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File: 2f4786391c43fea⋯.png (21.73 KB, 647x243, 647:243, 02.15.2018 14.02.33.png)

8430a2 No.503608

Dedicated Research Thread Needed For Q's question on the 15th

Did any recent [shooters] receive treatment in the past

Beginning with Q post 772 (MKULTRA drop)

https:// www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/95mkultra.pdf

Read very carefully.

Unreleased [CLAS-HIGHEST]:

Ability to use frequencies [incoming sig]/modify/code/program over 'x' period [designate] mobile phone to 'control' target subject.

OP conducted/ORIG outside of US.

CAR control?

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yqa5PUViPo

Statement by the driver?





In post 773 Q asked the question. >>388082

Have any recent [shooters] received therapy in the past?

Be the autists we know you are.

You were chosen for a specific reason.


In post 774 the question was repeated, then Q said: >>388168

Discoveries must be ORIG organically.



In post 775 Q offered a clue: >>388273

What [3] scientists were killed who were researching the SAT relay of mobile phone signals to end users?

Why was the research deemed CLASSIFIED?



Posts 776, Q provides more clues: >>388363

Target subjects are pre disposable to certain mental illnesses.

Target subjects are scouted over a period of time to study and arrange 'THERAPY'.

'THERAPY' takes [x] to break the mind into a functional/programmable device.

Science Fiction?



Post 777 brought this back to MKULTRA and cell phones >>388588

Why is Big Pharma essential?

Expand your thinking past cures.

Think Google [new Pixel phone].

Think Apple [vs. Samsung].

Why was Blackberry destroyed?

We can guide but you must organically uncover the TRUTH.

THEY are watching.



778 repeated that and asked a lot of questions, all to the end of answering one question: >>388822

Did any recent [shooters] receive treatment in the past



This is easily the hardest and most difficult dig and it's one where Q asked for specific information from us. Given that it's the most recent request of this board it's interesting that it has not been answered and when digging is posted it's almost completely ignored.

Since then Q has dropped a few more clues. (This needs it's own dedicated research thread.)


8430a2 No.503721

!st thread created: >>388571

d9fc0d No.503869


I feel like this would fit nicely in the Big Health thread

58e35c No.503956

Mental control via phone signals…Kingsman The Secret Service movie plot? Clowns trying to desensitize idea within population…just another "conspiracy theory"…

4317a1 No.504426


This question was a specific Q mission for us. It's complicated and needs its own research thread

e1b7d8 No.504589

Here is the research I found on recent shooters regarding psychiatric/pschotropic medications. I find it interesting how specific searches are not turning up toxicology reports for the majority of shooters.

Chris Harper-Mercer (2015 Umpqua Community College, OR; 9 dead, 9 wounded). Diagnosed Asperger's, history mental illness, attended school for teens with emotional disabilities (Switzer Learning Center in Torrance, CA), discharged from Army after 5 weeks in 2008 (??? timeline does not match- claims he graduated from Switzer in 2009 but Army did run a GED program at the time which could explain this), institutionalized in psychiatric hospital after failing to take medication, evidence of at least 5 psychiatric/psychptropic medications per FB post ( posted under "lithium love").

Aaron Ray Ybarra (2014 Seattle Pacific University; 1 dead, 2 wounded before being stopped by student w/pepper spray). Treated for mental illness and prescribed psychotropic drugs (Prozac and Risperdal) but off medications due to loss of insurance.

Adam Lanza (2012, Sandy Hook Elementary, CT. 27 dead). Asperger's. Toxicology report showed no anti-psychotic medications but was prescribed Celexa (anti-depressant. Used Lexapro for brief period as teen. Was prescribed Fanapt. At the time, father was expected to testify before U.S. Senate in the LIBOR scandal.

Cho Seung-Hui (2007, Virginia Tech, 34 dead). Hospitalized at psychiatric hospital. FOIA of toxicology and autopsy reports DENIED by Virginia ME but later released by family in 2009. Wikipedia lists no drugs in toxicology report. Mental health records list depression, panic episodes, self-destructive behavior, anxiety disorder. Some reports indicate Prozac prescribed prior to attack.

Dylann Roof. Suboxone (narcotic).

Bradley Stone (2014 murder of ex-wife and family). Mental health issues. Suicide by Doing on depressants, anti-depressants and schizophrenia medications. Former USMC.

Jose Reyes (Nevada middle school shooting) excluded due to Prozac prescription only 3 days prior.

