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File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 0a011620c7813bab4943211e6a….jpg)

63cef9  No.7385009

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 11.25.2019

>>7372396 ————————————–——– Who controls the media? (Cap: >>7372503 vid)

>>7371992 ————————————–——– Sometimes a good 'movie' can provide a lot of truth and/or background.

>>7371947 ————————————–——– [D]'s (internal) issue(s) w/ protecting NAT SEC?

>>7370465 ————————————–——– AFIA AIA DIA ESC ITAC NOIC NPIC NSA SRD (less than 10)

>>7370403 ————————————–——– Fake News Infograph + William J. Casey and Jim Taylor's thoughts on Media Warfare

>>7370323 ————————————–——– We stand UNITED! WWG1WGA!!! _NATSEC_p_upload_2.v1

>>7370291 ————————————–——– We stand UNITED. WWG1WGA!!! _NATSEC_p_upload_1.v1

>>7370269 ————————————–——– New board created [pending approval /CM/]; /projectDcomms/

>>7370121 ————————————–——– You are the news now. ( Cap: >>7370153, >>7370171 )

Sunday 11.24.2019

>>7366783 ————————————–——– Future trip(c) re_verify ( Cap: >>7366919 )

>>7366745 ————————————–——– Targeted and silenced (gag) for a reason? ( Cap: >>7366769, >>7366859, >>7366919 )

>>7364826 ————————————–——– [HUNTER]s become the hunted. (Cap: >>7364836 )

Saturday 11.23.2019

>>7362147 ————————————–——– It's going to be BIBLICAL! (Cap: >>7362167 )

>>7362034 ————————————–——– Re-read drops re: 'Foreign Aid' (Cap: >>7362052, >>7362043 vids)

>>7361920 ————————————–——– The Great Awakening, WWG1WGA (Cap: >>7361929 )

Friday 11.22.2019

>>7359662 ————————————–——– Coordinated and planned? Spy_insert(s)? Puppets have masters. Senate was the target.

>>7359511 rt >>7359408 ————————— Publicly known? Think non_public. Access granted.

Thursday 11.21.2019

>>7359408 rt >>7359370 ————————— /pf/ was taken down [cleared of content] just prior to platform TERM [specific reason].

>>7359354 ————————————–——– /CM/ Suggest update delay to prevent IDEN re-check re: trip update

>>7359332 ————————————–——– News unlocks. You have more than you know.

>>7359320 ————————————–——– The GREAT AWAKENING. You Are The News Now. Handle W/ Care

>>7359314 ————————————–——– Game Over (Cap: >>7361037)

>>7359271 ————————————–——– Information Warfare.

>>7359247 ————————————–——– What happens when 90% of the media is owned by (6) corporations? Control of the narrative = power

Wednesday 11.20.2019

>>7358697 ————————————–——– Chairman Graham, it's time. Senate was the target.

>>7358656 ————————————–——– CF [QUID PRO QUO - internal alarm [how to frame/defend], Ukraine is the single largest CF donor

>>7358376 ————————————–——– Information Warfare (Cap: >>>/qrb/38042)

>>7358352 ————————————–——– These people are stupid.

>>7358338 ————————————–——– All assets [F + D] being deployed.

>>7358318 ————————————–——– What happens when the PUBLIC discovers the TRUTH [magnitude] re: [D] party corruption?

Previous Recent Q Posts

>>7373287, >>7373243, >>7359752, >>7370613

Q's Private Board >>>/projectdcomms Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8kun.top/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63cef9  No.7385016

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 11.25.2019

>>7372396 ————————————–——– Who controls the media? (Cap: >>7372503 vid)

>>7371992 ————————————–——– Sometimes a good 'movie' can provide a lot of truth and/or background.

>>7371947 ————————————–——– [D]'s (internal) issue(s) w/ protecting NAT SEC?

>>7370465 ————————————–——– AFIA AIA DIA ESC ITAC NOIC NPIC NSA SRD (less than 10)

>>7370403 ————————————–——– Fake News Infograph + William J. Casey and Jim Taylor's thoughts on Media Warfare

>>7370323 ————————————–——– We stand UNITED! WWG1WGA!!! _NATSEC_p_upload_2.v1

>>7370291 ————————————–——– We stand UNITED. WWG1WGA!!! _NATSEC_p_upload_1.v1

>>7370269 ————————————–——– New board created [pending approval /CM/]; /projectDcomms/

>>7370121 ————————————–——– You are the news now. ( Cap: >>7370153, >>7370171 )

Sunday 11.24.2019

>>7366783 ————————————–——– Future trip(c) re_verify ( Cap: >>7366919 )

>>7366745 ————————————–——– Targeted and silenced (gag) for a reason? ( Cap: >>7366769, >>7366859, >>7366919 )

>>7364826 ————————————–——– [HUNTER]s become the hunted. (Cap: >>7364836 )

Saturday 11.23.2019

>>7362147 ————————————–——– It's going to be BIBLICAL! (Cap: >>7362167 )

>>7362034 ————————————–——– Re-read drops re: 'Foreign Aid' (Cap: >>7362052, >>7362043 vids)

>>7361920 ————————————–——– The Great Awakening, WWG1WGA (Cap: >>7361929 )

Friday 11.22.2019

>>7359662 ————————————–——– Coordinated and planned? Spy_insert(s)? Puppets have masters. Senate was the target.

>>7359511 rt >>7359408 ————————— Publicly known? Think non_public. Access granted.

Thursday 11.21.2019

>>7359408 rt >>7359370 ————————— /pf/ was taken down [cleared of content] just prior to platform TERM [specific reason].

>>7359354 ————————————–——– /CM/ Suggest update delay to prevent IDEN re-check re: trip update

>>7359332 ————————————–——– News unlocks. You have more than you know.

>>7359320 ————————————–——– The GREAT AWAKENING. You Are The News Now. Handle W/ Care

>>7359314 ————————————–——– Game Over (Cap: >>7361037)

>>7359271 ————————————–——– Information Warfare.

>>7359247 ————————————–——– What happens when 90% of the media is owned by (6) corporations? Control of the narrative = power

Wednesday 11.20.2019

>>7358697 ————————————–——– Chairman Graham, it's time. Senate was the target.

>>7358656 ————————————–——– CF [QUID PRO QUO - internal alarm [how to frame/defend], Ukraine is the single largest CF donor

>>7358376 ————————————–——– Information Warfare (Cap: >>>/qrb/38042)

>>7358352 ————————————–——– These people are stupid.

>>7358338 ————————————–——– All assets [F + D] being deployed.

>>7358318 ————————————–——– What happens when the PUBLIC discovers the TRUTH [magnitude] re: [D] party corruption?

Previous Recent Q Posts

>>7373287, >>7373243, >>7359752, >>7370613

Q's Private Board >>>/projectdcomms Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8kun.top/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63cef9  No.7385020

Global Announcements

>>7367204 Reminder, if you're having troubles posting fill out the captcha (see the graphic)

>>7337612 /patriotsfight/ placeholder thread deleted

>>7368296, >>7368357 BO on Q's tripcode, whitelist, how it works!

>>7370399 New Q-Board: https://8kun.top/projectdcomms/index.html

Bakers: Do NOT add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough


are not endorsements


>>7384513 plane fags on it!

>>7384985 Rudy twat, REALITY CHECK Democrats have now issued more subpoenas than they have had bills signed into law.

>>7384962 Western media discover that Ukraine is a refuge for jihadists

>>7384960 ICE arrests over 200 enrolled at MI university created by the feds!

>>7384915 Cloward-Piven Strategy (CPS)

>>7384912 Despite clear warnings, Europe is out of IP addresses—again

>>7384893 BRICS Nations Discuss Shared Crypto To Break Away From USD And SWIFT

>>7384886 Dec 30 deadline in twitter securites class action suit

>>7384882, >>7384904, >>7384914 Savile/Robert Maxwell/Elton John

>>7384878 Military Situation In Yemen On November 27, 2019 (Map Update)

>>7384863 LisaMei twat, Kash Patel

>>7384857 Twat poll! Flip anons!

>>7384847 Beige Book Finds Expansion Remains "Modest"; Employers Bring Back Retirees To Fill Job Openings

>>7384839, >>7384865 FDA Designates Psilocybin as “Breakthrough Therapy” for Severe Depression

>>7384815 Czech Prime Minister Rejects Germany's New Plan to Distribute Refugees Among EU States Czech'em!

>>7384800 Mass Demonstrations Against Government Enter Seventh Day in Bogota - Video

>>7384795, >>7384798 Task board! Call for Memes!

>>7384794 Pope names new financial regulator chief following police raid

>>7384778 The Hidden Link Between Fiat Money and the Increasing Appeal of Socialism

>>7384746 Fusion GPS Book Shows Firm ‘Retaliated Against Me’ After Clinton’s Funding Uncovered: Nunes

>>7384660, >>7384664 anon conjecture on pardons and JA

>>7384581 Judge hits pause on order for McGahn to comply with House Judiciary subpoena

>>7384551 Carter Page letter to Lindsay Graham and Senate Judiciary Committee

>>7384492 "Are We There Yet" graphic

>>7384490 Kiddos’ Daily, Insert Rudy Edition

>>7384479 Russia shoots down Norwegian F-16

>>7384478 Vladimir Nabokov

>>7384420, >>7384485, >>7384546 BREAKING: Security official says anti-government protesters have burned down the Iranian consulate in southern Iraq - AP

>>7384400 anon on Gen Mattis book

>>7384399 Senior Ex-Deutsche Bank Exec Linked To Millions In Donald Trump Loans Commits Suicide

>>7384392, >>7384393, >>7384397, >>7384398, >>7384418, >>7384432, >>7384458, >>7384461, >>7384477, >>7384511 New Comey IG

>>7384386 Call to Diggz! live mortor round at pawn shop

>>7384383 Internet access largely restored in Iran — president

>>7384360, >>7384362 Huge Bets (options) That Gold Could Triple to $4,000 Trade in New York

>>7384346 Audi To Slash 9,500 Jobs As Global Auto Industry Implodes

>>7384310 Trump Tweets Rocky meme on November 27, 2019, Rocky IV released November 27, 1985.

>>7384309 private equity firm Ethos Capital is buying the company that owns every .org domain on the web

>>7384303 BBC under increasing criticism for biased reporting

>>7384295 Kraft launches million-dollar contest to defend Israel from BDS

>>7384283, >>7384286 The New York Times’ Long History of Endorsing US-Backed Coups

>>7384279, >>7384428, >>7384434, >>7384468, >>7384528, >>7384534, >>7384812 #USMCA, #USMCANow, #PassUSMCA

>>7385004 #9444

Previously Collected Notables

>>7381890 #9440, >>7382691 #9441, >>7383416 #9442, >>7384241 #9443

>>7378753 #9436, >>7379488 #9437, >>7380230 #9438, >>7381072 #9439

>>7375542 #9432, >>7376333 #9433, >>7377127 #9434, >>7377959 #9435

>>7372388 #9428, >>7373113 #9429, >>7373938 #9430, >>7374708 #9431

>>7369289 #9424, >>7370189 #9425, >>7370877 #9426, >>7371629 #9427

Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top/qresearch/notables.html

Plain text archives of all QR Notables: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63cef9  No.7385024

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

International Q Research Threads


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 - The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7071248 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #10

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#89 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>7367338

Q Graphics all in EST


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63cef9  No.7385025

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t & 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

50 >>7375690

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

2019-Nov https://mega.nz/#F!JYpRmAID!x8SJn3I02qiHSsOhzSaAcQ

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions: >>7337667

Read the Simple Instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7367061

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63cef9  No.7385031

File: 9fcff772f6f6382⋯.png (1020.08 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 9fcff772f6f638242267a3ecbc….png)



Baker needs hand off, will ghost soon

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ceecd0  No.7385032


the spammer below seeks to frame the page via wrap-up smear

oldest trick in the book

for media types and their lapdogs like @L33T GUY to use it as ammo in their hate campaign of throwing shade on our winning bigly

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

33185d  No.7385049

BREAKING: FBI Mysteriously "Finds" More Clinton Emails - Weiners Laptop?

" FBI Mysteriously Uncovers NEW Hillary Clinton Emails – ‘Were the Emails Found on Weiner’s Laptop? "

" “This disturbing development further highlights how the fix was in on the Clinton email scandal and why a criminal investigation needs to be reopened by Attorney General Barr.”


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749c22  No.7385053

File: 20d60caf99e6e44⋯.png (7.11 KB, 288x175, 288:175, 2c1d67edbd3f006bcf8a47add4….png)

thx baker

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dfa6b0  No.7385054

File: 37eff2c3f8f9738⋯.png (411.4 KB, 438x680, 219:340, Screen Shot 2019-11-15 at ….png)


Ty, baker

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fede2d  No.7385055


comment /Trump/ X

comment /Twat/ X

comment /Clinton/ X

comment /Jew/ X

comment /Israel/ X

comment /.com/ X

comment /SCHIFF/ X

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e4b6e8  No.7385058


We are not, as a group, interested in the Jews, pro nor con.

Our purpose statement is controlling:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here."

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a4fc24  No.7385062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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63cef9  No.7385063


Careful! I might like kinky!

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fede2d  No.7385065

comment /Trump/ X

comment /jew/ X

comment /POTUS/ X

comment /Clinton/ X

comment /Obama/ X

comment /twitter/ X

comment /Zion/ X

comment /Pelosi/ X

comment /Podesta/ X

comment /Rabbi/ X

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66b2cf  No.7385066



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000000  No.7385067


udderly nice teats

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80a5aa  No.7385068

File: 24cefa48812220c⋯.jpg (85.53 KB, 529x651, 529:651, ty-baker-x57.jpg)

TY Baker

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3a8292  No.7385069

File: c017a73fcbe65fc⋯.jpg (2.3 MB, 6000x4000, 3:2, The Collection Mk 8.jpg)

Thank you everyone for making the holidays worthwhile. God bless you all

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fede2d  No.7385070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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47876d  No.7385071

File: 26fde96d86d3058⋯.png (414.22 KB, 466x960, 233:480, ClipboardImage.png)

Thanqs baqes

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275245  No.7385072

File: 2edbf4113fb288b⋯.jpg (20.11 KB, 519x522, 173:174, EKaMVgDU0AAdQuo.jpg)

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6a0869  No.7385073

File: 4a0cdc4f8e239e7⋯.jpeg (18.15 KB, 300x400, 3:4, th_2.jpeg)

Fiona Hill's PaperClip grampa

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749c22  No.7385074

File: d16b0082d2b5acc⋯.png (128.15 KB, 480x326, 240:163, d16b0082d2b5acccdee5d9d65a….png)

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a8a937  No.7385075

I've invested a lot of time and emotional energy into this movement so I didn't expect the Qanon wiki to give me pause like it did - especially this part…


QAnon may best be understood as an example of what historian Richard Hofstadter called in 1954 "The Paranoid Style in American Politics", related to religious millenarianism and apocalypticism.[16] The vocabulary of QAnon echoes Christian tropes – for instance "The Storm" (the Genesis flood narrative or Judgement Day), and "The Great Awakening", which evokes the historical religious Great Awakenings from the early 18th century to the late 20th century. According to one QAnon video, the battle between Trump and "the cabal" is of "biblical proportions", a "fight for earth, of good versus evil." The forthcoming reckoning is said by some QAnon supporters to be a "reverse rapture" which means not only the end of the world as it is now known, but a new beginning as well, with salvation and a utopia on earth for the survivors.[24]


Still love Q and all patriot anons. Hoping for arrests and a better world but starting to think it may be a little unrealistic to expect wholesale change.


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e4b6e8  No.7385076


Looks like Arabic writing. Needs decode.

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000000  No.7385077

Trump's Farm Bailout Has Cost Over $10 Billion This Year https://reason.com/2019/11/27/trumps-farm-bailout-has-cost-over-10-billion-this-year/

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6f782d  No.7385078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shocking ARIAs moment from night’s first winner

The night’s first ARIA winner said something on stage that left those in the room stunned — and viewers amazed it made it to air.

Aussie hip-hop act Hilltop Hoods provided one of the early shocks of this year’s ARIA Awards ceremony with an eyebrow-raising outburst during their acceptance speech.

The group took home the first award of the night, for Best Live Act, taking to the stage to give thanks when founding member Suffa (aka Matthew Lambert) announced this controversial phrase: “Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.”

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079d3d  No.7385079


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fede2d  No.7385080



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6f782d  No.7385081


>>7385078 sauce


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e91a58  No.7385082

re post from last bread, don't let them die in vain.




40 years ago, flight 901 was deliberately routed into the path of Mt Erebus, killing all 257 people on board.

The flight's navigation section changed the McMurdo waypoint co-ordinate stored in the ground computer system at approximately 1:40 am on the morning of the flight. Crucially, the flight crew of Flight 901 was not notified of the change.

So, was this a cabal hit, did they target the plane to kill just one?

Or was it a sacrifice, an "in" for the guy's at the top?

I was at school, with the daughter of the pilot, when she was removed from school by her mother. We all knew what that mean't, one of the saddest days I ever had. We were only 12 or 13 at the time.

The inquiry into the crash lead to one of the 20 centuries most memorable quotes, "an orchestrated litany of lies", and to this date, no-one knows what happened, or by who.

Erebus is the god or darkness in greek mythology……spoopy as fuck.

