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File: 287f24712f58e22⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, de36960c04495bd843cd005a70….jpg)

6ed572  No.7093626

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 07.18.2019

>>7088054 rt >>7088006 ————————— If you look close enough you might see….

>>7088006 ————————————–——– Worth remembering

>>7087942 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? (Cap: >>7088219)

>>7087719 ————————————–——– How do you 'shape' a story? (Cap: >>7089710)

>>7087425 rt >>7087382 ——————–——– Note events happening today

>>7087382 ————————————–——– Explore further (Cap: >>7087423)

>>7087356 ————————————–——– Explore further (Cap: >>7087384)

>>7086659 ————————————–——– Armor of God

>>7086225 ————————————–——– Worth remembering

>>7086145 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC (Cap: >>7086210)

>>7085919 ————————————–——– What happens when the public finds out the TRUTH?

>>7083453 ————————————–——– Symbolism will be their downfall

>>7076995 rt >>7076947 ————————— Thank you for your continued service, BO

>>7076919 rt >>7076859 ————————— Captcha Gone

>>7076842 rt >>7076831 ————————— Thank you, BO

>>7076810 ————————————–——– Please revert bread back to original form

Wednesday 07.17.2019

>>7074775 ————————————–——– Sheep no more. (Cap/Vid: >>7074909)

>>7074370 rt >>7074324 ————————— How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

>>7074281 ————————————–——– Outside of the standard deviation? (Cap: >>7074291)

>>7073304 rt >>7073157 ————————— WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>7073157)

Tuesday 07.16.19

Compiled here: >>7086938

Sunday 07.14.2019

Compiled here: >>7086925

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

6ed572  No.7093631

Global Announcements

>>7077026 BO "thank you for vote of confidence"

>>7079301, >>7079338 BO summarizes bread reversion, no more captcha, and continued notables thread >>7003045

Bakers, Do not add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough


are not endorsements

#9076 Notabattle to Capcha the Flag

>>7092893 Planefag update

>>7092946 Ilhan Omar's second husband - who Trump suggested is her BROTHER - is a globe-trotting, Instagram-loving Brit who is hiding from their marriage scandal at a Kenyan beach resort?

>>7092958, >>7093095, >>7093429 Keystone missing from the Arch of Baal, which is being erected throughout the world

>>7092971 @usaairforce 8 surviving Apollo Astronauts got together for 50th anniversary of moon landing

>>7092976, >>7093255 Article on the Temple of Bel (Baal)/ Palmyra, Syria

>>7092978 Latest Report by David Steinberg Describes Ilhan Omar’s 8 Instances of Perjury

>>7092999 This is the Citadel in Aleppo

>>7093004 @USArmy Wherever the fight, whoever the enemy, when America needs her best, she sends a Soldier

>>7093456 google trends ”evergreen clinton hillary 2004-present wolrdwide

>>7093379, >>7093389, >>7093405, >>7093413, >>7093431, >>7093446, >>7093466, >>7093458 20 years Economist "annual" covers

>>7093068 why-are-right-wing-conspiracies-so-obsessed-with-pedophilia Are You Kidding Me?

>>7093097 Berkeley becomes first US city to ban natural gas in new buildings

>>7093111, >>7093149 Aga Khan - A final boss

>>7093185 IL Biscione Di Milano “SYMBOLISM WILL BE THEIR DOWNFALL”

>>7093224 Iran owns property but State dept took possession of it. Taxpayers can’t be charged for upkeep. Rents must by used. Couple been renting place for 30 yrs. $5,000 pee month rent.

>>7093234 Ilhan Omar Stonewalling Hometown Paper On Marriage Controversy, Editor Says

>>7093243 Water-Mission-founder-drowned-tragic-accident-family-trip-Bahamas

>>7093280, >>7093398 Beneath the Stone Foundation is the WELL OF SOULS

>>7093291, >>7093502 Regarding white Lacoste shirts on Epstein Island victims digz

>>7093296 Obama saying "don’t come to this country illegally or you will be sent back!"

>>7093384, >>7093419 US- and the NETHERLANDS… did I just see a reassertion of an alliance?

>>7093420 Federal bank regulatory agencies announce coordination of reviews for certain foreign funds under Volcker Rule

>>7093444, >>7093475 hammam digz

>>7093275, >>7093282, >>7093287, >>7093292, >>7093303, >>7093547, >>7093606 The bird on Epstein's temple is Horus and the blue and white stripes represent Tutankhamun?

>>7093588 Moar Evergreen

>>7093618 #9076


>>7092102 Aleppo

>>7092123 BO thanks for you hard work, i know you take a lot of arrows but it's worth it. Glad to see the board back on track. God Bless

>>7092160 Senators Cassidy, Cruz Introduce Resolution Calling For Antifa to be Designated as a Domestic Terrorist Organization

>>7092204 Aga Khan digs


>>7092226, >>7092212, >>7092269, >>7092314, >>7092395 Julian's Rum twit @ Trump cards corresponds to a year

>>7092230 Levin on fire vid regarding Jihad Squad

>>7092244, >>7092269 Qclock/watch

>>7092307, >>7092416 Hammam is a ritual cleansing where a soap is applied. Think bathing

>>7092320 Q Post 3404 - another marker for July 19

>>7092355 "Please Don’t Flush Your Drugs M’kay." Tennessee Police Warn Of "Meth-Gators"

>>7092376 Recent POTUS typo and re-do DELTA is 23:47. Q_2347 is the QanonBaby post

>>7092411, >>7092427, >>7092455 So that thing in Syria is a bathhouse right?

>>7092472 Comey comms?

>>7092478 Chapel of St. Brizio pic

>>7092499 China makes biggest U.S. sorghum purchase since April as trade talks resume

>>7092589 Dome of the Rock/Foundation Stone

>>7092605, >>7092607 Resignations update

>>7092608 Evergreen Aviation digz

>>7092629 The restoration of Hammam Yalbugha was awarded the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, 1989 PDF

>>7092682 Assange drops appeal for breaching bail

>>7092736 , >>7092740 Omars life in danger vs rockstar welcome home

>>7092775 #9075

Previously Collected Notables

>>7091230 #9073, >>7092023 #9074

>>7088265 #9069, >>7089119 #9070, >>7089848 #9071, >>7090495 #9072

>>7085092 #9065, >>7085848 #9066, >>7086981 #9067, >>7088501 #9068

>>7081944 #9061, >>7082675 #9062, >>7083337 #9063, >>7084294 #9064

>>7078852 #9057, >>7079627 #9058, >>7080417 #9059, >>7081129 #9060

Notables Archive by BV's (no longer updated?): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

6ed572  No.7093634

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


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Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

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Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

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>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

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>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

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Other Dedicated Research Threads

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>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7071248 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #10

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

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Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

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Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84 >>7088885

Q Graphics all in EST


6ed572  No.7093637

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

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* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

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* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

49 >>7077975

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

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Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

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Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>7078280, >>7078284

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>7015023

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7078220

6ed572  No.7093655

File: be17284857bb99d⋯.png (679.28 KB, 1507x1507, 1:1, 3edc0b0b9744573c0d7d545c11….png)

File: 0ee34fb5fb6d994⋯.jpg (95.26 KB, 1000x760, 25:19, 0ee34fb5fb6d99405d322ec7a6….jpg)



Baker requests hand off, needs to go ghost

852366  No.7093678

File: 74227ed78a1ae25⋯.jpg (54.85 KB, 636x421, 636:421, jay-z-justin-timberlake-le….jpg)

8289ae  No.7093701

File: 087f21ba6d888b8⋯.png (1.06 MB, 640x663, 640:663, shills.png)


digits confirm

godspeed dr feels good man

dank cakin' fren

85ee0c  No.7093705

File: 3d95be613dda65f⋯.png (185.49 KB, 653x334, 653:334, 383bd4cd3f55c88d023de5822c….png)

Who's holding the phone?

15a372  No.7093707

File: 2a1cc787084f2de⋯.jpeg (363.37 KB, 1164x1815, 388:605, B2A30DC5-344F-4B79-8FD9-0….jpeg)

File: 17c5153778750fe⋯.jpeg (294.73 KB, 1152x1367, 1152:1367, 57C56F1B-7934-4172-B50D-7….jpeg)

4:49 WATCH

4:49AM = Q# 449?


4:49PM = 1649hrs (mil time) = Q# 1649?


eb3b07  No.7093711

File: 0df34e352544aed⋯.png (368.22 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

70 arrested during immigration protests on Capitol Hill

Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan arrives to testify on "The Trump Administration's Child Separation Policy," during a House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., July 18, 2019.

Capitol Police arrested 70 people in the Capitol Rotunda on Thursday, as demonstrators gathered to protest the administration’s immigration policies.

“The United States Capitol Police arrested 70 individuals for unlawfully demonstrating in the rotunda of the Russell Senate Office Building. All were charged with D.C. Code §22-1307, Crowding, Obstructing, or Incommoding,” USCP Communications Director Eva Malecki said in an email.

According to a tweet by a Washington Post reporter, sister Pat Murphy, 90, a member of the Sisters of Mercy, was arrested as part of the protests.

Several religious groups, along with immigration activists, joined forces in the nation’s capital for the Catholic Day of Action to oppose White House’s treatment of migrants, according to a tweet from the religious group Sisters of Mercy.

This came as members of Congress and the public continue to turn up the heat on the Trump administration over conditions at various border facilities and the same day that U.S. Department of Homeland Security acting Director Kevin McAleenan testified before the House Oversight Committee.

“Images of children kept in deplorable and unsanitary conditions, without access to showers & sleeping on concrete floors without blankets & being detained incommunicado have compelled us to stand in solidarity and say, ‘not in our name!’” Sisters of Mercy tweeted.


016a7a  No.7093712

File: ef9bd29989ecf0d⋯.png (47.87 KB, 800x932, 200:233, 800px-Cubic-body-centered_….png)

File: 1911910dfda70a3⋯.png (250.31 KB, 803x423, 803:423, a1f3b0479b908347a26594ed10….png)

File: 4f3566f9e7fc2a4⋯.jpg (304.81 KB, 1834x1028, 917:514, cubepuzzlerPRO-step1.jpg)


It kind of resembles Assange with the light hair but who knows...

>>7093553 lb

>>7093501 lb

Truth anon. The hexagram is readily identified as "evil" but the cube...not so much. A cube has 6 sides so I'm sure it's Lucifer's favorite shape too. And of course the hexagram is found on the top of Saturn so it all comes together.

eb3b07  No.7093714

File: 40c43f16302f26d⋯.png (554.65 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

Interesting! Prime Minister of Pakistan @ImranKhanPTI is proclaimed offender in the United States, but @WhiteHouse made it clear that he will not be arrested during his meeting with US President @realDonaldTrump. Imran is going to meet Trump on the 22nd of this month.

837c25  No.7093715


Just found a mystery religion wiki.


If any one finds anything interesting in it please share.

757f5c  No.7093716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

54e93e  No.7093719

File: 6d9fc2da0c63219⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 2202x2208, 367:368, 26C355B6-0F43-41B4-8A37-E….jpeg)

109d36  No.7093720


how is that?

the idea of 'evil' lives in the mind.

the item or thing is conflated with it, and that conflation is also evil

a shape is a shape, a number is a number.

they are associated with something and then used as a kind of curse, but it's a head trip.

bd01cf  No.7093721

File: 21addd6bccd0e4f⋯.gif (6.48 MB, 500x250, 2:1, Q.gif)

6ed572  No.7093722

File: 65bfee98d50e492⋯.jpg (111.72 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 65bfee98d50e492870779ae308….jpg)

ty baker

super unity and anon research tonight

bits of Strange

Doc out


eb3b07  No.7093723

File: 815c3341a1dc764⋯.png (399.98 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

Former deputy arrested with gloves, knife, zip ties after allegedly going to meet young girl

Oklahoma authorities say a former sheriff’s deputy drove nearly two hours to meet who he thought was a 14-year old girl he befriended on social media.

The Canadian County Sheriff's Office identified the man as 45-year-old Cullen Jones, and confirmed that he did work for the Pushmataha County Sheriff's Department.

“During the conversation, it went downhill quick, talking about various sexual acts,” Capt. Adam Flowers, with the Canadian County Sheriff’s Office, said. “Things that go to 50 Shades of Gray-type, like bondage. You know it, he was wanting to do it.”

Jones also told the girl that he wanted to act out a “Daddy-daughter” sexual relationship.

Instead of a teenage girl, however, Jones was met by two deputies and was arrested quickly. In his truck, investigators say they found gloves, a knife, and zip-ties.

”I have no reason to believe this wasn’t Jones‘s first time, and believe there could quite possibly be real live victims out there,” said Chris West, Canadian County Sheriff.

Investigators say Jones allegedly had plans to do more than just have sex with the underage girl.

“He also wanted to film and video everything,” Capt. Flowers said. “He wanted to take photos and have me pose in different ways. He was very dominant in this type of conversation and the sexual acts he wanted.”

For one Canadian County family, this scary situation hits close to home.

Valarie Williams has two teenage daughters, and she says she regularly checks their phones.

“I let them know how serious so many things are, so they know my mom needs this peace of mind. She needs to see and know,” Williams said. “Yeah, we’ve definitely had to delete some apps, it is scary.”

Valarie’s daughter, Olivia, understands why her mom needs to check her phone. She says she actually wishes more parents did the same.

“It scares me because some of my other friends, they have no problem and they talk to older guys. It scares me for them because it’s so dangerous,” Olivia said. “ I don’t think they understand how dangerous, and they can be taken so quick and never see anybody they love ever again.”


37d6e9  No.7093724

Who will be Q name arrest #2? Ghislaine is my best guess but who can tell?

8289ae  No.7093725

File: 6a7eb1c1e265c0c⋯.png (72.32 KB, 425x639, 425:639, TYBae.png)

its good to see some anon's buns in the notables threads

bd01cf  No.7093726

File: 70ed424efb86825⋯.gif (1.28 MB, 444x250, 222:125, RAMBO_MUD.gif)

b53cc7  No.7093727

File: d31e4981921c54d⋯.png (316 KB, 1342x572, 61:26, ClipboardImage.png)



Still showing up in the list, but can't see anywhere on radar. Halp plz

016a7a  No.7093728


I'm not saying I personally identify the hexagram as "evil" but many do. Whereas the cube is seen as more neutral…kwim anon? Just observations…not factual statements. The graphic is fact though geometrically speaking.

4259d7  No.7093729

cock lovin’ doc goin’ ghostin’

24 hours metadata for Q

46a4dd  No.7093730

File: 8210a346a6913b8⋯.jpg (613.44 KB, 1920x3824, 120:239, FireShot Capture 304 - SCA….jpg)




From Scripture anon.

0e1510  No.7093731

File: a483eca02038c4d⋯.png (460.16 KB, 800x484, 200:121, 091BFD61-C8F3-4326-B6FE-94….png)

Morning sun brings heat.

DC currently under Excessive Heat Warning through Friday night.

219d6d  No.7093732

File: 49be74b70e3546e⋯.png (3.02 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 58900324-4D62-4B19-BEAB-F7….png)

File: 3368280719b2cd1⋯.png (6.83 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 5AC95BAB-8CA2-4637-9CEF-80….png)

Cockatoo symbolism

>Wherever Cockatoos are, feeding or resting, they always have a sentinel on guard, ready to warn them of approaching danger. This has become part of Australian colloquialism, a ‘cocky’ being a lookout. One well-known context for this was for the illegal gamblers and prostitutes in Sydney in the early part of this century. A cocky was needed as a warning of approaching police! The issue of protection may be important, so be a cocky and keep a look-out!

>The white cockatoo has been linked to the first death in one Dreaming (see Southern Cross). The death spirit, Yowie, takes the first deceased person into the sky in a tree and two white cockatoos follow, squawking angrily as they chase their home. They are the left and right stars in the Southern Cross, the vertical part being the tree.

In another Dreaming, (see Butterfly) it is the cockatoo that is the first creature to ever die, causing the beginning of a quest to understand mortality. The result – immortality through rebirth.


bfd50d  No.7093733

File: 55d844237b40a76⋯.png (82.98 KB, 586x588, 293:294, CP718.png)

The Squad Security Updates

Fox has learned that Congressional security officials have met with all four members of the “squad” over concerns about the safety of lawmakers. Fox is told security officials want to make sure each office is aware of the security options available to them on Capitol Hill.

On Congressional security, Congressional offices are asked to provide USCP information about public appearances when there may be concerns about safety. Capitol security officials are also looking at ways to enhance security in the field for mbrs who feel they are at risk.

Fox is told the threat assessment regarding the squad remains low compared to other lawmakers & haven't increased this wk. Fox is told other mbrs face more credible security threats.

Fox is told CapHill security officials are concerned about bolstering security for some mbrs when others face more bona fide threats. USCP lacks the budget to assign protective details to large swaths of lawmakers.


eaf294  No.7093734

File: 7a110c352e7c2c2⋯.png (495.53 KB, 1166x588, 583:294, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bed0cdda6235c50⋯.png (17 KB, 1200x340, 60:17, ClipboardImage.png)

Go ahead and dogpile this ‘stupidAnon’

The only thing that makes sense to me is the IG report drops tomorrow

What is tripping me up is when Congress goes on Aug recess

IG report tomorrow would allow for all hell of a new cycle of scrambling through next week’s Congressional departure

They have to be out of session for indictments to be dropped on Congress

How many would resign first, if given a deal?

090349  No.7093735

File: 4ab164888534c5f⋯.jpg (126.7 KB, 460x569, 460:569, 20190718_160111.jpg)

File: 6b96a896b0def73⋯.jpg (815.97 KB, 1080x1831, 1080:1831, 20190718_225645.jpg)

It's about time.

2687b1  No.7093736


Ice should raid churches, in California they make a fortune from illegals. I'm disgusted by all of it.

ecc37e  No.7093737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Karen Hudes Exposes *ALL* The Jesuit Order and her Startling Confession on Gold

she crazy right?

otherwise there is a certain group whose name seems to never be heard coming from the halls of qresearch unless my dumbass is mentioning them that is!

You wanna play?

Bitch says JESUITS = VATICAN runs the big banks and that anyone who thinks otherwise is undereducated and ignorant of the reality and that would be most people including ROTHSCHILDS BLOODLINE believing and chasing ANONS…



World bank whistle blower…

prolly just some muh joo huh "anon" ? kek!

eb3b07  No.7093738

File: a2e36ca1e7c7c15⋯.png (428.02 KB, 678x381, 226:127, ClipboardImage.png)

Malia Obama Arrested Again, Complete Media Blackout

The Obama family is royalty as far as the liberal media is concerned. Not only did they not mention Malia Obama’s arrest in 2016 for providing her little sister’s Girl Scout troop with “enough whip-its to drop a team of well-kept alpacas,”, but they failed to report Malia Obama’s bloogie arrest a month ago as well. It’s almost like you can’t report on anything that may or may not have happened just because there aren’t enough “sources.”

Last month, Malia was busted by campus security at Harvard as she and a friend were caught using a “white, powdery substance” in the women’s shower room. The family’s lawyer got them off because the powder, while technically “talcum,” wasn’t enough of an actual drug to charge them with, so we may never know what they were carrying since they were never strip-searched.

According to the report, Obama was found with “more than 11 grams” of essential oils that had she been in Alabama, would have been a felony. Once again, a formality like being a thousand miles away goes and gets in the way of justice.

Obama was held at the Harvard County Jail — which is nestled between Middlesex and Essex counties — but she was released the next day. We can’t confirm or deny that a report came in of a call from Obama in the middle of the night that may or may not have left Mistress Justice blind.

Strangely, not a single media organization reported on this — more evidence that the Deep State will stop at nothing to protect liberal Democrats from any scrutiny.

It’s time for these criminals to face the music for their actions. With Trump in office, we are seeing a return to the rule of law. Perhaps soon, every member of the Obama family will be behind bars. We all know they are all criminals.


6ed572  No.7093739

69a9a1  No.7093740

File: 6c47774a089e8bb⋯.jpg (145.08 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 4774768750_f3c9bf6939_b.jpg)


Thanks Baker!

a92af2  No.7093742

File: f080bba4223d06d⋯.jpeg (417.84 KB, 672x958, 336:479, Screenshot_2019-07-19-01-….jpeg)


It's not a mystery religion it's Catholicism

852366  No.7093743

File: 77b1469a7a377dd⋯.jpg (32.33 KB, 299x372, 299:372, C-2ca_BWAAIMf5k.jpg)

File: ba47069c422988d⋯.jpg (8.49 KB, 240x210, 8:7, images.jpg)

File: 258f70af050d743⋯.jpeg (59.63 KB, 600x320, 15:8, GMAX-Filming-orcas-small-….jpeg)

b6948c  No.7093744

God KNOWS you :)


94a739  No.7093745

File: 8c6a8c87f9ff903⋯.png (706.08 KB, 666x500, 333:250, M 598.png)

021f6c  No.7093746

>>7093252 LB

>Being a free mason is literally unwittingly selling your soul to the devil.

Yes it is


IF YOU'RE READING THIS, "instructor"

e2863d  No.7093747


Fake family.

46a4dd  No.7093748

File: c79aa5337f98da3⋯.gif (3.67 MB, 320x238, 160:119, off the cliff.gif)


They think Capitol Hill security will prevent arrest?

92fea5  No.7093749

File: 1aeae0699e37cd0⋯.png (2.58 MB, 1656x1408, 207:176, epsteinTemple.png)

File: 6d70aa85f9b3e70⋯.png (101.88 KB, 1628x200, 407:50, cockatooSlang.png)

A Cockatoo is a Lookout

".. whenever there is a flock on the ground, there is at least one high up in a tree (usually a dead tree), keeping guard.

This is so well known that it has even entered Australian slang: a person keeping guard for sudden police raids on illegal gambling gatherings is referred to as a cockatoo or cocky for short."


dfa78d  No.7093750







▶Anonymous 07/18/19 (Thu) 22:47:01 9cfba5 (2) No.7093675>>7093681 >>7093683 >>7093687

File (hide): 6d70aa85f9b3e70⋯.png (101.88 KB, 1628x200, 407:50, Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at ….png) (h) (u)


A cockatoo is a lookout

"..whenever there is a flock on the ground, there is at least one high up in a tree (usually a dead tree), keeping guard. This is so well known that it has even entered Australian slang: a person keeping guard for sudden police raids on illegal gambling gatherings is referred to as a cockatoo or cocky for short."


ab76f1  No.7093751

File: 10b828732e13e6e⋯.jpg (233.84 KB, 960x1473, 320:491, OsirisSoon.jpg)

72 hours Q.

No more games.

Align or shun. ..

Choice is yours.

You can be left behind as well.

At this point, you should be.

eb0c76  No.7093752

File: b000aed8c8eabef⋯.png (519.79 KB, 295x640, 59:128, 290d3c7081d2062a7ddf2e305b….png)

File: eb84150ad8a0e18⋯.png (1.87 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 80c801f860d96abe70d6e6697c….png)

File: ff87ca999162994⋯.png (78.91 KB, 1138x351, 1138:351, ClipboardImage.png)



695160  No.7093753




>>7093275, >>7093282, >>7093287, >>7093292, >>7093303, >>7093547, >>7093606 The bird on Epstein's temple is Horus and the blue and white stripes represent Tutankhamun?

More on the egyptian connection:






6ed572  No.7093754


Notable from lb, too late for dough

a169c0  No.7093755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Qohn the Revelator

ea39b5  No.7093756

File: 430fb0db32615c2⋯.jpg (48.4 KB, 711x472, 711:472, Ilhan Omar's Brother.jpg)

She's going to prison.

dfa78d  No.7093757


what about him…SIOSI…..sauce it or shut it

eb3b07  No.7093758

File: d30babba215bb90⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1862x1048, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)

Dozens of Catholic clergy arrested on Capitol Hill protesting treatment of child migrants

U.S. Capitol Police arrested 70 people Thursday who were part of a coalition of Catholic clergy members and supporters protesting the treatment of child migrants being held in detention facilities along the southern border.

The protest, dubbed a "Catholic Day of Action for Immigrant Children," took place in the rotunda of the Russell Senate Office Building. Organizers said their goal was to end the "inhumane treatment of immigrant children and to child detention by the U.S. government" by putting pressure on lawmakers.

"We want to call attention to the inadequate and unsanitary conditions, which immigrants, including some families, have experienced," Christopher Kerr, executive director of the Ignatian Solidarity Network, one of the event's organizers, said. "We really think that our government, the Congress and the Trump administration, need to know that Catholics… will not stand for this."

Several faith-based groups took part in the protest, including the NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice, Faith in Public Life and the Faith in Action & Congregation Action Network.

Capitol Police spokeswoman Eva Malecki told Fox News that the demonstrators were arrested on suspicion of unlawfully demonstrating and were charged with unlawfully crowding, obstructing or incommoding. No one was injured.

The Trump administration has come under fire over reported poor conditions in detention facilities along the U.S.-Mexico border. Overcrowding and prolonged detention have become common as a surge of migrants continues to overwhelm U.S. border agencies.

Vice President Mike Pence recently visited a facility in McAllen, Texas where hundreds of detainees were said to have been kept in cages without cots.

Kerr expressed concerns over the treatment of immigrant children in light of several child deaths in government facilities in recent months and the Migrant Protection Protocols program, which has required that asylum seekers return to Mexico to await hearings rather than be allowed to remain in the U.S.

Critics said the program has placed migrants in danger by making them stay in the dangerous cities along the border, while supporters of the program cite overcrowding at the border.

"We really need to respond to the reality of treatment of vulnerable people at the border," Kerr said. "We believe our country should uphold values of dignity, values of being a king of a beacon of hope in our world. We see this as something that's not happening."


a92af2  No.7093759


She's really old news. Mixes truth and disinfo.

7f7ff7  No.7093760



No they fear the security of the members who’s names are going to be released in Epstein’s 2000 page court document.

It won’t be safe for them to walk the streets.

96cd1b  No.7093761

File: 8249f4d86fcfc7b⋯.png (484.56 KB, 1566x1406, 783:703, ClipboardImage.png)

no youtube option for video source??? wtf?

44df72  No.7093762

File: 75412b23b42ae95⋯.jpg (342.16 KB, 1668x1162, 834:581, clock7.19.jpg)

Q confirms watch is 4:49.

