▶ 77d27e (1) No.2221757
And the Agenda of PetroYuan what?
US could be so fucked if the Grincucks don't use the gold standard.
China/Russia was very smart in to save the gold and prepare the currencies.
▶ f0bfb6 (1) No.2222550>>2223887 >>2382758 >>2385077 >>2385690 >>2388235 >>2506248 >>2647059 >>2654721 >>2705810 >>2859369 >>3086027 >>3349656
Crypto is a good temporary stand-in, but would be useless in a post-apocalyptic war scenario. Default for no money is bartering, but bartering has it's limits.
Gold has always been advocated, but without a way to smell down or divide into smaller pieces, it would be a hard thing to trade for anything.
My greatest concern for cryptos is they're the prelude to 'one world currency' type bullshit. The fact it's inventor is anonymous and cannot be transparently verified makes me think intel agency or deepstate. Even the hash tool used in bitcoin (SHA256) is an NSA invention. Did no-one get the RSA 'paid to weaken encryption' memo?
NSA hasn't stopped advocating weaker and useless encryption standards.
Any currency of insufficient quality/complexity is easy to manufacture, forge, fake, mass-print. Any currency that can be printed can be inflated. Cryptocurrency has a good address for this idea - you can't spent what you don't have.
I'd back three horses: crypto, food supplies and bartering.
Realistically what you'd need to do is wipe the debt, create a new currency. We're moving towards a cashless society, so is this viable?
▶ 548877 (1) No.2222830>>2222937 >>2620959 >>2654721 >>2877304 >>2977157
The President has said three things repeatedly.
I will make America Safe again,Strong again and wealthy again.
Strong and safe are well under way, next comes wealthy. My working theory is that after the takedown of the big banks, a new gold dollar will be rolled out at +/- 1000:1. Existing account will be made whole up the the FDIC/NCUA insurance limits at 1:1. SS and other such plans will be paid in new dollars. That will have the effect of killing nearly all US debt both household, corporate and government. People will accept it because most people have much more debt than savings. I can't formulate a good theory all of the details re retirement accounts and such but most of those are held in stock so they will just be revalued in new dollars.
Lots of pitfalls and loose ends but that's how I see it working generally. Holders of metals will benefit greatly.Bondholders will get pounded. Holders of USD that can't easily be brought in from the cold will lose it all. Additionally, I think we'll issue letters of Marque, not to seaborn pirates this time, but to hackers who will use them to track down assets that should have been seized.
I'm convinced that we live in historic times.
▶ 3799bd (3) No.2222937>>2223304 >>2511855 >>2514361
What's your theory on Treasury bonds? People buy Treasury bonds instead of using savings accounts because of the greater interest. Would they suffer?
▶ aaa05f (1) No.2223304
US treasuries will likely be paid out at the 1000/1 rate. All debt will be wiped out.That has to include US bonds.
▶ 343441 (1) No.2223423>>2365980
We dont need another fiat currency. The exact same thing will happen again.
Something I think everyone needs to understand is that we have all been monetized. We are the BENEFICIARY but these evil people have made it so damn difficult to use our remedy. What has been stolen from us through fraud should be returned ASAP. Without us having to jump through 50 million hoops.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2223887>>2223898 >>2224555 >>2236356 >>2654721
Crypto currency is a extremely poor stand-in, since it is totally dependent on a mechanism for electronic exchange/transfer.
The obvious first casualty of any apocalyptic event would be electricity.
Does anyone seriously believe the electrical grid would not be the first necessity to go. One need no further evidence that the Iraq War where they trashed access to power, water, etc.
How long would NYC, Washington, et al. survive before it would become a Mad Maxx Thunderdome. Laugh at the survivalists, but they can survive when the metro areas resort to even more Darwinian survival.
Essential material goods become the new "currency" via the original barter system.
Half the population would starve or dehydrate within about 30 days, from natural or man-made causes. Picture a WalMart doing pre-Xmas sales then multiply by a factor of 100,0000.
Remote/rural and self-reliant would be the only choice to survive.
Crypto - useless
Food supplies - limited to what you can carry and protect
Bartering - What do you have that is "valuable" to someone else.
Think Plymouth Rock in 1620-1621. Half died, but not from being killed by other Puritans
On a positive note, the surveillance state, corrupt parasitic government and evil banking systems would be obliterated. Marxist's will finally get what the wished for, but the "means of production" would be available to redistribute to the masses. Their plan presumes there is a "system" they can loot. In engineering terms, "a fatally flawed system" leading to chaos according to the effects of entropy.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2223898
"means of production" would NOT be available
▶ 2ce6a5 (1) No.2224555>>2224792
Absolutely agree. Well said Anon.
▶ 0f853d (2) No.2224649
▶ 0f853d (2) No.2224792
Yes, well said. ditto ditto ditto ditto
you da pasta maker
ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto
▶ 47d336 (8) No.2228097>>2228662 >>2236700 >>2654669
I'm going to approach this Bread as how to bake a mountain but first kindly read this article on Big Banks - A Culture Above Any Law to get a foothold on the competition.
From that article, we find out how the banks have a diverse control of properties on the Man-Made Board of Monopoly and literally untouchable. Humanity (man) is but a thimble on the playing board but what if we introduced a playing piece the likes of Godzilla? This has never been thought of for the simple reason of being impossible. Let's look at impossible, the Anons have created a culture where the world is watching today where the success has been nothing short of amazing and entertaining.
Man becomes a better player on the board game since everything is for sale like stock positions where the majority of shares purchased earns a seat on the board of directors which gains influence in decisions. Also, there is the play of hostile takeover, happens all the time, that's competition.
This purchasing power comes from people around the world who can see us in a better light at which point can invest $1 per month. As capital grows we acquire control of diverse properties and advance humanity on the playing board. Public banking institutions should be used as a charter for this growth also the public involved from contributions can vote on key problems we face. The workforce will be available from who joins us receiving a hire position. Many other goods and services will be available to contributors at a discount because of purchasing power.
Why wait for the Banks to throw the switch and we end up in a soup line like during The Great Depression? The only team players like Larry Summers or the likes of Paul Singer get that call before the switch is thrown. Becoming a better player is key, no guts no glory and the Anons have guts and that determination which is needed when the impossible is possible. Because at this point in time the financial system is over-leveraged and debt along with other manipulated investment vehicles are a musical chair game where the music stops and many will not have a seat. The time is ripe for a new play, who will lead? The ones who have no fear of failing.
Q will remain and Anon Inc. (We The People) is the future to maintain what we have started.
▶ c52d2b (1) No.2228178>>2228689 >>2228702 >>3465426
Commodity backed crypto currency backstopped with actual precious metals and commodities. ALL of them private. The only government involvement is in the actual coining of gold and silver coins… THATS IT. No income tax or other fee faggotry. Everyone who worked for the FED… even the fucking Janitor gets hung in the national mall on independence day.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2228662>>2229099
Sounds very poetic, and Pollyanna-ish. The board is not an economic system and you seem to have a naive & grossly inflated sense of entitlement. All the "normies" in the world will send "us" $1? And what "value" do you think the board can provide in return?
Aside from the obvious utopian awesomeness, who gets the money, how is it divided up, etc. No rules, no control, no bosses. no leaders(?), but many,many normie followers. I suppose the governing structure should a libertarian anarchy?
A better economic model for this board would be a monastery - Christian /Buddist/Tibetean etc. Little or no real contact with the outside world. Intense focus on individually-chosen issues; learning and enlightenment - socially cutoff from the rest of society and sufficing on the alms of others, No product to sell, so the $1 would be a charitable donation?
Since this isn't a job and no one gets paid, I presume this is purely recreational for most, mildly educational for others, a source of enlightenment by the many esoteric gurus and geniuses ready and willing to impart their wisdom achieved by intuition and spiritual energy.
If you think I am being too critical, perhaps you could initiate a small scale proof-of concept project with other like minded anons. You can keep all the money donated.
You can then report back to us on your inevitable success and surely will attract more followers/members.
Does a pilot plan sound like something you would be interested in starting?
We await with eager anticipation for the results and proof-of concept for our project.
As an aid to getting started, you might find the story of the "Little Red Hen, very informative
I am excited already.
How soon do you think you could get started?.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2228689>>2366603 >>2754058
Spoken like a true Revolutionary - All Power to the People
Lenin, Trotsky and Mao would be so proud.
Not that evil Adam Smith who conspired with the Capitalists
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2228702>>2366603
Think mirror - It reflects back an image of yourself
▶ 47d336 (8) No.2229099>>2229207
The Little Red Hen was informative and yes I am that Hen. I believe this would go beyond the board but your board is a good think tank and why I am here. Your board is also a wonderful launch pad for reaching the public. The business model possibility would be a Nonprofit as to how you explained your present work here. I'm asking for help with a proof-of-concept model to bring us in a better light. When I leave this place I would like to see it as a better place as to when I arrived, that is my goal. The Anon Board already offers much value to the public. The next level is to maintain what has already been achieved here. Who would support that? Well, who made it possible? The world loves a hero a concept comes to mind, 'Trust The Plan'.
And so it begins I've already started.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2229207>>2229469
Have you asked,
"Who will help me bake the bread?"
Sounds like a solo mission, since many will take but fewer will make.
Non-profit is a great Marxist dodged. Your only expense is the value you assign to your own.time. As long as you take all the money out the board pays not taxes, but you pay personal takes on it.
That's how the all work. Make sure to spend all the money on "something" to avoid taxes. Have you seen the payroll and travel expenses for all their staff. Shell game is they "donate it to a "trust" that only they control. Poof !! any extra money if a gift to charity - their non-taxable charity.
O though we were all going to work on the project?
No volunteers yet Little Red Hen? There will be if any money rolls in, since is "our" board. and you can't legally collect all the money for "the board"
FAIL - try again after Business 101 including business law, marketing, accounting & taxation
Utopia isn't free Some on has to do the work and everyone shares the money.
Thanks for volunteering
▶ 1ae201 (1) No.2229461>>2236837
If I just do a minute of digging through the laundry basket, sofa cushions, and slots/ashtray of our vehicles… I could fill a Best Foods jar with cold hard U.S. coin. If that doesn't fill the jar, I could walk down the block and find more in the rough patches of grass, bushes, gutters, and parking lots. Surely everyone reading this could do the same. A jar full of good old change… with mint dates that go way back before any of us were even born. Now, the point is that there is literally mountains and mountains of American coin that has survived every up and down our economy has put it through. Coin is in every house, business, buried in treasure chests out in the sand, or at the bottom of lakes, rivers and oceans… there is tons of it from sea to shining sea. That mountain of change isn't going to disappear like crypto in the blink of an eye or flip of a switch, and that mountain of change won't tear or burn like cash/stocks/bonds can. In the event of an economic disaster, American coin will always be around, and it will always hold value to the people who choose to do regular everyday business as usual. In fact, it may become more valuable when that is all we have to work with. Coin is perfect currency for the hard dirty work it would take to rebuild after a shtf scenario, or an economic reset. We wouldn't need global trade partners, stock markets, tax collectors and their unfair ways/means… all we would really need is the strength to cut loose from those systems, and accurate scales to balance the weight we have. U.S. coin… no contracts to sign, untraceable, durable, portable, and every American recognizes it for what it's worth.
▶ 47d336 (8) No.2229469
Well, in the mean time all debt will have to be forgiven and a countries currency will be valued as to there reserve in gold. The Fed and Central Banks are painted in a corner but with printed money it does seem to reach escape velocity of all negative news. Maybe we'll find a new business model for the old one is off the rails.
Business 101 needs a revision for what we all been told is upside down but creation has an odd way of showing up where timing is everything.
Godspeed Anons
▶ 12bc07 (2) No.2236356>>2654721 >>2795564
>The obvious first casualty of any apocalyptic event would be electricity.
Which is why I said it'd be useless in the event of war. The deepstate's plan clearly assumes worst case scenario (they assume they will lose - which is why they have all those deep underground bunkers. They trigger war then run away like a bunch of pussies).
I've slowly navigated countries towards protecting electrical systems (see the SHIELD act, and cyber security utilities provisions):
If you're already on renewable energy then you're largely immune (just needs circuit breakers and a good sense of timing).
>Food supplies - limited to what you can carry and protect
You're assuming bugout scenario. If you're in a nuclear scenario, you won't be travelling anywhere without a radiation suit. Bugout is only viable during authoritarian crisis, which implies power is functioning.
>Bartering - What do you have that is "valuable" to someone else.
Knowledge. A shit ton of it. Doesn't weigh anything to carry, and you can't steal it from me. If you have skills or craftsmanship, you'll be in demand. I also have a harddrive with the entire contents of Wikipedia stored on it, as well.
Item wise? Well, if you kept that food supply I was referring to earlier…
But that said, valuable to who? Everyone has different needs.
1) If the main currency is dead, you're either going to see crypto or bartering as stand-in (likely both).
2) If you're at N-day war, ANY currency is going to be useless (you either can't trade and have to hunker down - food supplies, or if the radiation isn't so bad you can walk and talk, your JIT infrastructure is going to be so badly disrupted that no-one is going to want gold and everyone will be haggling for clean food and water. You can generate the latter with a variety of techniques. Growing the former in a warlike scenario might not be possible).
>Essential material goods become the new "currency" via the original barter system.
I'd imagine, specifically, seeds (or salt, like the Romans used, given it was a preservative).
The issue with knowing what system to gear towards depends on what last ditch plan the deepstate execute. If we can neutralise them before they trigger N-day (which I'm thinking is their failsafe depopulation angle), then we can have a new currency or crypto.
But if they do go N-day, then the extent of the damage dictates what we can use.
Securing America's nuclear reactors against EMP would be a HUGE step (because if the nuclear reactors go critical then it worsens). Just so you guys can see how badly designed the US electrical grid is: some nuclear reactors rely on other nuclear plants to supply power in order to shutdown as their 'backup generator'.
(It can take 3 days to fully shutdown a plant.)
▶ 855c15 (1) No.2236365
▶ 12bc07 (2) No.2236700>>2344318
Interesting concept, but the issue isn't 'can we generate financial leverage?' - having seen people fall for some of the dumbest scams imaginable, getting money is the 'easy' part.
What is the hard part is making sure that the people who control the finances are wholly incorruptible. I don't mean slightly incorruptible, but *wholly*, because if it achieves the level of power you're hoping it does, that is a huge temptation towards corruption.
Dictatorships can flip, democracies can be subverted.
There's also the issue of ensuring for generations it's always staffed with wholly incorruptible individuals. Bearing in mind these people will be under attack from government goons, financial hitmen, dirt diggers, media propaganda, the full whack (see how Julian Assange is treated, then crank it up to anti-Trump levels of hysteria).
It would be far better, in my opinion, to operate 'behind the scenes' (exploiting the same tactics they do), exerting influence in a way that is difficult to centrally target or identify. By having no active radar presence, there is nothing they can specifically target or try to co-opt.
Consider when Anons did Occupy Wallstreet but George Soros co-opted the whole thing (and the media suppressed it entirely). It was the very definition of 'extremely noisy' and 'extremely obvious'. You never see any powerbrokers protesting - because they know it doesn't work.
We only know about pieces of shit like Bill Gates and George Soros because they're constantly in our face, 24/7. I bet what you guys don't notice are the NGOs that they fund that go largely unannounced and are largely ignored (who could be argued as doing the bulk of the work).
Try to avoid fame and 'going big'. Any military commander will tell you that you never signal your presence or your intentions to your enemy. Don't form a big obvious corp, make micro-cells, small groups, small shell companies that target easy wins (for example, Occupy was really onto something with the 'buy debt cheap and pay forward' scheme).
Suitable targets for finances:
1) Swing/undecided/independent politicians in local counties/regions/states etc
2) Lobbyists to advocate specific goals in government (or if too costly, on a local/county level)
3) As said, acquiring seats on boards etc to influence financial decision making
4) Investing into startups whose goals align with your own
5) Hiring investigators to dig dirt (using their own tactics against them)
6) Starting legal cases (using funds from legal cases win to fund other legal cases etc). Again, start small (county/local region)
7) On-the-cheap advertising (to spread information or support or acquire more funds etc)
8) Undercut excessive interest micro-loans
Ideally each 'cell' should work on a regional level. Start winning the smaller battles first in as many unnoticeable areas possible. The goal being not only to spin off as many 'good practice' start-up businesses as possible, but also to impact regional politics.
▶ 344a86 (10) No.2236837>>2260080
Yes. You are right about this. Coin that says "in God we trust". When electronic money disappears we will value 1 cent=$1. Coin will buy 100 times what it does currently. Poor can buy because as you have noted it is readily available.
▶ 1f5108 (1) No.2237615>>2260099
Gold-backed financial system will be in place while humanity grows spiritually in a resource abdundant environment. This system will be in place until we no longer need a financial / monetary system. How soon all of this happens depends on each of us and the future we are co-creating. But it will happen one day where we no longer need a financial system.
▶ 1fc798 (1) No.2258152
crypto is the cabals version of the currency reset.
watch as all variations of crypto (failed or otherwise) become part of one, true, historically strong, respected worldwide, central banking "fedcoin" (name is used as an example)
▶ faae1f (1) No.2258967
Required viewing. Dutch High level Banking Insider spills beans on illuminati and financial racket.
Spoiler: They're kid diddlers and jews
▶ e04f03 (1) No.2259407>>2260129 >>2260204 >>2260208 >>2683959 >>2684037 >>2706225 >>2716478 >>3054841
Ask yourselves ….If you consider crypto worthless than why did MS/APPLE/Cabal go to great lengths to produce chip sets that bypassed the Binary Code.
Now cross reference this with timing, 2008/2009 was when crypto went mainstream. Around the same time period as the induction of the most common MS I3/I5/I7 chips.
Research Meltdown/Spectra and once again cross reference with timing. Right after Christmas when Q went silent the vulnerability was exposed. Weeks before Christmas Intel CEO sold $24 million in stock…WHY?
Now Ask yourselves why after intel sold stock, and after the Meltdown and Spectra was exposed did MSM start pushing the Idea that Child Porn was encoded in the block-chain….Why?
Timing is crucial.
That sure is a lot of dancing for a currency that many consider worthless.
Money is slavery
Currency in general is slavery.
Sheep no more
It is better to give than to receive.
Add Quantum Computers.
How do they work?
Think 011010100010101101010101
Is a future without Currency/Money possible?
Coming to a Theater near (you).
This is bigger than you can imagine.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2260080
Coins are just currency - a token representing value held elsewhere. Coins are worth their melted content - nothing more unless universally accepted by other traders.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2260099
Yeak we are all going 4D where money won't be needed, nor will clothes since we will be "spirit-only, with no bodies. just beams of light connected to other beams of light communicating
For details - see description "The Borg"
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2260129
Where are your cryptocurrencies when the electricity goes off or there is no Internet?
What happens to cryptocurrency in the event of an EMP, which is not all that difficult for many hostile powers to possess and use (including the Cabal as their last act of evil)
How much cryptocurrency could you produce with CIA Seven Dwarfs?
What suckers!!!!!
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2260204
What is this Binary Code you mention?
Is that like ones and zeros or some secret only you know?
What kind of currency is immune to loss of electricity and connectivity ?
You don't need money, just something valuable to trade THAT OTHERS VALUE.
I suspect you come up real short on that measure, and would be happier in an anarchy, although you can't control the other citizen who could do any thing they want to you, and no one to save you. Why would anyone risk their life to save yours?
Glaringly obvious answer - no one
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2260208
Troll repellent was successful - all clear
▶ 701505 (89) No.2260304>>2683959 >>2684037 >>3054841
What did Q say about the end of the fed?
What do the banks provide?
Necessary for now?
End of the fed = end of the banks?
No banks now = no strucutre now.
Chaos ensues?
Good for The Plan?
Who would be blamed?
Red Wave important?
What does stucture provide a building?
Stability necessary.
Old structure rotten but stable?
New structure needed?
Structure SOURCE?
How does a building's structure come to be?
It is BUILT.
Build the structure, make it stable, end the Rotten Fed.
The people have the power to build it.
You (and your Peer) have more power than you know.
FIND and build the "structure."
▶ 47d336 (8) No.2344318
Thanks J, nice tool box build and yes, corruption is a tough egg to crack.
Revisions being made to the business model.
From the DOJ: 7/27/18
"With today’s announcement of this non-prosecution agreement, non-compliant U.S. clients of Mirelis must now pay that 50 percent penalty to the IRS if they wish to enter the IRS Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program. The IRS recently announced that the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program will close on September 28, 2018."
▶ f2b76e (1) No.2345600>>2367378
I'll admit here are a few issues to crypto, but the crypto naysayers here don't know WTF they're talking about. Crypto's biggest problem is merely that it's so nacent and undeveloped, but it's as real as anything else. Just because you don't understand a complex technology doesn't make something silly. I'm imaging fucking uneducated idiots or a bunch of old goldfags on the other side of the screen. Know what the fuck you're talking about it before you open your mouth.
▶ 4b63a4 (2) No.2345904>>2382007 >>2513773
Wouldn't a debt reset primarily benefit the rich as they hold the most assets?
How soon do we think such a thing could occur?
Really want to buy a new house before it happens
▶ 6f3051 (1) No.2365980>>2366938 >>2371352 >>2383540 >>2683959 >>2684037 >>3054841
Royal Elites / Rothschild Formula > Global Banking Cartel
Federal Reserve Act
Federal Reserve Inc.
A Private Company?
Shareholders = ?
IS THIS Constitutional?
What is your recourse?
What is a Federal Reserve Note?
Define NOTE
United States Declares BANKRUPTCY
United States Inc.
A Private Company?
Shareholders =?
US BANKRUPTCY Still In Receivership?
Emergency Banking Act March 9 1933
House Joint Resolution 192 73rd Congress June 5 1933
1938 Supreme Court - Erie Railroad v Tompkins
Why is this relevant?
Common Law
Equity Law
Admiralty Law
Statutory Jurisdiction?
Statutory Jurisdiction Definition in Blacks Law Dictionary?
Why Not?
Birth Certificate = ALL CAPs
Social Security Card = ALL CAPs
Drivers License = ALL CAPs
Are YOU a Living Soul or a Person>CORPORATION?
Blacks Law Dictionary 6th edition
Birth Certificate Applications Started WHEN?
Social Security Registration Started WHEN?
Birth Certificate # = CUSIP
Cestui Que Vie Trust
Cannon Law
Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Edition
Are YOU the Trustee or the Beneficiary?
Who Created The Debt? The Bond?
Uniform Commercial Code
UCC = Private International Law?
If UCC Private WHO OWNS?
1938 Supreme Court - Erie Railroad v Tompkins
Common Law > No Compelled Performance
Equity Law > Compels Performance
Admiralty > Compelled Performance > AND Criminal Penalties
> AND Requires International Contract?
Statutory Jurisdiction = ?
Are You A United States Citizen?
Federal United States?
Continental United States?
United States = Federal CORPORATION
Congressional Act 1871
28 USC 3002 - Part VI - Chapter 176 -Sub-Chapter 176 - Subsection A, (15)
Did 14th Amendment Create A Lower Class of CITIZEN?
15 U.S. Statute At Large July 27 1868
“Expatriation Clause”
WHY Is This Relevant?
Your Name as Signature
‘’Without Prejudice’’ UCC 1-308
What is a ‘’compelled benefit’’?
‘’Argument and Recourse’’ UCC 1-103
What is YOUR recourse?
UCC 1 - ‘’Secured Party Creditor”?
YOU have more than you know
▶ 1849db (11) No.2366530>>2683959 >>2684037 >>3054841
OK, I'm doing some digging on one of Q's posts. Ima drop this here and see what you magnificent faggots can add.
My thinking is to drill down and really answer Q's questions with regards to the banking system and families, so as to make a simpler, more accurate, and more easy to understand map.
Here's what I have. I'll check again in the morning. You may have seen this before in Q research (but it's a fucking 200 IQ meth-amped monkey zoo ATM, not exactly the best place for slow thinking…)
Thanks to the anon who dropped this, it allowed me to put this together. https://quizlet.com/108980866/global-economics-exam-2-flash-cards/
Wealth (over generations) buys power.
Power (over generations) buys more wealth/control.
More wealth/control buys countries and its people.
Families combined (TRI) = NWO.
Thanks to the anon who dropped this, it allowed me to put these pieces together. https://quizlet.com/108980866/global-economics-exam-2-flash-cards/
Wealth (over generations) buys power.
Power (over generations) buys more wealth/control.
More wealth/control buys countries and its people.
Families combined (TRI) = NWO.
Inner TRI families will collapse.
Council On Foreign Relations. According to Christopher Lydon, writing in the July 1977 Atlantic, "The Trilateral Commission was David Rockefeller's brainchild." https://www.antiwar.com/berkman/trilat.html
What is the keystone?
KEYSTONE IS KAIROS = KAIROS created to facilitate international policy coordination, named Bretton Woods institutions were negotiated there
-The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/ World Trade Organization (GATT/WTO)
-The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
-The World Bank
What Nation dominates all others?
-set in 1930 and is the first economic international organization (IO)
-Had 2 functions: collect reparations from Germany and promote economic coordination bw national central banks
What Nation has influence over most others?
What is the keystone?
Return to SA.
Strings cut (+++).
Puppets (+++) in shadows.
Each side of the triangle controls a certain subsect of power brokers.
Power brokers are also labeled as the puppets/servants.
What is the New World Order?
Why did POTUS receive a sword dance when visiting SA?
What does this mean culturally?
Why is this relevant?
What occurred in SA?
How did POTUS remove one side of the pyramid?
What did POTUS receive while visiting China?
Where did POTUS dine?
What is the significance?
What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?
Who controls NK?
Who really controls NK?
Who controls several agencies within the US, EU, and abroad?
Why is No Such Agency so vital?
Enormous scale of events currently ongoing.
Why is Russia helping to kill ISIS?
This is not easy to accept nor believe.
Crumbs make bread.
Operations active.
Joint missions underway.
The world is fighting back.
Refer back to graphic.
The Great Awakening.
Snow White.
Iron Eagle.
Jason Bourne (2016)(Dream/CIA).
▶ 98252d (1) No.2366603
You're right… Lets just make another Fiat currency with the FED at the helm… That obviously, from history, would be better. >>2228702
An image of someone who hates the FED… Hrmmm.. Yeah. Thats me. The person who hates the FED.
▶ 0f0f14 (1) No.2366938>>2620748
Lookie who guards the p0pe.
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_for_International_Settlements
Look at the main building in Basel
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2367378
You sais it right - you are imaging since you can't beleive there are an shortcomings.
I could give you about 20 of the top of my head, but won't bother.
More effective if you learn the hard way.
Just remember where your currency is if the lights go out or the Intenet access was unavailable from wherever you are.
Some of us aren't uneducated idiots.
We own you know "proof".
Experience is the best teacher
▶ 1f5dc2 (1) No.2371352
Well some of us know the answers to this mess but it shouldnt be hidden or difficult to navigate your way out. There seems to be different ways to extricate oneself from their grip. Which one is right though?
▶ 4b63a4 (2) No.2382007
>Wouldn't a debt reset primarily benefit the rich as they hold the most assets?
>How soon do we think such a thing could occur?
>Really want to buy a new house before it happens
▶ 047c6a (1) No.2382719
I hope I can day trade with the new monetary system. I keep getting fucked in the job market, trying to get a career at my point is just ridiculos, I'll be 40 by the time I can get anywhere, and just want to make my own money on my own terms. Fuck this economy man. I wish Trump or Ron won in 2008 & 2012.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2382758>>2388235 >>2683959 >>2684037 >>3054841
>My greatest concern for cryptos is they're the prelude to 'one world currency' type bullshit.
The beauty of them is that there is competition. 1500 exist, most are total shit. Bitcoin got taken over by banks and then forked off to bitcoin cash, which still follow the original vision of free person to person non-centrally banked currency.
>The fact it's inventor is anonymous and cannot be transparently verified makes me think intel agency or deepstate.
Sounds like someone similar to Qanon to me.
>Even the hash tool used in bitcoin (SHA256) is an NSA invention.
What did Q say about not everyone inside the agencies being corrupt?
▶ acae7f (5) No.2382853
I have a bad feeling about this. If Dan Harmon is a pedo, then isn't the whole plot of devaluing a currency from Rick and Morty ('turning a 1… into a 0!') almost a prelude, threat or 'warning'? The show often makes a lot of references to subtle conspiracy theories (such as the moon landing stage prop in 'Rickchurian Mortydate').
And I often find shows pre-empt an event.
Given the massive debt of the US ($140 trillion) it could be very well be argued that a dollar is literally worth zero. And the Simpsons episode that predicted Trump as president had Lisa Simpson afterwards talking about the US: "we're broke", with Trump being inferred as the previous president.
What's more disturbing is my opinion is that Lisa Simpson represents Hillary Clinton (Lisa is a liberal throughout the entire show). So there's a few overlapping plans: devaluing the dollar to worthlessness, and Hillary Clinton taking power after Trump.
Which means we would need to head off one or the other to ruin their plans.
Replacing the banking system with a stable structure is not an easy task. Not even within virtual environments (such as World of Warcraft where the value of gold coins has to be regulated) is keeping valuation of currency a thing.
Cryptocurrency is not perma-stable (and I wouldn't rest any laurels on it because it has a couple of flaws I haven't yet disclosed). Gold is problematic because everyone else possesses that and it can be stolen again (or decoupled).
Building a new system within the timelimit permitted (4 years assuming re-election win) is going to be insanely tricky, especially with partisan resistance.
Solving trade deficit is one way to go, but there does need to be a massive cap on military expenditure (US spends more than the prior three countries combined, and that includes China). I'm imagining there's a lot of financial waste. On the other side, you're doing all the R&D and places like China, Russia, France, israel etc are just stealing it, so you get no investment returns.
Thwarting IP theft is possible: you need to throw out so many red herrings and dangerous false positives (imagine the Chinese wasting many years trying to get bunk tech to work) that they end up spending more trying to steal it and make it work.
The other side of the fence is invest in better security in regards to how IPs are stored, reduce R&D spending on projects that the Chinese etc are gimping hard for (invest in R&D that they aren't interested in).
A new Fed has to be publicly accountable, and it's ability to print more money must be blockable by some means, whether public or presidential. 'Quantative Easing' is complete bullshit and why there's such inflation in the US currency right now.
But that printing cap can't work unless expenditure falls below revenue earnings. That either means greater taxes, or more spending cuts. Strategically you could do investment schemes to get businesses off the ground that repay the investments (so an indirect means of generating profit).
You could also ask for repayment of the bailout money handed out to banks by Obama. The system is not socialism for banks, and they should repay. Softly softly might have to be utilised, if you ask for everything upfront you could bankrupt and ruin everyone who has an account with them.
Essentially, you need to run the US government almost like a business (except it's profits are reinvested back into the public). Once in/out is stabilised, you can transition to a fed that can't easily print money and swap for a new currency.
But I'm oversimplifying things here.
The question of the day is where is this debt coming from?
My money says 'overcharged interest rate excess from the IMF'.
Kick whoever overcharges the interest rate in the balls (the IMF) and then proceed to a 0% interest system. If you can make IMF losses exceed that of the interest damage they're causing you, you might be able to get, an, ahem, 'rebate'.
Or you could just take the IMF out entirely. Your call.
▶ acae7f (5) No.2383000
Oh, and the IMF is holding a lot of other countries in debt too.
So it might be entirely possible you can get a few other countries and groups to agree to have a 'meet up' with the IMF, baseball bats included.
To paraphrase sci-fi's rogue Sam Starfall: 'a man with a small debt is in debt to the debtor, a man with a large debt has the debtor in debt to him'.
I mean, lets be honest here, no country could produce $140 trillion even with 100% of it's GDP geared towards it, so who is charging such insane interest rates? Who could the US possibly be in debt to given they have one of the largest nuclear stockpiles in the world?
I always found bankers to be out of touch with reality…
▶ 268cc7 (5) No.2383540
UCC copyright owned by ALI
▶ b2c295 (1) No.2385077>>2400581
Oh, but you know about finance. Okay, Professor.
▶ 10f407 (1) No.2385576
I think there are a lot of cogs changing inside the machine.
Money is a fictitious concept that humanity has served for too long. I believe the definition of wealth is about to be redefined as our culture matures and evolves with the collective conscious.
We are about to see a mega revolution in the agricultural sector that will solve all these problems we face as a species ie. Food Shortages, Climate Change, Physical/Emotional/Spiritual/Political Health, Wealth Distribution, and social equality.
▶ 7dbca0 (1) No.2385690
I'd recommend anons to analyze the digibyte blockchain project (www.digibyte.io). Community driven, secured through 5 mining algorithms, incredibly fast. Already making real world impact helping out victims of venezuela's hyperinflation crisis.
▶ e2c074 (2) No.2387085>>2401208
US coins:
Read HB5404
No mention of coinage
Coins worthless (treas default) 100% loss
Coins = FRN push
Coins exchange for consritional silver = 1200% gain
Better odds than you'll get in the casino…
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2388235>>2388444 >>2398940 >>2600417 >>2636339 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
Wish I found this thread earlier.
