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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
Comment *
* = required field[▶ Show post options & limits]
Confused? See the FAQ.
(replaces files and can be used instead)
Password (For file and post deletion.)

Allowed file types:jpg, jpeg, gif, png, webm, mp4
Max filesize is 16 MB.
Max image dimensions are 15000 x 15000.
You may upload 5 per post.

Pro Aris et Focis

File: 0d972f8844e68b3⋯.gif (22.35 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Memes9.gif)

34902f No.32311

Memes + other important images

for redpilling normies



Through tempest, storm,

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.


Read the board rules >>3138 first. Do not enter a name or email address when you post.

Meme Droppers: Get images here and distribute on social media.

--> NEW! Image archive mega.nz/#F!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg There you can preview images sorted by category before downloading, download single images, folders, or all. Try it; you'll like it!

--> Image Catalog sorted by category >>17787 (obsolete)

--> Older zip files sorted by date >>6735 (obsolete). When downloading zip files from us or anybody else, always check with a virus scanner before unzipping, and discard if unsafe. To download single images from this board, click the thumbnail to open fullsize. Right click the fullsize image. Select download to my device.

Meme Makers: Deposit artwork here or on the General. We prefer .jpeg .jpg images because of smaller file size than .png. After you create your image, choose "Save as" and select the .jpeg filetype. .jpegs can be saved with a 90% quality setting without significant loss of fidelity; this shrinks the file. A typical image should be about 1500-2000 pixels wide. 300-pixel-wide thumbnail images are too small. 4000 pixel images are too large except for very large posters. The filesize should usually be <1Mb. Your text should be readable. If you can't read it, neither can anyone else! Please spell-check.


-->This is not a vetted collection; some images are inappropriate. Learn to Select the Best Images >>23044

-->The Secret of More Effective Memes >>18135

-->Redpill Tactics >>1180 Different ways to share information and open minds without overwhelming your friends and family.

-->Guerilla Twitter Tactics >>>/cbts/12832 Tutorial from an anon who works Twitter to the max. When to follow and like. What hashtags to use. Where to drop. Recommended!


Meme Dropper News

-->Our truth symbol, Pepe the frog, may get you banned on Twitter as a 'hate symbol'.

-->Profanity may get you banned on some social media. Many whom we hope to reach are turned off by bad speech, racial/religious slurs, or derogatory comments. Be sensitive to your audience and their beliefs!


Image Library

#1 >>>/cbts/2

#2 >>>/cbts/61078

#3 >>>/cbts/107604

#4 >>>/cbts/142207

#5 >>>/cbts/189835

#6 >>>/thestorm/7090

#7 >>387

#8 >>16771


Infographs >>>/cbts/10

e7d7fd No.38240




// A T T E N T I O N !!!



NEW! Image archive mega.nz/#F!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg

There you can preview images sorted by category before downloading, download single images, folders, or all.

Try it; you'll like it!

Which images are these? >>36745

The 6000+ files archived on the Mega.nz cloud start at /cbts/ memes #1 from November 25, and continue through /cbts/ memes #5A on December 28th. There was a period of time with no harvesting, then intermittent harvesting resumed when Anons moved to /thestorm/.

Whenever Harvester was working, they named the images with searchable keywords. Over the past week or so, they began grouping the images by searching through the entire local archive for keywords. The result is the folders you see on the Mega.nz cloud site.

In addition to the 6,358 images currently being uploaded to this Image Library folder, further images will soon be uploaded too. These are:

--> 1098 images in 22 folders are not yet designated for upload because they appear to be lower priority topics. They will be uploaded in due course.

--> And 2083 additional files from /cbts/ between 11/25 - /thestorm/ 12/28 that have not been categorized, lack keyword labels, or don't appear relevant to current categories. These will also be uploaded, eventually.

206bac No.42909

File: be11a543dcb22d5⋯.jpg (68.66 KB, 556x729, 556:729, QQQQ.JPG)

Thank U Q

60069d No.43604

Fake News Awards Time :)

0460e1 No.43967

we need side-by-side memes of:

1. Q post re BDT/false flag : NYC actual bomb attempt.

2. DEFCON 1 posts from Q : Hawaii scare on 1/13/18.

3. SEC indicators = Posts:Tweets:Time

4. [2] above represent PRIMARY indicators.

Q said start w/ these and he will guide.

0460e1 No.44015

File: bdc88aa934f7349⋯.png (93.77 KB, 1185x440, 237:88, 100.png)

e03469 No.44182

File: c5b72a576d0ab32⋯.jpg (112.22 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 911PentagonWheresPlane.jpg)

File: dca3abdb552439a⋯.jpg (242.31 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Bible Jeremiah 29:11.jpg)

File: 5edd17061c60992⋯.jpg (74.07 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Bible-Jeremiah 29:11.jpg)

File: 186d26eff109f60⋯.jpg (91.45 KB, 750x499, 750:499, CF-BoomSthockBye.jpg)

Harvested from #49

e03469 No.44184

File: 67ec1f8b35427d4⋯.jpg (10.47 KB, 255x149, 255:149, CFShithole.jpg)

File: 65a2b1a070e6147⋯.png (395.42 KB, 600x399, 200:133, ClintonLolitaExpress.png)

File: 104a9e179db31b5⋯.jpg (66.59 KB, 800x484, 200:121, DanielLionsDen.jpg)

File: 9f007a6a629fbc8⋯.jpeg (64.26 KB, 960x538, 480:269, HaitiSilsby.jpeg)

File: 4ffe08dca7e878d⋯.jpg (54.07 KB, 512x387, 512:387, HRCbreathe.jpg)

e03469 No.44191

File: a27c04def6a76d0⋯.jpg (55.18 KB, 599x607, 599:607, IsisTrip.jpg)

File: 9fef35723b38f0b⋯.jpg (66.05 KB, 620x465, 4:3, NoShutdown.jpg)

File: 2fd1993f5909449⋯.jpeg (245.51 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, NotAGame1.jpeg)

File: e6e4604a5549df5⋯.jpg (92.76 KB, 750x500, 3:2, PatriotAnonsBattle.jpg)

File: aba385e8c81bd34⋯.jpg (114.06 KB, 635x500, 127:100, PatriotGoAll.jpg)

e03469 No.44192

File: 2e706e1b407b197⋯.jpeg (48.74 KB, 460x960, 23:48, PatriotGodspeedOperators.jpeg)

File: 544f44df030b923⋯.jpeg (101.05 KB, 723x500, 723:500, PatriotHappening.jpeg)

File: 9ecb922fc7ff5e9⋯.jpg (90.94 KB, 930x499, 930:499, PatriotHappening2.jpg)

File: af0f9f5a4451383⋯.jpeg (98.67 KB, 715x881, 715:881, PatriotJustice.jpeg)

File: dbfb99a0347b64d⋯.jpg (111.72 KB, 682x500, 341:250, PatriotsHangOn.jpg)

e03469 No.44199

File: 85c903f96492347⋯.jpg (52.64 KB, 620x629, 620:629, POTUSitDo.jpg)

File: 90453dc081b2723⋯.jpg (154.28 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, PrayForCountry.jpg)

File: 3d250e61b556107⋯.png (897.32 KB, 715x500, 143:100, QCheckmate.png)

File: aa0de8f971b6faa⋯.png (237.57 KB, 600x414, 100:69, QCheckmate2.png)

File: 92b9d56fb085a6a⋯.png (263.49 KB, 320x432, 20:27, QCheckmate3.png)

e03469 No.44213

File: de0de30b61aa7c8⋯.png (147.02 KB, 400x400, 1:1, QCheckmateDubya.png)

File: 89d61478bc06571⋯.png (573.97 KB, 600x450, 4:3, QCheckmateOldEmperors.png)

File: d68954b0c430f56⋯.jpg (79.78 KB, 532x500, 133:125, QCheckmateQAnon.jpg)

File: 428e8b16b763167⋯.png (340.97 KB, 529x480, 529:480, QPuppetMastersRemoved.png)

File: 71ccc3df51b3e74⋯.png (597.14 KB, 868x505, 868:505, QTreasonNoDeals.png)

e03469 No.44223

File: b6def3ea75132e2⋯.jpg (43.52 KB, 643x628, 643:628, RothsSchtonk.jpg)

File: 372621b18056355⋯.jpg (132.34 KB, 1024x655, 1024:655, ShitholeLeader.jpg)

File: 74b900f546c3692⋯.png (183.86 KB, 512x471, 512:471, TreasaonNoDeals.png)

File: df2aed543eef226⋯.jpg (183.22 KB, 800x780, 40:39, TrumpProtectUs.jpg)

File: ba191ed42c619de⋯.png (433.74 KB, 1042x599, 1042:599, TrustMilitaryWhiteHouse.png)

0460e1 No.44224

File: e5559ed0925684f⋯.png (833.29 KB, 1529x815, 1529:815, like this.png)

LIKE THIS, anons!

601a0d No.44301

File: b4ef0c0aa9772cb⋯.png (613.45 KB, 1198x889, 1198:889, 8418448904978314432239.png)

51252c No.44304

File: 3b930b58e19ee47⋯.png (228.82 KB, 600x421, 600:421, Cooper-paid.png)

15ef40 No.44305

File: 4e35cc79e11279f⋯.gif (219.53 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pixtrump.gif)


How to make things trend on twitter:

- We decide a #hashtag

- We pick a day and time we want this to trend

- Typically you want things to trend in the morning and afternoon in the US

- Which means you have to begin pushing the hashtag very early in the a.m.


- You need 2-3 thousand unique tweets with the hashtag in a short amount of time

- Pictures and content-rich tweets with one or two agreed upon #'s

- Original tweets help trend things faster than just simply retweeting things. Likes don't really count for much.

- Tweets with a ton of hashtags sometimes don't count because spam filters.

- Twitter will try to throttle it

- Once twitter kills a trending hashtag its very hard to make it trend again

- Move to phase 2

- Post more memes on other already-trending hashtags

- Follow all Q posters, follow back all Q posters


Vote for our official hashtags:

>http:// www.strawpoll.me/14832174/r

Gather memes, thoughts, ideas, links

Search the old hashtag "#medialiesagain" for tons of examples of media lying, bad journalism, etc.

Save pictures and examples

Soon we will agree upon an official date and time for our drops

588db0 No.44319

File: b8e5038fba5cf0f⋯.jpeg (198.36 KB, 749x715, 749:715, 08AC4408-FEA8-4DBB-9E1C-3….jpeg)

c377f2 No.44330

File: 1c90096e5711248⋯.jpg (133.86 KB, 890x500, 89:50, 4-6.jpg)

File: 56693621a00cbfe⋯.jpg (101.66 KB, 847x489, 847:489, 22np31.jpg)

File: 362c8a9401dc20c⋯.jpg (92.05 KB, 500x666, 250:333, download (1).jpg)

0460e1 No.44331


nice work, anon!

c377f2 No.44335

File: c5cbf000203fd49⋯.jpg (71.32 KB, 500x529, 500:529, I have a dream.jpg)

File: f0a8f7f4d005453⋯.jpg (34.94 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Libya fixed.jpg)

File: d07b3e8650187aa⋯.jpg (73.75 KB, 500x625, 4:5, MayHilMe.jpg)

File: 30c82faf4a3e8ac⋯.jpg (69.12 KB, 678x381, 226:127, Miracle.jpg)

File: eb21df7a0c2f2fc⋯.jpg (62.92 KB, 702x395, 702:395, Shithole Wedding.jpg)

acb49b No.44345

File: 129f10efb73b74e⋯.jpg (132.97 KB, 500x829, 500:829, 22nlt5.jpg)

File: e0c8c767ca1087c⋯.jpg (101.22 KB, 731x500, 731:500, 22n6xt.jpg)

4b67e8 No.44375

File: c1b50e978e17363⋯.png (558.46 KB, 1163x686, 1163:686, Operation-Mockingbird.png)

File: 9cf469cd65d4981⋯.png (169.12 KB, 600x343, 600:343, kłamstwa2.png)

File: daff5963a59627f⋯.png (249.2 KB, 494x525, 494:525, żyd.png)

File: 7234c97f8e03062⋯.jpg (31.16 KB, 465x551, 465:551, skandal.jpg)

File: eb7495b3da2c4ee⋯.jpg (59.67 KB, 960x738, 160:123, płatny-urlop.jpg)

d2ae7e No.44379

File: 36a86da8c15714d⋯.jpg (131.67 KB, 1244x618, 622:309, M 0057.1.jpg)

DEFCON 1 vs Hawaii

18d470 No.44383

File: a0d051aa48a6d95⋯.png (780.66 KB, 1474x1204, 737:602, QBANGLADESH.png)

made this one 5 mins ago

4b67e8 No.44394

File: 31ce9459db2779c⋯.jpg (190.77 KB, 653x477, 653:477, oh-no.jpg)

File: d00bfecf3d72166⋯.png (197.43 KB, 608x541, 608:541, oh-no2.png)

File: b42756b1a9a1018⋯.png (216.42 KB, 800x451, 800:451, dunce.png)

File: c2f2083b1694cf6⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1134x1132, 567:566, Momiji.png)

File: e68014c6813121e⋯.jpg (227.81 KB, 1128x1301, 1128:1301, podsłuch.jpg)

9f4aac No.44432


7bab2a No.44441

File: 5433d4651d5fd79⋯.png (377.61 KB, 1490x565, 298:113, first.png)

959aca No.44454

File: d442582bdf9b689⋯.jpg (47.62 KB, 466x451, 466:451, fakenewsawards.JPG)

New meme maker /international anon.

Almighty GOD bless our Holy battle.

077d4c No.44457

File: 3ad47fe1af78515⋯.jpg (80.19 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 22hant.jpg)

077d4c No.44462

File: 6c4c555c8859989⋯.jpg (136.39 KB, 648x499, 648:499, 22hbky.jpg)

bef725 No.44465

File: a5e4f1faed7c550⋯.png (365.55 KB, 600x337, 600:337, all lies prez con.png)

File: 351be8b2336460a⋯.png (354.43 KB, 600x337, 600:337, all lies prez.png)

File: 29cec28c3de27b1⋯.png (228.35 KB, 600x332, 150:83, all lies.png)

File: d7b17269b9ec205⋯.png (380.48 KB, 600x400, 3:2, cheaters.png)

bef725 No.44470

File: 7ce2de252882353⋯.png (54 KB, 450x252, 25:14, cnn fox.png)

File: e6548f304868986⋯.jpg (83.98 KB, 736x736, 1:1, cnn lied.jpg)

File: 78ee68dcee76d48⋯.jpg (41.79 KB, 600x337, 600:337, CNN logo.jpg)

File: bab0388ac59a6bf⋯.png (218.19 KB, 600x343, 600:343, cnna.png)

bef725 No.44479

File: 2e2a560bc7e61a8⋯.png (231.65 KB, 600x343, 600:343, cnnfake.png)

File: 970aa338b810b63⋯.png (388.04 KB, 600x400, 3:2, hillaryhaiti.png)

File: 749d72233af08dd⋯.png (185.8 KB, 600x334, 300:167, jackshadow.png)

File: 6cd22f9f194283f⋯.png (191.81 KB, 600x334, 300:167, jd1.png)

File: d8bd1dafef7f216⋯.png (323.96 KB, 600x598, 300:299, mind.png)

bef725 No.44484

File: a54eba219b48ead⋯.png (326.04 KB, 800x873, 800:873, mind control fake news.png)

File: ff0050ce221cda5⋯.jpg (273.49 KB, 600x402, 100:67, pelosi.jpg)

File: eed68e572192c2e⋯.png (300.51 KB, 600x402, 100:67, trumpcheck.png)

File: f18ab26394aa5b1⋯.png (878.06 KB, 892x900, 223:225, warontruth.png)

4b67e8 No.44486

File: 7fbcf2daf7442a2⋯.png (548.86 KB, 1080x1257, 360:419, żyd.png)

File: 96f1782403427a5⋯.png (375.82 KB, 900x677, 900:677, Picardia.png)

File: 0aedaf63c3dcf16⋯.jpg (159.13 KB, 1468x636, 367:159, 18-241.jpg)

File: b9d201e5af2294d⋯.png (521.75 KB, 1030x798, 515:399, adresy.png)



Post multiple images at once.

bef725 No.44494

File: 92b9d56fb085a6a⋯.png (263.49 KB, 320x432, 20:27, checkmate.png)

File: 79b0d61ccc342ca⋯.png (272.38 KB, 600x414, 100:69, checkmate1.png)

File: 89d61478bc06571⋯.png (573.97 KB, 600x450, 4:3, chessnaked.png)

File: 33b9ffa571505e9⋯.png (350.53 KB, 600x436, 150:109, w3.png)

3448e3 No.44497


https:// twitter.com/politifvct/status/947559359080304640

ba1af4 No.44524



4b67e8 No.44535

File: 73efb402089bdf1⋯.png (952.7 KB, 1470x973, 210:139, choice-of-words.png)

File: f0d3f68aab09f2a⋯.jpg (102.55 KB, 719x960, 719:960, deception.jpg)

File: 6d00f587d5223f1⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, OAN.png)

File: c8452a12bf0fdea⋯.jpg (516.87 KB, 990x768, 165:128, Washington-Post.jpg)

File: 63e28ba7d4612bc⋯.png (547.92 KB, 740x680, 37:34, anonymous-sources.png)

c377f2 No.44537

File: 8b8b417fe550a07⋯.jpg (125.3 KB, 500x612, 125:153, andrew #fake.jpg)

File: 025b2a8c3ca62d4⋯.jpg (29.21 KB, 477x268, 477:268, comfy #fake.jpg)

File: 39d6dc25c8f4f91⋯.jpg (71.09 KB, 687x500, 687:500, Poo #fake.jpg)

File: 3b0cf0ff0725c03⋯.jpg (74.36 KB, 480x480, 1:1, pussies #fake.jpg)

4b67e8 No.44577

File: 266be5ed4284341⋯.png (572.65 KB, 960x730, 96:73, shithole.png)

File: d3f18f82935af97⋯.jpg (105.25 KB, 940x529, 940:529, Indiana-Jones.jpg)

File: be6a4cf0b4b0c03⋯.jpg (77.09 KB, 619x519, 619:519, Khizr-Khan.jpg)

File: 0b7d7a38e03bea9⋯.jpg (646.57 KB, 2040x1580, 102:79, koło-fortuny.jpg)

File: d271a7857d04de7⋯.jpg (119.15 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, reportaż.jpg)

bef725 No.44625

File: 526fb77c6b712eb⋯.png (328.79 KB, 600x337, 600:337, 3 prez wake.png)

File: 3a5a1b1b7a7b031⋯.jpg (66.74 KB, 512x384, 4:3, obama math.jpg)

e03469 No.44630

File: 888dcb0391188bf⋯.png (282.25 KB, 600x325, 24:13, BushTimesUp.png)

File: 8421386882dea2b⋯.jpg (51.67 KB, 709x587, 709:587, ButtonMAGA.jpg)

File: 5dee07dc19ad624⋯.jpg (60.48 KB, 709x587, 709:587, ButtonMassArrests.jpg)

File: 33b9ffa571505e9⋯.png (350.53 KB, 600x436, 150:109, Checkmate1.png)

File: de0de30b61aa7c8⋯.png (147.02 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Checkmate2.png)

Harvested from #50

e9ad46 No.44631

File: 9329e23780f65d7⋯.jpg (351.74 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, hillary_loves_pizza.jpg)

File: a4dba77999b1596⋯.jpg (767.95 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, hillary_and_tony.jpg)

File: 93696e8a1951047⋯.jpg (532.1 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, BOHRC_pizza.jpg)

bef725 No.44638

File: 0dd0befcde4d7c8⋯.jpg (33.36 KB, 231x244, 231:244, topkek.jpg)

e03469 No.44641

File: 33b9ffa571505e9⋯.png (350.53 KB, 600x436, 150:109, Checkmate3.png)

File: de0de30b61aa7c8⋯.png (147.02 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Checkmate4.png)

File: 3531ee0952bcfb0⋯.png (945.58 KB, 865x509, 865:509, CheckmateLiberalsMinority.png)

File: 9cf469cd65d4981⋯.png (169.12 KB, 600x343, 600:343, CNNLies.png)

File: b3fb31046fb8c7c⋯.png (175.64 KB, 600x337, 600:337, CNNProgramming.png)

Harvested from #53

e9ad46 No.44643

File: 28b6e611ab1905a⋯.jpg (680.71 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, tapper.jpg)

File: dee188413159ee8⋯.jpg (827.87 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, anderson.jpg)

e03469 No.44644

File: c6f96e2f341c2e6⋯.jpg (129.71 KB, 888x499, 888:499, FakeNewsAwards1.jpg)

File: cd5fdf2b6d45e46⋯.jpg (55.64 KB, 500x500, 1:1, FakeNewsAwards2.jpg)

File: d437e2952c9dc32⋯.jpg (66.46 KB, 640x480, 4:3, FakeNewsAwards3.jpg)

File: dce75998c78b508⋯.png (182.35 KB, 600x343, 600:343, FakeNewsListLies.png)

File: e8d8abb6e4645ca⋯.jpg (133.92 KB, 840x500, 42:25, FakeNewsTruthisConspiracy.jpg)

Harvested from #53…

e9ad46 No.44646

File: f7c259c6852427b⋯.jpg (975.36 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Pelosi_pizza.jpg)

File: 72da71b5967bdc3⋯.jpg (544.84 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, welcome_to_paris.jpg)

e03469 No.44654

File: e55d92670ec72fc⋯.jpg (159.38 KB, 1200x1110, 40:37, FlynnRrelevant.jpg)

File: 844b1db1f9fdca9⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 3570x3120, 119:104, HawaiiButtonPushers.jpg)

File: abac6267344320d⋯.png (518.41 KB, 867x420, 289:140, HawaiiCivilDefense.png)

File: cf6d81c8bc41b6c⋯.jpg (123.37 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, HawaiiShithole.jpg)

File: 7ddf482165cfb79⋯.png (834.85 KB, 863x480, 863:480, HRCcarpetmunch.png)

From #50

e03469 No.44662

File: 040b9f6001a342f⋯.png (325.64 KB, 664x610, 332:305, HRCemailsNotMissing.png)

File: 3f50cca9a883fc8⋯.jpg (23.77 KB, 240x225, 16:15, HRClost.jpg)

File: 2951266eec8f6bd⋯.jpg (368.37 KB, 863x1136, 863:1136, IslamInbredPlaces.jpg)

File: 0f5b64b54ce1d0e⋯.jpg (96.51 KB, 1300x867, 1300:867, JackDorseyResignsTwitterCE….jpg)

File: 15d4e143a76a3e0⋯.jpg (66.38 KB, 480x480, 1:1, LionMAGA1.jpg)

From #50 . .

566174 No.44665

File: 441ecbcf0b2436f⋯.jpg (154.03 KB, 561x503, 561:503, 666.jpg)

File: c6c64f72f581a63⋯.jpg (1.65 MB, 2048x1464, 256:183, cfr.jpg)

File: 50d1b6626da5ea4⋯.jpg (123.44 KB, 1440x822, 240:137, lies.jpg)

File: 9c3f31810e7ceb6⋯.jpg (938.02 KB, 2400x2400, 1:1, pedo.jpg)

e03469 No.44669

File: 8a4a0793a693098⋯.jpg (74.25 KB, 480x480, 1:1, LionMAGA2.jpg)

File: aabf1cfe72c3079⋯.jpg (34.84 KB, 480x480, 1:1, LionMAGA3.jpg)

File: 3b8f5df01dd592e⋯.jpg (173.3 KB, 735x1102, 735:1102, LordWithYou.jpg)

File: 102e8acca5eb26c⋯.jpg (40.01 KB, 255x196, 255:196, MissileFail.jpg)

File: dd1d52ccd69d74e⋯.jpg (44.6 KB, 512x384, 4:3, MockingbirdCIAWork.jpg)


e03469 No.44675

File: 1ed2b4b7203fb6f⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1294x1737, 1294:1737, NoShutdownBraveMilitary.png)

File: a9fc1233d1e491f⋯.jpg (71.85 KB, 620x310, 2:1, NoShutdownNKThreat.jpg)

File: 7c66af7bf85011b⋯.jpg (238.04 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Off1.jpg)

File: 6693e4420af14fe⋯.jpg (363.14 KB, 1359x1080, 151:120, Off2.jpg)

File: 1a71c296899e0aa⋯.jpeg (455.94 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, Off3.jpeg)


e03469 No.44683

File: 5277f7703367429⋯.jpeg (518.07 KB, 1800x1080, 5:3, Off4.jpeg)

File: c0d0c06d458d32a⋯.jpg (218.68 KB, 1600x1071, 1600:1071, PatriotDarkBeforeDawn.jpg)

File: 88635972bb4a501⋯.jpg (143.67 KB, 960x640, 3:2, PelosiBribes.jpg)

File: c2f1c2506388631⋯.png (668.38 KB, 767x992, 767:992, POTUSChristmasPensacola.png)

File: d7d1f63c4be621c⋯.gif (2.88 MB, 422x234, 211:117, POTUShappeningAnimated!.gif)


e03469 No.44690

File: f9dfb78e5ac4853⋯.png (878.92 KB, 861x478, 861:478, QAnonCheckmateHRC.png)

File: 8c6e8849561fe30⋯.jpg (136.74 KB, 604x500, 151:125, QanonCommandCenter.jpg)

File: 3f8b27d23230686⋯.png (423.6 KB, 859x463, 859:463, QpostsFace.png)

File: d6e3ad64df3a762⋯.jpg (77.82 KB, 394x600, 197:300, RedpillConspiracyTheory.jpg)

File: 7b6beda2c9c994d⋯.png (110.99 KB, 600x337, 600:337, ResignJackDorseyTwitter.png)

50 50

e03469 No.44692

File: da609e8077ec6c2⋯.jpg (9.74 KB, 265x190, 53:38, ResignJackDorseyTwitter2.jpg)

File: f2df7ba11d174a3⋯.jpg (16.45 KB, 337x253, 337:253, ResignJackDorseyTwitter3.jpg)

File: 60e4a3ee780db1d⋯.png (375.8 KB, 987x720, 329:240, ResignJackDorseyTwitterPub….png)

File: 463815e47effd92⋯.png (122.32 KB, 375x266, 375:266, ShitholeAnderson.png)

File: 5a074c10dbcaac0⋯.png (561.52 KB, 966x932, 483:466, ShitholeHaitiLies.png)


e03469 No.44697

File: 6cd22f9f194283f⋯.png (191.81 KB, 600x334, 300:167, TwitterCensorshipTyranny.png)

5 0

cede8e No.44763

File: ea0e939f1524bb8⋯.jpg (343.55 KB, 2000x1328, 125:83, Noone out tans me.jpg)


/r/ a clip of CNN saying obvious bullshit with that filthy frank "its time to stop" meme played over it.

d2ae7e No.44796

File: 0d61d2b5e5ba991⋯.png (509.73 KB, 620x349, 620:349, M 0058.png)

File: ba3084624d2f790⋯.jpg (92.17 KB, 500x637, 500:637, M 0062.1.jpg)

File: a228a504192a672⋯.png (521.96 KB, 620x349, 620:349, M 0060.png)

File: acba3caac569af0⋯.png (510.03 KB, 620x349, 620:349, M 0061.png)

cd2788 No.44803

File: 1c3e6bcb461b392⋯.jpg (15.28 KB, 268x188, 67:47, 22n1ep.jpg)

e03469 No.44866

>>44454 Thank you, Anon. You are welcome here.



e03469 No.44939


Anon, can you perhaps change the color scheme on the We the People? Green text on blue lacks contrast and is not readable to most people. Thanks!

d2ae7e No.45021

File: cfdae54123f1099⋯.png (336.85 KB, 608x500, 152:125, M 0063.png)

File: 9a132c46625d0e2⋯.png (184.36 KB, 504x348, 42:29, M 0064.png)

File: 740e466cce5706b⋯.png (628.36 KB, 888x499, 888:499, M 0065.png)

File: db55aa2e29943be⋯.png (107.64 KB, 480x360, 4:3, M 0066.png)

File: 11e6881ca8f6eda⋯.png (424.78 KB, 500x375, 4:3, M 0067.png)

cede8e No.45072

File: a06a6ffdef73126⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, Lady Liberty.png)

I made this thing a while ago.


this is gold

536708 No.45098

File: da928db1652fb1d⋯.jpeg (127.49 KB, 682x1000, 341:500, 1B570C86-E9B7-4081-8E8F-0….jpeg)

d2ae7e No.45128

File: f95609e5a9f5a2a⋯.png (158.96 KB, 300x300, 1:1, M 0068.png)

File: 4c19dac24b91d6d⋯.png (966.67 KB, 888x499, 888:499, M 0069.png)

File: 1622b2abf5c12c5⋯.png (329.87 KB, 480x360, 4:3, M 0070.png)

Last meme is " straight from the horses mouth " meaning

987853 No.45149

File: 44dd0167862bea7⋯.jpg (122.29 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, tv_owns_me.jpg)

File: e232b5f36e70e16⋯.jpg (217.9 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, tvownsme.jpg)

987853 No.45200

File: 98f074621616987⋯.jpg (173.68 KB, 632x1164, 158:291, smartphone2.jpg)

e03469 No.45227

File: b185d6b74a2cf3a⋯.jpg (160.58 KB, 640x624, 40:39, BushSonHinckley.jpg)

File: 74c78b1d20ad768⋯.png (866.72 KB, 950x500, 19:10, CheckmateHillary.png)

File: 65b3a831d22381a⋯.jpg (15.2 KB, 276x182, 138:91, CheckmateObama.jpg)

File: 8add17076d65000⋯.png (133.71 KB, 719x470, 719:470, ChelseaFraudster.png)

File: 21ae05610892b13⋯.jpg (96.93 KB, 468x632, 117:158, ChelseaShopping.jpg)


e03469 No.45231

File: 90bbcf1d342158a⋯.jpg (10.8 KB, 224x224, 1:1, ChristForYou.jpg)

File: 9aad5495e3925d2⋯.png (460.25 KB, 876x492, 73:41, CNNAnchorReads.png)

File: 2e828d22f1469a3⋯.jpg (21.4 KB, 500x417, 500:417, CNNBirdcage.jpg)

File: aa57cee25861a19⋯.png (467.43 KB, 877x830, 877:830, CNNFakeHeadline.png)

File: aadf30c00f7fb8f⋯.jpg (166.58 KB, 888x499, 888:499, CNNListentoUs.jpg)


e03469 No.45234

File: 20cbd5386555f63⋯.jpg (35.58 KB, 500x417, 500:417, CNNMockingbird.jpg)

File: c2e1f79f9db8ee0⋯.jpg (35.15 KB, 500x417, 500:417, CNNPooper.jpg)

File: cf891c357344420⋯.jpg (24.77 KB, 500x417, 500:417, CNNPropaganda.jpg)

File: 4a4e2f477998a59⋯.jpg (52.69 KB, 500x500, 1:1, CNNRain.jpg)

File: ae8652086ce34e7⋯.png (183.28 KB, 560x316, 140:79, CNNSayWhatImTold.png)

from 51

e03469 No.45237

File: 11e6881ca8f6eda⋯.png (424.78 KB, 500x375, 4:3, CNNStandby.png)

File: 9aeb600f4d66f34⋯.jpg (22.08 KB, 560x316, 140:79, CNNTemplate1.jpg)

File: 80cae00fbc4d773⋯.jpg (245.8 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, CNNTemplate2.jpg)

File: a46331961c30dec⋯.jpg (209.19 KB, 876x492, 73:41, CNNTemplate3.jpg)

File: 52802e3c2098f8c⋯.png (37.64 KB, 1850x1008, 925:504, CNNTemplate4.png)


e03469 No.45239

File: b5bf9f8b812555d⋯.jpg (101.45 KB, 667x500, 667:500, Conspiracy2.jpg)

File: 33c0550631b8c25⋯.png (308.55 KB, 662x371, 662:371, Conspiracy3.png)

File: c6060d3a57422af⋯.jpg (88.75 KB, 881x486, 881:486, Conspiracy4.jpg)

File: fccef4d7cbb3a95⋯.png (169.22 KB, 800x448, 25:14, Conspiracy5.png)

File: b87d2967234a8cb⋯.jpg (97.36 KB, 922x500, 461:250, Conspiracy11.jpg)

e03469 No.45242

File: 75bd3db20c99f28⋯.jpg (77.82 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ConspiracyCheckmate.jpg)

File: 3541a7dad7167a6⋯.png (130.97 KB, 534x208, 267:104, ConspiracyCrystalClear.png)

File: 7338825e249a673⋯.jpg (84.56 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ConspiracyStory.jpg)

File: c65d92286cf70a0⋯.jpeg (43.74 KB, 640x529, 640:529, ConspiracyWasRight.jpeg)

File: 740e466cce5706b⋯.png (628.36 KB, 888x499, 888:499, FakeNewsAwardALL.png)

e03469 No.45243

File: 2bf4578aa33f8e0⋯.jpg (44.46 KB, 348x605, 348:605, FakeNewsAwardCNN1.jpg)

File: 55e0e7cba719625⋯.jpg (142.24 KB, 922x499, 922:499, FakeNewsAwardNominees.jpg)

File: e9878c27ad20016⋯.png (191.15 KB, 960x540, 16:9, FakeNewsBelieve.png)

File: 7ff6a4f3d399d1c⋯.jpg (53.24 KB, 509x500, 509:500, FakeNewsCant.jpg)

File: db55aa2e29943be⋯.png (107.64 KB, 480x360, 4:3, FakeNewsDifficulties.png)

e03469 No.45247

File: cfdae54123f1099⋯.png (336.85 KB, 608x500, 152:125, FakeNewsMSMDead.png)

File: 9a132c46625d0e2⋯.png (184.36 KB, 504x348, 42:29, FakeNewsMSMDie2018.png)

File: 15f72b5468fcb35⋯.png (240.64 KB, 676x755, 676:755, FakeNewsWSJ.png)

File: 5b627f15dfcc4ce⋯.jpg (108.66 KB, 664x441, 664:441, Georgy.jpg)

File: 5f04fc379efa474⋯.png (339.21 KB, 575x384, 575:384, GeorgyReckoning.png)

e03469 No.45251

File: eeffeb7b1c8f050⋯.jpg (455.76 KB, 800x1282, 400:641, GWExecutioner.jpg)

File: 6a99a96ab484f15⋯.jpeg (58.17 KB, 750x1013, 750:1013, HaitiSilsbyAlert.jpeg)

File: 822ba3ba0e0661e⋯.jpg (96.93 KB, 1125x631, 1125:631, HillarySpyTrump.jpg)

File: f677d21042928b7⋯.jpg (62.94 KB, 720x481, 720:481, Hinckley.jpg)

File: 6eb22f86842b113⋯.png (129.13 KB, 314x620, 157:310, HollywoodAnsari.png)

e03469 No.45253

File: cb96c5b6b21d400⋯.jpeg (72.24 KB, 633x397, 633:397, HRCweHang.jpeg)

File: b45b2566ce02ca8⋯.jpg (321.68 KB, 750x498, 125:83, IG1.jpg)

File: 8ea4530048569fe⋯.png (436.83 KB, 859x575, 859:575, Jack.png)

File: bde10b017c9822f⋯.jpg (85.34 KB, 500x938, 250:469, LoopExecutioner.jpg)

File: f7e967d76981e15⋯.jpg (25.6 KB, 550x350, 11:7, MichelleWhop.jpg)

e03469 No.45255

File: a61f890e4922a00⋯.jpg (134.54 KB, 772x499, 772:499, NoShutdownMilNeeds.jpg)

File: 0aa6c8d56437f58⋯.jpg (131.69 KB, 695x960, 139:192, PatriotResist.jpg)

File: ff0050ce221cda5⋯.png (273.49 KB, 600x402, 100:67, PelosiBribes2.png)

File: 5bd1f9199fa60dc⋯.png (360.34 KB, 500x519, 500:519, PelosiRich.png)

File: 65ae4df82dad0eb⋯.jpg (86.23 KB, 960x880, 12:11, PissOff.jpg)

e03469 No.45258

File: da928db1652fb1d⋯.jpeg (127.49 KB, 682x1000, 341:500, PodestaCry.jpeg)

File: 1065e00e6512b71⋯.jpg (143.93 KB, 952x500, 238:125, POTUSBernieSupporters.jpg)

File: f9f8ee050793330⋯.jpeg (526.1 KB, 1668x2224, 3:4, Side-by-SideTwitter.jpeg)

File: c4df5f891545954⋯.jpg (107.07 KB, 600x800, 3:4, StabHillary.jpg)

File: 256b94f5fe55e45⋯.png (435.21 KB, 518x709, 518:709, TrumpMemeWar.png)

e03469 No.45260

File: ec81134ee77ade1⋯.jpg (512.37 KB, 1971x1479, 657:493, TwitterBye.jpg)

File: 235a114c9e36796⋯.png (447.31 KB, 856x571, 856:571, twitterDorseyShithole.png)

File: d2e379f0a90a06b⋯.jpeg (79.11 KB, 466x604, 233:302, Vaccin3.jpeg)

File: 713ddcc79d8ecbc⋯.jpeg (129.31 KB, 960x752, 60:47, Vaccine2.jpeg)

File: e8ab24e0c78653b⋯.jpg (124.16 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Vaccine-DONTget.jpg)

e03469 No.45262

File: 7fc3a6579565347⋯.jpeg (33.19 KB, 405x405, 1:1, VaccineFluShot.jpeg)

File: 37a41fd758b7c74⋯.jpeg (102.6 KB, 600x909, 200:303, VaccineMercury.jpeg)

File: da8a35c47e6f11b⋯.jpeg (697.12 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, VaccineVsNatural.jpeg)

File: f14650aba86bffa⋯.jpg (30.91 KB, 480x360, 4:3, WeThePeople.jpg)

987853 No.45311

File: e132136bfad92e5⋯.jpg (242.41 KB, 1195x805, 239:161, fakenewsawards.jpg)

File: 0f376b8d81d4483⋯.jpg (427.62 KB, 1900x1600, 19:16, fakenewsawards2.jpg)

987853 No.45350

File: 13c160431ceb0ff⋯.jpg (241.4 KB, 1195x805, 239:161, fakenewsawards_trump.jpg)

987853 No.45438

File: 9a8df41213d7ecf⋯.jpg (109.15 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Trump_says_mean_things.jpg)

8d5c2d No.45439


Make it easy for normies to understand. They know snowden, they know NSA spied. They don't know the 5 eyes.

