[–]▶ 3cddcb (15) No.488838>>488977 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
Q Research Thread. 2/24/2018 Saturday Evening
Schiff Memo
==GOP Intel Rebuttal to Schiff Memo
The 2 Docs posted by Q early Thursday morning
Rundown of those 2 docs
Q's Current Tripcode: !UW.yye1fxo
Q's Latest Posts
Friday, 2.23.18
>>480458 Stanislav Lunev
>>480327 Comms Good
>>480311 Sec Test
>>476837 COMMS OFF 2
>>476516 Run Log
>>476461 Sec Test
>>476339 rt >>476325 Sec Test
>>476325 rt >>476229 No Coincidences
>>476245 rt >>476196 Libel Laws
>>476196 rt >>476136 Leaking Info
>>475441 Coincidences
>>475991 Its always about the $$$$$
>>472426 rt >>472314 Confirms BHO-Hezbollah link
Thursday, 2.22.18
>>466606 People Kill People
>>466308 DIVIDED
>>466142 This should scare you (deep state/others)
>>466048 rt >>465930 Breaking up something this big?
>>465919 Clowns in China/other
>>465797 rt >>465779 Did you count spaces?
>>465696 rt >>465258 Learning Comms
>>458475 Scroll through both docs
>>458430 Highly protected documents
Wednesday, 2.21.18
>>>/greatawakening/454 [OP]ERATIONAL
>>>/greatawakening/453 !!!
>>>/greatawakening/452 Which are you?
>>448584 US Cyber Task Force
>>448510 rt >>448451 Coincidence? :Protect 6/14-46
>>448465 @Jack thought he was protected rt >>448410 PROJECT DEEPDREAM
>>448399 USSS gun intercept, Protect code
>>448338 Stay tuned. Phase [2].
Sunday, 2.18.18
>>423894 , >>423957, >>423948, >>423953, >>436255
>>422626 rt >>422606 Gannett, McLean, VA, Just the Tip…
Friday, 2.16.18
>>402380 rt >>402088 BIG!
Thursday, 2.15.18
>>388958 rt >>388822 Sen Warren
>>388822 rt >>388588 Why is everything 'really' made in China?
>>388588 rt >>388528 Why is Big Pharma essential?
>>388363 rt >>388315 Science fiction?
>>388273 rt >>388211 What [3] scientists were killed?
>>388168 rt >>388119 Hive-mind
>>388119 rt >>388082 Specific reason
>>387462 rt >>387356
>>382435 rt >>382197 Strong Patriot
>>382225 rt >>382122 APACHE!!!
>>382161 Watch the water
>>381944 Missing the Connections
>>381743 rt >>381653 Hussein's got mail
>>381653 rt >>381597 ALWAYS watching
>>381597 rt >>381564 Point proven
Find QPosts from /greatawakening/ and past at
thestoryofq.com/ (updated)
QANONMAP.GITHUB.IO (updated) - If it ever goes down, the backup is: QNTMPKTS.KEYBASE.PUB
Dont' Forget.. >>481946
Stay Safe & God Bless
▶ 3cddcb (15) No.488841
Current Q Tasks & Task Updates
Build the Map
Anons have started to create maps >>396430 , >>396394 , >>393620
New Map Thread Mindmapfags Share Central >>396133
Mapnerds help expand the filter ability on qanonmap.github.io >>9200 , >>386535
Twitter Storm : Kekistani Airforce Method
All tweets should have #QAnon, #GreatAwakening, and @POTUS/@realDonaldTrump
Add with any of the listed targets!
Current Hashtags / Targets
War Room #7
▶ 3cddcb (15) No.488846
Recent Notable Posts
SATURDAY 2018.24.02
>>486303 Collected BHO/Lunev posts from #598
>>485740 BHO's mysterious rise to the presidency
>>485569 Programmed MKSchool Shooters
>>485528 More Bridge links to BHO, The Real Manchurian Candidate?
>>485444 The purpose of crisis actors !
>>484425 BO looking for BVs'
>>484333 Socratic teaching
>>483956 #595 Holy Guacamole Edition summarized
>>483168 #594 Semper Fi Edition summarized
>>482606 The Canadian Connection
>>482562 Snowden defends Comey?
>>482525 #593 Summarized
>>482519 Mass Mind Control
>>482489 Q relies on THAT KIND OF THINKING! Re: Payback
>>482462 >>482345, >>482346 , >>482355, >>482365, >>482542 More on Lunev
>>482440 www.f4ct.co >>482442, >>482447, >>482450, >>482451, >>482453
>>481425, >>481430 -> War in C_A
>>481289 Lunev and Vasili Dig
>>481234 GHWB Singing?
>>481150 Double Meanings
>>481092 Message Switching
>>481065 Spy Exchange??? Snowden for Lunev?
>>480916 Kevin Hogg Real Estate Transactions (Pt.2/2)
>>480912 Kevin Hogg Real Estate Transactions (Pt.1/2)
>>480862 BRIDGE connect -> >>480944 | To BHO? -> >>485144
FRIDAY 2018.23.02
>>475908 Sheriff Scott Isreal
>>471120 Crowdstrike Russian Plane Connection
>>473687 Tavistock=Gannett=CIA
>>473252 China Connection from Q post
>>472696 Links from John Cusack to key players
>>472314, >>472461, >>472580, >>472695 BHO Linked to Hezbolla Medhat El-Ami
>>471106 Don't trip over fake trips
>>470911 Potus Tweets: MS-13 Gang flow in like Water (Screencap: >>470914)
>>470445 Where did the $1.7 Billion Go? -> >>470498 gist of it
>>470360 FBI and NBC worked on JFK Doc
>>470234 A house divided - a beautiful graphic
>>470041 Houston FF in the makings?!
>>469808 We could be doing 'great'
>>469737 Plea the fif!
>>469554 DireQtor
>>469539 Vital Hand Signals?
>>469516 Mueller... Mueller...
>>469067 Going out on a limb...
>>469125 School Superintendent Robert Runcie
>>469188 Just the tip???
>>469432 Q not concerned about hurt children?
>>469470 In the movies it LOOKS real but no one gets hurt!
>>469479 a Map! Looks like FBI is the middle???
Previous Notable Posts
>>485571 2018.22.02
>>470492 2018.21.02
>>461256 2018.20.02
>>450438 2018.19.02
>>437764 PREVIOUS
>>437197 2018.18.02
>>426373 2018.17.02
>>426213 2018.17.02
>>413767 2018.17.02
>>409293 2018.17.02
>>412953 2018.17.02
>>398383 2018.16.02
>>393421 2018.15.02
>>392383 2018.15.02
>>386393 2018.15.02
>>385454 2018.15.02
>>342431 2018.11.02
>>341035 2018.11.02
>>336125 2018.11.02
>>321147 2018.10.02
>>247024 2018.02.02
>>9019 2018.09.01
▶ 3cddcb (15) No.488849
Board Rules
Quick Access Tools
GITHUB - A NEW UPDATE: Qcodefaganon says 'Keep Using qanonmap.github.io
>>426009 UPDATED: Latest Q Map Set (5of5)
>>387724 Latest Q Map Set (4of5)
>>387719 Latest Q Map Set (3of5)
>>387707 Latest Q Map Set (2of5)
>>387700 Latest Q Map Set (1of5)
Recent map updates
>>480889 Qmap_2018-02-23_2018-02-24) The BRIDGE edition
>>468931 Qmap_2018-02-15_2018-02-22_DISTRACTION edition
>>468949 Qmap_2018-02-07_2018-02-14_PAY THE PRICE edition
Selected Focused Map Subsets
>>469863 - CONTROLLERS/CONTROLLED/COMFYCORNER Graphics -> >>470191 anonfile links for ultra high res
>>330858 - ComfyQ
>>330855 - +++_Soros_P Keystone
>>330839 - RED_Red Cross
>>333538 - Darnkess/Darkness (Ten Days)
>>337044 - Symbolism: Identify and list
* Qcode guide to abbreviations pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb
* QMap zip : enigma-q.com/qmap.zip
* Searchable, interactive Q-post archive w/ user-explanations : qanonmap.github.io
* Q archives : qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/
* POTUS-tweet archive : trumptwitterarchive.com
* QMap PDF (updated 02.21.18) : anonfile.com/U3EdDadfb5/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_6.10.0.pdf | fr.scribd.com/document/372191735/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-6-10-0?secret_password=jinY4XFoRrA5a6056QhI | mega.nz/#!prBizSzL!r_WlzYTTFmsrEeDpuN6dwnDfzKMwHNbtRukmkUUKqDU
* Spreadsheet : docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing
* Raw Q Text Dump : pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE
* Expanded Q Text Drops : pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
* Calendar of notable events : teamup.com/ksxxbhx4emfjtoofwx TICK TOCK >>222880
* Memo & OIG Report Links : >>427188
Resources Library
>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information
>>4274 General Archives
>>4356 Tools and Information
>>4852 Free Research Resources
>>4362 Planefag Tools
>>4369 Research Threads
>>3152 Redpill Scripts
>>16785 Prayer
>>257792 Letters of Gratitude
>>169315 Notable Resignations Thread
>>93735 Side-by-Side Graphics
>>333130 Legend of Chan Terms
>>328278, >>377614 DoE Supercomputers + Cyber-Espionage Deep Dig thread
>>388571 MK Ultra Deep Dive
>>410413 Q Communications re:deltas
>>426413 Check Unsealed indictments and/or convictions
>>398808 How to Catch Up
Other Digging Sources:
https:// www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/
The Meme Repository
MEGA IMAGE LIBRARY 1. Over 11,800 images from 11/25/17 /cbts thru /thestorm, thru qresearch Memes#1-#10
There you can preview images, download single images, entire categories, or all.
MEGA IMAGE LIBRARY 2. The same 11,800 categorized images scaled for Twitter 1024 x 512
Memes13 >>366408 Self-service
Memes12 >>247769
New Bakers Please Read This
▶ 3cddcb (15) No.488860
https:// pastebin.com/1JKAW4qB
▶ cdf3cc (1) No.488900
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Debutante_Ball
▶ 3cddcb (15) No.488929
Radio transmissions capture aftermath of Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS shooting, search for gunman
https:// wsvn.com/news/local/radio-transmissions-capture-aftermath-of-marjory-stoneman-douglas-hs-shooting-search-for-gunman/
▶ 71bbbf (1) No.488971
▶ 0feeeb (10) No.488976>>488987 >>488995 >>488997 >>489027 >>489057 >>489155 >>489172 >>489622
If the deputies were waiting around outside the building, how did the shooter get past them?
▶ de33aa (11) No.488977
>>488838 (OP)
Delicious bread, Baker
▶ 273693 (4) No.488978>>489008 >>489397
https:// media.8ch.net/file_store/dffa1b2954c246dd6f2ed1a0c719c13d205df90e9deddf5b056d668627b7d660.png
▶ 0b8e68 (7) No.488979>>489143
>>488916 <previous loaf
it would look purely partisan, that would lead to cries of impeachment and they would crucify him harder than before in the media.
▶ 43f2cc (1) No.488980>>489040 >>489044 >>489116
EUCOM support mission in Bosporus photo
reminded me of a baffling series of events in Turkey in 2016
power was cut to Incirlik Air Base, which is thought to house US nukes, after the failed coup
the story went down the memory hole, never heard anything else about it
none of the Obama Admin seemed concerned in the slightest
wonder what Obunghole was trying to pull?
http:// archive.is/RBrMa
▶ e44d64 (3) No.488981>>489020
>>488171(last bread)
>Tasked [3] to order..
3 is HRC/WC
They are executing drip order. What's a drip order?
▶ 94f462 (7) No.488984>>488994 >>489095 >>489482
For those who may have missed it.
Trailer for the 1996 movie "The White Squall"
https:// www.youtube. com/watch?v=B5T7Gr5oJbM
full movie
https:// www.youtube. com/watch?v=Jk7xjEt2VP8
Lots to put on a meme, ya well.
▶ af4c8b (6) No.488987
how about, why are deputies just waiting around a school?,
▶ 00180b (6) No.488988
▶ e36a88 (3) No.488993
A liddle something for the fine bread baker.
▶ 81a30b (10) No.488994
Excellent synopsis - better than the one I posted. Worth a watch if you have the time.
▶ 3cddcb (15) No.488995>>489013 >>489075
They let him in. How do you attempt to sneak in an AR 15?
The kid had been in therapy since he was liddle for autism but his mom let him buy and keep an AR15. Shit doesn't add up.
His dad btw, died of a ::heart attack:: and his mom from the flu.
▶ a08609 (17) No.488996>>489516
How to Spot a Clown:
-Attempting to get a divisive or emotional knee-jerk trigger response from (you) to derail research is a red flag.
-Concern trolling and copy/pasta spam shilling that contradicts confirmed findings is another red flag.
-Using faux debate tactics: Generalizations, gas-lighting, misdirection, false equivalences, confusing correlation with causality, appeal to authority, transference, false precepts, personal attacks, straw-men, red herrings, etc. are all yet another red flag.
-Employing social ethics that are disingenuous, such as doxxing anyone, "reverse psychology" ploys or ones based on lying to the American People; These are obvious red flags.
-Promoting tactics that are unethical, illegal or involve violence outside the scope of the Law are huge red flags.
-Using Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt tactics''' for any reason is highly suspicious.
(((They))) are playing for keeps; This isn't a game.
God bless you, anons. Be discerning.
▶ 46ed5b (15) No.488997>>489004
They arrived after being called, then they hid out there for 10 mins, and they waited for the police to get there, they were not even outside the building, cnn said they were behind cover of their cars.
▶ a8594e (5) No.488998>>489025
Theres a woman I converse with on twat about local elections and shit…we live in the same city but are anon to one another
She told me I should go check out #liddlekidz
She's as norm as it gets…..so its working
▶ 6d0de1 (15) No.489001>>489065
Shooters Guardian?
Wife Check Fraud?
Cubic shells out $124m for Abraxas Corp. -- Washington Technology
https:// washingtontechnology.com/articles/2010/11/…/cubic-will-acquire-abraxas.aspx
Nov 16, 2010 - Cubic Corp., a provider of defense systems, mission support services and transportation systems, will pay $124 million in cash to acquire Virginia-based Abraxas Corp. Abraxas, a $60 million firm that provides risk mitigation and subject matter and operational expertise for national security, law enforcement …
Abraxas - Cubic Corporation
https:// www.cubic.com/Global-Defense/National…/Intelligence-Solutions-Abraxas
Intelligence Solutions -- Abraxas. Who we are. Abraxas is a division of Cubic Global Defense and is committed to supporting our world-wide mission with service, technical, and training programs across a vast array of Intelligence and U.S. Government organizations.
▶ a68cac (1) No.489003>>489135
▶ 0feeeb (10) No.489004>>489041 >>489053
So how did the shooter walk past them?
▶ f2a21e (10) No.489005>>489032 >>489198
>>488456 last bread
If in involved in conspiracy to commit treason they can unmask all NSA records. Cell phone and computer even when it was off, email, text, dm, smart fridge, elf on the shelf and >>488435
moms virbrator.
▶ b66f30 (6) No.489006
I gotta tell you Anons, you've practically searched every nook and cranny of this shooting, from all different angles,been here from beginning and i'm blown away,Working like a Team now,Where We Go One We Go All! Bravo Guys Godspeed
▶ 273693 (4) No.489008>>489281
wont let me repost Comey tweet with water pic…
▶ 73c4c2 (1) No.489009>>489055
lol working hard for that paycheck?
▶ 59d4e4 (1) No.489010
Questions, Qomments, Qoncerns?
posted last bread. didnt want it missed, as if you guys miss anything…
this dude says he is high level brass
found dirt on his name but also found corroboration for his claims
def worth a watch either way
https:// youtu.be/260RVMO3n6I?t=1
▶ 267e45 (5) No.489013>>489026
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=mr33_aKZI4c
This is weird. This is the moment he was arrested. He is completely limp. Like he is unconscious. It is bizarre.
▶ 7098b6 (4) No.489014>>489036 >>489047 >>489056
>>488650 (previous bread)
Mosquitos are plentiful in Florida- this looks like a wake up call for sleepers....no one in that family is worthy of freedom.
How are these people willing to sacrifice kids in a public forum? Are they offering these FF to Moloch as part of their sick rituals?
