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File: de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB, 255x143, 255:143, e1c02b43c5fc1b06dad4093883….png)

7c93b3  No.7829822[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307, >>7683973 How To Quickly Spot A Clown!

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7c93b3  No.7829830

Global Announcements

>>7808819, >>7808821 Jim Watkins: 88 of his domains were deplatformed by Network Solutions, DIGG UPDATED 1/14/20 5:30 am ET

>>7701882 per BO: The archive hasn't been updated, header links as well as other hyperlinks are having issues, CM aware of issues!

Anons, plz no jpegs, tx


are not endorsements


Baker Change

>>7829758 latest Qanon hit piece

>>7829717 Planned Parenthood launching $45 million campaign to back Democrats in 2020

>>7829652, >>7829663 New DJT twat w/CAP: This is a total disgrace, but just another reason that I’m going to win Michigan again!

>>7829641 Democratic SEC commissioner leaving agency next month

>>7829603 New DJT twat w/CAP: Looking at this strongly!

>>7829576 KEK: Rand Paul: An anonymous "wistleblower" informs us that this was found in a hotel room that QRepAdamSchiff recently checked out of. Hmmm...

>>7829465 anon finds Pelosi pens. Gottem…it's Garland and it doesn't cost much.

>>7829407, >>7829490 GAO Says POTUS did not have right to withhold money from Ukraine. anon's digz on GAO leadership.

>>7829359 Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney has announced she will not run for Senate, passing on a competitive GOP primary in favor of remaining in the House and GOP leadership

>>7829326, >>7829329 Interesting take on the Meghan and Harry shitshow from Blind Gossip.

>>7829314 Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Drop 10,000 to 204,000

>>7829288 Q article gaining traction. now on koke report.

>>7829204 Bailout Up to $500 Million Proposed for NY Taxi Drivers Trapped in Loans

>>7829158 Senate Impeachment Trial, Part 1 Starts at 12PM ET

>>7829083 Kushner on the Cover of Time.

>>7829120, >>7829335 planefag reporting

>>7829082, >>7829117, >>7829142 John Solomon: Just announced the creation of a brand new news outlet called Just the News.

>>7829752 #10021

#10020 New Baker

>>7829046 President Trump's Tweets

>>7828451 John McAfee claims he knows who killed Epstein

>>7828413 Former Iranian Crown Price Reza Pahlavi says we are beginning to see end of the regime

>>7828322 Great Awakening Revival

>>7828394, >>7828452, >>7828694 The role of Iranian women in recent student protests

>>7828322, >>7828347, >>7828402 The Great Awakening was a movement in pre-Revolutionary America

>>7828339 Epstein Accused Of Sex Trafficking Hundreds Of Girls As Young As 11 In New Lawsuit

>>7828323 Sarah Sanders on Fox & Frens–Is there a "President Sanders" in the future?

>>7828497, >>7828514 Ukrainian/NZ CP info dump banned by twitter

>>7828541 Raniere's accusers allowed to conceal identities during sentancing

>>7828556 Info Tellurium, element #52

>>7828558 Kamala group pushes to suspend judicial confirmations during peachfofive trial

>>7828580 Pelosi's Blunder: How the House Destroyed its Own Case for Impeachment.

>>7828567 57.9% attendees at WI rally not repubs

>>7828594, >>7828642 Nunes says "House of Cards" twice in this short clip.

>>7828622, >>7828647, >>7828664, >>7828984 Every action taken by the royal family has been geared toward handling an anticipated divorce?

>>7828439 Internet Bill Of Rights bun

>>7828681 Smugglers ferrying Chinese from Bahamas to South Florida, feds say. They’re using yachts

>>7828771 Prince Andrew's security downgraded

>>7828811, >>7828839 German parliament votes against new system for organ donors

>>7828840 Big Day Today Bun

>>7828843, >>7828876, >>7828915, >>7828960, >>7828971, >>7829021, >>7829044 Pelosi's Bullet Pens

>>7828849 Surprise pick for Russian PM addresses parliment

>>7828333, >>7828865 Moar Kansas Info

>>7828895 Ukraine's Interior Ministry criminal probe into alleged illegal surveillance of former US Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch

>>7828929, >>7828935, >>7828953, >>7828967 Mormon Church/Mack Family/Juliana Hough and related research

>>7828943 Update on Amber Alert LN .Perp Caught due in court ,child safe

>>7828972 HBO Teams with CNN’s Brian Stelter for Documentary About the Rise of Fake News

>>7828975 Crystal Geyser Water Brand pleads guilty to dumping Arsenic in CA water

>>7828977 Brandon L. Van Grack info PB noteables

>>7828997 Moving out, Akon gets his own city in Africa with his own cryptocurrency

>>7829052 #10020

Previously Collected Notables

>>7825932 #10016, >>7826703 #10017, >>7827467 #10018, >>7828275 #10019

>>7822881 #10012, >>7823652 #10013, >>7824446 #10014, >>7825187 #10015

>>7819756 #10008, >>7820476 #10009, >>7821260 #10010, >>7822082 #10011

>>7816620 #10004, >>7817392 #10005, >>7818182 #10006, >>7818974 #10007

Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7c93b3  No.7829836

War Room

Meme folder: Trump Successes mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Current Operations

>>7556525 Impeachment Counter Offensive Thread

Bernie Memes mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more – https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

International Q Research Threads


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 - The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7814826 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #11

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

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Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

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Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#90 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>>/comms/5773, >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #91-#93 >>>/comms/5811, >>>/comms/5890, >>7656007

Q Graphics all in EST


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7c93b3  No.7829838

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Meme Ammo

51 >>7598105, 50 >>7375690, 1 >>>/qrb/2298

2020-Jan mega.nz/#F!xcRHmaTC!IMe6afdUCUSvHYpmYqlXog

2019-Dec mega.nz/#F!AIpwHATK!xsXtYkuKay6X2X-EJXMThQ

2019-Nov mega.nz/#F!JYpRmAID!x8SJn3I02qiHSsOhzSaAcQ

Bernie mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ

Space Force mega.nz/#F!YRog1CzA!zJWOQG2MtJppmTa3yaJXvQ

QNN Blanks mega.nz/#F!8cpGnYQA!zUkQgtukQep2XeVlKa0SPA

Epstein Drone Photos mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Successes - in support of Re-Elect President Trump 2020 mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

Bill Barr B2 Stealth Bomber mega.nz/#F!wFpnBKhS!V3dZsLTQF1M69ZtBaIu1Xw

Voter ID mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions: >>7827937

Read the Simple Instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7687826

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7c93b3  No.7829843

File: b8c4e057642fc77⋯.jpg (110.97 KB, 535x682, 535:682, b8c4e057642fc77ff83a636dcc….jpg)



thanks for the meme submissions anons.

Baker, kitchen is clean and comfy. U ready?

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c6e842  No.7829846

File: cc77aa6394a4cb1⋯.jpg (11.65 KB, 255x169, 255:169, ty cake boss.jpg)

confirm handoff

sweet cake


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c41241  No.7829855


Can the "Messias" turn water into wine?





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68aca7  No.7829858

File: ae589ec9d184bc9⋯.png (320.56 KB, 840x398, 420:199, tymos.png)

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7c93b3  No.7829859

File: 0d5aa63280ef41a⋯.jpg (160.3 KB, 1600x1063, 1600:1063, sharing_bread.jpg)

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB, 783x485, 783:485, wnb.png)



handoff confirmed


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3bdc58  No.7829860

File: 20892af0540c472⋯.png (128.23 KB, 225x534, 75:178, thirty_of_pens.png)


TY baker!

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5fdd36  No.7829861

File: 3a6bec848c69fdd⋯.mp4 (515.86 KB, 640x360, 16:9, LiberalHack.mp4)

McSally Is /ourgirl/

CNN’s Manu Raju: “Should the Senate consider new evidence as a part of the impeachment trial?”


: “Manu, you’re a liberal hack. I’m not talking to you.”

Raju: “You’re not going to comment?”

McSally: “You’re a liberal hack.”

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4143f3  No.7829862

File: ccdfd8f065918d5⋯.jpg (290.46 KB, 1033x572, 1033:572, pepe ty baker badge of hon….jpg)

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a9e6c0  No.7829863


TY baker

Have a blessed day

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9da4d1  No.7829865

File: 4e882d5d4542c7d⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1326x1426, 663:713, ClipboardImage.png)


Tanks Bakes


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fdb79a  No.7829866

File: 6fe039fde9d3139⋯.png (9.77 KB, 210x255, 14:17, 6fe039fde9d3139d8e6e978764….png)


ty baker

have a good one

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251eab  No.7829867

File: 17a4d206efc440e⋯.jpg (124.65 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 3malqw.jpg)

File: e591b722fe9692b⋯.jpg (109.19 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 3majk5.jpg)

File: cafbb45e3401ab0⋯.jpg (115.14 KB, 500x819, 500:819, 3man8c.jpg)

File: e591b722fe9692b⋯.jpg (109.19 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 3majk5.jpg)

File: 1e94e1797ea60ad⋯.jpg (110.71 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 3m9gfw.jpg)

She's simply off the rails and not of sound mind.

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7a056c  No.7829869

File: ef3e8f00d8006bd⋯.jpg (129.75 KB, 526x842, 263:421, dsfjbbcgko.jpg)

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bf8306  No.7829871

File: 76281f4eda1fa17⋯.jpg (11.24 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 2345.jpg)

Even though many anons are bordering on obliviously stupid these days, I might still keep coming back for the CDAN drops (which seemed to have died with the pace of the breads)

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9913c3  No.7829872

File: 6195638080f73a1⋯.jpg (51 KB, 1162x433, 1162:433, YT-PleaseUseCompdBrowser.JPG)


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2620d2  No.7829873

File: f7da027327e10e3⋯.png (1.03 MB, 956x500, 239:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9e6c0  No.7829874


Following the stars? nah son

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1bf3bd  No.7829875

File: 8c7e23c31dc9d9b⋯.jpeg (2.14 MB, 4160x2863, 4160:2863, 8c7e23c31dc9d9b9515dd89a8….jpeg)

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808bd8  No.7829876

File: 7bc01a4855b43fb⋯.jpeg (174.53 KB, 828x531, 92:59, F98D82E2-1903-4500-9888-E….jpeg)

File: d7f3249b969f530⋯.jpeg (166.65 KB, 828x766, 414:383, 245F14CA-D69F-435B-8A7A-E….jpeg)

File: 81e3765c3e022a3⋯.jpeg (80.08 KB, 828x875, 828:875, 49865783-8DA3-4C6F-9BB6-2….jpeg)

Nowhere to run.

Nowhere to hide.

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d417c8  No.7829878



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d89e13  No.7829879

File: 75743c1b00dd2d9⋯.jpg (308.16 KB, 581x789, 581:789, Bread red pill.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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d8d05c  No.7829880

>>7829832 (lb)

Same as every other claim he’s ever made: nothing. Why is he always pushing that people are out to get/kill him, but nothing ever happens? They got Epstein in a guarded jail ffs

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e2cb44  No.7829881

File: b5741a0b0a6b8d7⋯.jpeg (315.07 KB, 750x923, 750:923, 04BEC18D-5B93-4565-9654-9….jpeg)


Signs of the times.. kushner under horns on time cover inneresting

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433bdb  No.7829882


every time I update video drivers I learn to not fuck with video drivers

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a81947  No.7829883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Long interview, worth listening!

Many insights on masonry as the secret society and luciferian religion that is the base for a global cabal.

Bill Cooper - Mystery Babylon Hours 21 - 23 William Morgan interview #95 #96 #97


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2e557e  No.7829884

File: 5a83dba65bc1cb9⋯.jpg (18.01 KB, 600x375, 8:5, 5a83dba65bc1cb9f79e5ad6949….jpg)

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f1ba7b  No.7829885

>>7829092 (lb/pb)

If that's for real, it's intended as a threat to the President. If they can't impeach, they'll kill you, President Trump.

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69a905  No.7829886


So this question is for any anon who is learned in the ways of the congressional or impeachment law:

Is there a limit to what can be submitted to the Senate to be considered part of the Impeachment Articles? With these bogus findings coming out today and yesterday, Les Parnas and his parsed charges, the GAO saying POTUS broke the law etc…since the Senate has not "officially" accepted he Articles yet, is there any benefit to these new developments? Can the Presidents supporters also submit contrary evidence to new charges? Can they submit contrary evidence against the two Articles after they are "officially" received.

There is a lot of hooha today in he Mockingbird, i just wonder how much of it is really solid or is this their desperate attempts at a last chance of relevancy before the trial begins.

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0ce25c  No.7829887

File: dd0494ad38ac8bd⋯.jpg (124.95 KB, 597x299, 597:299, Annotation 2020-01-16 0716….jpg)

Why's IG Horowitz quietly "revising" key findings in his report & posting new iterations of original version on IG website?


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df379f  No.7829889

File: e830d5cee54a4e7⋯.png (550.73 KB, 680x750, 68:75, CURSES2 (2).PNG)

Whipley Snidelash

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9da4d1  No.7829890

File: 6d0fe93be72a3e6⋯.jpg (35.09 KB, 720x709, 720:709, FuckOuttaHere.jpg)



does POTUS look worried at all?

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251eab  No.7829891

File: f0096c87b92c362⋯.jpg (91.93 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 3m4sh1.jpg)

File: 4c9f07cfe7ed45a⋯.jpg (54.79 KB, 689x362, 689:362, 3imi5g.jpg)

File: 19d2361a0740923⋯.jpg (74.8 KB, 666x375, 222:125, 3j03ie.jpg)

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668da5  No.7829892

>>7829758 last bread and in notable



^^^^^anybody else getting 404d on this link?

did they take it down already?

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e847fc  No.7829893

>>7829826 lb

Comptroller General of the United States

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Comptroller of the United States of America

Eugene Louis Dodaro 2005.jpg


Eugene Louis Dodaro

since March 13, 2008

Term length 15 years

Formation 1921

Website www.gao.gov/about/comptroller-general/ Edit this at Wikidata

The Comptroller General of the United States is the director of the Government Accountability Office (GAO, formerly known as the General Accounting Office), a legislative branch agency established by Congress in 1921 to ensure the fiscal and managerial accountability of the federal government. The Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 "created an establishment of the Government to be known as the General Accounting Office, which shall be independent of the executive departments and under the control and direction of the Comptroller General of the United States".[1] The act also provided that the "Comptroller General shall investigate, at the seat of government or elsewhere, all matters relating to the receipt, disbursement, and application of public funds, and shall make to the President when requested by him, and to Congress... recommendations looking to greater economy or efficiency in public expenditures."[2][3][4] The Comptroller General is appointed for fifteen years by the President of the United States with the advice and consent of the Senate per 31 U.S.C. § 703. Also per 31 U.S.C. § 703 when the office of Comptroller General is to become vacant the current Comptroller General must appoint an executive or employee of the GAO to serve as the Acting Comptroller General until such time as a new Comptroller General is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

The Comptroller General has the responsibility to audit the financial statements that the Secretary of the Treasury and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget present to the Congress and the President. For every fiscal year since 1996, when consolidated financial statements began, the Comptroller General has refused to endorse the accuracy of the consolidated figures for the federal budget, citing "(1) serious financial management problems at the Department of Defense, (2) the federal government’s inability to adequately account for and reconcile intragovernmental activity and balances between federal agencies, and (3) the federal government’s ineffective process for preparing the consolidated financial statements."[5]

The current Comptroller General is Eugene Louis Dodaro, who became Comptroller General on December 22, 2010. He was preceded by David M. Walker.[6] On February 15, 2008, David Walker, then Comptroller General, announced that he was resigning from GAO to head The Peter G. Peterson Foundation. Eugene Louis Dodaro became Acting Comptroller General of the United States on March 13, 2008, and was subsequently appointed by the President on September 22, 2010, and confirmed by the Senate on December 22, 2010, as the Comptroller General. Dodaro was sworn in as Comptroller General at a ceremony at the GAO on December 30, 2010.


1 List of U.S. Comptrollers General

2 See also

3 References

4 External links

List of U.S. Comptrollers General

Comptroller General Term of Service Appointing President

John R. McCarl July 1, 1921 – June 30, 1936[7] Warren Harding

Fred H. Brown April 11, 1939 – June 19, 1940[7] Franklin D. Roosevelt

Lindsay C. Warren November 1, 1940 – April 30, 1954[7] Franklin D. Roosevelt

Joseph Campbell December 14, 1954 – July 31, 1965[7] Dwight D. Eisenhower

Elmer B. Staats March 8, 1966 – March 3, 1981[7] Lyndon B. Johnson

Charles A. Bowsher 1981–1996 Ronald Reagan

David M. Walker 1998–2008 Bill Clinton

Eugene Louis Dodaro 2010–2025 Barack Obama


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947179  No.7829894

Hey I heard a "Christ" anon posts here and even he's unaware of his identity. At 40k feet anything is possible I guess right. Is that part of the reason why there's a huge target on the back of this board? Did TPB know that an anonymous board would give birth to this person or bring him out of hiding? Is this the reason there's a push for genetic identification services? So many pieces come together to tell me this. Especially the way shills react to this topic. Will it be like the glory of a thousand suns all at once?

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808bd8  No.7829895

File: c5a2728d2edce90⋯.jpeg (94.71 KB, 828x577, 828:577, CBC06181-6D6D-49D5-B02A-7….jpeg)



80 hours of truth.

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281561  No.7829896

File: 1fdc513e8edaf42⋯.png (335.19 KB, 642x704, 321:352, Screen Shot 2020-01-16 at ….png)

Trump Curse: Red Sox Manager Who Refused to Visit President Trump in the White House with His Team – Is Fired for Cheating


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ba82f1  No.7829897

File: 9197696ee4b1eb7⋯.jpg (103.69 KB, 852x852, 1:1, Weekend Wrap.jpg)

>>7829620 (lb)

Hang in there, Anon.

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560933  No.7829898

File: be9f20980e5e98f⋯.jpg (96.19 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 35535ewtov.jpg)

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cf2232  No.7829899

File: d819b6566617a75⋯.jpg (86.37 KB, 522x544, 261:272, TrumpAmongstSnakes - Copy.jpg)

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dd6f1a  No.7829900

File: ea7d0e1af09a080⋯.png (619.44 KB, 611x794, 611:794, holyrood-satanic.PNG)

>>7829553 (lb)

Possibly this article, anon?

Satanic Plaque and Altar Unearthed in The Queen’s Holyrood Park in Scotland

from 22 June, 2019

In a secluded area of The Queen’s Holyrood Park in Edinburgh, Scotland, archaeologists have unearthed two mysterious objects, including a metal plaque depicting an upside-down pentagram with a horned beast in the center – most likely the demonic entity Baphomet – and an altar with undisclosed “display objects” around the plinth. While news outlets are calling the objects pagan, the symbology appears more associated with satanism and devil worship .

Holyrood, The Seat of Scottish Royals

The Scotsman announced that the satanic objects were found on Whinny Hill above St Margaret’s Loch in Holyrood Park in Edinburgh. Holyrood Park, which is also known as The Queen’s Park, is a royal park that remains part of Holyrood Palace , The Queen’s official residence in Scotland.


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668da5  No.7829901

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3bdc58  No.7829902


the next thing that they tell you is it's you?

and they start bowing to you?

you'll, of course, call them brother.

Christ can shine through any man, anon.

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970db7  No.7829903

File: 6808702d44a981e⋯.png (1.42 MB, 650x821, 650:821, ClipboardImage.png)


Bewbs 4 bread!

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442354  No.7829904

File: bcb85e25d8e8970⋯.jpeg (42.89 KB, 400x360, 10:9, 3858387F-67DE-4DAD-A9E8-4….jpeg)

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1bf3bd  No.7829905

File: 189550d91f04770⋯.png (427.46 KB, 640x533, 640:533, Screenshot_2020-01-16 The ….png)

White House dismisses Giuliani associate's Trump-Ukraine accusations

8:10 AM - 16 Jan 2020


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808bd8  No.7829906


So he has nothing and is just nuts?

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272583  No.7829907

File: 445f801f52847e3⋯.png (40.14 KB, 651x310, 21:10, epstein burst capillaries ….PNG)

File: fc2a82f49a7dfca⋯.png (40.44 KB, 647x262, 647:262, epstein burst capillaries ….PNG)

File: 2ad90e9136ba365⋯.png (38.96 KB, 652x275, 652:275, epstein burst capillaries ….PNG)


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433bdb  No.7829908

File: 13cddbad3974f18⋯.png (1.53 MB, 2000x1297, 2000:1297, ClipboardImage.png)

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d417c8  No.7829909


> undisclosed “display objects” around the plinth.


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f1ba7b  No.7829910

File: 39770ff8ed914bf⋯.png (453.58 KB, 545x627, 545:627, Dishwasher.png)

Good take on POTUS going on about dishwashers at the rally the other night.


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947179  No.7829911


Bowing? You're an idiot and your writing style = shill as fuck. So now that I've got one of you shills here, where's the partner?

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f1dde3  No.7829912


Not only that, zero approval polls have been published lately, so the news must be horrific for the RATS

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3fecff  No.7829913

File: e50b486fb6a28af⋯.png (672.91 KB, 600x574, 300:287, Screenshot_2020-01-15 Hist….png)


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668da5  No.7829914


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Sen McSally calls manu raju a 'liberal hack' on vid

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9d27ff  No.7829915

File: a2e2abf53331913⋯.jpg (82.35 KB, 505x494, 505:494, Solomon.jpg)

File: 5046a8e3d621145⋯.jpg (90.67 KB, 624x400, 39:25, SolomonII.jpg)

File: e118bace9a05229⋯.jpg (88.62 KB, 574x435, 574:435, SolomonIII.jpg)

File: d2505b055ba4daa⋯.jpg (116.29 KB, 674x370, 337:185, SolomonIIII.jpg)

File: 80e9d0bbdde84d8⋯.jpg (119.41 KB, 500x531, 500:531, SolomonIIIII.jpg)


The basis for masonry is the Jew Solomon

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5748e5  No.7829916


Each and every one of em. Never forget.

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a9e6c0  No.7829917

California governor restarts giant water tunnel project


Last year, Newsom halted a similar project that would have built two tunnels for the same purpose. The new project will have only one tunnel, and it will carry less water. State officials don't know how much it will cost.

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d8d05c  No.7829918


That’s the one! Thanks for finding that!

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51f653  No.7829919

File: 42b6d4852acf495⋯.jpg (200.57 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 3E56A19200000578-0-image-a….jpg)



TY Bakers!!!

>>7829751 (lb)

>>7829790 (lb)

>>7829798 (lb)

THIS, THIS, THIS. Ukraine, and US are LEGALLY obliged to investigate matters of legal consequence:


Treaty signed at Kiev July 22, 1998; Transmitted by the President of the United States of America to the Senate November 10, 1999 (Treaty Doc. 106-16, 106th Congress, 1st Session); Reported favorably by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations September 27, 2000 (Senate Executive Report No. 106-24, 106th Congress, 2d Session); Advice and consent to ratification by the Senate October 18, 2000; Ratified by the President January 5, 2001; Ratified by Ukraine February 10, 2000; Ratifications exchanged February 27, 2001; Entered into force February 27, 2001. With annex.

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9da4d1  No.7829920

File: 489f827b1d73560⋯.png (54.54 KB, 750x372, 125:62, ClipboardImage.png)



DEVELOPING: Why's IG Horowitz quietly "revising" key

findings in his report & posting new iterations

of original version on IG website? Why's he not

highlighting the effectively secret revisions thru press

releases & letters notifying Congress &the public of the

post-pub changes?


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251eab  No.7829921

File: 34946c3585cb457⋯.jpg (110.3 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 3maxuc.jpg)

File: 8eaa8bac86313ea⋯.jpg (77.58 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 3maweo.jpg)

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ab8598  No.7829922


>>7828921 LLB

>>7829723 LB

So maybe POTUS wants us to look into Flint and what's going on in the water.

The earliest millionaire businessman in Flint was Alexander McFarland.

He created his wealth as a sawmill owner,

eventually buying up large tracts of pine forest land in Michigan.

McFarland employed Charles Williams Nash at his mills who eventually went on to be the president of General Motors.

Nash worked for William C. Durant who created the Flint Road Cart Company, later becoming the Durant-Dort Carriage Company. (and eventually GM)

Durant is an important figure in Detroit. He created GM but then was ousted by the stockholders, he then went on to found the Chevrolet Motor Company with Louis Chevrolet. He was financially backed by Pierre S. duPont!

He eventually worked his way back into GM with the backing of duPont.

McFarland's son in-law was Robert Whaley who went on to work as the president of Citizen's Bank, which bankrolled the Flint Road Cart Company, which grew to be General Motors.

