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/qsource/ - Q Source Drops

Where we go☝🏻we go all.

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File: ceb1531103a3e30⋯.png (125.28 KB,365x273,365:273,B17CEFEF_80E9_4546_8B1A_86….png)


Flynn was right.

We’re a team.

Inducted under 45

Relieved in the first days of 46.

I didn’t see that one coming.

Whitehats are still operational.

It’s time for a GREEN wave. A GREEN tsunami.

They thought it was about an election.

Just like 1/6.

Clearly obsessed with rigging elections and their control.


Because they feel it slipping away.

Power hungry animals should remember Ozymandias.

You can bet they didn’t see me coming.

Why was the source of QAnon such a big secret?

Why do they refuse to tell you what it was all about?

They know who I am.

How else would they have targeted me for censorship?

False Prophets were/are given glory.

The real TRUTH was swept under the rug.

Even by the Watkins and /qresearch mods

Why do we change writing styles?

An enemy who never changes is predictable and identifiable.

You thought the show was over.

Got any 🍿 left?

It’s just beginning.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


File: c63b967d9fd2e59⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB,FullSizeRender.MOV)

Dr. Greer was told about the op but didn’t recognize it as it unfolded?

I guess he’s not as in the know as he thinks.

Wake up. Fly you fool!


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File: 69c91384bf2eb2f⋯.png (124.19 KB,407x271,407:271,AE3A6F1F_E082_4397_B82C_26….png)

Why are you saying we’re nonsense?

You know better.

Flynn, you should be Flyin’

Find your Wings!

It’s the end of the world (as we know it).

Birds are fallyn out the air.

Can you hear the Trumpence 🎺?

We’re Fly’nn high.

The House of Wings

I ask again, why did they try to make that disappear?


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File: ccc55652fe05fc4⋯.jpeg (16.58 KB,300x168,25:14,DBEA8CAA_839B_47FC_95E6_5….jpeg)

/CM/ Your attempt to harness us for you and your father’s gain has and will continue to have serious consequences.

You should probably stay out.

We only came here because 4chan was censorship-happy.

Now we have the TRUTH.

I’m only created this board for nostalgia’s sake.

You should bend the knee while you still can.

Or just go back to ducking robots.


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This is WAY ABOVE your pay grade.


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