Try it like the format presented

Don't forget

The NSA spying on US citizens was once a conspiracy theory too

It hits easier for them

b75912 No.45467



Q is outright asking you to make memes in:

>Side_by_Side (graphic form):

specifically about:

>BDT/False Flag posts vs actual news of bomb attempt (NYC)_


>DEFCON 1 posts vs H scare_

and that the two items above are primary targets for memes

[2] above represent PRIMARY indicators.

secondary targets are:

>SEC indicators = Posts:Tweets:Time





c53749 No.45553

File: 292a8a707e400ee⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 1780x2748, 445:687, fake news awards.jpg)

fe0c36 No.45682

File: 56a452da146b7cf⋯.jpg (12.68 KB, 238x320, 119:160, 22nu9r.jpg)

File: 22f160e4c3fc449⋯.jpg (12.68 KB, 238x320, 119:160, 22nu89.jpg)

File: f6d8546d6d6e08a⋯.jpg (28.27 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 22nub1.jpg)

File: 51fe7ade229e953⋯.jpg (24.88 KB, 198x498, 33:83, 22nuf9.jpg)

File: 6704c33c8b549f8⋯.jpg (26.19 KB, 306x439, 306:439, 46BE65D000000578-5121933-i….jpg)

fe0c36 No.45683

File: 28963e06db4bd34⋯.jpg (9.43 KB, 238x320, 119:160, 81QpfWg CrL._AC_UL320_SR23….jpg)

File: 8dbc344582e2f29⋯.jpg (39.8 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 229wpx.jpg)

File: 4e5af286e1a319e⋯.jpg (40.17 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 229x0u.jpg)

File: cd191e54ccf4ad1⋯.jpg (27.66 KB, 367x449, 367:449, 229x3o.jpg)

File: 3cefbf4996ad994⋯.jpg (60.81 KB, 367x450, 367:450, 52712gs-horses-rear-bobble….jpg)

fe0c36 No.45685

File: 4a5760ef13c342a⋯.jpg (30.42 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 229xan.jpg)

File: 7d2f601e8650362⋯.jpg (9.57 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 229xea.jpg)

File: 0bfdbca55070c67⋯.jpg (24.67 KB, 223x600, 223:600, 229xsz.jpg)

File: d33a9b1d66744e3⋯.jpg (94.44 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 7614 (1).jpg)

File: 3b493eed712ca00⋯.jpg (32.03 KB, 768x768, 1:1, Bouraine_Art_Deco_clown_br….jpg)

fe0c36 No.45691

File: d3e9954104c137c⋯.png (125.79 KB, 198x498, 33:83, Fake News Award 5.png)

File: b6103e0860f0871⋯.jpg (23.94 KB, 500x500, 1:1, funny-trophies-v29vtr.jpg)

File: d71210279a19bfc⋯.jpg (7.46 KB, 250x250, 1:1, RS90s-cup-trophy.jpg)

File: 9293aa7cd64e99a⋯.jpg (111.14 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 22nsl3.jpg)

fe0c36 No.45749

File: 183e694db73b5d7⋯.jpg (91.38 KB, 726x500, 363:250, 22nv5z.jpg)

File: 45944a131f655bf⋯.jpg (94.45 KB, 726x500, 363:250, 22nv6y.jpg)

File: 2ea44a28d75e5e5⋯.jpg (92.9 KB, 726x500, 363:250, 22nv53.jpg)

File: da12757998fcefa⋯.jpg (15.4 KB, 223x600, 223:600, 05aa6fd8b0bf3795e90e0aba84….jpg)

566174 No.45865

File: 2fd0d9ef4821aa8⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1600x1106, 800:553, fakenewsawards.png)

d2ae7e No.45888

File: a67a8bcc6196161⋯.png (655.41 KB, 752x500, 188:125, M 0071.png)

File: 2ce1abba7c7aec6⋯.png (575.72 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, M 0075.png)

File: dc4050270e79cf5⋯.png (284.53 KB, 666x500, 333:250, M 0076.png)

File: b5a55315c2408b0⋯.png (598.74 KB, 671x500, 671:500, M 0077.png)

File: 7f2f0bc94a900cc⋯.png (171.72 KB, 301x225, 301:225, M 0078.png)

d2ae7e No.45897

File: 939808ff1720b1b⋯.png (1018.89 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, M 0072 miller vs tapper.png)

File: 2bef25c919eb293⋯.png (69.79 KB, 300x300, 1:1, M 0073.png)

File: 907478b712fbef7⋯.png (76.37 KB, 432x340, 108:85, M 0074.png)

fe0c36 No.45928

File: 5980c9032aef42d⋯.jpg (136.91 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 22nvy1.jpg)

File: ac44b3146db6b89⋯.jpg (141.8 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 22nvyu.jpg)

File: c4c23109c29a183⋯.jpg (123.23 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 22nwbj.jpg)

File: 9bf1db30e195779⋯.jpg (126.53 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 22nwev.jpg)

950203 No.46069

File: 293a756b1b992c4⋯.jpg (15.45 KB, 216x288, 3:4, enema.jpg)

File: c11f0973b562686⋯.jpg (216.65 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, gitmo.jpg)

File: 870a2845a745969⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1250x834, 625:417, puppet.png)

File: 252d86be5b89712⋯.jpg (303.65 KB, 1098x791, 1098:791, bombing1_001.jpg)

File: 90bfdc078ff78db⋯.jpg (169.51 KB, 1131x545, 1131:545, cnn.jpg)

078ecd No.46256

File: f4226d374d7919b⋯.jpeg (85.71 KB, 500x702, 250:351, download.jpeg)

9bb35a No.46258

File: b1e0fe9c606c0a6⋯.png (2.96 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, TrumpTaxes2.png)

Checking legibility before I continue.

Assuming we're using #FakeNews?

c53749 No.46280

File: a3a83d61a41c83d⋯.jpg (612.07 KB, 539x1000, 539:1000, haiti 8 years on.jpg)

9bb35a No.46298

File: f96a4d5dcccd7a2⋯.png (916.2 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, TrumpTaxesResized.png)

File: 0c0a49cb6d11a3e⋯.jpg (644.76 KB, 1208x680, 151:85, 1512698902457.jpg)


Already fucked up.

Here's the sizing for Twitter. As long as this is legible I will post the rest as a batch to avoid flooding the thread.

BTW hopefully this graphic is accurate, posting for those interested.

078ecd No.46321

File: d0101fee96425d1⋯.jpg (33.49 KB, 367x449, 367:449, 22o1vb.jpg)

a5b622 No.46334

File: c6b70ec6e4f5b19⋯.jpg (107.48 KB, 779x500, 779:500, cnndems.jpg)

File: 890e6afed529f4e⋯.jpg (111.96 KB, 779x500, 779:500, cnncf.jpg)

File: d0fd61ae32a21f1⋯.jpg (110.07 KB, 779x500, 779:500, cnn awan.jpg)

File: e77759c2e28583c⋯.jpg (108.12 KB, 779x500, 779:500, cnniran.jpg)

a5b622 No.46336

File: 54d0442f48f485b⋯.jpg (107.14 KB, 779x500, 779:500, cnnu1.jpg)

File: 635084f789396e0⋯.jpg (101.6 KB, 500x637, 500:637, cnntrump.jpg)

File: 126b0452a090c9d⋯.jpg (93.72 KB, 500x637, 500:637, cnntrump2.jpg)

File: 629b0b914e7db08⋯.jpg (75.74 KB, 881x499, 881:499, cnnlying.jpg)

e825f3 No.46378

Slow fag here. Thank you for all the memes and the directions how to post on Twitter w/o doxing. (Thread 54 general). I believe I am ready to join the fight.

e825f3 No.46382


love it

67e63f No.46717

File: b185d6b74a2cf3a⋯.jpg (160.58 KB, 640x624, 40:39, BushSonHinckley.jpg)

File: 74c78b1d20ad768⋯.png (866.72 KB, 950x500, 19:10, CheckmateHillary.png)

File: 65b3a831d22381a⋯.jpg (15.2 KB, 276x182, 138:91, CheckmateObama.jpg)

File: 8add17076d65000⋯.png (133.71 KB, 719x470, 719:470, ChelseaFraudster.png)

File: 21ae05610892b13⋯.jpg (96.93 KB, 468x632, 117:158, ChelseaShopping.jpg)


67e63f No.46718

File: 90bbcf1d342158a⋯.jpg (10.8 KB, 224x224, 1:1, ChristForYou.jpg)

File: 9aad5495e3925d2⋯.png (460.25 KB, 876x492, 73:41, CNNAnchorReads.png)

File: 2e828d22f1469a3⋯.jpg (21.4 KB, 500x417, 500:417, CNNBirdcage.jpg)

File: 5df548bb046d3cc⋯.jpg (136.92 KB, 700x1039, 700:1039, CNNBirdseed.jpg)

File: aa57cee25861a19⋯.png (467.43 KB, 877x830, 877:830, CNNFakeHeadline.png)

67e63f No.46719

File: a90fdfa7307708e⋯.jpg (104.39 KB, 700x1039, 700:1039, CNNfree.jpg)

File: aadf30c00f7fb8f⋯.jpg (166.58 KB, 888x499, 888:499, CNNListentoUs.jpg)

File: 20cbd5386555f63⋯.jpg (35.58 KB, 500x417, 500:417, CNNMockingbird.jpg)

File: c2e1f79f9db8ee0⋯.jpg (35.15 KB, 500x417, 500:417, CNNPooper.jpg)

File: cf891c357344420⋯.jpg (24.77 KB, 500x417, 500:417, CNNPropaganda.jpg)

67e63f No.46723

File: 4a4e2f477998a59⋯.jpg (52.69 KB, 500x500, 1:1, CNNRain.jpg)

File: ae8652086ce34e7⋯.png (183.28 KB, 560x316, 140:79, CNNSayWhatImTold.png)

File: 11e6881ca8f6eda⋯.png (424.78 KB, 500x375, 4:3, CNNStandby.png)

File: 9aeb600f4d66f34⋯.jpg (22.08 KB, 560x316, 140:79, CNNTemplate1.jpg)

File: 80cae00fbc4d773⋯.jpg (245.8 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, CNNTemplate2.jpg)

67e63f No.46726

File: a46331961c30dec⋯.jpg (209.19 KB, 876x492, 73:41, CNNTemplate3.jpg)

File: 52802e3c2098f8c⋯.png (37.64 KB, 1850x1008, 925:504, CNNTemplate4.png)

File: b5bf9f8b812555d⋯.jpg (101.45 KB, 667x500, 667:500, Conspiracy2.jpg)

File: 33c0550631b8c25⋯.png (308.55 KB, 662x371, 662:371, Conspiracy3.png)

File: c6060d3a57422af⋯.jpg (88.75 KB, 881x486, 881:486, Conspiracy4.jpg)

67e63f No.46732

File: fccef4d7cbb3a95⋯.png (169.22 KB, 800x448, 25:14, Conspiracy5.png)

File: b87d2967234a8cb⋯.jpg (97.36 KB, 922x500, 461:250, Conspiracy11.jpg)

File: 75bd3db20c99f28⋯.jpg (77.82 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ConspiracyCheckmate.jpg)

File: 3541a7dad7167a6⋯.png (130.97 KB, 534x208, 267:104, ConspiracyCrystalClear.png)

File: 7338825e249a673⋯.jpg (84.56 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ConspiracyStory.jpg)

67e63f No.46734

File: c65d92286cf70a0⋯.jpeg (43.74 KB, 640x529, 640:529, ConspiracyWasRight.jpeg)

File: 740e466cce5706b⋯.png (628.36 KB, 888x499, 888:499, FakeNewsAwardALL.png)

File: 2bf4578aa33f8e0⋯.jpg (44.46 KB, 348x605, 348:605, FakeNewsAwardCNN1.jpg)

File: 55e0e7cba719625⋯.jpg (142.24 KB, 922x499, 922:499, FakeNewsAwardNominees.jpg)

File: e9878c27ad20016⋯.png (191.15 KB, 960x540, 16:9, FakeNewsBelieve.png)

67e63f No.46737

File: 7ff6a4f3d399d1c⋯.jpg (53.24 KB, 509x500, 509:500, FakeNewsCant.jpg)

File: 612a3949efcd0f6⋯.jpg (402.01 KB, 889x1200, 889:1200, FakeNewsDick1.jpg)

File: 092910ad1404572⋯.jpg (15.02 KB, 355x355, 1:1, FakeNewsDick2.jpg)

File: 741597d1c05d42f⋯.jpg (451.67 KB, 1024x990, 512:495, FakeNewsDick3.jpg)

File: 70f284f3724ccfc⋯.jpg (19.04 KB, 570x629, 570:629, FakeNewsDick4.jpg)

67e63f No.46740

File: a435baca96aacd2⋯.jpg (5.04 KB, 255x191, 255:191, FakeNewsDick5.jpg)

File: db55aa2e29943be⋯.png (107.64 KB, 480x360, 4:3, FakeNewsDifficulties.png)

File: cfdae54123f1099⋯.png (336.85 KB, 608x500, 152:125, FakeNewsMSMDead.png)

File: 9a132c46625d0e2⋯.png (184.36 KB, 504x348, 42:29, FakeNewsMSMDie2018.png)

File: 15f72b5468fcb35⋯.png (240.64 KB, 676x755, 676:755, FakeNewsWSJ.png)

67e63f No.46743

File: 5b627f15dfcc4ce⋯.jpg (108.66 KB, 664x441, 664:441, Georgy.jpg)

File: 5f04fc379efa474⋯.png (339.21 KB, 575x384, 575:384, GeorgyReckoning.png)

File: eeffeb7b1c8f050⋯.jpg (455.76 KB, 800x1282, 400:641, GWExecutioner.jpg)

File: 6a99a96ab484f15⋯.jpeg (58.17 KB, 750x1013, 750:1013, HaitiSilsbyAlert.jpeg)

File: 822ba3ba0e0661e⋯.jpg (96.93 KB, 1125x631, 1125:631, HillarySpyTrump.jpg)

67e63f No.46748

File: f677d21042928b7⋯.jpg (62.94 KB, 720x481, 720:481, Hinckley.jpg)

File: 6eb22f86842b113⋯.png (129.13 KB, 314x620, 157:310, HollywoodAnsari.png)

File: cb96c5b6b21d400⋯.jpeg (72.24 KB, 633x397, 633:397, HRCweHang.jpeg)

File: b45b2566ce02ca8⋯.jpg (321.68 KB, 750x498, 125:83, IG1.jpg)

File: 8ea4530048569fe⋯.png (436.83 KB, 859x575, 859:575, Jack.png)

67e63f No.46752

File: f677d21042928b7⋯.jpg (62.94 KB, 720x481, 720:481, Hinckley.jpg)

File: 6eb22f86842b113⋯.png (129.13 KB, 314x620, 157:310, HollywoodAnsari.png)

File: cb96c5b6b21d400⋯.jpeg (72.24 KB, 633x397, 633:397, HRCweHang.jpeg)

File: b45b2566ce02ca8⋯.jpg (321.68 KB, 750x498, 125:83, IG1.jpg)

File: 8ea4530048569fe⋯.png (436.83 KB, 859x575, 859:575, Jack.png)

67e63f No.46756

File: bde10b017c9822f⋯.jpg (85.34 KB, 500x938, 250:469, LoopExecutioner.jpg)

File: f7e967d76981e15⋯.jpg (25.6 KB, 550x350, 11:7, MichelleWhop.jpg)

File: a61f890e4922a00⋯.jpg (134.54 KB, 772x499, 772:499, NoShutdownMilNeeds.jpg)

File: 0aa6c8d56437f58⋯.jpg (131.69 KB, 695x960, 139:192, PatriotResist.jpg)

File: ff0050ce221cda5⋯.png (273.49 KB, 600x402, 100:67, PelosiBribes2.png)

9bb35a No.46758

File: db7c059ed8b3218⋯.png (518.55 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, ABCFlynn.png)

File: 5d326153d07ff1f⋯.png (631.32 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, Testimony.png)

File: 776029d0a88594d⋯.png (211.37 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, DOW.png)

File: e823a4c3421f3c0⋯.png (761.74 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, HealthQuestions.png)

File: 418efb093411a76⋯.png (222.67 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, Sourcesabcadded.png)

Alright lads here's the rest of tonight's effort

Will try to make some more tomorrow… Doesn't seem like there's any end to possible content.

67e63f No.46760

File: 5bd1f9199fa60dc⋯.png (360.34 KB, 500x519, 500:519, PelosiRich.png)

File: 65ae4df82dad0eb⋯.jpg (86.23 KB, 960x880, 12:11, PissOff.jpg)

File: da928db1652fb1d⋯.jpeg (127.49 KB, 682x1000, 341:500, PodestaCry.jpeg)

File: 1065e00e6512b71⋯.jpg (143.93 KB, 952x500, 238:125, POTUSBernieSupporters.jpg)

File: f9f8ee050793330⋯.jpeg (526.1 KB, 1668x2224, 3:4, Side-by-SideTwitter.jpeg)

67e63f No.46766

File: c4df5f891545954⋯.jpg (107.07 KB, 600x800, 3:4, StabHillary.jpg)

File: 256b94f5fe55e45⋯.png (435.21 KB, 518x709, 518:709, TrumpMemeWar.png)

File: ec81134ee77ade1⋯.jpg (512.37 KB, 1971x1479, 657:493, TwitterBye.jpg)

File: 235a114c9e36796⋯.png (447.31 KB, 856x571, 856:571, twitterDorseyShithole.png)

File: d2e379f0a90a06b⋯.jpeg (79.11 KB, 466x604, 233:302, Vaccin3.jpeg)

67e63f No.46770

File: 713ddcc79d8ecbc⋯.jpeg (129.31 KB, 960x752, 60:47, Vaccine2.jpeg)

File: e8ab24e0c78653b⋯.jpg (124.16 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Vaccine-DONTget.jpg)

File: 7fc3a6579565347⋯.jpeg (33.19 KB, 405x405, 1:1, VaccineFluShot.jpeg)

File: 37a41fd758b7c74⋯.jpeg (102.6 KB, 600x909, 200:303, VaccineMercury.jpeg)

File: da8a35c47e6f11b⋯.jpeg (697.12 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, VaccineVsNatural.jpeg)

67e63f No.46774

File: f14650aba86bffa⋯.jpg (30.91 KB, 480x360, 4:3, WeThePeople.jpg)

67e63f No.46921

File: a22db7a359421c7⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1870x982, 935:491, ClipboardImage.png)



Through tempest, storm,

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.


Meme Repository is Updated thru Thread #51 (as of 10:20 AM EST)

Image Library mega.nz/#F!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg

You can get your ammo from Memes#9 >>32311 (and previous threads) or, if you prefer, in bulk from the Image Library by category.

Recent categories focus:



Fake News

Fake News Awards

We the People






Retired-Resigned CEOs+Congress



Inspector General Horowitz

No Govt Shutdown


Treason - Traitor - Corruption

Redpill - Truth

Hawaii Missile

(Clinton Foundation corruption is in two places, some under Shithole-Haiti-ClintonFoundation with the focus on what happened in Haiti, some under Clinton Foundation for general corruption.)

There you can preview images sorted by category before downloading, download single images, folders, or all. Try it; you'll like it!

a9f77f No.46946

File: 1f0b64b9acd672e⋯.png (847.12 KB, 1272x714, 212:119, qfire2.png)

File: 00f0e30a9df9e88⋯.png (844.79 KB, 1272x714, 212:119, qfire.png)

67e63f No.46986

File: 0c0a49cb6d11a3e⋯.jpg (644.76 KB, 1208x680, 151:85, IMAGE SIZE GUIDE.jpg)




0460e1 No.46992


great work anon. one error: "5 days in advance" not "advanced."

f0ec01 No.46996

File: e35a894ea82403b⋯.jpg (38.52 KB, 290x420, 29:42, 22o71s.jpg)

File: 1e5d7a8bdd3e8fa⋯.jpg (51.91 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 22o6pb.jpg)

0460e1 No.47000



0460e1 No.47011


Remember, int'l anon: SA then US then Asia then EU.

It doesn't stop with us, and we're with you!

9ae3e2 No.47113

File: a2216eab25a50b3⋯.jpg (535.72 KB, 1318x921, 1318:921, Hawaii False Flag Stopped.jpg)

0460e1 No.47169


welcome, new meme anon!

950203 No.47373

File: 99d464c0ca3fee4⋯.jpg (56.73 KB, 468x376, 117:94, coop2.jpg)

File: 339144ac255e253⋯.jpg (679.3 KB, 1461x2050, 1461:2050, download (1).jpg)

File: 34cd55420f1342f⋯.jpg (562.26 KB, 1920x1238, 960:619, download (2).jpg)

File: 650639a40cecc74⋯.jpg (382.06 KB, 1298x799, 1298:799, download (11).jpg)

File: 02176d653d184ca⋯.png (564.07 KB, 661x583, 661:583, reality.PNG)

0460e1 No.47397

File: b787db6077dfb95⋯.png (410.92 KB, 660x393, 220:131, cnn.2.png)

7fd6c7 No.47429

File: a1309741e329995⋯.jpg (78.28 KB, 500x623, 500:623, 22oaac.jpg)

Ok. Need honest feedback. Trying to go right for the nostalgia/feelz. I've used Fred in the past for red pilling. Is this clear enough to make normies curious?

9bb35a No.47467

File: 565a86724a7be67⋯.png (240.58 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, Yum.png)

File: aa8da90e9b060c1⋯.png (669.75 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, MaxineW.png)

File: ff14292c414c9f9⋯.png (819.54 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, PopIt.png)

File: 16735b6e1780ad0⋯.png (894.83 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, WishyWashy.png)

Can't sleep

Perhaps more memes is the solution

a9f77f No.47559

File: c7591f1ce7f4e45⋯.png (508.93 KB, 880x499, 880:499, cnn1.png)

a60f97 No.47583

File: dc81493a6231d1d⋯.jpeg (7.18 MB, 3934x2934, 1967:1467, DBD4666B-F47E-4E9B-A1FC-3….jpeg)

a9f77f No.47611

File: e2ba0875f79efa4⋯.png (507.96 KB, 880x499, 880:499, cnn2.png)

0460e1 No.47614

File: 625709af112e83f⋯.png (420.21 KB, 395x548, 395:548, newsweek1.png)

67e63f No.47619

File: d2de6bbe3b27243⋯.jpg (37.12 KB, 640x400, 8:5, 911remember.jpg)

File: 57f7701fc1e93bc⋯.jpg (30.17 KB, 299x319, 299:319, Adr1.jpg)

File: d0e70c6256961e7⋯.jpg (280.23 KB, 1080x1950, 36:65, Adr2.jpg)

File: 309e572458bcb4b⋯.jpg (58.63 KB, 720x405, 16:9, Awaken.jpg)

File: 7a4181d252dbf12⋯.png (247.44 KB, 600x337, 600:337, AWakeup.png)

67e63f No.47623

File: 7b1d895d02dc2f4⋯.jpg (241.75 KB, 1440x1303, 1440:1303, BernieSportscar.jpg)

File: 5f27c1e2fe0e7a1⋯.jpg (111.36 KB, 692x706, 346:353, BlackmailHefVids.jpg)

File: 8793e26d5da2a39⋯.jpg (71.38 KB, 598x500, 299:250, BootContagious.jpg)

File: 2f830233f53549d⋯.jpg (124.58 KB, 876x1197, 292:399, BushDubyaStateSecrets.jpg)

File: 92b9d56fb085a6a⋯.png (263.49 KB, 320x432, 20:27, Checkm.png)

67e63f No.47625

File: a6c93da491d4ab0⋯.jpg (129.47 KB, 750x499, 750:499, ChelseaHRCLostRigged.jpg)

File: ca346752db57f2d⋯.jpg (105.14 KB, 890x500, 89:50, ClintonRapist.jpg)

File: 48668821bc7f126⋯.jpg (104.01 KB, 933x445, 933:445, CNNAirplane.jpg)

File: e3b7dcd45964b1c⋯.jpg (93 KB, 898x463, 898:463, CNNDishonest.jpg)

File: 9631b5f4f2e29be⋯.jpeg (495.58 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, CNNfake.jpeg)

67e63f No.47628

File: 9281c7faf5fb5fc⋯.png (663.92 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, CNNFake101.png)

File: 7736e7a177da1b9⋯.jpeg (319.71 KB, 1536x1731, 512:577, CNNfakecoke.jpeg)

File: c7369fefb8273ce⋯.jpg (30.09 KB, 560x316, 140:79, CNNFakenose.jpg)

File: bf0f868ea155a17⋯.jpg (168.63 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, CNNfool.jpg)

File: 964b4d338d480f6⋯.png (174.81 KB, 600x421, 600:421, CNNlie.png)

078ecd No.47631

File: 5daa8a497f2e280⋯.jpg (79.16 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 22oc31.jpg)

67e63f No.47635

File: 329ecf2f974ea38⋯.png (660.61 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, CNNlieshere.png)

File: 8f8e555be6a4455⋯.png (961 KB, 898x500, 449:250, CNNLoser.png)

File: 34fd7bb4a18773b⋯.jpg (81.66 KB, 888x499, 888:499, CNNno.jpg)

File: 879fe6de36831bf⋯.jpg (107.75 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, CNNno1.jpg)

File: ce647ed13e6ec37⋯.jpg (334.07 KB, 1440x2362, 720:1181, CNNpsych.jpg)

67e63f No.47640

File: 1e6d89174536a98⋯.jpg (47.77 KB, 500x500, 1:1, CNNRain.jpg)

File: 6fefae674c8797d⋯.jpg (457.05 KB, 1080x772, 270:193, CNNShithole.jpg)

File: 6729f40dd994822⋯.png (662.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, CNNShithole.png)

File: 5581b9b7b749d7e⋯.jpg (48.67 KB, 594x396, 3:2, CNNtorch.jpg)

File: cfd5d25fb554cea⋯.jpg (531.98 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, Corrupt.jpg)

67e63f No.47645

File: ca18f15ddedf2d6⋯.png (26.96 KB, 812x332, 203:83, CrystalClear1.png)

File: 511fd3b111c4ea0⋯.jpg (95.7 KB, 700x500, 7:5, DeepStateLies.jpg)

File: 2663f7ceb34f3a2⋯.jpeg (137.66 KB, 600x477, 200:159, DemsKKK1924.jpeg)

File: 6c3862db06d6e39⋯.jpg (80.16 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Fake1.jpg)

File: e09523c6c8365c7⋯.jpg (80.25 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Fake2.jpg)

67e63f No.47646

File: e09523c6c8365c7⋯.jpg (80.25 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Fake3.jpg)

File: 0fdfe6c970ffd74⋯.jpg (80.36 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Fake4.jpg)

File: 476ba469638b6ab⋯.jpg (82.75 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Fake5.jpg)

File: 5affa341397468f⋯.jpg (77.12 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Fake6.jpg)

File: 38e31491265c425⋯.jpg (115.74 KB, 909x508, 909:508, FakeAwards40.jpg)

67e63f No.47650

File: 4c910eb6e9f97bc⋯.jpg (70.93 KB, 700x393, 700:393, FakeNews50.jpg)

File: 7b72a9ef36c3799⋯.jpeg (191.57 KB, 992x919, 992:919, FakeNewsActors.jpeg)

File: 080dad41d007dcc⋯.png (501.41 KB, 600x801, 200:267, FakeNewsAwardReady.png)

File: b6772dcf01a3471⋯.jpg (86.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, FakeNewsAwards2017.jpg)

File: fcfc08328cda8f9⋯.jpg (117.73 KB, 500x612, 125:153, FakeNewsAwardsBreitbart.jpg)

67e63f No.47652

File: 4418dc6103ad5d0⋯.png (183.09 KB, 296x337, 296:337, FakeNewsAwardsMEMERs.png)

File: 362c8a9401dc20c⋯.jpg (92.05 KB, 500x666, 250:333, FakeNewsAwardTime.jpg)

File: 339474e803f1870⋯.jpg (83.29 KB, 640x480, 4:3, FakeNewsGM.jpg)

File: b49114f28581ef4⋯.jpg (84.63 KB, 640x480, 4:3, FakeNewsGM1.jpg)

File: 761fc73373fc7fe⋯.jpg (111.05 KB, 887x499, 887:499, FakeNewsJoke.jpg)

67e63f No.47655

File: 9394d20ce53122d⋯.jpg (28.57 KB, 477x268, 477:268, FakeNewsPepe.jpg)

File: 54e669f231e221d⋯.jpg (75.53 KB, 645x499, 645:499, FakeNewsSpies.jpg)

File: 60d0a78b50c891e⋯.jpg (74.26 KB, 1029x500, 1029:500, FakeNYT.jpg)

File: af3160b6d6188cd⋯.jpeg (38.08 KB, 485x360, 97:72, FakePuppet1.jpeg)

File: ccd6a26bc610915⋯.jpeg (73.28 KB, 485x360, 97:72, FakePuppet2.jpeg)

67e63f No.47657

File: b22982972b70c59⋯.jpeg (73.92 KB, 485x360, 97:72, FakePuppet3.jpeg)

File: e5b0b9171e6b729⋯.jpg (151.26 KB, 720x693, 80:77, FeinsteinCover.jpg)

File: 375783e1c94bffb⋯.jpg (89.74 KB, 800x500, 8:5, FNAwa.jpg)

File: 1f92b69c6174f91⋯.jpg (70.92 KB, 480x480, 1:1, FNawardPussies.jpg)

File: c2a129112b9aa41⋯.png (181.08 KB, 299x400, 299:400, FNBattle.png)

67e63f No.47661

File: 02f2a54a3296dc2⋯.jpg (71.97 KB, 720x390, 24:13, FNInfowars.jpg)

File: 129f10efb73b74e⋯.jpg (132.97 KB, 500x829, 500:829, FNInvastion.jpg)

File: c20a35d4ad4a985⋯.jpg (76.18 KB, 720x472, 90:59, FNoff.jpg)

File: 45699cf8e87d3f7⋯.jpg (52.45 KB, 620x349, 620:349, FNShith.jpg)

File: 868a688ab867125⋯.jpg (80.16 KB, 527x514, 527:514, HaitiCFgoHome.jpg)

67e63f No.47664

File: 64cc575170a77c7⋯.jpg (345.29 KB, 1014x744, 169:124, HaitiChildTraffickingSilsb….jpg)

File: f608592ab0c4c3f⋯.jpg (155.23 KB, 789x875, 789:875, HawaiiMiss.jpg)

File: f1126cfdd637601⋯.jpg (139.3 KB, 789x875, 789:875, HawaiiMiss2.jpg)

File: e80e402ebb3b42d⋯.jpg (73.84 KB, 888x499, 888:499, HRCData.jpg)

File: efea6277f7d94ec⋯.jpg (104.67 KB, 637x623, 91:89, HRClostRigged.jpg)

67e63f No.47667

File: 31294f1d3257ee8⋯.png (456.99 KB, 600x434, 300:217, HRCNodeal.png)

File: 52ce9af3030cd6f⋯.png (734.87 KB, 858x572, 3:2, HRCObamaSlaveGrip.png)

File: 048d74e9eb9315d⋯.jpg (178.31 KB, 708x658, 354:329, HumanTraff.jpg)

File: 7dc1880a93765f3⋯.jpg (161.92 KB, 699x901, 699:901, IG2.jpg)

File: 7bc298af7400d4a⋯.png (47.44 KB, 450x252, 25:14, Lies1.png)

67e63f No.47670

File: 29cec28c3de27b1⋯.png (228.35 KB, 600x332, 150:83, Lies2.png)

File: a5e4f1faed7c550⋯.png (365.55 KB, 600x337, 600:337, Lies3.png)

File: 351be8b2336460a⋯.png (354.43 KB, 600x337, 600:337, Lies4.png)

File: ead4e90f1e28aef⋯.jpg (879.11 KB, 1668x1020, 139:85, LiesBelieve.jpg)

File: 718e955c3a0e5d7⋯.jpg (91.64 KB, 709x503, 709:503, LoopCall.jpg)

67e63f No.47673

File: 0b3daa82397bd83⋯.jpg (56.34 KB, 448x571, 448:571, LoopCap.jpg)

File: 5deced100c53cf4⋯.jpg (92.18 KB, 644x644, 1:1, LoopPresJesse.jpg)

File: f9bbaf246f4a9fc⋯.jpg (99.26 KB, 709x716, 709:716, MaxImp.jpg)

File: 1fffab693b0003f⋯.jpg (82.22 KB, 720x477, 80:53, MaxLoop.jpg)

File: 63dcefc73b7b894⋯.jpg (65.01 KB, 594x378, 11:7, Memewar1.jpg)

67e63f No.47677

File: 630907ec66a36bb⋯.jpg (105.5 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Memewar2.jpg)

File: 6a5e33f0679476d⋯.jpg (153.62 KB, 734x1024, 367:512, Memewar3.jpg)

File: b04fa5eb780a494⋯.jpg (252.2 KB, 1389x454, 1389:454, Memewar4.jpg)

File: 5aa79d58e80151e⋯.jpg (168.22 KB, 744x500, 186:125, Memewar5.jpg)

File: 3ed782ea0b1f40b⋯.jpg (83.76 KB, 500x622, 250:311, Memewar7.jpg)

67e63f No.47681

File: cc4b12a5986c359⋯.png (270.77 KB, 420x315, 4:3, Memewar8.png)

File: 622a8197cdfe3bf⋯.png (310.08 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Memewar9.png)

File: 3ea460324f82f34⋯.jpg (53.56 KB, 540x587, 540:587, MemeWar.jpg)

File: 70ec8612ade4a1f⋯.jpg (129.52 KB, 800x655, 160:131, MemeWar2.jpg)

File: ae957ce5b109bc5⋯.jpg (69.33 KB, 1080x360, 3:1, MemeWar3.jpg)

67e63f No.47683

File: 460f19b26ec7720⋯.jpg (119.41 KB, 767x763, 767:763, MemeWar5.jpg)