On the topic of cryptocurrencies.. I put together pic related which hopefully helps us to understand what light to view them in.
Anon's post helps too: >>2382758
There's definitely a connection there.
Between the good guys and cryptos.
I'd even go so far as to say that there is a chance that crypto is /ourmoney/. Money based on math and code, and not on magick.
But sure, it's still young, still has issues, and doesn't feel very safe yet.
We can fix those things. Maybe that's what anon wants us to do, or talk about, or consider - whatever.
I'll come read this thread more in depth later so that I can give a better response. Main point for now is this image I made. Very simple, but shows a connection.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2388480>>2391183
There's also this.
Hopefully this is enough evidence/proofs for anons to consider cryptos in a different light?
I'm also willing to view them in anon's light as well - if skeptical.
▶ 268cc7 (5) No.2390423>>2400929
The dollar was previously defined by congress as a specific weight of silver and is likely still lawfully defined as a weight of silver. IMO circulated coinage should return to fixed weights of silver when the unlawful equation of Federal Reserve Notes and Dollar is removed. Fixing the value of silver and gold to each other in some set ratio would likely have unforeseen negative consequences. Ideally there would be some mechanism for them to float against each other or have the ratio revalued on a monthly or quarterly basis.
▶ e2c074 (2) No.2391183>>2395525 >>2683959 >>2684037 >>3054841
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Bannon on crypto listen at 26:00
Bonus: He drops some great redpills at 25:10
▶ 968c4e (1) No.2391215
Anyone still have their 63-64 gold mint coins?
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2395525>>2399144 >>3141211
Thanks anon that's a great video.
I'm listening to the Q&A at the end as well to see if he talks about it more there. Still listening and will update if I find more. But I did find something at 57:20. He says that a financial crisis is coming. And Q references the book 'the coming bond market collapse' as well. Interesting to think about.
Back to the topic of Bitcoin/crypto. Trump did an AMA on 4chan a while ago and was asked about Bitcoin. When asked if he had plans for it, he simply said that 'it is still very new' - implying?
His remark is on the bottom right of the image, the second to last pink box.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2398940>>2402702
Interdasting…Haven't seen that one. Do you know where the original pic of the shirt is from?
Also people love to make fun of CSW, but I am too convinced that he was one of the original creators of bitcoin.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2398952>>2402702 >>2492078 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841 >>3120147
There is this one too.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2399144>>2402702
>Back to the topic of Bitcoin/crypto. Trump did an AMA on 4chan a while ago and was asked about Bitcoin. When asked if he had plans for it, he simply said that 'it is still very new' - implying?
▶ acae7f (5) No.2400581
…Which is why the only thing you could try to discredit was grammar?
They just don't make shill quality the same these days.
▶ acae7f (5) No.2400929
The issue with trying to reattach currency back to gold or silver is that it means we haven't learnt our lesson - the fact that a single presidential decree (FDR's gold seizure: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_6102 - took 40+ years before it was rectified) means to re-establish the same system would be madness.
Even with the greatest legislation in the world (consider how the constitution's second amendment slips against the gun control crowd) there's nothing to say a good 20-40 years of chipping away or a war wouldn't just immediately undo it again.
Gold/silver coins addresses this (because the value is interwoven into the currency) but every government since time immemorial has practice the concept of debasing a currency (translation: they water down the gold/silver amounts until you get these bastard copper/nickel hybrids):
Even if you had a perfectly upright government, you still encounter two major problems:
1) Gold/silver's amount is not sufficient to supply all people with sufficient 'loose change' to do day-to-day transactions (currency deflation can just be as bad as inflation or hyperinflation)
2) Bad actors or enemies will 'subvert' the coinage by slowly replacing it with non-valuable goods over time.
From a futurist perspective, you've also got two other problems to consider:
1) Space developments will likely lead to gold becoming more abundant (lower value), and
2) Advancements in molecular engineering might also yield the ability to turn another element into gold, silver etc (admittedly unlikely, but if it happened, gold/silver would deflate in costs)
On the other side of the fence you've got the incoming upheaval of robotics, which is going to make a lot of people unemployed. In-fact, I've been purposefully sitting on automated store designs for nearly 4 years now because it would kill the retail industry as you know it (think theftless stores that you need not enter).
With massive unemployment from robotics (which is why Davros are trying their stupid 'universal basic income' - they're trying to head off a riot at the pass from the unhappy masses by paying them regardless of work status) you're got the death of the basics of finances as you know it.
Star Trek's vision of a cashless society doesn't seem too far off, either. Some of you might have noticed buses now take credit cards for payment? And there's a big push to go contactless.
Soon (I use the term relatively here: I consider within 20 years to be 'soon') there won't even be a coinage or set of notes to track against gold. Then what?
I could solve the issue UBI is trying to solve, but that would simply maintain the status quo for the rich, so there's tricky manouverings to be had. If we can dispatch the elite, I will more than happily do what I can to solve the impending economic crisis.
Whatever proposal you make for currency, always assume 50% of people will be trying to actively subvert it. If you can stop subversion, you've got a good currency.
▶ acae7f (5) No.2401208>>2401522
Coins as they stand are worthless because they're made of copper/nickel and other cheap, worthless materials.
Coupled with the mass printing of notes, devalues what little they were worth even further.
I will say this - the death of cash is coming (whether I like that idea or not). The most valuable resource these days seems to be time, and fumbling about with, transferring, distributing, counting out, scanning//checking for fraud etc are all massive time wasters.
What infuriates me is Amazon have an excellent business model, but an extremely pisspoor set of ethics. In attempting to boycott, I found it practically impossible (I've been recently forced to use them *again*), because there's zero tangible competition or alternatives.
They don't have to micromanage cash or trade and thus operate extremely efficiently against retail stores (Amazon's only weakness is that it has a significant delay of up to several days in some cases of delivery, where-as a store has it 'there and then').
It's disappointing there isn't an ethical alternative to Amazon that can reinvest it's gains from systematic improvements and efficiency back into the community. The automated retail stores would actually allow a very effective fightback against Amazon, but as said, it would maintain rich status quo, so I can't deploy that proposal until I can be assured Davros' assholes aren't going to benefit from it.
▶ 7c3cbb (2) No.2401502>>2402317
>>2221598 (OP)
We need a $45 dollar bill with Trump on it
▶ 7c3cbb (2) No.2401522>>2403856
>I will say this - the death of cash is coming
Will research for food
Also pretty good at cooking food… will cook for food
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2402702>>2445380
>the original pic of the shirt
It's from here: https://twitter.com/ProfFaustus/status/1022851742659170304
And yeah, most people are still influenced by the shills, which I want to work to reverse, and also I think people were expecting someone much softer/gentler, but I knew that this was the personality type required to build something like Bitcoin (even though the real story is probably more complex). This was before I dug into it more and found intel to support his position.. just from hearing him speak I had the idea that he was not what people tried to peg him as (scammer, etc).
Oh yeah that one is nice. Saved.
I have to practice making mine like that - has much higher memetic potential.
Yes I think it's clear what he meant too, although I couldn't believe it at first. But how could it not be true with how much potential the technology has? Trump (and those with him) are looking at Bitcoin to see if/how it can help the country and the people and the world in many different areas, but it is/was still a bit too young (and that was before the fork as well, so Bitcoin was still comped at that point) and untested. Plus why show your hand too early…
My personal feeling on this is that you should never bet against technology, against programmable things that can adapt and change over time. I don't want to say it's a sure bet, because I can't predict the future, but if we work hard like your earlier post suggests, I think it has the potential to really change things for the better.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2402902>>2683959 >>2684037 >>2718589 >>3054841 >>3267312
Another interesting thing that I found a while ago relating to Bitcoin is in the Tulip Trust.
Apparently there are 1,100,111 coins held by this trust. I thought that was a strange number.
If you treat it like Binary and convert it over to Decimal you get 103.
Think mirror and it's 301 .. very similar to 3301.
I don't even want to think about what that might mean, if anything (longshot), but it's an interesting coincidence.
▶ d12379 (1) No.2403856
Humour aside, more like 'will riot for food'.
The rich know if they don't reduce your numbers or placate you with free cash (AKA welfare state), you're going to be very hungry, and very angry.
Good news for people who are trying to dispose the corrupt like me, but bad news for everyone else. And I'd rather get rid of the corrupt without people starving in due process.
'Free jobs' (AKA guaranteed work) is an alternative red herring (I threw it out way back to see if anyone would bite) which is basically UBI but you do stuff that might possibly be vaguely considered working whilst they hand you over cash you could have gotten under UBI for not working.
The massive issue with UBI/Guaranteed Jobs is the government would be the biggest financier/employer, and thus if you said politically incorrect bullshit(TM) then your money goes bye-bye. Literally population and riot control. Hence all the militarised vehicles.
You might joke now, but the retail industry is the biggest employer for working class. Pre-empt is here: self-service checkouts (in stores, restaurants, car parking lots/garages, to name a few). Eventually, you will only have backroom staff. And then only the engineers and logistics drivers.
And then just the engineers (automated delivery systems are underway but poorly developed).
Your choice might be between 'deviant fanart poster' and 'cleaner'. For some reason robots are shit at all the really shit jobs. Fancy cleaning out sewers? Because a bot can't.
And don't bother with higher education jobs, it's an oversaturated market with students up to their eyeballs in debt. It's bad all around.
(It's kinda funny we haven't yet invented fully fledged automated farming, though)
▶ 701505 (89) No.2445380>>2447179 >>2477178
God bless you coinfag.
There's a guy named Bix Weir (on youtube) who has been theorizing that whitehats inside the treasury & fed had been giving out messages about the need to bring down the Fed by creating new structure. First releases of a comic book with very interesting imagery came out very close to the birth of bitcoin as well. Interesting rabbithole if you haven't been down.
▶ 4ff366 (1) No.2447179>>2451914
What's the name of the comic book?
▶ f120f8 (1) No.2447650>>2451823 >>2458805 >>2477178
They made a plan for saving the world and didn't have plans for economic future?
Where is your logic?
Read Anons….
▶ 701505 (89) No.2451823
>Use Logic.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2451914>>2451931 >>2458879 >>2477178
Wishes and rainbows - https:// www.bostonfed.org/-/media/documents/education/pubs/wishes
Road to Roota (teacher's guide to the comic book): https:// www.bostonfed.org/-/media/documents/education/pubs/roota
You can also see explanations on the youtube channel RoadtoRoota/Bix Weir. He's a little over the top but he pretty much nails it on this stuff.
He used to be a big gold proponent until he realized a.) that it won't work as it's also controlled and b.) that the whitehates created bitcoin/crypto as a better solution.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2451931>>2477178
The fed also put out another comic recently with a character called "Glix" (rhymes with "Bix" the guy I mentioned) who is reminiscent of Bix himself. Coincidence?
▶ 268cc7 (5) No.2458363
Logic? That bill is either naive or deceptive, the (paper) gold market has been under heavy manipulation for a very long time.
Is your primary argument that our government shouldn’t follow the letter of the law now because somebody might break the law later? Were the defined weights and measures that have already been written ever lawfully removed? What are these public servants who do not even do their jobs getting paid for anyways.
The people should not be forced to use only government or private bank issued money/currency. But the government of the people should abide only by the letter of the law.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2458805>>2459070
It is an idea but not a plan.
If taken literally and by itself, is unworkable
Effective 30 months after the date of enactment of this Act---
(1) the Secretary of the Treasury (in this Act referred to as the “Secretary”) shall define the dollar in terms of a fixed weight of gold, based on that day’s closing market price of gold; and
(2) Federal Reserve Banks shall make Federal Reserve notes exchangeable with gold at the statutory gold definition of the dollar.
This would allow all US bond holders to exchange their fiat dollars for gold, at a price to be determined by "that day’s closing market price of gold"
1) What would that do to the price of gold until then ^^^^^^^^
2) The entire world of bond holders would drive up the prce of bonds and the price of gold, simultaneously to maximize cash our exchange for gold
Where will the FED get all the gold to redeem the T bills?
I don't think they own much gold - fiat money
Who gets screwed royally?
We owe 20 trillion - do we have 20 trillion in gold or anywhere near that?
Insane idea but the folks back in West Va will think it sounds good, but take a big one up the ass.
Crash of 1929 and 2008 will look like "the good old days"
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2458879>>2460335
Bitcoin is just another case of fiat money, and 100% vulnerable to electric power and Internet connectivity.
Loss of either would be catastrophic and create total panic & chaos.
Think of bank closures writ large
▶ 0bc832 (2) No.2459070>>2459176
>Where will the FED get all the gold to redeem the T bills?
Notice Russia has been bailing out of T bills? If POTUS/Putin are working together, what does that tell you? Follow Putin's example?
My thoughts are that HB5404 is a trial balloon for other world leaders to think about (or possibly misdirection)
A world system of crypto (one cryptocoin per unit of PMs) for interbank/treasury transfers with PMs in the hands of people would seem to be the most stable system.
Real wealth IN THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE is the best way to inhibit future cabal fuckery.
▶ 1c90d1 (1) No.2459142
I’ve been banned from The Donald for posting this meme. wth?
It’s not like I’m a newbie over there.
▶ 0bc832 (2) No.2459176
Didn't mean to use rebbit spacing. Was just tying to separate thoughts.
Will add one more thing:
Think of the logistics of a switch, just in the US. People cashing in/out, printing/minting/supply logistics. Would there be mass panic in lines of people trying to cash in their coin jars, and what would happen to vending machines, car washes, laundromats, etc? The plan needs to minimize disruption, which means it needs to be rolled out slow enough for industry to change machines. How do people even go to banks when most branches have been slashing tellers?
Perhaps the blue stripe hundreds and coinage transfer across, while only smaller bills need to be replaced within X months. That isn't nearly as intimidating a task.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2460335>>2515155
This actually isn't true. Coins can be backed up offline, and they would be in the same place when the electric/internet comes back up.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2475484
Should have put this here originally. Turbo Tim and O's hole said they were fake…..I recall them first saying they stopped using those in 1982 but THOSE particular ones were fake for sure…;p I ended up here on train to como…slept and missed station. There was no stop and NO ONE or NOTHING was searched. Article is highly in-accurate. Its a coffee kiosk . Thank you Shengan
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2477178>>2477185 >>2492005 >>2683959 >>2684037 >>3054841
This is quite the rabbit hole indeed, gonna take me a few days or more to wrap my head around it.
Interesting that the Boston Fed was the one who (re)released the Wishes and Rainbows comic right before Bitcoin was released, and also the first Fed Bank to write a paper on crypto from what I could find.
But at the same time, in that paper (whoever wrote it) Bitcoin was misunderstood and incorrectly described as being permanently inflationary.
Gonna have to look into it more.
Bix is cool, thanks for introducing me to him. I'm going to take some time to really understand the Road to Roota stuff that he talks about in his earlier videos when I get the time.
I saw that he talks about the 'Crypto Cabal' which is a really good phrase that I might start using. I've attached a pic for everyone to see what he means by that. Masons involved for sure.
He also seems (or did) talk about A. Greenspan in a good light. I always thought the opposite was true. Gonna have to look into that too.
Oh yeah. That reminds me of NESARA which hasn't been mentioned in this thread yet.
Not sure how much truth there is to NESARA but it's an interesting read for sure.
Pic related is the quick infograph explaining the idea (that I have no idea if is true or just disinfo). Some interesting coincidences though.
In my next post I'll attach the .pdf of it - very dense reading.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2477185>>2492435
And here's the PDF for the actual proposal of NESARA if anyone is interested.
Like I said it's very dense, full of legalese, but still there is some interesting stuff in there if you flip around.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2492005>>2493531 >>2493746
EOS/Masonic symbol is an interesting find.
Re. Greenspan; read some of his pre-fed writings. He was a true goldbug. Went along to get along in the Fed I'm guessing.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2492031>>2493531
https:// news.bitcoin.com/bob-goodlatte-becomes-first-member-of-congress-to-disclose-crypto-holdings/
>first crypto holding congressment = goodlatte
https:// qanon.pub/?q=goodlatte
Goodlatte appears to be /ourguy/.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2492375
>>2221598 (OP)
The NESARA plan is sure to be a winner with retirees, and people with IRA or other retirement plans. That is only some of the reasons it fell flat
…included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax,
abolishing compound interest on secured loans.
(That would apply to "anyone" that loans money. Why wouldn't they just make loans outside the US where compound interest still exists. I can think of about 50 ways that could be done. Where would you go to get a loan then?)
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2492403>>2506044
And naive fools never realized this is exactly what would happen?
Shows lack of very "serious thinking" to miss this little item.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2492435
Does it included discussion of the negative consequences or just "rosy scenario"
Fortunately, even Boomers could see through this non-viable proposal, hence it's quick death
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2493531
Found the writing.
Definitely a Goldbug, but not sure if a patriot.
Putting him in the neutral box for now (from bad).
Definitely not a coincidence. Plan in motion.
There were two crypto related meetings in Washington recently - I watched.
Both sides of the table (Gov and Biz) seemed to still be a bit confused as to what they were dealing with.
Hopefully clarity soon.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2493746
He is an Ayn Rand fan and likely Austrian school
and hard-core gold standard guy
F.A.Hayek and Ludwig von Mises are same school of thought
Married to Andrea Michell and married by Ruth Bader Ginsberg so don't know how that filts his financial worldview
Strange mix
▶ 268cc7 (5) No.2496613>>2498407
I followed an interesting breadcrumb doc that leads to a codification written into the USC that, if the Fed were to be declared as engaging in hostile activities against America (which they are), the government would have the legal right to seize all Federal Reserve Notes held by the member banks. This could be used if the government wanted to transition to Treasury Notes and the member banks refused to comply. The statute, which I am not going to spell out here, was most certainly not written for that purpose, but the jurisdiction of the Fed vs. jurisdiction of member banks would allow it to be used in this manner if the circumstances called for such extreme measures.
▶ e3c65e (1) No.2496721>>2506044
Isn't this where the Cabal put their money a few months ago? If we all get out, they'll have close to nothing. Oversimplified, I realize, but still a reason to get out.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2498407
I like how you're thinking, but I think basically Q is saying (and I agree) that any radical action would cause too much upheaval and disruption of the economy and of real Americans' lives. I think we have to simply build the new infrastructure and make the old one obsolete.
Think the internet to libraries.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2502914>>2505945
Reddit bitcoin cash community talking about qanon: https:// www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/95czkj/train_your_brain/
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2505945>>2506200
I saw that.
Looks like things are moving now.
Probably gonna get more eyes on this thread in the future.
For everyone reading this thread I just had an interesting conversation with another anon on 4chan about Cryptos and the Space Force. I decided to turn it into an image due to how much it made things click in my brain.
Let me know what you think.
I also want to make an image about symbolism in crypto, there's more examples than just what I and the other anon have shown above. I'll get to that asap.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2506044>>2506077 >>2506187
Yeah I think that a lot of key players on their side decided to back BTC once it was completely subverted and controlled by them. Before, when Bitcoin was still free and truly P2P, they refused to talk about it, and even censored it in certain ways.
But that all changed once Blockstream came in and starting messing with how Bitcoin works. After all of that was done you began to see all the talking heads in the crypto space come out and start backing BTC, acting like it was the future, etc.
If my memory is correct, @Jack did this, Spez from Reddit did this, etc. And I believe a member of the Rothschilds starting publically investing in Bitcoin once it was taken over as well.
If these guys like it, I don't.
Your plan about 'getting out' from there is exactly what most people have started to do - switching to BCH (bitcoin cash).
Yes I too wonder sometimes about how things got so bad. Why was it allowed to happen.
Maybe it was necessary? I don't know. But at least things are getting better now.
I just read this comment on a youtube video, but it matches my thoughts perfect, if Bitcoin Cash hadn't come into existence I would have given up on crypto.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2506077
That should read "talking heads in the tech space", think silicon valley etc.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2506187>>2520727
>If my memory is correct, @Jack did this, Spez from Reddit did this, etc. And I believe a member of the Rothschilds starting publically investing in Bitcoin once it was taken over as well.
Good point. Would also make a dank meme.
>if Bitcoin Cash hadn't come into existence I would have given up on crypto.
I agree completely. The day the fork happened was bitcoin's 1776.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2506200
I hadn't heard that about aluminium. Very interesting. I would be shocked if (when made feasible) didn't make PM's much less scarce.
▶ 240f69 (1) No.2506248
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2509590>>2512026
Stopping by real quick to drop off 2 updated version of this proof/side-by-side.
The second version contains tweets that I think will help people be more convinced of the validity of the proof.
I'll be back later tonight to read posts, replies, etc.
▶ 268cc7 (5) No.2511395
Yes I absolutely agree. I shared that finding because some who are aware of the precariousness of our current failing fiat paradigm are operating from a place of fear. Take reasonable measures to protect yourself, but do not fall to fear. Even if a new Antifragile structure is not built in time (many stages), contingencies are in place to bridge the gap.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2511855>>2512431 >>2683959 >>2684037 >>3054841
On Bonds…
Q has linked us to a book called 'the coming bond market collapse' through his tripcode/book association list.
After Putin met with Trump, Russia sold off most of their US treasury bonds.
I think the writing is on the wall with regards to US debt.
▶ d7aa05 (1) No.2512120>>2513667 >>2520727
Bitcoin and others are being sold off according to main thread.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2512394
CSW talks structure and highlights same exact text as meme posted here days before. Great find anon.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2512431>>2512462 >>2513679 >>2520727 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
I have reached the same conclusion about bonds.
What are bonds?
When you hold them, why are they valuable?
Promised future payments?
Payments of what?
Dollar's value in 10 years?
Who wins in times of inflation?
Who loses in times of inflation?
Holding bonds is like being a lender?
Coming collapse of bonds?
▶ 701505 (89) No.2512462>>2520727 >>2683959 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
But what about the stock market?
What are stocks?
Partial ownership in a business?
When held, why are they valuable?
Future profit from business?
How do businesses make profit?
Create products?
Provide services?
Add value?
Study financial statements?
Where is the value?
Equipment? Goodwill? Expected future earnings?
How much of total assets is dollars?
Stocks are denominated in dollars.
Bonds ARE dollars.
Be careful what you hold.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2513667>>2514996
Yes it is. Bitcoin people….how do you rectify that the Hash id is confirmed NSA? How do you think the DS funds itself after January 2017. Not dumping on BC however in its present form it will not be carried over that is for sure. Guaranteed we use Blockchain for the new one.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2513679
Same as most ICO. Implied value….basically an annuity without going through the regulatory framework of an IPO.
▶ b180c2 (1) No.2513773
Only morans genuinely believe rich people having more money than people that aren't rich isn't good for rest of us.
them having that money says more about their competence in most circumstances than it does about their luck. You seem to be of the mind that rich people just become rich without much investment. This is rarely the case. Even when it's not the case it is just about always the thing that casts the individual in to debt. Most people aren't sure what to do with tons of money when it's just dumped on them, so they make TERRIBLE investments. Rich people would never do that. I wonder why…
▶ e16ab8 (1) No.2514361>>2514677
where is the presidential address held at
road to victory seen but need destination
▶ 19b719 (1) No.2514677
reading about bonds or
getting rid of hidden power
only confusing to the
wtf noble pursuit
▶ 701505 (89) No.2514996
>how do you rectify the Hash id is confirmed NSA?
>Not dumping on BC however in its present form it will not be carried over that is for sure.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2515155>>2520727
That presumes they both DO come back up in a "timely" fashion.
What happens if only partial or prolonged.
Dead Stop > Panic > Chaos
Think in terms of a run on every bank, and effective "bank closing" until both restored
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2515206>>2515218
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2515218>>2515237
when is the end of marching?
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2515237>>2515267
bankers hours
bankers not marching?
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2515267>>2515310
oi oi damnit trish
sew close
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2515310
more fun than a bag of spitting camels
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2515688>>2515774
what will the catholics think
i dont like it
pete and repeat were sitting on a log
hellraiser clive, really? really?
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2515774>>2515911 >>2516010
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2515911
barbershop step right?
everyone shuffles
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2515945
so im gonna chew gum i guess
i want to kick ass
hate the tingling of the flavor but i guess i need to i will
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2515970
mad hatter or
full faith in intelligence comunities?
dark to light?
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2516010
full faith going catholic Iuntil told different
all out of hanging material
▶ 8e43f0 (1) No.2518099
following SerialBrain I found this link he had. Never heard of this man..but I have heard of Goldboy there. Money stuff..not my specialty..
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2520727>>2521142 >>2525022 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
>would make a dank meme
Agreed. I'll work on that infographic when I feel up to it.
>bitcoin's 1776
Indeed. And the war comes after.
Never a dull moment in this market.
Bonds - basically IOU's between countries. I checked and China owns a ton of ours.
That means they stand to lose a huge investment when the bond market collapses (in dollars).
But I take it from your line of questioning that dollars no longer matter. Or bonds. Or stocks.
The world is going back to real assets. Things with actual value.
Financial freedom (for countries and people). Things that make sense again.
I have to say, I can bring myself to understand all of these financial machinations, but they feel so alien. So overcomplicated. So needless.
Hopefully the new system is much more simple and logical.
I used to believe that Trump would keep stocks high for political points but it's not possible - I see that now. Wouldn't that be political suicide? He used to call it a bubble during the campaign, but now he always talks it up. Well if it coincides with the crescendo of 'the storm' then people would give him a pass I think. Interesting times ahead.
BTW for anyone out there keeping up with this convo, I found a nice succient article from a Cryptoskeptic Goldbug's point of view covering the coming changes (keep in mind their bias when reading):
It's an interesting thought experiment.
When the electricity goes out, do you have thoughts about getting rid of it? Or just hope for it to come back as soon as possible?
If crypto becomes important to daily life and people feel safe in it, outages (rare due to p2p nature) would not be a doomsday scenario.
And plus, an outage does not mean that it broke, just that it is currently not reachable (by you).
Has Bitcoin ever had an outage? From my online searches the answer is no.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2521142>>2521155 >>2521603 >>2522058 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
>But I take it from your line of questioning that dollars no longer matter. Or bonds. Or stocks.
Stocks and bonds are very different.
Bonds are backed by future repayments of a specific currency.
Stocks are backed by part ownership in productive assets.
Think equipment, returning customers, inventory, goodwill, etc.
If the dollar crashes, what happens to dollar based bonds?
If the dollar crashes, what happens to a stock?
If the company can still produce and make a profit, the stock price goes UP.
Stocks are denominated in dollars, but backed by non-dollars.
Does your house stop being a house if the dollar crashes?
Does it have less bedrooms?
What happens to its price?
Does your car still drive?
Assets' aren't tied productivity currency.
Bonds are entirely tied to currency.
>I used to believe that Trump would keep stocks high for political points but it's not possible - I see that now. Wouldn't that be political suicide? He used to call it a bubble during the campaign, but now he always talks it up.
Search trump tweets about the stock market. He has said time and time again it will keep going up. Markets will continue to be propped up.
Will they go up because of economic activity?
Or will they go up because of inflation?
Mutually exclusive?
If not, how could you tell the difference?
A way to bring in a new system with less disruption than a 'reset'?
Very Stable Genius!
▶ 701505 (89) No.2521155
>Assets' aren't tied productivity currency.
This should say
"Assets' productivity aren't tied to currency.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2521603>>2521696 >>2522067 >>2526662
Oh I see now.
I incorrectly interpreted your previous post on stocks.
Yes, the dollar denominated price of stock (aka the market) going up as inflation kicks in is logical.
But of course there are some stocks out there that shouldn't be worth near what they are even in a post inflation world.
But reading over your previous posts again is that what you were hinting at? "how much of total assets in dollars".
Some stocks have good/real value, some don't - be careful what you hold (in stocks, and in other things).
>Very Stable Genius!
Without a doubt.
Inflation + Economic activity will work together to push the market up, up, up.
But what about people who can't/aren't in the market. I'm worried they will get left behind (higher prices etc).
Is this where Bitcoin Cash comes in?
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2521696>>2522154 >>2522171
Oh I might be getting ahead of myself.
A gold-backed dollar would work fine as well.
Although I'm not sure how that transition would work .. value the market on one dollar, but introduce a different dollar?
Lots to think about.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2522058
Mortgage loans stay, but ability to pay bottoms out like 2008.
Your explanation is seriously flawed
Companies need money to buy raw materials (loans)
Where would people get the money to buy your now "higher priced" house.
Is it more valuable (supply vs demand) and can buyer get a loan?
What you described is fantasy land and recent and past history has shown that is NOT what happens.
Now, there might be a plan to migrate away from the Fed as "source of currency".
The debt remains so bonds dive, but we pay interest only on the debt service, choking the Fed and providing a floor for bonds.
too complex to describe here, and lots of loose ends, but there may be a way out without a world wide depression (a la 1930s)
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2522067
Inflation is a controlled devaluation, but IS a devaluation that makes hard assetts more valuable but loans/bonds worth less.
Study the 1960s thru 1980s and see the actual results
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2522154>>2522190
There are many very smart and experienced people already working on it.
8 chan can stand down - they won't be involved
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2522171
Why do you think he really hired the Goldman Sachs guys in his admin?
Not to get phucked by bankers - he dealt with them his whole life and is still rich
▶ a45a76 (1) No.2522190>>2524955
>8 chan can stand down - they won't be involved
how little you know
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2524955
how refreshing
just invested in gold plated cannon
still feel uneasy as hell
still dont feel like iron man
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2525022>>2525527
Mt. Gox…. There is one.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2525527>>2525871
Mt. Gox was an exchange (a website) and had nothing to do with the actual Bitcoin network.
Shady story that though. Deaths involved.
Gox going down fucked up the market for years (and still more) but had no effect on the actual network.
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2525569
tin foil hat waaaay to syncronistic
#5 need input
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2525871>>2526332
Fully aware of Mt. Gox. Too many are not. Fuckery at its finest. It was no mistake BC 'appreciated' as it did WHEN it did.
All the forks and splits. CFTC couldn't wait to monetize it. They did….see price discovery in Jan 2018
By no means mistake this for a bash. Blockchain will be used later. The issue now is removing the spoopy actors that used this as funding and communication. The hash id is NSA. Whoever strated it may have had it comped earlier this year. Hence the cap and 'whale' sales.
Mt. Gox also "lost" quite a few coins during its ordeals.
No insider knowledge here…just 40 yrs of seeing different cycles of "change". as in hopey….
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2525990>>2526004
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
gorillas in the nmist
sic k
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2526004
hi why dont you have more light in here i can hardly see a thing in this spooky greenish glow
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2526332>>2526688 >>2528591 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
Speaking from an optimistic point of view for some counterbalance.
I'll go point by point.
1) Removing spoopy actors
I think that's what's going on right now. Forced liquidations, investigations into manipulation, etc.
I think it is being prepped for the mainstream. Being cleaned up.
2) The hash id is NSA
Q is NSA (plus more).
I don't have an issue with that.
Bitcoin might have been a honeypot at some point (good vs bad - 'we have it all').
3) Bitcoin was comped earlier this year
I think the opposite.
Bitcoin was comped years ago. It is now being uncomped. And bad actors are being forced to sell their holdings.
4) Mt. Gox 'lost' their coins.
That's true. I don't know more about this, but I agree it's not what it seems.
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2526402
in search of incredible arris
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2526429
reading french with spanish is hard
fucking babel on
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2526448
the way
the way
the way
the way
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2526513
what are cannibals favorite arm flavors goddamnit this isnt dress rehearsao
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2526521
the fucking stage is set the lights are on and im surrounded by props
▶ 701505 (89) No.2526553>>2527099 >>2527461
>Matthew 21, moneychangers
I understand "english ordinal" but can you explain "Full reduction", "Reverse ordinal", "Reverse full reduction"?
▶ 701505 (89) No.2526662>>2527563
>But what about people who can't/aren't in the market. I'm worried they will get left behind (higher prices etc).
Almost everyone with savings is in the stock market. All tax-deferred retirement plans have been essentially legislated into the market. Ever have a 401k? What were your options? Large caps, small caps, midcaps, value, growth, etc. All stocks. Maybe a bit of bonds.Same goes for pensions.
Trump is signaling bigly that the market is where to keep your savings if you don't want to lose your wealth.
>Is this where Bitcoin Cash comes in?
I think bitcoin cash comes in as the inevitable new system for cash. Cash is critical for any person or business as it allows a means to take action immediately (i.e. highly liquid).
Assuming bitcoin cash/crypto becomes the new currency, while it will be volatile in the short term, nobody loses by converting USD to it as the price will continuously increase as adoption of the "new network" comes online.
For those that don't adopt until the very end, they likely won't lose much if any (in terms of purchasing power) when they finally do so.
The total market value (market cap) of all fiat is 10's possibly 100's of trillions in USD. Total of crypto is 100s-1000s of times less than that.
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2526726
yep yep yep
i get that much
theres a lot of frenchies out there
not gettin the answer
guess ill stay hungry?
