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File: 0e4e2c5fe2d2f07⋯.png (56.26 KB,1920x450,64:15,0e4e2c5fe2d2f07811b65c9cd2….png)

d504d5 No.2635 [View All]

This thread will include ALL POSTS from the Sidley Austin Dig Thread from /cbts/

All posts will be included

If you build it, Q will crumb

9 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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d504d5 No.2648

Anonymous 11/30/17 (Thu) 10:44:34 3d89ce No.15217


So are we leading into the fact that Chicago Based US law firms have been harbouring terrorists within North American boarders for many years?

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d504d5 No.2649

Anonymous 11/30/17 (Thu) 12:30:26 eec171 No.15482


Same Bill Ayers that Bill Clinton pardoned.

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d504d5 No.2650

Anonymous 11/30/17 (Thu) 13:31:46 50dcda No.15700



>>>/cbts/15139 (OP)

Some interesting start points. I'm working 2 other unrelated leads so have at this stuff. Two more files coming in a second,

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d504d5 No.2651

Anonymous 11/30/17 (Thu) 13:33:04 50dcda No.15706



And 2 more… One of these talks about the "switchboard operator" who was the only employee killed on 9/11. She'd been there for years and probably knew shit.

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d504d5 No.2652

Anonymous 11/30/17 (Thu) 13:33:58 cb0f32 No.15713

follow the Franklin S&L issue, anons, much dark secrets there

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d504d5 No.2654

Anonymous 11/30/17 (Thu) 14:35:16 3d89ce No.15921



The only info regarding Rosmary A. Smith, Sidley Austin's single employee to have died in the 9/11 attacks is her previous jobs, all as a telephone operator.

>First operating job being for about four years with the former New York Telephone Company in Manhattan.

>She then resigned to give birth to her daughter and raise her.

>Ms. Smith later returned to work, spending eighteen more years as a telephone operator.

>Her first return at her operating job being at Georgette Klinger Health Spa in Manhattan.

>She then spent four years with the Northern Lights Department of Bloomingdale's, also in Manhattan, which specialized in selling cheap, consumer priced furs.

>After she finally landed her final step in her career at Sidley Austin, Brown and Wood.

A NYTimes article regarding Georgette Klinger Health Spa:


>She opened her Madison Avenue salon in 1941, and eventually had nine salons around the country. They quickly attracted socialites, movie stars and, later, movers and shakers like Helen Gurley Brown and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

>Hillary Rodham Clinton

I know for a fact things like salons and barber shops and the likes are one of the better businesses used for money laundering, due to the fact that it's highly client based rather than product based services. So you just claim to have far more clients than actually walk through the doors and, BAM, there's your front for dirty money turned clean.

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d504d5 No.2655

Anonymous 11/30/17 (Thu) 14:43:23 3d89ce No.15949


>Helen Gurley Brown



This to me is near solid evidence fuelling the conspiracy of female empowerment being used as an offensive means to destabilize the western world.

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d504d5 No.2656

Anonymous 11/30/17 (Thu) 15:28:05 3d89ce No.16079


The more I dig the more it looks like the entire US Industry was overthrown by Communist forces. Auto industries collapse, Fur trade gets ruined by Bloombergs economy furs, gold was taken away from the people by the federal reserve.

The final hope for a stable US economy is one that is built up solely on the control of oil and the sale of oil using the USD.

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d504d5 No.2657

File: a8b8cf0b05914cb⋯.png (31.54 KB,955x698,955:698,a.png)

Anonymous 11/30/17 (Thu) 16:06:32 ea0ca0 No.16169

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d504d5 No.2658

File: 6c0b86df4e59808⋯.png (671.17 KB,2594x1432,1297:716,b.png)

Anonymous 11/30/17 (Thu) 16:08:23 ea0ca0 No.16178

Here are some connects betweenn BO and Sidley

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d504d5 No.2659

File: aa2eed58ca7edc9⋯.png (44.35 KB,645x500,129:100,c.png)

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d504d5 No.2660

Anonymous 11/30/17 (Thu) 17:05:01 3d89ce No.16356



>In a shellshocked administration, there is possibly no job more perplexing than the non-job of First Lady.