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59a07a  No.7385083


We need farms and farmers.

We need them solvent and holding their land.

We need a reliable source of food produced locally.

Allowing farmers to be destroyed by China is a very bad idea.

Supporting them is like fertilizing your garden. Results will appear later.

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5e36ea  No.7385084

File: 60c65d08648beed⋯.jpg (17.43 KB, 474x266, 237:133, rickwiles.jpg)

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e4b6e8  No.7385085


And you trust wikipedia why?

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275245  No.7385086


china tariffs

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80a5aa  No.7385087

File: 9c8f445cb1531a7⋯.jpg (330.53 KB, 1122x827, 1122:827, potus-schiff-boxing.jpg)

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473ec7  No.7385088

File: 1c0d8c2185aa389⋯.jpg (64.37 KB, 639x883, 639:883, serveimage.jpg)


>I might like kinky!

no doubt you do.

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8da261  No.7385089

File: acc3aeb6935d717⋯.jpeg (13.34 KB, 400x233, 400:233, 0BCBF7C6-4625-4965-AEDD-5….jpeg)


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619b99  No.7385090

File: bdc175ca43c39e2⋯.jpeg (377.62 KB, 1759x702, 1759:702, 9729A4F3-C6C9-4EB4-86F9-5….jpeg)

Coincidence…Q drops a link to General Flynn’s tweet regarding HRC & the Weiner case and three days later news drops about the discovery of NEW HRC emails.

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0ac6e6  No.7385091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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63cef9  No.7385092




feels right

Ebola tests

comped gov't, UN

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079d3d  No.7385093

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4a18b7  No.7385094

Re: POTUS‘ Rocky tweet.

Nice. But:

The fucking gloves are still on…

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2900b4  No.7385095

>>7385027 lb

I'd read the "approved" narrative about this crash, which of course said nothing about tampering with waypoint coordinates. Always seemed like something was missing in the initial version, and it seemed spoopy.

The ongoing lesson is to trust your intuition. The more I learn about the real history (not what we've been fed in school) about WWII, the more I understand why none what they fed me in high school ever seemed to make sense.

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0ac6e6  No.7385096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mom, will always be my fav NPC.

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6a0869  No.7385097


Ex-something Maltese something got something'd today or yesterday

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6f782d  No.7385099

File: bda46fb54ddbf4b⋯.png (308.71 KB, 654x785, 654:785, ClipboardImage.png)

'Lock them all up and throw away the key': Virginia Roberts says Ghislaine Maxwell must be arrested and Prince Andrew belongs in jail as she accuses authorities of a cover up

Ms Roberts has accused the Duke of York of having sex with her when she was 17

Today she agreed with Twitter posts saying Prince Andrew should be in prison

Prince Andrew attempted to repair his reputation in a BBC Newsnight interview

The move backfired and he was roundly criticised and mocked over the debacle


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e661be  No.7385100

File: 6df9a406d197f92⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB, 264x480, 11:20, National Anthem sung by Ma….mp4)

Unbelievable…brought tears to my eyes!!!!!

National Anthem sung by Malea Emma.==

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275245  No.7385101


anti trump stooge

fear monger

homemade fearporn

may wiles ministry be given to another

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59a07a  No.7385102


Judicial Watch has been receiving them in small monthly batches as a result of a court order in a FOIA lawsuit.

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fede2d  No.7385103



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5e36ea  No.7385104


interesting….maybe that is the point?

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63cef9  No.7385105


cabal isn't winning but they were for a long while

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9d347c  No.7385106


he has some info in the comments

"You people really don’t take Julian Assange seriously do you?"


"We don’t name names.” -Julian Assange"

"Well thank the armed forces along with the joint terrorism task force"

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33185d  No.7385107

File: 53eb5b965ca0945⋯.png (422.11 KB, 871x486, 871:486, xi lee.png)


Dr. XI Lee is an enigmatic "film producer" whose main focus appears to be child-related content involving cannibalism, main genre always being horror. Dr. XI Lee has multiple websites with strangely malicious content related to children of the "just barely legal" variety, while some users and anons report certain websites containing hidden not legal content.

The search began when a poster on /b/ had mentioned the sites, having remembered them from a few years ago. Soon after, /b/, /x/, /pol/, and /bant/ had begun their investigation into the site and the man behind it; Dr. XI Lee. The boards had found much content that was utterly disgusting, and the true intentions and motives clear.

It's also known that Dr. XI Lee has lots of connections, as he posts about on his LinkedIn and Twitter, able to get some rather good actors and actresses in his "films," as well as being able to acquire funding. Dr. XI Lee had been attempting to solicit a young child actress by the name of Rachel Nicole Shugars, whom would later decline after having provided an audition video. /pol/ was able to contact her mother and receive information regarding Dr. XI Lee, which was scarce as the family knew little of him, but obtained the script of his very strange screen play.

We're getting close to knowing our friend Dr. XI Lee very personally. Don't give up hope, anons!

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a4216c  No.7385108

File: 1b65aff3fc8675a⋯.jpg (104.09 KB, 468x466, 234:233, PASSTHESALT.jpg)

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386419  No.7385109

liddle shiff was takin a schitt when obradlabrador (Mexican Pres) called after being rudely iinterrupted from his anus-tannin sesh saying if they were on the terrorist list than he, nance, and shartswell bio were on the list TOO DAMMIT. then accused schitt straight out for supporting USMCA – Said.., I'LL FUCKING SUPPORT IT TOO, NIGGER!


"these guise" tink they can betray us with USMCA, OK, we give you USMCA. FUCK YOU ADAM, #thisguy suns his arsehole with nadlers praises and shartwell dreams

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fede2d  No.7385110



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0736f6  No.7385111


Why are you doing this, Anon?

Don't you know that tits for men are pure distraction from everything?

Stop thanking the baker with naked tits.

Bla, bla, bla, women dont like that, bla, bla, distraction, bla, bla

Nice Quads btw

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c047d6  No.7385112

File: 5d8045072fdfc04⋯.png (166.79 KB, 1041x496, 1041:496, mason.png)

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749c22  No.7385113

File: d9f5b0a58b9da64⋯.png (38.47 KB, 1249x184, 1249:184, ClipboardImage.png)


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fede2d  No.7385114



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a4ddd3  No.7385115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6a0869  No.7385116


Malta chief of staff resigns amid probe of journalist's slaying

Keith Schembri, who was also Malta's acting tourism minister, submitted his resignation following a meeting … who had …

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fede2d  No.7385117



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2900b4  No.7385118


Prototypical Aryan?

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b1052c  No.7385119


They had a power outage a few days ago iirc.

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63cef9  No.7385120

Baker gonna ghost for a bit, need a notetaker till return, VOLUTEER! FAGGOTS

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a49b74  No.7385121

File: 21d8b16ff8fc2c5⋯.png (459.54 KB, 1019x2531, 1019:2531, stratcom agenda pages 1 2.png)

File: e1400a75a31f0ae⋯.png (439.27 KB, 1011x2626, 1011:2626, stratcom agenda pages 3 4.png)

File: 3077855e0d54aa8⋯.png (745.43 KB, 968x3811, 968:3811, stratcom agenda pages 5 6 ….png)

File: b27d319a9c7ea62⋯.png (85.98 KB, 733x358, 733:358, Travis View self descripti….png)

Travis View Speaks at StratCom 2019 on "Qanon Conspiracy Theory"

(Atlantic Council sponsored conference, Travis View spoke there on Confronting Everyday Falsehoods panel)

Supporters: Embassy of Sweden, Google, UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office, European Union, some dept in Lithuania (print tiny), and Lennar International.

Total DS event.So when they talk about "disinformation," it really means "information." (etc)

Just went over the conference speaker list last night. Lots of DS heavy-hitters, from disinformation groups like the Atlantic Council, German Marshall Fund, Graphika, Institute for Strategic Dialogue (has produced a major anti-Q report). People from NATO, the CFR, and Homeland Security (ex-Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen was keynote speaker–she's done events like this before). Travis View talked about the "Qanon conspiracy theory" there on a panel focusing on "example of misleading information."


Travis View blurb:

Travis View is a researcher and writer who studies conspiracy theories, QAnon, and online disinformation. He has written for the Washington Post and his work has been cited by NBC News, the New York Times, and Mother Jones. He is also the co-host of the QAnon Anonymous podcast, where he debunks and explores the QAnon conspiracy theory and the community that believes in it.


2019 Agenda

Understanding China's Information Operations

What & What Not to Regulate

Confronting Everyday Falsehoods

Personal Data: What, Who, How & Why?

Back to Elections: Lessons from 2019

Deepfakes, Shallowfakes: What Should We Fear & What to Do?

Private Messaging Apps

(counting false narratives "wo violating democratic freedoms") LMAO


''will also attach 2018 which is more revealing with its Agenda titles

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0a375e  No.7385122

File: dcf2f84fb5c007b⋯.mp4 (10.4 MB, 960x540, 16:9, France 27NOV19.mp4)

File: 8094f16d35f8372⋯.png (248.79 KB, 467x539, 467:539, NoFarmersNoFood.PNG)

File: 8bb197e21a44f31⋯.mp4 (829.82 KB, 480x848, 30:53, Germany.mp4)

File: 640ab254c1944fd⋯.png (218.18 KB, 459x801, 51:89, Germany.PNG)

Farmers protesting in France and Germany

MP4 clips attached




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9653e2  No.7385123




Maltese professors both, at the same university

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fede2d  No.7385124



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51ff2b  No.7385125

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386419  No.7385126


nadler does USMCA in yo butti gig

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66b2cf  No.7385127

File: 428dc46a9e8e181⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1280x533, 1280:533, ClipboardImage.png)


Hunter Biden’s China connections raise ethics questions, national security concerns


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fede2d  No.7385128





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fede2d  No.7385130



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b378fc  No.7385131

File: f281fa6d5591494⋯.gif (46.51 KB, 798x804, 133:134, Badge f281fa6d559149435ab8….gif)



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63cef9  No.7385132



I'll hit you up big red when I'm back

ty anon!

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20b444  No.7385133


You and me both

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9653e2  No.7385134


Evil men win when good men do nothing.

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a1d917  No.7385135


Its our planet now, bitches!

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11dd24  No.7385136

November 27, 2019. Braverman Cleared $100M Through Google For CrowdStrike IPO With Kolomoiskey


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33185d  No.7385137


i've checked the links in question and i dont think i should post them cause it potentially borders on "posting CP"

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522cf3  No.7385138

File: 0205e0c0126e174⋯.png (20.4 KB, 719x191, 719:191, black christians oppose ab….PNG)

File: 0f1a48c05c367e9⋯.png (772.21 KB, 788x561, 788:561, black christians oppose ab….PNG)

File: 839d00a01afc0bd⋯.png (85.76 KB, 794x500, 397:250, black christians oppose ab….PNG)


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51ff2b  No.7385139


>Farmers protesting in France and Germany




Cross reffed.



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0736f6  No.7385140


Is Germany finally waking up, Anon?

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2900b4  No.7385141


>>7385118 (me)

Ebot confirms, not Aryan. But confirmed Nazi leader. If Nazi leadership was not Aryan, what was it?

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fb7ed9  No.7385142

File: 10aec882bdfd531⋯.png (641.03 KB, 581x853, 581:853, skynrdpoint.png)

>>7384592 (lb)

have a pointer.

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6f782d  No.7385143

File: 6654835162463ab⋯.png (458.78 KB, 596x399, 596:399, ClipboardImage.png)

Pamela Anderson Says She Was Threatened By Belmarsh Prison Warden During Visit With Julian Assange

Actress, activist and friend of Julian Assange says that she was threatened by the prison governor at Belmarsh Prison where the WikiLeaks founder is currently being held.

Anderson says that the incident with prison governor Rob Davis OBE took place after she visited Assange in May.

At the end of her visit with Assange, Anderson said in a statement provided to the Daily Mail that the “the warden stormed in and made it very clear to me, that if I were going to be a problem – he’d make problems for Julian. It was a direct threat.”

A UK Prison Service spokesman has denied the allegation, telling the Mail that “the Governor of HMP Belmarsh did not threaten Ms Anderson or Mr Assange.’

Anderson had been planning to reveal her treatment at the prison during a speech in Australia, but it had to be cancelled due to scheduling conflicts. Instead, she provided the text of the speech to the Mail.

On a positive note, she said that Assange was in good spirits during their visit.

“He was ready to fight – smart/clever as always. His mind working fast,” she explained in the speech. “But what was abnormally out of character – he was looking to us like his life depended on us. ‘He was looking to us for hope.'”

The Mail reports that the former Baywatch star said “the feeling of ‘hope’ was snatched away ‘minutes before our time was up’ when the warden stormed in.”

“When he is out of our sight he is in danger,” she added. “I’m sure he is being punished for every bad word said about that prison. So I’m taking a big risk here. To let you know – it is a different set of rules there.”

In an exclusive interview with the Gateway Pundit in June, a fellow inmate at the prison said that “Belmarsh has sucked the life out of him.” He also asserted that the guards at the prison have been spreading smears about him to other inmates.

Prior to his arrest, Assange spent nearly seven years in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, unable to receive proper medical treatment, and the lack of sunshine and fresh air taking a toll on his system. Doctors who visited him there wrote an article for the Guardian pleading for him to be allowed to go to the hospital for treatment, headlining their account “We examined Julian Assange, and he badly needs care — but he can’t get it.”

The doctors wrote, “experience tells us that the prolonged uncertainty of indefinite detention inflicts profound psychological and physical trauma above and beyond the expected stressors of incarceration. These can include severe anxiety, pathological levels of stress, dissociation, depression, suicidal thoughts, post-traumatic stress disorder and chronic pain, among others.”

The UN has also issued a scathing report in which Nils Melzer, the UN Special Rapporteur on torture said that Assange has been exposed to psychological torture and warned that the award-winning publisher could face the death penalty if he is extradited to the United States.

“Most importantly, in addition to physical ailments, Mr. Assange showed all symptoms typical for prolonged exposure to psychological torture, including extreme stress, chronic anxiety and intense psychological trauma,” the UN report said.

Last week, over 60 doctors signed an open letter to UK Home Secretary Priti Patel calling for urgent action to protect Assange. They expressed concern that he may die in prison.

“Were such urgent assessment and treatment not to take place, we have real concerns, on the evidence currently available, that Mr. Assange could die in prison. The medical situation is thereby urgent. There is no time to lose,” the letter states.

Assange is imprisoned in the United Kingdom and faces eighteen charges under the Espionage Act in the United States for his publication of the Iraq and Afghan War Logs. If extradited and convicted, he could be face a maximum sentence of 175 years for the “crime” of publishing material that the US government did not want the population to know.


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0857cf  No.7385144

File: b77e469451fb4d2⋯.jpg (2.47 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20190920_150711.jpg)

SO nice to be back in the Q Research lab!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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89f7ab  No.7385145

File: db955f8dfffa151⋯.png (85.66 KB, 600x600, 1:1, like big buns.png)

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749c22  No.7385146

File: 73d35c454d2e23a⋯.png (553.92 KB, 901x830, 901:830, ClipboardImage.png)

File: da0705ab9a63b17⋯.png (402.71 KB, 892x759, 892:759, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12536a83fce3399⋯.png (418.6 KB, 897x716, 897:716, ClipboardImage.png)

Yesterday, the DNC War Room tweets about the anniversary of the West, TX chemical explosion and reminds us that Trump rolled-back EPA regs.

Last night, a chemical plant explodes in Texas.

Today, the first head of the EPA and former Watergate crook dies.


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fede2d  No.7385147




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a49b74  No.7385148


StratCom 2018: The Title Reveal the Agenda

Beyond Europe: How Disinformation Campaigns Affect Democracies Globally

Interference in European Elections

Dark Forces: Exposing the Kremlin's Influence Operations

Click Bait!: Algorithms, Radicalization & the Fight for Our Attention

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Solving Cyber Threats to Critical Infrastructure

It's Human Nature: How Disinformation Exploits Emotions

Education: Building a Roadmap for Long-term Resilience

Media: Addressing the Information Ecosystem

Legal Frameworks to Address Influence Operations

Addressing Election Interference: Options Available to Govt's, Civil Society & the Private Sector

Addressing Disinformation: Options Available to Govt's, Civil Society, and the Private Sector

Addressing Corruption and Illicit Money Flows: Options

Available to Governments, Civil Society, and the Private Sector

Responding to Disinformation and Manipulation: First Heal Thyself


Last year's titles are more revealing:

Dark Forces: Exposing the Kremlin's Influence Operations

Muh Russia panel


Click Bait!: Algorithms, Radicalization & the Fight for Our Attention

Radicalization always refer to the Right, not the Left

It's Human Nature: How Disinformation Exploits Emotions

Tavistock type tactics? Of course, they would only use them for good

Addressing Disinformation: Options Available to Govt's, Civil Society, and the Private Sector


GREAT RESOURCE – 28 page pdf listing all the orgs that deal with "disinformation"

(what they call disinformation is probably what we'd call information)

Civil Society is a Soros term (see Glenn Beck's Hydra div: https://youtu.be/si-vMj-FB88)

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6a0869  No.7385149



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51ff2b  No.7385150


>Pamela Anderson Says She Was Threatened By Belmarsh Prison




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59a07a  No.7385151

File: a3cf63194cd254d⋯.jpg (217.81 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, DemPartyRootingForFailure.jpg)

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a4216c  No.7385152


Notice how the cabal is unrelenting in the use of their symbolism? You'd think they'd tone it down, because it's becoming really obvious.. The more we learn about their symbols, the more we can identify who is the most evil.