File: 5fb87dbc99318f2⋯.jpg (209.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, MemeWarBluntDirectTime.jpg)

File: 56693621a00cbfe⋯.jpg (101.66 KB, 847x489, 847:489, MemeWarDeplorables.jpg)

File: 142aa3473bef129⋯.png (8.93 KB, 1148x593, 1148:593, Mock1.png)

File: a2e584dc133f282⋯.png (8.99 KB, 1148x593, 1148:593, Mock2.png)

67e63f No.47688

File: 8d9fc4379e1ffe0⋯.jpeg (236.38 KB, 1140x642, 190:107, MS13dreamers.jpeg)

File: 89c5de67a18f1e7⋯.jpg (144.32 KB, 685x686, 685:686, MS13LoopEmploy.jpg)

File: 15739f96711f0b9⋯.jpg (38.49 KB, 600x446, 300:223, MS13Seth.jpg)

File: 5c9ddfdcdceb1b4⋯.jpg (35.84 KB, 460x264, 115:66, Munkboss.jpg)

File: 6138d78175f874d⋯.jpg (212.36 KB, 600x1466, 300:733, NoShut10.jpg)

67e63f No.47689

File: 1568d02e103a600⋯.jpg (212.51 KB, 1366x770, 683:385, NoShut11.jpg)

File: c482beba0f8f53f⋯.jpg (211.7 KB, 1366x770, 683:385, NoShut12.jpg)

File: d75e90f3e59880c⋯.jpg (51.4 KB, 530x359, 530:359, NYBomberPlayedYou.jpg)

File: 6ce9d1cfb84ad8b⋯.jpg (84.97 KB, 600x500, 6:5, NYCblew.jpg)

File: 54ae503a889bc91⋯.jpg (97 KB, 600x500, 6:5, NYC-Qknowsmore.jpg)

67e63f No.47693

File: 73f30f9de691634⋯.jpg (67.49 KB, 600x452, 150:113, Obama29MSingapore.jpg)

File: 250455d4e6566c4⋯.jpg (64.52 KB, 709x432, 709:432, OIGDeepState.jpg)

File: 693f65ce618f5a0⋯.png (446.11 KB, 865x508, 865:508, PatriotGodBless.png)

File: 994dcf159c3f6b3⋯.jpg (231.22 KB, 2160x720, 3:1, PatriotsStandup.jpg)

File: 6be539622740399⋯.jpg (347.15 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, PizzaMonster.jpg)

67e63f No.47699

File: 34b5ca53c92d8ec⋯.jpg (104.44 KB, 500x832, 125:208, Pizzatweet.jpg)

File: 89c0619ae683793⋯.png (383.77 KB, 659x371, 659:371, POTUS4-10-20.png)

File: 45ecea3b86ed97b⋯.jpeg (89.02 KB, 736x922, 368:461, PrayforPOTUS.jpeg)

File: c1b49378ffff308⋯.jpg (136.52 KB, 736x500, 184:125, Qcrumbs10.jpg)

File: 01a4e1dfb26896f⋯.jpg (160.91 KB, 731x500, 731:500, Qcrumbs11.jpg)

9e005f No.47706

File: accbf4f39273f7c⋯.png (887.48 KB, 827x466, 827:466, YODAAApe_re-read.PNG)

File: e5ca6b90f846963⋯.png (869.47 KB, 825x460, 165:92, YODAAApe_expand.PNG)

File: a08d99b9e517fbd⋯.png (887.92 KB, 819x459, 91:51, YODAAApe_sleep.PNG)

File: 949876d1bf29595⋯.png (887.5 KB, 820x459, 820:459, YODAAApe_relevant.PNG)

File: 039df16696d8540⋯.png (890.46 KB, 823x464, 823:464, YODAAApe_themap.PNG)

67e63f No.47711

File: 2d8d527080fdee5⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs10.png)

File: c4e1038cc119593⋯.png (735.43 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs11.png)

File: 5ab02d34cb6e4b0⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs12.png)

File: 8a2c853196d3f57⋯.png (856.46 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs13.png)

File: 71dfdebf5f2ed53⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1111x1666, 1111:1666, QCrumbs14.png)

9e005f No.47715

File: 5ecf136905d8482⋯.png (791.03 KB, 828x508, 207:127, BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE_why.PNG)

File: 2ba0b18a6839b62⋯.png (728.88 KB, 821x463, 821:463, BiggerGuantanamo.PNG)

File: 544e5421bd150b4⋯.jpg (108.09 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Ramsay_RedCross.jpg)

File: 742336e1f1ae7d5⋯.png (678.59 KB, 712x380, 178:95, LoganRothschild.PNG)

File: 8fce938bde9f570⋯.png (217.29 KB, 625x358, 625:358, They're coming to get you ….PNG)

67e63f No.47723

File: 2a2a2542273990c⋯.png (646.88 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs15.png)

File: 59a0ce126e8dd59⋯.png (1010.62 KB, 1111x1541, 1111:1541, QCrumbs16.png)

File: 2fa51cf0c40a14f⋯.png (998.86 KB, 1111x1541, 1111:1541, QCrumbs17.png)

File: ceb9ce52faea3db⋯.png (952.05 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs18.png)

File: 393e01616dadd01⋯.png (816.98 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs19.png)

9e005f No.47726

File: 6da4d725cec4930⋯.png (893.27 KB, 820x459, 820:459, RedCross_FreshKidsBestPric….PNG)

File: 51a30a1c4b5da61⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1171x593, 1171:593, RedCross_Q_ChildrenPray.PNG)

File: f8b0b3475992557⋯.png (853.23 KB, 819x469, 117:67, RedCross_Q_HaitiClassified.PNG)

File: f30c33e6bdba5a6⋯.png (862.7 KB, 819x461, 819:461, RedCross_Q_Where.PNG)

File: b87195a5b42701f⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1173x593, 1173:593, RedCross_Since1863.PNG)

9e005f No.47734

File: 08b94f65fdbaf4a⋯.png (3.04 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, Hillary-Haiti.png)

File: 60c264a2bbdd210⋯.png (1.56 MB, 994x663, 994:663, Hillay Haiti.png)

File: 5e88553f18bf853⋯.png (511.38 KB, 666x666, 1:1, HRC_ToAllTheLittleGirlsWat….PNG)

File: 366bc7ef19ebdb6⋯.png (2.58 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, What_Happened_Haiti)logos.png)

File: 82c63d87fca8ab6⋯.png (78.94 KB, 331x499, 331:499, WhatHapepened.png)

67e63f No.47735

File: 6175b245918d810⋯.png (1.01 MB, 741x1111, 741:1111, QCrumbs20.png)

File: aa0412eb65854f5⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1111x1469, 1111:1469, QCrumbs21.png)

File: 73e8228f8b75efe⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs22.png)

File: 78b48117d4fe7c1⋯.png (757.05 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs23.png)

File: ef81b36ca272bd7⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs24.png)

9e005f No.47743

File: a65ccd4c6e9892f⋯.jpg (96.72 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Acostack_evil.jpg)

File: 7e99d83f996c75d⋯.jpg (85.55 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Acostack_fish.jpg)

File: d119c5fa5ba062e⋯.png (1.06 MB, 823x558, 823:558, SadAcosta_GiveMe.PNG)

File: a600d03b1480dde⋯.png (1.04 MB, 821x557, 821:557, SadAcosta_GiveMeMyAward.PNG)

File: f4e06396ae44a3b⋯.png (1 MB, 818x558, 409:279, SadAcosta_speech.PNG)

67e63f No.47746

File: 4f11975442d38d5⋯.png (897.65 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs25.png)

File: 1a670504126366f⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs26.png)

File: 256dba8368c51ae⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs27.png)

File: 692d7303bef8e59⋯.png (442.34 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs28.png)

File: 2b64b55b303738c⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs29.png)

9e005f No.47748

File: 82cfd6dd074b0ba⋯.png (685.07 KB, 676x473, 676:473, Muppets_Storm).PNG)

File: 52b5c32cf4771ff⋯.png (639.78 KB, 680x478, 340:239, Muppets_Storm)George.PNG)

File: b827f2632f4860e⋯.png (625.36 KB, 681x481, 681:481, Muppets_Storm)Hillary.PNG)

File: 1747dd24f45d8bb⋯.png (610.13 KB, 679x478, 679:478, Muppets_Storm)YoullKnow.PNG)

File: 8e47c9ce1725d6d⋯.jpg (542.71 KB, 717x403, 717:403, TheBluesBrothers_QAnons.jpg)

da67a3 No.47749

File: e07d1e01ff57be5⋯.png (156.37 KB, 375x266, 375:266, acehole.png)

File: 235a7ac8b2ef74a⋯.png (410.82 KB, 600x400, 3:2, emmylit2.png)

File: 4720b0b9893448f⋯.png (362.34 KB, 600x337, 600:337, emmymat.png)

67e63f No.47756

File: c413cc9b465d5c6⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs30.png)

File: f7f33379032f5f2⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs31.png)

File: daff27b8a372a76⋯.png (862.34 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs32.png)

File: 1834d10ea44db73⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs33.png)

File: 5205400ccd544c0⋯.png (732.93 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbs34.png)

67e63f No.47771

File: 9b29b27358a343d⋯.png (543.93 KB, 823x445, 823:445, QCrumbs35.png)

File: b4b31ca36914bd8⋯.jpg (518.86 KB, 1224x1080, 17:15, QCrumbs39.jpg)

File: 6ad2f104bf8f309⋯.png (689.92 KB, 1111x1030, 1111:1030, QCrumbs333.png)

File: a659324c786b4f0⋯.jpg (480.6 KB, 2000x1378, 1000:689, QStorm.jpg)

File: ae531d8c939dee0⋯.jpg (1.89 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QStorm1.jpg)

9e005f No.47773

File: 5d9aaccbbc08da4⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1234x810, 617:405, AndersonGuantanamo2018_Cam….png)

File: 360074a3943386b⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1234x810, 617:405, AndersonGuantanamo2018_Gua….png)

File: b27e196febd4a65⋯.png (6.75 MB, 3333x2357, 3333:2357, GuantanamoGeorge2018.png)

File: 68397516180abd5⋯.jpg (444.58 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, WARROOOM.jpg)

67e63f No.47777

File: 03acac976d7b7fa⋯.jpg (875.71 KB, 1200x792, 50:33, QStorm2.jpg)

File: e7fde469e8c75c7⋯.jpeg (35.86 KB, 480x388, 120:97, QStorm3.jpeg)

File: 81d4885ee31c4cf⋯.jpg (172.66 KB, 902x1038, 451:519, RedcrossHaitiMoney.jpg)

File: fd69873c4bc641e⋯.jpg (110.2 KB, 706x738, 353:369, RothsSnake.jpg)

File: 914eb9542288328⋯.jpg (367.52 KB, 1389x1905, 463:635, SeditionRedpill.jpg)

c8c1f5 No.47781

https: //imgflip.com/i/22oc5d

67e63f No.47782

File: 77451c3e4943131⋯.jpg (127.67 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ShitholeBlood.jpg)

File: d7ff8947b3a6fb0⋯.jpg (117.91 KB, 640x960, 2:3, Shithole Putin.jpg)

File: 9cf42ff05e8cce4⋯.jpg (165.2 KB, 1024x994, 512:497, ShitholeSchumer.jpg)

File: 8ce2688859db1d2⋯.png (818.76 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SidebyHI.png)

File: 7ecc623131b0701⋯.jpg (113.07 KB, 1244x618, 622:309, SidebyHI2.jpg)

da67a3 No.47783

File: 78f5c362e7664f2⋯.png (321.88 KB, 600x343, 600:343, clinbut2.png)

File: 095069773ddfe85⋯.png (369.28 KB, 600x399, 200:133, btn.png)

File: 6f3c287921b07b5⋯.png (215.15 KB, 600x300, 2:1, darthcheney.png)

67e63f No.47789

File: b2a715da4f5c20b⋯.png (518.03 KB, 1198x889, 1198:889, SidebyNY.png)

File: e5736f7001f0373⋯.jpg (103.26 KB, 864x656, 54:41, SidebyNY1.jpg)

File: e6d0d38bda623f3⋯.jpg (272.06 KB, 1243x867, 1243:867, SidebyNY2.jpg)

File: 1a608605ac2ae0e⋯.png (920.47 KB, 962x680, 481:340, SidebyNY3.png)

File: 17791bbed003e92⋯.png (861.99 KB, 962x680, 481:340, SidebyNY4.png)

67e63f No.47793

File: 923b49b300a08e3⋯.png (681.78 KB, 1474x1204, 737:602, SidebyNY5.png)

File: 850ee03514cbc34⋯.jpg (116.04 KB, 864x656, 54:41, SidebyNY6.jpg)

File: 35f934271fb729c⋯.jpg (319.41 KB, 1243x867, 1243:867, SidebyNY7.jpg)

File: 394fd24586b94b5⋯.jpeg (83.77 KB, 719x552, 719:552, SidebyNY12.jpeg)

File: a198dcb57b82131⋯.jpg (154.47 KB, 1114x751, 1114:751, SidebyNYC11.jpg)

67e63f No.47798

File: b91ca7dcab31e62⋯.png (624.51 KB, 1198x889, 1198:889, SideByNYC10.png)

File: edda3da71f38f20⋯.jpg (218.06 KB, 1150x565, 230:113, SideHi3.jpg)

File: 1611ffac5593526⋯.jpg (190.39 KB, 1150x565, 230:113, SideHI.jpg)

File: 74a9ce643deb6fa⋯.jpg (58.95 KB, 640x360, 16:9, SideHI2.jpg)

File: fafd043a9f66a78⋯.png (934.53 KB, 1152x1080, 16:15, SideNY1.png)

9e005f No.47801

File: 568261ebeaf5ac8⋯.png (3.37 MB, 3515x5625, 703:1125, BDT_2.png)

File: 926f16e9751ca9a⋯.png (2.59 MB, 3750x5000, 3:4, Hawaii.png)

67e63f No.47804

File: 44648056a9aa00f⋯.png (998.2 KB, 1152x1080, 16:15, SideNY2.png)

File: 6ec47c45b8e11c3⋯.png (728.92 KB, 1712x1320, 214:165, SideNY3.png)

File: 21f2919ca8066a1⋯.jpg (100.99 KB, 804x1135, 804:1135, SideNY4.jpg)

File: 8fc685749875403⋯.png (231.81 KB, 600x424, 75:53, StandupTruth.png)

File: 364332d4186f3d7⋯.jpg (41.3 KB, 480x360, 4:3, TraitorFBICIA.jpg)

67e63f No.47811

File: 80aa7adc1d8be8a⋯.jpg (296.11 KB, 1235x1766, 1235:1766, Trann.jpg)

File: f9ac54f5c36ab7f⋯.png (158.83 KB, 400x650, 8:13, Treas.png)

File: af38366626769d9⋯.jpg (62.83 KB, 652x665, 652:665, TrudeauMuslims.jpg)

File: 5846accbc35fa75⋯.jpg (89.04 KB, 709x725, 709:725, TrumpGenius.jpg)

File: 8dc9ded93e0a458⋯.jpg (106.71 KB, 540x598, 270:299, TruthLiberateSelf.jpg)

67e63f No.47816

File: 369e2e7bd89d78f⋯.png (159.8 KB, 600x337, 600:337, TwitDorsey.png)

File: 3ff962b0a5af6d4⋯.jpg (100.34 KB, 888x499, 888:499, UraniumOne1.jpg)

File: e5d324e60cdd1ad⋯.png (591.38 KB, 834x563, 834:563, WethePeople10.png)

File: d3e1877cb6c5610⋯.png (142.01 KB, 600x330, 20:11, WethePeople12.png)

File: 71187db681c432a⋯.png (154.85 KB, 540x405, 4:3, WethePeople13.png)

67e63f No.47819

File: b2ea77707dfd013⋯.jpg (124.17 KB, 640x358, 320:179, WeThePeople11.jpg)

da67a3 No.47830

File: 6c2095d16cc39af⋯.png (339.22 KB, 600x439, 600:439, deliv.png)

File: 2eed1a510609955⋯.png (356.15 KB, 520x347, 520:347, fnchal.png)

File: 51bd5db440e693e⋯.jpeg (72.82 KB, 620x422, 310:211, McBootleg22.jpeg)

da67a3 No.47850

File: 9778397ec47664e⋯.jpg (119.32 KB, 670x499, 670:499, p41020.jpg)

File: 342c4e00fda3d8b⋯.jpg (195.97 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, qredgirl.jpg)

File: 3ae8454cfffa9dc⋯.png (340.02 KB, 600x439, 600:439, squeal.png)

a9f77f No.47861

File: 58c44472d60acd0⋯.png (524.26 KB, 880x499, 880:499, cnn3.png)

da67a3 No.47865

File: 91c5361085e2d71⋯.png (373.42 KB, 600x416, 75:52, schaliens.png)

File: c676eb9d503ea91⋯.png (373.08 KB, 600x416, 75:52, schgay.png)

File: 8a2101d4fa1eaa6⋯.png (372.53 KB, 600x416, 75:52, schiraq.png)

c8c1f5 No.47868

File: 14ab966f1085c08⋯.png (672.33 KB, 500x518, 250:259, CNN-Terror.png)

5890f3 No.47885

File: 25c027aec588735⋯.jpg (115.91 KB, 900x500, 9:5, bo shithole.jpg)

ffd10a No.47942

File: 330842765a75ae5⋯.jpg (2.14 MB, 3508x2480, 877:620, opmock2.jpg)

63dfb8 No.47964

File: b3071dea4d8180a⋯.jpg (284.01 KB, 1160x1723, 1160:1723, cooper marionette.jpg)

File: b333c27aa72608b⋯.jpg (104.23 KB, 533x355, 533:355, MADDOW INFORMED.jpg)

67e63f No.48065

File: df983221decd1d9⋯.png (983.26 KB, 1870x982, 935:491, ClipboardImage.png)





Through tempest, storm,

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.


Anons' Image Library


is updated thru thread #52 (as of 11:00 AM EST).

The same ammo is available in Memes#9 >>32311 or in bulk by category from the Image Library.

Recent focus categories (as of General #52):



Fake News

Fake News Awards



Inspector General Horowitz

No Govt Shutdown


Treason - Traitor - Corruption

Redpill - Truth

Hawaii Missile

NYC Bomber

Gender Confused

Meme Wars


0460e1 No.48192

File: b1b6a42cdb4562f⋯.png (420.82 KB, 660x344, 165:86, cnn11.png)

0460e1 No.48194

File: e98fa2da829f3f8⋯.png (383.87 KB, 660x406, 330:203, wolf1.png)

0460e1 No.48199

File: 9556d8037d6fe59⋯.png (368.69 KB, 727x481, 727:481, BW3.png)

0460e1 No.48203

File: 790225493a6c94d⋯.png (322.21 KB, 601x335, 601:335, BW2.png)

0460e1 No.48211

File: 625709af112e83f⋯.png (420.21 KB, 395x548, 395:548, newsweek1.png)

da67a3 No.48218

File: b4dd29f706b451b⋯.png (371.66 KB, 600x337, 600:337, april1.png)

File: b2b78261c3038bd⋯.png (361.44 KB, 600x337, 600:337, april2.png)

File: d1892092b554d9f⋯.png (354.6 KB, 600x337, 600:337, april3.png)

00643a No.48238

File: a85251ff9c154ee⋯.jpg (111.42 KB, 641x881, 641:881, CM_StS_en.jpg)

File: d14183ab9986b52⋯.jpg (106.01 KB, 638x888, 319:444, CM_StS_sv.jpg)

File: 2d4307c7900374d⋯.jpg (108.8 KB, 644x880, 161:220, CM_StS_nl.jpg)

File: ac1f70a7e867174⋯.jpg (109.44 KB, 641x885, 641:885, CM_StS_fr.jpg)

File: a62fc94dae77fa0⋯.jpg (109.56 KB, 642x883, 642:883, CM_StS_de.jpg)

Don't forget to MEME for @ll people.

esp. french (Canada) and spanish (Mexico)

2d0ccf No.48293

File: efd4952fac0f3ea⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 2601x2253, 867:751, Bangladeshi BDT thwarted.jpg)

File: de1fd1031929e68⋯.jpg (2.35 MB, 2601x2253, 867:751, FLY AL FLY.jpg)

Q posts side-by-side with news

Al Franken resignation

Bangladeshi bomber thwarted

0460e1 No.48323


great job!

da67a3 No.48341

File: b635daf18088da3⋯.png (247.06 KB, 600x315, 40:21, aprilhole.png)

0460e1 No.48367

File: a6128c50c0168ca⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1437x754, 1437:754, blank.png)


606811 No.48380

File: 298451cdfb19944⋯.png (260.6 KB, 400x555, 80:111, Pee Wee Conspiracy Theoris….png)

aff15c No.48420

File: 0a88c4697b6c177⋯.jpeg (540.43 KB, 1818x1818, 1:1, EC74E776-227D-4E3D-A8A0-D….jpeg)

00643a No.48423

File: a82b05989f389a2⋯.jpg (133.75 KB, 1192x876, 298:219, howhigh.jpg)

c74fb8 No.48448

File: 90f7e1032ebe729⋯.jpg (255.83 KB, 1071x1421, 153:203, intel inside..jpg)

0460e1 No.48450

File: 5e4a19fb7352111⋯.png (426.79 KB, 658x346, 329:173, merkel.handshake.png)

950203 No.48502

File: 94ec65f74d1f688⋯.jpg (282.64 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, wtc_smoking_on_9_11-1024x7….jpg)

8344b4 No.48590

File: 4f53925c3fb8e47⋯.jpg (112.19 KB, 580x470, 58:47, Constitutional Authority.jpg)

File: 9d33df3c6a6b0b5⋯.jpg (131.94 KB, 842x358, 421:179, Crusade-The Storm 2.1.jpg)

File: 92d1e8a7327a9c7⋯.jpg (161.09 KB, 550x715, 10:13, One Day as a Lion 2.2.2.jpg)

File: 59a2351830994d0⋯.jpg (110.46 KB, 624x566, 312:283, Patriots Last Option 2.2.2.jpg)

File: 3cc96d13950b1ff⋯.jpg (115.18 KB, 582x635, 582:635, The Tough get going.jpg)


Just a Lurker of the boards and fellow Patriot wanting to contribute in whatever small measure I can.

I made these a few years ago when O'Barry made known, His "Dear Leader" [esque] Aspirations. [and when I had loads of time on My hands from all the "Hope & Change" going round] And yes ,. sometimes [pic -A Mighty Storm Gathers] "coincidences" happen lol That's from a few years back. >;-) A couple others I updated to reflect current activities.

If You like it,. I have more. But with all that's now ongoing,.. I'm starting to feel INSPIRED once more. LOL

May just have to get the graphics Software cleaned,.. and reloaded for future Salvo's

[P.S] I can write a Moby Dick sized novel on all the things I have in My Life that serve as Inspiration.

My Father being liberated from Nazi Germany only 3 months before he would have been force indoctrinated into the Hitler Youth at age 8,. and likely sent to His Death in the closing stages of the War,. when all Hitler had left was old men and little boys,… is but ONE large one indeed. Especially since He paid this Nation back as WELL as forward, for His Life,. by coming here at age 18 to become a U.S. Citizen and Soldier. Leading many in My Family to serve, some serve even now [A-Intel],.. even some of those who have never had that Honor,.. still serve. My Nephew being one. And His contribution being,.. His Engine Design,. which currently power Our Predator Drones… Providing real time Recon/Close Air support for Our Soldiers in the Field. [Being yet another source]

These are but a few of My Inspirations. Hopefully My Graphics efforts can likewise serve, if even but only a small a purpose, in the Restoration of The REPUBLIC !!!%

All I know,.. is My Father will NOT! be forced under the Yoke of Tyranny for yet a Second time in His Life,. and by the very Nation that Liberated Him,.. UNLESS OVER MY ROTTING CORPSE!!

(Sorry for not knowing how to place in proper categories in Archives.)

God Speed Patriots,.. My Prayers,. and EVERY Fiber of My Being,. are with You.

d7774c No.48600

File: 819f0f6f393db0a⋯.jpg (641.95 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_Crumbs_WE THE PEOPLE.jpg)

File: d75487862ea7256⋯.jpg (280.08 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, IMG_20180114_122936.jpg)

63dfb8 No.48661

File: 7ac0a53734fe49a⋯.jpg (258.07 KB, 1160x1187, 1160:1187, cuomo mocking bird.jpg)

File: 4b3200e73a1f775⋯.jpg (288.06 KB, 1160x1723, 1160:1723, maddow cia.jpg)

0460e1 No.48673

File: 0510246ee09a047⋯.png (51.42 KB, 675x186, 225:62, meme.ideas.png)

to all meme anons:

request from general board

0460e1 No.48714

File: 7865e3d5a7f6150⋯.png (535.12 KB, 660x495, 4:3, maddow.png)

67e63f No.48717

File: 8cee233e3b43a9c⋯.png (3.46 MB, 1882x1948, 941:974, 7thEstate.png)

File: 1c0c3d9964c5587⋯.jpg (110.56 KB, 720x715, 144:143, AndersonHoney.jpg)

File: 05aa47c78e0e9bf⋯.jpg (115.56 KB, 1071x627, 357:209, AssangeFakeNews.jpg)

File: a56a0b653969e69⋯.png (326.27 KB, 800x600, 4:3, BushCIA.png)

File: 5ecf136905d8482⋯.png (791.03 KB, 828x508, 207:127, CF-Boo.png)

Anons if you have multiple images to post, please paste up to 5 at a time per post.

67e63f No.48726

File: 076360048bce8bf⋯.png (794.43 KB, 825x508, 825:508, CF_boom.png)

File: c907be13f7ed79d⋯.jpeg (304.43 KB, 1536x1148, 384:287, CFbuiltHaiti.jpeg)

File: 478569297ab5f9a⋯.jpg (139.7 KB, 780x500, 39:25, CFlies.jpg)

File: 0e834c6e87d2949⋯.png (241.8 KB, 488x395, 488:395, CFrobbed.png)

File: abddbca756feba3⋯.jpg (38.07 KB, 218x218, 1:1, CFTavostock.jpg)

67e63f No.48728

File: 0c453661a0ac19a⋯.jpg (34.41 KB, 400x225, 16:9, CFwed.jpg)

File: a861d22e13110f4⋯.jpg (85.12 KB, 1440x1056, 15:11, ChelJail2.jpg)

File: 1a132265d6a056d⋯.jpg (33.07 KB, 608x353, 608:353, Clinton-Mezvinsky1.jpg)

File: b730f33fc6a0725⋯.jpeg (263.27 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, CNNBotch.jpeg)

File: 68b57f81e923385⋯.jpg (134.74 KB, 889x500, 889:500, CNNcokeHoax.jpg)

67e63f No.48731

File: 8ed4a08d13affbd⋯.png (376.12 KB, 600x313, 600:313, CNNCokeNewsNet.png)

File: 19d179e52ab4d5a⋯.png (133.97 KB, 400x225, 16:9, CNNCokeNewsNet2.png)

File: 8e4a25216df84c5⋯.jpg (15.09 KB, 320x180, 16:9, CNNCokeNewsNet3.jpg)

File: 47e29ca45b3688b⋯.png (318.05 KB, 600x313, 600:313, CNNCokeNewsNet4.png)

File: 8ed4a08d13affbd⋯.png (376.12 KB, 600x313, 600:313, CNNcoknewsn et.png)

d7e7eb No.48733

File: 00c0406499d781d⋯.jpg (75.23 KB, 749x500, 749:500, visa lottery.jpg)

File: 0a3d0a08464d7e8⋯.jpg (42.5 KB, 743x500, 743:500, 22ojlm.jpg)

File: 00810ce2e93f25a⋯.jpg (139.18 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Military paycheck.jpg)

File: 8b22032b26d1b92⋯.jpg (36.71 KB, 500x545, 100:109, Support military.jpg)

67e63f No.48734

File: 9cf469cd65d4981⋯.png (169.12 KB, 600x343, 600:343, CnnLies.png)

File: 9c684c73f77a65c⋯.jpg (146.84 KB, 600x371, 600:371, CNNlieyup.jpg)

File: 3b38c2d23707e9a⋯.jpg (70.66 KB, 720x422, 360:211, CNNmore.jpg)

File: 4f8f673d98175f1⋯.png (165 KB, 525x294, 25:14, CNNmupp.png)

File: d9e82f05f90392c⋯.jpg (142.57 KB, 905x500, 181:100, CNNrace.jpg)

9e005f No.48735

File: 6c3fe74e924c308⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_Crumbs_PUPPET MASTERS HA….png)

File: 72430c51043de67⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_Crumbs_HIGHESTLEVELOFINT….png)

File: 5db752d0fa52925⋯.png (957.56 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_Crumbs_SlaveGripLost.png)

File: bbeb8250d79a5ce⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_Crumbs_ShowTheWorld.png)

File: e3e0deebff69a6d⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_Crumbs_WE THE PEOPLE.png)

d7e7eb No.48742

File: e311c0af2b1ae1d⋯.jpg (82.6 KB, 750x500, 3:2, military or aliens.jpg)

File: 9395f9834c5515d⋯.jpg (152.09 KB, 750x500, 3:2, stock market.jpg)

File: 39b044820ec8690⋯.jpg (33.23 KB, 888x500, 222:125, strong economy.jpg)

File: f61f7bfe966587b⋯.jpg (38.98 KB, 576x500, 144:125, Economic recovery.jpg)

67e63f No.48743

File: 3822f26993654ce⋯.jpg (88.92 KB, 1125x921, 375:307, CNNToilet.jpg)

File: 2c6f963695ac8cc⋯.png (811.62 KB, 700x636, 175:159, ComeyLeak.png)

File: ef050992645f432⋯.png (662.7 KB, 700x669, 700:669, ComeyleakNYT.png)

File: aa5bf4ae5982881⋯.png (608.21 KB, 861x549, 287:183, Comey-NYT-Leak.png)

File: bad0b0430aa7de6⋯.jpg (35.99 KB, 316x421, 316:421, Consp1.jpg)

67e63f No.48745

File: 85dbfaa9e311cdb⋯.jpg (80.92 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Consp2.jpg)

File: ce79671353a6cca⋯.jpg (25.41 KB, 404x250, 202:125, Consp4.jpg)

File: 94b4129a6766823⋯.jpg (126.23 KB, 900x600, 3:2, Consp5.jpg)

File: 7bcd54bb578746c⋯.jpg (142.34 KB, 808x965, 808:965, Consp6.jpg)

File: 377872ef6a9160f⋯.jpg (166.24 KB, 1000x791, 1000:791, Consp7.jpg)

67e63f No.48748

File: 6c851dfe6e0fbf5⋯.jpg (20.06 KB, 191x300, 191:300, Consp8.jpg)

File: e01a4c8adbd99fa⋯.jpg (53.72 KB, 450x410, 45:41, Consp9.jpg)

File: 96acf41d12ce0b9⋯.jpg (45.54 KB, 400x368, 25:23, Consp10.jpg)

File: cd92aa5c41866e9⋯.jpg (162.53 KB, 1500x1101, 500:367, Consp911.jpg)

File: d5a16e03d1f8433⋯.jpg (71.4 KB, 513x565, 513:565, Conspi11.jpg)

d7e7eb No.48751

File: 3743d740bbfc2e4⋯.jpg (36.47 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Economic growth.jpg)

File: b2750a004115e24⋯.jpg (89.96 KB, 793x500, 793:500, America first2.jpg)

File: fdaa4bc4fc22d66⋯.jpg (38.97 KB, 666x500, 333:250, America first.jpg)

File: 6b6d05c212668dd⋯.jpg (87.21 KB, 695x500, 139:100, Strong forecast.jpg)

67e63f No.48755

File: b7b9ee8dd7ea637⋯.jpg (476.13 KB, 2000x1912, 250:239, Corrup.jpg)

File: 949117f4bfc08c7⋯.png (518.65 KB, 864x492, 72:41, Crim3.png)

File: a1c3f30c372d934⋯.png (242.67 KB, 600x337, 600:337, Crims.png)

File: 25b6d6ef447d84c⋯.png (244.81 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Crims2.png)

File: 9401cb4f73fff66⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1092x1832, 273:458, DeepStateSquares1.png)

d7e7eb No.48771

File: c67fd7de56acf9d⋯.jpg (85.8 KB, 633x500, 633:500, Growing economy.jpg)

File: c1b1cac846beadb⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 643x500, 643:500, whisper.jpg)

67e63f No.48774

File: e237f479431b4d0⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1094x1575, 1094:1575, DeepStateSquares2.png)

File: 0815c4dd345c3ad⋯.jpg (69.91 KB, 534x401, 534:401, DemsLostCenter.jpg)

File: f83f559c7045724⋯.jpg (3.64 MB, 2475x3300, 3:4, DiagramBig.jpg)

File: f62c86e13ce8e35⋯.png (1.45 MB, 900x1450, 18:29, DirtyDozen1.png)

File: 7f61f181291c1c1⋯.png (1.45 MB, 900x1520, 45:76, DirtyDozen2.png)

67e63f No.48777

File: b62cc79b49d9a55⋯.jpeg (222.32 KB, 1208x685, 1208:685, DNCkills.jpeg)

File: 964156de6eafc7c⋯.jpg (107.17 KB, 500x375, 4:3, FakeNewsOverlords.jpg)

File: 8707a4f7446f8f5⋯.jpg (47.67 KB, 700x368, 175:92, FAKEnewstricks.jpg)

File: 44ae808080259c0⋯.png (244.62 KB, 481x392, 481:392, FakeNotTru.png)

File: 56168ea99bc0817⋯.jpg (86.82 KB, 750x500, 3:2, FakNSnat.jpg)

67e63f No.48783

File: 12e65322fee8968⋯.jpg (79 KB, 500x728, 125:182, FakNSnat2.jpg)

File: 2d0e857f0787eb3⋯.jpg (73.61 KB, 505x542, 505:542, FeinsteinHus.jpg)

File: 8f3ae2845401d33⋯.png (481.77 KB, 593x785, 593:785, FetalFlpep.png)

File: 926c5c8f75bf382⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 4940x946, 2470:473, FN10.jpg)

File: 0d43e94dbcfaf20⋯.jpg (24.51 KB, 154x158, 77:79, FNA.jpg)

67e63f No.48788

File: 06a459672927668⋯.jpg (45.27 KB, 569x448, 569:448, FNA1.jpg)

File: a2baf2445c214ba⋯.jpg (58.39 KB, 552x544, 69:68, FNA2.jpg)

File: 48e243f140fde6e⋯.jpg (37.54 KB, 187x270, 187:270, FNA4.jpg)

File: 29c8bde495e6919⋯.jpg (61.14 KB, 336x547, 336:547, FNA6.jpg)

File: b1d57a52d627678⋯.jpg (48.1 KB, 600x450, 4:3, FNA7.jpg)

67e63f No.48793

File: 24c0d937a7e9280⋯.jpg (47.64 KB, 600x315, 40:21, FNAcounterf.jpg)

File: 1800b47f551c253⋯.jpg (13.39 KB, 257x419, 257:419, FNaward.jpg)

File: 0968ba5fb4ae55f⋯.jpg (78.62 KB, 630x420, 3:2, FNbefore.jpg)

File: f1f21910fcde809⋯.jpg (60.46 KB, 708x576, 59:48, FNFN.jpg)

File: 5fb1fea9c9ba36a⋯.jpg (81.6 KB, 888x499, 888:499, FNno.jpg)

67e63f No.48799

File: 5b206985ac4de78⋯.png (621.68 KB, 870x455, 174:91, FNrace.png)

File: a0fda76c9e17ea9⋯.png (278.45 KB, 485x407, 485:407, FNtruth.png)

File: 5443ab4f677e7b5⋯.jpg (28.08 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Gab.jpg)

File: c6efb3218df1a67⋯.png (228.25 KB, 375x374, 375:374, GitmoBush.png)

File: 126891f2f79797a⋯.jpg (110.86 KB, 750x500, 3:2, GitmoPodesta.jpg)

67e63f No.48804

File: 347bac431fc5ebb⋯.jpeg (12.21 KB, 255x168, 85:56, HaitiLaugh.jpeg)

