave up and decided the only thing I TRULY needed to know, was if there was a God or not. The resulting answer might make most of that other knowledge pretty useless.

So at 10 years old or so, while everyone was on the playground playing grabass, I was in the library reading, reading, reading. I took STACKS of books home. I wanted to learn 'all the things'.

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7656e0 No.36407


I have this weird penchant for working towards goals that can never truly be mastered.

Like billiards was one of my favorite games. You can practice 12 hours a day, every day for years, and never MASTER the game. (I should know, I kind of tried) But you'll get pretty good.

Another one is the sciences. Computer science. Programming. That's fun stuff, and USEFUL. Just depends on what you like to do. Maybe you just like to 'know' stuff. Cool.. write a book or 10. Or just live. Find a job that suits your interests, and that you love, and do it. Everyone has different characteristics, interests, strengths, and weaknesses.

Just keep busy.

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3d6678 No.36409

At some point, America took a left turn, the culmination of which lead us to a really disturbing place. More disturbing than is shown on television. I've seen clips of it on the interwebs. The type of stuff that might make you question your own existence and be a little angry at God for 'allowing' that stuff to happen. Stuff so horrific, that Hollywood's worst horror movies can't even touch it. Why? Because you know it's real, and not fake. And that makes it worth lots of money, unfortunately. HORRIBLE stuff. One of the more subtle ones was soldiers in some country, tying a guy's arms and legs to two jeeps, and then driving off in separate directions, ripping him apart. Another one was a video of a guy getting his hand and foot sawed off for being a thief.

That's just the tip of the iceberg. It gets much more real than that.

I believe that's where we get into Satan's fall from heaven.

What is the price of free will? What is the PRICE of freedom? And what is the resulting aftermath?

I'm so into efficiency and the 'do no harm' philosophy, that I often think: "Man, if everyone lived like myself, this world would be VERY different. We'd have solar panels everywhere. We'd be sitting around reading, eating, and playing video games. Chatting. Philosophizing, or just staring at the wall thinking. Nothing wrong with that."

MUCH work has been done. Each person working towards what interests them, to make this world what it is.

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41db11 No.36410


Sick, sadistic, psychopathic people pay to get their rocks off by watching people slowly die and get tortured to death. The fear of an innocent person really makes them feel powerful and justified for how they feel about the world.

You think that stuff doesn't happen? It does.

Why? I don't know. Sickness. The stuff turns my stomach, but I feel like I have to know and see it. Barbaric. Disgusting. Vile. Filthy. Horrific. No words to describe it.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, you have really, really good people who wouldn't hurt a fly. Well.. they might hurt a fly. But you know what I mean. They might even feel a tiny bit bad about it.

Then all kinds of people in between.

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7656e0 No.36411

After dating a very strange, but cute woman when I was 20, I had to go to the counselor. I suddenly felt suicidal, which I'd never felt before. My life was pretty innocent and pure up to that point. I just worked and rode my skateboard.

This woman had me all bent out of shape after I tried to leave the relationship. Telling all her friends bad things about me suddenly, just because I wanted to 'abandon' her (so I learned later).

Anyways.. I spent a good portion of 5 years studying Borderline Personality Disorder. What doctors refer to as "crazy makers". They quite literally make you feel insane. Even licensed psychologists sometimes refuse to even work with them. They're THAT manipulative.

Look it up. I think you'll find many in show business, politics, government.. people you'd NEVER suspect. They seem very professional and good on the outside. Behind closed doors.. not so much.

Tis a very strange phenomenon. One that will change your life, if you experience it.

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7656e0 No.36413


Then, of course, you have your standard psychopaths and sociopaths.

The former are just a little more calculated and probably come from well-to-do families. The latter has the same mental problems, but much less patience and inability to control their impulsive behavior.

You'll find plenty of that in this sick world too, obviously. And all kinds of others.. narcissists, emotional wrecks, abused, weird, funny, stupid.. ALL kinds.

But those first ones are very dangerous.

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7656e0 No.36415


Their driving force comes from absolute hatred. Hatred of humanity. Hatred of God. Hatred of life. Hatred of people.

Then you have people who love. Their inspiration comes from love. They want to help people, do good things, and put themselves last.

Then there are some in between, seeming with a range that goes anywhere in between, depending on how they're treated.

I've always wondered why my two favorite genre's of music were country and death metal. ;)

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6e4d3a No.36416


Sometimes BPD comes from a head injury…

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2b523f No.36417


I feel that If you can understand BPD, I feel that you can understand ANYTHING on this planet.

The combination of psychosis, splitting, and insanity of the disorder defies all that the earth has to offer. There's tons of things with big fancy words, technical diagrams and physical properties.. but to understand the MIND and things you can't see.

Insanity. What causes insanity? What makes people who they are? Chemicals? Injuries? Abuse? Experiences of life? All of the above?


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6e4d3a No.36418

File: e8eb807259021db⋯.png (87.38 KB,663x660,221:220,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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6e4d3a No.36419

You'll find me at the back of the bar, watching people and wondering.. "What makes them the person they are? What experiences have they been through? What do they KNOW about life? How deep is their knowledge and character?"

These are the questions I ask. I like to KNOW people. Do they just think nothing, or do they THINK?

What are their philosophies? Goals? Dreams? Aspirations? What good things have they done when nobody was looking? Not so concerned about the bad things.. those usually show in their aura.

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6e4d3a No.36420


I should say.. 'sometimes'. No, I don't do that full time. Just occasionally. And no, I don't care. Nor do I 'compare' myself with anyone else. I'm me, they are them.

I just think about stuff. Every person is a miracle of God's creation. God bless them. I hope they all search for the truth and knowledge like I have, but I know that many won't. It is what it is. But to really understand, you have to increase your understanding.

I should have been a psychologist, lol. Thought about it, but felt it wasn't my calling…

I've been to psychologists off-and-on my whole life. I sometimes or usually end up counseling THEM. Sometimes people pick professions for a very specific reason. Sometimes it's to learn more about themselves.

