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Pro Aris et Focis

File: 01504a7bde073c6⋯.png (45.89 KB, 680x689, 680:689, 232.png)

3a8158 No.572365

We must work together to get 100k signers for our next #WeThePeople petition! Get in here and help us write our Internet Bill of RIGHTS!

>Learn the Gospel of the perfect tweet and teach it to others.

>The Ice cream method has been replaced by the Kekistani Airforce Graph.



2) PICK 1 OR MORE TARGET HASHTAGS (they are written on the targets)

Add whatever other hashtags you like:


* Something currently in the news

* Hijack something trending

* a short very popular hashtag (#News #MAGA #Fail #Fake #BREAKING etc.)

3)Tweet with URLs to Video or article score better.



Always add @POTUS or @realDonaldTrump to your tweet. This way, twitter can not block your tweet.


General flows FAST and is chaotic. That's why general fags are so magical. War Room Fags are expected to post the current graphs on general threads and remind the bakers to add them to the dough. Eurotw_tf@g is in Europe, so US War Room anons, pls make sure General stays informed.

Send a perfect tweet inviting others to join the #QAnon Twitter Storm. ADD THE Airforce Graph to the tweet. Once you sent it, pin the tweet to your profile.

it will be the 1st thing new Meme Warriors will see and retweet.

Twt twt twt RT RT RT RT email email fb fb fb ETC.


>NOTE 1:

Q: we must spread GEOTUS tweets further, as MSM is not reporting. QAnon is now gaining worldwide traction. Keep pushing the hashtag and add everything to it.

>NOTE 2:

Stick to THE METHOD. It leaves every anon total chaotic freedom to react to any event in EVERY way you like. Narrative change leaves anons freedom to adapt. New Target hashes will be provided regularly.

>NOTE 3:

NEVER EVER TWEET WITHOUT OUR HASHTAGS. If you see someone tweeting without hashtags, send them the graph and ask them to start using them.

>NOTE 4:

War Room will make graphs to show General how we the Hashes are doing.

<NOTE 5:

War Room has Special Opps teams They Boldly go, where no Pepe has gone B4. If you like a bit of adventure, join the special Opps.

Currently, Special opps is feeding red pills to negative shitposters on GEOTUS twatter feed. If you need new followers, THIS is how to get them. JOIN THE SPECIAL OPPS.

Petition team:

War Room helps Petition fags out making them graphs and stuff. Help the petition fags: VOTE and RT their tweets.

Enou[g]h=En[o]ugh. We need to operate as ONE. It doesn't matter which hashes are used. As long as we make em TREND. We did good, but we can do MUCH MUCH better.

[g]raph [p]roves [r]esult.

We will do our best to inform ALL anons. TY WRL2HU.

Where we go one, we go all.



Stay On Target, like each other's tweets, and RETWEET

Try a burner phone/Email Adds & Phone Auth

10 Minute Mail 10minutemail.com

try Twitterfall.com to see how far your tweets go.

Hashtag Trackers hashtags.org updates on the hour | trends24.in | tweeplers.com/hashtags/?cc=US

Always Add @realDonaldTrump or @POTUS To All Tweets

If Your Tweet Has @realDonaldTrump OR @POTUS It CANNOT BE BLOCKED


Meme AMMO Threads

Main Meme Library

Over 11,800 images from Memes#1 thru Memes #10


Here you can preview images, download single images, entire categories, or all.

Images Scaled for Twitter 1024 x 512

The same images, transformed in shape for optimal display on Twitter:


If you're going to drop on Twitter, this format will be more effective.

Twitter Format Ready Memes from War Room

718 selected images from the War Room >>47341 (OP) harvested from General #49-#63

converted to Twitter format. Topics listed in >>64154


Side by side graphs >>93735

Meme Threads >>247769

Fake news memes >>79768

Side-by-Side Graphics >>93735

Archive War Room 5: http:// archive.is/k1Pqf

Archive War Room 6: http:// archive.is/JBlZL

Archive War Room 7: http:// archive.fo/Lu1AT

6e1e92 No.572391

Thanks Baker! , I expected this.

3a8158 No.572451

Internet Bill of Rights

Thomas Jefferson pointed out in the Declaration of Independence, that #WeThePeople possess "certain unalienable rights" which we were given by our Creator. These rights are inseparable from us: they are part of our humanity. Freedom of Speech is one of these rights, and is implicitly protected in the Bill of Rights.

1)#WeThePeople hereby demand a legal framework be established to protect our unalienable rights in the modern age.

2)#WeThePeople hereby demand all communication traffic to be treated equally by parties that maintain, build, and develop communications infrastructure to include (but not limited to) cellular telephone providers, last mile infrastructure, and other products and services enabled by communications infrastructure to the furthest extent of the imagination.

3) #WeThePeople hereby inform the Government of the United States of America that our rights as citizens supersede non-legally binding agreements such as (but not limited to) TOS, EULAs, service clauses or other contractual stipulations.

3a8158 No.572475

If we have #1 we can sue entities that violate United States free speech laws.

#2 says what AT&T said but more.

#3 tells them that we don't care what they put on our screens that nobody reads or understands and it doesn't even matter because our unalienable rights supersede their garbage 'agreements'.

6e1e92 No.572509

Words of Eurtwtf@g




>>571763 (Draft of IBOR)

>>571869 (tips for the IBOR)


Notable posts


>>571831 (PUSH IBOR!)

>>571941 (AT&T, Our Guy?)

3a8158 No.572590


>(AT&T, Our Guy?)

Q heavily implies that they'll back this. Eurwtf@g didn't want to use their exact wording but #2 includes what they said (and more). I don't have a problem with their exact wording.

>don’t throttle, discriminate, or degrade network performance based on content

But we're supposed to be working together which means compromise so I changed it and asked for more because why not?

b8e016 No.572664

File: ed7c285a4d4d28b⋯.png (582.49 KB, 976x2080, 61:130, 91652[1].png)

I have been sent by >>572567

thank you .

This is what I present you as a draft. I am here upon Q's orders to Organize, at POTUS service.

6e1e92 No.572668


Mmm., same.., AT&T doesn't import a lot.., the priority is the #IBOR..

3a8158 No.572692


I think this might inadvertently include firewalls. Thoughts?

6227ed No.572768

Where does Gov get its Power?

What is a 'Petition'?

Can Gov have more Power than its Creator?

f1d179 No.572773


take the good ideas from the doc, add to the

one you are all working on.

If everything included in urs already,

just do the finishing touches, leave for Eurt to

review. She be back soon.

Rembr, creating this petition is only part.

Once launch, then must push, otherwise we

do this part, create IBOR, in vain. It's looking


6227ed No.572786

Does pres Gov have Power?

Q - Truth to power.

Does Gov have Truth?

If no truth then no Power - non?

3a8158 No.572787


>the priority is the #IBOR

I hear you, but just because the title is #IBOR doesn't mean we can't specifically target the important bit (the medium the internet exists on). If we only focus on the internet as it stands now we might screw future generations when something new exists and it's not covered by the 'internet' moniker. Calling it 'communications infrastructure' is pretty crafty since then the have to argue that something ISNT a piece of communications infrastructure and an easy test is obviously demonstrating communication with the medium in question. This could potentially cover everything from tin cans and bits of string to satellite comms.


Ok I figured out the one detail that would make this really good, change 'connector(s)' to User. It's established terminology, unless you have some reason to call it 'connector' like I do 'internet' and 'communications infrastructure'.

6227ed No.572820



why beg from antity that has no Power? puts under theri speyll

6227ed No.572837

why no jst Pray to the true Power and ask it be sorted - God Given - who has Power to take away?

3a8158 No.572842


God helps those who help themselves.

6227ed No.572852

its my Fathers birthday today. He passed back in 2006. miss him

6227ed No.572855


6227ed No.572879


no sure God wuld b 2 chuffed at me beggin to some artificial corrupt entity

6227ed No.572899

the Ops r levl multi - Spirit also

6227ed No.572908

No Deals

6227ed No.572933

God given rights will be upheld - thats it

b8e016 No.572940


I agree established terminology will be best. I thought about these two terms in debate for a while.

The thought at the time was the Connector is a user who chose to connect to the IOT. Once becoming the Connector the IBOR jurisdiction will kick in.

This was my logic at 2 A.M.

User seemed to be more malleable as a term in court as opposed to a defined direct connector.

That being said, your point is still not negated, As long as User is clearly defined in the declaration it would serve Ideally, as you are proposing.

6227ed No.572950

initially - transition phase

this anon cannot sign any petition

6227ed No.572977


Who Judges on Gods behalf?

Who claims that Jurisdiction?

6227ed No.572985

File: 230c706ec2d472b⋯.png (959.85 KB, 768x512, 3:2, 1aAbA.png)

6227ed No.573027


a living being is not subject to rules/codes of a fictional entity

6227ed No.573032


Fake constructs will be obliterated

6227ed No.573053

transition will be rqd - interim measures


please consider my cmnts anon and God Bless to ALL for their Wonderful efforts here


3a8158 No.573065


Thomas Jefferson pointed out in the Declaration of Independence, that #WeThePeople possess "certain unalienable rights" which we were given by our Creator. These rights are inseparable from us: they are part of our humanity. Freedom of Speech is one of these rights, and is implicitly protected in the Bill of Rights.

This delaration shall serve as a reminder of the great and innumerable powers granted to each and every human by our Creator. In addition, we remember and honor through precedent of this Declaration, the protections of the United States of America's, Bill of Rights.

1)#WeThePeople hereby demand a legal framework be established to protect our unalienable rights in the modern age.

2)#WeThePeople hereby demand all communication traffic to be treated equally by parties that maintain, build, and develop communications infrastructure to include (but not limited to) cellular telephone providers, last mile infrastructure, and other products and services enabled by communications infrastructure to the furthest extent of the imagination.

3) #WeThePeople hereby inform the Government of the United States of America that our rights as citizens supersede non-legally binding agreements such as (but not limited to) TOS, EULAs, service clauses or other contractual stipulations.


>We Demand Connector(s) Right to Privacy If They Choose.

Can be solved if competition is allowed, it's also important to remember that future tech will include more options which by demand will include everything you want in as many flavors as you can handle once real competition is allowed.

>We Demand that Once content is created it must remain, in its entirety on the global world wide network, unless

global world wide is redundant

>or until the creator decides to delete it themselves

Unfortunately this is unenforceable, think Streisand Effect.

>We Demand Connector(s) have the Right to Delete their Footprint to the best of their ability

This is unenforceable.

>We Demand Connector(s) Can Create Openly & Freely without Interference from any aspect or Access Point of the global world wide network.

Need to reword this but I like the idea.

>We Demand No such aspect of the global network shall be allowed to infringe on any other aspect or connector(s) right to access the global world wide network.

It would require the NSA to play ball and detect these attacks. Not saying it's not doable, just that it requires the NSA to play ball.

>This precedent set, shall allow us to proceed with Rule of Law regarding human rights when connected to the global world wide network, as connector(s) with this declaration as precedent we clearly are afforded our freedoms when we access the global world wide network

We can work with this too. How many characters do we get?

6227ed No.573118


800 i saw smwhr

6227ed No.573133


Order is better thn Demand (euk) (de anythin is bad)

6227ed No.573155

howe is regina?

f1d179 No.573181


I saw 800 also, but not sure characters or words.

6227ed No.573194

i apologise to anons for my outburst last night - info o/load n brain ready to xplode

6227ed No.573198


i recall char

6227ed No.573205


i.e space is a premium - concise wording reqd

3a8158 No.573212

Shit, 800 characters might as well be a book.

6227ed No.573225


thot i had - not sure if of valu - sep doc with definitions? as long as mentioned in doc - they need to refer definitions ?

6227ed No.573237

use as Learnign exercise tooooooo

definitions doc - with 'oor' definitions (((they))) cannot chnge

6227ed No.573259


any anon have crrnt status of US Inc?

6227ed No.573278


bnkrpt - ?

6227ed No.573286


recal smthin Pope removal o debt?

3a8158 No.573301

Here's a more condensed version. 669chars

This Declaration shall serve as a reminder of the unalienable rights granted to each and every American through the Bill of Rights.

1)#WeThePeople hereby demand a legal framework be established to protect our unalienable rights in the modern age.

2)#WeThePeople hereby demand all communication traffic to be treated equally by parties that and prohibit throttling, discrimination, or degradation of performance based on content.

3) #WeThePeople hereby inform the Government of the United States of America that our rights as citizens supersede non-legally binding agreements such as (but not limited to) TOS, EULAs, service clauses or other contractual stipulations.

3a8158 No.573314

Fixed. Char Count: 663.

This Declaration shall serve as a reminder of the unalienable rights granted to each and every American through the Bill of Rights.

1)#WeThePeople hereby demand a legal framework be established to protect our unalienable rights in the modern age.

2)#WeThePeople hereby demand all communication traffic to be treated equally and prohibit throttling, discrimination, or degradation of performance based on content.

3) #WeThePeople hereby inform the Government of the United States of America that our rights as citizens supersede non-legally binding agreements such as (but not limited to) TOS, EULAs, service clauses or other contractual stipulations.

6227ed No.573394

shall serve as a reminder of -> guarantees

mod >every American by God through the etc etc

mod >#WeThePeople - definition reqd

mod> all personal communication traffic be treated as private by ALL entities Public and Private. Violators MUST be punished in accord with Private Law.

citizens -NO! ROMAN!

6227ed No.573400


exellent draft anon - hope u dont mins my sggstns

fe31de No.573491


https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/establish-internet-bill-rights-protecting-1st-amendment-freedoms-encompassing-online-environments

3a8158 No.573497


>mod >every American by God through the etc etc

I think God will forgive us for not namedropping him this time.

>mod >#WeThePeople - definition reqd

Self explanatory imo, it's at the beginning of our Constitution.

>mod> all personal communication traffic be treated as private by ALL entities Public and Private. Violators MUST be punished in accord with Private Law.

This can only be enforced by things like encryption which is beyond the scope of the IBOR, with an IBOR however entities would have to respect encrypted traffic which means God wins. If you have good encryption, then it is physically impossible to read your communication if you are not the intended recipient. Third party services can compete based on what they can prove they're not saving or sharing.


Thanks for the help.

Made less bad again. Char Count: 646

This Declaration shall serve as a reminder of the unalienable rights granted to each and every American through the Bill of Rights.

1)#WeThePeople hereby demand a legal framework be established to protect our unalienable rights in the modern age.

2)#WeThePeople hereby demand all communication traffic to be treated equally and prohibit throttling, discrimination, or degradation of performance based on content.

3) #WeThePeople hereby inform the Government of the United States of America that our rights as citizens supersede non-legally binding agreements such as (but not limited to) TOS, EULAs, and other non-legally binding stipulations.

6227ed No.573507

File: f9986cadd978490⋯.jpg (137.28 KB, 1043x444, 1043:444, 3.jpg)

3a8158 No.573540


#2 cannot be enforced by words. you need encryption.

>other contractual stipulations

Needs to be removed because legally binding contractual obligations cannot interfere with your unalienable rights. You cannot agree your rights away.

Otherwise if you feel we really need to namedrop God we have the characters but I like my last iteration better. Thanks for getting an image we can share though, that will be vital for sharing in general and on twitter.

3a8158 No.573563

If we get

>2)#WeThePeople hereby demand all communication traffic to be treated equally and prohibit throttling, discrimination, or degradation of performance based on content.

People can make you software that works that way, but in the past, attempts to have secure encryption have been met with resistance. So you still get your #2 if we go with my #2 because my #2 allows me to make your #2 a reality if that makes sense.

6227ed No.573569



Contracts can not infringe on the individuals corpus - corpus 'the body' of the TRUST,

fiction is Public - Trust private

6227ed No.573577


do not claim the rights given and then abuse the giver

3a8158 No.573585


Your #2 cannot be enforced without encryption, sorry, I don't agree with it.

6227ed No.573615


why is encryption reqd?

who does it protect you from?

this world is going to change

(((they))) will play no part!

6227ed No.573664


Contracts for Man should all be Private - no corp can move into Private

3a8158 No.573669


This is a chance to get 100k individuals who do not necessarily feel the way you do about creation to sign a petition. We'd do best to remember we want the widest audience possible.


>why is encryption reqd?

Because IP, because commerce, because safe communications. You are using encryption right now. Even if you don't think you need it you're not in a position where you can make that decision for everyone. You're asking them not to look when I can guarantee they cannot look. I prefer my way.

>who does it protect you from?

Anyone with a computer.

>this world is going to change


>(((they))) will play no part!

Also agreed but irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

Count: 642

This Petition shall serve as a reminder of the unalienable rights granted to each and every American through the Bill of Rights.

1)#WeThePeople hereby demand a legal framework be established to protect our unalienable rights in the modern age.

2)#WeThePeople hereby demand all communication traffic to be treated equally and prohibit throttling, discrimination, or degradation of performance based on content.

3) #WeThePeople hereby inform the Government of the United States of America that our rights as citizens supersede non-legally binding agreements such as (but not limited to) TOS, EULAs, and other non-legally binding stipulations.

3a8158 No.573702

This Petition shall serve as a reminder of the unalienable rights granted to each and every American through the Bill of Rights.

1)#WeThePeople hereby demand a legal framework be established to protect our unalienable rights in the modern age.

2)#WeThePeople hereby demand all communication traffic to be treated equally and prohibit throttling, discrimination, or degradation of performance based on content.

3) #WeThePeople hereby inform the Government of the United States of America that our rights as citizens supersede non-legally binding agreements such as TOS, EULAs, and other non-legally binding stipulations.


622 Characters. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner


6227ed No.573708

corporations and legal are ALL Public

if corporations are allowed at all - they MUST treat in the Public unless they infringe on Man's rights.they do - then TRUST hammers em!

TRUST LAW protects the corpus

3a8158 No.573717


Trust but Verify, hence encryption, you're not going to convince me the internet doesn't require encryption.

6227ed No.573759




should the present system continue?

so it can then be manipulated by (((them)))?

and they do exactly the same thing all over agn?

go to the root!

6227ed No.573777

File: 230c706ec2d472b⋯.png (959.85 KB, 768x512, 3:2, 1aAbA.png)


God is not mocked!

3a8158 No.573780


What you are discussing is outside the scope of the current discussion, we're here to hash out less than 800 characters of what needs to be said, not establish in 800 characters the manner in which we should dictate ourselves now and in the future. Stick to the task at hand.

f1d179 No.573782


good points.

That petition is getting real sharp. See if you

can sharpen it a bit more, not sure u can, but


Get #InternetBillofRights in there somehow,

or good reason to leave out.

Maybe something simple/quick:

Original #BillofRights extends to an


b75fa1 No.573801


It's good for sure.

f1d179 No.573806

root? "Original #BillofRights extends to an


6227ed No.573822


Jurisdiction - who has the POWER to take away the rights that GOD gave?

f1d179 No.573824


that looks more than 800 chars. Is there anything

you see specific that should for sure transfer


6227ed No.573828


Who claims that power?

3a8158 No.573832


I will sleep on it and of course get Eurwtf@g's input when they return. I hope they understand that the BoR doesn't apply to non US citizens but if the US has a free internet then they have access to a free internet as well.

This Declaration shall serve as a reminder of the unalienable rights granted to each and every American through the Bill of Rights.

1)#WeThePeople hereby demand an #InternetBillOfRights be established to protect our unalienable rights in the modern age.

2)#WeThePeople hereby demand all communication traffic to be treated equally and prohibit throttling, discrimination, or degradation of performance based on content.

3)#WeThePeople hereby inform the Government of the United States of America that our rights as citizens supersede agreements such as TOS, EULAs, and other non-legally binding stipulations.


Char Count: 611


f1d179 No.573840

"God inspired the original #BillofRights, which

extends to an #InternetBillofRights."

6227ed No.573847


whomever claims that power will answer to God. Simple

6227ed No.573852



f1d179 No.573854



"God inspired the original #BillofRights, which

extends to an #InternetBillofRights."

b75fa1 No.573857


this is pretty good.

Do we want to try and get it all in one swoop and declare our reasons?

I'll repost this and see what you want to combine:

New attempt.

1)"#WeThePeople hereby inform the Government of the United State of an ongoing conspiracy to deprive citizens of their civil rights both natural and explicitly stated under the Constitution. Our freedoms of speech, free association, belief, spirituality, privacy in the home, etc. have been conspired against using algorithms across multiple platforms. We have evidence of this and it will be made available in full to the relevant offices and people.

Our natural rights extend to whatever medium may be used in their expression and enjoyment thereof. Accordingly, we demand to be made whole, and the force of the Original Constitution and Bill of Rights recognized to apply to all levels of society, including the utility we call the internet.

(((Corporations are people, right? Our government is made up of people. These corps bought influence with money from other members of government, right? Therefore the government DID deprive us of our rights.)))

2) #WeThePeople, demand our to be made whole, and that Our Government investigate this conspiracy, however deep it may go, and prosecute within the relevant legal framework.

3) A contract is unenforceable if one party does not understand, and also it must be an even and fair exchange between parties. Selling our data to third parties, censorship, violations of privacy, spying, and even physical violence in the form of "doxxing" and "shame-mobs" extend to the physical world, and have gotten people killed. As the internet is thoroughly embedded in the fabric of our society, and required in all aspects of our lives, the contract terms are no longer fair, and are very onerous. Accordingly, all parties are hereby on notice that all contracts in whatever form are hereby dissolved with relevant parties.

4) Therefore, #WeThePeople demand Our Government apply all relevant legal mechanisms to ensure a Free and Neutral internet

6227ed No.573882


perhaps the use of the wird 'usurped' within txt … then define 'usurped' in definitions doc?

wood meeen we can expand within definitions doc at will

3a8158 No.573887


Asking our gov't for god given rights doesn't sit right with me, they're our rights, I'm telling my govt that they're my rights and that I'm willing to defend them. I'm not asking my gov't for my god given rights, god gave them to me, I have to ask nobody as there is no higher authority.


It's too wordy, the nice thing about IBOR is everybody has their own reasons IBOR should exist and I think that discussion will help us get the signatures we need rather than define why we think we need them.

6227ed No.573906


>(((Corporations are people, right? Our government is made up of people. These corps bought influence with money from other members of government, right? Therefore the government DID deprive us of our rights.)))

corps are fiction - color of law - we want nothin to do with fiction entities.

corps created by sleight of hand - corrupt

submit them to Private Trust Law - they fkd

3a8158 No.573911

This petition needs to be as agnostic as possible to have a chance at the furthest reach, nothing matters more than getting this infront of someone who can help us realize this goal.

This Petition shall serve as a reminder of the unalienable rights granted to each and every American through the Bill of Rights.

1)#WeThePeople hereby demand an #InternetBillOfRights be established to protect our unalienable rights in the modern age.

2)#WeThePeople hereby demand all communication traffic to be treated equally and prohibit throttling, discrimination, or degradation of performance based on content.

3)#WeThePeople hereby inform the Government of the United States of America that our rights as citizens supersede agreements such as TOS, EULAs, and other non-legally binding stipulations.


Chars: 608


f1d179 No.573921


"God inspired the original #BillofRights, which

extends to an #InternetBillofRights."

Where is it asking? It is stating.

