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/sw/ - Star Wars

The Empire did nothing wrong.
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File: 2b660d9bdf39c6f⋯.jpg (197.63 KB,700x1052,175:263,star-wars-108-marvel-comic….jpg)

 No.31034 [View All]


Pretty fascinating, curious what kind of reception it will get. I also learned that Dark Horse has the right to publish Disney material too, they're apparently doing comics on the Incredibles 2 and Frozen. Maybe we shouldn't be completely blackpilled on the EU just yet. The IGN article has a good point as well which many people have brought up in the past– that there are a bunch of EU stories (even less popular ones) that need to be finished such as the Force Unleashed and I could see that happening in comic book form. It's only been 4-5 years since the EU got "paused", I could see them revving up that machine again if stuff like this gets good reception. I'm

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This technically isn't the first new EU work since Disney canon began since ToRtanic's new content updates have been this whole time.

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Yeah but hardly anyone pays attention to TORtanic. And most of the updates are just cosmetic garbage and a few story updates that bring in Disney canon bullshit.

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File: 1b9a8fa3792804a⋯.jpg (136.29 KB,800x800,1:1,pepe fire angry 1514103946….jpg)



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As a movie series it has. It has nothing to offer the average science fiction series can't already offer. Big space battles, space sword fights and space wizards are all constants in Marvel movies. How does Star wars do anything Marvel isn't doing twice a year competing for the same audience?

Star wars would excel as a TV series. It's not expected to push the boat out on special effects as much ans you can tell smaller stories with good movie quality sets that you reuse for a while instead of 1 shot and done like a lot of the movies have done.

Once you have the basic make up down and masks needed for aliens you can make hundreds of stories for little investment. Tell stories of bounty hunters, of kids with the force but no training having to defend their families. As a TV universe it would be ideal right now. There's no good dirty science fiction any more. Star wars fits that perfectly.

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I think that's where it should go eventually. The basic idea of an outside force invading, forcing former enemies to team up. It doesn't have to actually be the Vong.

But the best place to go directly after the OT is a trilogy loosely based on Thrawn. Again doesn't have to actually use those exact characters, or follow things beat for beat, but the idea of a more evenly matched conflict taking place in the power vacuum left after the events of the OT, with both sides now having to deal with internal power struggles on top of everything else, is really interesting.

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>Disney brought back the Vong in the new Thrawn novel, except now they're called "The Grysk" and use regular technology.

Is nothing sacred to these people? Are they even people?

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That was the story of the Star Wars Old Republic expansions Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the eternal Throne


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That's a really boring idea when you just bring in BIG SCARY ALIENS who require the power of TEAM WORK to defeat. It's a trite childish story which has been done a million times. I would much rather have a power struggle scenario. Various factions of Empire, Rebels and Smugglers start fighting it out to dominate the galaxy. They're all trying to dig up older more powerful tech or find Empire left over super weapons. The empire could mostly have control, Smugglers and Rebels could be trying to capture systems but do it in very different ways. There's power struggles within factions as well as outside to deal with. And you can even bring back the Droid armies. How would people deal with the larger battle droids without light saber bullshit to defend them? Bring the best of the prequels and OT together instead of abandoning one half of your series.

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File: 570ef67bffcafc0⋯.jpg (81.15 KB,1116x589,36:19,this can't be happening.jpg)

Disney might also do a Bane tv show


I wonder if the game of thrones showrunners will adapt it? How badly will they fuck it up?

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When you've exhausted the Star Wars galaxy, the idea of things beyond that galaxy is a logical next place to go. I don't see it as a story you jump straight to immediately though. Like in the novels, you can do tonnes of stories before you get there.

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You can do both, and to great effect. My favorite part of the first Mass Effect was how you could exploit the looming doomsday aliens to catapult mankind to the highest seat of power in the galaxy.

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>How badly will they fuck it up?

considering darth bane is a bad guy who wins, they'll only fuck it up by pozzing it with minorities, but bane himself will be white. most likely darth zannah, or whoever they decide to retcon his apprentice into, will be a negress.

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Given how Disney sees the Resistance vs First Ordah as good vs evil with no grey area I don't think they're capable of making a good show with a bad guy. Look at SW Rebels and how they turned Thrawn and the death troopers into a big joke.

