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File: ddd59307bd724a8⋯.png (479.78 KB, 1013x573, 1013:573, ClipboardImage.png)

75eff1  No.7386560

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 11.25.2019

>>7372396 ————————————–——– Who controls the media? (Cap: >>7372503 vid)

>>7371992 ————————————–——– Sometimes a good 'movie' can provide a lot of truth and/or background.

>>7371947 ————————————–——– [D]'s (internal) issue(s) w/ protecting NAT SEC?

>>7370465 ————————————–——– AFIA AIA DIA ESC ITAC NOIC NPIC NSA SRD (less than 10)

>>7370403 ————————————–——– Fake News Infograph + William J. Casey and Jim Taylor's thoughts on Media Warfare

>>7370323 ————————————–——– We stand UNITED! WWG1WGA!!! _NATSEC_p_upload_2.v1

>>7370291 ————————————–——– We stand UNITED. WWG1WGA!!! _NATSEC_p_upload_1.v1

>>7370269 ————————————–——– New board created [pending approval /CM/]; /projectDcomms/

>>7370121 ————————————–——– You are the news now. ( Cap: >>7370153, >>7370171 )

Sunday 11.24.2019

>>7366783 ————————————–——– Future trip(c) re_verify ( Cap: >>7366919 )

>>7366745 ————————————–——– Targeted and silenced (gag) for a reason? ( Cap: >>7366769, >>7366859, >>7366919 )

>>7364826 ————————————–——– [HUNTER]s become the hunted. (Cap: >>7364836 )

Saturday 11.23.2019

>>7362147 ————————————–——– It's going to be BIBLICAL! (Cap: >>7362167 )

>>7362034 ————————————–——– Re-read drops re: 'Foreign Aid' (Cap: >>7362052, >>7362043 vids)

>>7361920 ————————————–——– The Great Awakening, WWG1WGA (Cap: >>7361929 )

Friday 11.22.2019

>>7359662 ————————————–——– Coordinated and planned? Spy_insert(s)? Puppets have masters. Senate was the target.

>>7359511 rt >>7359408 ————————— Publicly known? Think non_public. Access granted.

Thursday 11.21.2019

>>7359408 rt >>7359370 ————————— /pf/ was taken down [cleared of content] just prior to platform TERM [specific reason].

>>7359354 ————————————–——– /CM/ Suggest update delay to prevent IDEN re-check re: trip update

>>7359332 ————————————–——– News unlocks. You have more than you know.

>>7359320 ————————————–——– The GREAT AWAKENING. You Are The News Now. Handle W/ Care

>>7359314 ————————————–——– Game Over (Cap: >>7361037)

>>7359271 ————————————–——– Information Warfare.

>>7359247 ————————————–——– What happens when 90% of the media is owned by (6) corporations? Control of the narrative = power

Wednesday 11.20.2019

>>7358697 ————————————–——– Chairman Graham, it's time. Senate was the target.

>>7358656 ————————————–——– CF [QUID PRO QUO - internal alarm [how to frame/defend], Ukraine is the single largest CF donor

>>7358376 ————————————–——– Information Warfare (Cap: >>>/qrb/38042)

>>7358352 ————————————–——– These people are stupid.

>>7358338 ————————————–——– All assets [F + D] being deployed.

>>7358318 ————————————–——– What happens when the PUBLIC discovers the TRUTH [magnitude] re: [D] party corruption?

Previous Recent Q Posts

>>7373287, >>7373243, >>7359752, >>7370613

Q's Private Board >>>/projectdcomms Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8kun.top/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown!

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75eff1  No.7386563

Global Announcements

>>7367204 Reminder, if you're having troubles posting fill out the captcha (see the graphic)

>>7337612 /patriotsfight/ placeholder thread deleted

>>7368296, >>7368357 BO on Q's tripcode, whitelist, how it works!

>>7370399 New Q-Board: https://8kun.top/projectdcomms/index.html

Bakers: Do NOT add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough


are not endorsements


>>7385837, >>7385852, >>7386180 anon on POTUS dismantling the FRB and getting us out of the debt trap, Andrew Jackson paid off the debt

>>7385849 Rudy Giuliani Unloads on #FakeNews NY Times

>>7385864 Futures Tumble After Trump Signs Bill Backing Hong Kong Protesters, Defying China

>>7385903 Grand Theft Government With a Tinge of Perversion (Strategic Culture article)

>>7385917 Q Graphics all in GMT

>>7385936, >>7385992, >>7386037 Illinois State Senator Resigns Amid Federal Corruption Probe (BNL)

>>7386016 Walt Disey's mother faked death moved to Chicago (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha connections) Walt and Adolf 1st cousins?! (Schiller Institute and Napolean Hist Society articles)

>>7386023 OIG investigated MDC (Where epstein was located) for mgtm of electrical and heating issues.

>>7386029 Q2 Solutions CEO dig

>>7386115, >>7386210 anon(s) on _NATSEC_p_upload_2.v1/1.v1

>>7386118 POTUS signed this “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019

>>7386228 hussein thanksgiving twat

>>7386231 Brazilian Court Re-Confirms Lula’s Charges, Hikes Prison Term to 17 Years Ahead of Appeal (that didn't take long-kek)

>>7386238 NYT LEAK: DOJ IG Found No Evidence FBI Placed Undercover Agents and Informants Inside Trump’s 2016 Campaign (gateway pundit)

>>7386291 Jon Voight: I want to give thanks.

>>7386328, >>7386333, >>7386444 Three Women Accuse Star Schiff Show Witness Gordon Sondland Of Sexual Misconduct (

>>7386338 dank Space Force memezzz

>>7386353, >>7386361 [NYT] propaganda overkill

>>7386386 White House Official Sues NYT: Alleges ‘Colluded with Schiff’ to Leak ‘False’ Info to Fuel Impeachment Probe

>>7386390 Bronx NY Mass Shooting Up to 5 Victims Ranging From 10 to 36-Year-Old: ‘Blood All Over the Place’

>>7386410 China Accelerates $142 Billion Bond Sale to Boost Economy (a drop in the ocean)

>>7386427 Devin Nunes: Democrats May Still Block Republicans from Calling Witnesses During ‘Impeachment’ Hearings Next Week: ‘Theyre Making Up the Rules as They Go Along’

>>7386433 Grassley tweet, some num nums to decipher

>>7386522 #9445

Previously Collected Notables

>>7385004 #9444, >>7385789 #9445

>>7381890 #9440, >>7382691 #9441, >>7383416 #9442, >>7384241 #9443

>>7378753 #9436, >>7379488 #9437, >>7380230 #9438, >>7381072 #9439

>>7375542 #9432, >>7376333 #9433, >>7377127 #9434, >>7377959 #9435

>>7372388 #9428, >>7373113 #9429, >>7373938 #9430, >>7374708 #9431

>>7369289 #9424, >>7370189 #9425, >>7370877 #9426, >>7371629 #9427

Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top/qresearch/notables.html

Plain text archives of all QR Notables: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

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75eff1  No.7386569

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more – https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

International Q Research Threads


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 - The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7071248 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #10

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#89 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>7385907

Q Graphics all in EST


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75eff1  No.7386573

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t & 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

50 >>7375690

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

2019-Nov https://mega.nz/#F!JYpRmAID!x8SJn3I02qiHSsOhzSaAcQ

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions: >>7337667

Read the Simple Instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7367061

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2ccb7c  No.7386582

File: 75c00bfaa4871a8⋯.jpeg (445.47 KB, 2160x2700, 4:5, B0C3AB82-4268-43E0-A3F3-4….jpeg)

File: 81ac40606e01233⋯.jpeg (522.64 KB, 2160x2700, 4:5, 2E3AEC03-A04E-4C1B-BCC4-7….jpeg)

File: 910d513d052914c⋯.jpeg (494.37 KB, 2160x2700, 4:5, F5466B33-D516-4E2E-AF9B-E….jpeg)

File: ab2514f4ec1f237⋯.jpeg (507.62 KB, 2160x2700, 4:5, 71C9E7F0-C10F-41AA-89C7-C….jpeg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a537c3  No.7386584

Hunter Biden spent several thousand dollars at a Manhattan strip club during a pair of visits — including one that sent a staffer scrambling to buy a sex toy so strippers could use it on him, sources told The Post on Wednesday.

Biden — who’s been dogged by a series of strip-club allegations uncovered by The Post this week — was accompanied by a woman both times he went to Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club NYC in Hell’s Kitchen about a year ago, the sources said.

On each occasion, he and his companion holed up in a private room, where they ordered bottles of pricey booze and were joined by several strippers, sources said.

During one particularly wild night, workers suspected Biden — son of former Vice President Joe Biden, the frontrunner in the Democratic primary race to challenge President Donald Trump — was high, and he was warned that drugs weren’t allowed on the premises, sources said.

That same night, a worker had to be sent out to purchase a dildo so the gals could use it on Hunter, sources said.


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83153f  No.7386586

Tucker Carlson sucks.

Never watch him again.

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75eff1  No.7386587



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83153f  No.7386595

File: d5d6e38d1eae349⋯.jpg (114.84 KB, 747x479, 747:479, Deep Staters.jpg)


Nice memes👌

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8462c1  No.7386606

File: ae65087c2660a98⋯.png (439.2 KB, 882x597, 294:199, NIGHTSHIFT ON THANKSGIVING….png)





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c060b9  No.7386607

>>7386583 (lb)

Man, this feels like Red Alert video game stuff.

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e9c88e  No.7386608

File: 0a9e194e7b7d895⋯.png (169.49 KB, 300x250, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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e5b95e  No.7386609

File: 3e138c780304344⋯.png (182.12 KB, 762x958, 381:479, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


TY Baker!

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097017  No.7386610

File: bd7d2098a17d0f8⋯.jpeg (5.79 KB, 161x255, 161:255, 41f0a207e5768be838c5dd939….jpeg)

Thanks baker! (not a girl, just a fan of great tits)

Homo/titlet reaction in 3….2….1

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4a1ccd  No.7386611

File: e0b9ea2f1dc1501⋯.jpg (526.62 KB, 1317x988, 1317:988, 2017_12_31_18_24_IMG_0505.JPG)

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c060b9  No.7386612


That fucking pic of Yavonivich omfuuu

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fec56b  No.7386613

File: 9444f4adb5b0fc0⋯.png (558.24 KB, 748x378, 374:189, give thanks.PNG)

File: 1ca518d361f15b3⋯.png (517.38 KB, 731x353, 731:353, make thanksgiving great ag….PNG)

Happy Thanksgiving, Baker

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2c38d7  No.7386614

>>7386583 pb

think ya better report anon

unless baker is lightning fast

and hasn't baked yet

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000000  No.7386615







>What can we do to permanently block the Synagogue of Satan Spammer?


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75eff1  No.7386616

Don't shit my Bread'




Standby Baker Ready to Go?

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83153f  No.7386617

File: 004a29eef8a07a2⋯.png (583.16 KB, 497x558, 497:558, 0ffe4d771fa1c640d01f5c8f16….png)


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b7329e  No.7386618

File: 5d388f9134951de⋯.png (49.94 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 0b418c3b929c562f76321a9f92….png)

File: ad81895f9f878ba⋯.png (1.43 MB, 2486x1224, 1243:612, 84a4b19e81ef6785d3dc9f8ef6….png)

File: bfc7988c4413ca2⋯.png (93.85 KB, 555x363, 185:121, bfc7988c4413ca24491699b14b….png)

Legacy Media shills

are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

Legacy media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and a half dozen similar previous scandals.

Legacy media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

Legacy media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for legacy media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming

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8e494b  No.7386619

Wow. Ability to post in PB stopped at about 646. By the time I figure out I need to manually refresh using the reload button on my browser, we're well into the next bread.

BTW: got stuck with "unknown error" error.

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e95072  No.7386620

File: 7d639df57cd6eaa⋯.jpg (57.54 KB, 480x619, 480:619, IMG_9247.JPG)

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7e4065  No.7386621

File: ec73a3e28f1bc70⋯.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1984x2048, 31:32, 7564F530-BBF4-462F-9BC4-C….jpeg)


Thank you, Baker

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481f31  No.7386622

File: d7a7a01af3d9919⋯.jpg (131.96 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, gorgeous9.jpg)


danke banke

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000000  No.7386623





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6ed287  No.7386624


It was the mudafukken aliens fag. Ya know those dudes are always fukken wit our brains…

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6c9a2f  No.7386625

File: 3d47f3c4d11bc27⋯.jpg (176.86 KB, 376x416, 47:52, no shit sherlock.jpg)

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000000  No.7386626


What can we do to permanently block the Synagogue of Satan Spammer?


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2c38d7  No.7386627


>Tucker Carlson sucks.

well golly anon

if you say so

since ur so wise and all

shitting the bred

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83153f  No.7386628

File: 40cd7a67339f5d5⋯.jpg (33.5 KB, 477x429, 159:143, Sleepy Joe.jpg)

Joe is out for blood.

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c2b616  No.7386629

File: 849ea02d16993bc⋯.jpg (26.99 KB, 448x292, 112:73, Capture.JPG)

>>7386416 LB or 2 …..was busy shoveling snow kek

Are you people really this/that FKing stupid….not to worry they know you are ..when was the last time any of you so-called researchers been to a school board meeting and voiced your concerns about your kids education … Lying FKers

Government-run schools and the brainwashing of American children

“Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build it” Psalm 127:1

Christians, members of Conservative Parties, and the church body as a whole are making a tremendously dangerous mistake regarding government run schools and Common Core. Public schools are a burning building into which we send children every day with a Dixie cup of water and a pat on the head, when what we should be doing is rescuing them from the fire.

Aside from the fact that government run schools are statistically an abysmal failure with regard to providing children with an education that leads to a successful life, such institutions also systematically uproot, dismantle and eradicate the Christian teachings many children receive at home.

It is naïve and foolish to believe a few hours a week in church will undo 30+ hours a week of brainwashing. Government schools are not merely secular institutions in which religion is not part of the curriculum. Rather, many are dedicated to ANTI-Christian tenets and the teaching of godlessness.


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05d106  No.7386630

>>7386596 lb

>>7386552 lb

>>7386579 lb

Wasn't this explosion reported BEFORE it happened?

I thought I read that earlier this morning, but I never screen grabbed it!


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8462c1  No.7386631

File: 9d8ae4e6048d72a⋯.png (891.95 KB, 879x660, 293:220, GOD BLESS YOU NIGHT SHIFT ….png)

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804fbc  No.7386632


>>7386583 lb

Can we Notable that from end of last bread?

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df29f7  No.7386633


keep quoting revelations 2:9 and 3:9


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d161ec  No.7386634

BO question:

When bread around 550-600 slices why does refresh get stuck. Using DuckDuckGo & empty cache or not it gets stuck.

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4ca1e8  No.7386635

File: 0d3c377c3efaddb⋯.png (61.51 KB, 619x892, 619:892, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d499bcd9429837⋯.png (150.55 KB, 627x918, 209:306, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdda7a01eed8acd⋯.png (421.23 KB, 522x880, 261:440, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b553172fa8e251⋯.png (483.65 KB, 625x920, 125:184, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2314246dfc9ed8⋯.png (58.12 KB, 644x888, 161:222, ClipboardImage.png)

Secretsof the CIA'sGlobal Sex Slave Industry

by Dr. Sue Arrigo June 15, 2007

Part I

This is the story of how the CIA uses "war zones" to garner kids for the sex slave business. You may have heard how the two companies, DynCorp and Halliburton, were caught trafficking in women during the war in Yugoslavia.

Some background on this topic can be found at Dyncorp and Halliburton Sex Slave Scandal Won't Go Away

Please see the Rep. Cynthia McKinney Grills Rumsfeld On Dyncorp Sex Rings video.


In these cases, they were importing and trafficking in Russian and East bloc women as sex slaves.

I want to talk about the children that are native to any war zone. The CIA did this across Africa, and anywhere they went as a standard part of their operations.

The names of the front companies will change over time. I am writing this down from memory after being inside the CIA for decades. Some of the details may be off, but the gist of the material will be correct.


The economics of a child being sold into sexual slavery are such that it is very lucrative.

A child in the sex slave business has a useful expected lifetime of two years. They fail to thrive in that setting. They die of disease, neglect, abuse and giving up.

The kids are killed if they are seriously hurt, refuse to work, or become too jaded to attract customers. They are almost never freed by their owners because they could talk. It is a dead end occupation usually.

No one takes a child like that to an ER because the sexual abuse might come to light. They are expendable goods that the owners don't expect to last anyway. If they are boys, they might grow up to be a pimp. Some children run away, but they are often re-captured by other pimps. If they come from another country, they have no papers and poor language skills. If they are picked up by the police, they are detained for months to years and deported, often back to the same war zone.

Some were child soldiers or child spies before being forced into sexual slavery. Even without that, they have disabling Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome intentionally inflicted in them in order to disable them and keep them from being able to run away successfully.


If they are transported to a place like New York City, the owner can make about US$50 per hour for about 10 hours a day, roughly US$500 a day or $3,000 a week, which is $150,000 a year.

The kid's food costs next to nothing. The owner has to house them. The rent and clothes, etc. are less than $10,000 depending on the location. It is still $140,000 profit per year, or about $300,000 for the expected life span of the child.

The going price for brothel owners to buy a kid on an auction block in New York City and D.C. is between $500 dollars for a sick kid to $50,000 for a choice virgin who is blond and blue eyed and speaks English.

The average price for a kid from a war zone is about US$2,000. Then there is about a $10,000 cost to get into the auction at all.

(Note: I have attended a number of these. I used to have a hobby of figuring out how to shut the auction houses down. It is a dangerous hobby. People practicing it are flirting with death. Hopefully, they are good spies or operatives before they try it. For training good spies, it is an intiation practice; like the American Indian practice of slapping a grizzly bear. )

The CIA runs the kids in and sells them in large lots like by the ship full or several hundred on a trainload to the auctioners. In that regard it is like the CIA drug running, the CIA only does the big stuff.

If you mess with them at that level they order a hit on you without thinking twice. If one interfers with the next level down, after they sold the kids already, they are not so uptight about it – it may not be their financial loss.

Gathering the "harvest" of orphans in war zones

The CIA and its corporate bosses like the Rockefellers and Bushs make about 1,000 USD per kid from a war zone if they sell them to auctioners. Of that 1,000, the CIA will get about 300, and about 700 will go to the corporate bosses.



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6c9a2f  No.7386636

File: c1a1f8535e65d02⋯.jpg (11.86 KB, 255x255, 1:1, gingermoon.jpg)

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2c38d7  No.7386637

File: 0305bd28500fe3f⋯.png (87.88 KB, 271x761, 271:761, pepellemica.png)

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1a40fb  No.7386638

I wonder how Scaramucci is doing right now… he has yuge investments in China and always opposed potuss trade policies. Top kek, fuck that nigger.

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c886f7  No.7386639


Prevent use of the exact same graphics between breads… CM stops flooding, how hard to block the same tired finkleshill pics? Of course you assume the BO wants to stop it.

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c8363e  No.7386640

File: 6a7eb1c1e265c0c⋯.png (72.32 KB, 425x639, 425:639, TYBae.png)


bacer here from PB

sweet bake, you feelin the bakery?

im here if you want or need a handy

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8462c1  No.7386641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4a1ccd  No.7386642

File: 706ff6bbfd39226⋯.jpg (476.83 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 2018_03_29_11_39_IMG_1556.JPG)

lets watch the faggots behind mercedes argue about coveting ass and huffing farts

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e5b95e  No.7386643

File: c015a1d7cae0e6c⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1358x1177, 1358:1177, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)



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18f53a  No.7386644

Not Q #Matlock

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097017  No.7386645


Probably shining shoes or shooting hoops

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9991dc  No.7386646

File: b88c03de022e8a9⋯.png (454.71 KB, 490x534, 245:267, ClipboardImage.png)

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d8422d  No.7386647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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000000  No.7386648


Same thing we can do to stop bweb pics.

Not a damn thing.

Free speech board.

Don't like it, go to Twatter.

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75eff1  No.7386649


Thanks, handoff confirmed?

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2c38d7  No.7386650


When i bake, i do it all the time

Why not?

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d8422d  No.7386651

File: b17ba5b45b8ad7e⋯.jpg (404.44 KB, 1934x1094, 967:547, ThoseAnons.jpg)

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9b22ce  No.7386652

>>7386579 PB

Check this out.

SA Insurance money scam in process?

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8d5030  No.7386653

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Epic Vocal Mix (1 hour set)

- Various Artists

Here's a full hour set of epic female vocals. The usual recommendation holds for R-clicking it into a new tab so you can pause and carryover.


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c8363e  No.7386654

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378b55  No.7386655

File: b250ac248e7c1c5⋯.png (486.12 KB, 703x500, 703:500, 1574906495389.png)



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481f31  No.7386656

File: 702c37978042806⋯.jpg (257.32 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, ns35.jpg)

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ef7233  No.7386657

File: f843c0917d44cf1⋯.jpg (100 KB, 274x390, 137:195, f843c0917d44cf1ee7c83c6f85….jpg)




Bread shitters ….