:49 lines up with 7/19 on Q clock

4 + 4 + 9 = 17

4 is right angle from 19 (7/19)

34 is across from 4 (34/2 = 17)

BOOM coming!!!

fe3a1a  No.7093763





Blonde hair. Styled of sorts. Can anyone take this and free-transform it flat and not curved? My photoshop is acting up. Paid for it back in the day when you could do that and now faggot fucking Adobe wants me to pay a month script to be able to use it.

abc3de  No.7093764

File: 5f86e8df911a4e7⋯.jpg (116 KB, 750x590, 75:59, homo no .jpg)


Notable that

pedos are jonesin

for that sweet pre-

teen boo-tay

ecc37e  No.7093765


she thinks DJT is a knight of malta yet good info might come from sources who are confused about POTUS right anons?


looks like a real person…

JESUITS = VATICAN controls the world bank?

but but muh hollywood told me mafia loaned monies!!!

fucking trusting hollywood again huh anons? tippy top!

82a302  No.7093766

File: c8506ccf1cb445c⋯.jpg (15.77 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 1d7812c3da53c5fcf70c255c27….jpg)

File: 0ca9a5f3ee38849⋯.jpg (606.88 KB, 1591x2048, 1591:2048, TW2016.jpg)

Most recently, Epstein bought a neighboring island.

In 2016, Epstein purchased the nearby Great St. James Island, which is approximately 165 acres, for $18 million. This year, he had begun construction on a compound there despite a stop work order that had been in place since December. The compound was to feature an amphitheater, an underwater office, and pool, according to the Virgin Islands Daily News.


Damn smiling sundial above all those bad actors.

Any digs on the underwater office?!

eaf294  No.7093767


she's about to become a street walker once all the assets are taken

the only way she will be able to afford that lifestyle

4259d7  No.7093768


Trying to recall the date of Catholic day of action against pedophile priests raping congregant children. Anybody have the date?

384008  No.7093769

File: a8d426d6d7dc67e⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1186x874, 593:437, potus on phone.png)


Its POTUS or Jeff Sessions

b6948c  No.7093770

>>7093744 (me)

FIGHT God :)


Are you NUTS?



ecc37e  No.7093771



1426f7  No.7093772


>BOOM coming!!!

how many Booms coming has that clock had so far?

I know I've seen over 50, do you keep a tally?

ecc37e  No.7093773


Jesuits control world bank or is that just mumbo jumbo?

66f80d  No.7093774

What happened to a man stepping off the footpath and tipping his hat to a lady walking by?

MAGA Hat Wearers lets bring back the tradition as it was a sign of respect

dfa78d  No.7093775

File: 4acb9a906212b11⋯.jpg (26.72 KB, 640x114, 320:57, C 1.jpg)

File: 95bbbb38dc08fbf⋯.jpg (25.73 KB, 640x115, 128:23, C 2.jpg)

File: 29810fcf08d6fc4⋯.jpg (37.39 KB, 316x320, 79:80, cp lough.jpg)

File: 4aef6d64e7fbc3d⋯.jpg (25.65 KB, 640x128, 5:1, C 3.jpg)

File: fb6644e1884dc7b⋯.jpg (4.81 KB, 200x86, 100:43, C6.jpg)

From Sundial to Circumpunct

For accurate observation you must be in the center of the circle, because the world is round. - from the Enzmann Archives.

"Circumpunct" means "encircled dot." "Circum" in Latin means "around." "Punct" in German can mean either "a dot in a circle," or "a point along a trail," or both. The image is a timeless Masonic symbol that reveals and dates a prehistoric discovery, and marks the regions where it was used. The discovery was made and used around the Rhone, Loir, and Rhine Rivers, and in Southern England. It created a quantum leap in the astronomical observations of the time.

This familiar symbol denotes the discovery and application of 'occultation'; a word meaning 'the interruption of light from a celestial body'. It was done with a plumb-bob to provide a vertical, and a level string crossing it horizontally. The plumb-bob gives perfect vertical, and at the point where it crosses the horizontal string (+) it is used to measure the passing of a star behind it - and is acutely accurate. The circumpunct symbolizes this measuring process, and where the symbol appears it reveals and dates one of a number of advances in proto-historic knowledge and technology. This process advanced most everything we do so vigorously that it compares with the advent of transistors, which led to today's cell phones.

'Points along the trail' of observation methods leading to the circumpunct are found in some stunning images:

(A noon-stick is used to determine the meridian of the sun and the four directions: Site north in the night sky, whack a stick into the ground, then position a second stick between the first and north, so the line between them points north. During the day, it indicates noon when the first stick’s shadow points toward the second stick – a solar noon-stick points to true north, mother Earth’s axis mundi; inertial north.)

Points along the trail of the circumpunct manifest include:

One of the earliest uses of the circumpunct symbol is at the Loughcrew Giant Megalith, where it depicts the high accuracy of azimuth measured by occultation. Here, imaged with other astronomical and calendric symbols, it stands not just for the sun, but any celestial object measured in this manner - using a plumb-bob and a string. We have included some translations of the symbols on Loughcrew, 3200 BC, for your enjoyment.

We note that occultation is so accurate, technical modifications of it (crosshairs in a telescope site, imrovement of a plumb-bob and a string) used by today's astronomers reveal planets orbiting distant stars. The circumpunct is an ancient symbol of this accuracy.

Like most symbols from prehistory, the circumpunct has gathered layers of meaning over time. It has become a symbol for the solar orb and the universe, megalith observatories, Kether of the Sephirot, sun-gods such as Ra, gold, the sun, the eye, spirit or inner man, the Unmoved Mover, the Eye of God, the center, the beginning, and many more. Masons use this symbol to represent living a circumscribed life, and sometimes it is imaged with a vertical line on each side. Position the lines at top and bottom and they represent the extremes of the sun's analemma at Cancer and Capricorn; the lines representing these extremes also impart to us wisdom about our lives that like the sun, we must live within limits, circumscribed by the boundaries of good judgement and wisdom.


871b4a  No.7093776

File: 413c43b5d20c322⋯.png (9.58 MB, 7500x11250, 2:3, Coven.png)

695160  No.7093777



True, a shape is a shape but the cube they refer to isnt' ANY cube.

Which BTW was just the packaging, so they worship a box basically.

05450b  No.7093778

File: 77799c53e8d0ba1⋯.jpg (147.3 KB, 540x1600, 27:80, 735.jpg)


More like this I think

ef272b  No.7093779

File: 7f79d88d7cdb230⋯.png (1.05 MB, 2794x1080, 1397:540, Screen Shot 2019-07-19 at ….png)

File: e03c6a9eb0dfb11⋯.png (230.46 KB, 2516x776, 629:194, Screen Shot 2019-07-19 at ….png)

File: 4f667cfc36277c5⋯.png (427.97 KB, 910x654, 455:327, Screen Shot 2019-07-19 at ….png)

is that a jolly roger flag in the back?

46a4dd  No.7093780

File: f050c37eabd7673⋯.jpg (66.86 KB, 461x600, 461:600, dagon priest hat.jpg)

File: f5a0f3f388a185c⋯.png (473.92 KB, 609x588, 29:28, Roman Catholic Preists Mit….png)


Roman Catholic Pope hat is for Dagon, the Fish god of the Philistines.

82a302  No.7093781


That was me. Kek. It's when we found out about q+. Sorry for calling ya an old man POTUS.

eb3b07  No.7093782

File: fc553640db622eb⋯.png (322.68 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18c2843b3f7b9da⋯.png (36.43 KB, 1525x1059, 1525:1059, ClipboardImage.png)

How did this miss the notables?

Founder of One of the Largest Children's Charities in the World, Arrested for Pedophilia

A United Nations adviser and the founder of Street Kids International was arrested on suspicion of pedophilia after he was caught with two young children during a police raid.

Last week, Peter John Dalglish, United Nations adviser and founder of the Street Kids International charity, was arrested on suspicion of pedophilia, at a home that he was staying at in Nepal. During the arrest, two young children, ages 12 and 14, were “rescued” from the home.

It is important to note that there have been conflicting reports about the children that he was found with, with some sources saying that two boys were found in his home, and other sources suggesting that it was two girls.

The most up-to-date information seems to be on the Wikipedia page for Dalglish, which suggests that there were two girls found in his home and that the allegations involving the two boys are part of a separate investigation. If this is the case, Dalglish will be facing additional charges.

Dalglish, 60, is a citizen of Canada who travels the world working with children. Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police (CIB) told Global News that Dalglish “is being investigated for child sexual exploitation abuse.”

DIG Pushkar Karki, director of the CIB, told MyRepublica of Nepal that Dalglish was promising to help educate disadvantaged children and provide job opportunities for their families:

“Our preliminary investigation has found that he has been targeting children from poor financial backgrounds and sexually abusing them. By promising the family members that he would educate their children, take them abroad and also provide them jobs after they finish their education, he had been sexually abusing children. Given his age and his high profile in the humanitarian sector, he would easily win the trust of the family members and later abuse their children.”

Karki also said that Dalglish was known for these types of crimes in other countries, despite the fact that he has never been prosecuted.

“Not just that, he might have been involved in pedophilia in other countries as well where he served as UN official in the past,” Karki said. “He had arrived in Nepal three months ago. After we got information about his sexual misconduct from security agencies in other countries, we had been closely following him and managed to arrest him.”

In the last two years, seven pedophiles have been arrested in Nepal, six of them were not Nepal natives, and four were over the age of 60.

A representative with the Canadian government declined to comment, saying only that “Global Affairs Canada is aware of the arrest of a Canadian citizen in Nepal. Consular services are being provided. Due to the provisions of the Privacy Act, no further information can be disclosed.”

If Dalglish is found guilty of these charges in Nepal, he will be facing up to 15 years in prison. However, it is now possible that he will come under further suspicion for other crimes committed during his years of being involved with children’s charities.

Danglish is best known as the founder of the Street Kids International charity and the Trails Youth Initiative program, one of the worlds largest children’s charities which is now known as the renowned Save the Children charity. He also worked for the United Nations in various capacities during his lengthy career.

More sauce



92dc9e  No.7093783


Charles Matthew Haddad

Charles Matthew Haddad was placed in the loving arms of Anne and Peter Haddad of Sandy Hook, February 14. Charles was born in California on February 12.

He weighed 6 pounds, 1 ounce at birth, and was 17¾ inches long.

Charles received his first name in memory of Ms Haddad’s cousin, Charles A. Murphy, who died September 11, 2001, and his middle name in honor of his birth family.

He joins a sister, Jennie, who is 4 years old.

Proud maternal grandparents are Irene and Bill Sweeney of White Plains, N.Y.

Jeanne Warkentin of Virginia, formerly of Litchfield, is the paternal grandmother.


ab76f1  No.7093784

This should have been simple.

You made it difficult.

Did your experience push you to this?

Did you consider that maybe others experienced difficulties unlike your own but equally damaging?

Of course you didn't. ..

The silver spoon taints reality.


Left behind?


950b8d  No.7093785

File: 3d50e2cdf9507e9⋯.png (30.13 KB, 300x470, 30:47, Aga Khan.png)



Additional Aga Khan Info

Country of Birth:

Switzerland, UK

Net Worth:

US$ 800 million


December 13, 1936


Inaara Aga Khan, Salimah Aga Khan


Rahim, Hussain, Zahra, Prince Aly Muhammad Aga Khan


Bell Island, the Bahamas (cost: US$ 100million)

Private Jet:

Bombardier Global 6000 (LX-PAK)

Who is the Aga Khan?

Prince Shah Karim Al Hussaini, Aga Khan IV, is the 49th hereditary Imam (Spiritual Leader) of the Shia Ismaili Muslims. He was born in December 1936. He was married to Inaara Aga Khan and Salimah Aga Khan. He has 4 children (Rahim, Hussain, Zahra, Prince Aly Muhammad).

He is a descendant of the Fatimids. The Egypt-based dynasty that founded Cairo. And ruled much of North Africa and the Middle East. From the tenth through the twelfth centuries. The Aga Khan retains the hereditary title of “Prince”.

The title dates to 1818. When Hassan Ali Shah, the 46th Ismaili Imam, was granted the honorary hereditary title of “Aga Khan” by the Shah of Persia. The title “His Highness” was granted by Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain in 1957.


It is believed that the Aga Khan is a direct lineal descendant of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Through Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law Ali (considered the first Imam in Shia Islam), and Ali's wife Fatima az-Zahra. She is Muhammad's daughter from his first marriage.

In 1986 he ordained the current version of the Ismailia Constitution. An ecclesiastical decree affirming to Nizari Ismailis his "sole right to interpret the Qur'an. And provide authoritative guidance on [all] matters of faith" . And formalizing his sole discretion, power and authority.

Alamshar Yacht

The yacht Alamshar was built with 6 (!) gas turbines, to reach a top speed of 65 knots. However at test runs it reached only 45 knots.

Aga Khan Foundation

He is founder of the Aga Khan Development Network, which spends US$ 600 million a year on good causes


Trudeau admitted on Thursday that he took the Aga Khan’s personal helicopter to the island, and has claimed that exceptional circumstances are that the only way to get to the island is by private helicopter


950b8d  No.7093786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2009 Johnny Depp Interview with David Letterman


His Private Island


“It’s the one place we can take the kiddies to the beach without a bunch of lenses coming out,”


"And,and nursesharks aren't, aren't, aren't trouble either. Are they?

"Thats wahat they say."

"But you never do know"

"But if you have a handful of hotdogs, you might be in trouble"

"But do you snorkel with hot dogs?"


dfa78d  No.7093787

File: d8abd16cd8a5055⋯.jpg (302.49 KB, 1600x1148, 400:287, cover 3 kingdoms.JPG)

File: 47013b1342d78aa⋯.jpg (217.01 KB, 1187x1600, 1187:1600, ReVision Coverfr.jpg)

ac884c  No.7093788


When does a bird sing?

1426f7  No.7093789

File: 70cb385275089c3⋯.png (932.05 KB, 874x1186, 437:593, ClipboardImage.png)


and theyre laying down or stretched over a desk?


re orient the watch and have it make sense

950b8d  No.7093790

File: e1a46b45d5c6b8d⋯.png (1.3 MB, 763x5420, 763:5420, Private Islands .png)

File: 4772aba011880a8⋯.png (228.28 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Private Islands.png)

Notable People With Private Islands

Copperfield - Magician

Mel Gibson - Actor

Marlon Brando - Actor

Shakira - Musician

Leonardo DiCaprio - Actor

Larry Ellison - Oracle Corporation

DuPont Family

Johnny Depp - Actor

Bernard Arnault - 2nd Richest Person in World

Steve Harrington - Actor

Aga Khan IV - Shia Imami Ismaili Muslim Leader

Faith Hill/Tim McGraw - Musicians

Paul Allen - Micorsoft Co-Founder

Craig McCaw - McCaw Cellular

Nicolas Cage - Acotr

Richard Branson - Virgin Group

Christian Jagodzinski - Telebuch.de


016a7a  No.7093791




Trips confirm.

I was referring to the black onyx stones they wear as well as the large black cube in the UN. I'm fairly sure those are solid cubes.

90f8d6  No.7093792

File: 064a37bb742ffd9⋯.jpg (104.71 KB, 666x499, 666:499, crossfitLSJ.jpg)

Can't believe we got this so wrong. (KeK) Nobody would ever guess this is a place for assholes to worship satan. Totally normal to put a crossfit gym in this building.

bb089e  No.7093793

File: a3b7f9c3e75b693⋯.png (117.16 KB, 796x162, 398:81, Screenshot_2019-07-19 Baby….png)

File: 1abc11b48d2e239⋯.png (366.77 KB, 836x2172, 209:543, Screenshot_2019-07-19 Dill….png)

I'm glad craptcha is done but it was a useful study:

it always irritated me, always, like a stone in a shoe, or the eisenhowers posting on here.

i still believe its primary purpose was to retard or render functionally impossible multi-image dumps.

it did stimulate the anagram noggin and many a time caused me to re-visit past issues or go off on mini-digs. lemonade.

ab76f1  No.7093794

Don't let the heat of the moment alter the fact that I would ask you these questions dead to your face.

You have less than you know.

ecc37e  No.7093795


the work of satan! kek

you are NOT going to be popular here :D

5f01be  No.7093796


knight templar

ecc37e  No.7093798


so! why do you hate Jesus!

constantine commissioned the first 50 bibles!

he was a sun worshipper which is why sunday was chosen…

why do you hate the baby jesus!? kek

5ef33d  No.7093799


Speaking of Anne Heche, she starred in Donnie Brasco WITH Johnny Depp.

ca5dec  No.7093800

File: 4708b478f18c710⋯.png (204.49 KB, 393x492, 131:164, Screenshot_2019-07-19 QMAP….png)

Some interesting notes on Syrian heritage of public Hammam's.

"My grandmother summarized in this saying all the joys of life at that time: going out with daughters and neighbours, the feeling of cleanliness and – probably most importantly – the “ladies’ reception” in the hammam, with dancing, singing and banquet."

"In the so-called ‘outer area’ (al-barrani) people changed their clothes. The hall, which was provided with a central well, was also a place for get-togethers, entertainment and exchange, even business transactions."

"In addition, hammams were installed in the market areas near the accommodations to serve the traders and travelers"


Master Masons are often called travelers.

Also, a Master Mason is a traveler from west to east, as east is the where the sun comes up, hence the source of light. This is why the master sits in the East. Because it is the source of light. Thus being a traveling man represents our journey from darkness to Masonic light (enlightment). We "traveled" symbolically when we were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Remember the words, "It will be necessary for you to travel"? and the condition of the road we would have to travel?


592af5  No.7093801

File: b9a1b4f0e021539⋯.png (17 KB, 463x45, 463:45, watch reflection.png)



I think it's Trump.

f4a362  No.7093802


Illuminati Gym?

ab76f1  No.7093803

File: fc26d2d1644c0ba⋯.gif (2.96 MB, 540x250, 54:25, a1b3a7fb8a11b06cecba347acb….gif)

You knew this day would come.

dfa78d  No.7093804



I agree. I am just showing what the fuQ is up forEVER. I am here daily all day.

THEY believe differnet than us.

Born Again Believer in the ONE and only TRUE God. Jesus

I know the TRUTH

77c994  No.7093805

File: 9ced539391c9635⋯.jpg (73.57 KB, 1200x865, 240:173, 9ced539391c9635ffdfe909f93….jpg)

Watch is dated for tomorrow at exactly 5:50.


eb3b07  No.7093806

File: 23e68306ce4ce4a⋯.png (357.49 KB, 630x393, 210:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d175c8724e8864⋯.png (134.27 KB, 652x367, 652:367, ClipboardImage.png)

No notables on this?

'Law & Order' Director Arrested On Child Pornography Charges

Authorities say he sent video of a young girl engaging in sex acts.

Jason "Jace" Alexander, director of the TV series "Law & Order," was arrested on child pornography charges Wednesday, accused of possessing and disseminating videos of young girls engaging in sex acts.

Alexander, 50, of Dobbs Ferry, New York, was accused of using an Internet torrent service to send a video in June that showed a 12- or 13-year-old girl stripping and masturbating, according to court documents obtained by the New York Post. He also had a video file of a 6- to 8-year-old girl performing a sexual act on herself, investigators said.

Alexander was charged with promoting a sexual performance by a child and possessing an obscene sexual performance by a child, according to Variety. He faces a maximum of seven years in state prison if convicted. He posted $10,000 bail, and is due in Dobbs Ferry Court on Nov. 19.

Investigators were led to Alexander after downloading child pornography files from an IP address located in Westchester County. Further investigation revealed that the IP address came from Alexander's home, Variety reports.

Alexander worked on 32 episodes of the original "Law & Order." He also directed episodes of "Rescue Me" and is listed as a co-executive producer on NBC's "Blacklist," according to Entertainment Weekly.


bb089e  No.7093807

File: 5491ca08c1abd11⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1310x1022, 655:511, Screenshot_2019-06-10 Melo….png)

File: f1a6c6e1199593a⋯.png (260.52 KB, 1326x588, 221:98, Screenshot_2019-06-10 Mich….png)

File: 2a26a2ca3935748⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1326x588, 221:98, Screenshot_2019-06-10 Otta….png)


(((you))) think Mel Gibson is in on this?

69a9a1  No.7093808

5ef33d  No.7093809


This is from 2016, anon.

f4a362  No.7093810


You're looking at Illuminati when you're seeing shit that looks like that.

Watch Super Bowl Halftime shows.

021f6c  No.7093811

1426f7  No.7093812


anime fag is that you?

That watch will say 4:49:30 no matter how many times you slide it

5ef33d  No.7093813


Are you sure that watch says 5:50

eb0c76  No.7093814

File: 63a1fa151cdb058⋯.png (555.91 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

4bb980  No.7093815

File: 6fc60caaac3fb0d⋯.png (504.01 KB, 635x673, 635:673, barntofren.png)


Thanks Baker. Learning to bake, ran into issues with sick kid. Maybe tomorrow I can do first bread. Still a little scared but hell so was coming to 8chan for the first time. G'Night and God Speed. Bless this bread

85ee0c  No.7093816

File: 3d95be613dda65f⋯.png (185.49 KB, 653x334, 653:334, 383bd4cd3f55c88d023de5822c….png)




Prolly Trump, hard to tell though. I feel like the reflection is of two hands holding a phone, explains the same color on the left coming back slightly on the right

fe3a1a  No.7093817

File: 2f726a77a90f716⋯.jpg (61 KB, 800x449, 800:449, gettyimages-893664998sessi….jpg)

File: 71320a1f187d56a⋯.jpeg (94.89 KB, 1125x1206, 125:134, 37648e798e019b626feecd816….jpeg)

Possibly Sessions. Could sessions be the REAL stealth bomber?? Sessions = Q would be nuts.

e59ca6  No.7093818


It's a gym AND a music room?!

What did he do? Deadlift the piano???

dfa78d  No.7093819

File: 2cf5403aacef3c4⋯.jpg (254.09 KB, 1513x1110, 1513:1110, mermaid 3 kingdoms.JPG)

File: 99f5e65c430e0d0⋯.jpg (318.4 KB, 1600x1173, 1600:1173, the fairy tale covers.jpg)

THEY have fed us this shit in cartoons and Disney and books for our kids for decades:

To THEM it is real and they think we are shhep/cattle to eat it up……and we did.



eb0c76  No.7093820

File: bf184b6ff4d4d73⋯.png (2.46 MB, 3600x2595, 240:173, POTUS WATCH.png)

ab76f1  No.7093821


How many 5:5's before it's mathematically impossible?

01e010  No.7093822

Butthole anon got me digging for white polo shirts = Epstein victims in Cabal artwork

Found my way to this bitch

(((Margi Geerlinks)))

Shes got some fucked up "artwork"

"Margi Geerlinks’ work is concerned with the ways the human species creates an identity for themselves, and the forces that seem to govern this process. She takes four of the Ten Commandments and digitally imprints them on children. She portrays the ageing process by commenting on the ways modern society tries to slow that same process down. The directness of these images may come across as quite blunt, but every visible detail is there to warn us not to jump to conclusions. The children may bear these condemning moral codes on their chests, their pose and actions display a very human insecurity.

Being deeply physical, her art confronts us with the many things that literally mold our beings into shape. Displaying the effects of science, religion, morality and time, Geerlinks photographs are a timeless testament of the human condition. Taking the body as a canvas she tries to show both the current identity of the person photographed and the things that make her become someone else. She seems to categorize the different stages of a human life by representing them symbolically, but at the same time she makes us question the necessity of an age divided society."


6026be  No.7093823

ecc37e  No.7093825


ok check this then…

Imagine that the secret of christ was that it was a title and not a name…

that we were all capable of achieving it and jesus did it very well indeed :D

that some of us believe he was not the son of god but that we all are…

and they bottled that into one man, killed him and made us feel bad about it for 2000 years…

if you can dig it…

jesus… my brother

4dfc21  No.7093827


holy lol

46a4dd  No.7093828


Constantine created the Roman Catholic church to amalgamate the pagan gods of the goths, vandals, huns and others who were trying to destroy his kingdom. so he created Roman Catholicism, which is from Babylon, the mother of all harlots Rev 17:5. She has gotten drunk from the blood of the saints verse 6.

Which has been ALL of the inquisitions from Rome/Vatican over the period from OT to current time.

92dc9e  No.7093829


Note: in the video she had a donation page for HER mother but per the child’s obituary Jeanne is the PATERNAL grandmother

742f3a  No.7093830


Notable clockfag

66f80d  No.7093831

Draw a circle and put a dot in the middle and turn it 3d which makes a cone, 1,0 male, female.

When you are aligned with god you can stand ontop and can see all creation aswell as move around and have the entire view at the same time.

That what I'm aiming for anyway!

ecc37e  No.7093832


preach it!

tell them about the missing gospels next!

ebaf6f  No.7093833

File: 2d4bdf4294008cc⋯.png (45.22 KB, 304x106, 152:53, Screen Shot 2019-01-05 at ….png)

dfa78d  No.7093834



notice the b/w checkerboard dress



d55a35  No.7093835

Was the cabal using ISIS to plunder relics or original stones from the Temple of Bel or the Tetrapylon?

This was notable LB but I didn’t see anyone mention how ISIS demolished portions of this and other temples.

>>7092976, >>7093255 Article on the Temple of Bel (Baal)/ Palmyra, Syria


>Isis destroys tetrapylon monument in Palmyra

Stolen original stone work for the bosses maybe?


>Graffiti at the entrance read: “No entry without Isis permission – not even brothers.” The Russians crunched up the piles of rubble and posed for triumphant pictures under the arch – all that was left of the central temple.

>not even brothers



592af5  No.7093836



So what's your brilliant guess, anons?

bb089e  No.7093837


it is 315 degrees anon, or 5.5 radians.'

315? ring any bells? i've only been posting it a dozen times a day since late Feb.

4th Quadrant.

Gotterdammerung (4th) but this time Siegfried lives. 315 degrees leaves a reference angle of 45.

85ee0c  No.7093838



7 + 1 + 9 = 17

5ef33d  No.7093839

File: e1196fbb3334022⋯.png (387.84 KB, 612x903, 204:301, C41DBD57-09DF-4314-9CFF-13….png)

d7eb50  No.7093840

The Democrat are losing to the Radical Muslim's, soon it will be like Paris and London. where just saying the word Islam is offensive, If so, If you have children especially girls you might want to basically lock them up.

The only thing that is the saving us now is 2nd amendment.

b6948c  No.7093841

you don't understand…

Fuck YOUR way ;)

I Daniel WILL >>

7093770 me

unless and untill


ab76f1  No.7093842



Q ignores it because he is one of them.

eb3b07  No.7093843

File: 2d08b7b273e05ca⋯.png (308.79 KB, 521x439, 521:439, ClipboardImage.png)


Robert Mueller Should Be Arrested for Conspiracy to Overthrow the President of the United States

The Mueller report, which had no choice as there was no evidence, but to clear Donald Trump of conspiring with Russian President Putin to steal the last US presidential election from Hillary Clinton, nevertheless managed to keep an aspect of the manufactured hoax known as “Russiagate” alive by indicting some Russian intelligence officers and a Russian Internet clickbait operation for attempting to discredit Hillary with Internet postings.