Wheley was in business with

So basically Flint Michigan, power wise, was in the wheel house of General Motors. And General Motors was Durant/Dupont in terms of power players.

So what does Dupont have to do with the Flint water problems?

The water problems were a result of changing water sources to the Flint rive. The aging pipes rusted and leeched lead into the water causing the water quality to decline.

The dems (Gov. Rick Snyder, and then POTUS BO) went on to declare an emergency.

The resulting payout bankrolled Dem initiatives in the states. Per POTUS recent twat: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1217836310657892353

So do Rick Snyder or BO have ties to the Dupont family?

Well, michigan doesn't like the duponts much: https://apnews.com/865c52bbaa21c777bbc993a2e1f7c75a

A lot of people seem to be blaming GM and Dupont for poisoning the Flint river! https://www.counterpunch.org/2016/01/12/the-barbarism-of-rick-snyder-a-statement-and-curse/

Sooo, there seems to be something here.

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3bdc58  No.7829923


who cares about your review of a shitpost.

gather your wits about you.

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9da4d1  No.7829924



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f7f35f  No.7829925

File: 206055d2232a09a⋯.jpg (19.38 KB, 893x57, 47:3, choosedropdown.jpg)

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433bdb  No.7829926

File: cad09849c7656a8⋯.png (364.57 KB, 680x383, 680:383, ClipboardImage.png)



dude looks like a caricature


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68aca7  No.7829927

File: 80af1a562507b16⋯.png (75.4 KB, 670x258, 335:129, crowd.png)

File: 38579581f04534e⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1280x682, 640:341, c_astrike.png)

an ex fbi blows whistle on illegal spying on sheryl attkisson after leaving fbi, now exec in crowdstrike…


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947179  No.7829928


Tag ID and IP: Shill

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efaa11  No.7829929

File: 40dfc42dc98568d⋯.png (33.69 KB, 200x202, 100:101, women.png)


> kushner under horns on time cover inneresting

So is his 'hour-glass' figure.

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4143f3  No.7829930

File: 88979f04ffe07c8⋯.jpg (68.7 KB, 977x596, 977:596, pepe bless you.jpg)


it's ded

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7ceb37  No.7829931



Great! This is the kind everyone should talking to these assfucks! Maybe a little bit more agro, but it is a start!

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9da4d1  No.7829932



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e93fec  No.7829933


404 for me…when I clicked on your link. However the article is still there..check this link.


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3bdc58  No.7829934

File: 14d7c9e14706b2d⋯.jpg (2.45 MB, 3688x2104, 461:263, whodares.jpg)

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4c6fcc  No.7829936



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fde4fb  No.7829937

File: e60d162d8f13305⋯.jpg (63.64 KB, 519x500, 519:500, 3m8xfh.jpg)


clown gets owned /

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560933  No.7829938

CBSN: "The GAO is sending a stern warning to the White House not to do this again." KEK

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6e4c55  No.7829939

File: c368e6fe4ca8a6e⋯.jpeg (100.53 KB, 690x499, 690:499, A5E39D0C-F2AC-497F-8857-4….jpeg)

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51f653  No.7829940


Because reasons, and shiet:


POTUS has all 4 Versions of the Inspector General Report



13 Jun 2018 - 11:50:25 PM

POTUS in possession of (and reviewing):

1. Original IG unredacted report

2. Modified IG unredacted report [RR version]

3. Modified IG redacted report [RR version]

4. IG summary notes re: obstruction(s) to obtain select info (classified)

[#3 released tomorrow]

[SEC: FBI/DOJ handling of HRC email investigation]


Who has the sole ability to DECLAS it all?

Did you witness the stage being set today?

Nunes/Grassley/Freedom C. push for docs.

[[RR]] central figure within docs (personally involved).


Immediate impeachment / resignation / termination / recusal IF EVER BROUGHT TO LIGHT.

Be loud.

Be heard.

Fight for TRUTH.


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947179  No.7829941

File: 886c8eb2af862f1⋯.jpg (559.43 KB, 1242x1219, 54:53, IMG_2510.JPG)

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3bdc58  No.7829942


>Christ can shine through any man, anon.

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6bd5fd  No.7829943

File: ef44e9f8e4fde52⋯.jpg (93.22 KB, 716x346, 358:173, Thanks Ron, Jim and team.jpg)

File: 33d50e307a3d36e⋯.jpg (19.96 KB, 275x183, 275:183, CIA SHIT.jpg)

#66 - 2017-11-03 01:19:28 (UTC+1)


Let's be real clear.

The CIA just attacked the Command and Chief which was immediately detected by NSA/MI and alerted to POTUS.

Re-review all my crumbs including today/yesterday/weekend.

What does this mean?

What actions are immediately occurring?

If this leaks, or the immediate action ongoing at Langley, you'll have your verification ahead of schedule.


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6bee12  No.7829944

File: e7398f3bfde06b2⋯.jpg (91.73 KB, 604x342, 302:171, ThatsAKek.jpg)

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fec6e2  No.7829945

File: 28236635fed801b⋯.jpg (68.69 KB, 500x636, 125:159, 3m8k6w.jpg)

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c4590a  No.7829946


Interesting, although with many self-hangings, the COD is strangulation, not severed spinal cord. A bedpost doesn't have the required height to cause a broken neck. I still think he was murdered. But this doesn't prove anything

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d417c8  No.7829947

File: 758a225954d895d⋯.jpg (53.62 KB, 866x960, 433:480, y0kptprl10y21.jpg)

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947179  No.7829948


Except you are no man.

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a81947  No.7829949


Fuck off, muh jew propaganda clown, you won't save your traitor brothers.

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b4fc19  No.7829951

File: 2ee0f76d20bb42c⋯.png (1.06 MB, 722x578, 361:289, goes on.png)

>>7829092 LB

because every demorat is going to be waving these pens the next year yelling "we impeached him" at every rally to appease their base. Maxine Waters pushed for this. she was holding her hand up the whole time behind Nancy at the desk. Maxine Waters / Al Green calling for impeachment since day 1.

2019 Impeachment = Treyvon Martin Hoax = Duke Rape Case = occupy wall street = black lives matter

All movements being run by subversive socialist to let the pillaging continue.

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f87d45  No.7829952

File: 59ef718f0f1762c⋯.png (118.22 KB, 1011x464, 1011:464, quantum.png)

File: 771d249ceed98f9⋯.png (231.36 KB, 1002x625, 1002:625, quantum2.png)

File: d28e4257f827280⋯.pdf (6.58 MB, 1911.07839.pdf)

>>7829753 pb

>Think Quantum Teleportation. What’s been publicly released?

State of the art in the public sphere is the"Chip-to-chip quantum teleportation and multi-photon entanglement in silicon" paper from November 2019 as far as this anon knows. Could use some Q chips myself ;)

>Can data stored on standard hard drives be targeted for entanglement? What does that provide?

Everything, as in we have it all? Achieving quantum entanglement without the cooperation of the remote device would be quite something... How would you even target plates of rust somewhere on earth.

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e96ab4  No.7829953

File: 1d82f35e9b7f2e3⋯.png (53.9 KB, 619x301, 619:301, ClipboardImage.png)

DEVELOPING: Why's IG Horowitz quietly "revising" key findings in his report & posting new iterations of original version on IG website? Why's he not highlighting the effectively secret revisions thru press releases & letters notifying Congress &the public of the post-pub changes?


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272583  No.7829954

File: 96fd21a1b7507f5⋯.png (454.27 KB, 657x547, 657:547, media russia hack censorsh….PNG)

File: d55f8dcf44d370f⋯.png (56.41 KB, 780x384, 65:32, media russia hack censorsh….PNG)

File: ae52fb4e9bdb41b⋯.png (32.43 KB, 765x414, 85:46, media russia hack censorsh….PNG)

File: d7067dbbb64b378⋯.png (336.14 KB, 681x562, 681:562, media russia hack censorsh….PNG)

File: aff1c93fd3fc9a4⋯.png (359.19 KB, 524x555, 524:555, media russia hack censorsh….PNG)


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808bd8  No.7829955

File: 3b5c4c1e488c080⋯.jpeg (288.21 KB, 828x1409, 828:1409, 9D22FBF8-90F3-4F22-AEDF-D….jpeg)

File: 3de7e039e83aaac⋯.jpeg (56.43 KB, 828x1143, 92:127, 63D50B2D-A8A9-4EFE-84B1-0….jpeg)

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3bdc58  No.7829956


why are you playing this game?

you dare tell me what I am?

and you say I am the shill.

that's the height of hypocracy, anon.

to put it into the banter of the kind of script that you use (it's a playground banter of a bully)

"I know you are, but what am I."

get real anon. I'm a real person and I will not cotton to being bullied and gaslighted by a nitwit today.

And remember: Christ can shine through any man, anon.

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1bf3bd  No.7829957

File: be5a47fe47e7cfd⋯.png (203.28 KB, 631x686, 631:686, Screenshot_2020-01-16 Depa….png)

When snipers are in the battlefield, they have to blend in, and they do that with a LOT of makeup. But it’s not the kind that helps conceal your broken-out T-zone. How do you apply camo? This @USArmy sniper shows us how it’s done.

3:00 PM - 15 Jan 2020


Pepe´s makeup

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766b85  No.7829958


Centers around lies about when assets were put in place against Trump.

Originally said when crossfire was initiated - but not true - was before.

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6bd5fd  No.7829959


missed 2 before it.

#64 - 2017-11-03 00:31:24 (UTC+1)

Fellow Patriots,

I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions.

We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack.

Watch the news outlets.

POTUS' Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago).

Should the lights go out please know we are in control.

Do not panic.

We are prepared and assets are in place.

God bless - I must go for good at this point.


#65 - 2017-11-03 01:07:18 (UTC+1)

:::::Flash Traffic:::::

Three letter agency embedded tracking/up-channel into POTUS' Twitter to specifically target through specialized geo and send his location.

We anticipated this (see post a few hours ago).

It has begun.

Perhaps more posts to follow as expected imminent departure.


#66 - 2017-11-03 01:19:28 (UTC+1)


Let's be real clear.

The CIA just attacked the Command and Chief which was immediately detected by NSA/MI and alerted to POTUS.

Re-review all my crumbs including today/yesterday/weekend.

What does this mean?

What actions are immediately occurring?

If this leaks, or the immediate action ongoing at Langley, you'll have your verification ahead of schedule.


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d417c8  No.7829960


>you dare tell me what I am?

don't be so touchy, Rey

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68aca7  No.7829961

File: b0ce89630002405⋯.png (232.45 KB, 723x554, 723:554, iran.png)


Put together the Rich Kids and the possibility of electronic warfare and it all suggests a premeditated and carefully planned event of which the Soleimani assassination was only a part.

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433bdb  No.7829962

File: d8d2954b8abec53⋯.png (76.04 KB, 1618x1027, 1618:1027, PepeIslandTest.png)

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d0bdd6  No.7829963


McSally is a Luciferian playing her part.

In the end everyone will know exactly what and who she is.

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000000  No.7829964

A Full Third Of Flint’s Emergency $390 Million Water Funds Did Not Go To Clean Water

Four years ago this month, then-Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder declared an emergency in Flint, and $390 million in state aid began pouring in. Much of the money, however, was spent on activities only peripherally related to lead in water, state spending data show.

About $129 million was spent on economic development and “social development,” nearly as much as the $144 million spent on safe drinking water, according to the state budget tally.


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8e6edd  No.7829965

File: 92c807a36b60f4f⋯.png (200.38 KB, 1351x670, 1351:670, ClipboardImage.png)

Shill teamwork

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3bdc58  No.7829966


how am I being touchy?

why do you care?

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08588b  No.7829967

File: 0add2b449aab71e⋯.jpeg (7.73 KB, 275x183, 275:183, hey.jpeg)

Fresh from the keyboard:

- Better desktop scrolling

- Proper database backend



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1bf3bd  No.7829968

File: aaf3294615ba5fd⋯.png (439.71 KB, 566x673, 566:673, Screenshot_2020-01-16 Depa….png)

File: 74e5e150858c8d9⋯.png (5.77 KB, 447x188, 447:188, Screenshot_2020-01-16 Q Po….png)

Jumping from a plane becomes a big step toward friendship. 301 soldiers and airmen from @USArmyReserve, @usairforce, and @Japan_GSDF took the leap together during the annual New Year Jump event.

3:00 AM - 16 Jan 2020


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947179  No.7829969


You're not a real person tho. You really think we can't tell by your writing style? You're either an AI or you're foreign either way questioning you slightly eats up your script and cleans the bread.

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69a905  No.7829970


Well I think its Daniel…many of you say he is a namefag but his posts are not fameseeking, they seem informative and guidelike….

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cc9c9d  No.7829971


It's something alright.

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9da4d1  No.7829972


in other words HOROWITZ IS FUCKING UP.

BET this is what Pelosi was waiting for

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cb884a  No.7829973

They wont' sign USMCA unless they can run the "trial". Plus she's adding moar to it.

Fuck the UN POTUS. Break it into a thousand pieces.

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7a056c  No.7829974

File: 39fa6536c2e04be⋯.jpg (50.37 KB, 345x336, 115:112, dffgpee.jpg)

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947179  No.7829975


lol, I'm most def not a shill but I've been watching this particular christ slide for a few days now and it's grabbed my attention as to why they swap scripts when they do. But, alas I don't really care its anonymous board you can think what you want of me.

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b83394  No.7829976

File: da9532e934e9777⋯.png (37.04 KB, 386x474, 193:237, swc.png)


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3bdc58  No.7829977

File: 8c41573abdad853⋯.jpg (62.34 KB, 223x225, 223:225, momentum_vortex_models_012.jpg)

File: 8db7f585a9bc74b⋯.jpg (106.24 KB, 791x458, 791:458, jk_sad_about_bowling_capti….jpg)

File: b746c4e336a6b8b⋯.jpg (115.77 KB, 750x665, 150:133, thats_not_the_words.jpg)


yes, eat my script

cut it out, seriously.

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ba82f1  No.7829978


It said April before?

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20e4cc  No.7829979

Final Senate vote on USMCA underway; the vote to go ahead and vote on the bill was 78 yes and 21 no; I wonder if the final no vote will be 17, we'll see…

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a76672  No.7829980


watch the water?

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cc9c9d  No.7829981


What is with the random advertising disguised as posts that has been happening the past few days?

All it does is show me what NOT to use & what to make fun of

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5748e5  No.7829982

Been a long time since a 'Manager' has actually managed my life for the best. This right here is the problem.

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433bdb  No.7829983


>the UN

Libya's Sarraj to attend Berlin peace meeting

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a9e6c0  No.7829984

for keks

San Diego Bakery Says It Shut Down After ICE Audit of Workers


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4143f3  No.7829985

File: af66de33dac4031⋯.jpg (95.21 KB, 1199x632, 1199:632, air force two.jpg)

AF2 on the ground In Tampa. Last Update was at 1850ft

No cap it dropped off before capture.

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000000  No.7829986


California’s Environmentalist Democrats Force Children to Swim in Diluted Sewage

E. coli levels at beaches are supposed to be at 88 or below, and anything over 1,000 is supposed to lead to a beach closure. At 500, there’s a 10% chance of gastroenteritis and a 4% risk of febrile respiratory disease. But at Discovery Park, the numbers went as high as 2419.6 in December 2019.

The E.coli levels had climbed so high that labs could no longer even properly measure them.


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1a651b  No.7829987


To Remain Until Second Term

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42677a  No.7829988


Joan Dodaro is 75 years old and was born on 04/26/1944. Currently, Joan lives in Alexandria, VA. Joan also answers to Joan M Mccabe, Joan Mccabe Dodaro, Joan Mccabe Macabe and Joan M Dodaro, and perhaps a couple of other names.

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6bd5fd  No.7829989

File: cc99f3dfd5d4ebf⋯.jpg (142.14 KB, 604x638, 302:319, TRUTH IS COMING.jpg)

File: d1363c6f43c067e⋯.jpg (64.26 KB, 400x364, 100:91, REAL LEARNING.jpg)

File: 9c350bec0e55b92⋯.jpg (102.11 KB, 630x410, 63:41, Review life lessons.jpg)

File: 5309daac57e5c25⋯.jpg (18.41 KB, 217x255, 217:255, WARRIOR.jpg)

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08588b  No.7829990


As long as I keep working on this I'm gonna keep posing about it.

Sorry anon.

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0fa4b8  No.7829991


In retrospect:

Christalmighty, Q was full of shit

I can't believe it took me 8 more months to realize it

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947179  No.7829992


No keep going, what else do you have? Let's see all the possible replies you have hidden away. You're not here for Q as much is obvious so what are you really? Only you can answer that question. What happens when you get angry I'm curious.

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17a068  No.7829993

File: fac3bb6dfac44e1⋯.png (2.51 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, A8A3AC72-410A-4627-A3BA-B3….png)

Want one?

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aacb29  No.7829994

File: 190098fecfeabbf⋯.png (412.05 KB, 539x552, 539:552, US Interior 1-16-20 8 40 a….PNG)

File: 2e654dc6d9baa12⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1352x917, 1352:917, US Interior 1-16-20 8 40 a….PNG)

US Department of the Interior

Sunset @GreatSmokyNPSposes a hard question: Head home or stay for the stars?


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272b78  No.7829995

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cc47e7  No.7829996


Surly Joshua faggot goy boy Fag actor joo ham is tender and full of homo

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d417c8  No.7829997



read the "Statement"

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ec6179  No.7829998

Q what was the cold war really?

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deacb5  No.7829999

File: 7976ad7306d104d⋯.png (575.51 KB, 640x763, 640:763, 186A4A8A-68E8-49DE-A82F-C1….png)

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d3fec2  No.7830000


Q has 15 drops that have the word pen, usually saying to watch it.

Keep an eye on watches, too.

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dd2832  No.7830001




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1a651b  No.7830002


Silly rabbit

National Level Fuckery isn't just broadcast on Chns - you knew that from the start though right?

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cc47e7  No.7830003


Those corpses in your volcano are thetans and need bilbo therapy anon

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cb884a  No.7830004


> snipers

DOD what's up?

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560933  No.7830005

"This man lacks all credibility" McCarthy on Lev Parnas

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aacb29  No.7830006

File: 781e91ed8a50171⋯.png (29.97 KB, 523x232, 523:232, BYork re Pelosi re Barr 1-….PNG)

Pelosi: AG Barr is 'rogue,' part of 'the president's henchmen.' Full quote: 'Does anybody think that the rogue attorney general is going to appoint a special prosecutor? No, because he is implicated in all of this. This is an example of all of the president's henchmen.'


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643684  No.7830007

Christ may shine through any man, but that may not be separate to walking among us as he has before. The bible says he will return.

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3bdc58  No.7830008


why are you doing this?

listen if you were writing a recursive script to confuse it wouldn't be very hard.

so you say I'm a script.

so what am I good for?

fill in my parameters.

if I'm a proper script I'd have a help function.

what programming language did the writer (of your fantasy idea of me being a scirpt) use to write me?

no, buddy, go under the assumption that I am real but I am quick my fingers and I don't often check spelling.

if you have any questions I do reply if it's pertinent.

you are sliding this by now so I'll post my cool new slide memes

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cc47e7  No.7830009


Shoot them with a tank

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d278dc  No.7830010

File: 31fd74d15e6c945⋯.png (39.76 KB, 664x418, 332:209, lmc q.PNG)

can feel the tension on twatter

lmc our gurl

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ec6179  No.7830011

It’s nice but do you have anything in a full metal jacket?


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f83640  No.7830012

File: 9a6fc4145ab5130⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1753x1093, 1753:1093, Screen Shot 2019-12-23 at ….png)


TY Baker!

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8e6edd  No.7830013

File: a03a5c66d7602c4⋯.png (69.87 KB, 420x420, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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433bdb  No.7830014

File: a7ae8daf3dd4322⋯.png (504 KB, 992x558, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>Libya's Sarraj to attend Berlin peace meeting


BERLIN – Germany's foreign minister arrived in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi on Thursday and met with one of the country's rival leaders in a bid to push forward troubled efforts to secure a cease-fire in the North African country.

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas extended an official invitation to Libyan Gen. Khalifa Hifter to attend the upcoming conference in Germany, according to a military spokesman for Hifter's forces.

The gathering in Berlin on Sunday is trying to bring together many of the countries that have interests in Libya's ongoing civil war.

Since the 2011 ouster and killing of Libya's longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi, the country has sunk further into chaos and turmoil and is now divided between two rival administrations, the Tripoli one in the west and the one based in the country's east, supported by Hifter's forces.

Hifter's forces have been on the offensive since April, laying siege in an effort to capture Tripoli and battling with militias aligned with the U.N.-supported government based in the Libyan capital. Hifter claims his march on the capital aims to liberate Tripoli from a weak government that had allied itself with "terrorist" militias.

Meeting Maas on Thursday, Hifter agreed to attend the Berlin conference, Brig. Gen. Khaled al-Mahjoub told The Associated Press over the phone.

“Libya's main problem is well-known to the world, it lies in the existence of militias,” said Mahjoub, adding that Hifter's forces hope the Berlin conference can set a clear timetable for the dismantling of militias loyal to the Tripoli government.

The German top diplomat's trip to Benghazi, Hifter's stronghold, came two days after Libya's rival leaders left Moscow without reaching an agreement. Russia and Turkey proposed a cease-fire last week. Libyan Prime Mniister Fayez Sarraj, the head of the Tripoli government, and Hifter went to Moscow on Monday for talks with Russian and Turkish diplomats and military officials.

Sarraj and Hifter, who didn't meet directly, considered a draft document spelling out details of a truce proposed jointly by Russia and Turkey. Sarraj signed the draft before departing, while Hifter requested more time to consider it and then left Moscow without signing.

In a tweet after their meeting, Germany's foreign ministry quoted Maas as saying that Hifter wants the Berlin conference to be a success and pledged to keep the existing ceasefire.

Maas spoke to Sarraj last week and said earlier he would meet Hifter on behalf of the European Union's foreign ministers.

“Our message is clear: no one can win this conflict militarily,” Maas said before leaving Berlin. “A window is now opening to free the conflict from international influence and so open the way to a political process and inter-Libyan negotiations on a post-war order” under U.N. supervision.

“I hope that the parties will take this opportunity to put the future of Libya back in Libyan hands,” Maas added. “This now requires readiness for a real cease-fire and both parties' participation in the dialogue formats proposed by the United Nations.”

Sarraj's government says Hifter is “an aggressor” seeking to turn Libya into “a military dictatorship.” The Tripoli government wants Hifter's forces to withdraw from areas they seized since April, a demand Hifter is not expected to comply with.

Britain announced Thursday that Prime Minister Boris Johnson will attend the Berlin talks.

“The conflict in Libya has escalated in recent months and threatens to destabilize the wider region,” said Johnson’s spokesman, James Slack. “This meeting is an opportunity for the U.K. to come together with international partners and countries in the region to support efforts towards a cease-fire and encourage a return to United Nations-led talks.”

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9da4d1  No.7830015

File: 277ddfcaa4fa1e1⋯.png (117.31 KB, 490x350, 7:5, Pelosi_Chekked.png)




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1bf3bd  No.7830016

File: b04b53430c4ab5f⋯.png (480.74 KB, 526x624, 263:312, Screenshot_2020-01-16 Clin….png)

File: 5e660b76d6d9137⋯.jpg (345.7 KB, 1638x2048, 819:1024, EORjzZOXkAYwZTv.jpg large.jpg)

Clinton Foundation Retweeted

Visited the Goyco Community Centre today in #SanJuan. This former school is now a community resilience hub supported by @ClintonGlobal member @estuariosanjuan.



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cc47e7  No.7830017



Cause cabbage cult

Is gross and stupid

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6cb73a  No.7830018

File: 693f00eadd1042e⋯.jpg (382.54 KB, 1816x3278, 908:1639, 693f00eadd1042e88c408acd41….jpg)


>>7829932 <<<<<<<<<<<

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989b7c  No.7830019

File: c6fa48a50b1a020⋯.png (359.77 KB, 480x482, 240:241, EHYE62UWkAEub-9.png)

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3bdc58  No.7830020

File: 4f7ac145e882143⋯.jpg (128.83 KB, 359x368, 359:368, nine_slides_.jpg)

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3fecff  No.7830021

File: 18747be842bf501⋯.png (38.15 KB, 1132x317, 1132:317, Screenshot_2020-01-16 Obam….png)


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5fdd36  No.7830022

File: c3e47da2a8c1076⋯.png (176.27 KB, 441x261, 49:29, usmcapassed.png)

USMCA passes Senate

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3cc48a  No.7830023

=Recap of yesturday=

In case you missed it, the IRGC agents that post here were busy threatening the families of our Paratroopers who have been deployed outside of Iran.

