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File: 064d6a47d3d122c⋯.jpg (15.85 KB, 307x164, 307:164, bread.jpg)

f1c8b1 No.971123

Patriots stand together. Strength. Power. They want you divided. Q


>>880021 How to Quickly Spot a Clownschill

Board Rules


Q's Tripcode

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 04.09.18

>>969959 ----------------------CA Targeted.

>>968804 ----------------------Like Clockwork (note the filename)

>>967875 rt >>967809 -----SAT imagery + EITS are not definitive

>>967752 ----------------------SYRIA. Hold until CONF.

>>967390 ----------------------CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS

>>967331 rt >>967224 -----Think ‘Bridge’. GOOG. FB. TWITTER

>>967161 rt >>967123 -----YOU are being TRACKED

>>967105 rt >>966637 -----PEOPLE have POWER

>>966859 rt >>966637 -----Follow the family (MZ)

>>966637 ----------------------XMAS IN DC

Sunday 04.08.18

>>958988 rt >>958888 ----- No more ! Q

>>958888 rt >>958655 ----- Why did HUSSEIN PROTECT ISIS?

>>958655 rt >>958580 ----- Dig Social media contacts?

>>958554 rt >>958537

>>958466 rt >>958218 ----- Twitter.com/SoccerMouaz

>>958033 ---------------------- Flag SEC detail background

>>957870 ---------------------- Knowing what you know now

>>955952 rt >>955898 ----- We love phones!

>>955902 rt >>955760 ----- Think Double | archive.fo/HJF9d

>>955760 rt >>955656 ----- Pictures leaked for this very moment

>>955656 rt >>955641 ----- Location, Exact Location

>>955601 rt >>955555 ----- Connected

>>954903 rt >>954819 ----- Spider Web

>>954819 rt >>954786 ----- No name in Syria archive.fo/lq2Bt

>>954786 ---------------------- Coincidence?

>>953077 rt >>953050 ----- Situation Room

>>953009 rt >>952914 ----- SIG INTERCEPT

>>952914 ---------------------- POTUS & JFK JR

>>951358 rt >>950959 ----- Why did POTUS announce his intention to pull out of Syria?

>>947065 ---------------------- They are trying to start a war. Public interest shift.

>>946691 rt >>946546 ----- Tracking good. Fly High.

>>946546 rt >>946456 ----- Authorize 1st Strike. Contact window ok.

>>946456 ---------------------- Increase in chatter. Castle_online.

Saturday 04.07.18

>>938749 rt >>938366 ----- Patriots stand together

>>938439 rt >>938332 ----- Buckle Up. MSM overdrive

>>938177 ---------------------- Read between the lines

>>937520 ---------------------- Listen carefully

>>936660 ---------------------- CA is special

>>936517 ---------------------- EH CA

>>936472 rt >>936346 ----- The 'Tone'

>>936314 ---------------------- Inside Job

>>936050 ---------------------- Statistically impossible?

>>932911 ---------------------- Chongqing. Tuesday

>>932846 ---------------------- We have grounds

>>932518 ---------------------- The Island, Link removed


>>931260 rt >>931003 ----- No Text; LL interview on NBC

>>931260 rt >>875265 ----- Part 2 of previous (split for formatting)

Find Previous Q Posts at: qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If it ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub &


Backup Q Posts >>>/comms/226

QCodeFag Please ask BV to post a message so that we can include your tool again. Godspeed CodefagBro >>937135 , >>937202 , >>937369

f1c8b1 No.971126


e046f3 No.971127


do not delet

this is the thread now. they can edit it later

384ef2 No.971128


I think you are close but not quite. In the lower left of the border photo there is a roof covering the road. That is Syria border control. You need to go a bit south past that, and then, I suspect, to a building on the other side of the road that has a dome on top. That is likely to be a mosque and it seems to be the kind of place that would host a hospitality center. Also, a welcome center would be located AFTER the customs control, not before.

As for the meeting location, they said HQ so it is most likely in Azaz. It seems to be the living room in someone's house.

If we consider the photo in fromt of the building with the Apple/Leaf and Bunch of Dates artwork, then directly east of it is Bab Al Salameh refugee camp. Given that McCain Foundation is involved in human trafficking that seems significant. I think this is exact enough for location, simply because of the size of the refugee camp. I have also looked at a lot of other locations east of Azaz and they don't seem special in any way.

Not sure we need to find the exact location of the Northern Storm HQ. This must be a fairly well known location given that Azaz was their center of power. So it was likely centrally located too.

If you agree that this refugee camp is what Q was pointing us to, now that we know that SETF and the State Department were in cahoots with McCain in his visit, I think we need to look at SETF activities regarding Syrian refugees, and State as well. Did they organize the invasion of Europe? How many EU refugees came through Bab Al Salameh?

8035b4 No.971129

File: 7f293bb93ae6ead⋯.png (31.06 KB, 575x210, 115:42, ClipboardImage.png)

repost from last bread

https:// twitter.com/B75434425/status/983408872814768128

Bailey Olson @B75434425

If you are interested in joining the CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT against Facebook: A lawsuit has already been filled with Blood Hurst & O'Reardon LLP in San Diego. Their phone number is: 619-338-1100. They are more than happy to help anyone join this suit against Facebook.

74d9b3 No.971130

i mean, there are no others?

378f42 No.971131

How about POTUS lawyer FBI raid?

25b405 No.971132


anybody else notice that news release about Cohen getting raided shut all the shills up for quite a while?