You really think you're doing something helpful?

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18f53a  No.7386658

File: fbfd7e61356da7c⋯.png (226.54 KB, 1380x679, 1380:679, 318.PNG)

Why is this the same>>7386644

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e95072  No.7386659

File: 0688e2763b790b6⋯.jpg (54.96 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_2767.JPG)

What if we turned Greta into mah pet rabbit ?

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05d106  No.7386660



This video is


Texas plant that exploded was acquired by Saudi company in August

My feelings is that this explosion will be used to blame Iranian-aligned terrorist groups inside the United States.

Eyes on!

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75eff1  No.7386661

>>7386649 me


All yours, have a great bake.

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33ffdd  No.7386662

Regarding gold standard, I mentioned this last night, may be relevant. SC voting on law in January:


"South Carolina Legal Tender Act Would Treat Gold and Silver as Money By Michael Maharrey -November 26, 2019

A bill prefiled in the South Carolina House would make gold and silver coins legal tender in the state. Passage of this bill would take a step toward creating currency competition in South Carolina and undermine the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on money.

Constitutional tender expert Professor William Greene said when people in multiple states actually start using gold and silver instead of Federal Reserve Notes, it would effectively nullify the Federal Reserve and end the federal government’s monopoly on money.

“Over time, as residents of the state use both Federal Reserve notes and silver and gold coins, the fact that the coins hold their value more than Federal Reserve notes do will lead to a “reverse Gresham’s Law” effect, where good money (gold and silver coins) will drive out bad money (Federal Reserve notes). As this happens, a cascade of events can begin to occur, including the flow of real wealth toward the state’s treasury, an influx of banking business from outside of the state – as people in other states carry out their desire to bank with sound money – and an eventual outcry against the use of Federal Reserve notes for any transactions.”

Once things get to that point, Federal Reserve notes would become largely unwanted and irrelevant for ordinary people. Nullifying the Fed on a state by state level is what will get us there.

H.4678 will be officially introduced and referred to the House Judiciary Committee when the regular session adjourns on Jan. 13, 2020. It will have to pass committee by a majority vote before moving forward in the legislative process."

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eb71a2  No.7386663


If it bothers you, filter them.

Or like most Anons.. ignore.

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58bf0e  No.7386664

File: 6cf8474ffb4aab8⋯.jpg (300.84 KB, 700x933, 700:933, burka_tits.jpg)


Thank you, Baker.

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e9c88e  No.7386665


Salt rotation doesn't affect single has trip

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05d106  No.7386666

File: 0dc4a0d42680ceb⋯.png (36.53 KB, 1160x880, 29:22, CovfefeMug.png)

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4a1ccd  No.7386667

File: ddb24c50aacf6b0⋯.jpg (253.68 KB, 1248x974, 624:487, 2018_09_10_00_17_IMG_3017.JPG)

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f0d527  No.7386668

File: 017fc856ef264b0⋯.jpeg (185.08 KB, 1298x1262, 649:631, b02153c733b0be86.jpeg)

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097017  No.7386669

File: 75c887334a07696⋯.jpg (81.77 KB, 406x415, 406:415, 4evwe4es4csc4.jpg)

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6ed287  No.7386670


would like to read wat u wrote last night… do u have the link?

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e95072  No.7386671

File: b29d20a14f26c14⋯.jpg (168.25 KB, 1451x1775, 1451:1775, IMG_9271.JPG)

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ef232f  No.7386672

File: d5360327f62d647⋯.jpg (27.58 KB, 236x353, 236:353, Thanksgiving_1G4_g6309.jpg)

Happy Thanksgiving Patriots!

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58bf0e  No.7386673

File: de908ffb7db4c8f⋯.jpg (50.19 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Quads.jpg)

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f13c4e  No.7386674


You know how to filter by comment, right?

Do it once and they're gone forever.

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05d106  No.7386675

File: 2758a799d8f2658⋯.png (101.64 KB, 347x325, 347:325, Screenshot_45.png)


Here, Anon!

Much besser!

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83153f  No.7386676

File: 39e317e1b990f9e⋯.jpg (51.5 KB, 500x611, 500:611, Tucker Sucks.jpg)

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578ba9  No.7386677

File: b915a30d7637789⋯.jpg (550.94 KB, 970x1253, 970:1253, quads.jpg)

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097017  No.7386678

File: ee62c4b613aa3f3⋯.jpg (14.95 KB, 237x344, 237:344, 4wyvey5wyndr5unr.jpg)


Getting there

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378b55  No.7386679

File: f760615d140fa67⋯.png (725.49 KB, 822x500, 411:250, night shift night fire1.png)

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fa2b39  No.7386680

File: 540e7faaf4f7edd⋯.png (606.51 KB, 1003x462, 1003:462, POTUS schedule 28NOV19.PNG)

File: d4fc75fc5f4f706⋯.png (55.14 KB, 588x723, 196:241, ps28nov19.PNG)

POTUS Thanksgiving Day Schedule - November 28, 2019

3:00PM Participate in a Thanksgiving video teleconference with members of the military


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e95072  No.7386682

File: ebc9c7bc7d5a384⋯.jpg (59.84 KB, 366x550, 183:275, IMG_9292.JPG)

I'm so old school

I saw donnie darko on VHS

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18f53a  No.7386683



does anybody have a double one to check

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2c38d7  No.7386684


not if you read the back and forth on Meta, haha

i assume the conversation is still there

same Meta's been there since May, kek

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8462c1  No.7386685


incase we need it.

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6c9a2f  No.7386686

File: 13c106380215251⋯.png (240.09 KB, 458x294, 229:147, night shift POTUS moon.PNG)

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c886f7  No.7386687


Thanks for the bullshit advice.

Filtering doesn't stop the media from copy-pasta ing that shit and then claiming this is a Nazi/White Supremacist board. Do you believe he is here to change Anon's minds or discuss his position…..? Really?

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738060  No.7386688

Daniel Hill




All Dem Senators running for President must recuse themselves from a Senate trial of POTUS!

1. They have already come out in favor of removing POTUS. Can't be impartial.

2. They would be voting on removing a potential rival candidate for the Presidency. CONFLICT OF INTEREST!

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33ffdd  No.7386689


basically same thing I just reposted important text from the article. I don't remember what bread it was, but doesn't really matter.

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2822f2  No.7386690

>>7386546 (LB)


Not sure if this made it into notables, checked b4

I posted then checked again


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5141d8  No.7386691

File: 1658638617b5772⋯.png (492.77 KB, 640x591, 640:591, IMG_6745.PNG)

File: a02f27059430ce0⋯.png (542.04 KB, 622x410, 311:205, QAnons_PNG (82).PNG)

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e5b95e  No.7386692

File: a51a60d9fb3fafb⋯.jpg (60.33 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, _99800395_hi044417411.jpg)


Hugely if true!

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66f421  No.7386693

File: 19d5a15cebd243c⋯.jpg (47.33 KB, 603x414, 67:46, benghazi.jpg)

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fd88ef  No.7386694

File: 5fc9964e6012b16⋯.png (466.99 KB, 598x622, 299:311, e5b05f6d6f17758162db57c483….png)


Nice work, baker.

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62d8fc  No.7386695

Anons, I spent an hour ausping out on a random link that struck me as NOTABLE.

Christopher Lee was interested for a time in the Occult - I dug into him after seeing an old interview from 1975 about a film where he played a Satanic priest baptising a baby to Satan. He made a point to get it right and wrote letters to Anton Levay


Christopher Lee - "Dont do Black Magic, you will lose your mind and your soul"


But, this post is NOT about Christopher Lee!

I started to wonder what happened to the baby, the one ritually baptised (for the film). I know that many of these dark-films are also covert rituals themselves, and the participants have shitty lives/ endings.

I couldnt find out who the baby was, so in looking around found more NOTABLES:

that a number of the people in that movie disappear, die early, star in hardcore pornography and so on. eg ZOE HENDRY stars in pornography about still-photo models called "Hot Girls" 1975, was a still-photo model in real life, and she mysteriously disappeared from acting/film on the same year that IAN HENDRY died at age 59!

Ian Hendrys bio has no connection to ZOE, weird. He also had links to other children, but not Zoe - the only one linked was a female who also falls of the map.

Here are my links, it might be diggable, but no Idea to what extent



EMMA HENDRY (possibly ZOE)


ZOE HENDRY (photomodel & "1st girl" in satanic movie "To the Devil a daughter"




Also, White Zombie sampled parts of this movie for the album "Astro Creep 2000" - the samples of Christopher Lee chanting in latin.

Thats as far as I can go.

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02ad21  No.7386696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Slide right into the truth.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop.

Jewish Ritual Understanding Blood Libel

(It's a video, click it.)





The children of Cain


The sons of the Lucifer himself


The Anti-Christ

"Esau-Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite.

The one's making these claims are JIDF (Jewish Internet Defence Force, yes it's a real thing no matter how retarded it sounds). Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, or muh all jews" they are THE ONLY ONES that use these terms.


If these posts aren't being posted it's because I have something else to do.

Never filter, point out the JIDF shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremisit" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


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c8363e  No.7386697


i can get it in pb

or yous can repost your cal

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02ad21  No.7386698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


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83153f  No.7386699

File: 22b6b198c6050fa⋯.png (458.87 KB, 720x846, 40:47, Vidman...png)

File: 922eb9f7b07de70⋯.jpg (40.58 KB, 500x646, 250:323, 3hrga8-1_1.jpg)

Sexy whores….lol

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e95072  No.7386700

File: 2df6a540e4dfdc6⋯.jpg (23.07 KB, 190x265, 38:53, IMG_1118.JPG)


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c8363e  No.7386701


suck a dick L33T GUY

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378b55  No.7386702

File: f939df898f6765e⋯.png (286.22 KB, 505x506, 505:506, i love pizza no pedo.png)

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fd2842  No.7386703

>>7386586 I know right?SO many BIG words to figure out and follow. Sarcasm cause you prolly would not figure out that: no your a certified dumbass shilltard glowworm henceforth ye shall carry that designation,mmmKay?

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02ad21  No.7386704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

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4a1ccd  No.7386705

File: f6f9f7dfe0342dd⋯.jpg (224.63 KB, 1376x889, 1376:889, 2019_02_04_10_38_IMG_5792.JPG)

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804fbc  No.7386706


Pick up from last bread please as it wasn't my post. Thanks.

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58bf0e  No.7386707

File: 6e2c5db718b1c39⋯.jpg (51.05 KB, 1080x1057, 1080:1057, at_attention.jpg)



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18f53a  No.7386708


Not Q ##TEST_001

ok sill need what it was before it was salted

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02ad21  No.7386709

File: a81b24874cb56b6⋯.png (131.89 KB, 600x400, 3:2, dontdoitgoy.png)

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4ca1e8  No.7386710

File: 25efa42839bf9c7⋯.png (2.41 MB, 996x921, 332:307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8105ea3386adfcc⋯.png (595.34 KB, 614x916, 307:458, ClipboardImage.png)


A source from national delegation : Turkish regime’s delegation rejects joining sessions from two days, rejects national principles

Geneva, SANA-A source from the Syrian national delegation at the Committee of Discussing the Constitution affirmed that from two days, the delegation has been ready to discuss the national principles on which the Syrians don’t differ, yet the Turkish regime’s delegation disagreed with us on them, and they rejected to discuss them for reasons which have become well-known by the Syrian people.

The source told SANA’s delegate to Geneva that “over two days we haven’t entered any session due to the rejection of the Turkish regime’s delegation of the national principles which our delegation wanted to propose.”


Military Situation In Syria On November 27, 2019 (Map Update)

A brief overview of the recent developments in Syria:

The Syrian Army vowed to take measures against the SDF-led oil smuggling from the eastern bank of the Euphrates to Turkey;

ISIS reportedly assassinated a SDF member in Dhiban;

A supposed car bomb detonated in Tel Halaf killing over a dozen of Turkish-backed militants and several civilians;

Russian representatives held negotiations with the Kurdish-run local administration of Kobani;

Pro-militant sources reported multiple artillery and air strikes on positions of militant groups in southern Idlib.


Turkish-Backed Militants Fake Heroic Victory Over Russian Snipers (Video)


The allegedly incident took place near the town of Ejaz in the southeastern Idlib countryside on September 3. The NFL claimed that its fighters managed to ambush a group of Russian snipers that attempted to infiltrate their positions west of Ejaz.

A video of the alleged incident released by the NFL shows many acting scenes, unrecognizable night-time clashes and civilian camping gear, which the group claimed it was “captured” by its militants.


Russian Warplane Spotted Dropping Satellite-Guided Bomb On Terrorist Position In Idlib (Photos)


In Video: Kurdish Forces Eliminate Several Turkish-Backed Militants In Northern Aleppo



Turkish Invasion Forcing Syrian Kurds to Adopt Terror Tactics

Turkish-backed fighters in the rebel Syrian National Army suffered a number of casualties in the northeast Syrian town of Ras al-Ayn on Tuesday, where a car bomb was detonated in a marketplace. At least 17 people were killed and 20 wounded, many of them from the rebel group.

There was no claim of responsibility, but observers are expecting that this was another strike by Kurdish people resisting the Turkish-led invasion of Kurdish territory. In recent weeks, car bombings have become increasingly frequent in the area.


Fresh U.S. Troops, Armored Vehicles Enter Northeast Syria

Now, the Pentagon says that it will be keeping around 500 troops in the northeastern region to “guard” Syrian oil fields and to conduct joint operations with the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) against ISIS remnants there.


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578ba9  No.7386711

File: 4e9e959b705666a⋯.png (280.03 KB, 594x414, 33:23, ClipboardImage.png)

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22c37f  No.7386712


wish Sarah had both her hands up so we can meme the shit out of it… KEK



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6a651a  No.7386713

File: 23ba77ead32599a⋯.jpg (94.58 KB, 526x640, 263:320, 23ba77ead32599afc9c8a20ed7….jpg)

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097017  No.7386714


I highly recommend Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon by David McGowan. Somewhat related kek


Is it cold in here?

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8462c1  No.7386715

File: 9e48b83e2f2ddaf⋯.png (567.73 KB, 575x685, 115:137, sarah sanders_hoppy helps.png)




thank you captain obvious

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1b1c4c  No.7386716


Ginger mound hahaha

Never thought I would see that again.

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578ba9  No.7386717


i don't even see it anymore

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83153f  No.7386718

Tucker Carlson sucks Goat Balls.

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2c38d7  No.7386719


Yes, i've made that point b4.

saying it's why i always object in writing to crap like that

so if some agy or msm guy says 'you guys like this stuff'

they'll be posts saying no we don't

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4ca1e8  No.7386720

File: 849f5f57041a742⋯.png (602.82 KB, 560x845, 112:169, ClipboardImage.png)


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e5b95e  No.7386721

File: 3f9cfbc2475ad84⋯.png (919.14 KB, 1089x616, 99:56, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)


TY Anon!

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ef7233  No.7386722

File: 7e7868cd539301c⋯.jpg (36.05 KB, 500x586, 250:293, D86KfeaXUAAhPv6.jpg)


Makes perfect sense. Thank you, smart anon!

You suck ass. But you know that, right?

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02ad21  No.7386723

File: 4444ff35290b056⋯.jpg (96.63 KB, 720x540, 4:3, canaaites.jpg)

File: 4876f795f3689f4⋯.jpg (3.3 MB, 2709x2709, 1:1, canaaitesexgods.jpg)

File: 8e0269e3593ab62⋯.jpg (873.15 KB, 1500x832, 375:208, canaaitess.jpg)

File: 24c51e7a95a471e⋯.jpg (130.02 KB, 480x480, 1:1, SOD.jpg)

File: 55ac12b31cb4ed6⋯.jpg (460.25 KB, 731x768, 731:768, battle_devil.jpg)

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1b1c4c  No.7386724


Hello Q

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e9c88e  No.7386725

File: cfa67f1f244b7a6⋯.png (455.21 KB, 600x425, 24:17, ClipboardImage.png)

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c886f7  No.7386726

File: f6b1efe51abd512⋯.png (70.52 KB, 792x622, 396:311, Newanons.png)

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ba4108  No.7386727


old trip, anons are just posting them to track the salt rotation

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02ad21  No.7386728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Skip Baker - Edomite Canaanites part1








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bf3869  No.7386729

File: 5f64f5992a3cffd⋯.png (11.81 KB, 255x238, 15:14, a288382b29de00d20f07318ed6….png)

File: c4559c5256f9d32⋯.png (33.36 KB, 300x250, 6:5, tKQWHy5ATG-8.png)

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02ad21  No.7386730

File: 7fdf4671d80fc47⋯.png (660.03 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, (youpepe).png)

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02ad21  No.7386731

File: bdfdd44855b6ec7⋯.jpeg (145.78 KB, 1440x1083, 480:361, JIDF_aggots.jpeg)

File: adedf5ad903086d⋯.jpeg (147.64 KB, 1440x1083, 480:361, JIDF_faggots.jpeg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, adl_jidf1.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB, 810x570, 27:19, adl_jidf1.png)

File: 6d299b6b5a198a3⋯.gif (188.74 KB, 817x818, 817:818, JIDF.gif)

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097017  No.7386732



Are you serious? Fuck those cockroaches

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5141d8  No.7386733

File: 65b061d23ada154⋯.jpg (38.75 KB, 600x401, 600:401, Q_jpg (75).JPG)

File: 45670f242c4e838⋯.png (743.94 KB, 685x385, 137:77, QAnons_PNG (32).PNG)

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1b1c4c  No.7386734

Haha I had to look up the last trip code didn’t catch it

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000000  No.7386735


ive long thought ebot was Q while shitposting but i dont think thats what you meant

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e95072  No.7386736

File: 840a6debce3cb7a⋯.png (283.27 KB, 396x554, 198:277, IMG_4255.PNG)

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f72b7c  No.7386737

File: 7aeeb17437c16b1⋯.jpg (874.95 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_4027.JPG)


sad but true

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83153f  No.7386738

File: 82561a983c8e040⋯.png (309.25 KB, 720x611, 720:611, Screenshot_20191127-104846….png)



Hey dick wart, Tucker won't let people watch Trump's rallies anymore so fuck Tucker.

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b64dd6  No.7386739


I have done this and confirmed double-hash/double-bang trips have changed since the salt rotation about a day ago.

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f37cb3  No.7386740

File: b9707d50a7f62ca⋯.jpg (286.67 KB, 1080x709, 1080:709, MEME2019-11-18-10-50-30.jpg)

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578ba9  No.7386741

File: e55d7e174e3d38b⋯.png (54.96 KB, 584x299, 584:299, ClipboardImage.png)


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df29f7  No.7386742

Many people are just plain missing the point.

Not only do you have to reclaim your political status as an American to be able to access your rights and guarantees under the Constitution and to avoid foreign taxation, you have to do this to re-populate, officially, your States of the Union.

If your State is "vacant", the Pope and the Queen will seize it as abandoned property and steal it without firing a shot.

So there you have the carrot and the stick.

Now let's add another carrot.

Once you have your State Assembly up and functioning, that State Assembly (not "State of State" Assembly— State Assembly) can tell the State of State Legislature how high to jump and what you want corrected.

Bogus Mortgages and Lending Practices leading to equally bogus Foreclosures? Tell the State of State Legislature that the State Assembly demands a Moratorium on all Foreclosures affecting State Nationals within the borders of your State.

Fed up with CPS stealing kids? Tell the State of State Legislature that the State Assembly supports keeping families together and objects to mis-characterizing marriages as Joint Business Ventures and to the licensing of marriages in general.

Tell the State of State Legislature that you are dissatisfied with their presumptions and their activities registering American babies improperly as British Territorial or Municipal citizens — and you want it stopped in your State.

Tell the State of State Legislature that you displeased with the racketeering that agents of the IRS (Municipal) and Internal Revenue Service (Territorial) are carrying out against people in your State who don't receive any Federal Income and aren't obligated to keep records for foreign governments.

Your State Assemblies formed by properly declared American State Citizens have vast powers that can be exercised to correct all of these evils and many more.

So quit whining and crying and fighting with these yahoos. Adopt and declare your proper birthright political status, join and operate your State Assembly, and start cracking the whip. Issue Declarations of Protest and Remonstrance to the State of State Legislature operating in your State of the Union, and if it is a "Federal Issue" to the Congress as well.

They work for you, you don't work for them.

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02ad21  No.7386743

File: e8dd1ec7f09174d⋯.jpg (531.93 KB, 744x601, 744:601, jew_media_control1.jpg)

File: 35882c5f9469092⋯.jpg (272.58 KB, 752x440, 94:55, jew_media_control2.jpg)

File: 3ce5b82711d5467⋯.jpg (3.67 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, jew_media_control3.jpg)

File: 22eeac7706309e2⋯.png (46.51 KB, 542x463, 542:463, protocols_press1.png)

File: 71829c5503e82c6⋯.png (96.38 KB, 535x999, 535:999, protocols_press2.png)

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4ca1e8  No.7386744

File: b569331feaa1565⋯.png (893.25 KB, 732x412, 183:103, ClipboardImage.png)



This is a shill trying to get you to block content which they don't want you to see.