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1f63e7 No.36421

File: e6b5d7ab70754c3⋯.jpg (52.19 KB,749x425,749:425,DUrqQaZV4AEunqp.jpg)

Yep, pretty much. :)

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7656e0 No.36425

File: 64f5cea822b06e1⋯.jpg (73.47 KB,800x600,4:3,Angel.jpg)

One thing is for sure. You'll NEVER get through the gates of heaven with ANY type of ego. Won't happen. Must learn to understand yourself first. By doing that, you'll realize you've no reason to have an ego.

You might notice that angel faces in pictures are pretty expressionless… there may be a reason for that.

Not that you can't smile or laugh, because you can. But deep down inside, a person needs to realize that they and this life don't matter in the grand scheme of things. We're just a soul trapped in a stardust suit.

How we choose to navigate that suit is what makes us who we decide to become, and THAT depends on who you follow. God/good/holy, people/arrogance/ego, or Satan/evil/control.

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89a239 No.36426

Since the truth is finally coming out, I haven't had to take my prescription anti-depressants for at least 2 weeks.


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df05f1 No.36428

I've always said that I have a love/hate relationship with God.

If you only love God, you're missing something. If you only hate God, you're missing something.

There is no 'all good' or 'all bad'. Like the ying yang symbol.

Nothing is all good or all bad. There's always both.

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df05f1 No.36429

Totally random, but that bieber fag is a massive fag. JS

In other news, I would rather be a part of the sword of righteousness than use it.

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df05f1 No.36430

The real TRUTH is horrible. Most don't want, or can't even comprehend it. I don't even want to ruin peoples minds with it. If they knew, it would ruin their entire illusion of life as they know it and destroy their entire sense of right or wrong.

It's hard to do that. NOBODY wants to do that. We'd rather people remain ignorant and dumb to it.

Soooooooooo horrible. You'd be hard pressed to even smile another day in your life. You'd re-contemplate your entire existence and hate all that exists.

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df05f1 No.36431

There is a limit to how evil you can go. There is no limit to how good you can do.

I like limitless options.

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df05f1 No.36432

Haven't had an HONEST smile in decades. They're all representations of what I know to be true. Around the world. The pains of humanity. It kills me. I know what's going on. I know the deal.

HORRIBLE. Absolutely horrible. And not just this generation. For centuries. People have zero idea. So bad.

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252424 No.36433

You want the TRUTH? Can you even handle the truth? I'll bet money you can't. I'll bet my life you can't.

I already have.

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252424 No.36434

There's a reason I want to die. And it's not because I'm bored or depressed.

I see what you people do. I see how you treat people. I'm disgusted.

Absolutely disgusted.

Words can't even describe how sick and horrible the things you haven't seen are.

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252424 No.36435


Those who seek the truth…

A rough road indeed.

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3d6678 No.36436

I pray for the men and women in the Military and law enforcement that have SEEN the tragedy and unkindness of humans and evil.

I PRAY that no child needs to know those ends. OMG, if most people even knew, there would be mass suicides and/or riots in the streets.

God himself might cry.

I know.. there's tons of good people. I'm not concerned about them.. I'm concerned about the ones that are REALLY messed up. Why? Why??? I know life dealt you a shitty hand, but why????

Why would you take it out on someone else? Life didn't deal me a perfect hand either, but I had to make a decision to be good. For my own latter life.

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3d6678 No.36437


Trust me. I'd rather gut people with a dull spoon too, but that won't make me feel better, and certainly won't get me anywhere. I'd love to rip arrogant humans from end to end. Rips their hearts out. Scream at the sky. Why????

I know that feeling. I get it. I feel your pain.

God loves you, whether you know it or not. Even more so if you know the pain of his son, who died on the cross, knowing humanity and it's.. stupidity, arrogance, rudeness, and uncaring.

I don't know what else to say. It is what it is. Life sucks, for those who know the truth and have experienced it in a bad way.

We need good people, brothers. The more the merrier. I often wonder if God loves those most who hate him for righteous reasons. The pain of life and humanity. Those who understand the depths of the human existence, and yet betray any temptation to give in to evil.

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3d6678 No.36438


Life is not 'fun and games' for some of us.

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3d6678 No.36439


I wish it was. I wish I've have stayed ignorant sometimes. I wish I'd never known the depths of insanity. I wish I'd never taken the pill that is bitter.

So sweet in the mouth, yet so bitter in the stomach. The truth.

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3d6678 No.36440


Only so that you could experience the miracle of existence, otherwise, you'd have known nothing else.

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1f63e7 No.36441

Humans can't fathom having never existed any more than they can fathom eternity.

Had you never been born, you'd know nothing. Had you known eternity and beyond, you'd be insane.

So we make do with what we have.

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0437f5 No.36481

The most prolific serial killers were not 'bad looking' people. No. It has nothing to do with looks.

It's all in the mind.

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0437f5 No.36482

The depths, or lack thereof, of human emotion, stuffed pain, residual anger.. the stuff that other humans can't fathom. Only spiritual beings know that depth as it can't be put into words.

Pure insanity.

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0437f5 No.36484

File: 4ffb9069f5e86fb⋯.jpg (110.76 KB,777x583,777:583,20180127_210859.v01.jpg)

Never knew these would be significant when I got them. lol

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1f63e7 No.36486

File: d2ecff2b89f9c1c⋯.png (29.76 KB,587x211,587:211,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Using psychological warfare to control humans is sooooooo old and over-rated.

But.. still effective, apparently. For some.

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1f63e7 No.36487

File: 92421be7da2b376⋯.jpg (101.33 KB,590x1007,590:1007,DUu22dXX4AAMC_T.jpg)

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1f63e7 No.36488

File: bfb798913a097f3⋯.png (489.09 KB,506x404,253:202,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Just have to share these funny pictures. :)

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6e4d3a No.36489

File: 95bf10ac08c488b⋯.jpg (80.63 KB,750x733,750:733,DUvKjCfV4AAfhKk.jpg)

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6e4d3a No.36490

File: ccccd9335addd26⋯.png (83.36 KB,585x374,585:374,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

These people ARE sick.