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File: a464055ffa934a9⋯.jpg (64.53 KB,720x848,45:53,pGQFX_qTSpMWYfkAh7nakiIHDf….jpg)


wait for the inevitable adaptation

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>short segment of Des being on his home world in the mine

>isn’t smart just strong grunt but

>he’s struggling to hold the jackhammer

>several womyn come in and make fun of him for being weak despite his muscle mass alone being twice their entire mass

>company guy comes in and tells everyone to get to work

>womyn make pay gap quip

>bouncers everywhere for toy sales even though they’re not on Ruusan yet

>des goes to bar to drink and in background womyn wins again man in arm wrestle

>entire bar is filled with new aliens and nothing recognizable as Star Wars except for Neomodian bar tender

>whole betting scene takes place as in books

>des is sent to join Sith with multiple warning of how they’re evil baby killers

>des says something edgy and leaves

>Sith trooper training montage with multiple womyn of colour beating everyone and being sassy that the men can’t keep up

>des get bailed out of combat by female troopers constantly

>joins the Sith

>basically normal storyline but Bane never rises to power in the first place and loses first fight to black man

>Githany needs to help him from the start and only does so because she wants to manipulate him into being her orbiter

>gratuitous KoTOR references when bane goes to get Revan’s holocron

>bane becomes strong and kills Jedi on Ruusan, Kaan is edgelord sexist

>thought bomb doesn’t happen because that’s too extreme so Jedi just kill all Sith and never had any internal conflicts because they are perfect and can do no wrong

>bane never plots to overthrow brotherhood of darkness but just ends up being last survivor, cries in the woods until 10 year old Zannah tells him to suck it up

>bane trains her but she is nearly as good as him at every on first try

<second book

>child Zannah is smarter and in one duel actually beats Bane

>Zannah is now like 20

>better than bane, perfect Sith but still shows kindness because audience cannot hate her

>bane gets infested with orbalisks

>cries and Zannah is the one who find their use while rolling her eyes

>Zannah saves bane during end fight with Jedi

>bane falls over multiple times and more quips

>Zannah uses new force power she made up perfectly but doesn’t kill the Jedi because audience cannot hate her

>Bane taken to Caleb, a black transman

>Zannah convinces him to help remove orbalisks by being so smart and pretty and perfect after bane fails by telling at him

>Zannah finds new apprentice

>black woman

>joke about slavery

>agree they will be partners and not call each other mater or apprentice

>bane has to challenge her

>she says something about pay back for patriarchy

>fight starts and Zannah easy blocks everyone of banes attacks

>he starts to get mad


>bane runs and force jumps overhead slashing at Zannah

>she blocks the entire force of bane’s body weigh with one hand

>kills him easily

>double take


>more bouncers for toy sales

>final episode credits

>rap song instead of normal ending theme

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>it already is divided

No it's not. It's a flimsy recreation of the Episode IV state of affairs. There's no history to Disney's SW, there are no real factions. The greedy capitalists in Casino planet is the deepest NuWars has gotten to world building.

Episode I, which only had a stagnating Republic had far more nuance and depth to its world. Naboo alone has more, with the Gungan - human division.

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File: 3ed31da8c18aaa4⋯.png (267.49 KB,889x796,889:796,ClipboardImage.png)


>It's a flimsy recreation of the Episode IV state of affairs

u wot m8


the empire was never dissolved, it was allowed to remain in the core and inner worlds, while remnant forces operated throughout the galaxy, this is canon to jew wars.

what's even worse is i just read that apparently luke was tricked by snoke into reviving the jedi order (pic related, also states kylo ren was about 24 when the attack on the academy happened, which means luke was in exile for only a few years). they literally retconned the original trilogy out of existence except for background details. this page also states that han was a smuggler before he and leia had a falling out, despite being a rebellion general and husband of leia.

the new canon is so fucked, i can't even.

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So they didn’t tell Ben, Han went back to smuggling, and Snoke is the one who convinced Luke to restart the Jedi order? That undoes important character development! Who was the idiot behind this decision?

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If there is an imperial remnant in the core worlds with a somewhat intact military then why didn't they do shit when the Fag Order nuked the republics capital system?

Even if they had a cordial relationship, you'd think that they either take advantage of the republics weakness and turn the war into a truel or atleast come to their aid.

Also another article says that the republic had pretty much its entire fucking navy stationed at the hosnian system when it got annihilated. Did Lucas ever make an asspull like that to ignore it in further storywriting?