I think it threw them for a fucking loop.

903f52 No.971134

WTF happened t our bread?

7c18cf No.971135


Reply "It takes a woman like HRC to lay blame like a pro"

59043b No.971136

Tom Arnold ..ehhh

https:// www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/tom-arnold-roseanne-barr-abc-need-to-apologize-for-actress-promoting-insane-conspiracy-theories/ar-AAvGp5O?ocid=spartandhp

5fcabd No.971137

File: b1b8f40daacfe66⋯.jpg (221.25 KB, 1200x1122, 200:187, sanfranclownsglow.jpg)

f2b38a No.971138


Fix the image.

f44fa8 No.971139

File: f4c9204c7321b1a⋯.jpeg (561.38 KB, 750x974, 375:487, 6928B442-BD1B-4E33-9B7E-6….jpeg)

7e806c No.971140


One of Nazi Prescotts well connected boys would have had to have a reason to hook up w that hag.

The history of it is spotty though u r correct.

7b8a63 No.971141


Don't you get it? There is not enough time for that. Zuckerberg testimony is on 10th/11th April. We need the data now.

f47cd4 No.971142

>>969969 (lase Bread)

I am fighting a court case right now. In California. I am not fighting the DA, I am fighting the judges. Soros pours $$$ into Sheriff, DA, and Judges campaigns.

I'm not saying don't fight (I AM FIGHTING). I am saying it's a long road. I am pro se but I have a law degree.

Ask me questions if you life.

4537a5 No.971143


Change can be hard, huh?

7b8a63 No.971144


I think some anons missed that one.

Could explain the FBI raid.

220884 No.971145

File: 51ecdb0fe3dba59⋯.png (71.67 KB, 340x334, 170:167, DWS_NVS.png)

f186dc No.971146


The clowns knew the FBI raid was going to happen today. They *think* this will lead to trump being removed. This will instead backfire on them, trump probably didn't just know it coming but knew what what they will actually find instead.

0d6b57 No.971148


Exactly. I hope they don't try to override the client confidentiality, but it's probably too late. Out of all the crooked lawyers associated with HRC, yet they target Trump's lawyer…

fe26d4 No.971149

File: 137ae877ae5e1f7⋯.png (193.64 KB, 641x357, 641:357, 7804d0b25c90f2947db7dcb426….png)

Who voted for this ?

f47cd4 No.971150


Fuck spelling. My keyboard is wonky.

f2b38a No.971151


Its for the catalog and documentation. We are writing history and these threads will be saved for years to come.

384ef2 No.971152


Your post doesn't say anything about the Bridge. What is it you are getting at?

b898a4 No.971153

>>971111 (last bread)

Proud of yourself faggot?

21dea1 No.971154


oh they're still here alright. Another thing you should notice: sustained shilling gets hard just before something significant happens to discourage. We're in a pretty long stretch of sustained shilling. I'm thinking something big is on the horizon in the next few days.

Probably friday. It's been a trend.

4537a5 No.971156


Oh, I get it. But you won't get it. The setup is planned to protect the lawmakers. Besides, what difference does it make at this point? We're watching now. We couldn't take action even if we knew who Zuckerberg was paying. It's a long timeline. No need to panic.

378f42 No.971157

There can't be that many dirty cops in the fbi, someone has to stop this shit but hopefully it's all in the plan

5a1630 No.971159

File: cf5ea581b0fe681⋯.png (183.85 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Straight_Into_NBW_Eminem_.png)

File: 1a0acbfb09b0ed7⋯.png (415.16 KB, 1008x1008, 1:1, Straight_Intoo_NBW_Eminem.png)

File: 15263e67d5ae851⋯.png (213.58 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Straight_Into_NBW_AC.png)

File: 9487592dd8bbe5b⋯.jpg (493.53 KB, 1008x1008, 1:1, Straight_Intoo_NBW_AC.jpg)

File: 59dc17a48ab2eb0⋯.png (3.11 MB, 2602x1810, 1301:905, Planes_4_6_18_guantanamo_N….png)

3c80df No.971160

Guys…I know you will all say sauce or gtfo. I would too. I haven't spent an enormous amount of time digging in this area. There is another reason Cohen's office was raided. Trump was not Cohen's only client. I'm almost positive i know what the purpose of this raid is, but I don't want to tip the media off. We're good though. So is Cohen.

25b405 No.971161

File: 01ba69b85caf7aa⋯.png (2.87 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you baker! (Even with the wrong thread logo.)

190d96 No.971162

File: a988ae9cab85945⋯.png (523.8 KB, 720x1226, 360:613, 20180409_154152.png)

File: 35f9f8a2a8459a8⋯.png (259.34 KB, 720x1226, 360:613, 20180409_154139.png)

"TROLL me, and you're blocked"=biggest troll ever. Hypocrite sjw.

4537a5 No.971163


At least the bread number is correct. There's a +1.

91ea66 No.971164

More food for thought, re: Bridge

http:// www.thetimes.co.uk/article/google-admits-tracking-your-phone-even-if-sim-card-removed-kghbwc7tj

d475ee No.971165

File: 8e80514ae598712⋯.png (129.12 KB, 976x452, 244:113, Screen Shot 2018-04-09 at ….png)

File: e6a3b178b9f0ecf⋯.png (27.8 KB, 668x112, 167:28, Screen Shot 2018-04-09 at ….png)

File: c5970d733d47e29⋯.png (60.44 KB, 773x597, 773:597, Screen Shot 2018-04-09 at ….png)


so someone theorized that this crap in syria and now iran is really a distraction and its all about california.

well i think that the filename q included is a very big hint.

it eventually took me to a podcast with an address that says iran nuclear

but they are actually talking about illegal immigration

https:// www.pri.org/file/2018-02-22t150754z1lynxnpee220AF-RTROPTP-2-IRAN-NUCLEAR

f6be40 No.971166


This ANON nailed it.