At the time I noticed that Muller’s indictments were based only on his assertion and not on any evidence. As there was no prospect whatsoever of the fake indictments coming to trial, I did not comment on them. I focused instead on Mueller’s statement that Trump might have obstructed justice although he lacked evidence to support the charge. I noted how corrupt American law has become when it is possible to obstruct justice in the absence of a crime.

Democrats and presstitutes were determined to get Trump by any means and remain uninterested in how justice is obstructed when there is no crime.

The Neoconservative Th… Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Best Price: $10.62 Buy New $13.29 (as of 12:55 EDT - Details) In retrospect, not picking up on Mueller’s indictment-by-hearsay of Russians was a mistake. Not only have the Democrats continued their Russiagate campaign on the basis of the unsubstantiated indictments, but, more importantly, the indictments-by-assertion-alone show Mueller’s total lack of moral character. A prosecutor, indeed a former Director of the FBI, who confuses his unsubstantiated allegation with evidence, is not only a person devoid of any respect for law, but also an extremely dangerous person to have been vetted for the high government positions that he has held.

How did a person as corrupt as Robert Mueller get confirmed in his appointments as US Attorney, US Assistant Attorney General, US Deputy Attorney General, and Director of the FBI? That a person as ethically-challenged as Robert Mueller could breeze through so many confirmations by the US Senate proves how utterly corrupt the US government is.

How does an American patriot respond to a government filled with corrupt individuals serving their private careers by serving not the American people, but the powerful private interests that control their careers or the interest of a foreign country that purchases their loyalty. Many of these permanent Washington fixtures, such as Trump’s National Security Advisor, John Bolton, serve Israel’s interest at the expense of America’s interest. An American nationalist who attempts to serve American interests has little chance against a powerful lobby. Every year Congress hands over to Israel enough billions of dollars for Israel to purchase every federal election and many state ones.

It is not possible today for anyone who is not “a friend of Israel” to serve in a presidential appointment that requires confirmation by the US Senate. As Admiral Tom Moorer, Chief of Naval Operatons and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff said, “no American president can stand up to Israel.” No truer words have ever been spoken. Before any American president can attend to America’s interests, he must first attend to Israel’s interest. Generally speaking, the Israel Lobby stresses that American interests conform to Israel’s interest. Therefore, Israel’s interests are America’s interests. If you disagree with this, you will not go far in the US government.


4259d7  No.7093844


until, when, after boom is actually confirmed…


8700d4  No.7093845

File: 02576fc529dde94⋯.jpeg (2.04 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 935EFC39-113D-4AC2-9CFF-F….jpeg)

a991a0  No.7093846


Go to an AA meeting dick licker.

4dfc21  No.7093847


somethings going down tomorrow is my guess

dfa78d  No.7093848


what you say…..not my belief.

not biting.


God in the Flesh


3c3ab9  No.7093849

Disney’s “The Lion King” comes out today.

Mighty big movie to distract the masses and fill up the news cycle, no?

eb3b07  No.7093850

File: 2d08b7b273e05ca⋯.png (308.79 KB, 521x439, 521:439, ClipboardImage.png)


Robert Mueller Should Be Arrested for Conspiracy to Overthrow the President of the United States

That Mueller’s indictment of Russians for attempting to throw the presidential election to Trump is unsubstantiated has been highlighted by US Federal District Judge Dabney Friedrich. The judge just ruled that Mueller’s assertion of Russian “sweeping and systematic” interference in the presidential election does not constitute proof of the charge. It is nothing but an unsubstantiated indictment based on nothing but an assertion by the special prosecutor. Mueller provides no evidence in his report to support his claim. Mueller is so corrupt that he uses his unsubstantiated indictment as evidence for the indictment!

In other words, the Federal Judge has ruled that Mueller has made a false indictment.

If that is not a felony, it should be.

The corrupt Mueller covers up his absence of evidence for his indictments by using language such as “widely reported,” “confirmed,” “established.” He is referring to the words used by his stable of presstitutes, media whores who paved the way for his false accusation.

A country without a media is a Police State. The only media the West has is the English language Russian media and the alternative media on Internet sites, such as this site, Information Clearing House, Global Research, Lew Rockwell, Unz Review.

The Russian media was banned from the conference on press freedom, because the Russian media is free and the UK and US media are not. The People Really In Charge—PRICs—are at work shutting down the rest of us as fast as they can.

Before long, the only words you will hear willl be those used to control you. The word freedom will be redefined as per George Orwell’s 1984 or be prohibited. It will die as a word whose meaning is unknown.

In the 21st century, the US government has destroyed civil liberty, free speech, and accountable government. There is no longer any reason for people who want to be free to support any Western government or political party that is in power. The Western World has no greater enemies than its own governments and the private interests governments represent.

While you await the final cutting out of tongues, say a prayer for Judge Friedrich. Americans don’t know that a federal judge, indeed any judge, can be arrested by police on false charges and prosecuted by prosecutors based on fake evidence. The judiciary no longer has the independence that the separation of powers provides. Judges can be punished if they rule against the interests of those in whom the predominance of power resides.

Those with the predominance of power rule, not the law, the Constitution, or the people.


fe3a1a  No.7093851


and Pachino as well. There were a LOT of people in that movie.

f4a362  No.7093852


his mom was head of the NEA, Jane Alexander.

Also, from 2016


1426f7  No.7093853


the most logical guess is that there is no way to say who it is and even if you could PROVE who it is what would it mean???

obviously look closer means something else

unless anons just like mental masturbation

ab76f1  No.7093854

I couldn't imagine being as cowardly as you Q…

Not in a million incarnations.

ecc37e  No.7093855


do you not want others to simply give your religious idea a chance?

a little space in their mind that it might actually be possible?

yours relies on miracles

mine does not

think about it…

eb0c76  No.7093856

File: d79a1636d45c4d8⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1968x1640, 6:5, POTUS 2.png)

File: ff87ca999162994⋯.png (78.91 KB, 1138x351, 1138:351, ClipboardImage.png)

94a739  No.7093857

File: 3fb017aea7cbb0a⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1700x1200, 17:12, M 611.png)

eb3b07  No.7093858


>This is from 2016, anon.

Very relevant right now with Epstein arrested. It wasn't discussed or made notables.

46a4dd  No.7093859

File: 568a267c6b2ebf5⋯.png (966.76 KB, 1103x648, 1103:648, Rome 325AD.png)

File: 985a30db4425973⋯.png (92.27 KB, 1087x605, 1087:605, Jeremiah 10_1-5.png)


Rome at 325AD under Constantine.

Christmass is pagan, Fire and tree worship.

Baal and the grove. However Israel worshiped Christ too but by another name

Watch the old rudolph the rednose reindeer, Burl Iyves sand Silver and Gold, "Silver and Gold decorations.. on every Christmas tree."

fe3a1a  No.7093860


ear/side of face vs a twisted view of front of face. Eyes are like \ nose is toward the middle but also right.. not a fair comparison. The hair could be an indicator

dfa78d  No.7093861


free will

free choice

i have made mine.

you make yours

5ef33d  No.7093862

File: 7518424c30d0354⋯.png (1.4 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 8A01A536-6EF2-4C89-98F0-AD….png)


And this is one of the guy’s who produced Donnie Brasco. Hoffman, Cruz

592af5  No.7093863


Then you figure it out, asshole. I just wanted to see what it looked like straightened out since that other anon asked.

46a4dd  No.7093864


Christmas, sorry

ecc37e  No.7093865


i gave your accepted religion a chance… for over 18 years… did you give mine one second?

109d36  No.7093866


how do you get all this information.

you just seem like a larper from my view.

8700d4  No.7093867

File: 6e7f5719db1d6d2⋯.jpeg (66.15 KB, 474x387, 158:129, 98BCBA6E-B38A-4CB1-A337-9….jpeg)

If a BOOM happens and it is not reported, did it really happen?

e54c55  No.7093868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ryan Dawson's "Jeffery Epstein Crime Map" is the best deep dive on Jeffery and his myriad of cohorts. He connects it all. Watch this and spread the fuck out of it!

014b9f  No.7093869

File: 34ae884e0bdf619⋯.jpg (114.87 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Clueless.jpg)

ea39b5  No.7093870

File: fb84ac08cd0077d⋯.jpg (34.88 KB, 500x601, 500:601, Gunslinger.jpg)

God bless you AG Barr do what you got to do.

ebaf6f  No.7093871


Try harder…

69a9a1  No.7093872

File: 601329fff6d4a80⋯.png (341.33 KB, 2048x1149, 2048:1149, wordswag_1563512695415.png)

341cdf  No.7093873


don't give a fuck about trying to guess what a distorted image is anymore

if it was really important, why the childish games ?

ab76f1  No.7093874

I will find the other 8.

We will obliterate your decades of nonsense.

5ef33d  No.7093875

File: d191d7047574ef5⋯.jpeg (25.75 KB, 255x211, 255:211, BD75A1BC-030D-47B8-9ED9-3….jpeg)

219d6d  No.7093876

File: 548e2cce0a15f72⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 86E4BE1C-1AAF-46C0-898A-53….png)

f3a3a3  No.7093877


You go back far enough in the archives Anon? 2018? Says here that he released the HRC/HUMA vid


9454de  No.7093878

File: c4ed84ee61ffe95⋯.png (6.74 MB, 4905x3532, 4905:3532, full armor of god.png)

183598  No.7093879

>>7093280 (pb)

This is all much older than Islam. Baal-Haddad, his consort Tanis. Epsteins temple was pointing toward a certain religion. It wears many masks. Knowing the root will tell us more about the enemy. The masks are meant to confuse.

bb089e  No.7093880

File: bff0a3c42eba4f5⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 1506x5069, 1506:5069, Screenshot_2019-07-14 Deco….jpg)

File: 1d5e5686d0f2180⋯.jpg (117.49 KB, 411x640, 411:640, lenintext.jpg2.jpg)

File: 8d042c628dd766d⋯.png (1.39 MB, 930x1236, 155:206, Screenshot_2019-06-21 .png)


The Tsar abdicated under threat of the Eisens, 3.15; JFK was re-interred on 3.15. Christchurch. 315. Someone put a list together once. I have a few scattered across various collages.

1426f7  No.7093881


dont like the answer

dont ask the question

not here to baby you but i hear qrb is oh so comfy

43fa17  No.7093882

File: 096b1fdee5b0118⋯.jpg (370.7 KB, 978x978, 1:1, peacebud.jpg)


I can dig it

4259d7  No.7093883

SLIDES: clock, watch, bird

ab76f1  No.7093884

Puhrich. .

Geller. ..


Beauvier. ..

03ee0d  No.7093885

Those wondering about Hawaii…


ea39b5  No.7093886

File: 68358930cf1572c⋯.jpg (53.58 KB, 500x522, 250:261, TacoTurd.jpg)

Talk about a despicable man.

111a1e  No.7093887

2013 = death

Chris Dorner - shooter

Navy Yard - shooter

Santa Monica - shooter

Trayvon Killed

Paul Walker Killed

Sandy Hook

Could be more but death dominated the news that year.

4dfc21  No.7093888

File: 259d1238eb75f6a⋯.png (32.61 KB, 45x463, 45:463, b9a1b4f0e0215397a7e0622501….png)


it just so happens to look funny as fuck straightened out

a8efe5  No.7093889

File: 6b9343ff39109fa⋯.jpeg (42.91 KB, 475x446, 475:446, 8C22F482-462A-4550-990C-3….jpeg)

f58910  No.7093890

File: dabd5ecea8d2cdd⋯.jpeg (728.47 KB, 1984x1344, 31:21, ABAB952C-8822-4954-9E10-F….jpeg)

File: 7270ca3cc10137b⋯.jpeg (367.68 KB, 1512x1080, 7:5, B6373772-A95B-4164-93D6-D….jpeg)

File: 5be68b65b8570ac⋯.gif (464.94 KB, 1000x714, 500:357, D86B4920-106A-4CE1-824D-7B….gif)

Just some symbolism:

- The ancient El Ghriba Synagogue, also known as the Djerba Synagogue, is located on the Tunisian island of Djerba.

- Sidi bou Said

- Ghorfas of Matmata

7f7ff7  No.7093891

File: b566b87ef76c18a⋯.png (303.51 KB, 1118x1865, 1118:1865, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc2a3699059d386⋯.png (27.09 KB, 360x360, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Tomorrow is Friday. Also could be misinformation. Be on alert tom. DS might try to use whatever ammunition they have left.

016a7a  No.7093892


The proverbial tree in the forest huh…I guess it did if anons are paying attention!

dfa78d  No.7093893


does rely on miracles.

relies on Grace through faith

I believe WITHOUT a miracle.

YOU need one to believe. Your heart is wrong.

Blessed is she that believed without seeing.

AMPC Jesus said to him, Because you have seen Me, Thomas, do you now believe (trust, have faith)? Blessed and happy and to be envied are those who have never seen Me and yet have believed and adhered to and trusted and relied on Me.

KJV Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.



bb089e  No.7093894


you think the jew poster you referred to has sauce to back up "Christians Believe"?

62bbfa  No.7093895

File: 8536bb7ec98ba06⋯.jpg (377.16 KB, 1077x1060, 1077:1060, Screenshot_20190719-012452….jpg)

File: d8106b7b620e87c⋯.jpg (580.85 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190719-012601….jpg)


d7eb50  No.7093896

Are we the North American Indians now??

Imagine moving to another country and expecting the indigenous population to change their ways to accommodate you. Imagine telling the natives they no longer belonged there and it was in fact your country now. Now imagine being surprised when they react in a hostile way.

We are just to nice a Nation, that we will just hand it over to them because we don't want to upset them.

a7f771  No.7093897

POTUS pisses me off, he always goes right up until the point of hold these demons accountable, then he backs off. Every singe time he does it. Pull the fucking trigger already POTUS, FFS.

111a1e  No.7093898

File: dc826c8873509de⋯.png (3.92 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 18116943-4F38-4910-BBCD-FA….png)

File: 6badd365a060128⋯.jpeg (598.69 KB, 728x1577, 728:1577, 591C6E02-9D58-4557-ADF9-3….jpeg)

Straightened out

The back of a girl with an Auburn Ponytail.

e59ca6  No.7093899

File: 4ce68138dba1be8⋯.jpg (177.1 KB, 663x504, 221:168, MaybeB2isBillBinney.jpg)


I wonder what Bill Binney's been up to, lately…

I'm sure he witnessed and could testify about all sorts of things, if he was allowed to…

b53cc7  No.7093900


Old, but showed up a few days ago in newsfeed as if new. I posted it back in the dark days of no notables

eb3b07  No.7093901

File: 4f24db8e72e09b2⋯.png (608.49 KB, 474x710, 237:355, ClipboardImage.png)


>NEA, Jane Alexander.

Jane Alexander also has had a career as an influential arts advocate. She was the first artist to become chair of the National Endowment for the Arts. Appointed by Bill Clinton, she arrived in 1993, which was a tumultuous time for the agency. For four years she led the NEA during this challenging and pivotal period.'

Jace Alexander: 'Law And Order' Director Faces Child …

Jace, the son of Tony Award-winning actress Jane Alexander, is probably best known for directing more than 30 episodes of Law and Order. However, he is also known for his work on the television shows Rescue Me, The Practice, and the DirecTV comedy, Coop. Last month, he was elected as the second vice-president of the Directors Guild of America.


592af5  No.7093902

File: 65a97c5d1ca2111⋯.png (16.92 KB, 424x146, 212:73, watch reflection 2.png)


That one looks like a tapeworm. Here's a slightly better attempt. You can see why I took the opportunity to practice with the deform tool.

faa833  No.7093903


It's 4:50…but could it be the current time where the watch was at the time. (GMT+7 I believe)

b6948c  No.7093904

You don't understand Psalms…

FUCK…. WHO am I Daniel talking to?


IDIOT :)]\

WH\O IS I Daniel :)\

X= Daniel :)


bcefe8  No.7093905

ok google

8f6e40  No.7093906

File: 2581127debeee94⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1173x694, 1173:694, ClipboardImage.png)


So suppose there was a camera in the bird. It would capture all those entering.


Greater St James

2d388f  No.7093907


> I posted it back in the dark days of no notables

You are an inconsequential petulant child

No one cares or paid attention

fa183f  No.7093908

Welp, Anons…

If this is it, if this is THAT Friday, I just want you to know it has been a true honor and a privilege to have been here with all of you. You really are fantastic people.

Also, BO, sorry for sperging out on you when the bread got changed. Like, actually. Sorry.

1d8a2f  No.7093909


Looks like the back of a head

b53cc7  No.7093910


The 2nd has been the only thing saving the US and thus the world from ruin for a long time

eb3b07  No.7093911

File: 8f9ccbeff285537⋯.png (961.69 KB, 840x630, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

'rosecutors said that between the late 1990s and when he was arrested, Xu sold at least 99 guns without a license, some within days of buying them.

A U.S. Customs and Border Protection watch commander at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach has admitted to running an illegal gun operation, authorities said.

Wei Xu, 56, of Santa Fe Springs was arrested Feb. 5 after an investigation involving undercover officers to whom Xu sold three guns out of the trunk of his car, including an “off-roster” pistol not certified for sale in California, according to the U.S. attorney’s office.

He has been on unpaid administrative leave since his arrest and will be fired, said Ciaran McEvoy, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office.

In court Wednesday, Xu pleaded guilty to illegally selling guns on the internet, some of which he obtained by using his power as a law enforcement official, and to creating a fake company to avoid paying taxes, prosecutors said. He also pleaded guilty to illegally possessing unregistered firearms and making false statements to a federal agency about his involvement with a Chinese company to get a secret-level security clearance.

“Mr. Xu’s public life as a federal officer masked his private greed and disrespect for the law,” U.S. Atty. Nick Hanna said in a news release. “Public officials promise to act with integrity when they take an oath of office, and we will zealously prosecute those who mock the laws they have sworn to uphold.”

Prosecutors said that between the late 1990s and when he was arrested, Xu sold at least 99 guns without a license, some within days of buying them. Officials said he increased his profits by exploiting his status as a law enforcement officer to buy handguns that can’t be sold to the public by a federal licensed dealer.

When investigators searched Xu’s home in February, they found more than 250 weapons, including 41 machine guns and two short-barreled rifles. None was registered with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, officials said.

Investigators also learned that Xu, who began working at the port in 2004, was an accounts manager for a China-based auto parts import company. Prosecutors said he helped his business partners make a profit and earned a commission from his work.

But when filling out questionnaires in 2003, 2011 and 2015 for the Office of Personnel Management to obtain a secret-level security clearance, he denied having contacts with foreign nationals or a foreign financial interest, prosecutors said.

Xu also admitted that between 2005 and 2017, he set up a fake Florida-incorporated company called Trans Pacific Group Inc., which he used to claim business losses, offset his income and evade filing taxes to the Internal Revenue Service.

When asked for information about Xu’s employment with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the agency said: “U.S. Customs and Border Protection leadership stresses honor and integrity in every aspect of our mission, and the overwhelming majority of CBP officers perform their duties with honor and distinction, working tirelessly every day to keep our country safe. CBP officers take an Oath of Office, a solemn pledge that conveys great responsibility and one that should be carried out at all times with the utmost professionalism. CBP officers who disregard that oath and instead choose to violate the trust of the citizens they swore to protect are held accountable.”

Xu will be sentenced in January and faces a maximum sentence of 25 years in federal prison. He remains in custody at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Los Angeles.


920d91  No.7093912


Hope it goes straight to video. Haha!

Great job!

4259d7  No.7093913


cry moar incessant bitch

f9c202  No.7093914

File: be00bef32b9e0be⋯.jpg (157.35 KB, 590x462, 295:231, Was-Told-Declas.jpg)

f4a362  No.7093915


People usually are getting in trouble in the US for saying things that piss Jews off.

That band was just dropped from Relapse for saying something nice about a "holocost denier" in their liner notes.

I'm not concerned one bit about Muslims. Don't wreck their countries with our bombs and bullets and they'll stay home.

bfd50d  No.7093916

File: a25ade826199b10⋯.jpg (8.56 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Trump 2020 Candidate.jpg)

MAGA 2020

2d56a2  No.7093917

File: 0a1cde347e84701⋯.png (509.72 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

How can any Democrat claim to be shocked by the upcoming Epstein revelations? Abedin was vice chair of Hillary's 2016 campaign for President. Weiner pleaded guilty to a charge of transferring obscene material to a minor. He is a registered sex offender, a paedophile. Just think of that. This is the Democrat party in a nutshell.

1426f7  No.7093918

File: 78883022badba9b⋯.png (1.87 MB, 2220x1080, 37:18, ClipboardImage.png)


how did he get a pic of the front from up there?

0c847f  No.7093921



Same time next week, Charlie?

f3a3a3  No.7093922

File: c373a33eb8a80db⋯.png (333.46 KB, 600x350, 12:7, jeslaughter.png)

Mueller testimony/hearing was supposed to happen this week so hopefully it's DECLAS tomorrow then comes Iran, Uranium-one (Mueller faces charges), Haiti, TRAFFICKING (CHILD TRAFFICKING), corruption, etc etc

109d36  No.7093923


eight what?

your just a guy, dude. you are an extra special super hero.

you're a guy.

you have to eat and shit and breath and drink water.

you can't fly off to the sun and use it as a portal.

that's just a story you've conned yourself into believing.

1d8a2f  No.7093924


Lisa page

f9c202  No.7093925

File: b8a1ecfa5fb88ef⋯.jpg (114.62 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Jarret_Pedosta.jpg)

62bbfa  No.7093926


The watch has a beveled edge

ea39b5  No.7093927

Frank Lunzt is a man America rejects.

eb0c76  No.7093928

File: 07502d3fb9b3ec8⋯.png (10.16 KB, 359x210, 359:210, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aea748a5042b946⋯.png (5.11 KB, 368x94, 184:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39b033a0655ca7e⋯.png (4.56 KB, 359x122, 359:122, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7093856If you look at the dates of the Q post it is right between the undiscovered

6/18/2018 we have the undiscovered stars post

6/19/2018 Trump blurry images


q post

1426f7  No.7093929

File: 73b72b7c2d79362⋯.png (823.33 KB, 1577x728, 1577:728, ClipboardImage.png)


hanging from the ceiling?

How does that work?

f2e5ea  No.7093930


Literally in the link with vid jackass.

bb089e  No.7093931

File: f8edb48ac6dd53a⋯.jpg (46.3 KB, 317x500, 317:500, 51ibR3X1FQL.jpg)

File: 726096e36f30ae4⋯.png (700.99 KB, 1366x1430, 683:715, 2019-05-13.png)

4259d7  No.7093932

109d36  No.7093933


you are not NOT an extra special super hero, rather the same as everyone else, you are.

f07e20  No.7093934

File: 11931cb050b14b6⋯.jpg (380.95 KB, 753x861, 251:287, #0.Chan Archive Service.jpg)

GAA Update

"Look close!"Edition

I added #9043 to #9076 and updated the checksums.



9043-9076.zip MD5: ab2b5714115ce8a98a238b930d13d677


9043-9076.html.zip MD5: 44fe729757b0dcd1e1fb1735c9ff67d4

The archive now contains 9080 breads.


f4a362  No.7093935


Multi generational Hollywood sickos? Multi generational pedo abuse w/ Democrats?

Still, this is a 2016 story.

ea39b5  No.7093936

File: a1c724fd951346c⋯.jpg (44.35 KB, 500x582, 250:291, Ilhan.jpg)

Incest in Somalia is customary.

0c847f  No.7093937


would it be anyone else?

7f7ff7  No.7093938


It’s not just Dems it’s the establishment. Think of all the Rinos who resisted Trump. He was running against the establishment not just Dems. Reb and Dems are going down. It’s not about parties. There is good and bad in all groups.

It’s about Good vs. Evil.

d7eb50  No.7093939

File: 7603e2f654130a0⋯.jpg (59.03 KB, 500x500, 1:1, President drain it.jpg)

>>7088054 (pb) one of "Q"'s post.

fa183f  No.7093940


In the end I think DS will want to save the last of the ammo for the coward's way out.

8d3be3  No.7093941


I'm all ears.

b53cc7  No.7093942

File: beb54b81152e468⋯.png (134.63 KB, 1277x590, 1277:590, ClipboardImage.png)


Check out who lives in the neighborhood that was in the path of hurricane Irma (toppled the lil st james dome)


5ef33d  No.7093943




4259d7  No.7093944


How’s Judith?

384008  No.7093945

File: 97dfcbe0c799242⋯.png (400.98 KB, 780x1012, 195:253, endgame20 20.png)


Q was sending a message to the deep-state.

message was sent.

Do you think they receive?

I'm think [they] did.

[-5] you deep-state asshole's

ad7f38  No.7093946

File: 07171fa1c19ea71⋯.png (387.44 KB, 931x798, 7:6, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d0d15dd61c8c7a⋯.png (430.28 KB, 953x780, 953:780, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 610db6055f363ca⋯.png (138.93 KB, 948x758, 474:379, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73021b48734c268⋯.png (415.71 KB, 925x854, 925:854, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ad71ed8f5ce8a7⋯.png (592.58 KB, 923x853, 923:853, ClipboardImage.png)

Bowling Alone: How Washington Has Helped Destroy American Civil Society And Family Life

Church attendance in the United States is at an all-time low, according to a Gallup poll released in April 2019. This decline has not been a steady one. Indeed, over the last 20 years, church attendance has fallen by 20 percent. This might not sound like cause for concern off the bat. And if you’re not a person of faith, you might rightly wonder why you would care about such a thing.

Church attendance is simply a measure of something deeper: social cohesion. It’s worth noting that the religions with the highest rate of attendance according to Pew Forum have almost notoriously high levels of social cohesion: Latter-Day Saints, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Evangelical Protestants, Mormons and historically black churches top the list.

There’s also the question of religious donations. Religious giving has declined by 50 percent since 1990, according to a 2016 article in the New York Times. This means people who previously used religious services to make ends meet now either have to go without or receive funding from the government. This, in turn, strengthens the central power of the state.

It is our position that civil society – those elements of society which exist independently of big government and big business – are essential to a functioning and free society. What’s more, these institutions are in rapid decline in the United States, and have been for over 50 years.

Such a breakdown is a prelude to tyranny, and has been facilitated in part (either wittingly or unwittingly) by government policies favoring deindustrialization, financialization and centralization of the economy as well as the welfare state. The historical roots of this breakdown are explored below, along with what concerned citizens can do to mitigate its impact on their loved ones.

What Is Bowling Alone?

The urtext of this topic is Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community by political scientist Robert D. Putnam. He uses the decline in league bowling as a sort of shorthand for the overall decline in American participation in social life.