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apparently the concordance also resulted in the jew republic demilitarizing by 90%

i really really wonder who the fuck thought this shit up and thought it would be adequate storytelling.

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This is especially retarded if you keep in mind that the Republic did not uncover the whole galaxy yet


Imagine how fucked the Republic would be if a zerg-like alien race would attack? (you cant be sure in a galaxy this big)

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At this point I'm certain that nu-Lucasfilm doesn't know the first thing about world building. First thing these idiots did when they got the brand was start making Episode VII without a plan and bring in Jew Jew and Rian to set this shitfest up. Only other thing they did was clean house at Lucasfilm to liberate it of its "non-progressive" elements. The result was just a mess conceived by tumblrtards and normalfags. It didn't help that Kennedy didn't really put any thought into the story team until after TFA which was only made worse by her picks for the new team being a bunch of producers and feminist soccer moms devoid of creativity or any love for scifi and fantasy.

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Kennedy is the source of all problems. She is simply incompetent

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i've come to a theory regarding kennedy's appointment. she's clearly all about business, and decided to leave the creative decisions to the story group, while technically having a seat on it, it's obvious she has little input besides MORE WAMEN N MENORITAHS. what lucasfilm lacks is a creative lead. they decided to effectively turn the story group into a sort of council, but for whatever reason central leadership doesn't exist.

quite frankly all that's needed is dissolving the story group and firing kennedy, and lucasfilm could be right back to where it was when george was still there.


from what i read, the idea behind the demilitarization was to repeat the rise of another empire, which totally makes sense because y'know having an army was the reason why palpatine was able to take over.

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well its too late. They already shit the bed (Han dead, Luke dead)

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we can always have another canon wipe, anon. it was a mistake to bring back the original trilogy characters to begin with, or at least in the roles they were given. george's sequel trilogy clearly had them in more backseat roles, only coming into the scene when needed.

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as far as i remember Palpatine manufactured a crisis and then came to power.

It was clear that a threat from the outside could overthrow the Republic. This decision doesn't make sense

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the two movies focused more one the new, boring characters. Luke, Han and Leia should have been the ones who guide the new characters but Disney fucked up their characters

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i dont think they will wipe out their canon any time soon. The good thin is we can ignore this shitfest and read old EU material

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what is this from?

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I think its from the Death Troopers novel.

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File: 220fdd1c347f4a9⋯.gif (879.29 KB,460x258,230:129,MaleConcernedKillifish-max….gif)


Fund it.

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It's from Legend if i remember correct?

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File: 6032fb8ac8d157e⋯.png (328.46 KB,700x700,1:1,SW_Reaction_-_The_Dark Tro….png)



That's "EU" to you, newtrooper. Disney terms are vilest heresy in these parts.

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>Death Troopers novel

nigga that's natasi daala taking control over the remnant. shit's right out of darksaber iirc.

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i understand

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File: 6d7cf0c36df5224⋯.jpg (44.6 KB,400x230,40:23,Whip it good.jpg)


This calls for a lynching.

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File: a89d4a75aeb0013⋯.jpg (100.29 KB,631x960,631:960,987bfd4.jpg)

It's just all so fucking tiresome…

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File: 2de65dc22b80648⋯.jpg (37.23 KB,600x452,150:113,Absolutely Rotten.jpg)

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Literally who will buy that shit? I mean except the few soy shills from /r/StarWarsLeaks/?

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Has anybody even watched that "Resistance" cartoon or whatever? I haven't heard a peep about it, but supposedly it's been airing.

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File: 05d37bee2c05656⋯.jpg (847.81 KB,1821x2800,1821:2800,clean.jpg)

macho man Solo needs a strong black woman (ex wife btw)

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An anon hatewatched it a while back and made webbums. Animation quality was garbage, stories ranged from cringeworthy to simply mind-numblingly boring. Supposedly, Season 1 got really low ratings.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It keeps getting worse. Whore Delilah Dawson literally asking mentally ill sjws on Twitter which representation they want in the future…

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Non-boring people.

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Oh wow, and there are still dumb fucks who actually think Marvel can do something right…

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We could use this to our advantage. Demand the most diverse and non-binary possible characters so that it may die more quickly.

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How about non-boring non-people, aka. Aliens?

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it's worthless, she's only replied to those who suggested cancer, and the more cancerous, the more she loves the idea

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