384ef2 No.971167


To the one with the law degree…

Is there a benefit to starting more than one class action suit against Facebook?

Should there be separate suits against other companies or should they be combined in one suit?

bc2352 No.971170

File: f92442cf6108eae⋯.jpeg (48.56 KB, 547x355, 547:355, BCE9D779-8D1A-4124-836B-B….jpeg)


One for the Baker

fe26d4 No.971171

File: a102bd9641da8d4⋯.png (137.7 KB, 468x395, 468:395, bd64f080147f21d45598ca067e….png)

AC loves Epstein ?

438b79 No.971172


Sauce or keep it to yourself nigger.

9995c7 No.971173

File: 549aee9a09b53b0⋯.jpg (597.67 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, Screenshot_20180409-132627.jpg)

File: 0044dbac955036d⋯.jpg (221.23 KB, 1403x463, 1403:463, Screenshot_20180409-132136.jpg)

File: cdd2cf44779cc3c⋯.jpg (294.6 KB, 1077x583, 1077:583, Screenshot_20180409-134052.jpg)

this is a call out to ALL CA fags, we need EVERYONE TO CALL THEIR SENATOR. Get ur friends,family, neighbors et,.. Stop this bill b4 it gets any further. [SB1424 INTERNET:SOCIAL MEDIA: False Information Strategic Plan]

Also - June 5th Primary… vote for Travis Allen.

https:// youtu.be/clZDO_FLSMI ← heavy censored in YT.. fukn loading every few seconds.

546660 No.971174


WTF does NBW mean

25b405 No.971175


shills! notice this! let it turn your day very, very dark.

727944 No.971176

>>971112 (prev bread)

JA: Hey, I'll pay you a bribe if you violate your oath and disclose classified information to me.

Good luck with that pardon.

21cefa No.971177


The Cisco logo

99a6d7 No.971178

File: cc9dadd5763b736⋯.png (52.64 KB, 613x845, 613:845, ClipboardImage.png)

THESE are the current members of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

THESE are the people who will be interviewing Zuckerberg on the 11th.

THESE are the people Zuckerberg is trying to bribe/has bribed already.

THESE are the people whose donations from 4/2/2018 onward are what we need to look at.


>"Who is arranging the PRIVATE meetings?

>MZ campaign contribution promises.

>FB donations since 4.2.18?

>Fresh round.

>R's targeted (censorship/anti R = more $).

>How to mask?

>MZ personal donations?

>Shell Co?

>Recent stock dump?

>Avoid FB public disclosure?

>Track congressional intake (reported).

>Keep open (+6 mo).

>Loud w/ findings.






384ef2 No.971179


Nailed what. There is nothing in that post other than a suspicious picture.

Is there a point to this?

f47cd4 No.971180


Normally a Judge will combine all of them into one. They do not like trying the same case over and over.

572b10 No.971182

220884 No.971184



Timing isn't as important. Once the bad shit starts to drop, people will run from FB and it will tank. By the time they finish their report, the stock will be in the pinks.

b898a4 No.971185


notalawfag, but I've seen many class actions combined in the past. The more the better I say.

318315 No.971186


klick on the plane picture dude…

fe26d4 No.971188

File: 12bf96fe51e7292⋯.jpg (41.43 KB, 433x598, 433:598, 7ca3ac76c1663989d43aa6dcc3….jpg)

384ef2 No.971189


ARe you stupid?

I can see the Cisco logo. WHat the hell does this have to do with Q's drop ?

48d9af No.971190

Baker are you able to clean this up next bread or do you need an assist?

f1c8b1 No.971192



heres the new paste

https:/ /pastebin.com/4z7MW8FQ

do something about it.

g2g bye

4590d3 No.971193

File: a0719556eac6d47⋯.png (362.99 KB, 1184x647, 1184:647, Screenshot-2018-4-9 ADS-B ….png)


Slight tangent, but planefags have been tracking this GAF686 flight jetsetting quite a bit recently.. Took off out of SFO recently. Looks like they may be headed back across the pond.

0bf67b No.971196





…baited breath…

33f80d No.971202

staged raid nothing there …… there

48d9af No.971204


Are you calling for a baker?

572b10 No.971207

File: b138e59773b960e⋯.png (655.54 KB, 667x764, 667:764, DoD 4-9-18 1 pm PST.PNG)

384ef2 No.971208


Nevertheless, is there a benefit to starting more than one class action against Facebook, even if we know they will end up being combined?

546660 No.971209


Thank you!

7b8a63 No.971210


https:// www.pri.org/file/2018-02-22 without the filename also leads me to the same file. So that doesn't really make sense to me. But still thank you for your effort.

220884 No.971211


Pro se isn't that hard. If we had a lawfag draw up a sample [fill in the blank] petition we can file cases in numerous jurisdictions. It's not exactly free but it could be fun.

59043b No.971213


all working together?

21cefa No.971214


Go learn about routers and bridges and manners.

318315 No.971218


areyou stupid or are you not aware what cisco is? And how they connect to the internet infrastructure?

7e806c No.971219

On Cohen.

