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"1) Aliens can alter our perception of our surroundings.

2) Aliens can control what we think we see. They can appear to us in any number of guises, and shapes. [As Humans and domesticated animals. Possibly, holographic shapeshifting.]

3) Aliens can take us our consciousness out of our physical bodies, disable our control of our bodies, install one of their own entities, and use our bodies as vehicles for their own activities before returning our consciousness to our bodies.

4) Aliens can be present with us in an invisible state and can make themselves only partially visible.

5) Abductees receive marks on their bodies other than the well-known scoops and straight-line scars. These other marks include single punctures, multiple punctures, large bruises, three- and four-fingered claw marks, and triangles of every possible sort.

6) Females abductees often suffer serious gynecological problems after their alien encounters, and sometimes these problems lead to cysts, tumors, cancer of the breasts and uterus, and to hysterectomies.

7) Aliens take body fluids from our necks, spines, blood veins, joints such as knees and wrists, and other places. They also inject unknown fluids into various parts of our bodies.

8) A surprising number of abductees suffer from serious illnesses they didn't have before their encounters. These have led to surgery, debilitation, and even death from causes the doctors can't identify.

9) Some abductees experience a degeneration of their mental, social, and spiritual well-being. Excessive behavior frequently erupts, such as drug abuse, alcoholism, overeating, and promiscuity. Strange obsessions develop and cause the disruption of normal life and the destruction of personal relationships.

10) Aliens show a great interest in adult sexuality, child sexuality, and in inflicting physical pain on abductees.

11) Abductees recall being instructed and trained by aliens. This training may be in the form of verbal or telepathic lessons, slide shows, or actual hands-on instruction in the operation of alien technology.

12) Abductees report being taken to facilities in which they encounter not only aliens but also normal-looking humans, sometimes in military uniforms, working with the alien captors.

13) Abductees often encounter more than one sort of alien during an experience, not just the grays. Every possible combination of gray, reptoid, insectoid, blond, and widow's peak have been seen during single abductions, aboard the same craft or in the same facility.

14) Abductees "virgin" cases report being taken to underground facilities where they see grotesque hybrid creatures, nurseries of hybrid humanoid fetuses, and vats of colored liquid filled with parts of human bodies.

15) Abductees report seeing other humans in these facilities being drained of blood, being mutilated, flayed, and dismembered, and stacked, lifeless like cords of wood. Some abductees have been threatened that they, too, will end up in this condition if they don't co-operate with their alien captors.

16) Aliens come into homes and temporarily remove young children, leaving their distraught parents paralyzed and helpless. In cases where a parent has been able to protest, the aliens insist that "The children belong to us."

17) Aliens have forced their human abductees to have sexual intercourse with aliens and even with other abductees while groups of aliens observe these performances. In such encounters, the aliens have sometimes disguised themselves in order to gain the cooperation of the abductee, appearing in such forms as Jesus, the Pope, certain celebrities, and even the dead spouses of the abductees.

18) Aliens perform extremely painful experiments or procedures on abductees, saying that these acts are necessary but give no explanation why.....Painful genital and anal probes are performed, on children as well as adults.

19) Aliens make predictions of an imminent period of global chaos and destruction. They say that a certain number of humans...will be "rescued" from the planet in order to continue the species, either on another planet or back on earth after the destruction is over. Many abductees report they don't believe their alien captors and foresee instead a much more sinister use of the "rescued" humans.

"In every instance from this list, there are multiple reports from unrelated cases, confirming that such bizarre details are not the product of a single deranged mind. These details are convincing evidence that, contrary to the claims of many UFO researchers, the abduction experience isn't limited to uniform pattern of events. This phenomenon simply can't be explained in terms of cross-breeding experiments or scientific research into the human physiology...""




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Bell: But it must be at the core of all the interest. I mean the big question is, why are they so damn interested in us that they would dissect us, mutilate us? I mean you say the people doing the experiment, what about the word god? I mean are they, if they created us, if we are their experiment, then to us they would be our god. Very disturbing concept.

Lear: Absolutely.

Bell: Or do you hold out that there would be, I mean you said absolutely, do you hold out there would be a god separate from?