▶ 161141 (3) No.489018>>489037 >>489101
It has been suggested by Q that Snowden isn't in Russia. Where did Snowden first land…Hong Kong. He is in China. One month ago a CIA agent was arrested for spying for China. Jerry Shun Jung Lee.
▶ e36a88 (3) No.489019
Shadow banned again. I will take it as a complement @jack you fucking fag
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489020>>489061
answered in previous bread
▶ 0feeeb (10) No.489022
Liddle Adam, go home to Mommy
▶ 0b94ed (3) No.489023
Why are you here?
▶ d8ab71 (1) No.489024
Stanislav Lunev:
What about SCALAR Technologies ?
I don't see mention of them yet
1 what about cell towers
2 what do cell towers broadcast (other than calls)
3 why were a bunch of cell towers xfered from telcos to CIA front corp & leased
4 what other technologies does CIA have installed in cell towers ?
5 why did they test in IRAQ ?
These things tie with Behold a Pale Horse ?
▶ 7cf46c (2) No.489025
That shit gets to normies more than any other topic we dig on…even strait up treason.
▶ 81a30b (10) No.489026
From what I've read, when MKULTRA victims are in an alter state, they get tired very quickly. It could be he was literally exhausted because he was still in an alter state.
▶ a8594e (5) No.489027
This article has a copy of the arrest affidavit…might be a nug or two in there
Did say the Uber driver is a chick
>>http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5401697/Distraught-couple-took-Florida-shooter-speak-out.html
▶ 0389a1 (12) No.489029
Seeing through the bullshit social games is a threat to (((them))) so they label you.
▶ 6d0de1 (15) No.489030
A Bold Upstart With CIA Roots - latimes
Sep 17, 2006 - WASHINGTON --- In the burgeoning field of intelligence contractors, an especially aggressive upstart is Abraxas Corp., a privately held company that has assembled a deep roster of CIA veterans to handle a wide range of clandestine assignments -- including secret work for an elite team of overseas case …
▶ 1933e6 (5) No.489031
audit says they're real... i'm sure twitter is complicit in perpetrating the fraud
▶ 475b38 (6) No.489032>>489063
As long as they're not in elected office or able to influence people anymore and are financially ruined, who gives a shit if lawyers save them in the courts?
And honestly I hope they are because then PATRIOT ANONS can provide ALL the justice they deserve.
▶ 2f4cd7 (5) No.489033>>489104
Lent is the NEW testament
Do your homework and fact check
▶ 03fed4 (3) No.489034
> I would prefer if you would fuck off
▶ 0b8e68 (7) No.489035
fuQ you LIDDLE schill
▶ 5b8d52 (3) No.489036>>489042 >>489043
watch the water
breeding ground
easily light and flit away from surface
▶ 07e445 (1) No.489037
Live action from Shanghai also…
▶ 3cddcb (15) No.489038>>489088
▶ 3f2b99 (1) No.489039
I see you Manson.
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489040
The Most Likely is that BHO planned the failed coup, because Turkey represents the bridge for the invasion of the Immigrants to Europe and the support to Isis, Fsa, Al Nusra, etc.., a coordinated coup, for to have his puppet well screwed..,
▶ 46ed5b (15) No.489041
I said they came after the shooting started, they got there in a couple mins, the shooter dropped his stuff and walked out with the rest of the students, they found him at a McDonalds or something well after the shooting.
▶ d02727 (1) No.489042
Mosquitoes love the swamp….
▶ 5a18f1 (6) No.489043>>489103
RREMEMBER THE Chel. Clint. Tweet re mosquitoes… New strain this summer ??
▶ 7cdeed (3) No.489044>>489116
You have to wonder if the Incirlik nukes remain accounted for because Erdogan has been pounding the war drum against many in the EU for some time and most recently against Greece. With the migrant unrest all it will take for him to roll the tanks is an uprising followed by broad retaliation. God help us if he has the Incirlik nukes.
▶ 00180b (6) No.489045
quinn iis a pile of old dicks
some wizards threw together
at aa hi skool bdAY PArTY
▶ 9ef78b (2) No.489047
That has been mentioned in previous breads. Don't care enough to dig up all the info that was mentioned about it. Firstborn children of Kazakhstan jews sacrificed to satan was the basic premise.
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489048
only replying bc fucking WASTED digits!
▶ 3d5e22 (4) No.489051>>489059
The animal memes are huge. The more of them you can do, the better. They are almost guaranteed to spread like wildfire.
▶ b6a8cc (1) No.489052
A "marker" is any phrase - usually in brackets (usually, if not always) - that connects a POTUS tweet to a Q message. Example: [RR-out].
▶ 46ed5b (15) No.489053
PS this assumes he was the shooter, he was just walking around town, he may had nothing to do with it.
▶ a95c53 (4) No.489054
Last night our POTUS gave a speech. It was awesome . He spoke to US - awesome! Last night he gave US a # to use. I haven't heard anyone use it yet. Maybe we should try # FightFor18
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489055
they're not working too hard, this one took the easy way in
▶ 584ec6 (5) No.489056
Weird you should ask that. I had a recent conversation with someone who left the luciferian church. He told me that to become a high priest, they had to orchestrate a mass murder.
I don't know how much to believe about what he said. It seemed a liddle off the wall…and then the shooting happened.
▶ 0e3006 (2) No.489057>>489062
How did you get in and how did he get out both options stink
▶ 00180b (6) No.489058
▶ 0b8e68 (7) No.489059>>489122
I'm shadowbanned or strictly reduced nothing is working well tonight on twatter.
▶ 2138aa (4) No.489060
Just need to add Coward County beneath the image!!!!
▶ e44d64 (3) No.489061>>489100
Yes Anon, I went through all the answers..
HOT in DC, Melting ice, drip order for followers and restrict?
Jack asked HRC/WC to restrict follower? Jack asked to do something with ms13?
▶ 0e3006 (2) No.489062>>489067
Oh and don't forget the video cameras have a 20 minute delay on them because they're old technology… What a bunch of bullshit
▶ f2a21e (10) No.489063>>489073
Oh they will not get off. Military court totally unmaksed. Congo line to the firing squad.
▶ c7c1b6 (4) No.489065>>489089 >>489271
"Abraxas" comes from the novel "Demian" by Herman Hesse. Then in the 70s Santana must have read the book and named their album after it.
Abraxas is a god who is both good and evil, i.e. evil. The name comes from the system of the Gnostic Basilides, famously controverted by Irenaeus in the 2nd c. work "Adversus Haereses."
"Abraxas (Gk. ΑΒΡΑΞΑΣ, variant form Abrasax, ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ) was a word of mystic meaning in the system of the Gnostic Basilides, being there applied to the "Great Archon" (Gk., megas archōn), the princeps of the 365 spheres (Gk., ouranoi).[1] The word is found in Gnostic texts such as the Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit, and also appears in the Greek Magical Papyri. It was engraved on certain antique gemstones, called on that account Abraxas stones, which were used as amulets or charms.[2] As the initial spelling on stones was 'Abrasax' (Αβρασαξ), the spelling of 'Abraxas' seen today probably originates in the confusion made between the Greek letters Sigma and Xi in the Latin transliteration.
The seven letters spelling its name may represent each of the seven classic planets.[3] The word may be related to Abracadabra, although other explanations exist.
There are similarities and differences between such figures in reports about Basilides's teaching, ancient Gnostic texts, the larger Greco-Roman magical traditions, and modern magical and esoteric writings. Opinions abound on Abraxas, who in recent centuries has been claimed to be both an Egyptian god and a demon.[4] The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung transcribed a short Gnostic treatise in 1916, attributed to Basilides in Alexandria called The Seven Sermons to the Dead, which called Abraxas the supreme power of being transcending both God and the Devil and unites all opposites into one Being."
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraxas
▶ a08609 (17) No.489067
It is bullshit. I've worked on "old" tech. the delay was programmed in.
▶ 3d5e22 (4) No.489068>>489070
▶ 5b8d52 (3) No.489070
▶ 0bd05a (7) No.489071>>489141 >>489151 >>489364 >>489751
https:// mobile.twitter.com/rising_serpent/status/967540601917968386
READ THIS THREAD!!! Holy shit these people are sick! It's all about the money! You will need a smoke, shower, a stiff shot etc after reading this. Unbelievable
▶ 35550d (4) No.489072>>489082 >>489090
33 is spectacular
▶ 475b38 (6) No.489073>>489079
Well lets make sure to all keep a nice box of hollow points just incase our complete failure of a justice system continues to be a complete failure.
▶ 170472 (3) No.489075>>489197
an anon had posted something from one of Cruz's acquaintances, said he had the mentality of a 12-14 year old. That kids getting fucked. Why is it most of the photos of him with guns(other than the bb or airsoft)guns, the photos with the knives ala Wolverine, his face is hidden by a hat and mask or bandanna? that makes this shit smell even worse.
▶ 2138aa (4) No.489076
I love your meme!!!
▶ 00180b (6) No.489077>>489163
▶ 3b40a0 (2) No.489078
If I would of know there was gonna be this much Homework to Free the World I would Studied More and Lifted Less…
How much more Proof do we need ? Round them up please ! We need to get people well asap.
My head is about to explode with information Overload !
Need me some Elon Musk Smart pills please !
Keep up the Great Work Anons !
▶ f2a21e (10) No.489079
▶ 9ef78b (2) No.489080>>489096
Well, headed to bed.
Here's a gem for you
▶ f9ec70 (6) No.489082>>489090 >>489137
LOL, you guys. If you Bino it he will come!
▶ 41f058 (7) No.489083
kek i love when anon makes new ones.
▶ 247a81 (9) No.489084>>489092 >>489106 >>489119 >>489145 >>489146 >>489178
Well shit. This is not good.
Marijuana Growers: Hang onto your pot, here come the genetically modified genes! It is painfully obvious that mad scientists have gone wild and are in charge of our health and food supply. And now, they want to grab hold of Mary Jane, Weed, Cannabis, Pot, Marijuana, or whatever else you want to call it.
Yeah, we know it has medicinal properties, and so do they. That is one of the reasons it has remained illegal for so long. Someone growing a plant in their backyard and foregoing over-the-counter pain medication, or making a tincture that helps fight cancer just might cut into Big Pharma profits, and we can’t have that.
http:// deceivedworld.blogspot.com/2011/06/marijuana-gone-gmo.html
▶ a1cec5 (4) No.489088>>489094
New baker available.
▶ 6d0de1 (15) No.489089
Good Anon
Ripoff Report | Abraxas Academy Complaint Review Morgantown …
https:// www.ripoffreport.com/…/abraxas…/abraxas-academy-the-geo-group-cornell-ne…
Jul 18, 2013 - Abraxas Academy Complaint Review: Abraxas Academy, The Geo Group, Cornell, New Morgan Facility, Self-proclaimed Treatment Center … Finally, with reference to shift coverage, The Morgantown location was previously able to rely on the South Mountain location's staff to come in and cover shifts as a …
▶ 6bc228 (1) No.489092>>489180
I called that happening over a decade ago. Not surprised one bit. Maybe another reason why Sessions wants to go hard against Marijuana.
▶ 161141 (3) No.489093>>489105 >>489109 >>489112 >>489117
Yes. So the person picked up in Shanghai was Snowden. The trade is Snowden for the Chinese CIA spy.
▶ a08609 (17) No.489094>>489126
shill bakers again today.. hope these digits pan out
▶ 94f462 (7) No.489095>>489127
Here's my notes:
"They came from different places. They sailed for different reasons. But there was only one way to survive on his ship… become a team because where he was taking them could not be measured in miles. They thought they had survived the greatest challenge of their lives but it was only THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM. A film about loyalty, discovery, and courage."
They're only boys Captain. Oh, they're much more than that… sir.
We listened to you. We believed you. And we're still here.
What are they doing? Claiming their place in the world.
We're a crew. That's what this whole thing is about.
Where we go one, we go all.
The white squall is a phenomenon of the imagination. What happened to my ship was not imagined!
I will challenge them and they will come together.
I don't want to be what I was when I left… anonymous.
This academy is not listed as accredited. It'll be a good thing, Dad.
Why the hell do it then? It builds character, Mr. Preston, of which you are in desperately short supply.
The ship beneath you is not a toy. Sailing is not a game.
▶ a95c53 (4) No.489096
Nice…. I like it… Good night anon. Enjoy your rest
▶ 6d0de1 (15) No.489097>>489174
Abraxas Youth Center: Juvenile Firesetter & Sex Offender Treatment
Located on the grounds of the South Mountain Restoration Center in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, the Abraxas Youth Center is a multi-service residential facility. Nationally recognized as a leading provider of secure juvenile firesetter treatment, the program also specializes in secure sexual offender treatment and secure …
▶ 24ba88 (1) No.489098
(Previous Bread)
Sorry it took so long, Anon.
▶ 5a18f1 (6) No.489099>>489121 >>489125 >>489148 >>489158 >>489369
Julian Assange ⏳
Follow Follow @TheRealJuIian
Twitter purge 2.0 of 2018 is near: Various pro-Trump & arbitrarily selected ‘Bot-Like’ accounts ‘suspected of aiding the Kremlin’ according to a leaked Jack Dorsey internal memo, will be randomly chosen & suspended without cause. Follow @JulianAssange for a slower & safer ride…
DID you guys see the tweet and the chess board
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489100>>489136
1. The answer was there. none but you can accept it as the answer for you.
2 Melting ice has nothing to do with anything, wth are you talking about? KEK
3. @Jack owns twitter, how and why would he order someone who doesn't work for twitter (hrc/wc) to restrict accounts? Obviously 3 people who work for twitter were given orders to restrict/remove conservative accounts ad their followers of liddle by liddle (drip), so that (ideally) it's not noticed. Too late, we know.
Do you see why i said you're either overthinking not using commons sense, or questionfagging? If you don't see it, others should.
▶ 073d0b (1) No.489101
Jerry Chun Shing Lee Is the name in the Politico story
http:// politico.com/story/2018/02/05/china-cia-spy-congress-387133
▶ 931bd6 (1) No.489102
https:// savethememe.net/en
Europe wants internet companies to filter all of your uploads.
▶ 5b8d52 (3) No.489103
that was reference point
she’s slimy one
▶ c7c1b6 (4) No.489104>>489261
Lent isn't in either testament.
▶ 873a9a (1) No.489105
▶ f2a21e (10) No.489106
Yep and will than cause cancer and become bad. Hopefully this shit ends this year.
▶ 37546d (7) No.489107>>489110 >>489129
Does anyone else ever feel like they are dynamically mirroring the entire internet? If a nuclear weapon were dropped on Hawaii, how long could they hide it?
▶ 475b38 (6) No.489109>>489111 >>489120
For real why does Q think anyone cares about Snowden or that soyboy who founded twitter when there are treasonous Presidents and cabinet members, etc?
▶ a08609 (17) No.489110>>489114 >>489118 >>489129
▶ 4b0305 (3) No.489111>>489166
Because he plays a bigger role than you realize apparently.
▶ 285990 (10) No.489112
Just your guess or sauce to point to that?
▶ e4feeb (6) No.489113
2-24-18 PST
5:21 Low black unemployment/Response to W Dupree
(Retweet of background checks)
10:45 Armed Educators
12:16 PA Redrawn Election lines/SCOTUS ASAP
1:07 Lowest unemployment claims since 1973
1:18 Dems don't care about DACA/Out of sight out of mind
2:26 CPAC poll #'s
3:16 Dem Memo/Political and legal bust/Illegal bx
3:20 Dem Memo FBI no disclose HRC/Disgrace
3:44 Russian Witch Hunt illegal disgrace
4:56 Schiff omitted facts
5:00 Judge Jeanine show
(Retweet Judge Jeanine on Phone/Push DACA Dems nowhere ot be found)
(Retweet Judge Jeanine on Phone/FISA comment bad things from other side/lookinto)
(Retweet Fox tweet of Catherine Heritage/Comey conflict testimoney)
▶ 37546d (7) No.489114>>489124
▶ 3ed14c (7) No.489115
A really great interview here to close out CPAC with Devin Nunes.
Nothing earth shattering, but damn, this guy is just calm, collected and real.
God bless him and all that he is doing, it can’t be easy, eventhough he makes it look that way.
