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File: d85636c77e7bf00⋯.jpg (101.57 KB,1067x600,1067:600,d85636c77e7bf001cbd37d6dfc….jpg)

e99bc1 No.2038 [View All]

This thread will include ALL POSTS from the North Korea Thread from /cbts/

All posts will be included

If you build it, Q will crumb

49 posts and 47 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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e99bc1 No.2117

Anonymous 12/01/17 (Fri) 12:36:54 166e5d No.20176



This has to be connected to U1. I doubt it was U1 being transported into Canada, more likely payment (In gold?) to Canada to begin the transfer of U1 into NK?

Canada is being used as a Communist proxy state with Fidels son as the ringleader.

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e99bc1 No.2118

Anonymous 12/01/17 (Fri) 15:40:37 07bf42 No.20800


Remember, if you kill your enemies, you win, so give him some ex-gay therapy.

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e99bc1 No.2119

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 04:14:30 ca1ead No.22853

I know hes not always on the money but is anyone else keeping track of the ben fulford weekly updates. A lot of what he is saying is corroberated by the Q movement over her. Check out his last post, and the rest of the archive on the link. a lot of names popping up may be worth digging into to look at the asian side of things/ links to NK…


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e99bc1 No.2120

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 07:24:40 d8806d No.23251

The defector himself said it wasn't run by KJU

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e99bc1 No.2121

File: d5e4580e469a87d⋯.png (1.26 MB,856x843,856:843,4444.png)

File: 8fb16926b7a9c19⋯.png (1.51 MB,1252x713,1252:713,4441.png)

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 09:28:45 5dbdc0 No.23647

Unusual structure in NK not identified as a public landmark.

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e99bc1 No.2122

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 09:42:09 6d768d No.23694



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e99bc1 No.2123

File: e2f37b4b13ab207⋯.png (53.45 KB,298x209,298:209,3434.png)

Anon3985!oviBLgfItk 12/02/17 (Sat) 10:37:34 6f1a25 No.23862

I was thinking about two things that popped up in cbts at different times.

First, the AI growing thing which can lead to a singularity. It is probably fed with data and probably requires a tremendous amount of it.

Second, the wannacry malware attack. This attack was huge and widespread. Now, more & more random tech are pushing people to save their data on the "cloud". Because "it is the only way to be safe" and "now malware also look for local copy". This attack was credited to NK

So, if NK is a puppet state linked with deep state, it would mean that they are trying to push this singularity. Although, it could be just a way to collect more easily data about peoplewith no effort.

Anyway I find very interesting that a lot of stuff is connected to NK when you start to focus on it.

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e99bc1 No.2124

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 10:51:44 e57997 No.23902


Been looking at his stuff now and then for years. He has SOME accuracy and the analysis SEEMS to have some validity. BUT, he goes way over the edge too often to use. You can never tell if he's imagining things or just inaccurately reporting. Don't know if he's accurate enough to help with this. For sure he's not a reliable source with any frequency.

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e99bc1 No.2125

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 10:54:51 e57997 No.23916


Among other things, Rizvi is starting to sound like a recruitment and distribution center for "fresh meat".

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e99bc1 No.2126

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 11:10:57 e57997 No.23967


I remember that statement from the queen. It was in 2015 and not in a speech, it was caught on a hot mic before it the speech. Caused a lot of people to take note.

Can't vouch for this site…


Someone's Facebook talks about the queen and pope saying similar things…


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e99bc1 No.2127

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 12:51:37 e57997 No.24290


Have to second that motion! Outstanding analysis. The posts lay out the most logical analysis of what happened during the O years and why it all happened. We are part of the antidote for all that.

The posts are just OK at the very end and probably needs to go deeper there. But I guess that's what this effort is about - to clarify that end part.

I have to say that I've been following all these happenings since they started, and only after reading this did the couple of "mysteries" remaining get cleared up in my mind. Now if we lay what we're finding from researching Q's questions on top of this analysis, it may make sense to anyone that can read this and retain an understanding of it all.

Anons you're doing a phenomenal job!