Aaron Alexis (2013, Navy Yard shooter, 12 killed). Trazadone prescribed by VA.

James Holmes (2012, Aurora, CO movie theater, 12 killed, 58 wounded). Psychiatrist Dr. Lynne Fenton claims he stopped treatment and was threatening her. Sedatives, clonazepam, and sertraline (generic form of Zoloft) in apartment.

Steven Kazmierczak (2008, Northern Illinois University, 5 dead, 21 wounded). History of psychiatric issues. Prescribed Xanax, Ambient and Prozac. Prozac ceased 3 weeks prior to shooting.

>Thresholds patient??? Anthony M. Zipple, CEO (then but now it is Mark Ishaug) of Thresholds (psychiatric rehabilitation organization based in Chicago) articles.chicagotribune.com/2008-03-07/news/0803070224_1_grand-jury-niu-toxicology

> Thresholds might be worth digging- Huffpo article written by Mark Ishaug (same person Thresholds CEO) on AIDS as the President and CEO of AIDS United (2009): www.huffingtonpost.com/mark-ishaug/high-hopes-await-obama-in_b_147226.html

>Ishaug left AIDS United in 2012 (joined 2011) to lead Thresholds in Chicago www.windycitymediagroup.com/lgbt/Mark-Ishaug-leaves-AIDS-United-to-lead-Thresholds-in-Chicago/35874.html

>previous President and CEO of AIDS Foundation Chicago (joined 1991 as public affairs officer and ended up president/CEO in 1998).

>AIDS United launched January 2011 from merger of two leading national HIV/AIDS organizations- the National AIDS Fund and AIDS Action

Thresholds and Ishaug caught my eye- going to continue digging there

b77c62 No.504775

There are several other threads linking to the shooters and MK Ultra. I've posted links to them in the Big Pharma thread, but I agree, there are lots of specific issues that could be consolidated into their own thread and posted in the bread. Lots of people don't know about all the smaller threads that people have been working on because they just get lost in the catalog.


4317a1 No.504885

This is a recap of digging and posts on this subject from the 15th through the 18th on the General Research breads.

In the beginning was a lot of digging on what 'TREATMENT' actually consists of. Given the number of clues Q provided, a lot got tossed around.

>>399818 Big Pharma maps of ownership, power and control


>>407372 List of people casing violent crimes on SSRI Drugs.

>>407373 More people causing violent crimes on SSRI's


>>407453 SAT = "Special Access Technology"

>>407511 Method and apparatus for frequency access restriction in cellular communications

>>407558 Method of transporting radio frequency power to energize radio frequency identification transponders



>Possibly research into the Frey Effect. Goes back to the 60s but may tie into current times.

>>412158 list of 36 drugged school shootings and stabbings. archive.is/EnZ8D

>>413749 First post really getting into Marconi scientists

>>413753 Implants?

>>413868 Timeline needed on SSRI's and Cell phones and Shootings

>>414052 www.g-casa.com/conferences/shanghai/paper_pdf/Liu-mindcontrol.pdf

>>414114 Some don't agree on implants

>>414244 Response on implants

>>414473 Treatment = Montauk?

>>414902 RF Programs (nice list)


Roundup here: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/415580.html#q416557


>>416914 Resuming the digging


















This got posted about one minute after Q started posting last Sunday evening.

Now that I'm functioning again and had a couple of cups of coffee, it's now hit me what I was missing. Again, I thank the anons who expressed doubts about an implant because it caused me to reexamine the issue again. Why would an implant be needed? Q said:

Target subjects are pre disposable to certain mental illnesses.

Target subjects are scouted over a period of time to study and arrange 'THERAPY'.

"THERAPY" takes [x] to break the mind into a functional/programmable device.

Science Fiction?


One of the steps in ritual abuse training is the disassociation caused by pain. They inflict pain as part of the process and the subject is required to disassociate themselves from the pain and function. This is what "BREAKS" the mind into a functional/programmable device.

Hiding in plain fucking sight.

The source of the pain for the disassociation training is the implant. That's the hidden portion of the THERAPY that fits perfectly with the ritual abuse. Everything else can be handled with RF energy to manipulate the brain in conjunction with the psychotropic drugs, but the pain element for creating the disassociative state necessary to induce MPD is caused by the implant.

This allows complete programming at a distance.