And just as POTUS said in his earlier interview with Judge Jeanine, he got an award!
Future proves past.
https:// ththeconservativetreehouseeconservativetreehouse.com/2018/02/24/chairman-devin-nunes-cpac-discussion-dueling-memos-and-fisa-court-abuse/
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489116>>489257
Hmmm, talking about the Nukes, the U1 must be a bridge, should be that Turkey also was the bridge for the uranium to Iran?
▶ e06f3a (2) No.489117
The Man in the Snow White Cell
▶ 41f058 (7) No.489118
go dig around end chan …
▶ 5b6dde (5) No.489119
US marijuana-patents-6630507
▶ fd898f (7) No.489120
You should read Snowdens story and not the hollywood/MSM version of his life and background
It is QUITE an interesting story
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489121>>489148 >>489209
▶ 3d5e22 (4) No.489122
Maybe you can try from a different account?
▶ 0b8e68 (7) No.489123>>489251
My memes suck..
#GunBan won't work.
few dollars and you have a #Zipgun
▶ a08609 (17) No.489124
A listener. Need General class and some real eqipment..
▶ a95c53 (4) No.489125>>489130 >>489142
What tweet? What chessboard? Did anyone know what he's talking about?
▶ a1cec5 (4) No.489126>>489156
You're in good hands, Patriot.
▶ 3df9c6 (15) No.489127>>489535
Sometimes I feel like the most useful thing I can do for POTUS is not interfere with his plans.
▶ 6d0de1 (15) No.489128>>489191
Abraxas Youth Center Complaint Review South Mountain, Pennsylvania
https:// www.ripoffreport.com/…/abraxas-youth-center/south-mountain-pennsylvania…
Abraxas Youth Center Complaint Review: Abraxas Youth Center AYC stressful work place environment that is about cash and not the kids South Mountain Pennsylvania.
About da cash not the kids.
I havent dug yet to see who runs these places.
▶ 41f058 (7) No.489129
▶ fd898f (7) No.489130>>489133 >>489160
you must be new here
▶ a79fa5 (1) No.489131
looking for any patent information for black budget projects to match.
▶ 00180b (6) No.489132>>489140
DAFUQ when is weed a drug ffs
▶ 7e860a (1) No.489133
Or lazy. …Or blind
▶ 0389a1 (12) No.489135
This guy preferred a monkey over lot lizards.
▶ e44d64 (3) No.489136>>489152
Maybe I am just overthinking. In either case we win Anon.
▶ d565b0 (13) No.489137
couldn't help myself
▶ e06f3a (2) No.489138
anons are revolting
▶ 00180b (6) No.489140
chop em
smoke em
▶ 9e686b (1) No.489141
Yep, this is a must-read. He did some serious digging and crumb connecting.
▶ 0b94ed (3) No.489142
Newfags need to Lurk Moar and chat Less j/s
▶ 247a81 (9) No.489143
Neil Sankey - Barack Obama Addresses & SS Numbers
https:// www.scribd.com/document/20976501/Neil-Sankey-Barack-Obama-Addresses-SS-Numbers
▶ 4962e3 (3) No.489144
I may have the numbers figured out. I think Q might be using a multilevel #s code, too, referring back to letters/words. I'll try testing it on Cooper's book. On Alice in Wonderland, too.
▶ 86afd2 (1) No.489145>>489215 >>489242
I grow my own!!! And when the time is right I will show the world "FOR FREE" how to grow their own medicine too --– another discussion for another time. Big Pharma can chortle my balls!
▶ af4c8b (6) No.489146
when Pharma gets involved, only bad things happen to people, really bad things, to me, the fda, pharma along with the ama brainwashing system in place, makes for the most evil of the evil alliance that has ever been allowed to exist, so evil, they make people sick and then slow deaths the rest of their lives while they extort money to treat what they caused to begin with…
▶ e4feeb (6) No.489148
"REAL" Julian is FAKE Julian
▶ c29b33 (11) No.489149
it is like a 5-14 layer chess game indeed
▶ 58af33 (1) No.489150>>489169 >>489182 >>489203 >>489211 >>489253 >>489280 >>489485 >>489498
Dear Q - Your comms may be good, Sir, but ours are being attacked on all fronts. Qtubers are receiving huge bans - some are even permanent. Facebook and Twitter are removing followers and accounts.
How do we fight this all out censorship?
Please tell me POTUS is going to protect our free speech and SOON.
HELP! Love and God Bless You Q, POTUS, PATRIOTS
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489152
Keep it under 40,000 feet, feet on the ground, hard facts
▶ 0feeeb (10) No.489153
The deputies didn't go in and rescue any kids or disable the shooter.
They sat outside? the building and watched.
What were they looking for? Whatever it was they screwed that up as well, since the shooter WALKED RIGHT BUY THEM.
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489154
It's good Idea get marry with an Asian?
▶ 33b1e9 (1) No.489155>>489604
The School Resource Officer allegedly called in with a description of the shooter. How did he know what the culprit looked like when he never went inside? hmmmm.
▶ 3cddcb (15) No.489156
new baker confirmed
https:// pastebin.com/1JKAW4qB
▶ 5e1ac2 (1) No.489157
Delicious 😋 bread 🍞 Baker👨🍳
▶ a95c53 (4) No.489160
I'm not. Is there a NEW tweet ? I should have asked if there is a NEW one. I've been gone all day, been popping in and out when I could, thought i missed something
▶ c29b33 (11) No.489161
plerbs and probes
clown and coke
Shrug… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
▶ fd4c83 (5) No.489162
And who told you that liddle partisanfag. The television? Since when did the television ever really tell you the TRUTH?
▶ 0bd05a (7) No.489164>>489204
This is unbelievable. It's always about the money.
▶ 161141 (3) No.489165>>489171
Well….Q has inferred Snowden is not in Russia. Also Snowden's first stop was Hong Kong. It would also fit with the operation in Shanghai. The Chinese were running that. Then we catch a CIA agent working for the Chinese a month ago.
Just putting pieces together
▶ f2a21e (10) No.489166>>489184
Earlier Anon when Hawaii EBS was going on explained the super computer on Oahu in a facility called the hole. Small hole, side of mountain by Hickam AFB. Father worked there and the computer was nothing like we know. 3D hologram sci fi shit. Snowden was in Hawaii. Somehow connects but if he completely compromised national security, including details and info from that system I would say getting that rat bastard would be really important.
▶ 2f7a30 (4) No.489167>>489175 >>489189 >>489258
Help me out here please. Cruz the shooter is picked up in the next town at a restaurant by a Coral Sheriff. Who told the Coral Sheriff to arrest Cruz?
Why did that Sheriff take Cruz back to the scene of the crime "the school" so the Parkland Sheriff's could put Cruz in cuffs and ambulance and take Cruz to the hospital?
Why didn't the Coral Sheriff just take Cruz back to the Coral police station?
Or am I missing something here. Weren't we watching in live time…police escorting an ambulance (driving the speed limit by the way) with Cruz in it, being taken to a hospital?
Didn't a girl from the school interview with a local TV station saying she was talking to Cruz when shots were fired somewhere off in the distance?
So we have Cruz…in another town…coming out of a restaurant, after having brunch, a Coral Sheriff waiting for him to come out, approaches Cruz, where Cruz confesses calmly he is the shooter…and somehow this ties this story up in a nice neat liddle package, we can all say makes perfect sense?
▶ 0e81ca (3) No.489168>>489177 >>489642
Personal opinion:
I think these insta celebs (David Hogg & Cameron Kasky) were the ones who bullied Cruz, and they RUSHED to support the narrative to hide their involvement.
▶ a08609 (17) No.489169>>489183
Prosecutions under the law due to evidence brought to light is the answer.
I almost didn't respond to this, thinking 'shill'. There's your one. Let's see what happens.
▶ 6d0de1 (15) No.489170>>489192 >>489219 >>489378
The one in the first pick kinda looks like whats in the middle of the blurry part of gannett pic.
And Im spent…..
45 seconds and blew my load.
▶ fd4c83 (5) No.489171>>489199
With a faked identity, travel documents and a single CIA controlled border post he could literally be anywhere.
▶ 20e839 (10) No.489172>>489187 >>489297
I read somewhere he went in a side or back door that should have been locked.
▶ 6a8a24 (1) No.489173>>489186 >>489207 >>489553
Nice try, YT, you trickster!
▶ c7c1b6 (4) No.489174>>489213
What does this have to do with Cruz' guardian?
▶ 0feeeb (10) No.489175>>489196
> she was talking to Cruz when shots were fired somewhere off in the distance?
Flash bangs?
▶ 9c3085 (1) No.489176
https:// discord.gg/TNWxdDY
Hive research. Help spread the word. Love the Chan’s.
▶ f2a21e (10) No.489177
And are butt buddies. Calling them fags would insult all good anons.
▶ e22df9 (1) No.489178>>489185 >>489194 >>489233 >>489237 >>489265 >>489368
any of you pot heads ever consider, maybe the govt kept pot illegal so that big pharma never got her hands on it?
▶ 0389a1 (12) No.489180>>489200 >>489264
Sessions is going after the money laundering and the Washington State Liquor Board Revolving Fund.
Get seeds from Amsterdam. They still sell them.
▶ a8594e (5) No.489181
Just found this on twat
Its a playbook written after Sandy Hook explaining in steps how to control the gun narrative
Read page 24 and beyond. It will sound familiar
http:// s3.documentcloud.org/documents/748675/gun-violencemessaging-guide-pdf-1.pdf
▶ f9ec70 (6) No.489182
Great Awakening #60
>Thank you F&F!
>AT&T>No Such Agency [contract].
>AT&T>GOOG/FB/etc. 'prevent unfair >censorship' PUSH.
>Internet Bill of Rights.
▶ 80907a (4) No.489183
That relief is going to be a while getting here.
▶ 3df9c6 (15) No.489184
>computer like nothing we know
Reminds me of pic related
▶ 0389a1 (12) No.489185
No, tax revenue is much more than pharma bribes.
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489186
that Algorithms every day are a madness.. lol
▶ 0feeeb (10) No.489187>>489275 >>489309
I want to know how he LEFT the building without the deputies seeing him. They were just outside with their weapons drawn LOOKING.
▶ 2b717b (1) No.489188>>489238
black forest quantum multispectral communication
▶ 41f058 (7) No.489189
if I was his lawyer, I'd demand a gunpowder residue test.
▶ a40522 (3) No.489190>>489202 >>489221 >>489232 >>489235 >>489255 >>489260 >>489270 >>489301 >>489347 >>489352 >>489375 >>489417 >>489560
Q anons have called themselves an army ostensibly under the command of POTUS.
They study and carry out psychological operations and have taken on a command structure.
Psy ops is a weapon of war.
On the other hand it may all be an exercise in free speech, protected by the first amendment.
The psy ops techniques used may also be found in basic non political marketing campaigns.
Consider however, that from the US Constitution Section 8,
>only the Congress has the power to provide for calling forth, organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia.
Thereafter the President indeed takes charge.
So unless there is a Congressional authorization covering this, where are we when one says we are an army and another establishes command structure, effectively convincing autists they have been drafted?
As far as one can see this is the Brown Shirts if we want to be militaristic. I mean, 14/88!! We are opposed by the Soros commie organization. One calls a spade a spade though.
Unless Congress somehow authorized this...
▶ c7c1b6 (4) No.489191
Oh shit! I just remembered that I visited a kid at a treatment center that was named "Abraxas." You're saying the treatment centers are connected to the intelligence/security company Abraxas?
▶ e5a188 (5) No.489193>>489210 >>489220 >>489249 >>489483 >>489509 >>489696 >>489748
Been busy building up my meme tools and skills,kek
I love and was inspired by all the patchs that other talented anons have made, the chan investigation agency series of memes.
I wanted to do a series that reflect the grandma anons and other women, who are here contributing as well.
These are the first, i have other ones in works and planning stages.
And if anyone has any suggestions, or ones they would like to see, let me know.
I was not happy with some of my past memes and had to spend the past couple of weeks building up my inventory, so i can build and fire off good memes when needed.
I also wanted to start making better good red pill graphics, showing connections.
In the Confefe meme,, the Q is made out of coffee beans,kek
▶ f2a21e (10) No.489194
Was legal until DuPont types pushed to illegal. Our gov is not historically benevolent. You be trippin.
▶ c29b33 (11) No.489195
<3 Q youtu.be/o1cRTW9AGVo
▶ 2f7a30 (4) No.489196
Regardless…he wasn't shooting anything but the bull with her at that time. Who from the school identified Cruz as the shooter? Is there film of him shooting? Did the officer in the parking lot who would'nt go in to defend the kids identify Cruz as the shooter. Did he watch Cruz leave? WTF?
▶ 3d5e22 (4) No.489197
That's one of the defining features. Developmental delay. Kids don't have the mental or emotional maturity of their peers despite often having high I.Q.
▶ 9bc78d (6) No.489198
double jeopardy does not apply re: UCMJ and the civilian court system. U can be tried by BOTH for the same exact crime.
▶ 0389a1 (12) No.489199>>489217
>single CIA controlled border post
Peace Arch in WA.
▶ 584ec6 (5) No.489200>>489222
He's also using marijuana as an excuse to take down MS13 and confiscate their funds. It's a necessary evil at this point.
▶ 4c7cae (8) No.489201
Banned from twitter for posting facts.
Also banned from half chan/pol/ for calling out NatSocs as useful idiots playing into the hand of ZOG marxists.
I guess God wants my efforts and intellect to focus on this board.
▶ 41f058 (7) No.489202
fuck off nazi scum.
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489203
>How do we fight this all out censorship?
Answer 1. Very very carefully. Mix it up some, don't post noly redpills, mix in some normie shit & humor. ALL redpills on social media makes your accounts targets. Been redpilling IRL and online for years, rarely ever banned, FB jail, not cancellations, bc I play the game carefully.
>You, THE PEOPLE, need to remember how TO PLAY.
>You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER.
Be wise in those serpent networks.
Answer 2. #InternetBillOfRights
Answer 3. Q's not responsible for how you use your accounts. And is also not the complaint department. Requires our participation.
▶ 0f42c1 (1) No.489204
Q and team need to freeze these donations and bust their racket down
then clean up "not for profits" and PACs once and for all
▶ 3ed14c (7) No.489206>>489227
Not his real twitter.
@JulianAssange Is real.
▶ a08609 (17) No.489207
That's going to be the next FUD thing, too: The electoral college.
The EC is the check against vote stuffing as happened in Ca and elsewhere, kek… Can't get rid of it! This isn't a democracy, It's a legislative republic with a constitution.
▶ 5abb5b (4) No.489208
Gannett records big fourth quarter revenue declines in advertising and soft circulation too
https:// www.poynter.org/news/gannett-records-big-fourth-quarter-revenue-declines-advertising-and-soft-circulation-too
▶ 5a18f1 (6) No.489209
no…. DUH….. go back to Cassablanca
▶ e5a188 (5) No.489210>>489220 >>489249
2 more and the crossword board.
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489211
Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>489150
It's time for the independence for the Cyberspace.., Barlow has reason with that point
▶ 245739 (2) No.489212>>489223 >>489682
I think I figured out the "howdunnit" of the 3/4 Houston false flag.
If my deduction is correct, then the details of those images warning of the false flag contain the clues as to the method to be used.
The cabal is obsessed with ritual and thus like to broadcast their actions in advance.
Radiation sickness simulation is the big tip off as to what's being planned.
Therefore, I can conclude that the 3/4 Houston false flag is going to involve a "dirty bomb" or some other method to disperse radiation.
▶ 6d0de1 (15) No.489213
Abraxas bought Cubic.
Previous posts.
My hypothesis is all these Abraxas corporations connected.
Defense contractors, Youth centers, Data Governance, Petroleum, Software.
What MI intelligence agency does Cruz guardian work for. Cubic?
See Previous posts.
▶ 4e44f9 (3) No.489214>>489216 >>489225 >>489229 >>489239 >>489240 >>489301 >>489304 >>489499 >>489609
Posted on earlier bread by another anon.
It is impossible to overstate the geopolitical/religious import of this place.