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e99bc1 No.2128

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 13:29:31 ad2e8f No.24403

Reported today:

Earthquake detected near North Korea nuclear site

http://www.independent.co.uk/ news/world/asia/north-korea-earthquake-nuclear-test-tired-mountain-syndrome-kim-jong-un-donald-trump-punggye-ri-a8088211.html

>"The quake is a natural one and it is believed to have occurred in the aftermath of the sixth nuclear test," the KMA said.

>Reports have speculated the nuclear test site will have to close because of the tremors

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e99bc1 No.2129

File: 3e26d3241f164d3⋯.png (73.5 KB,424x161,424:161,666.png)

File: 17b8d4628ac754c⋯.png (7.15 KB,69x91,69:91,661.png)

File: 783ed1e6a879d98⋯.png (17.62 KB,117x114,39:38,662.png)

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 14:17:58 5dbdc0 No.24557


Here are the enhanced pics. They are not the exact same ones because I went back to the original video and started from scratch. Two of the first pics are combined into the one group pic here.

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e99bc1 No.2130

File: 060cd4f379b0a50⋯.jpg (415.4 KB,1315x2521,1315:2521,6666.jpg)

File: c5abdd2ea4e8d84⋯.jpg (107.92 KB,1315x885,263:177,6661.jpg)

File: 93a2f9bd25635f0⋯.jpg (372.95 KB,1315x2667,1315:2667,6662.jpg)

File: ccd0bcb71ad462f⋯.jpg (320.59 KB,1315x2536,1315:2536,6663.jpg)

air koryo planes dakine SAGE! 12/02/17 (Sat) 19:06:59 b97162 No.25642

haole ke akua he kanaka no

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e99bc1 No.2132

File: dfccaa6543a5666⋯.jpg (261.08 KB,1315x1575,263:315,777.jpg)

File: 81bc7496c7f0a1e⋯.jpg (211.63 KB,1315x1496,1315:1496,771.jpg)

File: 363a6c036e7af3b⋯.jpg (420.11 KB,1315x2521,1315:2521,772.jpg)

File: 61825c548d5eb21⋯.jpg (462.19 KB,1315x2482,1315:2482,773.jpg)

funk soul rubber check it out now Anondakine 12/02/17 (Sat) 19:35:55 b97162 No.25775

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e99bc1 No.2133

Anonymous 12/02/17 (Sat) 22:13:25 5dbdc0 No.26396

China’s one child policy was introduced in 1979 and imposed fines and forced abortions to enforce.


The policy was changed to two children in 2015.


1979 was also the UNESCO Year of the Child


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e99bc1 No.2134

Anonymous 12/03/17 (Sun) 01:30:58 d694e2 No.26899

Based on current viewpoint, would it be correct in suggesting that NK is not a nuke country; they do not have the capability?

Maybe, it is a cover for something more nefarious? The only way to find out is a ground offensive - the question is, who is brave enough?

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e99bc1 No.2135

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e99bc1 No.2136

Anonymous 12/03/17 (Sun) 18:21:14 ca6bfd No.30031

Guys seen this Lithium 6, North Korea, and I think its related to Musk, still digging.


Also Remember Mush has a Lithium deal with Boeing for the Dreamliner…

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e99bc1 No.2137

Anonymous 12/03/17 (Sun) 18:33:51 a8a51a No.30074

Coming over from Storm thread. Listing bunch of links to show association to all of the listed. Including Kessenstein Brothers.

▶Anonymous (You) 12/03/17 (Sun) 21:27:42 21bbb0 No.30055>>30057

▶Anonymous (You) 12/03/17 (Sun) 21:06:58 21bbb0 No.29990

Baker please keep.

All my posts regarding Open Source, Elon Musk, SpaceX , Mars Foundation, NK, Saudi Arabia

Baker please keep.

Working with

Spreadsheet Anon AT drilling down on this info. I have to step away for a bit.

Drilling down on :

Kessenstein brothers, have relationship to open Society Foundation, which is run by Soros. Open Society Foundation is associated with Mars Foundation. Mars foundation is associated with Elon Musk. Elon Musk is associated with SpaceX. SpaceX associated with Tesla, Spacex associated with Open Society = Soros money. FYI. This also pulls in the Ford Foundation.