It's either another Russia collusion type of distraction or an act of desperation, either way we are winning.

Combined w recent bombing to provokes irreversible action by Putin that would lead to war we may very well be witnessing their last coordinated effort. If so, likely not over yet. Buckle up.

f1c8b1 No.971220


==NEW BAKER PLZ==!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4537a5 No.971221


But maybe in reverse order.

48d9af No.971229


New Baker Confirmed

Please confirm, old baker

727944 No.971230


Assuming the same class is covered, additional cases only benefit the attorneys who will squabble over how to split the fees.

f5537d No.971232

File: 4821c3288e3affe⋯.png (649.74 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, likecovfefe.png)

>>970645 (last bread)

>>970749 (last bread)

See, anon?



f47cd4 No.971233


That I don't know. Might be, but lawyers like the spot light, so I don't see how a ton of lawyers would get along so well. Plus, the more lawyers the more they have to share the $$$$.

dddb1f No.971235

File: 1a52d4e46c4d4b1⋯.jpg (285.15 KB, 459x600, 153:200, SCARY Bread.jpg)

c43759 No.971236

File: 9414018d2796da7⋯.jpg (14.8 KB, 465x153, 155:51, DaXklcqVQAAKGpj.jpg)

https:// www.nytimes.com/2018/04/09/us/politics/fbi-raids-office-of-trumps-longtime-lawyer-michael-cohen.html


8035b4 No.971237

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Crazy Chinese geo-engirneering project, hope you like silver-iodide rains.

25b405 No.971239


unless there's something there … there that might be a crime to not act on….

9995c7 No.971240

File: 2365f1a6d22297e⋯.jpg (335.88 KB, 1080x1065, 72:71, Screenshot_20180409-134855.jpg)

2 breads better than 1 edition?!?!? xD

fe26d4 No.971241

File: c702f196d54679d⋯.jpg (57.22 KB, 800x560, 10:7, 4882c857114b934fe19a875706….jpg)

Schiff loves the standard?

Schiff protect the kids ?

4590d3 No.971242


Now that WOULD be fun! Imagine facecuck getting notified of thousands of class action suits.

d4eed0 No.971243

After of the fire in the Trump Tower days ago and the interview of @Snowden in the last weak. We are in the moment in that We think that We loose all.


21cefa No.971246

0bf67b No.971250


Q said The BRIDGE.

If you had followed Wikileaks' Vault 7 drops of the NSA hacking tools that got into the wild, you'd know that Cisco routers have been comped. There are exploits that can install hacker code into the routers. From there, it's possible to spy on all the data traffic passing thru a router.

Think backbone routers of the internet with terabytes data rates. Think home routers. Think Wifi. These exploits are EVERYwhere and can and have been used to spy on everyone and everything.

The anon who posted it isn't stupid.

The anon who questioned it without doing any home work though…

7b8a63 No.971251


I tried everything. But there are no official donation records recently (OpenSecrets does not have any current records either). I heard the donation records are only updated quarterly, way too late now. That fucking sucks.

220884 No.971252

318315 No.971254

f47cd4 No.971256


Actually, drawing up papers is lawyering and the lawschoolfag could get charged with a misdemeanor. I checked.

However, someone could start a school. Teach people how to draw up their own papers. Civil suit cost about $400 -500 to start.

fe26d4 No.971259

File: 8e90c20a021d4f6⋯.png (198.8 KB, 761x479, 761:479, 41dfe8c8240f3533ce2f25366a….png)

575dfb No.971261


More theater. All is good.

572b10 No.971263

File: 5d71388ed6cf5a1⋯.png (408.94 KB, 667x610, 667:610, Hannity tweet It begins.PNG)

File: 64c3a7aa10aaa1e⋯.png (24.22 KB, 470x375, 94:75, Hannity It begins -Troops ….PNG)

MILITARY TO BORDER: Arizona Deploys 225 TROOPS to US-Mexico Border


0bf67b No.971266


Airport code for Guantanamo Bay. Our offshore prison for military prisoners.

14f8a7 No.971267


No it wasn't. Welfare came along in the Sixties!

At best there were bread lines during the Depression. And if you had gas heat, they had a meter in the house to accept quarters. No quarter, no heat. Heat a brick and put it at the foot of your bed to stay warm. Items were rationed. Immigrants never received any benefits until the 90's. Before that it was sink or swim. Very few can say they are poor today compared to standards decades ago.

fe26d4 No.971269


fusion centers ?

7b8a63 No.971270



Cisco Systems. It's all there. THINK BRIDGE.

7e9fea No.971272

File: ebe9de3277a10ed⋯.jpg (389.21 KB, 2532x2541, 844:847, SueFB.jpg)

384ef2 No.971273


Listen, everybody on this board knows that computers are connected together through the Internet. What difference does it make which manufacturer's equipment is used?

Are you implying we should burn the Internet or something?

Cisco is irrelevant

What matters is the fact of connectivity and that these companies are using it to track us through multiple systems and sites, and they are sharing the data. So we think we are doing separate things in separate places, but they are BRIDGING THE GAP between all these places to create a combined picture of us. That is why Q said "The Bridge".

And the reason Cisco has a bridge logo is that a network forms a bridge between computer systems. That's all.

1bf914 No.971275

File: ec346496df2c9e8⋯.jpg (42.96 KB, 350x543, 350:543, liz-claman-bra-cleavage.jpg)

fd78eb No.971276



What does Jared Cohen have to do with Michael? Are they related? What's their connection?