They're being drugged and tortured in plain sight and then blamed for the problems that causes. Once they've become functional/programmable devices, they are ready to be used. Q is right. These people are sick.

Again, I want to thank those who have provided guidance, please continue.

de0958 No.506541


It would interesting to find out if any of the shooters had parents or 1st degree relatives who were connected to Clowns in Action or No Such Agency. Sadly, I've read that this is how kids get into the MK Ultra Program. An example would Andrew Basiago and how his father was connected. Whether you believe his story or not, he wouldn't have gotten into that program without the parental connection.

6ebdb6 No.506767


>'THERAPY' takes [x] to break the mind into a functional/programmable device.

Trauma-based mind control

[x] = trauma

4317a1 No.506843

More previous digging on this subject.

>>429294 (Repost of implant theory for causing pain)

>>429455 Why is Big Pharma essential? Testing networks

>>429492 Reading thoughts via cell phone?

>>429509 Use of implant, controlled by cell phone, ritual abuse in plain sight.

>>429547 Implants for animals already tracked by satellite

>>429578 Easy to do with a cell phone




>>431595 Mind control through video

>>432055 Data dump

>>442906 Back to focusing on the shooters


>>443527 Bloodline issues (COMT)

>>443772 Info on Devin Kelly

>>444004 More digging

>>444248 Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM), Harris corporation, worked with Marconi

>>445174 More digging on scientist deaths, list of 24 scientists. Marconi

>>445182 Part II

>>445188 Part III

>>445325 Ionospere radio window

>>445458 Marconi identified

>>445682 Criticisms

>>445741 Questions, methodology

>>445892 Warnings

>>447843 Great find on Zbigniew brezezinski

>>447990 Explanation of previous post

>>462326 Subject revival

>>462329 Recent Shooters To Look At

>>465070 Heavy post on MKULTRA with sources

>>465071 Part II of previous post

4317a1 No.507888

>>470892 More digging needed on shooters

>>478454 Summary of research

>>485375 Map of recent problematic shootings

>>490076 The motherload of mental health memes

>>490449 TREATMENT

>>497265 Excerpts of "Suggestible You" by Erik Vance

>>497267 Explanation of images

>>497475 More on Suggestible You

>>498100 Dialectic vs Rhetoric

>>498403 Security on Blackberries

>>498476 Cracked Blackberries

4317a1 No.508540

Reposted from General Thread

A mass shooting occurred at Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood International Airport in Broward County, Florida, United States, on January 6, 2017, near the baggage claim in Terminal 2. Five people were killed while six others were injured in the shooting. About 36 people sustained injuries in the ensuing panic. A suspect, Esteban Santiago-Ruiz, was taken into custody after surrendering to responding police officers….

Two months earlier…

…Santiago visited the FBI field office in Anchorage in November 2016 and reported that the U.S. government was controlling his mind, was making him watch videos by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant[36] and that the CIA was forcing him to join the group.[37] He stated that he was hearing voices in his head telling him to commit acts of violence, but he also said that he was in control and did not intend to hurt anyone.[3][4][38] Authorities urged the man to seek mental health treatment[4] and notified the local police who detained him and took him to a medical facility for a mental health evaluation.

https:// en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Fort_Lauderdale_airport_shooting

4317a1 No.508549

Reposted from General Research

Nashville Church Shooter heard voices:

http:// wreg.com/2017/10/23/detective-accused-nashville-church-shooter-heard-voices/

Ft. Lauderdale Shooter heard voices:

https:// www. nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fort-lauderdale-airport-shooting-suspect-complained-hearing-voices-officials-n704081

(2/14/18) Florida HS Shooter heard voices:

http:// abcnews.go.com/US/florida-school-shooter-methodically-moved-classrooms-execute-victims/story?id=53112929

Navy Shooter heard voices:

https:// www. usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/09/17/navy-yard-shooting-aaron-alexis/2825749/

FSU Shooter heard voices:

https:// www. nbcmiami.com/news/local/FSU-Shooter-Said-He-Heard-Voices-Coming-Through-the-Wall-283440121.html

Colorado Walmart Shooter heard voices:

http:// www. foxnews.com/us/2017/11/07/colorado-walmart-gunman-had-voices-in-his-head-caused-by-bad-lsd-trip-decades-ago-stepsister-claims.html

Dallas Shooter heard voices:

https:// www. nbcnews.com/news/us-news/suspect-dallas-police-ambush-had-history-violence-n374921

