There's an aspect of the mousewar I haven't personally seen discussed a lot, and it's comparable to an open exhaust port for "our" side.
Boycotts & a memewar are all well & good, but they ignore one half of the weakpoint that is profitability. Losing potential billions in it all only tells them their current strategies are unsuccessful, it leaves open to their interpretations what "would" be.
The "blanking" of the EU from their main/official canon, in my mind, serves a dual purpose: it frees them up to do as they choose with it, and it forces everyone familiar with the EU to re-buy whatever they put out in those newly made blank periods.
There's a pretty clear example of their tendencies in the form of Hamill. Looking very doubtful IX will do anything with Luke beyond the ubiquitously expected brief Force ghost cameo; nothing beyond that & a few minor voiceover roles on their shitheap "FORCE IS STRONK WOMERN" cartoon shorts meant to "subtly" (aka nail in through the testicles with a hammer) weave their OC back through their canon like they were always present somewhere offscreen (thanks George for setting the bar there low as hell to begin with). Whether it's out of spite for him, us, or a combination of both, he seems to have been essentially fucking dropped by them as both a character & an actor. When the objectively smart thing, and that which "we'd" want, is for them to increase the focus on him & work at restrengthening the character.
Therefore the likely outcome of cutting the brand's profitability, yet leaving it open to their interpretation, rather than any direct, real time, current evidence of course correction to right the profit ship; is them taking some other left-field kind of approach to building their own fanbase again, while not only ignoring our business, but actively spiting it.
Therefore, imo, we need to be also nudging them however possible with positive income. Buying only those very scant few things they try to do which people feel is the right direction, and (in many cases) REbuying, to the extent one can afford to, all of the EU things we like the most.