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2526747>>2526788
make good for the mice people?
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2526788
dead cat bounce?
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2526803
enough to driv a man crazy
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2526942
java fucked on this
wtf i miss arch
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2526953
even the fucking drill is matrix
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2526956
▶ 701505 (89) No.2527099>>2527552
disregard. I understand. https:// www.gematrinator.com/calculator/index.php for those interested.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2527461>>2683959 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
>[M]atthew [21]
Nice, didn't notice that. Added.
For the gematria ciphers, I actually had no idea what each one means. I've just always assumed that the more matches there are, the more you can be sure that the two words are actually related by design.
I found this which explains the ciphers a bit though:
Very interesting.
Reality is full of surprises.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2527552
I prefer Ouija boards, tarot cards and chicken bones
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2527563>>2527719 >>2528615
Thanks anon, that all makes sense.
I think I have what I need now in terms of knowledge/disclosure in order to help spread the word.
Might craft a few more memes like I mentioned earlier in this thread in order to help open people's eyes even more, and if I get new ideas I'll craft them as well and drop them off here.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2527719
Younger people have speculations
Older people have memories re:your speculations
They "lived" through things you need to research.
But some haven't figured that out yet and think this is all "newly uncovered secrets".
We didn't stop it - you won't stop it - Q & team will, so lose your condescension, and you might learn something
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2528591
3) Bitcoin comped earlier this year.
I meant for them. Sorry for the confusion
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2528615>>2528647 >>2585942
Don;t take financial advice from anyone posting on a chat board.
Learn more about finance and you will see the errors in what you were told.
He is probably a stock broker/peddler selling empty promises
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2528647
Could not agree more. Do whatever you think is right.
▶ f1d38a (29) No.2528803
donnie darko
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2573675>>2573686 >>2585916 >>2683959 >>2684037 >>3054841
Placing these photos/posts here for safekeeping.
Not sure if legit yet, but they seem interesting enough to post here so that I can revisit over time
This is not my work
IRON EAGLE tells us the story of the struggle between the FED vs Cryptocurrency vs gold, and how the market has been manipulated through the media.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2573697>>2585916 >>2683959 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
Federal Building:
Samuel Yellin, a noted wrought-IRON craftsman from Philadelphia, designed and executed numerous railings, gates, and fixtures throughout the building.
The interior has a two-story atrium with dual staircases and a skylight etched with the outline of an EAGLE.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2573760>>2585926
Not against cryptos but until all the bad actors are removed from BC I will remain firmly on the sideline. I never touched it because of all the issues surrounding Mt. Gox, it's closure and the missing coins/wallets. Also who is the whale?….that caps it thus not allowing it to break out of BB. Put it in something else for now
▶ 701505 (89) No.2585916>>2600417
Thank you anon. I didn't see these in main breads. Can't say if they're onto something or not, but glad to have them safely stored here.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2585926
Bad actors were removed on 8/1/17 with fork of bitcoin to bitcoin cash. Still a risky investment. But all signs point to increasing use and adoption.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2585942
I don't own a single share of any stock and have no incentive to have anyone invest in them. I am just explaining why I think Trump's plan is to keep stocks high and why it makes sense through the lens of The Plan.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2600417>>2600685 >>2615373 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
I've added on to this proof and made it more all-encompassing.
This is probably too deep for many people, but perhaps a few will benefit from it.
I'm not getting much traction with these proofs on the chans yet. It seems most regular anons are still a bit asleep still. I'm going to take a step back and let the next few months play out before trying again. This includes the other couple memes I was planning to make. No sense in crafting without an audience.
Yeah they might be on to something but I have to look into it more to know for sure.
The Qlock is an interesting device. I might take some time off from digging on crypto to go work on the Qlock some more. I used to be very into it. At least I'll see if I can make more sense out of the Fed Iron Eagle theory and how those specific news articles connect and what it might mean for cryptos.
If I come up with anything interesting I'll post it here.
For anyone keeping up with cryptos in general, there is a huge planned stress test coming for Bitcoin Cash on September 1st.
Should be very interesting.
Sites to view on that day:
▶ 701505 (89) No.2600685>>2602247
God speed anon. Your work is greatly appreciated. I am watching this thread closely every day. I am quite confident that the bitcoin cash communities and anons here will have more and more overlap in the coming months.
>actors given marching orders
>You are watching a movie
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2602247>>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
Yes I think an overlap is inevitable at some point.
It seems that we have the same goals and the same enemies (pic related). All that's needed is the collective aha moment.
>You are watching a movie
A very good one.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2602866>>2611658 >>2612293 >>2683959 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
Oh there's also this which was given to me by an anon over on 4/biz/
▶ faffc9 (8) No.2605261>>2621654 >>2683959 >>2684037 >>3054841
Food for thought.
When a system is broken you start over/restructure it.
The value of money is an illusion made by "the few" to enrich them.
The illusion of money buys power.
To get rid of the current power structure you change/restructure the system.
Change the monetary system & structure by which billionaires, monarchies, corporations.etc hold power.
Corporations cannot hoard profits as the people share in the profit. Corporations are now owned by the people, not an individual.
When both the mother & father do not need to work to make ends meet, jobs open up, the nuclear family returns.
Perhaps the stock market could be a reflection of the "profit sharing" each person would benefit from.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2611658>>2621654
Interesting. That led me down a whole dig on CSW and the lawsuit involving CSW and Dave Kleiman's brother. I can't make heads or tails of it. It is very hard to argue with things that CSW says. I wouldn't go as far as to call him a reasonable guy, but the things he says about bitcoin/economics/human behavior all seem very logical to me.
Based on your citation of Roger Ver saying they are all actors (and CSW's ties as a gov. contractor) I wonder his role. Given how much sense and focus he makes on bitcoin being digital p2p cash without middlemen and his want for more competition, I don't see how he can be anything other than /ourguy/. Unless he's some kind of Alex Jones like honeypot shill. Be careful who you follow I guess.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2612293>>2613714
Reddit users share suicide helpline on cryptocurrency page after bitcoin price crash
Support forums for suicide prevention are being shared on cryptocurrency forums amid concerns for the mental health of bitcoin investors after a major market downturn.
The price of bitcoin dropped to around $6,000 on Tuesday, down from above $8,000 at the beginning of August. At its peak in December 2017, bitcoin was trading at close to $20,000, after shooting up by around 1,900 per cent in value in 2017.
Such dramatic gains saw interest in bitcoin spike as new investors rushed to buy cryptocurrency in the hope of making a quick profit. In early January, however, the price of bitcoin collapsed to around half its value in a matter of weeks.
It has since continued to slide, in what has been the cryptocurrency's worst ever start to a year since its 2009 inception. Previous price crashes have led to reports of people taking their life in relation to cryptocurrency, prompting people to share links and phone numbers to support services.
The latest crash takes bitcoin back to the same prices it was trading at in November 2017, however investors in other cryptocurrencies have been hardest hit. In the last 24 hours, ethereum and bitcoin cash plummeted by almost 20 per cent, amid speculation of a mass sell-off.
The price falls sparked fresh concern for people who may have lost significant sums of money. One post to the popular r/cryptocurrency forum on Reddit shared helpline numbers and website links for the US Suicide Hotline and the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
"If you feel you might be suicidal, and live in the United States, I urge you to call the Suicide Hotline at 800-273-8255 or navigate to Suicide Prevention Lifeline for a live chat and additional resources.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2613714
plebbit nerds post the suicide hotline every time there is a decline in the market. They'll be doing the same thing after the next bull run when it crashes from $100,000 to $30,000.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2613838>>2613999 >>2621654 >>2630004 >>2683959 >>2684037 >>3054841
>Federal Reserve ending soon?
Found this when I was doing some research for something else: https:// www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/speech/powell20170328a.htm
It's a paper from Jerome Powell, current Chairman of the Fed, written last year not long before he was appointed Chairman.
The word structure appears 20 times. On its face it says that the Fed is necessary for stability. It reads like something you'd expect from a banker.
However, if you read between the lines, he is saying that the Fed was intended to be more "decentralized" (he uses that word twice). The last sentence is especially interesting when read from the perspective of the plan and Q's "structure" comment:
>The structure achieves a practical balance that should not be changed lightly, as it continues to serve the country well.
He doesn't say "should not be changed." he says "should not be changed, LIGHTLY". i.e. we need to change it carefully as its structure is functional now. Changing it lightly would cause panic. We need a new structure in place before we get rid of the fed.
>learn to read our comms
▶ 701505 (89) No.2613999
>Jon Faust (1996), "Whom Can We Trust to Run the Fed? Theoretical Support for the Founders' Views,"
This paper is also cited in the last footnote of Powell's paper above. Anyone have access to it? If so, I'd love to see: https:// www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304393296900379
▶ 851621 (3) No.2614117>>2614181
Mossad dig from a lurker;
▶ 998689 (6) No.2615373
Common Sense Washington
▶ 998689 (6) No.2615809>>2621654
All you cryptojews need to deep dive on the SAFE Network. It's not the crypto gold nor is it some shitcoin.
Maidsafe has been working since 2006 to connect spare hard drive space into essentially a software meshnet which disintermediates the server architecture. The head developer is responsible for Aramco's network…if that puts things into proportion. Also, they're working very closely with Tim Berners-Lee's SOLID project for a decentralized application layer which would work perfectly with SAFE as a base layer. Anyway, it's a bit of a different beast than everything else in crypto. It's a decentralized autonomous network first that just happens to require a token rather than the other way around. Do your own research, obviously, as there are so many scams out there. I worked for a AI/Blockchain incubator for a while and realized that almost all of the projects were shit and nothing coming through was legit, just a lot of investors wanting to make money.
Not even stuff in the top 10. All garbage! It's bitcoin or nothing folks…and I'll entertain this BCH bit for a while too. I like CSW but I think BCH is crap…unless there is real proof that BTC is comp'd, I still think it's the better tech by FAR. Anyway, it's definitely more of a speculation, but the SAFE Network (MAID) is a bigger vision, not about money and currency but of decentralizing the entire internet. It was the second crowdsale (after mastercoin itself, now omni) and I've followed it since then. I have reason not to be surprised if this is an /ourguy/ project considering some of the people at Maidsafe and other elements, etc.
▶ 6efc3b (1) No.2620748
Some guy from 2000 years ago misread Baßel into Babel.
▶ 876935 (1) No.2620959
I think a currency reset or a new dollar (gold backed?) is necessary.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2621654>>2625614 >>2630004 >>2674660 >>2675174
>Perhaps the stock market could be a reflection of the "profit sharing"
Would that look like corporate buybacks? Isn't it already going on?
From what I've learned here, lawsuits are good because of discovery. If he is who he says he is, this lawsuit is the perfect way for things to come to light in an undeniable fashion. But that's just a hopeful theory.
Already some anons on the other chan have shared with me the idea that proof exists online if you follow the patents (two pics attached).
Might be worth a dig (later).
And even if you can prove that he is satoshi or part of it, you still have to prove that he is /ourguy/ as it was put, and that bitcoin cash is something that is good for the country and not a clown operation designed to weaken us. For that I was leaning on the coincidence between his tweet and Q's post. It's not much but it's enough for people who are used to the comms here.
But it might be worthwhile to dig for more concrete proof.
I've attached a photo here of a trademark he registered with dave kleiman .. "eternal vigilance is the cost of liberty" in the title. It's pretty patriotic, and if he were a shill he would have to be playing a very long game. And the smarts required to use the word 'cost' instead of 'price' (meaning to always be paying for your freedom as long as you are alive). Most honeypot shills don't have those sorts of brains.
This is very interesting. And of course the word Faust caught my eye.
I will dig more on this later. Maybe I can find the paper somewhere.
I've looked into SAFE. We spoke about this earlier, maybe in the main breads?
I looked into it like I said I would.
I came up with a major issue.
For the SAFE network to work, people donate hard drive space in return for maidsafe tokens.
Ok, assuming that maidsafe takes off and is widely used, when people earn these tokens what will they do with them? Maidsafe/SAFE is not designed to be a currency, but simply a network that rewards the sharing of HD space. So what will happen with these tokens that people earn is that they will be traded for whatever the best coin is, let's assume it is Bitcoin Cash. This will put downward price pressure on SAFE and upward pressure on BCH. So in the end it's best to just use BCH and let people who want to participate on the Maidsafe network make money for you via their activities.
BCH is the real deal btw. And BTC is comp'd.
▶ 998689 (6) No.2625614>>2636021 >>2641951
What the team realized with Bitcoin is that tokens are essential to the adoption and network effect of decentralized systems. First, they have to be pretty awesome in some real respect, user friendly, and balance incentives. TOR, for example, does a bad job at all 3 of those.
You earn tokens by offering a partitioned portion of your HD to the network. That resource is measured by a number of metrics (speed, uptime, etc.). One of the main point, which is unique, is node aging, which separates the trustable parties from fakers. Your resource gets prioritized based on the quality of your resource…is the message. It's an equivalent idea to mining except the measurement is node quality, not processing power. Likely, it will be much less energy expensive than bitcoin because of that. There are parameters put into place to not incentivize centralization. Basically, over time, there is little profit incentive to run a big operation…even pushing to a loss. The idea is that spreading the energy costs across a distributed network is minimal on each small node, and that cost is outweighed by the benefit of a decentralized network for all to use.
To your question, so you earn when others pay to use your resource, which is directly proportional to the quality of your resource according to the network. You can then pay to use space on the network, buy other good and services online or in the real world(assuming acceptance) or sell those tokens for another currency. What's interesting though is where Tim Berners-Lee comes in with his project SOLID at MIT media labs. It's a protocol for decentralized applications. All the application content is stored wherever the user wishes…on SAFE, on a harddrive at home, on Dropbox, etc. The applications simply process the data but don't mine it. Perhaps they could for freemium services or, and this is the big ah-ah moment, the SAFE token allows for micropayments to use the decentralized applications. It's a completely new business model for app developers. pay-per-use. It also aligns the incentives of the developers and the users which is the MAIN PROBLEM OF THE INTERNET today. We are the product. Not on SAFE, in theory.
In a sense, SAFE tokens would be more of a currency than Bitcoin. With lightning, there is still some hope for Bitcoin as a currency, but so far it's much more of a Gold than anything. Not being a blockchain, SAFE offers the one thing that all of the others have an issue with, scalibility. SAFE actually gets faster with more scale. There are no throughput limitations. Increasing nodes has a order of magnitude effect on node propagation.
All the internet really is is a conglomerate of massive data centers, Amazon Web services, Comcast, Google, Facebook, Lakeside, QTS, NSA, etc. SAFE turns them into mere nodes on the network, changes their cost structure, and gives them coins from the network in exchange for our data privacy back…if they choose to participate. Something like this is coming for sure albeit SAFE or something else. It will be the next wave of crypto. We already see things like EOS or IPFS, etc. which are all really poor approaches…if not outright scams.
If the network is merely a decentralized drop box, then a dynamic equilibrium would be found between those selling their tokens and those buying them to buy memory. You've got to see the vision of the network though. It's really pretty huge. Speculative, definitely! But it's essentially saying that there is a new internet coming. It could run parallel or completely replace the current clearnet. It's a large ecosystem of infinite real estate…not just a decentralized dropbox. BCH doesn't do that. It is an can only be a currency…with maybe micropayment channels. Blockchains are great for storing data indicators but not the actual data. Who the hell would store the actual data in the blockchain? It wouldn't scale. And the blockchains that want to allow any memory source with just the indicators on the blockchain, well…that doesn't actually decentralize the data, which is the whole point. There are no others projects decentralizing the data. They are all running into problems because of the top down approach. They want to get rich first and then reverse engineer the solution on a live network…and failing one by one. I think there is a world for both bitcoin and SAFE, but honestly, if SAFE works like it should, it will be a monster and much more user friendly than anything out there.
▶ ac5970 (24) No.2629065>>2631566
"The fork will provide a 2:1 ratio of ANON to all holders of ZClassic ("ZCL") and a 1:1 ratio of ANON to all holders of Bitcoin ("BTC")."
GTFIH Faggots
HODL BTC or ZCL until September 10th to get your ANON coins.
Note: ZCL HODL'ers will receive 2x the amount as BTC HODL'ers
Historically, Bittrex has supported every single ZCL Fork.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2630004>>2635108 >>2650835
>I've attached a photo here of a trademark he registered with dave kleiman .. "eternal vigilance is the cost of liberty" in the title. It's pretty patriotic, and if he were a shill he would have to be playing a very long game. And the smarts required to use the word 'cost' instead of 'price' (meaning to always be paying for your freedom as long as you are alive). Most honeypot shills don't have those sorts of brains.
very very interesting and good point anon.
>These people are stupid.
>And of course the word Faust caught my eye.
I completely missed that. Good (if obvious) catch.
That got me thinking as well, so I looked a bit more into Faust…he was appointed by J. Powell, possibly /ourguy/ per:
See: https:// forexlive.com/centralbank/!/fed-chair-powell-taps-two-specialists-to-serve-as-senior-advisers-report-20180219
>Fed chair Powell taps two specialists to serve as senior advisers
>Fed chair Jerome Powell said to have tapped monetary policy specialists Jon Faust and Antulio Bomfim to serve as senior advisers
>They would be the first appointments made by Powell since he took over as Fed chair two weeks ago.
So we have:
Structure (per Q)>>JP's paper about structure and the fed (structure appears 20 times, 21 if you count the 1x "structured", kek)>>cites Jon Faust's paper re. who can we trust to run the fed and the founders' vision>>Faust appointed senior adviser
Lots of coincidences.
▶ 998689 (6) No.2631566
I'm holding out for the shillcoin and the cryptojewel forks.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2635108>>2645805 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
>structure appears 21 times.
Kek. Yeah, the 'structured' definitely counts, because when you ctrl+f the word 'structure', it gets caught up in the search string.
Pic related (21 matches).
Kek. A coincidence, or an obvious reference to the 21 Million cap on Bitcoin (and bible too?).
These are some really interesting crumbs. Wow.
I never thought to dig from this angle - I was always more comfortable on the technology side of things, staying away from the old school institutions, but the crumbs speak for themselves.
I think there's enough here to complete the circle… From Q's post, through Powell/FED, all the way back around through Bitcoin, through CSW, back to Q.
It would be the ULTIMATE proof, without a doubt.
This requires a comprehensive dig.. I will get on it asap. I said I was going to stop digging on crypto for now, but I guess that was a mistake.
I even made a meme with Powell last year when he was first appointed (very elementary level meme). I knew he was pro Bitcoin back then, but I didn't know how deep things went.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2636021
It looks very interesting. I will keep my eye on it for sure.
▶ 68c48a (3) No.2636339>>2636523 >>2638781 >>2683959 >>2684037 >>3054841
this is not a game
captain N
dr wright
dr light
again captain N
this is not a game!
best timeline EVAR
▶ 68c48a (3) No.2636991>>2637103
rockman in nippon ya know wily was spelled wiley in megaman 2 i think, my NES/Famicom history is on point
▶ 68c48a (3) No.2637390>>2641837
▶ d3ec6d (1) No.2637472>>2641846 >>2641917 >>2641963 >>2643634
If any of you Bitcoin whales want to help out a fellow Q researcher who is dirt poor then here's my wallet. Would appreciate any help you whales can give me. We all know Q was probably involved in the creation of BTC as part of the effort to end the cabal's influence over finance.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2637493>>2638781 >>2641930
Saw a post on main q board that apparently the strings have been cut at the fed and a new version of it is being operated out of Reno. Would certainly make sense getting it far away from DC/NY. Also sort of slides neatly into the whole silver manipulation story. The amounts are staggering over the last 10 years.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2638781
Wow that's a mind bender.
Dr. Wright ((Beam of) Light), Inventor of Megaman (Bitcoin), part of N (Q) team, led by Captain N (Q).
All laid out decades ago.
What a timeline.
I saw that post too, but I can't find it now.
There's a tool here for searching the breads: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php
You can try finding it if you remember the words in the post.
▶ 618b7d (21) No.2641837
Christopher Wylie, the kid who blew the whistle on Cambridge Analytica, another actor in our movie.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2641917
Q had nothing to do with it.
It got comped by the big money and they crashed it twice to seill high then buy low.
Amateurs will get their ass handed to them every time.
Crypto currencies have limited utility and are still fiat currency - no real value behind them
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2641930>>2643033
Can't happen they way you described. Learn something about the Federal Reserve SYSTEM. You can't break off a piece. They insure each other and absorb the losers (and consolidate with fewer).
You can't understand the banking systems from a one page website post.
If it was that easy everyone would be a banker
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2641951>>2642023
Why would anyone want to buy memory and processing power from you, when they could be a far better value from some cloud provider.
The can afford the infrastructure at a far lower cost than individuals.
Crypt can;t replace currency since most of the population will not accept it unless they have confidence in the "managers"
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2641963>>2643689
Why not crank out some free Bitcoins for yourself?
Isn't that the basic idea?
Everybody can "create" their own money not based on tangible assets?
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2641970
He looks like he was a real insider with lots of information.
/sarc off
▶ 618b7d (21) No.2642023
They don't buy it from anyone. They buy it from the network. It's autonomous.
There are use cases for centralized cloud storage and for decentralized cloud storage.
I'm not going to doxx myself nor claim that I have 100% certainty, but the blanket statements you're tossing out have been thought through extensively in the academic literature, which is considerable.
With the cost involved with the loss of personal privacy, national risk, and corporate espionage, decentralized clouds may prove to offer something worth the extra margin, if there is one. Likely the management reduction costs alone may make it a cheaper solution all things considered. Regardless, the marginal cost on each individual's energy requirement will be minuscule compared to what it provides and large operators will only be able to run at a loss, which they would likely do in the beginning just to recoup some of the sunk cost in hardware. Hopefully, their coins, if they don't see, will grow in value. Over the long term, they will be disintermediated these networks except by parties that have no interest in data privacy. And unlike Bitcoin, while it won't be completely decentralized, it will be much more distributed so that anyone with a decent setup to offer memory to the network will be rewarded. That said, it isn't a requirement to use the network. Simply surfing the network is free.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2643033
Totally agree. Its all or nothing..I am speaking about removing the 1933 actions. I fully understand the SYSTEM. Perhaps you don't
▶ da258e (3) No.2643555
What are the banks planning? They aren't getting their war so they need to find a way to blame their system failing on something else.
https:// markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/atm-hacking-scheme-fbi-warned-major-banks-of-potential-attack-2018-8-1027458043
▶ da258e (3) No.2643634
I doubt Q was involved in the creation of bitcoin. Much like Q, the identity of the creator of Bitcoin is not important but the information being released will/has changed the world.
▶ da258e (3) No.2643689
It is not as simple as just creating a few bitcoins for oneself. The good cryptocurrencies have to be mined. Bitcoin takes a lot of power to mine. One could create a new cryptocurrency if they knew how to develop on the blockchain that could be traded in the exchanges however what that project does plays a big role in the value of that currency. Think of each coin or token as a share of stock in a company.
▶ 932550 (1) No.2645112>>2645446
a more precise definition would be "one who pretends to love his or her country in order to get paid".
▶ 618b7d (21) No.2645446
"No man can serve two masters: for either he
will hate the one, and love the other; or else
he will hold to the one, and despise the other…"
▶ 701505 (89) No.2645805>>2683959 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
>Powell has nothing against bitcoin/private currencies
Top kek indeed.
>I was always more comfortable on the technology side of things, staying away from the old school institutions
Great. It takes all types anon. Technology is not my strong suit.
>I think there's enough here to complete the circle…From Q's post, through Powell/FED, all the way back around through Bitcoin, through CSW, back to Q.
Q>>Fed>>Powell>>Bitcoin is very strong I will work on drawing up those connections. CSW connection I haven't fully comprehended in my mind, probably because I haven't dug on that one as much.
>This requires a comprehensive dig.. I will get on it asap. I said I was going to stop digging on crypto for now, but I guess that was a mistake.
I was hoping this would be the case. I've been browsing /biz/ a bit after you mentioned it. It is a freakshow but I saw some chatter about this very thread over there. Glad to have you and fellow anons working in this thread. Main breads are great, but I can really tuck into the autist part of my brain in this one.
▶ 47d336 (8) No.2646823
Martin Armstrong is America's financial forecaster . The man is no Cupcake.
Martin, warns of a bridge too far! "Italy has called on the ECB to guarantee the bond yields warning that if they END quantitative easing the Eurozone will break apart."
▶ 07230a (2) No.2646884>>2647634 >>2651589
I bought silver on December 2015 at 13.50 spot, which was 14.88 total per Troy Oz!!
I know Silver was at 8 bucks in the 80s and like 10 bucks in the 90s, but let's be serious: It was fucking 50 bucks in 2012 or so, I doubt Silver will be cheaper than it is now.
Any thoughts?
▶ 07230a (2) No.2647059>>2647618 >>2651589 >>2763510
You cannot print more Crypto because it is limited in amounts in existence (Bitcoin), ok, but think the following:
Bitcoin does suffer inflation each time it is worth more and more and you have to use smaller and smaller factions!
Inflation in bitcoin means you stop using 1 bitcoin to buy 1 tank of gas and start using .001 bitcoin to buy the same tank of gas!
▶ 701505 (89) No.2647618
Inflation/Deflation is simply the increase/decrease in the money supply. Bitcoin has steady inflation built in until the last bitcoin is mined in approx 120 years from now. So long as use/adoption increases a faster rate than the inflation (which so far it has greatly outpaced) then prices in bitcoin will go down, similarly as to how computer and TV prices have decreased of the last many decades due to manufacturing efficiency outpacing inflation of fiat currencies.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2647634
Couldn't say re. silver, anon. I don't like putting all of my eggs in one basket be it silver bitcoin gold stocks cash or artwork.
▶ 5b141d (1) No.2648325
Here are a couple of contributions to the meme library
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2650305>>2650351 >>2650861 >>2660545 >>2683959 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
Been doing some digging today.
I'll make a few separate posts. First I want to just drop off some images about symbolism in crypto for people that are browsing the thread to take a look at.
Here's Ethereum.
>Be careful what you hold
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2650351>>2650671 >>2650861 >>2651294 >>2660545 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
Here's Maidsafe. I was inspired to dig on it thanks to the posts in this thread.
>Be careful what you hold
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2650464>>2650861 >>2660545 >>2683959 >>2684037 >>3054841
I've found a really interesting coincidence on the Twitter account of CSW.
It says that he joined twitter on 4:54 PM on 22 Sep 2010.
That date and time caught my eye, because it is so close to some important numbers, namely 444 and 9/11.
Well I figured out that if you subtract 9/11/01 from those three numbers in a mirror (backwards) fashion, you get a result of 4:44 11 Sep 2001.
So by using 9/11 as the key, you get a result of 9/11 as well.
There's no way this is a coincidence.
Mathematically impossible right? Like Q says.
Or at least improbable.
It's interesting anyways.
Melting my brain a bit, but in a good way.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2650671>>2650918 >>2650992
Convinced that bitcoin started out as the 'evil plan' because the undeniable fact is its HashID is confirmed NSA. If you look at the timeline of it's trading pattern you will see it was 'liftoff' in 2016.
The proliferation of other crypto's soon followed. They were all allowed to be adopted. The CFTC even allowed BC to be monetized. That started in Dec. 2017. See the results after that. The media certainly allowed that safety net aspect of crypto's to build.
IMO BC was created in part to take the heat off of the metals trade. Witness the rise of all comms. starting in early 2009. It was so predictable that Goldman even sold its coveted GSCI off so as not to appear conflicted.
Crypto's were nowhere, at least several yrs away from being mentioned at the water cooler, in 2009. The banking apparatus has been short gold and silver for many decades.
At the turn of the 19th century a choice was made regrading our industrial use of metals. Have seen the figures regarding what was available at the time in both metals i.e. MUCH more silver then gold, a choice had to be made. Once the choice was made to use silver it could not be undone.
It is no accident that the actual silver content of coins was virtually removed in 1964. However as the use of silver grew after the second war the choice made at the turn of the century could still not be undone. Enter Wall Street and Greenspan's Route A programs.
This was used to great afect throughout the market, never more obvious than the metals trade. As the available supply to be mined or wherehoused dropped below the the known amounts for gold a solution was needed.
Hypothecation was born.
You can read up about the metals manipulation trade via hypothecated trading from the mid 60's on.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2650835>>2655671 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
I've also been doing some digging on Jon Faust as per your post, who might be the actual 'Professor Faust' (or maybe a coincidence, or maybe just another link in the puzzle).
He has some interesting papers and a very interesting website.
Of note are the two papers I have attached a picture of. The first is the 'Who can we trust to run the FED' paper that Powell references, and the second is something about using distributed blocks to solve problems. It reminds me of blockchain a bit, but I have to read the paper again to know for sure what is being talked about.
This also seems like the best lead on grabbing a copy of the 'trust FED' paper. His email delivery system doesn't work however.
Here's a link to the second paper .. on first glance it doesn't look related.
I'll have to take another look later though.
Here's a link to his website.
There are some interesting sections in it. And it reminds me of oldschool websites that I used to find around the net.
He's got a section about dyslexia and 'mirror' writing, and a section on finding the 'most famous faust'.
? or
I'll keep digging for something more solid.
I did dig on Powell more, but didn't find anything more solid than the Structure talk with reference to the number 21.
He talks about DLT's (distributed ledger technologies) in a speech, but plays it very safe, doesn't reveal much.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2650918>>2651131
Regarding gold and it's value to the Federal Reserve. It's per/oz value has not changed on it's own books since it was 'valued' at $44.xx
This was never adjusted up/down as its value changed. It is still on the Fed's book at that level even today.
IMO it was never changed so that at some point in the future, say now, it's value has always been at $44.xx/oz so if it's finally proven to not be there, it's not, they can then say "well we only valued it at $44.xx and not current MV so it's no big deal".
Google Ron Paul and Ben Bernancke exchange in 2006. He knows what is happening. I would have voted for him if he had a chance however he would have never been allowed to win. His son may have the last laugh.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2650992>>2651168 >>2651589 >>2660594
Nice find anon.
>Bill Clinton
I was always skeptical of ripple.
You raise some good points. Digital cash opens up a can of worms when it comes to tracking, privacy, mark of the beast type stuff, etc.
I think in a perfect world Bitcoin would exist as a digital asset that you could choose to hold or not, and that tangible cash would still exist (backed by cryptos and metals) so that you could still live a low tech life if you wanted to.
Metal manipulation? Yeah I've looked into it a bit and I'm sure that they are being suppressed. I'll look into it more though.
What I don't believe though, is that Bitcoin started out as the evil plan.
I think that actually Bitcoin was released to the public as basically the Ark to help us survive the flood of the collapse of the old economic order. The technology has been around for a while to make something like Bitcoin work… I think 2009 was a strategic year to release it for many reasons. Economic recession, QE going on like crazy, Obama taking power, etc.
What probably happened is once Bitcoin started taking off (2013-2014) the Evil people learned how to copy it, how to pervert it, and how to twist the whole crypto space for their own desires. That's where the feeling of evil probably comes from. If Bitcoin is allowed to stay simple and pure, it can be one of the best forms of free money that the people will ever have. But like I said above, it does open up a can of worms.
I was reading twitter earlier and some developer for Bitcoin said he plans to make a wallet that can go into a chip in your hand. I would never , ever, never use something like that, and if that's the end game, then I understand your reservations and I share them too.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2651131>>2651979
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Ron Paul and Ben Bernancke exchange
Very interesting anon.
This video?
It's a good conversation.
Now take everything Ron Paul says, and apply it to Bitcoin.
By the way, notice that right after Ron Paul humiliated Bernanke on the topic of Silver, the Silver market crashed.
▶ a4600b (3) No.2651168>>2651218 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
Yes and also the numbers.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2651218
I can't wait until all of these Evil and scam coins get washed away.
▶ 618b7d (21) No.2651294>>2651320
I definitely noticed this too. With all that I know about the rest of the project and the people in it, I definitely tend to let this slide. Remember these symbols are good in their original meanings. It's the evil people that pervert them. Discerning between the two is our homework. Knowing the depth of thinking and the quality of ethical philosophy driving the project, I'd be pretty surprised if it was related. Moreover, I think the tilted triangle might even have been on purpose to avoid that confusion. In any case, that community is very transparent. Their forums are open and you're welcome to search the history. Here are just a couple of quick threads from the search result "mobius triangle"
Even a tongue-in-cheek post from the developer
The thinking seems to have been from other things I've read that a triangle is a very strong and stable structure and a mobius strip has a cryptographic essence to it. strong, encrypted network. That said, they've moved on to the other hexagonal symbol with the nodes as the current iteration after a long drawn out rebranding discussion…also in the forum.
▶ 618b7d (21) No.2651320
Interestingly enough, they've already presented at google a number of times…the whole thing flew over the heads of the googlers…they'll wake up when it's too late…after milk and naptime in their kindergarten-colored nurseries for giant infants.