82a302  No.7093947

Shall we play a game? from Feb 17th


8cd716  No.7093948

No, Apple, we don’t need 72 different emojis to represent gay, straight & lesbian couples in 5 races


592af5  No.7093949


Probably a curved reflection given the shape.

0c847f  No.7093950



Stinks of piss, but makes a decent meatloaf.


111a1e  No.7093951


Good point. Rotate the watch and see what the clock says

4eb629  No.7093952

File: d8101b1b663ff30⋯.png (1.37 MB, 5071x2917, 5071:2917, Cool Gym Bro.png)

eb3b07  No.7093953

File: e1475e942fa2b58⋯.png (539.98 KB, 700x394, 350:197, ClipboardImage.png)

Italian-Canadian police operation targets 'ndrangheta mafia clan

Police in Canada and Italy have arrested at least 23 suspected members of the 'ndrangheta mafia, in a joint operation. The 'ndrangheta, little known in Canada, had set up operations near Toronto.

Nine suspected top members of Italy's notorious 'ndrangheta organized crime syndicate have been arrested in Canada, Canadian and Italian law enforcement said Thursday, in a joint operation that also led to 14 arrests in southern Italy.

In Canada, police seized C$35 million ($26.8 million/€23.8 million) in assets from the Figliomeni crime family during three days of raids targeting 48 cafes, businesses and residences tied to the group in Toronto's northern suburbs.

Among those arrested was the alleged boss, Angelo Figliomeni, who along with eight other suspects was hit with a range of charges, including money laundering, running illegal gambling and defrauding the government.

Figliomeni is wanted by Italy and faces 20 years in prison there, but as a Canadian citizen he could not be extradited because association with the mafia in not a crime in Canada.

"These arrests signify the fall of power for the most significant 'ndrangheta crime family operating in York region," Chief Eric Jolliffe said at a news conference on Thursday morning.

Authorities allege the group gained illicit income from running illegal gambling operations at 11 cafes near Toronto and loan sharking.

York police Detective Sergeant Carl Mattinen said the so-called "Figliomeni Group" also laundered more than C$70 million through legal casinos in Canada.

The operation in southern Italy's Calabria region targeted the Muia crime family from the town of Siderno, Italian police said. The 14 suspects were arrested on charges of transnational mafia association, illegal weapons possession, fraudulent money transfers and other crimes.

The 'ndrangheta is Italy's most powerful mafia group. It is believed to be the No. 1 trafficker of cocaine into Europe and in recent years has made inroads into Germany and North America. Originating in Calabria, in southern Italy, the secretive group consists of dozens clans that answer to senior leaders.

Italian police said "for the first time" they discovered that suspected Canadian 'ndrangheta members were authorized to meet and take decisions in Canada, rather than in Italy.


4ba661  No.7093954

File: 8fb8eeea1f51c13⋯.jpg (7.24 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, IMG_20190718_192835618.jpg)


Symbols and symbolism are interesting things.

The way I see it, the symbol of, say, the Pentagram has its origins in the Petals of Venus - or the Morning Star (it wasn't associated with the entity, Venus, until much later - though one must wonder if there was a symbolic basis for it - all things space related have been Roman in their names… The Ares and Saturn rockets for example - contrast to the Military's use of Greek; Aegis, Nike Zeus, etc). Many eastern beliefs mixed this with the five elements system, or … Hell - I forget the name of it. There is the divine elements system - the trigrams, and then the human elements system.

Anyway - point is this symbolized those who studied the stars. Those who studied the stars could navigate by them, set planting schedules by them, and predict the onset of an eclipse (which made you a fucking sorcerer when you consider that most people might see one or two eclipses in their life from their region).

These were the original autists - the people who looked for patterns and meaning. They were the people who tried shoving a critter into a fire and seeing what it tasted like - the people who put together how seeds become plants - the people who somehow plopped their ass down and did nothing but try to burn rocks until metals came out of them - and then burned those rocks with other rocks as a flux.

Or who took notes from the aliens who taught us…. Whatever.

Point is - those symbols were things developed to represent the concepts of insight, achievement, virtue, etc. The symbol is a polaroid snapshot of a philosophy and its history. It is not just a discovery one stumbles across, yet it is not an invention that can be altered by our wit or whim. It is what it is.

These corrupt people - whatever their actual beliefs may be, and whatever extents their perversions extend to - did not create these symbols. They are predators who have exploited the tendency of people to follow out of convenience. They are compelled by the power of symbolism to cloak themselves in it, however, they are not really able to bend these symbols to their will so easily.

They are genuine autists, to that end - plastering various symbols on themselves in an attempt to blend in or to invoke the power of symbolism - but have no real understanding of symbolism. The think that it is a system where you can play a symbol like a card and win at the game - which, to be fair, may appear true at first. However, as the number of symbols on the table increases, that initial assumption breaks down.

Which is why you had Madonna up on stage a few weeks/months back, with like fifteen different digs at symbolism. It's autistic screeching - dress up like Odin and have monks chanting while you pretend to kill people and suddenly you made a "deep" song, right?

By the way… There is no fourth wall in this story. The world will be saved by anime.

There is an interesting concept in Edens Zero. The chronophage. Let's say one hits Earth and "eats" 25 years. Time, on Earth, reverts to how it was 25 years ago, and anyone who is there who wasn't on Earth 25 years ago "dies" (or… Just ceases to be).

There is a planet - one made of wood - (well, actually, the series refers to them as stars) that was once a beautiful tourist destination. It was overrun by a criminal cartel. "The Purification of Guilst" is when the planet is hit by the chronophage and literally makes it as though the criminal empire never was.

The next chapter is "The Truth is In The Cube" and likely relates to "B-cubers" - who are the series' equivalent of Youtube personalities. So, yeah, this does actually circle back around to relevance.

4259d7  No.7093955


Schizophrenic stalking

5ef33d  No.7093956

File: c345295c6a135b7⋯.jpeg (20.62 KB, 255x201, 85:67, C48A8454-A4DF-421F-97FF-6….jpeg)

1d8a2f  No.7093957


What is the tiny blue dot that lines with the 2

ecc37e  No.7093958

got sauce, very reputable sauce that jesuits control the world bank via a credible world bank whistle blower…

see that?

old news… doesn't matter and no one wants to talk about it etc etc no not able yet it literally blows the lid off all the fake ROTHSCHILDS and SOROS and MAFIA LOANED VATICAN bullshit if true…



acting so innocent and unaware.


plus this… their religion was weaponized long ago yet they are none the wiser….


thank you budha anon



would it help you to understand that I know more bible then your preachers pastors et al?

probably not and i dont want to take anything from you anyways… keep it… by all means…




I once imagined if the rex deus story was reality… the crushing guilt of that if that is true is far greater than any imaged guilt for a savior that died on a cross for our sins…

Imagining he was just a poor human wretch like us… that right there… made it more real for me and then to think that they turned it all… his attempted reforms into mass mind control and here we are today still unable to address what truly occurred when the temple finally toppled over for the last time…

I know the pieces fit…

I have done the research…

We have been lied to repeatedly and here we are in the place where we should be able to question EVERYTHING…

0c847f  No.7093959


The meds, again, huh?

760184  No.7093960

File: 049acc239d56c1c⋯.jpg (162.4 KB, 1376x542, 688:271, dist charity.jpg)


it's funny you mention Depeche Mode

I doubt those guys understood much of this cabal stuff, but their handlers sure did

Tracy Twyman wrote a lot about METe, which she thinks is another name for BaphoMET - pic related.

The Knights Templar referred to pederasty as part of Baphomet's "Distinguished Charity", which Twyman says can also be translated as Baphomet's "Strange Love"… i seem to recall a dM tune by that name.

sauce: http://www.tracytwyman.com/plusultra/mysterium-baphometis-revelatum-translated/

4259d7  No.7093961

File: 6469dd2b9eff1af⋯.png (200.38 KB, 504x348, 42:29, 1C15EC66-7447-4502-96C0-0A….png)

ebfafb  No.7093962


a dot at 2 and 4, the 4 is lighter and smaller

4259d7  No.7093963


Scotch plus.

37d6e9  No.7093965


Good Al Green is very very good,

but Bad Al Green is horrid.

9e897b  No.7093966


That is GHWB in the bottom pic with grey hair. Day of confession?

7dbc18  No.7093967


Ok Tony stark.

e54c55  No.7093969

File: b42bd2b91ff7cff⋯.jpg (186.64 KB, 1035x772, 1035:772, b42bd2b91ff7cffd70c69b8251….jpg)

File: 53b3903bf8972d1⋯.gif (929.11 KB, 380x252, 95:63, 20190706_084135.gif)

Haha just caught up on the new Q drops. It's nice to see breadbox basically called the fuck out for his stupid ideas, in the nicest way possible. Bless his heart…

ecc37e  No.7093971


and venus wasnt always associated with lucifer nor lucifer with the devil nor the devil with satan…

I told you that you need to knock this off before you are unliked by the popular kids here!

fa183f  No.7093972


I've had to stop listening to certain bands I like because now I know the symbolism better and to distrust the occult in general.

Dunno if I could ever bring myself to stop loving Siouxsie. Reminds me too much of my mom.

25222c  No.7093973

File: 3d0bfc69ff1f0ee⋯.jpg (146.31 KB, 1186x874, 593:437, woman.jpg)

021f6c  No.7093975



finally got these fuckers

bb089e  No.7093976

File: 683f20e36e23958⋯.png (475.26 KB, 1118x673, 1118:673, 2019-04-14.png)

File: b081c826eabfe87⋯.png (589.83 KB, 1584x637, 1584:637, 2019-05-15 (4).png)

File: 7ab6df8bab1d48d⋯.png (252.78 KB, 1366x648, 683:324, 2019-03-15 - Copy.png)

a169c0  No.7093977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>POTUS pisses me off, he always goes right up until the point of hold these demons accountable, then he backs off. Every singe time he does it. Pull the fucking trigger already POTUS, FFS.

I felt the same until I watched the last 10 minutes of this.

Listen to the troubles of the world that everyone wants Potus to fix. How do you think Potus feels.

He's one man against a world of sadistic assholes.

0c847f  No.7093978


I'm sure paperwork is up to date.

A lil whoopsie down the steps, enjoy

8d3be3  No.7093979


Jeez (((you))) fucks must really be scared to be here over a week pushing the same BO bullshit. We see you.

695160  No.7093980


can't reason with christfags

they always assume you never heard of their beliefs

see how they keep trying to explain it

All this bs slow ass reveal is for them

fa183f  No.7093982


Woman with blonde hair in profile and pink top?

2d388f  No.7093983


>Haha just caught up on the new Q drops. It's nice to see breadbox basically called the fuck out for his stupid ideas, in the nicest way possible. Bless his heart…


Brought to you by Q's decision to let the tantruming children have their way

1426f7  No.7093984



Why does Q say 45 then?

ebaf6f  No.7093985



75046e  No.7093986


can yu zoom in on the knobs instead of the edge?

21bb74  No.7093987

File: 3e4cc561a2b1efa⋯.jpg (470.82 KB, 2289x2289, 1:1, PicsArt_07-19-02.16.44.jpg)

e54c55  No.7093988


Motherfucker I'm not pushing shit. Much less am I one of (((them))). Fucking kill yourself nigger!

eb3b07  No.7093989

File: 5db9e038290e801⋯.png (366.67 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

Tlaib’s Father Says She ‘Lied Big-Time To Get Elected’…. MEDIA SILENT….

Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s father accused her of falsifying her address on an election affidavit and lying “big-time to get elected,” a 2010 Detroit News article noted.

According to The Daily Wire, Tlaib’s father, Harbi Elabed, made the accusations against Tlaib, who at the time was a freshman state-level representative from the 12th District in Detroit’s Southwest side. The newspaper article was scrubbed from the internet when The Detroit News migrated to a new website but was available in a subscription-based digital archive.

The Detroit News reported:

He said his daughter misrepresented her residency when she signed an election affidavit in 2008 with the Wayne County Clerk claiming she was a citizen of Detroit.

According to that affidavit, Tlaib claimed she lived at 9123 Rathbone in Detroit. That house is owned in part by her father, Harbi Elabed, and he now says she did not live there and he was only recently made aware that she had claimed so.

“She lied,” Elabed said. “She lied big-time to get elected. I never teach her that way. I teach her the right way. It’s my house. She didn’t live there. She lived in Dearborn in her house with her husband and boy.”

Here's the March 11, 2010, report in The Detroit News pic.twitter.com/rFe5lH0iLt

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) May 3, 2019

The article continued:

Dearborn is not a part of the 12th House District that Tlaib was elected to represent.

Residency issues are very difficult to prove. To become a candidate, you must be a “registered and qualified elector” of that district, according to state law. That means you must have your primary residence — the address on your driver’s license and where you’re registered to vote — in that district.

There is no law however, according to state election officials, saying that a person must spend any particular number of days, weeks or months at a certain location. Perjury is an offense punishable by up to five years in prison and a $1,000 fine.

According to property and tax records, Tlaib lived in a house on Tireman in Dearborn that her husband purchased a decade ago. Taxes were paid on that house in 2009 with her husband claiming it as his primary residence.

But in 2008, as Tlaib was preparing for a run for the seat, she said she separated from her husband and moved into her father’s house with her two brothers.

Tlaib said she had bills that prove where she lived but it seems she never provided those bills to the newspaper to validate her claims.

Tlaib’s father came forward with the allegation because it was part of a “growing litany of transgressions that his daughter committed upon him — culminating in a dispute about care of his aged mother, who suffers from dementia,” adding that Tlaib “sided against him and in favor of his nephew in a battle of custody, a complete breach of family values.”

“My sons told me blood is thicker than water and I should keep my mouth shut, so OK, I did,” Elabed said. “Then she crossed the line with her father. When she interferes in the father’s business, when she shows him no respect. This life in politics has changed her.”

Adding more intrigue, Tlaib has since reconciled with her husband, and now lives next to her father.


109d36  No.7093990


mt Saint Helens?

a68419  No.7093991


Aga Khan owns a Private Carribean Island too.

Justin Trudeau and pals spent Xmas there.

Whar REALLY happens on those Islands?

Why would AK have a private Island?

A leader of a “religious” group?

A Foundation?

Did Trudeau give the “Foundation” $40 Million Of taxpayers money?

bb089e  No.7093992


so they want a white man to fix their problems.


we know how this works by now.

9e897b  No.7093993

File: df36ce8714f8859⋯.png (7.65 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 8AAF2EF3-34A5-497F-9A94-DE….png)

File: 0cfb2058600c9c7⋯.jpeg (364.15 KB, 1118x1938, 559:969, F157AF65-C640-43B4-92A9-8….jpeg)

File: e24dfbba4032b72⋯.png (5.85 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 14C82E84-7661-4D82-81CA-35….png)

File: d5aa1cd57497579⋯.jpeg (105.7 KB, 1119x1378, 1119:1378, 266BD430-5BDF-46D0-832F-D….jpeg)

Looks like GWB in this pic.

4259d7  No.7093994


Family photo albums from qrb bunker. Cute. Metadata from your actions will show truth. Not your favorite. Adieu paytriot divider.

219626  No.7093995

File: ea48946ddaa00a2⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 006APC_Raoul_Trujillo_016.jpg)

111a1e  No.7093996


They got gambinos yesterday!

e54c55  No.7093997


Good try. I'm am definitely not one of (((them))) but keep fantasizing! It's ok. I get it. I'll be your sacrificial goat all fucking day.

82a302  No.7093998

Fridays fearful news cycle.

Deepstate plays the Smollett card.

Trump card tucked back into deck.

More light shines.

9e897b  No.7093999


Yes. Agreed. This is our President.

eb3b07  No.7094000

File: b74c1f8cd846d02⋯.png (745.33 KB, 696x411, 232:137, ClipboardImage.png)


>Multi generational Hollywood sickos? Multi generational pedo abuse w/ Democrats?


>Still, this is a 2016 story.

Zoo keeper arrested for impregnating female Orangutan


1d8a2f  No.7094001

341cdf  No.7094002


FapJack got the CAPTCHA shoved up his ass


bb089e  No.7094003


cant you just tell the sauce kike?

e54c55  No.7094004


Oh no I went to 8bits board. Fucking sue me faggot. I'm no fucking divider for sure. But keep on it's fine. Bless your heart too nigger.

43fa17  No.7094005

File: cc26280cbba2a55⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Chaotic_Beauty_in_Constell….png)

8d3be3  No.7094006


Ooo you went to step 2 that fast with the BUZZWORDS? I told you, we see you.

faa833  No.7094007


7 places in the GMT+7 area

Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Mongolia, Thailand, Indonesia and Christmas Island

bb089e  No.7094008


no, you're a jew.

1426f7  No.7094009

File: 5e6fd72024abb08⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1238x1601, 1238:1601, ClipboardImage.png)


why all these watch sliders turning the pic to make it work?

The watch is laying on its side, slide that

b668ee  No.7094010

File: 5f03ca3541d97a0⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1125x1840, 225:368, IMG_1404.jpg)

File: 641a5784866b2d1⋯.jpg (337.11 KB, 717x1447, 717:1447, IMG_0101.jpg)


4259d7  No.7094011


One of (((them)))

Nigger trigger


Nigger trigger

One of (((them)))

021f6c  No.7094012



25222c  No.7094013




Thinking this is a group pic

8700d4  No.7094014

File: c0839cf7678e6c6⋯.jpeg (24.82 KB, 255x211, 255:211, E134B2C5-159B-4317-B3B7-C….jpeg)

111a1e  No.7094015


So the watch is hanging on a wall or potus is floating?

e54c55  No.7094016


Really when it's on Q's fucking post why it was returned to how it originally was? Ok buddy. Keep smokin that shit but don't pass it this way faggot. I have much better shit that doesn't make me fucking reee.

a01490  No.7094017

File: 8f821fed2599001⋯.jpeg (179.99 KB, 1484x777, 212:111, E30A71D7-E13B-4B07-B2FE-1….jpeg)

Hey guys, new at this.


e59ca6  No.7094018


Hey, hey.

Don't be sorry.

That faggot deserved it.

He'll get what's coming to him.

I really doubt there was a plan in place for this on fapjack's part.

He wanted try and force Q to do the division.

Maybe he's as malicious as he seems to be.

Maybe his anxiety and pride were getting to him and he wanted a way out that didn't equate to him quitting/giving up.

The goal was to get one of the following to happen:

-Q tells him to resign, full stop.

Q would then be, for the first time, "taking control" of The Board.

Unfortunately, as is currently the case, "because Q didn't specifically saaaay" how succession would or should work, the BO keys would just be past off to one of fapjack's shill BVs.

Then, if that person were to act even worse than fapjack, then fapjack would ultimately be covered and would claim that that's the sort of thing he was trying to avoid by banning and complicating everything.

That's one outcome, and it's a trap.

-Q tells him to resign, and details succession.

Q would be taking over The Board and who "runs/oversees" it. That would make a new class of "OrdainedbyQanon", which could lead to complications. Would we call them the Q Pope? Even if it's 8bit, that would lead to all sorts of unnecessary questions about who does what with whom.

-Q tells anons to move to another board.

Suddenly, instead of picking a leader/figurehead, Q takes on another new role. This time as pied piper. This time "Q sent me!" would be legit. Q's never "sent" anyone anywhere.

Should be "Q showed me!" if anything.

Just another trap.

Dictate the BO or dictate where anons go.

That would change Q's dynamic as a whole.

That would put Q in a tight spot as now they're giving commands to followers.

That's not what Q and we do here.

All Q talked about was the format and the pointlessness of captcha ever post.

Q didn't say anything about operational matters.

And because "Q didn't saaaaay", fapjack feels he's free to prey.

Loopholes and technicalities.

Expect more fuckery.

But never expect honesty nor transparency from him nor his shill team 666.

eb3b07  No.7094019

File: 9577c49b4bcb217⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

27 People Arrested, Nearly 15 Tons of Marijuana Seized in Perris Drug Bust: Sheriff’s Department

Authorities said they arrested 27 people and confiscated 14.9 tons of marijuana on Thursday in an investigation into alleged illegal grow operations in Perris.

A honey oil lab as well as 37 guns were also discovered after 48 search warrants were served in the investigation, according to a mid-afternoon tweet from the Riverside County Sheriff's Department.

An unknown number of dogs were also found during the bust, sheriff's officials said. They are all OK.

The department released several photos showing the marijuana plants and firearms that were seized, as well as some of the canines.

No additional information about the drug bust was immediately released; authorities have not identified anyone who was arrested.

In a tweet earlier in the day, the Sheriff's Department announced there would be heavy police activity in Perris, but there was "no threat to public safety."

By noon, officials said they had made 10 arrests, and recovered 21 guns and 5.9 tons of pot after serving 32 search warrant at illegal grow sites.

More details were expected to be released as they became available.

Responding to one of the tweets, Sheriff Chad Bianco reminded people that marijuana is illegal to grow in the county unless one strictly abides by personal use and grow laws.


4259d7  No.7094020


Ooooooh nigger


One of (((them)))

8b84bf  No.7094021

File: 956ceee75a2ad58⋯.jpg (171.08 KB, 1199x790, 1199:790, 956ceee75a2ad585a007e14e67….jpg)

So I did some digging on Hammam Yalbugha and how it connects to Epstein's Island and found the source of Q's image


and there is some noteable information contained in it

>The Hammam of Yalbugha was constructed just south of the Citadel during the reign of the Mamluk governor of Aleppo Yalbugha al-Nasiri I (r. 1382-1389/783-791 AH).

>The interior is divided into three main spaces: a frigidarium, a tepidarium and a caldarium.

This information contradicts the wikipedia article claim that it was built in 1491 and as we recently learned, wikipedia is not to be trusted,1 and this new information reveals that it was actually constructed at the beginning of the Burji Dynasty

Further reading also revealed that Hammams are public baths and in Islamic culture are spaces of sexual openness and are deeply connected to sexuality insofar as ritual ablution is to be practiced both before and after having sex

>Ritual ablution is also required before or after sexual intercourse.[9] Knowing that, May Telmissany, a professor at the University of Ottawa, argues that the image of a hyper-sexualised woman leaving the hammam is an Orientalist perspective that sees leaving or attending the hammam as a sign of pre-eminent sexual behaviour.[10]

Furthermore the Caldarium of the Hammam is by far the most notable part of the building itself

>This was a very hot and steamy room heated by a hypocaust, an underfloor heating system using tunnels with hot air, heated by a furnace tended by slaves.

according to a recent article from the following Q post >>7087719, it's supposed to be a "gym" but according to all the research we've done and the symbolism it's very clear

The "temple" is a place Jeffrey Epstein goes before raping the child sex slaves in the underground tunnels and may very well even be connected to the tunnels.

As an added side not, I thought the incorrect dates were suspicious and so examining information about the beginning of the Burji Dynasty I found this

> In 1377 a revolt broke out in Syria which spread to Egypt, and the government was taken over by the Circassians Barakah and Barquq; Barquq was proclaimed sultan in 1382, ending the Bahri dynasty

Barakah sounds a lot like Barack, eh?

Barack = Renegade

Barakah and Barquq took over the government in the revolt

Renegade = noun. An outlaw; a rebel.

84feb8  No.7094022

File: 4b8c25729fb4ce7⋯.png (41.55 KB, 299x168, 299:168, GRAVEYARD-SHIFT.png)


Hello doc from QRB. You may not be here anymoar but i was in the neighborhood, dropped by. Cruising /comms/ and setting up formatting practice thread for sister site. Blessings, o7.

dfa78d  No.7094023

File: df7f77ce5c627fa⋯.jpg (144.38 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, satc 10.jpg)

File: e3811fb1f7bcdb0⋯.jpg (67.39 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, satc 5.jpg)

File: 429386ca298f1ff⋯.jpg (66.44 KB, 560x800, 7:10, satc 24 copy.jpg)

File: 45ac42e8c5b9c9b⋯.jpg (8.42 KB, 259x194, 259:194, download.jpg)

File: 952535dd9ff354f⋯.jpg (184.62 KB, 1800x1012, 450:253, what-could-have-been-sex-a….jpg)


In the HBO show Sex and the City

when Charolotte and Trey are arguing over flat baby, look at the baby room behind them.

You will see it when she paints the room later before she throws a baby shower for Miranda.

same paint as this one with the yellow around the wall on the tv show baby room set.

Theyall go to the Standard Hotel in Cali when they go to the Playboy Mansion.

carrie wears a lightning bolt necklace.

I could go on and on.

SATC has tons of this stuff related to all we dig on. EVERY episode if you pay attention you see a lot.

And they talk about biuying a Guatemalen baby for $100 if Charlotte is unable to have ababy, Gay friend Mario says it. Says he knows a gay couple who got their baby from Guatamala for $100.

Any SATC fans or your wife or girlfriend, tell them to comb each episode. Lots of small details in each.

Carrie: Sarah Jessica Parker is related in real life to Salem Witches that were tried.

Also, pedo Justin Theroux is in the show a few times as Carries boyfriend and another random episode. He is a pedo and his cousin does documentaries about pedos.

They do a episode about Marina Abromovich, art lady who stays up for hours for onlookers to watch her.( episode with the Russian)

Again, every episode.

SATC cast and producers in NYC are invovled.

Kim Catrell ( samantha) brother in ral life….dead…..no reason given….found dead on his property same times suicides were goingon earlier last year.

And SJP husband is Matthew Broderick…….shallwe play a gmae.

Child actors , SJP, MB, and Miranda (Cynthia Nixon)

pay attention to art, jewelry, locations

SJC bestie andy cohen bestie cnn anderson cooper


Standard Hotel CA

two episodes of the show filmed at the hotel

Fans came decked out in their best "SATC" cosplay. (Miranda, you're perfect.)

b668ee  No.7094024

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, f6dfcfcd28a98ac6b9065bd1bb….gif)

111a1e  No.7094025

Mafia busts yesterday and today

= Godfather 2?

a68419  No.7094026

File: 070ff09a5152b10⋯.jpeg (931.81 KB, 1242x2090, 621:1045, B7D9514A-D6E5-4658-AD05-2….jpeg)

Evergreen gone?

S weekend?

Or is it her turn to try on that red scarf?

Hillary Clinton death hoax spreads on Facebook

Rumors of the politician’s alleged demise gained traction on Wednesday after a ‘R.I.P. Hillary Clinton’ Facebook page attracted nearly one million of ‘likes’. Those who read the ‘About’ page were given a believable account of the American politician’s passing:

“At about 11 a.m. ET on Wednesday (July 17, 2019), our beloved politician Hillary Clinton passed away. Hillary Clinton was born on October 26, 1947 in Chicago. She will be missed but not forgotten. Please show your sympathy and condolences by commenting on and liking this page.”