9742ab No.971277

File: 15ba3c2f1992870⋯.png (243.51 KB, 430x639, 430:639, mPXlThf_StaudOuhcq0S4w.png)

Is this relevant, Q

6e5602 No.971280

Full Bread Over Here:




Complete with new Baker.

fe26d4 No.971281

File: 13b11de7c70ea8f⋯.jpg (79.73 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 13b11de7c70ea8f4284c9cfd8a….jpg)

3482f7 No.971282

File: 52295490c66cd07⋯.png (659.9 KB, 2732x2048, 683:512, IMG_1977.PNG)

"The calm before the storm"

f47cd4 No.971285

Civil suits are hard. Usually takes $$ to prove damages. This whole data breach is also hard, as people voluntarily signed up for usage.

The Constitution does not protect "privacy". That was made up in Roe v Wade. Might want to read that case. I did.

7b8a63 No.971286


Also, read >>971250 and you'll understand.

25b405 No.971287


>Are you implying we should burn the Internet or something?

this anon would like to build a replacement and eventually deprecate the existing one. note: it is possible to use the existing internet for nothing more than a tunneling transport layer.

f52333 No.971288

File: 05950e7b8888609⋯.jpg (64.02 KB, 628x442, 314:221, dig_meme.jpg)


Quick repost from a few breads ago, I haven't dug into it much since.

There will be plenty to be found.


Some Guys Have All The Luck Loot?

https:// www.forbes.com/sites/peterjreilly/2015/12/04/what-is-with-this-chan-zuckerberg-llc-thing-tax-geeks-speak/

starts with 2 good Twatter quotes:

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative LLC is now probably the most famous LLC ever.

So the bottom line of all of this is that CZI LLC might have no required federal income tax filing at all.

https:// www.facebook.com/notes/mark-zuckerberg/a-letter-to-our-daughter/10153375081581634?_fb_noscript=1

Their home:

https:// www.chanzuckerberg.com/

https:// nonprofitquarterly.org/2015/12/07/chan-zuckerberg-llc-are-no-tax-breaks-plus-no-accountability-good-for-the-public/

https:// www.nytimes.com/2015/12/03/technology/zuckerbergs-philanthropy-uses-llc-for-more-control.html

https:// www.nytimes.com/2015/12/04/business/dealbook/how-mark-zuckerbergs-altruism-helps-himself.html

Some background one may need:

http:// www.ips-dc.org/billionaire-bonanza/

where we find this


For the lamesters who have access to it:

https:// www.wsj.com/articles/ending-philanthropy-as-we-know-it-1449100975

https:// www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2015/12/03/welcome-or-wariness-for-zuckerbergs-legacy-plan/zuckerberg-is-setting-a-bad-precedent

https:// nonprofitquarterly.org/2015/12/02/new-zuckerberg-chan-pledge-exceeds-all-of-americas-2015-charitable-giving/

https:// www.fastcompany.com/3054234/heres-why-the-chan-zuckerberg-initiative-is-an-llc-according-to-zuck

384ef2 No.971291


Does anyone else think this post nails it on the NoName in Syria drops? Is this where we need to dig?

7b8a63 No.971295


Oh boy. This.

The Calm Before The Storm

572b10 No.971298

File: 21e8e621eda6898⋯.png (35.17 KB, 636x237, 212:79, Dice Opines Cohen Mueller ….PNG)

fe26d4 No.971300

File: cb6948892a903fa⋯.png (776.33 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, 19290901ad7aa39829631911fc….png)

d86bd8 No.971301

File: ebd2cae30c7efc8⋯.jpeg (452.77 KB, 1097x859, 1097:859, 29E2811F-83FA-45FF-8A6C-E….jpeg)


318315 No.971302


cisco is irrelevant?… sooo if cisco provides a way to grab data… ist irelevant?… its irrelevant how they fetch data on a very lowlevel way lower than facebook and google….

irrelevant.. thats…nice…

fe26d4 No.971313

File: 1dc981e25b81e95⋯.jpg (15.37 KB, 300x300, 1:1, c3571840c8dee0fd15ae65ad13….jpg)

b703f3 No.971314


roll for info split.

last number=odd=democrat research

last number=even=republican research

5a1630 No.971324


and THAT is why this didn't work in December…. sigh

thanks anons…. thought the PlaneFag screen cap would help…. anons to the rescue

0bf67b No.971327

File: b31e61bf3b75ac0⋯.jpg (151.79 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DreamersToo3.jpg)

File: cea83542cd91b17⋯.jpg (205.12 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DreamersToo4.jpg)

File: a7cf488387a6a2d⋯.jpg (194.41 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DreamersToo8.jpg)

File: c772b7a5417e408⋯.jpg (190.54 KB, 1021x526, 1021:526, DreamersToo10.jpg)



14f8a7 No.971329


Thank you for the chuckle and a smile! I wonder if I could make it my wallpaper?

463f1f No.971330

File: 05375c129aeec4b⋯.jpg (928.25 KB, 1258x696, 629:348, hashtags topscores last 24….jpg)

war room, last call

PLEASE let's unite..

>>970829 and 970839 (and other anons)

anons, war room has been studying hashtags since november last year. We can up with #ReleaseTheMemo (when others wanted #Memo etc).

Trust eachother. things need to be right.