>>29752. Soros moved his $$ to open source Society billions so that work can continue after he's gone. List of prior administrations, their relationship to NK, and to tie ends together the Council of Foreign Relations ( the org the big money players use to look legit for all their money deals. Anyone who is corrupt has an association to CFR




And here is how NK and Open Society relates to Saudi Arabia


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e99bc1 No.2138

Anonymous 12/03/17 (Sun) 18:36:09 a8a51a No.30080


Precursor to my previous post

It's a complicated web and those guys seem to all be on the same team so I figured it might be a safe bet.

>so we don't lose it.

Notepad++ supersmall superlight free text program where you can have multiple tabs/documents open at the same time, choose Always on top (for easy copy&paste when researching from browser), line numbers the whole bit. Has been invaluable for me when researching.

>I've got about 30 tabs open.

I'm not the only one??

>>>/cbts/29522 (You)

WHAfuckngBAM! That is great, anon. Q asks specifically about it SpaceX, NK and in other places Soros, and of course ++, so this is fantastic, thank you.

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e99bc1 No.2139

Anonymous 12/03/17 (Sun) 19:08:26 a8a51a No.30168


One more post so it doesn't get lost

First dig into North Korea, Open Society (Soros) i.e. SpaceX hidden connection. Just got back. Here's some info.


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e99bc1 No.2140

Anonymous 12/03/17 (Sun) 19:39:17 baa6f6 No.30276

What is the significance of the recent NK defection? Why did it happen now?

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e99bc1 No.2141

Anonymous 12/03/17 (Sun) 20:44:55 a8a51a No.30527


The link between SpaceX and Niryh Korea


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e99bc1 No.2143

File: eda6b5ae3973758⋯.png (548 KB,856x476,214:119,999.png)

File: 9cf1e9cc3b8ff3a⋯.jpg (655.8 KB,1562x3608,71:164,991.jpg)

Anonymous 12/03/17 (Sun) 21:44:34 5dbdc0 No.30712

I think I just proved this picture is faked. Can someone please check my proof. Here's the link to the video I used for landmarks from 9:13 to 9:40 marks.


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e99bc1 No.2144

File: 704be0982bdc840⋯.jpg (85.26 KB,850x474,425:237,888.jpg)

Anonymous 12/03/17 (Sun) 21:53:43 5dbdc0 No.30742


Also, take a look at the troops marching in the background at the 0:55 mark on this video. There's no way that could happen unless the front square was empty.


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e99bc1 No.2145

Anonymous 12/03/17 (Sun) 23:38:38 a88aa1 No.31040

Is that supposed to be footage of NK? Where does NK footage even come from, in a country that is hard to get into and harder to get out of?

I'm beginning to think that the NK we're told exists doesn't, at least not totally. Though in todays world, how do you keep that a secret?

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e99bc1 No.2146

Anonymous 12/04/17 (Mon) 01:21:57 f002f7 No.31244


They have a state television channel that shows propaganda.

What I would like to know is the true population of North Korea and whether the millions of half-starving peasants that live in houses without electricity really exist. It would make sense for the oppressed peasants to be there, but there have been hints to the contrary.

Maybe the soldiers look so similar and march in sync so well because there has been an extensive secret cloning program and much of the population is clones nowadays.

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e99bc1 No.2148

File: d7127a21de6ac5f⋯.jpg (320.06 KB,1065x639,5:3,9090.jpg)

File: 35dea7b249b1fee⋯.jpg (39.99 KB,600x338,300:169,9091.jpg)

Anonymous 12/04/17 (Mon) 01:33:08 488abc No.31253

Do we know who the planners, and designers are? Pic related

Do we know the REAL reasons for the abductions of Japanese citizens in the 80s? I dont buy thie - "Mr Kim claimed the victims were seized so that they could serve as language instructors for North Korean agents and providing identities for spies who wanted to enter South Korea, but this does not explain why they chose a 13-year-old girl"

If to teach language was a reason then they must have abducted people from all corners of the world!?