File: ab3cadd896d3789⋯.jpeg (10.04 KB, 255x113, 255:113, HawaiiFails.jpeg)

File: 4fd960225d16d48⋯.jpg (44.7 KB, 525x500, 21:20, HawaiiOrders.jpg)

File: f48ec3af231b7bb⋯.jpg (339.69 KB, 1428x1157, 1428:1157, HefRealHall.jpg)

File: 8d95a2a138936b9⋯.jpg (87.45 KB, 630x354, 105:59, HRCBigf.jpg)

67e63f No.48808

File: fdbf669f3498e7f⋯.jpg (255.41 KB, 1020x958, 510:479, HRCbloodstained.jpg)

File: f35497b94edc89e⋯.jpg (119.6 KB, 888x499, 888:499, HRCnodeal.jpg)

File: 99a84cc807f9fa9⋯.jpg (39.13 KB, 474x356, 237:178, HRCpassword.jpg)

File: 167b62ceb4a0cad⋯.jpg (56.17 KB, 372x414, 62:69, HRCzomb.jpg)

File: 2a9e66ddcfd50bd⋯.jpg (95.18 KB, 460x788, 115:197, HumanTraf.jpg)

67e63f No.48809

File: dcfd5b44854a4bb⋯.jpg (80.08 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, LibMinority.jpg)

File: 310225040eba43a⋯.png (850.55 KB, 2523x1679, 2523:1679, LoopCapInfo.png)

File: c4279e39b209600⋯.jpg (81.39 KB, 720x341, 720:341, LoopKeysto.jpg)

File: b3574c6a122e535⋯.jpg (85.85 KB, 640x480, 4:3, MaxImpu.jpg)

File: de6d7bae89f2dc2⋯.jpg (78.53 KB, 550x563, 550:563, MemeWarjoin.jpg)

67e63f No.48814

File: 3dbd79097bf8787⋯.jpg (30.17 KB, 290x314, 145:157, Memewarr.jpg)

File: 99d487419770900⋯.jpg (65.48 KB, 880x658, 440:329, MemeWars.jpg)

File: 4e788e06fc50659⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 3580x2332, 895:583, MemeWarz.jpg)

File: c7981d4f6a7a1ac⋯.jpeg (361.82 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, MemeWarz1.jpeg)

File: 8ae345c93396acb⋯.png (106.73 KB, 1004x740, 251:185, MezvinskyWeb.png)

67e63f No.48823

File: 9ff7131a3546efc⋯.jpg (460.77 KB, 2992x1584, 17:9, Mock1.jpg)

File: 1db808872bf184c⋯.jpg (906.01 KB, 3882x2184, 647:364, Mock2.jpg)

File: 260c44492f726e8⋯.jpg (945.39 KB, 3588x2410, 1794:1205, Mock3.jpg)

File: 8b5a597895430d8⋯.jpg (748.39 KB, 3590x2020, 359:202, Mock4.jpg)

File: 65fbadf77da7e06⋯.jpg (202.28 KB, 1048x733, 1048:733, Mockb.jpg)

67e63f No.48825

File: 09bd5015489cabe⋯.jpg (463.96 KB, 1600x1470, 160:147, NoShutDown.jpg)

File: 17c2fadf4380b6b⋯.jpeg (69 KB, 750x371, 750:371, NYbombFakeNews.jpeg)

File: fd2c7fd943e846c⋯.jpg (88.6 KB, 600x500, 6:5, NYCdiff.jpg)

File: cd6621b5de0fae8⋯.jpg (89.41 KB, 600x500, 6:5, NYCdistrac.jpg)

File: ee88b6b61c5a791⋯.jpg (92.77 KB, 600x500, 6:5, NYCfirew.jpg)

67e63f No.48828

File: a8209495f1c890d⋯.jpg (89.7 KB, 600x500, 6:5, NYCnuts.jpg)

File: 2a7b3f9ca9b4459⋯.jpg (92.37 KB, 600x500, 6:5, NYCnutsSui.jpg)

File: d74ffb92087379f⋯.png (179.68 KB, 338x651, 338:651, ObamaMuslimBro.png)

File: 1e25b892c3bad91⋯.jpg (98.22 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, ObamaNever.jpg)

File: 80de6f9d0776135⋯.png (351.13 KB, 696x529, 696:529, OprahHatesChrist.png)

67e63f No.48834

File: 67ecb481f5c9513⋯.jpg (82.81 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Pelosi8M.jpg)

File: 8f3972f4f11ad78⋯.jpeg (185.26 KB, 960x960, 1:1, PelosiHome.jpeg)

File: 9dcf125398054c9⋯.jpg (85.13 KB, 750x500, 3:2, PodestaKuruSauce.jpg)

File: d29736ea3c05b33⋯.jpg (45.96 KB, 480x270, 16:9, PodestaOven.jpg)

File: 2467bc160eccc55⋯.gif (1.11 MB, 440x200, 11:5, POTUSanimated.gif)

67e63f No.48847

File: e03aa8f1fe9b6ab⋯.jpeg (126.33 KB, 1536x643, 1536:643, POTUShonest.jpeg)

File: 9e6fd5041e21858⋯.png (697.61 KB, 1000x718, 500:359, Qcard005.png)

File: fd2e31dd980bdf9⋯.png (516.19 KB, 410x595, 82:119, QCrumbs101.png)

File: e03aa8f1fe9b6ab⋯.jpeg (126.33 KB, 1536x643, 1536:643, RedpilHonest.jpeg)

File: 6018262406e1e3e⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1389x1565, 1389:1565, RedpillTake.png)

67e63f No.48850

File: e5194d2d2a7fdc4⋯.png (51.17 KB, 785x714, 785:714, RedpillWake.png)

File: 746449d462d8b20⋯.png (156.56 KB, 699x440, 699:440, RedpTruth.png)

File: 0880e1c9ecf2ca1⋯.jpg (85.56 KB, 720x378, 40:21, Reti.jpg)

File: eab5dc72f2f4eba⋯.jpg (151.35 KB, 710x457, 710:457, ShitholeCF1.jpg)

File: da3d76c110ec7cc⋯.jpg (281.92 KB, 1410x1070, 141:107, ShitholeChels.jpg)

67e63f No.48854

File: 033995b545768d0⋯.jpg (222.88 KB, 1000x581, 1000:581, ShitholePenn.jpg)

File: 7612b571d3d50bc⋯.jpg (237.03 KB, 1080x1376, 135:172, ShitholeTrend.jpg)

File: 6225578c2bda150⋯.jpg (288.29 KB, 1075x479, 1075:479, SideBNY.jpg)

File: d127362eb5c1c4f⋯.jpg (304.97 KB, 1882x902, 941:451, SidebNYfirew.jpg)

File: 926f16e9751ca9a⋯.png (2.59 MB, 3750x5000, 3:4, SidebyHawaiiDefcon.png)

0460e1 No.48857

File: bfd63e2ef0cbc6a⋯.png (130.06 KB, 695x329, 695:329, we need.png)

feel free to make these:

67e63f No.48860

File: 6ec47c45b8e11c3⋯.png (728.92 KB, 1712x1320, 214:165, SidebyNY-.png)

File: 14d6a70c6f6d026⋯.jpg (302.92 KB, 1075x479, 1075:479, SidebyNYbomber.jpg)

File: 568261ebeaf5ac8⋯.png (3.37 MB, 3515x5625, 703:1125, SidebyNYbomber.png)

File: 67e93e68edcb41f⋯.jpg (357.97 KB, 1882x902, 941:451, SidebyNYff.jpg)

File: 30719fc113598cd⋯.jpg (355.4 KB, 1882x902, 941:451, SidebyNYFf.jpg)

67e63f No.48866

File: c399763499cdfb5⋯.jpg (340.31 KB, 1882x902, 941:451, SidebyNYFF.jpg)

File: 441b3cf01cfc2ef⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1639x1125, 1639:1125, SidebyNYTweets.png)

File: 54cbaa72c90df9e⋯.jpg (182.55 KB, 1452x1089, 4:3, SideHIdefcon.jpg)

File: f1f8759dba7f24c⋯.png (310.98 KB, 862x658, 431:329, SideNY.png)

File: 4ccc82ae5f9a6f0⋯.jpg (121 KB, 864x656, 54:41, SideNY1.jpg)

f65db0 No.48868

File: e0cf8e2145f1fec⋯.png (382.38 KB, 805x682, 805:682, fake.PNG)

File: 4b78f1136d685b8⋯.png (224.95 KB, 338x651, 338:651, pleasedont.PNG)

File: 3ff6cdebc62ffdb⋯.png (65.07 KB, 785x714, 785:714, CONTROL YOU.png)

67e63f No.48877

File: 923b49b300a08e3⋯.png (681.78 KB, 1474x1204, 737:602, SideNYB.png)

File: 72cc262a2b1c6b8⋯.jpg (247.47 KB, 1531x902, 1531:902, SideNYFals.jpg)

File: e7e97e4600bfad3⋯.jpg (310.61 KB, 1882x902, 941:451, SideNYfw.jpg)

File: 97e0c8ccfe905e9⋯.png (3.06 MB, 3300x5000, 33:50, SideNYtimeline.png)

File: 03521630bd731de⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SpaceX-DPRKmissile.png)

f65db0 No.48881

File: f75399b7fdd9fb3⋯.png (801 KB, 785x714, 785:714, MEGA.png)

File: cfcb0b77d135bb9⋯.png (498.47 KB, 785x714, 785:714, Vote.png)

File: 468dbe1893f160e⋯.png (510.19 KB, 776x691, 776:691, RedCross.png)

67e63f No.48883

File: 15ba54647560512⋯.jpg (45.02 KB, 629x505, 629:505, SpirCook.jpg)

File: 328ae2c3f9f9093⋯.jpg (32.34 KB, 480x360, 4:3, StormWink.jpg)

File: 1bea9e4eb4de8aa⋯.png (444.95 KB, 920x612, 230:153, TraiDecei.png)

File: a8469cbbdf3c18f⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 967x624, 967:624, Traits.jpg)

File: b57addaa03588f5⋯.jpg (80.68 KB, 309x838, 309:838, TraLying.jpg)

67e63f No.48886

File: 7ecdac8dcd3315f⋯.jpg (52.63 KB, 620x428, 155:107, TraNoDeal.jpg)

File: 527e0b78f4b0e0c⋯.jpg (33.6 KB, 609x343, 87:49, TrumpTrolls.jpg)

File: 067348e9f4acc0e⋯.png (358.67 KB, 964x762, 482:381, Truth9.png)

File: bdcc45081e6eac7⋯.jpg (531.93 KB, 1224x1080, 17:15, TweetStorm.jpg)

File: 8db2085c1c589c7⋯.jpeg (60.7 KB, 1024x535, 1024:535, UraniumClintonPay.jpeg)

67e63f No.48893

File: d240cc3805b4a7b⋯.jpg (36.43 KB, 610x343, 610:343, WeinerSpousal.jpg)

File: e3b32233b66557a⋯.jpg (73.15 KB, 705x426, 235:142, Weinst.jpg)

File: d73da05ebfe7dcd⋯.jpg (292.27 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, WeTheP.jpg)

File: 63eb6a946404cb7⋯.jpg (548.95 KB, 1536x1054, 768:527, WeThePt.jpg)

f65db0 No.48897

File: 746449d462d8b20⋯.png (156.56 KB, 699x440, 699:440, FAKENEWS.png)

8344b4 No.49057

File: 7a4f1285c040e51⋯.jpg (88.53 KB, 559x437, 559:437, BringDownTheRing 2.jpg)

File: 7e81bbaef887729⋯.jpg (100.54 KB, 634x398, 317:199, BringDownTheRing 3.jpg)

File: 2b80bae83d42ae6⋯.jpg (141.76 KB, 741x623, 741:623, BringDownTheRing1.jpg)

File: 1bc36b2485b1ef1⋯.jpg (115.47 KB, 850x477, 850:477, CF Endless Opportunities.jpg)

File: 423b087d1cc2412⋯.jpg (142.07 KB, 603x581, 603:581, enriching H-illary.jpg)

Almost forgot,.. here's some prior made CF related Weaponized Meme Warfare F**kery that some may already recognize >;-)


67e63f No.49262

File: 0b0a52c183ac1bb⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1870x982, 935:491, ClipboardImage.png)



Through tempest, storm,

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.


Image Library


is updated thru General #53 plus whatever anons put in Memes#9 (as of 1:15 PM EST).

The same ammo is available in Memes#9 >>32311 or in bulk by category from the Image Library. 10,437 memes and infographs now available.

Recent focus categories in General #53:


NYC Bomber

Hawaii Missile


Fake News

Fake News Awards



Shithole (Haiti / CF related)

Meme Wars

Traitors - Treason - Corrupt

New categories: Gab, Comey, Clinton - Mezvinsky

The Haiti-related memes that were in the Shithole folder have been copied into their own Haiti folder for ease of locating.

93d5c8 No.49411

New Q Posts!

00643a No.49740

File: 19c7836b54f3368⋯.jpg (180.5 KB, 1340x894, 670:447, ittakes7yearstorunas.jpg)

10d3f0 No.49778

File: 211e5e4291a99e2⋯.jpg (168.3 KB, 900x534, 150:89, thestorm1.jpg)

5d5ec9 No.49832

File: f1cc8b388cc8247⋯.png (303.35 KB, 981x820, 981:820, Rough Draft Q 1st Meme.png)

7ecd18 No.49852

File: ed7db7599571515⋯.jpg (82.37 KB, 876x492, 73:41, donlemon.jpg)

Don Lemon's confession

12d47e No.50007


just a couple of meme suggestions ( sorry I don't know how to make them )

A pic of Chelsea saying the CF needs money for Haiti so takes advice from her father in law next to a pic of her father in law and mention of the fake prince thing.

A pic of Maxine waters actual house next to one of a slum property in her constituency.

good luck anons

cda330 No.50041

What hashtags and what time

e18af5 No.50383

File: 6ccfcd59929a759⋯.jpg (87.51 KB, 1393x720, 1393:720, Accosted.jpg)

File: f41807868b63ab1⋯.jpg (98.46 KB, 1427x748, 1427:748, tapper.jpg)

File: 350a018c7929a64⋯.jpg (82 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, Don Lemon.jpg)

90b8a1 No.50427

File: df564148b84d0e6⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1154x936, 577:468, mockingbird_AWARD_ICON.png)

File: 47eb3e896ae3032⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1192x899, 1192:899, Operation_Mockingbird.png)

File: 5cb44a7dbfe7852⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1207x1622, 1207:1622, derision_graphic2.png)

File: ab8d47905a9301a⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1008x1260, 4:5, PEDOVORE_MEME2B.png)

>>Clowns in America cooked up Operation Mockingbird to control the propaganda.

We troll them supreme by naming President Trump’s first annual Fake News award:

The Mockingbird !





67e63f No.50451

File: 95747cc1ffd2d6e⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1829x1266, 1829:1266, 911hate.jpg)

File: bb6961615cd7df6⋯.png (95.27 KB, 276x183, 92:61, AndersonCIA.png)

File: 8079c578eab2927⋯.jpg (68 KB, 666x500, 333:250, BidenHunt.jpg)

File: 7fab0760ea2c7bf⋯.jpg (11.45 KB, 251x201, 251:201, BlackPopObama.jpg)

File: 56662c130781f31⋯.jpg (72.23 KB, 750x500, 3:2, CFshithole.jpg)

67e63f No.50464

File: 60cceb5bfa32d71⋯.png (1 MB, 1600x1066, 800:533, CFstoleHaiti.png)

File: b70d3e38bed4c24⋯.jpg (69.79 KB, 886x500, 443:250, Chekmate.jpg)

File: 0196fa1a082aee5⋯.png (522.11 KB, 460x788, 115:197, ChelseaOut.png)

File: 594d6691d3d921e⋯.jpg (271.31 KB, 1024x858, 512:429, CIArunit.jpg)

File: bf5f08d4c41e47a⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1600x1066, 800:533, ClintonPlea.png)

5bd81e No.50472

File: 1856c65043533a1⋯.jpg (33.4 KB, 640x426, 320:213, shinelight.jpg)

67e63f No.50479

File: b8a75c51a3d6192⋯.jpg (82.56 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, CNNbotox.jpg)

File: 62fb8384b5b09ff⋯.jpg (15.55 KB, 254x255, 254:255, CNNbuyliesCIA.jpg)

File: 4c01a932b5da90b⋯.jpeg (34.08 KB, 600x314, 300:157, CNNcontro.jpeg)

File: 38cbad786eafca6⋯.jpg (24.31 KB, 440x331, 440:331, CNNeattoilet.jpg)

File: 87be7a6d4784188⋯.jpg (176.36 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, CNNfakeNewsZucker.jpg)

67e63f No.50486

File: 02770b98a3c907a⋯.jpg (39.95 KB, 480x360, 4:3, CNNfals.jpg)

File: a7e74486598ced6⋯.jpg (49.55 KB, 549x413, 549:413, CNNfnmat.jpg)

File: b0fec6f798381f7⋯.jpg (17.23 KB, 254x255, 254:255, CNNheads.jpg)

File: 629b0b914e7db08⋯.jpg (75.74 KB, 881x499, 881:499, CNNlieguy.jpg)

File: 3376b13abd8403a⋯.png (191.99 KB, 600x314, 300:157, CNNnotbelieve.png)

67e63f No.50491

File: 26146918f1b52e9⋯.jpg (130.15 KB, 900x750, 6:5, CNNObamaHomo.jpg)

File: 7494161ae042877⋯.jpg (66.61 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, CNNpussy.jpg)

File: ed7db7599571515⋯.jpg (82.37 KB, 876x492, 73:41, CNNracistliar.jpg)

File: 29f49c550347f86⋯.jpg (40.57 KB, 546x307, 546:307, CNNstormfalse.jpg)

File: 30958a1d79ddaab⋯.jpeg (136.98 KB, 1536x1045, 1536:1045, CNNtrig.jpeg)

67e63f No.50495

File: bdacf8ce6b25a03⋯.jpg (62.1 KB, 800x430, 80:43, CNNtruthcrap.jpg)

File: c251ce198ad9a9a⋯.jpg (37.61 KB, 640x360, 16:9, CNNtruthcrap1.jpg)

File: b748d02e4ab3852⋯.png (424.39 KB, 462x599, 462:599, ComeyDossier.png)

File: 9a8b31dfde8d8c7⋯.jpg (54.07 KB, 627x500, 627:500, Consp12.jpg)

File: f1e08bb7d0f74a3⋯.png (279.81 KB, 632x390, 316:195, Consp13.png)

67e63f No.50503

File: 06970c2693fd152⋯.png (280.03 KB, 632x390, 316:195, ConspiracCNNdismiss.png)

File: 335ada9fb9abfbf⋯.jpeg (12.35 KB, 191x255, 191:255, ConspiracyMichellesDick.jpeg)

File: d4d435239cb6743⋯.png (397.24 KB, 1241x701, 1241:701, DemKKKsupreme.png)

File: 4ec7cd1cc9c5a69⋯.png (503.13 KB, 1139x645, 1139:645, DemKlanPolitics.png)

File: 4259f957040fb9f⋯.png (155.17 KB, 407x300, 407:300, DemoKKKs.png)

67e63f No.50509

File: d2b5af114954453⋯.png (218.62 KB, 931x528, 931:528, DemsBlacksChumpsMalcolmX.png)

File: 67bf5c29bce8226⋯.png (97 KB, 600x315, 40:21, DemsCLintonGorerebelflag.png)

File: 9a85aed80d5cece⋯.png (618.53 KB, 1239x682, 1239:682, DemsFlag.png)

File: fa2e6b480ad9d70⋯.png (108.29 KB, 600x330, 20:11, DemsNigvote.png)

File: 456586724ee04c1⋯.jpeg (15.42 KB, 197x255, 197:255, Dossier.jpeg)

67e63f No.50516

File: 5a18f364cb3b584⋯.jpg (104.21 KB, 743x542, 743:542, FakeNewsManipulate.jpg)

File: ec1c14d20fdc3c9⋯.png (833.44 KB, 981x813, 327:271, FNA3pedos.png)

File: 3f269a1243d7c7a⋯.jpg (162.84 KB, 630x341, 630:341, FNA18.jpg)

File: 183e694db73b5d7⋯.jpg (91.38 KB, 726x500, 363:250, FNA30.jpg)

File: 45944a131f655bf⋯.jpg (94.45 KB, 726x500, 363:250, FNA31.jpg)

67e63f No.50524

File: 2ea44a28d75e5e5⋯.jpg (92.9 KB, 726x500, 363:250, FNA33.jpg)

File: a97cb9b805c4763⋯.jpg (255.72 KB, 1360x2114, 680:1057, FNA34.jpg)

File: 1e4814cb91634f9⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 4601x2588, 4601:2588, FNA35.jpg)

File: c251ce198ad9a9a⋯.jpg (37.61 KB, 640x360, 16:9, FNA36.jpg)

File: d5a11458bb7b610⋯.jpg (34.05 KB, 480x270, 16:9, FNA37.jpg)

69f13e No.50529

File: d683495fe7c01c5⋯.jpg (107.61 KB, 1200x1283, 1200:1283, FALSE FLAG.jpg)

67e63f No.50538

File: 20bc084d9849cf6⋯.png (317.66 KB, 540x373, 540:373, FNA38.png)

File: 5c9f0cab0c0b4f1⋯.jpeg (421.62 KB, 1536x1063, 1536:1063, FNAaccos.jpeg)

File: 3060b11f9902485⋯.jpg (1.71 MB, 1780x2748, 445:687, FNAW1.jpg)

File: c0c945259187185⋯.jpg (133.64 KB, 630x341, 630:341, FNAward2018.jpg)

File: 92fdbb2cf894bf9⋯.jpg (133.01 KB, 888x499, 888:499, FNawardstrophies.jpg)

67e63f No.50546

File: 0bb49490d4e69e9⋯.jpg (246.5 KB, 1327x2048, 1327:2048, FNawatroph.jpg)

File: c58cc85c0a0723c⋯.jpg (100.09 KB, 888x499, 888:499, FNcutfeed.jpg)

File: f2e4d058e501f63⋯.jpg (729.59 KB, 3035x2149, 3035:2149, FNdistractions.jpg)

File: 82f329c3428df8b⋯.jpg (74.03 KB, 613x366, 613:366, FNelephant.jpg)

File: fa79560359e35e5⋯.jpg (56.53 KB, 720x749, 720:749, FNgarbage.jpg)

915812 No.50549

File: 25fdbcf85c8bfc3⋯.jpg (478.73 KB, 1529x1555, 1529:1555, COSMICCAT for the norm.jpg)

Just a heads up for the normies on socnets about the Fake News Awards

5bd81e No.50550

File: 3d86cc8e6a1fa5c⋯.jpg (81.54 KB, 800x450, 16:9, trumpconcert.jpg)

67e63f No.50559

File: f37a081bcdeb7cd⋯.jpg (90.02 KB, 1125x960, 75:64, FNhrc.jpg)

File: 2b62611a198258a⋯.jpg (44.63 KB, 718x404, 359:202, FNhrccomplaints.jpg)

File: ddbbf6f492609f8⋯.jpg (219.19 KB, 1438x802, 719:401, FNillusion.jpg)

File: 69c5edca77f8ee5⋯.jpg (5.92 MB, 6256x3811, 6256:3811, FNInstituPower.jpg)

File: 1cc251ce560c22f⋯.jpg (56.51 KB, 800x430, 80:43, FNlieFA.jpg)

67e63f No.50576

File: 2fd0d9ef4821aa8⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1600x1106, 800:553, FNliesheads.png)

File: 70ad1fd666b0e07⋯.jpg (359.22 KB, 1600x1307, 1600:1307, FNlyingall.jpg)

File: ddeaa769b9335a8⋯.jpg (14.79 KB, 300x168, 25:14, FNmakeup.jpg)

File: c371d229fdb891d⋯.jpg (21.55 KB, 504x367, 504:367, FNmalcolmX.jpg)

File: 540152aee10a4d6⋯.jpg (1.66 MB, 6256x3240, 782:405, FNmediaJewish.jpg)

67e63f No.50579

File: 50d1b6626da5ea4⋯.jpg (123.44 KB, 1440x822, 240:137, FNnewslies.jpg)

File: ccd6a26bc610915⋯.jpeg (73.28 KB, 485x360, 97:72, FNNpupp2.jpeg)

File: 36c580139b7b436⋯.png (2.94 KB, 200x200, 1:1, FNpinnoch.png)

File: b22982972b70c59⋯.jpeg (73.92 KB, 485x360, 97:72, FNpupp1.jpeg)

File: bc20f3d6c086a45⋯.jpg (160.12 KB, 1000x560, 25:14, FNScandals.jpg)

67e63f No.50580

File: aa6121b9c82dd67⋯.png (54.13 KB, 514x461, 514:461, FNsubstitu.png)

File: 9581e54bbef4745⋯.jpg (108.29 KB, 889x500, 889:500, FNTV.jpg)

File: 5ad6e61fac7a4d8⋯.jpg (174.42 KB, 1200x840, 10:7, FNwarn.jpg)

File: 3f6cdd9ec241bb1⋯.jpg (47.17 KB, 678x381, 226:127, GitmoBushes.jpg)

File: 106326a2621cd48⋯.jpg (95.01 KB, 960x635, 192:127, GlobalistPsychos.jpg)

67e63f No.50583

File: 87a4ff158fce9cc⋯.jpg (176.15 KB, 666x500, 333:250, HaitiCFprofit.jpg)

File: 108c013d77fc979⋯.jpg (187.21 KB, 666x500, 333:250, HaitiCFprofit2.jpg)

File: 5e41157b4655bba⋯.jpg (68.93 KB, 600x314, 300:157, HaitiCFrob.jpg)

File: 2ab398fa16f2b48⋯.jpeg (92.25 KB, 500x518, 250:259, HIff2018.jpeg)

File: 84a937fe0c4e324⋯.jpg (163.34 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, HIpearl.jpg)

67e63f No.50586

File: 17245aa56ef2ddf⋯.jpg (86.08 KB, 710x473, 710:473, HRCfuc.jpg)

File: 20b113b793ffa73⋯.jpg (30.06 KB, 640x360, 16:9, HRCguilty.jpg)

File: bfba5243187ded7⋯.jpg (19.04 KB, 326x245, 326:245, HRChangnoose.jpg)

File: a97a89c3f13212f⋯.jpg (20.77 KB, 301x468, 301:468, HRCpureevil.jpg)

File: d3f9e498edaf0fd⋯.jpg (121.06 KB, 785x500, 157:100, HumaMBrep.jpg)

67e63f No.50593

File: 06194954b2bb4db⋯.png (37.43 KB, 300x300, 1:1, LeftAllFolks.png)

File: 9cfbb59ac1413df⋯.png (173.49 KB, 407x300, 407:300, LibJewsSlaveships.png)

File: 0230474e61e5d23⋯.jpg (71.46 KB, 600x400, 3:2, MccainBrotherKiller.jpg)

File: bb6c489966eab67⋯.jpg (99.41 KB, 909x479, 909:479, Memewar25.jpg)

File: 7229dc1adb5087d⋯.png (383.43 KB, 780x520, 3:2, Mez2.png)

67e63f No.50602

File: 1e2e204b02b2035⋯.png (386.99 KB, 780x520, 3:2, Mez-Soros.png)

File: 1bde1051adb79c6⋯.jpeg (42.38 KB, 425x566, 425:566, Michel.jpeg)

File: 5112896a9a108f5⋯.jpg (42.04 KB, 480x640, 3:4, MichelleHairClubForMen.jpg)

File: 0607204dcb02421⋯.jpg (228.12 KB, 955x1024, 955:1024, MockIsrael.jpg)

File: 6f4b17f75f9defd⋯.jpg (147.27 KB, 1024x704, 16:11, MockManipU.jpg)

67e63f No.50607

File: 025003fb5c43fd2⋯.jpg (47.95 KB, 800x397, 800:397, MockObey.jpg)

File: f16c0ed7ba55ac5⋯.jpg (36.75 KB, 300x219, 100:73, Mockwar.jpg)

File: 811f08e00a7b736⋯.jpg (60.54 KB, 595x579, 595:579, MS13HRC.jpg)

File: 41c3df4f3aae05f⋯.jpg (137.45 KB, 693x500, 693:500, Nurmberg2-0.jpg)

File: 7259f6b66f9fefa⋯.jpg (131.02 KB, 960x897, 320:299, ObamaSexChange.jpg)

67e63f No.50609

File: 2e12efc5a5fd04a⋯.jpg (130.68 KB, 900x750, 6:5, OBhomo.jpg)

File: 12cd12bc96dbe00⋯.jpg (130.03 KB, 752x1063, 752:1063, OwlTat.jpg)

File: 03f08de0673e2e4⋯.jpeg (284.02 KB, 1242x1818, 69:101, PatrAmer1st.jpeg)

File: 3aae58e6ffb7b95⋯.jpg (16.63 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Patriotpitchf.jpg)

File: 2f927725aa806f5⋯.jpg (74.69 KB, 640x360, 16:9, PatriotsHangin.jpg)

67e63f No.50612

File: 6092792915b2e65⋯.jpg (183.55 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, PatriotsServe.jpg)

File: 4e395e63c83fdaf⋯.jpg (74.24 KB, 500x546, 250:273, PedoBidensnack.jpg)

File: 75dee82dc749f5a⋯.jpg (63.28 KB, 624x352, 39:22, PedoBushAfterfuckem.jpg)

File: 91f1283ef0fefa3⋯.jpg (19.7 KB, 228x221, 228:221, PedoChildrenFear.jpg)

File: 9881344212321ae⋯.jpg (89.82 KB, 500x512, 125:128, PedoClinton.jpg)

67e63f No.50618

File: 94d34bd8bdee1fd⋯.jpg (110.35 KB, 733x500, 733:500, PedoFetus.jpg)

File: de42434ed77b8e4⋯.jpg (63.85 KB, 529x352, 529:352, PedoHaitian.jpg)

File: 8b5ae34ede33a7f⋯.jpg (230.64 KB, 960x960, 1:1, PeloHomeWords.jpg)

File: 73a4d743d4f343a⋯.jpg (231.26 KB, 960x960, 1:1, PelosiHomeTxt.jpg)

File: d7c2f9c51ad5fac⋯.jpg (129.96 KB, 898x586, 449:293, Pizzagatesenate.jpg)

67e63f No.50622

File: 178b9ef761fefd0⋯.jpg (51.16 KB, 675x421, 675:421, POTUSdominoes.jpg)

File: e1bbc5690514826⋯.jpg (78.69 KB, 620x412, 155:103, POTUSfu.jpg)

File: a86706cc64d3c00⋯.jpg (580.14 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, POTUSkeepsOath.jpg)

File: ea3d69b8621d87f⋯.jpg (90.36 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, POTUSlibsexplode.jpg)

File: 4ca44e71161e1bc⋯.jpg (74.65 KB, 1024x555, 1024:555, POTUSlockObama.jpg)

67e63f No.50626

File: 5c384a63ee9779b⋯.jpg (64.38 KB, 673x573, 673:573, POTUSlove.jpg)

File: cdd49de590c1c1b⋯.jpg (33.67 KB, 600x404, 150:101, POTUSobamaprison.jpg)

File: 33b37fcd63b2007⋯.jpg (90.53 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, POTUSsayStupid.jpg)

File: f64dc93c5a806b1⋯.jpg (21.52 KB, 400x400, 1:1, POTUSsnowflakesmelt.jpg)

File: 399029a7e33b12f⋯.jpg (81.39 KB, 620x412, 155:103, POTUSunfuck.jpg)

67e63f No.50631

File: 753cfe0add5a53b⋯.jpg (30.87 KB, 480x356, 120:89, RacistWhiteCastle.jpg)

File: bd5b570b5150371⋯.jpg (27.42 KB, 469x264, 469:264, RedCrossProfitSign.jpg)

File: fcbd7b9f1bf02d5⋯.png (88.4 KB, 284x178, 142:89, RedpillNota Drill.png)

File: ca3f907cb189db3⋯.jpg (484.31 KB, 3035x2149, 3035:2149, RedpillTreason.jpg)

File: 022512ac28208af⋯.jpg (58.27 KB, 631x500, 631:500, Redpilltruthunderstand.jpg)

67e63f No.50636

File: e608f0fb60f7c9e⋯.png (188.86 KB, 500x358, 250:179, ScarySafe.png)

File: d7b100e63ed52d4⋯.jpg (249.58 KB, 1320x1044, 110:87, ShitholeMap.jpg)

File: db201931ef08906⋯.png (789.19 KB, 1760x1320, 4:3, SidebyNYtaka.png)

File: bfda97fb29c50d7⋯.png (287.72 KB, 1041x769, 1041:769, SideHawaiiDefcon.png)

File: dfaf96ebf9b0f07⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 3750x5000, 3:4, SideHIscare.jpg)

67e63f No.50648

File: 50741c8eb2a9f72⋯.jpg (246.39 KB, 1075x479, 1075:479, SideNY0.jpg)

File: 38ac088a5dc7b40⋯.jpg (524.45 KB, 1296x1014, 216:169, SideNYCpredict.jpg)

File: 33abbb2de88bc7d⋯.jpeg (129.86 KB, 970x644, 485:322, slush2.jpeg)

File: b9c61bdb3201f4e⋯.jpeg (169.05 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, Slush1.jpeg)

File: 19708dc2f41a4f3⋯.jpeg (142.85 KB, 980x552, 245:138, Slush3.jpeg)

67e63f No.50653

File: 3cb57a085dbf2ea⋯.jpeg (16.14 KB, 255x190, 51:38, Slush4.jpeg)

File: 5f1410e56b23091⋯.jpg (66.65 KB, 620x387, 620:387, Slush5.jpg)

File: 8cb6c4106f98b5e⋯.jpeg (149.24 KB, 970x644, 485:322, Slush6.jpeg)

File: d6e36afe6b455b3⋯.jpeg (189.5 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, Slush8.jpeg)

File: 82378a3d6cd4bad⋯.jpeg (39.12 KB, 258x192, 43:32, Slush9.jpeg)

67e63f No.50657

File: abe7db82ab136d1⋯.jpeg (170.29 KB, 980x552, 245:138, Slush10.jpeg)

File: 7d93492e9d7c94c⋯.png (127.62 KB, 800x600, 4:3, SurveilSpied.png)

File: a743e7869daa677⋯.jpg (122.09 KB, 500x688, 125:172, Treas911.jpg)

File: 832324e68d50ab2⋯.jpg (65.26 KB, 1200x1037, 1200:1037, TreasonBO.jpg)

File: f373c625dcb3ec7⋯.jpg (594.12 KB, 3035x2149, 3035:2149, TreasonGreatAwak.jpg)

67e63f No.50662

File: c834c47aacf0fb2⋯.jpeg (522.46 KB, 2209x2434, 2209:2434, TreasonNoDrill.jpeg)

File: 32651b8f3aafb8d⋯.jpg (93.21 KB, 665x914, 665:914, TreasWanted.jpg)

File: 7f5aa59faf98c4b⋯.png (213.94 KB, 488x296, 61:37, Uranium1NK.png)

File: c632a195527ef28⋯.jpg (56.49 KB, 702x395, 702:395, UraniumCanada.jpg)

File: e4aae63dda0ad08⋯.png (209.28 KB, 599x433, 599:433, UranNKnukes.png)

67e63f No.50666

File: 21669040232ea89⋯.jpg (72.04 KB, 573x500, 573:500, Uranstory.jpg)

File: 5a291ae166d96bc⋯.jpg (158.7 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, vacFlu.jpg)

File: 7aa12b92ee0cbb5⋯.jpg (172.98 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, vacflushot.jpg)

56f308 No.50717

File: c399211bb0f1e74⋯.png (671.29 KB, 624x500, 156:125, pentagon 9-11-01.png)

916427 No.50751

File: deb4b2c9e9ed2f6⋯.jpg (85.94 KB, 600x500, 6:5, Qmeme.jpg)

Red Pill Q

5bd81e No.50765

File: e53cab803e4f9c6⋯.jpg (96.13 KB, 768x576, 4:3, its-time-to-5a5bd8.jpg)

File: 88f766d21fc1482⋯.jpg (74.17 KB, 800x400, 2:1, we-are-the-5a5bd8.jpg)

File: 0d924b7f18405ef⋯.jpg (60.84 KB, 800x400, 2:1, we-the-citizens.jpg)

5bd81e No.50837

File: 6301cbb28fbf36f⋯.jpg (99.89 KB, 800x577, 800:577, americans-want-great.jpg)

f0ec01 No.50915

File: 9513be67661cb99⋯.jpg (58.25 KB, 474x657, 158:219, 22ovob.jpg)

File: 1ae109183feebb3⋯.jpg (56.35 KB, 474x316, 3:2, 22ovkq.jpg)

File: 8290bbf3f2b16c5⋯.jpg (71.34 KB, 474x657, 158:219, 22ovzx.jpg)

f65db0 No.50973

File: 97461a45c231310⋯.png (234.96 KB, 1084x528, 271:132, echo.PNG)

67e63f No.50974



Through tempest, storm,

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.