▶ af4c8b (6) No.489215>>489243 >>489315
absolutely! the main thing is, to teach people how dangerous Pharma cannabis will become, as they will make it harmful instead of helpful,
i got some medical cannabis and i do not even smoke it, i keep it for emergency back spasms if i run out of regular to take care of it
there was a news article that chronic smokers are now getting some wierd sickness, the same people that smoked their whole lives without a problem, and now since pharma weed in Colorado, a new sickness developed, evil bastards pharma are!
▶ f92028 (1) No.489216>>489240 >>489655
▶ 46ed5b (15) No.489217>>489284 >>489298
>Peace Arch in WA
Shit not here in Blaine I hope, thought all hrc fucks were in Vancouver cities where the dead feet are washing up.
▶ 0feeeb (10) No.489218
I'm trying to say here that the deputies made TWO mindblowing fuckups, not one.
1. Not going inside to stop the shooter
2. Allowing the shooter to leave the building and walk away
▶ fd4c83 (5) No.489219>>489226 >>489231 >>489256 >>489287 >>489555
Do not fall for gannett disinfo. There are no hidden blurred symbols here.
▶ 5abb5b (4) No.489220
Super sweet, anon, thanks!
▶ 584ec6 (5) No.489221>>489301 >>489665
Holy shit guys!
We are acting illegally by doing This!
▶ 9bc78d (6) No.489222
i said this re: charolottesville and antifa but no one listened. this was back on pol when we were digging on his defense lawyer. glad to see i was right but more importantly that Sessions was working behind the scenes the entire time.
▶ d565b0 (13) No.489223>>489380
Any specific training exercises slated for 'round-about that date?
▶ 304d6f (1) No.489224
▶ 80907a (4) No.489226>>489250
This. Giant slide.
▶ 4ea51f (2) No.489227
Yeah, it clearly states it's a parody account.
What's your point?
▶ 5b6dde (5) No.489228>>489254
Menopausal Midnight Memers
▶ 0feeeb (10) No.489229
>It is impossible to overstate the geopolitical/religious import of this place.
Columbus would have never discovered Americas if we didn't lose this place
▶ fc3755 (6) No.489230>>489234
NRC www.nrc.gov/docs/ML1512/ML15125A004.pdfebsite. McCain approves export of Uranium to Canada and Russia.
▶ 81a30b (10) No.489231>>489250
Yes. It is just GANNET. No walnut sauce Russian shit or any other cryptic bullshit.
▶ 4c7cae (8) No.489232
>Unless anonymous shit posting is sanctioned by muh gubment then we are all breaking the law.
Can you please choke to death on the next CIA dick you swallow? Thanks in advance.
▶ 222b52 (4) No.489233
It's 'illegal' b/c it's been proven to help counter the effects of RF mind control techniques.
▶ fc3755 (6) No.489234
▶ 81a30b (10) No.489235>>489245
wrong. everything I'm doing I'm doing because I want to. go fuck yourself.
▶ e046c2 (10) No.489237>>489428 >>489491 >>489546 >>489587
William Randolph Hurst (paper) and JD Rockefeller (oil) were the biggest proponents of cannabis being criminalized. FYI hemp bio fuel is one of the cleanest burning bio fuels on the planet, fact. Hemps MANY uses is what ultimately got it banned. Do you know that America (((imports))) almost 100% of its industiral hemp from other countries mainly Canada and England. Industrial hemp is used for many things including building very ecologically friendly homes.
▶ f2a21e (10) No.489238
Yikes. But it sounds like POTUS/Q hears it all. Maybe Oahu was the key and why EBS happened and why missile launched(if true)
▶ 705a7d (4) No.489239
and there is the Bridge
▶ fd898f (7) No.489240>>489247 >>489655
▶ 1933e6 (5) No.489241>>489306 >>489343 >>489636
one thing i can't figure out… he went from the school to walmart then to mcdonalds then was arrested. so how did he get from walmart to mcdonalds? plus lets look on the map to see if we can find the location of this video of his arrest
▶ 6e10cf (3) No.489242
Until then, you're stuck in the closet anon (or cabinet). Something about the LIGHT will shine?
▶ 76bf6f (10) No.489243>>489279
GMO/Tainted weed is a real concern. Fortunately there are many aware "strainkeepers" out there. Some of whom have held the same wholesome varieties for decades and decades..
Have any sauce on the people getting sick from new weed?
▶ 374c5c (4) No.489244
being a blue helmet on this mission
would be like wearing a red shirt and not talking on camera before beaming down to the planet.
<send piglet and pelicanfag
▶ fd898f (7) No.489245>>489252
dont respond to shills anon
seriously its not that hard to do
▶ 705a7d (4) No.489247
television show with main character certainly living in the spectrum
▶ 4f950c (1) No.489248>>489269
>Make A New Thread Anons
>Make A New Thread Anons
>Make A New Thread Anons
>Make A New Thread Anons
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489249
Oh myyy…, This cheerful me the Night, Wonderful Anon!!
▶ fd4c83 (5) No.489250
To counter things like this we need to save these and immediately present them when they try to slide with disinfo.
always keep the counters ready on an offline source.
▶ fc3755 (6) No.489251
Necessity is the mother of invention.
▶ 81a30b (10) No.489252
normally agree. i did it for the observers. we've got some normie traffic and i want to deprive the sliders of every ounce of success.
▶ 2fecdc (6) No.489253>>489262 >>489276 >>489318 >>489466
That's not what free speech protects. Start your own website. Their site their rules.
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489255>>489272
>Reaching. Arms too short. Failed
▶ d565b0 (13) No.489256>>489263 >>489266 >>489274 >>489295 >>489314 >>489514 >>489561
So if it's Gannett, and Q is taken in context, then… Gannett is linked to kiddie trafficking somehow?
▶ 7cdeed (3) No.489257>>489355
One thing is certain, Iran was looking for more yellow cake.
Exactly one year ago: “We have sent a request for the import of 950 tons of yellow cake from Kazakhstan,” ISNA news agency quoted Ali Akbar Salehi as saying on Saturday.
http:// www.tehrantimes.com/news/411439/Iran-to-import-950-tons-of-yellow-cake-England-getting-in-way
▶ 20e839 (10) No.489258>>489267 >>489277 >>489296
He took him back to Parkland because thats where the crime happened.
▶ 374c5c (4) No.489260
bcuz it worked so well when CNN did it?
▶ 2f4cd7 (5) No.489261>>489388
Acts 12:4
Pagan holiday referenced in NEW testament
Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days (Mathew 4:1-2) = LENT
▶ 80907a (4) No.489262>>489350
Who controls Twitter?
Who really controls Twitter?
▶ fd898f (7) No.489263
▶ 6e10cf (3) No.489264
Actually Spain, they have better stock. Amsterdam stock has been criss-crossed too long.
Stock up on landraces and pure lines, skip the polyhybrid crap. Go old skewl.
Forget 'sativa' and 'indica' - it's NLD and WLD, Narrow Leaf and Wide Leaf.
▶ 2fecdc (6) No.489265
It's a plant you can grow in your home or back yard so….no
▶ 285990 (10) No.489266>>489300
He just said sick cult….meaning MSM are a fucking cult serving their masters. AC is a CIA satanist ass fucker…could you get anymore sick?
▶ 374c5c (4) No.489267>>489277
where i live, they take them to jail.
▶ fef46c (1) No.489268
The only thing I can find on a drip order…its a medical term regarding the drip flow time of an IV. Timed deletions?
▶ 584ec6 (5) No.489269
I know anon …but its like being a cat and a wiggly thing scurries by…You just need to slap it around sometimes
▶ 9bc78d (6) No.489270
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Title_34_of_the_United_States_Code
▶ 94f462 (7) No.489271
Kind of hard to see pictures in the stars
unless you are looking to make pictures in the stars
Kind of hard to see planets
And why would a planet -- a static star per se
be attributed to any god or power??
methinks it is all magic talk
to rule over those who can't see the meaning
methinks the whole "gods" and "goddesses" stuff
is cartoon characters from mythology
"good" and "truth" however
do produce power and alignment with life
meh, whatever
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489274>>489300
I don' t think that that's been proven. Misunderstandings before clarity came up with that. Gannet → MSM is the focus here, A. Cooper's creepy shit aside.
▶ 2fecdc (6) No.489275
I want to know why there are no pics of him anywhere in the school with a gun, or even without a gun.
▶ e9543c (2) No.489276>>489291
Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>489253
not if jared taylor: h'white advocate has any say in the matter. vid related
▶ d565b0 (13) No.489277
▶ 3cddcb (15) No.489278
Aegean Sea is intl waters.
▶ af4c8b (6) No.489279>>489392
here is some sauce you asked for with Pharma weed
https:// www.thedenverchannel.com/news/local-news/marijuana/bizarre-marijuana-illness-increasing-in-colorado
▶ 0feeeb (10) No.489280
>Qtubers are receiving huge bans - some are even permanent. Facebook and Twitter are removing followers
If I'm having conspiratorial thoughts, I can imagine this is all just a honeypot larp.
▶ c29b33 (11) No.489282
mah cock get happy
▶ 0389a1 (12) No.489284
Not only that, WA drivers licenses are used as cover identities. MN as well.
▶ 459a00 (11) No.489286
Tasty bread, Baker.>>489272
I feel like I should give her a boost from behind,
so she can reach that coconut.
▶ 6d0de1 (15) No.489287
Yeah Ill admit that the clearest shot Ive seen of that.
Still I am not gonna back down on Abraxas Connections.
If anons feel its a slide. So Be It.
Sometimes Chickens, Sometimes Feathers.
▶ a08609 (17) No.489289
>a40522 No.489190
>Muh FUD you're braking the law FUD FUD
>584ec6 No.489221
> Muh lol we are FUD FUD….
FFS, only Clowns do that.
In addition, if you want to go there, the unorganized militia is called that for a reason, being unorganized.
I swear.. Damn clowns aren't even trying anymore… I just warned anons about FUD bullshit like this
▶ e9543c (2) No.489291
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>489276
aww damnit. embed blocked. here's the youtube embed for convenience sake
▶ 2f7a30 (4) No.489292>>489303 >>489312 >>489313
Anon's bear with me…NO one is recorded as having identified seeing CRUZ shooting…
Do we realize this? I get it he confessed. But he was picked up in another town and arrested by CORAL Police or Sheriff. How in the heck did the CORAL COPS know to look for him? Did students say they saw Cruz firing a gun? All I saw were witnesses that said they saw him were a girl and a guy who saw and were talking with Cruz as they were leaving the building together. Out an exit away from the shooting that they could hear in another part of the building according to the girl who was talking to CRUZ at the time they were hearing it? WHY would the CORAL SHERIFF drive CRUZ back to the SCHOOL (to be handcuffed and put in an ambulance and taken to the hospital). We watched video of an ambulance where MSM was telling us Cruz was in the ambulance being taken to the hospital. Am I the only one who remembers this? Is this not weird to anyone but me?
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489294
Eggxactly liek that!
▶ cc296a (2) No.489296
That isn't normal police protocol. They would take him straight to the closest law enforcement agency, especially their own. They wouldn't take him back to the scene of the crime.
▶ 20e839 (10) No.489297>>489309
If I remember correctly he left out the same door he entered and ran and mingled with other running students. Ive read so much it starts to run together. My immediate question was who open the door for him to come in. Those type of doors are usually the ones that lock automatically.
▶ 58c571 (3) No.489298>>489321
Good evening, neighbor anon. Bellingham checking in.
▶ d565b0 (13) No.489300>>489320 >>489329 >>489337
Q said "boy, boy/girl" had significance (so that's where I'm led to believe we should look)…
▶ 35550d (4) No.489301>>489499
speak for yourself
Q is coming
▶ 374c5c (4) No.489302
ifya wanna get 2 10%, there's about 12.8 mm to go.
▶ 81a30b (10) No.489303
This and another 50 data points. The whole Parkland thing is fake as hell. Let's hope it was a sting.
▶ 2fecdc (6) No.489304
isn't this part of the timeline? its in the crumbs. SA, EU, Asia
▶ 3ed14c (7) No.489305
Probably mentioned way back, but this is from Wiener's contact list.
Lynn Rothschild lder(at)elrholdings.com lynn1(at)elrothschild.com 07787566038 PA 212-403-3683 PA 2073495500 H 212
▶ 5b6dde (5) No.489306>>489334
is that water, like a bayou, around the school? how did he get across to Walmart?
▶ bdac83 (1) No.489307>>489317
Has anyone tried going back to the beginning tweets that corrolate to Q posts and counting spaces in some kind of autistic way where each line or sentence is a number and sets of numbers are coordinates?
Maybe worth a peep?
Seek truth Anon. Find him anon, Anon.
▶ 0b94ed (3) No.489308
Focus anons. Regain composure and keep digging ffs
▶ 20e839 (10) No.489309
▶ d565b0 (13) No.489310>>489349
How does "boy, boy/girl" fit in?
▶ 0ea550 (4) No.489312
I don't remember them driving him back to the school. I remember them putting him in the back of the cop car where they caught him, then wating for the ambulance to arrive. Watched it live that day.
▶ cc296a (2) No.489313>>489335
It's not normal police protocol, that's for sure.
▶ 46ed5b (15) No.489314>>489331
No just means the MSM gets their talking points from Gannett, we had the FUCK of all shill storms on that day when we were digging the print outs AC is printing and highlighting
▶ 0389a1 (12) No.489315
Hypermesis. It's more of a billing code than an actually disease. Lay off for a while. I'm actually taking a break myself, got into edibiles too much and nearly lost it. Edibles are not the same as smoking it or vaping!
t. suffers from night eating syndrome, just got a sandwich.
▶ c29b33 (11) No.489316
figuring out timing of these faggots simplifies orgaizing
▶ 80907a (4) No.489317
Interesting approach. Let us know how it works out.
▶ 58c571 (3) No.489318>>489332
Like starting your own phone company? Nah, impose common carrier status on social media, just like the telephone company is not allowed to censor conversations it doesn't like.
▶ 392ac7 (1) No.489319>>489353 >>489478
With a liddle help from a few friends. So I work for the federal government and we do not post road closed signs so that they face inward. Here is the day of the NSA INCIDENT 2-14-18
Our best guess janitor crew contacted by CIA to steal data OUT OF THE NSA
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489320
Possible, it was alluded to that Gannet may be in the pedo network. Looking at Gannet's neighbors may support that as well. not explicitly stated though, maybe another anon has made that connection. I myself haven't seen it to verify for myself
▶ 46ed5b (15) No.489321
Hey, I'm actually Anacortes but you guys are close, I hope the snow stops
▶ ff39f8 (4) No.489322
▶ 37546d (7) No.489323
We need an internet bill of rights and the justice department to break up the media and social platform cartels.
▶ 247a81 (9) No.489324>>489327 >>489340 >>489363
I have been digging on big pharma stuff and my brain has computed something that I think is rather disturbing. Will put it here and you guise can make of it what you want.
Mass male sterilization.
Bill Gates funds covert mass sterilization nanotechnology
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is gaining a reputation for funding technologies designed to roll out mass sterilization and vaccination programs around the world. One of the programs recently funded by the foundation is a sterilization program that would use sharp blasts of ultrasound directed against a man's scrotum to render him infertile for six months. It might accurately be called a "temporary castration" technology. Now, the foundation has funded a new "sweat-triggered vaccine delivery" program based on nanoparticles penetrating human skin. The technology is describes as a way to "…develop nanoparticles that penetrate the skin through hair follicles and burst upon contact with human sweat to release vaccines."
The research grant money is going to Carlos Alberto Guzman of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Germany and Claus-Michael Lehr and Steffi Hansen of the Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research. These are both part of the Gates Foundation's involvement in the "Grand Challenges Explorations" program which claims to be working to "achieve major breakthroughs in global health."
…breakthroughs like mass sterilization and nanoparticle vaccines that could be covertly administered even without your knowledge, it turns out. These nanoparticles could be used in a spray mist that's sprayed on to every person who walks through an airport security checkpoint, for example. Or it could be unleashed through the ventilation systems of corporate office buildings or public schools to vaccinate the masses. You wouldn't even know you were being vaccinated.
This technology is potentially very dangerous to your health freedom. Using it, governments or drug companies (which are all the same thing these days) could create a vaccine skin cream that's handed out and described as "sunscreen." But when you put it on, you're vaccinating yourself as the nanoparticles burrow underneath your skin and burst, releasing foreign DNA inside your body.