But they can't stop using the symbolsim. Because one of the primary purposes of the symbolism has always been to maintain cohesion andconfidence in their cult. If they stopped using the symbolism, cult members around the world would freak the fuck out. They would totally panic if they saw that their symbols were suddenly vanishing from MSM, and then they'd all run and try to cut deals. The whole thing falls apart thd ay they are too afraid to use their symbols anymore.

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fede2d  No.7385153



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651e8d  No.7385154

File: 5dc85eb43aa8409⋯.jpeg (157.06 KB, 1440x962, 720:481, RVZ.jpeg)

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6f782d  No.7385155

File: 2e9a5683310e363⋯.png (51.85 KB, 657x598, 657:598, ClipboardImage.png)

Farage: Labour Cutting Marriage Tax Breaks Shows the Family Is Under Assault

Brexit leader Nigel Farage has hit out at Jeremy Corbyn’s plan to take away a small tax break presently afforded to married couples, telling Breitbart London “the family has been under assault from our political establishment for a very long time” and that it was a subject that deserved more attention.

While Jeremy Corbyn’s hard-left Labour manifesto launch promised the increase in taxes to pay for the party’s proposed spending rises would be levied purely on the richest in society — what Labour characterises as billionaires but actually includes anyone earning more than the distinctly less-than-a-billion wage of £80,000 a year — he subsequently admitted taxes would also rise for ordinary married couples.

The so-called married couples allowance would be scrapped under Labour’s plan, one of the few financial benefits left to actually getting married in a UK tax system that already heavily penalises traditional single-breadwinner families. Mr Corbyn defended making married people pay more tax as a “step towards equality” because cohabiting unmarried couples do not get the same advantage, which is worth about £250 a year.

Speaking on Monday, Brexit leader Nigel Farage told Breitbart London that he was “astonished” by Labour planning to penalise married families and that family life was just another area where the political left dominated the conversation. He said: “I think the family has been under assault from our political establishment for a very long time, and this is almost the Labour Party saying the family unit doesn’t matter any more… the evidence is that children brought up in a stable environment do better, and why should we fight against that?

“I don’t want to be absolutist about this, we do live in a different world, I accept that, but to downgrade the importance of marriage is a mistake.”


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2900b4  No.7385156


EPA is clown central.

Almost makes it convenient, having them so concentrated.

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5e36ea  No.7385157

File: 920d662ff13b272⋯.jpg (207.94 KB, 1000x742, 500:371, Stacy-Schiff-Author-Interv….jpg)

The Witches: Salem, 1692

The Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Cleopatra, the #1 national bestseller, unpacks the mystery of the Salem Witch Trials.

Now in paperback

“History in the hands of Stacy Schiff is invariably full of life, light, shadow, surprise, clarity of insight, and so it is again and then some in her latest work, The Witches. Few writers combine as she does superb scholarship and an exceptional gift for language with amazing reach and agility of mind. This is a superb book.”

— David McCullough

“The Witches is the fullest and finest story ever told about Salem in 1692, and no one else could tell it with the otherworldly flair of Stacy Schiff.”

— Joseph J. Ellis, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Quartet

“This book needs a seat belt.”

— Kathryn Harrison, author of Joan of Arc

“Once again Stacy Schiff dazzles us. The Witches is a must read for anyone intrigued by this baffling and horrifying chapter from America’s Puritan past. What Schiff uncovers is mesmerizing and shocking. Her meticulous research and lyrical writing lay bare an injustice that we should never forget-lest we repeat it.”

— Patricia Cornwell, author of Depraved Heart



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51ff2b  No.7385158


Copy Pasta to UK thread too plz

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6f782d  No.7385159

File: 4509328a97b897a⋯.png (659.8 KB, 645x685, 129:137, ClipboardImage.png)


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386419  No.7385160


Buttigeig served - not sure where, nadler served with kimchee wmt Commandant liizzzzy warrant in the french-indian wars - claims he was a huey heli pilot.

Only thin he piloted was the democrats into USMCA

why you no like USMCA




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2dd9b3  No.7385161


it's time to just fuck them up

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fede2d  No.7385162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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424130  No.7385163

File: 9a9490105f855ba⋯.jpg (105.36 KB, 500x397, 500:397, RAts02.jpg)

File: 85d565852822905⋯.png (46.15 KB, 255x107, 255:107, ratsrunning.png)


…Half the fun is exposing [their] symbolism to the light of truth. Amusing to see those fucking rats panic.

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000000  No.7385164


This looks like something to post on Twatter.

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079d3d  No.7385165

File: 0d04966541e3297⋯.png (1 MB, 792x3014, 36:137, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7385079 >>7385092 >>7385093 >>7385097 >>7385119 >>7385123

Malta's Muscat to 'navigate' murder probe despite outrage

pic related sauce:


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a4216c  No.7385166


Consider it done.

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fede2d  No.7385167



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000000  No.7385168

I have arrived…please remain seated.

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a4fc24  No.7385169


Thanks, Anon. As you posted I was just pulling some articles together to post on the farmer protests in Europe since I hadn't seen anything on here yet.

Here are some more links:

https://www.dw.com/en/european-farmers-stage-week-of-protests/av-51444868 Video compilation of protests all over Europe.

"This week has seen protests by farmers in the capital cities of Germany, France and the Republic of Ireland. Though their precise grievances have varied, the demonstrators had a common message: farmers are getting a raw deal. "




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e4b6e8  No.7385170

I'm getting no audio here. AM getting it from elsewhere. Media server not cooperating?

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30f880  No.7385171

File: 733798c62e7102b⋯.png (749.61 KB, 1284x636, 107:53, JewTraffickers.png)

File: 31268cc7b02da34⋯.png (547.78 KB, 513x382, 513:382, HollywoodJews.PNG)

File: 171d9090b6680ff⋯.jpg (108.38 KB, 560x725, 112:145, JewNames.jpg)

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a1d917  No.7385172


Look at those faces.

This IS America's failure.

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5575e3  No.7385173


There are no coincidences.

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fede2d  No.7385174



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90a200  No.7385175

File: 351ddc350dea944⋯.jpg (311.53 KB, 1936x1216, 121:76, All for a larp.jpg)



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95ffb1  No.7385176


Sauce boss in da house

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5e36ea  No.7385177

File: 10d094ed3192b7c⋯.jpg (113.69 KB, 620x884, 155:221, Vladimir_Nabokov_1969b.jpg)

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651e8d  No.7385178

File: f9a4c4e93dd887c⋯.jpeg (567.32 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, highest_ranking_anom.jpeg)

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2900b4  No.7385179


Even weirder that the Talmud tells us what it takes to be a real Nazi.


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0736f6  No.7385180


These people weren't elected.

They are pure evil.

What do they think will happen to them when people finally wake up?

There is no escaping god!

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6f782d  No.7385181

File: 7bfbefbe78ff2bc⋯.png (537.17 KB, 781x923, 11:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64c0bb64d7bb863⋯.png (732.68 KB, 757x864, 757:864, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d599683e24ca1c⋯.png (102.92 KB, 785x763, 785:763, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d951a9a71c1730⋯.png (117.49 KB, 752x901, 752:901, ClipboardImage.png)

Hunter Biden’s China connections plagued by ethics questions and national security concerns

As the Democrat-led impeachment inquiry into President Trump deepens, a spotlight has been cast on Hunter Biden ventures abroad not only in Ukraine but in China, where he set about investing while his dad served as vice president.

The questions come as Republicans are demanding that Hunter Biden – the 49-year-old son of Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden – appear before Congress to testify on his work.

For almost six years, the firm connected to Hunter Biden in China has moved more than $2.5 billion into various automotive, technology, energy, and mining endeavors.

Analysts point to the plethora of “ethical challenges” of Hunter doing such deals in China while his father was in the White House.

“At a time when the Obama administration was trying to pivot to Asia, a policy that ultimately fell flat, one has to at least stop and think what connections between policy and personal interests were there,” said Harry Kazianis, senior director for the Center for the National Interest. “While chances are Hunter Biden was doing what a lot of family members of famous politicians do – cash in on their name – it looks dirty.”

Biden served as one of nine directors of the private equity firm Bohai Harvest RST – better known as BHR Partners – which is 80 percent mandated by shareholders in the Chinese government, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The firm was registered less than two weeks after Biden flew with his then-vice president father on Air Force Two for official business in China in December 2013, but his lawyer has previously stated that talks were in place months earlier.

In the closing days of that December, China’s central bank, the Bank of China in conjunction with Rosemount Seneca – the firm Biden founded in 2009 with John Kerry’s stepson Christopher Heinz and family friend Devon Archer – set up the $1 billion investment joint venture called Bohai Harvest RST. The “RS” signifies Rosemount Seneca, and the “T” is in reference to the Thornton Group, a Massachusetts-based international consulting company established by James Bulger, the nephew of infamous mob boss James “Whitey” Bulger.



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b378fc  No.7385182

File: 576e700727a83fa⋯.gif (347.37 KB, 425x900, 17:36, sword-point.gif)


Be Gone

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30f880  No.7385183

File: 94f7a5e5440ca92⋯.png (56.92 KB, 851x500, 851:500, SenFeinsteinJew.PNG)

File: 390d6bb89eb0c2c⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 500x547, 500:547, SenNadler Jew.jpg)

File: 01da0356718eb55⋯.png (46.8 KB, 650x472, 325:236, SenSchiffJewish.PNG)

File: 63fa8470d4d0b01⋯.jpg (40.35 KB, 691x361, 691:361, SenSchumerJew.jpg)

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000000  No.7385184


Should I post this on Twatter?

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fb7ed9  No.7385185

File: d780ad3266f73cd⋯.png (115.57 KB, 313x220, 313:220, ae18554d-945b-47d7-a712-81….png)

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6f782d  No.7385186

File: 07b252c2fb4fe5d⋯.png (447.29 KB, 640x773, 640:773, ClipboardImage.png)


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a1d917  No.7385187

File: bc31f0f31d7dae3⋯.jpeg (92.6 KB, 720x411, 240:137, gritty mascot 3.jpeg)

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386419  No.7385188


Oh, so you're a brussels vatican survivor of the butt rapin civil war that broke out amongst the commie deluge that hit rome. did butti gig realize his glory on the mounds of satanist w you or did you just film the shit?

btw, do you know the last count of demonscratch that are voting for USMCA??


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5e36ea  No.7385189

File: 7c2a547d60d0cda⋯.jpg (43.58 KB, 665x340, 133:68, jewcoup.jpg)

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fb7ed9  No.7385190

File: 82674e55d7ac172⋯.png (234.42 KB, 323x345, 323:345, b6941d16-23b5-4321-820d-c4….png)



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d81c45  No.7385191

File: 3c68a3e1da9d28a⋯.png (12.81 KB, 103x73, 103:73, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f69f1850fe4a5f7⋯.png (77.77 KB, 800x703, 800:703, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4b75afda52b21e⋯.png (499.95 KB, 800x609, 800:609, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2e971153b802f3⋯.png (280.71 KB, 1470x850, 147:85, ClipboardImage.png)


LOOK…chains and the blue butterfly…AFTER she answered and liked this tweet asking about programming! She didn't really deny it either, wow.


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51ff2b  No.7385192




need moar diggs this was her beginnings

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749c22  No.7385193

File: f1185176bfed082⋯.png (87.48 KB, 970x428, 485:214, ClipboardImage.png)

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651e8d  No.7385194


I twatted it.

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ea8176  No.7385195

File: 12bf65ba11bbcf1⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1566x3408, 261:568, 2019-11-27 17.06.42 www.ju….png)


Judicial Watch: FBI Uncovers New Clinton Emails'

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released a court filing that reveals the FBI found more Clinton emails it recently turned over to the State Department for review. In the November 15, 2019 filing, the State Department informs the court that the FBI located additional Clinton emails that potentially had not been previously released:

[T]he Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) recently sent [the State Department] additional documents as part of the ongoing inter-agency consultation process in connection with other FOIA litigation. [The State Department] is working to determine whether that set of documents includes any responsive, non-duplicative agency records that have not already been processed. [The State Department] will promptly update [Judicial Watch] and the Court once that initial review is complete.

The court ordered joint status report was filed in response to Judicial Watch’s May 6, 2015, FOIA lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:15-cv-00687)). Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuit seeks all emails sent and received by Hillary Clinton and other records about her non-governmental email account.

Production of all Clinton emails concluded more than a year ago. Throughout the two plus years of processing and production, more and more emails would appear in addition to the 55,000 pages Clinton turned over to the State Department in December 2014. The FBI uncovered 72,000 pages of documents Clinton attempted to delete or did not otherwise disclose. Previously requested, the FBI was only able to recover or find approximately 5,000, including classified material, of the 33,000 government emails Clinton removed and tried to destroy. Earlier this year, Judicial Watch announced that it received 756 pages of emails that were among the materials Clinton tried to delete or destroy, several of which were classified and were transmitted over her unsecure, non-“state.gov” email system. Now again, it appears the FBI has uncovered more Clinton email documents.

Judicial Watch last week released FBI emails showing that the FBI’s top lawyer gave deferential treatment to the attorney representing Hillary Clinton’s top aides implicated in the mass deletion of Clinton’s emails.

“It is astonishing news that the FBI mysteriously found more Clinton emails. Were they on Anthony Weiner’s laptop? At James Comey’s house? Or on Peter Strzok’s cell phone?” asked Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This disturbing development further highlights how the fix was in on the Clinton email scandal and why a criminal investigation needs to be reopened by Attorney General Barr.”


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90a200  No.7385196

>>7385181 Hunter Biden’s China connections plagued by ethics questions and national security concerns


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59a07a  No.7385197

File: 75e579a696055c7⋯.jpg (172.89 KB, 1060x702, 530:351, DemPartyDivided.jpg)

File: f542681f4c5dfa7⋯.jpg (1.85 MB, 1600x924, 400:231, DemsAttackPlan.jpg)

File: 42179ff61c748c2⋯.jpg (114.53 KB, 585x466, 585:466, DemsRuinedDetroit.jpg)

File: 79267f0b97a605c⋯.jpg (70.33 KB, 500x312, 125:78, hateful_dems.jpg)


Sure, if you like.

I'm one of the memefags that doesn't do social media. So it's up to twatanons to spread the messages if you like them.

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0ac6e6  No.7385198

File: 453ca2b08474302⋯.jpg (815.4 KB, 2208x1372, 552:343, JusticeBringsTerrorToEvild….jpg)

File: 65b50e7eaf5fc58⋯.jpg (52.99 KB, 405x483, 135:161, God-JacobsPillow.jpg)

File: ea829b4e06f8a35⋯.jpg (778.36 KB, 1220x1080, 61:54, TrumpWRWY.jpg)

File: aec05783e7e952a⋯.jpg (774.35 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, RedpillText1.jpg)

File: d444b977fe06bbb⋯.jpg (941.03 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, RedpillText2.jpg)

Will all of the love one fag can "bake," I bid you all a safe, warm, delicious, and awakening thanQsMemeing. May we all food coma ourselves into a better tomorrow.

I seriously love each and every one of you, and if tits, even more so. (bias)


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5e36ea  No.7385199

File: 021c46e987a932b⋯.jpg (146.77 KB, 1566x881, 1566:881, shiftyshift.jpg)

File: 7e4da70347e03f8⋯.jpg (84.99 KB, 538x780, 269:390, Soros.jpg)

the truth is right in front of you


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fede2d  No.7385200

File: 7962e0df54c00d2⋯.jpg (42.47 KB, 600x203, 600:203, IMG_1006.JPG)


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840d62  No.7385201


With great power comes great responsibility.

Handle with care.

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d4d669  No.7385202

File: 75b9585ceb2dea0⋯.jpeg (181.49 KB, 828x885, 276:295, 27235E15-A4C9-4391-BE22-F….jpeg)

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47876d  No.7385203

File: 81d72d916cb5c2c⋯.png (104.97 KB, 513x603, 57:67, ClipboardImage.png)

Twat poll that was in last bread's notes. Has had 75k votes in 4hrs w/account that's 1 day old w 4 twats.



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386419  No.7385204



thought we wuz only ones

everyone cept shoemer voting for USMCA – his lesbo IRON MAIDEN cuntilingus WON'T LET HIM



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424130  No.7385205


…Trauma based MK imprinted into human genetic memory.

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51ff2b  No.7385206


>FBI Uncovers New Clinton Emails


FBI uncovers 14,900 more documents in Clinton email probe

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e2572a  No.7385207

File: a19c427097abc85⋯.png (254.28 KB, 638x658, 319:329, Endgame.png)

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fede2d  No.7385208



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66b2cf  No.7385209

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95ffb1  No.7385210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Too quiet. Need some tunes. Not that Yes, Who, Jethro Tull crap, but some 80's relevant rock. Try some Electric Eye.

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275245  No.7385211

File: 726cecaa6f314fa⋯.jpg (319.52 KB, 1192x1034, 596:517, EKZT-qoWsAAIKp8.jpg)

this is just as if not more important than the main headline


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000000  No.7385212


Media posted it before it happened.