Lear: No, no thats opinion, theres not anybody else, theres just them. Now I'm gonna get a lot of flak over that. But in fact, you know, thats the story.

Bell: Well thats the story that never can be told, right?

Lear: Thats right. And thats why they cant let the little, the first thing out because its all gonna lead up to them.


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Derrel Sims (05-20-14) Alien Implants

Topics: Abduction, mind control, sexual rape of women and adolescents, device implantation, botched surgical procedures, surveillance, dog murder by aliens


"To have witnessed between 30 and 40 mutilated Human beings in countries including the UK, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Germany, Alaska, Australia, Yugoslavia, & Russia."

"When corpses were removed... info would not be given to the authorities... individuals would be placed on the missing persons registry indefinitely."

"They're in our atmosphere regularly."

"The largest recovery of bodies was in Australia, a case where 24 bodies had been left. Injuries are the same as animal mutilation... He said that internal organs would be removed and also brains. He seemed to think that anything connected with the nervous system is what they would take. He did not see alot of blood... They usually choose remote, out-of-the-way places to carry out Human mutilations. They knew where to go and where to take from, where the people would not be missed for a long time. Bodies included people and children."

"A girl and boy. Girl of 16, boy of 21... No genitals, gone. Teeth missing. And the boy had, most of his skin was peeled off, all the top layer, was just red."

"No genitals, nothing, all gone... Where the genitals are, there was like a circle, like a cutter had gone in, but there was no mess... It was just clean cut, it was like somebody had put a cutter in and taken it... No teeth, no eyes, lips are gone... He said it was like somebody just peeled it off, all the top part. All her hair was gone, looked like a newborn child that had been grownup though... no facial hair, breasts, lips, if I say eyes, the eyes were sunken in then... The breasts looked like somebody had sliced the breasts off, and it was just red there, that deep color red, there was nothing coming down the sides."


Kill them. They kill us

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The Threat: The Secret Agenda - What the Aliens Really Want and How they Plan to Get It

- David M. Jacobs, PhD

Abductions and Aliens - What's Really Going On

- Chris A. Rutkowski

Matrix II - The Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology

- Valdamar Valerian

Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of UFO Abductions

- David M. Jacobs, PhD

The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships

- Eve Lorgen

Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity

- David M. Jacobs, PhD

Abducted: How People Come to Believe They Were Kidnapped by Aliens

- Susan A. Clancy

Silent Invasion: The Shocking Discoveries of a UFO Researcher

- Ellen Crystall

The Watchers I: The Secret Design Behind UFO Abduction

- Raymond E. Fowler

Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection

- Gary Bates

The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters

- Ronald Story

Missing 411: North America and Beyond - Stories of People Who Have Disappeared in Remote Locations of North America and Five Other Countries

- David Paulides

Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens

- John E. Mack, MD

The Real and Secretive World Of Aliens and UFOs Known Only to 75 Americans

- Jean-Maximillien De La Croix de Lafayette

Alien Contact: The First Fifty Years

- Jenny Randles

Alien Base: The Evidence For Extraterrestrial Colonization Of Earth

- Timothy Good

The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991

- Richard M. Dolan, Linda Moulton Howe

These glowing reviews about aliens are available for free at your local Library Genesis

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The soulless retarded arcturian aliens are using dreams to psychologically model and mind control Humans. They call it "mental screening" where a race treats your brain like a movie theatre and can screen whatever mental image they want. Their purpose in choosing to initially experiment with me is to eventually inflict their control over you. In effect, the brain doesnt rest, I feel like I havent slept for 4 years. They can also erase dream memory, which means its heavy programming and fucking sketchy. They can control sleep duration. Seeing how sleep and dream deprivation works over time, they are gathering data on how best to use your revealed personal information to craft dream imagery through active telepathic decoding which causes sleep deprivation, a build up of beta amyloid plaque, neuronal misfires causing spasm, symptoms of brain damage, eye pain, headaches, high pitched buzzing, and cutting off healthy subconscious processing. //

The childlike-ego Arcturians are using psychic manipulation or chemtrails to make us ingest heavy metals to facilitate mind control of the people. //

They are playing up the concept of pre-cognitive dreams, which is simply using imagery of the designed dream state and then using psychic control when awake to direct attention. //