Sources for this story include:
http:// www.thedailytell.com/2010/05
http:// www.bizjournals.com/seattle/
Use Of Ultrasound For Male Contraception: Concepts And Concerns
https:// www.drelist.com/ultrasound-male-contraception-concepts/
According to a new study reported in the Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology journal (1), investigators suggested that ultrasound waves directed on the rats’ testes can decrease the sperm count to a level, low enough to achieve effective contraception. James Tsuruta and colleagues from the North Carolina School of Medicine conducted an experiment on Sprague-Dawley rats. The investigators anaesthetized the rats and tightly held their testes with a ligature and exposed the tissue to high frequency Ultrasound waves of 3 MHz. The resultant effect was:
Complete depletion of spermatids and spermatocytes within the testicular tissue.
Reduction in the size of epididymal cell reserve.
The investigators explained that the testes were initially warmed to the human body temperature of 37° C and the desired results were obtained in two sessions (the length of each session was 15 minutes and were two days apart). The technique helped in reducing the sperm count to 3 Million/ml of semen.
https:// rbej.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1477-7827-10-7
Ultimately, the most significant application of treating testes with ultrasound will be to address the global health issue of unintended pregnancies. The World Health Organization estimates that 228 million of the 600 million women of reproductive age worldwide are at risk for mistimed or unwanted pregnancy.
▶ 20eea3 (1) No.489325
>Q No.381944
>You are missing the connections.
>Continue to build the MAP.
>MAP provides the KEY.
>KEY spreads the TRUTH.
>TRUTH shines LIGHT.
>Future proves past.
>Trust the plan.
▶ 20e839 (10) No.489326
Well if the school is under county jurisdiction, in other words not in the city limits, then it would be county jail, not city. It's not abnormal police protocol either. Not in my neck of the woods anyway.
▶ a08609 (17) No.489327
▶ 82f467 (1) No.489328>>489342
Good Saturday Evening Anon's.
Slow day today. I caught up on threads since mid mornings bread. Congratulations on passing Bread 600. Awesome Anon's. Next Wednesday, We ALL will have been involved for four full calendar months of digging and coordinating all the shock and awe with Patriotic vigor. Thank you to all that you do Brilliant Anon's. May we all continue to open the eyes of many to the Great Awakening history by our Potus Geotus and his Q Team.
▶ 46ed5b (15) No.489329>>489351
I think boy boy/girl like honey boo boo isn't a girl
▶ 7ada63 (5) No.489330>>489336 >>489339 >>489346 >>489367 >>489373 >>489386 >>489424 >>489429 >>489608
Leave the kid alone.
He's following the guidance of the adults around him, getting exploited.
Not smart to attack any of the kids. Hurts our cause.
▶ d565b0 (13) No.489331>>489360 >>489382
so previous anons picture that I archived and posted just now is incorrect? 's reference to "boy, boy/girl" has no bearing? fugg now you anons have got my wires crossed somehow lulz
▶ 2fecdc (6) No.489332>>489357
ok but that's up to congress, not Q not Trump.
▶ 1933e6 (5) No.489334
i wanna know how he got across the 4 lane highway
▶ 4962e3 (3) No.489335>>489370
Then there's the conveniently handy hospital gown.
The whole arrest story reeks.
▶ 790a32 (1) No.489336>>489372
No it doesnt. Fuck that punk. Life lesson.
▶ 285990 (10) No.489337
I do recall that. I don't know…don't think Gannett was posting kiddie stuff, but the connection was correctly figured. Maybethat was the motivation needed to make us dig….who knows
▶ 247a81 (9) No.489338>>489435
The effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation on sperm function. - PubMed - NCBI
https:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27601711
Mobile phone usage has become an integral part of our lives. However, the effects of the radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) emitted by these devices on biological systems and specifically the reproductive systems are currently under active debate. A fundamental hindrance to the current debate is that there is no clear mechanism of how such non-ionising radiation influences biological systems. Therefore, we explored the documented impacts of RF-EMR on the male reproductive system and considered any common observations that could provide insights on a potential mechanism. Among a total of 27 studies investigating the effects of RF-EMR on the male reproductive system, negative consequences of exposure were reported in 21. Within these 21 studies, 11 of the 15 that investigated sperm motility reported significant declines, 7 of 7 that measured the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) documented elevated levels and 4 of 5 studies that probed for DNA damage highlighted increased damage due to RF-EMR exposure. Associated with this, RF-EMR treatment reduced the antioxidant levels in 6 of 6 studies that discussed this phenomenon, whereas consequences of RF-EMR were successfully ameliorated with the supplementation of antioxidants in all 3 studies that carried out these experiments. In light of this, we envisage a two-step mechanism whereby RF-EMR is able to induce mitochondrial dysfunction leading to elevated ROS production. A continued focus on research, which aims to shed light on the biological effects of RF-EMR will allow us to test and assess this proposed mechanism in a variety of cell types.
Weaponized Cell Towers Feature Large Kill Radius - Prepare for Change
https:// prepareforchange.net/2016/02/11/weaponized-cell-towers-feature-large-kill-radius/
http:// theantimedia.org/bizarre-metal-towers-new-york/
Then, he shows us the cables leading into a typical cellphone tower, which he describes as “A giant microwave oven on a stick,” capable of releasing 3,000,000 watts (3 megawatts) of output power to the tower’s magnetron -- or even more megawatts, if there is an amplifier at the top. To put this into perspective, one (1) watt from your cellphone can go 25 miles to the nearest cellphone tower, to relay your call’s signal to the person on the other end of the line. The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) limits the amount of energy that a cellphone tower can release to 400 watts. These megawatts of extra power are NOT for data transfer – nothing close to that amount of energy is required for data transfer – which is an important point, because this suggests to him that cellphone towers are easily capable of being switched to Weaponized Mode.
That cellphone towers are wired with the capability to release millions of watts of microwave radiation makes them veritable of “towers of death”, the perfect weapons against an “invasion” -- or the mega-slaughter of the domestic population.
So what if these mystery boxes and cables are already pumping out enough microwaves to systematically be depleating sperm counts?
▶ 459a00 (11) No.489339>>489344
>Leave the kid alone.
That "kid" is trying to take my rights away.
Fuck him.
▶ 37546d (7) No.489340
Children of Men. A terrifying movie.
▶ 5b6dde (5) No.489341
stop, you're scaring me
▶ 2ce45c (1) No.489342
4 months. Wow.
Time flies when you're having fun.
Here's to being finished, with the results we want, very soon.
▶ 1933e6 (5) No.489343>>489377 >>489440
look at that highway on google maps… there is no way a pedestrian could've got across it
the map is the key!
i know thats not what q meant but… come on how have we not mapped out the BS story?
▶ a08609 (17) No.489344>>489362 >>489621 >>489680
Go after the adults responsible for them then. Kids are minors.
▶ 46ed5b (15) No.489345
Yes, that van is leaving not entering, I posted the googlemap view. they tried to skirt but didn't know the cement/fence would squeeze them in. They were dressed as women I heard, funny thing same thing happened in 2015 I think another van, gog it, pretty strange.
▶ 20e839 (10) No.489346>>489395
The kids are rude and foulmouthed and disrespecting adults and the President of the United States. If they wants to be big boys snd girls then they better be ready for the response.
▶ 372a46 (7) No.489347
brown shirts are BHO private army he created in office
▶ 0e81ca (3) No.489348
MISSING CDC Doctor: Tim Cunningham
He has been there since Haiti and works natural disastors.
Also, Atlanta hardest hit w flu epidemic this year.
Left dog, keys, wallet behind. House locked with keys inside. Missing since 2/12.
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489349>>489381 >>489387
Consider the cardboard cutout behind Cooper on that photo. Is it a boy, a boy/(dressed as a ) girl?
▶ 2fecdc (6) No.489350>>489366 >>489391
If it's not officially the US govt it doesn't really matter. If you don't like it or its rules don't use it.
▶ d565b0 (13) No.489351
apologies anon - I am waaay out of the loop on reality TV (especially). Know who honey boo boo is, but didn't know she wasn't a girl… HUH? Need some clarification :P
▶ 285990 (10) No.489353>>489734
That's a gate brother…
▶ 273693 (4) No.489354>>489358
Is Q's intention to repeal that "Act of 1871", which essentially makes us all voluntary slaves of the Crown, which in turn is beholden to the Vatican. Very compelling stuff…
https:// hooktube.com/EBMveetMOGE
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489355
Without say that Iran used to Turkey for the buy to yellow cake, Turkey (OTAN member).., Must be a bridge for the Invasion of the gray mass, Drugs (Also with Pakistan and Afghanistan), yellow cake.., and possible U1 with Iran?
Turkey= C_A (Faction 3, BHO, HRC, etc)
▶ 58c571 (3) No.489357
▶ a08609 (17) No.489358
>"Act of 1871"
This act alone has caused much grief.
▶ 0feeeb (10) No.489359
http:// www. sun-sentinel.com/local/broward/parkland/florida-school-shooting/sfl-florida-school-shooting-timeline-20180223-htmlstory.html
2:21 p.m. Cruz enters the east stairwell of Building 12 with an AR-15 rifle in a black case.
Between 2:21 p.m. to 2:28 p.m.
Freshman Chris McKenna sees Cruz on a second-floor hallway, loading his rifle. “You’d better get out of here,” Cruz said, according to McKenna. “Things are gonna start getting messy.”
McKenna fled.
McKenna told assistant football coach Aaron Feis about Cruz’s gun.
“Let me go check it out,” Feis said.
2:28:35 p.m. Cruz exits Building 12 and runs WEST towards the tennis courts and then heads south.
Also, this about the deputy:
"Peterson was seen on video arriving at the WEST side of a building, but “he never went in,” Israel said. "
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489360
That's what research is all about. It develops by it's very nature. Don't get stuck on one idea, keep new ones from being seen. Discoveries can be replaced by new ones with new data.
▶ ff39f8 (4) No.489361
Heres some trivia for you fucks.
This is autist land.
1 in 68 kids have autisim.
68 +1=69.
69=masionic number.
Number 3.
6 and 9 dividable by 3.
Tesla said the most important
number in the universe is 3.
Benfords law, number 3. Used to find fraud.
▶ 459a00 (11) No.489362>>489401
Well, this liddle punk kid's parents are letting him play in the big leagues.
If you want to play nice while the enslave you, that's your decision.
I won't play nice. They are trying to disarm us in order to enslave us.
And they are using "kids" to do it, so as to get the response you are giving them right now.
Wake the fuck up!
▶ 584ec6 (5) No.489363>>489385 >>489634
Another tidbit about sterilization…
GARDUSIL, the HPV vaccine has caused some womern to go into premature menapause, like at 17 years old.
Now there are states mandating that even boys get this vaccine.
Never let anyone you know near this vaccine. IT'S 100% poison.
▶ 72dad5 (4) No.489364>>489402
I found his mention of USSS interesting given the context of POTUS's recent tweet.
▶ a8594e (5) No.489365
This is a handbook for the gun control debate written by the PR firm of Greenberg,Quinlan and Rosner. Written after Sandy Hook
The words and phrases, general instructions are identical to what these Parkland kids are saying
http:// s3.documentcloud.org/documents/748675/gun-violencemessaging-guide-pdf-1.pdf
Greenberg is a long time political operative who is married to Connecticuts rep…Rosa DeLauro
She got in trouble for letting Rahm Emanuel live rent free in her DC apartment
She also got in trouble for throwing millions in govt money to her husbands firm, which also does polling
This is massive plan that has to be tied Parkland…Greenberg reps every Dem group that exists
▶ fc3755 (6) No.489366>>489399
Is that you @jack?
▶ 4c7cae (8) No.489367>>489376
>Hurts the cause to highlight the fact that traitors make useful tools of the kids they handle.
No it doesn’t. It serves to highlight the extent to which these traitors are willing to go.
▶ 2f4cd7 (5) No.489368>>489396 >>489443
Government owns patent on cannabis. To keep it in the hands of big pharma:
https:// www.thecannabist.co/2016/08/22/marijuana-patents-6630507-research-dea-nih-fda-kannalife/61255/
▶ 7ada63 (5) No.489369>>489530
Real Julian is FAKE
▶ ab4d3a (2) No.489370>>489426 >>489537
Let's just say that the good guys got wind of the FF and controlled the outcome without the Deep State realizing it. No one was hurt or killed but main stream doesn't know it and went ahead with their plans. Potus eventually exposes them and they are shut down
▶ f88bd6 (1) No.489371>>489379 >>489406
Everyone needs to know that if they try to change the 2nd amendment this is a fight for our lives. We would need to take to the streets, push our politicians and refuse to surrender them.
This is not a game. The reason they are going for the guns is they know that this is their last chance to seize power absolutely, and they are going to try to do this before Q and Co. can get them flushed out.
The clock needs to run faster than they are moving on guns and the electoral college.
▶ f2a21e (10) No.489372
Yes Anon, play stupid games win stupid prizes. Like a round trip air with hotel and ground transportation to world famous tropicial wonderland, GITMO BAY and Resort, valued at infinity !
▶ b15e4e (3) No.489373
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489374
Trips confirm, LOGIC required beyond this point
▶ 150dce (2) No.489375
Conciarnfag jumps the brown shart
▶ 7ada63 (5) No.489376
Attack the adults, not the kids
Memes are powerful
▶ 1933e6 (5) No.489377
at second look.. i guess thats an overpass… but still. we should map this out
▶ 6488ab (2) No.489378>>489441
If memory serves me…the XX or IXXI are the sigils of Saturn.
▶ 459a00 (11) No.489379
>Everyone needs to know that if they try to change the 2nd amendment this is a fight for our lives.
Just look to Venezuela for the most recent example.
▶ 245739 (2) No.489380>>489394
The one I'm talking about is refered to in this post
▶ e5b020 (10) No.489381>>489412
It's a cut out of Honey Boo Boo.
▶ 46ed5b (15) No.489382
Yes been disproven now, it's just the Gannett masthead, not a pic of a girl and boy, another anon posted the masthead in better quality and looked the same. we kept thinking it as 77 instead of tt etc. Sick club I think means the CIA runs Gannett and msm publishes what they post.
▶ c29b33 (11) No.489383
there exists too many circle jerks
in cognitive reasoning these days
▶ 3b40a0 (2) No.489385>>489389
>Another tidbit about sterilization…
>GARDUSIL, the HPV vaccine has caused some womern to go into premature menapause, like at 17 years old.
>Now there are states mandating that even boys get this vaccine.
>Never let anyone you know near this vaccine. IT'S 100% poison.
Sauce ?
▶ fc3755 (6) No.489386>>489404 >>489429
First of all, their not kids. They are young adults. Second, if they want to stick their filthy liddle dick beaters in my business they're going to be treated just like any other asshole that fucks with me. Let'm have it boys. Give the liddle fuck stains both barrels!!!!
▶ 46ed5b (15) No.489387>>489412 >>489425
That is honey boo boo, from TV her mom big fat chick, they did all the pagents, never watched it but know of the show. AC is gay so pick shit and kids proly gives him a chubby
▶ 7cdeed (3) No.489388
Not a food fast except for one day per week. Lent is supposed to be sexual abstinence hence the Fish (sperm) symbolism.
The ancient Israelites practiced the same self denial during their 40 day march around the perimeter of their land every Spring. Probably why it's called the month of March.
Abstinence is the act of conquering the beast within and leads to higher levels of consciousness, but the Church/State/Bank of Rome has hidden this truth to keep everyone in a low vibration.
The Freemasons do their Hiram Abiff rituals that lead to the Lost Word which is SEMEN. Same hidden truth jealously kept for only the few initiates bound by their Luciferian oaths.
▶ 6488ab (2) No.489389
Isn't that the one the Gates used on the young women in Africa?
▶ 37546d (7) No.489391>>489403
Thats not true. Utilities and telecoms are regulated because they possess a natural monopoly. The same could be said of these social media platforms. Congress and Pai can regulate them. They will fight it. Supreme Court will decide the most important case in the last 100 years.
▶ 76bf6f (10) No.489392
▶ 20e839 (10) No.489393
I'm telling you all, those punk kids are here on this board. Do you know, punk kids, you are conspirators to commit 17 counts of murder. At the least, accessories. Aiding and abetting.