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509b53  No.7385213

File: 89df91397818630⋯.png (359.71 KB, 564x564, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

we're fucked lads

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e4b6e8  No.7385215


The psycho pants rejoice.

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fede2d  No.7385216



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b1052c  No.7385217


Brussels Bureaucrats Better BTFO. You don't piss off the farmers, stupid concrete people.

do they enjoy forcing upon us this unsettling; far away from it all in their yachts and jets?

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90a200  No.7385218

File: 291d79694c9ecc5⋯.jpg (314.82 KB, 616x924, 2:3, memewar flag.jpg)

File: 222649cbf6d8ab6⋯.jpg (153.22 KB, 780x525, 52:35, Digital solder wwg1wga.jpg)

File: c1f60376d1bf48d⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1204x1435, 172:205, Hired.jpg)

File: d4df641812504a7⋯.jpg (244.24 KB, 482x640, 241:320, Join memewar.jpg)


Free da memes

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89f7ab  No.7385219

File: c8aa786bbbf45c7⋯.png (121.02 KB, 455x346, 455:346, pepe trading smile.PNG)

Solid data, trade hopes lift Wall Street to records

Wall Street’s main indexes closed at record levels for a third straight day in a muted volume session on Wednesday ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday, as fresh data pointed to an economy on solid footing, while investors remained cautiously optimistic about a resolution to U.S.-China trade tensions.

U.S. economic growth picked up slightly in the third quarter, rather than slowing as first reported, and a steady increase in consumer spending in October indicated the economy will probably maintain its moderate pace of growth in the fourth quarter.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average .DJI rose 42.32 points, or 0.15%, to 28,164, the S&P 500 .SPX gained 13.13 points, or 0.42%, to 3,153.65 and the Nasdaq Composite .IXIC added 57.24 points, or 0.66%, to 8,705.18.

Consumer discretionary stocks .SPLRCD rose 0.83 to lead all sectors.

Data also showed new orders for key U.S.-made capital goods increased by the most in nine months in October.

President Donald Trump’s comments on Tuesday that the United States was in the “final throes” of work on an agreement with China added to optimism.

The main indexes have repeatedly scaled to record levels this month on trade truce hopes, a third-quarter earnings season that topped lowered expectations and a dovish Federal Reserve. The S&P 500 has now closed at a record level in five of the past nine sessions.

Trading volumes were among the lowest of the year for a full-day session ahead of the Thanksgiving Day holiday on Thursday. The stock market will close early on Friday.

Capping gains on the Dow was a 1.48% drop in shares of Boeing Co (BA.N) after the Federal Aviation Administration said it would be the only issuer of airworthiness certificates for new 737 MAX jets, the latest hurdle in the planemaker’s bid to get the plane back in the air.

Deere & Co (DE.N) dropped 4.30% as the farm equipment maker warned of lower earnings in 2020.

Under Armour Inc (UAA.N) jumped 6.17% as Raymond James upgraded the sportswear maker to “strong buy”.

Advancing issues outnumbered declining ones on the NYSE by a 1.76-to-1 ratio; on Nasdaq, a 1.98-to-1 ratio favored advancers.

The S&P 500 posted 44 new 52-week highs and no new lows; the Nasdaq Composite recorded 117 new highs and 35 new lows.

Volume on U.S. exchanges was 5.57 billion shares, compared to the 7.06 billion average for the full session over the last 20 trading days.


They mention volume as if it has been good or average until the last month. Sucked all year…the results are what count.

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749c22  No.7385220

File: ca4ba4fd4c3071a⋯.png (427.95 KB, 898x697, 898:697, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3333c7a856183af⋯.png (670.83 KB, 1041x1072, 1041:1072, ClipboardImage.png)


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6f782d  No.7385221

File: 10894a3d99d7b27⋯.png (791.39 KB, 716x665, 716:665, ClipboardImage.png)

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7dce99  No.7385222

File: 1681167584eb332⋯.png (110.82 KB, 260x194, 130:97, ClipboardImage.png)


Re: Potus Rocky Tweet

34 years apart 1985-2019

Rocky 3 & Rocky 4

34 days from now is the last day of 2019 marking 3/4 of POTUS 1st term


Mathematically Impossible

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386419  No.7385223


hey, thought we wuz havin a USMCA convo?

no the pedo ED BUCK is in jail

schitt-fullofSCHITT is bringin in turkey and fixin's

(no not fistings…, you dirty bunghole - cornhulio)



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fede2d  No.7385224


In ancient Greece, sykophantēs meant "slanderer." It derives from two other Greek words, sykon (meaning "fig") and phainein (meaning "to show or reveal"). How did fig revealers become slanderers? One theory has to do with the taxes Greek farmers were required to pay on the figs they brought to market. Apparently, the farmers would sometimes try to avoid making the payments, but squealers—fig revealers—would fink on them, and they would be forced to pay. Another possible source is a sense of the word fig meaning "a gesture or sign of contempt" (as thrusting a thumb between two fingers). In any case, Latin retained the "slanderer" sense when it borrowed a version of sykophantēs, but by the time English speakers in the 16th century borrowed it as sycophant, the squealers had become flatterers.


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ea8176  No.7385225

File: f78934637a9ec08⋯.webm (501.8 KB, 640x360, 16:9, as-a-bundle-we-form-a-mig….webm)


Baker gonna ghost for a bit, need a notetaker till return, VOLUTEER! FAGGOTS

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a6e75d  No.7385226





ebot sometimes speaks truth…

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fede2d  No.7385227



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651e8d  No.7385228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fc79af  No.7385229


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fc79af  No.7385230


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11dd24  No.7385231

The USMCA push feels like the same people

that were pushing the IBOR scam.

What is in the USMCA agreement I wonder.

Has anyone seen it? Feels like a trap.

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93b2d3  No.7385232

File: d08ea20834cee70⋯.png (178.96 KB, 543x731, 543:731, b_sweater2019.png)

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e4b6e8  No.7385233


Sound not here on QR but IS present on YT.

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87668e  No.7385234


MPD alter kayfabe posts


Muh Jews.

Have we learned nothing?

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000000  No.7385235


also been known for timely reminders

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fede2d  No.7385236

File: 0712f01f125edc4⋯.jpg (447.41 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, HIGHHOMOHOBBITSJOURNEYTOMO….jpg)



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6f782d  No.7385237

File: 5d5cd6d8d6a1bce⋯.png (237.69 KB, 733x865, 733:865, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c6d2744a4a439d⋯.png (73.33 KB, 729x908, 729:908, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ce903674aedd17⋯.png (68.97 KB, 735x900, 49:60, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74ad54eaa760177⋯.png (74.46 KB, 714x912, 119:152, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f532f2c740f434⋯.png (62.89 KB, 727x913, 727:913, ClipboardImage.png)

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families

(Part one of a four-part series)

The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European old money behemoths. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch.

According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation.[1]

So who then are the stockholders in these money center banks?

This information is guarded much more closely. My queries to bank regulatory agencies regarding stock ownership in the top 25 US bank holding companies were given Freedom of Information Act status, before being denied on “national security” grounds. This is rather ironic, since many of the bank’s stockholders reside in Europe.

One important repository for the wealth of the global oligarchy that owns these bank holding companies is US Trust Corporation – founded in 1853 and now owned by Bank of America. A recent US Trust Corporate Director and Honorary Trustee was Walter Rothschild. Other directors included Daniel Davison of JP Morgan Chase, Richard Tucker of Exxon Mobil, Daniel Roberts of Citigroup and Marshall Schwartz of Morgan Stanley. [2]

J. W. McCallister, an oil industry insider with House of Saud connections, wrote in The Grim Reaper that information he acquired from Saudi bankers cited 80% ownership of the New York Federal Reserve Bank- by far the most powerful Fed branch- by just eight families, four of which reside in the US. They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.

CPA Thomas D. Schauf corroborates McCallister’s claims, adding that ten banks control all twelve Federal Reserve Bank branches. He names N.M. Rothschild of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York and JP Morgan Chase Bank of New York. Schauf lists William Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff and James Stillman as individuals who own large shares of the Fed. [3] The Schiffs are insiders at Kuhn Loeb. The Stillmans are Citigroup insiders, who married into the Rockefeller clan at the turn of the century.

Eustace Mullins came to the same conclusions in his book The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, in which he displays charts connecting the Fed and its member banks to the families of Rothschild, Warburg, Rockefeller and the others. [4]

The control that these banking families exert over the global economy cannot be overstated and is quite intentionally shrouded in secrecy. Their corporate media arm is quick to discredit any information exposing this private central banking cartel as “conspiracy theory”. Yet the facts remain.

[5] Ibid. p.53

[6] The Triumph of Conservatism. Gabriel Kolko. MacMillan and Company New York. 1963. p.142

[7] Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History that Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons and the Great Pyramids. Jim Marrs. HarperCollins Publishers. New York. 2000. p.57

[8] The House of Morgan. Ron Chernow. Atlantic Monthly Press NewYork 1990

[9] Marrs. p.57

[10] Democracy for the Few. Michael Parenti. St. Martin’s Press. New York. 1977. p.178

[11] Chernow

[12] The Great Crash of 1929. John Kenneth Galbraith. Houghton, Mifflin Company. Boston. 1979. p.148

[13] Chernow

[14] Children of the Matrix. David Icke. Bridge of Love. Scottsdale, AZ. 2000

[15] The Confidence Game: How Un-Elected Central Bankers are Governing the Changed World Economy. Steven Solomon. Simon & Schuster. New York. 1995. p.112

[16] Marrs. p.180

[17] Ibid. p.45

[18] The Money Lenders: The People and Politics of the World Banking Crisis. Anthony Sampson. Penguin Books. New York. 1981

[19] The Rockefeller File. Gary Allen. ’76 Press. Seal Beach, CA. 1977

[20] Ibid

[21] Dope Inc.: The Book That Drove Kissinger Crazy. Editors of Executive Intelligence Review. Washington, DC. 1992

[22] Marrs.

[23] The Rockefeller Syndrome. Ferdinand Lundberg. Lyle Stuart Inc. Secaucus, NJ. 1975. p.296

[24] Marrs. p.53


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a749d2  No.7385238

File: af1528786b48026⋯.jpg (65.87 KB, 362x359, 362:359, GUILLEMETS.jpg)

File: 326d61e46205c2f⋯.jpg (175.88 KB, 558x439, 558:439, SCREENSHOT_.jpg)

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086b55  No.7385239

File: 499799149600b51⋯.png (5.54 MB, 1305x2048, 1305:2048, ClipboardImage.png)

Happy Thanksgiving, Q team, POTUS, Armed forces, Anons.

Patriots, all.

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fede2d  No.7385240



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d81c45  No.7385241

File: bfc3f7b70deb7a2⋯.png (298.7 KB, 434x750, 217:375, EEbZGNkXYAIfW7y.png large.png)

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000000  No.7385242


Alexander Gauland of the far-right AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) will not run for re-election of party's leadership.

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b28665  No.7385243


Someone shared a couple articles and a YouTube of people sounding an alarm that it erodes US sovereignty. Curious if anyone here has info. Seems like stretchy arguments in the article.


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6f782d  No.7385244

File: 10bcdc725c9c46c⋯.png (64.98 KB, 723x923, 723:923, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d94cb7ab5eba0c9⋯.png (61.17 KB, 733x897, 733:897, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43a02eaafaed912⋯.png (26 KB, 723x359, 723:359, ClipboardImage.png)

How the Billionaires become Billionaires

Contrary to the propaganda pushed by the business press, between 67% and 72% percent of corporations had zero tax liabilities after credits and exemptions … while their workers and employees paid between 25 – 30% in taxes. The rate for the minority of corporations, which paid any tax, was 14%.

According to the US Internal Revenue Service, billionaire tax evasion amounts to $458 billion dollars in lost public revenues every year – almost a trillion dollars every two years by this conservative estimate.

The largest US corporations sheltered over $2.5 trillion dollars in overseas tax havens where they paid no taxes or single digit tax rates.

Meanwhile US corporations in crisis received over $14.4 trillion dollars (Bloomberg claimed 12.8 trillion) in public bailout money, split between the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve, mostly from US tax payers, who are overwhelmingly workers, employees and pensioners.

The recipient bankers invested their interest-free or low interest US bailout funds and earned billions in profits, most resulting from mortgage foreclosures of working class households.

Through favorable legal rulings and illegal foreclosures, the bankers evicted 9.3 million families. Over 20 million individuals lost their properties, often due to illegal or fraudulent debts.

A small number of the financial swindlers, including executives from Wall Street’s leading banks (Goldman Sachs, J. P. Morgan etc), paid fines – but no one went to prison for the gargantuan fraud that drove millions of Americans into misery.

There are other swindler bankers, like the current Secretary of Treasury Steve Mnuchin, who enriched themselves by illegally foreclosing on thousands of homeowners in California. Some were tried; all were exonerated, thanks to the influence of Democratic political leaders during the Obama years.

Silicon Valley and its innovative billionaires have found novel way to avoid taxes using overseas tax havens and domestic tax write-offs. They increase their wealth and corporate profits by paying their local manual and service workers poverty level wages. Silicon Valley executives ‘earn’ a thousand times more than their production workers..

Class inequalities are further reinforced by ethnic divisions. White, Chinese and Indian multi-millionaires exploit Afro-American, Latin American, Vietnamese and Filipino workers.

Billionaires in the commercial conglomerates, like Walmart, exploit workers by paying poverty wages and providing few, if any, benefits. Walmart earns $16 billion dollar a year in profits by paying its workers between $10 and $13 an hour and relying on state and federal assistance to provide services to the families of its impoverished workers through Medicaid and food stamps. Amazon plutocrat Jeff Bezos exploits workers by paying $12.50 an hour while he has accumulated over $80 billion dollars in profits. UPS CEO David Albany takes $11 million a year by exploiting workers at $11 an hour. Federal Express CEO, Fred Smith gets $16 million and pays workers $11 an hour.

Inequality is not a result of ‘technology’ and ‘education’- contemporary euphemisms for the ruling class cult of superiority – as liberals and conservative economists and journalists like to claim. Inequalities are a result of low wages, based on big profits, financial swindles, multi-trillion dollar public handouts and multi-billion-dollar tax evasion. The ruling class has mastered the ‘technology’ of exploiting the state, through its pillage of the treasury, and the working class. Capitalist exploitation of low paid production workers provides additional billions for the ‘philanthropic’ billionaire family foundations to polish their public image – using another tax avoidance gimmick – self-glorifying ‘donations’.


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a4fc24  No.7385245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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df1534  No.7385246

File: 993db809e47d8a5⋯.jpeg (743.94 KB, 1719x2700, 191:300, 33999BF3-1665-4A33-AFBE-F….jpeg)

Something isn’t right about this.

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fc79af  No.7385247


Hooray for all MaidenFags!

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43625f  No.7385248


all you Bots need to flip this thing, i done did

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cd46df  No.7385249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


you're close…

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92f28f  No.7385250

Hope Q doesn't take a break over the Holidays.

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8d2c53  No.7385251

We waited all this time and this board seems more screwed up then 8 Chan ….Q impostors everywhere

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fb7ed9  No.7385252

File: 2d34c189023f7a6⋯.jpg (17.98 KB, 330x321, 110:107, c59ef229-edca-428e-8207-48….jpg)


Happy Thanksgiving, Anon!

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95ffb1  No.7385253


My absolute fav. Thanks anon.

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0736f6  No.7385254


Bad news??

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fede2d  No.7385255



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000000  No.7385256


Media posted it before it happened

>>7382374 PB

>>7382376 PB

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63cef9  No.7385257


Baker back

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dfa6b0  No.7385258

Are (You)s not working for anybody else?

What if I get one from Q

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749c22  No.7385259


carlos and jeff need to coordinate their propaganda a little better.

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651e8d  No.7385260


Nah, it's all old trips that were revealed long ago. There's only 1 you need to look for right now.


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cd46df  No.7385261

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f32b62  No.7385262

File: 736a1e090645dba⋯.png (175.95 KB, 772x1000, 193:250, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)

Back in Time: The ECHELON Story

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33185d  No.7385263

File: 055177bf1cad1b7⋯.png (315.2 KB, 501x434, 501:434, wire.png)

Obama Wiretapping Cleared

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024ad6  No.7385264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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89f7ab  No.7385265

File: 663e3b083b06d30⋯.png (1.72 MB, 768x773, 768:773, POTUS points it out dd.PNG)

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92f28f  No.7385266


They be trippin' ….. Dip shits

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fede2d  No.7385267

File: 58f54ac2b9f46d6⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1058x877, 1058:877, Soyboy_2.png)


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e4b6e8  No.7385268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ready for this?

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651e8d  No.7385269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Try this on guitarfag!

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604d6c  No.7385270

File: bc36362385f66da⋯.jpg (21.9 KB, 630x340, 63:34, file.jpg)




What's happening in Malta?

In 2017 investigative journalist Caruana Galizia (pic related) was killed by a car bomb.

She was investigating Maltese corruption related to an energy company pay for play scene going all the way up to the Maltese Prime Ministers office. Sound familiar? The central company that sticks out is one 17 Black, a company registered in Qatar and owned by Yorgen Fenech, who was recently arrested while attempting to flee the country on his yacht. He was ratted out by one of his own guys. Money doesn't buy loyalty.