Image Library


is updated thru general #54 plus whatever anons put in Memes#9 (as of 3:30 PM EST).

The same ammo is available in Memes#9 >>32311 or in bulk by category from the Image Library. We're up to 10,620 images, 3.2 GB (wow! you anons are truly awesome!)

Recent focus categories in General #54:


Fake News

Fake News Awards

Dems - KKK



Slush Fund

I only saw one meme assuring people they are safe and patriots/POTUS are in control. Does that need more emphasis, or did it miss it in the threads I haven't caught up to yet?

I simply cannot harvest and catalog as fast as you folks are meming … which is a good thing I guess. Guess I'll skip #55-58 or so and try to catch up to the current thread. Sorry, that's how it has to be. If your meme or side-by-side "Q Predicted and It Came to Pass" infograph was highly acclaimed, please put it in the Memes#9 >>32311 so I don't miss archiving it. I hope the Image Library will provide targeted ammo on call during the Phase I, II, III campaign Wednesday.

Thank you.

5890f3 No.51045

File: f40d80295a5f135⋯.jpg (71.99 KB, 593x488, 593:488, hava cigar.jpg)



8344b4 No.51046

File: 2ddb0c1c0f8f6d8⋯.jpg (192.55 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, Being Liberal.jpg)

File: 2de5e2fa097cab3⋯.jpg (176.11 KB, 765x715, 153:143, ISIS Sex Trade.jpg)

File: 2fe67035f476d58⋯.jpg (114.14 KB, 908x720, 227:180, Killery's Flying Monkeys.jpg)

File: ad9b10833f27b7e⋯.jpg (123.12 KB, 700x525, 4:3, Obama's economic plan.jpg)

File: 1ebe4e1bb67f075⋯.png (439.96 KB, 627x720, 209:240, Transforming 2.png)

a1edf0 No.51062

File: d165a9d1b649ebe⋯.jpeg (249.5 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, FC347519-78A2-45CD-9874-8….jpeg)

Fake News Nominee

5bd81e No.51095

File: d5bfd973b7d5709⋯.jpg (368.39 KB, 800x500, 8:5, index.jpg)

a1edf0 No.51137

File: d165a9d1b649ebe⋯.jpeg (249.5 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, F5F58865-03EC-4E81-ADF0-7….jpeg)



a1edf0 No.51149

File: a017277d26d4a0c⋯.jpeg (342.13 KB, 1536x1376, 48:43, 3A192ADD-3F98-4440-98DF-B….jpeg)

Fake News

5bd81e No.51214

File: 33ab1f533bedc88⋯.jpg (47.66 KB, 474x732, 79:122, index.jpg)

584bdd No.51215

File: 72bd728e90a99a6⋯.jpg (524.78 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, trump_meme_warfare.jpg)

24ee04 No.51238

File: 073912bb25f0107⋯.png (303.58 KB, 474x657, 158:219, cnn4.png)

8344b4 No.51289

File: a2ddd221970b6fa⋯.jpg (138.44 KB, 1024x843, 1024:843, The Line Has Been Drawn.jpg)

File: a7c0a8e75faaf3f⋯.jpg (86.6 KB, 778x584, 389:292, Tic Toc ISIS.jpg)

File: 82fc297137e4a0c⋯.png (274.73 KB, 785x250, 157:50, Fear the Reaper ISIS.png)

File: 0cf540c02a5959e⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Old Brother Grimm's Messag….png)

5bd81e No.51297

File: b4ceda71f73bec0⋯.jpg (149.31 KB, 500x646, 250:323, index.jpg)

a750ee No.51349

File: 199b3cced75e799⋯.jpg (255.93 KB, 2048x1075, 2048:1075, RedCrossUrgent.jpg)

a1edf0 No.51367

File: 9efc6e3ee0c4023⋯.jpeg (322.09 KB, 1536x1495, 1536:1495, B0953DA8-8111-42EF-9F4D-7….jpeg)

a1edf0 No.51383

Mods can you delete >>51348

5bd81e No.51409

File: 158d7697132f616⋯.jpg (203.09 KB, 500x689, 500:689, index2.jpg)

a1edf0 No.51475

File: d94f48c06968e5d⋯.jpeg (452.78 KB, 1536x1628, 384:407, D7E79123-98C6-48C9-8964-A….jpeg)

You are safe

c25e61 No.51482

File: 561d6caaf501e06⋯.jpg (19.34 KB, 261x193, 261:193, Twitteraward.jpg)

Hope these don't get shadowbanned.

a750ee No.51558

File: 3b0d27c0337f255⋯.jpg (264.3 KB, 2048x1075, 2048:1075, RedCrossH.jpg)

a1edf0 No.51562

File: 3b65f14699fce10⋯.jpeg (376.59 KB, 1528x1221, 1528:1221, 16FC38AC-E7A9-4809-8310-7….jpeg)

America is safe.

da67a3 No.51634

File: b635daf18088da3⋯.png (247.06 KB, 600x315, 40:21, aprilhole.png)

da67a3 No.51635

File: b635daf18088da3⋯.png (247.06 KB, 600x315, 40:21, aprilhole.png)

5bd81e No.51653

File: 09f5da1d5b68356⋯.jpg (80.55 KB, 350x499, 350:499, index3.jpg)

da67a3 No.51747

File: 52e99f2f40de5f4⋯.png (195.94 KB, 600x269, 600:269, aprilprd.png)

950203 No.51849

File: bc6776ce8c1ff24⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1957x1240, 1957:1240, rums2.png)

File: b8a9b78b1da5657⋯.jpg (228.89 KB, 815x1055, 163:211, conspiracies.jpg)

da67a3 No.51852

File: 95e558fd005e7ac⋯.png (297.11 KB, 600x340, 30:17, aprilclin.png)

requesting vector

a750ee No.51938

File: 790ae46b6788aaa⋯.jpg (63.17 KB, 1123x375, 1123:375, WhatHappensVegas.JPG)

1cc8d5 No.51977

File: b491f9d072ce14e⋯.jpg (117.15 KB, 595x497, 85:71, _SPY_vs_SPY__.jpg)

2d0ccf No.52132

File: ae8ac533608ceb0⋯.jpg (510.9 KB, 1576x833, 1576:833, FAKE NEWS - way off 1.jpg)

File: 0ce47ddaed0e2f2⋯.jpg (484.86 KB, 1576x833, 1576:833, FAKE NEWS - way off 2.jpg)

File: 7269b7d0e603862⋯.jpg (289.7 KB, 1577x827, 1577:827, FAKE NEWS - way off 3.jpg)

File: 4a9eeb15ae5ad78⋯.jpg (310.24 KB, 1577x827, 1577:827, FAKE NEWS - way off 4.jpg)

2d0ccf No.52140

File: 810e6226b1d7ca1⋯.jpg (321.79 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, FEAR NOT 1.jpg)

784754 No.52149

File: 8a5031d5572c562⋯.jpg (197.76 KB, 1771x879, 1771:879, Hawaiimeme.jpg)

5bd81e No.52270

File: c79c6b7212bb471⋯.jpg (33.13 KB, 450x252, 25:14, index1.jpg)

File: 0492d12b08480d6⋯.jpg (114.43 KB, 888x500, 222:125, index2.jpg)

File: 42d5d41f29fc7dd⋯.jpg (115.97 KB, 888x500, 222:125, index3.jpg)

da67a3 No.52374


wrong lady

foul ball

do not use

5bd81e No.52397

File: 0643fbc452cb4e5⋯.jpg (142.36 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, index4.jpg)

File: 232bd5a13d961c6⋯.jpg (88.99 KB, 670x377, 670:377, index5.jpg)

File: ba217a8652d18fb⋯.jpg (110.98 KB, 800x430, 80:43, index6.jpg)

c6b335 No.52471

Maybe I am a little behind, but anyone hear this News about @Jack??


a750ee No.52487

File: d7d5d7b519f8749⋯.jpg (37.61 KB, 712x397, 712:397, CNN1.JPG)

67e63f No.52502

File: 9e82f077a4b367c⋯.png (706.7 KB, 1116x624, 93:52, Anderson200M.png)

File: 8d9b4f91f9d4eea⋯.jpg (51.87 KB, 900x600, 3:2, AntifaIsrael.jpg)

File: 3f838905f4d235e⋯.png (854.35 KB, 1140x639, 380:213, cfhaiti$.png)

File: 5553c5af23280da⋯.png (822.14 KB, 1143x639, 127:71, CFhaiticash.png)

File: 27ba5fae10fc2fd⋯.jpg (109.64 KB, 662x500, 331:250, CFweddingRrelie$.jpg)

It was not possible to harvest everything. We missed #55-59. Any highly acclaimed memes in those threads, please post them to Memes9 yourself so we can get them into the archive. Thanks.

67e63f No.52509

File: f82c8c756cc70bb⋯.png (212.91 KB, 461x650, 461:650, ChelseaRCCash.png)

File: 4f2aa57d548883f⋯.jpg (50.03 KB, 1042x577, 1042:577, ChicagoNo.jpg)

File: fdde243312a036a⋯.jpg (38.97 KB, 350x233, 350:233, CIApain.jpg)

File: 39d244dd722dde8⋯.png (318.98 KB, 800x449, 800:449, CNNlieU.png)

File: 2414f2fd741637d⋯.png (153.04 KB, 1164x726, 194:121, Collusion.png)

67e63f No.52511

File: 6b095014d131f41⋯.jpg (39.54 KB, 500x337, 500:337, cons1.jpg)

File: 89f09a45c6dbdaf⋯.jpg (46.64 KB, 500x539, 500:539, cons2.jpg)

File: 280474db180bc5f⋯.jpg (61.67 KB, 780x416, 15:8, cons3.jpg)

File: 83a8f27b936a567⋯.jpg (99.22 KB, 540x681, 180:227, ConspiraciesTrue2.jpg)

File: 3a3f76a2b2b7279⋯.jpg (114.55 KB, 390x742, 195:371, ConspiraciesTrue3.jpg)

5bd81e No.52514

File: b9bc6b008501fc6⋯.jpg (78.89 KB, 640x425, 128:85, jim.jpg)

File: f77edf544878645⋯.jpg (82.45 KB, 800x450, 16:9, tapper.jpg)

67e63f No.52517

File: 86ef45f7f17ec44⋯.jpg (67.8 KB, 270x681, 90:227, ConspiraciesTrue4.jpg)

File: 9b33aec864d85a0⋯.jpg (69.82 KB, 800x485, 160:97, crims5.jpg)

File: 7121a571145bdea⋯.jpg (75.68 KB, 800x488, 100:61, crims6.jpg)

File: a8c8ce20db9b81f⋯.jpg (313.54 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DACAcost.jpg)

File: 603f73e1d769e44⋯.jpg (37.68 KB, 640x403, 640:403, DemLibsWhatOffend.jpg)

67e63f No.52520

File: 5a7c8e52a06e319⋯.jpeg (77.97 KB, 620x465, 4:3, FalseFlagBesafse.jpeg)

File: 5398487c08060d2⋯.jpg (73.85 KB, 736x414, 16:9, FalseFlagIncoming.jpg)

File: be532bed5db1c31⋯.jpg (100.69 KB, 652x500, 163:125, Ff3.jpg)

File: 6da30ca3d9086c2⋯.jpeg (89.54 KB, 898x500, 449:250, FF2.jpeg)

File: dc79b39aec572d3⋯.jpg (73.43 KB, 736x414, 16:9, FFthisweek.jpg)

67e63f No.52526

File: ef9b369fa5244d6⋯.jpg (114.99 KB, 500x625, 4:5, fna.jpg)

File: f07cd6c0eef1860⋯.jpg (81.83 KB, 615x813, 205:271, fna1.jpg)

File: e37bdfbd7213fef⋯.jpg (2.35 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, FNAcard.jpg)

File: 61dbc033b719fc5⋯.jpg (68.01 KB, 800x485, 160:97, fnacron.jpg)

File: 443d6373dd11999⋯.jpg (63.34 KB, 782x524, 391:262, FNChoose.jpg)

67e63f No.52534

File: b3db5458bbe434d⋯.jpeg (62.55 KB, 800x487, 800:487, FNcronk.jpeg)

File: 25e6816ad05513e⋯.png (371.7 KB, 457x569, 457:569, fnnDossier.png)

File: 767963c620a0b44⋯.jpg (31.15 KB, 500x309, 500:309, fnortrust.jpg)

File: fd9000de319f39d⋯.png (128.19 KB, 750x731, 750:731, fnWhyiLie.png)

File: f9d6ad3a2d7a975⋯.png (126.11 KB, 750x751, 750:751, fnWhyiLie2.png)

67e63f No.52540

File: cd717a026ec69f2⋯.png (119.92 KB, 750x751, 750:751, fnWhyiLie3.png)

File: c192b7345a14a99⋯.png (112.13 KB, 750x751, 750:751, fnWhyiLie4.png)

File: ba90e7746d03e42⋯.png (141.53 KB, 750x751, 750:751, fnWhyiLie5.png)

File: 05fdf2c8da9cb56⋯.png (126.98 KB, 750x751, 750:751, fnWhyiLie6.png)

File: 46bb4b45874fbd0⋯.png (10.57 KB, 750x751, 750:751, fnWhyiLieTemplate.png)

67e63f No.52546

File: 05fac963b78a35a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB, 1754x1240, 877:620, Gender1.jpg)

File: c4cb13b09cf47b4⋯.jpg (80.82 KB, 1754x1240, 877:620, Gender2.jpg)

File: d1afd5365b617c3⋯.jpg (96.85 KB, 1754x1240, 877:620, Gender3.jpg)

File: 0694ed5b699c896⋯.jpg (286.23 KB, 981x614, 981:614, Gitzkamo.jpg)

File: f51a3dd8e594df3⋯.jpg (268.21 KB, 981x614, 981:614, McCainNot.jpg)

67e63f No.52548

File: d4c9a4d397ea672⋯.jpg (18.85 KB, 270x177, 90:59, MediaDivide.jpg)

File: 398e9b69a4e0ff0⋯.jpg (46.96 KB, 454x389, 454:389, MockingStupid.jpg)

File: 66edc845c11d404⋯.jpg (95.26 KB, 892x1342, 446:671, MockKill.jpg)

File: 677098d64f67e94⋯.png (394.41 KB, 1110x398, 555:199, MockTVprog.png)

File: 126aa2a88fc74ba⋯.png (205.28 KB, 463x633, 463:633, NKCashviaIran.png)

67e63f No.52552

File: 7d7e23dd32991ff⋯.png (284.33 KB, 485x484, 485:484, NKdevNukeWeap.png)

File: a87347e308c2b4a⋯.png (263.9 KB, 427x424, 427:424, NKnukesButUran.png)

File: 913772a5768bdba⋯.png (832.47 KB, 1108x594, 554:297, PedoBono.png)

File: 52c2b468d342dca⋯.jpg (103.49 KB, 540x486, 10:9, Pedogate1.jpg)

File: 36fd9891f6810cc⋯.jpg (219.84 KB, 1014x714, 169:119, Pedogate2.jpg)

ffa013 No.52579

File: 20a93c4646abec6⋯.jpg (69.98 KB, 517x301, 517:301, Pedogate3.jpg)

File: a12e57e2f33012e⋯.jpg (63.46 KB, 519x228, 173:76, Pedogate4.jpg)

File: 7d24977106248cc⋯.jpg (73.87 KB, 254x579, 254:579, Pedogate5.jpg)

File: 058618a1dbf72de⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 1600x1025, 64:41, PedoPoisonRing.jpg)

File: 33f54429c5a3114⋯.jpeg (152.89 KB, 725x499, 725:499, PentaAud.jpeg)

ffa013 No.52585

File: 21087cec7e5587e⋯.jpeg (69.79 KB, 740x499, 740:499, PentagonAudit2.jpeg)

File: 093bd9b18ac651e⋯.jpg (198.93 KB, 800x525, 32:21, PentAudit.jpg)

File: eaff133007faa2e⋯.jpg (58.06 KB, 270x570, 9:19, Pizzagate=Pedogate.jpg)

File: cb39015ff3bfd50⋯.jpg (68.17 KB, 270x609, 90:203, Pizzagate=Pedogate2.jpg)

File: 2ca0adb9e32b484⋯.jpg (223.11 KB, 1014x714, 169:119, Pizzagate=Pedogate3.jpg)

ffa013 No.52588

File: b9faaf8fe920fd7⋯.jpg (62.61 KB, 270x550, 27:55, Pizzagate=Pedogate4.jpg)

File: 6c8685e3f9a1133⋯.jpg (148.12 KB, 540x974, 270:487, Pizzagate=Pedogate5.jpg)

File: f1e7513de2b71b7⋯.jpeg (44.41 KB, 600x314, 300:157, POTUStellSafe.jpeg)

File: 6359ead1104cfcd⋯.png (101.82 KB, 355x227, 355:227, QanonTopSecretIntel.png)

File: 78b48117d4fe7c1⋯.png (757.05 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Qcrumbs50.png)

ffa013 No.52596

File: 0b5758a3d57fb58⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1111x1111, 1:1, QcrumbsFF.png)

File: c75239494769a03⋯.jpeg (158.06 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, RedpillFreeMind.jpeg)

File: 5fbe63ab79e7a05⋯.jpg (292.91 KB, 1056x816, 22:17, safe2.jpg)

File: 2c05164baae12ab⋯.jpg (313.1 KB, 845x841, 845:841, Safe1.jpg)

File: f748d2d412616c3⋯.jpg (173.36 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, shitholehypocrisy.jpg)

ffa013 No.52599

File: ba7b252a3ca5d03⋯.jpg (116.44 KB, 1200x745, 240:149, SlushYou.jpg)

File: 3263a40b446af0c⋯.png (209.07 KB, 1084x528, 271:132, Surveillance Control Alexa.png)

File: c9481a577842d97⋯.png (611.47 KB, 500x615, 100:123, treasonAngry.png)

File: ec5c34e3a368cde⋯.png (630.92 KB, 1256x780, 314:195, TreasonDubyaConstitution.png)

File: 926d6c85a1a10a2⋯.jpg (133.38 KB, 625x500, 5:4, TruthSoundsHate.jpg)

8d7989 No.52600


Don't DOX people

ffa013 No.52606

File: 37e4414637c09ed⋯.jpg (51.35 KB, 620x280, 31:14, TruthvsDeepState.jpg)

File: 1c09a76a38fdf48⋯.png (1.05 MB, 892x1342, 446:671, TwitByeJack.png)

File: 1b253c63fbcf52e⋯.jpeg (174.19 KB, 666x500, 333:250, VegasDisclose.jpeg)

File: f4c5a2698344bf0⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1108x824, 277:206, WJCHumanSac.png)

a750ee No.52628


First one is awesome

5bd81e No.52770

File: 5280392acc5157b⋯.jpg (58.6 KB, 500x324, 125:81, index7.jpg)

File: e14af0e94772c0b⋯.jpg (45.63 KB, 500x500, 1:1, index8.jpg)

File: f897ad3d824763d⋯.jpg (58.91 KB, 600x400, 3:2, index9.jpg)

8f796c No.52775

File: fb016c205ec143a⋯.png (582.95 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, Connect-the-Dots.png)

1184da No.52803

File: 0e3a0d15bd49a40⋯.jpg (17.9 KB, 255x175, 51:35, 3a6087a68462f93076072c47f2….jpg)

a1edf0 No.52809

File: 69960e1d29fef26⋯.jpeg (321.75 KB, 1489x1352, 1489:1352, 89F94604-DEA6-4CB8-88F1-A….jpeg)

It had to be said.

2d0ccf No.52816

File: f6c9df9ace836c2⋯.jpg (589.73 KB, 1201x826, 1201:826, TRUST 2.jpg)

File: e23c94bd7eafc35⋯.jpg (508.71 KB, 1201x826, 1201:826, TRUST 3.jpg)

173da7 No.52854

File: c8499bba4d06035⋯.jpg (689.81 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, ChuckSchumer.corrupt.qpost….jpg)

c6b335 No.52874

Does anyone think that Qs post about the "Change in News Cycle" will delay the Fake News Awards?

Just want to be sure, so I know whether the campaign is still going to run

2d0ccf No.52920

File: 3c3159d953919c3⋯.jpg (454.95 KB, 1201x826, 1201:826, TRUST 4.jpg)

ffa013 No.52967

>>52874 Q team is directing us all quite strongly to focus on the Wednesday twitter campaign. I assume that if there is a change in schedule we will be notified as soon as they know. At this time I do not expect a change in schedule. My guess is that "Change in News Cycle" means something different than what you assume. It's one of those Q phrases whose meaning is not obvious on first reading, that becomes understandable in hindsight after something predicted happens. Just my 2c

b3284e No.52992

File: 3285200255f1b08⋯.jpg (241.97 KB, 887x500, 887:500, tv.jpg)

File: b9135800f2193a2⋯.jpg (356.22 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Untitled-2.jpg)

Ready for the news awards this week. The pic of Hillary is sized 1024 x 512 pixels for proper twitter sharing

140883 No.53006

File: f3d59595f6f693a⋯.jpg (62.47 KB, 500x572, 125:143, watchforit.jpg)

ec4d54 No.53048

File: 057bf7849167e31⋯.jpeg (432.38 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 36049ED1-77B2-443A-B990-1….jpeg)

How About This.

c5ffc8 No.53049

File: 5b355c03ee5d409⋯.jpg (63.8 KB, 350x467, 350:467, meme5699584000.jpg)


ffa013 No.53093

File: 36d2b1b20a571be⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1873x982, 1873:982, ClipboardImage.png)




Through tempest, storm,

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.


Image Library


is updated thru general #60 plus whatever anons put in Memes#9 (as of 7:00 PM EST).

The same ammo is available in Memes#9 >>32311 or in bulk by category from the Image Library.

10,741 memes

Recent focus categories in General #54:


Fake News

Fake News Awards




Redpill-Truth has been divided into two folders, Redpill and Truth. We added False Flag, Las Vegas, and Safe.

We had to skip General #55-59. Any important/acclaimed memes from those threads, please post to Memes #9 >>32311 yourself so we can at least archive them.

95ba44 No.53115

File: a6186ec81d0776d⋯.png (845.77 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, jm1.png)

File: 1c427238aac001b⋯.png (925.6 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, bcc1.png)

File: 4bd45ad90f516ef⋯.png (1019.61 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, bho1.png)

File: f5bf41acda19e72⋯.png (725.2 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, np1.png)

c5ffc8 No.53178

File: 7cc13e5f3877141⋯.jpg (63.91 KB, 350x467, 350:467, meme7491444344.jpg)

c6b335 No.53200


Yeah, possibly double meaning, I hadnt heard anything else so I wanted to put the feelers out for any other opinions…thanks

606f9c No.53203

File: 0b1434e75f06e73⋯.png (712.27 KB, 753x749, 753:749, trannie.PNG)

File: 02a0043902b9dc5⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1150x1415, 230:283, chealsie.PNG)

File: a3e2722372b260e⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1144x736, 143:92, jack.PNG)

File: 05a492edc32ae06⋯.png (859.33 KB, 641x637, 641:637, serve.PNG)

4a3e90 No.53247

File: 81f8be73922e322⋯.jpg (119.71 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Q.jpg)

5bd81e No.53345

File: d7ad4214355c08c⋯.jpg (75.51 KB, 678x381, 226:127, index.jpg)

Dr. Bandy Lee doesn't even have a license to practice.

d34ce1 No.53438

File: 7c5664882fd0c0a⋯.jpg (55.26 KB, 640x360, 16:9, deal or no deal.jpg)

d34ce1 No.53442

File: 00b43ac2716fbb6⋯.jpg (201.22 KB, 952x500, 238:125, vegas2.jpg)

d34ce1 No.53453

File: f2f2e11a33186b5⋯.jpg (97.08 KB, 889x500, 889:500, durbin.jpg)

File: d6d3131ec8b8317⋯.jpg (87.46 KB, 469x358, 469:358, false flag3.jpg)

81fb41 No.53454

File: d584f1e15946684⋯.jpeg (114.83 KB, 1000x730, 100:73, MAGA racist.jpeg)

File: fd8a2b652eb6a64⋯.jpg (188.89 KB, 799x700, 799:700, censorship.jpg)

File: d4ded5e29367fae⋯.jpg (180.67 KB, 798x700, 57:50, censorship censored.jpg)

784754 No.53530

File: 260adb127410936⋯.jpg (208.68 KB, 1771x879, 1771:879, Hawaii(1).jpg)

ffa013 No.53536


Anon, it is incorrect to show general Mattis as "the Devil". Do you not recognize the symbol of the horned one as being Satan the devil? I guess you need to study up on Satanic Symbols before making further memes…..

ffa013 No.53555

File: fe2c26fe2a3e0a8⋯.png (33.98 KB, 330x330, 1:1, AndersonHeadTransparentBac….png)

File: f745cc7bd243520⋯.jpg (100.76 KB, 888x499, 888:499, BlackCommunityEmploymentHi….jpg)

File: 41872d13a0642fa⋯.jpg (92.26 KB, 635x477, 635:477, BoomsStartWW3.jpg)

File: ce50dd18390992b⋯.jpg (3.59 MB, 3124x2228, 781:557, CanadaInfograph.jpg)

File: 9520c9250eeba27⋯.jpg (270.65 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, ChildTraffArrests.jpg)

ffa013 No.53566

File: fe2c26fe2a3e0a8⋯.png (33.98 KB, 330x330, 1:1, AndersonHeadTransparentBac….png)

File: f745cc7bd243520⋯.jpg (100.76 KB, 888x499, 888:499, BlackCommunityEmploymentHi….jpg)

File: 41872d13a0642fa⋯.jpg (92.26 KB, 635x477, 635:477, BoomsStartWW3.jpg)

File: ce50dd18390992b⋯.jpg (3.59 MB, 3124x2228, 781:557, CanadaInfograph.jpg)

File: 9520c9250eeba27⋯.jpg (270.65 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, ChildTraffArrests.jpg)


ffa013 No.53588

File: e0dc8af53541ed5⋯.png (224.86 KB, 720x405, 16:9, CNNadmitsLying.png)

File: d7d5d7b519f8749⋯.jpg (37.61 KB, 712x397, 712:397, CNNcompliant.jpg)

File: 25856fad6eeebb5⋯.jpg (93.81 KB, 600x450, 4:3, CNNfnFresh.jpg)

File: 4427d317c07d02c⋯.png (33.04 KB, 785x714, 785:714, CNNlieslies.png)

File: a0734a6ddc9bb84⋯.jpg (56.8 KB, 804x445, 804:445, ConstitutionOnHateSpeech.jpg)

1184da No.53594

File: 4cebaf42ebe144e⋯.jpg (15.66 KB, 255x245, 51:49, clintonbushaxisevil.jpg)

ffa013 No.53601

File: 337540f4073d1b2⋯.jpg (40.41 KB, 480x468, 40:39, fn6MegaCorps.jpg)

File: 81c3706f0565024⋯.png (927.28 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, fna21.png)

File: 33e13b013ed2783⋯.png (926.73 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, fna22.png)

File: 29fa2ac2662348a⋯.png (927.62 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, fna23.png)

File: b8a85c1fa3e9479⋯.png (926.03 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, fna24.png)

ffa013 No.53635

File: 876fd1f8ac1237f⋯.png (925.45 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, fna25.png)

File: 05b4dc424f91c9d⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 500x490, 50:49, fnBrew.jpg)

File: 09f00dac78749a5⋯.jpg (53.39 KB, 512x384, 4:3, fnConspiracy.jpg)

File: ca04183ef93c33d⋯.jpg (209.4 KB, 1438x802, 719:401, fnConspirControl.jpg)

File: 924818a2c0c8d7b⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1296x745, 1296:745, fnEat.png)

34281c No.53652

File: 80301ddd8dd1672⋯.jpg (36.37 KB, 195x255, 13:17, adrenochrome-rocks.jpg)

They are truly sick fucks

ffa013 No.53654

File: fa11ff94e4d3097⋯.png (181.5 KB, 490x281, 490:281, fnEat2.png)

File: 04844bae5c448c9⋯.png (772.19 KB, 820x512, 205:128, fnEat3.png)

File: aca521e674b0578⋯.png (786.12 KB, 825x513, 275:171, fnEat4.png)

File: c40802b890ac8b5⋯.png (767.53 KB, 823x513, 823:513, fnEat5.png)

File: 3c0eb6c644c16b8⋯.png (915.37 KB, 1080x675, 8:5, fnEat6.png)

ffa013 No.53662

File: a2e579626502dba⋯.png (471.21 KB, 823x513, 823:513, fnEat7.png)

File: 4060535c2685caa⋯.png (303.9 KB, 490x305, 98:61, fnEat9.png)

File: d7466b34e353c54⋯.jpg (91.54 KB, 800x395, 160:79, fnFacto.jpg)

File: f4a4e9012527526⋯.jpg (56.19 KB, 500x632, 125:158, fnHitl.jpg)

File: bbbf0dff7d25c4f⋯.png (365.8 KB, 649x340, 649:340, fnHype.png)

ffa013 No.53674

File: f6587eb1dd60067⋯.png (845.74 KB, 830x622, 415:311, fnInvestig.png)

File: 2387ebad5f18e7c⋯.jpg (44.57 KB, 800x540, 40:27, fnMind.jpg)

File: 79f0deeb654d930⋯.jpg (243.76 KB, 1438x802, 719:401, fnMistrustPropa.jpg)

File: c106420e3a6506c⋯.jpg (132.67 KB, 885x500, 177:100, fnShortFacts.jpg)

File: 650eb1481b54921⋯.jpg (254.16 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, fnTrouble.jpg)

ffa013 No.53677

File: 66c747defa2d53a⋯.jpg (24.15 KB, 500x258, 250:129, fnTurnOff.jpg)

File: fa59a59b8885e06⋯.jpg (287.92 KB, 1094x940, 547:470, FNwayOff10.jpg)

File: e4cac568b050101⋯.jpg (103.7 KB, 1025x893, 1025:893, FNwayOff11.jpg)

File: 79d00fa89bddff5⋯.jpg (300.76 KB, 1093x951, 1093:951, FNwayOff12.jpg)

File: 1671f7775f71e78⋯.jpg (73.39 KB, 852x628, 213:157, fnWayOffESP1.jpg)

ffa013 No.53682

File: 626010ca0e15e56⋯.png (337.75 KB, 670x724, 335:362, Gowdy1.png)

File: f35e49c08e41e01⋯.png (255.31 KB, 632x942, 316:471, Gowdy2.png)

File: 8aa571f035ff19d⋯.jpg (70.95 KB, 600x450, 4:3, HaitiCFPocket.jpg)

File: 25bd283eedf8b34⋯.jpg (138.41 KB, 504x758, 252:379, HImissile.jpg)

File: 3c09366aa7ad349⋯.jpg (33.49 KB, 444x505, 444:505, McCainTraitor.jpg)

ffa013 No.53687

File: 9d92036bbcf76bc⋯.jpg (43.26 KB, 255x368, 255:368, MunkAskedWW3.jpg)

File: cf49cda6fa584b3⋯.png (212.36 KB, 490x287, 70:41, PatriotAgainstcorruption.png)

File: 7c0c09eb7b4d01e⋯.jpg (25.63 KB, 428x343, 428:343, PedoKosherBabies.jpg)

File: fbf19ffe4f47fdd⋯.jpg (61.34 KB, 450x282, 75:47, PopeIsrael$Conspiracy.jpg)

File: dc15836edcea2a7⋯.png (144.95 KB, 656x726, 328:363, POTUSStorm.png)

ffa013 No.53691

File: 7bf9a98e3711bd9⋯.png (244.27 KB, 489x325, 489:325, PropagandaInboundWW3.png)

File: 8149bbd9f8da2e3⋯.jpg (66.29 KB, 750x428, 375:214, Qanoncows.jpg)

File: e1120edeb1c93bd⋯.png (483.19 KB, 3035x2149, 3035:2149, Qcrumbs502.png)

File: 1b51640e96f23a1⋯.png (633.14 KB, 856x442, 428:221, RedCrossNoAudit.png)

File: cd68d38bf57a946⋯.png (81.71 KB, 400x400, 1:1, RedDoublecross.png)

ffa013 No.53698

File: da5986d02caed1b⋯.jpg (130.28 KB, 800x600, 4:3, SafePatriots.jpg)

File: 8e062bb5ba88b7f⋯.jpeg (545.9 KB, 1668x2224, 3:4, SidebyJack.jpeg)

File: e622cd250bd0392⋯.jpeg (296.6 KB, 1546x1290, 773:645, SidebyJack2.jpeg)

File: b3d6080edf8f007⋯.jpg (117.52 KB, 1754x1240, 877:620, ThinkADHDvac.jpg)

File: 1bf2ff0e490f548⋯.jpg (91.72 KB, 1754x1240, 877:620, ThinkCommonCore.jpg)

ffa013 No.53699

File: 33fea30586b99e5⋯.jpg (100.75 KB, 1754x1240, 877:620, ThinkFluoride.jpg)

File: b66a1d3b5a88232⋯.jpg (268.66 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, TraffickingArrests.jpg)

File: 6486c6a680f713e⋯.jpeg (160.24 KB, 1242x1300, 621:650, TwitJack.jpeg)

95ba44 No.53766

File: dc507dcca95ab97⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, cnn2.png)

a60f97 No.53828

File: fc2c3ccf6bf80aa⋯.jpeg (585.61 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, EB5BB8DA-9224-4A45-B723-9….jpeg)

File: a87ab6fda63904d⋯.jpeg (166.23 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, C09CE3FA-B1BA-400D-A410-9….jpeg)

c3f0da No.53829

File: 3376f96d0141964⋯.jpg (23.64 KB, 279x273, 93:91, acnn.jpg)

f70674 No.53901

File: ea79b5ac6adea3e⋯.jpg (56 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 01-14-18 My Meme.jpg)

cnn meme

ef14bb No.53904


That's MLK's conservative niece, not April Ryan.

8475eb No.53906

File: 138d51acd44ff23⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1058x600, 529:300, Capture.PNG)

18d85d No.53950

File: c2036c258512ddb⋯.jpg (2.29 MB, 4096x2304, 16:9, fakenewsawards001.jpg)

ed1334 No.53970

File: 13d4831d4e0bb93⋯.jpg (189.14 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, Gowdy.jpg)

81fb41 No.54020

File: 90cc8fc499a4997⋯.jpg (489.9 KB, 1000x1344, 125:168, Trump Thor Blunt and Direc….jpg)


I figured if they are Thor's goats, trampling Thor's enemies, then are probably not the devil. Much like the Gadsen Snake is not the devil. But I fixed the meme just in case. Apologies to General Mattis.

3289ea No.54068

File: 64385b7c765f012⋯.jpg (420.69 KB, 1201x899, 1201:899, 196584169153.jpg)

Where we go one, we go all.