Be careful if leader, not to get others words

wrong, or they feel u are not LOOKING at their


6227ed No.573923


corrupt corps wi more influence thn gov - why we get lobbyists and flks like Shillry

b75fa1 No.573925


agreed. just uses their fiction against them. Trump's good a that.

6227ed No.573943


maybes we neeeed clarification frm abv on what was granted?

fe31de No.573951



Not trying to redirect but had to share… If you go to YT and type in Hillary Clinton 315 (due to the amount of plus signs available in the Q post) you will see a video by Obama speaking to HRC's emails on the Washington Free Beacon. If we can find the raw video of that… then we have another crumb for baking. Just a thought…

6227ed No.573952


internet rights are fiction - jst like inet

6227ed No.573959


Man has body - fictn is bits o papr

6227ed No.573967


produce the internet as a witness - hmmmmmmmmmm

6227ed No.573972


Corporatios are prob - so we move ALL to private trust law

b75fa1 No.573978

Worry about all that later. Get the people and the force of law involved now.

6227ed No.573983

I stood in a court and asked ACC (a council) to answer - a lawyr stood up - but not for long

ACC didnt appear!

6227ed No.573992



3a8158 No.573998

This Petition shall serve as a reminder of the unalienable rights granted to each and every American through the Bill of Rights.

1)#WeThePeople hereby demand an #InternetBillOfRights be established to protect our unalienable rights in the modern age.

2)#WeThePeople hereby demand all communication traffic to be treated equally and prohibit throttling, discrimination, or degradation of performance based on content.

3)#WeThePeople hereby inform the Government of the United States of America that our rights as citizens supersede agreements such as TOS, EULAs, and other non-legally binding stipulations.


Chars: 608


Who has problems with the soundness of these demands, if you want to talk about something that does not have anything to do with IBOR, make a new thread.

6227ed No.574000


magik - why they wear blk?

6227ed No.574020


if u want to spend ur time on legal shit - feel free!

6227ed No.574031


numbers tell

6227ed No.574096

Who created Lawyers?

What is the B.A.R. Association?

Who runs the BAR Assoc.?

What color robes do they wear?


What is Public Law?

What is a code?

Who are subject to the code?

What is a Corporation?

Public or Private?

Who owns ALL Corporations???

What is a Register?

What is a Record?

What is the difference?

6227ed No.574112




b75fa1 No.574116


Not trying to slide, genuinely curious as to nature and purpose if I'm undermining the effort.

Am I misunderstanding the point of all this? I worry I am.

The entire point of petitioning is to establish law and set precedent.

Are the rest of you seeing this as just a general "Hey, I'd really like it if the government would just install a free internet"?

Truly asking.

Because if you look at the https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/about it sure seems like they want us to show them which direction to go as far as a policy change. So if we mention we want them investigated and enough people sign it - there's a excellent chance Trump is going to push in that direction. And since we know the Dems are going down, It has an excellent chance of passing.

>>The right to petition your government is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United >>States Constitution. We the People is a platform that empowers the American public to take >>this action like never before – it’s a way for anybody, anywhere, to speak directly to the >>government and become an agent for change.

>>With We the People, you can easily create a petition online, share it, and collect signatures. >>If you gather 100,000 signature in 30 days, we’ll review your petition, make sure it gets in >>front of the appropriate policy experts, and issue an official response.

>>Petitioning has the potential to enact real change,

3a8158 No.574140


We have another 192 characters if we go with what I already rolled to talk about investigating and enforcement but I thought that particular aspect was outside of a straight 'internet bill or rights'.

f1d179 No.574146


This one my fav so far.

6227ed No.574155


What is Government?

What power does it hold?

Can Government wield more power than the individual?

Can you give away something you do not have?

Can you kill people?

Can the Government kill people?

Why are Governments wielding power they do not have?

The people are asleep.

How do we wake them up?


f1d179 No.574161


this one my fav so far.

6227ed No.574170


why beg?

a petition is a begging prayer!

3a8158 No.574182

I'm going to bed, see you all tomorrow.

6227ed No.574184

Who gives the Government power to do what they do?

Should those who give power to Gov. beg for 'stuff'?


6227ed No.574194


gn anon and GB

b75fa1 No.574208


This petition needs to be as agnostic as possible to have a chance at the furthest reach, nothing matters more than getting this infront of someone who can help us realize this goal.

This Petition shall serve as a reminder of the unalienable rights granted to each and every American through the Bill of Rights.

1)#WeThePeople hereby demand an #InternetBillOfRights be established to protect our unalienable rights in the modern age.

2)#WeThePeople hereby demand all communication traffic to be treated equally and prohibit throttling, discrimination, or degradation of performance based on content.

3)#WeThePeople hereby inform the Government of the United States of America that our rights as citizens supersede agreements such as TOS, EULAs, and other non-legally binding stipulations.


Chars: 608


Then this is excellent.

f1d179 No.574216


Eurt check this one out.

Hope ur coffee gd in morn. Gn.

b75fa1 No.574220


Using the old form I learned in civics class. Enough people petition together it's a demand.

6227ed No.574222


The Government cannot exist without the WILL of the people.

The poeple give it its power.

You cannot give away something you do not have!

6227ed No.574237



f1d179 No.574238


"Then this is excellent."


6227ed No.574262


What is a Will?

Last Will n Testament?

What about THE LIVING!

6227ed No.574270

Do living people not have will?

Is there such a thing as a 'Living Testament'?

6227ed No.574276


legal can only deal with the dead!

6227ed No.574296


conclusion - u wnt to be dead - agree wi anythin legal.

This anon and associates KNOW BETTER!

b75fa1 No.574306


You are letting perfect be the enemy of good enough. God knows my heart and intentions and it's not up to you to decide otherwise.

This needs to face the reality on the ground.

I understand what you are discussing, I do.

God given rights, were also called "Natural rights" That's why I phrased it that way. It passes both tests for both audiences. "Universal rights" is also similar but not as good.

We are dealing with brainwashed people, unless we can rally every older religious person to do this and get through the noise in the next few days, we have to craft for a wider audience. I don't know the timeframe but everything feels rushed to me now.

Throw two out there. Push one with God and One not. See how it does? Then we know which way to go if it fails.

6227ed No.574319


I KNOW Q would give support to this position!

6227ed No.574332

File: 2736e367e73b0b6⋯.jpg (13.14 KB, 259x194, 259:194, 3-6.jpg)

File: 91bb11722d7805d⋯.jpg (161.5 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Ephesians 6_12 2.jpg)

6227ed No.574348


if the message is corrupt - what outcome should we expect?

6227ed No.574369

do not think for one moment that TPTB are looking for help from anywhere possible… they are DONE!

6227ed No.574381

File: 5d002d616de1148⋯.jpg (198.89 KB, 754x500, 377:250, C7A.jpg)

6227ed No.574396

the SIGNS have already been given!

b75fa1 No.574405



Sua Sponte.

Go on, I'm listening. I can feel you may be onto something. I'm just too fried to follow.

6227ed No.574409

File: 34c3456bce966c9⋯.jpg (36.25 KB, 455x280, 13:8, 4.jpg)


TRUTH is our biggest ally!

6227ed No.574416


kno the feelin too wel anon - GB <3

6227ed No.574428

Q asked we bld a map - it shows corrpt structr

it is asupported by corporate fiction!!!!!

6227ed No.574432

remove the foundation - what happens?

6227ed No.574438


corporate is all legal - not law - legal


3a8158 No.574445


>You are letting perfect be the enemy of good enough. God knows my heart and intentions and it's not up to you to decide otherwise.

They are just sliding this thread.

6227ed No.574451

All corporations abolished already - by Pope!!!

were they warned?

you think Pope wrote his Moto Proprio just cause he felt like it?

3a8158 No.574455

This Petition shall serve as a reminder of the unalienable rights granted to each and every American through the Bill of Rights.

1)#WeThePeople hereby demand an #InternetBillOfRights be established to protect our unalienable rights in the modern age.

2)#WeThePeople hereby demand all communication traffic to be treated equally and prohibit throttling, discrimination, or degradation of performance based on content.

3)#WeThePeople hereby inform the Government of the United States of America that our rights as citizens supersede agreements such as TOS, EULAs, and other non-legally binding stipulations.


Chars: 608


b75fa1 No.574464


Classical anarchy. Not Antifa-style. Cooperative existence based on a person's integrity. Chaos. qresearch.

Now how does that apply to this internet bill of rights? I'm missing where you are going.

ea8e1a No.574472

1st covers it brah

Say hi to Malta


6227ed No.574473


The battle for Earth is over!

Now we in clean up ops.

Bad actors still here - but ops in hand to rmove.

The people need to see how they were decieved - if they SEE it - they will become angry - we need a gradual change to prevent riots etc.

02a698 No.574487

Hunt for red October

https:// wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/21/2113288_-os-canada-china-russia-mil-hunt-for-red-october-military.html

https:// www.networkworld.com/article/3260784/lan-wan/submarine-cable-boom-fueled-by-new-tech-soaring-demand.html

6227ed No.574530


What rights did God grant?

Those are what anyone can claim - what Jurisdiction are they under?

6227ed No.574534



6227ed No.574549

How many 'forms' of law are there?

What is Jurisdiction?

Are there 'levels' of law?

What is a Statute?

Who does it apply to?

b75fa1 No.574550


Free will.


So just declare oneself free and it shall be? How do you work that into the format? By placing God in the format. Son of a…

You're right. God has to be in there.

6227ed No.574566


Who creates Statutes?

What is a Rule?

What is Color of Law?

What does this imply?

6227ed No.574578

What is a Man?

Where does he live?

Does he have an address?

Does he have a 'title'?

Who confers 'Titles'?

Where do they get their POWER?

6227ed No.574592

Who does the BAR assoc serve?

Where is the BAR based?

Who controls that place?

6227ed No.574602



6227ed No.574607

File: 230c706ec2d472b⋯.png (959.85 KB, 768x512, 3:2, 1aAbA.png)

6227ed No.574622


the earthly part of the map is infused with their energy

but tha must change

6227ed No.574634


its the web that connects everything

6227ed No.574643


legal jiggery pokery

6227ed No.574650


wht u think they do wen the Real JUDICIARY show themselves?

51ac2e No.574658

File: ed6c3cdb2120366⋯.jpg (37.61 KB, 600x445, 120:89, soldiers of light_.jpg)

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB, 87x155, 87:155, wohletme[4].jpg)

go get em potus kick some ass,,, money is key take their power away

6227ed No.574662


timing is so important - ask Q!

6227ed No.574689

sending loving energy to the cherubim - and heading for some sleep. God Bless this bread and ALL who partake of its Wonderful Goodness! Where we go one, we go ALL.


b75fa1 No.574699


>>Who creates Statutes?

Legislature and executive in the Republic.

>>What is a Rule?


>>What is Color of Law?

Pretense of a right.

>>What does this imply?

All force exercise is a pretense at a right.

>>What is a Man?

Free will.

>>Where does he live?

Where he chooses.

>>Does he have an address?

>>Does he have a 'title'?

If he chooses.

>>Who confers 'Titles'?

Those who assign it.

>>Where do they get their POWER?

Allowance of their decree.

Thank you for that, I had been flagging.

The Bar serves lawyers. So, like public sector unions they serve themselves. And they're government granted.

So by playing the game we allow it occur.

Throw God in and it nullifies it's sting. So Push the original BOR under God. That's what I was pushing hard last night. Board decides, but I agree with you. Your logic is sound.

6227ed No.574724


magikal bro <3

6227ed No.574728


no homo lmao

3a8158 No.574734



We're writing a petition where we require 100k signatures, this is not a law, no magic wording will somehow 'free' us. The petition MUST be agnostic for reach.

d38a85 No.574744


#2 is bad. We don't need a petition for net neutrality

I'm confused why the petition needs to have all the details

The petition just needs to light the fire.

The board here provides the ideas.

Sign and push the petition that is started.

Put your ideas here and stop CIRCLEJERKING over 600 characters or less

Stop unnecessarily constraining the situation and dont slide the petition that is now out there

https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2

6227ed No.574751


great stuff anon!

keep it up!!!

GB <3

now bed - could not let the amazing effort go unacknowledged!

b75fa1 No.574761


Respectfully disagree. I've been real deep down the rabbit hole and Belief and Faith are a real, actual, rule set for this world. Beyond our common phrases. Free will is the natural state of things. Violations of free will are the worst karmic reaction.

I'll tag out though if you think it's sliding. Good night all.

d38a85 No.574762

File: 5a631aefe6dde2d⋯.png (2.86 MB, 2900x1632, 725:408, IBOR.PNG)

6227ed No.574763



6227ed No.574777


Oh - fired a few neurons! ty!!!!

3a8158 No.574858

These aren't Sovereign Citizen rules we're playing by, if it were, we wouldn't have Soverign Citizens.


You don't know what net neutrality is if you think #2 is net neutrality.

>Conservative voices on many large public website platforms are being censored, based solely on a differing opinion.

Wow, way to alienate half of your potential signers.

You want 100k sigs on this you'll have to get it on The_Donald, this won't move through tech forums of which there are thousands, your political ideology is irrelevant to IBOR.

>Put your ideas here

As was done.

>and stop CIRCLEJERKING over 600 characters or less

It's 800, and before it was nearly 1500 characters, (ineligible for submission).

>Stop unnecessarily constraining the situation

You need constraints so you know what you're asking for, that petition asks for nothing and doesn't attempt to solve the problem or open negotiations in a manner that shows the other party you are serious about solving the problem.

>and dont slide the petition that is now out there

It's doomed to failure for the aforementioned reasons.


I'm not here to discuss a grand unified theory of legal theory and magic words that free us. qresearch afaik is THE place to be to follow Q and do what you can to help. We were asked specifically to make #IBOR a thing and I've packaged it in a manner that you cannot nitpick mannerism. Q brought up AT&T's IBOR document linked here:

http:// about.att.com/story/consumers_need_an_internet_bill_of_rights.html

Which includes your 'needless net neutrality' statement.

This Petition shall serve as a reminder of the unalienable rights granted to each and every American through the Bill of Rights.

1)#WeThePeople hereby demand an #InternetBillOfRights be established to protect our unalienable rights in the modern age.

2)#WeThePeople hereby demand all communication traffic to be treated equally and prohibit throttling, discrimination, or degradation of performance based on content.

3)#WeThePeople hereby inform the Government of the United States of America that our rights as citizens supersede agreements such as TOS, EULAs, and other non-legally binding stipulations.


Chars: 608


You can get liberals to sign this, lol. This version is agnostic-ally memeable even.

b75fa1 No.574916


So call them natural rights. It means the same thing as God. Which is why they were phrased that way to begin with. That make it agnostic. if they believe they see it. if they don't they won't.

See? Satisfies both requirements.

Do as you will. Love to you all.

3a8158 No.574926


I have no problem calling them Natural Rights if such a notion must be included.

3a8158 No.574951

This Petition shall serve as a reminder of the Natural Rights granted to each and every American through the Bill of Rights.

1)#WeThePeople hereby demand an #InternetBillOfRights be established to protect our Natural Rights in the modern age.

2)#WeThePeople hereby demand all communication traffic to be treated equally and prohibit throttling, discrimination, or degradation of performance based on content.

3)#WeThePeople hereby inform the Government of the United States of America that our rights as citizens supersede agreements such as TOS, EULAs, and other non-legally binding stipulations.


Chars: 599


b75fa1 No.574969


Beautiful. Thank you.

I'm for.

3a8158 No.574970

It was 'unalienable rights' because it came from the previous anon. They were saying it because Jefferson referred to the Bill of Rights as 'unalienable rights'.

b75fa1 No.575004


That also means the same thing as "natural" or "God given".

Alienable - other able

Un-alienable no other may possess them.

God and self. Free wil

3a8158 No.575017


Let's sleep on it, no rush.

073da8 No.575304

I have little knowledge of law, however here is how I would write a petition for an IBOR. Not the IBOR itself but just the petition.

Petition for Internet Bill of Rights,

In order to secure our rights and preserve our more perfect union in this technological advancing world, WE THE PEOPLE demand that the our rights provided by GOD and the protections from government provided by our constitution be clearly and concisely written and secured to ensure that the rights of each and every human apply in large technological networks such as the world wide web, also known as the internet, and we demand the application of those same protections from government and those entities serving the public good.

Only when our rights are established and protections secured can WE THE PEOPLE prosper in a free and ever advancing society.

d53952 No.575537

Quit with the internet bill of rights. AT&T has already written it. It is a big corporate push for net neutrality.

The Digital Bill of Rights

1. Freedom - digital citizens have a right to a free, uncensored internet

2. Openness - digital citizens have a right to an open, unobstructed internet

3. Equality - all digital citizens are created equal on the internet…

http:// www.keepthewebopen.com/digital-bill-of-rights

This is from Congressman Issa, 2012. He is retiring this year.

Is this the AT&T version? Who knows? But you are in way over your heads when you start to write language to restrict how people can use the internet. That what the Internet Bill of Rights does, restrict the internet.

Q did not advocate this. He provided a link to AT&T and said careful who you follow.

AT&T is in merger talks with Time Warner, who owns CNN. You are literally shilling for Soros.

This will be opposed by newsrunners on the socials. It is hijacking the board by activists.

bf7cb1 No.575826




A bill of rights, sometimes called a declaration of rights or a charter of rights, is a list of the most important rights to the citizens of a country. The purpose is to protect those rights against infringement from public officials and private citizens.

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Protection of rights from governments and private citizens from prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech and the ability to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

It seems they have already broken our 1st amendment rights and we need to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Redress - remedy or set right (an undesirable or unfair situation).

What if it is not a Internet Bill of Rights

but Internet (Bill of Rights)

As Americans our 1st amendment rights are guaranteed by the Constitution but being trampled on by these private citizens and corporations.

We petition for redress.

f1d179 No.575886

File: a690fe558f1e7d5⋯.jpg (321.08 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Yoda2ndcoverSaborJpg.jpg)

0859c9 No.576006

If it's serious, where's the freaking link? Should be posted everywhere. First post at the top, bottom and in the message. Don't make people work to find something important. Force it in their face where they can't ignore it. POST IT EVERYWHERE

b3fab2 No.576118

File: 75218d1f1652f80⋯.jpg (436.91 KB, 783x1973, 783:1973, MAKEITRAINBOMBRUN.jpg)

So it looks as though when Q said "We are with you" they really did mean it, and we may very well be primed to unleash a twitter storm.

3 BOOMS left, how big a wave can we make each one?

b0a93a No.576694


Sophomoric. Plus, I don't use twitter or face book. Now, will you please release me so that I can return to the #710 thread I was so greatly involved in reviewing?

ad72a9 No.576760

File: f262cc005058ae1⋯.png (35.76 KB, 890x554, 445:277, Internet Bill of Rights I ….png)

File: f3da954e5074849⋯.png (590.03 KB, 684x991, 684:991, FireShot Pro Screen Captur….png)

File: a7777779b68deae⋯.png (188.56 KB, 1901x401, 1901:401, Arguments for Unalienble r….PNG)

File: d5f4f6c8fbf108c⋯.png (141.58 KB, 1897x312, 1897:312, Arguments for Unalienble r….PNG)


Well put, anon.

The existing IBOR Petition actually outlines all the major points of contention with regards to the relevant protections afforded by our unalienable rights. More importantly, there's a recent suit that’s been filed against Twitter on "free speech" grounds that’s based on settled SC precedents which certainly bears watching.

Given that we've already missed 2 chances at this, perhaps we can all agree that further discussion on generating a separate Internet Bill of Rights is a time suck & re-focus our efforts on getting folks to pressure the powers that be to prevent further infringement upon the 1A & 4A.

Pics & sauce related

https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2

http:// www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/02/23/free-speech-suit-aims-prevent-twitter-blocking-users-based-political-views/

http:// unalienable.com/unalien.htm

e114c2 No.577081


That was my thought too and why I didn't push for this on twitter. I don't recall AT&T having my best interest in mind when they were throttling my unlimited cell phone plan.

6e205d No.577087

"Mar 06 2018 11:14:45



Drop the video! Play it in times square.

Mar 06 2018 11:17:11





Stage set?

Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc are regulated?

MSM is controlled?

Use logic!

Trust the PLAN.


Indeed. Do any of you remember when AE911 played a video in Times Square depicting the smoking gun?

https:// www.villagevoice.com/2013/10/15/times-square-billboard-calls-for-independent-investigation-of-9-11-and-the-people-speak/

Yes, best to trust the plan.

e114c2 No.577114

FreedomWorks has some good pushes and that's an extra 1/2 million people. They have a digital bill of rights section: http:// www.freedomworks.org/issue/digital-bill-rights

6e205d No.577151


Being brainwashed since birth, most cannot expand their thinking and find a red pill such as this, hard to swallow.

To get the message to masses in acceptable form requires familiar delivery thru trusted sources. Am I advocating takeover of MSM?

Why was Hitler loved and held in high esteem by the entire world? What was Hitler truly fighting against? What happened once the world flipped?

Why is DJT pandering to Netanyahu and Israel?

51122a No.577154

Good day and God Bless to ALL anons <3

51122a No.577163

few thoughts following IBOR stuff - the doc being petition is OK - just meme no sign it!!

also a thot - jugde nana nov reiceiger kalasa

51122a No.577168


ask her to draft

6e205d No.577171


These questions taken together, provide the answer to the last.

51122a No.577174


make sense?

51122a No.577181



and thats what we need!

2f4d1e No.577204


Thank god people finally are paying attention to the length.

These needs to be at a 9-10th grade reading level

#2 was written by clowns and you listened to them. This makes it illegal to stop them from DDOSing you. Think about this some more.

You have nothing to prevent them from stealing your privacy here.

51122a No.577213


my interp ws a bit too confined cause aye like CANNON LAW best!

51122a No.577217


aan if ye went a shot herd - canon is best round the world

51122a No.577220


cannons r LOUD

51122a No.577225


VAT man uses cannon law all the time tick tock

51122a No.577226

cannon law = devine principles

51122a No.577241

File: e13f4d9bf253768⋯.jpg (62.15 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 1aAAAAa.jpg)

d38a85 No.577247


>You don't know what net neutrality is if you think #2 is net neutrality.

#2 is net neutrality. Best way to convince someone you know what you are talking about is to directly attack their intelligence, right? How very shill like of you.

>Conservative voices on many large public website platforms are being censored, based solely on a differing opinion.

>Wow, way to alienate half of your potential signers.

You don't seem to understand what alienation is. Conservative voices are being censored, this is a fact. Are liberal voices being censored? No. A valid example of Alienation would be if it was stated that conservative voices were more important, or attempted to blame liberal voices for this censorship. Nothing alienating is written. You seem to have a problem with the use of a word in our petition. A good analogy here would be if the term mankind was used in the petition, to which the above argument from you would be… way to alienate half of your potential signers? I think not.

>It's 800, and before it was nearly 1500 characters…

Proceeds to circlejerk on 608 characters.

>It's doomed to failure for the aforementioned reasons.

I disagree anon. You are welcome to launch another petition, but stop shitting on the petition that is currently there.

51122a No.577255


uses there oan tools agnst em :)

very apt :)

3a8158 No.577283



>#2 was written by clowns and you listened to them. This makes it illegal to stop them from DDOSing you. Think about this some more.