The two senior political figures concerned are Konrad Mizzi, who was Malta’s energy minister from 2013 to 2016, and Keith Schembri (arrested today), the prime minister’s chief of staff. Thanks to the Panama papers it was revealed Mizzi and Schembri stood to receive payments from 17 Black for services that were unspecified.

Working with 17 Black on the energy project were Siemens (Iran Nuclear Deal) and SOCAR ( Azerbaijani

Oil company accused of bribing U.S. congressmen in 2013 - https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/10-members-of-congress-took-trip-secretly-funded-by-foreign-government/2015/05/13/76b55332-f720-11e4-9030-b4732caefe81_story.html?noredirect=on ) forming Electrogas.

There's a lot here and goes deep. Middle East, Energy Company Payouts, Panama Papers, Assasination, and on and on. Which is why this woman lost her life.

Needs moat eyes.






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fede2d  No.7385271


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903a98  No.7385272

File: 7190df53547fe82⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB, 2048x1398, 1024:699, D862152B-3695-4F3D-BA98-9….jpeg)

Won’t be talking politics with my brain dead lib family tomorrow, I’ll just be bringing some wine.

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5e36ea  No.7385273



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386419  No.7385275



dON't ShaRe iT- FAGgot – PLEASE!

the ghost -light


neEEdle in theArm

ooh oooh that SMELL…, (NOT talkin abouthe dead bodies, EITHER -WISHING families of the dearly departed well…)

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dfa6b0  No.7385276


It's like they're good or something.

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41ebc8  No.7385277

File: 5ebd4be3fb642ab⋯.png (38.6 KB, 658x319, 658:319, ClipboardImage.png)


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000000  No.7385278

More bewbs please.

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11dd24  No.7385279


"For the most part, Democrats are not opposed to the USMCA, and a good many supported both the NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership when those agreements were, ironically enough, being promoted by Democrat Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, respectively. Despite staunch resistance from Democrats to the current Republican resident of the White House, they have nevertheless found much that they like with the agreement, and Canada’s Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, of the Liberal Party, who was Canada’s chief negotiator on the agreement, has enthusiastically described it as a “very progressive agreement.”"


Richard Madan

‏Verified account @RichardMadan

Canada Deputy PM @cafreeland is en route to DC to discuss revised USMCA/NAFTA clauses related to labour, as per Democrats demands. Meeting scheduled at @USTradeRep late afternoon #cdnpoli

10:18 AM - 27 Nov 2019



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fede2d  No.7385280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6f782d  No.7385281

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0ac6e6  No.7385282


Nice trip clowncumgag…

Fed? UP with the truth, slime mold?

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000000  No.7385283


I don't understand how someone with less than1000 followers can post something mundane and get 100s of likes.

When I post something valid, I'm lucky to get 5 or 6 likes. Am I shadowbanned?

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619b99  No.7385284

Does everyone and their pet frog have a flashing trip code now?

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5e36ea  No.7385285


case closed

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daf792  No.7385286

the music fags have returned….praise the heavens

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d4d669  No.7385287


Harvest runes

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89d68b  No.7385288

File: 4fa60e793f02050⋯.png (1.29 MB, 881x1094, 881:1094, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)


TY Baker!

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0a375e  No.7385289

File: c63234fa07546a0⋯.png (156.72 KB, 485x890, 97:178, Ngo twat.PNG)

File: a00d611f455df29⋯.png (311.01 KB, 449x1043, 449:1043, Ngo twat 2.png)

File: d45ce0f50008a71⋯.png (240.9 KB, 457x1047, 457:1047, Ngo twat 3.png)

File: 4c188feaf44bae6⋯.png (255.69 KB, 471x1041, 157:347, Ngo twat 4.png)

File: 54d869e1632023e⋯.png (337.88 KB, 469x1039, 469:1039, Ngo twat 5.png)

mugshots provide insight as to

Who is Antifa

(Screen caps and text from twat thread.)

Andy Ngo @MrAndyNgo

"One of the most frequent questions I get is: "Who is in antifa?" Militant antifa groups have secret memberships, but arrest records from riots provide a data set to investigate who is part of movement. I will post public arrest photos here as an on-going project. #AntifaMugshots

At a glance, those arrested at antifa riots are overwhelmingly white & male. There also seems to be a disproportionate amount who identify as queer, non-binary and/or trans. All the information I post is available publicly, either from arrest records or the media. #AntifaMugshots


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dfa6b0  No.7385290


Alright thx

Well on that note... Q, don't (You) me. It'll make a bad screengrab.

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ea8176  No.7385291


you ain't gonna see that one again, except in archives.

the salt changed and Q will have to re-authenticate

gonna be interesting

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386419  No.7385292


wut's a newyork times? you just get a brand new puppy? hey puppy, have you ever been to space, puppy? huh, HAVE YA?



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fede2d  No.7385293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9ff865  No.7385294

Starting to believe and have for a while now that Carter Page was a plant. The reasoning is rather logical.

1. Carter Page was associated with the campaign.

2. Page was a former informant with the only verifiable connections to foreign entities.

3. A FISA for Page would be easy, as there is a history there.

4. Page has expressed that he felt like he was under surveillance.

5. Page was the only campaign entity with interactions with foreign entities that was interviewed but not charged with anything.

6. The IG report related to CHS specifically calls out the FBI's failure to properly manage long term sources.

7. Page is demanding that he has the right to "Defend" himself during the IG hearing….

7a. If Page was a victim, why would he have to defend himself during a hearing about potential FBI malfeasance? Where the IG is discussing his findings on the various dealings associated with the FBI and DoJ?

7b. Is it possible that Page believes that his role and activities have been discovered? And he feels the need to have to defend why he was an informant for the FBI within the Trump Campaign?

8. There is a reason that nobody has supposedly "interviewed" Page about any of these activities… that is usually because the target of investigations are usually the last to be interviewed.

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90a200  No.7385295

File: 0cb5abee4fa5d8e⋯.jpg (140.56 KB, 895x670, 179:134, Pepe anon.jpg)


My pet frog can have one too?

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95ffb1  No.7385296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Too slow and "jazzy". I prefer more topical rock like dis:

"And the things that we fear are a weapon to be held against us…"

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34c202  No.7385297


there´s a small line between tits and tists


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c81673  No.7385298

File: d7be7b33ee96226⋯.png (382.73 KB, 606x562, 303:281, Wisdom.png)

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651e8d  No.7385299

File: 5e246186248d2e9⋯.png (180.62 KB, 864x828, 24:23, 5e246186248d2e9b8403ab8080….png)

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1c5a9f  No.7385300


>Are (You)s not working

Were working for me yesterday , don't know about now this is my first post today.

Can one of you faggots throw me a (You)?

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6f782d  No.7385301

File: 526845704139aa4⋯.png (1.05 MB, 937x527, 937:527, ClipboardImage.png)

ICE arrests 90 additional foreign students at fake university in Michigan

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has reportedly arrested an additional 90 foreign students of a fake university in Michigan operated by the U.S. government.

The Detroit Free Press reported Wednesday that the 90 arrests in recent months bring the total number of students arrested for immigration violations through the fake college up to about 250.

The university was set up as part of a sting that attracted foreign students, mostly from India, and promoted itself as offering graduate education in technology and computer studies, the newspaper reported, citing ICE officials.

The Detroit office of ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations told the paper that about 80 percent of the arrested students voluntarily left the U.S., about 10 percent were ordered to leave, and about 10 percent have filed for relief or are fighting their removal orders.

Eight others, meanwhile, have reportedly been charged with trying to recruit the students. Seven have pleaded guilty and have been sentenced while one will be sentenced in January, according to the Free Press.

Lawyers representing the students have argued the government unfairly trapped them because the Department of Homeland Security’s website listed the university as legitimate.

According to the Free Press, lawyers representing ICE and the Justice Department have said the students should have known the college was not legitimate because it did not have courses in a physical place.


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9ff865  No.7385302

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66b2cf  No.7385303

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fb4445  No.7385304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I've had enough of anons posting so much evil cabal music and decided that it's time for some good ol' fashioned wholesome Adult oriented middle of the road non offensive music.

Young teacher, the subject

Of schoolgirl fantasy

She wants him so badly

Knows what she wants to be

Inside him, there's longing

This girl's an open page

Book marking, she's so close now

This girl is half his age

Don't stand, don't stand so

Don't stand so close to me

Don't stand, don't stand so

Don't stand so close to me

Her friends are so jealous

You know how bad girls get

Sometimes it's not so easy

To be the teacher's pet

Temptation, frustration

So bad it makes him cry

Wet bus stop, she's waiting

His car is warm and dry

Don't stand, don't stand so

Don't stand so close to me

Don't stand, don't stand so

Don't stand so close to me

Loose talk in the classroom

To hurt they try and try

Strong words in the staff room

The accusations fly

It's no use, he sees her

He starts to shake and cough

Just like the old man in

That book by Nabokov

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b1052c  No.7385305


Yellow vested and very alert citizens all over Europe know this. See: Berlin farmers.

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5bacc4  No.7385306

Any anons know of any good in-depth documentaries on MK Ultra or related subjects?

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df1534  No.7385307

File: 202dfadb5db26ef⋯.jpeg (45.72 KB, 618x500, 309:250, 66A84850-3A4B-403B-A49C-D….jpeg)

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539396  No.7385308

File: d5d6e38d1eae349⋯.jpg (114.84 KB, 747x479, 747:479, Deep Staters.jpg)

Q team is fighting enemies foreign and domestic.

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1c5a9f  No.7385309

File: 40453594e030761⋯.png (8.14 KB, 512x215, 512:215, working.png)

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fede2d  No.7385310











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34c202  No.7385311


can´t ban the ebot!

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90a200  No.7385312

File: ed59075e684353e⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1204x1435, 172:205, FU.jpg)


You're welcome.

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a4fc24  No.7385313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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95ffb1  No.7385314


Here, catch

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000000  No.7385315


Hard to say. It is said that Tino Chrupalla will candidate, he's younger (*1975).

Gauland (*1941) is old-hand and has good eloquency. We will see.

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66b2cf  No.7385316

File: 36e54a43ed1e0fc⋯.png (55.93 KB, 763x169, 763:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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95ffb1  No.7385317

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93b2d3  No.7385318

File: 4a54010058affdd⋯.jpg (402.81 KB, 1608x1080, 67:45, MEMES ARE IMPORTANT.jpg)

File: 1324d57aa4965bf⋯.png (196.63 KB, 738x616, 369:308, [0].png)

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fede2d  No.7385319




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89f7ab  No.7385320

File: 433457628ea159c⋯.jpg (32.1 KB, 500x500, 1:1, POTUS Top Kek confirmed.jpg)

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000000  No.7385321

lol, ebots id is "fed"

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87df34  No.7385322

>>7385272 Don't let them see the label until they compliment you on your great tasting wine after having some.

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604d6c  No.7385323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c81673  No.7385324


"A warrior knows that the farthest-flung star in the Universe reveals itself in the things around him."

~ The Manual of the Warrior of Light

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539396  No.7385325

File: 0012942ad0577ad⋯.jpg (46.83 KB, 500x681, 500:681, 3hrfe3_1.jpg)

Indonesian Special Ops

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95ba39  No.7385326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


try this


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fede2d  No.7385327


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604d6c  No.7385328

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6f782d  No.7385329

File: 5c68c7b7a5a50c4⋯.png (106.24 KB, 742x862, 371:431, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ee4a8d59beeaba⋯.png (235.37 KB, 753x849, 251:283, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e0fa8aa7dcb3ed⋯.png (71.65 KB, 722x622, 361:311, ClipboardImage.png)

BOMBSHELL: 5G devices exposed as actual beam weapon systems by man who disassembles them on camera and finds weaponized electronics inside

Anthony Steele from the YouTube channel “ANTHONY STEELE” has been conducting his own independent investigations into LEDs, 5G, and other emerging technologies to see if they’re really as safe and beneficial as our tech overlords claim, and wouldn’t you know it but many of these high-tech devices are actually radiation weapons in disguise, based on what Steele has uncovered.

In a recent video update he published on November 21st, Steele looked at the 450-volt capacitor and computer board of a standard LED light, revealing that the blue light wavelengths blasted out from it are a type of phototoxic radiation that destroys the retina of the eye.

Citing a study published by French researchers about blue light exposure, Steele explains how the blue light from standard LEDs is extremely phototoxic, and is in no way safe for human health.

“Blue, phosphor-coated 450 nanometer (nm) frequency” is retinal cell toxic, Steele explains about how LED lights damage the human eye.

“This inhibits the production of chemicals in the body to protect you from cancer and deleterious effects, melatonin, the main one. These actually kill the retina cells … that’s why they’re dangerous, and that’s why the whole thing was developed as a weapons system,” he adds.

Steele’s cited study reveals how LED blue light not only damages the retina of the eye with its phototoxicity, but also decreases photoreceptor responses to light.

“The most harmful component of visible light is the blue wavelength (400-500 nm),” the study explains. “Different filters have been tested, but so far all of them allow passing a lot of this wavelength (70%).”

Be sure to watch Steele’s full video on this below:



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95ffb1  No.7385330


"And the knowledge that they fear is a weapon to be used against them…"

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5bacc4  No.7385331



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30144e  No.7385332

File: 712c7ad8d169697⋯.png (433.04 KB, 822x537, 274:179, ClipboardImage.png)

Israeli company wins bid to help secure US border


Israeli defense electronics company Elbit Systems announced on Wednesday that its US subsidiary has been awarded a $26 million contract by the US Customs and Border Protection to install a multi-sensor system to monitor the U.S.-Mexico border.

According to a report in the Israeli financial daily Globes, Elbit will install an Integrated Fixed Towers (IFT) system in Arizona.

Elbit has been involved in a number of projects with US Customs regarding border security.

The IFT system is a command and control center with sensors that monitors the US-Mexico border and provides intelligence to agents patrolling on the ground.

“Elbit Systems of America is honored to have been selected by the CBP and the Tohono O’odham Nation to provide a solution to suit the needs of those living and working along the border in the Casa Grande Area of Responsibility. This project clearly demonstrates our company’s mission to provide innovative solutions that protect and save lives,” said Elbit Systems of America president and CEO Ranaan Horowitz, according to Globes.

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11dd24  No.7385333



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6f782d  No.7385334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tens of Thousands of Cybersecurity Weaknesses in Energy Dept Including Inside National Nuclear Security Administration

The Energy Department continues to botch the same cybersecurity practices year after year, leaving unclassified systems in the nation’s nuclear facilities and other critical infrastructure exposed to digital attacks, according to a federal watchdog.

In their annual audit of the department’s cybersecurity program, investigators uncovered multiple recurring weaknesses related to configuration management, access controls, personnel training programs and security testing.

The audit also revealed substantial shortcomings in the department’s vulnerability management practices, which left tens of thousands of “critical and high-risk vulnerabilities” unaddressed within its digital ecosystem.

The department had addressed 21 of the 25 recommendations made in 2018. But dozens of additional vulnerabilities popped up this year, the majority of which “were similar in type to those identified during prior evaluations,” the IG said. The review included 28 department facilities, including locations operated by the National Nuclear Security Administration, which maintains the country’s nuclear weapons stockpile.

While different locations suffered from different security lapses, poor vulnerability management practices were the most widespread.

Auditors found 11 different facilities running unsupported software on their network servers and workstations, meaning the developer that originally built the tech was no longer providing security patches or other assistance. At some facilities, more than three-quarters of the workstations contained at least one critical or high-risk vulnerability related to unsupported software.

Nine locations included in the review had also failed to install critical and high-risk security patches on their infrastructure, according to the IG. Auditors said more than half of the roughly 1,850 workstations they tested were missing security patches that had been issued at least 30 days before—a violation of federal cyber policies—and nearly half the network servers they tested were missing critical or high-risk patches.

At one facility, the IG uncovered more than 10,500 unpatched critical and high-risk vulnerabilities.

The article doesn’t identify what kind of cybersecurity program is being operated. If it’s Internet of Things (IoT) technology – that could be the problem. IoT has a 74% failure rate which means it only has a 26% success rate. Security experts have given it 2 thumbs down for many years even referring to it as “The Internet of Dangerous Things”, “The Internet of Vulnerable Things” and even “The Internet of Shitty Things”.

Regardless, proponents – including the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) – continue to endorse it being installed everywhere. Of course even if the department isn’t using IoT, any program that is operated with a wireless connection is more vulnerable to hacking than with a wired connection. That’s never not been true. Bombs away.


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63cef9  No.7385335


>>7385301 ICE arrests 90 additional foreign students at fake university in Michigan

>>7385289 Who is Antifa

>>7385270 What's happening in Malta?

Someone got notes on the first 200?

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6a0869  No.7385336


ty anon, sounds VERY familiar.

Whiffs from different places make me wonder when/if Khashoggi/Mandalay Bay aren't to start filling in the puzzle

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9ff865  No.7385337


Bah, unlikely. 5G frequencies have been used for years. It is not new just repurposed spectrum for telecommunication use.

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c81673  No.7385338


"The warrior of light does not worry that, to others, his behaviour might seem quite mad. He talks out loud to himself when he is alone. Someone told him that this is the best way of communicating with the angels, and so he takes a chance and tries to make contact."

~ The Manual of the Warrior of Light

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6f782d  No.7385339

U.S. prosecutors open criminal probe of opioid makers and distributors

Federal prosecutors are investigating six pharmaceutical companies for potential criminal charges in connection with shipping big quantities of opioid painkillers that contributed to a healthcare crisis, according to regulatory filings.