Real Anon's have developed a mental filter as is part of the training!

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f37cb3  No.7386745

File: 62056fcc83fc945⋯.jpg (348.21 KB, 1080x701, 1080:701, MEME2019-11-18-11-30-09.jpg)

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804fbc  No.7386746



Misquoted. He wrote "…should recuse themselves…"

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85459c  No.7386747

We need more attention on major social media platforms hosting self proclaimed pedophile accounts. we all know this shit is going on but normies need a wake up call. it's fucking outrageous and. there needs to be a LOT more public outrage.

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4a1ccd  No.7386748

File: 73903b42d1b6756⋯.jpg (294.89 KB, 1120x1120, 1:1, 2018_10_18_09_14_IMG_3441.JPG)

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02ad21  No.7386749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How Christians were duped by the Scofield Bible.

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83153f  No.7386750

File: e86bc0f0072d984⋯.png (327.07 KB, 720x607, 720:607, Screenshot_20191127-094348….png)

Tucker won't let people watch Trump's rallies anymore so fuck Tucker.

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ada9f1  No.7386751

Has the salt been whitelisted yet?

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02ad21  No.7386752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 "Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes"

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8462c1  No.7386753


I have never posted anything using Q's tripcode…

idk why you would assume that…


lowercase q

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68e569  No.7386754

File: 3fd52c6319fd896⋯.png (16.88 KB, 591x182, 591:182, Kick ass Barr.PNG)


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02ad21  No.7386755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ISIS = MOSSAD (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) - 100% PROOF

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003985  No.7386756

File: 3d7a6c66c462e8c⋯.png (9.71 KB, 248x204, 62:51, 5D56AC31-4192-4207-A73F-70….png)

I’m thankful for Bewbs.

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f37cb3  No.7386757

File: cbe3c684f0e072a⋯.jpg (435.09 KB, 765x1044, 85:116, MEME2019-11-20-01-45-59.jpg)

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02ad21  No.7386758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jesus Was Not A (((Jew))) Pastor James P Wickstrom

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6c9a2f  No.7386759

File: 842c789dbe9d939⋯.jpg (77.52 KB, 790x438, 395:219, yakuza tats.jpg)

Man shot dead in western Japan in possible yakuza feud

A senior member of Japan's largest organized crime syndicate was shot dead Wednesday in the western prefecture of Hyogo by a man armed with a submachine gun and a handgun amid a possible gang feud, police said.

Keiichi Furukawa, 59, a high-ranking yakuza of Yamaguchi-gumi, was pronounced dead at a hospital after being shot on a street in Amagasaki in the prefecture shortly after 5 p.m.

The suspected assailant fled by minivehicle, but police arrested him in Kyoto city about an hour after the shooting for possessing firearms.

Hisanori Asahina, 52, allegedly possessed a submachine gun and a handgun along with five live bullets when he was arrested. When police officers tried to question him after pulling over his vehicle, Asahina reportedly pointed a handgun at officers.

According to the police, Furukawa and Asahina, an associate of Yamaguchi-gumi, knew each other. The police believe the shooting is linked to ongoing strife between Yamaguchi-gumi and a splinter group, and are investigating it as a murder case.

Furukawa was found lying on his back on the street, bleeding from his abdomen and face. About 10 cartridges were found at the crime scene.

In the feud between Yamaguchi-gumi and the splinter group, Kobe-yamaguchi-gumi, a member of the smaller faction was stabbed and seriously injured in Kobe in April, resulting in the arrests of two members of Yamaguchi-gumi.

In October, two members of the splinter group were fatally shot in the apparent feud with the parent group.


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e9c88e  No.7386760


Fishing for newfags…KEK

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743841  No.7386761


Let It Be.

Moar trouble is caused by trying to stop it.

It makes it seem like the info is important or something.

No big deal.

They have to repeat all the time since no one cares; Stale shit.

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097017  No.7386762

File: 2730e62ce32178f⋯.webm (1.83 MB, 624x720, 13:15, Good shit.webm)

Probably been posted before, but I really like this vid

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738060  No.7386763



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e5b95e  No.7386764

File: 9d0d0ebc96e1cdc⋯.jpg (39.2 KB, 341x422, 341:422, 9d0d0ebc96e1cdc013b0196273….jpg)


Mason nums check

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3e704d  No.7386765


anything tulsi says all you have to do is basically dismiss it(its not right morally to do this but if you want to play hardball resort to masculinity) and say "go to bed sweetheart." I noticed she talks in the same cadence political cadence of obama and hillary clinton. Bill clinton was most likely impressed with her triangle hand picture and that sent hillary into a tailspin.

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bca8cf  No.7386766

File: 8379bb278df35e9⋯.jpg (152.13 KB, 607x1280, 607:1280, 8379bb278df35e925186d23031….jpg)

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1b1c4c  No.7386767


Didn’t confirm Q’s last trip code just saw it and posted a hello then it dawned on me it wasn’t correct.


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4a1ccd  No.7386768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f37cb3  No.7386769

File: 655c195898e4bb2⋯.jpg (318.32 KB, 745x1044, 745:1044, MEME2019-11-20-07-55-09.jpg)

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c886f7  No.7386770


So folks, ask yourself - does this poster believe that his content is bigoted, ignorant or delusional? Why would he object? Why else would he care what you choose to filter? Note I never tell anyone what to filter, just that the capability is there if you choose to use it.

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c8363e  No.7386771


the single salts # are not rooted to the server

only the ## and the ###

this is why we aren't getting good anon interaction with the clues of the salt rotation

Q has done single salt # up until now

their current trip is ## salt

hence the !! in the trip code

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02ad21  No.7386772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories" Censored w/ A.I. Algorithms says ADL

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e4c819  No.7386773

File: b07b97578335c9f⋯.png (114.36 KB, 693x857, 693:857, Deplorable Poetry.png)

New Deplorable Poetry song… Anyone gonna sing this on video?

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05d106  No.7386774

File: 2f261f09dc334a1⋯.png (255.1 KB, 420x609, 20:29, HonneyPot8Kun.png)

So, what are the specific rules on posting manifestos? I mean, do we post them and then wait for a reply to confirm our manifesto passes the mustard? Or are manifestos now exclusively not allowed, unless of course they are published on Fakebook, Twatter, or HalfChan?

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097017  No.7386775

File: 9c5bc50da5e598a⋯.jpeg (597.76 KB, 1941x2455, 1941:2455, 9c5bc50da5e598a81217dda39….jpeg)

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02ad21  No.7386776

File: 9bff0eb6d86b239⋯.jpg (410.07 KB, 1071x816, 21:16, 113ff3d53ad7edd.jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7eddd.jpg)

File: d76b18baf04cb63⋯.png (140.3 KB, 540x582, 90:97, 337ea5137718aa (2).png)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: 076ad568b012b3f⋯.png (508.89 KB, 640x594, 320:297, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

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fbacd9  No.7386777


233 Page Fed Dist Ct. Deposition of Alan Bender

Anons, I just finished reading the first hundred pages of this document. As a lawfag, from all appearances, it looks and reads exactly like a federal district court deposition. However, I was stunned by the amount of information volunteered by Bender about what he allegedly learned from his communications with the Qataris and his trip to Doha, the Capital of Qatar.

Beginning with the very first pages, Bender seems to be on a mission to expose the very dark workings of the Qatari government. Though he was advised by the Qataris to follow their lead and ignore the deposition subpoena, Bender not only shows up for it, he drops bombshell after bombshell about Qatar with the deposing attorney barely able to get a question in. This isn't how depositions work, frens. Typically it is pure drudgery trying to get anything out of a person being deposed.

Read his explosive and very detailed statements about being told that Ilhan Omar being a Qatari agent whom they consider to be "The Jewel of Qatar's Crown" and their "Trojan Horse because she sits in a very sensitive committee and she has access to info that the U.S. doesn't want leaked". (pp. 61 - 65) According to Bender, it was for this reason that the Qatari's reached out to him. They wanted him to use his U.S. MSM assets to plant false and defamatory statements against Omar allegedly made by the "Imam of Peace" Imam Tawhidi and then manage a defamation suit against him on Omar's behalf. (pp. 67 - 68)

But as Bender states in deposition, he told the Qatari's:

"I don't do that…I don't do that, and unless you really have evidence against the guy, I'm not going to do that because I don't see anything wrong with him exposing secrets that are true.

"If she is doing all the things he is saying she is doing I won't be able to sleep at night knowing that I sent the guy to jail [He got his 'law degree' in Kuwait and needed 3 more years of study in Canada before he could sit for the bar] based on false accusations". (p. 69)

Also anons, Bender claims that the Qataris told him the actual truth about Khashoggi. He states that they told him that Khashoggi was a double-double? agent working for the Saudis and the Qataris at the same time. While he was allegedly leaking Saudi secrets to Qatar, the Qataris learned that he was leaking THEIR secrets to the Saudis. This so infuriated the Qataris that they set Khashoggi up at the Saudi consulate in Turkey. They picked Turkey because Turkey is "their playground". [Sorry anons, I was so excited reading this part that I forgot to write down the page references].

I could go on and on anons as there are dozens of more bombshells which made me believe that this deposition was some type of intel drop. Bender must have a pair of brass cajones to spill everything he allegedly learned from the Qataris and, if true, the Qataris, or at least his one contact (Dep. Dir. Intel), isn't going to have his…. job much longer. This is some crazy stuff here anons…crazy stuff that rings of truth.


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f37cb3  No.7386778

File: 0dcfb5008f125ea⋯.jpg (425.17 KB, 1080x930, 36:31, MEME2019-11-20-09-15-34.jpg)

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4a1ccd  No.7386779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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804fbc  No.7386780


We're both correct, Anon.


He needs to get his facts straight as he posted should and must!

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c8363e  No.7386781


ah ok

we are on the same page



although it is assumed the rotation has been migrated..

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02ad21  No.7386782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

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bca8cf  No.7386783


Which means that Q must have already (hidden) posted to projectdcomms with a new trip?

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000000  No.7386784


I don't think that they respond to bitching and moaning and whining and complaining.

The only thing that gets their attention is to fight fire with fire.

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eeef9a  No.7386785

File: 069d91572b1f12c⋯.png (190.07 KB, 362x377, 362:377, 2019-03-16_08-58-33 copy 2.png)


$50,000 multiple times a year for their own personal slaves

Politicians using slush funds redirected from taxpayer dollars can afford it also?

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f37cb3  No.7386786

File: c256cf9d78ea7c8⋯.jpg (344.14 KB, 735x1044, 245:348, MEME2019-11-20-07-05-55.jpg)

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6c9a2f  No.7386787

File: 60573feafd1b7ea⋯.png (424.24 KB, 385x521, 385:521, kitchen bewbs.PNG)

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02ad21  No.7386788

File: 0a68035e060f6d6⋯.png (115.78 KB, 280x412, 70:103, _00.png)

File: 7f0faa27857ee96⋯.png (97.15 KB, 280x431, 280:431, _0.png)

File: a962022dc62d2c9⋯.jpg (125.99 KB, 720x663, 240:221, _03.jpg)

File: dbba1269b16e842⋯.jpg (470.9 KB, 1185x1325, 237:265, _04.jpg)

File: 4ea52d1c43cc3d7⋯.jpg (339.5 KB, 820x1446, 410:723, _05.jpg)

Psalm 28:3-5 New International Version (NIV)


Do not drag me away with the wicked,

with those who do evil,

who speak cordially with their neighbors

but harbor malice in their hearts.


Repay them for their deeds

and for their evil work;

repay them for what their hands have done

and bring back on them what they deserve.


Because they have no regard for the deeds of the Lord

and what his hands have done,

he will tear them down

and never build them up again.

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003985  No.7386789

File: 857a8513d2020e5⋯.jpeg (477.63 KB, 676x642, 338:321, A550C804-9B53-45D1-88E6-3….jpeg)



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4ca1e8  No.7386790

File: 6c4b321bb807013⋯.png (69.38 KB, 843x600, 281:200, ClipboardImage.png)


Strippers Used Sex Toy on a Drugged Out Hunter Biden at NYC Strip Club

As news of Hunter Biden’s fondness for strip clubs continues to unfold, revelations came out on Wednesday that not only did he impregnate a DC stripper, he also had sex toys used on him by dancers at the Hustler Club in New York City.

A salacious new report from Page Six details how the former Vice President’s son sent a staffer to buy a sex toy so that strippers could use it on him during one of his visits to Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club NYC in Hell’s Kitchen.

Page Six also revealed earlier this week that Biden was suspected of smoking crack in the VIP lounge of a DC strip club.

“During one particularly wild night, workers suspected Biden — son of former Vice President Joe Biden, the frontrunner in the Democratic primary race to challenge President Donald Trump — was high, and he was warned that drugs weren’t allowed on the premises, sources said,” Page Six reports. “That same night, a worker had to be sent out to purchase a dildo so the gals could use it on Hunter, sources said.”

The sources also described Biden as a “good tipper.”

Earlier in the day, Page Six revealed that Lunden Alexis Roberts, the mother of Biden’s love child, was working at the Mpire Club in DuPont Circle under the stage name “Dallas.”

Several workers at the club told Page Six that they recognized Roberts, 28, from her time working there.

“Roberts worked there around the time she got pregnant — and when Hunter broke up with former sister-in-law Hallie Biden, the widow of his brother, the late Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, sources said,” Page Six reports.

The report went on to say:

Archibald’s is located around the corner from the five-star St. Regis Washington, DC, hotel, where a valet recalled Hunter staying there “many times.”

When shown a photo of Roberts and asked she ever went there with Hunter, the valet replied, “Honestly I can’t say, but Hunter Biden has been here with brunettes and blondes.”

Page Six noted that the Mpire Club is about three blocks north of another DC strip joint, Archibald’s Gentlemen’s Club, where he was suspected of smoking crack in the VIP room last year.

Archibald’s managing partner James Ritter told Page Six that one visit in late 2018 was marred by a “suspicion of drug use.”


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83153f  No.7386791

File: 031a5bad599fe1a⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 720x666, 40:37, Bald Omar.jpg)

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4a1ccd  No.7386792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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02ad21  No.7386793

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia!

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7f7f06  No.7386794

File: 304eb2f71f12bda⋯.png (613.63 KB, 1050x700, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Except that isn't "finkelstein" …….. it's kenneth feinberg.


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e5b95e  No.7386795

File: a0bd4cca85db6cb⋯.png (216.48 KB, 602x590, 301:295, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)

It will come in waves…


JUST IN: Andrew Yang accused of discriminating against female employee at education company http://hill.cm/pwr0IOf


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10dae8  No.7386796


How the fuck do you women hold on to your phone so well in the bath, all soapy and shit.

Have any of you ever dropped the phone into the water?

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9b22ce  No.7386797



and Notable

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c886f7  No.7386798


Oh, and who the living fuck do you think you are to announce what real anons do?

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4ca1e8  No.7386799

File: df5252ced6146dd⋯.png (717.17 KB, 633x472, 633:472, ClipboardImage.png)

New York City to Free 125K Accused Criminals, Give Taxpayer-Funded Housing, Job Training

The state of New York is likely to free at least 125,000 accused criminals from prison next year and provide many with taxpayer-funded housing and job training services thanks to criminal justice reform laws.

As Breitbart News has reported, the state’s series of bail reforms will ensure that suspects accused of crimes deemed “non-violent” are not jailed before their trial dates and do not have to post bail.

The list of crimes for which suspects will be freed from prison before trial includes:

Second-degree manslaughter

Aggravated vehicular assault

Third-degree assault

Promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child

Possessing an obscene sexual performance by a child

Promoting a sexual performance by a child

Failure to register as a sex offender

Making terroristic threats

Criminally negligent homicide

Aggravated vehicular homicide

In total, at least 125,000 accused criminals are likely to be released from prison in New York City every year, according to an analysis by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Those are at least 125,000 accused criminals who, even if charged with criminally negligent homicide, would be released from prison the same day they were arrested.

Of those 125,000 released accused criminals, New York City will provide taxpayer-funded subsidized housing, job training, and family counseling to 10,000 each year. The scheme, called the “Atlas” program, will cost New York City taxpayers tens of millions of dollars each year.

In 2018, New York City judges released more than 105,000 accused criminals without bail.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, in addition to providing subsidized housing and job training, is promising to give released accused criminals gifts like Mets tickets and movie passes if they show up to their court dates, as Breitbart News reported.

Across the county, jailbreak legislation is helping to free thousands of accused and convicted criminals from prison. Federally, the First Step Act that was signed into law by President Trump has thus far freed about 240 sex offenders, nearly 60 convicted murderers and assailants, as well as almost 1,000 inmates convicted of drug crimes.

Also freed by the First Step Act is Joel Francisco, a notorious former leader of the “Latin Kings” gang who immediately returned to a life of drugs after his release and is now accused of murder.


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4a1ccd  No.7386800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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02ad21  No.7386801

File: 22a76ff65c88092⋯.jpg (63.83 KB, 501x233, 501:233, (((They)))-never-disprove_….jpg)


>Except that isn't "finkelstein" …….. it's kenneth feinberg


>Except that isn't "finkelstein" …….. it's kenneth feinberg


>Except that isn't "finkelstein" …….. it's kenneth feinberg


>Except that isn't "finkelstein" …….. it's kenneth feinberg


>Except that isn't "finkelstein" …….. it's kenneth feinberg

Too fucking bad the thumbnail pic don't mean shit you stupid kike bitch.

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870cbc  No.7386802

File: fead16e7f9eaebb⋯.jpg (278.02 KB, 800x597, 800:597, frens-help-frens.jpg)

>>7385856 l/b

>>7385887l l/b

>>7385895 l/b

Alas, anons.


Let's not forget dear Walter either.

He's a special kind of scary.



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c8363e  No.7386803



>>7385837, >>7385852, >>7386180 anon on POTUS dismantling the FRB and getting us out of the debt trap, Andrew Jackson paid off the debt

>>7385849 Rudy Giuliani Unloads on #FakeNews NY Times

>>7385864 Futures Tumble After Trump Signs Bill Backing Hong Kong Protesters, Defying China

>>7385903 Grand Theft Government With a Tinge of Perversion (Strategic Culture article)

>>7385917 Q Graphics all in GMT

>>7385936, >>7385992, >>7386037 Illinois State Senator Resigns Amid Federal Corruption Probe (BNL)

>>7386016 Walt Disey's mother faked death moved to Chicago (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha connections) Walt and Adolf 1st cousins?! (Schiller Institute and Napolean Hist Society articles)

>>7386023 OIG investigated MDC (Where epstein was located) for mgtm of electrical and heating issues.

>>7386029 Q2 Solutions CEO dig

>>7386115, >>7386210 anon(s) on _NATSEC_p_upload_2.v1/1.v1

>>7386118 POTUS signed this “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019

>>7386228 hussein thanksgiving twat

>>7386231 Brazilian Court Re-Confirms Lula’s Charges, Hikes Prison Term to 17 Years Ahead of Appeal (that didn't take long-kek)

>>7386238 NYT LEAK: DOJ IG Found No Evidence FBI Placed Undercover Agents and Informants Inside Trump’s 2016 Campaign (gateway pundit)

>>7386291 Jon Voight: I want to give thanks.

>>7386328, >>7386333, >>7386444 Three Women Accuse Star Schiff Show Witness Gordon Sondland Of Sexual Misconduct (

>>7386338 dank Space Force memezzz

>>7386353, >>7386361 [NYT] propaganda overkill

>>7386386 White House Official Sues NYT: Alleges ‘Colluded with Schiff’ to Leak ‘False’ Info to Fuel Impeachment Probe

>>7386390 Bronx NY Mass Shooting Up to 5 Victims Ranging From 10 to 36-Year-Old: ‘Blood All Over the Place’

>>7386410 China Accelerates $142 Billion Bond Sale to Boost Economy (a drop in the ocean)

>>7386427 Devin Nunes: Democrats May Still Block Republicans from Calling Witnesses During ‘Impeachment’ Hearings Next Week: ‘Theyre Making Up the Rules as They Go Along’

>>7386433 Grassley tweet, some num nums to decipher

>>7386583 missile battery in postion atop building across from WH

>>7386546 FBI Mysteriously Uncovers NEW Hillary Clinton Emails – ‘Were the Emails Found on Weiner’s Laptop?’

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003985  No.7386804

File: df6e7a84ccbcbd7⋯.png (82.16 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 47AB3831-B284-4A22-975A-E7….png)


This is what I’m talking.

Can’t turn your back or butt on these girlies for a second yo.

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58bf0e  No.7386805

File: c767ecdc7a1edfe⋯.jpg (140.84 KB, 831x500, 831:500, Q_Research_Bewbs_Badge.jpg)

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02ad21  No.7386806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Protocols of the Elders of Zion

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83153f  No.7386807

File: ede5acdbae0d276⋯.png (276.69 KB, 692x361, 692:361, Deep_Toilet-removebg-previ….png)

File: e8adb41da9f63a2⋯.png (255.5 KB, 587x357, 587:357, Ukrainian.png)



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7f7f06  No.7386808


yay I win again !!!!!!!!!