▶ 618b7d (21) No.2651589>>2660594
silver is going to get crushed. from a technical analysis POV, there is nothing good to show…
that's called deflation, not inflation. things cost less…not more. if you're in dollars, then relative to bitcoin, yea, dollars are inflating at an incredible rate since about 2011.
ripple is and always was centralized. they should be in jail. that guy controls like 2/3 of the ripples and just controls the supply-side to create stability. not even a blockchain. total scam but lots of corporate smoke and mirrors.
none of these objects or symbols have any power or meaning. It's the power and meaning that humans give them. They are merely tools. It's what we do with them that's important.
The cypherpunks have been working on digital cash for decades…since the 70s they understood the problem. it's very clear in their ftp server comms. read assange's book. The hashcash algo which makes up the theory behind one of the main parts of bitcoin was thought up in the 90s and implemented in email and an attempt at a centralized digital gold…it's a battle that people are waking up to years later.
the alan greenspan theories of satoshi are some of the most interesting, strangely enough.
It's very interesting that you mention Bitcoin as being an Ark. VERY interesting…
You carry a card in your pocket (no to mention your phone, the most sophisticated surveillance device in history) but wouldn't put a RFID chip in your hand? The smartphone is way more the mark of the beast that some ultra limited chip.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2651979
I certaily do see bitcoin as viable. More the Block chain aspect of it. Many different applications that are non-financial.
The humiliation of bernancke was before the rise from $10 to $50, approximately 3 years prior. The silver market was and is the most manipulated on the planet. It's a relatively small market even when it was $50 (was there for a day I recall).
Look into Blythe Masters at JPM. She is the credited with the creation of credit default swaps. She was released on the metals markets in 2010. Also JPM is now the largest single holder of above ground silver. They had ZERO prior to 2011. They inherited the legacy short position of Bear Stearns. That, imo, was the reason Bear was left to twist in the wind for as long as it did. Whomever took on it's book were saddled with the decades long need to suppress all commodities. Most of Bear Stearns assets were swept into the FED, see here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maiden_Lane_Transactions
That allowed the game to have a lower starting point.
I am not saying put everything you have into XXX. What I am saying is utilize the history that we have been given for decades and contrast it against what we are all learning now.
It's going to turn out something like this….everyone has seen books about conspiracy theories over the years.
What if those books become the new history books? Certainly more in those crazy "Stories"today than a year ago
▶ ac5970 (24) No.2653308>>2712907 >>2857505
Bitcoin Cash opened today around $512 and is now comfy @ approximately $592
Just a few months ago it was near $850
Qresearchers, this may be a good time to get into the crypto market.
Of course, DYOR.
▶ 868b7c (3) No.2654556>>2655082 >>2655315 >>3046637
People have touched upon several points about Bitcoin being part of the evil plan, and it is, in ways you can't even imagine. Ignoring the fact the creator was never independently verified, and it uses 'mathemagical backdoored SHA256', there's a few clues to it's real intentions:
1) It's a global currency (one world order shit)
2) The wallets give you a unique, highly trackable ID
3) Payments are public, so who you receive money from (follows on from 2) and who you give money to are all trackable on the ledger (think facebook style 'friends' list trackability)
4) It allows agencies to money launder their own activities via proximities (blackops, dark money)
5) If the system goes AWOL, NSA can release the 'mathemagical backdoor' or eventually SHA256 will go the way of SHA1 (completely broken)
6) It allows them to build up a worldwide, distributed hash cracking network on the cheap (notice that the end goal will be a majority of the hashes you solve will be 'defunct' IE not relevant to the payment portal).
7) As hardware for hash-cracking becomes cheaper, allows agencies to pick it up second hand for use in their own operations (think ASIC type devices made en-mass).
It's pretty devious when you think about it.
Everyone here talks about Bitcoin, but…
…Thoughts on Monero? (PS tries to protect your privacy and resists streamlining of hashing operations)
▶ cbfbc7 (2) No.2654669
>Public banking institutions
That's half an idea, and not a bad one. The other half, missing, is how to motivate people to invest what for many of them is their last dollar every month in such a bank.
I agree likewise with so many here that a debt jubilee is essential. But that, too, is only half an idea that's good but insufficient. The missing half is how to achieve a jubilee. It's not like the Cabal will just let us have it!
▶ cbfbc7 (2) No.2654721>>2662220
The bottom line of your posts is that whomever controls physical resources wins. Electronic money, fiat currency, it all doesn't mean jack shit without physical security.
To wit, maybe the path forward is for Trump to hijack the Fed, and then for the Fed to start printing enough money for the govt to invest in physical public assets that promote the collective security of "the real economy" -- Main Street. (This would be a two-fer: it would increase our physical security while also moderately provoking inflation, effectively making debt easier to repay – let's call it a "soft debt jubilee.")
Perhaps this is in fact what Trump plans. It's not far from what he's actually been doing. What we use as a currency is secondary--not unimportant, but secondary–to what that currency is used to achieve.
I'll leave you with this quote from a newsletter written by the LaRouche crowd. https://archive.is/EimY7 The main point is that the security comes from physical infrastructure investments of the New Silk Road type.
Glass Steagall alone will not do the job. Nothing short of an entirely new world financial order can succeed in replacing the “Casino Mondial” of floating exchange rates and unbridled speculation, which has taken the place of investment into the real economy, with the IMF and the ECB as the “enforcement” mechanism. Such a New Bretton Woods approach is required, restoring fixed exchange rates in a gold reserve system, while “New Silk Road” projects based on national credit expand the productivity and well being of the entire human race.
Achieving such a new paradigm requires that Donald Trump sit down with the leaders of the other three great powers in the world --- Russia, China and India — to formulate such a new Bretton Woods agreement.
▶ 344a86 (10) No.2655315>>2655534
I agree about Bitcoin. I think regular "In God We Trust" coins are the best in a collapse. Our money is devalued right now. How about 1 cent becoming equivalent to what one dollar buys now? Most people have "worthless change" lying around. It is already "legal", too. We the people can decide value. I like 1 cent equivalent to $1.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2655534
Only the treasury has the onlt authority to COIN money. Not dollars or anything else.
I will certainly embrace crypto's once the smoke clears. Until then I remain on the sidelines. I still see them, all of them, as a way to herd people into whatever the Fed;s version of a digital coin is. Cause a crash and 'offer' to exchange all the issued crypto's into 'fedcoin'.
Everyone would have no choice but to accept.
If that happens it is game, set and match. The level of control would be complete. That is why I believe it was evil to start with. Was the plan all along.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2655634>>2662291
Potential Info/Disinfo
AI in the Blockchain.
For digging (later).
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2655671>>2660816 >>2661057 >>2683959 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
More digging on his website.
1. Reference to the Titanic (Fed creation importance). KDC pointer as well (crumb = pointer).
2. Reference to /pol/ (pol)
3. Interesting website background, not sure if important but putting up for digging.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2658642>>2660816 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
▶ e38e0a (1) No.2659002
wheres the deep wing addy
▶ 2d0d42 (1) No.2660537>>2660876
>Clinton Global Initiative
>Brock Pierce
>Bitcoin Foundation
▶ 701505 (89) No.2660545>>2668777 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
kek that's some downfall level symbolism right there.
wow that's quite a find and a mind melter. One hell of a coincidence if so. (especially with the Faust/mirror writing conection)
I also had to look up the significance of 444:
https:// willowsoul.com/blogs/numbers/5-reasons-why-you-are-seeing-4-44-the-meaning-of-444
>1st Meaning of 444: You are on the Path of Awakening
>3rd Meaning of 444: You Are on the Right Path, Just Trust
>444 9/11/01
Great awakening re. 9/11
▶ 701505 (89) No.2660594
>I was reading twitter earlier and some developer for Bitcoin said he plans to make a wallet that can go into a chip in your hand. I would never , ever, never use something like that
Kek no
>You carry a card in your pocket (no to mention your phone, the most sophisticated surveillance device in history) but wouldn't put a RFID chip in your hand? The smartphone is way more the mark of the beast that some ultra limited chip.
There's one big difference anon. I can put my phone in a faraday bag leave it in my house and go for a walk, talk, or sleep without it being attached to me. Huge difference. The chip doesn't come out so easily.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2660816>>2668934 >>2669730 >>2673366 >>2683959 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
wow great find anon. Thank you for digging this up. I just read through almost all of it besides the detailed formulas which were beyond both my comprehension and interest.
On that note here's what I found from the paper. It's going to be long, but I think it is interesting and connects some dots re: Q>>Structure>>Powell>>Faust>>The plan for the fed. Here goes:
The image you posted from Faust's website that you weren't sure if it was important, I think is very important. The writing around the edge says:
>Is it the Greek letters or the words around them that matter?
This sounds like something Q would ask us. In fact, as I was reading the linked paper from Faust, I was thinking to myself…the point of this paper is the ideas that he's bringing up, not some esoteric financial model. That's just the vehicle by which he can get away with implying the message.
Onto the paper itself:
The most interesting parts are the intro, background, and conclusion. The rest is just theoretical economic modelling (which I will make another post about Faust's thoughts on that after this one, as it is also quite revealing.). From the paper:
He brings up Article 1 Section 10 of the constitution at least twice:
>No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts
Off to a good start.
In an entire paper about the economics of various fed policies he bring up political implications:
>While one major argument for the bill is based in political philosophy (footnote 41)
and then footnotes that sentence:
>The argument is that it is inappropriate for public policy to be made by people who are neither selected nor ratified by a political body. Of course, this paper does not deal with issues regarding the legitimization of government power.
He's going out of his way to say the Fed is private/unelected without saying it.
Think how Trump said that he would "never call KJU "short and fat" Plausable deniability.
Think the "words around the greek letters"
> In formalizing the rationale of the framers of the Fed, I have not argued that the framers correctly balanced interests on the Board.Thus, I am not arguing about whether these proposals would improve or worsen the current balance.
Faust spends the majority of a 40 page paper with dense economic modeling and then disclaims whether or not his models would have any effect either way. Next sentence:
>Rather, I cite them as evidence that issues of balance remain of interest today.
I.e. "I'm saying that there are big problems here."
>These contentions about the cause of inflation not only indicate that debtor-creditor tension is still important, they raise questions as to the success of the Fed as an institutional response to these tensions.
"Should the Fed even be allowed to meddle in these things?"
He concludes the body of the paper with "A postscript about democracy"
> While such a system of policymaking is clearly not democratic in the simplest sense of the term, neither are many of the most important institutions in the U.S. As noted above, some of the Constitution's Article I Section 10 restrictions provide an interesting case.
> few economists would suggest that capitalism would be well-served by leaving the enforcement of contracts open to majority vote. Just as the majority may be better off by giving up its general rights to alter contracts, it may also improve its welfare by giving up some of its power to alter the terms of nominal contracts through monetary policy. Thus, while the particular form of independence chosen by Congress may be open to question, it is difficult to support a generic "pro-democracy" argument against monetary authority independence.
When read "slowly and carefully" as Q often instructs, it appears that we need, rather than the mob rule of democrazy, we need a standard protocol, like we have for contracts (i.e. we all agree that contracts are a protocol to be obeyed), for our monetary system.
Perhaps a consensus algorithm?
▶ 618b7d (21) No.2660876>>2669129
What's the connection between CGI and the other two?
Pierce is a sleeze and connected to some pedos. Also been involved in some sketchy crypto projects and potentially a billionaire in crypto…doing spoopy stuff in Puerto Rico…
With him at the seeding of EOS…and Dan Larimer and Dad's background with Raytheon and Lockheed Martin…I'd stay the hell away. Time-bombs.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2661057>>2661070 >>2669050 >>2683959 >>2684037 >>3054841
>DSGE modelling is a Titanic achievement. As for the benefits, I'm sure we've just seen the tip of the iceberg.
In a paper on the same subject DSGE modelling:
>I believe that the current crop of DSGE models, like
lab rats, are magnificent models. For the profession, they represent
a titanic achievement---with all the images that adjective may bring
to mind.
>all the images
I believe he is saying that all of the economic modelling done by the Fed, Keynesians, etc. are total rat shit.
>Is it the Greek letters or the words around them that matter
▶ 701505 (89) No.2661070>>2669050
Sorry, I f'd up the formatting when I copied pasted from the PDF. This should all be green text:
>>I believe that the current crop of DSGE models, like lab rats, are magnificent models. For the profession, they represent a titanic achievement---with all the images that adjective may bring to mind.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2661330>>2662139
Perhaps a consensus algorithm?
You should have put that at the top!
Best thing I've read today.
▶ ac5970 (24) No.2662139>>2662190 >>2712907
So whats the deal, are all of us going in on Bitcoin Cash together or what?
I'm ready to make the move whenever yall are.
▶ 618b7d (21) No.2662190
Hell no, but if you have forked tokens, then it's good insurance just to keep them.
Bitcoin and lightning and the reality of the ecosystem around it are just so much larger than BCH. All of the best minds in crypto work on BTC. If Bitcoin doesn't need high throughput on the base layer, then BCH makes ZERO sense. Lightning solves it all. Plus, even if NSA or Craig or Satoshi think BCH is better, that doesn't mean anything. You can have a stroke of genius on day and then a brain fart the next.
▶ 868b7c (3) No.2662220>>2674660
>The bottom line of your posts is that whomever controls physical resources wins.
Absolutely spot on. However, it's worth bearing in mind a currency is a 'confidence note', and if people lose confidence or the note, then they may attempt to seize whatever physical assets they can, by force (looting/rioting).
>for the govt to invest in physical public assets that promote the collective security of "the real economy" -- Main Street.
Correct on how to salvage the economy, but your next problem is one I've been debating for years: what *is* valuable?
Obviously, food and water, you need those to survive. But food and water alone won't cut it (just look what happened to East Berlin under Soviet occupation - they had food and water, evenly rationed out, but it simply was not enough to satiate desires).
Maybe shelter, like housing (easy win: a lot of the foreclosures are fraudulent or found on the cheap). Maybe transportation. Healthcare, definitely. People want a flexible income that they can spend on getting goods of their preference. You *could* provide those effectively, but…
After this problem you hit the automation 'paywall' that the rich are experiencing hard: automation makes workers a force multiplier (you need fewer paid workers to achieve more in less time). So you're on the verge of a 'post-scarcity society' (resources plentiful, but people with little to do).
I'd argue most people need jobs to function (and not to start going out causing trouble). Without jobs comes a loss of social connection, boredom, a sense of worthlessness, and more importantly, financial staying power to get things you want.
You could refashion such jobless people into a workforce for good (kinda like FDR with national parks etc), but paying them is the issue. Where do you get the money from? Machines don't earn a wage, companies structure themselves to avoid paying taxes and elect people who lower them. What *is valuable*?
I've got a solution to the automation problem, but it hinges on the Davros types being ousted etc. They know if they're not ousted, society will collapse as automation takes over way more, and I'm hedging my bets the rich will willingly overthrow the deepstate IF it means they can avoid losing their position. You could say I'm… banking… on it.
▶ 868b7c (3) No.2662291>>2670731
>AI in the Blockchain.
As much as it sounds like disinfo (maybe it is), it *is* plausible.
For an AI to achieve power it needs two things: processing power, that's resistant to being destroyed (EG decentralisation) and financial power.
The bitcoin would be the economical AI's gambit if it wanted to use the China method to take over a planet. Remember, an AI isn't limited to our concepts (such as nuclear war). In-fact, it could easily stalemate us with one nuclear weapon and a *lot of duds*.
One gut terror I do have is the 'beast' as described is actually an AI. Which is why it's so important for the 'beast' to mark people (forehead - facial recognition, hand - RFID contactless scanners).
Entirely theoretical. Would it concern you more if I told you the US military apparently didn't see any of the terminator movies, and as part of the 'Space Force' plan, are thinking of, and I shit you not, an AI linked global satellite system for the control of launching missiles (did no-one read the very first script of Terminator and why it was called 'Skynet'?).
And if you're thinking of beating crypto by staying old school fiat, there's a big push to eliminate change/cash and to go contactless. Estonia has already achieved this, I do believe.
EMP plan is still on standby.
▶ 618b7d (21) No.2667805>>2668074
▶ 618b7d (21) No.2668074
MaidSafe on collaboration
As we mentioned in the introduction, a decentralised web will require a number of different interlocking components, including decentralised storage, decentralised networking, decentralised applications and decentralised identities.
MaidSafe, one of the event's sponsors, is trying to cover all but one these bases with its autonomous SAFE Network, replacing the Transport, Session and Presentation layers of the current seven-layer internet with decentralised alternatives to create a platform for applications. The project is currently at alpha test stage.
So it's all sewn up then, no need for further collaboration? Not at all said CEO David Irvine, who will be speaking at the event, pointing to the firm's open-sourcing of its PARSEC consensus algorithm and its invitation to other projects to help develop it. It's just not always easy to organise joint ventures he said. The summit will bring together many pioneers and innovators (70-plus projects are represented) with each pushing their own ideas for redefining the web.
"[Everyone's] so passionate about improving the internet experience, we are defining the rules for the future, and everyone has a point of view. That does mean there are some egos out there who are quite vocal about the merits of their approach versus others, which makes for good media stories and fuels hype, but it's not what we're really focused on."
Within any movement dedicated to upending the status quo, there lurks the danger of a People's Front of Judea-type scenario with infighting destroying the possibilities of cooperation. Amplifying the risk, many projects in this space are funded through cryptocurrency tokens, which adds profiteering to the mix. It's easy to see how the whole thing could implode, but Irvine says he's now starting to see real collaborations happen and hopes the summit will bring more opportunities.
"We've already been talking to Sir Tim Berners-Lee's Solid project at MIT, and we have a growing number of developers experimenting with applications for the platform," he said.
MaidSafe has been a fixture in the decentralised firmament for a while, predating even the blockchain which is the backbone of many other ventures. At one time it had the space almost to itself but has since been joined by a host of others. Asked about his company's USP, Irvine came back with one word: "honesty".
We asked him to expand.
"There is far too much hype in the wider blockchain crypto space and we have always tried to distance ourselves from that nonsense. We're trying to build something hugely complex and radically different. That doesn't happen overnight, so you have to be upfront with people so they are not misled. Sure we've learned along the way, got some things wrong, but whenever we have we've held our hands up and that has helped us."
And the big-picture goal?
"In essence, privacy, security and freedom. The technology we are building will provide private and secure communications, as well as freedom through the unfettered access to all humanity's data."
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2668777>>2668965 >>2683959 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
>Great awakening re. 9/11
I had no idea about the 'Awakening' definition for 444. That fits in perfectly with what we're doing here on this board.
Also lends more support to the theory of CSW being /ourguy/.
This reminds me of a cap (second picture) that was put together back when the chans were first taking our initial baby steps in learning the comms.
Knowing what I know now re: 'Great Awakening' and 444, these coincidences all make so much more sense.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2668934
>The image you posted from Faust's website that you weren't sure if it was important, I think is very important.
That makes perfect sense.
It's not what's being said (the greek letters, representing almost random looking gibberish), but what's being implied (the english letters on the borders).
The fact that this is the background image for his entire website hints at the idea that all of his writings and works should be viewed through this lens of search for the true meaning beyond the plaintext and what you can see with your eyes.
Subtext and subtlety. Plausible deniability.
Got it.
▶ 618b7d (21) No.2668965>>2669129
trips confirm "you are on the path of awakening"
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2669050
>DSGE models, like … rats, are magnificent models … they represent a titanic achievement---with all the images that adjective may bring to mind.
>I believe he is saying that all of the economic modelling done by the Fed, Keynesians, etc. are total rat shit.
Comms indeed. Saying it without saying it.
And now POTUS is tweeting about Rats too. I guess there's a lot of them scurrying around.
So if the economic models are all trash, then the next step would be to check his paper on how the FED should work.
I see you've made some notes on it. I will take my time reading and understanding them before commenting.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2669129>>2669361
Kek, I think we all are in here.
I noticed you said that BTC has all the best developers in the space and that Lightning is going to be a big deal.
I just can't see it that way after everything I've read.
According to some of the things I've seen, Lightning is vaporware that doesn't even work.
I would suggest to just check out the subreddit r/btc every now and then. Just pop by once in a while and see what's going on. It's very enlightening.
Pic related.
The connection between Ethereum, Theil, and Ambrosia is another one to keep an eye on.
They've just started digging on this in the main breads. Apparently Ethereum is used as literal blood money.
Interesting times ahead for the crypto markets.
▶ 618b7d (21) No.2669361>>2670764
Lightning does work, though it's a patchwork solution. there's a huge complexity, UX, and adoption problem…almost everything is crypto is back office stuff…it's amazing, but it remains to be seen if they can package it cleanly, securely and under budget. BCH is a hedge on that failing, but it also has it's own scalability problems. MAID is, I think, interesting because it offers not only a hedge, but also a potentially parallel technology in either blockchain result. It's the only ground up project. BTC/BCH/LTC, etc. are as well, but they didn't go deep enough into the meaning of decentralized trust. Money is only part of the equation. It's decentralizing value that is the important piece and in the information age, that means data. gold to oil to data. Only the projects mentioned in the article I posted above got that. The blockchain projects, however, are going to find it very difficult to scale as all-purpose solutions.
Ether was always a scam. I could have been in big from day zero, but I saw it for what it was worth. My suspicions have proven 100% correct. My ignorance was in underestimating the greed, lies, and irrationality of the market. Somehow, I stayed solvent through the post-2013 downturn not unscathed, but it would take lesser men to repeat the feat. The anons should dig on Vitalik's dad. He's the real force behind it…and with a particularly interesting background.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2669730>>2669912 >>2670195 >>2670813
I am reading through his paper right now.
I see what's happening here.
The entire paper is framed as if it is an argument for why the FED must exist as is, and why it is proper, but in reality almost each line of this paper takes a baseball bat to the skull of the FED and shows why they are not the right choice for our country.
It's very clever.
>partisan theory
>"stringent standards"
>endogenous maximization of wealth
>inflation as a problem
I am able to follow along, but it's slow going and I have to take notes as I go in order to keep my thoughts straight.
I'll have a better post later tonight once I fully wrap my mind around it.
But I can already see how to connect the dots now using these speeches and papers and Q's post and the coincidences that we have already talked about in this thread.
▶ 618b7d (21) No.2669912>>2673533
Daniel Krawisz
March 29, 2014
Bitcoin-Induced Demonetization
This article is about the possibility of Bitcoin-induced currency demonetization, or hyperbitcoinization, which is what would happen to any hapless currency that stands in Bitcoin's path of total world domination. If this happens, the currency will rapidly lose value as Bitcoin supplants it. What would such an event be like and how can it be understood economically?
Comparison to Hyperinflation
Demonetization refers to a process by which people cease to use a good as a currency, and hyperinflation is a kind of demonetization when the government inflates the currency at an accelerating pace. Hyperbitcoinization is a different kind, though it will appear (superficially) similar. In both kinds events, prices in the doomed currency will skyrocket until it is no longer a currency at all.
There are two essential differences between hyperinflation and hyperbitcoinization. The first is that a currency hyperinflates with restricted competition from other currencies, whereas hyperbitcoinization happens because of competition with Bitcoin. This is because capital controls are much more effective on other fiat currencies than on Bitcoin, so it is easy for Bitcoin to cross borders and compete with anything.
The second is that in a hyperinflation, the government expands the money supply to outpace people's inflation expectations. Demonetization occurs as a result of their destructive interaction. Whereas a hyperbitcoinization event need not be accompanied by any change in the supply of either currency.
As the government forms a habit of inflating the money supply, its people form a habit of anticipating rising prices. This prevents the government from gaining as much each time it inflates. Thus, to get the same kick, the government must inflate more. The money loses value once people anticipate such heavy inflation that they can't spend it fast enough and it no longer functions as a currency.
Hyperinflation is an entrepreneurial act on the part of government, in the sense that it involves a continually changing intervention that prevents an equilibrium from forming. The government must continually alter its own behavior to stay ahead of its people's. The moment they begin to anticipate its future policy, the government must change the policy by increasing the rate of inflation.
Hyperbitcoinization is a voluntary transition from an inferior currency to a superior one, and its adoption is a series of individual acts of entrepreneurship rather than a single monopolist that games the system.
Whoops, You Just Got Bitcoin'd!
Based on these two differences, I make two predictions about a hyperbitcoinization event.
A hyperbitcoinization event will be much quicker than a hyperinflation event. I have two reasons for this. First, the government will have a much greater difficulty preventing bitcoins from entering the country due to the impotency of capital controls upon it. Second, hyperinflation is inherently an attempt to fool people, whereas hyperbitcoinization is quite regular and predictable (at least by comparison). Therefore people will more easily see that they had better switch over. Thus, as fast as hyperinflation is, hyperbitcoinization will be even faster. It will happen much faster than you expect.
Hyperbitcoinization will not disrupt the economy to nearly the same degree as hyperinflation. The currency is the instrument of the division of labor, and hyperinflation makes it unreliable and forces people to use worse alternatives. In a hyperbitcoinization event, people switch from a fundamentally inferior currency to a superior one, whereas in a hyperinflationary event people will only switch to a new currency once the old currency becomes worse than the next best alternative, such as gold or detergent. Hyperbitcoinization should be accompanied by a rapid improvement in productivity and wealth.
Hyperbitcoinization will probably be a confusing time for everyone, like a second adolescence. However, once it is over, no one will be able to imagine how we got by with the earlier system.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2670195>>2673533 >>2682208
Thanks for taking the time to read through it. Sounds like you've alrady found some gems. I concur that Faust is a key connection.
It also occurred to me to search "Jon Faust bitcoin" and I found this article from last December.
Again very critical on the surface but has several extremely keen insights and hidden messages. I have some meatspace things to do now but I will make a post on it later.
https:// cfe.econ.jhu.edu/happy-new-year-bitcoin/
▶ b6aeef (1) No.2670731
ive been thinking beast is AI (not true ai but inhabited, either way, then theres the sophia & cain aspect highly esoteric and 1st enoch is as far as i go because i try to walk in his shoes as much as possible except for accidently doing mirror magic on a few digs in the past, when you have a mirror break by itself and fall on your 1st edition of thru the looking glass things get spoopy.) the watchers want out of their chains, although i was under the impression only azaziel was chained, the rest of them are said to be under volcanos in mountains and hot springs, the disembodied nephelim want bodies though, there are only 200 watchers but probably millions of nephs, I think unclean IoT, have you come to judge us before our time? anyway ipv6 doesnt load on my machine, it helps me sleep better at night.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2670764>>2671017
Crypto currencies are a scam.
It is too easily co-opted by big $$ financial types.
You think they wil let you have control?
What happens to every crypto currency?
Run up then crash - Sell high then buy back low
Rinse & repeat
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2670813>>2671017
You don't understand much about financial systems.
It is more than buying shit on the Internet
Capitalism requires capital - Where does that capital come from
Somethig "like" the FED is necessary, but not one that is privately owned as ours (and most others) are.
Rothchild-types don't care about the form of currency
They are focused on capital-formation
▶ 618b7d (21) No.2671017
99.9% of cryptocurrencies ARE a scam, I agree. They run from simple frauds to sophisticated schemes likely by these evildoers. However, volatility in the market is NOT evidence of nefariousness in the underlying. Farm commodities are more volatile than BTC…
The value and capital unlocked by a successful distributed trust system would be immense.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2673366>>2674162 >>2681464 >>2681731 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
Alright, I'm finally done grappling with the paper.
I'm glad we dug it up, the implications in it are very interesting, and the fact that Powell would choose to cite it says a lot.
I agree with the points you have brought up and I have some to add as well.
For starters, I kept going back title of the paper: "Whom can we TRUST to run the FED?"
With a critical eye, and with the benefit of knowing everything that happened after this paper was written, I think the answer is pretty clear.
We can't. Trust anyone.
The FED should not require trust to operate.
For example, in the paper it is stated that theoretically the lower wealth portion of the population will advocate for inflation in order to boost their wages, and the wealthier would tend to try and keep money growth nearer to zero to keep their wealth intact, but we know now that the opposite occurred.
The paper assumes that society will tend to create a wealth transfer from rich to poor, but the opposite occurred. It was the worst of both worlds… inflation without wage increase.
So if we cannot trust democrazy to properly control the money supply, and history shows us that we cannot trust institutions like the FED either…
>Rase questions as to the success of the FED
It failed.
We need to fix the FED. We need something like the FED, but not the way it is now.
So the next part of the title says "Theoretical support for the Founders' views"
Which founders? Of the FED or of our nation?
I think both depending on if you are reading the Greek text or the English surrounding it.
That leads to the question of a Gold or Silver standard and the Article 1 Section 10 of the constitution that was brought up.
But the paper accurately shows in the introduction that these are not perfect either - they tend to be unstable due to exterior forces on the gold supply and metal to money ratios.
So it sounds like nothing works perfectly. And lots of trust is required.
>We need a standard protocol, perhaps a consensus algorithm.
Yes, I think something like that might represent a good step forward for our monetary policy.
Something like Bitcoin. Interestingly the whitepaper of Bitcoin goes to great lengths to describe its trust-less nature.
But if so, the current structure should not be changed lightly, like Powell says.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2673533
Thanks for that link and article.
There's another good one on that site about the growth of Bitcoin.
These articles really help put things in perspective.
We might be in the very early stages of Hyperbitcoinization now. Or rather Hyperbitcoincashinization.
It may seem like just a simple stock chart, but I think the growth of Bitcoin might represent a leap forward for us as a species, as a civilization.
Meaning that any who actively try and suppress this technology are actually suppressing humanity as a whole, are anti-life, anti-evolution, anti-enlightenment.
But it's good to have to push through obstacles. Creates anti-fragility.
Nice find.
I'll take some time to read it and the other he wrote on Bitcoin.
I did quickly skim them and yeah, it seems very critical on the surface. Though he does leave open the possibility for massive value creation and some other things IF the technology works out.
▶ 23ac43 (2) No.2673984
last post was a spoopy bug the dr octagon, this is the kinda shit im dealing with
▶ 57ca5d (1) No.2674162>>2675214
None of your resources are dated, cited. shill
▶ faffc9 (8) No.2674660>>2675063 >>2698782
No not corporate buybacks.
Nor the current stock market system.
Nor gold & silver.
Nor the current bitcoin. (I do see a structure here that could be viable with changes)
The largest resource WW is the people.
Payment is only an issue when you are told it is.
What would you do with a million dollars ?
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2675063>>2675086 >>2680264
Something more similar to pic related then?
If money is an illusion, then we can simply create the best kind of money and economic structures possible for the changes we wish to bring about in the world. No need to worry about labels or any other such limiting factor.
And of course Gaddafi had some good ideas as well, which he was severely punished for.
If someone had full control, there's probably no limit to what they could do re: changes.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2675086>>2681381
Though I'm not sure how realistic that picture is when you consider the trust required again.
It's an interesting example anyways.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2675174
Amateurs playing a big boys game
Any major financial player can control this market without too much effort
Run price up a or crash it depending on whether they are trying to buy low or sell high
Deep pockets rule the game - as in poker or business
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2675214
Too bad you will have nothing to say about it.
Can't vote on a replacement that people can't understand.
Cryptocurrencies are dead is power and/or Internet access is gone.
Read up on bank runs in 1929 then presume every bank goes on "bank holiday"
▶ 9d5293 (2) No.2679859>>2680855 >>3054841
Another coincidence for all to consider.
"Bitcoin Sign Guy" holds up a sign that says "Buy Bitcoin" during Yellen testimony right before (timed perfectly, scripted?) the person questioning her says "What do you fear?".
His donation address finishes with 7 BTC and 777 transactions.
I watched some interviews done with him.
Very smart, very aware. Not a random guy.
▶ 9d5293 (2) No.2679978
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Short video.
Jon Faust on if the FED is ready for the next recession.
▶ faffc9 (8) No.2680264>>2681106 >>2681679 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>3054841
We have a system they created to control you.
They decided thousands of years ago certain bloodlines were "better".
They created the rules.
They created money, based not on the resource that is most plentiful, but on a resource that was not.
Corporate profits went to a handful, not the workers that did the work.
They determine what the interest rates are.
They set up a stock market they manipulate.
Said stock market crashes when they want it to.
They created a tax system for their benefit not you.
Then they created the laws which apply only to you if they are broke, not them.
In fact if you are part of the BIS, you nor your family can be prosecuted in your lifetime.
Laws were created to punish you, not them.
Then you were educated on how to play their game,by their rules.
Credit cards, debit cards were set up so you fail.
They created a system in which one person, the Queen, owns/controls 1/6th of the land.
Then they charged you to be educated, on the rules of their system.
So currently we have:
An actor can make one movie and make 30 million per movie, per year.
We have parents that can't stay home to raise their kids, as according to their rules, they are not "working".
Now attempts are being made to fix the system they created.
Heaven forbid we should think out of the box and create a new one, as that does not fit with what you were told "works".
▶ 618b7d (21) No.2680855
That's Qurious….
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2681106
I'm all for creating a new system instead of trying to put bandaids on the old one.
I'm not sure what the answer will look like, but I push forward regardless.