#LetsSueFacebook is perfect. Best to change now than later. War room knows.. we ahve all the data studied while you anons were decoding

pls, let's go with #LetsSueFaceBook.

just get that thing fly high. lets troll Fukbook AF. we dont care about money. once we get this hash trending we can start scaring jack

We know our hashes at war room anons… studying them a LONG LONG time

c43759 No.971331


slow fag

5a1630 No.971336

File: e2a2d4b53371099⋯.png (309.21 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Straight_Outta_CIA_Into_NB….png)

File: 215947222983f1e⋯.png (280.08 KB, 570x570, 1:1, Straight_Outta_CIA_Into_NB….png)

3c80df No.971337





You have no idea how badly I want to spill it right now.



This will mean something in future weeks.

0bf67b No.971339

File: 82d2303200d4a64⋯.jpg (179.81 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DreamersToo14.jpg)

File: 7f0429b4be0ce77⋯.jpg (153.96 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DreamersToo15.jpg)

File: 9b7be3d5990110d⋯.jpg (123.02 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DreamersToo16.jpg)

File: 9e91ad3a5e339c6⋯.jpg (167.37 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DreamersToo17.jpg)

File: 98ee72b9ea39844⋯.jpg (254.28 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DreamersToo18.jpg)

378f42 No.971343


Hung out in Iran he is council on foreign relations


fe26d4 No.971344

File: 0512b30ace9af4e⋯.jpg (50.73 KB, 659x659, 1:1, 376a9695df0a2616c7fab08fca….jpg)

4537a5 No.971350

File: 84e43da81f30cc4⋯.png (11.94 KB, 255x223, 255:223, android debug bridge.png)

File: b1b8f40daacfe66⋯.jpg (221.25 KB, 1200x1122, 200:187, cisco clowns.jpg)

I've been watching all day, and I have decided that *for this most recent drop* the bridge is indeed the >>971248 Android back door that can track and trace without a card, etc. as described in the other #1209 bread. (Because having our shit together would be soooo hard.) (Pic Related)

>>971137 (pic also related) is likely key to mining the data. I wonder if Cisco began as an In Q Tel company. (I find it ridiculous that I even know to ask, but will go for the dig anyway.)

Back soon.

d240f3 No.971358

File: 28a0b789c9a2ceb⋯.png (648.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Rep Michael McCaul.png)

378f42 No.971362


April he led Google in donating $3 million to create a database system to connect 65 independent hotlines used to report human trafficking. He and Google chair Eric Schmidt have just published a book, The New Digital Age

463f1f No.971364




CALLING IT: Baker(s): pls add #LetsSueFaceBook to dough

memes following later.

do as you please. ENjoy the trolling!

war room out.

6e5602 No.971370

I am the baker of the other bread. I will report the other bread to be deleted and we will migrate here. I will take over baking if needed next bread.

<Carry on.

fe26d4 No.971374

File: 0c698a69911bc20⋯.jpg (42.54 KB, 800x800, 1:1, thereIsAschiffedTodayPWhit….jpg)

463f1f No.971385


tx baker, pls note >>971364 (war room)

89a8be No.971386


Thank you for stepping up Baker.

25b405 No.971390


>You have no idea how badly I want to spill it right now.

if you indeed know a fact that will be relevant, don't spill under any circumstances. at least, that's what i'd live by. let Q drive.

e046f3 No.971393



if you don't screencap this when you come back to explain, no one will know wtf you're talking about

384ef2 No.971395


I think you folks simply do not understand routers.

Even basic functionality has been used for spying without installing any exploits. Cisco routers were used in the early EU bureaucracy and the CIA used loose source routing to spy on them. Nowadays everybody turns that feature OFF.

And since a router is just a computer with an operating system and ram and storage and lots of interfaces, you can comp it like any other computer. I have stumbled across exploits myself around 16 years ago. And they have been discussed in the security community for years before Wikileaks.

Nothing new there.

So why is Cisco special? This makes no sense to someone who knows the technology. It's not about the routers. The comping is elsewhere.

1769ee No.971401

File: 8c1e09c5dbace14⋯.jpg (21.26 KB, 231x309, 77:103, spider-web-logo.jpg)

Anyone recognize this? It's the image on the windows(?) in the we don't say his name pictures.

f47cd4 No.971410

Winning 101

1. Hillary is not president.

2. North Korea is not a threat anymore.

Okay. This is the cake.

Let's argue about what the frosting is going to be.

739fca No.971414


that's GOTTA BE IT.

exactly like it.

Where did you find this? What is it tied to?


187969 No.971416


looks like a cherry with a leaf stem

759965 No.971418

File: 1cb7fd38f4dca85⋯.jpg (85.99 KB, 1495x785, 299:157, IMG_1768.JPG)

Straight out of tacos

fe26d4 No.971420

File: 24df0dbceefca66⋯.jpg (296.8 KB, 1122x1487, 1122:1487, e11c80f032d2d5ce42e8f6f627….jpg)

500k kids under ten died worth it to madeline albright? in Iraq. (sacrifice kids)

planned parenthood (sacrafice kids )

Epic food ?

smile now save the Syrian kids ?

we must save the Syrian and NK kids to Epstein island.

25b405 No.971425


>The comping is elsewhere.

the comping is everywhere, including the routers.

739fca No.971428

File: a1d697ff63c85ca⋯.png (168.89 KB, 800x439, 800:439, ClipboardImage.png)


it brought me to this place with a reverse image search..have we dug on this place?

25b405 No.971433


stylized skeleton.

e046f3 No.971436



>cherry with leaf stem

or an apple. could be an adam & eve reference

3c80df No.971438


Good call. Capped. I'll try to explain before the news breaks but after it could be tactically relevant information.

