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File: 2a9d6afdcdc5392⋯.jpg (240.57 KB, 1151x435, 1151:435, Image 2019-2-16 at 12.55 A….jpg)

File: 61d7191bdb551d3⋯.jpg (393.67 KB, 981x771, 327:257, Image 2019-2-16 at 12.38 A….jpg)

File: 1fae028066b7bdd⋯.jpg (351.24 KB, 1219x978, 1219:978, Image 2019-2-16 at 12.41 A….jpg)

File: 05b8473f1412694⋯.jpg (317.59 KB, 1598x1102, 799:551, Image 2019-2-15 at 11.25 P….jpg)

File: 041e8c2c0c2f03d⋯.jpg (592.21 KB, 2078x1102, 1039:551, Image 2019-2-15 at 11.28 P….jpg)

b0896d  No.5191180


Hyatt Regency

Jiangbei Paradise Walk

The photo was taken from inside the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Chongqing (pronounced chongching)

across the street is the massage parlor, it is different from the silk spa. There is a silk spa and also a bath and foot massage place on the third floor separate from the silk spa. You can see the entrance to the bath / foot massage place next to the restaurant on the ground floor. Reviews of the bath massage place said on the third floor there is a large open area as well as private rooms.

The clock building is just down the street near the end of the Paradise walk shopping mall.

b0896d  No.5191383

File: 22ff3ac4b59d954⋯.png (2.97 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 87e13ce3bac0579e0fa7679769….png)

File: 4c0776131aad736⋯.jpg (105.09 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 385364916_QPAGxnPF6c1nLOP-….jpg)

File: 59da3029975dc94⋯.png (3.07 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, c173e1ff497f413e6dc1acbfd4….png)

File: b6f5c51aaa0aefb⋯.jpeg (26.98 KB, 370x800, 37:80, WechatIMG2.jpeg)

some extras

b0896d  No.5191605

Jiafu Fuqiao - is the name of the massage parlor across the street from the Hyatt Hotel.

3f5564  No.5191935

Good thread, thank you Anon.

b0896d  No.5192348

File: 0a9247ba1294ab2⋯.jpg (847.07 KB, 2523x1052, 2523:1052, Image 2019-2-16 at 2.20 AM.jpg)

Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport


b0896d  No.5192513

File: 23f45c326f64911⋯.jpg (250.39 KB, 923x1136, 13:16, Image 2019-2-16 at 2.28 AM.jpg)

probably unrelated but happening at the same time.

50e7f8  No.5193827


Even if not they like to blend into the traffick when they’re visiting their special spas

0a6a92  No.5194427


> Chinese massage parlor

Ah so there will be a happy end

065227  No.5198990

I think the focus is on the hotel. Maybe not so much the massage parlor but more so the hotel. All data pulls back to the hotel. All photos were taken from one of the rooms in the hotel. So I'm guessing the hotel is the main point of the post.

Stop track.

Register all data pulls to location.



Pull all views +/- [10]

Scan P-P100z



5ef158  No.5200194

File: b168f52c93bcd60⋯.png (3.35 MB, 1960x1128, 245:141, Chongqing-Qmap-1a.png)

nice thread

5ef158  No.5200711

File: d387310ed4ead0e⋯.png (1.16 MB, 898x1649, 898:1649, Q_2517-Chongqing_ZUCK2.png)


Great find anon.


The hotel & the airport.

fa49f4  No.5201002

thank you for this

Interesting per wikipedia:

-Chongqing is directly administered by the central government

-Highest number of security cameras in the world

-Due to geographical remoteness in the interior of China, it has been a site for military development and testing of weapons

Overall a beautiful and impressive city with significant international presence

6a7a0f  No.5201160

File: 50ff981fbf5e27b⋯.jpg (755.12 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190215-222913….jpg)

Just came acrossed this. Have been following several days and tied to kashmir and globalists.

6a7a0f  No.5201251

File: d73454a399a331c⋯.jpg (582.34 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190215-225906….jpg)

That account has ties to this former clown as well.

6a7a0f  No.5201531

File: c65dfd52bb6c05d⋯.jpg (791.39 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190215-231437….jpg)

More chatter from @citi_book referencing fireworks hiroshima and nagasaki………

6a7a0f  No.5202252

File: 0dcf6bd144d85ff⋯.jpg (754.46 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, Screenshot_20190215-235843….jpg)

File: 0dcf6bd144d85ff⋯.jpg (754.46 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, Screenshot_20190215-235843….jpg)

File: d6567463cff2130⋯.jpg (689.92 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190215-235935….jpg)

File: df8c02a656ef966⋯.jpg (816.18 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190215-235951….jpg)

File: 13f9c423b732d73⋯.jpg (717.85 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, Screenshot_20190216-000019….jpg)


Hotel Eden Rome IED 954am?