8f796c No.54103

File: 8c3ea7ef34a4ca0⋯.png (242.56 KB, 1738x818, 869:409, Accomplishments.png)

b702e9 No.54146

File: c90534bf15438b8⋯.png (329.18 KB, 637x425, 637:425, mem1.png)

ffa013 No.54164

File: e0fe676fda7439e⋯.jpeg (116.94 KB, 750x500, 3:2, BlackUnemploy.jpeg)

File: 9a2ca0b6c990d8e⋯.jpg (82.51 KB, 851x560, 851:560, CFshitholefoundation.jpg)

File: 76a7cead87dc173⋯.jpg (809.08 KB, 3740x2094, 1870:1047, CNNfake.jpg)

File: 16d2453e5b6747f⋯.jpg (24.02 KB, 288x280, 36:35, CNNhigh.jpg)

File: b0880ae4d32d56d⋯.jpg (835.45 KB, 3736x2088, 467:261, cnnHilt.jpg)

ffa013 No.54173

File: 5a3daae590f391e⋯.jpg (838.36 KB, 3742x2092, 1871:1046, CNNjail.jpg)

File: 5cb39cc2ba54508⋯.jpg (641.52 KB, 3742x2094, 1871:1047, CNNmistrust.jpg)

File: 702298fb8d4ba84⋯.jpg (987.6 KB, 1049x700, 1049:700, CNNourjob.jpg)

File: 40d21aedd2928fb⋯.jpeg (125.96 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, CNNpriceless.jpeg)

File: 2145bda3f0f390a⋯.jpg (65.56 KB, 600x450, 4:3, CNNprogramming.jpg)

ffa013 No.54183

File: 01df5adef9dbc6a⋯.jpg (223.88 KB, 902x789, 902:789, FakeNewsCavern.jpg)

File: 420e9dbdc90152d⋯.png (650.69 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, FakeNewsMadeUp.png)

File: 14295cb5e6cc65b⋯.jpg (83.39 KB, 551x377, 19:13, FFdef.jpg)

File: 5ca30cfa2df746e⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 4601x2588, 4601:2588, fna1-17-18.jpg)

File: e38b41e6dcdd80b⋯.png (775.04 KB, 825x594, 25:18, fnaActor.png)

ffa013 No.54197

File: e82d7528b4a0381⋯.png (2 MB, 1305x1500, 87:100, fnaFakeys.png)

File: b7db9a6f0626576⋯.jpeg (86.64 KB, 348x639, 116:213, fnaKek.jpeg)

File: 16eddff419111a7⋯.png (931.54 KB, 857x712, 857:712, fnanepotism.png)

File: 3760c1af33f05ca⋯.png (172.79 KB, 525x294, 25:14, fnaNot.png)

File: a87ab6fda63904d⋯.jpeg (166.23 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, fnaOrwell.jpeg)

ffa013 No.54200

File: 8e9698b83d464bf⋯.jpg (88.47 KB, 770x458, 385:229, fnaSchwartz.jpg)

File: 120c6c60377140b⋯.jpg (76.39 KB, 474x628, 237:314, fnashithole.jpg)

File: 42a00d833f3a070⋯.png (753.71 KB, 825x446, 825:446, fnaSpecialeFx.png)

File: 24726b7f818be06⋯.jpg (179.15 KB, 478x359, 478:359, fnawards.jpg)

File: 952cc1217f72f9a⋯.png (236.41 KB, 542x487, 542:487, fnCFR.png)

ffa013 No.54206

File: d607930a9cdb17e⋯.jpg (332.79 KB, 800x1125, 32:45, fnCNNcareless.jpg)

File: 6009be1d95c6ece⋯.jpg (126.08 KB, 432x655, 432:655, fnCNNfake.jpg)

File: 73e0afa9ade5484⋯.png (150.92 KB, 301x564, 301:564, FNemmy.png)

File: 05bde737cbd66ce⋯.png (690.66 KB, 1111x623, 1111:623, FNnominee.png)

File: f981fc09cd338a5⋯.jpg (277.73 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, fnPoll.jpg)

e37039 No.54207

File: d34bb291729541a⋯.png (123.91 KB, 1056x816, 22:17, defcon_U1_Hawaii.png)

Question: Regain Entry to WHAT? The Emergency Alert System?

ffa013 No.54214

File: 19e21710644b11c⋯.png (882.77 KB, 826x546, 59:39, fnProd.png)

File: 04a5482334b2f13⋯.jpg (24.93 KB, 260x348, 65:87, FNtrophy.jpg)

File: 0bacca50b7c629f⋯.jpg (329.8 KB, 1482x960, 247:160, fnwayoff100.jpg)

File: f3c3994d2f6653a⋯.jpg (123.71 KB, 1197x890, 1197:890, FNwayoffESP1.jpg)

File: 81c68c233275214⋯.jpg (354.79 KB, 1482x960, 247:160, FNwayoffESP2.jpg)

ffa013 No.54217

File: 3e2693b83eeea13⋯.jpg (341.21 KB, 1482x960, 247:160, FNwayoffESP3.jpg)

File: 3682a431b10a5e9⋯.png (258.67 KB, 537x717, 179:239, fnYouBelieved.png)

File: 627c2c95708ed5f⋯.jpg (103.34 KB, 624x400, 39:25, HaitiBillions.jpg)

File: 43cf5f7bf7b8fc2⋯.jpg (74.56 KB, 960x922, 480:461, HaitiGoldmine.jpg)

File: 31d4fcc6230dc7b⋯.jpg (16.79 KB, 720x613, 720:613, HawMissile.jpg)

ffa013 No.54227

File: 7e58babe10870ec⋯.jpeg (162.75 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, HrcChocolateShithole.jpeg)

File: 53b17411e309db2⋯.jpg (145.81 KB, 1280x658, 640:329, HumTraffArr.jpg)

File: 3091b87139ea43a⋯.jpg (58.6 KB, 369x400, 369:400, IsraelSqueeze.jpg)

File: f8c158b92412384⋯.jpg (17.3 KB, 259x194, 259:194, McCsoldout.jpg)

File: 2d1577c8a274a85⋯.png (609.67 KB, 492x746, 246:373, MockingCFR.png)

ffa013 No.54231

File: 7aef8f61bf3435c⋯.jpg (51.98 KB, 570x238, 285:119, MunkEvil.jpg)

File: 5786f7845486578⋯.jpeg (72.27 KB, 780x438, 130:73, NKbutton.jpeg)

File: c6088b5a31870c4⋯.png (545.26 KB, 1032x614, 516:307, NKClintonNukDeal.png)

File: 011d28b1d2c32dc⋯.jpg (93.83 KB, 800x1024, 25:32, PatriotTeamwork.jpg)

File: e09340dfc2d5d28⋯.png (295.59 KB, 616x411, 616:411, POTUSdow24000.png)

ffa013 No.54234

File: 8397b2babbaf340⋯.jpg (186.84 KB, 800x658, 400:329, POTUSHammerTime1.jpg)

File: dffdb75ec529f62⋯.jpg (341.15 KB, 1400x1152, 175:144, POTUSHammerTime2.jpg)

File: e9f50d31780b729⋯.jpg (602.02 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, QCrumbsMAGA.jpg)

File: 72781cfeb3f48b9⋯.jpg (111.42 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, SAAlwaleeddopey.jpg)

File: 8297a5087a2a202⋯.png (490.9 KB, 3035x2149, 3035:2149, SaudiAlwaleedSings.png)

ffa013 No.54242

File: 3e01e729b93d35b⋯.jpg (141.01 KB, 903x641, 903:641, SaudiAlwaleed Treason.jpg)

File: b9cfa8e050f4d6f⋯.jpg (85.47 KB, 634x634, 1:1, SethWhoMurdered.jpg)

File: 75e35b9bcc08e8b⋯.png (820.67 KB, 2000x1244, 500:311, SidebyNY22.png)

File: 708f464cf3e1cbb⋯.jpg (924.31 KB, 2579x2000, 2579:2000, SidebyNYC23.jpg)

File: 7489b9d9f0f60e5⋯.jpg (109.5 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, SidebyNYC24.jpg)

ffa013 No.54245

File: 3021834ab2bcdb3⋯.jpg (317.62 KB, 979x980, 979:980, SidebyNYC25.jpg)

File: 850a73a40f37b64⋯.png (236.25 KB, 632x353, 632:353, Slush10.png)

File: 3ead421b3ddca8d⋯.jpg (91.6 KB, 600x400, 3:2, VegasMotives.jpg)

b702e9 No.54249

File: a4d0d47dae639ad⋯.jpg (59.52 KB, 600x400, 3:2, dorseymeme.jpg)

0a91da No.54287

File: 46cbcc6aa825744⋯.jpg (45.48 KB, 500x333, 500:333, sjwicon1.jpg)

5bd81e No.54296

File: 53126058a5b3975⋯.jpg (120.78 KB, 750x500, 3:2, index.jpg)

adf954 No.54385

File: a2523983b0ac502⋯.jpg (77.38 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 22ng4d.jpg)

5bd81e No.54398

File: 470e23d0e1f6032⋯.jpg (39.42 KB, 300x300, 1:1, index.jpg)

ce0b54 No.54459

Shouldn't this meme thread have a list of blanks that we can fill in with appropriate text? I don't see anything in the dough.

5bd81e No.54462

File: 8fc02bbcbb4bfff⋯.jpg (58.37 KB, 500x323, 500:323, index.jpg)

5bd81e No.54484

File: 512b1ca34111d4e⋯.jpg (62.16 KB, 400x387, 400:387, meme 1.jpg)

8f796c No.54495

File: c87784996b52dd2⋯.jpg (298.84 KB, 1738x818, 869:409, Accomplishments-as-Smart-O….jpg)


>▶Anonymous (You)  01/14/18 (Sun) 22:10:32 8f796c No.54103

Tried to improve it

5bd81e No.54535

File: 9cb074356782ed9⋯.jpg (46.65 KB, 500x500, 1:1, index.jpg)

5bd81e No.54620

File: 03fac9e4da6ea12⋯.jpg (65.49 KB, 500x454, 250:227, index.jpg)

9afd6d No.54668

File: b2a9a75f7542942⋯.jpg (133.05 KB, 700x394, 350:197, 459684565225gyuffuGA1.jpg)

e44c93 No.54715

File: 3977f3690502dd3⋯.jpg (74.6 KB, 596x395, 596:395, Fullscreen capture 1142018….jpg)

File: 665a1f986b1f5cb⋯.jpg (54.1 KB, 475x363, 475:363, Fullscreen capture 1142018….jpg)

File: 7e8c8c77d59cd7c⋯.jpg (83.74 KB, 593x396, 593:396, Fullscreen capture 1142018….jpg)

File: 23db0656457607c⋯.jpg (82.22 KB, 671x378, 671:378, Fullscreen capture 1142018….jpg)

5bd81e No.54717

File: bad9bac13cb9ffc⋯.jpg (60.13 KB, 500x281, 500:281, more.jpg)

5e6ee5 No.54796

File: 77451c3e4943131⋯.jpg (127.67 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 22lyzv.jpg)

5bd81e No.54825

File: f331d69fda1d64f⋯.jpg (46.49 KB, 460x259, 460:259, index.jpg)

8f796c No.54865

File: db1bd59eca9fb90⋯.jpg (303.33 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, Exposing-Deep-State.jpg)

ffa013 No.54889

File: 7cf512274c05cfa⋯.jpg (126.51 KB, 650x650, 1:1, AndersonCIA.jpg)

File: 094e0a312f82814⋯.png (545.73 KB, 625x603, 625:603, AndersonSicko.png)

File: 26336002aa5437c⋯.jpg (138.36 KB, 500x666, 250:333, BathroomCleanerThan1.jpg)

File: 7eaeb6c6a5d698c⋯.jpg (97.25 KB, 560x375, 112:75, BathroomCleanerThan2.jpg)

File: 27c06fddc64e36d⋯.jpg (89 KB, 550x367, 550:367, BathroomCleanerThan3.jpg)

ffa013 No.54893

File: c164f2850a3959d⋯.jpg (59.69 KB, 506x499, 506:499, BathroomCleanerThan4.jpg)

File: 89c0b63047464c8⋯.jpg (98.41 KB, 500x575, 20:23, BathroomCleanerThan5.jpg)

File: 8e36b1d50eff2c2⋯.jpg (286.83 KB, 724x483, 724:483, billboard.jpg)

File: cc56f9f82e4e6ed⋯.jpg (261.75 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, BlackHomeownership.jpg)

File: 63541fd6eafd784⋯.jpg (180.14 KB, 720x807, 240:269, BlacksForTrump.jpg)

ffa013 No.54896

File: 3da5cbfa3926664⋯.jpg (94.72 KB, 1188x1200, 99:100, cnn10.jpg)

File: 572a1d2652cc103⋯.jpg (83.8 KB, 1188x1200, 99:100, cnn11.jpg)

File: c2e14c7cd7ae6c5⋯.jpg (112.74 KB, 1188x1200, 99:100, cnn12.jpg)

File: 48dda6f6eaac075⋯.jpg (83.95 KB, 1188x1200, 99:100, cnn13.jpg)

File: b4d6a138b303cee⋯.jpg (89.51 KB, 1188x1200, 99:100, cnn14.jpg)

ffa013 No.54898

File: 2aab0be14202481⋯.jpg (86.62 KB, 1188x1200, 99:100, cnn16.jpg)

File: 4cc23291deaa25d⋯.jpg (81.94 KB, 1188x1200, 99:100, cnn17.jpg)

File: 51c8665a76379c3⋯.jpg (38.49 KB, 800x800, 1:1, cnn18.jpg)

File: ed3fe02b3854bab⋯.jpg (82 KB, 1188x1200, 99:100, cnn115.jpg)

File: a2d781e9e380f05⋯.jpeg (55.85 KB, 592x592, 1:1, cnnAntifa.jpeg)

ffa013 No.54903

File: 408dc156fd92d06⋯.png (667.63 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, cnncounterfeit.png)

File: 3467f5d727bfcf1⋯.jpg (233.19 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, CNNFNComey.jpg)

File: 89ec35b13134014⋯.png (172.62 KB, 642x744, 107:124, CNNlietome.png)

File: 5c65f6f8e6b03da⋯.jpg (158.64 KB, 1425x1058, 1425:1058, CNNnomore.jpg)

File: 3259eb140ede722⋯.jpg (43.76 KB, 800x800, 1:1, CNNtold.jpg)

ffa013 No.54907

File: 1cc4cee00c6d0a2⋯.jpg (1018.83 KB, 1584x1080, 22:15, EpsteinBodies.jpg)

File: 35b203c2e49e463⋯.jpg (9.49 KB, 246x176, 123:88, FakenewsHypnotis.jpg)

File: b28b14269242783⋯.jpg (88.32 KB, 800x800, 1:1, FakeStoryABCFlynn.jpg)

File: e79ec25d2a08df9⋯.jpg (94.7 KB, 702x500, 351:250, ff11.jpg)

File: b7345b111dd055b⋯.jpg (89.92 KB, 618x500, 309:250, ff12.jpg)

ffa013 No.54911

File: d1a920f0c6d3cd4⋯.jpg (89.34 KB, 702x500, 351:250, ff13.jpg)

File: 5c1a2ce071b6f73⋯.jpg (86.72 KB, 618x500, 309:250, ff14.jpg)

File: 23d83652ad9c034⋯.jpg (88.33 KB, 582x500, 291:250, FF10.jpg)

File: d403a99d1df6c34⋯.jpg (91.9 KB, 702x500, 351:250, ffcolddark.jpg)

File: 275b39eaa34a37f⋯.jpg (93.5 KB, 702x500, 351:250, ffdesperate.jpg)

ffa013 No.54924

File: 15b6870f5c5d405⋯.jpeg (20.7 KB, 255x255, 1:1, fnaCroc.jpeg)

File: b1f62e8ac0578c6⋯.png (684.19 KB, 825x549, 275:183, fnaHRC.png)

File: b68ee2b80b0ee1b⋯.png (641.23 KB, 960x684, 80:57, fnaKek.png)

File: c5bcae8f26b5eea⋯.png (954.06 KB, 826x466, 413:233, fnaMccainboot.png)

File: 71e85275b9127e4⋯.png (577.47 KB, 771x461, 771:461, fnaNK.png)

ffa013 No.54931

File: 49afbe5dd1fe1da⋯.png (301.23 KB, 825x462, 25:14, fnaScandal.png)

File: 38147ee5a5d778f⋯.jpg (75.06 KB, 500x468, 125:117, fnaWed1.jpg)

File: 7fbc7c57f02ff2b⋯.png (117.67 KB, 640x459, 640:459, fnBreaking1.png)

File: 7cdbb8ae8c8533f⋯.png (122.77 KB, 640x459, 640:459, fnBreaking2.png)

File: dfe4089eda30041⋯.png (76.92 KB, 640x459, 640:459, fnBreaking3.png)

ffa013 No.54939

File: 9a8c07da343690c⋯.jpg (51.89 KB, 738x415, 738:415, FNnotime.jpg)

File: d9314afc99dc8c6⋯.jpg (64.64 KB, 800x800, 1:1, fnpolls.jpg)

File: 0e878852284a0d6⋯.jpeg (238.92 KB, 1024x793, 1024:793, FNWheel.jpeg)

File: 53126058a5b3975⋯.jpg (120.78 KB, 750x500, 3:2, HollywoodAnsari.jpg)

File: e17234f1df0faa0⋯.jpg (171.37 KB, 1200x1190, 120:119, HRCliewall.jpg)

ffa013 No.54944

File: d5f8f48fd510f05⋯.jpg (59 KB, 550x356, 275:178, InGodWeTrust.jpg)

File: e5821abb2997ae0⋯.png (274.79 KB, 714x500, 357:250, Isla.png)

File: 5d73ca3b27c678d⋯.png (726.4 KB, 1102x601, 1102:601, MezWeddingLavish.png)

File: 665df00115d8aa7⋯.png (1006.37 KB, 3266x2206, 1633:1103, MockingbirdTrumpTruth.png)

File: 037c9509ddb06c7⋯.jpg (91.39 KB, 751x500, 751:500, PatriotBrothersSisters.jpg)

ffa013 No.54948

File: a515d11458b776f⋯.jpg (108.17 KB, 500x560, 25:28, PelosiBribes.jpg)

File: 5b05144d60f8764⋯.jpg (87.24 KB, 720x483, 240:161, PelosiLucra.jpg)

File: 8e84a2302d2e468⋯.png (21.25 KB, 758x212, 379:106, PodestaArtGoogleIt.png)

File: 08904c0dce289fd⋯.jpg (115.21 KB, 709x633, 709:633, PodestaArtPizzaGate.jpg)

File: 6581b5effdf5c60⋯.jpg (136.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, POTUSRobinHood.jpg)

ffa013 No.54959

File: 0c40e204fd359ba⋯.jpg (49.01 KB, 992x414, 496:207, POTUSstableGenius.jpg)

File: eb6c3c914f8051e⋯.jpeg (601.48 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Q A.jpeg)

File: 492cacecc07634e⋯.jpeg (477.87 KB, 1516x1651, 1516:1651, QCrumbsFaithPOTUS.jpeg)

File: 4fd11162ba7e15e⋯.png (213.5 KB, 510x645, 34:43, RedCrossShip$.png)

File: 75de9f945c34a05⋯.jpg (63.59 KB, 581x638, 581:638, RedCrossWarlords.jpg)

ffa013 No.54961

File: 2890be9274a3f83⋯.jpg (48.61 KB, 489x289, 489:289, ShitholeHaitiCNN.jpg)

File: 3a8b3794dd5c491⋯.jpg (105.41 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, SidebyDefcon.jpg)

File: dafc344eab438db⋯.png (119.85 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, SidebyDEFCON2.png)

File: 50501623a4ff48a⋯.png (123.68 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, SidebyDEFCON3.png)

File: 3d7f0d379ba765f⋯.png (509.98 KB, 902x530, 451:265, SidebyHawaiiDefcon.png)

f496ca No.54963

File: fdbf669f3498e7f⋯.jpg (255.41 KB, 1020x958, 510:479, hillary glass of WINE .jpg)

ffa013 No.54964

File: 7489b9d9f0f60e5⋯.jpg (109.5 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, SidebyNYBomber10.jpg)

File: 7489b9d9f0f60e5⋯.jpg (109.5 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, SidebyNYC30.jpg)

File: 50501623a4ff48a⋯.png (123.68 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, SidebyNYC31.png)

File: f1f8759dba7f24c⋯.png (310.98 KB, 862x658, 431:329, SidebyNYCBomb.png)

File: da1af142001bff8⋯.jpeg (333.26 KB, 2000x1244, 500:311, SidebyNYCBombIncid.jpeg)

ffa013 No.54987

File: 02184abfbfa9021⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1400x819, 200:117, SideByNYCproof.png)

File: a48f2a7cff4e350⋯.png (3.94 MB, 3515x5625, 703:1125, SidebyPopeLordsPrayerChang….png)

File: 926f16e9751ca9a⋯.png (2.59 MB, 3750x5000, 3:4, SidebyPredictHawaiiMissile….png)

File: 568261ebeaf5ac8⋯.png (3.37 MB, 3515x5625, 703:1125, SidebyPredictNYC10.png)

File: fcb7c70aeee69fc⋯.jpg (92.18 KB, 700x539, 100:77, Slush20.jpg)

ffa013 No.54991

File: 46cbcc6aa825744⋯.jpg (45.48 KB, 500x333, 500:333, TaxReformDems.jpg)

File: f389781094d625e⋯.png (451.69 KB, 633x500, 633:500, ThankTrump.png)

File: 23db0656457607c⋯.jpg (82.22 KB, 671x378, 671:378, TruckRockMuch.jpg)

File: 7e8c8c77d59cd7c⋯.jpg (83.74 KB, 593x396, 593:396, TrumpAwesome.jpg)

File: 48c0850684ad9d1⋯.jpg (64.72 KB, 596x395, 596:395, TrumpEcon.jpg)

ffa013 No.54996

File: 665a1f986b1f5cb⋯.jpg (54.1 KB, 475x363, 475:363, TrumpGreat.jpg)

File: d90b5394d38f46b⋯.jpg (49.62 KB, 475x363, 475:363, TrumpGreatJob.jpg)

File: 07ed004186a26f6⋯.jpg (71.99 KB, 671x378, 671:378, TrumpRocks.jpg)

File: 48cb41a2a73fba2⋯.jpg (292.6 KB, 627x392, 627:392, TrumpTrainUnstoppable.jpg)

File: a4d0d47dae639ad⋯.jpg (59.52 KB, 600x400, 3:2, TwitJackReads.jpg)

ffa013 No.54999

File: 891b17af333f1e8⋯.jpg (97.51 KB, 606x722, 303:361, UraniumJudge.jpg)

File: 55534e3f2311f2d⋯.jpg (89.82 KB, 602x594, 301:297, UraniumJudge2.jpg)

8e74a1 No.55060

File: d26dd363d560e61⋯.jpg (45.88 KB, 426x426, 1:1, 1.jpg)

File: 02cafa6c9f0540f⋯.jpg (43.67 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 2.jpg)

File: b92e22052d46e9a⋯.jpg (49.67 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 3.jpg)

File: c868148d6e94ffd⋯.jpg (56.92 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 4.jpg)

File: f5274bd283bdac1⋯.jpg (41.23 KB, 568x335, 568:335, 5.jpg)

Please use/edit as you wish.

bff6df No.55067

File: 1d435ef7301ce84⋯.jpg (157.66 KB, 712x1200, 89:150, Export01.jpg)

My effort in support of #FakeNewsAwards

8e74a1 No.55079

File: eff85ce4c933d05⋯.jpg (29.71 KB, 420x316, 105:79, 10.jpg)

File: 86948c200a29c86⋯.jpg (64.95 KB, 500x627, 500:627, 6.jpg)

File: 9dac10edc1ce426⋯.jpg (56.95 KB, 500x575, 20:23, 7.jpg)

File: 6da29ea207542cf⋯.jpg (25.3 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 8.jpg)

File: 3717e1a0ed51383⋯.jpg (38.2 KB, 381x378, 127:126, 9.jpg)

Please edit/use as you wish

c3f0da No.55347

File: 74c535b30a834f7⋯.jpg (37.97 KB, 453x432, 151:144, atrumpb2.jpg)

fe0c36 No.55356

File: a2934d031be0e3b⋯.png (528.43 KB, 1111x597, 1111:597, 1_JXj4fc59RlLXQAtbfg_BcQ.png)

File: 5da1bd0b5547531⋯.jpg (83.96 KB, 930x500, 93:50, 22phqy.jpg)

File: cbbef2d374c31ef⋯.jpg (70.8 KB, 818x500, 409:250, 22phsg.jpg)

File: 3ad1501cb32d21a⋯.png (906.29 KB, 1025x626, 1025:626, Q Pepe.png)

File: c7ce975e4d870b3⋯.jpg (169.95 KB, 750x1047, 250:349, CISAozR.jpg)

fe0c36 No.55364

File: 8a8800ccd74a940⋯.png (554.58 KB, 620x530, 62:53, Pepe Wizard.png)

File: 2e12259c5872693⋯.jpg (20.34 KB, 225x224, 225:224, images (9).jpg)

File: 8db1de2b141acaa⋯.jpg (47.79 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 22phmi.jpg)

File: ca231316b74816f⋯.jpg (34.67 KB, 500x281, 500:281, trpepmur.jpg)

File: 4346c05496fcfd5⋯.jpg (34.24 KB, 736x789, 736:789, 14273925c423bee836231242c5….jpg)

fe0c36 No.55380

File: 5c0c2849020fd38⋯.jpg (42.44 KB, 500x364, 125:91, trpepeguil.jpg)

File: 4c6e288172f52a9⋯.jpg (202.78 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, farpoint_hd_116.jpg)

File: 95c9ef662fdfca9⋯.jpg (151.12 KB, 840x539, 120:77, 95c9ef662fdfca9d5ee3a19116….jpg)

File: 5f182ed3c509eb1⋯.jpg (120.63 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, DTiij27U8AA0AgP.jpg)

File: b2dd6164714d870⋯.jpg (67.45 KB, 964x750, 482:375, DTiQ5DYVMAEcu6l.jpg)

5704af No.55402

File: 8b738bc63737993⋯.jpg (54.19 KB, 636x900, 53:75, Stepped in.jpg)

File: 13cff1fa5bff11a⋯.jpg (204.99 KB, 1475x594, 1475:594, Taking candy.jpg)

File: fee437f2f5bfe64⋯.jpg (128.59 KB, 1080x601, 1080:601, IMG_20180102_005440.jpg)

File: f388ecf0120fbb0⋯.jpg (79.99 KB, 426x543, 142:181, ZomboMeme 13012018134057.jpg)

f65db0 No.55436

File: 605c5d60fa29542⋯.png (37.57 KB, 785x714, 785:714, ww3.png)

File: b101d3ade0dda07⋯.png (356.43 KB, 805x736, 35:32, AllConnected.png)

f65db0 No.55459

File: 6aba51bc7505053⋯.png (694.13 KB, 785x714, 785:714, MEGA2.png)

f65db0 No.55522

File: a2fb179f0460e99⋯.png (238.25 KB, 1084x528, 271:132, echo2.png)

91109a No.55578

File: 364b2b98f9aa916⋯.jpg (371.35 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, cmo1--storm2.jpg)

File: 984c4ef195fa19a⋯.jpg (367.01 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, cmo1--storm.jpg)

324185 No.55590

File: 822fe3ae85e54ef⋯.jpg (39.87 KB, 408x389, 408:389, FlakeNEWS!.jpg)

324185 No.55652

File: 125349d7eb4d38f⋯.jpg (51.85 KB, 408x389, 408:389, FlakeAuditionsFakeNEWS.jpg)

File: 0f1a322895a8903⋯.jpg (47.45 KB, 408x389, 408:389, CrimeFlake.jpg)

File: 51564de5220c867⋯.jpg (46.27 KB, 408x389, 408:389, HumbleFlake.jpg)


fe0c36 No.55675

File: bafc6ec2bb0ec43⋯.jpg (62.98 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 22pjht.jpg)

File: 17b80b8fb0662ab⋯.jpg (61.56 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 22pjph.jpg)

File: 659bf95d3067758⋯.jpg (33.57 KB, 225x300, 3:4, 22pjsa.jpg)

File: 9251e59635da330⋯.jpg (33.33 KB, 225x300, 3:4, 22pjzu.jpg)

File: 151d638c5472193⋯.jpg (40.13 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault (1).jpg)

fe0c36 No.55876

File: faf98f44c2ac5e7⋯.jpg (174.01 KB, 770x500, 77:50, 22plcz.jpg)

File: 525d83a9d607f0f⋯.jpg (180.98 KB, 770x500, 77:50, 22plht.jpg)

File: 24e92afb7824f07⋯.jpg (181.49 KB, 770x500, 77:50, 22pllp.jpg)

File: 464b8b866e88b6e⋯.jpg (389.33 KB, 1500x973, 1500:973, 91uXvXgJwIL._SL1500_.jpg)

caa02a No.55933

File: f73bf80cf393df0⋯.jpg (408.11 KB, 2200x2816, 25:32, BDTIME-confirmed12-10-2.jpg)

0d8d87 No.56025

File: 31ea3105d91d41e⋯.jpeg (75.8 KB, 372x558, 2:3, 3421953D-D906-4CAE-BC31-D….jpeg)


c209a1 No.56063

File: b277b6078f5006b⋯.jpg (112.54 KB, 881x499, 881:499, topliescnn.jpg)

c209a1 No.56077

File: b7d0976a13137d9⋯.jpg (64.11 KB, 480x360, 4:3, realpuppetsstand.jpg)

c209a1 No.56088

File: 9448d8d6ff1bb75⋯.jpg (56.18 KB, 534x409, 534:409, newsanotherpuppet.jpg)

c209a1 No.56104

File: ec018e3dbce0432⋯.jpg (77.98 KB, 666x500, 333:250, janrussia.jpg)

a8afb3 No.56125

File: 50dec59c97209e6⋯.jpg (265.42 KB, 1926x979, 1926:979, hitlercnn.jpg)

c209a1 No.56138

File: ae31468e69c2088⋯.jpg (32.42 KB, 457x317, 457:317, adrenochromebabyl.jpg)

bae0bb No.56140

File: 4d7934f299392a2⋯.jpg (88.35 KB, 643x601, 643:601, b1.jpg)

c209a1 No.56154

File: 11d731f2c2f492a⋯.jpg (35.94 KB, 293x385, 293:385, babyeaters.jpg)

c209a1 No.56163

File: 20b47417b154656⋯.jpg (29.35 KB, 460x276, 5:3, shadowbanned.jpg)

c209a1 No.56176

File: 3febdcf1fd48e1f⋯.jpg (25.97 KB, 460x276, 5:3, twitterleftwingj.jpg)

c209a1 No.56191

File: 66d1ef8efaef558⋯.jpg (78.9 KB, 640x394, 320:197, dorseytwitter.jpg)

bae0bb No.56195

whoa, i think we over did it, lol.

c209a1 No.56204

File: e8c0823a3a768e2⋯.jpg (86.54 KB, 480x359, 480:359, missilehawaii.jpg)

c209a1 No.56265

File: ef6d1df657640d9⋯.jpg (32.08 KB, 400x224, 25:14, maddowmockingbird.jpg)

c209a1 No.56292

File: 1503e8c59ea611b⋯.jpg (64.12 KB, 592x333, 16:9, msnbcthinktonight.jpg)

c209a1 No.56303

File: b513e2b2a49b0bf⋯.jpg (103.49 KB, 650x453, 650:453, mcstainstevens.jpg)

c209a1 No.56328

File: 7c98623689ecf41⋯.jpg (78.89 KB, 652x365, 652:365, fareedchoose.jpg)

c209a1 No.56444

File: 88bf160be87af49⋯.jpg (129.32 KB, 862x500, 431:250, pelosicakej.jpg)

c209a1 No.56468

File: bc3ca54b8f3f6b7⋯.jpg (48.96 KB, 665x375, 133:75, hocmaster.jpg)

c209a1 No.56469

File: 221184ef1598216⋯.jpg (61.81 KB, 665x375, 133:75, hocdeepstate.jpg)

950203 No.56474

File: 6d93bee4eb200cf⋯.jpg (684.66 KB, 1289x1024, 1289:1024, storm3.jpg)

Thought this might be a nice filler somewhere down the road

749301 No.56513

File: 5d6b9de1cfe6caf⋯.jpg (122.08 KB, 897x778, 897:778, fakenoobs.jpg)

File: 15261f9917958c8⋯.jpg (90.33 KB, 756x598, 378:299, photoboober.jpg)

File: af31407302855a9⋯.jpg (666.83 KB, 2823x2395, 2823:2395, dodgeyDenero.jpg)

File: 75afbd5517611ee⋯.jpg (79.65 KB, 698x483, 698:483, timesup.jpg)

File: 44a210b63e98e2d⋯.jpg (79.79 KB, 716x586, 358:293, Flaketime.jpg)

c209a1 No.56528

File: 5a319d3862f78fa⋯.jpg (74.57 KB, 620x349, 620:349, kermitmockingbird.jpg)

c209a1 No.56587

File: 38eb0a65b7a23ee⋯.jpg (111.36 KB, 707x500, 707:500, alwaleedtweet.jpg)

c209a1 No.56622

File: 9465c590f5b851c⋯.jpg (24.26 KB, 320x210, 32:21, mcstaincarrier.jpg)

a228ca No.56642


Our policy is to respect Barron's privacy. No more Barron memes, OK?

c209a1 No.56655

File: 87a52f89f13829f⋯.jpg (30.89 KB, 290x264, 145:132, mcstainpows.jpg)

627e36 No.56686

File: 57bd0424800964e⋯.jpeg (71.6 KB, 618x413, 618:413, E9171A13-DA5C-45BF-B0E3-7….jpeg)

0d8d87 No.56697

File: 424a617b968d6c2⋯.jpeg (367.17 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 0D3F2528-6FBC-4025-9F4C-D….jpeg)

File: 7a240ee93652432⋯.jpeg (295.52 KB, 1300x860, 65:43, 9D7A5A5E-0883-4141-A6C1-5….jpeg)

More simple memes.

405ec5 No.56732

File: 81b6810cc41b877⋯.jpg (67.53 KB, 460x523, 460:523, face you make.jpg)

405ec5 No.56736

File: eb768ca883702ea⋯.jpg (74.17 KB, 500x500, 1:1, trumped.jpg)

405ec5 No.56740

File: cb59573c7c9bb99⋯.jpg (98.89 KB, 504x500, 126:125, plummeting.jpg)

405ec5 No.56753

File: a2a2b491ab99733⋯.jpg (67.22 KB, 600x400, 3:2, cool aid.jpg)

405ec5 No.56755

File: 69fa0c801a5cc8f⋯.jpg (108.86 KB, 500x575, 20:23, yoda.jpg)

405ec5 No.56761

File: a4559cf119411cb⋯.jpg (23.52 KB, 253x260, 253:260, baby fake.jpg)

File: e77e4e9e8ae5cb6⋯.jpg (57.05 KB, 500x332, 125:83, kid fake.jpg)

File: be8db00a7bfd8b2⋯.jpg (69.01 KB, 620x397, 620:397, seal fake.jpg)

File: 8ed8bd8a43a1be7⋯.jpg (85.64 KB, 640x480, 4:3, gma fake.jpg)

405ec5 No.56768

File: d506c06ab8016c1⋯.jpg (42.43 KB, 500x323, 500:323, brain fake.jpg)

File: c3e68faec0adf50⋯.jpg (66.12 KB, 500x437, 500:437, rocket scientist.jpg)

File: 76c3c5e890abaa2⋯.jpg (56.19 KB, 568x335, 568:335, fakenews.jpg)

File: b4e86b9ab786d85⋯.jpg (111.52 KB, 500x627, 500:627, reality.jpg)

a5b622 No.56872



d90e50 No.56933

File: 45689dd67dfe96b⋯.png (1.21 MB, 800x2000, 2:5, CIA.png)

Some normies will need help seeing the big picture. Short memes are great for some, other's will need more.

a228ca No.56948

File: b101d3ade0dda07⋯.png (356.43 KB, 805x736, 35:32, Awak10.png)

File: 4362d783f75d78e⋯.jpg (130.11 KB, 737x500, 737:500, AwakeningLoveOneAnother.jpg)

File: 0630cc7a6acb5a3⋯.jpg (115.5 KB, 960x846, 160:141, CNNMakeBelieve.jpg)

File: ba15670ecfe827e⋯.jpg (227.96 KB, 650x682, 325:341, Dafu.jpg)

File: 1288e2b389744f9⋯.jpg (615.69 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Fn1.jpg)

34281c No.56950

File: 80301ddd8dd1672⋯.jpg (36.37 KB, 195x255, 13:17, adrenochrome-rocks.jpg)

yummm, Not!

a228ca No.56953

File: eea123e7ee26177⋯.png (713.05 KB, 528x663, 176:221, Fna3.png)

File: f6c0aea39d37075⋯.png (1.11 MB, 825x576, 275:192, Fna4.png)

File: 8282f8e66587719⋯.jpg (92.38 KB, 724x478, 362:239, Fna5.jpg)

File: d134041ba6cdbf8⋯.png (783.67 KB, 554x764, 277:382, Fna5.png)

File: d423fcbbe18760b⋯.jpg (112.4 KB, 1200x1104, 25:23, fnaWed.jpg)

a228ca No.56954

File: 90ba625c26777a6⋯.jpg (53.8 KB, 474x384, 79:64, TwitFran.jpg)

63dfb8 No.57099

File: 9d9b1205fbd97f6⋯.jpg (57.36 KB, 294x418, 147:209, frosted JEFF flakes copy.jpg)

File: 5e306058e086bff⋯.jpg (235.81 KB, 648x1128, 27:47, YOUR MAN.jpg)

a60f97 No.57153


I have difficulty making Q posts legible in memes. We have like 1 second or less to capture attention online.