Not all speech is protected speech. If you think AT&T doesn't use firewalls I don't know what to tell you. If you think service providers don't use firewalls I don't know what to tell you, if you think firewalls are forced to discriminate on content, I don't know what to tell you. There's plenty of other criteria to ban traffic by like rate of accessing said service.

>Conservative voices are being censored, this is a fact. Are liberal voices being censored?

You're a dipshit if you think this is still Conservative vs. Liberal. I'm a liberal, I'm here, and your point is moot.

>Proceeds to circlejerk on 608 characters.

Proceeds to not understand character limits.

>I disagree anon. You are welcome to launch another petition, but stop shitting on the petition that is currently there.

Where's the memes? I frequent this board and guess what, you have no momentum. Your petition is DoA.

3a8158 No.577287

If you want to argue communists don't get censored then great, I agree. But communists don't give a fuck about IBOR or the Constitution.

3a8158 No.577299

And you are ultimately missing the point. A lot of programmers are liberal or simply dont give a fuck(anarchists, technocratics) so by raising the bar in your Petition to only include Conservatives immediately alienates a large portion of your potential base that WOULD care about IBOR even if they don't agree with you philosophically on other issues.

51122a No.577309

File: f3b1ba7ec55e96b⋯.jpg (245.06 KB, 1053x693, 117:77, pet.jpg)


using cannnon would destroy everything they do!

pic related

51122a No.577312

File: 2736e367e73b0b6⋯.jpg (13.14 KB, 259x194, 259:194, 3-6.jpg)

File: 91bb11722d7805d⋯.jpg (161.5 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Ephesians 6_12 2.jpg)

d38a85 No.577321


So fast to respond anon

You must always be here

I have no further argument for you to consume, enjoy victory on your character limits.

51122a No.577328

the corrupt legal system s the web of the spider

51122a No.577331


cannon law only used within VAT - so they can keep all the secrets!!

51122a No.577337

think Big

think BiGGer


51122a No.577350


cud hv sm grate cannnnon memes

51122a No.577366

cannon law - setting you free!

who aint gonna wanna sign that??

51122a No.577374


and sets the scene for the next act

51122a No.577381

thts me thots - gon 2 c wht they up 2 - bbl


3a8158 No.577421


No please keep going, it'd be helpful to compile every possible argument against it so that it can be further refined.

3a8158 No.577468


Because if we don't they will.

fe7a64 No.577586


Luke 14:26

26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple. 27 And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

d5ad72 No.577853

File: 722ed213d03e8b3⋯.jpg (74.16 KB, 647x527, 647:527, 1aA2.jpg)

d5ad72 No.577858

File: 69d7c27ddfc57ce⋯.jpg (39.24 KB, 449x317, 449:317, 1aA2a.jpg)

629056 No.577876

#2 just doesnt work with the term throttle. there are too many other ways to break this. they could misdirect packets,, drop packets, send fake server messages and insert fake packets. the equal treatment of data prevents regulation of spam, viruses and ddos. it would be better to treat the wording of number #2 as if we were protecting free speech (because we are) rather than regurgitating from net neutrality, which potus has already said to be bad. there is also no privacy clause. you can fix this with forcing an opt out for personal identifying data protection

d5ad72 No.577902

File: 42ecf4dc68b83fc⋯.jpg (489.65 KB, 1080x1470, 36:49, tesla.jpg)

think spiral not O - with 7 spins


oh just as a matter of interest

my number is


d5ad72 No.577906


specific board to drop this?

d5ad72 No.577982

File: c43729a6c9b75a4⋯.jpg (75.85 KB, 659x356, 659:356, 1aA2b.jpg)


found this lying around - might be of help to some Nobody

d5ad72 No.578027


a gentle reminder - we are not here to apply sticking plasters!

d5ad72 No.578039


God Bless ALL who serve <3

d5ad72 No.578067


very sn UNITY and magnified POWER - tick tock

d5ad72 No.578073


3a8158 No.578103


I tried to specify 'deserialized format of data structures' as free speech but I was told it's too complicated.

3a8158 No.578121


Also SCOTUS has to be convinced that whatever we're calling 'free speech' is actually speech. They're kind of assholes like that.

3a8158 No.578155

https:// www.supremecourt.gov/oral_arguments/argument_transcripts/2017/16-111_f314.pdf

Here is the oral transcript of a recent 'free speech' case the SCOTUS heard. You will find they argue that creating a cake is not considered speech and the individual representing the MASTERPIECE CAKESHOP, LTD. must argue that it is speech and that the individual cannot be compelled to speak.

2f4d1e No.578578


Ok I've thought about this for a while.

"#WeThePeople hereby demand that our data, in its many forms, be recognized as an expression of our first amendment rights, and provided the same rights and freedoms from interference and obstruction."

This allows us to leverage everything already in the first amendment which is really what we are aiming for.

3a8158 No.578581


I really like this. I'm not married to #2.

2f4d1e No.578583

There still also needs to be a data retention clause. We cannot allow them to retain our private data without permission

3a8158 No.578595


That can be fixed via competition imo, I'm not sure that is actually enforceable in the modern age. Things like metadata are required for internet protocols to exist. There are also data retention laws.

2f4d1e No.578607

"Providers of a Public Internet Forum or Service must allow users to opt out of personally identifiable information data collection."

We need something like this. Facebook,Google and Twitter use this against us for censorship.

2f4d1e No.578614

"personally identifiable information"

This is a legal term meaning uniquely identifiable to a person.

2f4d1e No.578644

1)#WeThePeople hereby demand an #InternetBillOfRights be established to protect our Natural Rights in the modern age.

2) #WeThePeople hereby demand that our data, in its many forms, be recognized as an expression of our first amendment rights, and provided the same rights and freedoms from interference and obstruction.

3)#WeThePeople hereby inform the Government of the United States of America that our rights as citizens supersede agreements such as TOS, EULAs, and other non-legally binding stipulations.

Still need a data clause, but as it is this is pretty good.

3a8158 No.578657


I like it, have to think about the data clause some more. PII is a good idea, it's already defined and it's already protected in some instances.

b75fa1 No.579109


Looking sharp. How about at the end of 3 - something to the effect "all data is property of it's owner in perpetuity with all rights attached".

86449c No.579201

yep looking sharp.

didn't like to see some of the bickering

to get it here, but prob was necessary.

Try b nice to each other, we have so few

helpers. If one leaves, who knows what

could have been?

Q uestion? Does this draft prepared help this:

Stage set?

Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc are regulated?

MSM is controlled?

Use logic!

Trust the PLAN.

and how?

ed4eb1 No.579203

https:// www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Bill-for-the-United-States-Congress


b097c7 No.579274

File: 44d777d7cb419d5⋯.jpg (1006.55 KB, 871x1272, 871:1272, IMG_5859.jpg)

File: 098c676879c5c78⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 1125x831, 375:277, IMG_5860.jpg)

File: 6f8bbce033954aa⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1125x842, 1125:842, IMG_5861.jpg)

File: 197130f07ba14a6⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 1125x1495, 225:299, IMG_5862.jpg)

File: 5d62d52aee0f32d⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1125x1497, 375:499, IMG_5863.jpg)

I came across this a week or so ago. I'm not sure if it's relevant, but it talks about surveillance and stuff like that.

86449c No.579372



TY good info,

b097c7 No.579398


I just took some pictures of what I thought was the most relevant. The full article is 35 pages.

3a8158 No.579424


To set the stage you need 100k signees, to get 100k signees you need an agnostic petition(memetically, politically, religiously).


Dunno, Q said to do and then said to trust the plan, here we are. Round 2 is doing poorly and alienates a bunch of potential signers.


Are we actually trying to write a Bill? Not enough characters methinks.


Oh boy, if we're trying to include PII to include signals and other things emitted naturally in everyday life to try and combat video surveillance as well…well shit, it's a good idea but doesn't necessarily fall in the scope of this but I don't know. I don't actually know how to beat facial recognition tech without deliberately tricking it or wearing a mask. The tech isn't going back in the proverbial box so it's something we'll have to deal with.

3a8158 No.579436

Wow, who knew, writing up a petition for IBOR isn't easy or straightforward. /s

6e1e92 No.579438



b097c7 No.579466

https:// psv4.userapi.com/c834700/u454527938/docs/d11/4daa219eed9a/National_Geographic_USA_February_2018.pdf?extra=vKWwS40kHYKyUORlRJbwl0IhB_JIMu8-hHu9-TLt9RXF_ZEXX3ZfiQ3FPzYfPfDJOC0E0_wqvPerNQ3c5sBkhVAhtLPuGbXtmGfsGes5HEQXzjjPKN1tuAnGYZRv0A

Here's a link to a pdf of the issue.

6e1e92 No.579480

New Q post., PUSH for the #Internetbillofrights

1549d8 No.579853

do we have any meme soldiers here?

we NEED #internetbillofrights trending now

1549d8 No.579861


Agreed. Who can arm the memes?

I am ready to post like a madman

1549d8 No.579883

File: 53a156319eb1650⋯.jpg (19.64 KB, 568x426, 4:3, Facebook-Emotional-Manipul….jpg)

1549d8 No.579897

File: 49f51f623a2b9bc⋯.jpg (73.88 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, o-SOLOVE123-facebook.jpg)

1549d8 No.579932

File: c779768d1be3914⋯.jpg (289.51 KB, 1100x732, 275:183, 00s.jpg)

1549d8 No.579952

File: 67b0346547badb7⋯.jpg (186.01 KB, 751x499, 751:499, 1.jpg)

3a8158 No.579964


We are going LIVE -24 [comb your hair].


This scares them more than anything.

Loss of control.

Use logic.

Nothing to do w/ AT&T.

Must be regulated to prevent censorship & narrative push.


https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/579039.html#q579914

1549d8 No.579965

File: 248e0e4504318a7⋯.jpg (86.25 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 2.jpg)

1549d8 No.579970

if these are shit let me know

86449c No.580028

File: 9d92a479cb4d9d1⋯.jpg (73.75 KB, 1054x512, 527:256, Qtrying.jpg)


shoot this twice each

3a8158 No.580034

File: 1641f5db3d86f50⋯.png (937.3 KB, 1400x600, 7:3, ibor1.png)

1549d8 No.580070


money right here. locked and loaded

86449c No.580073


its good, add


and twt it

always include:





or let me know i twt it for you.

sometimes attacking fb might get person

banned, so try stay back from the ban line.

what good are we if we are banned?

1ee8f0 No.580082

WOW… this place filled up FASSST.

hi anons.

1549d8 No.580090



86449c No.580095

File: a690fe558f1e7d5⋯.jpg (321.08 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Yoda2ndcoverSaborJpg.jpg)

86449c No.580103

wb eurt, q post #.

we are about to twt storm, i think.

3a8158 No.580106


Hey Eurt, we're refocusing on Petition #2. #3 is in the bag if we need it.

These liberals might be interested in helping us out.

https:// medium.com/@mayoredlee/fighting-for-open-and-equal-internet-dc27bca1485f

1549d8 No.580108

File: 0b0480e75c3f71e⋯.jpg (125.1 KB, 666x434, 333:217, 3.jpg)

86449c No.580129

load all your IBOR memes into quiver.

Slowly gracefully twt them not fast, not slow,

through out day.

Add some truth or cool links, pertinent to our


always add:





to your twts until you hear different.

1549d8 No.580144

File: 230e7bdd7ef6c77⋯.jpg (70.11 KB, 553x360, 553:360, 4.jpg)

1549d8 No.580169

File: 335dbd90a4a2e48⋯.jpg (105.5 KB, 920x382, 460:191, 5.jpg)

1549d8 No.580191

File: ea8879c07247b7d⋯.jpg (103.25 KB, 750x499, 750:499, 6.jpg)

86449c No.580200


"https:// medium.com/@mayoredlee/fighting-for-open-and-equal-internet-dc27bca1485f


what are their major ideas, mayb there is a

gem, and if we include, more support.

3a8158 No.580201

File: 54150b1cfcac9e3⋯.png (686.7 KB, 994x559, 994:559, ibor2.png)

1549d8 No.580216

File: a06445dac43f171⋯.jpg (56.81 KB, 800x365, 160:73, 7.jpg)

3a8158 No.580223


They want free and open internet, which is basically what we want. They're still assmad about Net Neutrality so if we can convince some liberals to ignore the Conservative victim bullshit in the petition it could spread far enough on both sides.

It's not hard to convince a liberal they're victims.

86449c No.580231


humbl suggestion.

"by writing into laws that govern the internet and

protect users."

add #InternetBillofRights

twt, ask for RT from your frens and fam.

c29224 No.580232

File: 3a55bb1ab1abd37⋯.png (898.94 KB, 517x881, 517:881, aestheticcybercrusadepsalm….png)


Been doing my part since Q's latest drop. There are many others fighing the good fight, it seems. Let's see how well we've trended it after we've been at if for awhile. For the time being, fire the meme canons at will and without waver!

86449c No.580240


not #IBOR


1549d8 No.580243

File: 3f0e9cdc32c44ef⋯.jpg (80.8 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 8.jpg)

3a8158 No.580251



<Would it have fucking killed you all to pick a shorter hashtag.

1549d8 No.580271

File: 0a90935a7d0b31d⋯.jpg (113.59 KB, 809x455, 809:455, 9.jpg)

86449c No.580273


if we can use their words exact , because its so much

like our words, then sometimes make frens.

jus a miracal shot, but sometimes they work, lol

1549d8 No.580282


i dont have a ton of followers.. maybe 100

i can add internetbillofrights

c29224 No.580301

File: 0eb56986996de3d⋯.png (64.23 KB, 1094x508, 547:254, ibor.PNG)




Nice spike. Don't let up. Don't let them silence us.

86449c No.580304


save us some work, add the hash to the

graphic and make it huggeee.

1ee8f0 No.580310







heavy shilling here, who let the roaches in?

thank you for your input. sorry i.m late. personal issues.

DAMN had a LOT of reading to do.


1549d8 No.580325

File: 004a6bc4f28ad3f⋯.jpg (116 KB, 809x455, 809:455, 9.jpg)

86449c No.580328


Doesn't matter amnt followers, that will grow.

Provide them truth, with sauce and they will

be informed.

Ask for help, and some will help, just ask

them to RT.

Sometimes RTs get RTd by bigger fish

down the way.

86449c No.580340


Ty for graph, please post graph every 20 min,

if you would.

1549d8 No.580370

File: f25c8045a4c23b3⋯.jpg (129.9 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 10.jpg)

86449c No.580382


nice one, TY

86449c No.580396


lil to much black panther, to old, current plez

1549d8 No.580405

1ee8f0 No.580413

have read all your text variations very proud

and have arrived with a gift to make our life simple.

Look what i found:

Universal declaration of Human Rights.

Art. 19: >Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.


simple huh? how about we steal it and stick it into our text?

we have this:


Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.


"all data is property of it's owner in perpetuity with all rights attached".


Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.


If there is a bit of space left, a bit of introduction.

is 663 max caracters allowed????

3a8158 No.580438


We're pushing #2, Q said to push it and since ours isn't done he's obviously referring to #2.

86449c No.580489

good coffee, hope urs is too.

I have not decided which strategy i like best,

petition wise,

but I am pushing hash #InternetBillofRights

1549d8 No.580494

File: 9e245025b770c3e⋯.jpg (164.84 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 11.jpg)

86449c No.580514


cute, but make the graphic pertinent to hash.

1ee8f0 No.580528



>this is ibor2, right? the one you are currently pushing?

GREAT hash exposure,,, but the text of #ibor2 sucks.

ppl dont understand this:

—-IBOR2 text—

Internet forums and social networks which provide free access to the public are a digital place of assembly, and individuals using such methods for public communication should not be subjected to censorship due to political beliefs or differing ideas. Conservative voices on many large public website platforms are being censored, based solely on a differing opinion. Some of these platforms further employ tracking mechanisms for monitoring an individual's digital history, which can be used to censor the individual's public communication through various censorship practices, sometimes without knowledge or awareness. These actions directly violate personal liberty and stand at contrast with the bill of rights.

We the people demand action to bring our digital future into the light.


drafts for #ibor (NEW) are far better and to the point.

Let me try and mix up the thing you made and ask your feedback. pls gimme a sec.

WOW did Q tell to push it again?

damn . we're honored. sorry took so long, my sweet cat died yesterday evening at the vets and i guess we're a bit of a wreck here every now and then. everyone has it "stuff in the basement " huh? haven had a chance to read up on Q, came str8 here/

1549d8 No.580548

File: 5292c6bf638bb82⋯.jpg (189.13 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 12.jpg)


3a8158 No.580556


It's too late to change it until #2 has expired, when it's closer to that time we'll reconvene and get our shit together, until then we have to focus on #2, I don't like #2 either but it doesn't matter what I like.

Here's some shit for the furfags. Trying to make memes that go to other fandoms and shit. Might have to make R&M memes too.

3a8158 No.580568

File: 5bc59759123cd03⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1200x687, 400:229, furries_ibor.png)

Forgot to attach meme you all never knew you didn't want until now.

86449c No.580591


not to worry, when u r busy ppl around here

picking up slack. They can b harsh but they

can also think great thoughts. We need all

help we can get.

86449c No.580595


whoa spot on, TY, using that.

1549d8 No.580610

File: a1fb82308eadd62⋯.jpg (112.23 KB, 773x500, 773:500, 13.jpg)

86449c No.580625


ok now put some current news on it like a

good trump twt or something ppl should know.

3a8158 No.580643


It can't be too busy.

86449c No.580648


Hmm no, need graphic to match hash better,

unless I'm not seeing the connection.

86449c No.580654


who says?

86449c No.580656

File: 6bc1014171a3688⋯.jpg (144.7 KB, 762x415, 762:415, BeholdThe1991bookadded quo….jpg)

86449c No.580665

File: a935dba0d52e18e⋯.jpg (518.47 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Ginsb3.jpg)

86449c No.580671

File: a590b33fd27d5b4⋯.jpg (248.29 KB, 643x472, 643:472, humaA.jpg)

3a8158 No.580681


Says the short attentionspan of the population and the general effectiveness of memes. Meme's != infographic

1549d8 No.580707

File: 4ad8ac3790bea16⋯.jpg (146.95 KB, 715x468, 55:36, 14.jpg)

e0892e No.580729

The rise of the digital frontier has radically transformed human society in ways never imagined even a generation ago. The internet is now the main avenue for human communication and commerce. Websites such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter have become the public squares of the 21st century and Amazon and Alibaba have become our marketplace. These corporate institutions now wield tremendous power over activities vital to the functioning of society. This power must come with the responsibility of upholding the rights and principles that America was founded on. We the people call for an Internet Bill of Rights to safeguard our freedoms in the digital world against infringements by corporations and other private institutions

Such a bill of rights should:

Guarantee the freedom of speech, religion, the press, as well as the freedom of assembly upon any public online forum.

Guarantee the free flow of information by requiring algorithms and other filtering methods to be disclosed to the users of a forum. The user should be given control of what they are allowed to see.

Limit the ability of private institutions to track citizen’s online presence outside of their own domains.

Safeguard the private communications of citizens against data collection and data mining by private institutions offering these communication services.

Provide legal recourse to those whose natural rights are infringed upon by these private institutions.


here's something I wrote. Framed it as safeguarding the natural rights of the people vs. private institutions. hope some of it helps

1549d8 No.580768

File: 060e4cfa3330d8a⋯.jpg (157.42 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 15.jpg)

86449c No.580803


nice one, imo add a link that informs the

audience some good news with a pic like that.

86449c No.580833

File: 31272f25b8be149⋯.jpg (206.51 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ObamaPreistJpg.jpg)


3a8158 No.580843


Literally stop giving meme advice.


Nobody is reading this.

c05f4d No.580858

File: 20a6c7c469b1429⋯.jpg (659.79 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, IBOR1.jpg)

File: 98a230946dead3b⋯.jpg (690.62 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, IBOR2.jpg)

File: 488a42c05dfcb4e⋯.jpg (374.34 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, IBOR3.jpg)

86449c No.580862


"Nobody is reading this."

lol i bet u did.

I know others who have.

1549d8 No.580872


i read it

1549d8 No.580893

File: 4431660fdbcde75⋯.jpg (69.07 KB, 647x350, 647:350, 16.jpg)

86449c No.580905




Hey Eurt, I have errands. Watch out for this one:


might be a divider.

Do you recognize them? I don't.

Lots of disrespect for some1 we don't recognize eh?

1549d8 No.580909

File: ba50f71ae9dd21a⋯.jpg (137.7 KB, 815x400, 163:80, 17.jpg)

c05f4d No.580940

File: aa42714d2bb7401⋯.jpg (499.32 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, IBOR4.jpg)

Might be a few days early with this one

3a8158 No.580957


>Recognizing an anon

>Making claims based on feelings.

What the actual fuck.


No humor.

No aesthetic.

No theme.

Looks generated tbh.


That has been a consistent problem throughout the Q-event.

e9f805 No.580966

Why not sign an Executive Order to accomplish what IBOR would? Not trying to blackpill but it's obvious the petitions will go nowhere, and the hashtags will just be censored or shadowbanned. 9/11 and PG showed that no matter how much we signal, those with power don't give a fuck.

1549d8 No.580990

File: 585a3a96540f09e⋯.jpg (189.37 KB, 800x500, 8:5, A.jpg)

3a8158 No.581010


If it's censored then I'd think they've seriously crossed the line on our right to assemble. Someone said that playing favorites like this would lose them some kind of legal protection. The libs were able to protest Net Neutrality and if we are unable to assemble for IBOR that's kind of a smoking gun imo.

c05f4d No.581015

File: 5f2c830ccc6954f⋯.jpg (346.76 KB, 1400x700, 2:1, IBOR5.jpg)

fb97a6 No.581021


C-link re: The BRIDGE?

8853d3 No.581051

Now dropping opposition to IBOR after very clear guidance from Q.


This is nice, anon.

The Constitution Bill of Rights is plain language. The plain language invites people to support it, to hold government to it. Its written for the people.

The text here is plain like this as it gives guidance, not precise instruction. We expect government to fulfill what is written, now lawmakers interpret it into law.

8853d3 No.581132


Perhaps anons here should write the thing (I was wrong), plainly readable, then demand government and industry follow it. Pass it around, make it viral, then if violated its WTF from we the people. Like we get pissed off over being searched without a warrant, because the Constitution says.

e9f805 No.581225


They just censored (thousands?) of right-wing Youtube and Twitter accounts last week. They said "oops it was a mistake" in the news and everyone shrugged it off. No doubt it was on purpose.

As someone who was part of the largest public protests in history (2003 anti Iraq war) I learned that protests and this type of organization doesn't. fucking. work. When MILLIONS of people around the world stood up, it had NO IMPACT AT ALL. There's no way that an online petition is going anywhere if MILLIONS IN THE STREETS didn't do shit.

e9f805 No.581240

So yeah…why not an EO?

3a8158 No.581251



You mean a Pre-Trump era.


Because a Bill of Rights from an EO is a dictatorship, duh. It's Congresses job to legislate not POTUS.

e9f805 No.581270


OK then, GL with that.