>What is she, exactly?

>What's she supposed to do?

>She's a rogue figure in the White House, sort of unemployed at the moment, a nuclear missile without a silo.

>It's true that she's still out there, with a full public schedule.

>But she has no real agenda, just a theme: children.

>These are delicate times for the First Lady.

>Liberals walk on tippy-toes.

>Her friends are being detonated left and right – indicted, fired, exiled.

>The right wing thinks Mrs. Clinton is a pinko.

>Mrs. Clinton says she's not retreating.

>She points out that she's worked on children's issues for 25 years, since Yale Law School.

>"I did health care in part because, you know, I've always been focused on children's health," she says.

>Later she toured a pediatric intensive care unit,

>And saw a miracle baby that survived after being born four months premature.

>That was closed to the press,

>But the photographers were allowed to shoot her aboard a mobile pediatric care van, standing next to a cute 5-year-old.

>On the first page of her official one-page biography,

>printed on White House stationery, it says that while First Lady of Arkansas

>she worked as a full-time partner of a law firm

>Rose Law Firm


>Rose Law Firm entered the national news during the 1990s as part of the Whitewater controversy,

>As investigators sought to determine how much work Clinton had done for the firm while representing Jim McDougal in cases involving the latter's Madison Guaranty and Castle Grande enterprises.


>A March 1992 New York Times article published during the 1992 U.S. presidential campaign reported that the Clintons, then governor and first lady of Arkansas, had invested and lost money in the Whitewater Development Corporation.

>Lewis looked for connections between the savings and loan company and the Clintons, and on September 2, 1992, she submitted a criminal referral to the FBI naming Bill and Hillary Clinton as witnesses in the Madison Guaranty case.

>David Hale, the source of criminal allegations against the Clintons, claimed in November 1993 that Bill Clinton had pressured him into providing an illegal $300,000 loan to Susan McDougal, the Clintons' partner in the Whitewater land deal. The allegations were regarded as questionable because Hale had not mentioned Clinton in reference to this loan during the original FBI investigation of Madison Guaranty in 1989; only after coming under indictment himself in 1993, did Hale make allegations against the Clintons.

>Neither Bill Clinton nor Hillary were ever prosecuted


Fucking everything leads to law firms, children, China, and Communism.

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d504d5 No.2661

Anonymous 11/30/17 (Thu) 18:07:02 3d89ce No.16555



crunchbase. com/organization/cyactive


>Israeli predictive cyber security company.

>Acquired by Paypal on Mar 5, 2015

>"We are effectively fast forwarding the future of malware evolution."

>Investment in advanced malware generating security company

>A detector which is relevant for 3-5 years into the future, it addresses the low or non-existent update frequency due to the constraints on equipment downtime.

>Second, its small size circumvents the limited memory and processing power of legacy IT that would be unable to run a heavy solution.

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d504d5 No.2662

File: 7c2f20a691b716c⋯.png (164.52 KB,782x700,391:350,a1.png)

File: 50694cdecfaca15⋯.png (105.08 KB,1238x805,1238:805,a2.png)

File: efd98e2d2950a28⋯.png (30.03 KB,742x335,742:335,a3.png)

Anonymous 11/30/17 (Thu) 20:36:32 134a9e No.17148

I started researching Sidley, I thought there might be a Monsanto connection and Bingo! I remembered Obummer passed some laws dealing with Monsanto during a holiday time when no one would pay attention. Monsanto wants to have the ability to patent seeds so that we would all have to pay money to them to grow any of their crops, They want to make growing anything that is NOT a Monsanto seed against the law, which means you can not even save seeds from crops you grow, and their seeds are genetically modified to not produce viable seeds for planting the next year(deformed or no fruit set). Without our right to grow our own food they will totally own the entire food industry. Sidley looks suspect to me. Especially since michael and barry worked there, also wondering if there is a donation, money tie to SA. We know barry got his schooling paid for, wonder if they hooked him up with a job too?