SPU Shooter heard voices:

http:// wwlp.com/2016/11/01/accused-spu-shooter-claims-he-heard-voices/

Deer Creek School Shooter heard voices:

https:// www. thedenverchannel.com/news/deer-creek-shooting-suspect-says-he-heard-voices

YWAM Shooter heard voices:

https:// www. cnn.com/2007/US/12/10/shooter.youth/


http:// www. foxnews.com/us/2017/09/26/ex-police-officer-arrested-near-white-house-with-arsenal-weapons-cops.html

9ead11 No.509470

Broward County shooter at airport….Esteban Santiago….who told FBI in Alaska gov was controlling his mind ⬇

"Suspected Fort Lauderdale Airport gunman Esteban Santiago, 26, told FBI that CIA was forcing him to join ISIS"

"A law enforcement official says he told the FBI that the government was controlling his mind and was forcing him to watch ISIS videos"

"The FBI agents notified local police after the interview, who took him for a mental health evaluation"

"Santiago was hospitalized for two weeks after he visited the FBI."

http:// www.nydailynews.com/news/world/esteban-santiago-identified-gunman-fort-lauderdale-shooting-article-1.2937904

Interesting how he flies from ALASKA to BROWARD COUNTY, FL to commit the shooting, uh?

33d262 No.519634


Wonder if any of the medications these shooters were on contained the necessary benzene ring (or similar molecular) structure as noted below. This could be huge!


BIG PHARMA connection:

Pharmaceutical effects can be transmitted via the magnetic scalar field.

Necessary conditions:

- very low intensity scalar waves to allow uptake & release of information (in this study, Clotrimazole and anti-fungal)

- benzene rings (or simlar chemical molecules) at the the transmitter with its drug information (Clotrimazole) and the biological target (yeast), thus creating the loop antennas.

http:// www.k-meyl.de/go/Primaerliteratur/discovery-md_083002.pdf

From the publication:


1. Biological systems seem to use a special kind of electromagnetics (scalar waves) for signaling. This could also explain why biological systems are only weakly influenced by conventional Hertzian waves.

2. Scalar waves need benzene ring like structures at the source of information and biological target as well. The free electrons circulating in the ring are excited by a magnetic scalar wave passing accoring to the law of induction. These micro currents provide the necessary energy for the translation of the information transported by the scalar wave.

3. In a yeast model, it can be shown that a growth inhhibiting effect of a fungicide can be achieved by mere information transfer via scalar waves.


Supplementary application of drug effects mediated by scalar waves could develop to be a useful tool to reduce unwanted side effects of pharmaceuticals.

4a8c10 No.520491


Paddock LV – had hunting license in Alaska, brother lives in Orlando

4a8c10 No.520527

Academic recipients of the U.S. intelligence budget.

https:// wikileaks.org/wiki/On_the_take_and_loving_it

https:// www.scribd.com/document/156792829/MKULTRA-Navy-Intelligence-Harris-Isbell

National Institute of Mental Health facilities to carryout mind control experiments and test many unproven drugs. The CIA funded himthrough Navy grants…drug pay-off system when he came to Public Service Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky….we do not know if his work was part of the Navy’s mysterious project Chapter. Therewere two Army projects in mind control that also remain complete mysteries: ThirdChance and Derby Hat…..University of California’s Dr Ross Adey learned that he could effect brainwaves by using special radio waves. Allen Frey found that using radiowaves he couldcreate different sounds in the brain and could induce sleep. Another scientist, JosephSharp of Walter Reed learned how to use electromagnetic impulses to make words beheard in people heads.

https:// www.dailykos.com/stories/2006/12/2/276841/-

But since I have experience with past mind control programs with DOD/CIA at Edgewood Arsenal in 1974 as part of the MKULTRA project, I think I have earned the right to be suspect of "secret" authorizations that allow for "exemptions to rules like informed consent" research has informed consent for a reason

https:// fas.org/irp/doddir/navy/secnavinst/3900_39d.pdf

https:// cultocracy.wordpress.com/2018/02/18/behold-1991-book-warned-us-secret-government-would-use-school-shootings-to-disarm-americans-was-florida-school-shooter-mk-ultra-cated/

https:// www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/95mkultra.pdf

https:// wikileaks.org/vault8/ Hive solves a critical problem for the malware operators at the CIA. Hive provides a covert communications platform for a whole range of CIA malware to send exfiltrated information to CIA servers and to receive new instructions from operators at the CIA.