Their imposing to do this means only one thing: Control. Abusive, ruthless, and desperate control. //

They are manipulating brains like a battery, turning information around, seeing how the response reacts to the stimulus, playing into those concepts. Dream manipulation is an imprisonment technique used to condition and starve the mind. Both dream manipulation and constant telepathy has negative neurophysiological effects, it results in headaches, confusion, memory loss, vision impairment, rest deprivation. //

They can enact this from some distance too, its possible that there is an active technological accelerant, a headband that can amplify their telepathy. Aluminum foil covering or dietary intake can amplify the telepathic reception, resulting in subconscious dream programming being erased. //

The solutions so far Ive found that can mitigate this would be a heavy covering of the brain stem, top, and temples with Velostat or Linqstat, and grounding and shielding the soles of the feet. Keep a Pyrite stone on the left side of your body. // "With repeated or continued exposure, the increased excitability leads to a state of exhaustion of the cells of the cerebral cortex." //

Curse those dumbfucks pig-hearts.

Sleep deprivation accelerates Alzheimer's brain damage



To sleep, perchance to heal: Newly discovered gene governs need for slumber when sick


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- What are the occult forces? Various ancient esoteric teachings/traditions have talked about these hyper-dimensional realities and forces acting upon and manipulating humanity.

- Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga and occult hostile forces

- Distortion, misconception, and over-simplification of this topic ever since it became more popular

- Victim/Blame trap

- Entry points

- Matrix on over-drive to keep people locked in the Madrid frequency of Divide & Conquer

- The necessity of sincere self-work, soul embodiment

- New Age Love and Light distortions

- Laura’s experience of encountering these forces during deep meditation

- Yogic consciousness – Perceiving occult forces directly

- Anyone who is on the verge of a true awakening will be interfered with

- Head-Centric living serves as entry points for occult forces

- Importance of meditation and detect energies coming in from the outside and reject them

- Limitation of psychological self-work alone

- Free Will vs. mechanical/programmed behavior

- Attacks/manipulation through our own minds and damaged aura

- Traps of Agreement – Negative forces posing as positive ones

- Psychics and issues with channeled material

- Entity attachments via engaging in rituals, ceremonies – Traps of Agreement (even lasting over lifetimes)

- Occult/Psychic attacks through other people – Agent Smith Syndrome

- Energy Vampires

- Occult interferences and psychic attacks on Facebook/social media

- Alien Love Bite/Dark Side of Cupid vs. Interferences in a love relationship of two people who are meant to be together (based on true Love)

- Teaching function of occult forces – Initiations

In Part 2 (only for members) we’ll be going deeper into:

- Psychic Attacks – Thought projections from others

- Genetic Modification of humans beings over hundreds of thousands of years – the “fall” from our original state

- The “Alien Invasion” already happened and it is working through humans

- Is modern civilization truly “human”?

- Government is an archonic creation

- Mistaking symptoms for causes – focused on the shadows on the wall (3D Matrix)

- Importance to establish zero-point non-reactive consciousness

- The trap of self-importance and taking things personally

- Wounded people hurt other people and become portals for occult forces

- Going deeper into the issue with social media from an occult perspective (psychic attacks through others)

- Lack of communication skills online and lack of emotional intelligence, in particular, passive aggressiveness (entry points for occult forces)

- Projected thought forms vs. entities

- Laura’s and Bernhard’s experiences with receiving occult/psychic attacks on Facebook

- The trap of Idiot Compassion – Importance of Warrior attitude

- New Age deception of sending entities/occult forces Love and Light

- Mental illness and occult forces

- A case of someone in direct contact with grey aliens who has been diagnosed as schizophrenic

- The alien abduction phenomenon

- New Age alien savior program

- The trap of fear and paranoia

- Fear of speaking out and what other people think of you – matrix program of complacency and fake niceness

- Occult interference in love relationships vs. basic relationship psychology (projections)

- Laura’s and Bernhard’s experiences with occult interferences/psychic attacks within their relationship

- Practical tips of how to protect oneself from occult/psychic attacks

- Huge misconceptions about removing entities. Just “removing” an entity is never enough. Issues with “distance healing”