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d504d5 No.2663

File: b09e9a35bf2b3a0⋯.png (257.49 KB,854x455,122:65,b1.png)

Anonymous 12/01/17 (Fri) 04:25:57 249bb6 No.18510


SIDLEY AUSTIN HIRES CAMERON KERRY: The law firm Sidley Austin has hired Cameron F. Kerry as a senior counsel in the firm’s privacy, data and information law practices. Cameron is the brother of Secretary of State John Kerry and the former General Counsel and Acting Secretary of the Department of Commerce.

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d504d5 No.2664

File: a8976984b63c5fd⋯.jpg (129.04 KB,618x470,309:235,c1.jpg)

File: d87bf2cd4d5ea9a⋯.jpg (50.04 KB,800x533,800:533,c2.jpg)

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 12:02:04 096992 No.24137

probably unrelated to sidley lawyers but still weird coincidence…

>Along a 900-kilometer (560-mile) stretch of Antarctica's Pacific Coast, 18 major volcanoes jut from the ice sheet. The chain, similar in size to the Cascade volcanic chain in North America, is home to the continent's tallest volcano—Mount Sidley.


(also posted this in main thread)

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d504d5 No.2665

9/11 premonition? Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 13:19:47 100ade No.24377

already posted on the main thread.

Sidley Austin during the September 11 attacks

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 personally affected the employees of Sidley Austin. Prior to the merger creating Sidley Austin Brown & Wood, which took place just four months before the September 11, 2001 terror attacks, the head office of Brown & Wood was in the World Trade Center, while Sidley & Austin New York office was located in offices on Third Avenue. Out of 600 employees who worked in the World Trade Center at the time of the attacks, one perished, a switchboard operator, Rosemary Smith.

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d504d5 No.2666

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 14:31:35 096992 No.24601

more sidley blood planned parenthood 23andme












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d504d5 No.2668

File: 2f52b570e388361⋯.png (128.23 KB,260x295,52:59,d1.png)

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 17:18:08 3d89ce No.25136


>Carter G Phillips

>Chairman of executive committee

>Alice Corporation PTY. LTD. v. CLS Bank International

>Which determined whether claims to computer-implemented inventions — including claims to systems and machines, processes and items of manufacture — are directed to patent-eligible subject matter within the meaning of 35 U.S.C. § 101 as interpreted by the Supreme Court.



>Alice Corporation

>Computer-implemented inventions

>Alice spent many years with functional experts building several working prototypes of an Alice Market.

>An Alice Market enables end-users and investors to create flexible contracts that meet their hedging and investment needs in a real-time, secure and anonymous electronic market. It also ensures that participants are not exposed to the possible failure of the parties with whom they contract.

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d504d5 No.2669

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 17:32:00 a748b0 No.25189


Michael Borden is the man we need to look at. He was part of the House Financial committee during uranium one deal went through. He also lobbies for Russian banks.

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d504d5 No.2671

File: 0d6fec3c6590123⋯.png (32.22 KB,120x120,1:1,sumface.png)

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 18:08:24 3d89ce No.25365


>Michael E. Borden

>Government Strategies, International Trade, Privacy and Cybersecurity

At Sidley, Michael has provided strategic advice to:

>An individual subpoenaed by the House Select Committee on Benghazi as part of the Committee’s investigation into the events surrounding the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.

>A Russian financial institution with international operations on ways to potentially mitigate U.S. sanctions.

>An individual subpoenaed

>surrounding the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi

How the fuck do you even go about finding the people that would have been involved in the investigations?

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d504d5 No.2672

File: 49e86ea43a1dc77⋯.png (52.92 KB,781x826,781:826,dirt.png)

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 23:04:57 134a9e No.26546

More dirt


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d504d5 No.2673

File: cf7967c941648c3⋯.png (52.01 KB,573x641,573:641,capture.png)

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 23:19:33 134a9e No.26586


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d504d5 No.2674

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 23:24:39 134a9e No.26597


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d504d5 No.2675

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 23:28:19 134a9e No.26607


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d504d5 No.2676

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 23:30:00 134a9e No.26610

This law firm has it's hands dirty,it's obvious

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d504d5 No.2677

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 23:42:44 f1598b No.26652


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d504d5 No.2678

Spreadsheet Anon AT !6O926rwZmk 12/03/17 (Sun) 11:22:49 c0a3e5 No.28566

You guys have gathered a LOT of good info. Unfortunately there is no way it all can be included on the spreadsheet in one row. But it NEEDS to be because it's very important. I can attach the muckety maps and any other memes to the row right now.