6a7a0f  No.5202362

File: 761a699aa384a6c⋯.jpg (621.8 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190216-000713….jpg)

I seriously don't want to keep doing this or posting these, If anyone has any imput i would appreciate it a lot. I don't normally do this, in fact I never have before. I just want someone that can do something to see these or take them seriously. I am sure a lot is garbage, but i am sure it is a code. It freaks me out lol, any reply would be appreciated.

065227  No.5203462

File: 9833ef23a32f24e⋯.jpg (287.29 KB, 1147x909, 1147:909, Image 2019-2-16 at 2.49 PM.jpg)

File: c6b74b053d96114⋯.jpg (363.19 KB, 1135x849, 1135:849, Image 2019-2-16 at 2.55 PM.jpg)

speaking of cameras there are lots of street surveillance cameras all over the place.

5ef158  No.5207108

File: ddcad10df48a813⋯.png (297.81 KB, 516x549, 172:183, Chongqing-spy-1.png)

File: 4c28ec4805363d3⋯.png (146.8 KB, 725x564, 725:564, Chongqing-spy-2.png)

File: e56174fd209971b⋯.png (129.07 KB, 482x558, 241:279, Chongqing-spy-3.png)

File: b31985d6dd83f65⋯.png (117.44 KB, 490x559, 490:559, Chongqing-spy-4.png)




f5ab0a  No.5221352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Crossposting a couple notables from another Anon over here for more eyes on & focused digging. Now we know the where, time to consider the when?

Also take particular note of the # of Q's in the video link. Coincidence?


>>5217832 #6667

Development of commercial area around the Hyatt Regency Chongqing (HRC) Hotel.

2002 to 2018.

Hotel construction 2009-2012

DiFi haydays?

Caps from Google Earth satellite imagery.

For Anons who look for details. Noticed that the roadway has been redone (2017) and that the bulbous white bollards are a recent addition not seen in photos until Feb 2019 (AFAICT). Would appreciate images that show those bollards earlier – not in the images available up to and including April 2018.

Q posted about the event on FEB 14 2019 and indicated RT or real time. But Anons can work to confirm the date of the habbening. Photos suggest it did not occur until those white bulbous bollards had been installed. For now, based on available images, that means after 2 April 2018 and before 14 Febl 2018 – interval of about 10 and one-half months.

Allspeed Anons.

PS: had difficulty posting vid so asked fren to post on youtube.

f5ab0a  No.5221374

File: b04284a84037d96⋯.png (2.9 MB, 2649x1605, 883:535, 97829887e2be59d8b0d6df4b97….png)


>>5218215 #6667

>Pic illustrates before and after the white bollards appeared at rounded corner in front of the HRC.

065227  No.5222128

Well I think the photo's we saw from Q were taken around the time it was posted online. The first big clock time read around 6:40. Sunset in Chongqing is around 6:45 this time of year. The light looks like it was around sunset on a cloudy day. The next time is 7:00 which shows a dark sky so it's around this time of year. Not summer.

Also, the trees are covered in red lanterns. also red lanterns on the restaurant across the street from the hotel. This is to celebrate the Chinese new year holiday which has just happened over the last three weeks. The red lanterns are used just around the Chinese new year celebration. Also, everyone is wearing winter clothes.

I think the photos were taken the same day or around the day that they were posted by Q.

Also, the video you posted about the development of the hotel shows that there was a swimming pool in the location of the hotel up until 2007. When it jumps to 2009 they show the building of the hotel is underway. I'm not sure this has anything to do with Q though. Also, the hotel is a part of a larger building compound called Fuli Ocean Plaza. The hotel shows up on some of my maps as Fuli Ocean International. When I search that hotel I get results for the Hyatt Regency Chongqing. Not sure if it had a name change at one point.

I'm guessing Q is letting senior officials know that Q knows what was happening in the hotel or happening in Chongqing at the time the photos were taken. It was more of a message to say the things that were happening in secret are not secret and Q has people on it. Maybe there was a meeting at the hotel or maybe there was some even in Chongqing or meeting in Chongqing and persons of interest were staying at the hotel. I think its more about Q letting them know that Q knows.

Also on Jan 11th Q posted that a VIP senior official was arriving in China and asked which senior official would be arriving and why. Maybe it is connected. Maybe not.

I'm new to posting here. not sure the best place to post. Is there another place I should be posting or another discussion I could be looking at?

03525c  No.5222188


qresearch is the main board.

03525c  No.5222218



Qresearch General is the main board.

065227  No.5222821



Actually, I don't even know how to post there haha.

I might just keep posting here.

Thanks for the input here.

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