3a8158 No.581272


Thanks, see you at 100k.

c55814 No.581273


Who was in control then? Our voices didn't matter then. The power is back with with We the People and the Patriots fighting for us.

e9f805 No.581284


>a Pre-Trump era.

as if congress is any different today than in 03.

c51305 No.581294

Clearly the 4th Amendment states the people shall be secure and free from search or seizure in their houses, papers and effects….. which would extend to the use of the Internet, our computers, cell phones, etc. perhaps just a petition for the Supreme Court to make it clear to the public, Congress and Law Enforcement so violations can be quickly charged and litigated.

3a8158 No.581313


>Someone didn't watch SOTU

>Someone didn't listen to the USA chants

>Someone didn't read Q's post about those who were chanting being free.


4A is underrated for sure. Encryption enforces 4A on networks you do not control.

8559e0 No.581360

Trying to find the hashtag graph but having zero luck. I see the 'The hashtags on airplanes.." and all that, but…which airplanes?

2e4d17 No.581413

File: acdd7fbc0a11eb7⋯.jpeg (118.26 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 28853C7E-7F0E-4A64-ABD7-2….jpeg)

File: d8d4be0ec81279e⋯.jpeg (72.79 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 7B8C4FEC-7120-4F95-B52F-5….jpeg)

Hey Q did I find Waldo ?

5aa89c No.581475

well I didn't know they were collecting 'em in the war room. I just posted several of mine in Memes14 here




Where do you want them posted? I have 22 more that are in Memes14. Do I have to post copies of them here?

3a8158 No.581484


Shit, post 'em both places. Maybe we need an IBOR specific meme thread.

8559e0 No.581489

File: 7d77d6618fa0ef0⋯.jpg (117.23 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, do-you-think-thats-real-ne….jpg)

File: f62fefa5d19d8b9⋯.png (666.43 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Obama_Dont.png)

File: 1004b72cade9dfc⋯.jpg (103.5 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Screwed_Up.jpg)

Thought I would post these here.

5aa89c No.581508

File: 77e669d81796dad⋯.jpg (486.77 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship1.jpg)

File: 0f38f1f59956542⋯.jpg (372.25 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship2.jpg)

File: dad360b46ba5725⋯.jpg (471.07 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship21.jpg)

File: 3f951fac569198a⋯.jpg (382.46 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship22.jpg)

File: 0f368aa46aefa4c⋯.jpg (247.18 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship-Amazon1.jpg)


No we do not need an IBOR meme thread.

5aa89c No.581511

File: 73edfe1622b4a00⋯.jpg (209.25 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship-Google1.jpg)

File: e0b03c7838edf6f⋯.jpg (215.91 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship-Google3.jpg)

File: 681b646f88d254c⋯.jpg (280.06 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship-Google4.jpg)

File: e734476e5fbca4b⋯.jpg (295.76 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship-Obiwan1.jpg)

File: 7b42afc55ed3885⋯.jpg (297.81 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship-Obiwan2.jpg)

5aa89c No.581518

File: e23582924258abc⋯.jpg (292.2 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship-Obiwan3.jpg)

File: f48b6736acec6e3⋯.jpg (232.36 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship-cartoon1.jpg)

File: 82efa5d7a72bfc1⋯.jpg (348.38 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship-Twitter1.jpg)

File: cfcb48f436f6b37⋯.jpg (142.85 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship-Twitter2.jpg)

File: 7d111216cf90ce5⋯.jpg (137.88 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship-Twitter3.jpg)

5aa89c No.581525

File: 0b9da8dd4cfd40c⋯.jpg (123.66 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship-YouTube1.jpg)

File: bfffd1ecf52a390⋯.jpg (171.03 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship-Facebook1.jpg)

File: 8c59a6ad68dbcfe⋯.jpg (133.68 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship-Twitter13.jpg)

File: 2f7039f983adbdf⋯.jpg (123.02 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship-YouTube10.jpg)

File: ae1dc88ce466262⋯.jpg (225.2 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship-Facebook11.jpg)

5aa89c No.581538

File: 0345c88ea08b86b⋯.jpg (214.41 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship-Facebook31.jpg)

File: 73f87d10cdcdab8⋯.jpg (206.67 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship-GoogleNews….jpg)

File: 842705ff8d244bf⋯.jpg (157.75 KB, 1024x513, 1024:513, InternetBillOfRights1.jpg)

File: 6ef40c19a97c683⋯.jpg (140.59 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, InternetBillOfRights2.jpg)

File: 2ae919d06db5136⋯.jpg (105.29 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, InternetBillOfRights3.jpg)

5aa89c No.581542

File: 609551f70dad19b⋯.jpg (110.07 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, InternetBillOfRights4.jpg)

File: 3a400d243895489⋯.jpg (180.27 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, InternetBillOfRights5.jpg)

File: c139fa119fd4152⋯.jpg (98.63 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, InternetBillOfRights6.jpg)

File: 3e9d3e821a54992⋯.jpg (225.1 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, InternetBillOfRights23.jpg)

5aa89c No.581551

File: e0840b6f12b201c⋯.jpg (180.74 KB, 1024x513, 1024:513, InternetBillOfRights1#IBOR.jpg)

File: 8efdd5185b61072⋯.jpg (159.28 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, InternetBillOfRights2a#IBO….jpg)

File: 3c143450aaac8f9⋯.jpg (156.52 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, InternetBillOfRights2#IBOR.jpg)

File: e00667d291e4aa2⋯.jpg (119.67 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, InternetBillOfRights3#IBOR.jpg)

File: 4639d433115e0cb⋯.jpg (125.94 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, InternetBillOfRights4#IBOR.jpg)

5aa89c No.581556

File: 31a7636a6098c6b⋯.jpg (202.49 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, InternetBillOfRights5#IBOR.jpg)

File: b1383e4409e8128⋯.jpg (113.33 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, InternetBillOfRights6#IBOR.jpg)

File: fcf9414100da41d⋯.jpg (249.31 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, InternetBillOfRights23#IBO….jpg)

3a8158 No.581573









Excellent work anon. Just excellent work anon. Today you have picked up the slack, tomorrow I hope I can do the same.

3a8158 No.581585

Sigs have gone from 900 to 1700 in 3 hours! WE CAN DO IT!

2f4d1e No.581743

Reddit and Voat can be running their own push campaigns as well. Are they?

8559e0 No.581761

Need link to IBOR petition…can't seem to find it.

3a8158 No.581782


https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2

8559e0 No.581810


Thanks, Anon!

1b4b97 No.582020

This is what IBOR2 says FYI



Internet forums and social networks which provide free access to the public are a digital place of assembly, and individuals using such methods for public communication should not be subjected to censorship due to political beliefs or differing ideas. Conservative voices on many large public website platforms are being censored, based solely on a differing opinion. Some of these platforms further employ tracking mechanisms for monitoring an individual's digital history, which can be used to censor the individual's public communication through various censorship practices, sometimes without knowledge or awareness. These actions directly violate personal liberty and stand at contrast with the bill of rights.

We the people demand action to bring our digital future into the light.

Once again cross roads, support this or

support what ppl have made here.

I don't care either way as long as the overall

cause supports this:

"Stage set?

Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc are regulated?

MSM is controlled?

Use logic!"


and keeps this in mind.

"Free speech does not apply in a private co setting.

The risk?

Loss of revenue.

Backstopped by the circus.


Social media control is everything.

The age of the MSM is over."

Also keep in mind:

"Careful who you follow."

How r treated now is how you will always be

treated by those that you follow.

1b4b97 No.582040


"How r treated now is how you will always be

treated by those that you follow."

Which is why I don't follow mean, pushy, assholes.

I follow humble respectful smart leaders.

3a8158 No.582070


Q said to push it today and #2 is the only active one, it's also grown 1.3% in the last few hours meaning we're growing.

To #2 anon, maybe this will work, I said it wouldn't but looks like I was wrong, apologies.

1b4b97 No.582138


we already move numbers here,

we already know how,

proven by graphs made weeks ago

and today,

if you watch and see,

out method is easy.

u could be a great help, or you can clear the


6e1e92 No.582148

How goes the things with the #IBOR?

1b4b97 No.582154


"you can clear the room."

some ppl so negative, they can clear rooms.

We don't get much momentum in this rm

so we are fortunate when we see, but if

filled with hate and negativity, who will stay,

be supportive, not overly critical, learn who

has been in this room for 4+ rooms.

c55814 No.582159

File: b7ecb346afa3c96⋯.jpg (78.51 KB, 509x500, 509:500, 25y170 (1).jpg)

File: b7ecb346afa3c96⋯.jpg (78.51 KB, 509x500, 509:500, EKIBOR.jpg)

It isn't very straight forward but the thought is tired of just seeing him instead of conservative accounts

1b4b97 No.582164


only for sure orders is push the hash


no #IBOR

2 different hash, divides us by 2.

we are still hammering out petition strategy.

1b4b97 No.582197

"Q said to push it today "

we are pushing it,

we have been pushing for days now.

look way back, in past room6 also,

even general has posted in their bread we

here are pushing #InternetBillofRights

days ago. so just chill a bit, learn the

motions, speak with respect, and we would b

lucky to have you.

1ee8f0 No.582201





I'm back. srry. sometimes need to spend time with hubby, things r well, tough, we u guys know, everyone lots a pet he was crazy about.

lots of shills and dividers here.

If I understand correctly, we r pushing the hash (as we hv been doing) and link for ibor2 will we polish final (bombshell) ibor.

I c 1685 signatures on ibor 2.

STRONGLY suspect it is being throttled Probably (guessing here, Q correct me if I am wrong) because we haven't made a perfect text.

your memes are FABULOUS

am alomost done. 1 sec

1b4b97 No.582202

" room6 also,"

excuse me room7

2f4d1e No.582207

I'm done with churning this variant unless anyone has any rights i'm missing. If we get around to another push.

1) #WethePeople demand the restoration of our Internet liberties taken from us by corporations of the internet!

2) Our data, in its many forms, must be recognized as an expression of our First Amendment rights, and provided the same rights and freedoms from interference and obstruction.

3) Unalienable rights provided to us by Law cannot be taken away by Terms of Service, License Agreements, Foreign Laws and other non-legally binding stipulations.

4) Providers of a Public Internet Forum or Service must obtain consent to retain Personally Identifiable Information and this permission must be revocable at any time. Consent is nontransferable.

5) Citizens subjected to violations are entitled to relief.

People keep rehashing and shitting on various rights with various rewrites and shill fuckery.

1) statement of intent (optional)

2) Enforces ALL 1st amendment rights on the data itself as if it were speech; I.E. the laws should work the same way.

3) Prevents contract and foreign law fuckery.

4) Completely neuters data collection,

5) Forces fines and other forms of punishment

3a8158 No.582219


Frankly fuck off.

You didn't see a 1.2% growth until Q reiterated IBOR and it's importance. This holier than though skit is cute but we're adults here. Have hurt feelings? Too bad.

1b4b97 No.582234

"Frankly fuck off."

not a good leader.

careful who you follow.

3a8158 No.582255


>not a good leader.

Implying an anon wishes to lead.

Implying another anon should follow.


1b4b97 No.582298


there was some good drafts presented here.

Suggest find them all, compare, pick, add to

your draft if valuable.

There is a petition already available and

submitted, we can simply attach our effort, but

make sure it says what we agree on.

see >>582020 for ibor2 available, decide,

push or no push.

either way am pushing hash


to my audience per Q.

1ee8f0 No.582324

here it is

pls point out typo's or stupid mistakes.



Thomas Jefferson pointed out in the Declaration of Independence, that #WeThePeople possess "certain unalienable rights" which we were given by our Creator. These rights are inseparable from us: they are part of our humanity. One of these rights, as also stated in article 19 of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, is the freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

1) #WeThePeople hereby inform the Government of the United States of America of an ongoing conspiracy to deprive us of aforementioned rights: our rights have been infringed upon by means of (but not limited to) terms of service TOS, EULAs, service clauses or other contractual stipulations. Our collective voices have been banned, censored, limited, filtered and silenced. We also experienced throttling, discrimination, and degradation of performance based on content.

2) #WeThePeople demand to be made whole and demand the Government of the United States of America to force any providers of Internet service(s) and/or providers or Public Internet platforms to respect our aforementioned rights, that supersede agreements such as TOS, EULAs, and other non-legally binding stipulations.

1b4b97 No.582327

"Implying another anon should follow."

careful this one >>582255

can't follow when important to follow.

3a8158 No.582358

File: 1506e8488a1e20d⋯.png (734.01 KB, 1142x635, 1142:635, the_right_to_share.png)


All this bitching about me you could be learning how to operate an image editor and making some memes for the twitter front.

1ee8f0 No.582366


you are correct my friend anon, i hope you recognize your words in the combined draft i just posted.

Q pointed out something. I think i found it:

Universal Human Rights already include the internet.

ha ha ha in your face fuckbook and jack

1b4b97 No.582370


wow i like it.

1b4b97 No.582380


trust me, anybody here longer than you

knows i've done my share of memes

1ee8f0 No.582385

=Hey Shills, FUCK OFF you lost.==

we found the key.

art 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


1b4b97 No.582389

"Universal Human Rights already include the internet. "

yeah i like that part, strengthens the doc.

1ee8f0 No.582393


nameless right?

1b4b97 No.582402


not to mention all the twtring i have been

doing, plus researching Q words.

U are right tho, u r slowing me down. Gh.

1b4b97 No.582406

3a8158 No.582407

File: 8177b527f55ffb1⋯.png (63.5 KB, 427x861, 61:123, Screenshot from 2018-03-07….png)

File: a6a3376ed0222c6⋯.png (6.07 KB, 454x99, 454:99, Screenshot from 2018-03-07….png)

What part of it's been decided we're pushing #2 and not going for a #3 is lost on you two? Did you miss Q's posts today?

It's been decided(pic related). For some people who accuse me of not being able to fall in line you're sure off in la-la land.

1ee8f0 No.582421


its the capstone.

all the legal anons pointed out:

- make intro state what your rights ARE (dont ask for rights)

= prove conspirary that robbs u of your rights

= demand gov kicks ass,.

simple, right?

PLEASE REAL ANONS, check my last draft for stupid grammar/style/etc lil stuff.

Lets leave the opinions out of it. (those are like assholes, we all have one)



Thomas Jefferson pointed out in the Declaration of Independence, that #WeThePeople possess "certain unalienable rights" which we were given by our Creator. These rights are inseparable from us: they are part of our humanity. One of these rights, as also stated in article 19 of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, is the freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

1) #WeThePeople hereby inform the Government of the United States of America of an ongoing conspiracy to deprive us of aforementioned rights: our rights have been infringed upon by means of (but not limited to) terms of service TOS, EULAs, service clauses or other contractual stipulations. Our collective voices have been banned, censored, limited, filtered and silenced. We also experienced throttling, discrimination, and degradation of performance based on content.

2) #WeThePeople demand to be made whole and demand the Government of the United States of America to force any providers of Internet service(s) and/or providers or Public Internet platforms to respect our aforementioned rights, that supersede agreements such as TOS, EULAs, and other non-legally binding stipulations.


IF there is a maximum number of words, I can shorten the intro if needed.

2f4d1e No.582425



In the constitution "Unalienable" is the legal term used for Universal Human Rights.

1ee8f0 No.582432

Q.. thank you..we will push.

3a8158 No.582439


I had unalienable rights but some anon needed it to include god in some manner so it was changed to 'Natural Rights'.

1b4b97 No.582450


"a maximum number of words"

i heard 800 characters but still need to confirm.

1ee8f0 No.582458


at the time Q posted that, i held my dear cat for the last time. its been a bit rought. so, no, havent read Q's posts since yesterday mogning

1ee8f0 No.582469





pls check for errors all of you.

we need to do this now. anyone here US citizen that wants to register to do the post? PLEASE???

2f4d1e No.582470


Yes, your 1+2 are my 1,2 and 3.

I have added additional clauses covering data collection and enforcing

1b4b97 No.582472


early i posted

"Once again cross roads, support this or

support what ppl have made here.

I don't care either way as long as the overall

cause supports this:

"Stage set?

Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc are regulated?

MSM is controlled?

Use logic!"


and keeps this in mind.

"Free speech does not apply in a private co setting.

The risk?

Loss of revenue.

Backstopped by the circus.


Social media control is everything.

The age of the MSM is over."

Also keep in mind:

"Careful who you follow.""

3a8158 No.582481


Well there's new Q posts.

Sorry to hear about the cat.

Other groups have started pushing #2.


It's not being posted until #2 fails which it wont. Other groups are pushing #2.

2f4d1e No.582543


800 limit appears when you're in the screen for the description.

Also this needs to be about a 9-10th grade reading level.

This site for example can measure it.

http:// www.readabilityformulas.com/free-readability-formula-tests.php

1b4b97 No.582555


glad you are here, keep them on track,

b careful of the dividers.

I didn't see any mistakes in your draft, sounds


Read Q and make sure what we create covers

what he includes in his post.

errands call, good eve ALL.

1b4b97 No.582584


TY what about main section char limit? TYagn

2f4d1e No.582666


that is the main section.

The other section is only 120

1ee8f0 No.582753


cross roads, yes indeed.

I also have helped push other texts before,

Q post: "use logic"


>Q, get your but over here.

the current text does not fix this issue.

(current ibor 2 text)

Internet forums and social networks which provide free access to the public are a digital place of assembly, and individuals using such methods for public communication should not be subjected to censorship due to political beliefs or differing ideas. Conservative voices on many large public website platforms are being censored, based solely on a differing opinion. Some of these platforms further employ tracking mechanisms for monitoring an individual's digital history, which can be used to censor the individual's public communication through various censorship practices, sometimes without knowledge or awareness. These actions directly violate personal liberty and stand at contrast with the bill of rights.

We the people demand action to bring our digital future into the light.


See? it sais "should not be subjected to".

which is a lame arguement. HUMAN RIGHTS state clearly that electronic communication is a part of free speech for the entire world.

suace http:// www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/

art 19 sez "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

Throughtout ANY MEDIA and regardless of frontiers. ANY media includes,IMHO, ANY internet platform, as the (civil and) human rights supersede agreements such as (fuck book rules etc).

ibor2 text is (sorry) a legal lame duck.

"be careful who you follow" ?

==> There is an AMAZING NUMBER OF SHILLS IN HERE. have never b4 seen it.

Since Ibor2 was already UPloaded before the shills storm in here, it can ONLY mean that we are over the target.

SO. imo , we should opload IBOR3. I will inform general and take flack there.

Let them read and choose or push both.

==>Q, I expect you to honor all these hard working anons and state wich ibor we should go for.

2330bb No.582949



Many liberals genuinely believe the establishment is biased against THEM. And they love a good victim narrative, especially one they can relate to. Their networking is better than ours and people listen to them more so any bait they take is more effective.

2f4d1e No.582979


Yes. this was why I used "first amendment rights"

As they are applied today, private settings do not conflict.

1ee8f0 No.583016

back frm general

anons, general is overrun by shills.

Let's just push IBOR2 (as it is)

unless Q tells us to push the draft I posted here.

I'll keep a copy offline.

Just keep firing for ibor2.

there is no way we can post anything or get a word in sideways on general.

Thank you everyone for your help/

JUST KEEP FIRING IBOR2 AS YOU ARE, UNLESS Q himself says otherwise

go go go anons.

you r doing great work.

1ee8f0 No.583028


well never mind. lets just support what they have up. Its in Q's hands to say otherwise, right?

6e1e92 No.583045

3.813/100.000 petitions.

1549d8 No.583076

ok.. wtf has been done??


d5ad72 No.583100

'legal' is the mechanism used by Cabal.

get out of legal and stick to LAW!!!

thats all you need in the IBOR - dont mention legal at all - only LAW!

Legal means Codes - used within a corp.

its the mechanism they used to trap us wi BD etc. Get out of legal and into LAW! as a Man not a citizen!

d5ad72 No.583113


oops BD = Birth Cert

209217 No.583121

The Final Battle is happening now, and it's end result will be positive. :)

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm8Zjr0ktG4

d5ad72 No.583129


cant claim Gods rights if you a citizen (Roman term)

d5ad72 No.583145

we ALL born free - stay free! do not consent to being a citizen - ur Sovereigns

2f4d1e No.583150


I didn't think it was going to go live unless the others flopped anyways.

We'll see by the weekend if it breaks 10-20k

d5ad72 No.583167


never consent to being 'registered' if you do - then you a slave - 'register' is transfer of property

to new owner i.e. Gov. They OWN you if they got you registered! SLAVE!

d5ad72 No.583187


u then stuck witthin their 'legal' codes!! Only corporations have codes - its their guidebook.


d5ad72 No.583202



d5ad72 No.583229


How many 'Forms' of law are their?

What is Highest 'Form' of Law?

What Law is used in Vatican?

c47a11 No.583235

File: 722200933f6d2ad⋯.png (265.74 KB, 2092x1018, 1046:509, Screen Shot 2018-03-07 at ….png)

I Got shoah'd. Here's the trend.

c47a11 No.583242


@Jack's crashing it hardcore looks like.

6e1e92 No.583243



d5ad72 No.583246

If u do not comprehend how you wer entrapped in the first place - how can u possibly write something that will allow ur escape?

d5ad72 No.583261


did not Q say multiple meanings?

d5ad72 No.583278

go do some research on Anna Von Reitz

d5ad72 No.583294


https:// annavonreitz.com/

d5ad72 No.583302


As of the first week of October 2017 the Municipal UNITED STATES ceased functioning.

Attempts to replace it with a UN Corp "Regional Government" have thus far been

successfully rebuffed and prevented.

That leaves us to deal with the Territorial United States government, which is controlled

by the military and has substantially different rules and procedures than the old Muni


As a result some of the recommendations I have made to people in the past either no

longer apply or require tweaking to make them work in this altered scenario.

Those who got their paperwork done and in before October 2017 are grandfathered in

and have their records established via the old Muni process.

They have to be recognized

as civilians.

Those who didn't do this have to follow a different process which has yet to be negotiated

to the same ends– correction of the public record, reclaiming ownership of your

Name/NAMES, and recognition of your civilian status with respect to the military


The criminals in charge have made a great hash of things.

It will require a lot of effort to correct and some confusion is unavoidable. Just remember

the key points – you are no kind of "citizen" but are a civilian non-combatant "national".

Make use of all means to establish public claim of your Names/NAMES as of your actual


This can be accomplished by publication in newspapers, sealed registered mail

record copies, Certificates of Assumed Names, formal name changes followed by

Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Re-Conveyance of Deed and Title to the land and soil

of your birth state recorded with the local Land Recording Office.

A Corrected Deed to

your Name and Estate –land, etc., can be used to the same effect.

Whatever means and route you use to claim back your Name and Estate, it will be

necessary to begin carrying copies of paperwork with you, ready to produce as part of

your identification process.

Mr. Trump is doing the best he can with a bad situation.

Our country as a whole is indeed facing an emergency of sorts. Now more than ever it is

imperative that those born in this country claim their names and their natural political

status and organize their county jural assemblies.

There is not a moment to waste.

Your destiny and the destiny of your country depends

on your willingness to set the records straight and organize the local county government

you are owed.