Is there a plan to or any to put this in a document and up on anonfiles? Then we could make a short description and link to it so people can get the fuller picture.

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d504d5 No.2679

Anonymous 12/03/17 (Sun) 11:47:38 4f93c4 No.28652


is there anyway we can push it to pastebin instead of a download?

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d504d5 No.2680

Spreadsheet Anon AT !6O926rwZmk 12/03/17 (Sun) 14:17:04 c0a3e5 No.29217


I'm sure that can be done as well. Collecting all the info and presenting it in a doc or pdf will allow for images and even charts, links and such to be visible. This information is incredibly important, not only for normies, but especially for /ourguys/.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help

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d504d5 No.2681

Anonymous 12/03/17 (Sun) 15:04:04 3d89ce No.29374


I'm starting work on a consolidation file, hopefully I'll have something nice done up by sometime tonight.

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d504d5 No.2682

Anonymous 12/03/17 (Sun) 16:12:31 3d89ce No.29613

I'm activating my autism tonight, boys.


Sidley Notable Election funding:

2016 Election cycle Contributions:

TOTAL CONTRABUTIONS: $1,338,694 - D-75%, R-23%

$385,025 - Hillary Clinton

$140,956 - DNC Services Corp.

2012 Election cycle Contributions:

TOTAL CONTABUTIONS: $1,484,103 - D-65%, R-35%

$403,171 - Barack Obama

$232,600 - DNC Servies Corp.

$182,089 - Mitt Romney

$78,244 - Republican National Cmte.

2008 Election Contributions:

TOTAL CONTRABUTIONS: $1,590,393 - D-81%, R-19%

$604,066 - Barack Obama

$115,850 - John McCain

$106,300 - Hillary Clinton





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d504d5 No.2683

Anonymous 12/03/17 (Sun) 16:37:48 c8ed9e No.29683

All material is Wikipedia search "Sidley Austin, Bernadine Dohrn, Weatherman"

Some notable alumni of Sidley Austin one of America's largest corporate law firms, headquartered in Chicago:

Bernardine Dohrn, the former Weatherman leader

Alan Gura, conservative litigator, represented Dick Heller in the United States Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller.

Faith Jenkins, TV Judge, host of true crime show, legal commentator for MSNBC and formerly Fox News Channel

Joseph D. Kearney, Dean of Marquette University Law School

Mike Lee, son of Rex E. Lee and current US Senator from Utah (Republican)

Rex E. Lee, former Solicitor General of the United States.[29]

Chris Lu, United States Deputy Secretary of Labor and assistant to the President of the United States.

Newton Minow, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission under former US President John F. Kennedy, was a partner in the Chicago office (1965–91) and continues to serve as senior counsel to the firm.

President Barack Obama was a summer associate in the Chicago office, but never joined the firm as a full-time associate. He met his future wife, Michelle Obama (who was an associate at Sidley Austin at the time), during his time at the firm.[30]

Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States

David Otunga, contestant on I Love New York 2 and presently a professional wrestler working with World Wrestling Entertainment.[31]

Sidley Austin 9/11:

Prior to the merger creating Sidley Austin Brown & Wood, which took place just four months before the September 11, 2001 terror attacks, the head office of Brown & Wood was in the World Trade Center, while Sidley & Austin New York office was located in offices on Third Avenue. Out of 600 employees who worked in the World Trade Center at the time of the attacks, one perished, a switchboard operator, Rosemary Smith.[24][25]

Sidley Austin reopened its New York office on Monday, September 17, 2001 in the old Sidley & Austin office on Third Avenue which it had planned on closing on September 16. Instead, it leased four additional floors in that location, in a deal completed less than three hours after the collapse of the World Trade Center. Sidley Austin later opened its permanent new office in the Equitable Center building on Seventh Avenue in July 2002.[24]