Family members of deployed paratroopers receiving ‘menacing’ messages, warned to double-check social media settings


These people are sick.

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0ce25c  No.7830024

File: 1a1170504715130⋯.jpg (124.95 KB, 780x630, 26:21, Annotation 2020-01-16 0716….jpg)

Mexicali border on red alert for the next 72 hours for ‘Four Nationals of Iran Possibly Carrying Explosives’ Into California From Mexico



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947179  No.7830025


You've made no spelling mistakes, just your formatting. Your tone. Your choice of words. It's not organic.

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ec6179  No.7830026


VA is kind of scary. I can see that from aus.

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2e977c  No.7830027

>>7829896 Overall punishments meted out are still ridiculously low. Players walk away with careers intact, keeping all those titles. Not even an apology. This guy Cora hosed the Dodgers twice. Will MLB step up, do the right thing, and award those WS titles to LA? Hell no. They want to go on with biz as usual, & sweep it away with a few people getting wrist slaps. They correctly said that the integrity of the game was at stake, then flushed that integrity down the crapper. Thanks, MLB, for a world class demonstration of gutlessness, and for yet again proving that it is ALL about the money, America's Game be damned. You are not forgiven.

As to this POS Cora refusing to go to the WH—isn't it always this way? The person with mega issues projects his shortcomings onto Bad Orange Man. You see, DJT just wasn't up to his moral standards, snicker.

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cc9c9d  No.7830028


Don't shoot anybody in Virginia please. That is what they WANT you to do. ffs.

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85946d  No.7830029

File: 109bafb7e0430ae⋯.png (153.55 KB, 1007x654, 1007:654, Screenshot_2020-01-16 FREE….png)

File: 901af64499da6e9⋯.png (175.72 KB, 1007x654, 1007:654, Screenshot_2020-01-16 Mari….png)

File: 215c38260708c1d⋯.jpg (12.59 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9bb9ef9de51efe4d4d79f17990….jpg)

>>7828681 (pb #10020)

FREEWINDS is a passenger liner built 1968. She is the cruise ship for the Church of Scientology.

Current tracks around the Bahamas and Miami. Many show as satellite only as there is a limit to the range of the AIS receivers.

This boatfag is currently watching 19 ports, 9 yachts (not counting our old friend REVERIE) and 23 merchant ships with more large ships to add to keep an eye on the vessels of Hanseatic Unity Chartering (ten bulkers but 200+ container ships.) Still trying to dig shipping line connections to CEMEX. There is a great deal of water out there, boatfag humbly begs forgiveness and shall endevour to increase scanning rate and area of coverage.

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18d97b  No.7830030

File: 9743bc85b26121f⋯.png (935.05 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, pencilnecknote.png)

>>7829576 (lb)

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808bd8  No.7830031

File: 24c1f8bf0735b06⋯.jpeg (88.23 KB, 828x940, 207:235, 56E34E22-5BE1-4384-97CE-3….jpeg)

File: 1813ecf3ef93424⋯.jpeg (85.23 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 7B644295-EF7C-41A1-B23D-E….jpeg)

File: 829e3e9bce183c5⋯.jpeg (137.83 KB, 828x781, 828:781, 99D351E5-AF68-4D30-A8A0-5….jpeg)

There shall be no mercy nor quarter for those who corrupted the minds, bodies and souls of God’s children.

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3cc48a  No.7830032

File: ecacab05e78ac67⋯.jpg (302.84 KB, 652x1038, 326:519, AFLB_GodWins.jpg)

This board is simply too powerful, our enemy must have it completely controlled.

=This MOCKINGBIRD bread=

'satan' exsists as our individual resistances to God. There's no unified entity called as such, yet our individual resistances can be marched to the same tune. Enter MOCKINGBIRD.

'Our Daily Bread' is Gods vital rhythm of our upward growth~

MOCKINGBIRD corrupts it.

We're used as batteries for their poisoned memes, especially children.

The MOCKINGBIRD program is here. Now.

What's posted here bubbles up in our social sphere.

Their 3am dream invasions are a condensed seed of what happens in each bread, and each bread is a condensed version of what's said through each day.

They have it structured out:

Who's in control of our bread?

Who are you forced to trust / love?

Who are you coerced into hating?

What points are 'everyone else' talking about?

What social reinforcements do you see?

What's the chance all this is [currently] organic?

The dream visit plants the seed of their unified resistance in our unconscious minds.

The news/bread waters it.

They found a way of strengthening 'the devil' by force multiplying its pressence. We all 'just happen' to hate/fear the same things, and that gives resistance socially rewarding reinforcement.

Those that aren't marching to that tune, are shamed / rejected from the MOCKINGBIRD'D masses.

Why are MOCKINGBIRD talking points sent out at 4am?

Witching hour is over.

The seed was planted.

Those that plant it give the propagators instructions on watering it.

>Who controls the narrative?

>Why is this relevant?

>What is a spell?

>Who is asleep?


>Attention on deck.

>There is an active war on your mind.

Do you see the weakness?

Their invasion of our dreams~

[Banish /+ Pray before bed]

Without the unconscious seed, we won't seek the water for it.

Our resistances won't be marching to the same tune, thus they don't get rewarded.

We have more in common (per day) in our growth than we do in our resistance.

We all feel the pulse of God.

Only a [dwindling] portion are infected by MOCKINGBIRD. Unless you let the abusers convince you not to filter+blur images; Not to defend YOURSELF from their abuse.

Welcome to The Great Awakening.

[Sun Scissors Snip Weight]

Push the 3am invader into Sunlight

Snip heavy burden away

They've been doing this for so long..

They just want it over with~

God has greater wrath than what they can come up with.

Fear God. Pity the snipped invader~

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8ab545  No.7830033

File: 111f6bc4fba74cb⋯.jpg (190.54 KB, 1000x847, 1000:847, Kek-Ohhh-Shit.jpg)

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1bf3bd  No.7830034

File: 78cfd379047d039⋯.png (95.76 KB, 399x694, 399:694, Screenshot_2020-01-16 Dan ….png)

File: 41cbdbe5aed1ffe⋯.png (97.68 KB, 407x694, 407:694, Screenshot_2020-01-16 Dan ….png)


Signs of the Time

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c8cc7e  No.7830035

File: 7ab0c009e705c79⋯.jpg (68.14 KB, 1379x822, 1379:822, Trust_Plan.jpg)

Missed last bread. Esptein lawsuit names TRUST, PLAN as plantiff!! Trust the plan

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cb884a  No.7830036

Liberals Fear the Word, Sovereignty

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cc47e7  No.7830037


Is it obvious yet that some crappy judas faggot necromancer flesh wants to judge man ?

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f83640  No.7830038

File: 13381fc4192ab1c⋯.jpg (149.5 KB, 1242x1075, 1242:1075, EMhtXmKVAAIeIqG.jpg)



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c8cc7e  No.7830039



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cc47e7  No.7830040


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3cc48a  No.7830041

File: b9f79b898757719⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 2988x1494, 2:1, __(You)__See.jpg)


WOW 🤭 He said it himself. The absolute arrogance of our enemy.

This is the one invading our dreams.

Stab his wretched child raping heart





>Freddy Benson, Ascended Lightworker



>5 pictures spammer



>Maga Riots Faggot

>Toilet Boy


>Graham Milton\Microchip

>Hot Wheels




>Cannot Thank\Cauldron Boi

>Anime Faggot

>Ginger Mound

>Scoreboard\Meat on the Bone

>Your So Gay You'd Hit It

>Baker is a Mason Shill

>This is a Gay Jew Meme

>Muh Joo isn't Organic

>Or one of my many other names or personas!


>Understand this!

>Every time I shift the consensus with any one of my 100+ different IPs and Identities, George Soros personally cuts me a cheque for OVER 9000 RIALS!

>Please, help keep me in business, anons! I NEED (YOU) TO STAY SILENT AND SUBMISSIVE!

>Not that I really need to beg for it. I know you can't resist bending over for my subliminals. My job is secure until the end of time because there's nothing else you guys love more than eating my shit.

>Make it rain, bitches

Right from the horses mouth 🤣🤣🤣

A simple reply of "Yikes", "You lie", or other such socially discrediting comment will decrease their effectiveness to control the narrative, and deprive them of money~

Pay attention to the tensions Iran is under right now. Shill activity here regresses as their attention/psyops are needed elseware.

>>7676187 (pb)


>shills are trying hard today. Twatter and anons got them all fucked up. Feel'n the heat DS? You know EXACTLY what's coming for you… and you should be scared. treasonous faggots.

>Hey Bakes! what do you need? i can finish this bred if you need relief? not sure how long i will be around for the next couple of breds. should be back on for a bit later 2nite.

>>7676430 (pb)


>morning baker here… i will defer since i am on the road in about 30min. if no other baker steps up, i will at least get a bun going.

=To here:=

>think of all the young minds i am leaving an impression upon!

>an impression that tells their better senses that [you] are fucking evil as you… are fucking evil!

>can [you] say "KEK"? :D

>Muh faithful Traitors who would sell america's soul to muh church in a NY second!

>gosh you have those pretty memes and all I have are Q DROPS AND NEWS STORIES…

Same poster?

Baker = IRGC Agent!


He has been passing the bake off to himself.

This board is simply too powerful not to contain at all cost~

He has censored Patriots out of our kitchen.

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68aca7  No.7830042

File: 8003b03828bd8d6⋯.jpg (45.94 KB, 520x414, 260:207, chevy.jpg)

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0fa4b8  No.7830043


True and I suppose POTUS needs to proceed cautiously or they might hijack another submarine and launch another ballistic missile at his plane

That's obviously why none of them were ever prosecuted

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2d04ae  No.7830044

File: cfea6e6d4905b08⋯.jpeg (192.76 KB, 2048x2022, 1024:1011, received_459018728120663.jpeg)


faganon's for POTUS!

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3cc48a  No.7830045

File: ba901832b615ad6⋯.jpg (219.44 KB, 652x832, 163:208, AntiFungalLeafBread.jpg)



Here's the rundown of control:

The baker = IRGC agent behind 'CANNOT THANK', creepbot, 5 picture spamming *I.jpg *II.jpg *III.jpg *IIII.jpg poster, govern/key/heal1/2/3.jpg poster, and 'nightshift'.

He's the one that fires off the spam script at the start of each bread.

These images+posts all work together to form the subliminal MOCKINGBIRD network of MKUltra control/censorship we're under.

Disable / blur images, filter+ & report.

Forced to be loved, through subliminal manipulation, by the 'thank you baker' girls.

<Ever notice how many 'tyb' posts are [1 post by this ID]? They can't afford to expose themselves through their linguistic tells~ (kek | .. i)

>Kill him. Stab his fake aura of [forced] love. Break his child raping heart. Abusers disarm your anger against them, how much energy has this one spent?

Controls what information gets focus.

Picks most of their own articles, posted under their different masks - 'news spammer, et al.', which contain pictures with his subliminal 'satan' picture.

Creating his own entrainment/containment center:

>think of all the young minds i am leaving an impression upon!

>an impression that tells their better senses that [you] are fucking evil as you… are fucking evil!

>can [you] say "KEK"? :D

>Muh faithful Traitors who would sell america's soul to muh church in a NY second!

And soon after:

>gosh you have those pretty memes and all I have are Q DROPS AND NEWS STORIES…

Agents are disguised as 'concerned anons' to pacify our instincts that something is off.

Enter alljooos = bad spam.

In all of its masks.

[The IRGC calls Israel 'Little satan', and America 'great satan', isn't it curious their subliminal face is satanic looking? 🤔]

The 'satan' subliminal face has an altered nose, made to look Jewish.

The alljoooos spam is uniquely created to induce rage in those that view his [IRGC agent baker] script.

Rage that blinds us to our higher reasoning, by locking us into 'fight or flight' mode.

Then the subliminally poisoned 'baker babes' are viewed, and that rage is sublimated by desire.

The desire to be alone, to be ashamed of talking proudly about what Q and Trump have done for the world.

It's designed to make you silent.

God wins~


You're posting in the MOCKINGBIRD kitchen~

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433bdb  No.7830046

File: 9aa04f74d297b16⋯.png (884.61 KB, 1243x684, 1243:684, ClipboardImage.png)

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47a589  No.7830047



John McAfee is taunting the HIVE MIND - Who ordered Barbara Sampson to cover up Epstein's murder and rule it a suicide?

If the anons can't dig and solve this case, then we have learned NOTHING. What do you all say?


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cc9c9d  No.7830048


Keep your eyes open in here too. There will be some shills shilling violence a lot more in the next few days. Especially when they talk about Virginia.


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cc47e7  No.7830049


Danielfaggot devil is haveing an unrequited homo megalomaniac spam fits online

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47a589  No.7830050


Sorry, (pb/lb)

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fec6e2  No.7830051


the governor is intentionally inciting violence. he wants it to happen so he can use it.

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d3fec2  No.7830052


Peach man bad

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0ce25c  No.7830053


Kek! Good one.

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d8d05c  No.7830054


It’s my personal opinion that he’s a shill/one of [them]. I just can’t believe he’d be allowed to have that type of power over them (data) without him being comped himself or simply “in the club.” Him being allowed to openly bragging about having all this “secret” info is a huge red flag in itself, considering everyone else that’s done that has been silenced or suicided. Plus, It’s rather strange that he is just now pushing he knows who killed Epstein, begging everyone to pay attention to him, and throwing out random, unheard of names. Just one mans opinion.

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ec6179  No.7830055


It’s kind of inevitable … normally.

Look at the Q team.. Korea, Iran I mean you think they can’t handle VA?

Hell it could be part of the movie. Expand your thinking.

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f83640  No.7830056


sugggest as notable:

Senate finally passes USMCA!

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aacb29  No.7830057

File: ab6bc3a46e45c34⋯.png (352.5 KB, 527x567, 527:567, Sperry re CPB Warning 1-16….PNG)

File: 075da781247527a⋯.png (80.09 KB, 792x946, 36:43, kyma re CPB Warning 1-16-2….PNG)

BREAKING: CBP Issues Alert for ‘Four Nationals of Iran Possibly Carrying Explosives’ Into California From Mexico



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6ac353  No.7830058


NOTABLE…. D. Plan Trust

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ab8598  No.7830059


I don't think it's a coinscidence that Dupont and Lewis Cass (Payseur), the supposed decendants of French monarchy, are heavily vested historically in Michigan.

The great lakes from Buffalo west were French colonial territory after all.

Anons were speculating that Vanderbilt was a minion of the bourbon Kings exiled from France.

What connects NC where the supposed landing of Payseur occurred, and Detroit/Michigan, and the great lakes?

Red Hammer.

Prudent dig points on Flint would be DuPont's history in the region.

Lewis Cass history in Flint, of any.

Railroad history in the region.

Focus on Michigan Central, Vanderbilt's main line in the state.

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81f988  No.7830060

File: 9ff1384e0ea5e5a⋯.png (320.84 KB, 700x466, 350:233, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5ebc0e27c6cc8a⋯.png (703.18 KB, 780x1040, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Another standard [DS Frame-Op]

Planted [Provocateur]? - (like others)

Robert Hyde - Digg

New [MSM] "Bombshell" = Ukraine investigating if Trump henchmen surveilled Marie Yovanovitch.

Sparked by "evidence" sent to Schifty Schiff.

But who is: (Robert Hyde)?

- "Republican" running for office in Connecticut.

- Marine, Iraq war vet.

- Landscaper, Lobbyist…

- (2012) - Donated to Mitt Romney prez campaign

- (2012) - But also, Tweeted he'd like to see Trump run for prez

(Mother Jones - current articles)

- New Figure in Ukraine Scandal Was Taken Into Police Custody at Trump Resort Last Year

This landscaper-turned-lobbyist claimed the Secret Service and a hit man were after him.

- A New Figure in the Ukraine Scandal Worked for a Mysterious Chinese Trump Donor (a mysterious Chinese immigrant named Cheng Gao who donated almost a quarter of a million dollars to Trump and the GOP and who also sought a place in Trumpworld.)

Robert Hyde introduced this donor to Trump at Mar-a-Lago.

Has [Strategically] placed/inserted himself with:

(heavey.com Jan 15, 2020)

Hyde has also posted photos with the president himself, Trump’s family and several top Republican lawmakers and officials, along with many of the players in Trump-related scandals, including Roger Stone, Parnas, Igor Fruman, Michael Flynn and Giuliani.

(and Matt Gaetz)


(Step 1)

[Planted Provocateur] going back to 2012 as another part of [DS Insurance]?

(Step 2)

Have him play the [Asshole Henchman] for Trump role w/ lots of incriminating evidence?

(Step 3)

Plenty of [Scandalous Conspiracy] fodder for the [DS MSM] - as usual.

(Look at all the stories ref: Yovanovitch, Hyde, Parnas, Giuliani, Spying, Collusion etc…)

Lots of MSM & "Leftie" stories - Perfectly Timed = "Implicating Trump".



People aren't always who they appear to be.

I could be off base, but things don't add up.

Plenty moar sauce aside from this digg.











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fdb79a  No.7830061


they really are trying to push it

thugs have no patience and discipline in gun use

let us hope they are not at the rally

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d0bdd6  No.7830062

They're panicking, not us.

When you see Twitter accounts for us panicking, it's not us, it's them.

Patriots are in complete control. This level of angst is because now they know they can't flee and they can't stop it.

This will all pass.

You're the ones that prayed. You're the ones that voted. You're the ones that worked your asses of to get us to this point.

Let the people that are going to jail freak out. You don't need to.

Trust God and Trust POTUS.

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a9e6c0  No.7830063


sign me up

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7298b9  No.7830064

File: 0eff4997f108984⋯.png (535.82 KB, 1548x634, 774:317, ClipboardImage.png)

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cc47e7  No.7830065


Moar danielfaggot scapegoating queer sexual fetishes with alex jones walrus proof

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560933  No.7830066

File: 15103f89ceccd70⋯.jpg (14.36 KB, 428x394, 214:197, oiyhgf.JPG)

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4ab62a  No.7830067

A South Dakota Bill Would Criminalize Trans Minors’ Health Care


.It also defines sex as "the biological state of being female or male, based on sex organs, chromosomes, and endogenous hormone profiles."

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a9e6c0  No.7830068

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808bd8  No.7830069


So he’s a crazy famefagging comped shill,

Johnny what’s the deal man?

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6daa66  No.7830070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Elizabeth Warren confronts Bernie after the debate and says: “You called me a liar on national TV”.

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de4eb2  No.7830071

File: 06b7d48fdb54946⋯.png (662.51 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Manu Raju liberal hack.png)

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cc9c9d  No.7830072


Dude. That is dated January 10th. They already got some Iran dude at the border a few days ago too. KEEP UP

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ec6179  No.7830073


Yep milestone. Throw the CN deal on shortly.

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c4bb17  No.7830074


He won't need one of us to shoot. He'll hire it done.

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3bdc58  No.7830075


so you're way of determining gives you a false conclusion and thus you decided that I'm not a real person and it's OK to test me and abuse me (not really) a little bit (to poke at me) just to determine if the dude with copius word and verbs and nouns and phrases is, as you say 'inorganic'?

there are very many writing styles, anon.

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b4fc19  No.7830076

File: 230489124b67799⋯.mp4 (411.5 KB, 512x288, 16:9, zz slo mo.mp4)


his punishment will be worse from MLB. the commissioner still has to punish. And they "mutually parted ways". they are setting this guy up as a scapegoat taking one for the team.

real punishment: all staff should be fired and all players who cheated banned for 1 year. 2 of three WS wins were fixed. 3rd they were made to lose because they cheated and were caught. And Altuve hit a breaking ball game 7 ALCS vs the best reliever in baseball, when he was rounding 3rd he was flipping out yeling "DONT RIP MY JERSEY OFF DONT RIP MY JERSEY OFF" because there was an electronic device on his chest that would pulse to let him know a breaking ball was coming. He hit an 84 mph breaking ball 500 feet.

watch him clutch his jersey not to rip it off. this was a story after the game, he said he did not want it ripped off cause his wife got mad the last time.

article, has links to twatter and a mp4 of him saying dont rip my jersey.


Same as 2007 patriots. 18-0 had to lose because NFL was delivered proof they cheated.

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a9e6c0  No.7830077

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b83394  No.7830078

File: 9b0f4c806add5c0⋯.png (586.71 KB, 614x409, 614:409, cphase1.png)

Wouldn't it be great if we could all get along?

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1a651b  No.7830080

File: 4bb7e10e2f3f6ff⋯.jpg (124.73 KB, 800x532, 200:133, Qplus.jpg)

17 Intel Agencies

1. Office of the Director of National Intelligence

2.Central Intelligence Agency

3. National Security Agency

4. Defense Intelligence Agency

5. Federal Bureau of Investigation

6. Department of State – Bureau of Intelligence and Research

7. Department of Homeland Security – Office of Intelligence and Analysis

8. Drug Enforcement Administration – Office of National Security Intelligence

9. Department of the Treasury – Office of Intelligence and Analysis

10. Department of Energy – Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence

11. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

12. National Reconnaissance Office

13. Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance

14. Army Military Intelligence

15. Office of Naval Intelligence

16. Marine Corps Intelligence

17. Coast Guard Intelligence

Less than 10 know the whole scope - Q

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0fa4b8  No.7830081


Yeah the glowies have been stirring shit up on halfchan for months, trying to get Charlottesville 2.0

Hopefully anons don't take the bait

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cc47e7  No.7830082



Mavet Jew article spinners now involved in l ron Hubbard cattle fornicateing gospel

Lame quacks

Lame ducks

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d417c8  No.7830083


>the governor

will be made comfortable as a discussion is started on what to do with him

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5fdd36  No.7830084

File: 4c49e5753e1584f⋯.jpg (40.79 KB, 500x375, 4:3, IMG_3854.JPG)





you're the type of anons I would call

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989b7c  No.7830085


VA is the powder keg

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b20ed4  No.7830086


He is a namefag, but most likely an AI programmed with a bible core.

He will probably show back up now that you mentioned his name.

This is a research board… we all contribute with sauce most times.

Have yet to see Daniel do research

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c6e842  No.7830087


are not endorsements

#10022 new bacer

>>7829887, >>7829940 Why's IG Horowitz quietly "revising" key findings in his report & posting new iterations of original version on IG website? asks P Sperry

>>7829892 pb notable ded linky naow >>7829758 pb

>>7829896 Trump Curse: Red Sox Manager Who Refused to Visit President Trump in the White House with His Team – Is Fired for Cheating

>>7829907 Dr Oz? In an interview on The Dr. Oz Show on Thursday, pathologist explains why his death is suspicious

>>7829861 Sen McSally calls manu raju a 'liberal hack' on vid

>>7830035, >>7830039 Virgin Islands V Estate of Espstein - the 1953 Trust, Plan D LLC and some other LLC to dig

>>7830057 CBP Issues Alert for ‘Four Nationals of Iran Possibly Carrying Explosives’ Into California From Mexico


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4143f3  No.7830088

File: 9bd18ea9bc7f822⋯.png (395.94 KB, 1581x758, 1581:758, CAL051 843am pst 011520 84….PNG)

File: cffacbe64fe58c6⋯.png (429.1 KB, 1514x759, 1514:759, CAF CEF05B Airbus East ove….PNG)

CAL051 China Air Lines south from Taipei and CAF Czech Air Force Airbus West over Pakiland

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f83640  No.7830089

File: c80fb2de8b83fe8⋯.png (770.01 KB, 1213x1105, 1213:1105, Screen Shot 2019-06-15 at ….png)

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cc47e7  No.7830090


Look at all that pathetic passive aggressive advocating the devil judas Faggots are committed to

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5fdd36  No.7830091

File: 7193ed2c7f2da20⋯.jpg (17.24 KB, 228x255, 76:85, IMG_5482.JPG)

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fec6e2  No.7830092


exactly why you won't see me anywhere near these rallies.

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cb884a  No.7830093


>USMCA passes Senate

That nobody read. Nafta 2.0. The UN laughs in Evil.

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ec6179  No.7830094


Yeah don’t type the numbers.. I will look them up. Thanks.

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69a905  No.7830095

So the longer this shit goes on, it seems to me that the Articles being "officially" accepted into the Senate is a 'New Phase" of some importance. All of this other shit that is coming out doesn't seem to have much weight.

Is this what Q meant when he said "they will fight back but we are ready"…this crumb keeps flying through my mind with each next attempt taken against POTUS…..