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6e4d3a No.36491

File: a0354bdf6c1e149⋯.jpg (367.23 KB,2000x1111,2000:1111,GodOfWar.jpg)

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6e4d3a No.36493

File: 60baa138512462c⋯.jpeg (5.52 KB,311x162,311:162,JesusPrays.jpeg)

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1f63e7 No.36494

File: 0b6a76e7be02bcb⋯.jpg (38.65 KB,740x420,37:21,HandToTheSky.jpg)

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1f63e7 No.36495

File: 7ae5abb064f3ee4⋯.jpg (24.27 KB,1200x680,30:17,God.jpg)

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7656e0 No.36496

File: 2e611398b323842⋯.jpg (158.23 KB,777x929,777:929,FriendsAndI.jpg)

My shirt isn't nearly as white as it used to be. :(

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6e4d3a No.36497

File: 001cd76b4ca8629⋯.png (341.7 KB,585x466,585:466,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

We know…

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2b523f No.36498

File: e402fd9bfca7382⋯.png (25.25 KB,582x147,194:49,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Or just.. "Hi! How are YOU doing today?"

..and actually LISTEN for a response.

Could make a world of difference. :)

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1f63e7 No.36500

File: affb93dd40ae644⋯.png (228.56 KB,587x460,587:460,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

I keep seeing this and ignoring it. I don't have words for that type of disrespect or stupidity.

It takes a tremendous amount of courage, pain, determination, will, strength, honor, respect and dignity to be a service member. Long hours of training, little or not sleep. A transformation from citizen to solider. A dedication and loyalty to one's own country, servitude, and of course risking one's own life.

These people are ridiculous and can't even fathom the concept of bravery. Of jumping out into the unknown with nothing more than an invisible guardian angel and a few items.


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8639d8 No.36505

I don't even know what to say anymore. This scandal is news to me as well. I KNOW sick stuff happens on planet earth. I've been mildly aware that our leaders were involved.

But the reality of it sinks in, and it's heavy. Had no idea how this would play out, or when. Just had an ominous feeling that it would be in my lifetime.. so I didn't participate too much in life itself. I spent my time learning as much as I could about various things and let the winds of God take me where they would. I've experienced homelessness, sickness, disease, and even death.

I've seen and watched America change. Obviously not for the good, wholesome or virtuous.. but towards a 'different' agenda. One of evil and hate. Separation. War. Violence. Pestilence. Greed. Anger. Laziness. Stupidity. Arrogance. Unkind. Judgment. Filth. Drugs.


Enou[G]h is En[O]ugh.

It was a loooooooooooong time ago.

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8639d8 No.36506


Thank the good Lord almighty! This will hurt, but heal at the same time, for many people, and be very hurtful to a handful.

Future proves past.

So, does anyone find it oddly strange that these people were hanging out with the LEAST feminist groups in the world, while claiming feminism and women rights? Or even human rights in general?

I honestly can't tell if Democrats and liberals are completely stupid, or evil. I'm sure some are pure evil. I'm sure some hate people, America, freedom. Or they just love money. The love of money is the ROOT of all evil..

Money itself is not evil. It's just a tool. But to be in love with it so much, that you'll put it above anything and anyone or do horrible things to get it is evil. Evil intentions.

God wants us to rely on him. Many people try to 'stack money' for personal security / fear of the unknown. It's not bad to save or to have, but only what you absolutely need. If you're so unsure that God will take care of you, then it truly won't matter how much money you've collected anyways. And you can't buy your way into heaven, so what's the point?

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8639d8 No.36508

File: 0caf709689770b3⋯.jpg (265.44 KB,1055x754,1055:754,DUv2ZtKVMAEsSz3.jpg)

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8639d8 No.36509

File: 55b9f155bac8ac8⋯.png (300.71 KB,583x808,583:808,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Muh man here wants to release EVERYTHING.

Nothing to fear if you're not doing anything wrong, correct?


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8639d8 No.36510

File: 4dbdf734c68d437⋯.jpg (52.89 KB,563x374,563:374,ReleaseEverything.jpg)

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8639d8 No.36517

File: 35900a447d1c388⋯.png (530.86 KB,589x735,589:735,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Right. We pay these people how much(?) money of our taxes to put us at risk so they can get votes and continue their nasty child sex pedophilia rings in other countries? Crimes against humanity? Lobbying for jails, death, crime? Trying to kill or enslave us all with manufactured diseases? Spying. Political hit jobs of people who want the truth?

I want my money back. All of it.

Or better yet, give it to the poor who AREN'T doing that nasty stuff and just trying to survive life.

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8639d8 No.36518

File: 4b72e7eaf3ef900⋯.png (391.98 KB,582x643,582:643,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

I do remember that chant.

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8639d8 No.36519

File: 11cc58404291326⋯.png (107.74 KB,579x333,193:111,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)


My apologies. Screenshot tool has a habit of cutting stuff off.

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8639d8 No.36520

File: 2fa0a9e36a640b3⋯.png (323.59 KB,587x521,587:521,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Nobody can deny that 'black' people helped build America. Nobody can take that away from them. As much as we've slaved, they have as well. Our ancestors risked their lives to even COME to America to escape disaster and tyranny so that you could have the life you live today. Play sports, get paid MASSIVE amounts of money. Or whatever. Go to church. Praise God. Or preferably both. Do good things.

You think you were the first slaves? You think you were the ONLY slaves? Might want to read some history and research before calling for the extermination of white people. And police. And everyone.

But should have done that years ago. I know.. the Democrats fooled everyone again. The cabal. The sneaky, crazy Satan guy again.

What YOU have went through pales in comparison to others. Not saying it's right. Not saying anyone here today had anything to do with it. It's history. Past. Those people are either in heaven or hell right now. If I was 'black' I would be thanking them for their sacrifice, like so many others have sacrificed. That might require a little soul searching and humility.

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8639d8 No.36521

File: 2c956a86ca9c78e⋯.png (412.19 KB,591x450,197:150,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

R.I.P. Officer Glenn Doss.