Bernadine Dohrn:

She is married to Bill Ayers, a co-founder of the Weather Underground, who was formerly a tenured professor at the University of

At the beginning of the convention, two position papers were passed out by the National Office leadership, one a revised statement of Klonksy's RYM manifesto, the other called "You Don't Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows". The latter document outlined the position of the group that would become the Weathermen. It had been signed by Karen Ashley, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, John Jacobs, Jeff Jones, Gerry Long, Howie Machtinger, Jim Mellen, Terry Robbins, Mark Rudd, and Steve Tappis. The document called for creating a clandestine revolutionary party.

Since 2002, she has served as Visiting Law Faculty at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. Her legal work has focused on reforming the much criticized juvenile court system in Chicago and on advocating for human rights at the international level.

Later politics

In 1994, Dohrn said of her political beliefs: "I still see myself as a radical."[31] On November 4, 2010, Dohrn was interviewed by Newsclick India. About the "Right" in the U.S., she said, "It's racist; it's armed; it’s hostile; it’s unspeakable." Referring to the Restoring Honor rally which was promoted by Glenn Beckand held on August 28, 2010, at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., "You have white people armed, demanding the end to the [Obama] presidency." She also stated, "The real terrorist is the American government, state terrorism unleashed against the world."[32]

In 2008, Dohrn and Ayers resurfaced into news headlines as presidential candidate John McCain and his running mate Sarah Palin publicly denounced the ties between Ayers and then-presidential candidate Barack Obama.

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d504d5 No.2684

The Obama Ties 1/2 Anonymous 12/03/17 (Sun) 17:16:45 3d89ce No.29804

Michelle Robinson, 25, had finished her first year as an associate at Sidley & Austin. Not long after, the firm assigned her to mentor a summer associate named Barack Obama. there was a lot of buzz about this 27-year-old prodigy from Harvard Law School. Sidley didn't usually hire first-year law students as summer associates, so Barack's arrival was noteworthy. Newton Minow, a high-ranking partner at Sidley, said that Barack was possibly the most gifted student that she had ever taught.

Between Barack's visits, Michelle would confide in Mary Carragher, sharing the tidbits she was gleaning about him. It was clear that she was now intrigued by his unlikely origins and upbringing. “I can't believe he's got a white grandmother from Kansas!” Carragher recalls Michelle telling her. “He was the son of a foreign student from Kenya and a white woman from Kansas.”

A few years later, Barack Obama would also spend untold hours in Gannett House, whose upper floor contained the offices of the Harvard Law Review. During his second year, he served as an editor of the law review, a much sought-after position, and then was elected the law review's first African American president, a signal achievement that would attract national media attention. The law review was a steppingstone to any number of prominent careers, including Supreme Court clerkships.

At Sidley, Michelle didn't follow the traditional route for new associates by doing general litigation or antitrust work. Instead, she was recruited by the looser, more fun-loving lawyers in the marketing law group, also known as intellectual property or entertainment law. These attorneys represented companies that sold goods to the public: advertising agencies, automakers, beer manufacturers. One of the clients was the flamboyant boxing promoter Don King, whose appearances always created a stir in Sidley's otherwise sedate corridors.

>[personal note] Interesting how she just so happened to both be placed as Obamas mentor AND placed in marketing law. Presidential campaigns are, when you boil it down, just marketing the product of a specific candidate, right?

The group went out of its way to give Michelle work suited to her interests. When an opportunity came in to handle the budding public television career of Barney, the purple dinosaur poised to become a phenomenon among American children, Andrew Goldstein says he and others felt it had Michelle's name written all over it.

>[personal note] Hahaha holy fuck, Barney was Michelle’s prototype project for Barack Obama.

Abner Mikva, a former congressman and federal judge who is close to the Obamas and was an early mentor to Barack, finds that account of Michelle's 20-something impatience amusing. "It doesn't surprise me at all," he says. Michelle is "clearly somebody who likes to make decisions and likes to be involved in exciting and important stuff. I can imagine writing memos for other lawyers – I don't think that would have been her favorite dish of tea."