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6a651a  No.7386809

File: 092532fd471011d⋯.png (127.8 KB, 304x386, 152:193, muellerlol.png)

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e9ad82  No.7386810

Did y'all see the WhiskeyWarrior556 fiasco go down on /pol/ and twitter? He was out for 2 hours today before they re-arrested him on 2nd degree menacing charges. The Sheriff has deleted all press releases and the official FB page. Everybody has gone dark. Very strange.


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02ad21  No.7386811

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, oprotocols_full.png)


Protocols of the Elders of Zion Full Text

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4a1ccd  No.7386812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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75eff1  No.7386813

>>7386606, >>7386608, >>7386609, >>7386610, >>7386613, >>7386615, >>7386617, >>7386621, >>7386622, >>7386636, >>7386637, >>7386640, >>7386647, >>7386694,

Thank you. Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Truth, Good and God Shall Prevail. Thank you and God Bless you Mr. President, your family, Q team, and our beloved Military.

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6c9a2f  No.7386814

File: 9c7450e269b2081⋯.png (733.7 KB, 680x658, 340:329, steinbot fo.PNG)

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4ca1e8  No.7386815

Feds Lose Track of Criminal Foreigners Brought to U.S. by Justice Department

A number of foreign nationals, oftentimes with criminal records, are going rogue after being brought to the United States by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to work as informants, a federal report reveals.

The Justice Department is not properly keeping track of foreign nationals coming to the U.S. through the little known S Visa program, whereby thousands of informants arrive every year to help as informants in federal criminal cases, the agency’s Office of Inspector General audit finds.

For example, between Fiscal Years 2015 and 2017, more than 5,000 foreign nationals were brought to the U.S. by DOJ officials. Of those 5,000, about 62 foreign nationals went rogue after arriving in the country.

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) told Breitbart News that the lack of enforcement in the S Visa program endangers American communities, as these foreign nationals are often criminals themselves:

Keep in mind, they are importing hardcore criminals for purposes of using them as witnesses in trials in this country. ‘Losing’ track of them is like sending a time bomb off to our towns. These S-Visa criminals should be chained to an FBI agent until sent back home after the trial.

There is no excuse for letting them run free in our country.

In addition, the federal audit discovered there is a portion of S Visa-holders who “are not subject to any routine monitoring requirements” by federal officials after they are brought to the U.S.

The audit states:

We are concerned that the monitoring policies and practices currently executed by the DOJ components that sponsor foreign nationals do not adequately mitigate the risks associated with bringing individuals into the United States who may have criminal backgrounds or involvement in disreputable activities, or who may be associated with such individuals.

Like other visa programs, S Visa-holders are allowed to eventually apply for a green card to permanently resettle in the U.S. and sponsor their family members to do the same.

Every year, the U.S. admits about 1.2 million legal immigrants — not including hundreds of thousands of temporary foreign visa-holders — with the overwhelming majority arriving through the process known as “chain migration” where newly naturalized citizens can bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country.


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02ad21  No.7386816

File: 3b08cd5ee8f6e0f⋯.jpg (111.83 KB, 700x625, 28:25, 2e961adc676dda.jpg)


If that's what you call it.

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e5b95e  No.7386817

File: 715ab19583266f1⋯.png (63.69 KB, 604x427, 604:427, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)

File: dd46553b15600f0⋯.jpg (152.99 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, EKaZkgGXsAAktvM.jpg)


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c2b616  No.7386818

File: 72b47968c0f81ba⋯.jpg (24.06 KB, 296x251, 296:251, Capture.JPG)

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804fbc  No.7386819


>The sources also described Biden as a “good tipper.”

Our taxpayer dollars HARD at work.

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02ad21  No.7386820

File: d868a06654367d5⋯.jpg (57.85 KB, 884x960, 221:240, dicthumb.jpg)

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5141d8  No.7386821

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty



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85459c  No.7386822

you know, when you think about it, Bewbs have played a major role here in saving the world. God bless bewbs.>>7386805

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18f53a  No.7386823

File: 557539d7c8b9f2a⋯.png (379.44 KB, 1901x591, 1901:591, 342.PNG)

Test 1 #Rusty

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4a1ccd  No.7386824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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003985  No.7386825

File: b9766c53b1c52f8⋯.jpeg (19.15 KB, 255x134, 255:134, 98F8C619-A874-445E-B54F-B….jpeg)


I cried a liddle…


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eeef9a  No.7386826

File: 02589de081069ff⋯.png (169.89 KB, 814x333, 22:9, 2019-11-27_22-03-03.png)


>JUST IN: Andrew Yang accused of discriminating against female employee at education company http://hill.cm/pwr0IOf

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378b55  No.7386827

File: 95ee6eacd5d3b4d⋯.png (407.08 KB, 752x496, 47:31, spidy kek.png)

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fe8eaa  No.7386828

File: 656097ae72c7d31⋯.png (261.96 KB, 679x353, 679:353, ClipboardImage.png)

File: edbdf085d843b4c⋯.png (342.47 KB, 442x667, 442:667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63889e05dc5f840⋯.png (101.74 KB, 840x477, 280:159, ClipboardImage.png)

'The Killing of Osama bin Laden'

-Seymour M. Hersh. Page 100-101


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8e494b  No.7386829


Writing should say "Epstein didn't kill himself". KEK ;-)

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097017  No.7386830

File: c017a73fcbe65fc⋯.jpg (2.3 MB, 6000x4000, 3:2, The Collection Mk 8.jpg)


A fellow collector?

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18f53a  No.7386831


Test 1 ##Rusty

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02ad21  No.7386832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

McDonalds caught using human baby meat in their burgers

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6ed287  No.7386833

File: 500375bc01e8108⋯.jpg (61.26 KB, 288x417, 96:139, frantic.jpg)

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d60b5e  No.7386834

File: a54508a60af1806⋯.jpg (41.1 KB, 306x460, 153:230, 21535452-7731201-image-m-3….jpg)


Prince Charles' paedophile bishop friend Peter Ball who was jailed for sexually abusing 18 teenagers and young men, died at 87 after fall at home, inquest hears


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4a1ccd  No.7386835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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10dae8  No.7386836

File: b004079fdd996e2⋯.png (1.05 MB, 751x753, 751:753, ClipboardImage.png)


here are 2 other graphs lined up with that one

it would seem it was not just a sensor issue

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221560  No.7386837

File: 4d9b880bdf7ea21⋯.png (754.58 KB, 500x623, 500:623, hotfreshbread.png)

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e4c819  No.7386838

File: dcfa9ede6e5b42a⋯.png (73.43 KB, 852x525, 284:175, Screenshot at 2019-11-27 1….png)


1. That § 18.2-433.2 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:

§ 18.2-433.2. Paramilitary activity prohibited; penalty.

A person shall be, amended to is guilty of unlawful paramilitary activity, punishable as a Class 5 felony if he:

1. Teaches or demonstrates to any other person the use, application, or making of any firearm, explosive, or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons, knowing or having reason to know or intending that such training will be employed for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder; or

2. Assembles with one or more persons for the purpose of training with, practicing with, or being instructed in the use of any firearm, explosive, or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons, intending to employ such training for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder; or

3. Assembles with one or more persons with the intent of intimidating any person or group of persons by drilling, parading, or marching with any firearm, any explosive or incendiary device, or any components or combination thereof.

2. That the provisions of this act may result in a net increase in periods of imprisonment or commitment. Pursuant to § 30-19.1:4 of the Code of Virginia, the estimated amount of the necessary appropriation cannot be determined for periods of imprisonment in state adult correctional facilities; therefore, Chapter 854 of the Acts of Assembly of 2019 requires the Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission to assign a minimum fiscal impact of $50,000. Pursuant to § 30-19.1:4 of the Code of Virginia, the estimated amount of the necessary appropriation cannot be determined for periods of commitment to the custody of the Department of Juvenile Justice.

I'm so sorry VA-anons. I implore you to organize and support/defend eachother against this threat.

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c8363e  No.7386839


has your triple salt changed yet rusty

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83153f  No.7386840

File: 1d630219728f551⋯.jpg (68.57 KB, 598x465, 598:465, eedc207e1a763d90f741cc8e38….jpg)

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4a1ccd  No.7386841

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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18f53a  No.7386842


Test 1 ###Rusty

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d161ec  No.7386843

File: 6407e50c5527f5f⋯.jpeg (164.33 KB, 500x663, 500:663, 795DB3F4-CD33-46D7-9BF3-7….jpeg)


Al Gore invented resonance.

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003985  No.7386844

File: 5e3ce22fc3ff1c1⋯.jpeg (180.75 KB, 669x430, 669:430, 90B7C306-C7C5-4341-9152-1….jpeg)

Why is everybody tripfagging tho?

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9a6eac  No.7386845

File: 872840e671681f7⋯.jpg (14.98 KB, 220x211, 220:211, pepe_kek.jpg)

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e9ad82  No.7386846

File: b6fb16814717ca5⋯.png (237.67 KB, 1098x693, 122:77, pg228CIAinvoved.PNG)

File: 57d2f5737951034⋯.png (385.29 KB, 1013x800, 1013:800, pg49tunnels.PNG)

File: 94b8a22f5ff5444⋯.png (151.01 KB, 1157x375, 1157:375, pg162findershadmessageboar….PNG)

File: 72824887b730f8d⋯.png (131.33 KB, 355x385, 71:77, pg109sexabuseconfirmed.PNG)

File: b240c36e0137f9f⋯.jpg (701.06 KB, 1080x1788, 90:149, tunnelsinDC.jpg)

Also, has the yuge Finders Cult FBI dump been discussed? CIA involvement confirmed. FBI Investigation squashed by higher ups. McMartin School tunnels confirmed. Early message board used to communicate. tunnels in DC. https://vault.fbi.gov/the-finders/

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172666  No.7386847

File: 2dafc5efffb7f44⋯.jpeg (88.85 KB, 744x537, 248:179, 7FE476AD-D849-44E8-B6BA-5….jpeg)



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58bf0e  No.7386848


Indeed, Fren. I'm the Anon that supplied the extra 3 pics for your lovely graphic yesterday. Unfortunately, none of the bewbs in what I just posted are from Anons.

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02ad21  No.7386849

File: 163ef3057532277⋯.jpeg (145.49 KB, 1242x1050, 207:175, aoc_jew.jpeg)

File: fefdaf2bae518b2⋯.jpeg (91.48 KB, 778x844, 389:422, black_gay_jew.jpeg)

File: 52ea44e11aeb1a1⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1242x1309, 1242:1309, hrc_jew.jpeg)

File: cb276d01ff71a97⋯.jpg (60.87 KB, 741x960, 247:320, obama_propa.jpg)

File: cb878c1938c9c2c⋯.jpg (10.37 KB, 267x200, 267:200, you_stupid.jpg)

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f37cb3  No.7386850

File: 1535ba355b07c06⋯.jpg (81.08 KB, 743x654, 743:654, Photo_1574148990183(1).jpg)

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4a1ccd  No.7386851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8462c1  No.7386852


i was just getting mine set and visible to the public for the first time… ever.

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f0d527  No.7386853


Ephesians 6:12, KJV: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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e5b95e  No.7386854

File: db75460637671aa⋯.png (519.81 KB, 1178x1097, 1178:1097, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)


tryin' t' figure that out as well…

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eeef9a  No.7386855

File: b73bfb540296915⋯.png (164.63 KB, 348x269, 348:269, 2019-11-27_22-11-06.png)


>A salacious new report from Page Six details how the former Vice President’s son sent a staffer to buy a sex toy so that strippers could use it on him during one of his visits to Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club NYC in Hell’s Kitchen.

Does a manual come with the good tipper?

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804fbc  No.7386856



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870cbc  No.7386857

File: 8924423698be0fc⋯.jpg (251.63 KB, 680x453, 680:453, i-informed-john-da9a756bee.jpg)


Along with "Retarded, fake and gay." I saw earlier today, it just feels like home again.

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e95072  No.7386858

File: 34f2dd900c1c69d⋯.jpg (100.62 KB, 728x968, 91:121, IMG_8653.JPG)

M00 M00 p1gg13

I hacked your cult of tucows

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5141d8  No.7386859

Prayer warriors?


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5911ab  No.7386860

File: f227a5050d9178d⋯.jpg (65.62 KB, 405x518, 405:518, sghsrthbdgjdfgj.jpg)


A sensor can fail more than once.

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4ca1e8  No.7386861

File: 3da4782788cecae⋯.png (179.87 KB, 473x509, 473:509, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9a8c404578de70⋯.png (1.01 MB, 696x730, 348:365, ClipboardImage.png)

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f95187  No.7386862

File: 9e00dd9b75a7e25⋯.jpg (261.32 KB, 900x554, 450:277, cryingyang.jpg)

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097017  No.7386863

File: 17dd9f381342d8b⋯.jpg (50.06 KB, 626x570, 313:285, For you.jpg)


It's good to see you again! Thanks again for the pics kek and don't worry I could tell they were placeholders once I zoomed in. There's something special about real Q women titties. They resonate

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8e494b  No.7386864


Apparently wasn't a vacuum pump … was a dildo. Give you one guess where it was headed.

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000000  No.7386865



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ef7233  No.7386866

File: 57462b303c0edfa⋯.jpg (69.53 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.jpg)

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097017  No.7386867

File: 37d420b1d30a4f9⋯.jpg (1.62 MB, 2700x1800, 3:2, b5ysr5vyseye.jpg)


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743841  No.7386868

File: 9a169aef2378c3d⋯.png (624.06 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, why.png)


Look at it this way perhaps?


they will get the FBI to post it and pretend it's us

[already happened]


They will make it up whole cloth.


they will just say we are Russians

[already done this]

So think!


why wouljd anyone here spend one fraction of a second trying to control what is written here [as long as its legal]

when they will tag us over a mirage, in any case?

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f0d527  No.7386869


Dunno, ain't exactly a biblefag, just know Q said this, maybe we have something good incoming for a change, tired of the darkness .

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5141d8  No.7386870

NOT the fronthole?


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000000  No.7386871


muh, retributions.

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ba4108  No.7386872


Look at the replies to this tweet


they censored one person as containing offensive material for just replying with "17"

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fd88ef  No.7386873

File: 53f5cf03aec6e7f⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1251x826, 1251:826, 53f5cf03aec6e7f588a0896970….png)


>“That same night, a worker had to be sent out to purchase a dildo so the gals could use it on Hunter, sources said.”

Let the memes begin.

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003985  No.7386874

File: 5ed663ab92e4b90⋯.jpeg (11.94 KB, 188x250, 94:125, 1BD64FD9-0BC6-494F-A603-1….jpeg)

File: 1c6993b396dc3aa⋯.jpeg (246.71 KB, 647x488, 647:488, 89A985A0-D151-4FCA-8299-9….jpeg)


Here fren have one from War of the Bewbs days.

no q

And here is one I stolez during my time at the rivers of babylon at /pol/.

Q stencil

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4a1ccd  No.7386875

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1b1c4c  No.7386876

File: 1b4de891070f6cc⋯.jpeg (670.68 KB, 1204x1249, 1204:1249, 894A0A0A-2661-413E-AFAC-2….jpeg)

File: 46f41bc48baa84b⋯.jpeg (125.72 KB, 828x566, 414:283, 5238B078-D557-40FD-955C-2….jpeg)

Any anons watched this movie yet?

Just curious what it validates in the Q drop

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a3d270  No.7386877

File: 2a112c4692e4758⋯.jpeg (116.29 KB, 1080x814, 540:407, 1574910867.jpeg)

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e4c819  No.7386878

File: c20d718d83a03db⋯.jpg (2.52 MB, 4640x3480, 4:3, IMG_20180217_205401.jpg)



Calling all gun supporters. Check this shit out.

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62e10f  No.7386879

File: 3dfb92a22886c68⋯.jpeg (745.26 KB, 750x997, 750:997, 1617E19C-874E-4218-B5A3-5….jpeg)


Rare Kanye for moral.

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d60b5e  No.7386880

File: ab08c14fa73c8d2⋯.png (549.33 KB, 897x648, 299:216, aecf08b788e3af2b10e29ec4c3….png)

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f37cb3  No.7386881

File: c321610d494e6ba⋯.jpg (500.28 KB, 1080x938, 540:469, MEME2019-10-20-09-34-01.jpg)

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52da08  No.7386882

File: 09d66685909ac8b⋯.jpg (244.66 KB, 1983x1790, 1983:1790, 09d66685909ac8bd637cf9a99b….jpg)

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5141d8  No.7386883

Weary of dark times. Let the Light shine. Dark > LIGHT!


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4ca1e8  No.7386884

File: 752d9149504e8cb⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1496x744, 187:93, ClipboardImage.png)

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8e494b  No.7386885


and the mark on the forehead was a number. If you are going to refer to scripture, at least reference all the relevant parts.

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c8363e  No.7386886


A) because BO currently has it open

B) trying to figure out whats the deal


this trip code still has changed it seems Rusty

is it the same as


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097017  No.7386887

File: 2391a4235f1adaa⋯.jpg (724.39 KB, 5248x2387, 5248:2387, 2391a4235f1adaa13d48c7abf5….jpg)


Those will be added to The Collection. As will this

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4a1ccd  No.7386888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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738060  No.7386889

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f0d527  No.7386890


Agreed Fren !

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c8363e  No.7386891


is it the same as


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fd2842  No.7386892

File: e904f4b7f039799⋯.jpg (53.6 KB, 686x960, 343:480, kkqqswarref.jpg)

Your remarks are sobering and an accurate summation of a very real and in hindsight most critical vulnerability as we exposed our people to the malevolent forces of the once occulted enemies that have now brought us to the brink of total enslavement to their designs. Yet my freinds we gather here on this holiday to support our common purpose to MAGA and be humbly thankful we are turning away from sure destruction on to a brighter path: DARK TO LIGHT..Thanks to all the Patriots and brethren.


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e95072  No.7386893

File: 44bd330c512f8e1⋯.jpg (47.8 KB, 526x828, 263:414, IMG_9266.JPG)

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05d106  No.7386894

File: 77ab607a7c6fa55⋯.png (1.27 MB, 665x845, 133:169, Screenshot_56.png)


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f37cb3  No.7386895

File: 7fd6897c8916e06⋯.jpg (428.29 KB, 673x1044, 673:1044, MEME2019-09-24-09-56-41.jpg)

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9a6eac  No.7386896

File: 37f27722fec5815⋯.png (542.17 KB, 1125x1003, 1125:1003, 78CC127B-400C-4A64-A7D5-79….png)

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000000  No.7386897


i know youre tripfagging also ebot

you cant hide from me

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2ce49d  No.7386898


What did you update?

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c8363e  No.7386899

notes at 300


>>7386790 Strippers Used Sex Toy on a Drugged Out Hunter Biden at NYC Strip Club

>>7386777 233 Page Fed Dist Ct. Deposition of Alan Bender

>>7386710 Syria Update

>>7386680 POTUS Thanksgiving Day Schedule - November 28, 2019

what else ya got

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131faf  No.7386900

File: 8c1f7d3d113b0b8⋯.png (3.7 MB, 1612x1173, 1612:1173, ClipboardImage.png)

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1b8a79  No.7386901

File: 3ae6012c92cc7a1⋯.jpg (230.15 KB, 1186x725, 1186:725, Stand_Strong!GodEphesiansC….JPG)

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006607  No.7386902


Is that Lisa Page?

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c8363e  No.7386903


pb requests for no tables

>>7386583 missile battery in postion atop building across from WH

>>7386546 FBI Mysteriously Uncovers NEW Hillary Clinton Emails – ‘Were the Emails Found on Weiner’s Laptop?’

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4ca1e8  No.7386904

ICE arrests in fake Michigan university sting now up to 250

Ongoing arrests that began in February and continued in recent months have netted about 250 foreign-born students in a sting set up around a fake university created by federal agents in Farmington Hills, authorities say.

The "University of Farmington" had no staff, no instructors, no curriculum and no classes but was utilized by undercover Homeland Security agents to identify people involved in immigration fraud, according to federal grand jury indictments.

The undercover sting, dubbed "Operation Paper Chase," targeted an immigration fraud scheme that involved at least 600 people who collectively paid recruiters more than $250,000 to stay in the U.S., according to prosecutors.

Eight student recruiters were charged with participating in a conspiracy to help at least 600 foreign citizens stay in the U.S. illegally, according to the indictments, which describe an investigation that dates to 2015 but intensified one month into President Donald Trump's tenure as part of a broader crackdown on illegal immigration.

Of the 600 students involved, approximately 250 have been apprehended in a nationwide sweep on administrative charges, according to a spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Nearly 80% of those who were arrested were granted voluntary departure and left the United States, according to a statement from ICE. Of the remaining 20%, about half received a final removal order.

"These students were initially admitted into the United States to attend a school certified by the Student and Exchange Visitor Program, but later transferred to the University of Farmington, which offered no academic or vocational programs of any kind," according to a statement from ICE. "Since the school did not offer courses or confer degrees, the enrollees were simply using the F-1 program as a pay-to-stay scheme."