- Importance of educating oneself about this topic. Knowledge protects. Ignorance is not a defense but endangers

- New Age distortion of Law of Attraction



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The elephant in the room has always been the arcturian, anshar/anunaki, mantis, & galactic federation aliens operating among us, lying to us, controlling & abusing us. We're dealing with aliens with 1000 year lifespans, telepathy, technology a million years in advance. Everything in our world is a higher density psychological trap! Religion, spirituality rationalizes external forces manipulating you, keeps you in an unknown realm of victimization. There are no rules or paths. There is no Heaven, the afterlife is a trap simulation. They want us in a miasma of hypno-bliss to control. Our bodies are considered vessels for the DNA to affix the 21 gram soul energy. They reincarnate as Humans to push their agenda, theyre bloodline matchmakers.

Their DNA is old, it hit a wall, they tweaked it for math skillz & lost empathy. Our DNA is new and universal, it was designed for interstellar resiliency, empathy, and beauty.

Since you havent been abducted or contacted, its not opulent sociopaths. The aliens don't tell us about themselves, they tell us how we should live. They don't abduct the homeless or sick, they don't cure, they take. Theyre instituting a silent invasion, situated among us, playing both sides. They disguise as Humans. DNA is biocomputer code to make a Human-looking hologram. They manifest matter, cloak their craft like Human aircraft. They wrote the religions, calendars, occult, secret societies, political cultures, & states. They operate a 5th Column online, news, Hollywood, every industry & major city. Millions of non-Humans live among us. The aliens arent showing themselves not due to lack of believers, theyre waiting until we're ripe. Breeding generations are quick with a two-digit lifespan being. Our genome is the master genome of diversity & beauty, yet all Human history has been their concentration camp to get the uncoded/junk DNA that we're evolving fit for alien exploitation, giving us short lifespans, feeding us breeding propaganda, theyre anti-homosexual, & using religious fear to control the Kundalini evolution. Eugenics. It's militaristic thinking disguised with PR & a complete disregard for Human sovereignty. The Arcturians & Galactic Federation are responsible for all evil, fomenting war, designing water, money, viral population control, decreasing the lifespan & mental capabilities of all Humanity. Four digit lifespans, 200 IQ, & telepathy are the rule in this universe.

We're the surface dwellers on Earth. Our blood will be in the new bodies of reincarnated aliens. This is a farm.

They operate locally & from the psychic weapon, soul capture & reincarnation processing station of the artificial moon. They think they own & have right to our genome. The secret sauce: What shapes psychology shapes your current reproductive materials. History has been shaped to shape Human DNA. Epigenetics. Socio-genetic feedback loop. DNA can't be grown in a lab, manifested, or bought at the store. This, all this is the lab, their trauma is the program, we are the store. You gotta get real & look around at the basic foundation for the successful fucking survival of every life form: DNA. They will lie, cheat, & kill to get what they want. What chimps are to us, we are to them. They see our death as a non issue. They think theyve the right to abduct any Human on US federal property. Revoke all soul contracts with them, disagree with anything they do. Theyre operating an invasion, now acting covert, then disguised as contact. Theyre using dream & mind control through psychic tech, physical or etheric implants for mind body control & possession, Machiavellian psych warfare, impostering key positions with AI, Human holograms, or Human-looking aliens, controlling miscarriage, gender, & soul of newborns, sending soul reincarnations into a specific family group to further their fake spiritual agenda, ramping up the rape speed of the hybrid program for the resiliency of their races, using our Human genome until the eradication of our bloodline.

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"the aliens presented the concept of the earth as a cosmic zoo.

Such indoctrination serves to reduce our concepts of human sovereignty, as well as to bind us to them in a subservient position, as a possession. While some people accept this relationship as fact and thus allow that the aliens can legitimately do with us what they please, there are others of us who feel we possess an inherent sovereignty and right to exist without interference, no matter what our genesis. Their claims to be our creators have never been more than mere claims, anyway."

Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda by Dr. Karla Turner



Dr. Karla Turner books


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The aliens are ramping up the dream psychic attacks before "arrival" because 1. Fuck your life and existence, your brain aint off-limits to be toyed with, and 2. They can only do that from a close distance because theyre already among us, tough shit you don't get a vote.


