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/qsource/ - Q Source Drops

Where we go☝🏻we go all.

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File: 86f8ccf0b270b6f⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB,1242x2031,414:677,BADCC2E6_BAB2_45B3_A44B_A….jpeg)


The mask is off,

You can find the source on TRUTH at https://www.TruthSocial.com/@realqsource for a more personal touch.

45 confirmed seconds after I asked him to.

Thanks for the tip of the hat.

There are no coincidences.

Anonymity is over, the cat is out of the bag.

We’ve coded it all in PLANE sight. Can you make the connections?



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File: 7ac6fc8aef874f3⋯.jpeg (892.58 KB,1242x2113,1242:2113,1E3127E8_0290_4AA0_8A90_8….jpeg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


File: f54274c4084a966⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB,1242x2157,414:719,25979EE1_335E_4044_B8C5_0….jpeg)

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