Assistance is available from the Michigan General Jural Assembly.

In addition, given the history and the current state of affairs, it seems only prudent for

people to make the effort to set aside emergency stocks of food, fuel, water and yes,

some silver coinage.

I am now and will continue to benefit somewhat if you decide to make use of the Mint

Builder opportunity offered by Paul to acquire some silver, but the real benefit may be to

you and to your families to get serious about a moderate amount of preparation for

possible disruptions.

At present there is no better or other option on the table than to fall back to using gold for

international transactions and silver for domestic purchases.

I am hopeful that we will get through the woods and be able to ultimately outgrow our

belief in money and be able to transition to a more enlightened system of value soon but,

until then, a transition via the old gold and silver standard is in my opinion likely to


1ee8f0 No.583310


its ok. i m pushing it.

it will trend.

they hide it, but its hitting BIG 10.6 million exposures yesterday 506K hashtag exposure per hour. Its WAY more today, will hv stats tomorrow

1ee8f0 No.583320

File: 03c00009bf41d7e⋯.jpg (115.63 KB, 825x780, 55:52, 8-3.jpg)


thats fake

this is YESTERDAY , real exposure


2330bb No.583416


Will get 2x as many signatures without "conservative". Conservatives already know they are being censored but plenty of liberals are clueless about this because they live in their utopian bubble worlds.

6e1e92 No.583423


Always say that.., that can be historical.

6e1e92 No.583440


is that Real?

3a8158 No.583493


I already pointed that out, but we'll make do with what we have. In the future if we do have another opportunity we'll make sure to make it agnostic as possible for widest reach. #2 has momentum and that's all that matters, we just have to set the stage and trust the plan.

I agree it could be better, but we're not writing the actual laws just getting the ball rolling.

6e1e92 No.584057

Guys.., the White House petition doesn't sample the Internetbillofrights2.

https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2

02e8fc No.584315

EMERGENCY!!! Current IBOR petition is back sliding. I previously referenced the hashes that each form uses to dump results in the database tables, but I did a refresh after a few hours, the results went from 3,335 to 3,302. Thought it may have been a cookie, but I used incognito and still the same outcome. We need to address this with Q somehow.

e7cdba No.584372

4417a2 No.584377

File: 3f2c4970beea321⋯.png (41.32 KB, 1079x681, 1079:681, IBOR#.PNG)


This is what I'm finding. Def trending up^

e7cdba No.584500


"==> There is an AMAZING NUMBER OF SHILLS IN HERE. have never b4 seen it.

Since Ibor2 was already UPloaded before the shills storm in here, it can ONLY mean that we are over the target.

SO. imo , we should opload IBOR3. I will inform general and take flack there.

Let them read and choose or push both.

==>Q, I expect you to honor all these hard working anons and state wich ibor we should go for."

General level thinking imo.


e7cdba No.584525

e7cdba No.584536



good tip, TY

02e8fc No.584553


General, not sure if you saw my post, but the current IBOR (2) is compromised. We need to signal an insider to look in to it. The results keep fluctuating +/- 100 points.

c7c0eb No.584572

Who is baker of this thread. I need to talk to you.

e7cdba No.584618


how is IBOR2 compromised, or what is post #.

I will also search for your post.

" results keep fluctuating +/- 100 points."

keep an eye on it, print screen, mayb

evidence for later, mean time push hash


About IBOR2, Eurt said push.

I trust her also, so we need good sauce to

stop now.

b7dbbc No.584652


Exactly. Fucks sake. Push the link. Action. I was just on plebbit pushing. If you have a faceberg account, use it. Ditto twitter. Action.

https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2

Keystone is social media btw. Get. On. It. Faggots.

c7c0eb No.584670

Or Qcodex, are you working in this thread?

e7cdba No.584697


"results keep fluctuating +/- 100 points."

good eyes.

Keep in mind, this is like a hrc election.

Trump won even when cheated.

We will have to do the same with numbers.

We might need 200k just so they let us

have 100k. Remeber Q said they will help us.

Main part is push hash #InternetBillofRights.

We will continue to iron out petition details

and make a decision. MaybQconfirm sumhow.

ALL w/twtr Twt RT #InternetBillofRights TY

02e8fc No.584725


LET ME BE CLEAR. I am not trying to stop it. I am just trying to warn the relevant whitehat insiders that the Petition site could be compromised. I am literally a whitehat…I investigate things like this all the time.

682a2d No.584736

!!!!! Important Blacks Law Legalese. !!!!!

Demand infers force and hostility. We must present ourselves as 'non-belligerent' in keeping with the Trading with the Enemy Act.

You 'pray' to a (your), Lord someone who has power and authority over you.

Since sovereignty resides with the people is is proper to use the Royal, 'We wish..' Which is a polite way of making a Royal command.

As in 'Your wish is my command'.

c7c0eb No.584750


I am assuming you are on Twitter. DM me @docu_source and I will give you my other account which has 37,000 followers for this meme war. I don't have time for that account but it would be good for someone to meme war from that account.

02e8fc No.584754


I think it is going to be more of a pysop. When people look at the current standings of the petition, I am afraid they will not be inclined to sign it. Thoughts?

e7cdba No.584766


lol, oh thx for clarification, imma dummy.

02e8fc No.584794


https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/581013.html

The hash for IBOR2 seems to have had a code injection for the form hash.

e7cdba No.584814


i sent u twt to @d could not DM u, have to follow

first iguess.

e7cdba No.584907


"STOP HR 5087


Divest or put in a blind trust…


Repeal NRA


Internet Bill of Rights


I was curious and wanted to analyze the html source for the Internet Bill of Rights petition and noticed something strange. The hashing algorithm used for the samples I collected are below. In three of the hashes, they are all the same format, but the Internet Bill of Rights form hash has a completely different format."

hmm still not quite enough sauce to quit, or

is there something I'm missing. TY.

02e8fc No.584916


Also, if you go to the main petition page and click "Load More" you will not find IBOR2 in the spot it is suppose to be (sorted by number of signatures). Something really weird is going on with it.

e7cdba No.584931


"d they will not be inclined to sign it. "

Will depend on how we present it to them,

that will determine sign or not, I think.

Present well for better results imo

02e8fc No.584985


Proceed and I will keep digging. Just not liking any of the results I have seen thus far. Did you go to the IBOR2 page and hit refresh a few times? I noticed it after the second, then it did not reduce again till about the tenth time.

e7cdba No.585065

here are orders for room, in case u are not

sure. TY for help and effort.


Let's just push IBOR2 (as it is)

unless Q tells us to push the draft I posted here.

I'll keep a copy offline.

Just keep firing for ibor2.

https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2

there is no way we can post anything or get a word in sideways on general.

Thank you everyone for your help/

JUST KEEP FIRING IBOR2 AS YOU ARE, UNLESS Q himself says otherwise

go go go anons.

you r doing great work.


also push hash #InternetBillofRights on twtr.


f42cd5 No.585076


Don't forget Confirm the Email guys.

e7cdba No.585084


i looked, i have seen nothing funny yet,

but i will keep my eye on it.

good eyes. TY.

e7cdba No.585102


yes good tip,

FYI, if you want to sign, there will

be an email confirmation process the first time

and every time u sign a petition.

imo worth it.

e7cdba No.585226

c335e7 No.585350


We are pushing version 2 at

https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2

d1a42d No.585378

The IBOR2 needs push!! 3.904/100.000

e7cdba No.585474







am pushing IBOR2

2f9640 No.585537

Newfag here. Where is the Kekistani Airforce Graph? Is this an image with the guidelines for effective tweets? Want to contribute but can't find the formula.

Thanks for any help, anons.

e7cdba No.585562

basically this:

orders update:

sign: https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2 …

Ask others to also sign (present well)

Push these hash:



#InternetBillofRights ← this one especially.

always "TY @POTUS"

TY all who help by RTing. We would b nowhere w/o U. TY.

2f9640 No.585569


Thank you!

d1a42d No.585599

4.268/100.000 Petitions (IBOR2)

02e8fc No.585642


Was at 4277 now at 4268

e7cdba No.585706

Like i say, like an HRC election, must win

by massive numbers.

Have faith, Q said they would help us.

keep pushing.

d1a42d No.585719


Ugh…, also there is problems for confirm, and isn't in the first page.

02e8fc No.585781


What is the error? I just signed and confirmed without issue.

d1a42d No.585830


Sometimes.., the PWH doesn't sample the petition of the IBOR2.,

e7cdba No.585838

File: ec1b1c3fd9720d1⋯.jpg (43.6 KB, 760x292, 190:73, IBOR2 signed Jpg.jpg)


" I just signed and confirmed without issue."

same. went smooth.

sucks confirming in email, but worth it imo.

e7cdba No.585951

>>585065 (You)

>>585065 (You)

>>585065 (You)

https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2




current room orders. TY.

a670eb No.586218


From a Ted Talk in BC back in 2014:

https:// youtu.be/yVwAodrjZMY

15f9c3 No.586385

File: 605d570df0b4478⋯.jpg (82.49 KB, 600x600, 1:1, RabbitHole.jpg)

File: 3eaa9f4099299d2⋯.png (602.64 KB, 1154x677, 1154:677, maps.PNG)


* * * THIS IS BRILLIANT!!! * * *


I'm pretty sure I figured it out and this will blow your mind.

Q is always saying, "EXPAND YOUR THINKING". I thought about it all day and two things finally clicked. 1) How can we set the stage if they're throwing everything they have at censoring us? 2) If/when we drain the swamp, what can we do to KEEP IT DRAINED?

(((THEY))) have already seen what we are capable of and the final nail in their coffin is when more people start waking up.

Intuition told me I was over the target when I started digging here:

- (IWCE) International Wireless Communications Expo Conference: March 5-9, 2018 in Orlando, FL

http:// www.iwceexpo.com/iwce18/public/Enter.aspx

>>576479 710 Batch 710 Notables: class action lawsuit? (also me)

...dozens of rabbit holes later, I end up here:

Twitter feed for @FCC: Every couple days, there's a tweet about the broadband MAP. #FCCMaps

https:// www.fcc.gov/maps/

https: //www.fcc.gov/about-fcc/fcc-initiatives/incentive-auctions

Auction Results (drum roll please...)

Bidding in the auction closed on March 30, 2017, repurposing 84 megahertz of spectrum – 70 megahertz for licensed use and another 14 megahertz for wireless microphones and unlicensed use. The auction yielded $19.8 billion in revenue, including $10.05 billion for winning broadcast bidders and more than $7 billion to be deposited to the U.S. Treasury for deficit reduction.

What’s Next?

On April 13, 2017 the Commission released a public notice formally closing the auction and beginning the 39-month period during which time some TV stations will need to transition to new channel assignments. This website offers details on how the transition works and how it will impact viewers as well as resources for TV stations, winners of new mobile wireless licenses, and other stakeholders. The Commission will update the site as new information becomes available.

https:// www.fcc.gov/about-fcc/fcc-initiatives/incentive-auctions

Post Incentive Auction Television Transition Data Files:

https:// data.fcc.gov/download/incentive-auctions/Transition_Files/



The age of the MSM is over.


(drops mic)

e7cdba No.586448

File: 55df343411eace6⋯.jpg (291.96 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 03082018earlyAMresultJpg.jpg)

current room orders. TY.


https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2




current room orders. TY.

edb265 No.587166


Listen Please. Q said there is a Video. Q asked if the stage is set. It isn´t. When somebody would tell me there´s a video of a Democrat (probably) raping a child,

I wouldn´t believe it. No matter how open minded I am, and regarding the news about how faces can be swept, It could backfire.

We have to set the stage.

Today is "International Vagina Day" 8th of March. Twitter and stuff will be full of mothers praising the fact that they got a dick rammed up their womb and what a

gift it is to touch their tits all day long.

We can and should use this weakness.

There are 2.000(!!) Kids reported to be missing every day. Most of them are labeled "runaways" who never return. We know that most of this is a lie, because we know the truth. I was a runawaymyself and I know there are sick minds out there waiting for those children.

With some graphics and memeology, we can bring the possibility of trafficing into their spheres. Or at least open a door in their heads regarding those children.

I thought about hijacking the #´s with #WhereDidMyChildGo or #WhereAreOurChildren etc. + Some graphs done by your autism.

I´d preffer the first#, but I´m just a lurker who wants to mention something I think is very crucial in getting forward. I wouldn´t mention #PedoGate in the first wave, because the propagandaminds wouldnt care.

`They´ knew about #HRCvideo, and they were quick to answer it (remember it didn´t even trend). They know about the video and they answered fast with the faceswap shit. They are scared.

They can`t intercept this:

-Children Missing

-Children Killed

-Children Raped

Raise awareness. Don´t attack those sheep, prepare them.

Pls lynch me for my newfagness, i leave the rest to you.

sorry if in wronk thread or so, lurkers incomming.

21e29e No.587193

File: 0c84e40622a4f20⋯.jpg (259.05 KB, 1024x1280, 4:5, 1e2e4287f0ba371f305f01d266….jpg)


==Don't forget this, seemed to resonate!

16b64c No.587338



The current IBOR variants are good but do not go far enough. There are other types of control or monitoring outside of the agreements listed above. Specifically:

- IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (or whatever may supersede them) are used (agreement or not) to identify PCs and/or users. For instance, this is how one form of banning works on the chans. You've seen it other places too. The very large address space of IPv6 brings with it the capability to permanently uniquely all machines and people.

- MAC addresses are used, and rightfully required, at the electrical level of networks to identify and route messages to the correct destination. However some software allows users to specify or randomly generate a MAC address at will; this is a good thing and should be required of operating system and device vendors. Likewise, cell phone IMEI and other identifiers must be able to be altered at will.

- "Fingerprinting": Software has a means to identify individual people by a "browser fingerprint", "HTML5 canvas", and other techniques. Please see https:// panopticlick.eff.org for more information.

- Randomly generated identifiers as described above should be as truly random or pseudo-random as possible. It's not enough to alter a non-significant portion of an identifier and call it "different" when in fact it might still serve to identify the same person or device, or group of persons or devices.

- This is not necessarily of complete list. Geeks, marketers, and agencies might know of other techniques. Any technique, existing or new, must comply to the same rules of the IBOR to the full extent that they can.

I propose that the IBOR include concepts and words for people to alter, at will, any form of identification or enumeration used in any way on the internet.

The above are implemented at a technical level and are easy to code and test. This is distinct from and complementary to the right to be forgotten.

Further, any form of identification history must be erased from systems. Providers must not store the IMEIs, MACs, fingerprints, etc, that each user or device has used in the past. This includes backup facilities.

16b64c No.587387


The downside of all the logos and badges is that some people not agree to the words unless they are onboard with the sponsoring organization(s).

Example: How many times has a canvasser knocked on your door and asked you to "just" sign this petition because "it's in support of clean air, and who doesn't want more clean air?" Is the canvasser's petition to be used by a socialist/communist organization to try to hamper capitalism?

I'm all for the IBOR. But to me, the top of the "press release" looks like a trip to one of those kitschy restaurants that encourage waiters to wear buttons and pins. YMMV, and I'm glad it seems to resonate with some people.

c53296 No.587426


Big push happened at 9 pm on Twitter and YouTube paid off. Do again tonight at 9 for results at 10!!

3a8158 No.587960


The current IBOR variants are good but do not go far enough. There are other types of control or monitoring outside of the agreements listed above. Specifically:

>- IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (or whatever may supersede them) are used (agreement or not) to identify PCs and/or users. For instance, this is how one form of banning works on the chans. You've seen it other places too. The very large address space of IPv6 brings with it the capability to permanently uniquely all machines and people.

Competition can solve any implementation problem, right now distributed services to include services that use advanced routing methods are not necessarily protected speech. IPv4 and IPv6 and whatever may supersede it are simply protocols and while part of the building blocks I think are too high level for what needs to be quantified legally. Comms

>- MAC addresses are used, and rightfully required, at the electrical level of networks to identify and route messages to the correct destination. However some software allows users to specify or randomly generate a MAC address at will; this is a good thing and should be required of operating system and device vendors. Likewise, cell phone IMEI and other identifiers must be able to be altered at will.

Another thing that can be solved with software.

>- "Fingerprinting": Software has a means to identify individual people by a "browser fingerprint", "HTML5 canvas", and other techniques. Please see https:// panopticlick.eff.org for more information.

Another thing that can be solved via software.

>- Randomly generated identifiers as described above should be as truly random or pseudo-random as possible. It's not enough to alter a non-significant portion of an identifier and call it "different" when in fact it might still serve to identify the same person or device, or group of persons or devices.

Another thing that can be solved via software.

>- This is not necessarily of complete list. Geeks, marketers, and agencies might know of other techniques. Any technique, existing or new, must comply to the same rules of the IBOR to the full extent that they can.

This is specifically the problem with not hitting the root of what is necessary in an IBOR. Nobodys imagination nor our imaginations as a collective can imagine what will be needed or required when further communications infrastructure has been developed and deployed. We should specifically be referring to it as signals and communications infrastructure.

>I propose that the IBOR include concepts and words for people to alter, at will, any form of identification or enumeration used in any way on the internet.

I propose we define a test which can prove is something is communications infrastructure or not and use that as formal method of defining what is protected by IBOR.

>The above are implemented at a technical level and are easy to code and test. This is distinct from and complementary to the right to be forgotten.

The 'Right to be Forgotten' is unenforceable, how can they prove they've deleted information that can be copied billions of times in seconds. Once you connect to a server you do not control (and sometimes before then if you're not using crypto) the cat's out of the bag. Decentralized platforms will eventually take over (looking like sooner rather than later from where I'm sitting) and the ones that succeed will include all the guarantees you and everybody else are asking for possibly in more flavors than anyone can currently imagine.

>Further, any form of identification history must be erased from systems. Providers must not store the IMEIs, MACs, fingerprints, etc, that each user or device has used in the past. This includes backup facilities.

Needs new tech for this. Unenforceable, nobody can prove it was deleted.

1ee8f0 No.588067


listen. we push ibor2 AS IS

period. end of discussion.

all legal arguments, fine.

Q sez push.we push.

If Q gives orders to change something, we do it.


go go go and no more opinions.


trust your GUT and not the fake numbers yousee.

hashtag has a MINIMUM of 10million views a day.

1b4b97 No.588123




brewing the coffee here.

If ppl want to continue u talks about IBOR

version, additions, creation, drafts, there

is a petition room created. Suggest

posting there if working on IBOR3.

WarRm8 is pushing IBOR2 and hash:



#InternetBillofRights ← this one especially.

Petition Room would be a good place to work

for those interested in creating IBOR3.

1ee8f0 No.588146


hang on, i m making a new graph.

1ee8f0 No.588153

5740 signed. I see a sudden surge. 1st time i saw that.

1ee8f0 No.588162

hi NL. good to see you. feeling better here.

joining in the fun.

making Keko airforce graph for ibor2

1ee8f0 No.588172


text is finished and archived if Q (and Q alone) tells us to go for anything else.

From what I've seen, we just push this.

We will make it happen regardless.


1b4b97 No.588198


good, archive text (possible IBOR3)

" sudden surge. 1st time i saw that."

ppl workn together together more than ever,

still need more, but headed in right direction.

1ee8f0 No.588306

File: 0267a10235f99fd⋯.jpg (956.86 KB, 2480x3508, 620:877, signit2.jpg)


hows this?

simple & clear enough?

1b4b97 No.588337


nice and clear,

add suggest:

sign the petition

AND ask others to sign it also.

1b4b97 No.588351

sugg. mayb also add:

Thank you for your support, RT, and signatures.

We are forever grateful.

1ee8f0 No.588402

File: 1227e6f43e30dd7⋯.jpg (87.98 KB, 395x522, 395:522, 1636ma8.jpg)


noted. kept the org. can do that tomorrow or later. lauching this for now.

having enough troubles keeping an eye out for the petition. its being throttled.

Was 5740 at 16.13 (my timezone)

look at this 16.36 5,713 (!!!!)

current at 5,951

1ee8f0 No.588421

File: dcb3527c50ec4db⋯.jpg (49.74 KB, 383x494, 383:494, 16.48ma8.jpg)


check this out… when you make a screenprint..it keeps rising.. hhahahahaha

well I know what to do.

1ee8f0 No.588499

File: 85b8cd781298835⋯.jpg (43 KB, 407x518, 11:14, 1656ma8.jpg)

File: a125e0c62a64cb8⋯.jpg (48.51 KB, 417x552, 139:184, 1658ma8.jpg)

File: 200523bee389488⋯.jpg (42.33 KB, 393x542, 393:542, 1700 ma8.jpg)

I'll just keep making screenprints.

if I do, the numbers raise fast.

weird shit. oh wel, right?

1b4b97 No.588619


someone else was noticing that last night.

I told them its gonna be like an HRC election,

lol. We have to win bigly like Trump to

overcome any cheating.

c53296 No.588922


Petition is okay, they might be using redundant servers to handle site load for communication. When you refresh your query may go to a slightly more stale copy of the information that your browser is requesting that was cached instead of doing a db query to save processing power and db load however, I trust that db is accurate.

1ee8f0 No.589286

File: b849d78fb8e4521⋯.jpg (43.22 KB, 398x512, 199:256, 1834 ma8.jpg)


it's going fine. i ll keep checking it

d79750 No.589374


100,000 signatures within 30 days.

Think about that the next time you see a “cute cat” YouTube video go viral.

b75fa1 No.589613



Agreed with one small question: If we have to start an IBOR3, would it be helpful to state at the beginning of it that this is just to get the ball rolling?

"This is a petition to have government look at an IBOR. The language does not matter at this point. It can and will be altered during the process. We just ask that you help get the ball rolling."

Because trying to introduce this topic on some forums last night had me throwing things.

It's my failure, but damn…

e3490a No.589691

How goes the Petition for the IBOR2?

e3490a No.589757

6.556/100.000 Petitions (IBOR2)

db0f70 No.589788

File: fcc4b5281d895e1⋯.png (394.95 KB, 723x369, 241:123, petitionforall.png)

File: 633b52f120164b3⋯.png (203.42 KB, 465x229, 465:229, power.png)

File: b507f6c7ec3296b⋯.png (135.01 KB, 405x364, 405:364, signit.png)

hijack this hashtag


https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2

because all women need to have free speech

(lets get the ladies to help the petition)

db0f70 No.589805

File: cebc5a5c3e1965f⋯.png (92.7 KB, 567x593, 567:593, potus-3-8-1320.png)


just my thoughts on strategy because POTUS

is directing us to a hashtag

and what better way to try and unite

then normie/woman friendly memes

86449c No.589958


here are some suggestions:

Eurt has an archive copy of IBOR3, what was

made here. There are still more talking

IBOR3 details, which is why I suggested use

petition room.

Ask Eurt for a copy of her

version, look at what some said in this room,

and combine until u like it. Then ask others

if they like, don't expect anyone to like it, but

u may find a few supporters. Good ideas

rise to the top usually, if no one is majorly in

the way or is preventing on purpose.


Keep in mind IBOR3 not needed until IBOR2

petition push is over, so have time.

Mainly now, we need push hash and petition

signatures on twtr. Gh.

If you don't have twtr, either sign up, or lurk.