Don't read these, scan them, because any alien dream thats communicated through humans for other humans, is charged and intended propaganda. Here is more evidence of them ramping up their dream psychic attacks:




"My acquired insights sustain that ALL nightmares are varied degrees of telepathic attacks used by and delivered from a varied collection of negative-thought-entities who strive to ‘reside’ within such “core-images”, and at least, make ethereal connections from us to them by imposing traumatic, horrid imagery.

Post-abduction “nightmares” especially fall within this realm." - Paul Schroeder



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Destroy the alien crystal tower cube of the moons Sinus Medii, thats the Human soul capture antenna.



"At some point in time I thought it would be interesting to remote view the moon. i relaxed in my chair, and pointed myself up there. i saw 6 or seven aliens looking right at me grinning and smiling. they had red eyes like the reddit alien but no antenna. As soon as I saw these creatures i immediately felt hurt like a piece was taken out of my. every time I thought about that incident I felt pain. it took 4 months of prayer before I felt completely healed and i could remember the incident without feeling hurt." - pellian, 2011



"Earth, Lear asserted, is a "farm for harvesting souls," and when people die their souls travel to the moon where they are processed by a huge machine (likely the miles-high "glass tower" spotted by Richard C. Hoagland in NASA photos) that erases their memory and eventually sends them back to Earth to be reincarnated."

"There is currently a harvest, as you might call it, a harvest of souls that is occurring upon your planet. We are attempting to extract the greatest possible harvest from this planet. This is our mission, for we are the harvesters." - arcturians, August 3, 2014.


"The moon is a satellite that was constructed. It was built and anchored outside Earth's atmosphere as a mediating and monitoring device, a supercomputer or eye in the sky. It affects all life forms on this planet.

Earth must be owned by those who dwell here; however, it is not. You have outside gods, creator energies, who prevent you, as a species, from having free rein..."



Take a hard biological and genetic standpoint: You're all livestock enacting the alien epigenetic agenda through alien telepathy. Doesn't matter what you do here, there's no god, no heaven no hell, the aliens with millions of years advance technology and planning have made your afterlife in the moon because what you think doesnt matter, what human DNA has been warred and diseased-into for population and ethnic crafting is what many species of aliens are here for.

"Abductees live normal lives except for their involuntary participation in a lifelong abduction program. They come from around the world and they have no common overt traits that suggest they are being abducted. Abductees appear to be randomly distributed across all demographics. Interestingly, health is rarely a barrier to abduction. People who suffer from cardiac disease, diabetes, cancer, and other serious medical problems are all abducted. They do not report miracle cures. The aliens are not “healers.” In fact, the only people who are not candidates for abduction seem to be those with significant physical and neurological infirmities that prevent them from doing their duties as part of the abduction program."

Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity - David M. Jacobs, PhD


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"The Moon is not only extremely odd in its construction; it also behaves in a way that is nothing less than miraculous. It is exactly four hundred times smaller than the Sun but four hundred times closer to the Earth so that both the Sun and the Moon appear to be precisely the same size in the sky - which gives us the phenomenon we call a total eclipse. Whilst we take this for granted it has been called the biggest coincidence in the universe.

Furthermore, the Moon mirrors the movement of the Sun in the sky by rising and setting at the same point on the horizon as the Sun does at opposite solstices. For example, this means the Moon rises at midwinter at the same place the Sun does at midsummer.

There is no logical reason why the Moon mimics the Sun in this way and it is only meaningful to a human standing on the Earth."



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"I saw screens, that probably showed the energy level of an area of the earth. If a human being or a group in this area can free themselves so far that its/their positive energy rises, so this is perceptible on the screen like a mountain peak. Counter-measures are introduced as a result."



"The predators dictate our lives and make us into slaves to them by hijacking our sense of reality."

"Planet Earth is a Saturnian society controlled from Saturn via the Moon and the Illuminati hybrid bloodlines."



"these creatures have the ability to manipulate from a distance the minds, emotions and spirits of humans through occult-technological or psycho-supernatural means, and that they would undoubtedly use this power to de-sensitize humanity to their actual nature."



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"The answer is very simple, and is a matter of economics: It is by far cheaper, energy-wise and time-wise, to 'harvest' the DNA needed, rather than create the genetic materials themselves.