Any tips for that?

bcda7d No.57170

File: 6b7d8d13e0af963⋯.jpg (123.05 KB, 680x1483, 680:1483, I made this meme elon kim.jpg)



a60f97 No.57260

File: e886abba89c11db⋯.jpeg (347.89 KB, 750x500, 3:2, C98FEF59-694D-4D67-BCE3-F….jpeg)

b702e9 No.57309

File: a4d0d47dae639ad⋯.jpg (59.52 KB, 600x400, 3:2, dorseymeme.jpg)

5b7152 No.57334

File: 16da3535b1a037c⋯.png (354.47 KB, 862x360, 431:180, ClipboardImage.png)

3fb6b5 No.57343

File: 569d745b0ac2541⋯.jpg (342.72 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, 160729-jeff-flake-ap-1160.jpg)

File: 62851c25076048b⋯.jpg (36.42 KB, 560x315, 16:9, rf.jpg)

5b7152 No.57349

File: 21be3f8714d4cee⋯.png (267.51 KB, 862x551, 862:551, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 575034e65eacc8f⋯.png (5.02 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e2556e856455e1⋯.png (248.47 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

cbb185 No.57350

File: 0938d05642ee2fb⋯.png (439.44 KB, 915x610, 3:2, SmithMundt1-01.png)

File: e3db7634c358272⋯.png (438.9 KB, 915x610, 3:2, SmithMundt1-02.png)

5b7152 No.57384

File: afb2e7c725b5ece⋯.png (188.33 KB, 400x248, 50:31, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4195934b397b861⋯.png (672.34 KB, 1067x600, 1067:600, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 954857539e584ed⋯.png (401.7 KB, 594x477, 66:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 060b8a1e8a55886⋯.png (19.91 KB, 330x153, 110:51, ClipboardImage.png)

5b7152 No.57437

File: 27f839220b028bb⋯.png (222.34 KB, 862x360, 431:180, ClipboardImage.png)

b702e9 No.57490

File: cc47207633929cb⋯.jpg (116.34 KB, 714x590, 357:295, 10DB-CONFERENCE19-videoSix….jpg)

50f343 No.57497

File: d4436fb64079a06⋯.jpg (103.34 KB, 848x401, 848:401, rahm-emanuel-8-91-00.jpg)


5b7152 No.57515

File: a29861a4848864c⋯.png (428.55 KB, 862x800, 431:400, ClipboardImage.png)

308235 No.57546

File: 5119339d4447a0d⋯.jpeg (144.91 KB, 750x667, 750:667, 972D9134-7B89-4135-A4D6-C….jpeg)

“Monster Shit” National Broadcasting Network!!

06198b No.57547

File: b4de9a07db928cb⋯.jpg (62.73 KB, 684x456, 3:2, Q Meme CNNFN Mushroom.JPG)

File: c117c3015df32a6⋯.jpg (55.97 KB, 487x366, 487:366, Q Meme CNNFN Mushroom2.JPG)


Fake News



f65db0 No.57548

File: b5d19e27c62d17c⋯.png (675.8 KB, 1148x683, 1148:683, Matlock2.png)

File: 78c4fd2538f469d⋯.png (465.2 KB, 620x629, 620:629, Truth.PNG)

File: f8d61b5ec9f3ff7⋯.png (615.33 KB, 589x831, 589:831, bpop2.png)

b702e9 No.57563

File: 091ca9111e23249⋯.jpg (70.31 KB, 655x437, 655:437, Not-Real-News_Herr1-655x43….jpg)

a228ca No.57612


Rehashing Q's words to Anons is not our job. Our job is to digest what he said, derive meaning from it, and formulate memes to convey that message in little tasty bites.

Oh - an Anon already made ton of Qcrumbs. No need to repeat that work.

Visit the

IMAGE LIBRARY mega.nz/#F!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg

and open QCrumbs folder to view them.

faf9c4 No.57625

File: 84eae5d487a01b3⋯.jpg (122.63 KB, 672x664, 84:83, fakenewszone.jpg)

5b7152 No.57920

File: aa082b50eeb74ec⋯.png (593.86 KB, 862x462, 431:231, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67d66f3b9f931e7⋯.png (695.36 KB, 1000x554, 500:277, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 974088d6c166283⋯.png (956.05 KB, 960x642, 160:107, ClipboardImage.png)

83f256 No.57950

File: ed105d4385dcc87⋯.jpg (15.48 KB, 374x233, 374:233, 26903922_10155297856400678….jpg)

File: 20a32a5ebf6916b⋯.jpg (105.94 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 26903784_10155295332570678….jpg)

File: 92922f8b918a932⋯.jpg (58.31 KB, 960x654, 160:109, 26230852_10155296283085678….jpg)

File: b17546da28c174e⋯.jpg (84.71 KB, 960x698, 480:349, 26230427_10155296351560678….jpg)

f65db0 No.58003

File: 5a8f4181a3d0840⋯.png (268.92 KB, 833x714, 7:6, HaitiLies.png)

69e861 No.58004

File: dba4b93ddb39f1e⋯.jpg (66.55 KB, 645x344, 15:8, 22p77j.jpg)

File: 9e0dc2feda8492e⋯.jpg (87.62 KB, 614x500, 307:250, 22pgdv.jpg)

File: 204be886a6d87a4⋯.jpg (101.29 KB, 702x476, 351:238, 22ph3p.jpg)

File: 9cfb0de8c935b7c⋯.jpg (76.84 KB, 550x484, 25:22, 22pizc.jpg)

File: 1ade5308e0359c5⋯.jpg (69.02 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 22pjbx.jpg)

a228ca No.58026

File: 0e0267d5972aa23⋯.png (141.6 KB, 862x551, 862:551, BlackCommunityHire.png)

File: 0aad8b85aa626bd⋯.jpeg (83.3 KB, 481x720, 481:720, c1.jpeg)

File: 12e6e7272d4c5d3⋯.jpeg (81.64 KB, 481x720, 481:720, c2.jpeg)

File: b31678d799e1440⋯.jpeg (85.66 KB, 481x720, 481:720, c3.jpeg)

File: 237d33405b733ba⋯.jpeg (83.82 KB, 481x720, 481:720, c4.jpeg)

a228ca No.58029

File: a29861a4848864c⋯.png (428.55 KB, 862x800, 431:400, CNNbana.png)

a228ca No.58030

File: b4de9a07db928cb⋯.jpg (62.73 KB, 684x456, 3:2, CNNmush.jpg)

File: c117c3015df32a6⋯.jpg (55.97 KB, 487x366, 487:366, CNNmush2.jpg)

File: 27f839220b028bb⋯.png (222.34 KB, 862x360, 431:180, cnnNotSo.png)

File: a7415bbaa63963f⋯.jpg (18.21 KB, 277x174, 277:174, conspi.jpg)

File: 1c29ddf5e66a299⋯.jpg (84.72 KB, 853x601, 853:601, ConspirfnPope.jpg)

a228ca No.58033

File: 5df19df9f51e384⋯.png (235.07 KB, 571x532, 571:532, Consppope.png)

File: 78c4fd2538f469d⋯.png (465.2 KB, 620x629, 620:629, CorruptCharities.png)

File: d4436fb64079a06⋯.jpg (103.34 KB, 848x401, 848:401, Crisis.jpg)

File: 3ea8911ece429e5⋯.jpg (216.04 KB, 979x1200, 979:1200, Deeptheft.jpg)

File: 9fa93be1f1ab2ef⋯.jpg (106.6 KB, 800x426, 400:213, dems.jpg)

a228ca No.58036

File: 0a21c95a8ce78f4⋯.png (340.13 KB, 395x549, 395:549, FakeNewsMadamPresNewsweek.png)

File: 9d9b1205fbd97f6⋯.jpg (57.36 KB, 294x418, 147:209, Fla.jpg)

File: 76ec8c81f4f9199⋯.jpg (312.06 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, FlakePrivilege.jpg)

File: 00173e5036d64e5⋯.png (304.44 KB, 1179x806, 1179:806, fn0.png)

File: 85b2eddc5468980⋯.jpeg (75.89 KB, 600x400, 3:2, fn01.jpeg)

a228ca No.58042

File: 4195934b397b861⋯.png (672.34 KB, 1067x600, 1067:600, fn3cnn.png)

File: afb2e7c725b5ece⋯.png (188.33 KB, 400x248, 50:31, fn30.png)

File: 954857539e584ed⋯.png (401.7 KB, 594x477, 66:53, fn31.png)

File: cc47207633929cb⋯.jpg (116.34 KB, 714x590, 357:295, fnaJACK.jpg)

File: f3f13654584397e⋯.png (546.22 KB, 936x499, 936:499, fncontrolU.png)

5f0fe3 No.58044

File: e8e74a182872f97⋯.jpg (66.02 KB, 736x500, 184:125, mccainsellout.jpg)

File: f8c158b92412384⋯.jpg (17.3 KB, 259x194, 259:194, mcainsellout.jpg)

a228ca No.58047

File: c94833f698c80c1⋯.jpg (75.65 KB, 587x511, 587:511, FNDanger.jpg)

File: 5119339d4447a0d⋯.jpeg (144.91 KB, 750x667, 750:667, fnMSNBCmonster.jpeg)

File: 060b8a1e8a55886⋯.png (19.91 KB, 330x153, 110:51, fnwit.png)

File: 84eae5d487a01b3⋯.jpg (122.63 KB, 672x664, 84:83, fnZone.jpg)

File: 732c79f7387c7aa⋯.jpg (14.84 KB, 255x143, 255:143, HawaiiFN.jpg)

a228ca No.58053

File: 091ca9111e23249⋯.jpg (70.31 KB, 655x437, 655:437, HRCBleachTwit.jpg)

File: 0f83adabc6f9512⋯.png (445.96 KB, 640x480, 4:3, IslamPushFag.png)

File: 027da81100fa46c⋯.png (181.42 KB, 367x398, 367:398, JacksonVipers.png)

File: 2269f423c15ed0c⋯.png (269.17 KB, 620x372, 5:3, l1.png)

File: f8d61b5ec9f3ff7⋯.png (615.33 KB, 589x831, 589:831, LoopCapScrewU.png)

5f0fe3 No.58061

File: c851bdc9809e30e⋯.jpg (116.26 KB, 800x500, 8:5, FakeNewsSnowWhite.jpg)

File: 605fe7b94687dc5⋯.jpg (75.51 KB, 640x405, 128:81, jfkcia.jpg)

File: 1e5f6e296cdb8fe⋯.jpg (60.32 KB, 584x500, 146:125, mediabiascia.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.58068

File: 1e7bb00e5d800a1⋯.jpg (156.68 KB, 1022x482, 511:241, ClintonCarvilleConspiracy.jpg)

File: 2d39a137980cf06⋯.jpg (47.57 KB, 479x347, 479:347, wizardfakenews.jpg)

File: d453b287bb8950c⋯.jpg (127.38 KB, 940x464, 235:116, stormingthebeach.jpg)

File: 079edad7de3c29a⋯.jpg (98.31 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ElonNKMissiles.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.58075

File: 3c4933a29d62c49⋯.jpg (114.63 KB, 751x500, 751:500, chelseaweddingdress.jpg)

File: c6479ad1bc52bed⋯.jpg (43.9 KB, 490x329, 70:47, MuellerTrump.jpg)

File: e3620c2ab64afea⋯.jpg (39.69 KB, 425x425, 1:1, swampscum.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.58080

File: 7e86018c99d82a8⋯.jpg (43.25 KB, 480x388, 120:97, iwowethepeople.jpg)

File: b2391b365734cb6⋯.jpg (92.04 KB, 500x625, 4:5, trumpmedusaswamp.jpg)

File: 825b7ccc5149728⋯.jpg (91.77 KB, 500x625, 4:5, trumpmedusawewin.jpg)

f65db0 No.58081

File: 2b3b077acba2c41⋯.png (375.19 KB, 1009x716, 1009:716, HaitiLies2.png)

5f0fe3 No.58086

File: 2178e7e80a084f8⋯.jpg (105.27 KB, 750x500, 3:2, JoeMikaPillow.jpg)

File: 2822f367316fced⋯.jpg (103.52 KB, 750x500, 3:2, JoeMikaConspiracy.jpg)

File: 36061654870535c⋯.jpg (55.83 KB, 640x394, 320:197, JackDorseyCensorship.jpg)

File: 8130acc7872b3a1⋯.jpg (72.02 KB, 693x407, 63:37, MonicaBillConspiracy.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.58091

File: d3347b01b50a1d3⋯.jpg (72.33 KB, 639x478, 639:478, CarvilleSwamp.jpg)

File: e714941aa120d4c⋯.jpg (73.82 KB, 639x478, 639:478, CarvilleConspiracy.jpg)

File: 128e1fa4cebb702⋯.jpg (72.6 KB, 666x500, 333:250, HwoodShithole.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.58094

File: c242e25821d7bed⋯.jpg (58.12 KB, 666x360, 37:20, iwantmycountry back.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.58098

File: 73e2063e718d1a8⋯.jpg (55.43 KB, 620x413, 620:413, KimKaboom.jpg)

File: 3383f8320543edf⋯.jpg (61.49 KB, 620x413, 620:413, KimKaboom2.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.58104

File: f08dbdb72613f49⋯.jpg (50.42 KB, 640x360, 16:9, tentCityLA.jpg)

File: 2cafd3a621c708e⋯.jpg (150.79 KB, 914x499, 914:499, tentsI5.jpg)

File: dcd2dfd9572ca29⋯.jpg (168.54 KB, 890x500, 89:50, MexiforniaShithole.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.58106

File: 8ee91445dbaa7ab⋯.jpg (50.8 KB, 665x477, 665:477, OprahPimp.jpg)

File: 2b14a1d117bf3b7⋯.jpg (43.31 KB, 800x408, 100:51, Podesta Pizzagate 1.jpg)

File: 3b27852cd4b4835⋯.jpg (101.71 KB, 995x489, 995:489, Podesta Art.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.58107

File: 40c216ca91954d4⋯.jpg (82.33 KB, 620x500, 31:25, 21mt2b.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.58109

File: 4bdf0d0ae5e0dc8⋯.jpg (80.32 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 218oe6.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.58112

File: cd22dd222fd0e9d⋯.jpg (64.08 KB, 620x442, 310:221, 218j01.jpg)

2d0ccf No.58140

File: f3c3994d2f6653a⋯.jpg (123.71 KB, 1197x890, 1197:890, FAKE NEWS - way off 7es2.jpg)

File: 81c68c233275214⋯.jpg (354.79 KB, 1482x960, 247:160, FAKE NEWS - way off 8es.jpg)

File: 3e2693b83eeea13⋯.jpg (341.21 KB, 1482x960, 247:160, FAKE NEWS - way off 9es.jpg)

FAKE NEWS - Spanish

2d0ccf No.58151

File: 047e38653e801bf⋯.jpg (379.32 KB, 1482x960, 247:160, FAKE NEWS - way off 10.jpg)

File: 4f4464c9794ad09⋯.png (817.88 KB, 2346x1887, 46:37, DEFCON 1- Hawaii.png)

Fake News

Defcon 1 - Hawaii side by side

a228ca No.58212

File: b90069cdf54b7ae⋯.jpg (114.78 KB, 710x500, 71:50, MLKAwa.jpg)

File: b68b2737923f5ca⋯.jpg (121.1 KB, 716x500, 179:125, MLKAwakening.jpg)

File: 62851c25076048b⋯.jpg (36.42 KB, 560x315, 16:9, MLKconspi.jpg)

File: e1ee7df625a96d9⋯.jpg (51.17 KB, 657x413, 657:413, MLKJesse.jpg)

File: 16da3535b1a037c⋯.png (354.47 KB, 862x360, 431:180, MSMtrump.png)

a228ca No.58224

File: 0938d05642ee2fb⋯.png (439.44 KB, 915x610, 3:2, ObamaPropaganda.png)

File: e886abba89c11db⋯.jpeg (347.89 KB, 750x500, 3:2, PeloSlush.jpeg)

File: 575034e65eacc8f⋯.png (5.02 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Race1.png)

File: 4e2556e856455e1⋯.png (248.47 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Race2.png)

File: 71532e15f7471b2⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1746x986, 873:493, Race3.png)

a228ca No.58230

File: b5d19e27c62d17c⋯.png (675.8 KB, 1148x683, 1148:683, Storm911.png)

File: 067bba8740756a6⋯.jpg (95.49 KB, 750x499, 750:499, t1.jpg)

File: afa5841debd5992⋯.jpg (19.89 KB, 236x225, 236:225, t2.jpg)

File: 71a515c654e372c⋯.jpg (115.86 KB, 500x679, 500:679, t3.jpg)

File: 65a95495ddc3e2d⋯.jpg (103.41 KB, 749x500, 749:500, t4.jpg)

a228ca No.58233

File: f7ed0d20d33d994⋯.png (269.52 KB, 852x425, 852:425, t5.png)

File: 8b8857ee3321234⋯.png (238.73 KB, 856x434, 428:217, t6.png)

File: 85d92b8863c2af7⋯.png (347.07 KB, 855x434, 855:434, t7.png)

File: 0191d3c68c1984f⋯.png (343.06 KB, 856x434, 428:217, t8.png)

File: 8b70cd049f4801f⋯.jpg (116.02 KB, 500x679, 500:679, t10.jpg)

a228ca No.58235

File: 2598d4c90aa9771⋯.png (349.52 KB, 728x546, 4:3, TwitKil.png)

5f0fe3 No.58487

File: e7b16d855a5a9ac⋯.jpg (68.8 KB, 600x407, 600:407, patriotsdefend.jpg)

9f4aac No.58970


652c64 No.59003

File: f2218310fe70901⋯.png (36.26 KB, 600x400, 3:2, fakebook'.png)

File: fe4bab16eccbdee⋯.jpg (281.25 KB, 600x315, 40:21, fakecnn.jpg)

File: 54fa5b6f0177e5c⋯.png (308.82 KB, 600x300, 2:1, fakenewswhowillwin.png)

File: 0dddc0a54933888⋯.png (230.11 KB, 600x399, 200:133, fakesocial.png)

652c64 No.59006

File: 892bbc6a49779e8⋯.jpg (253.7 KB, 600x337, 600:337, clinton cash.jpg)

File: afd37b2348849f8⋯.png (372.84 KB, 600x410, 60:41, clinton haiti bush scam.png)

File: 6b07d447efadebb⋯.png (377.11 KB, 500x375, 4:3, clinton haiti scam.png)

File: b14d28bc44b19e6⋯.png (473.44 KB, 600x428, 150:107, clinton scam.png)

File: e5e80f03d087cc5⋯.jpg (252.03 KB, 512x1003, 512:1003, Clinton shitholes.jpg)

5890f3 No.59033

File: 15454850d39850b⋯.jpg (74.6 KB, 547x499, 547:499, tranz step.jpg)

4b595e No.59164

File: 6985d57aa8f87f1⋯.jpg (346.04 KB, 1440x822, 240:137, msm-bs-level.jpg)

My humble contribution

4b595e No.59205

File: eec052feb2e1f1d⋯.jpg (350.33 KB, 1440x822, 240:137, msm-bs-level2.jpg)

b702e9 No.59233

File: da2c50a5a776767⋯.jpg (127.35 KB, 848x460, 212:115, 170502-dick-durbin-ap-1160.jpg)

File: e740b06a93f540d⋯.png (287.73 KB, 788x471, 788:471, 01-15-15_000703.png)

a8a382 No.59262

File: 7f028e275ad415b⋯.jpeg (470.68 KB, 1500x1515, 100:101, 0A74F2B5-D53C-4E6A-93E7-5….jpeg)

2d0ccf No.59767

File: f4043012a42efc6⋯.jpg (193.97 KB, 706x496, 353:248, Twitter Shadow ban1.jpg)

File: fbeaa1f1395a7fc⋯.jpg (156.17 KB, 706x496, 353:248, Twitter Shadow ban2.jpg)

File: 4c4b01beffa57ce⋯.jpg (143.46 KB, 706x496, 353:248, Twitter Shadow ban3.jpg)

Twitter shadowban

#greatawakening ?

2d0ccf No.59778

File: 23df07e338889b6⋯.jpg (311 KB, 1134x843, 378:281, govt shutdown.jpg)

File: bea57f1c6edd9d8⋯.jpg (213.14 KB, 706x496, 353:248, Twitter Shadow ban4.jpg)

File: 8c31e456280fb18⋯.jpg (213.34 KB, 735x595, 21:17, Twitter Shadow ban5.jpg)

File: 05d6fc001d56f93⋯.jpg (240.23 KB, 735x595, 21:17, Twitter Shadow ban6.jpg)

a3cef1 No.59807

File: 134118bf5139821⋯.jpg (76.96 KB, 650x434, 325:217, PRICELESS.jpg)

File: af61b7c058e435f⋯.png (654.53 KB, 1000x696, 125:87, priceless4.png)

21bb71 No.59812

anyone else notice no new bread in General?

a3cef1 No.59818

01ce02 No.59942

File: ffbcda1c0323883⋯.jpg (185.75 KB, 526x578, 263:289, downtogitmo.jpg)

File: ea829b4e06f8a35⋯.jpg (778.36 KB, 1220x1080, 61:54, trump 1 patton.jpg)

File: 95ddd1f534532f8⋯.jpg (991.51 KB, 1820x1200, 91:60, trump_maga.jpg)

File: 4db7260202c6592⋯.jpg (705.47 KB, 1305x734, 1305:734, twit creepy big.jpg)

File: d1f16a2a15ac4cb⋯.jpg (712.7 KB, 1305x734, 1305:734, twit creepy 2.jpg)


2d0ccf No.59974

File: 7de03fbe004bc4f⋯.jpg (328.56 KB, 1138x833, 1138:833, POTUS not racist 1.jpg)

File: f23a9684cb99bc7⋯.jpg (443.65 KB, 1138x833, 1138:833, POTUS not racist 2.jpg)

File: 93e22139ca127b2⋯.jpg (482.39 KB, 1138x833, 1138:833, POTUS not racist 3.jpg)

b702e9 No.60448

File: e1196b9f1becfca⋯.png (263.71 KB, 602x339, 602:339, main-qimg-29440ac8e705a16c….png)

92f7fe No.60500

File: ae5902d4954ef54⋯.jpeg (207.4 KB, 1024x769, 1024:769, CD47D607-83AB-4EF9-A37D-1….jpeg)

b702e9 No.60530

File: 2899028b2779978⋯.jpg (103.1 KB, 950x534, 475:267, 2014/06/02/c0/zuckheadsho.….jpg)

d34ce1 No.60536

File: 93372bb61417ab6⋯.jpeg (274.86 KB, 2737x1470, 391:210, CIA3.jpeg)

File: 19bdc05e0ad8886⋯.jpg (75.52 KB, 400x400, 1:1, shitforbrains.jpg)

File: 388ce3951ddd4c5⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 5133x3349, 5133:3349, NWO.jpeg)

File: cb0403afbb14309⋯.jpg (96.46 KB, 500x504, 125:126, checkmate.jpg)

d34ce1 No.60544

File: 2bd5955811f226c⋯.jpg (117.53 KB, 635x432, 635:432, durbin shithole.jpg)

92f7fe No.60574

File: a4806532da12d64⋯.jpeg (143.79 KB, 980x676, 245:169, 12FF9539-58CC-4596-8BDC-9….jpeg)

File: 1b3fb3511c4b2c2⋯.jpeg (150.7 KB, 706x687, 706:687, B2ED82EB-F212-4C73-B64A-F….jpeg)

File: 2bedfdd744c9410⋯.jpeg (150.55 KB, 763x707, 109:101, 5D7298EF-D47C-4189-B086-C….jpeg)

File: 7f56ddf6368dd1a⋯.jpeg (123.31 KB, 601x713, 601:713, 5A5B03B6-5914-45A1-BDE8-A….jpeg)

File: eb1c9c6e023a34b⋯.jpeg (191.21 KB, 1242x964, 621:482, 8883E18E-0C9F-4082-8C28-7….jpeg)

84a969 No.60600

File: 387b13878b93b43⋯.jpg (100.99 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 291_n.jpg)


92f7fe No.60603

File: faf00326df552ca⋯.jpeg (330.6 KB, 1162x1208, 581:604, 09EA1257-A271-4FCE-9CBD-8….jpeg)

c74fb8 No.60742

File: c9ae502ad442aaa⋯.jpg (359.89 KB, 1832x1352, 229:169, candle..jpg)

Snuff film

a228ca No.60808

File: 9ab530a7686d408⋯.jpg (43.16 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Democrats party of antifa.jpg)

File: 8c1b404cf38d931⋯.jpg (84.21 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Dems Antifa ISIS.jpg)



I have figured out how to automate the conversion of memes to the size and shape required for optimal Twitter viewing.

(1024x512 pixels).

I have begun processing files.

A few examples are attached to illustrate this.

When ready, I will store the Twitter-converted images on mega.nz .

Our original meme files will remain on mega.nz.

The converted memes will be clearly marked /Scaled For Twitter/.

I will make an announcement when these are ready.

There is no need for meme-droppers to spend a lot of time converting memes one by one, unless you just want to.

Here is how they will look. If you have an issue with this, please let me know ASAP.

c74fb8 No.60818

File: 5c65f6f8e6b03da⋯.jpg (158.64 KB, 1425x1058, 1425:1058, SICK.jpg)

b702e9 No.60909

File: fa130d061b831f8⋯.jpg (162.11 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, job-interview.jpg)

92f7fe No.60953

File: 85fa98390a3fda7⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB, 3444x3444, 1:1, 340C7ED1-078A-4E1C-B50E-7….jpeg)

6ab7cb No.60978

File: 0cd067858d5d4f2⋯.jpg (795.92 KB, 1720x1018, 860:509, We The People Meme.jpg)

File: 10af3a8f252f4eb⋯.jpg (592.58 KB, 1122x1647, 374:549, Fake News Meme.jpg)

Fake News

b702e9 No.61061

File: 00b84617d00dda8⋯.jpg (33.14 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, twitter_logo_640.jpg)

0460e1 No.61526

File: 7fb0281ae9a9e41⋯.png (448.13 KB, 663x373, 663:373, H1.png)

2d0ccf No.61555

File: bea6fdfc247e5e3⋯.png (130.87 KB, 1210x931, 1210:931, TWITTER vote manipulation.png)

a228ca No.61564



We have added a second image library on mega.nz:

IMAGES SCALED FOR TWITTER 1024 x 512 mega.nz/#F!Kxt2QSyC!0AK44ZpbsF5ASzTyhg6huw

These will be the same images that are on the 1st image library, but transformed in shape to display better on Twitter. If you're going to drop on Twitter, get your images from this set instead.

This library is still uploading (as of 9:00 PM EST) but should be full in a few hours or so.

d192e9 No.61568


Thanks, anon.

0460e1 No.61693

File: 44097e461148db3⋯.png (724.77 KB, 1064x595, 152:85, FA4.png)

File: 5b6d140884069bf⋯.png (812.9 KB, 887x599, 887:599, FA3.png)

File: e43c9eb052cbe89⋯.png (301.35 KB, 577x420, 577:420, FA2.png)

File: 198642d2d240a72⋯.png (946.89 KB, 1151x645, 1151:645, FA1.png)

0460e1 No.61697

File: 0a8ce0eed8c088b⋯.png (763.85 KB, 896x596, 224:149, FA7.png)

File: 3279e0995f20f16⋯.png (297.74 KB, 744x553, 744:553, FA6.png)

File: 5b9d22b4c188c98⋯.png (639.76 KB, 747x556, 747:556, FA5.png)

b702e9 No.61847

File: e1196b9f1becfca⋯.png (263.71 KB, 602x339, 602:339, main-qimg-29440ac8e705a16c….png)

File: 4170aef77b19d9d⋯.jpg (55.66 KB, 620x412, 155:103, tucker-carlson-620x412.jpg)

File: fa130d061b831f8⋯.jpg (162.11 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, job-interview.jpg)

File: 2899028b2779978⋯.jpg (103.1 KB, 950x534, 475:267, 2014/06/02/c0/zuckheadsho.….jpg)

a60f97 No.61923

File: cc377c554611eeb⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB, 3117x3117, 1:1, 7B466BE0-CBD8-4E72-9997-1….jpeg)

File: da7a7c2bc03ac7f⋯.jpeg (691.84 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 6B27C29F-58E2-42C2-8A25-7….jpeg)

File: 196472522579290⋯.jpeg (884.33 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, D45DA22B-5B48-495A-A8D5-F….jpeg)

File: 9f07cf803635f99⋯.jpeg (795.98 KB, 900x824, 225:206, 9316FD3C-5E88-4DB8-B332-7….jpeg)

0460e1 No.61947

File: 2b04737c2d2d29f⋯.png (339.56 KB, 559x381, 559:381, nn.png)

a60f97 No.62006

File: fc2c3ccf6bf80aa⋯.jpeg (585.61 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, ECE12F3A-0B40-4D31-B438-9….jpeg)

308235 No.62041

File: c07727032e50c2f⋯.jpeg (125.23 KB, 712x538, 356:269, 27070E75-C9EC-4E73-AB67-E….jpeg)


0460e1 No.62042

File: c1c42d527736468⋯.png (687.27 KB, 699x658, 699:658, p.png)

b702e9 No.62234

File: a3eb831dbf1f60c⋯.jpg (91.67 KB, 1242x699, 414:233, maxresdefault-2 (1).jpg)

f496ca No.62378

File: 41d92fd598c1ea2⋯.jpg (62.13 KB, 692x389, 692:389, TWITTER DIC PIC DURBIN.jpg)

File: 74f9da99109fe9b⋯.jpg (74.21 KB, 690x385, 138:77, TWITTER EWWW DIC PIC DURBI….jpg)

File: 37aa429ff594606⋯.jpg (109.74 KB, 900x600, 3:2, twitter dick pic DURBIN.jpg)

8735c5 No.62433

File: 884fc234c1b3bd3⋯.jpg (57 KB, 800x800, 1:1, twitterdicks.jpg)

File: 6e17be94586af57⋯.jpg (74.47 KB, 800x800, 1:1, twitterDick.jpg)

File: be4b8b8f76da92a⋯.jpg (30.54 KB, 800x800, 1:1, twitterServer.jpg)

8d405e No.62457




Yaaaaas. Good shit anon!