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e99bc1 No.2150

File: cb793cae8f65dd8⋯.png (42.95 KB,841x443,841:443,a35070512e1cefe16bee72fccd….png)

Anonymous 12/04/17 (Mon) 02:03:45 488abc No.31292

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e99bc1 No.2152

File: 123d6c59ccafb4b⋯.png (331.84 KB,829x476,829:476,canniwhats.png)

Anonymous 12/04/17 (Mon) 03:42:58 488abc No.31371

pic relatd

why did this happen? what stopped it ?

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e99bc1 No.2153

File: 9213fc6f68fe9d8⋯.jpg (27.66 KB,418x92,209:46,lankov.jpg)

Anonymous 12/04/17 (Mon) 08:26:53 5dbdc0 No.32082

According to Wikipedia, NK uses less energy per person than they did in 1970.


A footnote states they use solar panels, but the videos and g earth do not show solar panels.

Another fact that doesn't reconcile.

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e99bc1 No.2154

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e99bc1 No.2156

File: b10dabb67d9e631⋯.jpg (158.76 KB,706x653,706:653,a1.jpg)

File: eda6b5ae3973758⋯.png (548 KB,856x476,214:119,a2.png)

Anonymous 12/04/17 (Mon) 08:53:11 5dbdc0 No.32167


How can they fit that many troops into a space the size of two football fields?

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e99bc1 No.2157

File: a3bdde571a54b40⋯.png (466.73 KB,848x475,848:475,b1.png)

Anonymous 12/04/17 (Mon) 13:59:05 5dbdc0 No.33089

Another viewpoint of the square.

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e99bc1 No.2159

Anonymous 12/04/17 (Mon) 14:01:29 5dbdc0 No.33098


Here's the link https://youtu.be/qM3wbg6Kzhs. It's at the 1:06:43 mark.

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e99bc1 No.2160

File: 5c9d988ce1013fd⋯.png (405.39 KB,851x478,851:478,c1.png)

Anonymous 12/04/17 (Mon) 14:03:33 5dbdc0 No.33101

Compare and contrast these two soldiers. Notice the one on the right. His jacket is hiked up at the thighs indicating he's been sitting for a while. Also notice that he hold his hands the same way as FLOTUS for pictures, Perhaps he's had model training.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkN42srizJo at the 9:37 mark.

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e99bc1 No.2161

Anonymous 12/04/17 (Mon) 20:57:49 2ac421 No.34865


>>>/cbts/31361 This video filmed in NK has a good section on the financial ties starting at about 21 minutes. A lot of other good info on NK though viewed through a propaganda tour.

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e99bc1 No.2162

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e99bc1 No.2163

Anonymous 12/05/17 (Tue) 21:16:39 d2edd0 No.41335

I've seen Norks. Last year, they joined Asian women's volleyball cup held in Flipland.

Previous Prez' CIA-daddy was Korean war archivist at 17. He got to visit NK multiple times, strange~~

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e99bc1 No.2164

Anonymous 12/08/17 (Fri) 07:54:44 3b168e No.54329

Thought this was interesting


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e99bc1 No.2165

Anonymous 12/08/17 (Fri) 08:00:05 3b168e No.54347

And this:


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e99bc1 No.2166

Anonymous 12/09/17 (Sat) 13:28:00 000000 No.61627

I have an interesting theory about Space X, NK, NASA, the global cabal and Helium 3.

1) BO removes our capability to move goods into space by shutting down NASA’s space shuttle program (a dark day in American history), creating an opening for private companies

2) Space X is one of the companies to fill that void

3) Space X develops a vehicle that can go into space and RETURN (important)

4) North Korea provides a secure operations platform, safe from prying eyes.

5) If NK is controlled by the CIA or other cabal members, nukes gives them power to hold it and to influence other governments

6) Helium 3 has the potential to completely change the global landscape. Whoever gets back to the moon, mines Helium 3 from the regolith and RETURNS IT TO EARTH, could potentially own everything. A single cargo bay from a space shuttle could hold enough Helium 3 to power the entire United States for a year!