▶ d565b0 (13) No.489394
Ah, ty - so the answer would be a "yes". yipe… My parents live like 45 minutes from Westheimer and Highway 6…
▶ 7ada63 (5) No.489395>>489452
Put your feelings aside and use your head. Do we want to be successful? Then use a smart strategy that will redpill people.
▶ af4c8b (6) No.489396
from my understanding, they can not patent a natural plant, they have to change the chemical structure somehow to make a patent on whatever they made, so, so, they try to make a medicine that they can sell while keeping the natural plant illegal, at least that is my understanding of how it works,
▶ 5abb5b (4) No.489397>>489416
Lookie this one
24 spaces
▶ 1e3991 (2) No.489398
Every point if Dems response memo refuted.
▶ b15e4e (3) No.489399>>489407 >>489411
No it's common sense. This is not a dictatorship but you seem to wish it was. You all act like you want Q or Trump to just go against the whole US legal process. It makes no sense.
▶ af035d (1) No.489400
CCUR- Concurrent Computer Co.
▶ a08609 (17) No.489401>>489413 >>489432
>Well, this liddle punk kid's parents
…Are responsible for that minor committing crimes, if they are in fact a minor.
These adults should be punished the worst, under the Law. Same with the actual minors involved. Punish them as adults, once convicted.
You will not convince me to attack anyone outside of the scope of the law. Sorry.
▶ 72dad5 (4) No.489402>>489414 >>489434
My mistake! Wrong twitter thread. I was thinking of this one.
https:// twitter.com/JohnBouchell/status/966396341877342208
As an administrator in charge of a large High School of 1,800 students and 140 employees, I held tabletop exercises and wrote publications & power points presentation, & helped with both multiple school & mult-jurisdiction school systems training as developer and presenter.
Never did I hear from, receive information from, or was contacted by, read any publications, or gathered statistics from the United States Secret Service. Not once- EVER. Yet, 3 weeks prior to the shooting in Florida, the USSS was not only at the school, they held training.
Meanwhile, POTUS:
https:// twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/967168890232082433
2:46 PM - 23 Feb 2018
Thank you to the great men and women of the United States @SecretService for a job well done!
▶ b15e4e (3) No.489403
Correct. So, call your congressman. Whining at Q isn't going to change anything.
▶ 7ada63 (5) No.489404>>489429
This project is not about YOU or your feelings. Bigger than that. Use a strategy that will be successful in redpilling people..
▶ c29b33 (11) No.489405
member back in the day when ever one wanted to poke each other
not all this
"will my teachers firearm be tax deductible?"
"is it a deduction or a withholding ?"
▶ 475b38 (6) No.489406
Sadly many will die trying to preserve our rights but be seen as terrorists in the local papers.
▶ a6a974 (5) No.489407>>489460
Whatever it takes to drain the swamp. You can't do it by the books if they own the courts.
▶ f9ec70 (6) No.489408
Don't want to give up your property? You must have a dangerous Mental condition!
▶ 0e81ca (3) No.489409>>489415 >>489450 >>489519 >>489588
Keys, wallet, and dog left at home…
Guy studied EBOLA and Zika
https:// nypost.com/2018/02/24/cdc-scientist-goes-missing-after-leaving-work-sick/amp/
▶ 3df9c6 (15) No.489411>>489449
You are wasting your time.
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489412>>489419 >>489430
That was the consensus, honey boo boo. IIRC though, she was a bit chubbier than that cutout, which made me think twice and thrice about what the cutout REALLY represented. Yes, AC is gay, so more likely he would have a boy in a girl's dress in his room. ijs
▶ f2a21e (10) No.489413
You do know that things like murder and treason can have minors tried as adults. Pull your head out.
▶ 0bd05a (7) No.489414>>489537
I saw that too. Too much of a coincidence.
▶ 20e839 (10) No.489415
He's not long for this world, I bet, if even still breathing.
▶ 285990 (10) No.489416>>489450
Secret war. Don't let anyone tell you Comey didn't know what was going on. He's a treasoness bitch who needs to hang with the lot of them!
▶ e046c2 (10) No.489418
The tie in with Gannett and paedophilia is the CIA and their elite handlers….just look at how vast their network is and how much blackmail they have on other sick pedos in the industry that keeps the wheels going round and round….
▶ 4b0305 (3) No.489419>>489453
don't forget the "child height" light switch by the door.
▶ 0bd05a (7) No.489421>>489437 >>489447 >>489477
He's been busy these last few days.
▶ 9cfd86 (1) No.489423
Rothschild = red shield
Red = blood(line)
Shield = protection
It's all about bloodlines
▶ fc3755 (6) No.489424
First they murder 17 kids to justify ending the 2nd amendment. Then they use the kids as shills shields that we dare not attack. Bullshit, go after the shill/shield kids just like you go after any other enemy. They are all your enemies. Don't get soft now….
▶ 4c7cae (8) No.489426>>489445 >>489547
Believe it or not, the aforementioned “this” constitutes the current timeline we’re all blessed to witness and navigate.
Proceed accordingly, famalam. Stay relentless.
We are exhausting our enemy by a thousand cuts and holes poked through their shit narrative.
▶ a08609 (17) No.489427
> f2a21e No.489413
> appears to try to sounds reasonable after they've been walked back.. With something I literally JUST STATED?! KEK?
▶ 247a81 (9) No.489428>>489442 >>489459
Hemp vs Cotton: The Ultimate Showdown -- Collective Evolution
http:// www.collective-evolution.com/2013/07/17/hemp-vs-cotton-the-ultimate-showdown/
Hemp also does not require Monsanto's poison - yet another strike against it.
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489429
>First of all, their not kids. They are young adults
He's right, ya know. young men & women go to war and die for this country, same applies equally for young men & women working against it. Put the feelz away anons
▶ ff39f8 (4) No.489430>>489470 >>489676 >>489684
Notice how honey boo boo is holding up 2 fingers? 2 up, 3 down. 23/32.
Masionic number
▶ 3f2143 (3) No.489431
Broward County sheriff has ties with Hezbollah. ? What was that account number ?
▶ 459a00 (11) No.489432>>489464
>You will not convince me to attack anyone outside of the scope of the law. Sorry.
Fuck this accusation of me. And fuck you for trying to make it, shill.
I can verbally criticize this liddle Hogg cunt all I want and I'm not breaking any law.
You are a fucking cunt shill trying to stir up trouble. Cocksucker.
▶ 713ada (2) No.489435>>489474
Thank you Anon. Love the stuff you post
▶ 37546d (7) No.489437>>489454 >>489457 >>489469 >>489484
A kiwi pirate named dotcom trying to save America. How the fuck did we get here?
▶ 285990 (10) No.489438>>489455 >>489461
Mr. President if you can hear me (which i know you can - or Bannon, tell your father)…Hang every traitor publically, so Americans will see what selling out your country will get you.
It infuriates me that these people tried to throw our country off the cliff….it's a disgrace o every citizen and person who has served and/or died for this country!
▶ 1a274c (1) No.489439
Hello Anons, was just watching one of my favorite YouTube channels and found out about quite a bit more censorship on Mediate, YouTube and twitter, Mike Cernovish and Ritchie Allen amongst those recently banned from those platforms.
I think this ties in to Q telling us to store everything offline and the foreshadowing of communications shutdowns…..
Just my two cents that them censoring us is tied in to Qs orders and warnings about EBS notifications, I think its all related.
▶ 2f4cd7 (5) No.489440>>489490
Cruz isn’t that big. Maybe he was in the black bag thrown into the truck? He looked doped when they arrested him. Maybe they dumped him nearby to where they found him?
▶ 6e10cf (3) No.489442
Hemp actually rejuvenates dead soil, helps to rebuild what has been lost with current industrial farming practices. Rotation crop to MAGA?
▶ e5b020 (10) No.489443>>489538
Yes, but: The government’s patent does not cover THC, the main ingredient in marijuana. On the other hand, cannabidiol (CBD) is specifically mentioned as an example of a cannabinoid that is covered. The patent describes CBD and other non-psychoactive cannabinoids as superior when taken in higher doses.
They have to "compound" it, alter it in some way to have the patent. You cannot patent a plant, which is why big Pharma doesn't want us to know about natural healing. Valium is made from the Valerian plant, & chemically altered to the degree that it is highly addictive. The bastards.
▶ 705a7d (4) No.489444>>489451
▶ e046c2 (10) No.489445>>489467
Anons make (((that dog))) famous!!!
▶ 81a30b (10) No.489446
▶ f9ec70 (6) No.489448
Don't have a Drug Problem?
No Problem we'll load up a few planes worth of Heroin and make sure we distribute it Nationwide, its what the US government does best.
Then we will get your children hooked on drugs we'll throw them in jail for a Drug Felony!
The US Government, we kill more of your children than any shooter ever could!
▶ 6b0608 (3) No.489449>>489476
These people are stupid!
▶ 5abb5b (4) No.489450
Yeah, isn't that cute?
Guess he knew the truth…and was a liability?
>Secret war.
Yup…and it's our duty to work out the puzzle pieces.
▶ e5b020 (10) No.489451
Bwaaaahaaahaaahaaa That's some funny shit right there.
▶ db11b5 (1) No.489452>>489486 >>489494
This is a fair point. Watching people "attack" these young (though, aware) adults will turn many off from the message you're hoping to send.
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489453
is that a light switch?
▶ 3df9c6 (15) No.489454
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>489437
By letting the days go by, of course.
▶ ee65fd (4) No.489455
This. Public and DS need to see traitors hang.
▶ 8006c6 (1) No.489456
▶ 3cddcb (15) No.489457
Holy shit he just posted that today!
▶ 3923a2 (1) No.489458
▶ e046c2 (10) No.489459
You are very correct Hemp (all forms) produces it's own natural insecticide :)
▶ 6b0608 (3) No.489460
You realize Trump tweeted in favor of gun control with focus on the mentally ill right? Do you understand what that means using your logic from the previous example?
▶ 3df9c6 (15) No.489461
>Bannon is POTUS's son
▶ c29b33 (11) No.489462
this youtu.be/VHoT4N43jK8
was exchange for
ffs faggot shills
▶ 3b1c0a (4) No.489463>>489495
Sorry if this has been posted before but holy balls
▶ a08609 (17) No.489464>>489489
You seem butthurt. I didn't accuse you of jack shit… I told you, in specific terms, something you cannot convince me to do.
Big difference. Take your personal attacks and shove them up your ass, fagboy.
▶ a6a974 (5) No.489465>>489502 >>489510 >>489601
Michael Moore (of all people) mentioned that Parkland County Hospital was where JFK was declared dead. Could the FL shooting have been a threat to the POTUS?
▶ 335c8f (4) No.489466>>489517 >>489527
Free speech applies in public places, like a bar, or Twitter !!!!
▶ a3fe76 (1) No.489467
put a maga hat on that dog
you know he's /ourguy/
and a good boy! lulz
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489469
He isn't Kiwi, it's German/Finns lol
▶ 6b0608 (3) No.489470
(have you noticed how stupid you sound?)
▶ 3df9c6 (15) No.489471>>489487 >>489500 >>489503
Found in nearly every spiritual tradition.
▶ 713ada (2) No.489472>>489515
This one makes me laugh…several times now as I type.
▶ 247a81 (9) No.489474
Welcome Anon. Each one of us is doing our share.
▶ 7a77b7 (1) No.489475
think you have a winner here
▶ 3df9c6 (15) No.489476
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489477
Kim is giving away Red pills.., Good!
▶ 335c8f (4) No.489478
Total nonsense. Tourist in a rental car didn't want to be stopped. Tried to force way out.
▶ ff39f8 (4) No.489480
All three number agencies.
Pyramid has 3 points.
Obama painting, elbows and head make 3 points.
▶ 7098b6 (4) No.489481>>489488
Sheriff Israel is bought and paid for….has hired folks strictly for political reasons …they have also contributed to his campaign….
▶ 9bc78d (6) No.489483>>489597
third one should be "Covfefe"
▶ af4c8b (6) No.489484
fwiw, Kim and the other notable pirates are all for freedom, always have been, it is why the fbi attacked them so hard, to prevent the free flow of information, it is not about movies and music copyrights, it is about free flow of information they have no control over, there is so much hard core truth in torrent searches that would blow peoples mind if they knew what to look for
the fbi going after them is the same as the fda going after natural healers and their cures
▶ a40522 (3) No.489485>>489544
Drop the hashtags. Quit referring to Q and make points that stand on their own merits. Q anons make their own posts too obvious.
Act like Anonymous and not a rogue army.
▶ e5b020 (10) No.489486>>489506
That's so true. It's the optics. I think attacking the MEDIA & the parents for scheming, implementing & encouraging this shit show and using these "young & impressionable" people as political props.
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489487>>489501
▶ 267e45 (5) No.489488
That is exactly what Obama did. Ambassadorship positions were for sale.
▶ 459a00 (11) No.489489
Nobody on this board is trying to make you commit any crimes, douchebag.
Nobody is even suggesting you do so.
You're just inventing shit now.
Lefty shill tactic meant to discredit this board.
You idiots are obvious as fuck.
▶ 15a333 (11) No.489490>>489504
The black bag thing really fucks with my head.
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489492
Mueller is a Neocon, but he try to save his ass..
▶ 267e45 (5) No.489494
So, what you do is this, support the dissenters.
▶ e5b020 (10) No.489495>>489505
Don't agree with his take on @Snowden but damn that man is in the know, I'm telling ya.
▶ 2f7a30 (4) No.489496
It looks like from Trumps latest posts we should be pushing out memes that highlight the Dems crappy memo and also, the bad players involved in the FISA coup to oust and remove him?
▶ 1df806 (3) No.489498>>489559
Once their censorship is made public we will all sue them. Trading places = The money they made off our stolen information will be ours
▶ 4e44f9 (3) No.489499
Let me put my religiousfag hat on for just a moment.
These questions relate to THIS geographic area - Bosphorus, Istanbul, Constantinople.
We are now in the church lent season.
Why are so many Easter symbols pagan?
Why is Christmas so near Winter Solstice?
Why is the Holy Day on Sunday (not Saturday)?
Please do not get me wrong.
Christ is the way, the truth, and the real, non-luciferian, light.
If you do not know this, your flames will do no good. If your flames do no good then you must re-evaluate.
▶ 4c7cae (8) No.489500>>489507 >>489562
Life is like a box of quantum feedback loops between gravity and consciousness.
▶ 3df9c6 (15) No.489501>>489524
Yes. And Hawaiian. The intersecting lines form a 3d illusion… a cube. The cube represents the illusory nature of reality.
▶ 963b6f (3) No.489502>>489523 >>489525 >>489536
YES!!!!! THREE PARKLANDS….. the last one tied to the buses that were burned in Pennsylvania in the middle of the night… Day after LynDRoth made her hot chocolate comment… Referring to Hershey Pennsylvania about an hour away from the bus burning…. what kind of throwing me off, is why Michael Moore would mention it?
▶ 285990 (10) No.489504
It was probably the black lady who was shot, right? They showed the 17 and none are black…
But I'm with you….super fishy. They were in a hurry and got it out fast…
▶ 267e45 (5) No.489505
He sure as hell is getting bold.
▶ 0ea550 (4) No.489506>>489551
And… that will bother the kids, too, being characterized that way. Good idea, anon.
▶ 3df9c6 (15) No.489507>>489599
Yes. Very well said.
▶ e4feeb (6) No.489508>>489549
Thanks for posting this. I was thinking I should watch this again after I was so livid about Schiffty's tweets tonight. Always a great reminder of why we are here.
▶ f1fe09 (3) No.489509>>489521 >>489526 >>489597 >>489696
I love it. But it is Covfefe
▶ ee65fd (4) No.489510
A few days before a gun is found in press van? Ummm ya. These people are sick AND stupid.
▶ e046c2 (10) No.489512
JD Rockefeller persuaded Henry Ford to drop Hemp bio fuel (YUGE mistake) and start producing cars that only ran on Standard Oil
▶ a08609 (17) No.489513
> 459a00 No.489489
>Muh, I'm gonna project inventing shit out of thin air now so I can have ANYTHING to sperg about.. I'm gonna sit on Comey's lap later and sing Howdy Doody later on though.. Whine whine whine fucking WHINE
▶ 8cfaa7 (3) No.489514>>489520
Gannet is related to Apache. Apache is related to information/narrative control. Cooper is an agent to control narrative. 4 am talking points. Operation mockingbird. When does the bird sing? 4 am on the branches of Apache and Gannett tree.