This is mainly twtr methods, twtr storm.

Hard 4 U 2 help if you don't have twtr and

trying to help a twtr strom.


86449c No.590011

File: b948253baf913c3⋯.jpg (86.12 KB, 953x441, 953:441, Internationwomanjpg.jpg)



yes nice hash to hijack


Is a cone, trending word with good numbers,

use it. (see graphic).

On graphics, use hash #InternetBillofRights

Can also include #SignThePetition, but

make sure #InternetBillofRights is on it first.

86449c No.590050

File: 55df343411eace6⋯.jpg (291.96 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 03082018earlyAMresultJpg.jpg)

current room orders stand:

Push these hash:




always "TY @POTUS" on twts.

Push IBOR2 for signing:

https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2

Also, ask followers to ask others to sign it also.

Present well for better results.




e3490a No.590051


New Hashtag, #GothePetition?

86449c No.590071


no stick to 3 main hash:




Use other hash for specific reasons only,

such as using a trending word.

Push petition for sigs.

e0b3f8 No.590510

File: eed04c29165384a⋯.jpg (47.12 KB, 460x276, 5:3, 26059k.jpg)

this is moving pretty well on twatter. trigger them haha

86449c No.590682

File: f8d1e20d8a344ed⋯.jpg (71.79 KB, 460x276, 5:3, womansMarchjpg.jpg)


nice one, good job putting hash big and up

front. Mayb throw in our other 2 hash also,

where room on future graphics. see exampL.

i will try it with trending word



d5ad72 No.590985

other war rooms or this the only ?

d5ad72 No.591018

a painful process killing the self is

e3490a No.591490

7.100/100.000 Petitions. (IBOR2)

1ee8f0 No.591523


thank you. it's a bit tough to search for cute cat vids for me, but will drop the petition there too.

1ee8f0 No.591539


"your failure" ?? whatever do you mean?

and dont worry… we will have this at 100K REAL soon.

1ee8f0 No.591549

7,285 SIGNED at 23:06 eur time.


1ee8f0 No.591572


what is it dear, namefagging? are you in need of some attention or just in the mood to slide.

If u are a bot, or a shill, do try and be creative.

i've seen exact same texts being posted in here..

thats boring and insulting. clowns shud at least make some effort.

e3490a No.591599


Yep.., Today must be for the 10.000 petitions.

1ee8f0 No.591627


'''dear anons, stuff like #internationalwomansday is FAKE. pls stop looking or adding that tripe, stick to our own hashes.

and PLEASE. i have to throw up if I see that fucking pic of the "oh so inclusive women" with our hashes. DONT do that. its the vile propaganda we are fighting.

there are no different races. there is only the human race and a bunch of inhumane scumbag. division is an illusion. and veiled women are oppressed.

symbolism has power. do not touch poison shit. pls.

1ee8f0 No.591636




ignore potus post. he HAS to.

e3490a No.591812

Guys.., A web page is Announcing to Soros as Terrorism.., Perhaps the Petition of the White house has functioned!!??

e3490a No.591941


I think that Q want us that We use the White House Petition for the Complaints.

86449c No.592404

1ee8f0 No.593356


sign everything you agree with!

de8e4a No.593383


>The 'Right to be Forgotten' is unenforceable, how can they prove they've deleted information that can be copied billions of times in seconds. Once you connect to a server >you do not control (and sometimes before then if you're not using crypto) the cat's out of the bag. Decentralized platforms will eventually take over (looking like sooner rather >than later from where I'm sitting) and the ones that succeed will include all the guarantees you and everybody else are asking for possibly in more flavors than anyone can >currently imagine.

(This comment is intended to be positive, not in any way oppositional.) History indicates this view is likely too pessimistic. Specifically, the "Right to be Forgotten" is a viable concept that both corporations and government are not allowed to use personal information other than for legally sanctioned uses. Enforcement is difficult, not impossible since it is corporations and governments being restrained, not technology. As an extreme example, think of child porn. The bits and bytes may never go away, but the consequences of using them gets folks put in jail. As a less extreme example, think of stolen credit card number databases. The bits and bytes never go away, but being caught without legal permission allows prosecution. This same concept is why warrants are needed to collect evidence. There certainly are some crooks who get away because the evidence was not properly obtained, but a great many corrupt police are prevented from using planted evidence. Judges decides if the evidence is valid, not the police or prosecutors. The "evidence" may always exist, but the ability to use it is what actually matters. This is a technology independent concept…it just needs to applied to cyberspace…badly.

Even though the IBOR revolves around cyber based abuse, the final focus must always be centered on retraining evil people, governments, and corporations from abusing other people. Real rights are technology independent.

I'm fully for the 100,000 sigs. But this should be an desirable step, not the final goal. One final goal would be a "Right To Privacy"…with now being the time to clearly state what a "Right to Privacy" means in Cyberspace. Remember, the "Right to be Forgotten" is primarily European language. Americans demanding a "Right to Privacy" is much easier to understood and mobilize.

de8e4a No.593539



Restraining, not retraining!!

c47a11 No.593782

Can someone please meme this:

"Will tomorrow be 1984 or 1776? The choice is yours. #InternetBillOfRights"

k thnkx

86449c No.594172



good thinking, we will keep this in mind.

esp. "should be an desirable step, not the

final goal."


"Americans demanding a "Right to Privacy" is

much easier to understood and mobilize."

right now we are behind ibor2. When

deadline approaches and if we are not near

success, then ibor3 needed, so around that

time is when this debate will heat up again.

That's when I hope to see these points be

addressed, keep eyes open for that.

mean time push hash, push petition, see u

on twtr. Gh.

86449c No.594245


sorry no time, otherwise i would give it a shot.

Try ask same question in meme room. Mayb

someone nice working there, like ur idea also,

like i do.

86449c No.594266

current room orders stand:

Push these hash:




always "TY @POTUS" on twts.

Push IBOR2 for signing:

https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2


86449c No.594340

02aac3 No.594692

File: bbd5bc3e729e38a⋯.jpg (521.82 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180308-191400.jpg)

General overrun

Baker dropped IBOR link.

Now at 7777

21e29e No.595705

Lets organize the HIT JOB on the MSM

Bring the HASH









e3e0fa No.595751

Seems like WH site malfunction like last night around this time.

A friend tries to sign petition, seems to work. But there was no confirmation email sent.

Later last night around 2300 PST it worked for me, email and all. But around 1900 PST same behavior.

I think we might be losing a lot of signatures in this manner.

Also some tweets tonight have the wrong link, goes to IBOR1 which is closed.

Check that link goes to the petition before sending or retweeting.

https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2

35b592 No.595788


Is this a way to get lefties on board? They're demanding Net Neutrality. Can we get them on board with an IBOR if it includes NN?

86449c No.595896


"tweets tonight have the wrong link, goes to


Those mayb from push b4 IBOR2, older twts

getting RTd.

2xcheck loaded petition link.

86449c No.595934

"Baker dropped IBOR link."

Was that an oversight by baker due to fast bread or was there a specific reason why dropped?

86449c No.595965


We have orders set. We will discuss ur

strategy next moment we have team meeting,



86449c No.596037


You r free to get anyone u can on board.

We will help ur idea. If we have an idea, will

tell you.

Mainly jus show them evidence, be nice,

tell them help save the world. After they over

come the shock, they might help. Works

on left and right. Ppl are ppl. Treat them like

good and they will trust you. If they trust you,

they will listen to you. What do you have to

tell them, say it well, and they will agree.

Some say NN is not on our side, no trust by

some, so leave out, stay with the plan, until

signal. TY.



e3490a No.597159

Petitions for the IBOR2: 8.635/100.000

b7a3f5 No.597520


To all Anons: See article below. It's kind of long but is yet more evidence of what we already know about Goo, YT, and twatter

http:// www.wnd.com/2018/03/free-speech-issue-of-our-time-tech-giants-trigger-conservative-revolt/

21e29e No.599606


it was up to 7700 yesterday

Q/MI Please help !

8559e0 No.600118


Up to 9300 this morning.

7416ae No.600318


Remember, those rights are rights that the GOVERNMENT cannot infringe upon. If the government were to say to Twitter that they can't determine who is part of their platform, that would actually be against Twitter's first amendment right.

Free speech on platforms owned by private parties is NOT a right we have.

Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google are private companies. We have no more a right to free speech in them then you do at any other business. THEY have a First Amendment right to prevent your speech.

Either the government operates it's own Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google,s or decentralized platforms that cannot be controlled by a single point are the real answer.

But an IBOR would help until these platforms are built and ready to scale to the size of these huge services.

2de186 No.600351

Anon in current loaf (per time stamp) suggesting that we start a draft of an IBOR and I believe that anon has a beginning…could we start a draft we could post for comment and iterate on? We could work on the draft and then propose to the entire board for maybe a weeks comments then submit to WH…

Thoughts? Lets "play the game…" and lead here…

7416ae No.600354


This is a good article.

The large Internet content services (Twitter/Facebook/YT/Google), along with the MSM, are engaged in a political agenda. This means they should be treated as political organizations by the FEC, subject to election law and disclosure requirements.

This issue is way larger than "net neutrality". It's good that something's out there on the petition site, but I am concerned about the language of the petition. It's actually unconstitutional. But since it's a petition, and not a law, I'm sure it will get reworked before it goes into a bill.

5c95c7 No.600355


So then,

with respect to say, Harmon Wilfred and their recent videos with Ortel and Jason, the reveal from mid 1990's , CF, clowns, Trusts, Secret Bank, coupons and instruments (hiden trusts and people), When will their 10+ boxes of claimed evidence be engaged?

It is understood the narrative has to be metered out so that the wider masses truly get to understand it……what happens next? Reveal of the secret bank and instruments?

With respect to Bill of RIGHTS. The centuries old MAGNACARTA laid out what? centuries later came constitutions, embedded monarchies and alleged Bill of RIGHTS. What does need to be made clear is, with IBOR, what jurisdiction does that effectively cover and HOW , because, as many know, the long standing current claimed BOR (example, Assange, KDC,Wilfred et al, in , say, monarchy countries has been trampled. The mechanism of IBOR to be refused to be treated that way needs to be plainly put.

5c95c7 No.600407


There is a clear division that could turn from virus to cancer. There is a select group of , voices, to coin a term, on certain channels, thyey dont hear our questions, now life experience, some mock, some drool ovel mentors……..got to improve this as the picture is larger, groups that could and should be uniting do not join nor speak, this is a division.

One point, it is one thing to get some to ask for an IBOR. now is great time to define that IBOR cross borders and continents.

02aac3 No.600448


Not certain, site was under attack and link is back, so chalk it up to a baking mistake.

Petition count shows Over 9000 to me, not sure about anon comments regarding petition count hack.

1ee8f0 No.600513


let's pls close this discussion.

sign the #ibor2,

await additional nudges from Q

5c95c7 No.600536

Right to privacy, privacy principles. So when you have an IBOR, what then happen to your Internet of things, android phone, fitbit , smart fridge et al, its all inclusive

357ddf No.600547


"But an IBOR would help until these platforms

are built and ready to scale to the size of these huge services."

yes, get as many signatures as you can for

our current IBOR2 push currently at

9,450. TY.


" entire board for maybe a weeks comments"

8boards don't work like that, it could work

like that, but many ppl coming and going,

only takes one to submit their own version,

start pushing it, and then some want to

finish draft, others want to start pushing

the quick entry submission, then u have ppl

arguing which course. When the and if the

time comes for IBOR3, be ready to add your

thoughts or they will have to wait again

for push IBOR4. Meantime, we agreed in

this room to push IBOR2 now until the dead

line. get some sigs.

"but I am concerned about the language of

the petition."

We are still practicing, will get better with

time, but need experience. Faith, patience,

hard work will get us there.


If something is missing from IBOR2, be

ready to debate for it when it comes to

IBOR3, be ready. It will come and go quick.

This room is dedicated to IBOR2 push and

hash push on twtr, help us, if you would.


" it is one thing to get some to ask for an

IBOR. now is great time to define that IBOR

cross borders and continents.

Good subject for petition room. We are

dedicated to IBOR2 in this room until further

notice. We didn't write IBOR2, we were

working on an IBOR here, but word got out

about IBOR2 and many wanted to join the

that effort, so we decided to join as well,

rather than stand in the way or split the

group by putting out another IBOR. Help

get sigs for our current push, be ready

if IBOR3 is needed, to add ur ideas to that


ok ppl, as much as IBOR2 is not what some

ppl want, it is what we are working with.

IBOR2 has a deadline, if we don't reach

goal by deadline, then IBOR3, then a chance

to change wording, include, exclued, etc.

But that is days away, for now get sigs for

current IBOR push and push the hash of

this room on twtr. TY.

1ee8f0 No.600571


aye! totally agree

5c95c7 No.600574

Senior Executive Service. Some say its the deep state. Is andriod phone, smart fridge, fitbit and any other data collecting device also deemed to be part of the INTERNEt Bill of Rights?, not just social media ?

How was the effect of the Magnacarta and centuries later, individual countries Bill of Rights subverted. For an Internet Bill of Rights, the prevention of subversion of needs to be clearly defined.

357ddf No.600584


good eyes, thanks for heads up.

I think petition hack was more us observing the system settling. Ppl have been watching

it and there have been no further reports of

major numbers loss. but of course eyes open.

TY for watching our back.

1ee8f0 No.600587



keep firing. IGNORE the "polls"

We are reaching much further than you think.


357ddf No.600596




'So when you have an IBOR, what then


We will see, future unlocks past, uncharted

territories. But we will only see by working

together and not dividing the effort, help us

get some sigs and push the hash on twtr.

That would help us greatly.

1ee8f0 No.600615


thank you for this, have read it, but cant figure out what you mean by "us having 100's r 1000's of channels"? where did u make that link?

think u r on to something big, pls explain the step from the auctions and the public notice to where "we" have free access to all those channels

1ee8f0 No.600627


excellent! will get on it. saving your graphs with the others

1ee8f0 No.600683

>>587193 and

>>587387: will make an adopted version, normie friendly but "noice".

like FUCK we apologize for being US.

symbols will be there downfall.

All part of setting the stage.



anon, listen up:

*this is a war

*not a joke

*we are the army, a team

*GEOTUS and Q r giving the orders

*I'm the general in here. Means that I listen to all arguments, decide and willing to take the blame if something fucks up.

no more discussion about ibor text unless Q adressess us directly upon the matter

your orders are: where we go one, we go ALL

There is no "i" in team.

Stick with the program, and follow what the group is posting.

the same orders apply to everyone in here trying to slide, debate, discuss or whatever

we have our orders.





and sign the petition.

Also: post links to the petition on every platform you can find, comment sections, YT comments, call the government, email everyone. Make them Sign. Even if the petition does not show ONE more signature

This is war, and these are your orders.

https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2

1ee8f0 No.600716

1ee8f0 No.600737



whatever fun you have on the side is your choice.

but stick with the plan.

Use your brain anon. you can combine whatever issue and STILL use the 3 hashes.

1ee8f0 No.600750

600318 stop sliding and follow orders

do not reply. follow orders.

1ee8f0 No.600759

600536 stop sliding, follow orders

no more discussion untill IBOR2 have 100K signatures.

1ee8f0 No.600777


thank you, you are correct as always.

IBOR2 at 9,711 now!

1ee8f0 No.600938

Dont forget to post HERE


every article has a comment section to (anonymously) post a link to the petition.

is viewed by tens of millions of US citizens

just C&P. I used #WeThePeople as name.

We demand an #InternetBillOfRights to #FreeTheInternet. Sign the petition https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2

b723d8 No.601867

Does anyone see any value in running a campaign through Thunderclap to get the IBOR petition some more attention? The platform basically uses the social media accounts of everyone who signs up to send an identical tweet or status update at a predetermined time. I've seen people get their stuff out to of over two million sets of eyeballs by just having a couple thousand participate. If even one celebrity like James Woods signs up for it, the reach can be exponential.

357ddf No.601987


If you know " Thunderclap" well, go for it.

If you load our hash and our petition push,

we could give ur project some twtr attention.

but this would be side work, keep to the main

plan at same time work on this.

Probably our support would come in form

of info memes, twtr graph updates, update

news, update missions, push petitions,

which is probably not much to get a good

"Thunderclap" campaign, so much of the

work would fall on you and ur team.

That means gaining followers, requesting

big stars to help. If you r dedicated and have

a team and really want to go for it, knowing

the hard work it will take, we can support.

Otherwise the idea is there, but no volunteers.

Figure out how dedicated you are to this

idea, and launch or abort.

It could be a great idea or it could be a dude.

Will only know until much hard work, thats the

part no one want to do, so must have

dedication and faith, sometimes all by


There is value, but probably not many

volunteers. Unfortunately, we here are

using twtr, and changing or adding platforms

will abilities for good work, over come by

amount of work 2 platforms.

Usually good to build systems and then

interlink them. WarRm has nice twtr system.

If good " Thunderclap" system built, interlink.

but 1st build Thunderclap system to be

effective. Gh.

357ddf No.602009

"we have our orders.





and sign the petition.

Also: post links to the petition on every platform you can find, comment sections, YT comments, call the government, email everyone. Make them Sign. Even if the petition does not show ONE more signature

https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2



1ee8f0 No.602979


10,776 signed

b75fa1 No.603018


Awesome. It was 5K when I last looked.

Call/email/write your reps too, lads.

1ee8f0 No.603071

File: fae761d18b160f9⋯.jpg (292.89 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 9-3-18 a .jpg)


check this out!

3e6cef No.603201


nice graphic update. Looking good. Maintain

cruising speed and we should land 100k.

fb0395 No.603560

Petitions for the IBOR2: 11.054/100.000

1ee8f0 No.604018


wooohooo !!!

11,127 now

fb0395 No.604083


it's fine.., but I think that can be for more, PUSH!!!

fb0395 No.604124

Also don't forget confirm the Email.

3e6cef No.604432

File: ceff07982d47d7c⋯.jpg (231 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, MAGA2TYjpg.jpg)



good news rising.



Good tips.

Keep on target, whatever we are doing it's



620494 No.604929


Seeing a TON of great work on my Tweetdeck (use this if you aren't already to track hashtags and relative keywords), but the vast majority of them are NOT including the link to the petition! We can do better!

https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2

fb0395 No.604950


Good tip, don't forget that.

1ee8f0 No.605098


LOL wtg anon.

ps: i replied to each twt cnn twatted, telling them FAKENEWS and just added a petitionlink and hashes. hahahaha. Lots a people come there to curse at cnn… great exposure! (try ABC, killary and ofuckma or mcstain…. LMAO) anything is fair in love and war. Goodnight anons

eeb9c6 No.605177

#GetPatriotic is trending. May want to add that one to the hashes.

8711f2 No.605284


"GetPatriotic "

not bigly enough.



Also, we have 3 main hash, do u know them?




can also use trending word also.

#GetPatriotic still small, may get big, who

knows. Catch a word getting 10,000 twts

per hour, thats a trending word aka cone.


Stick to orders, doing great because we are

following orders all working together. TYALL.


eeb9c6 No.605437


Sorry I had my filter on just the Washington area, and it was trending there. I have filtered back to the US.

8711f2 No.605534


no prob at all, good eyes.

620494 No.605873

File: b507f6c7ec3296b⋯.png (135.01 KB, 405x364, 405:364, ibor 2.png)

Have we considered reaching out to journalists or organizations that would share our ideals in regards to free speech on the internet? I just emailed/contacted two journalists and two organizations which I think share our vision of the freedom to express ourselves anywhere, regardless of political viewpoint. Since I don't want to flood individual journalists with emails from you guys, maybe we can consider reaching out to organizations to spread the story of our effort to bring the IBOR (and all the issues that come along with it) to light?

Here are some examples of pertinent orgs:

https:// www.indexoncensorship.org

https:// www.article19.org

https:// www.freespeechcoalition.com/

https:// www.aclu.org/issues/free-speech/internet-speech

https:// www.eff.org/issues/free-speech

Just an idea, a lot of these orgs have ongoing efforts to address free speech online, our complaint is mostly that these MSM-backed internet companies are pushing their own political agenda while muting dissenters. Not an issue for private companies, but all the ones that are censoring us are publicly traded, thus should be held to the same rules and regulations protecting our civil rights.

53a094 No.606443


has anyone tried this link? last time I got 404

8711f2 No.606465


Use hashes:




on graphic so i can twt the cool ones.

this one is suspect: "www.aclu.org/i" right?

Tell them, if they want to do whats right,

support us, lol.

Otherwise we should try to stay loyal to each

other and the people. Only way to insure

that is lead, not follow.

So tell them, if they want to do whats right,

support us. We can't follow them or ask of them,

not organizations. We can beg the people,

but not corps.

If they want to cover the news, the news is

we are trying to get a petition signed and we

need help. We are loyal to the people, we no

longer trust corporations and most news, so

we cannot join them, but they can join us,

where the only way to lead is through debate

and inspiration. Join us by signing the

petition and gathering more signatures from

other country men and women.

If >>605873 u want to continue, it will be much

hard work, I'm sure. Offer them our news,

they will either be interested or not.

If not, most likely they aren't on our side

any way, and will look to sabotage us.

Must vet them each; donations, CEOs, past

affiliations to democrats, etc . ev_l is all


There is potential but much work, not many

volunteers, time is always short.

We are having success with current orders,

lets stick with them more days and see whts

next. If having success, don't change course.


b75fa1 No.606507


Yes. Just shy of 12K sigs

8711f2 No.606537


double confirm 12k

b75fa1 No.606577


Leave God in. It's important. If you need to go agnostic, use the thing I suggested earlier:

"Natural Rights." If you don't believe it looks innocuous, and if you do believe you know what it means. They mean the same thing. Unalienable is also qualified but not as strong.

Like with Q.

8711f2 No.606635


Good subject for petition room. We are

dedicated to IBOR2 petition push in this room

until further notice. TY.

b097c7 No.606799

Hey Q, regarding the question about who did @Snowden really work for:

Was it more than one country? If so, were those countries Kuwait and Saudi Arabia?

34bb66 No.606822

It's still glitching.

Any ideas?

Is the code different on this petition than the code for any pro-state petition (e.g. gun control)?

There is no way that it is registering votes.

We need Q to find out who is restricting it.

https:// twitter.com/twitter/statuses/972212947006128130

34bb66 No.606837


Somebody's graphic on twatter

https:// twitter.com/twitter/statuses/972212947006128130

fb0395 No.607143

Petitions for the IBOR2 :12.193/100.000 PUSH!!!

8711f2 No.607707



"Petition is okay, they might be using redundant servers to handle site load for communication. When you refresh your query may go to a slightly more stale copy of the information that your browser is requesting that was cached instead of doing a db query to save processing power and db load however, I trust that db is accurate."

here was one possible explanation.

Keep pushing, don't let it slow you down.

That's what they want, 4us to slow down.

Making it rise so fast might be why its

glitching lol.

8711f2 No.607791

"we have our orders.





and sign the petition.

Also: post links to the petition on every platform you can find, comment sections, YT comments, call the government, email everyone. Make them Sign. Even if the petition does not show ONE more signature

https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2




TYALL for keeping eyes out, we are rolling

hard and fast. One slip and might

lose momentum, so do ur best stay on mission

for now, when numbers are rising fast.