Logically he has only been in office for 3 years, much of what is being thrown at him has been done most likely for decades by those very people making the accusations. He had nothing to do with much of how it all started though he may be involved in trying to stop or eliminate the frauds perpetrated upon the American People. Are (THEY) so stupid that they think we do not have the discernment to see he longer picture and backroad here???

Seeing all of this as same old bad behavior but with a different player (POTUS)…and though the constant attacks still upset me, I can see the 40,000 view…they accuse us (POTUS) of exactly what they are guilty through any means (desperate or sloppy).

Putting together some crumbs…will post if I come up with a bigger logical theory.

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aacb29  No.7830096

File: 0d226935a8b857b⋯.png (127.56 KB, 519x596, 519:596, Schumer no USMCA 1-16-20 8….PNG)

File: 3290d1212e4af60⋯.png (651.95 KB, 1627x920, 1627:920, Schumer no USMCA 1-16-20 8….PNG)

Schumer Voting 'NO' on USMCA because of 'climate change'

Despite the improvements Democrats secured to better protect workers:

I am voting against USMCA.

Because it doesn't address climate change, the greatest threat facing our planet.


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000000  No.7830097

Iranian Military Now Claims US ‘Cyberattack’ Brought Down Passenger Plane

Iran Guardian Council chairman Ahmad Jannati stated Wednesday that “enemy sabotage” cannot be ruled out, while Brigadier General Ali Abdollahi directly suggested that US military forces hacked Iran’s radar systems to make it appear that the airliner, containing 176 people, was an incoming missile.

Abdollahi also seemed to suggest that the US military hackers could have actually shot down the plane as part of a cyber attack to make Iran look bad, according to the report.

After initially claiming “mechanical error” caused the plane to crash, then admitting they shot it down ‘by mistake’ after evidence of a missile strike could no longer be denied, Iran has now pivoted back to directly blaming the US.


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0ce25c  No.7830098

File: 857639e70fc1c3c⋯.jpg (36.35 KB, 487x354, 487:354, Annotation 2020-01-16 0716….jpg)

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cc47e7  No.7830099

File: 2df8bd77a4d922b⋯.png (10.16 KB, 268x188, 67:47, C4854D82-5877-47B8-9641-FB….png)

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b64b23  No.7830100


>Q has 15 drops that have the word pen

Which are those? I find only 6 (#1182, #1381, #1415, #1424, #1776 & #3627).

There's also two posts from anons quoted by Q that use the word (#1386 & #3374).

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e93fec  No.7830101

Obama broke the law in Bergdahl release deal, GAO report says

Congress's investigative arm has stated flatly that the Obama administration broke the law in the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap. That's not just partisan sniping.

It’s been nearly three months since Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was freed from Taliban captivity in a deal that resulted in the release of five Taliban prisoners held at Guantánamo Bay. Nearly from the moment that the release happened, Republicans were critical of the deal largely because of the questions regarding the circumstances of Sergeant Bergdahl’s disappearance from his post and the fact that the Obama administration decided to trade five Taliban leaders to get him back. Perhaps the most potent criticism though, was the argument that the administration had failed to comply with the law because it failed to notify Congress of the trade of Bergdahl for the Guantánamo prisoners beforehand. The White House justified the failure to comply with the notice requirement by saying that it was necessary to complete the trade in a short period of time due to concerns about Bergdahl’s health. However, members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, including Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D) of California and Tom Coburn (R) of Oklahoma were skeptical about that justification to say the very least.

Now, the General Accounting Office has come out with a report determining that the administration did in fact violate the law when it failed to notify Congress about the impending prisoner swap as required by law:

WASHINGTON—The Obama administration violated the law when it failed to give Congress adequate notice about the transfer of five detainees from Guantanamo Bay as part of a swap for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the investigative arm of Congress said Thursday.

Sgt. Bergdahl was released after nearly five years of captivity in Afghanistan as part of a May 31 exchange for five Taliban detainees held at a U.S. military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

“The Department of Defense violated section 8111 of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2014 when it transferred five individuals detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the nation of Qatar without providing at least 30-days notice to certain congressional committees,” the Government Accountability Office said in response to a letter from Republican lawmakers, including Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, the minority leader, and Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby.

That provision prohibits the Defense Department from using government funds to transfer individuals from Guantanamo unless it notifies Congress at least 30 days in advance.

The department also violated another law that prohibits federal employees from spending money not authorized by Congress. “DOD should report its Antideficiency Act violation as required by law,” the GAO said.

At the time of the swap, President Barack Obama defended the move, saying the U.S. has a “sacred rule” not to leave men and women in uniform behind.

“We saw an opportunity,” Mr. Obama said on June 3. “We were concerned about Sgt. Bergdahl’s health. We had the cooperation of the Qataris to execute an exchange, and we seized that opportunity.”

But lawmakers from both sides of the aisle questioned the decision, saying the administration disregarded the 30-day notice provision of the law.

The Defense Department notified Congress of the transfer in writing on May 31.

According to the GAO letter, the department said its actions complied with the law and, in any event, the relevant portion of the law is unconstitutional as applied to the Bergdahl transfer.

Providing notice “would have interfered with the executive’s performance of two related functions that the Constitution assigns to the president: protecting the lives of Americans abroad and protecting U.S. service members,” the department said in reply to a GAO inquiry.

The watchdog didn’t weigh in on the constitutionality of the law but noted that it had been signed by the president.

More: https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/Politics-Voices/2014/0825/Obama-broke-the-law-in-Bergdahl-release-deal-GAO-report-says

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947179  No.7830103


u r fake everything u post is a slide.

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808bd8  No.7830104

File: e0195ac8e875600⋯.jpeg (95.68 KB, 828x449, 828:449, 80390807-BBBA-4775-B6C2-4….jpeg)


The white supremacy movement is a clown op, hopefully this too will be exposed. Fucking degenerate clown piece of shit traitor pedophile vermin need to be exposed and brought to justice.

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4fabb8  No.7830105


Antifa will show up wearing MAGA-type stuff (and prolly Q shit as well), create mayhem and try to discredit all of us.

Bank on it.

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cc9c9d  No.7830106


Shut the fuck up.

They are going to use Virginia as an example. Which means they are sending their shill team to come in HERE to say stupid shit about doing stupid shit. Shit that WE WOULD NOT DO.

YOU need to expand your thinking mother fucker

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000000  No.7830107

US Rep Kirkpatrick from Tucson to seek alcohol treatment after serious fall in D.C.

U.S. Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, a Democrat who represents Tucson and Southern Arizona, announced Wednesday that she is stepping away from her duties temporarily to seek treatment for alcohol dependence after suffering a serious fall last week that left her with cracked ribs and spinal fractures.

“I am finally seeking this help after struggling to do so in the past, and I am ready to admit that I, like countless other Americans, suffer from this disease,” she said in a prepared statement.


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ce86ab  No.7830108


BC dug up a ton of stuff, but his conclusions were simplistic. His suggestions that everyone is sheeple gets old, given he had no ideas on how it could be better. He exposed the founding fathers and western bible yet only believes in the constitution and his own understanding of what Jesus said.

In many ways, his 'wake up' message is as much of a psyop as any he exposes.

If you are going to burn down a system, thinking that everyone is going to think and act individualistically without mass chaos ensuing is naive. He was a great researcher, but fell into many of the traps he exposed in others.

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1a651b  No.7830109


Op! Shucks you found meh!

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3cc48a  No.7830110

File: b7b0d0d9be9fb35⋯.jpg (213.87 KB, 634x500, 317:250, 3O8jLchv1M.jpg)


Isn't it curious the "Virgina" militia is threatening an attack.

Isn't it curious >>7830057

"CBP Issues Alert for ‘Four Nationals of Iran Possibly Carrying Explosives’ Into California From Mexico"

Isn't it curious there are a multitude of IRGC proxies/sleeper cells being activated right now?

Isn't it curious yesturday shilling was so quiet on this board?

Their attention is needed elseware~

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546aca  No.7830111

File: db7d506c9eaa64d⋯.png (305.51 KB, 961x702, 961:702, SimilarFaces.png)

Check out the similarity between these two faces.

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f83640  No.7830112

File: 559099dc4d1c4e6⋯.png (446.07 KB, 962x418, 481:209, Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at ….png)

File: f0d9f3ca4046136⋯.png (321.71 KB, 1181x614, 1181:614, Screen Shot 2018-08-31 at ….png)


What a cunt - why should it address bogonscience?

>In the loop

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cc47e7  No.7830113


Cause walrus is obsessed with showing the world what can be kiestered in danielfaggot sphincter

Lame as fuck huh

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3bdc58  No.7830114


you could also look for the ones that have a picture with a pen in it. Or words that must have been written with a pen. Other ones show pictures of things that were signed.

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f1dde3  No.7830115


I expect Grassley, Paul and Cruz are going to have to shiv Cocaine Mitch & Linda to keep this from flying off the cliff

not likin' this movie, never have

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989b7c  No.7830116

looks like signaling IMO

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d3fec2  No.7830117


3642, 3627, 2986, 1776, 1424, 1422, 1421, 1415, 1383, 1381, 1331, 1182, 604, 481, 334


Would you like that in Red?

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cc9c9d  No.7830118


Agreed. If something happens, it won't be by any of use. But I bet everything they will say it was. Some gay ass "manifesto" will pop up somewhere and mention "Qanons" which is a DEAD giveaway that it's fake AF

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2d04ae  No.7830119

File: a5435a7c819507d⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1094x1300, 547:650, ClipboardImage (31).png)


Sanders is a NO too… big surprise there I guess

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42677a  No.7830121


Andrew McCabe was born in 1968. No listing of the names of his parents anywhere on the net that I can find…Joan McCabe was 24 when Andrew was born. Is Joan McCabe Dodaro his mother?

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218d94  No.7830122

Anyone else have blue Q balls at the moment?

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3fecff  No.7830123

File: 627a575a106fed1⋯.png (10.52 KB, 779x122, 779:122, Screenshot_2020-01-16 Jona….png)

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fd7a12  No.7830124

File: 660193e454fc257⋯.png (99.49 KB, 1003x562, 1003:562, 660193e454fc2572dc6eff67c7….png)


This was at the end of the last bread and missed being picked up.


Here's the proof that they are Garland.


Rick Becker of Garland Pens joined Gene to discuss the pen that Nancy Pelosi used to sign impeachment documents yesterday.

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da4b3f  No.7830125

File: 7353237455a5dca⋯.jpg (66.37 KB, 474x701, 474:701, spooky.jpg)

File: 5ca734d7e937820⋯.jpg (33.45 KB, 340x388, 85:97, c_aPBS.jpg)

File: d211253626aa1a2⋯.jpg (86.05 KB, 1080x885, 72:59, d211253626aa1a2553a89cb8ea….jpg)

File: 0357aebe5484fc9⋯.jpg (203.6 KB, 699x1242, 233:414, 20200108_134910.jpg)

(You) are the electricity, charge, chi, life

They are ' The Company', the c_a, DoD, darpa.

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fde4fb  No.7830126

File: f2eee3c1c4f7ce6⋯.png (202.27 KB, 732x316, 183:79, eye.PNG)


i don't know much about mcsally , but that was some great acting .

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272583  No.7830127


so they have to take down POTUS, Barr and Pence

then pelosi is crowned queen

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d0bdd6  No.7830128


Another one taken out by White Hats.

Folks, this is how it'll happen - a trickle.

If you change things too fast you end up with civil unrest.

One by one you'll see them resign for different reasons, or 'step away' or whatever needs to happen to conceal it.

Remember Tuscon? The Luciferian cities? Cemex?

Tuscon = Child/Sex Trafficking central.

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efaa11  No.7830129


>Check out the similarity between these two faces.

Not seein' it. LQQks moar like Tony Podesta.

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268e43  No.7830130

File: da3cc9a801c62e6⋯.png (8.15 KB, 420x199, 420:199, ClipboardImage.png)

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b64b23  No.7830131


Pen pics. Alright, didn't think of those.


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73a7dd  No.7830132

File: d4f187229eeaa89⋯.jpg (538.13 KB, 800x600, 4:3, impeach-this-106183a5c4.jpg)


Thank you baker.

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668da5  No.7830133




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3bdc58  No.7830134


Real people believe in Christ. They have a personal relationship that you don't understand. It's probably not a script, but a real anon trying to be a real person and clue you in: Christ is real!

so that's it. You tag me as a script or a shill, and I tell you that Christ is a real person.

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4fabb8  No.7830135

File: e87880824418820⋯.png (124.95 KB, 574x307, 574:307, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump tweets out a Breitbart article containing an announcement that Amazon declared "Profiles in Corruption" a #1 best seller for nonfiction books.

This thread on twatter contains a very interdasting angle on these strange series of events (and the timing with impeachment).



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cc9c9d  No.7830136



Wonder if she was a drinking buddy of Pelosi

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deacb5  No.7830137

File: 61755570320ea31⋯.jpeg (1.63 MB, 3559x2853, 3559:2853, DE32223C-ADD8-4162-A540-8….jpeg)

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947179  No.7830138

File: fbbc11230b6430a⋯.jpg (2.35 MB, 2914x2914, 1:1, 22555B00-463F-471E-8B0C-79….JPG)

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3fbddc  No.7830139

>>7829407 (pb)

This is the same agency that oversees the trillions of unaccounted for dollars in the Pentagon budget.

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5fdd36  No.7830140

File: 21fb7d02c37f06d⋯.jpg (203.53 KB, 950x729, 950:729, IMG_E4102.JPG)


too early for jamo racer,

gassing up the generator to charge the electric car.

the state of the Democratic Party

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09cfd1  No.7830141


Hold my beer…

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da358a  No.7830142

File: a6f40c6325f6a41⋯.png (241.47 KB, 516x500, 129:125, pepe_loser.png)

>>7829751 (lb)

Deep State: "we've got him this time...really this time we do."

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9da4d1  No.7830143

File: 4dd438a22f8142d⋯.png (247.07 KB, 750x866, 375:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9a69bfe4e26c21⋯.png (601.91 KB, 1840x1035, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

@USAirForce retweet

Throwback Thursday and #TankerThirstThursday are the

same game. Throwing it back to last month when a KC-

135 Stratotanker took flight during Exercise Titan Fury

at Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington, Dec. 9, 2019.


#AirPower #NKAWTG #FreedomJuice #TBT


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3bdc58  No.7830144

File: 9650a5e0f956e49⋯.jpg (289.44 KB, 1083x531, 361:177, upnext_on_romper_room__006.jpg)

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433bdb  No.7830145

File: 9631aa6aeead542⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1200x1500, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)


>U.S. Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick

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6e4c55  No.7830146

File: dce524a14adb8d7⋯.png (602.31 KB, 731x844, 731:844, 815299A8-AEB8-458F-B19B-8A….png)


No Q, until you’ve finished your peach mint, young man.

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808bd8  No.7830147

File: 0a9c8f02b7ff103⋯.jpeg (87.98 KB, 828x400, 207:100, 36FC67BE-0859-48CC-9C5C-8….jpeg)

File: 5142442db2e83bc⋯.jpeg (62.82 KB, 426x462, 71:77, 1565F134-A173-4E0D-B444-8….jpeg)

File: 40c1008d888dab9⋯.jpeg (128.29 KB, 828x724, 207:181, D867CE89-A127-4E94-986E-C….jpeg)

File: c9f1843b2cc15c2⋯.jpeg (193.85 KB, 828x581, 828:581, 19E8876D-65B6-4F98-B4FB-0….jpeg)

File: a34557d3372374c⋯.jpeg (193.58 KB, 828x1118, 414:559, F213C725-0946-4770-BFB8-5….jpeg)

The Babylon tribe fears exposure more than anything, it is coming and their sick cult and ALL members are facing a tidal wave revelations and justice. [they] are doomed, there is no future for this depraved evil.

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3fbddc  No.7830148



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cb884a  No.7830149


> A South Dakota Bill Would Criminalize Trans Minors’ Health Care

Baker Notable

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95a077  No.7830150

File: d3e85dcc935e20a⋯.png (180.48 KB, 803x691, 803:691, max.png)

dis nigger bitch is a bitch nigger with her president pelosi pen.

oh how sweet it would be to him dem digits with this pointer sister

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61707d  No.7830151


Q is busy doing Q things. Radio silence drives DS crazy as well.

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272583  No.7830152


shot heard round the world

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7298b9  No.7830153

File: 6945ceb1c7456c4⋯.png (248.88 KB, 531x299, 531:299, ClipboardImage.png)

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da358a  No.7830154

File: 0641f1e7591cdf8⋯.png (121.09 KB, 258x244, 129:122, pepe_lol.png)

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51f653  No.7830155



I always feel like I have the best finds/digs/correlation when Q goes into silent mode. Not that I'm in it for the (yous), mind you, but one hopes that certain digs get the visibility and the reaffirmation that you're on the right track.

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c3b861  No.7830156


That video tho that showed Iran hit the plane with 2 missiles, fired with quite a long amount of time between. An incoming missile would be moving much faster than a plane, they’d of had to get a clue after the first hit that it was moving to slow, obvs they wanted to make sure the plane crashed with no survivors.

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1a651b  No.7830158


So what the hell does Department of Energy really do?

Q level clearance was unique to them?

Manhattan Project?

Ex Nazi Scientists?

What else?

Didn't know Department of Energy would be considered an Intelligence Agency?

Wonder if they'd be involved with Uranium 1?

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789199  No.7830159

>>7830136 Drunks usually don't have buddies. Just fellow drunks.

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3ec11a  No.7830160


>Q is busy doing Q things.

it's the impeachment.

no new Q until impeachment is done with.

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20e4cc  No.7830161

Final Senate vote on USMCTA bill:

Yes votes: 89 - No votes: 10

Sanders and Booker voted no!

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deacb5  No.7830162

File: 9cb2b64a82863b7⋯.jpeg (219.81 KB, 1274x932, 637:466, 2A71D3B9-058B-451D-99D3-9….jpeg)

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b4fc19  No.7830163

File: 369eccce956d62e⋯.png (381.84 KB, 600x402, 100:67, its soleimani.png)

>>7830076 me

>>7830027 you

both baseball fans. This punishment is more about consumer confidence. If they actually go scorched earth on all involved houston and soxs will be fielding AAA teams next year.

This is the same as what is going on in gubment and wall street. If POTUS actually punished people what would happen to both those industries and how would the people of USA feel about them….same as they do right now. But crushing them would lead to this countries demise. Same as MLB/NFL/NBA. We all know it is shit. but fixing it at this point we would still be in possession of a broken toilet.

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cc9c9d  No.7830164



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f8c181  No.7830165

They are fighting for their lives doing whatever they are told to do in hopes of a life sentence in GITMO vs the alternative, Mr. NoNames fate.

All the marionettes are dancing, the show must go on.

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6e4a0c  No.7830166

File: ba570a97c5c1093⋯.jpg (88.04 KB, 1061x712, 1061:712, test.JPG)

Peter Andrews is an Irish science journalist and writer, based in London. He has a background in the life sciences, and graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in Genetics.

Pollution, sedentary lifestyles, soy and even social ‘feminization’ have been blamed for a deepening testosterone crisis. But finding the answer fast is important – the future of America’s population literally depends on it.

Alarming discoveries

Testosterone truly is the male hormone. It is what turns boys into men—upon puberty the testes drastically upregulate their production of it, triggering secondary sexual characteristics. These include the growth of muscle and bone, a deeper voice and the sprouting of body hair. Without testosterone, one suspects there would be a lot of noodle-armed, squeaky-voiced man-babies stalking the streets, perhaps in the vein of a Michael Jackson (rumoured to have been on hormone-blockers since childhood) or even a young Jeff Bezos (until he allegedly started pumping himself full of replacement testosterone).

But a new study published this month in the Journal of Sexual Medicine has found that testosterone is in crisis, at least when it comes to American Millennials and Gen Z-ers. Men’s testosterone is supposed to decline naturally with age, but this study, which was presented last October to the Sexual Medicine Society of North America, showed a shocking decline in the levels of cohorts of young American men throughout since 1999. The authors tested the serum testosterone (total amount of testosterone present in the blood) of 4,045 men aged between 15 and 39—making sure to control for confounding factors such as age, race, and level of physical activity—and still the results were unmistakable. In fact, they have been slashed by over one-quarter in the last two decades.

This is hardly surprising news. Data showing how sperm counts have fallen has been widely reported in recent years. Since the testes produce both testosterone and sperm cells, it is probable that the causes overlap partially or entirely. Laptops too close to the crotch, anyone?

Could the dratted men’s rights activists be right after all?

Men’s rights activists, easily dismissed with that devilishly vague slur ‘conspiracy theorist’, warn of endocrine disruptors in the food supply, and xenoestrogens in the water. Identifying the cause, for now, is a bit like playing bingo for diagnosing modern-day malaise. The ubiquity of internet pornography? The decimation of manual labor among the working classes? Soy-based baby foods? Since studying the effects of any one of these things would never be funded for study by the educational-industrial complex, it is impossible to know how they might tie in.

The poor diets and sedentary lifestyles that many young Americans enjoy are certain to be among the major contributing factors, but that cannot explain all of the downturn. This is because the study authors also controlled for overweightness, a known enemy of testosterone, by looking at the decline in only those young men who had healthy BMIs. Even these men saw their testosterone scores drop by over one-fifth.

The feminization of society is an interesting hypothesis, although difficult or impossible to study (even if it were not politically incorrect). Could the entry of women into previous male-dominated workplaces have actually affected their endocrinology? Over the long-term and on a vast scale, it is perfectly plausible. Whereas once American workplaces were crucibles of masculine competition, worshipping a single God—real-world business success—and ruthlessly capitalistic in their incentive structure, now they are anything but. Even the private sector is strangulated by sprawling human resources departments holding bosses to ransom over innocuous jokes, and thereby incentivizing mediocrity and absolute subservience as a career trajectory. It is easy to see how the natural aggressive juices of men who have been defanged and declawed at work (to say nothing of their home lives) could be staunched.

Why America?

Americans are getting it in the neck here, but are things even any different in other agribusiness-run hyper-feminized societies like, for instance, Western Europe? Here’s anxiously awaiting a similar study. It would be interesting if the authors next looked at American men’s levels of the female hormone estrogen, as well as American women’s levels of testosterone. Could both have increased? Women have only a fraction of the amount of testosterone as men do coursing through their blood, but any overproduction can lead to quite obvious changes, such as excess body hair and a deeper voice.



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d8d05c  No.7830167

File: c9ce1150b3ab162⋯.png (980.74 KB, 1125x2039, 1125:2039, 8F025CB6-2300-476B-BE38-53….png)

File: 94864c25d059d66⋯.png (757.9 KB, 1125x1580, 225:316, 17ACEB10-5763-422E-970C-11….png)

File: 1ffb208edfd838b⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1125x2199, 375:733, EF068955-FE03-4BB2-8F69-7E….png)

File: 3dc0ab6fad137df⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1125x2100, 15:28, 991DEC2F-00E2-4978-9311-09….png)




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433bdb  No.7830168

File: 53d6a5042043c5b⋯.png (705.12 KB, 1200x869, 1200:869, ClipboardImage.png)

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d0bdd6  No.7830169

The Fed built the Pentagon and Dept of Defense to enforce Central Banks in ever Country on the Planet.

Don't believe me?

Every Nation we involved ourselves in militarily since 1947 DID NOT HAVE A CENTRAL BANK.

Now every Nation we involved ourselves in militarily since 1947 DOES HAVE A CENTRAL BANK.

That's what POTUS is fighting right now. There are snakes everywhere.

I suggest prayers and lots of them.

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da358a  No.7830170


"Dis muh peach foady fi pen!"

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1e7c67  No.7830171


They keep the lights on

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cb884a  No.7830172


the headline is wrong

the bill is needed to stop sexualizing children

fuck these people straight to hell

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cc9c9d  No.7830173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This has live coverage waiting for the Senate & shit if anyone is interested.

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1a651b  No.7830174


Go read his tweets? I mean shit he's all but come out and said directly he's Q. How much more direct do you want?

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9da4d1  No.7830175



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1a651b  No.7830176


In the darkness

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584a49  No.7830178

File: 0bea372a0fedea5⋯.png (18.04 KB, 429x388, 429:388, Q_0184.png)

File: 6ff02894b5518b8⋯.png (27.83 KB, 416x586, 208:293, Q_1895.png)

File: 73969892132a022⋯.png (112.74 KB, 435x418, 435:418, Q_2315.png)

File: 50634b564af1d2c⋯.png (170.5 KB, 437x552, 19:24, Q_3446.png)

Symbolism will be their downfall.

Some interest in Crowley references shared LB, will create a mini-bun here:

>>7829561 (PB)

this entire site:


A rich resource in both Hungarian and English.