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8639d8 No.36522

File: 49ebdb61d524311⋯.png (94.91 KB,1360x639,1360:639,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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8639d8 No.36523

File: 1b574261d17e4e7⋯.png (299 KB,583x660,53:60,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Ironic that if these people just came out and told the truth I'd have 100% more respect for them for doing so, rather than us having to tell it for them.

Their move, I guess.

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8639d8 No.36524

File: 99501a79fa3cf22⋯.png (15.13 KB,504x128,63:16,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

We need a politics translator for the left that can't tell the truth.

I'll translate this one: "DemocRATS very much depend on the votes of those they can control and manipulate to keep our crime syndicate going. Even if it's by people who shouldn't be here anyways."

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8639d8 No.36525


Really shows the patience and majesty of God. At first I was just like: "To the gallows with them all!!"

But God says: "No, we'll wait to see if they come clean."

It's good for them that I'm not God.

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8639d8 No.36539

File: 446f0efb5139653⋯.png (21.52 KB,584x191,584:191,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Well I've said it before. You really can't be smart AND a Democrat at the same time.

Pick one.

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8639d8 No.36541

Not sure if this is God's idea of a funny joke, but the 300+ lb lady has been doing lots of singing lately.

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89a239 No.36543

File: 1a195525ecab176⋯.png (73.2 KB,586x307,586:307,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Would have to agree.

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89a239 No.36544

File: 1fb2bd0ccb9fce0⋯.png (20.16 KB,311x266,311:266,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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89a239 No.36546

File: 7a9edea7f5ba327⋯.jpg (9.05 KB,240x240,1:1,MrTrump.jpg)

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41db11 No.36547

File: ac54b7eaf92e57e⋯.jpeg (29.05 KB,552x393,184:131,DT4zABvVwAEk9cw.jpg:large.jpeg)

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252424 No.36549

I've already dated earth Satan. She was fun, and talked a big game, but in the end, she was just an asshole and didn't love me at all.


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252424 No.36550

Heaven: Not a $#ithole.

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252424 No.36551

File: 589ae1f870b3c4b⋯.png (697.64 KB,585x622,585:622,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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252424 No.36552

File: 8649de552bc8c8f⋯.png (386.74 KB,582x588,97:98,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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252424 No.36553

There is something divine about having all the freedom in the world, and not using it to do evil.

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1f63e7 No.36554

File: fe6462a79853284⋯.png (776.23 KB,600x790,60:79,J.png)

I would gladly take your place, sir. A horrible death, no doubt.. but getting off of this s#!thole planet?


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3d6678 No.36561

File: 91e5e8122ae54cd⋯.png (12.44 KB,506x125,506:125,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Oh let's hope so!

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3d6678 No.36562


Or do I have to wish for life to get death?

I want to live!! ;)

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7656e0 No.36563


Pretty please, with sugar on top. Don't kill me! That would just be.. awful.


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7656e0 No.36564


Maybe we should give them what they want. All white people to the nuclear testing grounds, please. We'll have a little prayer, and do a social experiment.

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7656e0 No.36565

File: 0ce22974e56e13b⋯.png (466.91 KB,582x607,582:607,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Not all hero's wear capes.

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7656e0 No.36566


Except liberals. You can stay here. :)

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d91a98 No.36567

NOT to glorify drug use, because I truly do not except for those that need them to stay sane in this world…

But I'd bet that at least 1 person who built Mr. Sessions house smoked the green stuff. And mostly likely NOT right out in public with a gas mask bong.

I'm just throwing that out there.

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3d6678 No.36568

File: 67fbb412e06b2c1⋯.png (31.93 KB,587x250,587:250,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Yes, I think we got the memo.

Pun partially intended.

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3d6678 No.36569

I have a fence around my house.

It helps to keep the neighbors' beloved pets from turning my yard into a community s@#thole.

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1f63e7 No.36570

File: 456d2fb2a64764e⋯.png (304.23 KB,585x644,585:644,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Mental note: Do NOT order the hot dogs in Brooklyn.

..or probably anywhere, really.

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1f63e7 No.36571

File: e01a4b4283bc672⋯.jpeg (81.64 KB,596x960,149:240,DU0IFstU8AATiqc.jpg:large.jpeg)

Love it.

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1f63e7 No.36572

File: c7704811928e6e1⋯.png (27.13 KB,583x233,583:233,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

That would just be.. too rich.

I agree. :)

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1f63e7 No.36573

Usually I can't go 2 or 3 days without my Omeprazole heartburn pills.

Have only taken a few in the last few weeks.


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3d6678 No.36574

File: a846673b6f8975c⋯.jpeg (48.93 KB,442x710,221:355,DU0DCh8X4AAAKgS.jpg:large.jpeg)

Well, that's our cue. Time to fly. :D

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3d6678 No.36575

I don't think I've ever been so giddy about the idea of being evaporated.

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3d6678 No.36576


Er.. I mean.. living!


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3d6678 No.36577

File: 4b1fa174aefcba6⋯.jpg (100.92 KB,640x960,2:3,DUz6DMrXkAEEUE5.jpg)

If your job is that boring, perhaps you need to change some things.

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7656e0 No.36578

File: facbf9921a3ebf5⋯.jpg (158.7 KB,645x320,129:64,obama-lying-about-osama-bi….jpg)

Could it be?

It's possible, I suppose..

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7656e0 No.36579


Although I think Osama was taller. But still.. that whole thing..

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7656e0 No.36580

File: d53a85df78a1fe5⋯.png (19.02 KB,584x130,292:65,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

If I wasn't on this crazy spiritual mission, I might have… but 'something' kept me from pursuing it. ;)

I encourage the same, definitely. Try dating for a while before getting naked. See how that works out for ya.

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7656e0 No.36581

File: cffbc6d3d181dc5⋯.png (21.5 KB,589x162,589:162,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

It was me. I did it.

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7656e0 No.36583

File: da476a6069a7a4a⋯.png (563.46 KB,583x611,583:611,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

That's pretty nice.

I personally would do much more than that, but.. it's a kind gesture.