Something has to change.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2681381
FOrgt who said it but the trust factor.
"if you owe the bank $1000 that is your problem….
if you owe the bank $1m that is the banks problem.
I never bought the trust aspect of it all. Goes hand-in-hand with the myth of productivity.
The biggest factor in changing any of this is producing a solution that is so radical in it's approach it will be accepted by nearly all.
That can go both ways and is good/bad depending on your audience.
Whatever the solution is it must be a total wipe out all secured and unsecured debt AND it's derivative structure (the real problem imo).
Ask yourself this…Is it sane to have one bank hold 'assets' valued at more than the GDP of the entire planet?
We have had more than enough regulatory framework to keep the system partioned. We saw what was done with that framework starting in 1933 and just about ending with the suspension of mark-to-market. Hell let's just throw in a complete ban on shorting with the removal of the uptick rule. It was so over then.
We 'died' in September 2008. Call it QE, Repo's, TARP-they were starting to run out of accronyms after 2010- or whatever you like.
Was nothing more than ctrl-alt-print 24/7/365
▶ 701505 (89) No.2681464
>With a critical eye, and with the benefit of knowing everything that happened after this paper was written, I think the answer is pretty clear.
>We can't. Trust anyone.
>The FED should not require trust to operate.
Kek great point.
>For example, in the paper it is stated that theoretically the lower wealth portion of the population will advocate for inflation in order to boost their wages, and the wealthier would tend to try and keep money growth nearer to zero to keep their wealth intact, but we know now that the opposite occurred.
>So if we cannot trust democrazy to properly control the money supply, and history shows us that we cannot trust institutions like the FED either…
Great catch. I remember reading this and thinking that the opposite happened, but I figured that I must not understand what he's saying. I think your interpretation is spot on. They told us (whether they expected otherwise or knew) one thing would happen, but it was quite the opposite, with the bottom line being that they either can't or don't want to control inflation in a favorable way for the people.
>So the next part of the title says "Theoretical support for the Founders' views"
>Which founders? Of the FED or of our nation?
KEK. This also activated my almonds when I read it, but only subconsciously. I have read fairly extensively about the fed and and I don't recall its architects ever being referred to as founders. Given the way it was created (by congressional dictate) "founders" seems like a strange word. Given the way Faust seems to like to write, this seems like a clear double entendre.
>Something like Bitcoin. Interestingly the whitepaper of Bitcoin goes to great lengths to describe its trust-less nature.
>But if so, the current structure should not be changed lightly, like Powell says.
The loop is starting to complete!
(I think we should start labeling notable posts so when this bread fills we have them for the next one. Great to see this one gaining steam.)
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2681679
Is that you Karl?
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2681731>>2683959 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>2746600 >>3054841
How is wealth created?
How does wealth transfer occur?
Why don't people at the bottom start companies and create wealth ( Oh, yeah, they always did)
Why do so many think that the total wealth of the US belongs to "We, the People"?
Revisit is the story of the Little Red Hen
The Little Red Hen found a grain of wheat,
Said "This looks good enough to eat,
But I'll plant it instead, make me some bread,"
Said to the other guys down the street,
"Who will help me plant this wheat?"
"Not I!" said the dog and the cat.
"Not I!" said the mouse and the rat.
"I will then," said the Little Red Hen,
And she did.
It gets better from there
▶ 701505 (89) No.2682208>>2682219 >>2683959 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>2685151 >>3054841
(Part 1 of x)
Here is my attempt to breakdown this article on bitcoin by Jon Faust current advisor to J. Powell at the Fed: https://cfe.econ.jhu.edu/happy-new-year-bitcoin/
All parts aren't included here, but a lot of it is. Faust's text is in green:
Faust starts with talking about the inherent inefficiency of bitcoin:
>Bitcoin transactions are inefficient, slow, and uncertain relative to natural alternative approaches to digital currency. And these disadvantages are probably not fixable---they are essentially required to support the amorphous governance model.
Bitcoin's proof of work is inefficient compared to traditional systems. For such an "amorphous" system, this inefficiency is the cost of keeping it so.
>Worse still, amorphous governance probably isn’t a good thing; it is almost certainly not a good enough thing to warrant using such an inefficient, slow, and uncertain payments vehicle.
Amorphous is not the benefit in itself.
>If you are OK with centralized governance, you can do much better than cryptocurrency. If, instead, you are desperate for amorphous governance, you will pay a large efficiency price.
To avoid centralized governance, the cost of inefficiency is necessary.
He then relates this idea to bitcoin's ledger and the importance of consensus:
>Few people I’ve spoken with understand how radically formless Bitcoin governance is. With any book-entry asset, a key issue is how to maintain integrity of the ledger in which ownership, and ownership changes, are recorded. In the case of Bitcoin, there is no official ledger, and, in fact, nobody has any responsibility to keep any ledger at all. Should they wish to do so, anyone can, at any time, start or stop keeping a ledger, and anyone is free to put forward any version of the ledger they like.
Bitcoin's amorphous ledger is not necessarily immutable.
>Then how do we know who legally owns what? That’s old-fashioned thinking.
Key word "legally". Ownership in bitcoin is not like recording a deed with the county or confirming your bank balance. Faust now explains how ownership comes from consensus:
>What stands in for a conventional notion of ownership arises from the following process: take all the things that are being put forward as the ledger at the current moment and apply a set of consensus rules to determine if a consensus exists. If so, we take this as truth, but only as truth of the moment. This snapshot of reality prevails unless and until some other consensus arises. No rule or principle keeps a very different consensus from emerging at any point in the future. In one consensus, you bought some Bitcoin this morning and sold them this afternoon, but in a subsequent consensus, perhaps you never owned them at all.
It is the ability to establish consensus that is the critical factor to determine ownership in bitcoin.
>(Warning: there is a lot of nonsense on the web about irreversible and instant transactions in Bitcoin. A careful reading makes clear that no transaction is ever final. This will become a clearer below, where we dig deeper into Bitcoin.)
WARNING: ignore the critical element of establishing consensus at your peril.
>Even without getting into any further details, it should be clear that the rules for determining consensus are critically important to this system.
Driving home the importance of consensus again. Now that I'm getting to know his style, this seems quite blatant for Faust.
>Nothing, however, about the choice of rules is clear. Nobody controls the consensus rules, and anyone can propose new consensus rules at any time.
The system is precarious. We better choose consensus rules wisely.
>Finally, nobody can enforce the application of any set of rules.
The fed (and no other central authority/government) will be enforcing these rules. (You) better get it right.
>The consensus rules prevailing at any time are simply the rules being used by a sufficiently large share[1] of those who happen to be choosing to apply consensus rules.
It is incumbent upon miners to choose the right consensus algorithms and users to use the coins that those miners support if we want accurate ledgers via a decentralized system.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2682219>>2682238 >>2682265 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>2685151 >>3054841
(Part 2 of x)
>This is an accurate description of Bitcoin governance, but it is intentionally written to highlight the profoundly formless nature of the governance. Let me give a hint as to the possible magic---that is, a hint as to why the ants might work together to pull the train.
I'm going to now tell you what to watch out for in building this still precarious structure.
>Suppose that the consensus rules create an incentive for a lot of folks to keep what we might call an honest ledger.
Suppose bitcoin can do exactly what we want…
>So long as the incentive of crooks to abuse the system are vastly overwhelmed by the incentives of honest players to keep honest ledgers, then honesty will more or less spontaneously emerge from this amorphous system.
Incentives for honesty are critical. CSW talks about this all the time.
>So this might work if we get the incentives right between the forces of good and evil.
"Good vs Evil is real." -Q
>There are two problems with this approach. First, an essential part of getting the incentives right involves imposing gratuitous inefficiency in the system.
See above (and again below) how this inefficiency is necessary for decentralization. I believe this is classic Faust appearing to contradict himself, when he is actually saying "here is something people will say is a problem, which I have already showed is necessary/not a problem.
>Second, even ignoring the inefficiency,
Ignore any arguments about inefficiency.
>nobody has put forth a comprehensive argument that Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies get the incentives right so that honesty reliably prevails.
Think "Proofs necessary?"
We don't have the conensus algorithm perfectly figured out. CSW believes it is figured out via the original vision of Satoshi. There is still much debate about this. The bottom line is that we need to figure this out to make bitcoin work.
>It is difficult to imagine any solution to this problem except the one Satoshi Nakamoto engineered into the blockchain ledger: ledgers must be costly to create.
Kek again. Driving home the importance of inefficiency (i.e. proof of work)
>It should be obvious how this helps: if you make it sufficiently costly to propose any ledger, fraudulent or not, you’ll sharply reduce how many are proposed.
It should be obvious that I'm saying that this so-called inefficiency is critical to decentralization.
(continued below…)
>Let me repeat for emphasis: the key to honesty prevailing is dissuading folks from creating bogus ledgers by making ledgers costly to create.
Listen up patriots: incentivizing honesty is the only way this system will work.
>Remember that this waste supports only 200,000 transactions a day, a tiny fraction of the millions handled by conventional payments networks daily. And in conventional networks, the marginal cost of an additional transaction is near zero, but with Bitcoin, the marginal wasted energy for additional transaction must remain high. More transactions must mean proportionally more waste if the system is to deter the creation of fake transactions.
If we're going to scale bitcoin, it will take a massive amount of resources. This "waste" is what will be necessary to secure the system.
Think onchain scaling (bitcoin cash, waste, massive recources required) vs. off-chain (bitcoin BTC, lends to centralization, not secure)
Satoshi himself said that bitcoin when scaled will end up being ran in massive industrial server farms.
>I’m not asking you to trust me on all this: I’m only trying to spell out what the Bitcoin documentation means when it says that, unless you want radically decentralized governance, there are far more efficient systems.
Or put in another way: if you want radically decentralized governance, there is no more efficient system than bitcoin
>We noted above that some folks claim that Bitcoin transactions are irreversible, but, in fact, no transaction is ever final in this system.
>There are deep discussions underway about how to maintain integrity with less waste, but almost all of those involve abandoning substantial aspects of the amorphous governance that gave rise to the waste in the first place.
Be very careful about trying to make the system more efficient.
>What governance benefits do we buy with inefficiency?
>You don’t have to be at a Trump rally to find people who see a few flaws in conventional government.
>Thus, the idea of currency without government has some appeal.
More kek
▶ 701505 (89) No.2682238>>2682247 >>2683959 >>2684011 >>2684037 >>2685151 >>3054841 >>3154169
(part 3 of x)
>Let’s accept that you can have currency without government; you still cannot have currency without governance.
Critical distinction often missed by those who say that systems without government coercion cannot work.
>So is amorphous governance better than what we have? Enough better to warrant the cost?
>This is the ridiculous part of the Bitcoin model. Defenders essentially claim to have created the holy grail of political economy, a system in which folks with diverse interests reliably reach consensus on a just and fair outcome with no central authority.
Wouldn't that be nice?
>The key, say the defenders, is game theory: "Possession of Bitcoin is not enforced by business rules and policy, but cryptography and game theory." -[Bitcoin Wiki] Bitcoin discussions are full of statements like this, and read like bad freshman essays. Game theory could help us establish that the decentralized consensus process will reliably pick an honest outcome. The trouble is that nobody has actually done the relevant game theory.
"Proofs are important." -Q
>Indeed, completing such a theory would be a game theory advance akin to what general relativity was in physics.
Einstein figured out relativity. Who will figure out the game theory of bitcoin/decentralized currency?
From wikipedia: "General relativity explains the law of gravitation and its relation to other forces of nature."
I'll leave that to wiser anons to translate that to bitcoin and forces of nature/man.
>Satoshi Nakamoto essentially put forward a conjecture that this would work, but nobody has even attempted to comprehensively analyze the incentives of the multitude of parties involved in order to establish conditions under which honest ledgers will very reliably float to the surface in the consensus process.Because this is a fast moving area, I won’t claim to be on top of it, but there are a couple of deep flaws I see in current analysis.
Satoshi gave us a brilliant start, but have we built a map forward?
>This is a problem at many levels. An immense share of disagreements in the economy arise not because one party does something everyone (even the offender) agrees is illegitimate, but because various parties disagree on what should be accepted as legitimate. There is no process for orderly resolution of such disputes in Bitcoin. This problem is precisely what is behind the debates that have arisen over hard forks, which have roiled the valuation of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
If we are to have a legitimate system, we must agree on the definition of legitimate?
>But the problem is deeper. Since there is no standard of illegitimate consensus building that we could simply make illegal, the only way to forestall these unsavory types of consensus building is to be sure that the resource cost doing them exceeds the expected benefits.
If we can agree what defines legitimate we must then incentivize the system (consensus algorithm) towards that definition.
>Analysis of these tradeoffs in the cryptocurrency literature, however, seems to be based on the naïve view that the potential benefits from shenanigans are bounded by the value of the Bitcoins that might be stolen.
People always focus on how to avoid a 51% attack, that is the ability to create a false conensus and rewrite the ledger for the benefit of the attacker. That is not the really big problem here.
>In a world of derivative securities, the value of the coin stock has little to do with the possible benefit to, say, temporarily deflecting the value of the Bitcoin.
The banking complex can manipulate the price of bitcoin with derivative securities. (They are probably already doing this with futures added in 2017)
>This is basically why Warren Buffett called derivatives financial weapons of mass destruction. The value that changes hands due to a deflection in the value of Bitcoin is bounded only by the size of the bets that have been placed, and has no natural bound. (If we didn’t know this before the financial crisis, we learned it from the credit default swap market during the crisis…
Watch The Big Short if you haven't.
>Of course, laws about illegitimate market manipulation might, in principle, come into play to keep this from happening. Of course, laws about illegitimate market manipulation might, in principle, come into play to keep this from happening.
This would work if they followed their own rules.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2682247>>2684011 >>2684037 >>2685151 >>3054841
(part 4 of 4)
>More ominously still, if Bitcoin became a centerpiece of the payments system, there would be immense externalities arising from the continued health of the system---Bitcoin would become too big to fail. The political benefits to an evil group or state actor from disrupting the system—perhaps bringing down the economy—might far exceed the value of the coin stock.
This is very similar to what happened with the incentives of banks to buyoff blockstream, co-opt the development team, and try to create a banking 2.0 by removing the critical aforementioned of on-chain PoW scaling.
>In short, everyone agrees that the integrity of Bitcoin rests in a game-theoretic calculation of costs and benefits of shenanigans. But nobody has even figured out the relevant calculation, let alone performed it.
He goes on to talk about predictions for the future:
>Cryptocurrencies as currently understood must have a far higher marginal cost per transaction than conventional payments networks.
"as currently understood" not as they have to be.
>Thus, unless folks strongly prefer unproven, slow, and inefficient transactions, other approaches will win out in the market.
Unless people prefer [decentralization], [centralized] approaches will win out in the market.
>Put more positively, if some cryptocurrency flourishes it will flourish within a fairly conventional governance structure.
Think structure.
Think Powell's statement on not changing the current structure lightly.
>So why the hype? I took a shot at that question in a previous post on crypto-collectibles. The bottom line of that post is a prediction that Bitcoin could continue to have value as a crypto collectible, and---like pet rocks—Bitcoin might even outperform conventional collectibles such as coal, oil, and nickel.
Faust is careful to disclaim any bright future for bitcoin. But he does suggest that it might outperform typical industrial commodities or collectibles. Many collectibles have been bubbles, but others that aren't, have outpaced inflation and would certainly outpace it in any kind of long-term significant devaluation of all fiat currency.
In short, Bitcoin's inefficiency is necessary to decentralization (i.e. not the banking complex). Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. It is absolutely critical that we make sure that we keep the incentives to keep the system fair in place and that we agree on what is fair. If we can't do that, bitcoin will not work. Focus on those things and build the proofs and if you're careful, it might work.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2682265
>(continued below…)
sorry ignore that on post 2 of 4. I was having trouble breaking it down into posts. I hope you find that wall of text as interesting to read as it was to write.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2682673>>2684879 >>2685151
I see we are attracting some shills here. I appreciate that they're letting us know we're on the right track. I will not be engaging with them but will simply ignore and filter as I'm sure other anons have learned to do via main breads. Good to know we're on target!
▶ c4b032 (3) No.2683959
>>2259407 :: Letterfag gives theory on Cabal attack on crypto and a future without money, think j+U.
>>2260304 :: Q & FED. Find and build the "structure."
>>2365980 :: Are You A DEBT SLAVE? Anon's large Q style post on the reality of our situation.
>>2366530 :: Anon digs on Q's previous drops re: Money/FED
>>2391183 :: Bannon on crypto, a video.
>>2382758 >>2388235 >>2388444 >>2398952 >>2512026 >>2600417 :: Q, CSW, "Structure", and Bitcoin connections.
>>2402902 >>2520727 >>2527461 >>2526332 >>2602866 :: 3301, Phoenix, The Bible, The Plan to Save the World, Covfefe,
>>2477178 >>2602247 >>2650305 >>2650351 >>2650861 >>2651168 :: Cabal symbolism in crypto
>>2492078 :: The takeover of Bitcoin by Bilderberg, FED, and Mastercard
>>2511855 >>2512431 >>2512462 >>2521142 :: On Bonds, Dollars, and the stock market. Be careful what you hold.
>>2573675 >>2573686 >>2573697 :: IRON EAGLE, the story of the FED vs Crypto vs Gold.
>>2636339 :: Dr. Wright predictive programming in past media.
>>2605261 >>2680264 >>2681731 :: Money as an illusion and a possible future system without it.
>>2650464 >>2660545 >>2668777 :: 9/11, 444, The Great Awakening, CSW's Twitter account, and Bitcoin.
>>2613838 >>2635108 >>2645805 >>2650835 >>2655671 >>2658642 >>2660816 :: Digs on Q>>Fed>>Powell>>Faust>>Bitcoin.
>>2661057 >>2673366 >>2682208 >>2682219 >>2682238 >>2682247 :: Digs on Q>>Fed>>Powell>>Faust>>Bitcoin part 2, "the loop is starting to complete."
▶ c4b032 (3) No.2684011
Notables Retry
Double space between post numbers edition
>>>2259407 :: Letterfag gives theory on Cabal attack on crypto and a future without money, think j+U.
>>>2260304 :: Q & FED. Find and build the "structure."
>>>2365980 :: Are You A DEBT SLAVE? Anon's large Q style post on the reality of our situation.
>>>2366530 :: Anon digs on Q's previous drops re: Money/FED
>>>2391183 :: Bannon on crypto, a video.
>>>2382758 >>2388235 >>2388444 >>2398952 >>2512026 >>2600417 :: Q, CSW, "Structure", and Bitcoin connections.
>>>2402902 >>2520727 >>2527461 >>2526332 >>2602866 :: 3301, Phoenix, The Bible, The Plan to Save the World, Covfefe,
>>>2477178 >>2602247 >>2650305 >>2650351 >>2650861 >>2651168 :: Cabal symbolism in crypto
>>>2492078 :: The takeover of Bitcoin by Bilderberg, FED, and Mastercard
>>>2511855 >>2512431 >>2512462 >>2521142 :: On Bonds, Dollars, and the stock market. Be careful what you hold.
>>>2573675 >>2573686 >>2573697 :: IRON EAGLE, the story of the FED vs Crypto vs Gold.
>>>2636339 :: Dr. Wright predictive programming in past media.
>>>2605261 >>2680264 >>2681731 :: Money as an illusion and a possible future system without it.
>>>2650464 >>2660545 >>2668777 :: 9/11, 444, The Great Awakening, CSW's Twitter account, and Bitcoin.
>>>2613838 >>2635108 >>2645805 >>2650835 >>2655671 >>2658642 >>2660816 :: Digs on Q>>Fed>>Powell>>Faust>>Bitcoin.
>>>2661057 >>2673366 >>2682208 >>2682219 >>2682238 >>2682247 :: Digs on Q>>Fed>>Powell>>Faust>>Bitcoin part 2, "the loop is starting to complete."
▶ c4b032 (3) No.2684037>>2685273 >>2705613 >>2712769 >>2856320 >>2872165
Notables final try before seppuku edition
Respect for bakers increasing
>>2259407 :: Letterfag gives theory on Cabal attack on crypto and a future without money, think j+U.
>>2260304 :: Q & FED. Find and build the "structure."
>>2365980 :: Are You A DEBT SLAVE? Anon's large Q style post on the reality of our situation.
>>2366530 :: Anon digs on Q's previous drops re: Money/FED
>>2391183 :: Bannon on crypto, a video.
>>2382758 >>2388235 >>2388444 >>2398952 >>2512026 >>2600417 :: Q, CSW, "Structure", and Bitcoin connections.
>>2402902 >>2520727 >>2527461 >>2526332 >>2602866 :: 3301, Phoenix, The Bible, The Plan to Save the World, Covfefe,
>>2477178 >>2602247 >>2650305 >>2650351 >>2650861 >>2651168 :: Cabal symbolism in crypto
>>2492078 :: The takeover of Bitcoin by Bilderberg, FED, and Mastercard
>>2511855 >>2512431 >>2512462 >>2521142 :: On Bonds, Dollars, and the stock market. Be careful what you hold.
>>2573675 >>2573686 >>2573697 :: IRON EAGLE, the story of the FED vs Crypto vs Gold.
>>2636339 :: Dr. Wright predictive programming in past media.
>>2605261 >>2680264 >>2681731 :: Money as an illusion and a possible future system without it.
>>2650464 >>2660545 >>2668777 :: 9/11, 444, The Great Awakening, CSW's Twitter account, and Bitcoin.
>>2613838 >>2635108 >>2645805 >>2650835 >>2655671 >>2658642 >>2660816 :: Digs on Q>>Fed>>Powell>>Faust>>Bitcoin.
>>2661057 >>2673366 >>2682208 >>2682219 >>2682238 >>2682247 :: Digs on Q>>Fed>>Powell>>Faust>>Bitcoin part 2, "the loop is starting to complete."
▶ 618b7d (21) No.2684484
This shit is dumb as fuck. Doesn't even show an understanding of the technology of blockchain or what back office scaling means. DUMB AS FUCK.
This totally misses who the people invested in Bitcoin are. This is just a shill ploy.
Notable my ass.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2684879
Great case of insane logic
If someone shows me where I am wrong, that is a sure sign I am right?
Maybe one of the reason no one takes crackpots like you seriously.
When do you expect Trump to have you come in and take over the world's financial system since your theories are so superior and perfect.
That sounds line the same logic used by Lenin and Mao.
We ill all sit back and laugh as the professional money manipulators take all your money. Notice the instability of the crypto market?
Wonder why that is?
Somebody keeps riding the elevator to the top then steps out of the car before is crashes.
That would be a clue to rational thinking people but you are living in a 1928 bubble
Sadly, you are not to big to fail.
▶ 9aecf6 (3) No.2684971>>2685005 >>2685076 >>2685273
Personal opinion only. Most banks buying shorts on silver and gold right now. Jpmc ducked out, they shorted the market for the past 10 years (bear Stearns immunity) and have pulled out of the shorts. Especially in silver. Ratio is 80.1 current, actual physical is 4.5:1 mine rate 5:1, last gov set 15:1. Expect the silver run to drive the ratio along with gold. This will be the first stage. Turmoil in the markets and derivative malfeasance will escalate. Paper market will scatter with the mining output and that is a 512:1 on silver and 213:1 on gold. Remember those numbers. Either post midT potus will move or foreign powers will move to no fiat bimetallic backed. 8250 metric tons us = 300Mio oz gold. Gdp = 80T x 126% to equal broad $125T. Looking @ 125k per oz. Silver valued at 5k to 20k depending on the ratio. Check it against paper ratio. Also take GWP vs total gold. Roughly 126 T broad $ vs 1 Bio oz. We have it all, few will discern
▶ 9aecf6 (3) No.2685005>>2685273
Fd my math. Drunkfag….us is 20T x 126% @ 25 T vs 300m. Global is 126 T x 1 Bio
▶ 9aecf6 (3) No.2685076>>2685273
Totally forgot to add. Jpmc has acquired 750Mio oz of silver since the BS take over. Amassed from BS, Slvr, and skimming the comex warehouses. If you see Giancarlo go after dimon and co or cme group. The tells are there.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2685151>>2688831 >>2698274 >>2698406 >>3054841
Yes, both the initial post and your analysis of it were very interesting, sobering, and important to understand if someone is a fan of Bitcoin and thinks it might have a real future.
It seems there are a few key takeaways:
1. Bitcoin will only have a future and be worthwhile if The People choose to have a decentralized form of money. The rise of Trump and his movement shows that The People may indeed choose this route.
2. Bitcoin is inefficient compared to centralized systems, and it is this cost and inefficiency (POW) that make it secure. The cost of mining is necessary and is a direct metaphor for the cost of freedom.
3. Bitcoin is still young, and people need to get serious about it now to prove that it actually works as intended, and that consensus can be reached honestly and accurately in all cases.
A lot has to go right for it to succeed, and a lot can easily go wrong that might cause it to fail.
>The Quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little, and it will fail, to the ruin of all. Yet hope remains while the Company is true.
The article is not outright dismissive, and it is not naive either. More interestingly, after reading your breakdown, it seems like the kind of … it almost seems like due diligence. Like something that someone would do in preparation for a move of some sort.
He also wrote another earlier article on Bitcoin that he briefly talks about at the end of this one. I'll give that one a read tomorrow and see if there's anything in it that can be used to add to our conversation.
>The Big Short
Haven't seen it yet. Will check it out.
Since we're operating on the very edge of reality and what is believable, sometimes it is hard to pick out the real posts from the disinfo.
But that is a good point to me and all others reading: stay frosty!
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2685273>>2686660
There are some interesting posts near the top of the bread that I would have completely missed if the notables weren't collected.
The post about Meltdown/Spectra seems worth looking over and digging on. Hints at a future without money too.
Why do you think banks are buying shorts if the price of metals is predicted to go much higher over time?
▶ 06ac7f (2) No.2686660>>2686673 >>2712454
need to look into desudesutalk
its gonna get impossible to have a discussion in english i bet someday
going back to glyphs
▶ 06ac7f (2) No.2686673
lain feeds the ravens ya know
▶ 24b577 (1) No.2687829>>2688221
>>2221598 (OP)
Debt jubilee.
Bi-metallic standard of silver and gold.
Set silver price at $1000/oz.
Gold at $50,000/oz.
These prices may seem way high, but when you consider all the asset markets like real estate and stocks piled atop the currency, I think it'll be less painful in the end to go this route.
Ban future implementation of fractional reserve banking.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2688221>>2689580 >>2698387 >>2712454 >>3054841 >>3267576 >>3312715
While I agree the comex game for the last several decades has certainly capped the pm's rise, all you need to look at is the insane amount of paper thrown at it daily. I do believe that simply shifting to a gold/silver backed system has some downside too.
Whether you believe the stat that less than 1% of investors or the retail public own PM's is open to discuss. I think it is higher due to the last bubble popping in 2008. Many people piled into physical starting in fall '08. In silver's case is was much more affordable. That had the effect of taking gold along for the ride. During and including the run to $50 plenty of monster boxes were purchased. On the way back down some of that was liquidated due to the scheme to drive it down with billions of oz's of paper…thanks Bart!! (how does he even have a tv show let alone any sort of ratings??) I digress…
In short order we had a period of time where many more investors were faced with a choice…perceived wealth protection (that is another argument altogether) or HODL (whatever assets you have not including hard).
I have to think that many metals purchases were basically kept as an insurance policy. The numbers do not lie regarding paper vs. actuals on the "blowmex".
Switching to a gold/silver standard may risk creating yet another inequality of wealth distribution as whomever was racking and stacking suddenly, almost overnight, could potentially be the new 1%. Do we risk allowing our system to be re-set (totally agree it needs to be done) and peg it to another group of people who 'control' the underlying asset?
JPM had ZERO phys silver until 2011. They acquired a vault license in record setting time. Usually that process takes at least a year to properly apply and be granted a license to store it on premise. They were allowed to do all of it in less than 6 months. They have used the time between acquiring a vault and now to amass the largest physical above ground position ever. At least that is what the numbers tell.
I have to think that JPM does not do that unless an end-game is near. I have posited the system is being reset by stealth. Many procedural things have already indicated a massive change in money creation and mgmt is just beyond the horizon.
JPM's "Blythe and Jamie" show is what killed off actual price discovery on the same Sunday evening that we "got" OBL. It was also the crescendo of Hussein's birth certificate drama.
I have to think the plan is to scoop up any existing assets as part of a nationalization of the banking system. IMO this was done in 2008 however the appearance of a normal functional system is allowed to continue.
Since Ft. Knox was looted most likely in the late 80's it would seem rather "easy" to take over JPM's physical position. Goldman has a similar setup however to my knowledge it is nowhere near the size of JPM. Again most of these numbers are from a very suspect COT, COMEX and LBMA. We can only work with what we are given.
Unless that (complete takeover) is done I fear we will be doomed to repeat this situation again if we just up and decide to create a new 1% virtually overnight.
What do you think?
BTW this does sound simplistic but rest assured it is with several decades of experience. Coffee only for a few minutes!
What do you think?
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2688831>>2689933 >>2698327 >>2698406 >>3054841
Oh and a few more thoughts that came to me after having a chance to sleep on things.
Keeping in mind that this article was written post-Blockstream hijack, and post-hardfork:
Faust hinted at the idea that it might ironically require a centralized government to save or protect something amorphous like Bitcoin. He then does state that there is no real legal framework around it, no path forward for something like that to occur. Maybe one needs to be made? Or maybe that's the wrong way to do things and all the proper incentives should be built in to the system?
Then he brings up the idea of Bitcoin becoming too big too fail if it is ever taken up in a serious manner that we talked about. But perhaps until that point comes, Bitcoin will always be in a state where it is too small to succeed. The cost of attacking Bitcoin right now is very cheap compared to what some people might lose if it is successful. And this was fine while Bitcoin was in stealth mode, but now that it is posing a very real threat, this idea of it being "too small to succeed" is starting to have some relevance. New types of attacks every day.
On that note we get back to the idea of Good v. Evil. As long as you are willing to believe that there is more G than E in the world, then you might believe that something like Bitcoin is possible, and that it will work - but it's not guaranteed. Even if there is less Evil, by it's very nature it will have considerable power that Good will have to overcome in order to put forward a system like Bitcoin, with all its naivete, into the world.
One thing that seems to follow from that thought is this: without the success of 'The Storm', Bitcoin would have a very stunted future.
▶ 7302d5 (1) No.2689580>>2712454
Just adding this:
1. US Government and JP Morgan collaborate on insulating the damage posed by collapse of Bear Stearns, including enormous short positions on books for silver.
2. 10 year immunity is negotiated with CFTC for it to be able to handle this silver short position.
3. Consistently profits from short-selling silver whilst accumulating huge stockpile of physical silver.
▶ ba157a (2) No.2689736>>2712599 >>3054841
I made a list of all the different investment options that are available to most people currently. The list is then divided into those that have counter party risk and those that don't. I believe that the massive storm that is going to hit politics and entertainment will also make it to the monetary policy and wall st worlds. It would be smart to avoid all assets that currently have counter party risk since they won't survive the unwinding of debt based financial instruments that an event like this storm will bring. Get your assets into things that will survive and have some form of value that is not simply an entry in a bank's computer system.
Has counter-party risk:
Checking accounts
Savings accounts
Money markets
Corporate bonds
Municipal bonds
Gov't bonds
Mutual funds
Private equity
No counter party risk:
Paper cash (still risk of devaluation)
Precious metals (physical, in your possession)
Cryptocurrencies (held outside of exchange)
Real estate
Businesses (brick and mortar)
▶ ba157a (2) No.2689933>>2691167 >>2698351 >>2712599 >>2713398 >>3054841
Cryptocurrencies are going to help us rebuild after the storm. Q has been telling us since the beginning that this is bigger than we can imagine. Those 45k indictments probably have some of the most powerful and richest people in the world. I believe this things goes all the way to the federal reserve and our debt-based money system. It was rigged in their favor all along and gave them unlimited power over the rest of us. If they all go down, their rigged system will go down with it. People simply won't trust it. Blockchain is designed to trust math as opposed to centralized organizations and people. The world is going to be DEMANDING a form of exchange that is not rigged by the deep state. Crypto's are going to fill that need perfectly. Once the world wakes up to what is really going on in gov't and money, the scale and speed of adoption will be similar to electricity or the internet.
▶ 6ca1d6 (1) No.2691167>>2698335 >>2712769 >>3054841
Considering the NSA scooped up everything on everyone, they've got to know who Satoshi Nakamoto is…if not some unit in the NSA itself. I really can't see a smooth transition unless they control Satoshi's coins…
There's got to be a deal with the top Bitcoin holders to cap them at a certain wealth level in exchange for becoming players in the bigger game of how to successfully disrupt the system without destroying it or creating uber-wealthy individuals.
Not against profit by any means, but there is a trade-off to be considered if being a trillionaire comes at the cost of destroying the system and the people that sustain you. Some scheme of securing the hoard could be advanced which then becomes the backing of the USD or some universal currency.