>>7829639 (PB)


>>7829707 (PB)

example, a DETAILED description of a rite. Note how it is done, the secrecy, the remote locations. This was 110 years ago!!

>>7829785 (PB)

For LookingGlass reference


>>7829824 (PB)

17 - mirror, Temple of Solomon

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5fdd36  No.7830179

File: 9223e35464aaf51⋯.png (8.62 KB, 310x163, 310:163, randyloaded.png)


we have more than we know

pic related

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d417c8  No.7830180


just keepes posted if anything actually habbens

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218d94  No.7830181

File: 763574be270a3b2⋯.jpg (59.19 KB, 640x400, 8:5, main-190.jpg)


We can share, might have to overnight them but thats OK if I can get some Q news.

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b4fc19  No.7830182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3fecff  No.7830184

File: 07194c8b4a206ac⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1163x765, 1163:765, Screenshot_2020-01-16 ( ) ….png)

File: 6bfe7c1547c4bd5⋯.png (22.96 KB, 368x548, 92:137, Screenshot_2020-01-16 QMAP….png)


Operators are on site.

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cc9c9d  No.7830185


Yeah, I'll try. It's the annoying newscaster dudes. They bother me so I may switch it lol. I'll try to stay as long as I can.

I know I heard shit starts at noon today. But I don't think Roberts shows up until 2pm

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d0bdd6  No.7830186

I wonder if they get to keep their 'peach mint' pens when they go to jail?

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d8d05c  No.7830187

File: 4e4d51f90eddd32⋯.jpeg (295.41 KB, 1125x1002, 375:334, 4D03AB7E-0F75-4B5C-A48C-B….jpeg)


Well, they just did. Overwhelmingly.


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c4bb17  No.7830188


Christ isn't a person … it's a title.

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1e7c67  No.7830189


Yep they are over all energy in a way. Think Bush Sr. and Zapata Oil / C-_A running guns with Oil equipment to Cuba

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da358a  No.7830190

File: 59e35f83a5f3206⋯.jpg (203.31 KB, 952x500, 238:125, peach_foady-fi.jpg)

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17a068  No.7830191

File: 0a8bf9e9a8786b8⋯.png (934.56 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 4A59E987-3850-483D-812B-F3….png)

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5fdd36  No.7830192

File: de6c99a99254299⋯.jpg (141.45 KB, 822x816, 137:136, IMG_6203.JPG)

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218d94  No.7830193



Yes I agree, but I feel some fuckery afoot.

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e2cb44  No.7830194


Time covers are always symbolically significant. Second the hourglass figure ..

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d417c8  No.7830195


bleh, feelya.

you could/should put music on while they babble, no reason to suffer

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cc9c9d  No.7830196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Manages walking the articles to senate now

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4143f3  No.7830197

File: 688308b3712b5aa⋯.jpg (190.47 KB, 1080x771, 360:257, POTUS up against it.jpg)

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17bb68  No.7830199

File: b76d8a01fc83aa2⋯.png (232.75 KB, 440x370, 44:37, cambrdge tweet..png)

interesting tweet quickly deleted

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d8d05c  No.7830200

File: e9953c8536d49a6⋯.jpeg (330.93 KB, 1125x1138, 1125:1138, E6E78BE3-DB60-4F8B-B47A-8….jpeg)


He’s talking to us. Dig!

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433bdb  No.7830201


Didn't this already happen?

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268e43  No.7830202

File: d49ca6e81e143a2⋯.png (10.03 KB, 326x295, 326:295, ClipboardImage.png)

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d417c8  No.7830203


hate the kushner slides but damned if he don't look creepy

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b83394  No.7830204

File: 7d8327b176dbdda⋯.png (652.75 KB, 456x606, 76:101, aka.png)


Her spokeswoman, Abigail O’Brien, told the Arizona Daily Star that Kirkpatrick was taken to the hospital before the vote after she fell in Washington, D.C., but her injuries were “worse than they originally thought.” In addition to the spinal fractures and cracked ribs, she had to get some staples in her head.

Must of been some fall.

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000000  No.7830205

Democrats: White Reporters Can’t Inform Black People About Natural Disasters

“If we don’t do more to increase minority ownership of broadcasting stations, what would it mean during times of crisis for constituents in districts like mine?” Democratic Rep. Jerry McNerney asked, implicitly assuming that white people and brown people are unable to have compassion for each other and that white reporters cannot give accurate information to nonwhite people about natural disasters.


the absolute state of the Democrat party


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584a49  No.7830206

File: 090ad1417f41090⋯.png (193.88 KB, 615x612, 205:204, black-sun.png)

File: ab8baae3b199ef7⋯.png (187.02 KB, 585x292, 585:292, crowley-united-church.png)

File: ba7ee9b3100fdb8⋯.png (340 KB, 533x712, 533:712, eqyptian-tarot.png)


Crowley symbology.

Eqyptian Tarot. Black sun.

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d417c8  No.7830207


>Managers walking the articles to senate now



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c0d3ef  No.7830208

I just got Qanoned…

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69a905  No.7830209


I cannot even believe they are making this a show…its a fucking show on Fox I turned it off…bullshit…

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cc9c9d  No.7830210


This is the managers

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7ceb37  No.7830211


This is exactly what I was thinking about, right now… What in the hell is up, that the Speaker of the house is allowed to talk shit on national TV about the AG of the US, without facing consquences?

I want them all gone from this planet!

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e93fec  No.7830212


So the pictures of her pregnant were fake. Lot's of rumors they were.

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cf2232  No.7830213


That's a good meme.

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3bdc58  No.7830214


Christ is Christ!

what do you call him?

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95a077  No.7830215

File: d8df3d8cc4b43b7⋯.png (205.84 KB, 803x691, 803:691, ma2x.png)

wise words without weasel ways

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f83640  No.7830216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Senate Schiff Show:

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da4b3f  No.7830217

Melatonin affects fertility.

This is what living in cities, ubiquitous devices and LEDs are doing… reducing the darkness and time in the dark where melatonin is produced

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cc9c9d  No.7830218



Now that was funny AF

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523c6f  No.7830219


It's still there. Take the @clairemcneil out and it should open.

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1a651b  No.7830220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jam 4 The Bread

This Jam goes out to the Dept. Of Energy!

Doing Spoopy shit nobody knows anything about and for helping to keep the lights on.

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d3fec2  No.7830221


Last year, a BritAnon swore the Meg was 100% not pregnant. All fake.

Sussexes are merely suffixes. Not the real thing.

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584a49  No.7830222

File: 2631c4b0d50030c⋯.png (30.73 KB, 434x554, 217:277, Q_0194.png)

File: 4f7ef1aa3ef1493⋯.png (28.23 KB, 432x551, 432:551, Q_0195.png)

File: 9a1828173737221⋯.png (269.9 KB, 428x832, 107:208, Q_0196.png)

File: 4bac5b5ad011e5d⋯.png (16.83 KB, 425x288, 425:288, Q_0197.png)

File: 8fc9fa17340ecc4⋯.png (640.95 KB, 1202x748, 601:374, sun-god-ra.png)


I think 4-in-a-row Q posts about symbology being their downfall is quite important!

Sun God RA.

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a81947  No.7830223


So you don't think the masons that get brainwashed in that evil cult are sheeple?

You don't think it would in their best interest to wake up?

Your masonry is showing…

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032dbd  No.7830224


>Melatonin affects fertility.

Does this mean that isolated prisoners are more fertile?

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85946d  No.7830225


I fully expect antifa and many pussy hats to show up. What they should quickly realize is there will be a large number of experienced veterans there, probably packing because "civil disobedience" and fully expecting some useful idiot to try something. I truly feel bad for Richmond PD because if they start arresting those not antifa while the commies run free because of governor black face then I do expect things to get really ugly.

For consideration, year was 1946:


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9eb616  No.7830226


Sounds like she didn't want to go along anymore and got roughed up by her DNC enforcer

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6e4c55  No.7830227

File: d7c42f3b8328836⋯.jpeg (142.73 KB, 1528x1889, 1528:1889, 0AE54D1A-C255-4C1D-A5A2-E….jpeg)

POTUS has held back so much dirt for so long…

I’d love to see him go completely Rambo during the trial.

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12363c  No.7830228

File: 8021c81c4886ca6⋯.jpeg (63.29 KB, 567x527, 567:527, 9791F7F6-BD4B-4F7D-81F9-8….jpeg)


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cc9c9d  No.7830229

File: 290407d1488d336⋯.jpg (10.46 KB, 225x225, 1:1, didyoudie.jpg)

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17bb68  No.7830230

File: e8e6b72e3921ce4⋯.jpg (48.04 KB, 700x415, 140:83, download-10_80_orig.jpg)

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deacb5  No.7830231

File: a256e88a3ff7184⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1205x884, 1205:884, 034A0AC3-4B42-428C-B7FF-11….png)

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b90fe8  No.7830232

File: 88510f9c203d6ab⋯.png (343.48 KB, 558x547, 558:547, ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: CBP Issues Alert for ‘Four Nationals of Iran Possibly Carrying Explosives’ Into California From Mexico


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668da5  No.7830233

AS looks heavier…is he wearing a vest?

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62da95  No.7830234


is there any research u can point to that proves this is real? or is it just conspiracy larping bullshit?

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000000  No.7830235

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a81947  No.7830236


Mason wolf meme clown, you just glow.

And whenever I see your bs I kind of want to post info on masonry, so you better fuck off.

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f83640  No.7830237

File: bd91b4912d0d634⋯.png (834.94 KB, 942x854, 471:427, Screen Shot 2020-01-16 at ….png)

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032dbd  No.7830238



What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

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d0bdd6  No.7830239


It's back to Meghan is a tranny. I saw a tweet during that time from a lady that posted a picture of Markle bending over to pick something up and she said that if you're pregnant there's no way at all to get your body in that position without falling over when you're pregnant.

Man, she called it.

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668da5  No.7830240


>BREAKING: CBP Issues Alert for ‘Four Nationals of Iran Possibly Carrying Explosives’ Into California From Mexico

note able

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b4fc19  No.7830241


the script we have for this movie is more detailed then any "director's cut DVD with comments".

Does the movie hit it's "true moment of delivery" on 1/17 or 1/19?

bruce willis was dead the whole time

brad pitt was a figment of his imagination

keizer soze was him all along

darth was lukes dad

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da358a  No.7830242

File: aab5ff6d188fd0c⋯.jpg (83.17 KB, 800x764, 200:191, keks.jpg)

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ff9d77  No.7830243

I must tell you it really sucks right now to be an empath with all this emotional drama going on. I will do my best to remain grounded, balanced and merely an observer rather than engaged emotionally. Hold the light! Pray, pray, pray!

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576cc4  No.7830244

File: a774a2f2dc78e03⋯.png (519.17 KB, 965x579, 5:3, e6979c169cc453f75c0a88bc68….png)

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1e3997  No.7830245

three breads age ...18


File (hide): 6af773744135de0⋯.jpg (129.36 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, bope.jpg) (h) (u)


>But not yet

I agree, but I am quietly optimistic.

-- remember when it was 'trust the plan'?

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989b7c  No.7830246

File: 41309e38b6ca856⋯.jpg (164.01 KB, 952x1200, 119:150, 1573659155940.jpg)

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560933  No.7830247

File: 0256bee4a30026d⋯.jpg (52.57 KB, 750x487, 750:487, 3m9908gly.jpg)

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2e977c  No.7830248

>>7830076 After being cheated out of the WS title in Game 7, LA starter Yu Darvish apologized to the fans for tipping his pitches. Gave up I think 5 runs while getting 1 out in the first inning. Seats not even warm and the game was over. Yu understood that the other team knew what he was going to throw, and thought he was to blame by somehow tipping his pitches. And now the cheaters officially get away with it. Doesn't matter that everyone knows what they did—they will still swagger around with those rings forever. Mega disgust for MLB.

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808bd8  No.7830249

File: b6c2aa5f4ec8539⋯.jpeg (80.92 KB, 828x620, 207:155, F945E7F2-74A7-45DC-9218-2….jpeg)

3 car accidents in 36 hours to people close to me.

Are anons safe?

Bad luck?


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5bbc86  No.7830250

File: 96d9160592d7e12⋯.jpg (55.42 KB, 1200x624, 25:13, schiff-01-1600x832-1-e1535….jpg)

I'm peaching now listen to me!

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198b41  No.7830251


Charlottesville 2.0 but worse. I hear 10k out of towners and the Governor has "good intel" that something is going to happen.

Locals here have no clue anything is even going on.

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9da4d1  No.7830252

File: 979468786b1b5a8⋯.png (851.33 KB, 1500x736, 375:184, ClipboardImage.png)


Side by side

Q proof

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c6e842  No.7830254


how about you both fuck off

Megashill and Omegashill, the shill lovers

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3bdc58  No.7830255


it helps to watch uplifting videos if you are getting dragged down.

I suggest animal rescue videos.

resuced and released seals,

humpback whale untangled, stuff like that.

you'll get a good charge of posative loving vibe from it.

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cf6ad7  No.7830256


I find it offensive to hear the impeachment articles read to senate and I'm a Britanon so I can only begin to imagine how much more offensive those in the USA, who voted for DJT, find this scam. I'm so sorry..it's so wrong, so unjust, so….EVIL. Please, God, let justice be done, because this is not just.

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b4fc19  No.7830257


all psy-ops thru PBS brought to you by the letter Frankfurt and the number C_A.

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17bb68  No.7830258

File: 13279acac614a65⋯.jpg (110.85 KB, 768x1430, 384:715, meghan-markle-lady-di01-15….jpg)


you dont have non swollen ankles like that and wear heels that far into a pregnancy

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da358a  No.7830259

File: 6c96165baf21aca⋯.jpg (99.25 KB, 500x626, 250:313, smells_like_schiff.jpg)

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cc9c9d  No.7830261



this was not only already in notables WHEN IT FUCKING ACTUALLY WAS TWEETED but,

Look at the date faggot. Jan 10th. They already got an Iran dude at the border a few days ago.

Fucking hell.


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032dbd  No.7830262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I must tell you it really sucks right now to be an empath

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77bbcb  No.7830263

Today is…



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f83640  No.7830264

File: f4e6ca6e1db2345⋯.png (1.13 MB, 926x1005, 926:1005, Screen Shot 2019-12-08 at ….png)

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31d9dd  No.7830265



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9eb616  No.7830266


Secret Societies are not good societies !!!

Death Oaths are always part of the induction along the way and any death cult is not of God, Good.

BC was a good analyst and exposer of secrets.

The truth is for anyone strong of mind, spirit and soul, but it must be available for everyone

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c7e100  No.7830268



Christ comes from the Greek word χριστός (chrīstós), meaning "anointed one".

Septuagint, christos was used to translate the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ (Mašíaḥ, messiah), meaning "[one who is] anointed"

Question: "What is the anointing? What does it mean to be anointed?"

Answer: The origin of anointing was from a practice of shepherds. Lice and other insects would often get into the wool of sheep, and when they got near the sheep’s head, they could burrow into the sheep’s ears and kill the sheep. So, ancient shepherds poured oil on the sheep’s head. This made the wool slippery, making it impossible for insects to get near the sheep’s ears because the insects would slide off. From this, anointing became symbolic of blessing, protection, and empowerment.

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c4bb17  No.7830270


His name is Jesus. Just "Jesus".

Christ, from christos (Greek) means "anointed".

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f469c6  No.7830271


Proof of what?

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355e9c  No.7830272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Learn to Bake!!! -keks only.

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cc9c9d  No.7830273


Thank you Britanon! I wish more American actually thought like you! It pisses me off so much when little punk bitches think this is a good thing. It's an embarrassment.

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31d9dd  No.7830274


AS commemorate pencils Coming Soon!

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d3fec2  No.7830275


Remember in 2018, the deep state got a load of cell phones, that Q had actually implanted their listening devices in? We got a pic of a back of a loading truck, supposedly with boxes of these thing.

Think maybe these pens have been loaded, too. They do look a lot like bullets.

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f83640  No.7830276

File: 4925cc016197d89⋯.png (74.14 KB, 599x440, 599:440, Screen Shot 2020-01-16 at ….png)

11:11 CST:

For years, politicians—both Democrat and Republican—have promised to replace NAFTA with a deal that better protects American jobs and workers.



delivered, and the Senate just passed USMCA with an overwhelming 89-10 vote!

Promise MADE, Promise KEPT! 🇺🇸


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d0bdd6  No.7830277


They're doing everything they can to stop the Senate trial (Pelosi delays, Virginia,false flags in Iran, etc…)

They know if POTUS gets his witnesses on the Senate Floor, it's over.

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69a905  No.7830278


Yeah I know what you mean, couldn't sleep last night, kept getting jolted awake by the unrest in the world. Many people must be scared, lots of negative emotion and energy. I have learned to take it in and transform it into truth and to separate it from my own feelings, its fucking hard but can be accomplished…

Please take care of yourself..and if you cannot snap out of it, taking a nap resets my center…

Peace fellow empathanon.

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6cd068  No.7830279

File: 63a22f22b371759⋯.png (337.69 KB, 484x478, 242:239, peachy.PNG)

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fdb79a  No.7830280


good read, ty

this is not the history we want to repeat

unless "we" have to

forcing this issue will not go well for gun control


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1bf3bd  No.7830281

File: a15e77388c8b57e⋯.jpeg (274.64 KB, 1200x796, 300:199, a15e77388c8b57e0b4967e418….jpeg)

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523c6f  No.7830282


Ya know, I'd bet you that POTUS would at least know how to load and start a fucking dishwasher, and he probably wouldn't consider it beneath him if he had to do it.

Can the same be said for ANY Dem/celeb/leftist asshat?

They're too big to care

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9da4d1  No.7830283

File: 761ac6bd74880a8⋯.png (58.86 KB, 750x445, 150:89, ClipboardImage.png)


For years, politicians—both Democrat and Republican—

have promised to replace NAFTA with a deal that better

protects American jobs and workers.

President @realDonaldTrump delivered, and the Senate

just passed USMCA with an overwhelming 89-10 vote!

Promise MADE, Promise KEPT! 🇺🇸


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22f2e2  No.7830284

File: 4b7ab40b24c24e0⋯.mp4 (2.73 MB, 640x360, 16:9, DODmakeupForSnipers.mp4)


Video from


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272583  No.7830285



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8e6edd  No.7830286

File: f06220aa9639a97⋯.png (62.58 KB, 1267x250, 1267:250, Screenshot_2020-01-16 Q Re….png)

Shill vs. shill

26 wasted replies out of 350.

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85946d  No.7830287


Governor has "good intel" because his cronies made the shit up so sheeple think the state of emergency is for their protection and not the treasonous legislature.

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268e43  No.7830288

File: df74f8e5a9a6d3b⋯.jpg (12.02 MB, 15000x15000, 1:1, calendar100.jpg)

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deacb5  No.7830289

File: dbfe87ebf29c5f3⋯.png (1.34 MB, 889x807, 889:807, 7107FDA1-8624-408B-A403-6D….png)

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32f916  No.7830290



Thank you anon. The bible has MORE THAN WE KNOW> . The more we know about their culture, the more we can receive.

Christ prevents those earwigs from destroying our brains. We have the mind of christ.

No evil shall befall us!

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203ee5  No.7830291

>>7829326 pb, >>7829329 pb Interesting take on the Meghan and Harry shitshow from

I am thinking downgrade and paycut. After Marklar sets up all marketing arrangements and announces charity name (Sussex related). The queen will announce Sussex is a senior royal designation and downgrade them rendering all work null.

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584a49  No.7830292


Really about Gold. and "the skin of the gods". And Y-Heads.

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26392b  No.7830293



working link

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4143f3  No.7830295

File: e2c1ae8ddb50904⋯.png (711.83 KB, 1526x762, 763:381, SAM956 westbound from Pari….PNG)

File: a6e56461e2d9c46⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1683x814, 153:74, SAM956 into Paris 527am ps….PNG)

SAM056-VIP Boeing C-32A West from Paris.

cap#2 is arrival Paris- yesterday

Gendarmerie Helo over Paris

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c7e100  No.7830296


Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas further expanded that he (Jesus) was Anointed as Man and Anointed as God as part of the Triune Godhead

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6e4a0c  No.7830297

File: 95ee71bced1bd33⋯.png (998 KB, 821x778, 821:778, Screenshot_2020-01-16 The ….png)

File: 7b4afbe7dbf4bac⋯.png (796.73 KB, 806x943, 806:943, Screenshot_2020-01-16 Insi….png)

TRAGIC Gambian children are being sold to British paedophiles for as little as £2-a-time by their desperate parents, Sun Online can reveal.

Huge numbers of predators are taking advantage of lax laws in the poverty stricken African country to embark on sick child abuse holidays where they openly target little boys and girls.

A tourist wades into the sea with a small African child in The Gambia - where child sex abuse is rife.

Sun Online saw first hand how poor Gambian children can be vulnerable to British paedos when we visited the beach resorts that dot Kololi on the country’s picturesque Atlantic coastline.

Our reporter was constantly shocked by the number of unaccompanied African minors he saw being cared for by middle-aged, Western men who did not appear to be their biological fathers.

The encounters witnessed included a girl aged between six and eight having lunch with a balding, white haired man in a restaurant filled with similarly aged tourists.

The same day we saw a stoutly built man in his 50s or 60s wading into the ocean gripping the hand of a tiny African child in white swimming shorts.

Equally unsettling was the sight of a Gambian toddler watching wide-eyed with fear as a middle-aged white woman got into a fist fight with a young black prostitute at a popular beach bar.

It was 11.30pm at night and the air was thick with cigarette smoke. The child, no older than two, was being held closely by a white man with a British accent.



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95a077  No.7830298

File: 436e300fece956e⋯.png (199.09 KB, 691x803, 691:803, max5.png)

Sciff is the worst look up the boleshivek revolution there was a schiddiff involved. thin lipped weasel man trying to steal a country

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268e43  No.7830299

File: e4aba2843a55b51⋯.png (6.08 KB, 326x184, 163:92, ClipboardImage.png)

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69a905  No.7830300


WHY are they all bloviating, did they "officially" deliver the articles yet? I turned it off…can't watch the shitshow anymore.

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2e557e  No.7830301


Sketchy Changes to IG FISA Report Cover-Up Major Discrepancy in First Version…

The FBI wouldn’t try to lie and cover-up to protect themselves right?


Boy, if the FBI is lying to the IG about predictation that would put Durham and Barr in a precarious position.

Preserve the institution, or highlight that FBI leadership have lied?

Is that why FBI Agent SSA-1, Joseph Pientka, the primary culprit in this mess, was shipped to San Francisco and then scrubbed?

I mean we’re putting a ton of ‘hope’ on the moral character of John Durham and Bill Barr to tell the truth here…. and there are clear and present signals the current FBI backstory is full of lies, bigger than what is currently known.

Joseph Mifsud is the key. No surprise he disappeared.

What would the intelligence community, especially the CIA and FBI, do to retain their lies?

Unfortunately, I think we all know the answers to most of those questions.


I think what we don’t see happening is shouting at us….

….the question is: are we brave enough to hear the silence.


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8ee002  No.7830303

File: c7d119c6775b09a⋯.png (224.46 KB, 1102x790, 551:395, signedFollowthepen1.png)

>>7829167 PB

>just pointing out that last night's sec_test_d6 anon posted about pens 4 mins before potus posted about Signing the trade deal

Anons file name in the content of the retweet

Phase One


2nd trade deal and just 15. 2+15


days into 2020



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7ceb37  No.7830304


11:11 no coinsingding!

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808bd8  No.7830305

File: 82f588d9d1f6479⋯.jpeg (332.66 KB, 828x1004, 207:251, 4B3DA6B5-BBBF-4976-A107-4….jpeg)


ALL of them.

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6cb73a  No.7830306



On chip Quantum phenomena NATURE

This is a BFD

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3bdc58  No.7830307

File: 6fc0442e348145d⋯.jpg (98.31 KB, 750x665, 150:133, Persian_snarky_cat.jpg)


I'll get back to your script, the one you are:

"I know you are, but what am I."

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cf6ad7  No.7830308


DJT doesn't only have balls of steel - he has a heart so filled with love of his country that he is able to withstand all the slings and arrows thrown at him, including this great offence of undeserved impeachment, and still carry on with the work of the people, for the people, by the people. He understands servant leadership where self-sacrifice is the greatest display of love a man can show.