In that sense, she had much in common with Barack Obama, whose political ambition was already very apparent to those who knew him at Harvard. They were both driven, both eager to have an impact. And they wanted to do it right away.

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d504d5 No.2685

The Obama Ties 2/2 Anonymous 12/03/17 (Sun) 17:17:11 3d89ce No.29807


At Sidley Austin, it was clear to Michelle's colleagues that the couple were sharing their aspirations. Michelle confided to Mary Carragher that Barack was planning to write a book, a project that he would not embark on for several years. Even then, it was the opinion of some at the firm that Barack was presidential timber. Andrew Goldstein remembers conversations around the water cooler in which people would tick off Barack's accomplishments, predicting that a résumé like his could only be leading toward one place: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. " 'This guy's going to be the first African American president,' " he recalls one colleague declaring.

When Craig (Michelle’s brother) asked about career plans, Barack replied, "I think I'd like to teach at some point in time, and maybe even run for public office. […] at some point I’d like to run for the U.S. Senate, […] Possibly even run for president.”

Sidley offered Barack a job upon his graduation from Harvard and how Obama broke the news that he wanted to go into politics and would not be taking a job with the firm. Minow, who had served as chairman of the Federal Communications Commission under President John F. Kennedy, replied that public service was an admirable path and that the firm would do all it could to help advance his political career.

The year before they married, Michelle left Sidley Austin. There was no need for Michelle to leave just because she was marrying Barack. He was coming back to Chicago after Harvard, and she easily could have stayed with the firm. "As far as the firm was concerned . . . we considered it a real loss," says Minow. "We thought she was going to eventually become a partner and have a big role there."

Michelle resolved to live her own life. "I wanted to have a career motivated by passion and not just money," she would tell the New York Times years later. That's what Barack was doing. To Michelle's amazement, Barack wasn't interested in parlaying his presidency of the Harvard Law Review into a clerkship for a U.S. Supreme Court justice.

Instead, Barack took a less exalted job at a Chicago civil rights law firm, but first spent six months working on a voter registration drive, Project Vote, that targeted low-income African Americans. "We had many debates about how to best effect change," Michelle later told the Daily Princetonian. "We both wanted to affect the community on a larger scale than either of us could individually, and we wanted to do it outside of big corporations."

>Barack spent six months working on a voter registration drive, Project Vote, that targeted low-income African Americans.

Michelle was hired by the Daley administration, she was an assistant to the mayor, making about $60,000 a year. But Jarrett was promoted to head the Department of Planning and Development, and took Michelle with her. Michelle's new job was "economic development coordinator," which city records describe as "developing strategies and negotiating business agreements to promote and stimulate economic growth within the City of Chicago."

By 2006, she would be a highly paid administrator at the University of Chicago Hospitals, earning close to $300,000 as vice president of community and external affairs. And she was the wife of the U.S. senator who had dazzled the country with his eloquence at the 2004 Democratic National Convention and was being talked about as a presidential candidate.

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d504d5 No.2686

File: 1cd3f2f7bcdfbcd⋯.png (710.29 KB,480x720,2:3,har1.png)

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Obama Ties II: Eccentric Law Review 1/2 Anonymous 12/03/17 (Sun) 18:44:56 3d89ce No.30101

As president of the Harvard Law Review and a law professor in Chicago, Senator Barack Obama left a scant paper trail. His name doesn't appear on any legal scholarship. But an unsigned 1990 article offers a glimpse at Obama's views on abortion policy and the law during his student days, and provides a rare addition to his body of work.

The six-page summary, in the third volume of 1990’s Harvard Law Review, considers the question of whether fetuses should be able to file lawsuits against their mothers. Obama's answer, like most courts: No. He wrote approvingly of an Illinois Supreme Court ruling that the unborn cannot sue their mothers for negligence, and he suggested that allowing fetuses to sue would violate the mother's rights. His article suggested that the government may have more important concerns than "ensuring that any particular fetus is born." And he concluded the article with: "Expanded access to prenatal education and heath care facilities will far more likely serve the very real state interest in preventing increasing numbers of children from being born[…].”

