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Secret Knowledge Wisdom That Will Help You Become God Again, Active Super Power, Live Forever

Source, More Books At: https://eternalsacredbooks.wordpress.com

This special end-time book is the one many people/beings are looking and waiting for.

Because with this divine book, you will be guaranteed 100% become God again and live forever.

I have no fear, so if you want to meet me in-person directly to “exchange” this book, I will willing to do so.

But you must pay the “tax” to the authority.

Quantity: 8 person/beings.

The requirement to obtain this book are special with the kick of of minimum 88888 US Dollar/Euro. From the second time, the requirement will have 1 number 8 more. So the table with details:

1st person/beings: 88,888 US Dollar/Euro.

2nd person/beings: 888,888 US Dollar/Euro.

3rd person/beings: 8,888,888 US Dollar/Euro

4th person/beings: 88,888,888 US Dollar/Euro.

5th person/beings: 888,888,888 US Dollar/Euro.

6th person/beings: 8,888,888,888 US Dollar/Euro.

7th person/beings: 88,888,888,888 US Dollar/Euro.

8th person/beings: 888,888,888,888 US Dollar/Euro.

Book page: https://eternalsacredbooks.wordpress.com/secret-knowledge-wisdom-that-will-help-you-become-god-again-active-super-power-live-forever/

If any entity interested in this book, you can contact me for more info/discussion (with limited time).

Best Regard,

The Savior

Source, More Books At: https://eternalsacredbooks.wordpress.com

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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