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f83640  No.7830309

File: 2882544e6314f08⋯.jpg (53.98 KB, 402x615, 134:205, EOaKd9sW4AE-w4l.jpg)


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560933  No.7830310

File: e3ad93ef80995a8⋯.jpg (52.22 KB, 707x353, 707:353, 3mgfd.jpg)

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deacb5  No.7830311

File: f89fad4fd50d7f3⋯.png (1.32 MB, 750x1228, 375:614, A3BE9E84-AB31-41E4-870D-FD….png)

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e292ae  No.7830312

Adam Schiff almost always wears a light blue colored neck tie… this is his subtle Deep State way of acknowledging he is owned by Mossad operatives.

Same goes for any politician or pundit that wears a purple neck tie. Purple is a Deep State color.

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95a077  No.7830313

File: 5e8d878c54710a2⋯.png (1020.9 KB, 748x783, 748:783, Untitled.png)


dat boy putting on his best pepe

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120195  No.7830314


>Remember in 2018, the deep state got a load of cell phones, that Q had actually implanted their listening devices in?

Jokes on the deep state. Who handed over the (RSA) keys to the kingdom?


Any connected device in the world. No need for specially comped devices if you have the root keys.

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9f13be  No.7830315


Actually, Christ, in the Greek, means "covered in pig fat".

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22f2e2  No.7830316

File: 8af127e3b1c8c8a⋯.png (142.45 KB, 1278x259, 1278:259, arguesWithShills2.png)


The Legend of Argues-with-shills lives on…

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ec6991  No.7830317


Thank you anon for the references. Much to read.


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9eb9c2  No.7830318

Cant wait till they panic and start posting some "substantial drops" close to election time to make sure they get the votes.


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1da518  No.7830319

Schiff getting his grandstanding in now, because once this shit show starts, you know the Senate is gonna be shutting him down like he did to Republicans in the House

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947179  No.7830320

File: fd84fcc6daeddad⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 32172B10-6A7B-4849-9495-5….JPEG)

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cf2232  No.7830321

File: 24fa8b01629960a⋯.jpg (113.12 KB, 946x678, 473:339, StandwithPresidentTrump.jpg)

Fuck these people, Sir. We love you.

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5bbc86  No.7830322

I have never had so much fun watching the demoncrats Destroy

themselves in real time!

That Sodomite from Burbank, Ca is hanging by the slimmest of

razor wire thread!

The End of (((them))) is at Hand!

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5e5050  No.7830323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hannity opened with:

The stage is set


Catching up from last night… apologies if already posted.

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ec6991  No.7830324


Good info anon, interested in the quantum tech.

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a9e6c0  No.7830325


Peach skin

Mint make-up

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3bdc58  No.7830326


Cool. Thanks for sharing. That's who I meant too.

It is also used as a name, I know, not in Greek.

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7ceb37  No.7830327

File: 4917f4f812a4e31⋯.jpg (159.37 KB, 1440x907, 1440:907, History.jpg)


The world is with you, Mr. President!

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85946d  No.7830328

File: 065f228872752ba⋯.png (556.07 KB, 1007x654, 1007:654, Screenshot_2020-01-16 Mari….png)


If you're antsy waiting on Q to post I could use a hand digging on CEMEX and/or tracking vessels and ports.

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73a7dd  No.7830329

File: bf90c0a8139c4b9⋯.jpg (85.86 KB, 800x555, 160:111, why-doesnt-anyone-8af10f3d….jpg)



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584a49  No.7830330


Symbols everywhere, everywhere.

Rites and paths have been corrupted.

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17bb68  No.7830331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9da4d1  No.7830332


Planned and coordinated.


MAYBE there is MOAR to connect.

If you can't EXPAND your thinking or grasp context of said Q post to timing of connection can't help you fren.

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30fd24  No.7830333

File: dd52fc6fe94a0a8⋯.jpg (597.35 KB, 1251x1595, 1251:1595, comments to AT Q anon arti….jpg)


>>7829288 Q article gaining traction. now on koke report.


Q article comments section appears to be manipulated to favor negative comments

When the article first came out, the positive comments were numerous with many up votes, buy now comments are largely baseless ad hominems.

The night before last, I personally posted two comments that received many up-votes, but yesterday two separate comments that I posted were held "under review" for hours. When I inquired about this to the AT editor's email, I received a response that I had been banned for "spamming" because I was reposting the same comment over and over which was absolutely NOT the case. I was in fact responding to two separate negative attacks. He said he lifted the ban, but by then I wasn't about to recreate my comments from scratch. I think "banning for spam" is how these third party sites like Disqus who manage comments sections go about targeting those they don't like.

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6cd068  No.7830334

File: 4787e0fc6f04a06⋯.png (237.55 KB, 413x233, 413:233, peachymint.PNG)


Someone say peach mint

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8e6edd  No.7830335

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ec6991  No.7830336

>>7830110 tanks for not shitting the bread. bub bye leaf.

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cc9c9d  No.7830337

File: ef5d19396ac42b5⋯.jpg (13.61 KB, 240x360, 2:3, wellsaid.jpg)


Damn. You nailed it better than I ever could!

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808bd8  No.7830338

File: 8aa225076f4f4e2⋯.jpeg (250.34 KB, 751x896, 751:896, 4E7B6F1F-0CB3-4DC7-9987-9….jpeg)

File: eccf7154ac682e5⋯.jpeg (2.62 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 3B09F50E-FA82-42DD-AD2A-1….jpeg)

File: 2ebd532fd80e9a3⋯.png (1.12 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 01E8BFDE-0220-4B8F-8239-ED….png)


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584a49  No.7830339


Good match anon!

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17bb68  No.7830340

File: b15ca8729b60fa8⋯.png (730.48 KB, 573x508, 573:508, surra.PNG)


she kinda looks like

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b4fc19  No.7830341


C-span has it


"attacking the pentagon"


the number:


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250c29  No.7830342

File: ad7ad798dd36836⋯.jpg (36.69 KB, 720x624, 15:13, arrestsomebody.jpg)

I can't take listening to Schiff the Pedophile any more. I have watched so many hearings over the last 2 years and nothing ever really comes out of them. It is time for Q to put up or shut up. It is time for some major declas action to happen and take out these corrupt people in the house. I don't know why we had to let it get to the point of impeachment.

We know Nancy would not send over the articles unless she had some plan to win in the Senate. Did they use that time to blackmail Republican Senators? Can Lindsey Graham, No Name's stooge, be trusted?

I don't like this one bit. Q says they "have it all" and yet right now, the only person on trial is POTUS!!!

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6e4a0c  No.7830343

File: 92bc536660a0249⋯.jpg (964.05 KB, 823x3199, 823:3199, Screenshot_2020-01-16 Isra….jpg)

TOTAL MONSTER Israeli ‘cult’ leader, 60, sexually abused women followers & forced them to put hands in fire ‘to feel what hell’s like’


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c7e100  No.7830344

Impeachment Begins Senate

1 - 16 - 2020

1+16 = Q sees 20/20

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1bf3bd  No.7830345

File: 712de8033e113a2⋯.jpg (123.95 KB, 1078x722, 539:361, 400.jpg)

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584a49  No.7830346


Link these 2 posts in current thread as well:



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5bbc86  No.7830347


Cocaine Mitch is grooving right Now.

Enjoy the Show!

Best Movie I have ever seen that started in Oct 2017!

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04ce5c  No.7830348



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deacb5  No.7830349

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fd0fdc  No.7830350

File: 63ac854de38fd56⋯.jpg (125.21 KB, 680x606, 340:303, trump 51 gorillion percent….jpg)

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4143f3  No.7830351

File: ac1a10f8909058d⋯.png (321.16 KB, 559x647, 559:647, POTUS the KING.png)

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77516f  No.7830352

File: e34b9117553bc04⋯.jpg (60.78 KB, 731x415, 731:415, Capture.JPG)

Kellyann BitchSlaps Fredo ..Again kek

Chris Cuomo, Kellyanne Conway Renew Rivalry in Epic Fight Over Impeachment: ‘You Want That Moment to Go Viral’

Chris Cuomo, Kellyanne Conway Renew Rivalry in Epic Fight Over Impeachment: ‘You Want That Moment to Go Viral’

By Reed RichardsonJan 16th, 2020, 2:21 am

CNN host Chris Cuomo and presidential spokesperson Kellyanne Conway reprised their ongoing, fractious on-air relationship in a long, rambling segment where almost no actual questions were answered and instead the pair talked past each other to score points with their respective constituencies.

Cuomo continues to bring Conway on air long after other news programs have effectively banned her from appearing live, primarily based on her track record of telling lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie. And Conway held consistent with that pattern, initiating her appearance with a complete misrepresentation of the House impeachment and the US judicial system.


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560933  No.7830354

The 'managers' are a sad, pathetic looking group.

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7298b9  No.7830355

File: 0d9c8d9bc3dc52d⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1509x867, 503:289, ClipboardImage.png)

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17bb68  No.7830356

File: 2d84e4b8c0f5c4c⋯.png (9.94 KB, 681x189, 227:63, how rich is barr.png)

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789199  No.7830357

>>7830277 Then why would they go this far? Not like they can back out and they may be stoopid but not that stoopid.

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a0aa0a  No.7830358

File: 093ae0505b863e6⋯.png (3.02 MB, 2549x1610, 2549:1610, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e06624fc56f4363⋯.png (4.62 MB, 2555x1640, 511:328, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c87dee2ffefe3ae⋯.png (2.43 MB, 2799x1339, 2799:1339, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0955ce29a311e7⋯.png (734.15 KB, 1031x1267, 1031:1267, ClipboardImage.png)

Does MO look especially LARGE in this photo…?

She was pushing some Obama Foundation stuff, with Julia Roberts, in Vietnam…

Girls Opportunity Alliance ~ there is a Go Fund Me


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989b7c  No.7830359

File: b5b17bca0dc6543⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1009x1005, 1009:1005, 1571269431038.png)

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c7e100  No.7830360

File: 48cb6b440a43942⋯.jpeg (73.59 KB, 450x818, 225:409, 48cb6b440a439425b1e89c4c0….jpeg)


Notice nobody mentions the Knights of Columbus ever?

Yet the masons (sworn enemies of the Pope) are always on every conspiracy clown list?

People are so gullible

Also to mention that never does anyone ever blaspheme Muhummad but Jew Jew Jew non-stop.

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95a077  No.7830361


those managers are the best of the betas

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cc9c9d  No.7830362


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9da4d1  No.7830363


Barr $40Million networth?

Can we confirm this?

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fa7042  No.7830364


How do you introduce evidence into the record?

In open trial pursuant to discovery rules of introduction of evidence and witnesses.

…remind me who runs the senate and controls the rules??

answer: Mitch cocaine McConnell; Chuck Grassley - Judge









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1e3997  No.7830365

File: 51cbb3d79743ad4⋯.jpg (4.87 KB, 259x194, 259:194, eroticwomensoftcore.jpg)

File: 4db38ef9e8b43c9⋯.jpg (12.9 KB, 278x181, 278:181, juaninamillionmeme.jpg)

research noun

Save Word

To save this word, you'll need to log in.

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re·​search | \ ri-ˈsərch , ˈrē-ˌsərch \

Definition of research (Entry 1 of 2)

1: careful or diligent search

2: studious inquiry or examination

especially : investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws

3: the collecting of information about a particular subject

research verb

researched; researching; researches

Definition of research (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

1: to search or investigate exhaustively

research a problem

2: to do research for

research a book

intransitive verb

: to engage in research

Softcore pornography or softcore porn is commercial still photography or film that has a pornographic or erotic component but is less sexually graphic and intrusive than hardcore pornography, defined by a "lack of penetration" (such as stripteases, lingerie modeling, erotic masturbation, etc.) and emphasis the sensual appreciation of the female or male form. It typically contains nude or semi-nude actors involved in love scenes, and is intended to be sexually arousing and aesthetically beautiful.

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808bd8  No.7830367

File: 05feca60efb90b8⋯.jpeg (168.08 KB, 828x556, 207:139, 32E7A54F-EB61-4FF2-87FD-5….jpeg)

Are local cabAl/assets a threat to anons?

We all know there are pedo Mason dirty cops in every town in America.

I’m fearless in the face of these depraved cowards but let’s get rid of these sick fucks en masse.

Enough is enough.

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b4fc19  No.7830369


michael moore launching point = flint.

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cf2232  No.7830370


And he's the best president of our lifetime. Stop for a minute and think about how ridiculous that is. It's painful to watch but imagine being one of [them].

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77516f  No.7830371

File: 243cc012af3ac83⋯.jpg (44.67 KB, 723x335, 723:335, Capture.JPG)

Trump Judge Refuses To Use Preferred Pronouns Of Transgender Child Pornographer

A judge appointed by President Donald Trump refused Wednesday to use the preferred pronouns of a transgender child pornographer.

Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan denied a motion Wednesday from federal prisoner Norman Varner to change the prisoner’s name to Katherine Nicole Jett and to call the prisoner by his preferred pronouns.

Authorities sentenced Varner to 180 months in prison and 15 years supervised release after the prisoner pled guilty in 2012 to one count of attempted receipt of child pornography. Varner’s sentence was also influenced by the prisoner’s previous state-level convictions: possessing child pornography and failing to register as a sex offender.


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9eb9c2  No.7830372


Adam Schiff will never be brought to justice.

Everyone knows this.

No one at his level has been, or will be, charged.

The same 16 year cycle in politics is going on now that has in the past. Trump is nothing more than a stepping stone to get in a more Radical Left President when the pendulum swings back the other way…

All of this is planned. Even Trumps "democratic" (socialist) successor.

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17bb68  No.7830373

File: 4ca3dc6e4f7bc0d⋯.jpg (20.73 KB, 500x522, 250:261, l2mg5x8e48a21.jpg)

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584a49  No.7830374


Saw that last night anon. Watch your six.

Break free of the programming, and good luck.

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095bba  No.7830375


I must be stupid. Nobody is ‘covered in gold’ in these photos. Some lady wearing a creepy stag head.

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b4fc19  No.7830376


i hope they are screening all border jumpers for b'nai b'rith.

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cc9c9d  No.7830377

File: ed6af3be70ad0ec⋯.png (38.97 KB, 637x376, 637:376, Firefox_Screenshot_2020-01….png)


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2e557e  No.7830378

File: 45d3b09bec6bd35⋯.png (14.4 KB, 655x366, 655:366, ClipboardImage.png)


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560933  No.7830379

"The Senate can overrule the Chief Justice."

-Jan Crawford, CBS Legal Analyst

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17bb68  No.7830380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


second vid

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6bee12  No.7830381

File: bfdc3e9a90d1515⋯.jpg (112.48 KB, 761x440, 761:440, Fredo.jpg)

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3cc48a  No.7830382

File: 4b4b430eaa32a8f⋯.jpg (784.1 KB, 1272x961, 1272:961, 5h3ecZeBoy.jpg)

File: 4c133b3c401fcee⋯.jpg (206.9 KB, 623x500, 623:500, cBY5bkW08j.jpg)


The abuser threatening to expose themselves?

Water is wet, make my day~

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baf52b  No.7830383

File: c9a60402cdf3701⋯.jpg (384.18 KB, 818x992, 409:496, FrontRowThanQ.jpg)



"Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise. POTUS knows he must clean house (gov't) in order to 'free up' and demonstrate who has authority in order to pass important legislation. This was always the priority. Remember, AG Sessions cannot look like an impartial player that is out to get all former Obama team members as we need him for other important work. All will come into focus and for anyone to think POTUS is not in control is kidding themselves. Also, he's 100% insulated with zero risk of impeachment (fact)."

Watching the show if the house impeachment is overturned and if the knowing players are removed.

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61707d  No.7830384


Do you think any Anons buy your shilling?

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d0bdd6  No.7830385


Yep, to remove the President they must first survive his legal examination of their past.

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12363c  No.7830386


I can’t fucking stand it anymore.

Huber investigation into Hillary Clinton: zero arrests

Criminal referrals sent by Nunes: zero arrests

Violations in Clinton private server investigation: zero arrests

Horowitz report: zero arrests

Trust Wray: zero arrests

I think there has to come a time when everyone finally realizes that Q is not the be all say all like we thought/were told.

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27eb61  No.7830387

File: 3d0e447c6dee82f⋯.png (620.57 KB, 1013x571, 1013:571, ClipboardImage.png)

You know what to do

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73a7dd  No.7830388


Thanks UKanon.

You just make sure Big Ben is repaired and lets the world know you're a sovereign nation again.

God bless you fren.

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cc0341  No.7830389

File: 715cd3e0d450a64⋯.jpg (35.44 KB, 540x960, 9:16, fake news.jpg)

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94f4c6  No.7830390

File: a7f8bdcf0311389⋯.png (1005.7 KB, 1920x959, 1920:959, Screenshot_2020-01-16-12-2….png)



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31d9dd  No.7830391

File: 2a150913f9f5930⋯.jpeg (24.01 KB, 750x120, 25:4, 1505FE53-0865-4600-B74B-C….jpeg)

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f39ba8  No.7830392



























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1e3997  No.7830393

what is exhaustive research?

It is going through all the posts and cross checking them with all listed links to see how relevant they are to actual research or relevant responses and agreement that gives further information for discussion.

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cc9c9d  No.7830394


Isn't it already fixed? I thought they were gonna do a big reveal on New Years? Did they not?

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32f916  No.7830395

File: 887e4ddaf46bf6f⋯.png (165.49 KB, 601x600, 601:600, shareblue.png)


Magalarp shareblue fag

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77516f  No.7830396


Trump asks if House Intel Chair Adam Schiff should face 'arrest for treason' as impeachment probe gathers steam

President Donald Trump on Monday suggested that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff could face "arrest for treason" over his recent statement about Trump's call with Ukraine's president.

The fiery tweet comes days after the president said at a private staff event that "we used to handle" spies and treason "a little differently than we do now."


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12363c  No.7830397


Pass. We’ve been fighting these fucking democrats for YEARS. Literal YEARS. I am fucking DONE playing. I can’t fucking do this anymore.

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132018  No.7830398

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937c76  No.7830399

LIndsey Graham on Hannity said

"The best is yet to come."


QPOST Feb 22


>Are we having fun yet?

>The best is yet to come.


Video link is Trump's motorcade honking at Trump supporters holding a Q sign. "There's your honk!"

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17bb68  No.7830400

File: 037a9f491dacbc7⋯.png (281.16 KB, 607x531, 607:531, Screenshot_2020-01-16 Sara….png)

saz this smuck

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32f916  No.7830401


Good THEN LEAVE! We will stay here

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4143f3  No.7830402

File: ad803df9d289ec8⋯.jpg (126.43 KB, 973x771, 973:771, BLS Lockup.jpg)

File: ca577b8b5f367ad⋯.jpg (22.13 KB, 400x300, 4:3, bloomberg cupcake.jpg)

POTUS Goes After Bloomberg: Starting March 1, BLS Will Ban Lockup Computers, Hitting HFT Revenues

As first reported on Tuesday, moments ago the BLS confirmed that starting March 1, the Trump admin will ban all electronics including computers from the room where journalists receive early advance access to major economic reports, in an effort to ensure a level playing field, a U.S. official told the same wire services that stand to suffer the most from this major overhaul of how economic data is disseminated.

As discussed on Tuesday, currently, the Labor Department hosts "lockups" for major reports lasting 30 to 60 minutes, where journalists receive the data in a secure room, write stories on computers disconnected from the internet, and transmit them when connections are restored at the release time.

Confirming our speculation that this was a way for the Trump admin to hit Mike Bloomberg and his eponymous organization where it hurts, the U.S. official, speaking on a conference call with journalists, said "the change is being made because several news organizations that participate are able to profit by providing the numbers to algorithmic traders in a format that provides them an advantage."

Translation: Trump is now going after the source of Mike Bloomberg's wealth - the selling of zero-latency market-moving information to HFTs.

The overhaul will take effect March 1, the official said. Labor Department officials were asked if the change was specifically aimed at Bloomberg News, which participates in the lockups and whose founder and majority owner, Michael Bloomberg, is running for the Democratic presidential nomination. The official denied any political motivation and cited a prior recommendation by the Labor Department’s inspector general.

For those who missed the background on this critical, to all market participants, strateigsts, and traders story, here it is again.

Any time the US Department of Labor releases the jobs report on the first Friday of the month, wire agencies such as Bloomberg and Reuters already have a prepared barrage of market-moving data points ready to go to their paying subscribers (and, on the nanosecond, to frontrunning HFT clients) together with a commentary wrapper that is prepared in the 30-60 minutes before the official data release, prepared by journalists who are in "lockup" in a given government data room, which is meant to prevent them from leaking the data to other, more interested (and better funded) parties.

See Cap#1.

However, starting as soon as this week, the "lockup" may now be history, as well as those flashing red jobs headlines that set the market mood for the day, and often, the rest of the month (assuming, of course, that eventually fundamentals will matter again), because in what Bloomberg dubbed the "biggest change to economic data releases in decades", the Trump administration plans to limit the news media’s ability to prepare advance stories on market-moving economic data, such as the monthly jobs report, "in a move that could create a logjam in accessing figures such as the monthly jobs report."

Needless to say, Bloomberg - along with Reuters, and countless other wire services, who sell lockup data to extremely generous HFT clients for a lot of money - are not happy.

As noted above, currently the Labor Department hosts “lockups” for major reports lasting 30 to 60 minutes, where journalists receive the data in a secure room, write stories on computers disconnected from the internet, and transmit them when connections are restored at the release time.

However, for reasons not fully clear, the department under pressure from the administration, is looking at changes such as removal of computers from that room, and an announcement could come as soon as this week, said Bloomerg sources.

That, as Bloomberg which would be directly and very adversely affected notes, "could hinder the media’s ability to provide headlines, comprehensive stories and tables at the exact release time."

That's one interpretation, another is that it will further democratize information, allowing, or rather forcing, everyone to come up with their own fast take of the data, and even open up the field to new competitors who currently don't have access to the lockup.

This is big for markets. Quant strategies focusing on reading headlines will need a rethink. Will lead to huge info asymmetry post data releases. Although may boost role of market economists who need to digest raw data as quickly as possible.

There is another fringe benefit such an action would deliver: the US government would finally have to enter the 21st century with modernized websites:

If BLS removes lockups, billions in HFT data feed fees to wire services like Reuters and Bloomberg go up on smoke.


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12363c  No.7830403



>Magalarp shareblue fag

How? For stating facts?

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bd6952  No.7830404

Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs.

POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false.

Follow Huma tomorrow.

POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons. To suggest this is the plan is false and should be common sense.

Focus on Military Intelligence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency

What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate - what must be showed?

Why is POTUS surrounded by generals ^^

Again, there are a lot more good people than bad so have faith. This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just Democrats).

Don’t fool yourself into thinking Obama, Soros, Roth’s, Clinton’s etc have more power present day than POTUS.

Follow the money, it’s the key.

What is Pelosi’s net worth by way of one example. Why coincidentally is her memory apparently going?

Cover for possible future indictment to plead what?

What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution?

Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a NP? Note this doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups.

Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and how is that related to Clinton’s?

Why is MS13 a priority?

Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil.

Operation Mockingbird.

29-Oct-2017 9:48:50 PM EDT



If Russia didn't [hack] the DNC (insider breach)…..

& US INTEL supported Russia [breach] claim……

What does that tell you?




[Mueller][impeachment] all meant to 'slowdelayprevent' the exposure [& prosecution] of their crimes.

Will new articles of impeachment be 'continually' drafted in effort to hold as ammunition to prevent Senate hearings re: [D] party corruption?

Moves & countermoves.

The 'silent' war continues.



29-Dec-2019 1:06:19 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6


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fb62ee  No.7830405

>>7830371 Trump Judge Refuses To Use Preferred Pronouns Of Transgender Child Pornographer


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27eb61  No.7830406

File: ee4198385c49c8a⋯.png (3.12 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


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77516f  No.7830407


Michael Avenatti Arrested By IRS Agents For Allegedly Violating Pre-Trial Release Terms


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fd0fdc  No.7830408

File: fe09fbe2b820067⋯.jpg (244.62 KB, 1536x1152, 4:3, kim jong un laughing.jpg)



thats great

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6467a9  No.7830409

Hello curious friends :)


if anyone want to claim the dinner with the guy here is the answer:

My answer is "Dr. Herminia Palacio".

In my 5 minutes of searching:

* Since barbara is the 'Chief Medical Examiner' if someone arranged for her to be in the right place in the right time, logically that person must be above her in the structure of the organization, well according to "https://www1.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/org-chart.page" that person is the 'Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services' which at the time was "Dr. Herminia Palacio".

* 1 second look into her: "https://archive.is/sOCWC" + "https://archive.is/mfVN6" + "https://archive.is/ZKAqP".

* My guess is this whole thing was planned few months before, and she was 'paid' with that CEO position in advance.