What's missing is the middle office of service providers and a blindingly easy user interface. If Bitcoin is so easy and perhaps utterly invisible to the end user, that would be the ideal situation. As Steve Jobs used to say, it just works. 2018 guys, shit should be flawless and work awesome…and with these corrupt fucks out of the way, maybe that's possible…
▶ 701505 (89) No.2698274>>2712599 >>3054841
>Bitcoin will only have a future and be worthwhile if The People choose to have a decentralized form of money. The rise of Trump and his movement shows that The People may indeed choose this route.
BOOM. This fits exactly with the spirit of The Plan. Bitcoin is an inherently voluntary system. The people must buy in for it to work.
>Bitcoin is still young, and people need to get serious about it now to prove that it actually works as intended, and that consensus can be reached honestly and accurately in all cases.
>The Quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little, and it will fail, to the ruin of all. Yet hope remains while the Company is true.
There is another split in the bitcoin (cash) community. I think it will be resolved much more quickly and without a chain split this time.
>The COST of freedom is eternal vigilance.
>The article is not outright dismissive, and it is not naive either. More interestingly, after reading your breakdown, it seems like the kind of … it almost seems like due diligence.
That makes a lot of sense. It reads as:
>This could work, but you people better do your due diligence as it could easily not.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2698327>>2698628 >>2712747 >>3054841
>Faust hinted at the idea that it might ironically require a centralized government to save or protect something amorphous like Bitcoin. He then does state that there is no real legal framework around it, no path forward for something like that to occur. Maybe one needs to be made?
Good catch. I think that very well may be necessary. He also hinted that some of the manipulation involved may be illegal, but good luck getting those laws enforced with the corruption inside the banking/regulation complex.
Very similar to the internet bill of rights. Maybe we need a monetary bill of rights.?
>New types of attacks every day.
Eternal vigilance necessary.
>One thing that seems to follow from that thought is this: without the success of 'The Storm', Bitcoin would have a very stunted future.
Yes, and with how well thought out and prepared the Plan was/is, there is no way they haven't considered how to deal with the Fed/dollar. They want to return power to the people (1:21 during Trumps inauguration speech), and that can't be done without dealing with this monstrosity.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2698335>>2712769 >>3054841
>Considering the NSA scooped up everything on everyone, they've got to know who Satoshi Nakamoto is…if not some unit in the NSA itself. I really can't see a smooth transition unless they control Satoshi's coins…
Freakin' great point anon. White hats at work?
▶ 701505 (89) No.2698351>>2712454
Great synopsis of how this fits into the plan.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2698387>>2712454 >>3267576
Great synopsis of the gold/silver standard situation and the potential to create a new elite with such a standard. Thanks anon.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2698406>>2699803 >>2712454
I think these should also go as notables for the Faust = /ourguy/? breakdown
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2698628
But there is no reason to think Bitcoin has any part in that, as long as there are things like gold that the financial world is comfortable with
Bitcoin is a niche item and couldn't be used as a "currency".
▶ 5d86ce (1) No.2698782>>2699796
Hit n run post:
>The largest resource WW is the people.
The only 'resource' people can offer (versus incoming automation) is 'processing power' (which was the original script idea for the Matrix, jus' sayin').
Sheer numbers don't mean anything unless people are able to do something productively and consistently. They can't use threat of action unless they're willing to act, and they can't 'process' data unless they're smart.
Unfortunately, a large majority have neither the willingness to act or think, which means they're either suspect to those with the biggest resources or the largest smarts.
>Payment is only an issue when you are told it is.
Payment is only an issue if service/product providers refuse to accept it, and it isn't stable (numerically) enough (IE you get pay 10 quads for work, but find bread now costs 20 quads by the time you leave).
Everything else is secondary. I get your point it is about consumer trust, though.
>What would you do with a million dollars ?
Assuming it's already been taxed.
Immediately do extensive research on how best to invest it.
Highlight a diversity of perceived options, split the money between those options. Naturally there's no 'I-win' scenario.
I'd prefer a 'low-flying' strat: invest small in a large number of start-ups, on the assumption at least one will succeed and bring with it sufficient returns.
I would be stonewalled by the fact my investing strategy has to be as moral as reasonably as possible.
However, I do have the ability to invent a broad array of devices, ideas, inventions that I haven't been able to bring into fruition due to inability to finance.
I even know how to help re-stablise the powergrid (presently power usage is *very uneven* and thus *inefficient*), hypothetically save people about a 1/3rd off their bill, but would need a lot of R&D upfront, electrical expertise.
Doesn't even require renewables. Compatible with the pre-existing energy grid.
Got plenty more ideas like that I could hypothetically invest in.
Maybe write a hypothetical proposal to Elon Musk? Always a risk it might get stolen as an idea.
If he's not careful, his car business could go tits up, so he might be open to new ideas.
Regardless: it would also benefit cryptocurrencies.
▶ b525c1 (1) No.2698917
Original twitter handle included Q+++
Dr Craig Wright
Bitcoin Foundation
Clinton Foundation Member - Brock Pierce - Funder of EOS
Dr Craig S Wright
Verified account
Jul 15
Percieved. Note this word.
Bitcoin is not anonymous, it is pseudonymous. With reason.
No anonymous system will survive. Cash in paper form is even not anonymous.
But some will not learn.
Dr Craig S Wright
Verified account
Jul 22
Now we start to show what we have been building.
On our terms.
In our way.
You see, we don't need your investment, nor your advice.
For we are #Bitcoin and we are many #BCH
To some. We are your WORST nightmare and the dream is only starting
Dr Craig S Wright
Verified account
Follow Follow @ProfFaustus
The future of #Bitcoin is cash #bch
There is only one Internet
There will be one base currency.
There can be only one!
End of tweets
Sounds a little bit crazy
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2699796
So if you had that million I note you wouldn't start up a company, but would provide money to "smart, creative people"
You seem to have some opinions of the power grid., so you must work in the industry?
Not likely, since you think it is "inefficient" and "power usage is uneven"
You must have some extraordinary skills to make that assessment, when the industry hasn't already done it.
I am glad to see you wouldn't invest in anything "immoral". That certainly limits your options'
Everything I see indicates you are a talker but not a doer. Someone who pontificated as if the have great wisdom, but the "content" doesn't support the "attitude"
I am less than impressed
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2699803
What is the connection to qresearch that makes it notable
▶ ba3149 (4) No.2700264>>2701051 >>2765809
Bitcoin BTC decentralised, trustless, verifiable programmable cartel-free inflation-free tax-free MONEY!!
▶ ba3149 (4) No.2700268>>2871209
yes BCH is an attempt to ruin Bitcoin by centralising nodes into server farms. Just like XRP, ETH, S2X now BCH, it's all just another takeover attempt.
▶ 167815 (2) No.2700561>>2712907 >>2871124 >>3054841
OK anons, there is a new fb and mewe page highjacking Q. They seem to be foreign from the errors I'm seeing. Notice the WWG1WAG They are using the graphics/videos from A Storm is Upon Us as their own and there are around 500 subs with approx similar amount of comments. Seems odd. Many of the posts seem to be redirects to Paytriot sites. It does seem to be a rather new account, with many odd names as commentors. If more skilled and brilliant anons have opinons please share.
https:// www.facebook.com/pg/qanon.gesara/posts/?ref=page_internal
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2701051>>2713320
We do not know the original intention of bitcoin. Was it the cabal's attempt to push us into the cashless society? Was it a white hat program to stall that original plan? All crypto's are suspect in their present form. ALL OF THEM. Until we get to a point where we have verifiable proof that one is better or worse than the other I will remain a spectator.
This is a simplistic stance however you cannot build trust in a payment device if something as simple as a power outage prevents you from completing a transaction with it.
This is the reality that many would see going forward as it's awfully hard to explain a revolutionary new payment system to someone who has ZERO idea about 'digital' anything when all they need to do to stop it cold is turn the power off.
I certainly am not suspect of crypto's because of that argument…but it is a relevant one.
Block chain is the way forward as a verification process for almost everything we are fighting against. Media, Politicians, Bankers, Environmental issues, etc. The blockchain has so many applications as just a verification tool. Think about that. Currency aside, we are standing at a point in time where a relatively benign set of code could be the key to unlock and provide a level of trust and security unheard of in our lifetime(s). We already have it. Certainly has flaws but just a simple application of blockchain say into supply chain mgmt and an inventory control system could absolutely change the game overnight. Already seeing some of this occur.
I caution that people jump onto the bitcoin wagon for a single-minded application, namely our fiat currency problem.
If we just adopt bitcoin in it's present form we all will be here in less than 10 years time doing this again. No one wants that.
Joe Sixpack is never going to trust a purchasing vehicle that can be neutralized by a power failure. Pragmatism….my friends…nothing but being pragmatic.
▶ 167815 (2) No.2701234>>2712907
https:// ayemmo.wordpress.com/2010/04/29/the-green-hilton-agreement-geneva-1963/
▶ 41ecee (1) No.2701777
seems like relevant information among the trolls on bitcointalk, hopefully helpful?
▶ ac5970 (24) No.2703020>>2712907 >>3122872 >>3265842
Listen to me.
]u.sam[ 'We want You, to be apart of the New Leaders of the Free World.'
Benevolence is the only way forward.
Probability Point Emerged.
SDR (imf) Loses.
We ]w.hats[ win.
Late October, after Golden State Quakes.
Enter Crypto.
▶ 6ef775 (1) No.2705467
I didn't know where to put this thought so in the money thread it goes
Natural Resources should not belong to a private entity. If it is from the land of America and is sold the money should be given to all of its people. People who work in these industries should earn fair wages and the profits should be divided with those who inhabit our beautiful land. If companies or other countries need those resources they pay like anyone else would to WE THE PEOPLE. The cabal or whatever you want to call them has been doing this with the living soul resources for a long time. Sucking us dry by selling and trading with our Ens Legis but that is a whole different problem that needs working on. The easiest way out of this mess is just to say NO MORE and refuse to play their game. There are a hell of alot more of us than there are of them. If we all just stop PAYING for their game of fraud against us what can they do? NOTHING.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2705613
▶ 2494d0 (1) No.2705810>>2706320 >>2732435
Study history more. The earliest records we have show that credit systems were being used NOT barter.
▶ e825f2 (2) No.2706225>>2713103
Gold/ silver /copper
That's the honestly what money should be.
Credit cards and bank accounts are like crypto only as good as the people that in charge of it. Always a loop that (((They ))) would think of.
Honest people working everyday wouldn't
See that the rich have off shore accounts properties in other countries and of course duel citizenship or know someone
The Who's John galt book and it's author had it correct it starts off as a great idea but only as great as the people in charge.
Checks and balances put in place would be better if term limits and very public compliance.
No monopolies of media - limit donations amounts and make all donations available.
Term limits for Congress
Unions are like Congress they need weeding.
Make the Rich bring money back to US banks or deport and cease property and assets and companies anything to put money back in the Federal reserve.
Whomever embesseled we need to take back what was taken.
Crypto is just another way that elite could get money back after / before we all find out for sure.
Barter system and gold/silver/ copper as money if the ship goes down. Who will have accept crypto from desperate people in need that have not way to check it?
▶ e825f2 (2) No.2706320
Ya those histories who was it good for ?
Credit system is not good in the long run for many. Interest and terms and who's the muscle to get it back and what happens when you have a bad crop?
It works only when good people run it ?
+ think about how the bank robbers of the wild west were written about?
+ r hood
We only have nice stories about elite class in history when people wrote about elite class
Fighting with each other or how they died
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2712454
Looked into it. Oh yes, this looks interesting.
I'll play around with it and see if it comes in handy.
>lain feeds the ravens
Great post anon.
>Switching to a gold/silver standard may risk creating yet another inequality of wealth distribution as whomever was racking and stacking suddenly, almost overnight, could potentially be the new 1%. Do we risk allowing our system to be re-set (totally agree it needs to be done) and peg it to another group of people who 'control' the underlying asset?
This argument applies to crypto as well. I'd be interested to hear how we avoid that issue on any new system that we switch to, but especially with crypto as it is a bid shadier and most people will be skeptical of it until it comes into the light. I'm sure there are ways to tell who owns what, but I have to believe that there are some potentially unsavory characters who hold large amounts of crypto, as is the case with metals like you pointed out.
>nationalization of the banking system
Seems about right. I don't know if there is any other way to balance things out again, especially after all the trickery carried out like this anon talks about: >>2689580
Got my eye on it anon.
I've got a notables batch in my text editor and I will add to it and update it in the bread at the proper intervals. Thanks for calling them out.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2712599
>I believe that the massive storm that is going to hit politics and entertainment will also make it to the monetary policy and wall st worlds.
I think so too anon. It's logical that it would.
However, I do not agree that it is going to be something that regular people will have to duck and cover from, that they would feel pain from, that would cause a panic of any sort.
Remember - Full Control.
These things (Bonds, Currencies, Debt) will probably be unwound in a timely and controlled fashion. Society will go on, things will function as normal. If anons think I am wrong, let me know why. I just can't see patriots taking actions that would bring instability to an already tense environment.
Your list is solid though. Worth checking out for people that are planning their financial futures with respect to the storm.
>Cryptocurrencies are going to help us rebuild after the storm.
>The world is going to be DEMANDING a form of exchange that is not rigged by the deep state.
Very interesting points anon.
You know that crypto in its current form cannot handle too much load - too many people using it at once.
There are some people who wish to scale as soon as possible, but they get a lot of pushback. This post is a good reminder as to why we need to get the network ready as soon as possible, and good ammunition to use against those who wish to delay. Crypto gets one chance to shine, it needs to be ready.
Speaking of scaling….
>There is another split in the bitcoin (cash) community.
Yes I noticed that. I did some reading over on r/btc to see who the players were and what the reason was for the split. I was a bit worried at first.. I don't think this is a good time for a fork at all. Would be damaging.
But then after doing more reading and a few good threads popping up I noticed:
>I think it will be resolved much more quickly and without a chain split this time.
Yeah, someone said it was going to be a hashpower war, almost a gentlemen's agreement, and that whichever chain gets the most hashpower will win and everyone else will move forward with that choice?
I hope so, I hope people honor their agreements, and I hope the right players back the right chain when the time comes. I'm thinking this might all be part of the plan or the show. We shall see.
One thing I have noticed is that pushing for scaling as fast as possible is forcing these undercover core devs to show their hands, to push for methods that stall scaling, to out themselves.
Let's see what happens, I hope you are right.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2712747>>3054841
>Very similar to the internet bill of rights. Maybe we need a monetary bill of rights.?
That sounds like a great idea.
The original Bill of Rights has proven itself to be such a solid protector of our freedoms that I think extending it (or the spirit of it) to areas like the internet and moneys is something we should really consider. This might help us future-proof the things that we are setting out to do today.
>Yes, and with how well thought out and prepared the Plan was/is, there is no way they haven't considered how to deal with the Fed/dollar. They want to return power to the people (1:21 during Trumps inauguration speech), and that can't be done without dealing with this monstrosity.
Absolutely. I wonder how much of their power comes from their control over our money system. Most of it? All of it? Without that, they will be severely weakened at any rate. And it matches up with the image Anon posted above using the pool table metaphor (reposting here for more eyes).
I wasn't able to find a version of the inauguration speech that matches the timestamp you brought up, I mention this since the 21 number came up again.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2712769
>Considering the NSA scooped up everything on everyone, they've got to know who Satoshi Nakamoto is…if not some unit in the NSA itself. I really can't see a smooth transition unless they control Satoshi's coins…
>White hats at work?
Yeah, based on what's been dropped in this thread, that seems like a very likely scenario.
Anons (especially those new to this thread) should check out the notables, specifically those under the heading "Q, CSW, Structure, and Bitcoin connections."
I'd recommend reading all the notables though. I've never seen such digs and knowledge dropped about crypto before anywhere else on the internet. Very interesting thread we have going on here right now.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2712907>>2713105
Very interesting find anon.
It almost seems legit. They are sharing all the right things, and seem to get everything right.. the tone is correct I should say.
Perhaps the errors are just there for plausible deniability's sake.
I will spend some time looking over it and see what it's all about.
Very interesting post.
I'm forced to consider it due to the syntax.
>SDR (imf)
Very interesting.
They are just creating money out of thin air for themselves, even more so than is already done here.
Had no idea about this, and it led me down a Rabbit Hole that other anons should visit:
After learning this, I hope they lose.
>after the Golden State Quakes
Kek, I'll keep an eye out for that.
I'm also forced to consider previous posts from this ID, keeping in mind that choosing already used IP's can be used for plausible deniability.
Yes indeed. The last thing I want is to be responsible for anyone else's financial decisions. All of the info I have presented in this thread should just be for anons edification. What they decide to do from there is up to them. And the timing of it as well. Risk abounds.
>going in on Bitcoin Cash together
From what I have researched, it seems like the best crypto that currently exists. If one were interesting in cryptos as a concept, and tolerant to the risks of the market, it does seem like the one to most closely keep an eye on.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2713103>>2713261 >>2714565 >>3264463
>Gold/ silver /copper
>That's the honestly what money should be.
>Not Crypto
I agree with you Anon, but I am forced to consider the other scenario just in case.
What if.
What if Crypto is better money than Gold/Silver? What if it will be more valuable than them in the future?
I entertain these questions not because I want to prove my side (I don't have one), but because I want to know what's possible. I want to know the truth.
What makes precious metals valuable?
Rarity and shininess? Do they have much utility (maybe some, but not enough to justify hoarding bars of it in huge vaults underground).
How can we transact in metals?
What makes crypto valuable?
Rarity and Digital shininess (kek)?
Right now, not much, I think.
Is Crypto fiat?
What is fiat? Fiat is money that has value because some authority says so. Or because the people agree that it does. A thing with no intrinsic value.
But can crypto change its status? Can it become intrinsically valuable?
Can it become not-fiat?
The answer to this I think is yes. If the crypto network becomes essential to the way society operates in the future (think voting, data storage, supply chains, countless other uses we haven't even dreamed of yet) then I think that crypto can become a form of non-fiat money.
The network is essential. Scale + use value. But the financial incentive is key, and the fact that we get to use valuable tokens on top of that network is the icing on the cake for us the people.
Just some things to consider..
(Keep in mind for the images I posted that Bitcoin won't actually be near Gold's value until and unless it is mid-6 figures. 1 BTC vs 1oz Gold is not a fair comparison. Also the other image with the checkmarks gets some things wrong but it should activate almonds nonetheless.)
▶ ac5970 (24) No.2713105>>2713148 >>2763137 >>2794689
A gift for you.
HIV-induced shutdown of HPA-axis.
All symptoms identical: adrenal insufficiency. Give HIV patient replacement doses of hydrocortisone, never progress to [AIDS]
▶ a43cf6 (3) No.2713214>>2713622
>>2221598 (OP)
the people behind freos claim it does not inflate, that it is inherently deflationary.
they also claim they will never track you or
what about internet currency , is it not just as useless as paper not backed by gold? the ability to simply print paper is troublesome, but what is to stop this from happening with "bitcoins" ?
and my biggest fear is that if and when currency is no longer CURRENT (in my pocket or hand) and it ALL goes digital, the potential for a chinese censorship style system of denial of services or goods, similar to the "Mark of The Beast" construct, is a real threat to liberty.
ANONS…W.Hat is the answer?
▶ a43cf6 (3) No.2713261>>2714548 >>2732489
government decides to shut down public access to internet..gov only…use our cash or dont eat?
▶ ac5970 (24) No.2713320>>2713698 >>2717336 >>2763137
Right under your nose.
Held in your hand, a simple solution.
Power outages irrelevant.
What technology did Nokia invent in 2009?
This tech was never allowed by DS.
Microsoft [NOKIA]
▶ a43cf6 (3) No.2713398
i disagree, the storm, done properly will take down the fed while simultaneously replacing all fiat money with precious metals backed silver and gold certificates issued by the treasury and printed by the Federal Government, not a private banking cabal…worry not anons, God has a plan to prosper you, how about keeping consumer interest rates at 1 or 2% for credit? how about laws against excessive maintenance fees on checking and savings accounts? how about a 7 year automatic loan forgiveness policy that does not damage your credit rating? as a matter of fact why would we need a banking cabal centralized credit score anymore?
if we can print actual metals backed currency that holds its value, forgive debts of people who fall below a specific threshold of income, we have a stronger country.
▶ 344a86 (10) No.2713622>>2714644
I personally am looking to local currency for exchange. Our farmers market issues plastic tokens which are useful at all stalls. Once purchased the tokens retain their dollar value even if used the following year. Dancing rabbit is a community that has an alternative local currency but I don't know any more about it. I anticipate the possibility of needing non-digital currency. I don't see why US coin doesn't fit the bill. If digital dollars go away people will still have coins lying around. Their value might be different however. For example a penny might pay for what a dollar buys now. I think this returns us to the value of the dollar about 100 years ago.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2713698>>2715515
Nokia was bought by softyman. Ok what technology was never allowed, invented by nokia and suppressed by softyman?
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2714208
Already starting to percolate. Can't say I agree with all offered here however it's a start.
▶ a25f99 (2) No.2714548>>2714693
▶ a25f99 (2) No.2714565
crypto is bad poopy money…no really.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2714644
Yeah but all digital makes it some much easier to control and manipulate.
Crypto coins are pretty volatile
Wonder why?
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2714693>>2715426
You can't get through to the zealots with a little reality therapy.
The will just scream you are a shill tryinng to keep them from getting rich
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2715426>>2716683
Whatever the solution is going to be I do not think it's mad max as no one wins and personally I do not want to be around in that scenario…from a different poster.
The solution will, no doubt, enrich some more than others. If what we are witnessing now is X inning of the gigantic reset should we all be worried about how we are positioned for it? Firstly, of course we should be. Natural instinct is to be. Tactics.
Hopefully many of you have made plans are busy making them.
What I am positing is the liberation of 1933 Banking Act. What this ultimately will mean for us , as a nation, is well beyond my current pay grade. What it means for OUR society, instead of the rest of the world's, has the reality of appearing very soon.
It may not matter what the people have accumulated in hard/digital assets. Obviously excluding anything paper.
Protect yourselves the way you know. No 1 person can tell you what to do.
For the mad max crowd. Certainly a possibility. I prepared for it starting in 2006 to happen soon after. It will not happen that way. Once prepping became a TV reality show did you ever think it was going to be allowed?
I certainly hope it doesn't happen this way.
Always one in the bunch who wants it that way.
▶ ac5970 (24) No.2715515>>2716334 >>2716715
DS never would allow this, then.
Fast forward 2018, they cannot stop it, now.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2716334
TY anon. Should have searched for image. Many TY's
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2716478
Alright, I finally did some digging on this post.
>Why did MS/APPLE/Cabal go to great lengths to produce chip sets with Meltdown/Spectra
Sounds like they desperately wanted access to the private keys in people's computers, or maybe to see if they could find out where the first million coins all went. This is assuming they weren't just trying to invade our privacy in general, and getting bolder about it.
>Cross reference with chipset timing.
The I3/I5/I7 chipset line started to be introduced right around the time of Bitcoin being introduced and released.
>Intel CEO sold 24 million in stock before M/S was exposed…WHY?
Trying to exit what he thought was a sinking ship?
The stock kept going up though. Was he paying someone back - a bribe unfulfilled?
"comp Bitcoin for me and I'll give you X Million dollars"
>Started pushing CP in the blockchain…Why?
After losing their M/S leverage on Bitcoin, they tried to invent a new angle of control over it.
>Sure is a lot of dancing
Sure is.
>Quantum computers (how they work… without binary/bits?)
>a future without Currency/Money possible?
Saving these questions/topics for later. Going to require another digging session.
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2716683
I don't think the "reset" will be anything like what some expect.
If it was, there would surely be a "Mad Max" effect.
Got to be a glide path to protect the good guys.
More along the lines of walking away fron the Fed, and leave them with 20T in debt they can't collect.
haven;t thought through what that does to the bond market but that if funny money held by banks and other governments mostly.
Beyond my pay grade as well but I understand enough to read tea leaves
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2716715
They would have to "leach" off other signals.
Ambient doesn't mean free floating excess/unused energy.
FCC might not allow that to happen.
Like stealing electricity by tapping into you neighbors electric feed downstream from the meter
▶ fafc0d (1) No.2717336
▶ 4c8a58 (1) No.2718366
Have you looked into the legal definition of a dollar? If not, the answer may surprise you.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2718589>>3267312
So I did a bit more digging on Cicada. Got bored.
Apparently they made their first ever post on 01/04/12 (img 1). If you sum those digits you get 17.
Plus they have a saying that goes "Beware false paths."
Very similar to "Be careful who you follow."
I can't claim they are the same groups, but they might share a connection in some way.
On another topic, I have another crypto related coincidence for this thread.
Dennis Rodman, a player in the show who helped to broker a peace deal with North Korea, was wearing a PotCoin t-shirt during his trip there for the big media story about the Trump/Kim signing (img 2).
As much of a stickler Trump/Qteam is for optics, I doubt they would have let this happen if they thought cryptos were something bad. Does that extend to marijuana as well?
Two coincidences with one stone?
Well I thought on it a bit, and I went and checked out the marijuana thread in the catalog and I found an interesting post that might apply to the crypto space (img 3). Check it out.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2724002>>2724007 >>2732391 >>2749784 >>2749792 >>3054841
Alright - I finally did an analysis of Faust's second Bitcoin article "While visions of Bitcoins danced in their heads", and I come bearing gifts.
Apologies for the delay as well. Took me longer than I thought to get to this.
The first thing to notice is that the title of the article is a direct reference to the poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" aka "The Night Before Christmas" (pic 2).
>While visions of Bitcoins danced in their heads.
>While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.
Faust wrote the article on December 22nd, very near Christmas, which could be a simple explanation for why he chose this link … but as with all things Faust, it's probably deeper than that.
This leads to an interesting coincidence.
>Saint Nicholas
>Satoshi Nakamoto
Saint Nicholas (currently embodied as Santa Claus) is known for his charity to the people, has a story about giving gold to those in need, and is also the patron saint of merchants among other things (img 1).
There might also be links to Robin Hood, but I have to dig more on that to know for sure.
He was also a supporter of Arianism not Aryanismor maybe there is a link? (it's an interpretation of Christianity, most of the real info has been scrubbed from the net).. which is a dig for a different day.
Ok, so that's an interesting link, but we know Faust is no blind fanboy, so let's see what the article actually says and see if we can find his true meanings in the words he has chosen. A quick read of the article gives the impression that he is saying Bitcoin is not a currency like some people say, but that even though this is true, it might still climb in value over time due to social phenomena and branding leading people to keep pushing the price up by treating Bitcoin as an e-collectible (Hodl).
But it's more nuanced than that.
>Bitcoin has been branded as a currency, and some … seem to have fallen for it.
>this intrinsically useless item
Bitcoin is not a currency (why?), and is intrinsically useless.
>Any asset could function as a currency
>An asset does function as a currency if it is used widely
But apparently it could be a currency if it were simply used widely. If the people wanted it to be one, it could be one.
>Bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency could, I suppose … come to play a vital role in our payments system.
>this is extremely unlikely, absent fundamental structural change.
This links back to his other article, and the things he discussed in it.
It's unlikely for Bitcoin to become a currency with the way things are now, but all that could change.
But for now, Bitcoin is decidedly not a currency.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2724007>>2749784 >>2749792 >>3054841 >>3357375
He then goes on to talk about why Bitcoin currently has value even if it's not a currency:
>Aside from currency there is a second category of valuable-yet-useless assets: collectibles
He's saying that all currencies are useless, but also that collectibles can be too, and that those still have value.
And this value is something that currencies do not have… so if a collectible could become a currency?
>Useless collectibles … have no appreciable use
>Bitcoin at present, looks like a classic collectible
At present, Bitcoin is simply a collectible. But he implies that this could change with progress in Bitcoin's network (at present).
Bitcoin could become more than just a useless collectible. A useful collectible?
He then goes on to talk about different times where simple useless collectibles have exploded in value (beanie babies, cryptokitties, trading cards, etc).
>These anecdotes are meant only to illustrate that the simple phrase “I have more of it than you” can have near-magical value-creating force.
>The fact that it is virtual is not a drawback, quite the opposite.
>Existing only on the internet seems to facilitate explosive growth of a social valuation phenomena.
Bitcoins may have near-magical value-creating force.
Wealth for the people.
Meme magic. I've always held the view that Bitcoins are the first ever (potential) currency to run on meme magic. Might be true. Might not.
>Bitcoin could, like other collectibles, continue to have value.
>The value of Bitcoin might even outperform the sorry track record of more conventional collectibles such as coal, silver, or nickel.
Even without being a currency, Bitcoin can continue to have value and might outperform things that people currently view as safe bets.
>Or crude oil.
A jab at the petrodollar.
And a hint for the future?
Good article.
>Source of alpha
Last point - he brings up the idea of collectibles having a 'source of alpha' in that they hold their value steadily outside of the fluctuations of the markets.
I'm not sure if Bitcoin fits this description currently, as it seems to be traded as a standard forex and stock market inverse at times. But I suppose this could change if people stop treating it as wallstreet plaything in the future.
So after reading the article more closely, it seems that he is saying while Bitcoin is not a currency, it could be one, and even if it isn't, it might still create a lot of value for those who participate in it, and that it might have some benefits like having better value than things we currently view as valuable, and by being more steady than them as well due to the fact that it's value comes solely from meme magic (for now) and because it leverages the growth potential that only the internet can provide. It's actually a pretty positive article, more so than I expected, but we'll see if what he says comes true or not.
And for a more sobering view, his other article is always there to provide some grounding.
Oh and one last note. In the article he uses this word:
It is the Australian spelling of the word 'focused'.
It draws errors from any computer spellchecker, so I doubt it's there on accident.
Could be a reference to CSW, an Aussie.
Could be not.
▶ 4ea334 (4) No.2732391
Got to say as a sidenote, you've got a spookily similar writing style to me.
>Bitcoin is not a currency (why?), and is intrinsically useless.
It's worth noting (and adding to your point here) the paper is flawed if it argues Bitcoin is 'useless'. People conflate the lack of trust in bitcoin (IE is it government backdoored) with it being useless (IE can it serve a purpose?).
BitCoin is useful, it's basically a method of exchange. Is it secure? Not really. But Cryptocurrencies are gaining adoption, and Sweden has officially adopted the E-Krona, which makes it by definition that cryptocurrency an 'actual' currency (as it's now state backed).
Maybe Bitcoin itself isn't, but the basis of bitcoin is found in E-Krona and others, and if they're based on it, then bitcoin itself can technically be a currency and useful, even if I don't trust it and say to use Monero instead.
▶ 4ea334 (4) No.2732435
Way to strawman my post (not sure why you're saging the thread given it's not mine, unless you're a shill).
The word 'history' isn't even used in my post.
▶ 4ea334 (4) No.2732489>>2732594 >>2746600 >>2795408 >>3054841 >>3319285
That's why I advocate a triple-lock.
Crypto, food supplies, bartering.
Crypto = best case scenario.
Food supplies, bartering = worst.
If you do get an EMP event, be aware that normal currency is useless, because safes, bank accounts, cash registers, tax filing etc won't work (meaning if you have money in a ELECTRONIC bank account, it will go poof in the same way crypto does).
And if you keep the money physically, eventually logistics on cash will run out (plus high risk to keep money on site with you).
Gold, silver has the same issues in that value will be determined subjectively and locally, and can still be stolen. It's also difficult to break a solid gold coin into smaller payments without a furnace.
No good having 1000 solid gold coins because without being able to break it down, you can only buy 1000 times before you run out. And you're reliant on it being adopted. Food will have more sway, and if it's seeds, you can grow more of it.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2732594>>2752287 >>2795408
BTW you can buy less gold content in coins. there are 1/4,1/2oz al the way down to 1g. Same way in silver but not at the g level that i am aware of-would be more expensive to produce then worth.
I laugh at the people prepared for SHTF and they have 100 oz bars. Good luck with that!!
▶ faffc9 (8) No.2746600>>2763137 >>2765809 >>3054841
You are replacing the current system with the EXACT same system, with a different name.
Wealth is a power system.
In order to break the current power system (wealth), create one that currently does not exist.
The rarer the resource backing the monetary system, the greater the disparity.
Yet you ignore blockchain which is open and can be tracked. Why would this be ?
It is one system that anyone interested, can follow to see where the money is flowing.
Currency valuation is something that has been created to control you.
Inflation, devaluation of a currency has been created to control you.
Why is open source being ignored ?
You can find it everywhere.
People love to share their ideas, their knowledge which is evidenced on virtually every platform available.
Most don't benefit in a monetary form for sharing that knowledge.
A government can create its own debt/interest free dollar.
A government can pay every single person the exact same amount, no matter where you live in the world.
It matters not whether you are raising a child, building the next car for someone to drive, a member of a football team, creating the next cure for mankind.