The Relationship Between MKUltra & Mass Murder

https:// deusnexus.wordpress.com/2018/02/22/mkultra-mass-murder/

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Medical_Center,_Lexington

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki


https:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1382000/?page=2

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Hive

https:// medium.com/social-capital/the-hive-is-the-new-network-260b432a6720

a497d9 No.526745

Original post: >>520785 Bread 640



I'm not saying a 27 minute delta doesn't mean something, but in general Q only mentioned deltas of 0, 1, 5, 10 and 15. In terms of a communication system, it works for any delta of 0, 1 or divisible by 5 in order to emphasize the POTUS tweets for content.

Observe the perfect 1 minute delta on the 23rd, the same day Q posted about Lunev and the Bridge. Later that day POTUS tweeted the other side got hurt, not our side, but the other side. Two sides implies a separation. What is the bridge?

I think the BRIDGE is the remote shutdown ability via cell networks that's built into the Intel processors. That started in 2010 with "Sandy Bridge" and then became "Ivy Bridge" but due to the reaction they buried the idea of remote shutdown ability in the Management Engine (ME) and stopped talking about it. However, as was pointed out several days ago, it's still there.

Combining the comms fuckery that happened on the night of the 23rd, Q's statement early on the 24th that Lunev and the BRIDGE were "payback for today"; along with POTUS tweet language,

A lot of bad things happened on the other side, not on this side, but the other side

I think the BRIDGE is the shutdown mechanism and Q was saying they took out the comms for a bunch of the bad guys but none of the good guys got damaged, it was payback for the comms fuckery that had been going on.

Again, that was a perfect 1 minute delta right down to the second.

While the idea has been hotly argued, it's reasonable to presume that the POTUS tweet deltas (especially those divisible by 5) can point to posts on this board because the tweet deltas are backward-looking. Out of 50 things the anons dig, perhaps only a few are on the right track and this is how Q team can guide us.

In other words, they monitor the board and if something is worthy of calling attention to (kind of like calling on the kid in class you know has the right answer), the Q team can use the deltas to call attention to it. The backwards looking method means Q team is not calling attention to random posts, but to selected posts.

However, that doesn't mean that every random delta has something or even that a delta of 0, 1, 5, 10, 15 or 20 is going to have something. It does mean that something should be looked for, either a "jewel" or a hint.

And for the divisionfags and concernfags, Q did say they would guide the anons, so fuck off with the "that only applies to Q posts" bullshit. As Q has said 27 times so far, "EXPAND YOUR THINKING".

On the 15th, when Q gave us the mission about finding out whether any current shooters had received treatment in the past, Q said:

We can guide but you must organically uncover the TRUTH.

THEY are watching.



"We can guide…" and "THEY are watching" means Q team has to be subtle. Q can't just pop in and post shit because you're confused, we're supposed to understand the comms and get it. At least some of us are autist enough to get it.

That said, take a look at Feb. 18th tweets and posts. Especially the first 20 minute delta and the following 10 minute delta. The first one pointed at my post on this subject. The second delta pointed at a post that referred to my post, saying "I think (KNOW) you are on the right path."

Also look at the POTUS tweets themselves, which had the IiddIe word in it, which led to the kidz massage therapy group in McLean Va. Q responded to that, saying it was also the home of Gannett, etc., "just the tip". That leads to Trauma Inpatient Program (disassociation disorder treatment) for juvies. Now we're right back on track with the MKULTRA style mind control and a hint about where it's being done to produce the shooters.

The 18th was pretty wild for me, convincing me I was on the right track. The idiot shill attacks on a subject very few can comprehend (radio wave propagation at low frequency) was just more confirmation.

a497d9 No.526859

File: 9955313a0bd59d9⋯.png (2.77 MB, 2000x9500, 4:19, we can guide you.png)

772847 No.526996

File: 28e5c65e21b9fca⋯.jpg (82.37 KB, 904x446, 452:223, am_pro.jpg)

File: 16306b85493437f⋯.jpg (91.81 KB, 602x452, 301:226, analog modulation.jpg)

File: e490710cbc3d9be⋯.png (100.04 KB, 1280x605, 256:121, Atmospheric_electromagneti….png)

File: 1e9def7891b5884⋯.jpg (10.57 KB, 300x247, 300:247, Carrier and Sidebands.jpg)

SAT relays of signal on mobile phone frequencies.