Five companies have received subpoenas from the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Eastern District of New York as part of the investigation: drugmakers Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, Mallinckrodt Plc, Johnson & Johnson and Amneal Pharmaceuticals Inc, and distributor McKesson Corp, regulatory filings showed.

The Wall Street Journal first reported the investigation on Tuesday. The newspaper said the probe was in the early stages and prosecutors were expected to subpoena other companies in the coming months, citing a source.

A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s office for the Eastern District of New York declined to comment.

The WSJ also said distributor AmerisourceBergen Corp had received a subpoena as part of the investigation. The company said in regulatory filings that it has received subpoenas from multiple U.S. attorneys including the Eastern District of New York, but unlike the other companies, AmerisourceBergen did not specify the nature of the probe.

Shares of AmerisourceBergen, Amneal, Teva, Mallinckrodt and McKesson ended down 3% to 9%, while J&J shares were down marginally following the report. J&J’s disclosure of the investigation was reported by Reuters in October.

Teva said it was confident in its monitoring practices, which it said were designed to ensure medicines were delivered appropriately.


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903a98  No.7385340


Delicious win(e)


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2dd9b3  No.7385341

File: 9950b4ddfaef336⋯.png (57.38 KB, 641x266, 641:266, Screenshot 2019-11-27_17-3….png)


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fede2d  No.7385342

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.










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539396  No.7385343

File: 39e317e1b990f9e⋯.jpg (51.5 KB, 500x611, 500:611, Tucker Sucks.jpg)

Tucker Carlson squashes Trump's rally last night…. F-off Tucker.

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768689  No.7385344


Bring on Project Odin. I just uninstalled Lokinet as it was chewing up resources.

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f87cc7  No.7385345

If anyone knows of a discord module for redbot that can pull the q posts I'd appreciate it. I haven't been able to get the one I was running working since 8chan got deplatformed. My python skills are feeble.

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80a5aa  No.7385346

File: 2d04e6ab7614be5⋯.jpg (153.04 KB, 452x779, 452:779, project-odin-pepe-x1.jpg)

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fede2d  No.7385347



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604d6c  No.7385348


Lokinet was cool when it worked. But I guess they didn't like us much.

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bf14d5  No.7385349

File: b99954aabfecf55⋯.png (567.89 KB, 1054x475, 1054:475, Capture.PNG)

March 17, 2017

SS laptop stolen.


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ea8176  No.7385350


more pseudo scientific claptrap from nattering nabobs of negtivity

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539396  No.7385351

File: e79311f2fd12e23⋯.jpg (58.89 KB, 782x408, 23:12, Deep Toilet.jpg)



Project Odin will suck up all you personal data.

Only thing the Watkins's won't have is your Netflix password.

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fede2d  No.7385352

File: 4f238e303bfd6a7⋯.png (99.17 KB, 255x215, 51:43, t_ce3405fe71652be6ca80680e….png)


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0ac6e6  No.7385353

File: fee437f2f5bfe64⋯.jpg (128.59 KB, 1080x601, 1080:601, Blkmail.jpg)

File: 483920327446856⋯.jpg (163.75 KB, 736x552, 4:3, GuardYou.jpg)

File: 3f837dcfa367a4f⋯.jpeg (186.08 KB, 1242x799, 1242:799, EvilNoFuture.jpeg)

File: 7962ba9d477fcb6⋯.jpg (28.14 KB, 460x305, 92:61, SeeYou.jpg)

File: 879454b983c2395⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1027x1343, 13:17, dwi.png)


You're just upset that you were left to the sharks by the only people left in your measly existence who've dealt with your mindless. putrid, debauchery, for all this time. Now, all you have are the loud slander that governs your every whim, stinging the weakest parts of your pathetic washed out shell of carcass. Repent swine, before you are ate like you am. (grammar purposeful)

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0736f6  No.7385354


I follow the politics in Germany a little.

I think the AFD should be led by people from East Germany.

They are much more successful and seem to use a clearer language.

Maybe the Germans in the West need that.

After all, the West of Germany has been brainwashed for much longer.

Therefore it will take longer until they wake up.

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000000  No.7385355

Radioactive Food From Fukushima


Important information to all People living in Britain…

I have been told that the European Union has told Britain that from December 2019 it must start selling foods in British supermarkets which have been grown near the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

The US maintains a ban on any food coming from there but the EU has lifted the ban!!!

Look out for baby food, breakfast cereal, fish, meat and green tea.

But please, please don’t just check on them - Check on everything and ask where the food is coming from.

As it stands the European Union is not requiring producers to even label the warning - So ask ask ask!!!!


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fede2d  No.7385356




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f70406  No.7385357



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833736  No.7385358


Warrior of light needs to read Hamlet and weep for Ophelia

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95ba39  No.7385359


>Bring on Project Odin. I just uninstalled Lokinet as it was chewing up resources.

Perfect summary.

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fede2d  No.7385360

File: 30e4f13302c05fe⋯.jpg (332.12 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 2018_10_03_08_25_IMG_3201.JPG)

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df1534  No.7385361



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59a07a  No.7385362

File: e617316f273ab88⋯.jpg (155.01 KB, 1024x513, 1024:513, HillaryFixWasIn.jpg)

File: 74d3429e345eb27⋯.jpg (98.56 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ComeyHillaryFixWasIn.jpg)

File: 174235c3bfc3e47⋯.jpg (130.79 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, HillaryEmailFixWasIn.jpg)

File: 6015ad3058013ce⋯.jpg (198.65 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, HillaryEmailFixWasIn3.jpg)

File: 1a4a45eb6e6d730⋯.jpg (212.86 KB, 1024x588, 256:147, Comey:HillarySlapOnTheWris….jpg)

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a49b74  No.7385363


hey notetaker

you still happy with yr job?

can help if needed

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3e7425  No.7385364

File: e5e4d842b7e5f0b⋯.jpg (112.71 KB, 1200x794, 600:397, 5af0cd5803d76.image.jpg)

"A Fairmont veteran received 15 insulin injections before he died at the Louis A. Johnson Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Clarksburg, according to a statement of claim filed this week.

The family of William Holloway became at least the third family to file a statement against the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs claiming officials failed to protect patients at the hospital from a single employee who is believed to be responsible for the suspicious deaths.

In total, an ongoing investigation has indicated up to 11 military veteran patients were injected with insulin, causing their deaths by severe hypoglycemia.

Holloway, along with George Nelson Shaw Sr., Felix “Kirk” McDermott, Archie Edgell and John Hallman all have been identified as veterans who died under suspicious circumstances at the VA hospital in Clarksburg, according to media reports. The VA Inspector General’s Office, in August, confirmed it was working with federal law enforcement officers to investigate the deaths."


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fede2d  No.7385365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6f782d  No.7385366

File: cb78c4f41d49360⋯.png (84.96 KB, 742x900, 371:450, ClipboardImage.png)

Department of Justice Announces Update to Policy on Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems


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e661be  No.7385367

File: f60972fe2039ea9⋯.jpg (67.54 KB, 702x516, 117:86, obama michael last romp.jpg)

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9ed705  No.7385368

File: 6fd4ffa551dccb5⋯.jpeg (2.16 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, DAC5E89B-3AB9-42DE-9B01-B….jpeg)

File: 42c57c05a05ce4c⋯.jpeg (1.97 MB, 3088x2316, 4:3, 322A35B5-F9A2-40A7-8D78-3….jpeg)

Q is an NPC. You heard it here first!

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d20cb4  No.7385369

File: feb9d5d0fd7b78b⋯.png (1020.65 KB, 651x639, 217:213, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 328941f06744d8e⋯.png (9.83 KB, 492x168, 41:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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0736f6  No.7385370


I like the milky moment

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b1052c  No.7385371


These zombies are from the post-911crop of minds cultivated primarily by the MSM.

Fuck, it worked again. Now these useful idiots cause trouble for the MSM to do their news on. Edward Bernays, I read your book!

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e4b6e8  No.7385373


kill -9 isn't working. Looks like it just respawns … that or I started a hella lot of instances when I was trying to get it to work.

Both options are possible. ;-)

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329294  No.7385374

File: e43349afe867b0e⋯.jpeg (186.71 KB, 1281x718, 1281:718, 8BDA4746-92FF-4A7A-90DF-1….jpeg)

H/t to my favorite memesmith for this one. Snagged it from twat

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a4fc24  No.7385375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6f782d  No.7385376

File: 958fa373254aed4⋯.png (65.45 KB, 748x740, 187:185, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6313c5f54095061⋯.png (72.33 KB, 737x702, 737:702, ClipboardImage.png)

Brooklyn Man Arrested for Attempting to Provide Material Support to ISIS

Zachary Clark Allegedly Disseminated ISIS Propaganda and Bomb-Making Instructions in an Effort to Incite Acts of Terrorism and Violence In New York City and Elsewhere


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1760d3  No.7385377

File: cc4ec47d2c39281⋯.png (341.38 KB, 527x522, 527:522, Screenshot_2019-11-27 (((R….png)



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539396  No.7385378

File: 7ab1df18fa5a5ea⋯.jpg (221.02 KB, 670x670, 1:1, 4986231e49c48ac4178aa94435….jpg)


Tulsi is to dumb to be President.

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9fbab6  No.7385379

File: c2afbb2de98b18c⋯.mp4 (1.11 MB, 360x240, 3:2, wrath_of_odin.mp4)

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7f3f32  No.7385380

How about the site https://wearethene.ws/

Are they going to live - update it again now that 8Kun is up an running

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fede2d  No.7385381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9ed705  No.7385382


she’s pretty smart for a woman

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a4fc24  No.7385383


*too dumb*

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6f782d  No.7385384

File: cd4af6da5bc141b⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1334x846, 667:423, ClipboardImage.png)

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8da261  No.7385385

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000000  No.7385386


mor digging for you

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6f782d  No.7385387

File: 9cecfa64c4f439f⋯.png (170.09 KB, 629x613, 629:613, ClipboardImage.png)


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9fbab6  No.7385388



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fede2d  No.7385389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d3bf81  No.7385390


Are you the highest ranking anon, now?

The jews are the DEEP STATE.

Look at all of the articles written by jews that discuss how the jews are the driving force behind the impeachment of Trump.

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93b2d3  No.7385391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


enjoy the show

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a92635  No.7385392



Deepstate plants were C_A informants not FBI.

On account of shills damage control narrative >>7385263

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6808c4  No.7385393



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89f7ab  No.7385394

>>7385049, >>7385195 BREAKING: FBI Mysteriously "Finds" More Clinton Emails - Weiners Laptop?

>>7385099, >>7385191 'Lock them all up and throw away the key': Virginia Roberts says Ghislaine Maxwell must be arrested and Prince Andrew belongs in jail as she accuses authorities of a cover up

>>7385121,>>7385148 Travis View Speaks at StratCom 2019 on "Qanon Conspiracy Theory"

>>7385122, Farmers protesting in France and Germany

>>7385143 Pamela Anderson Says She Was Threatened By Belmarsh Prison Warden During Visit With Julian Assange

>>7385155 Farage: Labour Cutting Marriage Tax Breaks Shows the Family Is Under Assault

>>7385181 Hunter Biden’s China connections plagued by ethics questions and national security concerns

>>7385219 Solid data, trade hopes lift Wall Street to records

>>7385237, >>7385244 The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families



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95ffb1  No.7385395

Number Of Young Russians Who Want To Emigrate Hits Highest Level In Decade

Russia's sluggish economic growth, which has prompted President Vladimir Putin to order his government to find ways to jump-start the economy, and a summer of pro-democracy protests have posed some of the biggest challenges the president has faced during his two decades in power.

The poll reflected those issues, with respondents citing anxiety for their children's future and the economic situation as the main two reasons for considering emigration.


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fede2d  No.7385396




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d3bf81  No.7385397


You are malfunctioning again.

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2dd9b3  No.7385398

File: 43611f51e73318c⋯.png (96.03 KB, 689x427, 689:427, Screenshot 2019-11-27_17-5….png)

File: 112202ad6fe4cbe⋯.png (300.88 KB, 635x683, 635:683, Screenshot 2019-11-27_17-5….png)


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8e66ff  No.7385399

File: 0d79937416b5ae5⋯.jpg (72.97 KB, 640x427, 640:427, crying to mommy.jpg)


No women. They don't care about freedom.

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6cefac  No.7385400

File: 18a2fbad9088d1b⋯.png (1.62 MB, 748x942, 374:471, CovfefePOTUSfight.png)

File: 1a97bdc7486dbc4⋯.png (1.4 MB, 912x599, 912:599, Screenshot_28.png)

File: 7a1f451de969c73⋯.png (114.75 KB, 205x267, 205:267, Screenshot_29.png)


Rocky Balboa's World Championship Belt is a prop that is based on "Ring Magazine" championship belts.

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63cef9  No.7385401



Bless you anon!

thanqs for the break!

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fede2d  No.7385402



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da2798  No.7385403

>>7384892 pb

That 99% hospital always seemed like bullshit to me.

Q isn't really all that great at guessing percentages. That 4-5% of hard core democrats also seemed quite wrong.

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619b99  No.7385404

File: d64e961b48b2ace⋯.jpeg (420.11 KB, 1633x663, 1633:663, 2E754CC2-31D1-4C0B-9675-1….jpeg)

YUGE anomaly on the Schumann Resonance graph.

Q said, Think WAVES.


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a49b74  No.7385405


went to pick up early notes

but you already got em!

lemme know if ya want help

otherwise i'll digg & post

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000000  No.7385406


Sounds like they are just not going to censor people talking about pedos. Isn't that a good thing? We want people to know that there are pedos out there. If we can't talk about it, then how will people know?

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604d6c  No.7385407

File: 53c8cd13ff28917⋯.png (77.35 KB, 763x335, 763:335, twitter pedo.png)


Twitter allows pedophilia in its official policy

What is not a violation of this policy?

Discussions related to child sexual exploitation as a phenomenon or attraction towards minors are permitted, provided they don’t promote or glorify child sexual exploitation in any way. Artistic depictions of nude minors in a non-sexualized context or setting may be permitted in a limited number of scenarios e.g., works by internationally renowned artists that feature minors.


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df1534  No.7385408

File: eb3266464034592⋯.jpeg (141.35 KB, 1125x959, 1125:959, 8E16C548-B352-4EA4-B191-4….jpeg)

So is the IG report just ANOTHER case of “disinformation is necessary”? How many times are anons going to be made to look like FOOLS?

I’m fucking tired of this shit. Give me ONE good reason why the IG report will not be what Q said it would. Just one.

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6cefac  No.7385409

File: aab9d43c638bf09⋯.png (61.84 KB, 540x471, 180:157, Screenshot_30.png)


I thought this ironic!


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6a0869  No.7385410


Malta, it's being handed to us

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63cef9  No.7385411


I got it

digg and post away

I will ghost after this bake, 4 breads in a row scrambles my brains!

thank you!

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89f7ab  No.7385412

File: 6b4e506c74bf7bd⋯.png (535.05 KB, 1000x653, 1000:653, pepe pilot da bread.png)


different anon but got done either way.


np, lag is not an issue here..:)

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93b2d3  No.7385413

File: 83d41a56f0e912e⋯.jpg (119.69 KB, 502x668, 251:334, message.JPG)


lurk more

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9ed705  No.7385414


her skin is so bad 😭

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14e7be  No.7385415

File: 61c17f9e966b266⋯.png (185.2 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot 2019-11-27 at 1….png)

File: f52d7228493c51d⋯.png (442.82 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot 2019-11-27 at 1….png)

chalupa daughter has a podcast

gaslighting us calling it gaslit nation

"About Gaslit Nation

Sarah Kendzior and Andrea Chalupa are experts on authoritarian states who, years before the 2016 election, persistently warned America about the Kremlin’s threat to democracy in the US and around the world. Here, they take a deep dive on the news, skipping outrage to deliver analysis, history, context, and sharp insight on global affairs."



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0ac6e6  No.7385416

File: 68506cf57249c60⋯.jpg (85.92 KB, 700x361, 700:361, weNOcuckfoo.jpg)

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9700f0  No.7385417


Safari on iOS, I get (you). Win10 Edge, I get (you). Same computer with Brave, no (you). Assuming it’s a browser setting based on that. Private tor tab on Brave, same computer I got (you).

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fede2d  No.7385418



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7499cb  No.7385419

File: 4f6bd8a435b172c⋯.jpg (102.97 KB, 960x720, 4:3, IMG_20191127_145047.jpg)

File: dd7c77d62e29947⋯.jpg (466.9 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_20191127_145019.jpg)

Flynn's twatter.


People in other room

In hand of guy in blue shirt

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a49b74  No.7385420


Depends how yr talking about it

If yr exposing vs normalizing it


Discussing <> Depicting

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9fbab6  No.7385421

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e4b6e8  No.7385423


Their encryption ain't working.

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000000  No.7385424


>After all, the West of Germany has been brainwashed for much longer.

German TV tells them more than day-by-day that they lost the war and killed jews. Keep germans small and guilty by calling them murders. You are right, in west longer than east.