Sign and get signatures.

This IBOR sig number is scaring them.

I can feel it. Keep eyes out, but also stay on

mission, be careful of anyone trying to slow

you down, this is the time they will try,

as sig count goes up, expect more

distractions being put in front of you.

not saying p glitch is a distract… but other

things as well may be a distract… esp ppl.

Careful who you follqw.

We are on course to land 100k b4 deadline.



41c5e5 No.609336

twitterfag here reporting in

keep up the memes about liberals being censored they are taking the bait. On the news the libtars are suing trump over him blocking them. they are so stupid, we can easily get a fuck ton of sigs by keeping up the 'propaganda'

41c5e5 No.609360


8711f2 No.609766


be careful divisive talk, liberals, "they are so

stupid" etc.

I have a feeling some "liberals" are here

helping, recognizing the ev_l kills all equally.

Or at least, that past leaders have been

terrible towards the good people.

Make room for them and prepare to work

with faces from all sections of America and

the World. Only all together will we find the

success we seek.

b careful divisive talk, think of "liberals" as

your future friends that will help you RT.

Also keep in mind, many of them are simply

under the spell of MSM. They need help

waking up. I was one months ago, so I know.

Its a feeling of stupidity and being robbed and

deception and confusion and disbelief.

Also, watch out for others who are divisive

and who divide where they go.

Don't think of it as 'propaganda', that's what

they do. Think of it as sharing truth with

neighbors and the more who know, safer for


TY for reporting in, we need everyone and



Be careful npr sources also, from what I hear,

just in case u didn't hear, but u prob know. TY

7b0ab9 No.610821

File: 748d6dc4846e625⋯.jpeg (262.54 KB, 750x974, 375:487, 48DBF57F-B4FF-4852-B7A3-2….jpeg)

Almost 13K on official counter, but green bar shows we made 100K. Glitch or whitehat? Not sure.

7b0ab9 No.610857


Good reminder. More important to include link than to conserve character space. Will include here on out.

07a658 No.611137

File: aca86fc036b6ef7⋯.jpg (27.46 KB, 589x295, 589:295, please-sign-clipart-2.jpg)


Need to keep adding to all adverts to make sure everybody goes to email to complete/confirm signature or it will not count

>https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2

5ecbab No.611261


We need a coordinated IBOR push at the same time. Last time a 9 pm est push worked very well.


Also, anyway to convince a T_D mod on reddit to sticky the link?

2de186 No.611468










Love you guys! Was going to suggest just this! Well done and simpler better..tie into God given rights is brilliant…

7245a3 No.611507

Q mentions M & MrsM in one of his posts….cant find the exact one but……..

here is M & MrsM…………..

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTzsk6NuYUo

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyzX6qLyaJY

dd7a7e No.611932

We need to keep reaching out to normies. The twatter campaign is going strong, but now we need to reach into reddit. Go into r/worldnews and r/politics and sort by rising. Find topics you are interested in and informed about and add polite, well-worded conservative viewpoints. You will get downvoted and you will get called a troll. The ones resisting and calling you names are not our targets. The thousands of lurkers that are in the middle and undecided need to at least see and understand some of our conservative logic. You will know you have made a good point when the name-calling begins. But this is important: stay level headed and don't return in kind. Simply point out that they resort to name calling and insults when they cannot refute your argument. The lurkers will watch the liberals devolve into their emotional, frothing at the mouth selves and realize they don't have a point. This is something we can all be doing to spread our ideas throughout the leftist echo chambers on this site.

Try to find new posts with 5 or fewer comments, that way the first idea a lurker sees is a conservative one. Our points are further validated when they are immediately attacked without reason or a supporting argument. Lurkers are voters, and we are 9 Senate seats away from being unstoppable.

Know your strengths and your weaknesses. Don't engage in a discussion if you aren't informed about the topic. Link proof that backs your talking points, but be careful of the source. Try to find the most mainstream sources you can, because if you link a conservative publication they will go into a rant about how unreliable and bigoted it is.

Key points: Be polite. Use logic. Don't stoop to their level. Know when not to open your mouth.


Because you will be downvoted, you will be able to post only once every 10 minutes. People will attack you just to get a rise, but you will be wasting valuable time that could otherwise be spent convincing the moderates. Remember, we will never change the minds of the loudest voices. Make your points for the lurkers, they are the ones we wish to enlighten.

Use your edit function. You cannot make another post for 10 minutes, but you can edit prior posts to addresses comments if need be.

We must spread our light into the darkest corners of the internet. Do your part to MAGA.

d48af7 No.612702


I agree. Reaching out to normies is essential. I was always thinking the youtube videos are the best to reach out to them, because they have like 30k views. What other options? Lets list all ideas / options here.

8711f2 No.613313


lol, u all are messing up the petition site.

blkHts trying to delete it, whthts trying to

protect it, a_ons watching it 24hrs, because

of you all, lol


yes good reminder, always add current

IBOR2 link.


Yes, good reminder for ppl to do the email

part as well or might lose sigs.


watch the graphs, try to figure out how many

we are and try to find out when we are.

You say 9pm, when else? Know that some

of us are pushing every waking hour, lol. Also,

know that if we all do our part faithfully, we

only need to do our small part. Be sure to

spend time with important family, be sure to

cruise and laugh, safely of course. If you

feel like 9pm is good, join us at 9, like i say

some are already there waiting for you, lol

enjoy the show.

" T_D mod on reddit to sticky the link?"

no idea, curious, what is the benefit, if u



we have a petition draft archived. We will

discuss IBOR3 when closer to deadline of

our IBOR2 push. Right now focus IBOR2

push, with link and email reminder. TY!

Archive your ideas so don't forget, lol.

09af40 No.613353

File: 8747f67f67a26ce⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 172x208, 43:52, Qpublnk.jpg)

File: 37e86bf7238238b⋯.jpg (21.77 KB, 310x163, 310:163, tgasflg.jpg)

File: 2ccfb972faba395⋯.jpg (35.02 KB, 400x524, 100:131, qpublnk.JPG)

File: cad8fc7070229d6⋯.jpg (62.74 KB, 375x506, 375:506, qtgasflg.JPG)


This iz fur NEone that want teh take off innurnet and bring en teh RL. Ref in RL: Avrytmp#8873

https:// anonfile.com/ZdN1M3d0b8/Avery8873qpublnk.docx

https:// anonfile.com/a1ObM4d2bd/Avery8873tgasflg.docx


07a658 No.613496

File: aca86fc036b6ef7⋯.jpg (27.46 KB, 589x295, 589:295, please-sign-clipart-2.jpg)


If people do not go confirm in the email, then those signatures come back off…need to make sure to add that vote dont count if no confirmed email to all twts. also dbl checking that the correct petition link is used.

07a658 No.613598

File: 8a1395c53dc6b68⋯.png (204.04 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1_aIK2iGaAbQylTY05c3h1EA.png)

File: e18d2c0ed5653f1⋯.jpeg (113.78 KB, 660x465, 44:31, 1_COz20WnbbeerK1cw3ZOZMQ.jpeg)

File: 59511a0e77307e0⋯.jpeg (63.68 KB, 640x345, 128:69, 1_NQpUx6IdbeHzGz7UC-bgvg@….jpeg)

File: 64134cbcaa64dfd⋯.jpg (124.92 KB, 800x418, 400:209, 37661-lgbt-rights-facebook….jpg)

File: 82383d559a447f3⋯.jpg (56.51 KB, 714x266, 51:19, 578161_495473650520328_106….jpg)


Here's a start on what I'm working on

07a658 No.613639

File: 7b9ff6c3f128487⋯.jpg (136 KB, 955x500, 191:100, 12846557.jpg)

File: 0ae0e953588b80c⋯.jpg (187.14 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, 545831580-demonstrators-fr….jpg)

File: 80f987f5073c4aa⋯.jpg (66.21 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1491507375113.jpg)

File: 37bcfd90468a2a7⋯.png (476.31 KB, 700x370, 70:37, Become an Intern! (1).png)

File: 3fff04796e00180⋯.jpg (197.97 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, c833cd538a649c01e9df5d98e8….jpg)


a few more

07a658 No.613650

File: 2cd922622b9929d⋯.jpg (84.73 KB, 640x640, 1:1, download.jpg)

File: 28afefb777c0228⋯.jpg (101.77 KB, 830x612, 415:306, Fat-Feminist.jpg)

File: 4dc19d447d4edcb⋯.jpg (81.79 KB, 618x410, 309:205, feminism-conformity-marko.jpg)

File: 4931b461c429a75⋯.png (141.56 KB, 758x720, 379:360, feminisme.png)

File: 7db3f05d873069a⋯.png (250.39 KB, 800x600, 4:3, gay_and_trans_rights_by_un….png)

07a658 No.613689

File: 2d2bb194cd8ecf5⋯.jpg (81.92 KB, 288x294, 48:49, cats_against_.jpg)


cute cat meme

07a658 No.613715

File: 161f5835cfd48bf⋯.jpg (83.86 KB, 600x390, 20:13, 1984 or 1776.jpg)


1776 or 1984

07a658 No.613930

File: 4e1b7ed45065995⋯.jpg (247.57 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, steeling.jpg)

File: 54ce4fe48f6a70c⋯.jpg (60.1 KB, 620x465, 4:3, Robin-Vietnam2.jpg)



Anybody with idea's for Meme's…send them to me and I'll see what I can come up with for you!

But….since I am so totally new around here and just trying to learn the system..might be better to msg me on twtr til I figure out to go back to any of my post's…or maybe somebody can tell me how?

8711f2 No.613935


You make good arguments, we do need to reach more.

Reddit could be used, >>611932 seems to

know reddit well. That's what you need.

ppl who know reddit, or ppl willing to learn.

Personally, my time is for the most part all

taken by twtr campaign, graphics, research.

Reddit campaign will prob need its own room,

so orders don't get crossed.

In the beginning it will seem hopeless but

with daily work, it can be built from scratch.

Depends on those that go this route.

Its a well laid plan, hate to see it not used.


Reddit Room

Daily work

team, starts small at first


improvements along the way

open minds, respectful voices.

soon success.

If you >>611932 still want to, we can provide

limited support, but we have orders and side

work hurts our mission, but your mission

is important also. Let us know your decision.

8711f2 No.613994

"Reaching out to normies is essential. I "

Thats what we attempt on twtr.

"always thinking the youtube videos are the


They all have their benefits, all have their



takes time to build, but we can ask utubers

with those kinds of views to mention us.

"What other options? Lets list all ideas /

options here."

Be sure side work does not hurt current

orders. Otherwise, Gh.


8711f2 No.614057


Nice work.

I got advice other day to stay

away from women's movement. I trust the

person so i took their advise.

I offer same advise.

The 2 without the women, I like and might

use, TY.

I like the one with women too but it may

cause a women vs men situation and we

don't want divide. TY.

See u on twtr.

8711f2 No.614110




whoa i saw someone requesting this exact

meme. someone will be happy nice work.


good ones.

"til I figure out to go back to any of my post's"

hmm maybe easiest, make a book mark

4 now.

Control+d, add to bookmarks bar.

8711f2 No.614253


aliens, psychics, can't use. Might be true

but how prove?

Use events that can be proven, researched.

Go after obvious corruption. One picture like

HillKissingKKK, obvious.

Aliens psychic, not obvious, near-impossible

to prove.

Difficulty to prove one is high. One is easy

to prove. Which should we use?

Stay away from aliens and psychics for now.

Stick with obvious, easy2prove, include

links and evidence. TY

07a658 No.614289


thanks for advice. I was working off a suggestion to do the liberal, feminist, gay, trans , etc take on things… Did you see any of the other two post I put up with memes? how are those. I guess I'll keep learning as I go…thank you so much for offering advise@

Me on twtr: @chrisbee65

8711f2 No.614342

orders: >>607791

Also reminder, ask signers to confirm in their

email or sigs won't count.

Include link AsMuchAsPos in twts.

2xcheck the provided linkByU is correct.

No aliens or psychics or anything difficult to

prove. We need evidence for ppl to take us

seriously and to earn their trust, and to allow

them to review our source and for them to

stumble down their own red-pill rabbit holes.


8711f2 No.614463

File: 2a1ff5515ad5b9a⋯.jpg (392.64 KB, 1200x764, 300:191, TY POTUSjpg.jpg)

File: 1703a9070603623⋯.jpg (410.86 KB, 1200x806, 600:403, TYQ.jpg)


no problem, nice to have a humble helper.

" working off a suggestion to do the liberal,

feminist, gay, trans , etc take on things"

I thought was good idea too, but was advised

against so isometimes take advice and see

the wisdom later, lol.

"Did you see any of the other two"

cat was very good, put the hash on it and


1776 one near classic, near 8chMaserpeice.

nice work.

I find them and use them and put our hash

on them and RT them, hate to see

awesome work go not used, lol Some

graphics are so good.

07a658 No.614502

File: 4e1b7ed45065995⋯.jpg (247.57 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, steeling.jpg)


This is actually one of my favorites…do you think its appropiate?

8711f2 No.614831


I do like it.

only part is POTUS in stripes.

Better to show POTUS taking back what

has been stolen, dressed like a Prez.


"POTUS is giving back what they tried

to STEEL from the American People"

68ef31 No.615501


68ef31 No.615546



8711f2 No.615629

68ef31 No.615731


MAN ar WE!!


68ef31 No.615754


68ef31 No.615763



09af40 No.615766


Please put memes in appropriate spaces. Keep it up! :)

https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/596831.html

68ef31 No.615789


68ef31 No.615841


68ef31 No.615913


8711f2 No.616082



Qteam - clear FF all light.

Please keep the board clear, unless important.

Jokes are fun, but unfortunately, this is not a




>>602009 (You)


>>614342 (You)


8711f2 No.616326

grr these bug me when not answered, lol.

>>615501 BRIDGE


who JDH?

>>615629 We ar MAN

This house is not divided.


WWG1WGA, like this one, "where we go 1…"


We are 1!, Invincible!


q cmmnd - race to X_ no comms

lol ok, jokes are fun. This is not a game.

back to orders:







07a658 No.616405

File: cfb572601f30773⋯.jpg (239.16 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, steel.jpg)



1ee8f0 No.616496

File: def20370baace40⋯.png (710.66 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, nice logo.png)


HAHAHAHAHA great plan.

You earned the "go behind enemy lines" Patch

07a658 No.616594



sorry…still learning…haven't got the hang of navigating site yet…I shall try to do better…thanks for the link

8711f2 No.616626


nice, stick our hash on it, if u would, if there

is room on graphic.

See what kind of response u get twting.

I usually cut and paste this:






https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2

2 twts. Make ur own version or use this one,

add it to your original twt. Good job. can't

wait to retwt it.

8711f2 No.616719


Eurt usually allows memes here pertinent to

our efforts, as long as one does not get

carried away and post so many it interrupts

work or is not pertinent.

Eurt is tough but fair, which is why i trust.

For the real good memes I post here, in

memes, and main general, lol but get some

experience first, only post the best to all 3,

like your 1776 one, that one is near-classic.

Practice is good.



>>602009 (You)


>>614342 (You)


1ee8f0 No.616725

hi. coffee good?

it just hit me. there's gonna b a parade in washington on my wedding day.

Thinking of flying over and be part of the celebrations.

Love you @Potus. so grateful!

1ee8f0 No.616890

File: de7647e1894c646⋯.jpg (103.18 KB, 753x562, 753:562, ROSEANNE.jpg)


Roseanne Barr just liked a tweet on


ac81fa No.617969


Petitions for the IBOR2: 14.043/100.000., PUSH!!!!

0dadf3 No.618156


these hv bn derewsna

0dadf3 No.618183

A letter to the editor of the Morning Chronicle, dated 2 January 1819, states:

On the 19th of November, as the servants belonging to the West Mains of Dunsinane-house, were employed in carrying away stones from the excavation made among the ruins that point out the site of Macbeth's castle here, part of the ground they stood on suddenly gave way, and sank down about six feet, discovering a regularly built vault, about six feet long and four wide. None of the men being injured, curiosity induced them to clear out the subterranean recess, when they discovered among the ruins a large stone, weighing about 500lb [230 kg], which is pronounced to be of the meteoric or semi-metallic kind. This stone must have lain here during the long series of ages since Macbeth's reign. Beside it were also found two round tablets, of a composition resembling bronze. On one of these two lines are engraved, which a gentleman has thus deciphered.— 'The sconce (or shadow) of kingdom come, until Sylphs in air carry me again to Bethel.' These plates exhibit the figures of targets for the arms. From time immemorial it has been believed among us here, that unseen hands brought Jacob's pillow from Bethel and dropped it on the site where the palace of Scoon now stands. A strong belief is also entertained by many in this part of the country that it was only a representation of this Jacob's pillow that Edward sent to Westminster, the sacred stone not having been found by him. The curious here, aware of such traditions, and who have viewed these venerable remains of antiquity, agree that Macbeth may, or rather must, have deposited the stone in question at the bottom of his Castle, on the hill of Dunsinane (from the trouble of the times), where it has been found by the workmen. This curious stone has been shipped for London for the inspection of the scientific amateur, in order to discover its real quality

0dadf3 No.618211



0dadf3 No.618230



0dadf3 No.618266



0dadf3 No.618330



0dadf3 No.618389

OuTUA EXtEmpora

0dadf3 No.618399


07a658 No.618777

Prez is about to be live! Front of the podium says PROMISES MADE PROMISES KEPT

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz1pKslZdLk&feature=push-lbss&attr_tag=s–AGftY8kKX8tsv-6

1ee8f0 No.618787

14,189 signed



we are posting our stuff everywhere.

SIlence 1 voice and 1,000 will take its place

07a658 No.618892


Thank you for the imput…would you mind sending me a link to the memes and gen main pages, so i can bookmart them. Appreyiate all the help i can get

1ee8f0 No.618952


just click [CATALOG] and you will find your way. ignore the shills in here. they're a bit rowdy since we started insulting bez0z and his friends to their faces

1ee8f0 No.619111


p etitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2

388ccd No.619484


whoa American hero dropping in frm

home country. Very cool story. Pretty sure

I will still be broke, so i wll b here typing


Had to use backup coffee today, enjoy

grinding my own beans, lol sounds funny,

but out of beans and gotta cut back lol for my

long term health, lol. so yeah bad coffee, cold.

lots of details if you go.

oh and b careful,

prime spot to get even2 us for puttingThem


TY @Potus

388ccd No.619686


https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/596831.html


also you can scroll up and look closely, just

another tip. As long as the board does not

change, everything posted stays.

Except one time awhile back, on a weird day.

But nevermind that, story time some other

time. Orders. lol. I can prove nothing, but

it was SPOOKY.

5b05ae No.619709

File: 5ef83241bf49de1⋯.png (422.71 KB, 833x1024, 833:1024, ashampoo_snap914.png)

Good heavens I didn't know there was an anti free speech movement.

Anon is pushing the link ending in ..rights-2

There are bait petitions ..rights-3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, at least.

388ccd No.619848


"it just hit me"

something hit me also,


"We work for you.

Promises made.

Promises kept."

We hear you5:5



what do we want?

what would be the next important thing

America/World needs?

What would you like to see?

USALL pick 2.

Send meme(s)/hash request, see if OneConfirms?

Mean time keep up with Trump&Frens, what

they push we push that day.

Do for all Tr twts and do some 4 TrFrens also,

but priority Tr.


388ccd No.619920


If we have loyal followers, they will use our link.

If we inspire enough, they will click our

provided link.

Nothing we can do about :

"There are bait petitions ..rights-3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

and 8, at least."

but good eyes, at least we know. probly bettr

to act as if they don't exist4now.

Later it might actually serve as good

competition, as we get closer.

Also what scares power more than multiple

attempts at an IBOR on WHPsite, lol.

388ccd No.620779

File: 20eb74ef642aa7e⋯.jpg (107.12 KB, 638x362, 319:181, 03102018twtEUJpg.jpg)


388ccd No.622215


"You witnessed a strength test tonight.

Speech promoted here/POTUS to gauge response.

Net slowed.

Protections in place."

"Speech promoted here"

We didn't promote speech. If we had known

we could have help promote also. Didn't

see the signs, strength test.

If they promote here and review results,

then what indicates success/failure?

InBetween main orders,


add some support memes and twts pushing

TrSpeech. It's already over, but maybe we

can meme the highlights and encourage ppl

to watch it utube, etc tomorw. TY. Gh.

07a658 No.624833

File: c57d2b318a22024⋯.jpg (245.46 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, steel.jpg)

5c95c7 No.624989


For some the appearance is what your wrote, too deep. For a lot of us, UNHEARD patriots, not in usa, we knew the energy of this and was not unexpected.

There are current narratives in , alternative media that can be altered to accelerate an awakening, BUT Q, there is a division to bridge.

That aside,

Time to put the arse of the world, NZ on the MAP. POTUS quite rightly informed about low IQ persons, in NZ an even lower IQ of hate in bureaucracy for too long has and is beating and dividing. A terrible true story yet to unfold.

A timeline, a story, yet to be brought to light is..NZ ( CLUE just like Bill Moyers TRADE SECRETS poisoning of USA workers - THE MOUSE THAT ROARED afterward, the Insurance policy of denial , aka now, fake news narrative, and whom and how much cost it took over decades .

Recent talking heads look to certain " mentors" and certain 8ch and utube channels to be popular in chatter, read deep - THEY DO NOT ASK ME OR US AND SOME MOCK in embarrassment , to initlally be FAGS orkeks larps or pepes. NOT one word of that language in todays POTUS speech tells a lot, and many missed it.

Let the combination of KDC , Harmon et al be told , but the current selected voices of a certain utube channel who WONT hear our experienced voices and views can serve as a division, tell the mentor, that narrative needs to change. get it done Q

5c95c7 No.625045


So Q, there is much silence on COMEy and five eyes meeting in Queenstown. WHOM else was there, what was that narrative?

NZ politicians and businesses openly and wholeheartedly welcome HRC and Hussein. WHY. ?

Deal with that then ponder why, just like the VETS potus has openly supported, in NZ the same PM whom also let the hurt happen is in the UN. link?

5c95c7 No.625154


>Then there was Agent Orange, a true horror, made in NZ. The insurance type and medical type there are of what? denial, just like alleged McVeigh blowing up a federal building WHEN the scope was to hide poisoning of VETS and others to eliminate what? liability.

5c95c7 No.625181

Read the NZ privacy principles in their entirety.. How are those violated by bureaucracy ?

Now there is a call for IBOR. Before IBOR the subjugation of Magnacarta et al needs to be thought out across borders.

5c95c7 No.625206





So Q what happens next? Yes it is important USA is totally won. Along side this, include us too, we are the unheard voices ignored by current utube " mentors" and certain channels….they do need an education!

5c95c7 No.625458



IN NZ, long ago before the kek larp keyboard generation, actual documents upon being taught HOW to utilise the law and statutes, How to write formal letter to obtain the required result, or maybe its more popular now to forget us for a kek or pepe cartoon meme?

There appears a diret correlation to how , some , usa insurance giants (For avoidance of doubt, watch the movie hint Walhburg, fighting insurance company, WHAT GOT REVEALED? THE POLICY {hidden}.