The operation and origination of the project originated in Great Britain with Marconi / GEC. Some 26 individuals were killed, the majority of them between 1986 and 1988, presumably to cover up a development.

Q mentioned [3] dead scientists, indicating that of the deaths at Marconi, only three of them are of significance. Presumably, identifying the [3] scientists will lead to the technology developed, which can then be mapped to modern-day cellular developments.

One project that Marconi was involved with was Satellite communication with submarines and another big project was naval torpedo development, which focuses on acoustics. Both of these involve either Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) and Very Low Frequency (VLF) wave propagation.

We also know that the human brain can be significantly impacted by Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF), also known as Radio Frequency (RF) signals in the 4Hz to 14Hz range (ELF).

One of the major objections voiced about ELF signals is the length of the antenna required to generate such signals. There are two answers to that. First, note this 1988 thesis from the Naval Postgraduate School that lays out a plan for tethered satellites:


http:// www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a202607.pdf

See also,


https:// www.itu.int/dms_pub/itu-r/opb/rep/R-REP-P.262-7-1990-PDF-E.pdf

Fascinating document if you're interested in that sort of thing. Allows transmissions at massive power from space on ELF and ULF frequencies. Interestingly,

NASA, describe ELF with ranges between the standard 3 to 30 Hz,>0 to 300Hz.and

even, according to WHO, from >0 to 100 kHz. At frequencies this low (>0 to 300 Hz),

"the wavelengths in air are very long (6000 km at 50 Hz and 5000 km at 60Hz), and,

'''in practical situations, the electric and magnetic fields act independently of one

another and are measured separately'''

http:// www.idc-online.com/technical_references/pdfs/electronic_engineering/Extremely_low_frequency.pdf

Also, see this for more on the "Whistler Mode"

http:// vlf.stanford.edu/research/introduction-vlf


772847 No.527002

>>515502 (You)

SAT relays of signal on mobile phone frequencies, Part TWO.

With Amplitude Modulation, there is a carrier wave and a signal wave. If we have, for example, a carrier wave of 400MHz and a signal frequency of 399.9999993MHz, That produces one sideband of essentially 800MHz and another sideband of 7Hz. The bandwidth of the signal will be essentially 800MHz, which allows for a lot of information to be transmitted.

AM takes a carrier wave (somewhere in the RF Band) and modulates it with an audio frequency signal wave (like your voice) and produces a wide spectrum of frequencies (ranging from the sum of the carrier and audio frequencies to the difference of the carrier and audio frequencies. The information from the audio frequency is completely absent from the middle Carrier portion of the AM signal. All the useful information exists as an identical pair of sidebands on either side of the original carrier signal.

You can get rid of the carrier signal and one of the sidebands and still have all the information that you would need. A practical way to remove everything but one sideband was discovered in 1948 at Bell Labs. Doing that shaved off 2/3 of the required power for the same effective transmission strength. By effectively channeling all your previous AM signal into a single sideband, it was equivalent to tripling your signal power!

At the same time the scientists at Marconi were getting murdered, Motorola introduced the 64000 Digital Signals Processor (DSP) chip and with that analog was dead, long live digital. All the analog signals were being converted to digital and 30 years later analog exists only in minor specific areas.

If a carrier wave is at 400MHz and the Signal Wave is only a few hertz less, the upper sideband is almost exactly the same frequency and carries enormous bandwidth,but the lower sideband is only a few hertz, let's say 7Hz to 10Hz. That's ELF and has the capacity to keep going when the carrier wave and the upper sideband are stopped. The upper sideband in this instance is right at 800MHz, which was mobile phone signal frequency.

The 400MHz carrier penetrates the Ionosphere, the upper sideband is mobile phone frequencies and the lower sideband was perfect for brain entrainment. And with DSP, nobody would ever look for the signal. In addition, this arrangement would allow the ELF signal to penetrate the ocean to a great depth. It would have extremely low bandwidth, but it was capable of "seeing" beneath the surface of either water or land.

More Info:

RFID CHIPS UNDERWATER (same as implants)

https:// www.intechopen.com/books/radio-frequency-identification-from-system-to-applications/rfid-under-water-technical-issues-and-applications


https:// www.researchgate.net/publication/221917772_Communication_Strategies_for_Various_Types_of_Swallowable_Telemetry_Capsules

772847 No.527016

>>520670 (Gen research bread)

<Trying to apply markers in ridiculous ways to point to random anon posts in the bread and convince everyone it's a secret Q poster is a common example of this

This is a shill talking point that attempts to limit the Q team's communication.