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fede2d  No.7385425





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a49b74  No.7385426


that's a lot

i only got one bread to handle

but it's on QRB

and it takes about a week


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6f782d  No.7385427


They allow it on their hidden services,

I did the dig on @jack/twat last year where I found linked abuse videos of pedos in Asia literally showing off their crimes all on twat, hardest dig I've done, horrendous abuse

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000000  No.7385428


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0a23d1  No.7385429


Fuck Elbit. Americans can do it better.

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2dd9b3  No.7385430

File: 2d9f9e0c45eb15e⋯.png (54.97 KB, 626x261, 626:261, Screenshot 2019-11-27_18-0….png)


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000000  No.7385431


So they are going to get around censorship by calling it art. That's not good. This is like art 101 discussion of "what is art"? Is Michelangelo's nude statue of David art or porn? Blah, Blah, Blah.

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fede2d  No.7385432


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0162af  No.7385433

File: 66261a6be6071ff⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1616x1046, 808:523, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)

>>7384392 (lb)


Could be somethn' could be nothn'

-Other usage-

In Scots the verb scon means to crush flat or beat with the open hand on a flat surface, and "scon-cap" or "scone-cap" refers to a man's broad flat cap or "bunnet".

In Australia, scone can be a slang term for the head, usually referring to the crown region.'


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616f4b  No.7385434

File: ab0d7b710892e0f⋯.jpg (81.59 KB, 426x530, 213:265, Portlandidiots.jpg)


Did he list the guy in the middle of this set? I wonder what he did to get a face full of pepper spray.

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fede2d  No.7385435

File: b931be9029d6290⋯.png (84.23 KB, 590x392, 295:196, 2019_02_01_16_33_IMG_5750.PNG)

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fc9ed8  No.7385436

File: 90aa74e414fc34e⋯.jpeg (593.33 KB, 1676x1242, 838:621, 7F5FA674-DD1A-4F46-8874-A….jpeg)

File: 59642cf5355606f⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 81526D91-B0B3-4434-915C-FF….png)

File: ecd7901d404823f⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 38F38156-55BD-4EDD-85BE-9C….png)

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9dfa7d  No.7385437

Timing is everything. Just now on fox news

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000000  No.7385438


Many will never accept they were lied to their entire lives. Pearl Harbor was a false flag, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were thermal bombs, the earth is a plane, the "center" of the earth is not magma, and the earth is only 6000 years old. They might realize Dimocrats are satanists and the cabal colludes against them but they will never really wake up to grasp the truth.

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fede2d  No.7385439

File: 5e435cdbfe9d995⋯.png (50.46 KB, 590x262, 295:131, 2019_01_17_10_43_IMG_5379.PNG)

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604d6c  No.7385440


> Artistic depictions of nude minors in a non-sexualized context or setting may be permitted in a limited number of scenarios

A depiction is a just a fancy word for porn. And they are trying to pass it off as art. "Non-sexualized" and art is in the eye of the twitter moderator. And I'm sure, those eyes are sick.

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8da261  No.7385441

File: e12cedafb870692⋯.jpeg (804.51 KB, 1750x2500, 7:10, CEC3CFED-96DE-40CE-9D1F-8….jpeg)


Gauntlet time for you.

No universal lube either.

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211b60  No.7385442

File: d5e57402335f545⋯.jpg (26.65 KB, 781x228, 781:228, Capture123.JPG)

I don't know if any Anons have connected these, but…

>FISA Report by OIG is rumored to drop December 9th.

>YouTube to change all their Terms and Conditions on December 10th.

Activates the almonds.

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6f782d  No.7385443

Amnesty International: Google & Facebook’s “Surveillance-Based” Model Threatens Human Rights

Amnesty International has said that the “surveillance-based” business models of tech giants like Google and Facebook threaten human rights. Big tech has been known to collect private data, censor speech on behalf of the government, and financially punish dissenters by disallowing advertising.

Amnesty International has gone public with its scathing commentary about big tech. Describing Google and Facebook’s advertising-centric business models as “surveillance-based,” Amnesty International warns that the “mass harvesting of data – primarily for the purpose of advertising – has meant that surveillance has become the ‘business model of the internet.’”

So in order to sell you more products and get you to spend your hard-earned dollars, big tech fully intends to spy on you. This is not new information by any stretch of the imagination, however, it’s worth pointing out again. Amnesty International says:

• Facebook and Google both run “continuous analysis and accumulation of information about people,” which constitutes illegal surveillance under the United States Constitution.

• Facebook and Google don’t charge for their services, and instead, rely on people “handing over their data as a hidden kind of payment.”

• Facebook and Google collect “a wealth of highly detailed data” that allows them to know more about individuals “than the individuals do about themselves.”

• Facebook and Google now have the capacity to analyze and predict user habits and behaviors using artificial intelligence (AI) systems equipped with advanced surveillance and tracking technologies.

All of this proves that Facebook, Google, and the rest are acting against the best interests of consumers, though these tech giants and others deny that they’re engaged in any behaviors that harm their customers. –Natural News

“… despite the real value of the services they provide, Google and Facebook’s platforms come at a systemic cost,” the Amnesty International report reveals. “The companies’ surveillance-based business model forces people to make a Faustian bargain, whereby they are only able to enjoy their human rights online by submitting to a system predicated on human rights abuse,” it adds. “Firstly, an assault on the right to privacy on an unprecedented scale, and then a series of knock-on effects that pose a serious risk to a range of other rights, from freedom of expression and opinion to freedom of thought and the right to non-discrimination.”

“This isn’t the internet people signed up for,” notes Amnesty International. “When Google and Facebook were first starting out two decades ago, both companies had radically different business models that did not depend on ubiquitous surveillance. The gradual erosion of privacy at the hands of Google and Facebook is a direct result of the companies’ establishing dominant market power and control over the global ‘public square.’”

We, as individuals, need to decide if the surveillance and lack of privacy is worth it.


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63cef9  No.7385444


I really missed this stuff e!

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95ffb1  No.7385445



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a4fc24  No.7385446


BTW, Catherine Herridge - Gotta wonder what the real story is behind her leaving FOX for a job at CBS. I never detected any real iberal bent.

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000000  No.7385447


First thing I thought about when Trump signed the Bill re animal crush films. If they do it to animals, you know they do it to kids too.

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a9a4bb  No.7385448

Is Jared Kushner a SLEEPER?

>[Some] who once supported POTUS [sleepers] have/will turn [puppets & puppet masters].

"A Canadian businessman who has become a useful agent for powerful royal families on the Arabian Peninsula has levied a slew of allegations against U.S. politicians, from Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar to Republican President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner. While his claims remain unverified, they are rapidly spreading through Middle Eastern media and have become prominent on right-wing American sites."



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0736f6  No.7385449


I suspect these creatures have never worked honestly in their lives.


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6cefac  No.7385450

File: b93396fa1bc563c⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1184x802, 592:401, Screenshot_32.png)



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89f7ab  No.7385451

File: 42f5563464d83f9⋯.gif (4.07 MB, 482x498, 241:249, POTUS wrong.gif)


>and the earth is only 6000 years old.

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6a0869  No.7385452


I'm leaning towards the 'escape' interpretation. As in, everybody who can get to a non-extraditeable should *now*. Mostly Ireland, some Bahrain and a dozen others.

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fede2d  No.7385453







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0e85db  No.7385454

File: 2d2947365a9b328⋯.jpg (282.07 KB, 960x621, 320:207, fusca.jpg)



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0736f6  No.7385455


I don't trust him.

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93b2d3  No.7385456


>[Some] who once supported POTUS [sleepers] have/will turn [puppets & puppet masters]

mirror that statement.

some who once were against potus have turned

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2dd9b3  No.7385457

File: 916c24b74b08f01⋯.png (43.52 KB, 630x194, 315:97, Screenshot 2019-11-27_18-0….png)


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fede2d  No.7385458


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da2798  No.7385459


But the percentages are wrong.

99% is way high for anything. 4-5% is way low for anything.

"Many"? Sure. And what does "will never accept they were lied to" … And what does that mean in relation to hospital?

Or voting Democrat?

I'm just saying - Qs numbers are way too extreme.

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6f782d  No.7385460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RFB video can take or leave this guy but in this he shows a lot of patents for mind control.




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2dd9b3  No.7385461


you pathetic shill faggot

learn how to trust yourself first

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9653e2  No.7385462


Starting to believe and have for a while now that Carter Page is as dumb as a plant.

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6a9a09  No.7385463

File: 19883ec095b7f5b⋯.png (206.92 KB, 1249x811, 1249:811, Screen Shot 2019-11-25 at ….png)

File: f6851646ab61791⋯.png (256.65 KB, 1115x818, 1115:818, Screen Shot 2019-11-25 at ….png)

File: a8a69383a0c4ba9⋯.png (50.36 KB, 998x355, 998:355, Screen Shot 2019-11-25 at ….png)

File: 678117a085a92ce⋯.png (133.29 KB, 1187x647, 1187:647, Screen Shot 2019-11-25 at ….png)

File: e79be732b7d27f4⋯.png (547.42 KB, 840x795, 56:53, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at ….png)


Project DCOMMS De-coded it is Decentralized Platform TY RON and Jim! (Pics related)

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95ffb1  No.7385464


CCP gonna be pissssed!!!!

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89f7ab  No.7385465


Japan nuclear watchdog approves restart of reactor hit by 2011 tsunami

Japan's nuclear watchdog on Wednesday approved the restart of a reactor in northeastern Japan damaged by the 2011 earthquake-tsunami disaster, judging that the strict safety standards adopted after the Fukushima accident have been met.

The No. 2 unit of Tohoku Electric Power Co.'s Onagawa plant in Miyagi Prefecture received the green light after the addition of anti-disaster measures including a towering seawall that is nearing completion.

It is only the second nuclear reactor damaged by the March 2011 calamity after the Tokai No. 2 power station in Ibaraki Prefecture to clear the Nuclear Regulation Authority's new safety standards. The basement floors of the No. 2 unit at the Onagawa complex were flooded.

The plant straddling Onagawa town and Ishinomaki city still needs to complete the anti-disaster measures as well as receive local consent to restart, meaning it will almost certainly remain offline until after fiscal 2020.

Its operator, Tohoku Electric, expects to spend about 340 billion yen ($3.1 billion) on the measures, primarily the 800-meter long wall reaching 29 meters above sea level along the perimeter facing the Pacific Ocean to guard from tsunamis as high as 23.1 meters.

Costs for enhanced safety measures have ballooned and are expected to further swell with the construction of facilities to be used in the event of a terrorist attack, also required under the new safety standards.


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a4fc24  No.7385466



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80a5aa  No.7385467

File: bb9a4d015e0063c⋯.jpg (218.92 KB, 787x589, 787:589, maga-dog-painting-x34.jpg)

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6a9a09  No.7385468


whoopsie iggy the papadop pic

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9dfa7d  No.7385469

File: 26c03d40d9f5de1⋯.png (398.63 KB, 1194x648, 199:108, Untitleda - Copy.png)

File: 1c94c4fff2ceddd⋯.png (442.46 KB, 1191x648, 397:216, Untitledb - Copy.png)

There are no coincidences.

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000000  No.7385470


that escalated quickly

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9be011  No.7385471

File: f11175ca19b3f93⋯.png (270.72 KB, 411x532, 411:532, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce5a555ecc1af21⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB, 640x640, 1:1, iNwHBehU0zpYTDaz.mp4)


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0736f6  No.7385472


Go back to Sinai, shlomo

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a8a937  No.7385473


>Are (You)s not working for anybody else?

>What if I get one from Q

(you) is not working for (me) - using Brave browser

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473ec7  No.7385474

File: d729ae31ce4cfe6⋯.jpg (137.46 KB, 1006x340, 503:170, srf.jpg)


>YUGE anomaly on the Schumann Resonance graph

Sure retard. If you call it an anomaly that the instruments weren't recording any data at the time.

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6a9a09  No.7385475

>>7385463 BO can you remove img #3?

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2dd9b3  No.7385476


little biatch

sick of retards like you

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9fbab6  No.7385477

File: e04ceb9fed4559c⋯.png (886.77 KB, 748x945, 748:945, IMG_2019111_12292.png)

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a4fc24  No.7385478


Amid all the discussion about this guy in the past and people imtimating that he just might be JFK, Jr., I never realized his twitter description says, "…an UNDYING love for this great nation!"

Just saying.

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ca30fd  No.7385479


Same as IG report release and testimony!

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93b2d3  No.7385480

File: 78b20117afe9914⋯.jpg (45.13 KB, 740x734, 370:367, ahshit.JPG)


fj probly wont be lurkin' til later tonight… pretty sure datnigga got a real life job

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ca30fd  No.7385481


Works for me on same browser

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076c66  No.7385482

File: 2ec1b149b726f53⋯.jpeg (23.94 KB, 474x266, 237:133, stupidest_thing.jpeg)


>the earth is a plane

>the earth is only 6000 years old

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93b2d3  No.7385483

File: ee97b31800be26e⋯.png (258.51 KB, 425x740, 85:148, doggo.png)

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424130  No.7385484

File: 774eeeb34b445e4⋯.jpg (11.17 KB, 171x255, 57:85, aa55cbbf329e78ec051da1bcf0….jpg)


…Those who have invested their emotions heavily into a lie have trouble coming to grips with the truth, when faced with it. Mental short circuiting occurs. Entire world view destroyed.

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5575e3  No.7385485

File: 6c508ff7e5ccdf7⋯.png (345.64 KB, 678x760, 339:380, YOU.png)

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9fbab6  No.7385486

File: 4db7349480166c6⋯.png (508.12 KB, 709x550, 709:550, GOLD_NASA.png)


Also related? Not sure. But maybe interesting.

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604d6c  No.7385487

File: da232679cc82e17⋯.jpg (122.95 KB, 628x380, 157:95, Alita_Battle_Angel_James_C….jpg)


Space Force and now this?

We're living in a manga!

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89f7ab  No.7385488

File: 51d7a6b462bf98e⋯.png (3.67 KB, 152x142, 76:71, remove request.PNG)


click the arrow and drop down this (cap) menu and follow the instructions for your request

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6a9a09  No.7385489


no worries lol everyolne email papadop and tell him he stiffed me on 2 books lol

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ca30fd  No.7385490


Its not the ayes. THink about all the stuff we know about. Pizzagate, sacrifices, satanism, spirit cooking.

If the normies find out its all real and everyone in power is complicit, they will short circuit

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0736f6  No.7385491


I really feel sorry for you, shlomo.

Your time is running out and you already notice that clearly.

The time of the midnight mountain has dawned.

Burn in the hell from which you crawled.

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0ac6e6  No.7385492

File: fbad3532ff18295⋯.png (168.44 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, broken.png)



You really don't know how to fucking read, do you?


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4cdb32  No.7385493

File: 441fc3d40fa15df⋯.jpg (139.71 KB, 1362x645, 454:215, 1574433955076.jpg)

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9be011  No.7385494

File: 9ffcff0916982f9⋯.png (12.9 KB, 733x100, 733:100, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61ae1fd0daea3dd⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1398x3284, 699:1642, ClipboardImage.png)

Iran Says Over 700 Banks Were Torched In Vast Protest 'Conspiracy'


After early in the week Iran's top elite Guard commander gave a fiery 'victory' speech declaring the mainstay of anti-government protests which gripped major cities across Iran since Nov. 15 had been quelled, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has followed up with denouncing the unrest as a “very dangerous conspiracy”.

This as according to Reuters Iranian authorities "reported about 731 banks and 140 government sites had been torched in the disturbances."

Given the over week-long and government ordered total internet shutdown which had ensued, this claim can't be independently verified. However, during the opening days of widespread unrest which had been triggered by a sudden fuel price hike by as much as 300% in some places when government subsidies were slashed, initial videos posted online showed dramatic scenes of banks and gas stations being torched.

“A deep, vast and very dangerous conspiracy that a lot of money had been spent on… was destroyed by the people,” Khamenei said while addressing members of the paramilitary Basij force. The Basij were among the elite security forces which spearheaded the crackdown against protests.

Over the past days sizable pro-government demonstrations have largely supplanted the anti-government unrest, which state media has touted as proof the "conspiracy" against the Islamic Republic has failed.

On Monday Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander Gen. Hossein Salami blamed the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel for fueling the unrest as part of continued covert war against Iran. “If you cross our red lines, we will destroy you,” he threatened.

And it was Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli who gave the total alleged figure of 731 banks and 140 government sites being set on fire during the protests.

He also claimed that 50 bases used by police and security forces were attacked along with about 70 gas stations burned, according to the official IRNA news agency.

Few details or locations were given to support this claim, but it is part of the government's continued attempt to paint a US and Israeli "hidden hand" as driving the popular anger.

Ayatollah Khamenei had previously labeled the protests as driven by "thugs" who were playing into the hands of Iran's enemies.

Burning a bank building by #IranianProtesters in #Behbahan, capital of Behbahan County, #Khuzestan Province, #Iran.

16th November 2019#IranProtests#IranUprising#IslamicRepublicMustGo#IranRegimeChange pic.twitter.com/7zg5FvDoEq

— Ahmad Batebi (@radiojibi) November 16, 2019

It should be noted that Washington did early on voice support to the protests, sparked initially by the economic crisis in the sanctions-wracked country. The death toll climbed to an estimated 200 dead as protesters clashed with police.