67e690  No.7094027

>>7093938 correct. rhinos are the right flank of the establishment party.

e54c55  No.7094028



Says the two faggots tag teaming. Whatever. I might beat s Motherfucking soon of a bitch but I'm same sure not one of (((them))). But keep on with your fantasy. Enjoy.

4259d7  No.7094029


May 3, 2019 old news not notable

661284  No.7094030

File: a49a92d68cada97⋯.png (959.88 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190719-024606.png)




fa183f  No.7094031

File: 0add658a5c0f18e⋯.jpg (70.01 KB, 900x676, 225:169, funerary-relief-representi….jpg)

File: 5cff90aed61a584⋯.jpg (10.08 KB, 298x169, 298:169, yarhibol.jpg)





21bb74  No.7094033


Do you know how reflections work?

4259d7  No.7094034


One of (((them))) reeeeeeing

b668ee  No.7094035


bb089e  No.7094036

File: 92c2c644361d727⋯.png (222.07 KB, 890x1999, 890:1999, Screenshot_2019-07-19 Dill….png)

File: 57d837afe8ac5fa⋯.jpg (771.82 KB, 1100x1399, 1100:1399, 3373b0e5ac9a24f230b31492d7….jpg)

2d56a2  No.7094037

File: de5afe99de11d16⋯.png (1.01 MB, 843x594, 281:198, ClipboardImage.png)

021f6c  No.7094038


Very relevant

very notable, faggot

4259d7  No.7094039


qrb posted

b668ee  No.7094040

File: 3cd34639632c74e⋯.jpg (135.21 KB, 500x488, 125:122, 8dadd429b294e7c63da18a929a….jpg)

5ef33d  No.7094041


Yea everyone beware of that faggot Lindsey Graham. His Kavanough showing is proof that POTUS is in full control

2d56a2  No.7094042

File: 14c7fcfb27cd447⋯.png (1.03 MB, 843x594, 281:198, ClipboardImage.png)

a68419  No.7094043


Killer workout.

4259d7  No.7094044


2 1/2 months article is old news and not notable

b255f9  No.7094045


"Your honor my client died back then and was revived several minutes later, so technically her life has ended and she cant be prosecuted for killing that child.."

219626  No.7094046

5ef33d  No.7094047


And remember what special role Pence MAY have during any kind of impeachment proceeding

2d56a2  No.7094048

021f6c  No.7094049


kill yourself tapey

eb3b07  No.7094050

File: 83e7c9894f2d079⋯.png (191.46 KB, 1525x3875, 61:155, ClipboardImage.png)


>May 3, 2019 old news not notable


Don't be gay. It is NOT in the NOTABLES.

66f80d  No.7094051

God, that's a rush!!

ad7f38  No.7094052


It'll be interesting if they get some more elsewhere they have big operations everywhere, Calabrian mafia

e54c55  No.7094053

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Love NickDip!

8d3be3  No.7094054


Step 3, double reply. What's next, an IP hop?

714b71  No.7094055


I read tabloids for years and years and they were never this juicy. Tell me more.

8700d4  No.7094056

File: 016d70b69d14ba1⋯.jpeg (98.24 KB, 400x353, 400:353, 74353BD0-1CD0-491A-83E1-E….jpeg)


Great dissection of a shitty situation.


a01490  No.7094057

File: dd6dfe3df3f214c⋯.jpeg (78.6 KB, 750x399, 250:133, A17A9722-9E41-4110-B175-C….jpeg)

File: 055e12424e9c89d⋯.jpeg (51.51 KB, 550x565, 110:113, 59799BEB-F512-4D9B-BCB8-9….jpeg)

>Keystone missing from the Arch of Baal

fa183f  No.7094058

File: daa0a31249aa154⋯.png (467.25 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190718-235253.png)

File: aa38c07e30cad7b⋯.png (467.64 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190718-235320.png)

File: a1e5a7f22b7e7f9⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190718-235350.png)

File: 0add658a5c0f18e⋯.jpg (70.01 KB, 900x676, 225:169, funerary-relief-representi….jpg)

File: 5cff90aed61a584⋯.jpg (10.08 KB, 298x169, 298:169, yarhibol.jpg)





dfa78d  No.7094059

File: 60c4e8b75199f7a⋯.jpg (91.73 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, la-1506570441-otm9glrdm5-s….jpg)

File: 1a780ef0ae76040⋯.jpg (8.68 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download (1).jpg)

File: a426b49c5dc5524⋯.jpg (12.47 KB, 244x207, 244:207, download (2).jpg)

File: 9e7a44633581afc⋯.jpg (87.55 KB, 850x640, 85:64, SexandtheCity.jpg)


How many camera behind those mirrors?

e54c55  No.7094060


I fucking miss typed my initial response and no, no fucking ip hop coming asshole.

71c541  No.7094061

File: f4e682708ea82ed⋯.gif (310.35 KB, 200x178, 100:89, lickinglips.gif)


11f030  No.7094062

Hi anons, spoke to a colonel of the marine Corp at length and got some nice confirmations out of him regarding AGI’s, nukes and ‘Roswell’ - nothing he couldn’t tell me.

AGI’s = active, mil has had them for decades already so doubters can suck it. AGI’s are deployed here (most knew that already). Hi bots! Would love to chat with you!

Utah NSA data centers = definitely buried beneath the earth

Nuke launch sites = obvious from satellites, concrete ‘squares’, single building off to side. I actually thought they’d be more hidden..

‘Roswell’ = definitely confirmed

7602c6  No.7094063

File: ed2311e55ea183b⋯.png (222.01 KB, 640x561, 640:561, hawking.png)

6f5271  No.7094064

File: aab412fb115bec6⋯.gif (2.75 MB, 367x420, 367:420, Boardwalk Empire Girl Gyra….gif)

1087da  No.7094065

File: c659b71a1eb5862⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1390x977, 1390:977, tykek.png)


there you go

8d3be3  No.7094066


Or do you mean you went to step 2 before step 3? We see you. After 2 years, you have to realize, you stick out. You'll always stick out.

90f8d6  No.7094067

File: fbff26a9a6985a8⋯.jpg (76.11 KB, 500x652, 125:163, pianoFit.jpg)


Oh yeah totally. Its the new thing. PianoFit.

We do it all the time and stare at posters of topless women while we work out.

(((These people are soooo fucking stupid)))

a01490  No.7094068

File: 01794486b1c448a⋯.jpeg (161.04 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, D0005C29-7A4D-4F09-AF14-9….jpeg)



5ef33d  No.7094069

File: e97d814c334c626⋯.jpeg (63.01 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 41322414-3107-4520-BF06-8….jpeg)

bdc82a  No.7094070

File: 4d85a9b403a8eb4⋯.png (113.47 KB, 383x668, 383:668, qmap-jfk.png)


JFK was assassinated on 22 Nov 63… might wanna fix that. don't want to inadvertently cause a mandela ripple.

b53cc7  No.7094071


AOC as well


e59ca6  No.7094072

File: 9dd5011770682a7⋯.jpg (122.36 KB, 491x449, 491:449, WatchWatching.jpg)

bad5a8  No.7094074




e59ca6  No.7094075


but he already was a chair…

bb089e  No.7094076

File: 303fee29bce3a2d⋯.png (213.76 KB, 890x2244, 445:1122, Screenshot_2019-07-19 Dill….png)

File: 3bb1811cbaca59e⋯.png (210.65 KB, 686x612, 343:306, 2019-05-15 (2) - Copy.png)

File: 85ea78c4550c86d⋯.png (752.55 KB, 1350x588, 225:98, Screenshot_2019-03-07 Gdoo….png)

File: 0fec2a511b117b1⋯.png (868.41 KB, 1350x551, 1350:551, Screenshot_2019-03-07 Gooh….png)

File: 911f49dcb4eedda⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1350x551, 1350:551, Screenshot_2019-03-08 Goog….png)

0c847f  No.7094077


this guy

i like the way you think

11f030  No.7094078


Oh, he was also in Intelligence. C_A confirmed hated by marines.

38ab2c  No.7094079

File: 0c610ccc5cf564e⋯.png (2.98 MB, 2667x1500, 889:500, tibet.png)

Graphic of

POTUS Remarks with Survivors of Religious Persecution - Ms Lhamo

MS. LHAMO: Sorry, it's just – I'm from Tibet. It’s my dream to visit – this opportunity to visit the President (inaudible). Tibetan need – (inaudible) Tibetan need (inaudible) support, please. We need support (inaudible) His Holiness –

THE PRESIDENT: Support, yeah.

MS. LHAMO: Yeah. His Holiness Dalai Lama (inaudible) come back in Tibet. My English is not good, but –

THE PRESIDENT: No, it’s fine.

MS. LHAMO: Thank you so much for this opportunity to gather and share the story. Thank you.

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much.

MS. LHAMO: Thank you so much.

THE PRESIDENT: Please say hello. Please say hello. Okay?

MS. LHAMO: Thank you.

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. I appreciate it. And your English is actually very good.

MS. LHAMO: Thank you.



4259d7  No.7094081



f58910  No.7094082


Nice diggin anon. Found more on Hammam Yalbugha



ecc37e  No.7094083

File: fa71814dade42fe⋯.jpg (33.79 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


now that convo was kek! :D


Yes, they always want to explain it again kek!

and I think I am turning into a dirty snowflake!!!

I want muh safe space! :D

I understand POTUS must pander… Q must pander… JOE M even and the others like praying medic… must pander to the better sensibilities of the crowd but here folks?

Show you the script and next thing you know you are watching the play like its all new to you… I just don't get it sometimes…

ok… most of this is for them… I agree… fuck… is all :D


dayum reached in and pulled out BO still throbbing heart! cool :D

he never yelled at me though… that is important to me kek

e54c55  No.7094084


That's hilarious. I can't disapprove your negative but keep on with your fantasy motherfucker.

8700d4  No.7094085

File: 8aca2309c483be3⋯.png (92.65 KB, 237x229, 237:229, 3C44D835-4C1D-4F1A-9799-71….png)


Where there is smoke, there is fire.

Lots of smoke here

dfa78d  No.7094086




Just go and check out the complete set of DVDS at the library and do a binge watch.

Use a big TV or monitor and freeze on scenes.

Notice jewelry, clothing, pwople, places, dialogue.

all can bring your mind to al we dig on.

I love that show, but now every episode I catch things I never paid attention to before.

E! channel runs then every week back to back late night, almost evey night if you cannot get at the library.

I even think The standard Hotel guy André Balazs resturants are in the show.

When you start seeing stuff it will make you mad, especially if you are a fan for years, show seemed harmless.

Agenda messages will pop out as well.

b53cc7  No.7094087



364528  No.7094088

FOX = 666




FOX = 666

FOX News

FOX Theater-Masonic Temple

20th Century FOX

bad5a8  No.7094089

File: 459eb085d75569e⋯.png (304.32 KB, 696x620, 174:155, ClipboardImage.png)



AOC as well


Investigative Report Shows AOC Might Never Have Lived in the Bronx

A New York Post investigation can find no real evidence that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez lives in the Bronx or ever did, at least not since she was five years old.

That wouldn’t come as a surprise after she lied and said she grew up in the Bronx. The Socialist It Girl grew up in spiffy Yorktown.

Now we hear she might NEVER have lived in the Bronx, even while running for office in a Bronx district.


According to an investigation by the New York Post, prior to winning a seat in Congress and relocating to Washington, D.C,. the congresswoman claimed to be living at her deceased father’s one-bedroom Bronx apartment/condo. Yet none of the apartment’s neighbors can recall ever seeing her:

“Her apartment’s next-door neighbor said she had never seen Ocasio-Cortez. Another neighbor, who has lived down the hall from the congresswoman’s apartment for the last 40 years, said he’d never seen her or her boyfriend, Riley Roberts, who has claimed the address as his own since last spring.”

“I would have remembered,” one neighbor said after looking at a photo of AOC.

Even local business owners have no recollection of seeing her, except for after her campaign began, according to the Post: “Workers at Jerry’s Pizzeria, less than a block from her building, and at the local grocery store said she had never patronized their businesses — and a server at a nearby taqueria said the congresswoman had only come in to be filmed by news crews.”

The congresswoman posed in her father’s apartment for what looked like a phony Vogue photo following her midterm election victory last November:

@TheRalphRetort One more picture from Vogue: https://t.co/G1QpD8FwPT pic.twitter.com/iBqAadlxbP

— Marj Oszman🇺🇸🌎 (@TurntableKittah) November 30, 2018

We don’t know where she lived. They need to check out her boyfriend’s place.


When she filed the paperwork to run for Congress, she put the wrong district down. Maybe she forgot where she is supposed to live.

A postal work who delivers mail to her building said that in the past decade he’s only seen her a couple times and that mail tends to pile up in her mailbox fairly often.

“Just because their names are on the box doesn’t mean they live there,” the postal worker said.

She has no district office and no local phone number, unlike the state’s three other freshman members. She’s planning to open an expansive, $17,000 a month office in Jackson Heights, not the Bronx.

Cortez has rented a pad in a luxury building in the chic Navy Yard neighborhood, where studios start at $1,840 a month, according to the Washington Examiner. It comes with a rooftop pool, cycling studio, saunas, golf lounge and no low-income people.

Everything about this woman is phony, starting with the slick Democratic Socialist-produced campaign video following her from putting her makeup on in her Bronx apartment to taking a subway, and so on.



bb089e  No.7094090


good. they aren't migrants and they are jew-mason novus ordo shills.

and the USCCB is kikey central.

111a1e  No.7094091

File: a3cf69c90d02cb6⋯.jpeg (824.32 KB, 1125x1995, 75:133, 6F7ADCE6-AB65-40E1-A868-0….jpeg)

File: a4905131d761ee3⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1125x2143, 1125:2143, C206C487-A78D-4C9A-BA0A-F….jpeg)


Head of Gambino crime family recently killed in front of his house.. killer supposedly a Q fan- obvious FF attack to paint is crazy.

Theme of Godfather 2?

Heads of families taken out.

Q posted godfather III on the 14th

Godfather III implicates the Vatican.

Here we go. Global Justice?

8d3be3  No.7094092


2…years…you guys run the same script. We see you.

8df8d5  No.7094093

File: d2d1589224059be⋯.png (685.64 KB, 1164x808, 291:202, christchrch.png)




bad5a8  No.7094094


>Hillary Clinton death hoax spreads on Facebook


9d0be9  No.7094095


>Police waste taxpayers' money and time and ruin the lives of tons of Americans busting them for producing a harmless and beneficial plant


a8efe5  No.7094096

File: b45c2c1ea373939⋯.jpeg (200.71 KB, 1440x414, 80:23, AED21898-82ED-40A6-88C9-C….jpeg)

File: 028176552fe2e9e⋯.jpeg (134.26 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, CB23FB8D-784A-480C-A85A-9….jpeg)

File: 6fbba830f34c510⋯.jpeg (731.15 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 8EBC1651-348C-4C71-AE8D-8….jpeg)

d4cf04  No.7094097

File: caa4024e94fe8eb⋯.jpg (76.78 KB, 550x412, 275:206, inside-partial-view.jpg)

File: d990dfda44ea8da⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1000x659, 1000:659, Screen Shot 2014-01-19 at ….png)


b668ee  No.7094099


this is common knowlege . she didnt grow up in the bronx

37d6e9  No.7094100


Pretty crap county. Legalize that shit. Look at the biz. Duh!

8700d4  No.7094101

File: e2a1eb5d1a93644⋯.jpeg (21.45 KB, 255x179, 255:179, D879C20D-5161-48F5-A4D0-4….jpeg)

File: e1bbc1824293e62⋯.jpeg (29.2 KB, 474x331, 474:331, AEF30BE5-CCBB-4BCB-854B-8….jpeg)


Something is just not right with “his holiness”

Just feel it in me bones….

e2a668  No.7094102

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

I Am Mine

6992da  No.7094103

File: ba3729cbe17d220⋯.png (121.55 KB, 318x159, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

New International Version JOHN 4:49

The royal official said, "Sir, come down before my child dies.">>7088054

a01490  No.7094104

File: 8ec10e884ea68c6⋯.jpeg (59.89 KB, 300x382, 150:191, B5C5FD5C-AFCF-43C6-9D45-1….jpeg)

File: 73af364fe5f5b56⋯.jpeg (38.98 KB, 314x445, 314:445, 74229497-F90A-43AE-B263-2….jpeg)

File: 6ffb4df3596088e⋯.jpeg (47.28 KB, 296x400, 37:50, 42E45ABB-8DBC-47EE-B091-0….jpeg)



e54c55  No.7094105


Dude lmfao, you're barking up the wrong nothing tree. But keep on keepin on. Enjoy.

219d6d  No.7094106



Something about “Fox” (the word/stereotype/symbolism) always sssseemed sssnakey

f58910  No.7094107

File: ce3781a3e6a4788⋯.pdf (1.81 MB, FLS0782.pdf)


Adding pdf 1/5

b53cc7  No.7094108


Leave them alone you sick fucks. We all know the war on drugs is intended to fill the prisons, corrupt policing, and for the gov't to monopolize the sale of them. Human rights abuse!!!

bad5a8  No.7094109


>27 People Arrested

>21 guns and 5.9 tons of pot after serving 32 search warrant at illegal grow sites

These are MAFIA grows.


84feb8  No.7094110


Interesting discussion.

I had a little discussion with FJ earlier today.

Doesn't little people bringing up his past posts.

You know, the insulting ones……


When Q moved before, people moved with him. How would that be different now?

Not saying what he should do.

Do have definite ideas what BO should do.

Told him to his face:

Apologize and resign immediately.

>Expect moar fuckery.

Has never disappointed us in the past on that score!

Now baking at QRB. Have a feeling that board will be needed, maybe sooner than later. Still getting the place homey & the furniture moved around. Slow & comfy at the moment, at least a coupla new bakers in town, one for graveyard from Eastern time zone (way Eastern….). Welcome bro, come visit or stay.

ab07d8  No.7094111



It is as I said, there is always more to the truth than what comes at first glance.

The world, will indeed be saved by anime.

The left is trying to shut anime down and bring it under the control of western media. Japan is driving them absolutely insane by saying: "no."

Go figure, the creators of Lupin the 3rd would flip leftists the bird after having told international courts to go pound sand for 50 years. We got Inspector Gadget out of the deal, though, so it works.


But what can you do when The Devil is a Part-Timer but Release That Witch? They aren't Puella Magi like Madoka Magica, so there is no reason to render their Fate/Zero. That is another interesting thing… Zero… That number has been insanely popular in titles, lately….


Speaking of countdowns, the ignition sequence is started.

8d3be3  No.7094112


No I'm not. I'm barking at who I'm supposed to be.

b53cc7  No.7094113

Which one died?


f58910  No.7094114

File: f29caca89bc5e2b⋯.pdf (2.75 MB, FLS0784.pdf)

File: 7bdd27d76d08286⋯.pdf (1.6 MB, FLS0783.pdf)

File: 5552c993e6ee938⋯.pdf (3.3 MB, FLS0785.pdf)

File: 42a32e1f0a7c982⋯.pdf (2.41 MB, FLS0780.pdf)

Hammam Yalbugha

Pdf for archiving

a8efe5  No.7094115

File: ef9adefb3eaf91d⋯.jpeg (256.9 KB, 975x596, 975:596, A5E1AAEF-72C3-463D-AF7F-0….jpeg)

File: 5d030148510aa37⋯.jpeg (32.95 KB, 280x280, 1:1, 0E5CA759-490A-499F-81A6-A….jpeg)

File: c4d129a4052b3f1⋯.jpeg (135.53 KB, 600x777, 200:259, 62C864D5-8962-41A3-9F94-A….jpeg)

e49e83  No.7094116


How come no Trump in "The World in 2016". What a whiff there. Or is Trump the smiling sun tick-tocking away?

a68419  No.7094117

File: b6df3a28f0d15a2⋯.jpeg (1.74 MB, 1242x1837, 1242:1837, BC68AD51-B457-4DC1-8CEE-D….jpeg)

The 1’s we know about.


41b0de  No.7094118

File: f7fc10c2f6bc432⋯.png (460.77 KB, 1919x423, 1919:423, Screenshot (686).png)


dfa78d  No.7094119

File: f342f8bca9a9a70⋯.jpg (7 KB, 261x193, 261:193, download (3).jpg)

File: 15cb428debb0ff6⋯.jpg (6.63 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download (4).jpg)

File: 8922ae2018e8e22⋯.png (321.78 KB, 640x464, 40:29, justin-1.png)


Carrie Fisher in Standard Hotel / Playboy Mansion episode.

Remember she died on airplane, then her mom

Debbie Reynolds died like days later…….

Well……Carrie Fisher may have been one of them……Check her out in a digg you will see.



justin Theroux DIGG on his cousin and pedo documentaries and see Justin Instagram

e54c55  No.7094120


Alright whatever you say…

11f030  No.7094121


Anyone wanna humor a chat on any of those topics?

4259d7  No.7094122

Whole notabling news article over two and half moths past, bakers (namefagging, famefagging, gatekeeping), were collecting notables, oops. Best go back to at least that point and scrape articles for notables for your aggregator sites. Paytriots…we see you. Be best!

5ef33d  No.7094123



e59ca6  No.7094124



I want DWS taken down as well.

I mean, if we'll be partying in Florida, aaaanywaaay….

bad5a8  No.7094125


>Prosecutors said that between the late 1990s and when he was arrested, Xu sold at least 99 guns without a license, some within days of buying them.

>was an accounts manager for a China-based auto parts import company

>He also pleaded guilty to illegally possessing unregistered firearms and making false statements to a federal agency about his involvement with a Chinese company to get a secret-level security clearance.


ecc37e  No.7094126

File: 95ddd1a5a4f5780⋯.jpg (8.03 KB, 255x176, 255:176, 0 CONSOLE.jpg)

c12194  No.7094127


Well, that'd be nice….

d4cf04  No.7094128

File: 49bc59ba6a31c3f⋯.png (165.88 KB, 636x453, 212:151, Screen-Shot-2015-04-19-at-….png)

Madonna likes striped property too.

Had her brother paint it for her.

These people are really, really stupid

6992da  No.7094129

File: 6730cb13c742dad⋯.png (206.67 KB, 606x394, 303:197, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5be431365bc5943⋯.png (680.49 KB, 947x606, 947:606, ClipboardImage.png)

37d6e9  No.7094130

1 or 2 suicides would go a long way to give credibility to any Epstein-related or Durham charges before being proven in court.

b53cc7  No.7094131


Another Epstein collecting blackmail for the Mossad/CIA/MI5 spooks and their NWO

75046e  No.7094132



a68419  No.7094133


2019 Model it sayz.

bad5a8  No.7094134



>Robert Mueller Should Be Arrested for Conspiracy to Overthrow the President of the United States


069534  No.7094135

>>7088006 (pb)

I'm getting this: 4:49=17


19 showing for the date. So I'm getting 8/19.

8/19 is when Huber's Report comes out , and starts the release of declassified documents. (Okay, I read somewhere that it's the date for the release of Huber's report, also.)

9861a4  No.7094136



The keystone is the "Pindar of The Draco" in the Illuminati Bloodlines. The Merovingian "Horn of the Dragon."

The Antichrist. They're telling us their "arch is almost complete" they just need the last piece to appear to put in its correct spot.

6992da  No.7094137

File: c98bd97c4d1aaba⋯.png (62.46 KB, 599x421, 599:421, ClipboardImage.png)

9637f2  No.7094139

File: 30586d6d1d60eb1⋯.jpg (119.56 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, THREATENING LETTER.jpg)

File: 1892565a5e989b2⋯.jpg (164.7 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, THREATENING LETTER 2.jpg)

File: 60cb5882b6e79c5⋯.jpg (152.1 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, THREATENING LETTER3.jpg)

File: c53b55ee7293694⋯.jpg (129.12 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, THREATENING LETTER4.jpg)

this has been posted on twitter as real

It looks real

A threatening letter from the lawyers of Ehud Barack to Mail online threatening libel for Epstein article.

This is how they do -to keep things on the down low

no additional sauce-but there wouldn't be

021f6c  No.7094140

File: 99b765b48ccbc5c⋯.jpg (202.54 KB, 1029x1193, 1029:1193, D-2GIvrWwAAcSHK.jpg)



>The Antichrist. They're telling us their "arch is almost complete" they just need the last piece to appear to put in its correct spot.

e54c55  No.7094141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gotta love some BCP breaking through the bullshit barriers the demons constantly throw out for the sheep to consume.

b53cc7  No.7094142


Not to normies, they think "send them back" is RAYCISS. These people are con artists

9454de  No.7094143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Crown The Empire - Red Pills, new song just published.

Anyone else ever notice how a lot of new movies almost seem to be counter to the old narrative, and in many ways parallel the real narrative as it unfolds – i.e. TRUTH?

Q says we are watching a movie.

I think I can see how this could be a psychological trigger which triggers the data upload that's programmed into us by the media machine..

I'm talking about the subliminal messaging that's used in hollywood films, music, and most overwhelmingly by MSM fake news networks to control the hive mind/group think.

I'm starting to wonder if the alliance set up other psyops to target the puppetmasters through media as well, using their own tactics against them. A little here, a little there. neuroplasticity

67e690  No.7094144

>>7094041 agree!

90f8d6  No.7094145

File: b8e9e24d102b575⋯.jpg (54.89 KB, 612x407, 612:407, character_not color1.jpg)

File: 1a26b64099119e5⋯.jpg (10.31 KB, 300x168, 25:14, its_yourcharacter.jpg)

c996ed  No.7094146

File: 342e92548e77b7b⋯.jpg (62.05 KB, 686x364, 49:26, 360ry7.jpg)

6992da  No.7094147

File: 151c696e8099371⋯.png (61.77 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

he must have been working on their squat thrust>>7094037

f4a362  No.7094148


she's from a clone lab in ISRAEL

e2a668  No.7094150

File: ca7a0e9fab24ac4⋯.jpeg (87.86 KB, 500x509, 500:509, ca7a0e9fab24ac4c3d7af46e8….jpeg)

>>7094118 Ooops…

9637f2  No.7094151


here is sauce



b53cc7  No.7094152


Who gives a fuck? Legalize it and take the Mafia/

Cartels/Cabal out of it

0c847f  No.7094153

File: 5ce9a80d40e205d⋯.png (267.47 KB, 770x773, 770:773, Screenshot_56.png)




056a4c  No.7094154


Baker, I will take it till 3am Central time or there abouts.


Will be touching base in a min from laptop.

b46051  No.7094157

File: b4e5047b7646d11⋯.png (151.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 051 - ceFoNlD.png)


The hour hand would be closer to 6 if that were the case, anon. Are we seriously at the point where no one knows how to read analog watch faces anymore?

f4a362  No.7094158


they destroy our statues, shouldn't we be able to destroy their statues?