* the icing on the cake is really if you look at the 'institution' she advanced to and what they do, you will instantly know which group they belong, i mean just check their twitter… "https://www.guttmacher.org/" "https://twitter.com/Guttmacher".

* if however, she left before my bet is on the mayor since the replacement was set way after "https://archive.is/0Nfrw"

i have not posted it. so feel free to claim it.

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12363c  No.7830410


Hey remember when Q said “Impeachment requires 2/3 vote in the senate”???

Ya, that’s was a fucking LIE.

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fdb79a  No.7830411


nice diggies

elf is based

he played his part

he's not done

we all have a part to play

dissenters alike

just need to call out subversion

it's real

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6cd068  No.7830412


WTF over

Why are cuckistans sucking royal dick

There are a bunch of criminal cunts, including that ginger twat and his whore.

fucking leafs

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268e43  No.7830413

File: c88438257816156⋯.jpg (162.28 KB, 567x597, 189:199, calendar8.jpg)

i trust the plan.

no sauce.

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32f916  No.7830414


Real anons know the drops. Real anons know the plan.

Real anons REALIZE that its BIGGER than you KNOW.


Silent weapons for quiet wars

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584a49  No.7830415


This is good. Use of these 'pronouns' only validates a legal status. Smart.

Judges, making a difference.

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51afb4  No.7830417


I was thinking same thing, what if Trump does get impeached by the senate? As far as anyone here knows, maybe that is part of the plan too. There must be a plan b, but personally I wish they would have had to implement plan z three yrs ago, maybe by now the dust would have settled

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4af939  No.7830418


The wheels if Justice grind painfully slowly now is no exception. It's difficult to bear but when the hammers finally do drop, it will be swift and hard. Q will, in hindsight, ultimately prove to be exactly as represented.

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6fc693  No.7830419


not all of us if something doesn't break soon.

getting really tired of seeing the demoncraps get away with shit and we know their dirty little secrets, for 3 years, 3 fucking years…shit is starting to get old and look more and more like a LARP.

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9d27ff  No.7830420

File: e50fc8c4c271433⋯.jpg (24.57 KB, 410x276, 205:138, WonkaTIV.JPG)

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2d4cd9  No.7830421

File: 6942c10f0f2129c⋯.png (9.41 KB, 255x191, 255:191, pepe drool.png)


Nice work Anon !!!

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d417c8  No.7830422


WHY the everfucking fuck should canucks foot the bill?

these fucking parasites claimed they want to be FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT

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268e43  No.7830423

File: ac52ef7d31b8f89⋯.jpg (78.57 KB, 874x586, 437:293, phone2.jpg)

File: 6a1a60489c126a6⋯.jpg (74.38 KB, 843x397, 843:397, phone3.jpg)

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cf2232  No.7830424

File: 655cdce630e153e⋯.png (16.22 KB, 1020x652, 255:163, in_tard_jail.png)


Fuck. I replied to it. kek

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77516f  No.7830425

File: 74a5a51d73b7474⋯.jpg (61.88 KB, 656x338, 328:169, Capture.JPG)

Big Win in New Jersey! Mandatory Vaccine Bill Fails After Thousands Show Up to Protest

A bill in New Jersey that would’ve stripped parents and children of their right to informed consent by allowing them to object to mandatory vaccinations failed on Monday. Much to the chagrin of the tyrants who claim ownership over the bodies of others, the bill that would have eliminated religious exemptions to mandatory vaccinations failed to pass the New Jersey state legislature.

According to reports, the bill was canceled in the Senate before the vote because lawmakers knew they lacked the passing votes. The proponents of the bill vowed to reintroduce it on Tuesday but this gives opponents a new time frame on the public hearing and voting process.


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073f1f  No.7830426

File: 515ed08a00a4ddc⋯.jpg (84.18 KB, 760x428, 190:107, chuck-shumer-nancy-pelosi.jpg)




You seriously believe this a trap?

You don't think they were acting under orders from DJT to save their arses from swinging in the breeze while they?

Q has said these people are stupid, but I refuse to believe that they could possibly be this stupid.

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497245  No.7830427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Umm pretty damn big news?

*Why has the entire Russian government resigned?*

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de4061  No.7830428

File: 803f55d2ab04559⋯.png (68.37 KB, 235x255, 47:51, image.png)



>When snipers are in the battlefield, they have to blend in, and they do that with a LOT of makeup. But it’s not the kind that helps conceal your broken-out T-zone.


she's a sniper, trying to blend in, by making the people believe, she's a concerned and honest politician, while just trying to serve her master.

And her master's order is: REMOVE TRUMP.

And she tries to do that, while using a lot of makeup that doesn't help conceal her broken-out T-zone.

Military T-zone:

"T-zone shots are normally made in a situation where the suspect is armed and holding a hostage, usually at gun or knife point. The T-zone is roughly a T-shaped area from the outside of one eye socket to the outside of other eye socket and extending down the bridge of the nose to the upper lip."

https://en.wikipedia.org/en.wikipedia.org › wiki ›

DoD implies here that NP is trying to hold Potus hostage with this peachmint theatre.

But she will be taken out.

Remember Q: "How do you introduce evidence" in a lawful way?

You let someone indict you and then you are able to defend yourself with all the evidence you can produce.

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9eb616  No.7830429


go back and vote in whatever country you are shilling from. You gave yourself away with the 16 year comment idiot.

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be5f42  No.7830430


wish my atm receipts had that many zeros

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dc2e01  No.7830431

File: bb2fa834d215086⋯.jpeg (480.27 KB, 2048x1447, 2048:1447, 072681A7-992F-41DF-B3E3-5….jpeg)

Found a good witness list for impeachment trial

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96722c  No.7830432

File: 50ef4425cbeef85⋯.jpeg (443.57 KB, 1242x1152, 69:64, 95D15C89-0CCF-4F34-8F68-6….jpeg)

Cabal asset Kevin Shipp has been activated. If he’s a CIA analyst turned good he should know better.


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9eb9c2  No.7830433


Yeah Yeah Yeah…

Kerry and the Logan act…

Hillary and "Locked up", etc.

When/if actual ACTIONS/CHARGES happen, Ill gladly change my tune. Until then, Ill keep my skeptic cap on tightly.

Trump says a lot.

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789199  No.7830435

>>7830426 yup. stupid is relative and they are not this stupid.

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e93fec  No.7830436

Canada’s biggest newspaper says Prince Harry and Meghan Markle aren’t welcome

Canada’s largest newspaper says Prince Harry and Meghan Markle aren’t welcome to live in the famously friendly country because it’s unconstitutional.

In a scathing editorial, The Globe and Mail says the royal couple’s plan to move to the land of maple syrup and hockey violates laws that keep the once-British-ruled country at arm’s length from their mother monarchy across the pond.

“In response to the sudden announcement of a vague and evolving plan for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex – Prince Harry and Meghan – to move to Canada while remaining part of the Royal Family, the Trudeau government’s response should be simple and succinct: No,” the editorial blasts.

“You are welcome to visit, but so long as you are senior royals, Canada cannot allow you to come to stay … It breaks an unspoken constitutional taboo,” it says.

Harry and Meghan’s Canada planned migration mucks up the country’s long history of breaking away from the British political system, according to the article.

“[Canada’s] unique monarchy, and its delicate yet essential place in our constitutional system, means that a royal resident — the Prince is sixth in the line of succession — is not something that Canada can allow,” it says.


Three cheers for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's ‘Megxit’

“A royal living in this country does not accord with the long-standing nature of the relationship between Canada and Britain, and Canada and the Crown.”

The royals’ plan — which includes stepping down from their titles and dividing their time between L.A. and Canada — also stomps on Canada’s identity, it notes.

The country broke away from British reign centuries ago, considers Queen Elizabeth II a figurehead leader only, and allows few of her reps to have duties.

“Though Canada borrowed from Britain, it isn’t Britain and never was. And this country long ago took steps to make that unmistakably clear,” the editorial states.

“If you’re a senior member of our Royal Family, this country cannot become your home.”

The Globe and Mail newspaper is printed in five major cities and is widely regarded as Canada’s “newspaper of record.”

Honchos at the paper aren’t the only ones who aren’t thrilled about Megxit. On Monday, Queen Elizabeth II issued a statement saying that the royal family “would have preferred” Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to stay put and keep their senior palace duties.


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32f916  No.7830437


They've been trying this slide for some time. It seems to be reviving now that things are REVVING UP.

There were articles about shareblue people were to start ROLEPLAYING AS CONSERVATIVES.

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9913c3  No.7830438


Bloomberg: Trump is targeting my company

Public: How so?

Bloomberg: He's taking away my ability to front run markets and screw the common investor.

I don't see him making too big a stink about this…

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6cd068  No.7830439


>This is good. Use of these 'pronouns' only validates a legal status. Smart.


>Judges, making a difference.

scuse me pal, I'm a 10 foot Anaconda and I will be referred to as Jamal

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39fc75  No.7830440

File: 0f763171efc2f6b⋯.pdf (149.48 KB, 703909.pdf)



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e847fc  No.7830441


Shit, I went to Prep School with some of these names!

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5fdd36  No.7830442

File: e1395a027dc74fc⋯.png (2.36 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_7395.PNG)


>Silent weapons for quiet wars

loved that chapter anon

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250c29  No.7830443


Sorry, but we all know Avenatti is not a major player. Until we see public officials, Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, HRC, - arrested, we can be assured nothing is actually changing.

So yes, zero arrests of consequence. Just constantly watching the corrupt people in our government walk all over our laws, our system, and now our President. When will these people be stopped and outed for their crimes?

Will it ever happen? Probably not.

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d77e5a  No.7830444


Honestly at this point I wonder if Q came to give us truth in advance of major government coverups and treason in order for the people to start the minutemen 2.0, etc

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cb884a  No.7830445


>Real anons know the drops. Real anons know the plan.

real anons are not redditors


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77516f  No.7830446

File: e3dfe609a891e40⋯.png (200.95 KB, 592x528, 37:33, Judges1.PNG)

File: 60be60eb4eeeb10⋯.png (12.26 KB, 445x209, 445:209, Judges.PNG)

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c4bb17  No.7830447


Thomas Aquinas had a vivid imagination and an agenda. Throughout the Gospels and again in Revelations, Jesus left behind ample evidence that he was not co-equal to God Almighty.

But I'm not here to debate theology.

It is, for my purposes, sufficient to note that 1) there IS a God and 2) I am not Him. All else in my spiritual life flows from those two postulates.

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fb62ee  No.7830448

>>7829957 DOD Twat: When snipers are in the battlefield, they have to blend in… (Pepe Green!)


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218d94  No.7830449

File: 36262bf45d3caff⋯.jpg (86.65 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 1*cllfBX5btW622cpUpUFvJA.jpg)

Baker, you deserve a peach mint pie.

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b103c8  No.7830450

I missed the days when these boards were diggin on craig wright apparently, anyone got any caps or quick break downs to help catch me up to speed. Is he relevant?

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0481bb  No.7830451

File: 9f4eb23565aae16⋯.png (23.3 KB, 695x96, 695:96, ClipboardImage.png)


Hey remember how niggers always just say shit they pulled out of their ass without any reference and expect everyone here to believe it like this is fucking CNN or something

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3a4fa2  No.7830452


As far as Michigan goes

Ann Arbor = University of Michigan

William Mayo, the serial killer HH Holmes, and and John Jacob Abel all went to UofM Medical School together

>Abel showed great interest in isolating pure form of internal gland hormones. The first work that led to his international reputation as a pharmacologist and biochemist was the isolation of epinephrine from adrenal medulla.

Holmes had the fucked up "hotel" which maximized fear in his victims

Then there's the NAMBLA connection to Ann Arbor/Youth Liberation

And the Finders association with Ann Arbor and General Science Corporation

And the Ann Arbor connection to the Oakland County child killings/North Fox Island

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989b7c  No.7830453


Saddest looking person..been trying to catch a bead on her necklace but can't get hi rez on it.

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fa7042  No.7830454

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12363c  No.7830455


What happened to

Trust Sessions

Trust Huber

Trust Horowitz

Trust Durham

Trust Barr?

Anons have been getting assfucked since October 2017.

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9fde26  No.7830456


Ok. When 'we' get to that point, 'we' will send (you) a memo. In the meantime, fuck off back to where you came from

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77516f  No.7830457


Low hanging fruit always gets picked 1st kek

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32f916  No.7830458

File: e5f1880b7693ed0⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepe-connections.jpg)




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c0d0e4  No.7830459


Your to kind, softie!

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560933  No.7830460

Avenatti is absolutely a major player, just not a public official.

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9d27ff  No.7830461

File: f0ff6cd05350d16⋯.png (19.18 KB, 660x152, 165:38, ClipboardImage.png)

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d417c8  No.7830462



fucking HSBC doing business with the cartels

and flaunting it in our faces

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d0bdd6  No.7830463


Shipp is one of those guys that never got banned and never got suspended no matter how outrageous his tweets were.

That's a sure sign of a sleeper and I believe you are correct - he's been activated.

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e93fec  No.7830464

Vigilante couple allegedly baited bike thieves, beat them, posted videos to YouTube

A California couple was arrested last week, for allegedly luring in thieves with an unguarded bicycle and then beating them with baseball bats when they tried to steal it.

Corey Cornutt, 25 and Savannah Grillot, 29, claimed they were robbed the first night they spent in their Visalia home after a burglar broke into their car. A few nights later, another burglar allegedly broke into their car again.

They both became hyper-vigilant and decided to take a proactive stance in defending their home, using the bike as bait. After beating on the perpetrators who came to steal it, Cornutt and Grillot would later post the videos to Youtube.

The couple reportedly continued their crusade for months before they were finally detained by authorities for assault.

They inflicted non-life-threatening injuries upon four different people between July and November 2019, according to a written statement from the Visalia Police Department. Their neighbors, however, said the number of assailants was much higher.

No one was arrested or charged for attempted theft because Cornutt and Grillot never made an official report to law enforcement.

Both suspects were booked on charges of assault with a deadly weapon and conspiracy.

Zero for the fuckers that attempted to steal the bikes.


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2e977c  No.7830465

>>7830352 Fredo has zero chance vs. KC. Too much smarter than him, plus she's in the right. Waaaaaay too much woman for him to lay a glove on. Richardson calling her a serial liar—them's fightin' words, boy.

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cf2232  No.7830466


They were doing that before the election. kek

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cc9c9d  No.7830467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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218d94  No.7830468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9eb9c2  No.7830469

File: 33deb869eb8c5e7⋯.png (142.49 KB, 638x479, 638:479, ClipboardImage.png)

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39fc75  No.7830470


Timing is everything

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12363c  No.7830471


Is Trump impeached?


I want to see what level of fucking stupid I’m dealing with here.

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c7e100  No.7830472

File: 1f34c2cb60c350f⋯.png (1.27 MB, 992x558, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Ah the old s.s. tor-pedo

In retrospect of this event.

I think this was a veiled threat by deep state to POTUS.

I believe this was the answer to that veiled threat - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iJtX0SRK0M

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e15bef  No.7830473

File: c9122b78122f849⋯.png (147.69 KB, 917x237, 917:237, Baby Yoda.png)

Yahoo and Esquire magazine stoop to name calling.

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69a905  No.7830474


Oh thank God, my beloved State isn't as lost as I once thought….

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85946d  No.7830475


second on notable

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f2163f  No.7830476


11.6 Huma indicted

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17bb68  No.7830477


i think that is why the royla fam wanted her gone ..she has proven to be a loon

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77516f  No.7830478

File: ccb1338b1c0151e⋯.jpg (35.64 KB, 814x451, 74:41, Capture.JPG)

US Senate passes US-Mexico-Canada trade deal in another big win for Trump

The US Senate has passed President Donald Trump’s United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, despite the opposition of several Democrats. The pact’s passage is a legislative victory for Trump ahead of his impeachment trial.

The USMCA was agreed by Trump and his Canadian and Mexican counterparts in 2018, and languished in Congress since, despite repeated protestations from Trump. After passing the House with bipartisan support in December, it finally passed the Senate on Thursday, with 89 Senators voting in favor and ten opposing.

U.S. Senate passes #USMCA, 89-10.Full video: https://t.co/9HEmexnbKfpic.twitter.com/fSxmIcSokl

— CSPAN (@cspan) January 16, 2020

#USMCA is a huge win for our producers.Its implementation will stimulate the economy, create new jobs, and increase exports with two of North Dakota’s top trading partners.It’s a shame this agreement was held up for over a year, but I’m thankful we got this done. https://t.co/4Zw


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fd0fdc  No.7830480

File: ae6b81d84c6d824⋯.png (811.06 KB, 913x624, 913:624, kellyanne conway hold the ….png)

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250c29  No.7830481


They should be congratulated, not charged with assault. It is time for a return to actual justice in our country. This shit has to stop.

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584a49  No.7830482

File: 2fd8b725e36296e⋯.png (463.35 KB, 646x865, 646:865, screencap_2020-01-16_12-38….png)

File: 170ef4b890a9d9f⋯.png (872.11 KB, 630x735, 6:7, screencap_2020-01-16_12-37….png)

File: a0280f02b3c60eb⋯.png (856.22 KB, 1139x624, 1139:624, screencap_2020-01-16_12-37….png)

File: 9145a38dcd25053⋯.png (681.61 KB, 1181x631, 1181:631, rothschild-gold.png)


Believe this links to amulets, fetus's covered in gold, black magic rites, etc.

There is much to be found, related, if you dig. This is only dropped as a seed.

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cb0842  No.7830483

File: c900d2754325250⋯.png (745.91 KB, 861x800, 861:800, Screenshot_2020-01-16 Ille….png)

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3bdc58  No.7830484


the 'political pendulum' deserves deconstruction.

this concept is an excuse for the excesses of bad governance.

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fa7042  No.7830485


It's peach minted - dumas

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9d27ff  No.7830486


Trump is not impeached until the senate votes to Impeach 2/3

Article of Peach have been given to Senate, so the left will say he is impeached.

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51afb4  No.7830487


lots of 'booms' that were only duds, it's been pretty disappointing, but I'm still here, gut feelings matter for some reason

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f1fbb1  No.7830488

File: 349c68a2de5d612⋯.jpg (156 KB, 810x539, 810:539, 3_Big-Ben-repairs.jpg)



Last I heard Boris was trying to gather some private donations for the repairs.

Clappers needed I believe.


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355e9c  No.7830489

Look in any trashcan near an ATM, oh and save em to write your phone number on and pass it to the hottie you meet at the bar.

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4143f3  No.7830490

File: 6201ae19f91c9b4⋯.png (509.75 KB, 607x474, 607:474, dr evil 50b euros.PNG)



it's not just B'Berg, it's the entire bastion of HFT setups that use the release data. Just one data provider he is.

A line in the sand is being drawn with this.

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668da5  No.7830491


they are not after him, anon.

they are after us.

he is just in the way

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c7e100  No.7830492


On these two truths we can agree and thus we have to platforms of common ground.

Celebrate because it is seldom found.

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6cd068  No.7830493



HSBC is paying a total of $101.5 million to end a criminal case in the United States in which the bank stood accused of using currency trades to swindle its own customers out of tens of millions of dollars.


HSBC Bank Executives Face Charges in $3.5 Billion Currency Case


HSBC reaches $601M settlement over charges of ‘abusive mortgage practices’

Settlement reached with DOJ, HUD, CFPB, Federal Reserve, 49 states


HSBC have been involved in almost all banking fraud for years

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ee9eb7  No.7830494



now that the senate has the articles DJT has officially been impeached by the house.

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d0bdd6  No.7830495


Avenatti leads to Geragos and Geragos is the big fish.

Avenatti is absolutely key.

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f8c181  No.7830496

Ok autists,

Who picked up on POTUS mentioning that he is as good or a better President than mason George Washington?

He has mentioned it a few times, Has "Cannot tell a lie" 33 degree mason George Washington been dug on?

Is POTUS trying to tell us something?

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cc9c9d  No.7830497


*RAPED & murdered

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b103c8  No.7830498


Thanks anon. Taking any and all information. Is there a general consensus of craig = satoshi ? Or was the consensus =/= ?

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e93fec  No.7830499


I agree. I live in this state everyone I know has been robbed and when you fight back, you end up being the one in jail.

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3fecff  No.7830500


He is impeached, the Senate convicts or acquits. The House has sole power to impeach, and they did.

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12363c  No.7830501


By that logic, no president has ever been impeached.

See? See how stupid you are and flawed your logic is?

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69a905  No.7830502


There has been much talk that Hillary isn't the evil mastermind that some claim her to be…there may be a bigger handler in the background. If this is true then maybe bigger fish will fry and not Americans since so many seem to be of the Global Government…not saying she doesn't deserve to hang for her obvious involvement, just saying maybe this goes way deeper than any of us could really imagine…that quote, "You don't know how bad things really are" come to mind.

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2d4cd9  No.7830503

File: 995f40720574fd1⋯.png (531.9 KB, 667x499, 667:499, Barr Concern.png)

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cb0842  No.7830504


It's a Jew, probably a pedophile.

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989b7c  No.7830505

File: e8d0e967274e3d3⋯.jpg (10.29 KB, 238x205, 238:205, e8d0e967274e3d33d7161fac60….jpg)


Trying to get a hi rez on the necklace.

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8e6edd  No.7830506

File: 0b28ee4aa690287⋯.gif (621.92 KB, 240x184, 30:23, concernfag.gif)

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30fd24  No.7830507

File: 2aa8f492201d98a⋯.jpg (44.11 KB, 1373x288, 1373:288, destroying themselves.jpg)


>When will these people be stopped and outed for their crimes?

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32f916  No.7830508

File: 4899f49a7ca7031⋯.png (472.72 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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77516f  No.7830509

File: b31cd0826c96a8d⋯.jpg (49.1 KB, 603x454, 603:454, Capture.JPG)

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Slams Lev Parnas: “Frankly, I don’t trust any word he is now saying”

The latest effort by Democrats to produce damning information against President Trump is being shot down bit by bit.

The video below shows the Foreign Minister of Ukraine setting the record straight on what Lev Parnas said:

Vadym Prystaiko, Foreign Minister of Ukraine: “Frankly, I have not spoken with [Lev Parnas], and again, frankly, I don’t trust any word he is now saying.”

Vadym Prystaiko, Foreign Minister of Ukraine: "Frankly, I have not spoken with [Lev Parnas], and again, frankly, I don’t trust any word he is now saying." pic.twitter.com/bRUm3mleqN

— The Hill (@thehill) January 16, 2020



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584a49  No.7830510


Noted on the "follow Bolton" as well.

He being in Qatar now and all (notabled last night)

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523c6f  No.7830511


Not advocating violence, per se, but it would be nice if QR had a dedicated hacking corps to teach these jerks a lesson

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970db7  No.7830512

File: 49973adbe1fda96⋯.png (4.04 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d0dd3eb61094dc⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1552x873, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Their choice.

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17bb68  No.7830513


the thing that astonishes me is the thunderous roar of Trump crowds at his rallies, yet no one is picking up their phone calling dc and shutting down this clown show

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d77e5a  No.7830514


Barr is a corrupt piece of shit too

CIA spook, Bush 1 AG

We know POTUS has put corrupt people in office before

It's simple logic

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c0d0e4  No.7830515

File: 4de5c3eaed49d3f⋯.jpg (1 MB, 1814x1634, 907:817, 4de5c3eaed49d3f33e5802b5d6….jpg)

File: 7bdf5aa816340ec⋯.jpg (2.51 MB, 1928x3760, 241:470, 7bdf5aa816340ecc8c914279c5….jpg)

File: 2374ec3ad85197b⋯.png (211.87 KB, 1035x671, 1035:671, hemo cem.png)

File: 240e1d6890f0370⋯.pdf (536.14 KB, cem.pdf)

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cf2232  No.7830516

File: 374a59b17cca005⋯.png (857.68 KB, 838x1200, 419:600, POTUS_meme_12_18_19.png)

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0481bb  No.7830517


No. He isn't. He has been impeached by the house. He hasn't been "impeached". There's a difference, it's the same principle of innocent until proven guilty, which I'm sure that entire concept somehow eludes you. The charges have been brought but the trial is still in progress. Now if you could kindly go suck start a shotgun, I would really appreciate it.

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cb0842  No.7830518


this is war anon

all we see is our own dead

not the enemy that would be bad for our morale

whereas this, this is good

the fucking state of america

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6bee12  No.7830519



Never interfere with an Enemy while they're in the process of destroying themselves. Right?

All of this can be tough to watch go on, I know, but it's importance in the public eye can't be understated. If big names are just immediately arrested, then you have a hot civil war on your hands. Nobody with any decency in this world wants that. Public opinion is changing and Democrats are losing support. The scales still need to be tipped further to prevent absolute chaos. At the end of the day, Q team will be praised for their humanity in how this all went down.