Some of those were ordered removed from the United States by an immigration judge and others were given an expedited removal by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The remaining half (10%) have either filed for some sort relief or are contesting their removals with the Executive Office for Immigration Review, ICE said.

Undercover schools provide a "unique perspective in understanding the ways in which students and recruiters try to exploit the nonimmigrant student visa system," ICE officials said.

"It provides DHS with first-hand evidence of fraud and enhances its understanding of the way in which exploitation networks develop to facilitate fraud. This, in turn, informs and improves DHS’s efforts to uncover fraud at schools where the students, and potentially school officials, seek to perpetuate violations either explicitly or through more subtle manipulation of the regulations."

Most of the recruiters and students involved are originally from India, according to prosecutors. Others were local like Najilaa Karim Musarsa, 29, who lived in Dearborn Heights before she was deported to the West Bank.

"They should not punish these people who were lured into a trap," said Rahul Reddy, a Houston-based attorney who represented or advised about 80 students arrested. "These people can't even defend themselves properly because they're not given the same rights in deportation proceedings."


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eeef9a  No.7386905

File: 0b82a66ef564131⋯.png (89.1 KB, 224x218, 112:109, 2019-03-09_03-53-29.png)


>“That same night, a worker had to be sent out to purchase a dildo so the gals could use it on Hunter, sources said.”

>Let the memes begin.

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5141d8  No.7386906

File: 35c363027ab8e07⋯.jpg (108.44 KB, 500x616, 125:154, ___Q_drop_memes_jpg (88).JPG)

File: 29b52cdd4d3da54⋯.png (614.72 KB, 640x478, 320:239, Q_drops_PNG (64).PNG)

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738060  No.7386907


Try clearnet anon. It's MOAR comfy!

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c886f7  No.7386908


Fair argument Anon.

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f95187  No.7386909

File: f12e2c0a92431b1⋯.jpg (184.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, yang baby.jpg)

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e5b95e  No.7386910

File: f966901dbd98212⋯.png (156.16 KB, 350x374, 175:187, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)


top kek

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4a1ccd  No.7386911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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39b870  No.7386912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What happens in _every_ Rocky fight?

What is Trump trying to tell us?

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7f7f06  No.7386913

File: f296bab91d5b80a⋯.png (684.1 KB, 733x1024, 733:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

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a3d270  No.7386914

File: bdf0bfa85e9de3f⋯.jpeg (169.1 KB, 1440x936, 20:13, 1526835724.jpeg)

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000000  No.7386915


nah, im separating my memeing from my shitposting

theres was some weird fuckery going on earlier and i wanna keep (em) guessing

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41e45e  No.7386916

File: f77d40330530cbb⋯.jpg (165.53 KB, 800x557, 800:557, oscar_fashion_001.jpg)

File: e764c834a14114c⋯.jpg (173.58 KB, 800x557, 800:557, oscar_fashion_003.jpg)

File: a131b32ce43c5ca⋯.jpg (158.41 KB, 800x557, 800:557, oscar_fashion_005.jpg)

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131faf  No.7386917


Winning, Winning, Winning

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e5b95e  No.7386918

File: 46e0cd6004ed316⋯.png (280.69 KB, 451x443, 451:443, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)


He fuckin' wins.

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4a1ccd  No.7386919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f9a731  No.7386920

File: ce925982a2d0bed⋯.jpg (134.97 KB, 489x498, 163:166, mandalorian.jpg)

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2ce49d  No.7386921


Why not simply ask op’s to repost this bread? Or add them to your bun this bread and mark as lb? Otherwise, you’re manipulating last Baker’s work.

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c2b616  No.7386922

File: 2b1769ef7961737⋯.jpg (90.63 KB, 849x579, 283:193, Capture.JPG)


1st time ever kek ….AS if they know …what year was the 1st time kek dummy..what about before 1952…. your/their speculation means NOTHING

While they'd been predicted in 1952, Schumann resonances were first measured reliably in the early 1960s. Since then, scientists have discovered that variations in the resonances correspond to changes in the seasons, solar activity, activity in Earth's magnetic environment, in water aerosols in the atmosphere, and other Earth-bound phenomena.


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003985  No.7386923

File: 5de340542d305be⋯.jpeg (26.87 KB, 255x240, 17:16, 9D1C329A-85E0-4839-9363-1….jpeg)


Ain’t nothing wrong with her.

Would smash.

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39b870  No.7386924


>He fuckin' wins.

and usually after it looks like he`s certain to lose

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743841  No.7386925

File: 163eea391c8a8cb⋯.png (822.24 KB, 1200x860, 60:43, propagandashot911.png)


feels good man. We're back

86 86 8


I love using their own FEMA 9/11 Propaganda shots - Taxpayer funded - against them

God is good.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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c8363e  No.7386926




d'oh took the notables not baker

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4ca1e8  No.7386927

>>7386799 New York City to Free 125K Accused Criminals, Give Taxpayer-Funded Housing, Job Training

>>7386899 these clowns

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9a6eac  No.7386928

File: 16fad7ac026e83e⋯.jpg (7.16 KB, 255x150, 17:10, b21af45bcc721b6401d354e7e4….jpg)

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ef7233  No.7386929


What the fuck is Andrenochrome?

And haven't you read yet that it can be synthesized in a lab?

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006607  No.7386930

>>7386531 (pb)

Interesting image formatting….

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4a1ccd  No.7386931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f9a731  No.7386932

File: 7391c46c6ee641f⋯.jpg (75.41 KB, 606x437, 606:437, 8ballkek.jpg)


Nice sting

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1f6299  No.7386933

File: dc6a9f0e4801074⋯.png (858.1 KB, 1194x1244, 597:622, ClipboardImage.png)

The 'groom' looks like Bill Clinton in drag…


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c8363e  No.7386934


are you self nommin again fam

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66f421  No.7386935

File: 3d03066e321511b⋯.png (3.91 KB, 264x191, 264:191, images.png)


where is [hunter]?

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4b7dbb  No.7386936

File: 1a9e451cef7fce1⋯.jpg (392.72 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1a9e451cef7fce10013f31d9b7….jpg)

File: 42c2d61b7921cf0⋯.jpg (602.53 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 42c2d61b7921cf00ba7de691eb….jpg)

File: fcdc75b343b3d6b⋯.png (286.28 KB, 674x690, 337:345, usmca2.png)

File: 6b1ecd599f03a13⋯.png (150.11 KB, 590x612, 295:306, usmca.png)






Push it please.


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bcd499  No.7386937

File: 9efdbde31850e54⋯.jpg (162.57 KB, 988x1365, 76:105, pole-lg.jpg)

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870cbc  No.7386938


Political Beast of the highest order.

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097017  No.7386939

File: fb5979c49b583bd⋯.jpg (869.59 KB, 1524x2000, 381:500, 44bseye5sntva4twe.jpg)


>What the fuck is Andrenochrome?

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743841  No.7386940

File: 181b5eeb506540e⋯.jpeg (545.12 KB, 810x1215, 2:3, d5pepe.jpeg)


Thank you.

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e95072  No.7386941

File: 6a22400b7b81712⋯.jpg (64.2 KB, 720x752, 45:47, IMG_9274.JPG)

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003985  No.7386942

File: 051287c7304f62b⋯.gif (101.33 KB, 1027x731, 1027:731, 372A7011-C5A7-434E-B644-DB….gif)


Oh snaps…

My sides

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4ca1e8  No.7386943


you did say what else

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f37cb3  No.7386944

File: d3e84056ba98a47⋯.jpg (123.71 KB, 1077x628, 1077:628, 20191023175622(1).jpg)

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fe8eaa  No.7386945


Interesting.. Must be nothing but the Youtube crew here. We now pass over sauced information that we don't want to see, because it refutes everything that the Paytriots sold us.

Flynn and JSOC are guilty of Treason.

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c8363e  No.7386946

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bb540f  No.7386947


Look into each others eyes (soul)

transported to ehteric realm NO LYING

Dont know how its done

shit hit the fan (Pure Evil)

so it wouldn't come out with me and Frens

Aaaaaahhhh it was so ourageous in the etheric realm giant long corridors(I reckon great halls) with doorways on the walls as a hand sized gems that transported you to other corridor. it was a such a spinout!

But havent been able to go back as I go into Psychosis if I go over the edge with drugs

which I think Is demon possesion as I did go flat out psychotic!

and this demon/dark energy keeps fucking harassing me

them things are so gut wrenching atrocius (sic)

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42af66  No.7386948

File: 93b7a4786e4a051⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1558x1132, 779:566, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)


Just like me right now, this guy is stoned AF. I get my stuff from an illegal source because the legal way is FAR too expensive. It is literally triple the cost to get it legally.

We have GOT to legalize this shit and make it EASY to produce and distribute safely. Otherwise, we get shitheads like this guy. I'm assuming these are the sources for the Vitamin E tainted vaping cartridges.

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6c9a2f  No.7386949


that SC tweet was late, even after baker took the notes and posted. Someone just repost it..solves the problem.

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a49638  No.7386950

File: 1a7bd1e7e0bab20⋯.jpg (154.28 KB, 536x925, 536:925, i.jpg)

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e5b95e  No.7386951

File: feaf7bdf98291ee⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1046x1064, 523:532, Screen Shot 2019-11-05 at ….png)

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716355  No.7386952

File: 62178e3e3ff050c⋯.jpg (304.13 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, hunter-biden-2.jpg)

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4a1ccd  No.7386954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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42af66  No.7386955


My Q Research is made possible by heavy doses of THC. Imagine if our autism was federally permissible.

Sorry not sorry

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804fbc  No.7386956


Go back to bread #9445 and read the 3rd line of notables.

Anons realized that "The Ring" was wording on the belt buckle. So began searching "The Ring" >>Amazon's Ring products.

Read articles…..leads to Ukraine!

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994158  No.7386957


So can vitamins and THC. Those synthetic compounds aren't the same as the real thing either.

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ef7233  No.7386958


>Doesn't know the substance is called adrenochrome

Now you really must belong to the top of the cream of both memers & researchers.


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4a1ccd  No.7386959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8462c1  No.7386960

File: f45544d565c3be7⋯.png (914.31 KB, 882x587, 882:587, thanksgiving_2019.png)

be proud, patriots.

tonight, a tradition was started.

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5a6c8d  No.7386961

File: a8af02e4ec35944⋯.jpg (33.53 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 75642394_151033392876364_4….jpg)

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eb8c74  No.7386962


Hah! Let's start calling Mike "Tucker Obama!"

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2ce49d  No.7386963


You don’t fuck with previous notes. Have some post it again. Fuck your “nah” bullshit.

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58bf0e  No.7386964

File: 0dea0fb54b4d57d⋯.png (593.38 KB, 700x933, 700:933, burka_tits.png)


Like this?

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9b22ce  No.7386965

File: 24b1540043ff145⋯.png (902.9 KB, 750x746, 375:373, ClipboardImage.png)

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003985  No.7386966

File: 26655e7be781057⋯.jpeg (245.72 KB, 668x656, 167:164, 461EBAD2-051F-4423-9667-3….jpeg)

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4ca1e8  No.7386967

File: 15cd0f0f7087f85⋯.png (931.98 KB, 677x777, 677:777, ClipboardImage.png)

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716355  No.7386968

File: c9e1ca4362e84ff⋯.png (265.14 KB, 630x354, 105:59, bidenhappy.png)


a smidge of sativa here…a smidge there…

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000000  No.7386969


its honestly gotten to the point where even if you literally are Q (you arent) id still absolutely fucking hate you

thats where you're at with the namefagging

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097017  No.7386970

File: cadf8d1d048e645⋯.jpg (39.93 KB, 569x474, 569:474, 4vtw4t4wtctesteg.jpg)


Should we start with Pizzagate?

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05d106  No.7386971



Well, if Trump doesn't legalize Marijuana for you stoner fags, then when he declares the Cartel a Terrorist Organization and we go to war with them…you fagg-nuts will be complicit and considered enemy combatants…so, might as well consider getting the fuck off that shit right now!

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58bf0e  No.7386972


Thank you, Fren.

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e95072  No.7386973

File: c83fb21fc3d7287⋯.jpg (258.27 KB, 1440x1055, 288:211, IMG_9234.JPG)

File: 328d3e14d016cf2⋯.jpg (86.61 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_9238.JPG)

File: a1dbb23e98fc061⋯.jpg (125.21 KB, 954x954, 1:1, IMG_9241.JPG)

File: 500b9d8bce96fc5⋯.jpg (234.27 KB, 942x942, 1:1, 0E732EA5-09EA-4D94-987F-B9….jpg)

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eeef9a  No.7386974

File: 22301da6ee04b33⋯.png (109.49 KB, 348x310, 174:155, 2019-03-13_00-21-33 copy.png)


Big Mike soft?

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1f6299  No.7386975

File: 76cf8e7e9294817⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1568x940, 392:235, ClipboardImage.png)

The look on Hussein's face when Biden asked for his endorsement.

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4a1ccd  No.7386976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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42af66  No.7386977


yeah no….It's from a legal source, illegally sourced lol.

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e5b95e  No.7386978

File: 62d6ec3b0a3d2d0⋯.png (187.37 KB, 617x562, 617:562, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)


Weed will be regulated, just like vape juice & CBD carts.

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c8363e  No.7386979

File: e1d4877d046e9ee⋯.png (716 KB, 830x1262, 415:631, walnuts.png)

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6c9a2f  No.7386980

File: 06f42f21d0bea4b⋯.jpg (75.68 KB, 500x500, 1:1, invitation homes blackston….jpg)

File: b0526dcfe094211⋯.jpg (97.87 KB, 700x419, 700:419, blackstone realty group du….jpg)

File: 51942e048d33f23⋯.jpg (122.1 KB, 700x491, 700:491, invitation homes combo sal….jpg)

Blackstone Group (Realty Group) sold Invitation Homes equity Nov 26th-$1.73b

This is the 4th large sale of this REIT by Blackstone since March of this year.

It is a combination of "holdco's" owned by Blackstone Realty Group controlled by the parent. See Cap#3


Invitation Homes Inc. is a real estate investment trust. The Company owns and operates single-family homes for lease in the United States. The Company's segment relates to acquiring, renovating, leasing and operating single-family homes as rental properties, including single-family homes in planned unit developments. As of September 30, 2016, the Company's averaged approximately 1,850 square feet with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. As of September 30, 2016, the Company's portfolio included 48,431 homes. As of September 30, 2016, the Company's homes were located in Southern California, Northern California, Seattle, Phoenix and Las Vegas in Western United States; South Florida, Tampa, Orlando and Jacksonville in Florida; Atlanta and Charlotte in Southeast United States, and Chicago and Minneapolis in Midwest United States. As of September 30, 2016, the Company had 73 homes in escrow that we expected to acquire, subject to customary closing conditions.


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2b1bd1  No.7386981

File: f6b1076df3c552b⋯.png (118.37 KB, 831x502, 831:502, USMCANOW.png)

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8462c1  No.7386982

so you're triggered?

the bait isn't for you…

it's designed to snag the ones who hate trump.

just pretend it's a comicbook, and appreciate that someone is keeping it current.

give us 5 more years, we will be out of your way.

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281eeb  No.7386983

File: dd0afe46a38fbb9⋯.jpeg (360.99 KB, 1125x1579, 1125:1579, dd0afe46a38fbb9e46b81c086….jpeg)

File: 176460aa87c1716⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1980x1406, 990:703, 176460aa87c1716458ca30e065….png)

File: 49463ac2d60cd66⋯.png (311.11 KB, 687x541, 687:541, 49463ac2d60cd66771c1a9d50f….png)


DNC tweets about a chemical explosions in Texas hours before a chemical plant explosion happens in Texas!

What do we say about coincidences?

I think we need some investigating done on this one…motive and timing are not on DNC's side here.

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8462c1  No.7386984

File: ee97b31800be26e⋯.png (258.51 KB, 425x740, 85:148, doggo.png)

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c8363e  No.7386985

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8e494b  No.7386986



Tanks … almost didn't see it because the (you) didn't show.

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4a1ccd  No.7386987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9b22ce  No.7386988

File: 25f9108c341a99c⋯.png (99.85 KB, 350x232, 175:116, ClipboardImage.png)

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f72b7c  No.7386989

File: a31078f513d4ffe⋯.jpg (221.7 KB, 1800x1350, 4:3, IMG_2500.JPG)

barely memed at all away from this place

hopefully you faggots inspire me

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738060  No.7386990



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e5b95e  No.7386991

File: b3c3cee18340ea0⋯.png (352.06 KB, 602x806, 301:403, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)


In CST 11:23

cabal digits

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000000  No.7386992

not triggered at all

i swear a lot

just dont like you


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4a1ccd  No.7386993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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006607  No.7386994


Fucking douchebag – if you actually read it, it shows Flynn was on the right side.

And your continued use of "Paytriots" tags you as the same douchebag that's been spamming this, well, spam.

Remember The Liberty. Remember The Pueblo. Remember WTC7.

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c8363e  No.7386995

File: d35af8d21dc5664⋯.png (207.37 KB, 1347x297, 449:99, ClipboardImage.png)

repost cause some crybaby bitch nigger has a hall monitor issue with pb which had a note taker and an e baker >>7386546 pb post

FBI Mysteriously Uncovers NEW Hillary Clinton Emails – ‘Were the Emails Found on Weiner’s Laptop?’

The FBI stopped producing Hillary Clinton emails a year ago, but they keep mysteriously finding more emails.

Hillary Clinton originally gave the State Department 55,000 pages of emails and argued the remaining 33,000 emails were ‘personal’ and related to Chelsea’s wedding and yoga.

The FBI, however, discovered 72,000 pages of documents that Hillary Clinton tried to withhold or erase with BleachBit.

Judicial Watch forced the FBI to turn over several tranches of Hillary Clinton emails through FOIA lawsuits and discovered Hillary had transmitted classified material over a private server, including the name of a Clandestine CIA agent.

“The fix was in,” said Judicial Watch boss Tom Fitton.

“It is astonishing news that the FBI mysteriously found more Clinton emails. Were they on Anthony Weiner’s laptop? At James Comey’s house? Or on Peter Strzok’s cell phone?” asked Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This disturbing development further highlights how the fix was in on the Clinton email scandal and why a criminal investigation needs to be reopened by Attorney General Barr.”


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2ce49d  No.7386996



>>7386522 #9445

Should be

>>7386522 #9446

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fe1ea4  No.7386997

File: 435277d294115c8⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1042x731, 1042:731, hbidendildo.png)

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c8363e  No.7386998


sorry i cant mess with another bakers notes

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8462c1  No.7386999

File: 2a46323320279c1⋯.png (515.91 KB, 847x563, 847:563, lookin good boys_triggered.png)

you don't know me.

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bcd499  No.7387000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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716355  No.7387001

File: 0882c49f52761bd⋯.jpg (88.79 KB, 605x383, 605:383, goodtimes.jpg)

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4a1ccd  No.7387002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f37cb3  No.7387003

File: 46661b310a2af0c⋯.jpg (351.93 KB, 794x1044, 397:522, MEME2019-11-27-10-33-19.jpg)

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000000  No.7387004

i know enough to know that putting a watermark is a sign of a weak mind

thats all i really need to know

your posts should stand on their own

if not, then, youre one of (them) and i can freely hate you as i will

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2ce49d  No.7387005


Good. Glad you admitted it.

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003985  No.7387006

File: 4c6f409e7d8dd35⋯.jpeg (221.34 KB, 676x548, 169:137, 34E07C25-0AF5-4001-97FF-3….jpeg)

Sooo everbody saw the Potus liddle tweet right.

Only fags that were there for the liddle fiasco would know how big of a proof to the board and potus connection is irrefutable.

Are the liddle breads archived?

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c8363e  No.7387007

File: e80aa885402c3b1⋯.png (664.87 KB, 719x731, 719:731, ClipboardImage.png)

reposting for the crybaby bitch nigger hall monitor



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e95072  No.7387008

File: 0b7a639f11e33b6⋯.jpg (82.1 KB, 422x599, 422:599, IMG_9229.JPG)

File: d3c9b50cb838efe⋯.jpg (121.15 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, IMG_9235.JPG)

File: bb7f5eaa6e2f62f⋯.jpg (144.97 KB, 960x753, 320:251, IMG_9237.JPG)

File: 4194ee4e080c10a⋯.jpg (68.81 KB, 720x612, 20:17, IMG_9285.JPG)

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000000  No.7387009

Guys are we all forgetting about Erik Prince?! Aside from his infamous interview in regards to Weiner's laptop and the Clintons (which you can listen to here: https://soundcloud.com/siriusxm-news-issues/erik-prince-on-the-fbi-hillary-email-investigation-mosul-and-more), from 2001-2010, Erik Prince's company Blackwater was awarded $600 million dollars from the CIA which became the largest of the State Department's three private security companies.

Prince was part of a CIA task force created to kill terrorists. Allegedly, the House intelligence congressional committee leaked his name to the press. Prince has said that he is convinced that former CIA director Leon Panetta outed him as a CIA asset, after shutting down the covert CIA training operation in 2009.