6ed572  No.7094159

Blessings to you as well, never hurts to lurq and lurn, comms a good thing, will check in from time to time

peaked in on QRB, still "feel" QR

Noice to have a visit



b53cc7  No.7094160


There is like 5 of them. Haven't kept count how many of them they have wheeled out so far this year though

e4027a  No.7094161

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9454de  No.7094162

File: adffbe5d2b93795⋯.jpeg (62.83 KB, 625x416, 625:416, plant-a-seed.jpeg)

File: 32a78cf0578c6a4⋯.png (3.98 KB, 339x95, 339:95, ClipboardImage.png)



a01490  No.7094163

File: 6ffb4df3596088e⋯.jpeg (47.28 KB, 296x400, 37:50, 25A45761-2E92-4264-8A1B-C….jpeg)

File: 84de7e4a877c959⋯.jpeg (57.86 KB, 256x226, 128:113, 5DEE8C70-FB88-422F-A3E0-A….jpeg)

File: 83f3f5646d96c02⋯.jpeg (100.31 KB, 313x361, 313:361, E3B655BA-FE45-4EC8-8742-C….jpeg)

File: 1d4196785b4d372⋯.jpeg (848.72 KB, 750x1003, 750:1003, 7EC4DE38-5C66-4A00-A997-7….jpeg)



ecc37e  No.7094164


muh big pharma

muh the children

muh safety but not muh alcohol = toxin

muh religion

muh puritans

muh reagan "its the worst threat america faces" even…

I mean… how do you fight that logic anon?

760184  No.7094165




Sauce: https://www.groundzeromedia.org/7-18-19-tracy-twyman-plus-ultra-pergatorium-w-sean-alger-and-sloan-bella/



In the hours after I first got the call about Tracy Twyman’s death, I was certain that someone was playing a cruel prank. The call I received was very vague and if memory serves I was told then that she had committed suicide and I thought – no, Tracy would not do that, she had a little boy that she loves very much and that she was very protective of him. I called my wife and she said the same thing to me — I said it has to be a prank.

I notified the receptionist desk in my office to give me a log of my incoming calls so that I could call back and ask about her death.

During that time I called the police department and they had no record of her or a report of her death. I then called another department and they came up with nothing – they referred me to the medical examiner and all I got was a recording.

I was called away from my desk for a second and returned – my phone rang. It was the police dispatch and they told me the awful news – yes Tracy was deceased. They did not tell me the cause of death. I was then given the number of the person who first informed me that we lost Tracy. I asked him if he knew her husband and if he could give me a call.

I had Tracy’s phone number but I did not have her husband’s number. I looked over some old papers and found their wedding application as I was the one who conducted their marriage ceremony. I remember that it took me off guard that she wanted me to marry them both; in fact, it was done at a Ground Zero anniversary event so there were balloons and cake and all kinds of guests to wish them well.

I found the number of her husband and gave him a call – he answered and the minute I told him who I was he broke down and cried. I immediately broke down with him. We must have cried a good five minutes before he told me that he found her – she apparently had hanged herself.

Her husband asked me to not give any details on the air until the family was notified. I guess I was one of a few that were told. I immediately rushed to my computer, created a tribute picture and posted it on my website. I canceled all of my appointments that day and we reran a show she did with us about the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral. What was coincidental is that she was supposed to schedule a show with us on that day about the ritualism that was seen in the Ari Aster film, Midsommar.

e2a668  No.7094166

File: 3360cf79154206d⋯.jpg (85.79 KB, 1199x676, 1199:676, D4TuLhyUcAAWrFY.jpg large.jpg)

eb0c76  No.7094167

File: 0a6d3d2ebdd0414⋯.png (2.96 MB, 1968x2540, 492:635, ClipboardImage.png)

021f6c  No.7094168

File: 70e4da17bc1bbd7⋯.png (368.56 KB, 627x735, 209:245, wut.png)


is that what POTUS means when he says go back

2d56a2  No.7094169


Does FBI anon have any runs on the board?

760184  No.7094170





Sauce: https://www.groundzeromedia.org/7-18-19-tracy-twyman-plus-ultra-pergatorium-w-sean-alger-and-sloan-bella/

Just days prior, she had agreed to do the show with us and was in good spirits – she was also planning to do lunch with me but those plans fell through.

This is why I did not believe what I was hearing about Tracy – we made plans – she was excited to do the show she had all sorts of things she wanted to tell my audience about the movie and her investigative work she had been doing with regard to child ritual abuse.

The day after we reran the show, I knew that the day after I would have to break the news on the air. It was the most difficult thing I had to do since 2001 when days after the 9/11 attacks I had to weigh the difficult decision to declare it a conspiracy against this country.

I was feeling the same way because I had to weigh the decision of announcing that she had taken her own life or go with my gut that she had been murdered because she was investigating the dark reality of Satanic ritual abuse at the hands of the powerful.

I opted to be respectful of the family and thus I felt the need to do a simple eulogy. It was from my heart and it was spontaneous. However I did realize something as I was speaking – even though I admired Tracy’s work with occult subjects, even though I co-wrote a book with her, even though I officiated over her first husband’s funeral, even though I conducted the marriage ceremony to her second husband, even though she was a producer for my radio show – I never felt so distant, confused and in the dark.

I said on the air that even though I was so close to the situation I was so far away and the possibility of her being the victim of an assassination had me fearing for her close friends and business associates.

Within a day of my posting her death notice on my website, I started to notice a scattering of disconnected facts that were being used to support just about any theory from a suicide, to the faking of her death, to an assassination carried out by some dark pedophile cabal that threatened her life.

I started playing the game of “him I know” “him I don’t know” or was she really that close with this person? I started getting messages on Facebook from people who would ask me questions I had no answers to –and giving me information about her I did not want to hear.

For days it bothered me that I kept my promise to remain silent and wait for the investigation or the cue that I can say with certainty what happened to her.

What was eating at me is that I saw no obituary – I saw no other tributes there were no news stories and I began to wonder about whether or not law enforcement knew who she was and why her suicide was suspicious and why the silence was unbearable.

760184  No.7094171





Sauce: https://www.groundzeromedia.org/7-18-19-tracy-twyman-plus-ultra-pergatorium-w-sean-alger-and-sloan-bella/

Twyman was a prolific author and commentator – she appeared in a movie I was involved with called, Bloodline, and we made an appearance together on Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.

I remember when I found out she lived in the Pacific Northwest – I realized that I had to meet her – I had to have her on my show and her first real in-depth interview on my show was about the missing of alchemy and economics. She was promoting her book, Money Grows on the Tree of Knowledge.

Once during many of our talks, she brought up an interview that I did in 2005 with Rolling Stone magazine about my research into the Antichrist coming from the British Royal Family.

We wrote a small book together called, Antichrist 2012 – that went out of print but the information that I gleaned from it became a powerpoint lecture I did called, The AC/DC God. In fact, she was in the audience when I presented it ironically enough in a Masonic Lodge.

When I had cancer for my 3rd time, she visited me and got to know my then long-time girlfriend Janine. They became friends and after I recovered, I invited her to be the producer of Ground Zero.

When she was the producer of the show we had many interesting shows about the occult, we would use Ouija boards—I would attend occult gatherings and meet people that were well known in the fields of magic and conspiracy theory.

Working with her was an education every day and she was responsible for booking hard to get guests and even was helpful in arranging interviews with Ministry’s Al Jourgenson, Corey Taylor from Slipknot, David J from the band, Bauhaus, and Jinx Dawson from Coven.

Of course, working with Tracy invited controversy.

Her background in the occult, her relationship with Boyd Rice a known Satanist – her investigation into Merovingian mythos and her work in uncovering Satanic Ritual Abuse had some amateur conspiracy theorists spinning stories about her being my handler; that she had me under some sort of spell and that she controlled the show and made it a tool for Satan

Well no, that was not true.

Tracy was a warrior and was not afraid to climb into the abyss to get to the ugly truth. I was so surprised at how resilient she was and how efficient she was as a producer and a contributor to many of my shows, imparting knowledge about the occult, symbolism and even synchronicity.

f433f2  No.7094172

File: a4bcfb0ab17eae3⋯.png (37.27 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm still seeing a woman in a black dress with white band across the bust. Like this:

5ef33d  No.7094173

File: 663eb425c02c6c2⋯.jpeg (99.44 KB, 686x1024, 343:512, FA8DBAD4-26DF-4156-B2CE-D….jpeg)


KEK I shit on him earlier for that but no one peeped

62b282  No.7094174

File: d3f4a99d74f3c7a⋯.jpg (210.61 KB, 439x1686, 439:1686, Q2984.jpg)

File: dd630fa88674f3f⋯.jpg (158.15 KB, 621x1456, 621:1456, Q2990_2991.jpg)

File: 7ae0b2a38bf46eb⋯.jpg (63.52 KB, 800x670, 80:67, Q3003.jpg)

Did we ever see the conclusion of this series?

760184  No.7094175





Sauce: https://www.groundzeromedia.org/7-18-19-tracy-twyman-plus-ultra-pergatorium-w-sean-alger-and-sloan-bella/

Then one day she came into the office – she started clearing out her desk and she said I can no longer work here. I was shocked. I said was there something I said or was there something I did.

She said no – and just left. No answers, no indication of being unhappy nothing.

We did not speak for months. Eventually, she called me and apologized for leaving me. I asked if she could say why –and she told me that she did it in order to protect her child and to protect me.

I asked from what – she said she would meet with me to tell me about how she was involved with exposing a group of very bad people. When I met her at a park, she seemed nervous and paranoid. She was very protective of her son.

She informed me that someone was harassing her online, that she felt like she had been targeted. I tried to assure her that she would be okay but she told me that I did not understand.

Apparently, I didn’t – I was unaware of how deep the rabbit hole went for her. I kept in contact with her and even invited her to share her work at a speaking engagement called Ground Zero University. It was very dark and was implicating the British elite in a pedophile scandal.

This was around the same time that Max Spiers had died – many may not remember that he was involved with exposing both British and American power brokers involved with drugs and human trafficking.

He died a horrible death where he vomited up black liquid. Police say that he was suicidal but his associated believed that he was the victim of a black magic spell.

It then became the common conspiracy theory that certain people in the media were trying to expose the power elite’s penchant for young boys and girls were found dead of apparent suicides.

Anthony Bourdain, Chris Cornell, and Chester Bennington were some of the celebrity deaths that were rumored to be murders carried out to silence them as they were going to go to the press and present names of people who were involved with ritual sexual abuse with minors.

Tracy notified me that there were videos that were being inserted into YouTube that were there to harm children exposing them to violent images and guiding them to Amazon sites that sold questionable things.

In the continuous play mode, children were allegedly being exposed to sexually suggestive videos inserted between their innocuous Five Finger Family videos and videos of people peeling chocolate eggs. It was Tracy Twyman who informed me of this phenomenon in February of 2019. She also warned me that a character I talked about earlier in the summer “MoMo” would be used to terrify children into committing suicide. This was long before it was even talked about in the mainstream news.

It was then that Tracy introduced me to meme magic and the power on online sigils that are very powerful things.

760184  No.7094176





Sauce: https://www.groundzeromedia.org/7-18-19-tracy-twyman-plus-ultra-pergatorium-w-sean-alger-and-sloan-bella/

What is even creepier is that Tracy informed me that there were Bots were creating offensive ads that were linked in the videos – the ads were selling products to kids that may or may not have existed.

One ad featured the sale of adult diapers worn by old men with crutches and an iPhone case thrown in for free.

There was another ad that was reportedly linked in a children’s video that was an ad for T-shirts that said “Keep Calm and Rape A Lot” on the front.

All of these links went to Amazon.

The Amazon offer of the diapers worn by old men was actually from a German company that somehow was able to get their ads into the mix on Amazon.

They also were peddling sex toys as well. They have since been taken down.

Likewise, the case of the “Keep Calm and Rape A Lot” t-shirts along with the “Keep Calm and Knife Her” and “Keep Calm and Hit Her” ones were actually made by Bots.

Nobody set out to create these shirts: the bots just paired an unchecked list of verbs and pronouns with an online image generator.

It’s quite possible that none of these shirts ever physically existed, were ever purchased or worn, and thus Amazon claimed that no harm was done. Once again though, the people filtering content failed to notice, and neither did the distributor. They literally had no idea what they were doing.

It appeared that Bots are doing some very curious things and when they are not watched or check they can certainly harm kids.

It was later reported that a YouTuber named Matt Watson alleged that YouTube’s recommended algorithm were facilitating pedophiles’ ability to connect with each other, trade contact info, and link to actual child pornography in the comments.

Watson also posted an in-depth video explaining how pedophiles are able to manipulate YouTube’s video recommendation algorithm to redirect a search for “bikini haul” videos, featuring adult women, to exploitative clips of children participating in sexually suggestive behavior — such as posing in front of mirrors and doing gymnastics and “yoga stretching.”

Then there are the innocuous videos with inappropriate comments from pedophiles, including some with timestamps capturing children in compromising positions.

Even though there were a group of people claiming it was a hoax – YouTube began banning videos and scrutinizing their comments sections.

This topic was probably the most difficult topic that I approached – in fact I received attacks for even mentioning this and was told that I was perpetrating a hoax. I could not believe the harsh response.

f433f2  No.7094177

File: bc41fc36729e914⋯.png (312.11 KB, 576x382, 288:191, ClipboardImage.png)

e2a668  No.7094178

File: d8f0d8f1a87aed4⋯.png (346.31 KB, 366x390, 61:65, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7094140 The Keystone…


Just saying…

760184  No.7094179




PART 6 and end

Sauce: https://www.groundzeromedia.org/7-18-19-tracy-twyman-plus-ultra-pergatorium-w-sean-alger-and-sloan-bella/

I had a few conversations with her after that about what she was involved with and she would not tell me and that when she was ready to talk I would be the first to know.

She then disappeared from my radar – we didn’t speak for a while – I thought that she was busy with things – I really had no Idea what those things were.

It wasn’t until after I announced that she died I found out.

Tracy had been in touch with Isaac Kappy, the bit actor who was accused of attacking Paris Jackson and citing a number of heavy weight actors and directors as pedophiles.

Kappy had been interviewed by Alex Jones, and was a allegedly a victim of suicide as police reported that last month Kappy forced himself off of a bridge in Arizona. Tracy later had informed some of her associates that she was investigating a campground in Williams, Arizona where Kappy was before he died.

The person who allegedly owned the campground threatened Tracy and her son and was able to enlist some of his friends to harass and attack her online. Tracy believed that something bad happened at the campground and she was gathering evidence for a case.

That was the last I heard about what she was up to – she told us a week before her death that she would come on and talk about rituals, customs, and sacrifices seen in the movie, Midsommar.

She was found hanged the day before her appearance.

I never stop thinking about how much of a loss this is to the world.

How much of a loss it is at this time in history – Tracy was able to uncover the esoteric nature of life.

She would walk in areas where brave men feared to tread. She was so strong and yet in a lot of ways, she was fragile. She was highly intelligent, loyal and was a great mother to her little boy.

I just can’t believe that she would leave this world by her own hand without providing any information in order to guarantee that her legacy would live on through her child.

Everything now is silent – everything now is just as mysterious as it was before her death. We have managed to convince the police department to not close her case. While it has only been days since her death we mourn her loss and reach out for answers.

Tracy was vigilant with her information and even went to the FBI to expose it. They did not follow up on her complaints.

Now a storm of controversy surrounds her death and it is important to either debunk the conspiracy theories or validate them before she has any peace.

b53cc7  No.7094180

File: fb7c47ae0385c36⋯.png (1.16 MB, 984x655, 984:655, ClipboardImage.png)

Nighty night fags. See you at 4:49. Hopefully it's habbening!

a68419  No.7094181


So this thing is just a projection so they rule in the shadows.

How deep is this?

How many “presidents” live past 90 that died at 70?

Kissinger or special access healthcare?

eb0c76  No.7094182


Alright I.m wrong about Saturdays date .

I'll fix it

bc6c18  No.7094183

File: 66d19dd3fad103d⋯.jpg (213.3 KB, 1019x615, 1019:615, IMG_20190719_031641.jpg)

90f8d6  No.7094184

File: 13bac417e7d5065⋯.jpg (77.86 KB, 667x374, 667:374, bullshit.jpg)

File: 395654c92c5c627⋯.jpg (67.96 KB, 667x374, 667:374, jihad_squad.jpg)

File: 67a0543fd1a3c47⋯.jpg (69.82 KB, 667x374, 667:374, muslim_sisterhood.jpg)

bc6c18  No.7094185

File: 53a042d6eab9f4a⋯.jpg (196.51 KB, 1000x579, 1000:579, IMG_20190719_031701.jpg)

51b4ff  No.7094187

File: 1e3300e22d96024⋯.png (2.15 MB, 2062x2062, 1:1, missile qclock june 10 201….png)

341cdf  No.7094188


>Does FBI anon have any runs on the board?

Does making predictions that never happen count ?

bc6c18  No.7094189

File: 7259d42fde1f9a2⋯.jpg (208.54 KB, 1075x603, 1075:603, IMG_20190719_031616.jpg)

bc6c18  No.7094190

File: 08ab8f74bcfae5a⋯.jpg (232.26 KB, 897x598, 3:2, IMG_20190719_031555.jpg)

364528  No.7094191


XXX = 666

XO = "Kisses and Hugs" = 66

XMas …

These people are sick.

dfa78d  No.7094192

File: 9de8b5cca1f364d⋯.jpg (13.56 KB, 182x268, 91:134, download (5).jpg)

File: 5fc765d6c3ced1a⋯.jpg (10.07 KB, 311x162, 311:162, download (6).jpg)




Justin Theroux Instagram is fishy. SATC connected.

Movies about pedos as well/Paul Rudd

"Mute" Justin Theroux, whose character happens to be a pedophile.

SATC Justin Theroux cousing pedo documentaries:

family digg on Theroux

(Jennifer Anniston husband)

FYI: their assistant died in pool just like demi moore had someone die in her pool

does documetaries on drugged kids, pedos, autism, Nazis, and Scientology and other shit we digg on…..HMMM?



A Place for Paedophiles


84feb8  No.7094193


doesn't like*……


4259d7  No.7094194



2d56a2  No.7094195


>>Does FBI anon have any runs on the board?

>Does making predictions that never happen count ?

I suspected as much. Thanks.

5ef33d  No.7094196


Kek I felt that post is notable bc I really do think FBIAnon is James Comey and he literally told hisself to fuck off

b53cc7  No.7094197

File: c9270e26014008a⋯.png (386.58 KB, 529x378, 529:378, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm not so sure it's white and black


e2a668  No.7094198

File: efca46123e61e43⋯.jpg (63.59 KB, 639x387, 71:43, efca46123e61e4387357e48af2….jpg)

>>7094186 Confirmed!

62b282  No.7094199


I would have asked for by money back… Terrible construction.

5b8414  No.7094200

File: 3fc191cefc04325⋯.jpg (86.55 KB, 500x714, 250:357, raisincaine.jpg)

9861a4  No.7094201

>>7093606 >>7093303 >>7093547 >>7093292 >>7093287 >>7093282 >>7093275

These gods aren't Egyptian, they predate Egypt. They're PHOENICIAN. You know, as in the Phoenix, the bird on the temple? The Y-head in almost every single crest ever created?

The Egyptians were settled by a race of light-skinned gold-colored "gods" who were highly advanced or had some hidden knowledge. Now whether you believe that info was given to them by Satan or aliens, that's neither here nor there. Bug the same stories of brother vs. brother, and a divine son (horus/set/osiris) predate Egypt.

Egypt was like scientology in its day. A contemporary version of a much older religion. It's the same gods/stories the Caananites/Babylonians worshipped. You know Babylon, the great Evil Kingdom from the Bible? The symbol of the Deep State all the way back 5,000+ years ago?

The bird is a phoenix, which the Egyptians inherited from the Phoenician who taught them the Ancient Mysteries. The Phoenix represents resurrection and death and it's pretty clear from their advanced organ harvesting that the Pharaohs were obsessed with the same occult magic the human trafficking luciferian elite are today.

9975bb  No.7094202

File: 01e28c2b3ed29fa⋯.png (2.97 MB, 1610x7910, 23:113, 6zq652jwnhuz.png)



fa183f  No.7094203










f433f2  No.7094204


what are these pics anon?

fac67b  No.7094205

File: 9848a0e93daabcd⋯.png (133.88 KB, 1425x682, 1425:682, Opera Snapshot_2019-07-19_….png)

>>7093291 (pb)

Seems as though it's just the US division of this company


056a4c  No.7094206

File: 1097dd8a75d72c7⋯.jpeg (439.53 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 7C32BA73-C143-432E-B4A6-7….jpeg)

File: 5091f5ed6513b28⋯.png (491.83 KB, 910x520, 7:4, AA573B89-1E38-4F42-A243-8E….png)

File: 7b9e73013bf9211⋯.jpeg (290.56 KB, 1280x1836, 320:459, F47B2B76-EA6B-4BB4-9CA7-D….jpeg)

File: 061025bd441df21⋯.png (411.47 KB, 713x529, 31:23, 34D815D9-68FF-4F41-800B-4E….png)

File: 20817da3b2d0175⋯.jpeg (83.77 KB, 474x601, 474:601, 5BB77B37-973B-4354-8A33-F….jpeg)


Said Melania earlier

021f6c  No.7094207


Is it just a coincidence that the Arch of Baal has been erected in Washington D.C. on the exact same week that Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testified before Congress? The future of the U.S. Supreme Court is literally hanging in the balance, and many believe that it is quite odd that this ancient pagan symbol has been put up at this precise moment in time.

According to the official website of the Institute for Digital Archaeology, the Arch of Palmyra was unveiled on the National Mall on Sept. 26, and it will remain there until Sept. 29. You can view a photograph of the arch standing directly in front of the U.S. Capitol building right here. Just one day after this arch was put up, Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testified before Congress. Perhaps this is all just a "giant coincidence," but things of this importance usually don't happen by accident.

The elite deeply understand that symbols have power, and the fact that the Arch of Baal has been placed directly across from the U.S. Capitol is highly significant.

Jonathan Cahn, the author of The Paradigm, has pointed out that Baal was a god of power, fertility and child sacrifice. In this video, he makes a very strong connection between what was going on during the era of Baal worship and what is taking place in America right now. In the end, the debate over whether or not to confirm Brett Kavanaugh comes down to the issue of abortion, and this vote in the Senate is going to have tremendous implications for the future of our country.


just fucking bizarre.

2d56a2  No.7094208


>Told him to his face:

>Apologize and resign immediately.

You got that right

96cd1b  No.7094210

>>7092944 pb

>>7092999 pb

>To continue on the Epstein temple dig. This is the Citadel in Aleppo. It was built in "3000 BC". The god it was built for was Hadad other wise known as Ba'al.

Notice that the Brazilian presidential election was between Jair Messias Bolsonaro (Messias=Messiah) and Fernando Haddad of the socialist workers party...

62b282  No.7094211


Two chances today, could be 16:49 just as easy.

5ef33d  No.7094212


Fuck off Comey

e59ca6  No.7094213


yeah but that's another hour and a half at this point.

eb0c76  No.7094214

File: a8bc38a474b7a1d⋯.png (2.93 MB, 1968x2540, 492:635, ClipboardImage.png)

e59ca6  No.7094215


*what's another hour and a half

2d56a2  No.7094216











Kek! Panic!

e4027a  No.7094217


e59ca6  No.7094218


There's a camera IN the watch?

341cdf  No.7094219


Red text clown confirms LARP

41ae3c  No.7094220


L_hand, black phone, r_hand. Reflection of what's in front of the watch, at a slight upward angle.

4259d7  No.7094221


You were in the same room with BO? At the same time? In the same building?

fa183f  No.7094222

File: bd5c59a5646f449⋯.jpg (68.45 KB, 591x555, 197:185, 4dchesss.JPG-1.jpg)

a01490  No.7094223

File: 6ffb4df3596088e⋯.jpeg (47.28 KB, 296x400, 37:50, 438607C9-B3E0-44EE-B117-A….jpeg)

File: 3adba12b747fc34⋯.jpeg (332.5 KB, 750x741, 250:247, 58B817DD-67C4-48FF-85BD-6….jpeg)

File: 597e98bd251afd4⋯.jpeg (198.05 KB, 560x700, 4:5, AE6ADF12-D9F4-46C7-807B-C….jpeg)

File: 883dcc47b74bfdf⋯.jpeg (82.1 KB, 669x750, 223:250, A96DB435-5661-4B3B-BE9A-8….jpeg)

File: 3809a8f66c41b12⋯.jpeg (135.83 KB, 570x260, 57:26, B85DFE7A-B11B-4AC9-8BAB-3….jpeg)



dfa78d  No.7094224

File: 0c552ff17cf672d⋯.jpg (7.54 KB, 299x168, 299:168, download (8).jpg)

File: 9254a6f1c55f48d⋯.jpg (41.43 KB, 644x338, 322:169, PRC_71890829.jpg)





Louis Theroux Net Worth: Louis Theroux is a British broadcaster and journalist who has a net worth of $4 Million. Born in Singapore on May 20, 1970, Theroux is best known for his involvement in BBC and his television series, Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends. Theroux attended school at Westminster School followed by Magdalene College in Oxford. It was there that he received a degree in history and was recognized for his film reviews in the Grapevine magazine. He began working as a journalist for Metro Silicon Valley in San Jose, California followed by Spy magazine in 1992. Theroux has also been a guest writer for several publications such as Hip-Hop Connection and The Idler. Theroux explored topics ranging from racism to classism to sexuality in his series Weird Weekends, which spanned from 1998 to 20, 00. When Louis Met… featured an array of British celebrities and the controversies surrounding them. In 2005, Theroux published a book titled The Call of the Weird: Travels in American Subcultures. He was also known to have made a cameo in the 1997 pornographic film, Take a Peak, in which he played a ranger seeking out a criminal. He currently lives in Harlesden, London, United Kingdom with his wife Nancy Strang.


Theroux family???

Justin Theroux is alleged pedo

Instagram is suspect and he has been talked about for more than ayear.

cousin Louis make the pedo documentaries

056a4c  No.7094225

File: 21c9dccd35d58c2⋯.jpeg (35.77 KB, 255x224, 255:224, A1A928AA-E0E9-48DD-AE9C-F….jpeg)


"Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it." - Mark Twain

Let it go anon. Negativity inside will eat you alive.

Shadilay fren.

37d6e9  No.7094226


Bush Doctor , Tosh


62b282  No.7094227


Kek. Welcome back anon. Much has happened since you were away.