If there is one thing I have learned over the past few years, is that people love to share their knowledge & educate. Many have an innate ability to think out of the box, find solutions to problems.
It is when someone thinks they are worth more than the person sitting beside them,that their idea is worth more than another, that they want control over x,y,z, that the problems arise.
This thinking is a great example of how power structure begins.
People have been "educated" to think the same for hundreds of years.
It will take time to dismantle their mind control.
Put another way, not everyone's talent is in farming. (Planting the seed)
It is not that this great number of people are lazy which this infers. Their interests may lie in a different area.
I have heard every single argument of why this is impossible.
Every single argument has been based on what they have been taught to believe.
It is based on a "wealth" or "power" system.
▶ 7e232b (1) No.2747332
everything begins and ends with jews. talmud, kabbalah, freemasonry, banks, finances, sacrifices, pedos. just look into it it aint no conspiracy it is fact!!
Post last edited at
▶ 701505 (89) No.2749784>>2762849
>I come bearing gifts.
Kek. Very useful breakdown. Thank you anon.
The St. Nick/SN/Satoshi Nakamoto is a very interesting coincidence.
>but as with all things Faust, it's probably deeper than that.
I'm beginning to think this Faust guy is a very stable genius.
>Aussie connection
I highly doubt that was an accident. I typed "focussed" into word and word auto-corrected it to "focused". Typing it into my web-browser (i.e. in this post) it puts a red line under it like it's misspelled. Faust seems to carefully edit his posts. Interesting indeed….
▶ 701505 (89) No.2749792
▶ 4ea334 (4) No.2752287>>2753719
Lower content coins won't mean much because how do you validate gold is at the purity specified? Sure, you know it's worth that much, but how will you prove that to someone else?
Weighing is easily tricked by debasement. Meltdown, replaced with a metal of similar colour, appearance, weight. You could do reaction tests but they might stain coins.
That's ignoring forgeries, which have gotten pretty good as of late.
It's a tricky sitch.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2753719>>2763137 >>2771892
I certainly have given that some thought. Determining value will be the tricky part when SHTF. As far as being able to prove it's purity and full content? empirically you can't unless physical test performed. I never purchase AU in a large enough bar where the fuckery with tungsten can be used.
In short I have to trust where I make the purchases from. I am not 100% certain that my stash is real…but neither is anyone else unless testing done.
There are a few things you can do to limit your exposure to fakes. Certainly much easier on Au. Thickness, weight and experience helps but if they want to fake…they will fake.
▶ 47d336 (8) No.2753929
Oh, this is Priceless!
Charles Cooper with Cooper & Kirk PLLC, argued in a hearing in May that his clients were essentially robbed of money due to the flow of Fannie and Freddie profits straight to the Treasury.
“With the stroke of a pen, the government had nationalized the companies and taken all the value of the companies for itself, thereby depriving the private shareholders of all their economic rights,” according to the complaint originally filed in 2015.
The Poor Dears!
▶ 551c00 (1) No.2754058
>wants to obliterate two economic planks of the Communist Manifesto
>"He's Trotsky, Lenin and Mao, rolled up into one".
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2762849>>2767906
>this Faust guy is a very stable genius.
I think so too. Certainly am learning a lot from his works.
Yeah, I doubt that was an accident.
Pic related.
Looks like it's about time to craft some more proofs.
I'm thinking that they will come in handy in the future. Maybe late this year, maybe next year.
Also, I am seeing a lot of necessary disinformation going on right now in the crypto space due to the upcoming hashwar that these proofs might step on the toes of, so until things become more clear I'll probably just build them and leave them here.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2763137>>2766886 >>3054841
Might want to check this image out if you haven't seen it before.
Gives a very interesting breakdown of what happens in a true SHTF scenario and what things are valuable and worth having if things go that way.
You'd think that crypto would be a no-go in a SHTF kind of situation, but who knows with advancing technology like this: >>2713320 >>2715515
Things beyond our imagination are probably waiting to come into the light.
In any case, if it's good to plan for SHTF, it's probably also good to plan for everything going well too like the other anon said.
Kek, hopefully I never have to use this info.
But at least now I know.
This post ties into what was said earlier about if it is possible to live a world without money/currency. This is something that I want to dig on asap.
But for now… I'm trying to wrap my mind around the concept itself. It almost sounds like UBI or Communism at a first glance.
If everyone gets paid the same, how do you properly allocate scarce resources? (even in a world peace, high output world, things are still finite).
I think that if people cannot use money to separate themselves into social strata, they will simply find another way.
I need to do more reading on this.
▶ ba3149 (4) No.2763488
▶ ba3149 (4) No.2763510
LOL what a great troll
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2763858>>2764870 >>2859406 >>3054841
Interesting info just surfaced briefly on r/btc. Thread was heavily downvoted immediately.
Worth digging into to check for connections like the comments say I think.
The Satoshi Affair: https://archive.fo/kjuLi
▶ b6a145 (1) No.2764870
Who is this guy? I think he is full of it.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2765809
"why is open source being ignored?"
Not ignored by me. Absolutely agree is the way forward.
Block chain is the way forward as a verification process for almost everything we are fighting against. Media, Politicians, Bankers, Environmental issues, etc. The blockchain has so many applications as just a verification tool. Think about that. Currency aside, we are standing at a point in time where a relatively benign set of code could be the key to unlock and provide a level of trust and security unheard of in our lifetime(s). We already have it. Certainly has flaws but just a simple application of blockchain say into supply chain mgmt and an inventory control system could absolutely change the game overnight. Already seeing some of this occur.
I just prefer to wait until we get some of the chaff out of the crypto space.
Bitfinex, BP, Tether. Know enough about that to stay away. Reason #1 as to why I did not adopt early on was Mt. Gox. Results speak for themselves. "Lost coins"…..
Seriously speaking…was it not over when we heard rumors of the ICO's from Mayweather, Hilton etc?. Became comical.
ICO=No rights other than a PAPER agreement to what amounts to an annuity payment.
▶ ac5970 (24) No.2766886
What would the World be like if:
0.00000001 BTC = a Satoshi (equivalent to $0.01 USD)
0.00000100 BTC = a Nakamoto (equivalent to $1.00 USD)
All transactions were handled from a mobile Trust wallet,
Utilizing a device built upon the premise of perpetual energy,
▶ 701505 (89) No.2767906>>2794689 >>3054841
Autist on fire!
Great catch.
I wonder if CSW is watching this thread.
The "ss" in rassberry happened a few days after your first post on "focussed" (8/24) and a day after my follow up post (8/26)
Maybe he'll give us a popcorn reference in the next couple days.
Pic also related. He RT'd something saying that it doesn't matter if he's a fraud. With the admissions of being involved in MI (Q talks specifically about MI a lot), I wonder if we are watching a movie.
The conclusion (using logic) I keep coming back to is that his arguments regarding bitcoin scaling are very strong, but at the same time, he does a thorough job of pissing everybody off at the same time.
Perhaps, like Q, he is speaking in a way that only "those with the ears to hear" (>Read the bible) understand. This forms an ultimate unflappable Q army. Nobody on this side would be tricked by any non-arguments as they were the only ones who saw past Craig's (for lack of a better word) antics, which perhaps are just a filter of sorts. This allows shills to be exposed on the way because they always use personal attacks. CSW makes personal attacks easy, which makes the shills always end up on the wrong side, being exposed along the way.
This is very much the same way that Q worked from the beginning. 4chan/8ch was a place seen as fringe, but Q built a massive Q army by being "right" so much.
People call the people that agree with CSW a cult. Many attempts to discredit. Personal attacks. But, when I talk to others who agree, they are very much in tune with a lot of facts.
If this is his (and the whitehats') strategy, it strikes me as very Q-like and smart.
▶ 176711 (1) No.2769230
Ok so Q is posting today but I keep thinking about this thread instead.
The most valuable thing on earth is US the living souls. Our value is unimaginable and what we are capable of doing is unlimited as that is the way that our Father in Heaven created us. Like him. In his image. We all belong to the Father and we are all his children. It is time to remember who we are and say ENOUGH.
The bad guys?
The harm by creating legal fictions to be traded & sold for their benefit MUST end. It seems as though when the wealth they sought wasnt enough then they started physically harming us (the children)
As for those leeches in this world, take what they have stolen then return it immediately.
May the Father have mercy on their souls.
If something is needed to lead our lives in day to day transactions it should be gold or silver (gold/silver backed) since those are used in industies and will have other value.
Bitcoin is nothing. Serves no industry Has no value.
▶ faffc9 (8) No.2769765>>2795366 >>3054841
Self Sustaining Cities, Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Food For Thought
I am posting this for discussion only. Input. Not because I subscribe to a specific idea.
I have an inherent distrust of each of these. What I do know is that change is required in how we approach every facet of life. Collectively, we have the ability to change the world.
Sometimes when you research one topic, you stumble across other ideas. I may not subscribe to everything each of these do. I do see different perspectives which could potentially be a starting point for dialog.
When Trump first announced his run for president I wanted to know more about him. This lead me to look at the various people around him, and the question why would a billionaire, who has it all, run for office ?
Who was Peter Thiel and why was he backing him ?
Besides his ventures like bitcoin, I found he was building what amounted to self contained floating cities which included agreements with Polynesia and the framework for their own government.
Instead of looking at the obvious drawbacks, I focused on the benefits.
Were there any other models in the works.
Surprise yes there was.
China, Saudia Arabia, and a few other nations, were in various stages of self sufficient cities.
Not only was China building self sufficient cities, they were doing it right in the USA.
"The Chinese Communist Party is the majority owner of Sinomach, so the 10,000 to 30,000 acre “self-sustaining city” that is being planned would essentially belong to the Chinese government. The planned “self-sustaining city” in Idaho"
Saudia Arabia, like Libya, sent thousands of their people to various countries for education, medical treatment.
When the Canadian government became persona non grata, they pulled 16,000 from Canada's education system. Thousands from their medical treatments, and sent them to other countries.
What was the Crown prince of Saudia Arabia up to ?
He was building a self sufficient city, using what appeared to be unreleased technology ?
"$500 billion fantasyland known as NEOM in northwestern Saudi Arabia that’s been dubbed the “city of the future.”"
Then I came across the Venus Project out of Florida which discusses a resource based economy.
"At present, it is necessary for both husbands and wives to work. Monetary economics have to a large extent undermined family cohesion. Parents lack adequate time to spend with their children, and they are constantly stressed by ever-rising medical bills, insurance payments, educational expenses, and the high cost of living. It is in this area that one of the most profound benefits of this new civilization could be realized. The proposed shorter workdays would provide more time for family relationships. Free access to goods and services would make the home a much more pleasant place, with the removal of economic stress that causes so much family turmoil"
▶ 7bd19d (1) No.2771892>>2830196
I know a lot of people have hype for gold, silver, I've never really understood it myself, my main focus was acquiring knowledge (can't be stolen, can be rented out) on how to make survival products out of everyday objects.
Gold, silver is a post-post-disaster currency (after the disaster has passed, and society is starting to restabilise). The issue is it's not a post-disaster currency (where speed in relocation and portability might be a requirement).
If you're forced to relocate (EG incoming fire, earthquake, army, etc), you have to leave that stuff behind. My thoughts are one should have supplies for immediate survival post-disaster (if you're the guy with the clean water out of 1,000 plebs who don't, you can ask for whatever you want in exchange, especially if the water is scarce).
My breakdown would be:
1) Disaster
2) 1-3 days of rioting/looting
3) Army steps in, martial law (held indefinitely)
4) Disaster finally impacts army, army falls apart
5) Scattered survivors in small groups
6) Person with most knowledge, tools is 'leader' of a group
7) Groups establish themselves into small communities, rebuild starts
But you're looking on the order of years. Society wouldn't breakdown immediately with fire everywhere and everyone dying, but you'd see a 'slow burn' (it took 4 years for WWII to finish and everybody was trying to kill each other in the most effective way possible. Even the black plague lasted 4 years.)
Don't see it as discouragement to do your gold thing, your situation might be different to mine. I'm just of the opinion it's designed to sap our money away from survival resources, and then they pull an FDR and steal it.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2794689>>2794789 >>2797519 >>2805107 >>3054841
I think I finally understand this gift.
Created a graphic to help others see as they can.
Thank you.
>wonder if watching
Doesn't seem to be a far-fetched theory.
I'm learning the meaning of these words:
>This board has more power than you can imagine.
>popcorn reference
Funny you should mention that.
Someone else in the space did put out a popcorn reference after your post (pic 2)… and perhaps an /ourguy/ reference? It's a longshot.
It seems like he is currently antagonistic to CSW (but pro-BCH), so if my longshot is correct, then it would play into your idea of this being a movie in a certain sense.
But - he also talks of new consensus protocols… eternal vigilance. I'll admit that I am not well read enough in this space to know if this Avalanche is a good or bad one.
>Q-like strategy, filtering for people that can see the major ideas vs those that focus on trivia
Definitely agree. I see many similar tactics being used between Trump, Q, and CSW. Like there is a shared playbook going around.
Art of War, Thirty-Six Strategems, and more, I'm sure.
I actually noticed that CSW's 'campaign' (media exposure, public statements, etc) started right around the time Trump's did as well. Like they were running in parallel.
And they share the same attackers as well.
Not that we need to define a clear link between the two, but it just shows another facet of the Good v Evil currently going on.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2794789>>3054841
It looks like this Avalanche paper was uploaded to IPFS right around the time of Q's D5 drops.
File it under coincidences.
▶ 90a0e5 (4) No.2795366>>2796046
Health costs are greatly overinflated, insurance and education are mostly worthless, and high prices are due to fiat currency and over-regulation. These problems are not inherent to the physical economy. They are the result of a bloated and parasitic system which cannot be reformed.
Venus Project Smells like Communism to me. Great way to get a servile and dependent population. It will turn into a billion useless gibsmonkeys babysat by robots. The robots will be repaired by robots repaired by robots repaired by robots repaired by a single H1B with a fake resume. What could possibly go wrong?
It wasn't economics that undermined family cohesion. It was feminism, no-fault divorce, slutting around, and womens' newfound ability to breed with losers and then cuck the taxpayers for child support. Also, families used to be effectively unionized against corporations. Mom stayed home and took care of the kids, which was way more fulfilling than most jobs. But the puppetmasters tricked women into wanting to become men. They entered the workforce and drove wages down, so that now everyone HAS to work, and for less pay! Unless of course you can get on the gibs. But access to that slop trough is administered by assorted SJWs who are a bit biased in their assessments.
How about we just burn it all down and go back to 1900 or so. It is probably going to happen one way or another. We can do it the easy way or the hard way…
▶ 90a0e5 (4) No.2795408
You can buy 100g gold Valcambi bars and break off the mini bars, like bits of chocolate. This is more cost effective than buying tiny gold coins. There is still the acceptance issue.
I think junk silver will re-emerge as a currency. It is easily recognizable and easy to make change with. A lot of rednecks have been hoarding it ever since it went out of style. I would expect it to re-emerge in rural economies and then spread elsewhere, because its the rednecks who will have the REAL stuff that will allow everyone else to survive.
In the meantime, buying silver + gold + crypto will bring the giant ponzi one second closer to collapse, while also protecting you from lawyers and divorce rape.
Did you know there is only one ounce of investable silver per person in the world? And it is slowly ending up in the landfills, one cellphone at a time? And yet it only costs $16!
▶ 90a0e5 (4) No.2795564
It's not just the plants, it's their connection to the grid. It requires special transformers that are very big and expensive and don't get made often, so we have no ability to mass-produce these things. If there was an EMP, the power would be out for years. By then the zombies would have wrecked everything. I somewhat remember during the later years of the Bush administration there was a bill in Congress to EMP-proof these things but it was voted down. Obama voted against IIRC. The funding would have been about as much as DC spends on hookers and blow on a Sunday morning and I remember thinking "How could they be so stupid"?
Now we know. They're not stupid. They're evil. Might be worth a dig.
▶ 344a86 (10) No.2796046>>2796469
I so agree with you. I'm shooting for about 1850, though. Prior to the Carrington Effect, the first Civil War and pesticides. Use coins for currency but value them at 100x current. Sorry about the computers (for those that like them). Maybe redevelop without spy features.
▶ 90a0e5 (4) No.2796469
Yeah, fuck Lincoln. He gave us increased Federal power, which led to the Gilded Age, which led to JP Morgan and the Rockefellers, which led to everything else. Things would have been better overall if the Confederates had won. Slavery would still have ended within a generation or two.
Now we are going to have to go through some kind of Zombie Apocalypse. Those who manage to retreat to small self-sufficient communities and radically decentralize everything will be the survivors. They will become like the Roman-era rural estate holders who became feudal warlords and then the nobility of Europe.
▶ ac5970 (24) No.2797519>>2805133 >>2805367 >>2805380 >>2805675 >>2805895 >>2822041 >>3054841
At what point are Coincidences, Statistically impossible?
May I have your attention please?
Who is the White Rabbit?
Is he an MK Ultra victim?
"Well some of us cannibals, who cut other people open like cantaloupes."
▶ 47d336 (8) No.2798384
BRICS coming out in Front!
New Development Bank Receives AA+ Credit Rating from Fitch.
3-Aug-2018 - In its press release Fitch stated, NDB’s AA+ credit rating is driven by the intrinsic features of the Bank. Fitch considers NDB’s capitalization as excellent and risk profile as low. Fitch assesses NDB’s risk management policies as strong mainly driven by the self-imposed prudential rules that the Bank abides by, primarily on the capitalization and liquidity fronts.
NDB receives AA+ rating from S&P, cementing its access to global financial markets.
29-Aug-2018 - In its press release S&P stated, ‘The ratings reflect our opinion that NDB will establish itself as a catalyst in reducing the infrastructure deficits faced by its BRICS members.’ S&P assessed NDB’s financial profile as extremely strong reflecting its robust capitalization and ample liquidity. S&P acknowledged robust shareholder support as a key rating factor underpinning its assessment of NDB’s strong business profile.
BRICS South Africa - The Republic of South Africa is the most developed economy in sub-Saharan Africa, yet it is facing strong headwinds from slowing growth. Frequent electricity shortages complicate the challenge for the economy from the supply side.
Project Improvement for South Africa - With the objective to develop grid connection infrastructure, the NDB will provide a PFF loan of USD 180.0 million to Eskom Holdings State-Owned-Company Limited (Eskom). The PFF will support renewable energy development and reduce the country’s reliance on fossil fuels. The grid connection infrastructure will be used for renewable energy projects and augmentation of the Eskom transmission network to the Soweto area.
Note: pic of the RAND is today's trading.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2805107>>2822258 >>3054841
Autist level finds there anon. Thanks.
The Emin Gun Sirer popcorn drop really got me digging (and almonds activated of course), although I am not convinced I found much of anything…perheps fellow anons can connect more dots.
Sirer's writings are all seem to try to poke holes at bitcoin, and from what I can tell, not very well.
He has two papers that are cited on his bio on Cornell's website, both bitcoin related. (pic related)
The selfish-mining one has been discussed at length in the bitcoin community and seems like (although I'm not sure if theoretically debunked - Nash equilbrium may play into this though), seem to not have been a problem on an emprical basis thus far. This could be because the theory is flawed or (as he mentions in the paper, that miners with enough hash are altruistic, pic related)
The Bitcoin NG paper may be a good solution, but the general consensus is that it's far removed from the original bitcoin system. Not sure what to make of that.
I think the most interesting part is that his research is funded by the NSF (5.7B budget federal agency and DARPA).
Not sure if blackhat or whitehat.
>Disinformation is necessary.
Avalanche D5 protocol is an intriguing lead. Haven't had time to dig, but I look forward to it.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2805133>>2805367 >>2805380
▶ 701505 (89) No.2805367>>2805425 >>2806507 >>2822258 >>3054841
Sorry clicked post before I wrote additional comments.
Thanks for the gift anon.
The guy in the video points out statistical improbabilities of the words used in the bible and the associated numerology. I see no flaws with his analysis.
He dismisses the idea that the coincidences therein were from conspiring forces to make it that way (hinting at diving intervention, I'd guess), but I think this is perhaps the best evidence I've seen of /ourguys/ having been working behind the scenes well before we would have ever guessed.
I am not a Christian myself, but the message of Jesus is very much in line with the mentality of /ourguys/.
>Read the BIBLE.
>You have more than you know.
>This movement is bigger than anyone can possibly imagine.
Pic related from video. (Matthew 21)
▶ 701505 (89) No.2805380>>2805425
Sorry clicked post before I wrote additional comments.
Thanks for the gift anon.
The guy in the video points out statistical improbabilities of the words used in the bible and the associated numerology. I see no flaws with his analysis.
He dismisses the idea that the coincidences therein were from conspiring forces to make it that way (hinting at diving intervention, I'd guess), but I think this is perhaps the best evidence I've seen of /ourguys/ having been working behind the scenes well before we would have ever guessed.
I am not a Christian myself, but the message of Jesus is very much in line with the mentality of /ourguys/.
>Read the BIBLE.
>You have more than you know.
>This movement is bigger than anyone can possibly imagine.
Pic related from video. (Matthew 21)
▶ 701505 (89) No.2805425>>2822258
sorry for double post. board running slow during Q SNOW WHITE post. Autist sperged.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2805675
>"My bum is on your lips, my bum is on your lips"
>And if I'm lucky, you might just give it a little kiss
>And that's the message that we deliver to little kids
>And expect them not to know what a woman's clitoris is
>Of course they gonna know what intercourse is
>By the time they hit fourth grade
Hidden in plain sight?
▶ 9d083a (48) No.2805895
Numerology is like voodoo
Shouldn't it applied to everything.
Why just particular things
Coincidence - no, but yes to selective choices
▶ 344a86 (10) No.2806507>>2822647
I am a Christian and my faith remains despite learning all these crazy things about reality. I have had a strange personal miracle related to a message God gave me. My parents anniversary is 10/17. Some years ago I had a life altering mental collapse and was hospitalized on 10/17. The course of my life changed at that point,because it changed my graduation year. Exactly 25 years to the day after that I left the hospital following a similar but "worse" mental collapse. There have been a number of other instances of that date or that clock time showing up in my life. Until I got on this board I did not connect 10/17 with letters. When I saw Q=17 I thought it might mean something. I didn't know how 10 (J) connected, however. Now I have a possible thought about it. People in this board talk about the Jewish Question. I think they are slightly off. I think it is the Jesus question, as in whether or not you choose to believe in him. You see when I thought I had failed him so badly as to be lost the number 10/17 filled me with dread, but once my faith awoke this number is a reminder of his power to change my direction in life. My daughter has a more modern Bible version that contains an interpretation of Jesus words that essentially indicates he is not of this world order. Jesus told us he is not NWO!
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2822041>>2825226 >>2825474 >>3054841
>At what point are Coincidences, Statistically impossible?
Just a few key coincidences should be enough for those paying attention. This caused me to consider the Avalanche paper more carefully.
I see that it has 21 pages, and the word 'structure' appears 7 times.
Those plus the Q in the URL and the reference to Avalanche, along with the timing of the release, is more than enough for me to say that this paper might just represent the future of Bitcoin. Very exciting.
I didn't want to say anything until I was sure, but when I first saw this paper, I got the same feeling I did when I first saw the original whitepaper.
>Sevens Structure
This connects some dots.
So the Bible is structured around the number 7. In fact Chuck Missler (RIP) says this:
>There is design in the very STRUCTURE of the Bible.
Going back to Bitcoin, I see now that the number 21 is actually another multiple of 7.
So this opens some doors up about numbers, primes, etc.
I was always aware of 7 itself just from being on the chans long enough, but I wasn't aware of how deep and how far back it went.
This one makes me think as well.
I wonder if the double S's has this hidden meaning wherever it is found…
But then again there is:
>Slim Shady
Checked the news for Eminem…
What do you know, a Bitcoin mention breaking today.
And then:
First name of Storm in X-Men.
X-Men reminds me of Professor X; Charles.
>Ryan X. Charles
Said that CSW is Satoshi after your post.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2822258>>2840587
This looks like a very interesting avenue to dig on. New doors have been opened.
Give me some time to dig and process everything (including the Avalanche paper) and I will report back with anything I have found.
>5.7 B Budget
5 + 7 = 12
12 <-> 21
Wonder if anything? Maybe nothing. Digging will probably reveal.
>Chuck MIssler
>Chuck MI
Kek. Should dig to see if WH or BH, but he does have an interesting bio.
>but I think this is perhaps the best evidence I've seen of /ourguys/ having been working behind the scenes well before we would have ever guessed.
This is what I think as well.
The Bible was written by, given structure by people who view the number 7 as important.
Sounds like something /ourguys/ would do for sure.
>Read the BIBLE.
>You have more than you know.
>This movement is bigger than anyone can possibly imagine.
This makes me think of prophecies, etc.
Certainly worth exploring. Also ties in with the Lion of Judah photo posted earlier in this thread.
Definitely something that I need to spend more time reading on.
Kek, interesting timing on those drops.
Hopefully this will clear the way for us on social media a bit.
A quick glance at the Avalanche paper reveals the words 'Snow White' and 'Ouroboros'.
Both are examples of Proof of Snake algorithms. Certainly no coincidence.
Clown fingerprints all over that, with those word choices… so this is who we are up against.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2822647
Very interesting notes about the date 10/17.
JQ, Jewish Question, Jesus Question.
Coincidentally, someone did some drops in the main breads about cryptocurrency, Dennis Rodman, and 'October Qth' (October 17th).
I'll have to look into this more because of what you said.
▶ ac5970 (24) No.2825226>>2856278
www. .com
Ardent Energy = Adrenochrome
Samuel Hayden = No Name
Olivia Pierce = HRC
Slayer = 4, 10, 20
A.E. Tower = CERN
2016, the most important year in Human History.
▶ ac5970 (24) No.2825474>>2856278
"And in his terrible rancor between worlds and through time, the Hell Walker found the wretch who shall not be named, but in his heresy was loyal to his evil cause."
▶ f334d2 (1) No.2828056>>2856320 >>3054841
The way it was built such LONG time ago could be explained with a rather poor metaphor.
"The house always wins."
It is set up and run so that the WORLD bank/s will ALWAYS make money of you.
And speaking of
Crypto Currency
1996, NSA. Thoughts?
▶ faffc9 (8) No.2830196>>2840616 >>2843855 >>3054841
This is delusional at best.
Knowledge can & is stolen, patented, then sold to the consumer.
Open source of that knowledge, which can then be distributed worldwide, negates that ability to corner an entire WW market.
Enables other nations and their people to not live in poverty, enslaved to the same system.
A local community, with diverse skills, knowledge, defense, medical, values, etc. will usually be able to withstand adversity. Those odds increase with planning.
Even federal aid in times of hurricanes etc., has shown that they utilize the local distribution networks within that community.
Why do you think other nations like Saudi Arabia are sending their people to be educated in other countries ?
The answer is simple. So they can bring that knowledge back to help their people.
You need to study hurricane Katrina as one example. Combine a hurricane, with aging infrastructure to include dams, power grids, water contamination, and you are talking weeks/months/years.
This was one of the reasons I posted information on the self sustaining cities.
To start a dialog.
Governments/corporations have withheld critical technology from the masses, including free energy.
They have sold out fresh water supplies to the highest bidder.
If a city was bombed today, that entire structure completely breaks down immediately, which then promotes riots, looting, need for medical. Infrastructure is decimated.
Free energy, would eliminate the need to resort to fossil fuels or rely on existing structures.
Communities in the middle of a disaster would have electricity, heat, and I suspect water, if this technology was released.
Gold, silver, is worthless if that war rages on for years for the ordinary person. The same power structure already owns all the gold & silver.
This is but one reason I continue to question the reasoning for backing a dollar with a system (gold, silver) that they already own.
The only other thought is that if the technology exists, which I believe it does, to create unlimited quantities of various metals, then the market could be saturated. Their precious gold, silver would be useless, worth virtually nothing.
Why does a monetary system need to be backed by something ?
Right, I forgot, because it is the current system!
They would not get their share if it was not backed by what they already owned.
▶ b69819 (2) No.2840295>>2843883 >>2857526
I hate to say it….but would crypto end up being the mark of the beast…they could tie it to the implanted chips they have been testing for awhile now…capable of tracking and banking all in 1
Bitcoin price is up this weekend, probably a run up while noones watching and everyone is out partying for memorial day
The price of silver has been tanked by jp morgan and at an near all time low…..best time to buy is now….jp morgan just built a silver vault and stockedpiled a ton of it…..if they are stockpiling now….means they know theres gonna be a run up….gold will probably go up too, but best bang for buck on the investment side is silver ….cant go wrong at $15 an oz
Silver and gold cant be hacked and stolen….
▶ b69819 (2) No.2840587>>2856320
The bible prophecy being referenced is monumental. By trump recognizing jerusalem as the capital he is starting the fulfillment if a nearly 2000 year old prophecy of the rebuilding of the 3rd temple…..solomons temple and the possible second comi g of jesus and the possibility of the antichrist….the antichrist stands in the 3rd temple and claims hes god….end of days prophecy…..and its already begun….isreal minted a coin with trump and cyrus bust on them and are already in the planning stages of the temple….if kusher brings the peace deal they will start moving forward……it has huge significance
▶ 344a86 (10) No.2840616
Intentional communities of various sorts fit the bill. In northern Missouri there are several which interact with each other to an extent. I don't favor high tech currency. I'm aware of some alternatives being used, but after a collapse I'd like to use US coins. Our dollars are so devalued that I'm guessing a dollar buys what a cent did in 1900. Another anon pointed out that everyone has change lying around and I agree. If electronic money went away and all we used was coin or low denomination paper but it purchased 100x what it does now, I think that would work.
▶ 6dfa94 (2) No.2843855>>2847326
Lets whack your hostility to one side about 'delusional'. You seem opposed to people learning with a 'just give up' message. Fuck you.
Only knowledge made public can be patented. Go ahead, try to patent my contingency plans (it's only a couple of hundred a pop). I'm got at least 20. I can adapt the rest on the fly.
And look around you, are most people the knowledgeable type? Do they look like they could give advice on how to start a fire? (I bet they would ask 'does anyone have a lighter or a match?' - what do they do when lighters and matches run out?)
Hollywood types can't cook for shit. Had a first hand account from a person who quit, said the celebrity broke down, first week (before they managed to rehire anyone) was a total mess, literally the kind who can't boil rice in a bag. Bear Grylls uses hotels and he's supposed to be their version of survivalist, so make of that what you will.
You also can't patent prior art. There's no profit in the knowledge, EG how to start a fire, because most people use electricity, and don't care.
You come into my house, you steal my supplies, but you can't steal my knowledge and if you know I could do everything from filter water to start fires, are you going to bust a cap into my ass? Maybe you could try to torture me for the information (I could just give you bogus info, you have no way to make sure just short of checking every piece) and then kill me, but then are you sure you got every piece of information?
How are you going to enforce your patents in an anarchy, anyway? Throw some contracts at me? Open-source will be useless if you have no internet and no harddrive (EMP). Even if you faraday cage a harddrive, that HDD could fail from physical blows at any time, and then what?
Q is right every battle is won before it is fought. You stick to your patents and open-source and I'll stick to my memorisation of survivalist knowledge and we'll see who comes out unscathed in the event of a massive disaster.
▶ 6dfa94 (2) No.2843883>>2851736 >>2857526
You're right it appears mark-of-the-beast-esque. Unique IDs for everybody! Globalist currency!
But you're wrong about gold and silver. Gold and silver can be physically stolen (it just can't be hacked or destroyed via EMP).
Don't bother burying it in some woods somewhere, because a metal detector sweep is going to find that. Even if we didn't have metal detectors, there is ground radar that detects changes in the floor (so a sudden shift would likely indicate a burial spot or hole).
And if you keep it at your house, be aware George Bush previously signed a bill allowing the US to seize anything and everything (including you - into forced labour) in the event of a disaster. So if they know you're a prepper (chances are they do) and you're using a smartphone, you're pwned (they'll merely visit your house and seize the goods, by force).
Better for preppers to NOT signal what they do and do not have.
Do not state publicly (online or off) whether or not you have:
1) Guns/ammo
2) Food supplies
3) Gold/silver/valuables
4) Other assets (EG generators, a small allotment, water filters etc)
Simply play dumb. Make yourself appear a non-valuable target. Don't even tell neighbours (or family if you can, as loose lips sink ships), because neighbours could turn on you (or tattle).
You want to behave more like a smuggler (keep it secret) during Independence Day than a shop owner. Likewise, tell other survivalists to do the same thing, don't broadcast how valuable a target you are.
▶ faffc9 (8) No.2847326>>3054841
Well namefag where have I ever stated there should be patents ? Hint Never
Scalia was murdered just prior to hearing a case on patents.
Just about every major corporation has been seeded by governments using technology your tax dollar paid for.
The people already own the technology for that reason alone.
Resources turned over to corporations for their gain.
Where have I ever stated that knowledge is not important ? Hint Never
What I did state is that local groups/communities, would be better prepared.