0bfaac No.971439

File: 7f9837f52f5fc77⋯.png (34.14 KB, 759x178, 759:178, Screenshot-2018-4-9 0 resu….png)

4537a5 No.971440

File: e5677e5c6a70ae8⋯.png (105.76 KB, 906x608, 453:304, Screen Shot 2018-04-09 at ….png)


Now why does this not surprise me.

5a1630 No.971442

File: d501798227484a3⋯.png (441.37 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Ping_Pong_Paddle_Room_The_….png)

File: 4e82120bbea38db⋯.png (1.96 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, Schiff_Standard_Hotel_Adul….png)

File: 566b2b8ee938d19⋯.png (398 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Standard_Hotel_Furry_Fetis….png)

File: 8afb788887cb022⋯.png (486.43 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Standard_Hotel_Purple_Feti….png)

7e806c No.971443

107th day in a row I should have been looking for another job. This board is like a time loop vortex. I literally have 3 weeks to come up w rent and still apparently don't gaf. 3 days now I've woken up and promised myself I'd send out resumes, day is over again. Apparently I'm going to have to throw my computer and phone off the balcony. Smh. I've been digging into these occult groups for 16 years, having u all join me and others has been the highlight of my life. Hard to disengage. Tomorrow it is.

739fca No.971445

File: 43a75fe1593c394⋯.png (798.4 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot 2018-04-09 at 4….png)


centre is located in Norhern India. Specifically New Delhi.

ae146d No.971448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


http:// theduran.com/every-time-john-mccain-makes-secret-trips-to-syria-chemical-weapon-attacks-follow/

fe26d4 No.971449

File: 601642725c0b42e⋯.jpg (125.12 KB, 1200x723, 400:241, DUyDliKVQAALgod.jpg)

Watch the water !!!

d5c658 No.971450

File: 4548c8e235c8aa4⋯.png (503.26 KB, 752x588, 188:147, ClipboardImage.png)

No one heard me in the other bad bread…

Guys. this is why they are resetting the narrative.

https:// www.rt.com/news/423627-russian-military-checks-chemical-douma/

7aa034 No.971453

File: 078003ca27df742⋯.jpg (17.47 KB, 500x302, 250:151, cisco-old-logo[1].jpg)

When you change to data center switches, the CPU is typically an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU. This is normally on the Nexus series. The Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Routers uses an RSP processor. The RSP880 has 8 cores, 1.9 GHz while RSP880-LT has 4 cores, 2.4Ghz. etc etc

5ce043 No.971457

File: 74ab1294f2e59fe⋯.jpeg (852.07 KB, 1242x1691, 1242:1691, CA98DF5D-6477-452C-96EC-D….jpeg)

9ba2bd No.971459

File: 8b3903ca2e8b929⋯.png (63 KB, 475x770, 95:154, ClipboardImage.png)





I think I nailed the FBI raid narrative….

See Q post.

>It was not supposed to be revealed POTUS is not under criminal investigation _ NOT YET.


>Massive intel sweep.

The raid is an way to reset the MSM narrative and reclaim the lost ground from that leak.

This was staged/some form of theater to reset the narrative BACK to 0.




4537a5 No.971463

File: e5677e5c6a70ae8⋯.png (105.76 KB, 906x608, 453:304, Screen Shot 2018-04-09 at ….png)


Sorry. That was sloppy.

Cisco CSCO has a bunch of familiar names as major stakeholders. Checking for In Q Tel history next.

25b405 No.971465


bad guys getting caught in multiple traps simultaneously.

must suck.

f4e84d No.971466


18 pointed star (9 each mirrored side)

12 leaves (6 each mirrored side)

48d9af No.971467


I have this bread. I have 1207 notables updated.

You take next bread, OK?


e199f4 No.971472


get off and get your shit together

we will still be here

best of luck

9a5b61 No.971473


Can you change the pic? People will be looking for other one. Can the two breads be melded?

fe26d4 No.971476

File: 67726c8362b3693⋯.jpg (109.55 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, DU7GvdiVQAAoImT.jpg)

a05085 No.971480

File: a490b6ff7b2b880⋯.png (126.16 KB, 954x834, 159:139, androiddebugbridge.PNG)

File: eade7e1cdcfc831⋯.png (11.81 KB, 410x393, 410:393, qbridge.PNG)

Copying this over in case of deletion

https:// archive.fo/DmsX1

Would like to note this for next Bridge notable connections.

Android "debug bridge" API is root access. Can install files, kill switch, camera, etc.

c0460f No.971483

File: 8e47ff154f77a98⋯.jpeg (317.88 KB, 1125x1330, 225:266, E242F0BB-8FF5-468C-89FD-B….jpeg)

File: 8cb9e21ea66c082⋯.jpeg (60.17 KB, 622x417, 622:417, EBDF6F78-7FC7-45A5-9A34-3….jpeg)

We have another 111 Days marker.

6e5602 No.971485

e046f3 No.971490


>Can the two breads be melded?

no. at most, they can edit them. lock one with a link to post in the other

59043b No.971492



ba741e No.971493

File: fd75b9e20fbea80⋯.png (585.71 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-04-09-15-5….png)

File: 87337255c0a72fe⋯.png (682.78 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-04-09-15-5….png)

File: 372017dceee707e⋯.png (693.91 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-04-09-15-5….png)

File: e4fe0389c1ae325⋯.png (679.92 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-04-09-15-5….png)

06e3e8 No.971496

Details about backpage.com indictments.