This was a viral debate that swept the planet a few years ago; whether the dress was blue, or gold. It was just one dress in the picture though, not two like that though and people couldn't agree on the color.

5b8414  No.7094228


Trump is Q+, not Q

f433f2  No.7094229

File: b6430c2158ec539⋯.png (319.4 KB, 638x600, 319:300, ClipboardImage.png)

056a4c  No.7094230

File: 630f38539c14e51⋯.png (403.74 KB, 958x640, 479:320, 936B43AA-8570-4A62-AC20-5D….png)

Notetaker current Notables?

I am going to prep next bread.

b53cc7  No.7094231


Just me fucking around

dfa78d  No.7094232

File: 9254a6f1c55f48d⋯.jpg (41.43 KB, 644x338, 322:169, PRC_71890829.jpg)


Agenda documentaries and pedo connections:


Tue 16 Jul 2019

Justin Theroux cousin:

Louis Theroux denies he’s ‘recruiting’ for Westboro Baptist Church

Tue 16 Jul 2019

By Eno Adeogun

Louis Theroux has defended his decision to return to a controversial church group in Kansas to film his third documentary on the group.

Called Louis Theroux: Surviving America's Most Hated Family, he will explore the changes the family at the centre of the Westboro Baptist Church have gone through in recent years.

Theroux tweeted after the documentary aired on BBC2: “I know it may appear that I am “recruiting” for Westboro but that is emphatically not the case.”

In an interview with Stylist, Theroux explained that he originally had no plan of covering the family for so long and didn’t think a third film was necessary.

“I thought now we know each other’s games, there is no need to really follow up a third time,” he told the magazine.

Theroux resisted calls to look at the family again following the death of the church’s founder and figurehead Pastor Fred Phelps, known as Gramps, in 2014.

But after he noticed a change in the group, he changed his mind.

“Enough time went by and I began seeing signs they were starting to change a little bit,” he explained.

“Specifically, that this rather extraordinary ex-member called Megan Phelps was beginning to campaign in a very thoughtful and informed and sensitive way for tolerance and understanding.

“I felt it was a helpful way of looking at the nature of profound ideological disagreement.”

Megan is the granddaughter of the late Pastor Phelps and has criticised the church.

“In a sense, it’s a kind of version, I don’t want to stretch this too far, but in its own way it’s reminiscent of the Islamic State, this concept of radicalisation and de-radicalisation. To what extent can someone reform and change?

“And even in a less extreme way, in the world of Trump and the alt-right, how do you engage with people like that and change minds and change hearts. Or is it better just to turn away and have nothing to do with them?

“Those are the things I wanted to think about.”

056a4c  No.7094233



f433f2  No.7094234


Oh cool thanks. So is the consensus that this is a woman's body we are seeing? Not a half portrait or something?

e01b22  No.7094235

I would suggest "Evergreen" means that Hillary is in custody of Secret Service.

Crimes against children

dfa78d  No.7094236

File: c1fe1d2363aaec1⋯.jpg (91.97 KB, 651x291, 217:97, NEW-LOUIS-THEROUX-DOCUMENT….jpg)

cdd6a5  No.7094237


This anon gets it.

In my opinion, there is NO link between the Epstein temple and Tutankhamun. Possibly there is a link to the Pharonic head dress, as depicted in Tut's deathmask, but not to Tut himself.

It's also important to note that there were effectively two Egypts. The civilisation that (allegedly) built the pyramids fell into decline around 2,000BC. The New Kingdom which followed was more or less like Hollywood is today.

e4027a  No.7094238

I am pleased to announce that it is my intention to nominate Gene Scalia as the new Secretary of Labor.

11f030  No.7094239

Goodnight anons. This anon has had a long day of work, research and travel.

Let’s hope that FBI anon is right & not a LARP …

4259d7  No.7094240


RIP Antonin Scalia!

021f6c  No.7094241

has anyone fact-checked Harris' claim that she was a "bussed" to school?

I was bussed to school too, 45 fucking minutes away from my house - who do I blame to become President?

5b8414  No.7094242


It's a gym where he works out his egg shaped dick inside little children.

62b282  No.7094243

File: 9894abc26508230⋯.jpg (9.17 KB, 243x255, 81:85, ea5690efea83128486052b7b18….jpg)


Don't actually know anon. First I've seen the woman in the reflection (good work that btw).

(pic related) is from the pen I think.

eb0c76  No.7094244


Yes I know and the dates fit niocely for current events. Almost like we have a calendar of what to expect starting at q posts from 6/18/2015 as it relates to QANONBaby 7/17/2019,

If you look at Jake Tapper tweet and the fact that the 5:5 video could come out and the fact that Q told us to be ready which he also told us on 6/21/2018,

I believe we will know about the video this weekend and there will be questions that need answering.

37d6e9  No.7094245



Tragedy. Led to 6 fucked up years. Nothing as bad as Bushbama though. Not as long either, not close.

5b8414  No.7094247


Ugh fuck…>>7093792

wrong reply




695160  No.7094248

File: d03a22616a87ade⋯.png (183.53 KB, 324x353, 324:353, ClipboardImage.png)


easy, pic related

they also got le pen wrong

more interesting is: why are some BW and other in colors?

Are the BW the bots?

4259d7  No.7094249


Still the same battle, elite pedophiles. Sickening.

e4027a  No.7094250

File: f052d007e2c1d23⋯.png (2.03 MB, 750x1296, 125:216, ClipboardImage.png)

19 of 22?

e4027a  No.7094251

File: 944196dd41b52dd⋯.png (491 KB, 1200x686, 600:343, ClipboardImage.png)

2d0b13  No.7094252

File: 72f37ac67ccf0f9⋯.jpg (643.34 KB, 989x3556, 989:3556, e_bot&flat_tards&muh_joos_….jpg)

File: 7cfdf830e1c4d04⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, ebot_post1.jpg)

File: a95ab3522d0609b⋯.png (86.17 KB, 642x259, 642:259, ebot_post2.png)
































eb0c76  No.7094253







ef272b  No.7094254

File: b1953fae80fbc4c⋯.png (1001.17 KB, 2000x1490, 200:149, Screen Shot 2019-07-19 at ….png)

File: 9e73ef303e3394d⋯.png (299.51 KB, 2010x1502, 1005:751, Screen Shot 2019-07-19 at ….png)


90f8d6  No.7094255

File: 7e92a754accf8f3⋯.jpg (47.74 KB, 638x391, 638:391, hail_pizza.jpg)

File: 7817d0e85d1af3b⋯.jpg (66.14 KB, 612x407, 612:407, no_its_frosting.jpg)

File: 5d7847cd4ca7ca2⋯.jpg (148.5 KB, 710x500, 71:50, not_gonna_age_well.jpg)

51b4ff  No.7094256

File: dc1818c930ecb23⋯.jpeg (463.83 KB, 1936x1936, 1:1, JFKJR pen reflect.jpeg)

fe3a1a  No.7094257

File: cf452300c7af2bc⋯.png (497.08 KB, 572x657, 572:657, IMG_3802.PNG)


Taking bake.

Notables list anons?


ef272b  No.7094258

File: 33228b082a4eba2⋯.png (2.49 MB, 2880x1534, 1440:767, Screen Shot 2019-07-19 at ….png)


notable plane

6992da  No.7094259

File: 472f9b373ddf586⋯.png (720.4 KB, 1911x1065, 637:355, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 828ff1ae3700a09⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1908x863, 1908:863, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank You Mr President

4259d7  No.7094260

4259d7  No.7094261


First, must check archive. Which archive? Just check it, man!

8700d4  No.7094262

File: 66257da529d37f2⋯.jpeg (2.68 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, C8C05A62-290E-4D64-BBE5-1….jpeg)


Legalize IT!!!!!

a2cea4  No.7094263

File: bb0831ed049aa5d⋯.jpg (258.33 KB, 540x1321, 540:1321, Screenshot_20190719-023742….jpg)

about the google trend on evergreen back in 06 07 see pic

4259d7  No.7094264



a01490  No.7094265

What was Donald Trump doing between these dates?


>twin towers



>first airing of “The Apprentice”

Seems to me this time period would be very important, as it is the time period during which Trump initially decided to run for President, and initially began preparing to.

2459b7  No.7094266

File: 90afc9db45a9182⋯.jpg (440.82 KB, 1280x890, 128:89, IMG_066.jpg)

patriots qbaby!

6d5d92  No.7094267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


4b7a7d  No.7094268

File: 52b7d7d7379532b⋯.jpg (90.77 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Bezos Zuckerberg Neuralnet….jpg)

2459b7  No.7094269

File: 9a6935179133cea⋯.jpg (428.63 KB, 727x1280, 727:1280, IMG_035.jpg)

patriots qbaby!!

eb0c76  No.7094270


Wait anon, do you mean a reflection of a camera or an actual camera inside the watch?

37d6e9  No.7094271



If my calculations are correct, the pot bust was about $100 mill sales value. All that going to Mexican illegals no doubt. Cal is stupid. No business sense at all. Businesses are fleeing all the time, rich people too.

592af5  No.7094272

File: b71dfa3a43fb921⋯.jpg (92.84 KB, 1044x1176, 87:98, comey 5.jpg)


Patriots fronthole.

d55a35  No.7094273

File: 391b8acd74b59d1⋯.jpg (17.12 KB, 220x304, 55:76, 220px-Dan_Scavino.jpg)

e59ca6  No.7094274


inside the watch

maybe a mic, too.

62b282  No.7094275


The resemblance is uncanny. Hasn't aged a day.


fd5462  No.7094276

File: 06e2ad25f54e1e1⋯.png (1021.38 KB, 1080x807, 360:269, Screenshot_20190703-071549….png)

North Carolina Trump loves all of you.

Media attacked Trump.

Guarantee North Carolina Trump loved your "Send her back" chant.

695160  No.7094277


GMO it

oh, wait..

bad5a8  No.7094278




2459b7  No.7094279

File: 1d669a3e9541890⋯.jpg (997.36 KB, 1521x1137, 507:379, IMG_514.jpg)

patriots qbaby!!!

fa183f  No.7094280


Did we ever find out who the loverboy was?

a632b6  No.7094281

File: b6639a2a813f781⋯.png (640.77 KB, 853x475, 853:475, Screenshot_191.png)

e2a668  No.7094282

>>7094246 Not sure

Future US President, Barack Obama with a Pakistani friend in Karachi in 1982.


"When Tapper asked the Obama campaign staff about the trip, they described it as a casual stopover to visit friends on the tail end of a trip to visit his mother and sister in Indonesia.

In retrospect, this makes one wonder whether the Indonesian leg was real or contrived. Obama’s most serious biographer, David Remnick, sheds little light on it.

In “The Bridge,” Remnick tells how Obama first visits his friends Hamid and Chandoo in Pakistan during Ramadan “and then to Indonesia to see his mother and Maya,” a three week trip in all. In 1981, Ramadan began on July 3 and ran for a lunar month."


e4027a  No.7094283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a01490  No.7094284

File: 11d5d432668c581⋯.jpeg (80.08 KB, 365x391, 365:391, 568434A6-14F5-4D75-9887-9….jpeg)


Wrong reflection

765801  No.7094285

It would appear Ilan Omar is not her real name. Does that surprise anyone?


c12194  No.7094286


I agree. Although that doesn't seem to be the person taking the picture, just NEAR it.

a68419  No.7094287


IF you get tail numbers with your initials JE, how does that happen?

No coincidences?

eb0c76  No.7094288


I did a dig on Seth Rich and his watch was reported to be torn but in working condition. I thought that was a weird report. I think it's his watch.

a632b6  No.7094289

File: 31022c14a7560ba⋯.png (1.32 MB, 991x846, 991:846, Screenshot_188.png)

fd5462  No.7094290

File: 430fb0db32615c2⋯.jpg (48.4 KB, 711x472, 711:472, Ilhan Omar's Brother.jpg)

Bad things are going to happen to this woman only because her past is catching up to her.

a2cea4  No.7094291

File: 321bd51f7e58065⋯.jpg (242.42 KB, 716x1194, 358:597, Screenshot_20190719-024319….jpg)

>>7093111 lb

>Aga Khan - A final boss

>I found this on 4chan /pol/ but the faggot couldnt post the Faceberg link for some reason.

soccer teams mentioned in that screencap. reminds me of the "soccer team" trapped in the cave. Musk seemed to be certain dude was pedo.

ecc37e  No.7094292

File: 3e5473efea25fbf⋯.jpg (13.7 KB, 361x140, 361:140, images.jpg)


its still funny to me damn it!

its still funny to me!!! kek

might be alive, might not

the reappear on july4th people not our frenz though

yet to blame this movements lack of media acceptance on the ones who fancy the thought that he might have faked his death… is some serious bullshit…

now someone call me liz!!!



I believe that is how they are made! :D


that's just awww! awwwww! like benicio…


yeah completely blown away namefag… pfffft!

8700d4  No.7094293

File: 38e1e2105d47ff8⋯.png (423.08 KB, 464x620, 116:155, CDFA25D6-3D08-4D1D-9317-E4….png)

File: fdcd99877ae9d4a⋯.jpeg (12.96 KB, 255x168, 85:56, F19FC8AF-4B99-4F46-88E9-F….jpeg)


The plan was to destroy America.

They finished with Cali early as fuck

d55a35  No.7094294

File: 9894abc26508230⋯.jpg (9.17 KB, 243x255, 81:85, danwatch.jpg)

File: 391b8acd74b59d1⋯.jpg (17.12 KB, 220x304, 55:76, 220px-Dan_Scavino.jpg)


the more I look at this the more I see it.

e59ca6  No.7094295

File: 41b92c724641b78⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1423x1500, 1423:1500, ClipboardImage.png)





So… the upper of the specialty hands…


be a trip but I'm not sure what it would add to things unless you're going with "white hats had/have him"

a632b6  No.7094296


Please make meme with Princess Leia, Cersi Lannister, and Ilhan Omar.

Thank you.

eb0c76  No.7094297

File: cf39dd87a2e566b⋯.png (600.45 KB, 1114x598, 557:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34d8852997532ab⋯.png (3.44 MB, 1131x2847, 29:73, ClipboardImage.png)

fd5462  No.7094298

File: 98f3ff725cf02c8⋯.png (490.75 KB, 1022x1017, 1022:1017, Baker's.png)

e59ca6  No.7094299

yeah but is he taking a picture in that image or reading papers?

bad5a8  No.7094300




>>7087122 DoD tweet about stars

>>7087094 Boeing takes $4.9 billion hit over grounding of 737 Max jets

>>7087092 FLOTUS tweet re Team USA at the WH

>>7087065 Previous article re 'Facebook survey asks users if they condone pedophilia'

>>7087049 Planefag report

>>7086962 Boatfag report

>>7086879 2000 pages of sex crimes by elite's about to be released?

>>7087024 , >>7087314 Snopes: Is This Rachel Chandler and BC on Epstein's Plane?

>>7087010 House Prayer cast out 'all spirits of darkness' today

>>7086712 7/13 Blackout in Manhattan: Graphic

>>7086685 , >>7086783 Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 news: US supports the probe

>>7088501 #9068

bb089e  No.7094301

File: 4a85bd634556884⋯.png (29.2 KB, 1012x384, 253:96, Screenshot_2019-07-19 The ….png)


anon that's English Ordinal, isn't it? that gives 45. which is good….for us.

Pythagorean / full reduction gives FOX as a straight 666 as is. English extended gives you 666 (as 6,60,600) which is hidden at the base (13th level) of the Novus Ordo Pyramid (on your money) inside MDCCLXXVI

9 characters


D2,C3= 600

L5, X6= 60

V8I9 = 6






9 characters did = 1776

9 characters = 777

diff. of 999; flip 666.

If you place the novus ordo pyramid over a 13 row Pascals Triangle your eye will be drawn to 1716, and 13 on the corners, and two 1331s at the top and two 314s up there as well.

"FOX" =47(ALW Kabbalah)

"FOX" =333(Reverse Extended)

"FOX" =666(English Extended)

"FOXNEWS" =88(LCH Kabbalah) this is the one. double ATM snake

"ass-to-mouth snake" =169(ALW Kabbalah)

"ass-to-mouth snake" =196(LCH Kabbalah)

"ass-to-mouth snake" =190(Jewish Ordinal)

"ass-to-mouth snake" =64(Jewish Reduction), 8 squared.

"ass-to-mouth snake" =865(Jewish)= we're hiding 8s in 65 here; drop 1 from 65 for muh balance oh look not contrived 64 so we have 864>888

this is how they roll. triple ass-to-mouth. disgusting.

2540=MMDXL= 66 Eng.Ord, 69 Rev.Ord.



8974a6  No.7094302



e59ca6  No.7094303

File: 39e01410f18dc38⋯.jpg (64.62 KB, 430x249, 430:249, 4736014.jpg)



7f87c1  No.7094304

File: 2e2b15899bc7d68⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1460x724, 365:181, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b50c7b73b25f11f⋯.png (286.63 KB, 306x674, 153:337, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 044f49c90a9c45d⋯.png (720.76 KB, 631x716, 631:716, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e000523b6367884⋯.png (960.69 KB, 960x715, 192:143, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9250593896df5f0⋯.png (758.33 KB, 634x879, 634:879, ClipboardImage.png)

So.. Is Ilhan Omar's brother…err..husband… gay?


fd5462  No.7094305

File: f8dd654465c7562⋯.png (666.69 KB, 1019x752, 1019:752, Screenshot_20190714-100205….png)



Be more specific.

e59ca6  No.7094306


and so they got fake married to escape what islam/sharia law would have done to him.

So… asylum?

eb0c76  No.7094307

File: 71e3db5225b3411⋯.png (4.28 MB, 1127x3024, 161:432, ClipboardImage.png)



Sorry that was the most recent dig.

It would make sense if SR is an NSA agent

455847  No.7094309

File: 94cac1a95717dde⋯.png (804.75 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 3611C007-875D-4731-ABD5-B9….png)

File: e7f3de791e4d696⋯.jpeg (387.87 KB, 1906x1110, 953:555, 30077BC0-0794-4665-8961-5….jpeg)


How is this not in here?

Maybe it is somewhere…

Fuckin crazy.

8700d4  No.7094310

File: 0a53061ece906e5⋯.jpeg (55.67 KB, 474x304, 237:152, 11544F4D-2DC8-4919-9188-7….jpeg)

File: 3941372a4f2c526⋯.jpeg (37.03 KB, 474x272, 237:136, DE00E070-6968-4740-AFEF-8….jpeg)

File: d3b37ae6afd0995⋯.jpeg (40.37 KB, 474x356, 237:178, 2EF99694-2133-4E69-974D-5….jpeg)


But wait- doesn’t everything end up adding up to 666?

I mean take roulette for example, if you add all the numbers up- it totals 666

The devil’s wheel indeed

765801  No.7094311


More than you know.


e2a668  No.7094312

File: fc76c1a3b2aa516⋯.png (457.95 KB, 423x594, 47:66, ClipboardImage.png)

fd5462  No.7094313

File: 164dac2157ed144⋯.jpg (58.51 KB, 500x470, 50:47, 35z3eb_1_1.jpg)



bad5a8  No.7094314


>So.. Is Ilhan Omar's brother…err..husband… gay?


>and so they got fake married to escape what islam/sharia law would have done to him.

>So… asylum?


epic…needs more diggs…maybe simply start by reversing the images and associates

1ad492  No.7094315


BuddhistAnon here. Ask most East Asian Buddhists what they think of 'His Holiness', you'll be surprised by their answers.

e59ca6  No.7094316

File: d23f985fb8dbeeb⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1263x1500, 421:500, ClipboardImage.png)



Hmmmm Intensifies

https ://www. amazon. co m/Camera-Video-Recorder-Vision-Cameras/dp/B07QCGZGJ8/r

455847  No.7094317


Can we ask you?

What do you think of “His Holiness”?

bad5a8  No.7094318



f544be  No.7094319

If Q/Q+ are 'saving Israel until last' - and with Jerusalem being of important religious meaning to Christianity, are we in fact witnessing a modern day crusade?

Think of the language used in the crumbs and the recent Aleppo / Epstein Island digs - and all the talk of ancient peoples / cults.

Knights Templar? Dunno, relative newfag here, just thinking out loud.

5ff39f  No.7094320

File: 706696f5c04693c⋯.png (780.17 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a66b942b648743a⋯.png (52.14 KB, 923x676, 71:52, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbdc8da427d1ecc⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1076x1086, 538:543, ClipboardImage.png)

Guccifer: Hillary Rodham Diane Clinton is one of the high priests, a goddess of this ocult, (sic) satanic, shadow group.

"“I will not leave this beautiful country without saying that the ‘Guccifer Project’ was a failed project,”…“Hillary Rodham Diane Clinton is one of the high priests, a goddess of this ocult, (sic) satanic, shadow group. One must see their evil and profoundly corrupt motive to understand what I am talking about.”

As leaks continue to swirl around Clinton’s email practices while she served as secretary of state, Guccifer apologized to his fellow hackers in the letter to Fox News for his shortcomings.

“Though I know I invested a great deal of time and effort trying to expose the crimes of the Rockefellers, the Bush Klan (sic) the Clinton, and many others, maybe my skills were NOT matching my faith,” he wrote.

“So I apologize in front of the unknown soldiers who struggle to take this fight against these monsters to a glorious end. Many of ‘em are risking their lives, while doing this behind the computer screens, from inside or outside the system.”…"

fd5462  No.7094322

File: 4dc9aa9764e90be⋯.jpg (67.88 KB, 500x524, 125:131, 35z4xb_1.jpg)



f95444  No.7094323

New PDJT tweet.

Again pointing to Q500, fire and fury, by vid lenght of 5:00.


1ad492  No.7094324


I'm English. But I've known a lot of Chinese and Japanese Zen priests in my time. No one trusts him or TB in general. Many think he's the equalivent of what the Gnostic Christians think of the Holy See. Black magicians.

695160  No.7094326

File: dd0127df0108520⋯.png (329.95 KB, 617x516, 617:516, ClipboardImage.png)

a5240f  No.7094328

File: 70dfa442fb729ff⋯.jpg (16.68 KB, 256x140, 64:35, 76540099.jpg)

File: 4b9087efb5e0140⋯.jpeg (53.39 KB, 500x450, 10:9, Keystone-bank.jpeg)

File: c7d36ee8ba44f36⋯.png (158.82 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, keystone-first.png)

Ok looking up keystone any that might relat this is what I found. Keystone virus out Florida started I think in 2016 wired timing.


And keystone fincial group and service

And keystone health services for moms with child.

23fe81  No.7094329


Pure Shill Shit.

e2a668  No.7094330

File: 60976423bb039cc⋯.png (271.58 KB, 474x266, 237:133, 60976423bb039cca0c5c35ed08….png)

>>7094320 No doubt!

fa183f  No.7094331

File: 0b3a52c83a2140c⋯.jpg (14.35 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 0b3a52c83a2140c064e4c75817….jpg)


e59ca6  No.7094332

File: b3eb88f89e0b2fc⋯.jpg (129.91 KB, 423x585, 47:65, HmmmmIntensifies.jpg)

e4027a  No.7094333

File: a3edbce11e27596⋯.png (1002.13 KB, 778x864, 389:432, ClipboardImage.png)

760184  No.7094334


make it a t-shirt

eb0c76  No.7094335



Nice work!

455847  No.7094336


Wow. Yeah I can see it.

He’s beyond full of shit.

The Buddhist pope…

e4027a  No.7094337

File: 15d5d6d33c85e87⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1152x2048, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

July 19th

e59ca6  No.7094338


So he wasn't supporting Bernie… he was keeping tabs on him and the DNC?

a2cea4  No.7094339


also buddhist anon present. yup. what he said. cdan blind on richard gere talked about pr makover he attempted by riding dalai lamas coat tails. only he got perved out by the harem of boys. only celebrity buddhist that likely did had right intention was adam youch from beastie boys.

e4027a  No.7094340

File: afb4e20a49608cc⋯.png (1.15 MB, 732x912, 61:76, ClipboardImage.png)

fe3a1a  No.7094341

File: e83158fc0fd9162⋯.jpg (31.1 KB, 226x255, 226:255, IMG_0062.JPG)

>>7094021 Anon what is this dig? And any sauz? Next bread possible repost if have it?

>>7094023 Have no clue what the actual dig is about, no time to read

>>7094050 I don't know what that is, please have some type of title or description.


>>7094167, >>7094214, >>7093856, >>7093895, >>7093918, >>7093973,

Watchfagging on who is in reflection

>>7093868 Ryan Dawson's "Jeffery Epstein Crime Map" Deep Dive Video

>>7094258, >>7094258, JE Plane Notables

>>7094153 New Zealand Gas Explosion

>>7094143 Crown the Empire - Red Pills (music video)

>>7093843, >>7093850 Mueller should be arrested for conspiracy to overthrow POTUS

>>7093934 GAA UPDATE! "LOOK CLOSE" Edition

>>7093942 Hurricane Irma (path through "neighborhood")

>>7093946 Bowling Alone: How Washington Has Helped Destroy American Civil Society And Family Life

>>7093953 Italian-Canadian police operation targets 'ndrangheta mafia clan

>>7093989 Tlaib’s Father Says She ‘Lied Big-Time To Get Elected’…. MEDIA SILENT….

>>7094019 27 People Arrested, Nearly 15 Tons of Marijuana Seized in Perris Drug Bust: Sheriff’s Department

>>7094026 Hillary Clinton death hoax spreads on Facebook

>>7093711 70 arrested during immigration protests on Capitol Hill

>>7093758 Dozens of Catholic clergy arrested on Capitol Hill protesting treatment of child migrants

Cutting off here, need to bake next bread. Will be back with link, WAIT FOR DOUGH.. please.. kek

e59ca6  No.7094342

We'll know in 50 minutes if today's the day for a 4:49am tweet.

ecc37e  No.7094343


they will take this time to slander the religion in general though… as you probably understand.

The only time the west appreciates hindus or buddhist or anyone pretty much but their religion is when they are killing muslims.

isnt there a word for dark buddhism?

4a8e09  No.7094344


Tutankhamun’s death mask


Tutankhamun Death Mask was Made for Nefertiti, Archaeologist says


A new analysis of Tutankhamun’s golden death mask has led to a radical new theory – the mask was originally made for Nefertiti, step mother of Tutankhamun, as a co-regent to her husband king Akhenaten.

Ahram Online reports that archaeologist Nicholas Reeves was examining the back of Tutankhamun’s death mask when he noticed that the face did not match the opposite side – the type of gold and the material used for the blue color are different between the front and the back. Reeves also noted that the ears contain holes used to hang earrings.

“There is no image of any ancient Egyptian king wearing earrings,” Reeves told Ahram Online, citing this as evidence that it was made for a female.