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3d6678 No.36584

File: 44e3f43c50f1b4a⋯.jpeg (286.54 KB,1078x1353,98:123,DU0RQ-iW0AEDPb9.jpg:large.jpeg)

Ok. This is kind of funny too.

When I say 'kind of' I really mean..


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3d6678 No.36586

The real reason Dems aren't going to the SOTU: They want to stay out of jail for a little longer.

God bless their tiny little hearts.

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3d6678 No.36587

File: b46f3c675dfd2f5⋯.jpg (106.61 KB,689x665,689:665,DUkH65YW4AEyfqv.jpg)

Yeah. We know.

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7656e0 No.36590

File: d2555757fb2de6b⋯.jpg (63.62 KB,695x900,139:180,DU0NERoUMAARL-B.jpg)

Counter memo released ahead of schedule.

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6e4d3a No.36591

File: faa8f79b2e20b18⋯.jpg (41.27 KB,580x418,290:209,DU0QX03XcAQPS3I.jpg)

Truth! Unfortunately.

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bbb9d1 No.36592

File: cf307aa07000574⋯.png (306.19 KB,489x278,489:278,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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0437f5 No.36593

I just want to go home, Lord! To that cool place I was a few years ago. No pain, no worries.. totally calm, clean, and wonderful.

Good vibes. No more worldly BS. No hunger, stupidity, or ego. Just a nice, quiet, place with no drama.

But of course, it's not about me. I do whatever you need me to do.

Whatever needs to be done..

Gracious, Sir.

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0437f5 No.36594


Well, actually on Valentines day, it will be 4 years.

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3d6678 No.36595

But if I had to stay here, I'd only ask for a decent, semi-fun, challenging job in which I could help make the company, country, or world a better place.

By any means necessary.

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89a239 No.36598

File: 3a47352779b8830⋯.png (373.01 KB,586x384,293:192,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

I was hoping I was right! :D

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bbb9d1 No.36599

I have this thing I like to call the "courtesy like" where I don't like what you represent in general, but I do like what you said.

So.. I'll give it a 'like'

It's a tough one. I have to really think about it.


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3d6678 No.36601

There's some (or many) things I couldn't do even if I wanted to. Even if I spent years talking myself into it. Even if I had the perfect opportunity.

Things like: Selling my own country out for some money.

"For what does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, and yet forfeits his soul.."

Well.. nothing.

Even if you don't have one. ;)

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3d6678 No.36602

File: 4ed3467442ecc76⋯.png (41.27 KB,583x270,583:270,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Yet another I like on Twitter. What can I say? I'm enamored and in awe of the awesomeness and strength of the female gender (REAL women).

Honey Badger DGAF!

But I still like Ms. Goldilox as my sarcastic equivalent. <3 ;)

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bbb9d1 No.36603

File: 7cd3c683c034dd4⋯.jpeg (109.92 KB,583x680,583:680,DUtrKwiU8AE_tgY.jpg:large.jpeg)

Muh man is going straight to heaven.

Not passing 'go' and not collecting $200.00


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7656e0 No.36607

File: 43da465920bce9c⋯.jpg (25.86 KB,440x651,440:651,DU1BGUOWkAU-6Ji.jpg)

Uh oh. The left has 2 counter memo's flying around the interwebs.

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7656e0 No.36609

File: 53f16f8573df29b⋯.jpeg (86.64 KB,600x799,600:799,DUmRj6MXkAArc4M.jpg:large.jpeg)

I find it a little shameful that anyone would even need a sign that says that.


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7656e0 No.36610


..and when I say 'a little' I'm exaggerating exponentially.

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89a239 No.36611

No, I don't like playing stupid 'games' with people.. but I will do pretty much anything to end the games. I don't like people playing games with ME either.

No more games. Too much work to do. This was ridiculous a loooooong time ago. >:( >:( >:(

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89a239 No.36612


I left my first love because I felt she was playing games with me. I don't do that. I'm very upfront and honest. Sometimes overly honest. If you want the truth I'll tell you the truth as best as I know it.

I've nothing truly sinister to hide. I'm not perfect, but I'm real. If I mess up, I own up to it. If you're hiding things, it will hurt you, whether you know it or not.

I suppose that's the lesson in this.. 'game'.

You'll also find out that God's laws != Man's laws exactly, HOWEVER, one should always follow the rule of law. I could get into who's writing the laws, but I think I've already mentioned that. In fact I know I have.

..and that it's up to the people to keep their own politicians in line, and/or perhaps the Military needs to intervene.

My goodness. Pure insanity. I hope people learned something. I had to learn a few things myself.. stuff that isn't taught in school, unfortunately.

Perhaps we should go back to homeschooling. Ugh.

And quit eating Tide Pods. They're not for human consumption.

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0437f5 No.36613

With any luck, this will be the trailing end of my ultra-lame political commentary project.

Hopefully on to bigger and better things.. one way or other.

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0437f5 No.36614

File: 5116e655ca717fd⋯.jpg (28.47 KB,255x400,51:80,DUrBq6_XkAIYob6.jpg)

Because this part isn't a game.

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252424 No.36615

SOTU live: https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3j4ay18xok

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8639d8 No.36627

Excellent SOTU address

God bless those brave people who've endured truly horrible things, partially due to Democrat / cabal policies…

Ugh. And thankfully we can try to do something about it for the future. I must not be human, because I have an extreme range of emotion - from absolute psychosis, to enduring love and compassion. Something I always thought was weird.


The only thing I wonder about, is the experimental drugs. Not a huge fan of the FDA or it's trial drug clinics hastily releasing new experimental drugs that have only been tested for a short time, perhaps on lab animals, only to find out 2 years later that they cause some other problem (and then, of course, an experimental cure for THAT). I do like the idea of natural cures, if possible.

However 'experimental' procedures that AREN'T so much experimental, but we know work, however are just not approved by the FDA (for obvious financial reasons) should definitely be explored.

Anyways. Good stuff. There's only one correct way to do things, and that's the common sense way.

Now we see if the memo comes out… (I'm hoping so..)