>[personal note] that “[…]” is just a lil bit of fun MSM contextual editing for you : )

Obama has never mentioned his law review piece, continuing his campaign's broader pattern of rarely volunteering information or documents about the candidate. The eight dense volumes produced during his time in charge — 2,083 pages in all — show the Review to have been a decidedly liberal institution, albeit one in transition as its focus on race and gender was contested by liberals and conservatives alike. Under his tenure, the Review published calls to expand the powers of women, African-Americans and the elderly to sue for discrimination.

>Under his tenure, the Review published calls to expand the powers of women, African-Americans and the elderly to sue for discrimination.

Eleanor Kerlow, the author of "Poisoned Ivy: How Egos, Ideology and Power Politics Almost Ruined Harvard Law School," depicted Obama's tenure as a calm before the storm. Kerlow said she “never heard anything negative about him” while researching her book. “Despite the political and ideological infighting, he maneuvered his way around pretty well.”

>Obama's tenure as a calm before the storm

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d504d5 No.2687

File: 2904a828426d78a⋯.png (541.59 KB,480x720,2:3,hard1.png)

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Anonymous 12/03/17 (Sun) 18:46:07 3d89ce No.30104


Obama’s duties included leading discussions and debates to determine what to print from the mountain of submissions from judges, scholars and authors from across the country, supervising the thorough editing of each issue's contents. Once a piece is set, the president also sends a letter or fax and makes a follow-up phone call to each author. Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, who was nominated by President Bush and has frequently been mentioned as one of Bush’s potential Supreme Court nominees, recalls receiving one such letter and call in early 1990 for his article “The Origins and Historical Understanding of Free Exercise of Religion.” McConnell told Politico, “A frequent problem with student editors is that they try to turn an article into something they want it to be. It was striking that Obama didn’t do that. He tried to make it better from my point of view.” McConnell was impressed enough to urge the University of Chicago Law School to seek Obama out as an academic prospect.

Among the more interesting pieces:

• March 1990 — This issue, the first of Obama’s presidency, has an article by University of Florida associate law professor Anthony Cook on "the reconstructive theology of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr." The article ends with a theme that would later emerge in Obama's speeches: "With such mutual respect and openness to each others' pain, suffering and faith, we must work out more fully and struggle towards King's ideal of the Beloved Community and thereby hew from our mountain of despair a stone of hope."

April 1990 — An unbylined note titled "Rethinking (M)otherhood: Feminist Theory and State Regulation of Pregnancy" asks whether the state should consider the potential for endangering the fetus when pregnant women abuse drugs. The author suggests that the problem's positioning as a conflict between fetal and maternal rights is "both illegitimate and counterproductive" and concludes that policies should to be recast to expand, rather than restrict, women's reproductive rights.

June 1990 — This issue included five responses to “Racial Critiques of Legal Academia,” a highly controversial article published in the Review before Obama became its president. The article — written by Randall Kennedy, a black professor at Harvard Law — argued against the idea that legal scholars of color have a unique and at times uniquely valuable voice on issues related to race.

The first entry in the colloquy is prefaced by a quote from performer and civil rights activist Paul Robeson’s 1934 article “The Culture of the Negro” — "The white man has made a fetish of intellect and worships the god of thought; the negro feels rather than thinks" — and several quotes from the now largely forgotten but once highly controversial racial provocateur Frantz Fanon, among them: “If the white man challenges my humanity, I will impose my whole weight as a man on his life and show him that I am not the ‘sho’ good eatin'’ that he persists in imagining.”

November 1990 — This issue included perhaps the most conservative piece of Obama's tenure, in which Ronald Reagan’s former Solicitor General Charles Fried attacked race-based affirmative action, calling it "racial balkanization" that would "impoverish the human race." The implications of group rights, he wrote, are "sinister."

February 1991 — Obama's last issue contains one of its most sharply liberal pieces, a study of race and gender in car sales, which, the editors say in an equally liberal introduction, provides "evidence that seriously challenge faith in the ability of competitive market forces to eliminate racial and gender discrimination in other markets" and calls for more government action.