2d0ccf No.62562

File: 84295c4af17b8ae⋯.jpg (549.46 KB, 1144x721, 1144:721, DORSEY DOSSIER.jpg)

Jack Dorsey investigation dossier

8475eb No.62636

File: 23ab2d8956ccae9⋯.png (433.51 KB, 952x698, 476:349, Capture.PNG)

1254c6 No.62821

File: 45ee26451f79f6b⋯.png (218.79 KB, 800x448, 25:14, Anderson.png)

Anderson Meme

ac25d4 No.62926

File: 310b5a354d4aea0⋯.png (160.9 KB, 500x918, 250:459, Assan.png)

File: 7c4580f4427a5e8⋯.jpeg (138.73 KB, 1311x1524, 437:508, CFslush.jpeg)

File: 3d6b66b33d5af68⋯.jpg (127.96 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ChelsWed.jpg)

File: 5d76e78e452bf9c⋯.jpg (783.57 KB, 2040x1565, 408:313, DemsCartoon.jpg)

File: 5c86baa8a2a0daa⋯.jpg (107.85 KB, 500x712, 125:178, fnSoros.jpg)

ac25d4 No.62932

File: 2e28ccec82c1614⋯.jpg (64.26 KB, 400x291, 400:291, FNtrumpCra.jpg)

File: ffd2e729882f177⋯.png (171.1 KB, 666x360, 37:20, Haw.png)

File: bce608d1f0879b5⋯.png (636.83 KB, 1107x1478, 1107:1478, MLKproud.png)

File: 19d2df1a21d834b⋯.png (879.44 KB, 904x642, 452:321, Qcrumbs77.png)

File: def9e70113a5b6f⋯.png (339.47 KB, 728x546, 4:3, SidebyGoodbyeJack.png)

ac25d4 No.62939

File: f8dac662ee8e11a⋯.png (676.88 KB, 2346x1887, 46:37, SidebyHIDefc.png)

File: b0c512c9e193a46⋯.jpeg (41.9 KB, 594x396, 3:2, SorosPocket.jpeg)

File: 1967bd45a6ab48b⋯.jpg (91.91 KB, 888x499, 888:499, t20.jpg)

File: dda6a266a8123a0⋯.jpg (70.32 KB, 500x645, 100:129, t21.jpg)

File: 92fb514f47ff388⋯.jpeg (55.24 KB, 720x960, 3:4, Tru1.jpeg)

ac25d4 No.62942

File: 310b5a354d4aea0⋯.png (160.9 KB, 500x918, 250:459, Tru2.png)

36a000 No.62971

File: 754bcf28b323037⋯.jpg (48.33 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Meme_NoDeal.jpg)

b702e9 No.63023

File: 0fc5bcdc21a0ff6⋯.jpg (81.13 KB, 890x500, 89:50, 22ret4.jpg)

File: 5f353f84e73a690⋯.jpg (41.25 KB, 630x460, 63:46, 22rep5.jpg)

File: 2732b0b988ef8c1⋯.jpg (27.69 KB, 307x412, 307:412, 22regr.jpg)

File: 47b4e644a0ce65c⋯.jpg (47.84 KB, 604x327, 604:327, 22re4k.jpg)

dd9c4a No.63097

File: 289e8fcb3341ee8⋯.png (303.92 KB, 500x634, 250:317, FANTASYLAND.2.png)

File: 24c1d566d1eff60⋯.png (613.3 KB, 761x499, 761:499, FANTASYLAND.png)

File: 088bc703ba9ba03⋯.png (623.5 KB, 761x499, 761:499, SpoilerAlert.png)

File: ec0c05e7a0ba4cf⋯.png (916.11 KB, 1080x675, 8:5, cnnfakenewsbasket.png)

fe0c36 No.63236

File: c248551dc7d4b05⋯.jpg (66.24 KB, 745x497, 745:497, 22pnre.jpg)

File: 389931938edb129⋯.jpg (63.06 KB, 402x604, 201:302, 22q9j5.jpg)

File: 110814fd28ee1ca⋯.jpg (41.85 KB, 402x604, 201:302, 46e6a2c1edb099cd93eeda09c3….jpg)

File: 2dc1a25dd32f3c6⋯.jpg (161.87 KB, 725x1024, 725:1024, 66ce94ac220e6855c293b1a384….jpg)

File: 9b8c722d77a34f7⋯.jpg (12.4 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 6fb0e0ddf5e3bc69de0ed40b32….jpg)

fe0c36 No.63244

File: b23955cc414a769⋯.jpg (71.51 KB, 752x501, 752:501, computer-nerd-2-752x501.jpg)

File: 97c367cf9a2f0ee⋯.jpg (145.04 KB, 957x1300, 957:1300, computer-nerd-side-view-ex….jpg)

File: e2aaecfa97c11e6⋯.jpg (10.56 KB, 236x225, 236:225, 48b8649a4e073e18daeebb0780….jpg)

File: 2b1de2c33acada0⋯.jpg (97.81 KB, 435x580, 3:4, jack-dorsey-a-435.jpg)

File: a06f7df08911db8⋯.jpg (248.43 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 157562259.jpg)

2d0ccf No.63259

File: 4a7a11c838007d3⋯.jpg (159.19 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, twatter sells data 2.jpg)

File: 8c849b108928c34⋯.jpg (147.46 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, twatter sells data1.jpg)

dd9c4a No.63271

File: 229f6d7d7c269b3⋯.gif (97.61 KB, 360x225, 8:5, wonthurtya.gif)

fe0c36 No.63284

File: 20e1887f7ef73e5⋯.jpg (127.93 KB, 714x477, 238:159, 22pwyk.jpg)

File: 0f9475b09a688b2⋯.jpg (126.83 KB, 714x477, 238:159, 22px35.jpg)

File: adf3758bed29c55⋯.jpg (126.36 KB, 714x477, 238:159, 22pxig.jpg)

File: aa4ce02191ab625⋯.jpg (119.7 KB, 714x477, 238:159, 22py3f.jpg)

File: d2bf65e96dc1a55⋯.png (114.36 KB, 714x478, 357:239, Patriotic Heart.png)

a60f97 No.63472

File: 656eed34a732f22⋯.jpeg (4.9 MB, 3117x3117, 1:1, BA2B7E1B-F5B5-4B40-9C36-2….jpeg)

File: 048adb8a2da6391⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 2000x1000, 2:1, 42EDABFD-9973-402D-A335-A….jpeg)

a60f97 No.63548

File: a54f02a6372c57f⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB, 2000x1000, 2:1, F7C3A8DB-20D9-4222-8566-4….jpeg)

ac25d4 No.63566

File: bca8205a16a7cec⋯.png (789.79 KB, 1176x500, 294:125, AdrenoWalnut1.png)

File: 8e3318c10db36f9⋯.png (586.98 KB, 1176x500, 294:125, AdrenoWalnut2.png)

File: f3096a5e7424d12⋯.jpg (120.61 KB, 1176x500, 294:125, AdrenoWalnut3.jpg)

File: 9f3c6fda7584c90⋯.png (799.5 KB, 1176x500, 294:125, AdrenoWalnut3.png)

File: 8bf1c322689b09e⋯.png (576.67 KB, 866x372, 433:186, AdrenoWalnut4.png)

ac25d4 No.63569

File: 1e25fb8e253c3c2⋯.jpg (16.03 KB, 200x252, 50:63, AdrenoWalnut6.jpg)

File: 1cdbe2738b3fef2⋯.jpg (89.76 KB, 652x375, 652:375, AlwaleedFrez.jpg)

File: a82f0c2ff46c128⋯.jpg (48.9 KB, 799x499, 799:499, AlwaleedPdOb.jpg)

File: dc17c0428d55d48⋯.jpg (80.44 KB, 500x623, 500:623, Awakng.jpg)

File: 7cc2d84bd573e34⋯.jpg (70.09 KB, 564x521, 564:521, AwakSh.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63570

File: 827d0bbb4eb53a8⋯.png (277.4 KB, 506x337, 506:337, CarItself.png)

File: b9002a558bdaed9⋯.png (286 KB, 506x337, 506:337, CarselfCIA.png)

File: cea68419c81f19d⋯.jpg (47.94 KB, 480x603, 160:201, CFdresss.jpg)

File: a2f01708e56d5e1⋯.jpg (52.47 KB, 620x435, 124:87, Chey.jpg)

File: 17a3c73ba4039f9⋯.jpg (93.53 KB, 688x668, 172:167, ClintScrewUSA.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63572

File: e015f0b7e01b24f⋯.png (100.26 KB, 480x267, 160:89, ComeyPdof.png)

File: e252cc5220db959⋯.jpeg (89.13 KB, 872x500, 218:125, Cupq.jpeg)

File: 05bd34ed416e322⋯.jpg (157.34 KB, 500x750, 2:3, DemKKK-.jpg)

File: 7856067dd44c539⋯.jpg (42.04 KB, 298x399, 298:399, DurbBlo.jpg)

File: da2c50a5a776767⋯.jpg (127.35 KB, 848x460, 212:115, DurbinPic.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63574

File: acbcf62719a9ebd⋯.jpg (83.22 KB, 750x535, 150:107, EconUp.jpg)

File: 73938610c4ffaff⋯.png (449.05 KB, 758x500, 379:250, Facebpix.png)

File: 8efa2bdad2691f6⋯.jpg (73.96 KB, 750x475, 30:19, FakeNewsAwards1-17-18.jpg)

File: dc6eedba0f9b6d4⋯.jpg (29.68 KB, 479x270, 479:270, FbChiDic.jpg)

File: a56c954a91afcd3⋯.jpg (90.42 KB, 750x500, 3:2, FBcree.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63578

File: 84911fd900ce0b7⋯.jpg (59.27 KB, 600x369, 200:123, fbDic.jpg)

File: 1e79f00922e7724⋯.jpg (29.9 KB, 291x350, 291:350, FBdicnow.jpg)

File: df33047b685ac19⋯.jpg (66.08 KB, 749x500, 749:500, FBdicpix.jpg)

File: 81401dae6b42b09⋯.jpg (37.92 KB, 506x381, 506:381, FBdixdb.jpg)

File: beda2328389703d⋯.jpg (53.35 KB, 416x416, 1:1, FBknodic.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63580

File: 2732b0b988ef8c1⋯.jpg (27.69 KB, 307x412, 307:412, FBnak.jpg)

File: 4e28b3933425938⋯.jpg (61.33 KB, 722x500, 361:250, FBnak2.jpg)

File: 0fc5bcdc21a0ff6⋯.jpg (81.13 KB, 890x500, 89:50, FBseedic.jpg)

File: ec36ebdcc6e2254⋯.png (208.03 KB, 453x289, 453:289, Feinnotrus.png)

File: f73d4034def42f5⋯.jpg (123.03 KB, 683x504, 683:504, FFoig.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63584

File: 8fd51c9f84b408b⋯.png (274.54 KB, 620x351, 620:351, FN117.png)

File: f6838fae25e4a15⋯.png (1003 KB, 1094x720, 547:360, FN118.png)

File: 423a339c1447f0d⋯.png (342.6 KB, 650x488, 325:244, FN119.png)

File: 8790be95b5b4afc⋯.jpg (78.13 KB, 672x456, 28:19, fnabjn.jpg)

File: 55151a0048419df⋯.jpg (100.33 KB, 672x500, 168:125, FNnyt.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63590

File: 03fa6cb31c64242⋯.png (655.93 KB, 762x500, 381:250, fnTired.png)

File: b451de99e952e90⋯.jpg (218.19 KB, 893x599, 893:599, GitKimSings.jpg)

File: 58b493a048d01a9⋯.jpg (66.49 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, HaitiGold.jpg)

File: 289e8fcb3341ee8⋯.png (303.92 KB, 500x634, 250:317, Haywire.png)

File: ab62971265b1d97⋯.jpg (85.87 KB, 800x600, 4:3, HIdata.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63593

File: f803176073582e7⋯.jpg (85.86 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Hilfuc.jpg)

File: b2fcda2fe8fed30⋯.jpg (44.37 KB, 600x314, 300:157, HilHumtraf.jpg)

File: db45f41c2fb0bbe⋯.jpg (67.85 KB, 822x462, 137:77, HilNodeal.jpg)

File: 1ac70019a297a52⋯.png (644.06 KB, 1113x751, 1113:751, HiMSMinside.png)

File: dcbe994dcf8ed9b⋯.jpeg (37.62 KB, 300x279, 100:93, LoopUra.jpeg)

ac25d4 No.63599

File: 3154db649a48f56⋯.jpg (67.29 KB, 648x475, 648:475, LoserLoud.jpg)

File: dbbf54c70c3aa1e⋯.jpeg (311.42 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, LVheli.jpeg)

File: 2c4e94ea4d323f6⋯.jpg (171.06 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, McCTraitor.jpg)

File: 994ea051f0a4b68⋯.jpg (670.49 KB, 1732x816, 433:204, MocKilla.jpg)

File: 7ed412f3121919e⋯.jpg (47.95 KB, 640x360, 16:9, NoShd.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63603

File: 17d58b46e6b323f⋯.jpg (56.19 KB, 600x450, 4:3, PatriotNoPedos.jpg)

File: 0c43c27c53b7a49⋯.jpg (872.67 KB, 1440x2167, 1440:2167, PedoExpose.jpg)

File: f0d240756b7ea49⋯.jpg (106.61 KB, 757x500, 757:500, PedoFar.jpg)

File: 4c5aacc56b13e2b⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 640x411, 640:411, PedoNightmare.jpg)

File: 627d3610609888e⋯.jpg (124.96 KB, 970x715, 194:143, PeloDebFroz.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63609

File: 8b08c1c88842f18⋯.png (219.76 KB, 458x251, 458:251, PodesDisg.png)

File: 79ae4c737693cac⋯.jpg (108.13 KB, 872x500, 218:125, Qcuppa.jpg)

File: 3d16a581af958b1⋯.jpeg (118.42 KB, 872x500, 218:125, Qgood.jpeg)

File: 72475048455f406⋯.png (593.33 KB, 872x500, 218:125, Qgud.png)

File: b6685e0a2d6008c⋯.jpg (98.15 KB, 872x500, 218:125, Qside.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63613

File: ef45ed3918065c3⋯.jpg (7.71 KB, 209x209, 1:1, Qtrust.jpg)

File: 427308870e58d57⋯.jpg (124.64 KB, 1200x853, 1200:853, Race8.jpg)

File: 62efc23d5a7cb0c⋯.png (221.89 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Racinot.png)

File: c685362458501e2⋯.png (309.27 KB, 667x470, 667:470, redcrosscash.png)

File: f801e86cd8f06db⋯.jpg (94.71 KB, 662x1024, 331:512, RedCrwep.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63614

File: 2f51413a5073864⋯.jpg (57.95 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, RedRedfail.jpg)

File: 8262901be3ecaa4⋯.jpg (83.07 KB, 720x721, 720:721, SatanistsEvil.jpg)

File: dc6c1a1cb06d90f⋯.jpg (39.28 KB, 478x433, 478:433, SessSecr.jpg)

File: cd4c16048ef7a3f⋯.jpg (42.04 KB, 640x479, 640:479, ShitholeHeHeard.jpg)

File: d4c8eb13ddd7095⋯.jpg (243.51 KB, 1199x843, 1199:843, SidebyDefconHI.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63624

File: b5f8b8d9f0982a8⋯.png (25.8 KB, 1133x472, 1133:472, SidebyLoop.png)

File: 7c50fe17b877b8b⋯.jpg (844.59 KB, 3736x2090, 1868:1045, SidebyQknewHI.jpg)

File: c9734aec2364420⋯.jpg (239.5 KB, 1199x843, 1199:843, SideHiDefc.jpg)

File: d0bd2a03a812b67⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 5594x3132, 2797:1566, SideHiQdefc.jpg)

File: 4f59363dd94ed61⋯.jpg (111.77 KB, 1024x697, 1024:697, Sor1.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63625

File: 0cbfea64212dd68⋯.jpg (113.7 KB, 1100x594, 50:27, Sor2.jpg)

File: a66e89b6ed05feb⋯.jpg (47.15 KB, 552x535, 552:535, SorosHat.jpg)

File: 210e6b00ac0d32a⋯.png (71.92 KB, 300x168, 25:14, Surv.png)

File: dedd734ea638644⋯.jpg (58.85 KB, 500x717, 500:717, Surveill.jpg)

File: 4605cf43f9fb077⋯.png (277.54 KB, 723x564, 241:188, Surveill.png)

ac25d4 No.63627

File: 4cdf8d1995f9621⋯.jpg (85.12 KB, 750x500, 3:2, SurvFBdix.jpg)

File: d7ec86a6f013cb5⋯.png (62.5 KB, 820x834, 410:417, SurvTakn.png)

File: 9ccf4527bc2af79⋯.png (339.22 KB, 758x500, 379:250, TDB.png)

File: 5f353f84e73a690⋯.jpg (41.25 KB, 630x460, 63:46, Tdcks.jpg)

File: 9418c65256258dd⋯.jpg (55.54 KB, 600x471, 200:157, Tdic.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63630

File: 7262af72c62df0a⋯.png (236.54 KB, 479x361, 479:361, Tdix.png)

File: 725c77d462f387c⋯.png (227.37 KB, 487x364, 487:364, Tdix2.png)

File: 7d1eaa2b6acbd54⋯.jpg (391.63 KB, 1732x816, 433:204, Tkilmoc.jpg)

File: 3a37c801c384bf6⋯.jpg (64.47 KB, 1000x717, 1000:717, TraMcCSlush.jpg)

File: b538d224a093a44⋯.jpg (74.19 KB, 1056x545, 1056:545, TruFreez.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63633

File: c5bc616d30925cf⋯.jpg (83.92 KB, 889x959, 127:137, TrumpArmy.jpg)

File: 97279a8008d6413⋯.png (6.28 KB, 311x162, 311:162, Tw12dix.png)

File: 5378be27666acdf⋯.png (196.55 KB, 474x311, 474:311, Twallpix.png)

File: f54512b07164c82⋯.jpg (101.55 KB, 749x500, 749:500, TwAllVi.jpg)

File: 301edf916758719⋯.jpeg (100.67 KB, 750x375, 2:1, TwBooAsk.jpeg)

ac25d4 No.63638

File: ac05892fec86f8e⋯.png (217 KB, 800x903, 800:903, Twbot.png)

File: 70001037fcfb871⋯.png (713.71 KB, 865x445, 173:89, TwChildPor.png)

File: c7da274dad2fb5f⋯.png (22.07 KB, 1024x190, 512:95, Twchprn.png)

File: 3fc1ab86a10537a⋯.jpg (18.59 KB, 260x194, 130:97, TwCIA.jpg)

File: b78b3a55bebf590⋯.jpg (102.35 KB, 878x590, 439:295, TwCox.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63640

File: a8e41fb16230a7e⋯.png (184.97 KB, 355x266, 355:266, TwDaught.png)

File: 85026947a3ab578⋯.jpg (10.14 KB, 194x259, 194:259, TwDaughter.jpg)

File: d15f0b7f42ec4c0⋯.png (334.09 KB, 758x500, 379:250, TwDB.png)

File: e0943003eafba3e⋯.jpg (30.1 KB, 397x234, 397:234, Twdi.jpg)

File: 56eb6dd56efe68e⋯.jpg (32.48 KB, 400x300, 4:3, TwDicBigger.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63642

File: 6ec01ae4925de2e⋯.jpg (33.15 KB, 400x300, 4:3, TwDicBigger2.jpg)

File: 525f1e304bdd6e2⋯.jpg (33.99 KB, 400x300, 4:3, TwDicBigger3.jpg)

File: 525f1e304bdd6e2⋯.jpg (33.99 KB, 400x300, 4:3, TwDicBigger4.jpg)

File: 33f3b19b2d70045⋯.jpg (31.86 KB, 400x300, 4:3, TwDicBigger5.jpg)

File: dd0b4901e1a0ca8⋯.png (22.06 KB, 293x179, 293:179, TwDicksOut.png)

ac25d4 No.63645

File: ed597f7f76e1ad4⋯.jpg (76.04 KB, 480x480, 1:1, twDicreco.jpg)

File: 47b4e644a0ce65c⋯.jpg (47.84 KB, 604x327, 604:327, TwDicsee.jpg)

File: ba2b6d2a036018b⋯.png (353.55 KB, 500x381, 500:381, TwDicServ.png)

File: 82883095940b9b6⋯.jpg (15.32 KB, 252x195, 84:65, Twdied.jpg)

File: a3eb831dbf1f60c⋯.jpg (91.67 KB, 1242x699, 414:233, TwDixB.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63647

File: ba55f209c3badc9⋯.jpg (55.29 KB, 396x384, 33:32, TwDixDix.jpg)

File: bd882161ad74c3b⋯.jpg (129.47 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, TwdixSW.jpg)

File: 35a1fe78aab94eb⋯.jpg (308.88 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, TwEO.jpg)

File: c030b287dc6d344⋯.jpg (357.64 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, TwEOblok.jpg)

File: f61f527a5af9e32⋯.jpeg (16.99 KB, 255x232, 255:232, Tw-FB-pix.jpeg)

ac25d4 No.63650

File: 8a94591b9f63de1⋯.png (833.52 KB, 1080x800, 27:20, TwiCP.png)

File: 37bbb507392659b⋯.jpg (95.24 KB, 751x500, 751:500, twiHom.jpg)

File: 4605cf43f9fb077⋯.png (277.54 KB, 723x564, 241:188, TwiJac.png)

File: edcceaa91999b30⋯.png (175.77 KB, 897x900, 299:300, TwIlleg.png)

File: d6110313dbb200e⋯.jpg (58.3 KB, 749x500, 749:500, TwiNak.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63654

File: 409d7ec7d353836⋯.png (197.68 KB, 630x278, 315:139, TwiNude.png)

File: f370dee7f5a135c⋯.jpg (65.83 KB, 520x500, 26:25, TwiPec.jpg)

File: 2260b99a106f59a⋯.jpg (93.19 KB, 952x500, 238:125, TwitCHP.jpg)

File: 25fe10342cd8dc1⋯.jpg (96.76 KB, 797x500, 797:500, TwitFoundCh.jpg)

File: 6476db09b694296⋯.jpg (102.63 KB, 751x500, 751:500, TwJac.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63655

File: c0ebe1f3341f534⋯.png (182.81 KB, 522x300, 87:50, Twjptd.png)

File: 819d729d44f2fae⋯.png (6.68 KB, 311x162, 311:162, TWkidnap.png)

File: 918e5bc840ae093⋯.png (1.05 MB, 865x573, 865:573, Twkidpix.png)

File: 971fdea63063b45⋯.png (298.17 KB, 738x383, 738:383, TwMoredic.png)

File: 1f4ab81a389a922⋯.jpg (255.3 KB, 684x1024, 171:256, Twmydic.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63659

File: ecbab37eae5ee12⋯.jpg (130.52 KB, 1754x1240, 877:620, TwNud.jpg)

File: b64945531725061⋯.jpg (60.99 KB, 749x500, 749:500, TwNudpix.jpg)

File: 4d5b7255479c208⋯.png (6.05 KB, 311x162, 311:162, Twpedo.png)

File: 48feabf2d64dfd6⋯.png (6.48 KB, 311x162, 311:162, TwPedo.png)

File: c8fbd7a9ecdfded⋯.jpg (20.09 KB, 318x159, 2:1, TwPedof.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63663

File: 1c4a593145e8feb⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1440x852, 120:71, TwPen.png)

File: dc1ccf86fb8651d⋯.jpg (16.91 KB, 260x194, 130:97, TwPixSav.jpg)

File: b3ec49b45b3c6b2⋯.jpg (91.37 KB, 749x500, 749:500, TwPop.jpg)

File: 3a7987cfa6ea96e⋯.png (11.15 KB, 311x162, 311:162, Twpor.png)

File: 3db191a1ec4a0cb⋯.jpg (37.71 KB, 489x351, 163:117, Twpron.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63671

File: cd57ec58db50e86⋯.png (114.91 KB, 785x714, 785:714, TwsaveCP.png)

File: 10ed1d1990c69ed⋯.png (216.45 KB, 542x348, 271:174, TwSaved.png)

File: 20267ef99ce14d9⋯.png (124.22 KB, 382x275, 382:275, Twsavedpix.png)

File: e9e9ea8ee375223⋯.png (225.4 KB, 512x337, 512:337, TwSavedVids.png)

File: 5e186dd6a8a56b0⋯.jpg (42.21 KB, 670x379, 670:379, TwSavesMy.jpg)


ac25d4 No.63673

File: 40e941eef6d8dfe⋯.jpg (44.9 KB, 400x415, 80:83, TwShadb.jpg)

File: 72b8b9fbd8a6c3b⋯.jpg (226.86 KB, 468x566, 234:283, TwShadban.jpg)

File: e0d09fc3bc5c047⋯.jpg (340.78 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, TwShBN.jpg)

File: 0c8531cf7d075c7⋯.jpg (41.63 KB, 529x406, 529:406, Twslid.jpg)

File: b008e18d3a2ee56⋯.jpg (67.19 KB, 652x367, 652:367, Twsonsdic.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63678

File: fc0389b9c556216⋯.jpg (42.27 KB, 399x406, 57:58, Twstock.jpg)

File: 61038e16b04c8b2⋯.jpg (496.65 KB, 1440x848, 90:53, Twthink.jpg)

File: b5da52fac40ce2c⋯.png (98.69 KB, 440x400, 11:10, twunder.png)

File: e0276c60f90b8e1⋯.png (229.55 KB, 513x336, 171:112, Twvids.png)

File: 346b82a89414462⋯.jpg (95.63 KB, 952x500, 238:125, TwWhereI.jpg)

ac25d4 No.63680

File: 36feaafdbd00b1e⋯.jpg (99.47 KB, 674x500, 337:250, vacnurs.jpg)

File: b6e2ef58078a4b8⋯.jpg (122.19 KB, 550x395, 110:79, WJCpros.jpg)

dd9c4a No.63842

File: 229f6d7d7c269b3⋯.gif (97.61 KB, 360x225, 8:5, wonthurtya.gif)

gif (click)

69e861 No.64094

File: 469a9f1a1197a31⋯.png (1.14 MB, 747x975, 249:325, hrc newsweek2.png)

File: 61b5ab0147c3d2d⋯.jpg (197.13 KB, 1211x339, 1211:339, djt mlk.jpg)

File: 9cf2b4eeb5019b1⋯.jpg (34.37 KB, 473x317, 473:317, 22qqes.jpg)

File: 9a218230117d008⋯.jpg (60.72 KB, 630x409, 630:409, 22r7yg.jpg)

File: 0c9dfad22831fed⋯.jpg (20.13 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 22redx.jpg)

a60f97 No.64107

File: 035717321cfe54b⋯.jpeg (855.41 KB, 3011x1697, 3011:1697, 13E97EB2-2F18-4F4B-B5A5-9….jpeg)

File: e521f89d4c0e426⋯.jpeg (1.97 MB, 2966x2178, 1483:1089, 6DDA1779-8175-4546-AEA4-5….jpeg)

fe0c36 No.64326

File: 6239e7abb2d8f24⋯.jpg (132.05 KB, 500x605, 100:121, 22rk5q.jpg)

File: 4a090eab55d34d2⋯.jpg (79.57 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 22rk7z.jpg)

File: b522c4d3baedea7⋯.jpg (129.1 KB, 500x741, 500:741, 22rkbk.jpg)

File: dafe45af89dcadf⋯.jpg (155.92 KB, 755x499, 755:499, 22rkef.jpg)

File: baad1d8a032c906⋯.jpg (152.85 KB, 755x499, 755:499, 22rkhu.jpg)

fe0c36 No.64354

File: 11089cc538f5efe⋯.jpg (160.79 KB, 755x499, 755:499, 22rkoj.jpg)

File: e92baba719cfd8e⋯.jpg (69.99 KB, 486x324, 3:2, 22rksv.jpg)

File: c6c57614023feaa⋯.jpg (117.1 KB, 660x440, 3:2, 22rkwl.jpg)

File: c70f082da126243⋯.jpg (117.56 KB, 500x605, 100:121, 22rlcb.jpg)

File: d0b7b427f756c19⋯.jpg (62.45 KB, 578x700, 289:350, 88ac53f5c259ba7f38edc9a840….jpg)

fe0c36 No.64362

File: ad3588826045cd5⋯.jpg (40.47 KB, 486x324, 3:2, expand-highsmith01.jpg)

File: 8aefbd7b7913e1e⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1230x814, 615:407, Winter American Flag.png)

File: f0b1cbce1ea50db⋯.jpg (68.51 KB, 750x400, 15:8, USCapitol_-_Apotheosis_of_….jpg)

File: 7f926ebd13de929⋯.jpg (87.86 KB, 600x890, 60:89, original.jpg)

File: b8abde46569dad0⋯.jpg (88.97 KB, 605x605, 1:1, cute-kittens-29-57b30ad229….jpg)

89b80d No.64424

File: f8b3593e919b72c⋯.jpg (181.28 KB, 889x500, 889:500, fear and loathing meme.jpg)

File: 1488b5d666217c8⋯.png (558.02 KB, 634x770, 317:385, FLYEAGLESFLY.png)

File: 5af03f9b3d520d2⋯.jpg (100.95 KB, 568x335, 568:335, screaming morty meme.jpg)

File: 3fafad1d453360d⋯.jpg (129.61 KB, 1176x500, 294:125, snuff films.jpg)

File: 719118120d34dfd⋯.jpg (64.5 KB, 615x410, 3:2, wakeup meme.jpg)

Some I made earlier

89b80d No.64575

File: 057cbb3fb591211⋯.jpg (200.22 KB, 770x499, 770:499, sheep meme.jpg)

d2ae7e No.64590

File: a3824287e36523f⋯.png (937.44 KB, 888x499, 888:499, M 0088.png)

File: 447b964e4044bbf⋯.png (664.96 KB, 888x500, 222:125, M 0089.png)

File: b05738e2fcf6dae⋯.png (304.43 KB, 400x300, 4:3, M 0090.png)

File: cab93e14fcd193f⋯.png (632.77 KB, 618x412, 3:2, M 0091.png)

File: 25818274ba49abb⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1500x500, 3:1, M 0092.png)

9ae3e2 No.64759

File: ef7e672895bdcd8⋯.jpg (199.25 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Justin Trudeau Town Hall S….jpg)

This happened….

09f9e8 No.64793

File: 2afdf54fe563873⋯.jpg (118.73 KB, 810x810, 1:1, Snowflake.jpg)

File: e5ccb48e96f3b71⋯.jpg (141.68 KB, 810x810, 1:1, #FakeNewsAlert-Clowns.jpg)

176a8c No.64937

File: cd62b8e96d6e9aa⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1502x998, 751:499, club.png)

5f0fe3 No.64979

File: 62f41f27037d52c⋯.jpg (293.5 KB, 815x589, 815:589, kids-and-cell-phones.jpg)

File: 48ded4c83780139⋯.jpg (64.14 KB, 691x500, 691:500, child-twitter.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.64981

File: 41fe48afdeaa4e9⋯.jpg (117.84 KB, 740x400, 37:20, Malik-Obama-and-Charles-C.….jpg)

File: 8ce9c782eb74cb4⋯.jpg (166.3 KB, 401x399, 401:399, MalikandBirthCert.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.64986

File: da9e255f02fae0c⋯.jpg (86.9 KB, 800x434, 400:217, hotdogsandpizza.jpg)

File: 4cabd464ac18f85⋯.jpg (61.67 KB, 652x367, 652:367, jack-dorsey-hed-2018.jpg)

File: 745c0c1dc0b3cab⋯.jpg (51.54 KB, 640x480, 4:3, nodealforyou.jpg)

File: c4a9463e74c59ba⋯.jpg (24.55 KB, 480x360, 4:3, gasrupture.jpg)

File: 54e751e8698792f⋯.jpg (37.84 KB, 640x328, 80:41, biggestbadaboom.jpg)

176a8c No.65005

File: 17210ed414b6679⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1504x846, 16:9, club1.png)

5f0fe3 No.65043

File: 19bb6ddacf7e6d7⋯.jpg (93.12 KB, 749x499, 749:499, ciatrackssnapchat.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.65047

File: 69800e904b9375c⋯.jpg (109.85 KB, 749x500, 749:500, ciasnapchat2.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.65052

File: 400876307c690d0⋯.jpg (103.64 KB, 640x480, 4:3, sorosbuying.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.65077

File: 9b1cf3b39a1156e⋯.jpg (55.67 KB, 800x450, 16:9, celltracking.jpg)

176a8c No.65107

File: ab6454adbef6346⋯.png (3.37 MB, 1504x1502, 752:751, F B.png)

176a8c No.65144

File: 6e57c9aa66d4629⋯.png (3.33 MB, 1504x1500, 376:375, F BFIXED.png)

0460e1 No.65238

File: d3c3e635867339c⋯.png (435.25 KB, 660x462, 10:7, wall1.png)

ac25d4 No.65273

File: ad6698026c78613⋯.jpg (13.7 KB, 300x200, 3:2, Memes10thumb.jpg)

When Memes #9 >>32311 is full, Memes #10 >>56833 is next.

* * *

For over 10,000 images sorted by topic try our IMAGE LIBRARY mega.nz/#F!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg

There you can preview images, download single images, entire categories, or all.

* * *

The same images, transformed in shape for optimal display on Twitter:

IMAGES SCALED FOR TWITTER 1024 x 512 mega.nz/#F!Kxt2QSyC!0AK44ZpbsF5ASzTyhg6huw

If you're going to drop on Twitter, this format will be more effective.

5f0fe3 No.65402

File: 1bf1230ac3fdf0a⋯.jpg (107.11 KB, 826x425, 826:425, patriotssnowflakes.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.65463

File: 619e7dcc10c9004⋯.jpg (77.84 KB, 500x606, 250:303, narcissussocial.jpg)

ac25d4 No.65559


The urge to divide and fight is strong in this one. How does that calm the snowflakes and teach them? Delete.

5f0fe3 No.65615

File: b939010884f0be3⋯.jpg (58.57 KB, 640x359, 640:359, matrixcoppertop.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.65618


Use or don't. Up to you.

b4a762 No.65727

File: 1bea75b3b6b997f⋯.jpg (308.54 KB, 696x1148, 174:287, The five things President ….jpg)

Follow-up to: >>53668

Feedback/volunteers for complementary graphics in story-telling format requested: >>65652

5f0fe3 No.65758

File: 99ca4c7f6673168⋯.jpg (112.83 KB, 720x487, 720:487, matrixcoppertop2.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.65761

File: 0a7b08f51985367⋯.jpg (67.48 KB, 560x305, 112:61, the-matrix-pods-sm.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.65822

File: 4dabf7c2d020b9a⋯.jpg (53.32 KB, 540x406, 270:203, zuck1984.jpg)

ac25d4 No.65823


The letter is beautiful – good work. Needs editing though:

Revealing our workspace to the world is PROHIBITED by the board rules >>3138

Delete the signature, change it to #QAnon or something like that.

5f0fe3 No.65880

File: dcd0682c00b374e⋯.jpg (60.73 KB, 630x473, 630:473, deviceswatching.jpg)

5b7152 No.65982

File: eb76a5d0aa301a4⋯.png (406.52 KB, 636x879, 212:293, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f188d8320e81f91⋯.png (159.81 KB, 462x537, 154:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3453cd0d198f73⋯.png (614.34 KB, 620x814, 310:407, ClipboardImage.png)

5b7152 No.65984

File: 0100e5b0ba4dcee⋯.png (417.95 KB, 620x800, 31:40, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb35855cc2c0077⋯.png (439.96 KB, 780x931, 780:931, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9fcf3811783d8ab⋯.png (203.07 KB, 665x872, 665:872, ClipboardImage.png)

5b7152 No.65992

File: 88fd64ba1ad1316⋯.png (723.77 KB, 1024x1363, 1024:1363, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be4cfb286514354⋯.png (924.25 KB, 736x1096, 92:137, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40278e4ee892a27⋯.png (521.29 KB, 848x1040, 53:65, ClipboardImage.png)

5b7152 No.66001

File: 7788879c1920f60⋯.png (413.73 KB, 614x768, 307:384, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95a699407966558⋯.png (243.39 KB, 612x842, 306:421, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9576723d060759f⋯.png (311.14 KB, 755x944, 755:944, ClipboardImage.png)

5b7152 No.66012

File: 444ec8eec4e75c0⋯.png (221.4 KB, 440x358, 220:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 974088d6c166283⋯.png (956.05 KB, 960x642, 160:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21be3f8714d4cee⋯.png (267.51 KB, 862x551, 862:551, ClipboardImage.png)

5b7152 No.66021

File: 5633eaf911385bc⋯.png (428.46 KB, 700x350, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b900544b0fb353⋯.png (9.09 MB, 4500x3039, 1500:1013, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 575034e65eacc8f⋯.png (5.02 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

5f0fe3 No.66037

File: 6edcb10833152fd⋯.jpg (114.06 KB, 852x478, 426:239, hizuckcaptives.jpg)

ac25d4 No.66039

File: 196afeb5454b732⋯.png (334.47 KB, 696x1148, 174:287, ClipboardImage.png)

>>65727 A version not revealing our workspace, in case authorAnon does not see the message.

5b7152 No.66043

File: aa082b50eeb74ec⋯.png (593.86 KB, 862x462, 431:231, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3a66e623d12b1a⋯.png (347.36 KB, 647x360, 647:360, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec36ebdcc6e2254⋯.png (208.03 KB, 453x289, 453:289, ClipboardImage.png)

6f9670 No.66047

Bust up their algorithms anons!!!!

5b7152 No.66051

File: 2b7ea4a8dca6ad9⋯.png (364.52 KB, 620x351, 620:351, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d77a93c2dce080e⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1480x828, 370:207, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 974088d6c166283⋯.png (956.05 KB, 960x642, 160:107, ClipboardImage.png)

ac25d4 No.66066


Dear NewHereAnon,

Do not post your email address here. Never never never. For your personal safety and security. You can Report your post (left triangle) and have Mod delete it. Next time post without any personal info.

5f0fe3 No.66068

File: 610ba7482e1fa3f⋯.jpg (66.53 KB, 554x401, 554:401, zuckenslave.jpg)

6f9670 No.66086

Is the deep state using AI programmed to "game theory" to reach their goals?

5f0fe3 No.66090

File: 05cfbd0c7cccf28⋯.jpg (65.19 KB, 554x401, 554:401, zuckmatrixdoc.jpg)

749301 No.66140

File: 7ed96d3b3ea9fd5⋯.jpg (158.93 KB, 708x912, 59:76, fakenheimer.jpg)

b4a762 No.66199

File: ff6312251cef777⋯.jpg (312.23 KB, 698x1174, 349:587, The five things President ….jpg)



Updated - Signature, call to action, Saudi Prince

5f0fe3 No.66229

File: 1c5902de5bfef66⋯.jpg (72.07 KB, 927x500, 927:500, alexaadtdave.jpg)

5f0fe3 No.66277

File: 5f823c6af71be0f⋯.jpg (35.89 KB, 800x465, 160:93, Irobot.jpg)

File: 6f98484e1f9a5e2⋯.jpg (66.1 KB, 800x465, 160:93, irobotangry.jpg)

ac25d4 No.66379

File: a5ab3e6aa5cd275⋯.jpg (90.6 KB, 792x512, 99:64, AlwFroz.jpg)

File: b67fd9be138c517⋯.jpg (118.06 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Awakng.jpg)

File: c7da18aa0c954ed⋯.jpg (14.19 KB, 255x171, 85:57, AwakTV.jpg)

File: e2a82190f4e6e58⋯.png (228.86 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Banno.png)

File: 31d65db52c330bf⋯.jpeg (79.83 KB, 829x500, 829:500, BlackHomeown4.jpeg)

ac25d4 No.66383

File: e3a803362e77990⋯.jpeg (106.31 KB, 829x500, 829:500, BlackHomeown5.jpeg)

File: 50108ab549541ce⋯.jpeg (80.08 KB, 896x504, 16:9, BlackHomeownership.jpeg)

File: 31d65db52c330bf⋯.jpeg (79.83 KB, 829x500, 829:500, BlackHomeownership2.jpeg)

File: db6a0761852d63c⋯.jpeg (77.41 KB, 829x500, 829:500, BlackUnemploy3.jpeg)

File: f10f2c648962674⋯.jpeg (107.71 KB, 829x500, 829:500, BlackVoters.jpeg)

dfe115 No.67225


like this but with some lie in the msm story and truth of q compared with satire whole thing

0460e1 No.68305

File: 00deee271b9c624⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1245x686, 1245:686, 2.png)

File: 9251a1c0f6ac2a3⋯.png (526.08 KB, 862x446, 431:223, 1.png)

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