Last week Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had issued an unusual call for Iranian protesters to send the United States videos and photos and other evidence "documenting the regime’s crackdown" on protesters. It's unclear the extent to which Iranian activists and protesters have heeded his call.

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2dd9b3  No.7385495


Tell your wife the burn she feels when you finger her is not normal

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6cefac  No.7385496

File: e8cfe576c20ba0c⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1453x930, 1453:930, Screenshot_33.png)

File: 897e14817c26a1a⋯.png (366.87 KB, 369x1047, 123:349, Screenshot_34.png)


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6a9a09  No.7385497


ty anon done

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cd4e62  No.7385498

File: f6fd89866cf3b80⋯.jpeg (802.81 KB, 983x1019, 983:1019, E5C14FA3-4A0C-46A2-8992-4….jpeg)

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b3382b  No.7385499


I've met him. He is about 5'6" tall.

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63cef9  No.7385500



>>7385457 POTUS signs legislation backing pro-democracy supporters in HK

>>7385430 Navy will not carry out review of 3 officers connected to Gallagher case

>>7385398 Illinois state senator resigns amid fed corruption probe

>>7385395 Number Of Young Russians Who Want To Emigrate Hits Highest Level In Decade

>>7385387, >>7385406, >>7385407 Twitter allows pedophilia in its official policy

>>7385366 Department of Justice Announces Update to Policy on Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems

>>7385341 NY judge rejects Harvey Weinstein's bid to throw out his most serious charges, including predatory sexual assault, which carries a max sentence of life in prison!

>>7385339 U.S. prosecutors open criminal probe of opioid makers and distributors

>>7385334 Tens of Thousands of Cybersecurity Weaknesses in Energy Dept Including Inside National Nuclear Security Administration

>>7385332 Israeli company wins bid to help secure US border

>>7385301 ICE arrests 90 additional foreign students at fake university in Michigan

>>7385289 Who is Antifa

>>7385277, >>7385392 Deepstate plants were C_A informants not FBI.

>>7385237, >>7385244 The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families

>>7385219 Solid data, trade hopes lift Wall Street to records

>>7385181 Hunter Biden’s China connections plagued by ethics questions and national security concerns

>>7385143 Pamela Anderson Says She Was Threatened By Belmarsh Prison Warden During Visit With Julian Assange

>>7385122, >>7385139, >>7385140, >>7385169, >>7385217 Farmers protesting in France and Germany

>>7385121, >>7385148 Travis View Speaks at StratCom 2019 on "Qanon Conspiracy Theory"

>>7385270 What's happening in Malta?

>>7385099, >>7385191 'Lock them all up and throw away the key': Virginia Roberts says Ghislaine Maxwell must be arrested and Prince Andrew belongs in jail as she accuses authorities of a cover up

>>7385079, >>7385092, >>7385093, >>7385097, >>7385119, >>7385123, >>7385165, >>7385270 Malta


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378b65  No.7385501


That's a very narrow slice…you've only mentioned what's relevant for the last 100 years or so.

The lies about history and reality go back 1000s of years.

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9653e2  No.7385502


That was the true bit.

Most of the rest was false.

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b1052c  No.7385503


This evidence is confirming from the film footage of these protests when they happened. I and others were trying to count how many were women through the masks/clothing; we figured it to be roughly 1/3. These are just the ones that were caught. The 2008 "Hope and change" and the 2016 "I'm with her" spiels ruined these kids since childhood.

Pray for All to be Saved.

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6cefac  No.7385504

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9be011  No.7385505


Welcome to wonderland it's a deep rabbit hole.

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6f782d  No.7385506

Rothschild Aided Czech Billionaire In 'Fraud,' Hedge Fund Claims

Financial advisor Rothschild & Co. was sued in the U.S. for allegedly helping the Czech property billionaire Radovan Vitek secretly acquire controlling shares in a real-estate development company in what a New York hedge funds says amounted to a $1 billion fraud.

Rothschild helped Vitek quietly take control of Luxembourg-based Orco Property Group so the billionaire could strip it of its most valuable assets, according to an amended suit filed Nov. 22 in Manhattan by Kingstown Capital Management LP, which says it held a “substantial” stake in Orco.

Kingstown, which sued in April, said it added Rothschild as a defendant after obtaining details from a 2017 report on the matter by Luxembourg’s financial watchdog, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier. The regulator investigated Vitek and an alleged co-conspirator, former Orco Chief Executive Officer Jean-François Ott, from 2012 to 2016, according to the new complaint.

“Rothschild participated in a conspiracy with Vitek by, among other acts, acting as a broker to both Vitek and Vitek’s agents, proxies, and nominees,” Kingstown said in its new complaint. The Luxembourg regulator “uncovered evidence of secret meetings and correspondence between Vitek, Ott, and their advisors, in furtherance of their illegal agreement and scheme,” the suit alleges.

A message sent to Rothschild’s press office wasn’t immediately returned.

A spokesman for the Luxembourg regulator said he is looking into the matter but could not immediately confirm the report.

Vitek has previously denied Kingstown’s claim that he used a web of shell companies and “straw owners,” including Ott, to gain control of Orco and then sell its most valuable assets at “distressed prices” to entities he secretly controlled. Vitek’s company, CPI Property Group SA, which was also named in the suit, has also previously denied the allegations.

CPI Chief Financial Officer David Greenbaum said on Monday that the addition of Rothschild as a defendant is an attempt to embellish the original complaint, which the company has moved to dismiss.

“The plaintiffs are throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks,” Greenbaum said. They “are trying to buy time and attention before our motion is heard,” he said.

The case is Kingstown Capital Management LP v. Vitek, 1:19-cv-03170, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).


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2dd9b3  No.7385507

File: 94f15c323abcee5⋯.png (217.3 KB, 641x747, 641:747, Screenshot 2019-11-27_18-1….png)

File: d53deba0268273c⋯.jpg (63.88 KB, 828x558, 46:31, EKamdRBU8AAVU9H.jpg)


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000000  No.7385508

kek, thanks for the shout out baker

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9be011  No.7385509



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8da261  No.7385510

File: b2a814c23a894b2⋯.jpeg (56.71 KB, 600x615, 40:41, D345B6AB-9671-4007-9275-6….jpeg)

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9fbab6  No.7385511


Possibly connected to 'Gold destroys the Fed'?

Decentralized cryptocurrencies on blockchains accessible via satellites?

Would put a pie in the face of crypto-critics who say the cabal can just 'take down the internet' if they want to stop cryptos.

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4cdb32  No.7385512



2nd the notable baker

All these Iran protests are really relevant. The PEOPLE will change the regime, not military forces.

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1760d3  No.7385513

File: 1dfbfdc499c744e⋯.png (1.23 KB, 227x41, 227:41, Screenshot_2019-11-27 Q Re….png)

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9653e2  No.7385514


The fact that they're pissed at the banks and torched 731 of them is significant.

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386419  No.7385515


Funnier if gtreztal wuz holdin a pic of Donald Trump Jr., and the pic currently in her hands…, well, place that on the wall! GO POTUS 45






gobble gobble

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c93798  No.7385516

File: f90ff27c00d19c0⋯.jpg (239.57 KB, 655x750, 131:150, pepe notsofunny.jpg)


Something about HER being (TOO) stupid?


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000000  No.7385517

Iraq: Protesters set fire to Iran consulate in Najaf

Protesters have stormed the Iranian consulate in the Iraqi city of Najaf and set fire to the entire building, authorities said. Police reportedly fired live rounds into the crowd but failed to prevent the breach.

Authorities in Najaf, southern Iran, declared a curfew after a group of protesters breached the Iranian consulate and started a fire on Wednesday evening. The protesters chanted "victory to Iraq" and "Iran out."

Consulate staff had evacuated before the breach, police and civil defense sources said. However, the AP news agency cited a police official as saying that one person was killed and at least 35 wounded when police fired live rounds into the crowd.

Protesters managed to enter the compound and replace the Iranian flag with an Iraqi one.


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424130  No.7385518

File: 7bf352c50a52eb6⋯.jpg (18.07 KB, 236x291, 236:291, d309a464d1f84a668c9dac75ba….jpg)


I know. Just using a generic EBE pic as an expression of viewing humanity through other ayys (eyes; yeah, bad pun). Not meant to insinuate any EBE's. Will remember to be more selective with pics used.

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b21f6e  No.7385519

File: f261194295b620a⋯.jpeg (17.86 KB, 255x168, 85:56, A42BF21E-6524-4BC0-920E-4….jpeg)

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11dd24  No.7385520


So we're being set up as Russian Bots?

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8f6e3a  No.7385521


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63cef9  No.7385522

>>7385509, >>7385512

noted ya'll

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89f7ab  No.7385523


earth is much older, the rest of those are close.

PH was a false flag. That was extensively covered in here a year, or moar, ago. Can't speak to the thermal bomb part but some people still think fukushima was caused by a land-based, natural quake.

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9ed705  No.7385524

Q: literally everything is fake and a lie, right?

MKULTRA doesn’t exist or really matter

I can’t age or die

I really am living in a simulation/video game where I’m the only person playing

How and why are all my thoughts manifesting right in front of my face?

Everyone wants to fuck me because I’m God

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a8a937  No.7385525


>You really don't know how to fucking read, do you?

You really don't know how NOT to be an insufferable asshole do you?

Your comment is indecipherable and fucking useless, like you, CUNT!

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4f1cd8  No.7385526

File: 3dc0f753296c46b⋯.png (946.87 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 803783A1-501E-49A8-8608-8C….png)




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1af2b1  No.7385527

File: 5f96ad0f491b436⋯.jpg (110.74 KB, 702x960, 117:160, 5f96ad0f491b436fbc52e8ff10….jpg)

File: e7fb55a05eb805e⋯.jpg (45.22 KB, 720x723, 240:241, e7fb55a05eb805ec2ec13a6c2f….jpg)

File: f3c4644abd80c6c⋯.jpeg (15.96 KB, 292x319, 292:319, ce2b12f08d07f1db2718ce51b….jpeg)

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766af8  No.7385528


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93b2d3  No.7385529

File: 9722fa1edf06864⋯.jpg (56.72 KB, 825x379, 825:379, TRY ME FREDDY.JPG)


i asked the same thing last night…

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759fd7  No.7385530

File: c02cb6adf3b51b9⋯.png (509.95 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot from 2019-11-19….png)

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000000  No.7385531


false on at least two counts

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0a23d1  No.7385532

File: e319503a05e6dfe⋯.png (56.63 KB, 397x638, 397:638, ClipboardImage.png)


Ok I searched... now what?

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4cdb32  No.7385533


Hey freddy.


True, there were protests a few months ago that didn't seem to go anywhere but these seem to be much more intense.

Same with the ones in Iraq that are almost really getting out of control.

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ca30fd  No.7385534


I concur! I'm sure much of history (written by the true winners) has been hidden. Even stupid shit that normies don't realize - like that gulf of Tonkin was a false flag or the very least they were super unsure about the incident. SHould not have been in that war.

Probably all wars. Thats probably why Q had us watch Official Secrets. Good movie showing normies we went to IRAQ under a scheme by UK and US

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cd4e62  No.7385535

File: 3f8a7a8caf63912⋯.jpeg (623.34 KB, 1029x826, 147:118, 89C39C5E-CEA5-474E-8B95-0….jpeg)


And also with you!

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000000  No.7385536

Who thinks that RBG will be gone before Christmas?

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8f6e3a  No.7385537

File: 04087bbf529660d⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, 04087bbf529660d4187cf2815e….png)

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b21f6e  No.7385538

File: d899cf360b2521a⋯.jpeg (258.7 KB, 551x558, 551:558, 7A2C90AF-C948-4DF0-88AA-0….jpeg)

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58e652  No.7385539

>>7385157 Salem witch trials likely were a LARP. Miles Mathis looked at it….it was some of the same families that have kept at it to the present day. LARPs are revisited to reinforce them.

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4cdb32  No.7385540


Thanks bakerer.

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076c66  No.7385541


Most will reject the truth even when shown clear evidence. It's called cognitive dissonance. But maybe that is the short circuit itself…

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c047d6  No.7385542

File: d18fb9ce53d212a⋯.jpg (85.96 KB, 743x1129, 743:1129, ezra.jpg)

File: 828831b7e1268fb⋯.png (431.28 KB, 750x375, 2:1, jarred cohen watnik .png)

The qanon pub site is very helpful for red-pilling, but why don't they use a real photo of our stealth bomber, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, instead of using a pic of Jared Kushner with Trump?

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02fca2  No.7385543


posted on twatter

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5e221d  No.7385544


Page & Manafort

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766af8  No.7385545

File: 894669f83a26bd8⋯.png (792.35 KB, 1164x893, 1164:893, ClipboardImage.png)

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9ed705  No.7385546


which ones?

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87668e  No.7385547


That shill reminds me of the halwite who live streamed himself baking. Now why would an order shouting pick a shoe leather issue of a dry and complex type and attempt to coerce and bully anons into devoting energy and attention to that.

And in come the muh jews on cue.

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386419  No.7385548


looks like we got us a gook wannabe anon here boys – wut say we slice off a meme ear to suck on while we plunder the rest of the hole –





(you ever talk to me like that again, i'll meme YA)

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c047d6  No.7385549

File: 05382333b6ba755⋯.jpg (135.75 KB, 989x780, 989:780, ezra article.jpg)

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0cab81  No.7385550

File: c30b614658820d0⋯.jpg (49.67 KB, 808x449, 808:449, Capture.JPG)

File: bd8e541a79c8a23⋯.jpg (11.83 KB, 366x142, 183:71, Capture1.JPG)

The silent war gets louder .. Pay Attention people

60,000 people ordered to flee as another explosion rocks burning Texas chemical plant (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

Tens of thousands of residents in Texas have been ordered to flee as firefighters struggle to contain a massive blaze at a chemical plant, following a series of explosions at the facility.

All residents within four miles of the conflagration at the TPC Group chemical plant in Port Neches, which erupted early on Wednesday, were told to evacuate in an order from Jefferson County Judge Jeff Branick.

Here’s the moment another explosion happened at the TPC plant in Port Neches. @12NewsNowpic.twitter.com/VlVtmS79JH

— Makensie Hinkle (@MakensieTVNews) November 27, 2019

Communities affected by the mandatory evacuation order include Port Neches, Nederland, Groves, Beauxart Gardens, Central Gardens as well as portions of Port Arthur.

WTF!!! A third explosion has just rocked the TPC Group Plant in #PortNeches#Texas#USA …and the black smoke rises to the sky… pic.twitter.com/ZvLJb5kTui

— Bur (@Bur01210878) November 27, 2019


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000000  No.7385551


God doesn't want her in heaven, her pussy would dry up the clouds.

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6cefac  No.7385552

File: 8bfa083064bbcdd⋯.png (667.71 KB, 1347x875, 1347:875, Screenshot_35.png)



Amazon Ring fixed a security vulnerability in its Ring Video Doorbell Pro that could have potentially allowed hackers to get homeowners’ Wi-Fi passwords, TechCrunch reported on Thursday

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ca30fd  No.7385553


loud and clear! np

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89f7ab  No.7385554

File: de889fb168ed45a⋯.jpg (45.8 KB, 620x323, 620:323, Toots.jpg)

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6f782d  No.7385555

'I'm going straight to heaven… it's not even close': Billionaire Michael Bloomberg boasts that his liberal philanthropy has guaranteed him a place in paradise

Former NYC mayor said: 'I am telling you if there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in'

Bloomberg spending $50m on new anti-gun campaign to battle the NRA

Billionaire said he didn't miss being mayor and had no plans to run for the White House in 2016

“I am telling you if there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in. I have earned my place in heaven. It’s not even close,” Bloomberg told the New York Times in a wide ranging interview in 2014 in which he explained he has “earned” his place by spending hundreds of millions of dollars on liberal causes.



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c047d6  No.7385556

File: cd172134c437dcb⋯.png (770.58 KB, 948x554, 474:277, SENILEBADERGINSBURGKITTEN.png)

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4f1cd8  No.7385557



EyeTheSpy last week or earlier this week?? Weekend? Was talking about this all. Did a dig and all, crazy they just ran out, not like they were sitting on a ton anyway

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e661be  No.7385558

File: a6f5fae2b1039aa⋯.png (209.04 KB, 485x374, 485:374, Nancy P islam red.png)

Do you think Ilhan Omar was acting alone?

I'm betting she had a little help.

connect the dots…travel logs…timeline is important…

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9ed705  No.7385559

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8da261  No.7385560


Tippy-Top Keks!

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e8111c  No.7385561


Well, then the $26 Billion given to farmers from the $100 Billion in Chinese tarrifs makes this a win-win…right?

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4cdb32  No.7385562


The fact she's still alive is an indiction of how good modern medicine is.

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b304b0  No.7385563

File: 58e1692016c5c24⋯.jpeg (489.59 KB, 1785x1265, 357:253, B8ECED43-607D-49AD-931D-A….jpeg)

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93b2d3  No.7385564

File: f0e477d1293f069⋯.jpg (75.45 KB, 625x758, 625:758, the left literally cant me….JPG)

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ca30fd  No.7385565


Was she one of the justice democrats? If so they could have been helping

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0a23d1  No.7385566


Y'all are inviting trouble. Freddy is annoying as hell.

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0cab81  No.7385567

File: e919f3aa4fa743c⋯.png (861.03 KB, 794x450, 397:225, Toots.PNG)