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d504d5 No.2688

File: c679020ba91584d⋯.png (50.69 KB,632x426,316:213,123.png)

File: 08fe9a99212bc36⋯.png (61.9 KB,629x405,629:405,1233.png)

File: 37515329ec231a7⋯.png (69.94 KB,629x300,629:300,1234.png)

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d504d5 No.2689

Anonymous 12/06/17 (Wed) 21:06:03 af9ee9 No.46615

Michelle obamas Sidley Austin https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=635s&v=2-tXgau5iP8

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d504d5 No.2690

Anonymous 12/06/17 (Wed) 23:17:49 000000 No.47468

Interesting that the rise of Sidley Austin parallels that of Rockefeller. Rockefeller bought the University of Chicago in 1886 and from there established his beachhead into American education- the social sciences while funding think tanks to quickly translate "research" from his social "scientists" to policy.

The Rothschild's financed Andrew Carnegie, who financed Pullman car company, one of the incorporators being Norman Williams, who was one of the two founders of the firm that went on to become Sidley Austin.

Sidley Austin= Rothschild

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d504d5 No.2691

Anonymous 12/06/17 (Wed) 23:27:01 000000 No.47504

I just realized, the reason for our civil war wasn't because of slavery (obviously), and it wasn't even an issue of free trade or protectionism. We had a Civil war because the South didn't have a banking system and lived mostly on barter. They would send buyers to England with their cotton with a list of goods they wanted in exchange. It was just the Rothschild's standard tactic of starting a war then opening a bank. Just a few decades earlier an anti-masonic party had formed which morphed into the Republican party of today.

While the war was ongoing, their boy Rockefeller started building his empire as a war profiteer. Rockefeller's father was a notorious swindler.

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d504d5 No.2692

Anonymous 12/07/17 (Thu) 00:06:47 000000 No.47619


>Since 2002, she has served as Visiting Law Faculty at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. Her legal work has focused on reforming the much criticized juvenile court system in Chicago and on advocating for human rights at the international level.

Access to children and human trafficking

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d504d5 No.2693

File: 334645c0674c5d1⋯.png (4.48 KB,171x121,171:121,byebyeal.png)

Anonymous 12/07/17 (Thu) 19:24:37 3efdd2 No.52113

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d504d5 No.2694

Sidley Austin leader leaving Solver2 12/08/17 (Fri) 00:24:26 be799f No.53507

Today's news, 12/07/17 is Carter Phillips is leaving in the new year:


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d504d5 No.2695

Sidley Austin and Petraeus Solver2 12/08/17 (Fri) 00:45:13 be799f No.53559

Sidley Austin dropped out of representing Jill Kelley in her suit after Petraeus plead guilty:


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d504d5 No.2696

Sidley Austin site's info, CIA front? Solver2 12/08/17 (Fri) 00:50:25 be799f No.53571

Could Sidley Austin be a Front law firm for the CIA?

This site states Michelle Robinson was Barrack's handler reporting to Valerie Jarrett whose boss was Chicago Mayor Richard Daley.


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d504d5 No.2697

WikiAnon!!rBUULCz6.Q 12/09/17 (Sat) 01:27:18 11fc93 No.58935


Thanks for that, I will add it to the Wiki along with the images when I can

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d504d5 No.2698

File: 997fbaa2357550c⋯.png (127.99 KB,754x2318,377:1159,imput.png)

INPUT REQUESTED Anonymous 12/16/17 (Sat) 16:23:58 21deab No.109921

Here's a first draft of an infograph, not sure what else to put in it -w hat do we really want to convey to the public about this? There was a lot more info dumped into the general(s) that wasn't put in here, but I'm sure anons remember something.

Input requested.

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0a88f5 No.2896

Sidley Austin is connected to McKinsey & Co.,

McKinsey & Co is tied to the Canadian pharma guy that was found dead along with his wife in their basement. See links …




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0a88f5 No.2898


Another story on Barry Sherman…



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