Names names. Worth digging to establish connections.

The seven defendants charged in the indictment are Michael Lacey, 69, of Paradise Valley, Arizona; James Larkin, 68, of Paradise Valley, Arizona; Scott Spear, 67, of Scottsdale, Arizona; John E. “Jed” Brunst, 66, of Phoenix, Arizona; Daniel Hyer, 49, of Dallas, Texas; Andrew Padilla, 45, of Plano, Texas and Jaala Joye Vaught, 37, of Addison, Texas.

https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-leads-effort-seize-backpagecom-internet-s-leading-forum-prostitution-ads

6e5602 No.971497

File: 90caed29c977a8f⋯.jpeg (21.37 KB, 542x399, 542:399, DaXqoDYXkAAW3CA.jpeg)


ae146d No.971498

File: 120c0166d270aeb⋯.jpg (21.26 KB, 207x374, 207:374, heart - Copy.jpg)


i drew one earlier trying to find a close pic, thats when i found video

9a5b61 No.971499


I feel you, it has been nonstop for me, too.

9ba2bd No.971508



f4e84d No.971511

File: 806b19d5d5338ea⋯.png (1.04 MB, 730x680, 73:68, fb-q-warn.png)

46129f No.971512

Obama's secret, "powerful" database:


"It's very powerful, what Obama has put in place, like nothing that's ever been seen before"

Low IQ Maxine spilling the beans

https:// youtu.be/eIA1lQBqH1s

59043b No.971514


Good luck anon


ba741e No.971516


https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-leads-effort-seize-backpagecom-internet-s-leading-forum-prostitution-ads

Downloaded to phone, will send screens shortly

48d9af No.971522


Can you help me collect notables this bread? I have the QMap update, and will get the war room update. Can you look for notables?

mark with

Baker notable

and I'll ctrl-f to find them?

59043b No.971527


He may explode!

384ef2 No.971528


This board is supposed to be for autists.

It is supposed to be for people who do RESEARCH to learn things.

It is not for people with an 8th grade education who are unaware of the last 20 years of history of technology and politics.

9b1ccb No.971529


shut it down. there are 2 breads. you used the wrong picture faggot

759965 No.971530

File: 6be72193cebd13d⋯.jpg (320.46 KB, 1013x1061, 1013:1061, IMG_1788.JPG)

I'm just gonna call it a proto culture for now

https:// soundcloud.com/kannibalenrecords/sets/btsm-lektrique-religion-remixes

(▀ Ĺ▀ )

7aa034 No.971532


how about the letter "H"

6e5602 No.971533

f44fa8 No.971534


We can not lose a soldier in this fight. Please find some work. We will be here while you look. We need those years of knowledge but we have to make sure you are well off too

8035b4 No.971537

File: 1a376372eb27c9a⋯.png (832.97 KB, 1163x5638, 1163:5638, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/04/facebook-isnt-telling-whole-story-about-its-decision-stop-partnering-data-brokers

f44fa8 No.971548


I like your thinking

4e2f6b No.971554

trust the plan ha ha ha ha lol how is that going today???

ae146d No.971555


well them pics that q dropped was taken from a video posted from 2013

c0460f No.971558

File: c16775d7af37434⋯.jpeg (77.38 KB, 622x556, 311:278, 9F175607-C2D1-4F58-B88C-A….jpeg)

File: 11e385d2f577864⋯.jpeg (65.14 KB, 610x437, 610:437, A1D555BD-E4AF-455F-959F-9….jpeg)

File: bfb9db2e8f5de05⋯.jpeg (71.77 KB, 606x470, 303:235, 0CF283B2-A91B-4288-87FA-1….jpeg)

And if the 111 day marker is right and no coinkydinks we will witness a week to remember.

48d9af No.971561



I am making second "B" read "Facebook" without the capital.

25b405 No.971562


ANONS! THIS. Was this generally 'known'? What database is Crapzine talking about here?

9b1ccb No.971563


god dammit there are 2 breads

fe26d4 No.971564

File: 1821aa3240cb6c0⋯.jpg (56.24 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 1821aa3240cb6c09cc0fd1cf55….jpg)

f44fa8 No.971567

File: 542f47ac6227f8e⋯.jpeg (105.23 KB, 768x783, 256:261, 49E5CE54-5998-4249-8A00-E….jpeg)

3482f7 No.971570

File: 645ac28b1c594d9⋯.jpg (161.23 KB, 582x731, 582:731, IMG_1982.JPG)


Sample page of backpage indictments - pic related

25b405 No.971571



099dc4 No.971574


William (Bill) Yeager is 66 and still gets peeved when someone trots out the Silicon Valley fable about how the founders of Cisco invented the router. He was the guy at Stanford University who made it happen.

https:// www.networkworld.com/article/2309917/lan-wan/lan-wan-router-man.html

ae146d No.971575


shut up, everyone knows

c53f71 No.971576

Why change the f'ing picture?????

a05085 No.971577

File: 01a8e33ca28bd31⋯.jpg (32.11 KB, 542x399, 542:399, 281wd4 uyhv8yf75td6dxi.jpg)

759965 No.971578

File: feea85d2e247d0d⋯.jpg (461.24 KB, 1400x834, 700:417, IMG_1717.JPG)


https:// soundcloud.com/kannibalenradio/futuristic-thriller-part-13

fc3b84 No.971584

Folks I am sorry we let it get this out of hand (turn away for 5 minutes) please repost important things in the other bread.

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