What else is hidden { profiling} of {insurance staff} for what purpose? There are companies, names companies that provide the FORMULAe for the TITLED name of profiling methods for insurance staff. The Role of insurancestaff, …..kek, fag, claims denials

ARE you profiled? OF course, how? By which mechanisms? {red pill} the hint of danger missed by most, programs currently being written to replace {jobs} via {AI] in some {insurance} arenas that you have been warned of.. yes but you missed all those links, kept conveniently , via profile, consumed with a paradigm of hope .

What comes next?

ac81fa No.625486

Petitions for the IBOR2: 14.814/100.000…

5c95c7 No.625509


The term Future Proves Past is very Telling. What happened WHEN the insurance industry of hate and legitimate workers comp claims were hit with regular DENIAL { profiled}?

{hint} western Australia media, Australia media reported much, Nz media reported much, Canada support groups along with NZ and Aus whilst taking in the USA stories.

What happened? Media closed down telling the full story.

So now treating minds to yelling IBOR is zero different to HOW the minds were formulated to be antifa et al, work it out yet. probably not

5c95c7 No.625532


Have you ever been taught how to develop a discriminating mind along with {what} critical thinking? {profiled} they are creating you { mockingbird advanced}.

But hey, never listen to me, or , Kimdotcom, nor assange, nor harmon et al.

That is what {they} want you to do right? AND you dont yet understand a deep reason why yet.

5c95c7 No.625548


{clue} Which physicist worked out that human amotion relies a greatdeal upon WHAT? APPROVAL and DIISAPPROVAL. So these current generations become easy to {manipulate} via keyboard and keywords, much you wont ever hear them speak openly, say, in a family or mall setting. why?

What does it take to be a great mentor? POTUS worked it out long ago, hence the clues in their latest Pensylv. speech, i bet you missed those clues.

5c95c7 No.625573


{clue} Wrote in a Utube channel something of value, WAS MOCKED by weak mind, days later, your media revealed 8 minute plus mocking of political figure , claimed to be by russians , worlds apart from the immature and uninformed chatter on that channel, great embarrassment to them, opportunity lost.

5c95c7 No.625582


>WAS MOCKED by weak mind, days later, your media revealed 8 minute plus mocking of political figure , claim



5c95c7 No.625635


>The term Future Proves Past is very Telling. What happened WHEN the insurance industry of hate and legitimate workers comp claims were hit with regular DENIAL { profiled}?

>{hint} western Australia media, Australia media reported much, Nz media reported much, Canada support groups along with NZ and Aus whilst taking in the USA stories.

>What happened? Media closed down telling the full story.

AND {WHAT is the CURRENT Narrative some " mentors" wont ever ask us about?}

{profiled} They do know.

Predictive programming.

Predictive human programming to confuse minds over at least a generation { or two and more} where now, select " mentors" wont ever answer our views nor questions in a hive mind utube google controlled channel }}}

So bet you didnnt work out yet, why, on Australian NEWS TV is right now currently Cutting / Paste selective clips to form a {4am?} narrative? bet you missed the whole lot. kek larp yawn ibor or what? you are missing something of great value

3429a0 No.625658

Air over east has multiple no call sign planes flying and landing with learjet escort.

5c95c7 No.625675


>{profiled} They do know.

>Predictive programming.

>Predictive human programming to confuse minds over at least a generation { or two and more} where now, select " mentors" wont ever answer our views nor questions in a hive mind utube google controlled channel }}}

>So bet you didnnt work out yet, why, on Australian NEWS TV is right now currently Cutting / Paste selective clips to form a {4am?} narrative? bet you missed the whole lot. kek larp yawn ibor or what? y

Why is it, NONE of you have yet to connect, {Australian / NZ media} to controllingthe narrative, cut/paste control of narrative. We, us have been here to help all along, what does it truly take to INCLUDE is or step aside to kek larp fag yawn heros to observe them make many mistakes they dont yet realise.? Lets quietly observe the beloved mentor and Fag , bet ehey wont ever ask nor attend any spectr of above….a narrative. work it out yet?

16f3fb No.625703


Eurt, we need a tactical approach on Twitter timing

5c95c7 No.625781


Has it not yet occurred to the mind , say, why those in positions of absolute power have been saying, many laugh at {you}

So now the controlled narrative is…to have, in the hive, some that can read Q posts to READ OUT ALOUD}}} to make {{you}} feel {{something}} in the unconscious narrative you are too dumb and stupid to {{read}}

Lets see how that goes.

Need a {{ narrative }} reader?

5c95c7 No.625796


Ever notice, that, deliberate attention and whole youtube posts are nothing more than, {{{reading to you}}} what you already see?


5c95c7 No.625804


Does it occur to you yet, WHY, some, apparrently claimed mentor(s) have not and WONT ask nor attend any questions above ?


5c95c7 No.625832


{{{hint}} THEY are LAUGHING at you.

Give me to resource to travel, asia, india, mangolia, russia et al , to then show them {{{your reading narrative}}} , THEY would laugh in absolute humour {{{AT}}} you. This narrative is known , you do know that dont you? isnt it why you got kek, larp, fag, yawn et al?

3429a0 No.625849


No more degraded steel. Cheap steel means cheap. Does not meet standard.

5c95c7 No.625851


oops you may have been {{profiled}} whilst willingly turning of WIFI in your home , fitbit, and everyother means of internet of things, kept your valued mind occupied. But hey, do never believe me, nor the many family and friends whom are buried, and waiting to die.

5c95c7 No.625880


So the narrative is what? USA. the volume of voices is small but growing. On Certain

Youtube channels do THEY hear our experience, nope, only FAG kek larp and their own voices. they miss a lot, and Q knows this.

5c95c7 No.625900



{{{hint}} missed. Their Education system (see twitter {{{liberalism}}}} is so bad, americans need someone to read out aloud Q posts. That says a great deal WHILST those of use asking to help out are actively ignored.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now do you see why potus said they are laughing? probably not yet.

3429a0 No.625903


You mean Corsi. He sounds so lost talking in circles. I could say I don't know a lot too.

5c95c7 No.625919


What does it take to get truly heard?

3429a0 No.625968


So the preceding Chancellors were hand selected, but had to work in the dark to control world economics and the living conditions of the people. Therefore, Germany still the largest political and economical influence (facade) reminds its people there will be no return to a Third Reich all the while enslaving them in anarchy by mass immigration and causing them to rush into the arms of the government to surrender their rights for protection in return.

3429a0 No.625980


They do this through a constant reminder of showing films of Hitler's atrocities and make it mandatory teaching. Guilty the people it is their morale responsibility to take all needy no matter what they do.

5c95c7 No.625991


How has that played out in NZ? think employment law, by design. Obey wage freeze and be at mercy or………be replaced by immigration. and that has been done

5c95c7 No.626019


What happened {{{disenfranchisement}}} …aka WHY the {{{{dems}}}} fear you become informed.

The disenfranchisement of you, your country become {{what}}}?? pawns in a game.

It is why POTUS re-enfranchisement of the american communities is so greatly important the globalists and {fake} hate so much.

5c95c7 No.626035


but lets not be blindsided by big words. politicians said reform, potus said cut.

The use of language is a key, and a lot of you have been played

048888 No.626762

Tons of sliding by a blind bat. Need a focused push on Twitter with the three hashes

510ef3 No.626794

>>626762https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc9_jrM_x-I

1ee8f0 No.627123

PRICELESS! cabal so scared they r making "BAIT PETITIONS" we need to meme this

1ee8f0 No.627166


hmmm… shelving your idea. I think it's good, nice touch. first need to tell the world about the bait petitions LOL… great meme material !!!

and get those 100K. (which will b EASY)

* we cud use a spanish anon pushing in its community

* general made memes tricking libs to sign (rainbow memes.. hahahaha seems to work miracles)

* posting non-hot links in comment sections of videos is great, just not HOT link, or it gets scrappped as spam

1ee8f0 No.627186


i twatted your lovely meme anon!

great job

1ee8f0 No.627240


yup. very true.

1ee8f0 No.627259


Please state the nature of your visit here.

war room anons r getting irritated by your flood posting. best make it short and sweet.

Swinging bat to kick out sliders, so keep it short and focussed… Friendly fire can ban.

1ee8f0 No.627437

File: abfdcc4bc716aaf⋯.jpg (967.86 KB, 2480x3508, 620:877, IBOR2 11-3-18.jpg)

Promise made, promise kept

here is the requested new graph.

101f54 No.630075


https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc9_jrM_x-I

Albert Wong Yountville Shooter With PTSD has DEA License.


nice graphic.


" tell the world about the bait petitions"

Careful, not much sauce to tell the world,

bait, only assumption for now, which can

backfire if we are attacked and have no

sauce. Sauce protects us. Tell world nothing

unless sauce included/available. Even more

sauce needed as we get bigger audiences,

or easily dismissed conspiracy.

Good tips Spanish, specific memes, non-

hot links.

101f54 No.630248

File: 64b6811da0f3c8a⋯.jpg (118 KB, 794x388, 397:194, StarHousejpg.jpg)


1ee8f0 No.630262


there are TEN petitions, and numerous weird variations on our hashes.

1ee8f0 No.630266



80bf89 No.630459

File: f4e8d6cf2ea5cb1⋯.png (6.78 KB, 352x198, 16:9, IBOR2.png)

Anons, Don't lose the Focus in the #IBOR2

d48af7 No.630678


Somebody needs to reach out to the Youtubers and ask them to promote it too.

100K, no joke to reach.

1ee8f0 No.631024


"someone" ==> ==YOU'RE HIRED!==

DONT hotlink on YT comments.

C&P this:

petitions .whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2


101f54 No.631100


Yeah saw that, I am suspicious also, but

still not sauce. Easy sauce, think

HillKissingKKK pic.

Q said strength test, promoted here.

We/I did not know, did not see it.

How do you think we did?

What indicates success?

Also, said play with us, like a dance.

Some things QP can't do/say.

Some things we need help with, or

protection from.

Play with us imo means what we do, PQ will


What QP does, we will help them with wht we


How help? use wht we can do to help each other.



yes you're hired, lol no pay, no medal, but

u might help save the world, lol jk,

I will drop some utube TY and ask for support.

More ppl doing this, more likely they will help


1ef682 No.631148


http:// www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/04/comey-pompeo-head-new-zealand-highly-secretive-meeting-spying-alliance-five-eyes/

Comey, Pompeo Head to New Zealand For Highly Secretive Meeting With Spying Alliance ‘Five Eyes’

It is understood about 15 agencies which carry out intelligence for Five Eyes – the spying partnership of the United States, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and New Zealand – are attending the conference

Many are curious as to what will be discussed in this meeting. It is important to note that Judge Napolitano recently revealed that Obama tapped British spies and the ‘Five Eyes’ spying network to monitor Trump and his associates during the 2016 election

1ee8f0 No.631153


i saw Q's shout out to the live steam and psted it on TW. got major following and posted links to IBOR2 in livechat. go great responses/

1ee8f0 No.631166


our shils r back. pls keep an eye on new bread will you pls? still not my old self. run offline all the time. well, u know why/how.

80bf89 No.631220


Pompeo isn't the pawn of Trump?

88bc18 No.631338


He was on Fox this morning lying his ass off. I don’t believe one word that comes out of his mouth.

80bf89 No.631358


Maybe is a Good Actor.

101f54 No.631365


excellent moves. do it again if opportunity



Aye! Usually i figure, let them talk themselves

out, bread is easy to make, arguing only

waste more post. Eventually 20 post w/

no response and finally get the hint. Or

mayb just venting, everyone needs vent

sometimes lol,


Idk much about Pompeo, even name is

strange, Pompeo, like Rome?

Whats good about now, is its easy for some1

to quickly discover w/research and sauce,

whether someone is ev_l or not by looking

into the past, the MAP.

80bf89 No.631385


Pompeo= Pompeii.., Remember the Vesubio mont?..,

101f54 No.631459


just read wikiAbout it, crazy town under the

volcano, lol but to each their own, hope Vsleeps more.

ok back to orders unless relevant topic post:







80bf89 No.631528

shit.., it's truly frustrating that The IBOR2 isn't full

5c4bdd No.631620


http:// www.collective-evolution.com/2014/03/08/10-scientific-studies-that-prove-consciousness-can-alter-our-physical-material-world/

5c4bdd No.631629


Bad Company…Bad Actor

388ccd No.632356


Lol thats what we need, a good/bad actor

lookup table, with links/sauce of course.

So we know who to support in twts.

GeneralRoom could probably use this as well.

1ee8f0 No.632366


hahaha you answered one. LOL

1ee8f0 No.632394

IBOR2 is doing GREAT! crawling to 16K now

388ccd No.632564


Yes was expecting it to crawl eventually,

but thought sooner. This really is good

results, even tho long way to go.

I suppose we will have to

push hard all the way to 100k from here on.

b9cf9c No.632692


Ya think? ;-)

004f50 No.634323

File: 640eb1f4c4e77db⋯.jpg (132.32 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, light-bulb-idea.jpg)


I've been thinking about how to gain support/momentum for #InternetBillofRights. I believe we should attach #InternetBillofRights and links to the petition (if so inclined) to the #Enough movement.

https:// www. womensmarch.com/enough/

Keep it non-partisan and don't mention Q or Trump…just promote #InternetBillofRights by hitching on their bandwagon.

I really, really, think we'd get support and signatures just by the phrase on bipartisan memes – bound to catch the attention of student protesters and by extension, their parents.

Basic idea is let's use THEIR numbers to OUR advantage.

Hell, 99% will buy in just on the notion and will not bother to check origins of #InternetBillofRights.

Teens love to have a cause, and they love the internet. And they're mobilizing this week and March 24 in massive numbers for the school violence protests. They surely will want to support #InternetBillofRights.

de72e7 No.635468



not a strong hash for cone aka trending word.

https:// www.hashtags.__org/analytics/Enough/

Not a bad idea:

"Keep it non-partisan and don't mention Q or

Trump…just promote #InternetBillofRights by

hitching on their bandwagon."

"use THEIR numbers to OUR advantage."

If you know how to play this just right, it

will probably work. Let us know what you

need to make this work, if reasonable, I'm

sure a few can help, without interrupting

main mission. Looking forward to your

graphics, memes, idea, and most importantly,

a simple but effective plan.

If kept simple, ppl will follow.

If only throw,

the idea out, no memes, no graphics, no

simple plan, no stated goals, no measure-

results method, how ppl know you are in it

for the long haul?

It can be a lot of work, so be prepared if

you really want to pursue this idea. Gh.

de72e7 No.635483

c4d42a No.636178

Move ISP jurisdiction back to the FTC - where it was prior to the "secret voting" that moved it to the FCC. That move, alone, gives customers much more protection.

Here's some background on the difference between the FTC and FCC re: ISPs:

https:// www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/public_statements/893473/151204plispeech1.pdf

c4d42a No.636264

AT&T is contracted with the gov.

https:// www.business.att.com/industries/Portfolio/public-sector/#public-sector-federal

Look at the EIS catalog and the state "feeders" involved. I don't like globalists owning my phone/router service.

80bf89 No.636939

Who knows about At&t.., At%&t is the contractor of the NSA

Petitions for the IBOR2: 16.561/100.000


The Board?

de72e7 No.637054

File: 32db90c57282fab⋯.jpg (281.9 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Rick Saccone VoteJpg.jpg)


3a8158 No.639168

#2 is doing really well. What's working is spamming youtube channels with it. Find a live streamer and tell them to sign #InternetBillofRights and ALWAYS include the link! https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2

1ee8f0 No.639573

hi anons (laughing at shills and sliders)

Will bake new bread. PLEASE anons, do not answer the shills and the sliders.

They're getting REALLY predictable.

Current order stand:


>spread the word, also on YT and comment sections everywhere




==Use memes, examples, videos, newitems to tweet and ALWAYS end with the request to sign

==approach ppl directly and ask to sign and become memewarrior themselves. give ppl responsibility to get others to sign.

==send twats @nasty people and LAUGH IN THEIR FACES in your tweet, while promoting IBOR. Will get you a lot of RT's and new followers.

==Ask your followers (in a meme/graph) to send their BEST tweet of the day directly @you and promis to RT it. If your newsfeed is like mine, its impossible to keep up. If followers point their BEST twat of the day @you, its easy to find in notifications and RT.


==ignore everyone that comes in here to suggest pushing other hashes. We have our orders from Q and from GEOTUS.





+ link tO PETITITON (17K+ now!)


#FakeNews (show examples)

Easy enough to combine #FakeNews with #InternetBillOfRights.



anyone pushing other hashes: sorry anon, u are regarded as a shill/clown/slider.



b105d4 No.639804

File: ddf340a4585c813⋯.jpg (18.22 KB, 250x300, 5:6, Sheep-just-got.jpg)

https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2

only 17K

u guys arent doing this right. you need emotion & passion to get the sheep to care.

The sheep DONT care about this. Not only do they not care, they probably think its a big waste of time. why???? Because THEY are sheep & therefore Arent being censored. Meaning, they cannot related to our plight because they follow the narrative. They fasely believe the internet is ALREADY "free" since no actions have been taken against them.

People only react to a perceived personal emotion. Since they dont have one (yet), we need to create one for them. We need to get them to visualize censorship. Need to get them to remember the past regarding book burnings & Marxists red scare, salem witches..Innocent ppl put into jail/death just because someone (with a different opinion) accused them of something.

One of the biggest red flags for the sheep is to get them to realize its not just political rhetoric being attacked (conservatives) but ANYONE who goes against the power structure… SUCH as holistic websites/YT chs and organic food ch on YT. Or dare them (ur friends/coworkers) to create a yt channel with content u know (but they dont) will get them flagged.

[Personally, i believe many ppl dont want to be in this fight. They care more about self-preservation than freedom. As long as they can "survive," they will keep their head down to not get drawn into anything but they will reap the benefits of the few. smh. ]

Luckily for us, it doesnt take many ppl 2 create a title wave. PPl may not get onboard to a Trump/conservative cause but they will HELP or CRY OUT LouD about non-political content/yt chs. such as WTF does YT allows sick shit w/kids but bringing to light pedogate is censored?? Why is it ok that YT allows drug companies/yt chs pushing pills ok but not alternative, less evasive ones? Why is it that YT allows msm networks show death & bombs w/ no critical thinking but a user on yt that breaks down the events of the exact same video is given a strike?

when politics are taken out of the equation, you take away the persons defensive mechanism and that person (sheep) is more likely to listen. When the sheep listen, only then can they start to hear …. and then my friends, we will have lambs. And those lambs will raise their voices to other sheep in their herd. That is how to get the masses to wake up. We must show them how the things THEY like/love/cherish will be taken away from them, NOT ours. Find out what the sheep love most that goes against the narrative and then provide the sheep with current/past evidence of wrong doing by internet companies.

[[ btw, i do not support at&t and will question anyone who does.5G sec contract w/ gov, no health tests,putting up antennas w/out notifying ppl, no thx. how many times has that co broke anti-trust laws? THEY DONT GIVE 2 SHITS ABOUT US.]]

1ee8f0 No.640156


you meme, therefor not shill/bot.

agree. AND. put your money where your mouth is. Fucking simple to have great ideas or critize others. MAKE those memes that attracks normies. MAKE the graphs that confront ppl. If you cant make em, get a free website, collect perfect memes from elsewhere and make a small collection that we can use here as ammo.

Not others… YOU DO IT. this war room is being run by a FUCKING SMALL GROUP of anons, like VERY VERY FEW, and we;ve been screaming at the entire planet, scaring the FUCK out of the cabal and their stinking cohorts.

We can easily do this, with or without you.

As for at&t: STFU about that. anyone who brings that up is braindead. Read Q: it has nothing to do with this. Text of IBOR2 petition: of NO importance what soever, its about WAKING UP. so… GO AWAY, come back to the new thread that I am making, carrying a shitload of perfect memes and video's. Either gathered or made yourself.

YOU are just as responsible for cleaning up the fucking mess in the world as anyone else. dont point to others. dont waste your great ideas hoping for others to do it, dont critisize and sit on your hands, dont give me CRAP that you are busy. Dont give me CRAP about having a life or a family.

we are all in this together. Get off your ass and participate. THERE IS NO "i" IN TEAM

b105d4 No.640173

File: b85854cdd238d57⋯.jpg (403.56 KB, 1080x1290, 36:43, Screenshot_20180312-090257.jpg)


You've already lost more than 1/2 ur audience that u get to look at this. And the more times u create this petition, the less ppl will look at it because they already saw the first few… how many times will you go to see a movie you didn't like? how many times do u think a person is going to go to the same website & reread what u wrote?? ppl r lazy.

think about how much effort & time everyone is putting in to get someone else to look at this link & sign the petition. maybe after the 400th person, a sheep finally decides to take a peek & then sees the word "conservative"… smh. Not only did u lose that person but everyone that person talks to..

ALTHOUGH THIS IS NOT ABOUT one party, ethnicity, religion it IS about ALL PARTIES, ETHNICITIEs, & RELIGIONs and should state so. The self-preservation of freedom of thought, experssion, & ideology via any online vehicle must be maintained for any and all people to view at anytime. The existence of the posts' duration shall be infinite or until the content creator decides to relinquish the post.

look, Marjory of Americans do not trust our government!!! they believe both/all parties are corrupt because the officials are corrupt!! & rightly so.

So throwing in a label like that… is hurting the cause.

what i see is a group having a hissy fit because their content is being taken down. if i am XYZ, why do i care about an "enemies" content being taken down, thats better for me, no? You need to write from the prospective of ur target group.


We can't let these fukers keep hiding the truth from us. Because of their IGNORANCE of technology, we are able to search for the truth - for now.

3a8158 No.640195


It's already been decided. Help or get the fuck out.

b105d4 No.640331

File: 1931985990bafd1⋯.jpg (503.05 KB, 1958x1288, 979:644, fl0a100a.jpg)


U get more bees with honey.

Your pride will be the end of you. Those who know listen & take heed to the advice of others. If you can't learn from others, you will have a very hard life ahead of you.

You guys are trying to cross an ocean when you can walk across a stream.


There is much hate in you. "Hate leads to suffering."

0c6191 No.640435


we wish you could see our pov but guess not.

Its ok tho, difference of op.

agree to disagree.

we choose separate paths.

Where you go, we hope you find ways to

save the world.

We don't care who is right and wrong, as long

as the children are safer.

This is our plan, this is what we decided. U

cannot change our minds, our plans with 2

posts. You would have to work with us, build

trust, prove your loyalty, then we will give ur

long post more consideration, but ur not the

first to come in and want to change everything,

you wont be the last.

Ppl saying much to change our course only

makes us suspicious. Work with us for a bit

b4 giving long advice. If only you used some

of that convincing to convince other to use our

hash and sign the petition. That could

have really helped.

"Those who know listen & take heed to the

advice of others"

Those who are wise know the appropriate

time to give advice, not at the beginning of

a conversation, but after trust is built.

"You guys are trying to cross an ocean when

you can walk across a stream. "

Either way, we will get there.

"There is much hate in you. "

If you knew longer, you would see not hate

but effort, dedication, loyalty, leadership,

protection and more.

Take care and Gh,

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