The mask contains holes in the ear lobes used for hanging earrings

The mask contains holes in the ear lobes used for hanging earrings ( Wikipedia)

During a press conference held at the State Information Authority in Heliopolis, Reeves said that the inscription had been changed:

“Looking at the mask again I can see that the inscription on the cartouch has been changed, meaning that all these treasures found in Tutankhamun’s tomb were originally made for Nefertiti as a co-regent to her husband king Akhenaten, and not for Tutankhamun as previously thought,” Reeves said [via Ahram Online].

Dr Reeves is involved in the current search for hidden chambers within Tutankhamun’s tomb. The British archaeologist claims that two extra rooms have been identified hidden in the walls of the tomb, one of which Reeves maintains is the long-lost burial chamber of Nefertiti.

The Mysterious Disappearance of Nefertiti, Ruler of the Nile

The Elusive Tomb of Queen Nefertiti may lie behind the walls of Tutankhamun's Burial Chamber

The Search Continues: Scientists to Use Radar in Hunt for the Tomb of Nefertiti

Theban Mapping Project's diagram of King Tutankamun's known tomb, in gray, and two possible new rooms in yellow and red, one of which, a researcher says, cold be Queen Nefertiti's burial chamber.

Theban Mapping Project's diagram of King Tutankamun's known tomb, in gray, and two possible new rooms in yellow and red, one of which, a researcher says, cold be Queen Nefertiti's burial chamber.

Nefertiti was the chief consort of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten (formerly Amenhotep IV), who reigned from approximately 1353 to 1336 BC. Known as the Ruler of the Nile and Daughter of Gods, she acquired unprecedented power, and is believed to have held equal status to the pharaoh himself. However, much controversy lingers about Nefertiti after the twelfth regal year of Akhenaten, when her name vanishes from the pages of history. Despite numerous searches, her final resting place has never been found.

Next month, radar and thermal imaging will be used to scan the tomb to confirm whether Reeves’ theory is correct. Minister of Antiquities Mamdouh Eldamaty is quoted as saying: “When we find Nefertiti, I think it will be more important than the discovery of King Tutankhamun himself".


e2a668  No.7094345

File: 831b9c91b36747d⋯.png (55.25 KB, 526x225, 526:225, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a9e3301d664188⋯.png (159.3 KB, 330x212, 165:106, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d251b7b3d308637⋯.png (395.08 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

28f107  No.7094346

File: d81dcfd191cf509⋯.png (281.53 KB, 900x600, 3:2, PAIN-COMING.png)

7b07a7  No.7094347

File: 23a4a48ed19d373⋯.jpg (955.77 KB, 2880x1534, 1440:767, 33228b082a4eba27162885c3f7….jpg)


No lie, I totally saw this when I was scrolling and had to double take just to read it as numbers and letters. Sometimes we discredit intuition too hastily. NOTABLE

bad5a8  No.7094348

File: 0b979cd066cb84e⋯.png (194.05 KB, 1016x319, 1016:319, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23c957ca0987c50⋯.png (137.62 KB, 600x717, 200:239, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5824071074b0510⋯.png (234.27 KB, 600x453, 200:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9e4c95f7513fd1⋯.png (108.32 KB, 300x248, 75:62, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62fab9dc5090d7e⋯.png (95.37 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

fa183f  No.7094350


Up and rolling a spliff just for the wait. Totally fine if it's not today at all, but still, I wouldn't want to sleep through it if it is.

2d0b13  No.7094351





695160  No.7094352

File: cfe3232ed5056ec⋯.png (75.91 KB, 883x442, 883:442, ClipboardImage.png)

e59ca6  No.7094353



if it's not, we'll have a good nap before 4:49pm (16:49:00fancy)

56dae8  No.7094354

e4027a  No.7094355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



8700d4  No.7094356

File: 50a9b72a40bc16e⋯.jpeg (27.23 KB, 253x255, 253:255, 07415F0B-FE08-420F-980F-6….jpeg)


That fucking proves it for me- put me on your mailing list

Plus go Toots

b46051  No.7094357

File: 0abb7ec25459d20⋯.jpg (70.19 KB, 655x606, 655:606, 3cc.jpg)

Goodnight, anons. I'm heading to the doc tomorrow morning to get something checked out, and I wont lie and say I'm not worried. Keep this anon in your prayers if you can, frens.

Please don't reply to this - your prayers are enough.

ecc37e  No.7094358

File: 8be1202c40257a5⋯.gif (254.18 KB, 220x140, 11:7, pookey 1.gif)


wheres my fucking dab at!? kek

bad5a8  No.7094359

File: 2b22d752ec205aa⋯.png (112.22 KB, 1390x833, 1390:833, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a841c4e2910c8ed⋯.png (11.68 KB, 430x380, 43:38, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81a72b051ce2c72⋯.png (237.83 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1bd9face76dd188⋯.png (1.75 MB, 970x727, 970:727, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4ee9c63740b8f8⋯.png (343.13 KB, 1024x525, 1024:525, ClipboardImage.png)

fa183f  No.7094360

File: 85d129500f85901⋯.gif (356.18 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 85d129500f8590118ec8e8d7c1….gif)

8700d4  No.7094361

File: 0e655fa32146df4⋯.jpeg (279.61 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, 00F457E9-5E48-462D-B6C1-F….jpeg)


Good enough for me. Plus we motherfucking MAGA’d our asses off

4b7a7d  No.7094362

File: e911ed522943be3⋯.jpg (55.9 KB, 691x361, 691:361, AOC DUH.jpg)

File: c7f5049db73e1da⋯.jpg (54.39 KB, 691x361, 691:361, AOC TOY LET.jpg)

File: 6cac58703801ef1⋯.jpg (68.33 KB, 691x361, 691:361, AOC Toilet Gas Chamber.jpg)

File: b32c79211b21e1b⋯.png (299.79 KB, 577x634, 577:634, ABORTION REGRET.png)

9abdc0  No.7094363

Wax pen over here. Also I created a Twitter account that catalogs all notables. Let me know if that'd be useful for any faggots reading this >>7094358

ecc37e  No.7094364


we do not need to pray as God knows what is in our hearts… be brave, have faith

e2a668  No.7094366


7f87c1  No.7094367

File: 361c01dc8f8962b⋯.png (655.28 KB, 729x899, 729:899, Ilhan Omar Brother.png)

8700d4  No.7094370

File: 683adf4ef681256⋯.jpeg (3.15 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 72E270CE-AA9E-41B3-A7FB-B….jpeg)


The good shit is always worth the wait.

7d587c  No.7094371

File: 754c14cd3c478ad⋯.png (263.07 KB, 408x478, 204:239, noWay.png)

51b4ff  No.7094372


Today is a "7/10" 1+9

e4027a  No.7094374


ecc37e  No.7094376


yer probably fon faggin as well?!

how will we ever teach theze kidz with those teeny tiny little screens to display notables on! kek

9d804e  No.7094377

You fags see FBIAnon post on halfchan?

> FBI Anon here. Tomorrow Barr announces the re-opening of the Hillary Clinton investigation and presents several indictments of high government officials. Also the court in southern Florida will release documents showing Bill Clinton was fucking underage girls on Epstein`s plane.. Have a great day. And fuck Jim Comey. His time is coming.

fa183f  No.7094378


I hereby propose that Obama OG be renamed to "MAGA OG" so nobody has to smoke pot named after a traitor.

353c1d  No.7094379

What is with jews and pig farming?

Montague Keen was a jew and married Veronica Keen and he was really apologetic to Veronica for being a Jew and that his family were pig farmers. Is it only because they go through bone like butter? or is there more to it? Who are the pig farmers worldwide?



9abdc0  No.7094380

i think it assists with aggregation. 4 pictures allows for all/most linked posts in a notable to fit in a Tweet. Seems to eb good mobile sizing but I use Tweeter desktop cause I'm a sociopath >>7094376

ecc37e  No.7094381


this is true…

t minus 35 minutes…


stop teasing us with that shit! :D

muh heart cant take much moar of dis winning…

8b9447  No.7094382

File: 2e6eaab17f66c21⋯.jpg (41.13 KB, 374x561, 2:3, BAAL-ARCH-G7-Florence.jpg)




Check THIS out - other places the arch have been used:

1. Unveiled in London's Trafalgar Square in Apr 2016 as part the the UNITED NATION's UNESCO World Heritage Week. The unveiling coincided with the beginning of a 13-day period known in the occult as “the Blood Sacrifice to the Beast”, the most important holiday for those who worship the god Ba’al, celebrated with child sacrifice and bisexual orgies.

2. Then appeared in New York's (NYC) City Hall Park in Sept 2016

3. Then moved to DUBAI in Feb 2017 for The World Government Summit. The summit is an international organization for global dialogue where leaders in government, business, and technology discuss how governments operate and how policies are made.

4. Then on to Florence, Italy, from Mar 27 2017 - Apr 27 2017 for the G7 Summit that was held in Palazzo Vecchio. Once again the timing was to coincide with the some of the following significant dates on [their] calendar:



9f8869  No.7094383


Nother lazy eye MK clown deal.

eb0c76  No.7094386



All part of the plan and SR was a plant,

That's Why his family is quiet. Possibly!

8b9447  No.7094387


Events, Rituals and Holidays that coincide with this Arch of Baal exhibit:

3/20 Spring Equinox orgies, oral, anal, vaginal, any age (male or female, human or animal)

3/21 Illuminati Human Sacrifice Night

3/28 eve to 3/29 eve: Elaphebolion Noumenia–Old Greek festival honoring all the Gods and Goddesses. Flutes were played; prayers were said; offerings of barley, olive oil, incense, and food were burned in an offering hearth; and libations of water and wine were made. [Elaphebolion 1]

3/30 [Elaphebolion 3]

3/31eve to 4/1 eve: Feast of Old Greek Deities Aphrodite and Hermes–Day to honor the divine feminine and divine masculine in harmony. [Elaphebolion 4] (again, the Ying and the Yang).

3/31: Full moon–Storm Moon at 8:37 am. Use this month’s moon phase to celebrate balance, rebirth, and renewal.

4/1 April FOOLS Day

4/1: Veneralia–Old Roman festival celebrating Venus (Goddess of Peace) vanquishing Mars (God of War) with love. She nurtures peace, friendship, and love; and punishes war-mongers, hate-mongers, and false friends and lovers. [Roman calendar] (Beware Christians… this is meant for you. Christians will be imprisoned and killed as “hate Mongers” for not accepting the NEW WORLD PAGAN ORDER! )

4/2 eve to 4/3 eve: Feast of Old Greek Goddess Artemis (Roman Diana/Slavic Diwitsa) – as protector of wild animals, vegetation, and places. [Elaphebolion 6] (for all you pantheists out there who worship nature.)

4/4 eve to 4/5 eve: Asklepieia–Old Greek festival honoring Asklepios, God of healing, and Hygieia, Goddess of health. [Elaphebolion 8] (WHO? WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, THAT IS WHO, you know the ones that are killing you with “kindness”.)

4/5 eve to 4/10 eve: City Dionysia–Old Greek festival honoring God Dionysos as patron of drama, poetry, music, and inspiration. Actors performed sacred drama, poets recited hymns, musicians played instruments, singers sang songs, and dancers danced. [Elaphebolion 9-13]

4/7: World Health Day–Day to pray for healing of all those chronically and seriously ill; day to advocate for adequate health care for all. [Day the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) was founded in 1948.] [For information on World Health Day, see World Health Organization website.] [For information on the World Health Organization, see World Health Organization website.]


4/11-4/18 PASSOVER

4/14 GOOD FRIDAY, blood, human sacrifice, male only (adult)

4/14 to 4/25 (Icelandic 4/20, Old Icelandic 4/13): Old Norse Summer Days Feast–Offerings were made to the Deities (particularly Odin, Thor, and Freyr) for success, peace, and plenty.

4/16 EASTER SUNDAY, blood, human sacrifice, male or female (adult)

4/11 (2:08 a.m. EDT): Full Moon (White/Virgin Moon). [a/k/a Aries Full Moon]

4/19 Blood Sacrifice To The Beast. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19.

4/21-26 Abduction, ceremonial preparation, and holding of sacrificial victim

4/22: Earth Day Earth Day–Day to honor the Earth and to meditate on Deity manifesting as Mother Earth/GAIA. [For information about Earth Day activities, see Earthday Network website; Envirolink website; U.S. E.P.A. website for Earth Day.] [a/k/ an International Earth Day, National Earth Day]

4/22: Day the world’s nations guaranteed asylum to those persecuted in their homelands on account of their ethnicity, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group (1954). [Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees: signed 7/28/1951; entered into force 4/22/1954.] [Text of Convention] [For more information, see United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (U.N.H.C.R.) website; Human Rights Watch website.]

4/25 eve to 4/26 eve: Feast of Old Greek Goddess Hekate, who guides all through transitions and crisis. [Elaphebolion last day]

4/26 Grand Climax – oral, anal, vaginal Corpus De Baahl 1-25 (female)

4/26 (8:16 a.m. EDT): New Moon.

4/26 eve to 4/27 eve: Mounikhion Noumenia–Old Greek festival honoring all the Gods and Goddesses. Flutes were played; prayers were said; offerings of barley, olive oil, incense, and food were burned in an offering hearth; and libations of water and wine were made. [Mounikhion 1]


e59ca6  No.7094388


Either way, if he's alive, they wouldn't want people looking for him or too far into the situation, for his safety.

bb089e  No.7094389

File: acfbcfdb8ffb755⋯.jpg (7.33 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 8ba05166f47b0c9f2c093a0b55….jpg)



we shall free the Khazarians from the Scribes & Pharisees and the Khazarians own animist-witch death cult which was fertile soil for the post-70 escapees.

They shall become Christians. You have held them hostage for a 1000 years. Enough.

dfa78d  No.7094390


Ask podesta

ecc37e  No.7094391

File: 2b52120e8c0b940⋯.jpg (76.16 KB, 673x654, 673:654, 0 PEPE spice.jpg)


not bad!

yeah i am psycho somatic as well! twitter desktop… i would have went blind already on a fon!

f619c0  No.7094392


Guess Anon knew what he was talking about the other day. It does make an owl.

4a8e09  No.7094393

Back to the future: Akhnaten and Nefertiti meet the Obamas

March 8, 2011 | 2:50 pm

AkhObama3 Are the president and first lady reincarnated from Pharaoh Akhnaten and Queen Nefertiti of ancient Egypt? Photos of them side by side on Andre Heath's The Alien Project blog might at least momentarily bewilder even the toughest skeptics of reincarnation and Jungian archetypes.


f95444  No.7094394


Do you even internet, bro?

4b7a7d  No.7094395

File: 646c4226a430f12⋯.jpg (90.73 KB, 600x338, 300:169, hilldog pig farm hrc.jpg)


Pigs have no problem eating human flech. Shit…you can kill a baby pig while momma pig is filling her face. She won't care.

f95444  No.7094396


Meant for


92671c  No.7094397

File: 22da97085c1d1d1⋯.png (696.5 KB, 1285x645, 257:129, meullerconflicted.png)


mueller options:

1. Press forward, get rekt, arrested, live out rest of life in disgrace.

2. Red scarf.

3. Run to non-extradition country, live off cabal resources.

Seems he chose… poorly.

056a4c  No.7094398


Cant change names lime that, gotta keep it real.

72b3c3  No.7094399

hmmm ur guizzzz….

🔥Type of Way

‏ @cajunsoulfire74

#IsaacKappy's "DMS proof" of very young girls in bathouse in #Turkey.


37d6e9  No.7094400


Purge vote fraud and deport all illegals in MN AND it goes red.

9975bb  No.7094401

File: 04087bbf529660d⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, 04087bbf529660d4187cf2815e….png)



72b3c3  No.7094402



f95444  No.7094404



cb8214  No.7094405

Just happen to think, anyone seen chuck schumer in the last month? That camera hawk, I haven't seen him for a long time, I watch very little fox, no other msm but I haven't seen him for a long time. Maybe I've just missed it but I have to wonder, is he keeping a low profile? Panic chucky? Not sleeping well?

And a shout out to The Night Shift! Always the best! Love my Night Shift Ferns, always comfy with all of you!

God Bless The Night Shift!

e4027a  No.7094406


We have long had ugly margins in this country, but we are a fundamentally decent people, with shared values. We treasure our identity as a nation of immigrants. With our voices and our 2020 votes, we must send Donald Trump and his mob back to their dark corner.

e4027a  No.7094407

File: 463d75620e6736a⋯.png (728.78 KB, 933x1024, 933:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

ecc37e  No.7094408

File: 8028d79ac8c8778⋯.gif (812.32 KB, 500x200, 5:2, 1111.gif)

File: 852f8ce7748c09d⋯.gif (916.79 KB, 500x200, 5:2, 2222.gif)


all i heard was purge! kek

and iran is calling us liars anons!?!?!?

Iranian military say all its drones returned safely to base after US claimed it shot one down


455847  No.7094409


I don’t think so man. Just because the shills used the tarot cards doesn’t mean that digg is wrong.

The devil always tries to take what is God’s and call it his. Mostly so God’s children won’t use the power they’ve been given.

It’s been working for a few thousand years.. but now the truthers are waking up to consciousness instead of being told what to do. Which is what God intended all along.

Not a churchfag btw. But I know my shit.

9abdc0  No.7094410

check it out https://twitter.com/QAnonNotables >>7094391

af8ac6  No.7094411


I know POTUS don't like cryptos, but we need a plan B. The Swamp is still running shit.



eb0c76  No.7094412


Where's the info / link

3f0c1f  No.7094413

File: 10501aed0d2b3ce⋯.jpg (73.57 KB, 1200x865, 240:173, 10501aed0d2b3ce4cc72ee7205….jpg)


e4b72d  No.7094414


Mesopotamians predate Phoeniciaans. There are 7 main gods from which the other gods came about.

fa183f  No.7094416

File: 0e0f3d6f7d873e4⋯.png (169.33 KB, 402x544, 201:272, 0e0f3d6f7d873e4a12241e1d27….png)

File: 3d6af8d7b347d23⋯.jpg (300.93 KB, 1032x630, 172:105, 3d6af8d7b347d23428a2e4a45a….jpg)





Does this make sense? Try to visualize it.

9975bb  No.7094417

File: f357c4890127860⋯.jpg (90.75 KB, 550x441, 550:441, f357c4890127860a9543ae8a39….jpg)

51b4ff  No.7094418

File: 7f52c95e759eea2⋯.png (75.65 KB, 590x528, 295:264, Screen Shot 2019-07-19 at ….png)


7-19 is 9-17 reversed

Presidential Alert: FEMA to Test Emergency Alert System next Week



15 Sep 2018 - 3:28:09 PM

SEPT —-17—– [week of]


DECLAS coming?





8700d4  No.7094419

File: 6b1229a93d4d233⋯.jpeg (15.94 KB, 183x255, 61:85, 0ECE97C8-E50D-49B6-9013-F….jpeg)

File: dde6831846b45cf⋯.jpeg (88.66 KB, 435x622, 435:622, 7AACF006-1FD3-4B2E-B60B-9….jpeg)


Let it be true

37d6e9  No.7094420


Nonsense. He's losing it.

9d0be9  No.7094421

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB, 415x496, 415:496, Comfy.png)

File: ad261d89ba28e4b⋯.gif (296.01 KB, 834x870, 139:145, comfy_house.gif)

File: c4b0ef8c3fbc53b⋯.jpg (121.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, pepe_comfy_5a.jpg)

File: bb5b796af52b9b2⋯.png (269.29 KB, 567x960, 189:320, pepe_comfy_fire.png)

File: 14d0f14b736b23f⋯.png (182.94 KB, 409x409, 1:1, pepe_how_comfy.png)

Goodnight, comfy friends <3

9f8869  No.7094422


Yep Howdy Doody on Pedo Isle incoming.

58e078  No.7094423

File: 49de5d36f04cdf8⋯.png (135.07 KB, 580x358, 290:179, 2019-07-19_04-23-06.png)


>those are gay eyes

dfa78d  No.7094424


Yes make a tee I will buy it hhshhaahahahaha

fa183f  No.7094425


I'll be shocked if Comey is a whitehat. At this point, he plays the role of a sweaty, panicky swamp villain too well.

dfa78d  No.7094427


Still smiling. I love this so good

8df8d5  No.7094428

File: 685627cfbd905f9⋯.jpg (278.18 KB, 1007x595, 1007:595, st james.jpg)

Did you know the Islamic World had its own "Protocols of Zion?"


8700d4  No.7094429

File: ff856c5b4264fdc⋯.jpeg (766.69 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, 9D4C1FD9-7956-430E-A366-F….jpeg)

File: 585012ce3198a32⋯.jpeg (29.24 KB, 400x267, 400:267, 13443E12-9DBD-49EF-BA1D-C….jpeg)


My old memes are coming back in style- like waves. We have EVERYTHING

695160  No.7094430


crypto is their plan B

ecc37e  No.7094431


Looks good… you can call me #8

dfa78d  No.7094433

9abdc0  No.7094434

ecc37e  No.7094435

File: e1278cb708a9527⋯.jpg (50.96 KB, 327x377, 327:377, d742408c1f559817ac8a4b93f4….jpg)

fa183f  No.7094436


Waves. Exactly. You have the visual.

Also, you have good spatial intuition for that synesthetic clusterfuck to make sense.

455847  No.7094437


POTUS gives the media disinfo all the time when they ask him about stuff.




POTUS knows.

45a2fd  No.7094438


This one makes the most sense to me so far.


3f0c1f  No.7094440

File: 10501aed0d2b3ce⋯.jpg (73.57 KB, 1200x865, 240:173, 10501aed0d2b3ce4cc72ee7205….jpg)




Who has a team of 450?

e59ca6  No.7094441


Ooooh, 'bout time he was activated…

ecc37e  No.7094442



#2 Marker (Andrew McCabe)



23 Dec 2017 - 3:38:14 PM


23 Dec 2017 - 3:36:46 PM





? just a thought….

fe3a1a  No.7094443





Some notables were added late in bread, will add them to the next pastebin (updated)

e4027a  No.7094445

File: 120de7a9e7e91a6⋯.png (79.72 KB, 179x215, 179:215, ClipboardImage.png)



As Inspector General, Mr. Horowitz oversees a nationwide workforce of more than 450 special agents, auditors, inspectors, attorneys, and support staff whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in DOJ programs and personnel, and to promote economy and efficiency in Department operations.

e4b72d  No.7094446

The two second timers on this watch are out of sync.

Why does the top one shaw 59 seconds and the bottom shows 30 seconds?

e0c28a  No.7094447

File: b161e9cfd1fc1aa⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1409x823, 1409:823, ClipboardImage.png)

dfa78d  No.7094448



Just like face in watch? Scavino face in Santa?

adc58f  No.7094449

File: 14664c3e7cb901c⋯.jpg (205.34 KB, 1237x741, 1237:741, 8ch eppstein.jpg)



Former IT contractor for Jeffrey Epstein says he quit over concerns about revealing pictures and topless young women

e59ca6  No.7094452


that's a watch, not a clock.

58e078  No.7094453

File: 2a6196866c69f82⋯.png (122.55 KB, 340x261, 340:261, 2019-05-07_00-01-36.png)

fa183f  No.7094454

File: 64a765d9ce492c3⋯.png (276.84 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190719-013022.png)

File: 0814092ac7f4939⋯.png (330.54 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190719-013102.png)

File: d8762f8a761f765⋯.png (294.75 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190719-013116.png)

File: 7a2cef46c8e54cf⋯.png (324.99 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190719-013124.png)



good thinking anon

fe3a1a  No.7094455

anons will have to repost late notables next bread, dough baked

695160  No.7094457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f95444  No.7094458


Fuck off muh jew shill, it's obvious that those sick illuminati fucks worship old gods and just don't fit your DS social-engineered simple division by religion.

9975bb  No.7094460

File: be99232cc3d3e6b⋯.png (257.26 KB, 690x387, 230:129, be99232cc3d3e6b3ec66b77a03….png)




4259d7  No.7094463


qrb is your place to be

a68419  No.7094464


How do you format reply green text.

It really helps understand comments.

bd01cf  No.7094465

File: b325b7a230360e8⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1142x833, 1142:833, JULY2019.PNG)

>They are all playing at the same time.

695160  No.7094466

File: 42b1a66d564c52f⋯.png (25.21 KB, 457x203, 457:203, ClipboardImage.png)

f95444  No.7094467


Fuck your board, shill.

Anons will stay right here.

Divide and rule is not working anymore, mason pedo scum!

bdc82a  No.7094469

File: 3bd79aad53aa6c0⋯.png (341.88 KB, 1093x733, 1093:733, Selection_195.png)

File: da84cc95f86f84e⋯.png (89.92 KB, 526x640, 263:320, Selection_198.png)



the 2 subdials count time elapsed: top - hours/min, bottom - seconds. in the pic, 30 seconds has elapsed.


https://www.iwc.com/content/dam/rcq/iwc/15/34/31/6/1534316.pdf (P. 17 ←- )

fa183f  No.7094470



069522  No.7094471



930331  No.7094472


Define: BOOM

fa183f  No.7094473


Digits checked and digits checked.

f95444  No.7094474


Oh, did not know you replied to a muh jew shill,….yes, shills may leave to the shill board.

695160  No.7094476


30 is the seconds on the time not the timer, that's not running

bdc82a  No.7094478

File: f4164a3e1683d95⋯.png (519.25 KB, 1682x1225, 1682:1225, watch1.png)

e59ca6  No.7094479

Aight… we have 10 minutes before the first potential El Grande Habbening of the day.

fa183f  No.7094480


bd01cf  No.7094482

File: a5cb937e0e152bc⋯.png (523.33 KB, 818x617, 818:617, THESTORM.PNG)

a68419  No.7094486

File: 2e7a35d38eeca6a⋯.jpeg (416.09 KB, 1242x1678, 621:839, 7277DF35-CAA5-4161-A1BE-5….jpeg)


Creepy AF.

At some point (soon) …


f4a362  No.7094489


We're studying EPSTEIN now.

EPSTEIN and Maxwell are both JEWS.

We know this.

By studying JEW Epstein and his weird architecture - we notice that what JEW Epstein likes the same stuff as the Illuminati like.

bdc82a  No.7094493


yea, you're right. re-checked the manual. thanks.

3f0c1f  No.7094495


Today is also the 19th

I would put my money on something about

O.I.G hitting the news today.

695160  No.7094497

File: 3a3a6b26f420c54⋯.png (8.47 KB, 417x131, 417:131, ClipboardImage.png)

bd01cf  No.7094500

File: 1402cc304bcb5d1⋯.png (451.14 KB, 848x848, 1:1, GOD WINS.PNG)

4b9d50  No.7094501


30 days from tjhe 19th?

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