Saw some frowny faces there.. lol

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8639d8 No.36628


Looking back, it seems like only yesterday that Hillary had a pre-written book for her presidential win of an election that hadn't even happened yet, and lecturing people on income inequality in a fancy multi-thousand dollar garment.

Honestly, I've been ignoring politics since Reagan, largely. I've voted, but knowing that.. lol.. it's rigged.

..annnnnnnnnnd just watching. Feeling much better these days. It's been a bitter / sweet time, the culmination ended up with people not knowing which bathroom to use and eating laundry detergent.

So proud.

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8639d8 No.36630

I'm not sure if he's just a stable genius, or divine, but I noticed he has no problems remembering many names of people without having to read from a teleprompter?

It's pretty amazing.

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8639d8 No.36632

File: 995a752be6e6786⋯.jpg (126.01 KB,1024x669,1024:669,DU1O2ySX4AEUNyJ.jpg)

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8639d8 No.36633

File: e39fcdb38d16236⋯.png (397.75 KB,586x569,586:569,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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8639d8 No.36634

File: d2b7db602936001⋯.png (13.03 KB,506x107,506:107,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Self-congratulatory? You looked very dismayed at the great accomplishments Nancy. Any reason for that?

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8639d8 No.36635

File: 2628b8e18382b96⋯.jpeg (52.92 KB,600x314,300:157,FDg6nB3d.jpeg)

That's something I haven't tried yet. An emotional support peacock.

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2b523f No.36636

So nice to hear real stories of courage and strength of people, and not about some dude that decided to get a sex-change being hailed as a 'hero' and 'Woman of the Year' by people who drink adrenaline blood from tortured children.

Had to try not to be a tearfag for a second on those stories.

If this is only year one, I have hope! I know, things are really moving at breakneck speed in reality.. but.. I can't even put into words how disgusted and annoyed I've been since I realized the true 'agenda' and the outcomes of it. I'm not surprised at the actions so much, however disgusting and revolting, but the depth and breadth as well.. craziness.

Now it seemingly can't go fast enough.

I know. No patience.. I'm trying. :/

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7656e0 No.36640

Fun fact: I don't even know who Ted (or is it Joe?) Kennedy is. At least, I don't think I do.

No.. I don't.

Doesn't sound like I need to.

Do I?

No. Probably not.

In other news: I drank too much coffee today.

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d91a98 No.36647

File: 39999d2a6ba4411⋯.png (15.85 KB,503x149,503:149,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Lol!! You people are incredulous.

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d91a98 No.36648

I'm sure that if Columbus and crew had been today's democrats, there wouldn't be an America.

Spineless wimps.

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3d6678 No.36649

File: 85c8cd1b4111228⋯.png (28.53 KB,584x248,73:31,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)


And prayers to all involved. I can't imagine they would seriously use a truck to stop a train unless they're truly that stupid.

Then again…

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3d6678 No.36650

I just hope there's plenty of stuff going on right now to stop human trafficking (especially of kids), corruption, illegal aliens, and a wall. Once that's done, there's plenty more to do, obviously. Build the new plants. Get ppl to work, and work on relationships around the globe for some common ground (which I know has been done already to some extent).

I know there's people hurting in Iran, NK, other areas. Dunno if we can solve it, but would be good to do our best for now.

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7656e0 No.36651

Meanwhile I'm trying to move my uncle in to (technically his own house) but he says he may be going back to prison. I don't think he's ever even hurt anyone but himself. It's usually for drugs.

I've only actually seen him a few times in my entire life. Most of his life has been spent in prison, and he doesn't seem to know how to deal with life on the outside anymore. I bought the house that was made for him because I'd heard he got kicked out of the state and he did move to Nevada for a while.


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6e4d3a No.36652

File: 53da6b856178eb8⋯.png (29.1 KB,587x173,587:173,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Yes. A huge shout-out to first responders!!

They have to see things that would give most of us nightmares. Such great and brave people whose entire career and life is centered around helping anyone in need…

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252424 No.36653


Are (((they))) even aware that we are aware of what (((they))) are trying to do?

You can tell by the look on the faces when they talk about releasing the FISA MEMO that what Q is saying is legit.

So… are (((they))) just going to go down in flames and be in denial the whole time? Is MI going to have to tell the truth for them?

That will be a sad day, indeed. And absolutely zero respect or empathy for the consequences…

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252424 No.36654

File: 3bd1f9aabbb7bf4⋯.png (128.49 KB,1004x876,251:219,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)


It's becoming GLARINGLY obvious…

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252424 No.36655


May not be happy until we literally see heads rolling…

Perhaps we kept obama's order of guillotines for a reason…

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2b523f No.36656

File: 66a030ed8f86080⋯.png (139.75 KB,584x494,292:247,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

These people have no idea what they're even trying to do. Just following the people they don't even know, but yet trust. People who get paid big money to manipulate them.

They're so dumb as to the world of good and evil, having never been taught or experienced it, that they literally just think everything is 'all good' rainbows and unicorns. Might want to read a history book or 3.

Trust me, libs. If it wasn't for patriots and good people, you'd be living in a nightmare right now (or dead, or being raped to death).

Be thankful (and wary) of things you can't see…

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2b523f No.36657

File: 65963286811ed8e⋯.jpeg (110.43 KB,720x338,360:169,InGodWeTrust.jpeg)

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2b523f No.36658

File: 065e64a99a7c2d5⋯.jpg (429.74 KB,1647x1102,1647:1102,native-americans-in-grand-….jpg)

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2b523f No.36659

File: b014b7a3c7cd0ba⋯.png (288.59 KB,523x474,523:474,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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2b523f No.36660

File: 8f61cef334347bf⋯.jpg (5.74 KB,214x172,107:86,Geronimo.jpg)

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6e4d3a No.36661

File: 1fdaddfd86419e7⋯.png (29.41 KB,588x171,196:57,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Firmly agreed. Sellout POS garbage. If they like their handlers so much, perhaps they should move to where their handlers live.

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6e4d3a No.36662


This is America. Yeah, we're a bunch of rowdy, cantankerous, uncaring assholes.. but we won't throw acid in your face or make you worship a false religion. Or any religion for that matter.