Prince resigned as CEO in 2009 (ironically around the time of being outed) until he sold the company in 2010 to a group of investors (WHO ARE THESE 'INVESTORS'?)

After Prince sold the company. He said this in Vanity Fair: "I put myself and my company at the CIA's disposal for some very risky missions. But when it became politically expedient to do so, someone threw me under the bus."

That same year in 2010 AND now owned by a 'group of investors' (who?), Barack Obama administration awarded the company a $120 million United States Department of State security contract and about $100 million in new CIA work.

Again, WHO ARE THESE 'INVESTORS'? According to the NYT article regarding the sale of Blackwater:

"The sale, which is expected to be announced on Friday, came after the State Department threatened to stop awarding contracts to the company as long as Mr. Prince owned the firm, people involved in the discussions said. These people requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak about the confidential talks. The sale is intended to help shake the stigma associated with its ownership under Mr. Prince."

The most important takeaway from the NYT bit is "These people requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak about the confidential talks."


Further down in the article it reads:

"After the sale, the company will continue to be subject to an agreement it reached with the State Department in August. Under the settlement, the company paid $42 million in fines over hundreds of violations of United States export control regulations, permitting it to continue to compete for government contracts. Wendy Wysong, was appointed as a special compliance officer for Xe Services (Blackwater) as a result of the settlement."

Now remember, this is AFTER Erik Prince has already sold the company to mystery investors purchased it.

Now who is Wendy Wysong?

"Wendy Wysong leads the Asia Pacific Anti-Corruption and Trade Controls Practice, maintaining offices in Hong Kong and Washington, D.C. Her practice focuses on regulatory compliance and white collar defense of international laws, including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, International Traffic in Arms Regulations, Export Administration Regulations, Office of Foreign Assets Control economic sanctions, and U.S. anti-boycott laws, as well as government fraud and public corruption."

Wendy Wysong is Foreign Legal Consultant (Hong Kong); Partner (Washington DC).

What CLIENTS do you think Wendy "represents"?

I'll let all of this sink in…..

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05d106  No.7387010



Thanks, Anons!

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2ce49d  No.7387011

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7e5183  No.7387012

File: 4926f0b8dd5decc⋯.png (513 KB, 412x520, 103:130, momservestruth.png)

Happy Thanksgiving

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4a1ccd  No.7387013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f37cb3  No.7387014

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8462c1  No.7387015


you literally hate a fictional character on the internet?

that's an issue you need to seek a professional about, an inner healing issue spawned from a traumatic past.

try not to let your toxic hateful flesh spew out onto others…

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1f6299  No.7387016

File: 305349c212dbc12⋯.png (297.25 KB, 1208x1310, 604:655, ClipboardImage.png)

We will never forget, Hillary.



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3e704d  No.7387017

File: 860ef56fbfe955d⋯.png (45.51 KB, 736x317, 736:317, Screenshot from 2019-11-27….png)

File: 347369e6020e455⋯.png (40.63 KB, 826x419, 826:419, b6953b25d1191660fb061b0d3e….png)



endchan bunker cross comms?


Simultaniously post to 2 different q boards to decentralize?


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000000  No.7387018


oh god no

i hate you

as a person

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939c6b  No.7387019

File: 7bcf0458043f2f0⋯.jpg (235.15 KB, 783x665, 783:665, 123w123.jpg)

File: 33e1671a10589dd⋯.jpg (251.6 KB, 783x665, 783:665, 123w1232222.jpg)

File: 2f4a00ede4151a0⋯.jpg (221.24 KB, 783x665, 783:665, 123w12333333.jpg)

File: a5140cb16ca78e9⋯.jpg (190.31 KB, 783x665, 783:665, 123w1233333333333.jpg)

File: 1074984cf618744⋯.jpg (199.67 KB, 783x665, 783:665, 123w123333333333333.jpg)

I messed around with Q post 2107

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c8363e  No.7387020


>>7386790 Strippers Used Sex Toy on a Drugged Out Hunter Biden at NYC Strip Club

>>7386777 233 Page Fed Dist Ct. Deposition of Alan Bender

>>7386710 Syria Update

>>7386680 POTUS Thanksgiving Day Schedule - November 28, 2019

>>7386799 New York City to Free 125K Accused Criminals, Give Taxpayer-Funded Housing, Job Training

>>7386995 FBI Mysteriously Uncovers NEW Hillary Clinton Emails – ‘Were the Emails Found on Weiner’s Laptop?’

>>7387007 missile battery in postion atop building across from WH

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bcd499  No.7387022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8462c1  No.7387023

File: d1b0bbb7505d756⋯.png (574.19 KB, 977x1283, 977:1283, TRUMPCARD.png)


i forgive you.

have a nice life.

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939c6b  No.7387024

File: 13fd4145c4dd04e⋯.png (3.08 MB, 1436x1800, 359:450, qalii.png)

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39e138  No.7387025


Gee lets see….

All the pundits on both sides of the political spectrum advocating for the same thing, pushing it now, now, now….

What could possibly go wrong?

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fe8eaa  No.7387026


They disobeyed the Commander in Chief. They did it to go around the Chain of Command. I didn't vote for Obama, and can't stand him. But sauce is sauce, fuck off with your feels.

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4a1ccd  No.7387027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8a8d14  No.7387028

File: c999fbfddd63970⋯.png (247.5 KB, 425x302, 425:302, 9EBCD7C0-3FF4-4BB3-89C8-BB….png)

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804fbc  No.7387029


Oh, the old 'buying votes' trick again.

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000000  No.7387030

eh, ebot is still bae

thats all i care about

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eeef9a  No.7387031

File: 13f2108c39b9dcf⋯.png (330.51 KB, 833x711, 833:711, 2019-11-27_22-39-15.png)


>Hunter Biden Choices

>What color and size would you like?

The Big Mike Special?

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e5b95e  No.7387032

File: 9cfb076ce905534⋯.png (414.22 KB, 599x1021, 599:1021, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)



I'm seeing a pattern here…🤔

Chinese chemical plant X2







Three Killed in Russian Chemical Plant Blast


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f95187  No.7387033


I don't blame you for not wanting to go back to 4chan. It's pretty stupid over there.

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c2b616  No.7387034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thank you..somebody actually paying attention to what's important …. our kids education .. watch this extremely important and very relevant to what is happening in America today

KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America

KGB DEFECTOR YURI BEZMENOV'S WARNING TO AMERICA: 29 YEARS AGO, Soviet defector and KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov, specializing in the fields of Marxist-Leninist propaganda and ideological subversion; warned us about the silent war being waged against America as part of a long term plan to take over and destroy the American system and way of life. Watch this clip in AMAZEMENT as you realize he is describing EXACTLY what's happening in America today, where by Obama and his gang of Marxist usurpers who now have control of your government are just the culmination of a very long term plan, but are the ones who are about to bring it into fruition.

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8462c1  No.7387035

I want to be nice…

but I can eat you up like corn pops.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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c8363e  No.7387036


it was fuckin sarc you tard

we do that shit all the time

fuckinf typo #9445 is being corrected to #9446 whether it spoils your thanksgiving or not faggot

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c6e61d  No.7387037

File: 2cf6ba0bfda17eb⋯.jpg (433.32 KB, 1500x2221, 1500:2221, HunnyByeBye.jpg)

fucksticks and chips

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1aa813  No.7387038

File: 9974310be24c1dc⋯.png (106.94 KB, 267x353, 267:353, Bigger.png)

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c37ef0  No.7387039

File: 52471edd5e923d3⋯.jpg (7.58 KB, 250x191, 250:191, 52471edd5e923d345dab7c75a1….jpg)

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e95072  No.7387040

File: 72fe5e0d8f4a68b⋯.jpg (182.01 KB, 735x735, 1:1, CF9F4253-B9FC-4450-90C2-C0….jpg)

File: a04d5276b96d59f⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 2447x2447, 1:1, 0F854EEF-909A-4BE1-96D9-0F….jpg)

File: 84d41a71f555416⋯.jpg (263.18 KB, 1438x1438, 1:1, 9A4343A7-475A-4942-B1B8-C2….jpg)

File: 2683425a3bea20f⋯.jpg (35.6 KB, 720x540, 4:3, IMG_9225.JPG)

Cow bell and miracle whip emenanrized ESchaton

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2ce49d  No.7387041

7387007 [21]

Shill Baker

Bakers know the rules. GFY bakerfaggot.

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000000  No.7387042

(14) and you havent yet so…


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c060b9  No.7387043

Anybody else having a problem saving pics?

Some turn into .webp files.

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097017  No.7387044

File: 703ea12e2728b27⋯.jpg (56.56 KB, 1000x662, 500:331, Grandpa Joe.jpg)


Did you say, "Corn Pop"

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e5b95e  No.7387045

File: bd1e92ec30e6704⋯.png (803.78 KB, 1271x740, 1271:740, Screen Shot 2019-01-17 at ….png)

Hot damn, Anons, we workin' like a well oiled machine again!

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a49638  No.7387046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Christians: True Israelites in Whom There Ought Not Be Deceit - Jeff Peterson

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85459c  No.7387047


looks like a mushroom cloud. noice

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6125f8  No.7387048


Notable Chemical Plants explode around world

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02ad21  No.7387049

File: 502394ea6eda4a3⋯.jpg (65.17 KB, 474x522, 79:87, pullit.jpg)

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5b8330  No.7387050

File: a991161c066eda7⋯.png (102.06 KB, 1342x675, 1342:675, uscode.png)


LII U.S. Code Title 22. FOREIGN RELATIONS AND INTERCOURSE Chapter 96. SOVEREIGNTY, INTEGRITY, DEMOCRACY, AND ECONOMIC STABILITY OF UKRAINE Section 8904. Recovery of assets linked to governmental corruption in Ukraine

22 U.S. Code § 8904.Recovery of assets linked to governmental corruption in Ukraine

U.S. Code


prev | next

(a)Asset recovery

The Secretary of State, in coordination with the Attorney General and the Secretary of the Treasury, shall assist, on an expedited basis as appropriate, the Government of Ukraine to identify, secure, and recover assets linked to acts of corruption by Viktor Yanukovych, members of his family, or other former or current officials of the Government of Ukraine or their accomplices in any jurisdiction through appropriate programs, including the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative of the Department of Justice.


Any asset recovery efforts undertaken pursuant to subsection (a) shall be coordinated through the relevant bilateral or multilateral entities, including, as appropriate, the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units, the Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative of the World Bank Group and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the Camden Asset Recovery Inter-Agency Network, and the Global Focal Point Initiative of the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL).

(c)Investigative assistance

The Secretary of State, in coordination with the Attorney General, shall assist the Government of Ukraine, the European Union, and other appropriate countries, on an expedited basis, with formal and informal investigative assistance and training, as appropriate, to support the identification, seizure, and return to the Government of Ukraine of assets linked to acts of corruption.

(d)Priority assigned

The Secretary of the Treasury shall ensure that the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the Department of the Treasury assists the Government of Ukraine, the European Union, and other appropriate countries under section 314(a) of the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (31 U.S.C. 5311 note)

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4a1ccd  No.7387051

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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097017  No.7387052


Open in paint

Save as jpeg

I fucking HATE .webp files

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1aa813  No.7387053

File: 73eaa84634358cf⋯.png (764.14 KB, 1001x800, 1001:800, NightShiftHelmet.png)

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eb8c74  No.7387054


Fascinating. .. You don't suppose …?

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c886f7  No.7387055

File: 85953f3ccdccf16⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, NightShft.png)

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994158  No.7387056

The club probably has video cameras hidden all over it. Somewhere there is footage of Hunter happily being violated.

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52da08  No.7387057

File: 98cbcadb735f07b⋯.png (544.01 KB, 918x1020, 9:10, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)

Q #1706 Has come up twice today in timestamps

No name returning to headlines.


Can't help but think it has something to do with the freaky Turkey pardoning of Bread and Butter

This article Meagan McCain and Abby Huntsman - "Salt & Pepper" - "Two peas in a pod" also about Meagans miscarriage of twins???


Thoughts anons

appologies for not spoilering the pic

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9a6eac  No.7387058

File: cb436fb1d97bf3f⋯.jpg (31.14 KB, 476x248, 119:62, safe_image (46).jpg)

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4a1ccd  No.7387059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2b1bd1  No.7387061


Good times!

I member that one!

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6a1e40  No.7387062

File: 719bb9bebc833c6⋯.jpeg (93.16 KB, 2048x1445, 2048:1445, 0ECBEEB8-A891-4F1C-861D-1….jpeg)

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bf3869  No.7387063



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6753b1  No.7387064

File: 1c6d8ef59a4e14d⋯.png (174.17 KB, 604x450, 302:225, HARVEST ON READY.png)

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c060b9  No.7387065


K how about a mac solution

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743841  No.7387066

File: b2a5097d321c929⋯.jpg (76.37 KB, 640x1082, 320:541, ukrainetreaty.jpg)

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8cec31  No.7387067

File: a33d07dcb6e956f⋯.png (99.12 KB, 1028x444, 257:111, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)


I guess taking a knee isn't all it's cracked up to be.

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870cbc  No.7387068

File: d898a460ecf857d⋯.jpg (341.77 KB, 800x599, 800:599, truth-5642dc9cae.jpg)


I'm entirely comfortable to accept the possibility that large amounts of Q's crumbs as in #10: " These people worship Satan _ some openly show it." ), maybe pure hyperbole required to help the hive gain traction in educating themselves on the overwhelming state of corruption.

I'm not denying the EVIL, mind you.

I just know what it takes to fuel a flawed individual such as myself to really want and need to fight against IT.

Q kuntinues to help us desire to fight for GOOD.

This would appear to be one of those truly rare occasions where the ends will justify the means.

American MI, feel free to leave us all guessing and save our Republic.(again)


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097017  No.7387069

File: ece0aac076dd8f5⋯.png (229.84 KB, 373x428, 373:428, 50 POINTS AHEAD.png)



Throw it in the garbage?

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9261ba  No.7387070


Bitchin about spam is worse than spam…. How many crumbs were wasted responding to you

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5846b6  No.7387071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WH Turkey/bread & butter

POTUS pardons BUTTER, aka Assage?

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2c34ee  No.7387072

File: 1a67a3b9a3d36cb⋯.jpg (47.56 KB, 620x414, 310:207, tt.jpg)

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f72b7c  No.7387073

File: 374f549134d1a56⋯.jpg (201.33 KB, 1348x1800, 337:450, IMG_2738.JPG)

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c6e61d  No.7387074


macs r gret they dont do biruses

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1b8a79  No.7387075

File: ce43bad76de0e28⋯.jpg (240.39 KB, 700x700, 1:1, HandWWG1WGA.jpg)


Perhaps you could help us understand your cryptic comment by including a screencap or link to said tweet?

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097017  No.7387076


Post tits

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804fbc  No.7387077

Dan Bongino: ‘Drudge has Abandoned You,’ Plans to Roll Out Alternative to Drudge

“Drudge has abandoned you. I NEVER will.” – Dan Bongino offers new alternative to the “now liberal Drudge Report”

Dan Boningo is launching a new alternative to the “now liberal Drudge Report” and it will be called the Bongino Report:

Bongino wrote on his Facebook today: “Are you getting tired of the now liberal Drudge Report? Me too. No worries though, The Bongino Report is launching shortly. Stay tuned!”

He also wrote in a separate tweet: “Drudge has abandoned you. I NEVER will.”

As you know, Drudge has come under fire for posting a lot of anti-Trump content. The other day we wrote that even Trump himself asked his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, to find out what was going on with Drudge.


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2ce49d  No.7387078


Why would anything you say spoil my Thanksgiving? Not sure how that comment relates to our current discussion. You mean nothing to me, you overate your importance to others, and yourself as well.

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0342cf  No.7387079

File: 7607cec04a4e876⋯.jpg (199.63 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, nightSail.jpg)

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c6e61d  No.7387080


u post bobs and vagine first, faget

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06bc06  No.7387081



October 15, 2019: http://startribune.com/china-chemical-plant-explosion-kills-4/563124642/

8 months ago: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/mar/22/dozens-killed-hundreds-injured-explosion-china-chemical-plant

November 3, 2019: https://time.com/5717209/dow-explosion-louisiana-no-injuries/

September 26. 2019: https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2019/sep/26/explosions-heard-as-huge-fire-erupts-at-french-chemical-plant-video

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1b8a79  No.7387082


Need a spellcheck?

Swap letters E and I in Weiner

E before I

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097017  No.7387083


I'm a man. That should have been obvious by the fact that I don't use a fucking mac KEK

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a49638  No.7387084

File: 8058d5d4d47357f⋯.jpg (3.73 MB, 2610x4000, 261:400, 030L11132_62WNM.jpg)

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75db72  No.7387085

File: f2fadfd2dc17c2a⋯.jpg (214.37 KB, 1200x946, 600:473, Harvard1938.jpg)

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378b55  No.7387086

File: ebcb0cfe5f6b3cb⋯.jpeg (59 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, chris taylor.jpeg)


no one buys mexican flower, dumb-ass

it's all grown in the US now

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6125f8  No.7387087

Rep. Gohmert on state of politics: It's a

'dangerous time'.


They've been caught. Changed rules because whistle blower not a whistle blower. Then tried to cover up evidence.

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939c6b  No.7387088

File: 08640e0c5714b62⋯.jpg (215.19 KB, 783x668, 783:668, asdddd.jpg)


Turn off lights in the room, open this so only the picture is open, step back and look at it.

If on phone, open it, and step back still.

See anything?

And do the same with the other pictures. If you see what i am that is some next level stuff.

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5846b6  No.7387089

File: 1110104cf16fc34⋯.gif (803.05 KB, 250x264, 125:132, 1110104cf16fc345e57d1390b2….gif)

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95ee8a  No.7387090


'Muh tripcode'

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c886f7  No.7387091

File: 836cd071f78e967⋯.png (751.24 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Has anyone ever seen a Doomsday with anything resembling this callsign before?

(It dropped off the map before I screen capped - sitting between NE and IO - Near the base at Lincoln)

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c6e61d  No.7387092


im a gay woman with a penis on BSD

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dc59ea  No.7387093

Weird th@ cartoon was the 1st thing I thought of when I found out the Turkey's names.

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b9e774  No.7387094


You. Cocksucker.

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939c6b  No.7387095

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8cec31  No.7387096

File: fcdf2d750c6e382⋯.jpg (61.35 KB, 634x633, 634:633, 21498330-0-image-a-1_15747….jpg)


A new inductee to the "Black Eye" Club?

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4a1ccd  No.7387097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7b7d1c  No.7387098

File: d4880dc6e4a5d8b⋯.png (93.1 KB, 400x355, 80:71, redhead-with-freckles.png)


TY Baker, and ditto!

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f72b7c  No.7387099


nope, was clocking that one myself



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62e10f  No.7387100

File: 4b5307013634428⋯.jpeg (281.41 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 66654E9E-1EA6-4BA9-A273-2….jpeg)


It’s not simply politics, it’s warfare.

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e5b95e  No.7387101

File: 5eb19c3cc254276⋯.png (33.59 KB, 744x913, 744:913, Screen Shot 2019-10-04 at ….png)


Just read through a Corey's digs on Alice Liddle - offloaded and archived caps but my meme files are a mess…some day, when we're toasting chalices, I'll write a story and organize me pics…

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b7329e  No.7387102

Whom the devil would decieve he tells not a lie but a lesser truth.

QR is pretty important to the cultists. Enough to send a team of ersatz anons to imitate anons in a high energy way. .this is how infiltration is done. These aren't shills. These are cult operators with experience and skill at this tactic.


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eeef9a  No.7387104

File: 0c7c4db039dbf13⋯.png (205.79 KB, 479x359, 479:359, 2019-11-27_22-51-55.png)


>Blue Star Kachina

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c6e61d  No.7387105



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000000  No.7387106


Without even doing the turn off the lights thing, I can see lady lib.

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1b8a79  No.7387107

File: 1373189c04d8ab1⋯.jpg (55.3 KB, 716x600, 179:150, Aliens.jpg)

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c060b9  No.7387108


How is it so perfectly in her eye socket and not outside it? makeup?

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f72b7c  No.7387109

File: 02893ce40ddcdbb⋯.jpeg (523.4 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, fullsizeoutput_8aff.jpeg)

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b9e774  No.7387110


Has to be a fake black eye. The edges are too perfect.

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378b55  No.7387111

File: e017ade3100841c⋯.jpg (24.2 KB, 614x356, 307:178, bag o pepes.jpg)

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05d106  No.7387112

File: c4a768852084348⋯.png (33.35 KB, 458x310, 229:155, Screenshot_395.png)


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7b7d1c  No.7387113


That's a lot of makeup.

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5ff7d4  No.7387114

Anyone microdose with cubensis?

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097017  No.7387115

File: 26d768833c23ae5⋯.gif (3.94 MB, 329x297, 329:297, Golly!.gif)


Nice try


You should probably get that looked at

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939c6b  No.7387116


I messed around with the filters.

And was like.. wait a minute.. is that?


Or am i totaly off the chart here?