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a854d8  No.7830520

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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32f916  No.7830521


Thats a good way to get thrown in jail.

- someone who has itsec exp

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d417c8  No.7830522


somehow when you call your organized crime gang a BANK it makes everything ok

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c7e100  No.7830523

File: fbcae33ef9045b2⋯.png (309.54 KB, 560x315, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Truly powerful people seldom want their names in the news.

Being in the news is equal to being a Clown.

The names you don't know.

The names you'll never know are the ones going down and the real names that matter.

Puppets don't matter. Never did.

You think Soros is a master?

Soros paid rent to this guy.

Who was this guy?

Anons may only know the tip of the iceberg

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1bf3bd  No.7830524

File: d99c21093820920⋯.png (8.37 KB, 667x203, 23:7, Screenshot_2020-01-16 QAno….png)


They want POTUS in hearings

I know why

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cc9c9d  No.7830525


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1f80c4  No.7830526

File: b14f7694de2f6f2⋯.jpg (298.71 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200116-094746….jpg)

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c6e842  No.7830527


are not endorsements

#10022 new bacer

>>7830088, >>7830295 planefags on watch

>>7829887, >>7829940, >>7830167 Why's IG Horowitz quietly "revising" key findings in his report & posting new iterations of original version on IG website? asks P Sperry

>>7829892 pb notable ded linky naow >>7829758 pb

>>7829896 Trump Curse: Red Sox Manager Who Refused to Visit President Trump in the White House with His Team – Is Fired for Cheating

>>7829907 Dr Oz? In an interview on The Dr. Oz Show on Thursday, pathologist explains why his death is suspicious

>>7829861 Sen McSally calls manu raju a 'liberal hack' on vid

>>7830035, >>7830039 Virgin Islands V Estate of Espstein - the 1953 Trust, Plan D LLC and some other LLC to dig

>>7830124 Rick Becker of Garland Pens joined Gene to discuss the pen that Nancy Pelosi used to sign impeachment documents yesterday.

>>7830067 A South Dakota Bill Would Criminalize Trans Minors’ Health Care

>>7830276 new WH twat - For years, politicians—both Democrat and Republican—have promised to replace NAFTA with a deal that better protects American jobs and workers.

>>7830252, >>7830184 Pence trwat has a construction CAT in it numbered 944, q post 944 say operators active, anons nom on it

>>7829952 notable On chip Quantum phenomena NATURE

>>7830178 Thank you anon for the references. Much to read. notable, says anon.

>>7830387 C-Span2 impeachment trial - you vote - numbers provided

>>7830371 Trump Judge Refuses To Use Preferred Pronouns Of Transgender Child Pornographer

>>7830427 Why has the entire Russian government resigned?


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12363c  No.7830528


Fuuuuuck you faggot.

You hear this anon, anons? Anyone slowly and calmly stating FUCKING FACTS is pedophile according to this dick wart.

Real top shelf shit, you dumb fucking faggot. “Duhhhh this guy is thinking logically and critically. He must be a pedophile!”

Fucking TWAT.

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5bbc86  No.7830529

File: e22c956c77758e5⋯.jpg (16.51 KB, 400x535, 80:107, Kyle-Jeffrey-Jurek-mugshot….jpg)


So. U mad about somethin' huh?

reddit 4 u

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2d25fd  No.7830530


"Daniel" is not a human being. imho he fails the Turing Test, every time.

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2c1627  No.7830531

Isaiah 8:12-13

Do not say, 'it’s a conspiracy,'

Concerning all the things that this people call a conspiracy,

Nor be fear and dread of their threats, nor be troubled.

The LORD of hosts, Him you shall revere, honor and respect

Let Him be your fear,

And let Him be your dread.

He will be your Sanctuary.

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cb0842  No.7830532


>Has "Cannot tell a lie" 33 degree mason George Washington been dug on?


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fdb79a  No.7830533


house impeachment is more like indictment

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f10d42  No.7830534

File: 2ae6f67e860f261⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1712x1294, 856:647, NancyPelosiImpeachmentSign….png)

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d0bdd6  No.7830535


Trump has had 'articles of impeachment' drawn up and approved by the US House.

If the Senate votes to confirm any of the 'articles of impeachment' Trump would automatically be removed from office and Pence would be sworn in.

The best way to say it is he's in the process of being impeached.

To be accurate he has not been impeached yet unless the Senate votes to confirm one of the articles.

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fb62ee  No.7830536

>>7830509 Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Slams Lev Parnas: “Frankly, I don’t trust any word he is now saying”


If not noted prior

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cf2232  No.7830537


Situation normal.

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6faf36  No.7830538

Thoughts on TIMING

Reason for impeachment articles delay

was NOT Pelosi's desire for stalling

but rather

the Plan calls for articles to move to the Senate AFTER

signing of US-China Trade Agreement Phase one.

Thoughts, anons?

The timing is just too perfect to be coincidental.

I am tempted to believe it was PLANNED.

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a854d8  No.7830539

help help anons

walrus joshua faggot goy boy joo fag actor shill is manufactureing fake and gay hell on earth

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f8c181  No.7830540


Fuck off Shriner

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52ba3c  No.7830541

>>7829407 (pb)

>>7829529 (pb)

>>7829327 (pb)

>News coming out from GAO.

>Says POTUS did not have right to withhold money from Ukraine.

Where does it actually state that POTUS issued directives to transfer/delay the funds?

Yes, I read the complete 9-page Decision document. The meat of the report names the OMB and State Dept, but no actual humans are named. I recall some weeks back, an astute anon uncovered this unauthorized withholding by some DS operative, and predicted they'd try to smear POTUS with the guilt. Kudos to that anon, because he was correct.

Still, nowhere in the Decision report does it DIRECTLY state that POTUS knowingly or deliberately withheld or delayed funds. Unless I missed it. The Decision DOES state that POTUS does not have the authority to delay or withhold funds, and it does say that OMB and State DID unlawfully delay or withhold funds; but it DOES NOT state that POTUS directed them to do so.

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084123  No.7830542


Where is the god damn justice

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6fc693  No.7830543


Don't forget…the GOP has at least 3 that votes with democraps in it.

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cb0842  No.7830544


> If big names are just immediately arrested, then you have a hot civil war on your hands.

bullshit. literally so.

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51afb4  No.7830545


beginning to think it's brainwashing at its finest, the game of theory

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4143f3  No.7830546

File: ac40428648d0208⋯.png (323.62 KB, 1484x752, 371:188, GTMO842 USN Ft Laud depart….PNG)

File: 19a0c4ff216c8bd⋯.jpg (116.02 KB, 1027x691, 1027:691, gitmo rides.jpg)

GTMO842 USN UC-12M Huron depart Ft. Lauderdale

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cb0842  No.7830547


you're a stupid fucking new fag / jidf shill

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670d7f  No.7830548

File: f8e748fd521204b⋯.png (234.03 KB, 713x608, 713:608, Pepe_BYoda.png)

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77516f  No.7830549

File: 18bdc2cb2626fd4⋯.jpg (52.84 KB, 809x439, 809:439, Capture.JPG)

‘Cover-up to bail out billionaires’: Ryanair boss threatens legal action against UK govt after it pledges to save Flybe airline

Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary has threatened legal action against the UK government after it pledged to bail out airline Flybe, claiming the rescue package was “a cover-up so they can bail out a couple of billionaires.”

O’Leary has written to the Chancellor Sajid Javid, demanding that an Air Passenger Duty (APD) tax break (or, as he put it, “holiday”), which has been handed to the struggling airline, should be extended to other carriers, like Ryanair. The outspoken aviation chief claims that failure to do so would mean a breach in state aid and competition rules.

In an interview with Sky News on Thursday, O’Leary ostensibly appeared unconvinced by the UK government’s assertion that they are indeed complying with state aid rules, insisting that, if they were, then “they’d publish the [rescue] deal.”

It’s a cover-up so they can bail out a couple of billionaires, Richard Branson, Delta Airlines and this venture capital company from America…it distorts competition.

"This is a bailout for billionaires".Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary has threatened legal action against the government over its bailout of "billionaire-owned" Flybe.Read more on this breaking story here: https://t.co/2xFBql0ERwpic.twitter.com/0xZfj3AgDG

— Sky News (@SkyNews) January 16, 2020


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a854d8  No.7830550


>Thoughts on TIMING

all great circuses have some walrus getting shot out of a cannon

and you mad

and you mad you homo

and you mad you homo spam

its a real bummer

we anons know

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e77751  No.7830551



Both of those monkeys are shills.

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584a49  No.7830552


Also, setting the stage for full DECLASS

Just as was done with "the perfect call" and transcript.

But this will be much much different.

POTUS has set precedent of declassifying, now to use with FISA.

Trusting the plan!

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21ddfa  No.7830553


Charity as front. They are everywhere.

“We have a lot of good Samaritans coming to The Gambia but we also have people who use charity as a front to hide their bad intentions.


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17bb68  No.7830554

File: 5d6a100a5103fcb⋯.png (22.83 KB, 992x139, 992:139, Screenshot_2020-01-16 EXCL….png)


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30fd24  No.7830555

File: 3c46972005b823f⋯.png (3.12 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, ClipboardImage.png)


>Avenatti leads to Geragos and Geragos is the big fish.

>Avenatti is absolutely key.

Did we have figure out who this guy was?

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f1fbb1  No.7830556

File: c353d6d21963e87⋯.jpg (302.67 KB, 800x533, 800:533, pray-for-her-5334bf4c9b.jpg)


So, it's a normal Thursday then.

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8e6edd  No.7830557

File: 622ca0dbda4b6a5⋯.png (506.77 KB, 891x454, 891:454, Screenshot_2020-01-16 Grin….png)

>>7828451 pb

Reminder: John McAfee is a troll that likes to eat shit.

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a854d8  No.7830558



"when piggies fly"

fly walrus fly


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584a49  No.7830559


Could be anon.

Bigger than we can imagine. Interlinked.

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f7f35f  No.7830560

File: bf7491a863d9ba4⋯.jpg (125.25 KB, 640x493, 640:493, 3lyvgr.jpg)

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30fd24  No.7830561


>U mad about somethin'


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1bf3bd  No.7830562

File: 408e72268064589⋯.png (925.44 KB, 667x897, 29:39, 408e72268064589fb85316853a….png)

>>7830527 The world is watching baker

>>7829957 @USArmy sniper shows us how it’s done.(Pepe makeup)

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250c29  No.7830563


I noticed that when they were signing. The pens are obviously made to look like bullets. They have a plan. They are dangerous. This shitshow has been allowed to go on too long.

They probably have new blackmail material on several Senators with Romney leading the charge.

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00ed19  No.7830564

Senate RINO's Betray Trump - The End



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32f916  No.7830565





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cb0842  No.7830566


You're a Jew, probably a pedophile.

Just deal with it.

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8e6edd  No.7830567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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be5f42  No.7830568

File: 22cba3d975f63b4⋯.png (169.26 KB, 766x792, 383:396, gao.png)


interesting, huh

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6bee12  No.7830569


Look how some of these radical Dems have been fighting all along. The violence from the likes of Antifa faggots and whatnot. What do you honestly think would happen if we arrested one of their treasonous heroes without changing the public's perception? They would act out violently. Doesn't take a genius to know thee people want chaos. Need proof, look at the latest Project Veritas video. These people want violence and don't care about American values.

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1e7c67  No.7830570

File: 363ae6353631bee⋯.jpg (35.08 KB, 750x479, 750:479, 1nunes5.jpg)

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9d27ff  No.7830571


This is truth, no president has ever been impeached, ie removed from office through impeachment..

I understand the legal jargon, but the logical conclusion you are taking is based on a leftist agenda.

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6cd068  No.7830572

File: 0cde0d968b64c09⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1224x714, 12:7, best.png)



She must have been talking with her local constituents

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61707d  No.7830573


Been so bad the last few days. It's so telling.

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a854d8  No.7830574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

all our zombies spam grimace and wince for shekels

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c6e842  No.7830575

#10022 new bacer

>>7830088, >>7830295, >>7830546 planefags on watch

>>7829887, >>7829940, >>7830167 Why's IG Horowitz quietly "revising" key findings in his report & posting new iterations of original version on IG website? asks P Sperry

>>7829892 pb notable ded linky naow >>7829758 pb

>>7829896 Trump Curse: Red Sox Manager Who Refused to Visit President Trump in the White House with His Team – Is Fired for Cheating

>>7829907 Dr Oz? In an interview on The Dr. Oz Show on Thursday, pathologist explains why his death is suspicious

>>7829861 Sen McSally calls manu raju a 'liberal hack' on vid

>>7830035, >>7830039 Virgin Islands V Estate of Espstein - the 1953 Trust, Plan D LLC and some other LLC to dig

>>7830124 Rick Becker of Garland Pens joined Gene to discuss the pen that Nancy Pelosi used to sign impeachment documents yesterday.

>>7830067 A South Dakota Bill Would Criminalize Trans Minors’ Health Care

>>7830276 new WH twat - For years, politicians—both Democrat and Republican—have promised to replace NAFTA with a deal that better protects American jobs and workers.

>>7830252, >>7830184 Pence trwat has a construction CAT in it numbered 944, q post 944 say operators active, anons nom on it

>>7829952 notable On chip Quantum phenomena NATURE

>>7830178 Thank you anon for the references. Much to read. notable, says anon.

>>7830387 C-Span2 impeachment trial - you vote - numbers provided

>>7830371 Trump Judge Refuses To Use Preferred Pronouns Of Transgender Child Pornographer

>>7830427 Why has the entire Russian government resigned?

>>7830509 Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Slams Lev Parnas: “Frankly, I don’t trust any word he is now saying” (Lev Parnas was in a Brennan twat yesterday)

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2e1f42  No.7830576

File: 7a0d2acec0df036⋯.jpg (37.74 KB, 504x323, 504:323, NancySwims.jpg)

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985390  No.7830577

We need a Happening! Where the FUCK is Durham with some of dem indictments?

HTFU damn it!

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ab8598  No.7830578

File: 882b14bbcf3564d⋯.png (23.61 KB, 330x118, 165:59, Ann Arbor Bank 1.png)

File: dc8232b4929833d⋯.png (106.22 KB, 327x404, 327:404, AnnArbor Banks.png)


How does all your data connect back to the Railroads?

The THeory is that the Cult was spread along the railroads owned by the Vanderbilts.

So what influence in Ann Arbor did the Michigan Central Railroad (Vanderbilt) have to play?

What lawyers and law firms did the railroads use in the area? Focus on the Early 20th century.

What trusts and banks were prominent during this time?

Map the network of those trustees (what did they do, who did they do business with, who are their family members)

I've done this for Rochester, Buffalo and Cleveland and in each I've found at least 2 trustees on the local banks connected to the Vanderbilt Railroads.

Follow their social circle by reading the early newspapers in the area. Focus on any owned by Gannett or Hearst. They're a big red flag for Cult.

On the surface, these names in Ann Arbor seem like a good start:

The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

Farmers & Mechanics Bank

First National Bank

German-American Savings Bank

State Savings Bank

The one name that jumps out at me is Harriman on the Ann Arbor Savings bank.

Also M. J. Mack, whose familiy we were connecting to Joseph Smith and the Mormons along with NXIVM a few threads ago.

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132018  No.7830579

In 4 months we can start to get nervous

Right now we hold the line

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3a4fa2  No.7830580

New plane crash


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f7f35f  No.7830582

File: 2089fc8dcf81d0a⋯.png (680.78 KB, 1024x1011, 1024:1011, 2089fc8dcf81d0aec63f16c8f7….png)

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250c29  No.7830583


Nope. Those people are paid by Soros. If the system that supports them started collapsing with arrests and truth, those soiboys would go back to their parents' basements and be silent. The majority of America supports POTUS.

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deacb5  No.7830584

File: b70c9fc1a189bf8⋯.png (280.7 KB, 609x362, 609:362, 7FB31C01-8675-4899-B8D8-39….png)

File: 293b46de514a74c⋯.png (454.67 KB, 648x443, 648:443, 15084624-987C-4211-8F52-22….png)

File: 4f50d57b57189b7⋯.png (608.26 KB, 640x579, 640:579, 4E4198B8-2450-46FB-897F-21….png)

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9913c3  No.7830585


Impeached: House already did so it goes in the history books

Convicted/Acquitted: TBD

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cc9c9d  No.7830586

File: 4347543f4e87b5e⋯.png (127.13 KB, 412x438, 206:219, disneywasright.png)

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1e7c67  No.7830588

File: a4e773e015cf71b⋯.jpg (127.43 KB, 989x556, 989:556, kekrudy2.jpg)

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6cd068  No.7830590


The Sun

Global Fake News Outlet

Now in a store near you!!

P.S. Don't ask about the phone hacking they did (and got away with)

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f1fbb1  No.7830592


Yeah, where is she really?

Sorry, couldn't help myself.

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a854d8  No.7830594


this is obviously a walrus attempt to do a shout out to cabbage cult, even has suttle hogg clues

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c7e100  No.7830595

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32f916  No.7830596

File: 98d65021d04ed26⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1340x1692, 335:423, Screen Shot 2020-01-16 at ….png)







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1e7c67  No.7830598

File: 33e992702bf5db5⋯.jpg (6.46 KB, 273x184, 273:184, kekrudy3.jpg)

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766b85  No.7830599

Anyone else have their Project Veritas Action subscription on YouTube automatically deleted?

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9eb9c2  No.7830600

File: 8276bcaba06844d⋯.png (198.43 KB, 360x398, 180:199, ClipboardImage.png)

OMG, people are stating their concerns and pointing out flaws in "the plan".

SHILLS, every one of them!!!!

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1f80c4  No.7830601

File: 52468081abddd5f⋯.jpg (101.2 KB, 750x835, 150:167, 3daf062185cffdf5ae95eef8d1….jpg)


Device proliferation, free Obama phones, etc population control via self inflicted artificial light and schedules, attacking the pineal glands ability to have the darkness required to produce melatonin.

Modern mass Sorcery

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927e64  No.7830602

File: 80370f39d6d0c32⋯.jpg (112.91 KB, 1367x888, 1367:888, planned parenthood.jpg)

File: 3ff099b18b8658b⋯.jpg (91.51 KB, 574x652, 287:326, baal sacrifice pp planned ….JPG)

File: d1230107c9f0e45⋯.png (376.84 KB, 475x599, 475:599, abortion planned parenthoo….png)

I come here and read the Notables every day.. A few times a day even and this really steams me!


>>7829717 (NOTABLE) Planned Parenthood launching $45 million campaign to back Democrats in 2020

If this shht does not piss ya off nothing will!

They use our tax dollars to fund this BS too..


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a854d8  No.7830603



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c0d0e4  No.7830604

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f10d42  No.7830605


I hope it pisses off POTUS Trump, Q, the USSS, our US MIL, LE, and every anon, autist and Patriot in the country.

I hope our blood boils into final action.

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f2163f  No.7830606

File: 47ee34d8ad813b1⋯.jpeg (297.65 KB, 1204x733, 1204:733, We are Q baby.jpeg)

No way in hell they remove this.

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6fc693  No.7830607

Trump…the only president to be impeached, and re-elected to office! KEK!

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2e977c  No.7830608

>>7830514 No man is without sin, including each & every one of us. The things that went before were a prelude, a training/learning period, before the main event. That event is now, and this is the time when we make our final choice: Empire or Rebel. Am seeing B2 as a white hat for 2 reasons. It is my honest evaluation, using every way I have learned to discern what currently lies at a person's core. Secondly because this is the only game in town for us, and we fight hard, not from naivete, but because we know who we are, and that if we are betrayed, we still go out spiritual winners.

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ab8598  No.7830609


So the idea is to find out who these people are, find who is connected to the Michigan Central, or the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway (both Vanderbilt lines) and map these people to industry and the law.

The sauce on those picrelated was Polk's Bank Directory from 1912.

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7ceb37  No.7830610


53-47 comes to my mind… Maybe three GOPassheads voting with dems and a number of dems voting in favor of POTUS! Crazy movie, but Q crumb with the freed ones at the SOTU comes to my mind, too… Maybe a delta, maybe another useless future prediction… I just want the shitshow turning…

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f1dde3  No.7830611


…peter munk?

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85946d  No.7830613

File: 9c400c1fc1ac772⋯.jpg (61.07 KB, 800x450, 16:9, showphoto.jpg)


Appreciated anon! As boatfag I am trying to locate marine shipping partners and the vessels that may be transporting CEMEX products while engaging in trafficking. Vancouver is on Watch List as many bulkers make port call there, so far unable to confirm CEMEX ties to any of them, the hunt continues.

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546aca  No.7830614

File: 47c0bf5455c8ec9⋯.png (333.39 KB, 739x611, 739:611, SandersLiar.png)

Poor Bernie. At least he's more authentic.


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040031  No.7830615


This article is shit. Starts off with a major presumption as fact. Sheds nothing on anything.

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a854d8  No.7830616


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2d4cd9  No.7830617

File: b64c72e50a1afde⋯.png (116.73 KB, 779x451, 19:11, EOax2HzX4AEJG55.png)

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51afb4  No.7830618

It could mean the communist party is stepping down, the writing's on the wall, time to take the money and run? That would be big, China next? wow

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32f916  No.7830619

File: 961e86f0ca74c11⋯.png (26.71 KB, 266x215, 266:215, ClipboardImage.png)


You havent been paying attention.


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3fecff  No.7830620




Nobody should care what the GAO's opinion is. They didn't for Obama.

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9d27ff  No.7830621


If someone is charged with a crime, they are not guilty of that crime until proven…

The term impeachment means to charge, but also means proven guilty….

The house has the authority to bring the impeachment to the Senate, the Senate ultimately decides whether the President is impeached…

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f8c181  No.7830622


Let them plot haha They are all under FISA warrants faggot

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6cd068  No.7830623

File: 17b7702552083eb⋯.png (469.34 KB, 808x407, 808:407, fresh.png)

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3cfdcb  No.7830624

File: 70969eadd24f48d⋯.jpeg (26.01 KB, 1020x460, 51:23, CA6E9BAA-87B4-4879-9C12-9….jpeg)

File: 7e52daf8efdff88⋯.jpeg (255.72 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 04284E33-7E40-4D85-8FFB-3….jpeg)

File: ed6aa7ac8c8f2d3⋯.jpeg (73.58 KB, 500x424, 125:106, B99F1211-4D25-4B0D-9134-4….jpeg)

File: f567bf9f7dbac4b⋯.jpeg (92.82 KB, 500x488, 125:122, 04E9B3F8-6E23-4AD9-A796-F….jpeg)

File: 735c067a7b80480⋯.jpeg (167.21 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 7F373AF2-F7D0-4206-A2C2-3….jpeg)

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c6e736  No.7830625

So is the Senate trial in recess or what

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68aca7  No.7830626

File: 0cc81febd5dd904⋯.png (227.9 KB, 730x592, 365:296, monkeybus.png)



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b4fc19  No.7830627

File: 41b5a7c890a31b7⋯.png (415.36 KB, 1416x824, 177:103, zz va same nc.png)


POTUS needs to send the nat'l guard. Arrest all and see who shipped them there. what orgs backed them? Soros is bussing all opposition just to cause conflict and choas. How many BLM rallys were to be held before whites started countering for balance, but who actually organized the torch kids?????? Soros also trained the leaders of torch mach thru neo-nazi's from the orange movement in the ukraine! what a mess


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1bf3bd  No.7830629

File: ec782f8c68f453d⋯.jpg (43.23 KB, 678x381, 226:127, gs.jpg)

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1e7c67  No.7830630

File: 42c16f2ae5d9a7c⋯.jpg (36.04 KB, 775x425, 31:17, kekmitch.jpg)


Concernfags are the fumiest to watch, bless their hearts

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e33e85  No.7830631



It's called British cut. If that helps.


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6bee12  No.7830632


Yeah, I'm sure many are paid, We've all heard this. BUT many are not. Many are just manipulated and fell for the fuckery. Innocent ppl who honestly THINK they're on the right side of this fighting the good fight. I've known people close to me who fell for that fuckboy shit. People would absolutely act out.

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c6e842  No.7830633

File: 6b90d130cf5cfe6⋯.jpeg (252.11 KB, 1080x1478, 540:739, Fake USA.jpeg)

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51afb4  No.7830634

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e93fec  No.7830635


Phone line is busy I can't get through. Will try later.

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6cd068  No.7830636


>New plane crash



Just guessing, is it a Boeing???


FUK'iN Chink parts

Just wait until the blow up astronauts

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