Why spend energy and time building factories, setting codes of purity, as well as finding a source of raw materials for the creation of the replicating molecule, and then reconstructing an entire, functional molecule, when there is a planet of six billion humans which do the job themselves, naturally?"



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"When we pay attention and we care about what is happening to the planet and people, we will begin to clearly see an agenda designed to assault and damage the human nervous system."




"The point is that there is a tradition stretching back thousands of years of beings abducting humans and their offspring; these beings fly in globes of light, can paralyze their victims, induce amnesia about the event, force strange drinks on their victims, and, in many cases, ultimately drive them to madness, physical ruin, or even take over their bodies for their own use."




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"They treat us in the same perfunctory way that we treat chickens. They can read your consciousness from great distances, hone in on it and follow you home…

My experiences of high strangeness became dramatic and even odder after I had a sighting of a flotilla of nine craft that appeared overhead. The great danger of an innocuous sky watch organized to simply watch UFOs is that the occupants can climb down the psychic ladder of your awe.

Later, you remain unaware that you've been “Chosen” to become a specimen, to be (parasitically) examined, researched, meddled with, and micro managed under the guise of seemingly otherworldly 'research'.

Just like the danger inherent in using a Ouija board in a badly infested house, a sky watch is imprudent; to assemble anywhere seeking aliens could easily change your life for the worse.

The subtle life-script changes and negative influences that demons and other negative thought entities impose into our lives go unnoticed by most people, but they are nonetheless there, sinister, menacing and reflect a parasitism of one’s consciousness itself.

Why expose oneself to that risk just for excitement and fun?

I remind people who are UFO night watch enthusiasts that such curiosity is as dangerous as an eager, unguided person playing with a Ouija board in a badly haunted house.

Everyone should be alerted and forewarned that inter-dimensional doors will open that you may not be able to close again and that “what follows you home” afterwards might be more than you were ever prepared to deal with.

Alien Abduction Defenses.

After abductions one would not look up again at a clear starry night sky in joy, but with dread." - Paul Schroeder



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"Propagandists condition the abductees into believing that all human institutions are bad and that the only hope one has to reach the... 'next level of consciousness, evolution, vibratory frequency' et al, is to look to the skies towards the same dark gods who are responsible for their current state of spiritual enslavement - the long term genetic and soul matrix manipulation of the human race." - James Bartley



"In sharp contrast, a direct uncensored translation from Greek according to Biblical scholars indicates the following,

``For our struggle is not against [human beings], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual [dark forces] of wickedness in outer space." - Ephesians 6:12 [the uncensored citation]"



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There's something ritualistic, sacrificial, BLOOD based, surrounding the victim to snuff them out, a total extinguishing without escape and overpowering of the human will, about the aliens that abduct people from the parks. Judging from David Paulides data. The arcturians, anshar/anunaki are both known to have underground bases, with granite entrances that they can shift out of material phase.

Like Dyatlov Pass, which was the second time a group of Nine was murdered upon the mountain, the aliens use telepathy and social gangstalking targeting to lure humans to those places, so that they can be ripped apart into an unknown fate, to feed the soul machine that aliens need. A reincarnation trap.



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The aliens exsanguinate humans, draining the blood of the human while the human is alive.


"The autopsy report states:

"EXTERNAL EXAMINATION: We observed: 1) Cut off of the external ear by a slanting incision, with hollowing of soft parts; 2) removal of internal ear with indications of vital reaction; 3) enucleation of right and left ocular globes, with signs of blood inside the cavities"

Summing up the removal or hollowing of other parts:

"16) We observed the removal of the right and left orbital areas, emptying of the mouth cavity, pharynx, oropharynx, neck, right and left armpit area, abdomen, pelvic cavity, right and left groin area."




The Most DISTURBING Case Of Alien Abduction Exposed 12/19/2015


Corey Goode (2019-08) - Aliens drop-off dead human bodies


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All bacteria, viruses, and diseases are FROM aliens. You think they risk getting sick from abductions without grey drone telepathic bodysuits or hybrids/hubrids and anshar/anunaki among us??

Every year, new flu is new epigenetics and eugenics

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