Your claim of "random anons" can only be true if the POTUS tweet deltas are random and not planned, which Q has repeatedly proven to be false. Thus your claim of "random anons" is false.

POTUS Tweet deltas are backward looking. If POTUS tweets at 0702 and then again at 0722, that is a 20 minute delta, which means 20 minutes is subtracted from the 0702 time to get 0642 marker. What was posted at 0602? Does it have any bearing on current tasks? Does it provide useful information? Does it correlate to language in the POTUS tweets?

In this situation, the first tweet is 20 minutes after the marker and the second tweet establishing the marker is 40 minutes after the marker. Is the connection between the two POTUS tweets, the delta and the marker established by the delta a coincidence? It is ONLY if the POTUS tweets are random, but Q has proved they are not random, but chosen intentionally.

POTUS Tweets and DELTA

Q specifically mentioned the 0, 1, 5, 10 and 15 minute deltas. Expanding that just a bit you get deltas that are divisible by 5. Thus, these markers are to be looked at for something, whether it be the words and phrases in the POTUS tweets, the spaces or gaps, or perhaps posts on this board. Because such markers are not random.

If the POTUS tweet deltas of 0, 1 and divisible by 5 are not random, then they knowingly point to something the anons are supposed to look at, because the deltas refer to a past time marker. It may be something that isn't for us because Q communicates with others as well, but the anons should be looking at the posts, the words POTUS uses, the spaces, the missing letters, the misspellings, everything associated with these markers. Why?

The Future Proves The Past

Future tweets provide a marker that proves a past point in time. That past point in time is specifically chosen by the timing of both the first and second tweets.

Who are you to say that the markers are not to apply to posts on this board? Q said they would guide us. A reasonable interpretation of that is they'll point in the right direction when the anons get something correct or relevant in order to guide us.

This comms system leaves all other POTUS tweet deltas free. They may or may not point to something on this board because they provide the noise that hides the comms. They may point to totally random things because the deltas don't fall into the specific group of deltas that do provide us with markers. They provide the forest the specific trees are hiding in.

The people who argue against this simple logic are trying to limit the ability of the anons to understand the communication that is happening.

77e1ac No.531458

Communication is Key

It really all comes down to the meaning of crumbs. Crumbs are hints. Q did not explain exactly how the comms work, he left us to figure it out.

Twice Q said (about learning comms) How many hints must we provide?

Four times Q said we have more than we realize/know.

27 times Q has said EXPAND YOUR THINKING


>>521639 That post explains the logic behind what I'm saying.

The POTUS tweet deltas specifically mentioned by Q are 0, 1, 5, 10 and 15. If we expand our thinking, this points to any delta of 0, 1 or a delta divisible by 5. The clock moves in a clockwise manner (wind the clock), so (for example) the delta between POTUS tweets on 21 Feb (0940 and 1320) is 40 minutes, not 20.

The delta is backward looking and Q has proved repeatedly that the POTUS tweet deltas are not random. Specifically, the tweet deltas of 0, 1 or anything divisible by 5 are markers. And even where markers exist, they may be incomprehensible because they are for someone else. What we should know is to examine marker tweets and posts very carefully.

The markers could point to specific words POTUS uses that offer hints for the anons, they could point to people, issues or subjects. They can also point to posts on any thread on this board.

This is an idea that has upset some people here, but the nature of the comms is they are backwards looking and the future proves the past. Q knows what is happening, they have the whole story. Everything. So if Q wants to point to a specific bit of digging, or piece of news or an idea, it's easy enough to use the POTUS tweet delta's after the fact to do so. Which means this board is monitored by Q all the time.

In February, there were 175 POTUS tweets and of those tweets, there were 31 deltas between consecutive tweets of 0, 1 or divisible by 5.