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62e10f  No.7387117

File: b62cd8d30c53314⋯.jpeg (24.93 KB, 664x630, 332:315, E4B9D597-0093-4C11-B492-F….jpeg)

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c6e61d  No.7387118


yay someone took me seriously. yes so is this good or bad?

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6f8d6d  No.7387119

Q, Q+

I would like to request that POTUS use (you) in a tweet.

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52da08  No.7387120



Was Meghan carrying No Names Clone? Q? are you there?

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4a1ccd  No.7387121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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870cbc  No.7387122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You're gonna need this fren.

Black Sabbath, "Children Of The Sea".


To be kuntinued…

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e336c5  No.7387123


Small hint: How do child trafficking pimps treat disease with kids?

Check veterinarian prescriptions for antibiotics.

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e5b95e  No.7387124

File: aafe56abc7eb727⋯.jpg (11.62 KB, 154x178, 77:89, 1570637876138.jpg)



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743841  No.7387125


dunno where they get that info.

Defense lawyer of decades in NYC manhattin. tells me 4K have been released.

Much different than 125 K.

Article says "to be released"

Only source John Jay police college

This needs to be double checked

"according to an analysis by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice."

That counts as one source.

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7b7d1c  No.7387126


Where in the world does one go to dig up a pic like this!? I'm always curious as to who's on the other side of the screen.


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0c7038  No.7387127

File: 5ff7aa63d22379f⋯.png (317.35 KB, 484x272, 121:68, Cannabis baby.png)


General Flynn's Army of Digital Soldiers here is the only branch of MI that gets to use Cannabis to enhance each one's own research performance and talents; if they so choose.


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c886f7  No.7387128



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804fbc  No.7387129

Feds Lose Track of Criminal Foreigners Brought to U.S. by Justice Department

A number of foreign nationals, oftentimes with criminal records, are going rogue after being brought to the United States by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to work as informants, a federal report reveals.

The Justice Department is not properly keeping track of foreign nationals coming to the U.S. through the little known S Visa program, whereby thousands of informants arrive every year to help as informants in federal criminal cases, the agency’s Office of Inspector General audit finds.

For example, between Fiscal Years 2015 and 2017, more than 5,000 foreign nationals were brought to the U.S. by DOJ officials. Of those 5,000, about 62 foreign nationals went rogue after arriving in the country.

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) told Breitbart News that the lack of enforcement in the S Visa program endangers American communities, as these foreign nationals are often criminals themselves:

Keep in mind, they are importing hardcore criminals for purposes of using them as witnesses in trials in this country. ‘Losing’ track of them is like sending a time bomb off to our towns. These S-Visa criminals should be chained to an FBI agent until sent back home after the trial.

There is no excuse for letting them run free in our country.

In addition, the federal audit discovered there is a portion of S Visa-holders who “are not subject to any routine monitoring requirements” by federal officials after they are brought to the U.S.

The audit states:

We are concerned that the monitoring policies and practices currently executed by the DOJ components that sponsor foreign nationals do not adequately mitigate the risks associated with bringing individuals into the United States who may have criminal backgrounds or involvement in disreputable activities, or who may be associated with such individuals.

Like other visa programs, S Visa-holders are allowed to eventually apply for a green card to permanently resettle in the U.S. and sponsor their family members to do the same.

Every year, the U.S. admits about 1.2 million legal immigrants — not including hundreds of thousands of temporary foreign visa-holders — with the overwhelming majority arriving through the process known as “chain migration” where newly naturalized citizens can bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country.


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4a1ccd  No.7387130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f95187  No.7387131

File: 3c764ca040868cd⋯.gif (634.03 KB, 300x281, 300:281, girl.gif)


Here, this should make up for that one.

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05d106  No.7387132


Dems hated her after the election. For some fucking reason, they decided to blame here for why Hillary lost. Have these people lost their fucking minds???

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b9e774  No.7387133


We have enough of these kind of proofs. How about arresting someone like you promised, Q?

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52da08  No.7387134


Can we see em just once? pls

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e5b95e  No.7387135

File: 6cb155ce10dca68⋯.png (816.88 KB, 814x1165, 814:1165, Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at ….png)



Right there with you, Anon.

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003985  No.7387136

File: 5404d694599bc18⋯.jpeg (28.57 KB, 239x255, 239:255, CD814DD1-2608-47AE-9062-4….jpeg)

File: 49e27b8d6e4c9e4⋯.jpeg (412.47 KB, 750x1131, 250:377, B8DA8A86-4ED1-44CC-A298-A….jpeg)


Here is the tweet.

Caused quite a commotion.

As far as why he did it….

And it’s relevance to anons who have been and were there…

Well as the lowest ranking anon, I’m not sure I’m authorized to speak freely.


Maybe the highest ranking anon or Q can reference.

Are archived breads searchable by keyword?

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6f8d6d  No.7387137


Didn't ask for purposes of a proof

Did for the keks

gtfo shill.

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0ffdd1  No.7387138


Fuck off.

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42af66  No.7387139


That's one way of looking at it. I'm just saying I can lay still longer than a sniper. kek.


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4a1ccd  No.7387140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b74f60  No.7387141

File: 96006c839b974ed⋯.png (523.77 KB, 604x629, 604:629, ClipboardImage.png)

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eeef9a  No.7387142

File: 70e7d348425c65c⋯.png (138.39 KB, 298x276, 149:138, 2019-03-04_09-29-41.png)


Something or someone is coming.

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b9e774  No.7387143


I’m leaving anyway. Your mom keeps blowin my phone up. Cya fags.

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42af66  No.7387144


this hit the spot, anon. TYFYS

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e5b95e  No.7387145

File: 847ef4d9bf7492b⋯.png (442.44 KB, 628x1164, 157:291, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)

File: 284a2ebaa0a316a⋯.png (291 KB, 690x1175, 138:235, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)





go read it - it's all still open sourced, AnonGenerated 1st class news.

We've done this before.

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f0c2c7  No.7387146


It isn't about the message. It's that it's fucking spam. The same shit over and fucking over and fucking over again.

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8cec31  No.7387147


Way ahead of me. Good job!


Maybe she touched it up?

These people are pretty nutty.


They are attention whores. Maybe she faked it?


If she was the reason for her loss, we should make her an honorary /ourgirl/.

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6c9a2f  No.7387148

File: f2e4dc5c006c5a2⋯.png (753.34 KB, 678x444, 113:74, nightshift entry 1.PNG)

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097017  No.7387149

File: 5df4d812500760e⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 300x225, 4:3, Enjoy.gif)

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4a1ccd  No.7387150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c6e61d  No.7387151

File: 678c5aca5388ae7⋯.png (1.05 MB, 995x896, 995:896, mud.png)

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7b7d1c  No.7387152


Heh. Not that I would know, but… um… yeah. K. I can dig it.


I can, too. The problem for me, is, I'd have to find a way to decorate at least part of me as a tree trunk. Works better than the blue pill, knowwhatimean?

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a49638  No.7387153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In Their Own Words: Creating An Official Record of the Trump Presidency—Doug Wead

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eaa86c  No.7387154

File: b346ed6d04d179c⋯.png (112.04 KB, 916x540, 229:135, Bank Exec Suicided?.png)


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dc59ea  No.7387155

File: ce09db12e871f5c⋯.png (13.4 KB, 721x633, 721:633, Screenshot_2019-11-27 QRes….png)


AS & kiddy massage.

He's a freak.

Have at there's tons here…


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4a1ccd  No.7387156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2ce49d  No.7387157


No female is blowing you or your phone.

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e5b95e  No.7387158

File: 5c54bd24bbb1d2a⋯.png (1012.74 KB, 1086x755, 1086:755, Screen Shot 2019-01-31 at ….png)

Hello California shills…whatup

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42af66  No.7387159



FOR Q, not for the baker.

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c6e61d  No.7387160


native. ama.

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8125c2  No.7387161

File: 2f4c2ca9ada4fc5⋯.png (295.51 KB, 1163x511, 1163:511, ShillAlexKaplanMisperceive….png)


Response test.

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e5b95e  No.7387162

File: 5048118c04e89df⋯.png (40.95 KB, 427x383, 427:383, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)



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f0c2c7  No.7387163

File: 110d8072534997d⋯.png (14.79 KB, 346x358, 173:179, HowToFilter.png)

File: d081f09f03c3d5f⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1046x650, 523:325, FilteringMakesTheBread.png)


Oh fuck, the shill is back.

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c8363e  No.7387164


>>7386790 Strippers Used Sex Toy on a Drugged Out Hunter Biden at NYC Strip Club

>>7386777 233 Page Fed Dist Ct. Deposition of Alan Bender

>>7386710 Syria Update

>>7386680 POTUS Thanksgiving Day Schedule - November 28, 2019

>>7386799 New York City to Free 125K Accused Criminals, Give Taxpayer-Funded Housing, Job Training

>>7386995 FBI Mysteriously Uncovers NEW Hillary Clinton Emails – ‘Were the Emails Found on Weiner’s Laptop?’

>>7387007 missile battery in postion atop building across from WH

>>7387032 Chemical Plants explode around world

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003985  No.7387166

File: c4198889a131c20⋯.jpeg (185.61 KB, 670x436, 335:218, 0E14F67C-7EB0-41FD-A5F1-A….jpeg)


berry guuud.

How weird is dat?

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1b8a79  No.7387167


Yeah, we did a pretty extensive dig on Liddle Kidz, the "child massage" operation. You'd find it by using qresear.ch

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743841  No.7387168



s meghan? }

If you're refering the Imposter Princes honey pot? I'd say she wasn't carrying anything.

She wore a pillow on "her" tummy.

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ada9f1  No.7387169


Sauce the tripcode.

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c886f7  No.7387170

File: 5a38a4ef60ecc48⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Clone03 appears headed for Wright Patterson AFB Dayton.

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8cec31  No.7387171

File: 4b344c574d7d4fd⋯.png (514.72 KB, 500x557, 500:557, 6gorilliangassed.png)


Oh, fuck, this whiny jew is back.

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fa2b39  No.7387172

File: 5d01fe60f1d80ed⋯.png (738.71 KB, 1219x471, 1219:471, match.PNG)


Seems like a match!

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a8f867  No.7387173


KeK my liddle ass off

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743841  No.7387174


So is your complaint.

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8e494b  No.7387175


Also aquarium shops.

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054964  No.7387176


Boom, Justice, President

See something, say something, [20] [30]

On and on…

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c886f7  No.7387177

File: 4d9005667c7e17d⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1000x1500, 2:3, AmishNXt18.png)

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52da08  No.7387178

File: a43878555b32766⋯.png (192.08 KB, 558x959, 558:959, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)

File: 5f4eec27aca5305⋯.png (191.93 KB, 558x957, 186:319, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)


IT'S Q #1928 OR #1929

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939c6b  No.7387179



U can not see any small grey in that?

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870cbc  No.7387180

File: 04e388f30d33ddb⋯.jpg (238.64 KB, 606x1140, 101:190, what-i-did-30aaaa15d0.jpg)


Happy to oblige.

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743841  No.7387181


They aren't publicly releasing them since they are part of a criminal investigation and it's important not to prejudice the jury pool

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62e10f  No.7387182


I see my family not liking me.

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6c9a2f  No.7387183

File: 1bfa9405156f54c⋯.jpg (60.33 KB, 882x731, 882:731, pepe detective nigga.jpg)

File: ae68c2b017fddf0⋯.png (998.94 KB, 928x526, 464:263, moar aliens.PNG)

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003985  No.7387184

File: 9acc6e755e10bdb⋯.jpeg (357.87 KB, 670x452, 335:226, 31134C7C-DDA7-469A-AA58-2….jpeg)


That’s cuz grils are mean doe.

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e95072  No.7387185

File: b6b6d14c14268f0⋯.jpg (54.07 KB, 552x692, 138:173, IMG_9209.JPG)

File: 33aa86ae9a3b3cb⋯.jpg (46.54 KB, 760x928, 95:116, IMG_9215.JPG)

File: f539697c24e746e⋯.jpg (54.88 KB, 720x708, 60:59, IMG_9217.JPG)

File: a532ebab9090ff2⋯.jpg (75.69 KB, 570x586, 285:293, IMG_9218.JPG)

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c886f7  No.7387186


I see the punisher skull

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bcd499  No.7387187

File: a94a547ead1b05a⋯.jpg (127.82 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, 20d0b60dcf09aa1af49d0a0545….jpg)

File: 2ac15ee47a34b9a⋯.jpg (3.94 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images.jpeg.jpg)

File: ede67a43d343e60⋯.jpg (82.79 KB, 1024x440, 128:55, post23_endersgame_MG2035_0….jpg)

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000000  No.7387188

someone talk me off the ledge of buying 10k worth of silver

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e5b95e  No.7387189

File: e4fd0414997eff0⋯.png (288.72 KB, 819x467, 819:467, Screen Shot 2018-09-08 at ….png)

File: b0ceada10a3fbc0⋯.jpg (12.6 KB, 255x146, 255:146, 4464668a8e3b3b842d26babdfd….jpg)

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8cec31  No.7387190

File: 88ac9b449dbc611⋯.png (765.36 KB, 641x670, 641:670, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)


Jew Professor goes out of his way to destroy all things goy.

Cancel Thanksgiving, says psychotic jew.

White man BAD!!!

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000000  No.7387191

Whoa. Hunter likes to smoke his crack. He also smokes rock.

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248c53  No.7387192

Do any of you Anon have a copy of the Robert Deniro meme wearing those tall shoes?

trying to shit post a liberal colleague

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000000  No.7387193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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157df0  No.7387194

[HUNTER]s ass became the hunted

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05d106  No.7387195

File: 967d76c5e484b3d⋯.png (522.46 KB, 534x604, 267:302, Screenshot_373.png)

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378b55  No.7387196

File: 0da6b3ed18d642f⋯.jpg (14.96 KB, 276x315, 92:105, elias plain.jpg)



smoke 'em if you got 'em

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8cec31  No.7387197

File: 7b3ad3585a891f8⋯.jpg (110.43 KB, 700x533, 700:533, jewstreetart.jpg)


Those are your fellow jew, jew.

The goy are not as dumb as you think.

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e336c5  No.7387198

File: ced9e3bafaeae74⋯.mp4 (1.25 MB, 1280x982, 640:491, agreed.mp4)

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e5b95e  No.7387199

File: a1ed24e155761f0⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1655x1082, 1655:1082, Screen Shot 2019-01-09 at ….png)

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bcd499  No.7387200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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52da08  No.7387201


[EYES ON] Faggots she finally let em loose

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0c7038  No.7387202

File: 07fcc0c6c1afebb⋯.jpg (41.42 KB, 800x400, 2:1, THC_Structure.jpg)


>for you stoner fags

Duuuuuude, like whoa, chill man. POTUS was VERY clear when he said NO to _deadly_ drugs. (said that way to help your stereotype you have) 80million+ USA voters already know that Cannabis is quite safe. Safer that booze.

Our American Weed industry will be kept secure against the Mexican Cartels, they already have cut them back.

Here's a scary looking diagram of THC for you and Anslinger to concernfag about.

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bf3869  No.7387203


..who is this bat-eared guy

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3c811f  No.7387204


Thanks, anon.


glad you're back

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a49638  No.7387205

File: e62f52a4714fdd9⋯.jpeg (63.76 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 56A6001B-145C-4522-9AEB-1….jpeg)

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738060  No.7387206



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75db72  No.7387207

File: b4737d201981490⋯.jpg (40.22 KB, 740x412, 185:103, Billbored.jpg)


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5846b6  No.7387208

File: 9178e0d758434f8⋯.jpg (9.22 KB, 148x255, 148:255, 9178e0d758434f8f61d17d9feb….jpg)


i remember you as a blonde, KeK!

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d161ec  No.7387209


Sober is the wiser approach to life.

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f0c2c7  No.7387210

File: 4320d067afd12cf⋯.jpeg (603.5 KB, 3300x2550, 22:17, prayer-to-st-michael-the-….jpeg)

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994158  No.7387211

File: e86f86cc71818d6⋯.jpg (27.37 KB, 621x347, 621:347, sssxxaxa.JPG)

MIAMI (CBSMiami) – "A Brentwood Elementary School employee has been arrested and charged with lewd and lascivious molestation on a child under 12 years of age.

Police said a student at the school identified Brian Ashley Holt, 38, from Miramar, as the man who reached under a table and began to touch and caress her private parts over her clothing during class.

The arrest report says the incident took place on October 23rd at around 10 a.m. at the Miami Gardens school. Holt, who is a teacher’s aide at the school, was arrested on Tuesday and transported to Turner Guilford Correctional Center without incident."


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05d106  No.7387212

File: 347f80fdc019fad⋯.png (841.83 KB, 1038x574, 519:287, Screenshot_75.png)

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333acd  No.7387213


Watch the movie. Question everything.

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000000  No.7387214


Democrats are the most depressing group of people.

Republicans have a lot more fun.

Look at the Trump rallies.

Republicans are jubilant!

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c6e61d  No.7387215

File: 4cf70239880cb21⋯.png (1.17 MB, 632x742, 316:371, d161ec.png)


wtf im sober now

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3e2ed7  No.7387216



and this might be needed


to gather info contained in pics

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6c9a2f  No.7387217

File: c710d546a4ecc5d⋯.jpg (494.18 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Pepe Au Ag.jpg)


smartest fuggen thing I've heard all day. DO IT!

Just don't watch or care about the price afterwards. It's been highly manipulated for decades, if not since the mid-1800's

Do it in batches, little here, little there. make sure it's insured and from a reputable dealer or shop.

Stay away from ebay, craig's list. No recourse.

Not going to rocket up overnight or violently but eventually you will be habby.


ty anon…was on twat for a while but hated it.

call me whatever you like, mktfag, that .. no matter to me.

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5846b6  No.7387218

File: 787d550db7bdc67⋯.jpg (232.39 KB, 481x777, 13:21, 787d550db7bdc67d9cf366cf9b….jpg)

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68e569  No.7387219

Hunter smoked crack…


His crack got smoked!!!

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d161ec  No.7387220




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b74f60  No.7387221

File: 6c949a53fc4998e⋯.png (972.71 KB, 895x629, 895:629, ClipboardImage.png)

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743841  No.7387222


It was a question.

You can figure it out just from the trailer.

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378b55  No.7387223

File: 04482320c7d7921⋯.jpg (18.73 KB, 228x255, 76:85, joint ops pepe.jpg)


tya who made this…

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578ba9  No.7387224


it is a day of mourning. so people mourn overeating

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1b1c4c  No.7387225


Nice ID

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8ffd41  No.7387226

File: 46572c707eee53a⋯.png (575.04 KB, 728x567, 104:81, ClipboardImage.png)

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003985  No.7387227

File: 9f955e401750f5b⋯.jpeg (284.9 KB, 651x440, 651:440, 68B50562-5DC9-4B93-92EA-1….jpeg)


Excellent work.

Wish i’d have been there.

Then to see the President of the United States tweet Liddle.

Makes me sad I missed it.

So much so every time I type little it comes out liddle.

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bcd499  No.7387228

File: 5c6d5321b0aa064⋯.jpg (29.49 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, a948f3e363fce822b86a719b19….jpg)

File: 17908f09572d6e4⋯.jpg (43.59 KB, 400x617, 400:617, large_6fvS42584KadgDXhGQE6….jpg)

File: 18e6460d3b89b0c⋯.jpg (22.18 KB, 206x305, 206:305, v1.bTsxMTI5NjA1MTtqOzE4MzE….jpg)

File: 87eaa9c8c917a87⋯.jpg (217 KB, 748x1217, 748:1217, 2BCeWY5w_LecJ4pnx6pofYE8yO….jpg)

File: 6b3bbaa1318edfb⋯.jpg (168.33 KB, 1200x2000, 3:5, the-alexander-column-angel….jpg)

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8cec31  No.7387229

File: 8a7126ff811501b⋯.jpg (8.5 KB, 300x168, 25:14, saddemocrats.jpg)


←- It all stated on November evening…

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2822f2  No.7387230


Not Q

so excuse me for being dense:

But ##TEST_001 should provide a different trip next bread… Right?

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05d106  No.7387231

File: 635ed88772a2d4e⋯.png (1001.47 KB, 1026x1518, 171:253, Screenshot_158.png)

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743841  No.7387232


May the sex toy was a vibrator.

You guys have dirty minds.

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41e45e  No.7387233

File: 057749140f99ca4⋯.jpg (35.77 KB, 355x335, 71:67, crapster_002.jpg)

File: 1f23b3da74ba826⋯.jpg (36.84 KB, 355x335, 71:67, crapster_003.jpg)


who ever the guy is in the photo it's a real guy.

And chances are he's a great person and fun and lovable.

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e336c5  No.7387234


Summon should tell that eejit that the namesake of his shitty college completely disagreed with him.

Fucking small people. Vague enough to merely piss me off rather than provoking me to homicidal bloodlust.

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62e10f  No.7387235


He was getting buck.

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68e569  No.7387236

I said this before…

Saying it again…

I knew the IG Report would be the same as the Mueller Report for Republicans…

A nothing burger.