▶ e5b020 (10) No.489515
Can we twat this out?
▶ 01f3c9 (1) No.489516
>what we know about cl0wnb0ts
Think - early Ai4 runners to the kyll dr.ones (M-Oblivion)
"Don't ask 2 man-y questions."
Not part of the job da scription.
We'R not Notzes, Jack.
We'R human.
Of course, for us,
being human is a problem.
Old WW2 fighter COMM tech.
Shields us from your scanners.
Txt scrambling.
anC y0u raed mE, Jcak?
Keeps ur c-B0ts confused.
Well, most of the time.
- The dnores are pemmragord…
- To kill hamuns, Jcak.
U C what they did…
U ol'most got uR self blown
to bits protecting that wmaon.
Why did U do dat?
Any1 would have.
- Interesting.
▶ 15a333 (11) No.489517>>489532 >>489612 >>489643
You are completely and utterly wrong. Twitter is a free to use website. If they don't want you on their website they can kick you off. IN FACT it's all written in plain English in the terms of service you AGREE TO when you sign up. FFS are you all really this dense?
▶ 794903 (4) No.489518>>489548
I hate to say it but part of the car has been debunked.
The body had hemp in it but it was mostly made of other things. IT STILL ran on 100% hemp oil and the smog compared to anything else, 'cept maybe alcohol, was/is far superior.
This US patent #6630507 shows still how much the gov is in bed with big pharma . . .
http:// patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=6630507.PN.&OS=PN/6630507&RS=PN/6630507
▶ b66f30 (6) No.489519
Don't forget the head just stepped down too didn't she, a week or two ago
▶ 285990 (10) No.489520
▶ 81a30b (10) No.489521>>489580
has anyone pointed out that 'covfefe' has no anagrams? Perhaps that's why it was used. You can't code it with an anagram. That may be why it is never used. :-)
▶ 372a46 (7) No.489523>>489557
Must be why Lynn is killing her twatter… she knows they know, she’s scared.
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489524>>489539
Hmm.., maybe those symbols represents the codes of blocking of the 3D (Planetary Matrix) < Now in the 4D (Planetary Matrix), as a Bolt..
▶ a6a974 (5) No.489525>>489528
Yeah that threw me for a loop. No comment, no explanation. To me, it's like a veiled threat to the president (look what happened in parkland.. watch yourself)
that fat fucker. he probably started making bowling for columbine before those kids shot anybody. wouldn't be at all surprised. These entertainers are all connected.. McFarlane knew enough about 9/11 to skip that flight that day
▶ c29b33 (11) No.489526
covfefe was a slang term to grab a united ticket from elp when yo smuggling
even killed a perp cold blood
for cover up
▶ 15a333 (11) No.489527>>489541
Bars are nor public places! They are a private business.
▶ a6a974 (5) No.489528>>489536 >>489584
I did not hear about the buses. do you have a source on that?
▶ 15a333 (11) No.489529
These people really are stupid.
▶ 5a18f1 (6) No.489530>>489554 >>489565 >>489685
So why is all his tweeter full of pertinent info re assnage,,, You better look at it again…
▶ 335c8f (4) No.489532>>489593 >>489595
Terms of Service do not over-rule the US Constitution or GOD Given rights son.
What fucking planet are you from?
▶ 46ed5b (15) No.489533
Yup I could see that it's a boy, the personality fits that more
▶ 321296 (6) No.489535
Yeah, absolutely, desu.
Ball is in their court for the next few steps.
DOIT, Trump Team.
▶ a6a974 (5) No.489536
▶ 72dad5 (4) No.489537>>489607
It stuck out at me because I thought USSS were supposed to be the black hats. Wasn't there talk about POTUS or Don Jr ditching their USSS detail for that reason? The twitter thread seemed to fit in with that if it was a FF, but then POTUS's tweet did not.
Unless Parkland was a setup like the anon in >>489370 suggests, and USSS were amongst the good guys and were in on it.
▶ 2f4cd7 (5) No.489538
The loophole was purposely left so big pharma could get in on the action.
▶ 3df9c6 (15) No.489539>>489579
The easiest way to explain it is to say that you are dreaming, but you can give it whatever labels you care to.
▶ 6ce11f (1) No.489540
playing to the audience looking for a pardon. Where was/is he when we needed him? He sat/sits on our proof and wants to make some noise for his own personal gain. If he was sincere he would put it all out there as a Patriot and have faith he earned a pardon. Kim put up or shut up! Prove you have it or NO DEAL
▶ 335c8f (4) No.489541>>489605
Bars are open to the public aren't they? Don't be so naive.
▶ c29b33 (11) No.489543>>489716
dear fags
people pay for clues
i hope you archived
i got promises to keep
▶ 15a333 (11) No.489544
And delete your cookies! You are being flagged before you even post anything based on your browser cookies.
▶ 94f462 (7) No.489546>>489556 >>489566 >>489567 >>489568 >>489623 >>489662
hemp collects so much carbon
that if we planted it profusely
we could eliminate global warming
it also retrieves depleted soil and refreshes it
we should be using it for everything
including a liddle bit of fun, at least until fun is outlawed
(grow your own)
▶ 46ed5b (15) No.489547
With all the videos and liddle fuck hoggshit i didn't hear any gun shots, anyone hear gun shots or see dead people in all the phone videos posted?
▶ e046c2 (10) No.489548>>489603
LMAO the patent office is filled with all CIA Clowns KEk
▶ b66f30 (6) No.489549
No prob, and don't worry about schiff, he's gonna be flushed soon : )
▶ 3f2143 (3) No.489550
Make democratic and neverTrump hashtags and put PRO POSTUS and Patriot memes there.
▶ e5b020 (10) No.489551>>489573
Lol! Yes, start treating them like the children they are…that will piss their liddle narcissistic, big mouth asses off. Take their attention away.
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489552>>489576
it seems Greek Or Greek Greco Symbolism…
▶ 9bc78d (6) No.489553
im down if we can also increase GEOTUS's term limit.
▶ 72dad5 (4) No.489554
@JulianAssange = real
@theRealJulian = fake
▶ 8cfaa7 (3) No.489555>>489572
Gannet is related to Apache. Apache is related to information/narrative control. Cooper is an agent to control narrative. 4 am talking points. Operation mockingbird. When does the bird sing? 4 am on the branches of Apache and Gannett tree.
▶ e046c2 (10) No.489556
Indeed hemp absorbs anything that happens to be in the air, sucks it right up….
▶ 963b6f (3) No.489557
Oh I think the Q team already knew…. But it's the fact that we know!!! A lot of these twaters are coded maybe she realized they weren't so veiled as she thought!!
▶ ee65fd (4) No.489558>>489626
As a reminder, Q said:
Next week
Next week
Next week
Also warned of major FF flag to shift narrative.
What's happened? Major shift in narrative now. They're scared shitless.
▶ 15a333 (11) No.489559>>489577
Once you read the Terms of Service you agree to you will realize how stupid you are.
▶ f2d5a2 (1) No.489560>>489714
You seem to forget the same thing the corrupted criminals have forgotten.
WE THE PEOPLE are YOUR bosses. WE are the government, not congress. Congress is supposed to represent US, not some phony ass corrupt politician or compromised system.
▶ 514603 (1) No.489561
>Archive - watchers will now erase from web.
Would it be possible to erase Gannett from the web?
▶ 15a333 (11) No.489562
kek! True Story bro
▶ 5a18f1 (6) No.489563>>489575
Julian Assange ⏳ @TheRealJuIian · Feb 9
Twitter purge 2.0 of 2018 is near: Various pro-Trump & arbitrarily selected ‘Bot-Like’ accounts ‘suspected of aiding the Kremlin’ according to a leaked Jack Dorsey internal memo, will be randomly chosen & suspended without cause. Follow @JulianAssange for a slower & safer ride…
▶ 9bc78d (6) No.489565
u answered the question in ur own typo
▶ fdc9c5 (5) No.489566
No stems no seeds that you don't need…
Ah, wrong board.
▶ 0b8e68 (7) No.489567>>489768
Only if Global Warming is real, which its not..
I've lived long enough to watch these Communists repeat the lie three times.
Coming ice Age,
Global Warming, Global Climate change.
THe one fact they ALWAYS LEAVE OUT
Solar cycles.
Go lay a solar cycle map to a temp chart, they match.
Fuggin LIE plus everything on earth is carbon based.
▶ 247a81 (9) No.489568>>489628
I need to go on a dig to see if/how much of the chemtrail poisons they are pumping into our skies hemp could reduce.
▶ 15a333 (11) No.489569>>489594
▶ 285990 (10) No.489570>>489590
Of course if kids still died, that's fucked up…
▶ b66f30 (6) No.489571
hat's Gold right there
▶ 3f2143 (3) No.489572>>489598
If renegade was controlled by SA.
did SA control mockingbird or the narrative?
How do they do it?
SA to Renegade to Mockingbird.
Does SA control clowns?
▶ 0ea550 (4) No.489573>>489589
▶ ae2690 (1) No.489574
▶ ee65fd (4) No.489575>>489620
It's not Julian!!!!! FFS anon!
▶ 1df806 (3) No.489577>>489611
Wrong. What they have done is completely illegal. It's not even about the censorship. It's the spying, the keeping of DMs on their servers. Twitter selling kid nudes. All illegal. Show me where in the Terms of Service does it say we will sell your DM pictures to Pedophiles?
▶ 0389a1 (12) No.489578>>489591 >>489606 >>489616 >>489646 >>489659
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. This is how media is portraying us.
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489579>>489614
it depends in how one see the Symbolism.., not the Normal, if not the Old esoteric symbolism, Thousands of years ago.., barely is the tip of the iceberg.., a few know that, only the shamans and they know that..
▶ f1fe09 (3) No.489580
It seems to have one now doesn't it?
Makes sense. It isn't top secret.
▶ 3ed14c (7) No.489581
McCain Apparently Once Told Chuck Grassley He Was A “Fucking Jerk.” According to Salon.com reporter Jake Tapper, McCain had a large temper. Tapper wrote about a story told to him, by another Senator, wherein McCain once said to Chuck Grassley, “I thought your problem was that you don’t listen. But that’s not it at all. Your problem is that you’re a fucking jerk.” McCain and Grassley had been embroiled in a debate over how to deal with former U.S. Marine Bobby Garwood, a former POW who had been an accused defector, during a meeting of the Senate Special Committee on POW/MIA Affairs. McCain believed Garwood had been a “traitor” while Grassley believed Garwood had been wrongly accused. [Salon.com, 5/14/99]
▶ 912342 (1) No.489582
▶ 999a06 (2) No.489583
Military Intel War Games. YOU EVIL fux CANNOT WIN.
▶ 963b6f (3) No.489584
Yeah…. I posted it in depth earlier today…. Unfortunately my main device is down and I'm working on something that's really hard to navigate with… But I did post it and then went on my bike ride…. literally praying to God that she would be pulled down!!! Then another Anon posted a couple hours ago that she no longer has her Twatter account!
▶ 6d0de1 (15) No.489585
Why Is Barrett Brown Facing 100 Years in Prison? - VICE
https:// www.vice.com/en_us/article/…/why-is-barrett-brown-facing-100-years-in-jail
Feb 1, 2013 - Barrett Brown is commonly and paradoxically known as the face of Anonymous, but he's also an investigative journalist who is up on charges that could … In 2005 , the founder of Abraxas and former head of the CIA's European division, Richard Helms, described TrapWire as software that is installed inside …
▶ a08609 (17) No.489586>>489613
Oh my.. If this turns out to be the case this is… You can't make this shit up level dark shit.
▶ 321296 (6) No.489587
I never believed this stuff back when I smoked it, but it makes a lot of sense now.
▶ 9d3e46 (2) No.489588
I hope that perhaps /ourguys/ may have intercepted him before it was too late. Gonna be an infuriating bummer if he's found dead.
▶ 273693 (4) No.489589
"you think you're hot shit doncha!!"
▶ d565b0 (13) No.489590
10/10 if true - bigly
▶ 459a00 (11) No.489591
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”
~ Sun Tzu
▶ 15a333 (11) No.489593>>489643
The planet where I understand the English language and the US Constitution. By your logic you should be raging against BO for deleting posts right here in this board b/c you have a God given right to say whatever you want wherever you want whenever you want because you don't understand the US Constitution but you're convinced you do so….
▶ 76bf6f (10) No.489594
Damn. definite similarities.
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489595>>489643 >>489691 >>489701
When you're in someone else's house and they ask you not to use profanity, that has nothing to do with the constitution or denying your right to free speech. That wouldn't go far in a courtroom. You're in their house. Same with social media, they own it, their rules unfortunately. If you want to contest their rules as being unconstitutional, that's another thing. Denying that their rules (however fuckery they are) are valid, is missing the point.
▶ fbfb16 (1) No.489596
"The Bridge" could be a reference to the North Korea prisoner exchanges. It could mean so many different things. Has Q confirmed one meaning?
▶ e5a188 (5) No.489597
oops,, was tired when i did that. Thank you. i will fix it.
▶ 8cfaa7 (3) No.489598
I think it's the other way or they are on the same positions. Clowns are the biggest mofos of all. That is why they are not disclosed yet. Remember doing fbi 60 percent and 40 for clowns.
Money controlled everything via the money laundering operations and investments. Now that strings are cut it's all in the open
▶ 4c7cae (8) No.489599>>489633
We have the word(s) and the math(s), tradition(s) and proverbial wisdoms, but it still can’t quantize that which defies all convention beyond Plank’s Constant. Therien lay the spirit behind us all.
▶ 20e839 (10) No.489600
That's what is wrong with our nation right now, kids arent made to reap the consequences of their own actions, therefore, they never learn cause and effect. The kids are putting themselves into the adult arena. Then they should be treated as adults. They can't disrespect the majority of the nation and then cry "oh, be nice to me, I'm just a kid." It doesn't work that way. When I was their age, kids that age were going to Vietnam and were considered men. I'm sick of hearing "they're just kids."
▶ 46ed5b (15) No.489601
You do know what Marjory Stoneman Douglas was famous for right? saving the Everglades from being drained and developed.
So she saved the SWAMP from being drained, irony
now the shooting is saving the swamp from being in the news
▶ 372a46 (7) No.489602>>489617
Should save this in pastebin please
▶ 794903 (4) No.489603
That maybe true but they messed up pretty bad by stating all the things we know it cures/prevents.
They went WAAAY against their own narrative in the statement of use.
Have you read it?
▶ 1fd75a (2) No.489604>>489630
I thought I read the officer saw him arrive and recognized him. Please check and verify anons.
▶ 15a333 (11) No.489605
Lmao are you serious? ARE YOU SERIOUSLY THIS STUPID? Get out!
▶ 81a30b (10) No.489606
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489607
>It stuck out at me because I thought USSS were supposed to be the black hats. Wasn't there talk about POTUS or Don Jr ditching their USSS detail for that reason?
No entire organization is all good actors or all bad actors. The bad ones have been/are being weeded out.
Dec 22 2017
>Remember, not all within the C-A, D-J, F-I are bad apples.
>House cleaning (TOP).
>Restructuring (1 to 2).
>Operations 24/7.
▶ 0389a1 (12) No.489609>>489625
Red sky at night, sailor's delight.
▶ e046c2 (10) No.489610
John salisbury is usually on the money
▶ 15a333 (11) No.489611>>489639
That was not the topic of conversation. That is not censorship. Try to keep up.
▶ e5b020 (10) No.489612
The whole point of the suit is Taylor's legal team is saying that it was obvious the Twitter TOS was not being enforced across the board in a fair & just manner. They're trying to prove discrimination based on his extremist (their term, not mine) views.
http: //rinf.com/alt-news/newswire/jared-taylor-files-suit-against-twitter/
▶ 81a30b (10) No.489613
Ok, this delay in the cameras actually supports the sting theory. *win*
▶ 3df9c6 (15) No.489614>>489683 >>489722
There are a lot of things I'm not allowed to say in public relating to that. At the base level all is void. Everything else is a sort of eternal cosmic dance, of which we are all a part. The techniques for seeing these things directly are the real secrets, but they are slowly trickling out into Western consciousness. I've actually posted them here before. Not many are willing ti try, yet. They will in time.