Just be an overall good CITIZEN.

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6e4d3a No.36663


Fun fact: Religion is BS. It's ALL about the grand architect. God.

Everything else is false, obviously.

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6e4d3a No.36664


>Yeah, we're a bunch of rowdy, cantankerous, uncaring assholes

I should say.. some of us. ;)

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6e4d3a No.36665

File: 5bea88341a3aff9⋯.png (642.03 KB,585x579,195:193,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

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7656e0 No.36666

File: 031f2fde679f73e⋯.jpg (75.72 KB,750x983,750:983,DU5iskfX4AA6mXj.jpg)

File: e89d282fc5dc76c⋯.jpg (101.08 KB,790x382,395:191,john-mccain-and-his-ties-t….jpg)

Uh huh.

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7656e0 No.36667

File: 2502c009f570a36⋯.jpeg (10.22 KB,310x163,310:163,BankersAndHillary.jpeg)

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7656e0 No.36668

File: 2382051505aed64⋯.jpg (503.17 KB,1440x720,2:1,clinton-kissinger-2-articl….jpg)

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7656e0 No.36669

File: 01077aafeb6dd6a⋯.jpg (11.71 KB,255x170,3:2,PopeRothschild.jpg)

File: d8e2a9f47cee0bb⋯.jpg (8.19 KB,255x172,255:172,SorosAndMcCain.jpg)

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7656e0 No.36670

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6e4d3a No.36671

File: cb2021381dd2905⋯.png (1.1 MB,1184x564,296:141,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

WHO owned the slave ships??

They weren't built by Americans who were barely even settled, let alone able to create a fleet of ships..

Where did they come from?

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6e4d3a No.36673


Who set up that deal? Who's idea was it? Who got paid? How?

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2b523f No.36675

The same people running the early slave trade, want 'black' people to vote for them.

You really can't make this stuff up.

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2b523f No.36677


Now that we're wise to that idea, they want illegal aliens to vote for them…

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2b523f No.36678


..and the slave trade continues. Human trafficking and sex slaves..

These people are sick and/or have a sickness.

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2b523f No.36680


..and they want you to have it too.

Or, more accurately, be a victim of it.

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2b523f No.36681

File: 43c2a4ee1406b44⋯.jpg (106.79 KB,1080x735,72:49,george-soros-quote.jpg)

[SO]ro[S] actually helped the Nazi's in WWII to confiscate Jewish property and [whatever else].

Mr. 'open society' himself, now funding Antifa, BLM, and other propaganda hate groups…

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7656e0 No.36682

File: 9877f1c100eec78⋯.png (441.29 KB,906x777,302:259,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

60 minutes interview he tried to get rid of..

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZhIrYxOQsI

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7656e0 No.36683


As the Bible clearly points out, these aren't REAL Jewish, however. Satanists..

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7656e0 No.36684

File: 682247ef6441c18⋯.jpg (119.76 KB,1080x800,27:20,ROthschild.jpg)

File: 81c3da115c52bdc⋯.jpg (61.15 KB,600x427,600:427,Rothschild-party-masks2.jpg)

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7656e0 No.36685


They NEED your vote…

Guess what comes after they gain control?

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7656e0 No.36686

File: c148abc310e0b2e⋯.jpg (58.31 KB,1280x720,16:9,AtomBomb.jpg)


You probably don't want to know.

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7656e0 No.36687


Pretty scary that our own FBI and DOJ would be on board with this…

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7656e0 No.36688

File: b84022cf94adc86⋯.png (287.28 KB,586x485,586:485,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Curious about this myself.

Hoping there's some reason behind it..

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7656e0 No.36689


The FISA MEMO is the absolute, 100% verifiable proof of this connection and plot…

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bbb9d1 No.36690


..that many of us have been well aware of for a loooooooooooong time. Since about.. 1992. Though it began far ahead of that. 1775 was attempt #1.

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bbb9d1 No.36691


Why else would democRATS HATE the Military?


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bbb9d1 No.36692


Why else would they be trying to turn the country into a faggy, limp, cesspool of idolatry and sin?

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bbb9d1 No.36693


..and take away the 2nd amendment…

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bbb9d1 No.36694

File: c2ad89637ae45c1⋯.jpg (78.33 KB,480x360,4:3,Liberals.jpg)

These people are stupid.

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bbb9d1 No.36695

File: af89958a058ab7a⋯.jpg (39 KB,800x599,800:599,Democrats-War-on-Guns.jpg)

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bbb9d1 No.36696


..To take away your self defense..

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252424 No.36697

File: e38d4b69e6d7fa7⋯.jpg (1.97 MB,2561x1707,2561:1707,NativeAmericans.jpg)

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252424 No.36698

File: cdc16454bbe197b⋯.png (290.86 KB,1229x656,1229:656,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

150 killed in Wounded Knee massacre, all to disarm the Native Americans.

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252424 No.36699

File: 770a3502415fdd7⋯.png (743.8 KB,762x565,762:565,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)


..but putting everyone on 'reservations' isn't these peoples' plans..

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252424 No.36700

File: 7cea62250fc4158⋯.jpg (115.5 KB,998x697,998:697,nancy-pelosi-gavel-998x697.jpg)

..but they have plans, alright. That's for sure.

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252424 No.36701

File: 7d0af7b914ae54c⋯.jpeg (7.61 KB,267x189,89:63,Hanging.jpeg)


Maybe something like this? Perhaps muslim invasion? Why are they so interested in Islam? Why do they hate white people? And God.

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252424 No.36702



See a connection here?

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252424 No.36704

File: 41b98fd51f526f2⋯.jpg (36.63 KB,469x372,469:372,anton-lavey-obama-make-dev….jpg)

File: ecdc5039dde38b0⋯.jpg (52.85 KB,522x326,261:163,DevilHornsObamaSept14.jpg)

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252424 No.36705

Perhaps the MEMO will clear things up..

There's a deal between certain people that their plans MUST be shown before being carried out..

There's been lots of clues..

It's even ON our money itself..