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e5b95e  No.7387237

File: 37b9a5d73dad6a8⋯.png (35.42 KB, 545x358, 545:358, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)


Them's some tall hooves.

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10dae8  No.7387238

File: 6bb41b60223cc38⋯.jpg (170.46 KB, 632x570, 316:285, weed.jpg)


say whaa

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003985  No.7387239

File: 369cb6d94716cac⋯.jpeg (249.59 KB, 664x574, 332:287, C3389E3F-F1F1-4321-B600-F….jpeg)


If I had one, she’d prolly look more like dis…


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000000  No.7387240


I think of it like looking thru a magazine.

90% useless ads.

10% maybe worth taking a look at.

Btwn. the bewbs and the troll nonsense and the shitposts, it's like looking for buried treasure. Every once in awhile, you find somethings, just try to ignore the rest.

Kinda frustrating, but, it is, what it is.

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8462c1  No.7387241

File: 2cf7fae7d241047⋯.jpg (58.55 KB, 642x857, 642:857, first ladies of Qresearch.JPG)


meet the First Ladies of /Qresearch



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1aa813  No.7387242


Yeah, we seen some shit, man, literally. Not to mention the gore spam. The Great Bewb War, and all the weird aflb posts, etc. It's pretty tame now compared to then.

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a8f867  No.7387243

understand the slow methodical release

understand slow walking

understand waking up

understand the script

understand hollywood movie scripts

the script

the PLAN

players playing

actors acting

(some don't know their part)

like a fiddle

the fiddle plays the part intended.

perfect harmony

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bf3869  No.7387244


…bum-tan or clam-steam day

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bcd499  No.7387245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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05d106  No.7387246



Why don't Jews go and live in Israel?

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000000  No.7387247


I watched it last night. Things I knew and things I did not know. Blows the hell outta Collin Powell and the Pentagon along with CIA and NSA.

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c6e61d  No.7387248



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bcd499  No.7387249

File: d9d897946a5cd18⋯.jpg (267.21 KB, 1600x1059, 1600:1059, meeting_incentive_congress….jpg)

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e336c5  No.7387250


HTF should I know? Go ask them. Quit buggin me with your juice shit.

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0c7038  No.7387251


No, but It did make me appreciate the Qanon movement even more. Stole that meme. kek

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ada9f1  No.7387252

File: f0ad284ce539589⋯.jpg (368.26 KB, 1157x1555, 1157:1555, IMG_20181014_095922.jpg)

File: b8331418158cab5⋯.jpg (59.69 KB, 598x400, 299:200, startrek-patrick-stewart-m….jpg)

File: 2d52410c79ece63⋯.jpg (86.08 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Make it Snow.jpg)

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c886f7  No.7387253


Why don't you go live in Gaza, Oh, NM, you probably already do….

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3e2ed7  No.7387254

>>7386520 yes she was and i remember the hell she caught

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e5b95e  No.7387255

File: d3e1d7deb0e2bd3⋯.jpg (19.6 KB, 420x420, 1:1, d20.jpg)


>You know nothing about naught ya daft cunt

>Listen to yer fellows

>Many have the need that the herb soothes

>The herb allows safe introspection and behavioral analysis

>One can heal, forgive, forget

>Why do you think (((They))) do not want us to possess it?

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66f421  No.7387256

File: d41a24993c71ea3⋯.jpg (12.04 KB, 349x144, 349:144, look at me.jpg)

There is no way in hell that I am the only retard dealing with this fam shit. Taking it for the plan.

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e4c819  No.7387257



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c4544f  No.7387258

File: 3027d0a9a907410⋯.jpg (52.19 KB, 464x402, 232:201, 64775_352387104872089_1900….jpg)

File: ebbca3776e95ce8⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Cannabis facts.jpg)

File: 3921cdff77eaac5⋯.jpg (28.99 KB, 276x320, 69:80, Dont take drugs.jpg)

File: 06296ff012a3191⋯.jpg (30.84 KB, 354x480, 59:80, Drugs and Cops.jpg)


Gorgeous ladies, anon, congrats, treat them well and they'll return the favor!

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2b1bd1  No.7387259


Yeah, a pic came up the other night and I was like, gore spam gotcha beat, put your pic to shame. What have I become! kek

still good times, glad you're back

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c6e61d  No.7387260

File: 4cc269a03f3dbf4⋯.png (117 KB, 256x265, 256:265, whoooo.png)


who's (((them)))

its my 1st day.

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6c9a2f  No.7387261

File: 68a609c71afcb21⋯.png (266.64 KB, 779x383, 779:383, Deniro Kia ad.png)

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75eff1  No.7387262


We need an islamanazi country, oh wait, we have one. Well, not really a country, but you call it . Fuck hamas and iran

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1b1c4c  No.7387263


The trailer suggests government spy’s on its people and a Patriot who works for them didn’t like doing it for the government, she works for the people. It’s dated durning the 2003 era of Bush’s initial war…and is supposed to be a true story.

We already know we are spied upon by our government so I’m wondering is there something more we are to know?

It would be helpful if someone actually watched the movie and had something significant to offer.

I guess I’ll watch it, seems like it would be good anyway.

I just didn’t want to spend the sheckles.


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0c7038  No.7387264


Bless them, and may some of the best research to ever come from these board come from their gardener.

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a17aa8  No.7387265

File: 806b5aed9bf7ea7⋯.png (295.43 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, OfficeRecords4.png)


>FBI Mysteriously Uncovers NEW Hillary Clinton Emails

Were in Comey's office safe at FBIHQ methinks.

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8cec31  No.7387266

File: 3f719b3cfe69952⋯.jpeg (6.92 KB, 275x183, 275:183, metzitzah-bpeh.jpeg)


I am sure he is delightful. Like all jews.

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c6e61d  No.7387267

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8462c1  No.7387268


Fun Fact about the /Qresearch First Ladies:

They germinated on the 1 year anniversary of DJT's historic election night.

truly a piece of American History…

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248c53  No.7387269



>>7387218 there it is….BOOM!!!!!!!!

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1b1c4c  No.7387270



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994158  No.7387271

Bloomberg ad: "…and now he's taking on *him*." Won't even say Trump's name!

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05d106  No.7387272

File: a970faa7381bd38⋯.png (40.61 KB, 615x806, 615:806, GodfatherLLL.png)

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f1f65f  No.7387273


Everything Horowitz found that was criminal was given to Durham. Those items cannot be discussed in his report as they are evidence for criminal prosecutions.

But hey, go ahead and have a concern troll meltdown.

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378b55  No.7387274

File: 08a490a7f7e04a0⋯.jpg (12.54 KB, 255x192, 85:64, pepe musk.jpg)


like antagonizing stoners the night before thanksgiving??

your wisdom is lacking

try harder

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58bf0e  No.7387275

File: 3143b78e286ba65⋯.jpg (79.45 KB, 576x768, 3:4, DkGkudmVsAA6_lA.jpg)

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0c7038  No.7387276


Dubs Kunfirm

The Plant is Good

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000000  No.7387277


Um, no, evil exists. Take the blinders off.

If people can think it, they've done it.

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b74f60  No.7387278

File: aeb6294bf1bf448⋯.png (212.54 KB, 581x430, 581:430, 7012656a2df1ee442708c255e7….png)

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c4544f  No.7387279

File: c4dca312fb09187⋯.jpg (321.61 KB, 1539x2048, 1539:2048, Alcohol vs Cannabis.jpg)

File: 7e7f9a2e97f1f4b⋯.jpg (50.88 KB, 575x480, 115:96, Alcohol vs weed.jpg)

File: 6217acf1e338037⋯.jpg (217.44 KB, 1045x865, 209:173, Field of hemp.jpg)

File: 38a94c4c320e930⋯.jpg (70.79 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Fords hemp car.jpg)


(((They))) don't want us tokin' because it fucks with the programming, makes you think too deep on some matters they'd rather the sheep forget

And yet (((Our greatest ally))) is at the forefront of cannabis research…

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62e10f  No.7387280


There’s no going back.

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c6e61d  No.7387281

File: e1d148bbeabe012⋯.png (1.05 MB, 991x889, 991:889, snfs.png)

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0c9841  No.7387282


anyone in triple parentheses is on (((their))) side (cabal)

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d161ec  No.7387283


I don’t judge you or anyone else.

Simple truths.

You do you.

Sober leads to right action. Fewer mistakes.

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206ebb  No.7387284


First, Please remind me of which Corey you're talking about. I feel like I should know this, but I just cannot place it for some reason.

>When I talk about others, you say you are just me, yet there is a divide.

We're all shards of the same spark. Creator separated itself, desiring to see whether or not it could remember who it was without being preconfigured for divinity.

>If i "remembered" would this instrument be necessary?

They seem to indicate what you're imagining, I guess, is not only easy, but commonplace. I actually have a great source for this one, which I don't mind sharing. I'm going to make you wade through it, though (or just use the search function yourself...): https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5ee4wk/updated_for_anyone_interested_in_high_level/


Yeah, again, that's the whole point. We are individuals, too. Do not misunderstand, once you (we) leave this place and assume our spiritual bodies (notice this is plural... because DEATH IS NOT THE END), our Merkabah, and turn from the light (Luna, The Moon), we can ride the chariot, the Mer(Light)Ka(Spirit)Bah(Body) wherever we please.

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883ec8  No.7387285

File: 18b11c94036c365⋯.png (631.69 KB, 621x893, 621:893, whpen.png)

File: 254d3301a888d24⋯.png (726.49 KB, 295x640, 59:128, 254d3301a888d245e2568b062c….png)


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c6e61d  No.7387286


thankx fren

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003985  No.7387287

File: b2ada3e44b6786f⋯.jpeg (168.53 KB, 690x683, 690:683, C79C8F64-CA49-4165-ABC6-4….jpeg)

Good night fam.


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b6b524  No.7387288

File: 4f2ff5cc3345065⋯.jpeg (99.5 KB, 645x647, 645:647, AC437D67-9152-46B1-AB6D-1….jpeg)

File: 84c9e1535c67215⋯.gif (632.09 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 2ED55DE7-7FF7-4E10-B145-3C….gif)

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000000  No.7387289


1. Does not stop cancer growth if smoked.

2. Does reduce electrical activity in the brain thus helps with seizures.

3 and 4 … Depends upon the strain

So, the best way to use cannabis medicinally is to NOT smoke it. Do not dry it out. Eat the plant raw in a salad. Heating and drying renders TCHC unusable. When eaten raw the anti inflammatory effects are miraculous. Inflammation is the root cause of almost every illness listed in your gif.

Hemp is a better alternative to plastics paper wood.

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c4544f  No.7387290


I read somewhere that Comey had a copy of Hilldawg's server as far back as 2015. He knew what was on Weiner's laptop and is dirty af, I look forward to memeing his dopey lankey ass in Gitmo blues!

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c6e61d  No.7387291


so i can munch on an eight of northern lights?

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870cbc  No.7387292

File: dc71a4c55bb7b8e⋯.png (491.1 KB, 800x444, 200:111, you-are-the-f47947395e.png)


I take full responsibility for my part in the Bruce Lee storm.

We'd all been digging hard on Midland Modeling Agency (some dark stuff) and we were in need of some corny humor.

You can sometimes guage the energy of

this board immediately.

Other times I could read a few loaves and still not know where it's heading.

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8462c1  No.7387293


that statement is definitely hard to argue…

but wouldn't it be nice if a couple stoners came together and out worked all the sober people (who call us lazy and dumb)…

relentlessly fighting evil for 8 years to help DJT save the world?

we're trying to break the dirty stigma attached anon… fynt and alcohol ruin lives…

this plant did nothing wrong.

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3d3752  No.7387294


Please no, dont waste it

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0c7038  No.7387295


Watch the Video of what that meme is made from.

He did not inhale, and then wasted it to showoff.

Read the Q drops re: EM

Had he inhaled any and got the zen of it, maybe he wouldn't be in the pickle he's in with Q

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c8363e  No.7387296


>>7386790 Strippers Used Sex Toy on a Drugged Out Hunter Biden at NYC Strip Club

>>7386777 233 Page Fed Dist Ct. Deposition of Alan Bender

>>7386710 Syria Update

>>7386680 POTUS Thanksgiving Day Schedule - November 28, 2019

>>7386799 New York City to Free 125K Accused Criminals, Give Taxpayer-Funded Housing, Job Training

>>7386995, >>7387265 FBI Mysteriously Uncovers NEW Hillary Clinton Emails – ‘Were the Emails Found on Weiner’s Laptop?’

>>7387007 missile battery in postion atop building across from WH

>>7387032 Chemical Plants explode around world

gotta handoff next bread

who's got next?

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58ad5a  No.7387297


based pot-head woke on the JQ

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c6e61d  No.7387298


hah ya and his truck would be less fagetty and not coming out in a year from now

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e336c5  No.7387299


Make like a rodent and gopher it.

Don't fergit the ranch, Franch or raspberry vinegrette.

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378b55  No.7387300

File: 994473e433d3c9d⋯.jpg (13.37 KB, 243x255, 81:85, pepe leaf.jpg)



strictly high-grade

noice work anons

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6c9a2f  No.7387301

File: 588bf91c2eb208c⋯.jpg (56.32 KB, 500x538, 250:269, bruce lee absolute.jpg)


>(some dark stuff)


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e5b95e  No.7387302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c6e61d  No.7387303


man thats rough

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c4544f  No.7387304


I'm a yuge proponent of the Rick Simpson Oil. When you break the THC down in alcohol, and then cook off the alcohol(at low temps, mind you), the oil is a straight up miracle! Rick Simpson, before they ran him out of Canada, cured dozens of people of cancer and all sorts of other conditions. But for sure inflammation, a natural by-product of our modern diet and sedentary lifestyle, is at the root of lots of conditions.

Anyway, here's a short vid about Rick Simpson called "Run from the cure" where they detail his struggles in Canada, and the shit they pulled to keep this miracle drug, which everybody can grow for themselves in their own house, from the people that need it. Supposedly, at one of his trials, there were over 1500 people that wrote letters or wanted to testify on Rick's behalf.

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0c7038  No.7387305


Trumps brother died from alcohol. He is keenly aware of the difference. The Ganja is Good.

Reefer madness had brainwashed generations.

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d161ec  No.7387306


Alcohol kills.

Crack and heroin kill faster.

All come from life. Coco plan, Poppy, yeast.

Natural in a sense. Definitely harmful.

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5b8330  No.7387307

File: eaf0ea61364b155⋯.png (260.47 KB, 400x395, 80:79, ClipboardImage.png)

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6084e6  No.7387308

File: ac4a64a2c8788df⋯.jpg (61.36 KB, 768x433, 768:433, hansolo2.jpg)

I know he frequents this board very often. But I am looking for a boy that I used to open portals with. I want him to know that it may have taken me a while, but I now understand the comms. I need you to respond to this post. I hope that you like Star Wars and your favourite character is Han Solo, because that one is my favourite.

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75eff1  No.7387309


Dumb pothead didn't know the glow was disabled. Take the jq to your dedicated thread.

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c6e61d  No.7387310


based af

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7b7d1c  No.7387311


Jews have no claim to it. There's a reason for this.


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b300fc  No.7387312

File: 6fb55c0b1c5f0cf⋯.jpeg (69.9 KB, 577x537, 577:537, F0530652-1F85-4188-854A-F….jpeg)

I see the brainless stoner shills are back with their cannabis/weed slides

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000000  No.7387313


But I would rather get inebriated than stoned.

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d6d9aa  No.7387314

File: 0ae34aaa505fc7d⋯.png (906.51 KB, 1318x1318, 1:1, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)


sorry bro… this was done a long time ago

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42af66  No.7387315


This post made me think about the war on drugs and how it means I can only help out here haha. I vented about it and then the whole damn loaf went to talking about weed.

Sorry >>7387296

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e5b95e  No.7387316

File: c4dff00da4744bc⋯.png (87.61 KB, 672x759, 224:253, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)

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58ad5a  No.7387317


>being this new

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c6e61d  No.7387318


thats why you use tor

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7b7d1c  No.7387319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gah. Forgot the embed:

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6c9a2f  No.7387320

File: 40afd7faad97ee2⋯.jpg (699.04 KB, 758x556, 379:278, wtf i know.jpg)

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68e569  No.7387321


Well would you look at that!!!!

Hunter Biden did know a little about DRILLING!!!

It turns out that he was the one being DRILLED!!!

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000000  No.7387322


kek, yeah, probably!

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157df0  No.7387323


I remember when I took to much acid too

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a17aa8  No.7387324


Wouldn't surprise me at all. How else could he keep his lankey ass from being suicided?




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75eff1  No.7387325


>I love shilling like the puppet I am.

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c4544f  No.7387326


Drinking's for parties, toking's for chilling, at least for me. But hey, this is America, do whatever gets you off!

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62e10f  No.7387327


Sounds like down low jabber to me.

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0c7038  No.7387328


Nice work Anon, It was 4:20 somewhere

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c6e61d  No.7387329

File: 49534d0b833652f⋯.png (399.95 KB, 645x410, 129:82, 22.png)

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206ebb  No.7387330


Merkabah is described as a Golden Ball of Light, most typically symbolized as two tetrahedrons inside of one another.

Now listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BXyEUOuNds

>Give away the stone

>Let the waters kiss and transmutate

>These leaden grudges in to gold

The song describes how to escape.

Lead = Dael = Deal

The Leaden stone represents the deal we all make with Saturn, who inspires "the ride" we all refer to (the one that never ends).

The Gold represents the Merkabah and our chance to leave this place. Maynard demonstrates his knowledge in a variety of ways. However, if you want to get a better understanding of his situation, you should really check out reviews for his performances some time.

Also, Gold comes from the pyramids, which gather sunlight and disperse the energy through deposits of gold. The same process works for Silver, except that the energy source is instead Luna, the moon.

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58ad5a  No.7387331


>being aware of the jews is shilling

ok boomer

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8268df  No.7387332

File: 1d9f93c55ff4a1f⋯.jpg (251.74 KB, 550x733, 550:733, Aachen.jpg)

>Oh mighty stenchmonger: read and understand this by the power of efforts superhuman and beyond your typical lame assedness that is fully manifest…your meme reveals a true lack that is underscored by your sleepy use of american vernacular. Go back to your tunnels and report in and await further instruction via nuerolink.borg. Thank you.


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743841  No.7387333

File: 7ead65b21686d41⋯.jpg (65.43 KB, 552x552, 1:1, comeydeathpenalty.jpg)

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c8363e  No.7387334


>>7386790 Strippers Used Sex Toy on a Drugged Out Hunter Biden at NYC Strip Club

>>7386777 233 Page Fed Dist Ct. Deposition of Alan Bender

>>7386710 Syria Update

>>7386680 POTUS Thanksgiving Day Schedule - November 28, 2019

>>7386799 New York City to Free 125K Accused Criminals, Give Taxpayer-Funded Housing, Job Training

>>7386995, >>7387265, >>7387324 FBI Mysteriously Uncovers NEW Hillary Clinton Emails – ‘Were the Emails Found on Weiner’s Laptop?’

>>7387007 missile battery in postion atop building across from WH

>>7387032 Chemical Plants explode around world

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75eff1  No.7387335


ok goatfucker

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c8363e  No.7387336


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dc59ea  No.7387337

File: 19463f36ebadb4b⋯.jpg (817.26 KB, 2002x2541, 26:33, 0c2d1936b2d7e9b6c6b43d48c3….jpg)

To each his own

Forcing YOUR way upon others never really works now does it?

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10dae8  No.7387338

File: 3172c6eec6de285⋯.png (187.31 KB, 591x485, 591:485, ClipboardImage.png)


Don Jr. with the keks

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18f53a  No.7387339


That the idea unless it been salted already

It did not happen when Ron CM said it did

happen much later trying to pin the time it did

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804fbc  No.7387340


You forgot to link the vid, Anon.

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000000  No.7387341


Toking makes me paranoid,

drinking makes me happy.

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378b55  No.7387343

File: 843e478af60fd94⋯.jpg (17.59 KB, 255x215, 51:43, pepe rasta.jpg)



less creativity

less sleep

more stress

more inflammation

more irritability

etc, ect…

and bullshit, you are judging

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3d3752  No.7387344

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6084e6  No.7387347


Acid is fun, you should try it. Especially in the woods. You can see the spaceships and orbs in the sky much more clearly.

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157df0  No.7387348



Kek that's funny af

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000000  No.7387349


I remember that. I live in close proximity to the Kelly Five.

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d161ec  No.7387350


Not at all judging my fren.

Be the you that you are.

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6c9a2f  No.7387352

File: ab407264f5df083⋯.png (3.25 MB, 1375x1062, 1375:1062, Bake America Great Again.png)

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58ad5a  No.7387353


>implying hating jews makes me muslim

Everybody with half a brain that has come into contact with these creatures hates them

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f76c32  No.7387355





God wins.






Slow walk.





















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c4544f  No.7387361



I sure did. One of the drawbacks of being a stoner, I suppose. Anyway, here's the vid, about 58 minutes.

Run From The Cure, The Rick Simpson Story


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75eff1  No.7387363

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

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c8363e  No.7387365

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