7) NASA was taken out of the picture on purpose so that the ownership of Helium 3 mining would be privately owned and controlled.

8) Energy is the keystone to the modern world. If you control a cheap, clean energy, that is a superior proxy to oil, you are worth more than all oil companies and SA combined. China is working on going to the moon to mine Helium 3.

9) NK, as its own country, would be a great location for importing Helium 3 from the moon and then shipping around the world. It has ports. And any company based there would not be subject to US taxation. But you have to be able to defend it (nukes).

10) Helium 3 would be grossly disruptive. Many powers/countries would want to shut you down.

11) Remember, oil is a proxy for gold. Gold is money. Helium 3 will be proxy for gold. Gold/currency is a store for units of labor. Energy is units of labor. Cheap units of labor enable our modern society. If you own your own country, own ports for transportation, own energy production and start your own crypto currency which is the method for trading it, you rule the world.

12) Beyond Helium 3, there is a huge potential market for mining materials from asteroids.

13) What if the whole Mars thing is a head fake from Musk? What if the goal is actually to go to the moon for Helium 3? Boring machines would sure come in handy on the moon for a moon base, which would be necessary. The Helium 3 is on the surface but a safe base for humans would be a priority. An underground network of tunnels would facilitate human habitation, transportation to mining locations and provide a place for processing. They would also protect the processing machinery from the sharp and destructive dirt on the surface. You would never want to travel from place to place on the surface of the moon because of radiation exposure and the horrible dust/dirt. Only automated regolith retrieval equipment would need to be on the surface.

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e99bc1 No.2167

Anonymous 12/09/17 (Sat) 22:21:00 9e862f No.64673

Would anybody care to post (or link) the image of a North Korean rocket saying SpaceX in hangul? Can't seem to find it anywhere.

Need for redpilling purposes.

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e99bc1 No.2168

Anonymous 12/10/17 (Sun) 12:33:56 93b4d3 No.67552

SSA said this would be of interest here.

US Intelligence Community Claims North Korea Transferred 3 Nuclear Warheads To Iran: archive.is/LzMpc

The Robert Oppenheimer of Iran: archive.is/bblls

>At that presentation in Vienna, in February 2008, Heinonen projects an organizational chart onto the wall that depicts the structure of the Iranian nuclear program. The name at the center of the chart is that of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a key figure behind Tehran's nuclear ambitions. He is apparently the Robert Oppenheimer of the Iranian nuclear program.

>Like Oppenheimer, who, beginning in 1942, secretly worked as the scientific director of the Manhattan Project at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Fakhrizadeh also keeps an extremely low profile, determined to prevent leaks of information about the military portion of Iran's nuclear research effort. His physics research center is located in northeastern Tehran, where visitors are turned away and told to write to a post-office box address. The center's logo resembles Saturn.

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e99bc1 No.2169

Anonymous 12/10/17 (Sun) 12:38:20 d35a0d No.67585

NK transfers 3 warheads to Iran


from >>>/cbts/67560 reply to >>>/cbts/67529

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e99bc1 No.2170

Anonymous 12/10/17 (Sun) 13:05:36 ac78e3 No.67726


Problem is, moon is not vacant. And anyone with enough resources to get there, knows that.

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98f3d3 No.2499

File: 7f5b34adc358d03⋯.jpg (324.86 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Great View.jpg)


>Synthetic humans

I can't say too much, but you're headed in the right direction. Would they need food/water/basic needs? What do you know of seven root races? Why would the racial purity of the North be important? Why are only certain non-Koreans allowed to mate? Do you remember Saiyans? Who I am is not important.

t. Totally NOT a reptilian hybrid

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98f3d3 No.2504


Who owns the moon?

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98f3d3 No.2518

File: a9efcf5e0760d0e⋯.mp4 (13.13 MB,320x240,4:3,Don't Advance, Night of Py….mp4)

Just in case you ever want to stream DPRK TV



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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / 93 / biohzrd / hkacade / hkpnd / tct / utd / uy / yebalnia ]