Date Tweets (EST) Delta Links


Note: Missing means sequential posts are not in the general thread, could be deleted or in a different thread

01 Feb (0702-1032) d=30 (archived: https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/233710.html#234264 Missing 234263 and 264266 )

03 Feb (0839-0844) d=5 (archived: https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/233710.html#234264 )

(0940-0940) d=0 (archived: https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/256457.html#256994 )

(1953-1158) d=5 (archived: https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/260495.html#261092 )

05 Feb (1542-0832) d=50 (archived: https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/276751.html#277046 Missing 277047 )

06 Feb (0832-0837) d=5 (archived: https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/284685.html#284996 missing 284998 )

(1100-1105) d=5 (archived: https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/285437.html#285733 missing 285735 )

(1105-1745) d=40 (archived: https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/285437.html#285562 )

08 Feb (0608-1213) d=5 (archived: https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/304321.html#304676 missing 304678 )

10 Feb (0920-1020) d=0 (archived https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/326635.html#326857 )

11 Feb (1536-1946) d=10 >>339603 Missing >>339613

12 Feb (1548-0543) d=55 >>353889 Missing >>353888

14 Feb (1550-1555) d=5 >>375303

15 Feb (1425-1426) d=1 >>387580 Missing >>387593

17 Feb (1426-1446) d=10 >>410527 Missing >>410531, >>410533

(1436-1446) d=10 >>410620 Missing >>410621, >>410627

(1446-1511) d=25 >>410575 Missing >>410577

(1511-1516) d=5 >>410917

(2322-0702) d=40 >>414733

18 Feb (0702-0722) d=20 >>417014 Missing >>417015

(0733-0743) d=10 >>417118 Missing >>417123 and >>417124

(0743-0753) d=10 >>417157

(0811-0846) d=35 >>417167 Missing >>417168

(0855-1210) d=15 >>417450

(1413-2328) d=15 >>419192

20 Feb (1029-1249) d=20 >>440577

21 Feb (0940-1320) d=40 >>450720 and >>450723 (split across 2 breads)

24 Feb (1726-1816) d=50 >>485705

(2000-2210) d=10 >>487374 Missing >>487379 and >>487380

(2210-2211) d=1 >>488601

(2211-2256) d=45 >>488243 Missing >>488242 and >>488245

01 Mar (1306-1326) d=20 >>526547

(1631-1951) d=20 >>527669

(1951-1952) d=1 >>528966

(2158-2159) d=1 >>529818

(2159-2204) d=5 >>529798


Each anon can decide what, if anything is worthwhile in there, but the future proves the past.

I've noticed interesting things with non-marker tweets, but I'll leave that for now.

77e1ac No.531632


So, what can be done with that info?

Compare the wording of POTUS marker tweets to the posts in that time marker and look for similarities or key words.

Consider the content of the posts at the marker time with respect to recent Q drops.

Consider the content of the posts at the marker time to Q assignments for anons.

Q said everything is done for a reason

3e62f2 No.538187



And the damn thing rattles when they turn it on too.

LightSquared would have given them another excuse for MOAR POWER at the handset emitter.

3e62f2 No.540131


>ARTICHOKE focused on the use of hypnosis, forced morphine addiction, forced morphine addiction withdrawal, along with other drugs, chemicals, and techniques.


>"THERAPY" takes [x] to break the mind into a functional/programmable device.

>One of the steps in ritual abuse training is the disassociation caused by pain. They inflict pain as part of the process and the subject is required to disassociate themselves from the pain and function. This is what "BREAKS" the mind into a functional/programmable device.

A standard five-day course of Vicodin causes chronic pain. This could be one of the functions of the "opioid epidemic".

f21a32 No.540542


Pic relevant for recent deltas. The picks were mine alone, YMMV.

Even more fascinating stuff about the deltas. The retweet delta on the 18th of Feb intrigued me and I wondered how a retweet delta should be handled. Were they different? Than an anon posted something that was pointed to by one of the deltas of the 24th… and suddenly the penny dropped.

Turns out that a single tweet by POTUS can have a delta if it's a retweet because you take the previous tweet's timestamp. For February there were 3 RT's with a delta marker:

On the 24th there's a RT that points to the 22nd. 8ch.net/qresearch/res/459316.html#460067

On the 18th there's a RT that points to the 17th. 8ch.net/qresearch/res/413487.html#413731

On the 3rd there's a RT that points to the 2nd, which is archived and I didn't look it up.

Previously I thought there was a limited window in which a delta marker could be established, but now I see that anything can be pointed to in the past with a retweet from anyone.

405bf0 No.541444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This vid is relevant to this topic because just like the pharmaceutical companies, the testing assumes that the only radiation is coming from one phone.

405bf0 No.542774

File: 7661c8d2b2211a2⋯.png (2.18 MB, 2988x2605, 2988:2605, recent comms.png)

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