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252424 No.36706

File: e2b37b3afb2c59b⋯.jpg (47.12 KB,788x477,788:477,Resist-Trump-Women's-March.jpg)


..some people are just ridiculously, and hopelessly stupid.

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3d6678 No.36707

Sovereign Nationalism or Satanic Globalism

Which one would you prefer?

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bbb9d1 No.36708

File: e19e12542400f6e⋯.png (314.16 KB,1580x905,316:181,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-01….png)

Just a little reminder that the KKK WAS the Democrat party..

When people rejected their ways (such as sadistic leadership, hangings, etc) they tried to form the GOP Republican party…

That hasn't worked, they got rejected for the same connotations or racism and such, so they went back to the leftist liberal / Democrat party. Anything to gain control of America.

If you want to get rid of the KKK then you should be looking at the Democrats right now.

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bbb9d1 No.36709

File: f73767511084a4a⋯.jpg (851.8 KB,2592x1574,1296:787,GTY-gay-pride-chicago-10-j….jpg)

Pride comes before a fall..

Indeed. So now these people are help sponsoring the cabal with a promise of a mecca of sin and immorality. (and, of course, 'free' handouts) In exchange for votes for the early KKK cabal / globalism / Satanism / etc..

(Of course, all the while, saying that Republicans are the racists. No, they were the racists when they were part of the GOP for a while..) (Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr., Sr, etc)

Then obama brought in Islam

But not much is truly ever free in the world.. except a few things… the best things in life are free, actually.

Love being one of them…

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bbb9d1 No.36710

Most of us just want to work our little jobs and go home.

Could care less about identity politics and such.

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bbb9d1 No.36711

And we haven't even gotten into the sex slave rings, pedophilia, and child sacrifices yet..

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bbb9d1 No.36712

File: 41682d0b545f7d3⋯.png (294.46 KB,505x358,505:358,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-02….png)

FBI is VERY concerned about this memo..

Hmmmm.. I wonder why.

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bbb9d1 No.36713

File: 9b3d24310c25ce5⋯.jpg (26.24 KB,468x286,18:11,9_11.jpg)

Who did this?

It wasn't who they say..

If it was, then how did building 7 fall?

How would 2 planes taken down 3 buildings? Hmmm…

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0437f5 No.36714


Why was it done? Was this planned? Who carried it out? Who planned it? What events happened before and after?

New legislation for spying?

"Patriot act?"

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0437f5 No.36715

File: 65ac3497db1d03a⋯.jpg (164.47 KB,758x345,758:345,rothschild-illuminati-part….jpg)

GOP == Grand Old Party

..or perhaps something to do with Gold… (?)


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252424 No.36716

I have to constantly ask myself if people are really this stupid. For years..

Then I can tell by how happy they are, that yes, they're pretty ignorant.


I guess they just expect our leaders to do the right thing..

Apparently we can't.

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252424 No.36717


Perhaps the temptation of money and power was too much for them to resist.

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6e4d3a No.36718

File: 79ebf30bc651cd9⋯.png (106.24 KB,848x148,212:37,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-02….png)

You don't think Satan is real? Or actual Demons?

You don't think demonic possession is real? It's rare, but it exists. Mostly from people dabbling in the occult. Ouija boards, etc. They usually go after weak minded people.

No, it's real. 'Possession' by God and the Holy Spirit may be how I got some of these messages in here at various and interesting times / timestamps / counts.

Not many. Only a few..

That's just because I pray and ask God to give me the words. To use my body to do his bidding. To send messages to the world through me. That's all. Same thing, just not for Satan. It's for God.

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6e4d3a No.36719


Far too coincidental.. but then again, some still believe the planet and solar system were created 'by accident'. So yeah..

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6e4d3a No.36720


What are the chances?

I doubt a number could ever exist on all the super computers we have in the world today combined to describe the chance encounter that a 'big bang' would create such a wonderful creation.

Unless, of course, it had help.. from an intelligent entity.

It's about the same as a printing press 'blowing up' and writing the Bible in the process.

What would be the chances of that? And it might be even greater than that. Just an example. What are the chances of a hurricane going over a junkyard and creating a car? Slim to none. :)

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7656e0 No.36722



Or Nunez memo. I dunno. I don't get caught up into details too much.

I already know the truth.

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0437f5 No.36723


- Hillary Rodham Clinton to Donna Brazile

Perhaps even Donna Brazile didn't know her true intentions..

No wonder she had an off-campus server at home, hidden in her bathroom..

Benghazi? Oh, they knew too much… shut them down. Arkancide? Same thing.

Did Bill even know what she was doing for the Rothschilds? I'm sure he did, but didn't want to be connected to it.

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0437f5 No.36724


>I'm sure he did, but didn't want to be connected to it.

..or perhaps he truly is just a skirt chasing good-ol-boy.

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0437f5 No.36725

It's funny they think we're completely stupid… like the Military, hackers, citizens.. think we don't see all this stupid stuff happening. Reading the news.. checking out the headlines..

Hmmmmmmmmm.. how coincidental is that?

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41db11 No.36726


My apologies. I missed a == " ==

So here it is………………………^^ :)

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41db11 No.36727

Like they say.. If you aren't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about.

..as they legalize no-knock raids..

Finally, something we can agree on now.

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41db11 No.36728

File: 73d82614b890a05⋯.png (25.21 KB,585x168,195:56,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-02….png)

'Coons', 'Uncle Toms', and other various words if you go against the cabal wishes..

Then they call us racist. Lol!!

Yeah, the fags REALLY want their gay pride.

Pretty foul, actually.

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6e4d3a No.36729

File: 8c7e14600096a17⋯.png (479.68 KB,581x429,581:429,Firefox_Screenshot_2018-02….png)

File: 468cc4be5735249⋯.jpg (71.85 KB,850x400,17:8,quote-every-man-must-decid….jpg)

File: 0846d875948b7a5⋯.jpg (42.51 KB,850x400,17:8,quote-beware-of-altruism-i….jpg)

Some individuals care nothing about other people.. only themselves.

Usually under the guise or mask of caring..

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6e4d3a No.