▶ 1e3991 (2) No.489615
Nunes response.
The politics are a distraction.
Response to countermeno
Response to the response to the countermemo.
Where does it stop?
▶ 2d4719 (3) No.489616
We are not so theatrical
▶ c15071 (2) No.489617
What is pastebin?
▶ 3ed14c (7) No.489618>>489644
Fuck I never realized that Jake Tapper started out at fucking Salon.
Explains a lot.
▶ 5a18f1 (6) No.489620>>489640
▶ 321296 (6) No.489621
▶ fdc9c5 (5) No.489622
The parallels of all this with Lee Harvey Oswald are spooky.
▶ 459a00 (11) No.489623
>we could eliminate global warming
This is non-existent. And your blabber just perpetuates the myth.
If you want to smoke dope, then smoke dope.
You aren't likely going to convince others to let you do it by claiming hemp is the magical cure to a non-existent problem.
Just smoke your dope and shut.
▶ 1fd75a (2) No.489624>>489635
There is an easy way to verify if Cruz was the shooter and if multiple shooters were involved.
We demand to see cctv footage. Even if multiple grabs of shooter not engaged.
▶ 4e44f9 (3) No.489625
Nice anon. Fair winds and following seas…
▶ 9d3e46 (2) No.489626
We're onto [next week] #3 starting tomorrow. Then possibly a weekend of suicide(s) suddenly breaking all across the news? Let's hope some cabal suits jump from the Washington Monument.
▶ c28d98 (3) No.489627>>489654
closed circuit cameras hacked - not possible , from the outside
▶ e046c2 (10) No.489628>>489670
With enough hemp growth it could eliminate it by 100%
▶ 6d0de1 (15) No.489629>>489752
Goodnight Anons.
Hope some almonds were tickled tonite.
Abraxas is a big deal.
God Bless Patriots
▶ 967c81 (1) No.489630
https: /theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/02/23/broward-county-sheriffs-office-did-not-miss-warning-signs-or-make-mistakes/amp/?
School resource officer knew Cruz as there were prior reports to resource officer about him.
▶ 93088d (1) No.489631
▶ 2d4719 (3) No.489632
over 30% of every thread is thank yu baker and preparing to bake we are getting too much ballast
▶ 3df9c6 (15) No.489633>>489690 >>489700
If you let go completely you find it. It's pretty boring, really.
▶ 5b6dde (5) No.489634
and Lupus
https:// myvaccinelawyer.com/lead-expert-hpv-vaccine-tells-truth-gardasil-cervarix/
▶ 459a00 (11) No.489635
Cruz has pled guilty, so there is no need to protect evidence from the jury pool.
So, release the CC footage to the public and let's see the proof.
▶ 1df806 (3) No.489639
Take your own advice there guy. I'm way ahead of you.
▶ 794903 (4) No.489640
I feel for it once.
@JulianAssange is the real one
@TheRealJulianAssange is fake.
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489641
Oh shit.., "Archons", the controllers of the planet.., barely it know of them, it say that They control the people thought of feelings (Anger, Hate, lust), the dark rituals, Symbolism, Religious Dogmas.., etc.
▶ fdc9c5 (5) No.489642
Maybe these two need to be taken on a trip down to GITMO and be shown the big oak chair.
▶ 0389a1 (12) No.489643>>489653 >>489715
>you hand out free beer to underage kids
>suddenly argue that since it was free you don't need to check ID
Try it and see what happens.
In this case you have to be 13, and that's only because there is what's called 'safe harbour' provisions to protect websites from child porn and other obscenity, copyright prosecutions.
Safe harbour goes away the instant you exercise editorial control. Well established case law dating back to the telephone days. "Free" is irrelavent.
▶ 459a00 (11) No.489644>>489673
It's worse.
Tapper actually started out as an aide to a democrat congressman.
▶ 7098b6 (4) No.489645
DJT gave high praise to Nunes on Justice/Fox…said in the future he will be recognized for his tremendous work and his courage….we know why he is courageous to take on the k-bal…. he also gave kudos to Watters = confirmed Q
POTUS was also talking about a July 4th parade…..we can only hope all the traitors would be in GITMO by then.
▶ b66f30 (6) No.489646
Lmao, 4's a nasty place, so glad I made it out alive.
▶ 2d4719 (3) No.489647
yeah unless you can prove it
▶ a1cec5 (4) No.489649
▶ 999a06 (2) No.489650>>489661 >>489664 >>489686 >>489689 >>489708 >>489728 >>489767
SO far down the hole I am questioning literally everything. During CPAC speech, when speaking on [HRC], POTUS makes a hand gesture while saying "full circle" he makes a semi-circle a "C"… Is it for "classified" emails…. dammit Q, my life is now partially led as a super sleuth decoding, analyzing, and digging meaning in EVERYTHING.
▶ 6eeb6c (2) No.489651>>489661
This is off topic but I think the Copiapo mine accident in Chile in 2010 was a possible false flag. Involves a gold mine, in South America. There was an earthquake and tsunami around the same time. Incident lasted a total of 69 days, there were 33 miners and day 17 of the incident is when they realized the miners were still alive. Wrapped up on October 13, 2010 with an estimated 1 billion people watching on tv worldwide. Sounds like some serious fuckery to me. pic related
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489652
Hmmm, it seems to Jordan Sage..
▶ a08609 (17) No.489653
Free beer in not irrelevant sir. Even warm, 'tis better than naught.
▶ e4feeb (6) No.489654>>489679 >>489681 >>489702
Sure it is. Easily. I have CCTV for my house and wifi was mandatory for the system to work. Many systems are very easily to hack into.
▶ 46ed5b (15) No.489658>>489666 >>489671 >>489677
Girl be freaky, has to be programmed
▶ 372a46 (7) No.489659
Hahahaha, boy are they way off
▶ 3cddcb (15) No.489660
Anyone have any concerns about the next baker being a shill?
If not I will sign off for real this time.
▶ 6eeb6c (2) No.489661>>489728
LOL, I feel you. See my post
I'm seeing false flags everywhere!
▶ 170472 (3) No.489665>>489699
No, guess again. We are not organized, we are a group of individuals gathering of our own free wills, for a common purpose. No different than a group of demonstrators.
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489666>>489672
Fuck!!.., The symbolism…,
▶ 475b38 (6) No.489667>>489674
Right now I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone: the chair is against the wall, the chair is against the wall, john has a long mustache, john has a long mustache. It's twelve o'clock, American, another day closer to victory..
▶ 4c7cae (8) No.489670
Hemp and Oyster Mushrooms are very effective for detoxifying soil. Likewise, cannabis and Mushrooms in general are beneficial to human health.
Big Pharma doesn’t want the populous to know about people like Paul Stamets
https:// m.youtube.com/watch?v=XI5frPV58tY
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489671
Fuck!!, the Symbolism..
PS: Sorry, the numbers…,
▶ 11a14c (2) No.489672
bet momma's snatch like day old grilled cheese
▶ 3ed14c (7) No.489673
▶ 3df9c6 (15) No.489674
▶ d13264 (3) No.489676
She is throwing the V sign way to hard
It's not hard to figure out what the V sign is about
▶ 29ca08 (1) No.489677>>489703
Not just the Girl.. the Show itself… Most of the shows on TV. Programs with programmed Actors to Program the masses
▶ df5539 (2) No.489678
Meg Myers "After You"
▶ 76bf6f (10) No.489679
Technically, would a wi-fi enabled camera system be "closed circuit"?
▶ c5e8da (1) No.489680
Moralfag elsewhere nigger we have shit to do
▶ c1f70e (1) No.489681>>489724
Large institutions/installations don't use wifi AFAIK. They are hard wired, coax runs from the camera through walls and tiled drop ceilings into a central recorder/computer area.
a previous employment of mine required my going through the camera feeds to locate people/events.
▶ 170472 (3) No.489682
if so, that would be a connection to the Lenev Q drop,
▶ 4d390a (1) No.489683>>489695 >>489705
Are you some type of slave?
▶ e5b020 (10) No.489685>>489693
Anon, look at the number of followers. Assange has 700 thousand, plus. @JulianAssange is the real one.
▶ 0ea550 (4) No.489686
Watching some snippets of it today. Tickled by him saying "fight, fight, fight"!
▶ 372a46 (7) No.489689
Now my friend anon, you know how it feels to be a private detective….
▶ 4c7cae (8) No.489690
Kek indeed
▶ 321296 (6) No.489691>>489720
Right, so when the phone company disagrees with your politics they cancel your service because it's their platform.
▶ 3cddcb (15) No.489693
Pro-tip: block the fake account so it can't trip you up.
▶ 3df9c6 (15) No.489695
Some things are destructive if given to a ind that isn't ready to understand. Also the surprise is worth it.
▶ 222b52 (4) No.489699
That's the definition of organized, you idiot!
http:// www.dictionary.com/browse/organize
▶ 20e839 (10) No.489701>>489736
you sleeping much, @jack?
▶ c28d98 (3) No.489702>>489724
i've scanned mms of ips for cams, closed circuit means no outside connection
▶ 46ed5b (15) No.489703
Yup pretty sick like Jonbennet
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489705>>489712
We have slaves to them..,Now is that We are rebelling against them..
▶ 321296 (6) No.489706>>489735
Makes a lot of sense. Saved.
▶ 0d06b7 (1) No.489707
#thuglyfe youtu.be/mLqdyfgVtCQ
▶ 3ed14c (7) No.489708>>489728
Every time I watch someone we discuss and research in here, I feel like I'm hearing and seeing completely different things then most of the world.
Like I have secret fucking goggles or something.
▶ 372a46 (7) No.489709
Who needs tv when you have q research
▶ baeb22 (1) No.489710
Bottom of this page
http:// armageddonconspiracy.co.uk/The-Divine-Series(3043163).htm
▶ de33aa (11) No.489711
Patriots make the dough rise
▶ 3e7ecd (2) No.489712
Not slaves…
▶ 705a7d (4) No.489713
▶ a40522 (3) No.489714
Reply to all 12 except the US Code Reference. Am I going to find something there? I'll read it though.
This is the justification to censor anon on other platforms, that this is a private army.
Really a political machine giving in kind donations in massive amounts.
Is shitposting in such an organized manner legal? I'm not so sure. Should the Soros echo chambers like ParklandStudentsSpeak be legal? Should they have FEC oversight?
What if they get GEOTUS, God forbid? Does anon then follow Q? Are you faggots all spooks waiting to take back goverment control?
A principle used to be, Not Your Private Army.
This is why they claim justification to censor. Anon may not have the right to make organized forays onto platforms like this, because they can be constructively called an organization instead of a bunch of faggots. Solved by being Anonymous, not #QAnon #QAnon8chan #GreatAwakening @POTUS #QIsTheSecondComing.
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489715
was this even the topic at hand?
▶ 2138aa (4) No.489717>>489725
Discovered by these Americans about David Hogg, though, was how he could have possibly been a student at Stoneman Douglas High School when this shooting occurred when even the simplest internet search showed him having graduated from Redondo Shores High School in California in 2015.
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489720
Right. money talks, and twitter is free, so…
▶ 19910a (1) No.489721
So he was arrested on the 14th taken to hospital…
Left hospital same day in black SUV but wasn't booked until the 15th… huh?
And fioa
▶ 1ed5e7 (23) No.489722>>489727
I understand that.., if so much can cause the Atlantis Technology.., Imagine with these Esoteric information, very dangerous.., We aren't ready for that.., We have to mature as species..,
▶ 372a46 (7) No.489723>>489742 >>489746
Has anyone gone to the yearbook site and looked for last years book and see if the victims or Hogg were in it?
▶ e4feeb (6) No.489724>>489741
My system is hard wired. Also has wifi add on cameras.
OK, go with that. CCTV is hackable- think people - they are connected to a computer and in many cases on a network.
▶ 2138aa (4) No.489725>>489730 >>489731 >>489732 >>489742 >>489743 >>489763
David Hogg (second row middle) pictured as graduating senior in 2015 Redondo Shores High School yearbook
▶ 3df9c6 (15) No.489727
Absolutely. People find the truth when they're ready.
▶ 37546d (7) No.489729
He's really close. The attack was supposed to start at 9:30 am when the fire alarm went off.
▶ 0b8e68 (7) No.489730
seen that picture before disinformation from antifa
▶ 285990 (10) No.489732>>489745
NO, video proved ithat pic is from Parkland yearbook / Fake news
No sauce, sorry…..
▶ 32ff6d (1) No.489734
yeah, and once closed, the sign is only visible to incoming traffic….. the "rental car" was leaving the NSA grounds.
▶ 475b38 (6) No.489735
Praying for that video evidence like seeing MBS the Saudi prince being escorted through the Tropicana during LV red pilled lots of anons. Random tweets just aren't enough of a help.
▶ a28e33 (21) No.489736
You don't agree with common sense and a straightforward analogy, so now I'm Jack too? That joke's a liddle old now, it's been a long time since Q called out LdR here, and, you're not Q. Refute the points that I made like a big boy & I may respect it.
▶ 7098b6 (4) No.489737
This explains why Hoggs was interviewing classmates in a closet a bit too early…..
▶ 76bf6f (10) No.489738
▶ 7cf46c (2) No.489739>>489761
▶ e5b020 (10) No.489742
Yes. Guy on twatter debunked it. >>489725
Also, disinfo from Antifa account. That pic proves nothing. It's the Parkland yearbook.
▶ a1cec5 (4) No.489744
▶ 0b8e68 (7) No.489745
NO that picture appeared here last with a frame from ANTIFA around it.
LARP its DISINFORMATION we already determined.
▶ 7a9805 (1) No.489746
I want to see a correlation between classroom attendance logs and the occupations of absent student's ==parents==
Should be very informative if the shooting was set up
▶ e5a188 (5) No.489748
I liked the top of the first one, seemed more brighter. So i did another edit, and just fixed the bottom, and left top the same as original. So this one is the final edition,KEK
▶ 76bf6f (10) No.489749
▶ 0bd05a (7) No.489750
I wonder what's going on there and what their mission is. The lyrics to Roxanne by the Police go like this:
You don't have to put on the red light
Those days are over
You don't have to sell your body to the night
You don't have to wear that dress tonight
Walk the streets for money
You don't care if it's wrong or if it's right
You don't have to put on the red light
You don't have to put on the red light
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
I loved you since I knew you
I wouldn't talk down to you
I have to tell you just how I feel
I won't share you with another boy
I know my mind is made up
So put away your make-up
Told you once, I won't tell you again
It's a bad way
You don't have to put on the red light
You don't have to put on the red light
Roxanne (you don't have to put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Maybe something to do with trafficking?
▶ abc09c (1) No.489751
wonder if large short or put positions were taken out on the gun companies attacked prior to the incident same way as airline stocks were hit from 911?
▶ 4962e3 (3) No.489752
Good sleep to you, anon.
▶ de33aa (11) No.489753
▶ de33aa (11) No.489755
▶ de33aa (11) No.489757
▶ 0184d6 (1) No.489759
Who can delete posts on here?
▶ de33aa (11) No.489760
▶ 3b1c0a (4) No.489761
yeah, I just saw this on google. Loved it, posted it. Then saw the fuckin' 'e' in the wrong place. MY bad.
▶ 267e45 (5) No.489762
That is weird. That is the motto of the protestant reformation.
▶ fdc9c5 (5) No.489763
I couldn't find that yearbook listed in Classmates. The only school I could find in Redondo Beach that came close was Redondo Union High School and the latest yearbook published in Classmates was 2010. And the seniors were all dressed formally.
▶ de33aa (11) No.489764
▶ e046c2 (10) No.489765
The Many Uses of Hemp
http:// www.informationdistillery.com/hemp.htm
▶ 94f462 (7) No.489768
Look at the arctic.
What will happen when it really becomes small?
If it is all a hoax
that is being used to explain the new sea highway
to allow Russian ships to cross
what is there to worry about? eh?
(methinks they have been chipping away at the poles for a reason such as that)