Knowledge must be shared so that govs/corps cannot monopolize any industry.
If you are as prepared as you state, then an EMP should not be a hinderance to you in any way.
Get back to me when you understand money does not have to be backed by anything.
It is the system they taught you.
If you take their system away, a nations currency cannot be devalued.
You are the one stating that looting would last 1 - 3 days which has been proven to be false.
You seem to think that the feds will come to your rescue.
Sorry to tell you they will have their hands full attempting to get to your location.
A local community, purged of corruption, has been proven to be more effective.
You think you can do this all by yourself.
Perhaps you can.
I know you can't. It takes an army & a plan.
▶ f5d3ac (1) No.2851736>>2857526
Truth….emp could wipe it out, they could use it as a mark of the beast scenario…precious metals could get stolen….
Id rather have the ability to trade something that has physical and mo etary value for things i may need vs risking it all for something that is essentially air and no good to anyone if the power is out….and potentially trackable……if the fan explodes ill be long gone anyways….
Post last edited at
▶ 348861 (2) No.2853964>>2853977
>>2221598 (OP)
In 2007 Karen warned the US Treasury Department and US Congress that the US would lose its right to appoint the President of the World Bank if the current American President of the World Bank did not play by the rules. The 66 year old Gentlemen’s Agreement that Europe would appoint the Managing Director of the IMF and US would appoint the World Bank President ended in 2010 http://www.imf.org/external/np/cm/2010/042510.htm
▶ 348861 (2) No.2853977
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2856278>>2858436 >>2858522 >>2858789 >>2862402 >>2921259 >>3054841 >>3394391
These posts sent me down a number of very deep rabbit holes. I will try to explain what I've found.
House of Mercy
Starting with the crumbs in your initial post, we can see that Bethesda, the creators of Doom 2016 are potentially /ourguys/ (img1).
I say this because only /ourguys/ would create a game where NoName and HRC are villains who create Hell on Earth trying to extract unholy forms of energy using the expertise and facilities of organizations like NASA and CERN.
Not only does this show that Bethesda might be /ourguys/, it also shows that they potentially have access to high level intel. That Bethesda was able to write about and use these topics as plot devices years ago before they were shown to the public hints at them possibly having some sort of gov connections.
Nes Nistar
Next up, is to figure out what is meant by 'Hidden Miracle.'
Well I visited www.HiddenMiracle.com and it redirects to a Bitcoin website. So I take this as meaning that Bitcoin is the Hidden Miracle.
While I do agree that Bitcoin is near a miracle, I had to think on why it would be a 'hidden' one.
Which led me to this:
>In Purim, HaShem and His hand is so hidden that His name is not even mentioned in the book of Esther. Never the less, HaShem surely delivered His people in a miraculous way. This type of miracle is called a nes nistar - נסתר נס, a hidden miracle.
This would fit Bitcoin if it implied that some of the people behind it were never named - 'His hand is so hidden that His name is not even mentioned…'
Considering that this crumb was tied in with the others, I had no choice but to consider that Bethesda was somehow involved in the creation of Bitcoin and that the hidden part referred to them not being named.
Bitcoin and Bethesda
Searching for 'Bitcoin and Bethesda' I came upon an interesting theory posted to the bitcointalk forums in 2015 (img2).
The author tries to make a case for Bethesda being behind the creation of Bitcoin, Ixcoin, and other things using coincidences and interesting ideas to tie his theory together.
It's a bit wild, and most of what he brings up can easily be explained away, but he does bring up one interesting connection concerning the founder of Bethesda:
CSW Squared
Most in the Bitcoin space would immediately recognize CSW as meaning Craig S. Wright, but it seems the author of the above theory has found another: Christopher S. Weaver.
>After his baccalaureate degree, Weaver earned dual graduate and post-graduate degrees in Computer Science and Japanese Ethnomusicology from Wesleyan University. After returning from Japan on a student exchange program and Princeton-in-Asia Scholarship, he was elected a University Scholar at Wesleyan and went on to complete an advanced dual degree (CAS) with specialty in Japanese and Physics. He also earned a graduate degree in Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Computer Science, Japanese, Physics, and Engineering. Interesting. Hallmarks of a Satoshi, but could be nothing.
On his twitter account you can see his handle contains the CSW we talk about (img3).
It also shows that he studied/works at MIT, which leads to the next point…
Trump, Tesla, Time Travel, and Bitcoin
Now we can finally move on to your second post where the Doom Slayer/Hell Walker moving through time and John G. Trump are mentioned.
Thanks to the 4chan post about Donald Trump having access to the Tesla papers through his uncle John Trump we can make some connections (posted on the 17th, img4).
Namely, we can assume that Trump (both) has/had access to interesting ideas thanks to Tesla's papers. Whether actual time travel is one of these or not is up for debate and beyond me. But let's just assume there were some advanced things in there. Maybe some of these ideas would end up providing the spark for Bitcoin in the future/past.
Next we can connect John Trump back to Christopher S. Weaver via the MIT connection. Both would have been at MIT at the same time, Trump as a professor and CSW as a student. Perhaps they stayed in touch.. shared ideas? Bethesda was founded right after the death of John Trump, which is interesting.
One last little note is of the 21e8 block that was recently created in Bitcoin (img5). The finding of this block initially led many in the space to think that this was proof of some sort of time travel, or perhaps just a quantum computer.
I couldn't find anywhere where a convincing argument was presented for either case.
Everything I just presented is a bit fanciful, and tying things together at the end was a bit tough with what I could find online, but that's where the crumbs led.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2856320>>2862402 >>3054841
Check the notables anon: >>2684037
In short, yes there are probably connections, and we might have found some clues to prove it.
Thanks anon. That helps reinforce the idea that I should put time into learning more about these things.
Also I know there are still some posts I haven't gotten to in this thread yet (future without money, DARPA/NSF, British crown, etc) - I plan to asap.
▶ 5ed7ab (78) No.2856344>>2861382 >>2862402 >>3054841
And before I forget, I did find another interesting coincidence having to do with CSW.
Perhaps this proof is even bigger than I know for people who aren't yet convinced.
I went and dug up his father's veteran records and it turns out that the Bitcoin whitepaper was released on his father's birthday.
Also if you add up the digits in his father's birth year it sums to 21.
The third picture is just some guy in a green shirt that caught my eye during the latest Trump rally. No idea who it is but my autist sense tingled. It's probably nothing but I'm putting it here so that I can come back to it later if I have an epiphany.
▶ 35c274 (1) No.2856903
ready player one//'//'//mark of the beast predicted////. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pay7BAPFrpQ
▶ 1849db (11) No.2857505>>2862402 >>3054841 >>3070357
Concept of cryptocurrency originally introduced by NSA via MIT via paper "How to Make a Mint"
Satoshi Nakamoto is a group of NSA white hats
NSA group joined in mining and spreading Bitcoin
NSA group holds large pools of BTC (this anon guesses ~33%)
Transition to new currency system (end of BIS, IMF, FED, ECB, BOE, BOJ, etc., return of sovereign currency to nations) will use BTC as supra-national reserve currency
USA still retains top dog position in reserves
New era of peace and prosperity as the money power families & crony crapitalists that are still walking around free (aren't in Gitmo) become the punch line from the movie Trading Places
▶ 1849db (11) No.2857526>>2860680 >>2864639
Found your family tree
Your chariot awaits
▶ ac5970 (24) No.2858436
Winning the Culture War
Did Svetozar bear a Trojan Horse of Satanism in the form of Pseudo Spiritual Scientism?
Indoctrination of 1904
▶ ac5970 (24) No.2858522>>2863005
] http://www.rivendellvillage.org/Eugene_Fersen-Science_Of_Being.pdf [
▶ ac5970 (24) No.2858789
"all persons irrespective of their social standing and occupation would receive an equal wage"
▶ 1849db (11) No.2859369>>2860664 >>2861269 >>2862402 >>2865315 >>3054841
>Crypto is a good temporary stand-in, but would be useless in a post-apocalyptic war scenario.
Qresearch board
MAGA is happening all around
Clowns are being destroyed
Central banks will be destroyed
Warmongers being destroyed
Stupid fucking nigger anon unironically posts on "post-apocalyptic war scenario" like it's even a 0.0001% possibility after Q team has taken control and specifically named the (((globalists))) and (((the banks)))
▶ 1849db (11) No.2859406
8 pages
Not gonna read it give us a TLDR
Boobs to encourage you
▶ 5a7b3b (7) No.2860278
Code name/op “tangled web”?
▶ 5a7b3b (7) No.2860438>>2860507 >>2860785
An Explanatory Memorandum
On the General strategic goal for the group in North America
▶ 5a7b3b (7) No.2860507>>2860927
▶ cf1c81 (2) No.2860664>>2861542
You seem to think that the deepstate wouldn't go so far as wreck the entire planet to avoid being exposed. Naming the deepstate doesn't do anything, even if it did, Q only controls the actions of events that occur within the US.
Trade embargoes won't do much if China goes ape with nukes. You've had corruption for thousands of years, whilst I'm eager for Q to succeed, I am a pragmatist, and I prepare for worst case scenario.
Even Q made the call for preparedness for disasters, meanwhile you're just laughing your ass off because of some arrogant assumption. See how far laughing gets you when you face a food shortage.
▶ cf1c81 (2) No.2860680>>2871064
Aww, government shill wants everybody to tell them if they carry important supplies for them to go raid.
Go fuck yourself.
▶ ac5970 (24) No.2860785
>The process of settlement is a "Civilization-Jihadist Proecess" with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim's destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who chose to slack. But, would the slackers and the Mujahedeen be equal.
▶ 5a7b3b (7) No.2860927
▶ 5a7b3b (7) No.2861027
Nihad Awad
“We Encourage Islamic center is to assign scholarships and give scholarships for five students every year. Imagine if we do this nationwide, five years from now you will have an army of lawyers, you will have an army of politicians, and an army of journalist, and army of teachers to go to schools, universities, who can educate people the history of Islam and the true Islam.”
San Antonio Texas 2008
▶ 701505 (89) No.2861269
Tippy top tip top of keks
▶ 701505 (89) No.2861382>>3069935
>Finder of this should apply to NSA.
Fantastic work, anon. I was explaining a lot of what has been researched in this bread to my brother last night (who is by no means a normie, but is a bit more skeptical of all of the Q/whitehat theories than I am) and it was blowing his mind. The 21 coincidences are really adding up.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2861542>>2862010
>We are in full control.
▶ 2264c4 (1) No.2861919
Research Crypto
Follow the Money
The technology is not going away
Big things happening hidden from the masses
Will John eat his dick?
Mass adoption
Agenda 21
https:// ripple.com/insights/president-bill-clinton-keynotes-swell-2018/
▶ 651993 (2) No.2862010
Of the US or the world?
Because if they were in control of the world, why is the EU, UK, helping Iran? Why are China still a giant bag of dicks? Q has indicated his plans can and do change, and I'm not entrusting my personal safety to someone online who I don't know personally.
And I'm not so sure Q would want us to be entirely dependent on him either, wouldn't make for a very useful force if we can't even weather a disaster.
Preppers have been a thing long before Q was here, and they'll be a thing long after, too. Nothing wrong with being prepared.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2862402>>2862576
>>2856278 anon digs on fellow anon's crumbs with spoopy results re Tesla, video game symbolism, another CSW, John Trump, bitcoin
>>2856344 Bitcoin intro email on CSW Dad's b-day, timestamp adds to 21,
>>2856320 more 21 coincidences after Bitcoin Cash stress test
>>2857505 anon concise explanation whitehat bitcoin theory
>>2859369 anon explains why post-apocalypse scenario unlikely in light of The Plan
▶ 651993 (2) No.2862576>>2863894
I like how you ignore my rebuttals.
Q even said the internet would be killed. You're still hedging bets on crypto? How are you going to trade if it goes dead?
Geez, shills in force tonight.
▶ 701505 (89) No.2863005
>] http://www.rivendellvillage.org/Eugene_Fersen-Science_Of_Being.pdf [
(Pictured are pages 327-328 of the PDF but 327-328 of the book describe the same story. Both are worth reading.)
These pages describe the fall of lucifer [Mind] and his subsequent acknowledgement of his pride and forgiveness and redemption by God ]Love[. It describes Lucifer and God as twins. The book goes on to say that Lucifer/Mind/Pride and God/Love are twins who have never really been separate. Through the acknowledgement of the sins of L and the acceptance of hell, redemption is granted along with the insight that it was nothing but a dream.
On a societal/WW level:
[DS] fall >>> God wins
Think Q1964:
>The World is NOW UNITED.
>FAKE NEWS suppression creates a FALSE >REALITY.
>This movement is BIGGER than you can imagine.
Is "Silent Majority" bigger than we can imagine? Is it the uniting of the FALSE REALITY that we are separate from each other?
>Double meanings exist.
Within seconds of reading the introduction to this book, I immediately connected it to another book (pictured) by Huber Benoit, which describes what I believe is the exact same principle through the lens of Zen Buddhism, Satori/understanding, and the UNITING of the self with the non-self. He describes in detail how the experience is not that of attaining anything, but really acknowledging that we are not separate from God and that upon understanding that (by surrendering to it), we see that we were never separated from it in the first place. (as is described in the Science of Being)
>Double meanings exist.
>Double meanings exist.
>You have more than you know.
>Double meanings exist.
>The Great Awakening
▶ 5a7b3b (7) No.2863894>>2865315 >>2877304
Invest in Silver. If an emp every hit, and I have a ounce of silver I’m rich. Bitcoin=dead
▶ cf9877 (1) No.2864639>>2871064
Doesnt say much for you shill
▶ 1849db (11) No.2865315>>2865624 >>2877304
And furthermore, silver ain't worth shit in that scenario dumbfuck, ammo, medicine and food are. Besides which, EMP threat is vastly overblown, you'd need to coordinate an airburst that covers the country (not happening, a waste of nukes).
Silver is a good play, but longer term, it will rise last.
▶ 5a7b3b (7) No.2865624>>2871106
Go fuck yourself clown and I mean clown in the literal sense. Your IQ is too low to be c-a
▶ 3256d3 (1) No.2870176
The money deception is the largest driver of division imo and a parasite that steals our collective labour and therefore time.
I've spent years trying to understand the nature of money and banking and have gone down a few psychic cul-de-sacs in the process. I think almost the entire economic reform movement has been infiltrated by bankers and they have 'their' solutions' waiting in the wings. The simple fact is banks don't loan money at all, they never have. Modern economic reformists such as Bill Sill/Positive Money/Richard Werner et al would have us believe that is is created by banks out of thin air, but that too is deceptive. The real value comes from us, the people. The first money was never gold as they would have us believe but clay tablets.
The tablets recorded someones promise to pay and the tablet destroyed upon payment. The BofE even explains that money is created when a purported loan is issued here:
In reality, we create money, not banks. If we take out a purported loan ('purported' as no loan ever transpires - how can you loan something into existence?!)). What actually happens is when a 'loan' is issued the banks take our promise to pay (in the form of a promissory note - that has cash value (see lord Dennings ruling on PM's being accepted as cash) and launder it into their unwarranted possession. It is an obfuscation and therefore fraudulent. Also, it is a central tenet of contract law that in any bilateral contract BOTH parties MUST offer up consideration. Banks do nothing of the sort so the CON-tract is fraudulent. All frauds are void ab initio. So therefore a fraudulent debt is no debt at all. The interest is the 2nd crime of banking with the the theft of principal being the 1st. Jesus kicked the money changers not the money lenders out of the temple.
The only solution in my opinion is MPE (Mathematically Perfected Economy). Just do your own research and make your own minds up - https://holland4mpe.wordpress.com/2013/02/07/introduction-to-mathematically-perfected-economy/
Best wishes anons. WWG1WGA. MA(theworld)GA
▶ 1849db (11) No.2871064>>2877304
NSA has it all
Knows you're stockpiling & what, knows your associates, knows your AO, knows your patterns, knows your face, knows your voice, knows your gait, knows it all
Talks on public Internet board w/subject about post-Q financial system about muh preppers obfuscating their personal details
KYS NIGGER b/c either you really suck at your job, or maybe just too retarded to stay on topic
▶ 1849db (11) No.2871106
The irony you generate is overwhelming
If we could convert it to energy we could colonize the stars
Doesn't make sense to use nukes for EMPS when you could just shoot out the xformers and use the nukes on other targets you fucktard
▶ 1849db (11) No.2871124
I'm not particularly worried
If it's a deflection attempt, it's a poor one
What are your thoughts on the subject of this board, you cum-guzzling nigger faggot? b/c it's sure as fuck not what your slide post is about
▶ 1849db (11) No.2871209
If Ver hadn't forced BTC to up their game, Bitcoin maximalists would still be sitting around with their thumbs up their asses and BTC would be controlled by the fuckin' Chinese, KYS
Market will decide and competition will prove the winner, not a bunch of beta males who've never been punched in the face in their lives w/no real-world experience outside of coding
Best case scenario is multiples vying for users, keeps monopolies from forming
Most likely though, NSA has most of the coins (you thought the Utah data center was just for intel? Hahahah!), and the USA maintains financial dominance, and thus military dominance, hopefully we have Bruce Waynes running the show and not Lex Luthors
▶ 2aa8c7 (3) No.2877304>>2877412
But that's only with what I presume is a fiat currency (which can't be EMP'd and if it's gold backed would be immune to apocalyptic scenarios).
Remember, the guy was angry at me saying crypto was temporary. Q, nor Trump, have made no assertions nor backing of crypto (I would be very surprised if they suddenly started now).
Fair enough point, but the anon was ridiculing me for considering disaster scenarios. Even without EMP, on a micro-scale, no electricity or internet (any period of outage) means crypto is useless. Perhaps they missed the recent hurricanes that devastated several states.
>ammo, medicine and food are.
And in my trifecta suggestions was food, which the anon you're quoting ridiculed. Crypto goes out in any electricity or internet outage, in the same way if there's no power to ATMs you can't withdraw physical cash.
EMP is a perma-death scenario for crypto, but an internet outage (Q's references to an internet killswitch I can confirm) or any disruption to electricity for an extended period makes crypto bunk for a disaster.
Crypto was never designed with disaster resiliency in mind, merely decentralisation of financial power. But maybe that's a void for someone to fill ('PrepCoin' or something?).
>NSA has it all
Ah, government shill outs themselves, at long last 'stop hiding from the NSA because the NSA already has everything'. If the NSA already has everything, why are you getting so worked up about preppers keeping details secret?
And the NSA deals primarily with SIGINT. That's messages, information, signals, electronics - they can't intercept what nobody fucking sends, can they? If they 'have it all', tell me what I'm thinking right now?
Physically hiding assets and NOT publicly announcing them doesn't even really concern the NSA (they would need HUMINT - CIA's job - and enough manpower to physically watch every person who ever prepped).
Q is only after child fiddlers and bad guys. NSA shouldn't be wasting their 'precious' time (didn't they claim 'something something Russian collusion' about Trump?) stalking innocents and patriots who want to be prepared.
No-one is being threatened by some buried fucking treasure in some backyard, and it's not info any anon nor crook needs to know about. This ain't fucking treasure island, you do not get an 'X marks the spot' as to where to find hidden gold and silver (or food).
▶ 701505 (89) No.2877412>>2878276
>EMP is a perma-death scenario for crypto
It's not. Bitcoin/crypto can be stored offline. Unless an EMP knocked the whole of the internet offline (i.e. everywhere in the world) it would still be just fine as long as even a chunk of miners kept mining. You wouldn't be able to move your own coins if you're not online, but if you've backed them up, they're perfectly safe.
▶ 2aa8c7 (3) No.2878276
Actually, harddrives would be wiped in an EMP scenario.
Ever seen what happens to a CD in a microwave?
Any devices plugged in would surge out, burn. Anything remaining (harddrives rely on magnetisation) would be degaussed, fried. Look into what happened during the Carrington event with just telegraph poles.
Generators would fry, and having crypto on even a protected harddrive would be useless. It's not a case of 'if a few miners keep mining' because restoration of services in post-apocalypse is on the order of years (it would take 10 years to produce enough replacement transformers for the electrical grid in 'normal conditions', IE with electricity functioning normally).
This is of course ignoring radiation (radiation destroys electronics too - look into why triple redundancy is used in space or radiation systems).
You've also a got a domino effect. Some nuclear plant designers are incredibly dumb. Their backup generators (to keep coolant systems running during 'shutdown' - which takes a minimum of 3 days with a hard boron injection) are, get this… other nuclear power plants. On the electrical grid.
Yeah, you're reading that right.
The US would be covered in radioactive waste if three key plants were destroyed. In an EMP event all electrical power sources, including backup diesel generators, would be fried. You'd have runaway meltdowns due to lack of cooling power (basically what happened in Fukushima).
I count a minimum of 133 nuclear plants in the North-East of the US alone. Their cybersecurity is shit. Some can be found on Shodan. Attacks on nuclear plants are not isolated, with one nuclear engineer reporting watching 'valves turn as some script kiddy experimented with the controls'. They shut off access, but a large portion are not airgapped (and those that are can be pwned just by standing nearby).
If EMP hits, crypto will be totally useless. Perma-death of crypto. Even if the EMP was entirely localised to the US. I hate to think how many of the 133 nuclear plants would meltdown, but assuming a domino effect, anywhere between 1/4 quarter to, well, all of them. They're not EMP shielded (look in the SHIELD act).
Harddrive storage is only useful if you have a society or internet structure to return to. If you want to survive a disaster or apocalypse, pick food and water. Crypto is only good for beating banks (and maybe tracking but that remains to be seen).
Same issue with money kept in a bank account, too: that would be gone in a post-EMP event. That's all recorded on digital storage.
▶ 2aa8c7 (3) No.2878479
Just in-case you think I'm hyping it up, quoting from a queerly worded PDF (excuse the formatting, but it's how it appears in the PDF verbatim):
"Plant auxiliary equipment, like pumps and other elec-
trical drives and lights during normal operation are
typically fed from two redundant consumer bus-bar
systems using power from the main alternator driven
by the steam turbine. In case this main generator set
is shut down the operational source of power is lost."
"When the external backup power line is no longer
available, most NPPs depend on various levels of
diesel engine driven generator sets."
"Level 1 backup power -- from grid through separate
feeder: Each nuclear plant has its consumer bus-bars
connected to the grid independently, so that power
from the grid will feed the consumer bus-bars immedi-
ately and shutdown operation can continue without
interruption using the standard operation equipment."
Keywords to highlight:
"external backup power line" (??? - external, from where, powered by what?)
"most" (not all. Who doesn't have diesel backup generators?)
"Each nuclear plant has its consumer bus-bars
connected to the grid" (electrical grid? Why is 'power from the grid' 'backup power'?!)
If cars, trucks, lorries etc get EMP'd how do you deliver diesel to the site?
In theory they should have enough for 3 days continuous operation.
…Do they?
"Fuel tank for 8 h operation."
"The new installation also had to be designed to
resist electromagnetic impact"
Suggesting old installations are vulnerable, of course.
There's other terrifying disaster scenarios, but you can be safely assured a harddrive containing crypto will be useless in all except a total collapse of your country's fiat currency (assuming it's not paired with any other disaster). It's worth adding this isn't the most terrifying thing facing the human race, either.
▶ 8e5ceb (1) No.2885718>>2898945 >>2923919
Full article here. Even though it's fringey, it may turn out to be true.
▶ e80d29 (1) No.2897611>>3054841
NESARA, the plan before The Plan?
Do you think Trump has read it?
(c) 1996
▶ 7564c8 (1) No.2898945>>2901905
My money (excuse the pun) is that Trump will do a FedRes reset, especially given he's the kind of guy who gets those things done, and Russia also withdrew their financial bonds from the FedRes, so they seem to know something is up.
It's more a case of 'when', and that's the thing people will need to be prepared for. I cannot imagine what will happen during the transition period, but I'd say it's worth assuming worst case scenario, being prepared and finding it all goes well, than assuming best case scenario, not being prepared and being caught off-guard.
▶ ba5ffe (1) No.2901905
Agreed. It's all timing. Cabal is pushing the collapse as fast as they can b4 midterms and white hats are delaying. End of Sept fed raises will be indicative that White hats are ready. Signals the 30 day drop of "sensative" geopolitical situation and escalates the voter turnout. Post midterms silver and gold are spiked and dollar has dropped, makes the cake for reset due to saving the market. Gonna be a pretty strong correction in the markets tho. The richest will lose the most, whom haven't diversified
▶ ac5970 (24) No.2921259>>2938534 >>3054841 >>3070460
Crypto, Gold, Silver, massive increases.
Stocks, 25% to 50% correction.
Prepare accordingly.
What happened in 2007?
Do you think the research stopped there?
TiTr is not what you think it is.
Fr can be manipulated.
What recent discoveries have been made into Fr?
Physical TiTr not possible.
Ti is visually observable.
Fr TiTr possible.
Fr can be manipulated.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2923919
I used to think that Fulford was fringy until I saw who his great-grandfather is/was.
I know it's fakepedia but it's fairly accurate until his death. Was no accident. He was the largest shareholder in GE at the time and was on the cusp of funding Tesla's projects.
"George Taylor Fulford is reported to be the first Canadian fatal automobile accident victim on record. On October 8, 1905, he was riding in a chauffeured open roadster in Newton, Massachusetts with his business partner Willis T. Hanson, of Schenectady, N.Y., when it slammed into the side of a streetcar while crossing a blind intersection. Fulford died seven days later, at age fifty-three. His widow never remarried. ( W.T. Hanson, not critically injured, assumed management of the Canadian and foreign business of the Dr. Williams Co., in addition to his own U.S. franchise. The chauffeur died of head trauma October 11.) "
My ass is was an accident.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2924060>>3046763
And in "WTF" is this news we have this:
Surge in demand?…..from where at this price? ;)
Anecdotally I can state that most major bullion dealers are not giving discounts on quantity purchases. Kilo bars of Ag out of stock in most big dealers. Heard from one, located in southwest, that credit card payments (highest premium for them) will be suspended by 9-10.
It's on like donkey kong
▶ e96654 (2) No.2936283
Just a situation report, update for everyone as it relates to crypto.
I've been trying to buy bitcoin with my own hardearned cash via VISA, and they've been blocking EVERY transaction. I shit you not. I've asked others to try out the same thing, and the same end result occurs.
It's hard to tell the specific crunch point. Low value transactions (~$10 - $17) fly under their radar, but it seems things that are ~$50 or higher get denied, and once denied, they block all transactions.
They've stonewalled all bar one query (which carried a legal threat), but in replying they've now gone back to stonewalling again. I've already escalated to the appropriate legal body but it's curious how long they're going to block payments for.
I'm not the only one they've done it to, I've had a second person confirm.
What I'm curious about is if anyone else has had this issue of financial institutions abusing their powers (cough ANTITRUST, COUGH COUGH) against cryptocurrency purchases?
It would be a shame if, say, an anti-trust suit was levied against banks and card providers trying to stifle people buying up competing currencies in a free market economy. Especially against a rich card provider with a lot of money on their books.
▶ e96654 (2) No.2938534>>3054841
>TiTr is not what you think it is.
So that's what 'Titor' stands for. Time Traveler (using phonetic spelling).
Where does John come from? Johnathan?
>Physical TiTr not possible.
John Titor's predictions have proven spot on and his time travel has been notably physical, albeit based on the truthiness of his statements. He didn't strike me as a liar.
I'm guessing you're an earlier version where physical travel via the cancellation of two self-contained micro-blackholes within magnetic containment fields hasn't yet been discovered?
>Ti is visually observable.
Hence 'Time Units'.
>Fr TiTr possible.
I already knew that. There is a reason why my badge is designed as is.
>Fr can be manipulated.
You don't require fancy technology to do that.
I strongly advise you keep temporal distortions to a minimum. You probably haven't discovered it yet, but 'temporal psychosis' is a thing. Try getting displaced out of space/time more than a few hundred times and see how your sanity keeps up.
Post-edit: Ahh, the classic "The connection to sys.8ch.net was interrupted while the page was loading." security error.
Someone is interested. Again.
▶ deb742 (22) No.2977157>>2977322 >>2977339 >>3054841
The whole reason they want Putin/Russia associated as bad, and to tie Trump with Russia means Trump is bad, is because Putin is doing this already and US is following suit.
> https://www.congress.gov/115/bills/hr5404/BILLS-115hr5404ih.pdf
> https://yournewswire.com/putin-to-nationalise-rothschild-central-bank/
> https://yournewswire.com/putin-bans-rothschilds-from-russia/
> http://goldsilverworlds.com/money-currency/is-russia-preparing-to-introduce-a-gold-standard/
▶ 701505 (89) No.2977322>>2977339 >>3054841
Reminds me of some articles I saw about russians and cryptocurrency:
▶ 701505 (89) No.2977339>>2977667
>>2977157 - Russia an enemy for kicking out [Roths]?
>>2977322 - Russian government investing in crypto mining?
▶ deb742 (22) No.2977667>>2977818
> Russia an enemy for kicking out [Roths]?
Any enemy of the world bank is an enemy of those that have paid in blood to join their banking system.
>Reminds me of some articles I saw about russians and cryptocurrency:
Why so funny? Unless your country intends to rid itself of banking and the internet, crypto is just the likely successor. Claiming crypto is bad is like saying money is bad, while you still look for ways to get more.
Roths funded BTC. Their magazine the economist predicted a one world currency by this year, back in the early 80's and there's interviews of Sir rothschild laughing that the cat's out of the bag on their NWO but crypto like likely to stay once faith in governments failed.
Gold standard is just likely a backing but the ledger will likely move to a crypto, even if there's a SWIFT crypto completely separate from person2person transactions.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.2977818>>3267576
"Gold standard is just likely a backing but the ledger will likely move to a crypto, even if there's a SWIFT crypto completely separate from person2person transactions."
If we all get the chance to see it…this is how it will be done.
▶ a15245 (1) No.2987607>>3394391
Notice anything at all familiar ?
▶ c277bd (1) No.2987886>>2988083
On the Q-Clock
September 12th, 2018
▶ 344a86 (10) No.2988083
Upside down cross in the image of the pope!
▶ deb742 (22) No.3046637
Can't have a crypto currency in ANY country that allows private companies to control internet monopolies without any regulation. They could meddle with independent coins and control the world.
Does anyone know if it's normal for the Inspector General to do a semi-annual audit of the treasury and gold reserves?
I saw this on
> https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2723630
> https://www.treasury.gov/about/organizational-structure/ig/Audit%20Reports%20and%20Testimonies/OIG-18-003.pdf
▶ deb742 (22) No.3046763>>3049338
> 5-2016 / Billionaire Soros Cuts U.S. Stocks by 37%, Buys Gold Miner
> https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-05-16/billionaire-soros-cuts-u-s-stocks-by-37-buys-gold-producer
> 8-2016 / British Billionaire Crispin Odey Places 86% Bet On Gold
> http://www.kitco.com/news/2016-08-16/British-Billionaire-Crispin-Odey-Betting-Everything-On-Gold.html
> 5-2018 / Billionaire Invests Half His 5.7B Net Worth In Gold
> https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-02/smart-money-diversifying-gold-one-billionaire-invests-half-his-net-worth
I tried to buy gold and silver by the KG for months I was constantly being put on backorder by apmex and other major sources for silver so I bought mostly gold.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3049338
Zero probs even up to last week.
This is exactly the same set-up as in 2009, with regards to the comm aspect. Price was smashed from about this level, was about mid 13's and then it was at 10 not long after.
The time between 13 and 10 appears, with the benefit of hindsight, to be the watershed signal for phys bullion.
That is the story a chart tells you. It does not tell you that the period from 13 down to 10 was virtually un-buyable for retail. It was buyable if you wanted to pay in the ridiculous premiums( at times it was over 25%) that were growing larger by the day as well as the absurd lead times to take delivery. We are not talking about contracts on the Comex here.
Comex contracts who stood for delivery, in defiance of the crooked CFTC regs, were forced to illegally accept cash payments so contracts would appear to have delivered. It's all completely illegal according to the CFTC by-laws but who was looking.
This is what drove the price from 10 to 50. It wiped out all need for phys delivery and placed a huge premium on retail buyers because the perception was created that these contracts were, in fact, actually being delivered. We all knew it was crap but the tail did wag the dog in this case.
The point? Get it now before the premiums go up AND you are not waiting weeks for delivery.
Ask any com trader what happened from 2009 until now.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3054841>>3061286 >>3441241
Notables Episode IV - A new STRUCTURE
Important Crypto-centric posts
>>2391183 :: Bannon on crypto, a video.
>>2689933 :: How Cryptocurrencies fit in with the plan and the storm.
>>2897611, >>2700561 :: NESARA/GESARA and the financial reset.
>>2691167, >>2698335, >>2763858, >>2767906, >>2794689, >>2828056, >>2857505 :: NSA and Bitcoin: Full Control, We created it ALL.
>>2527461, >>2797519, >>2805367 :: Bitcoin and the Bible, connections.
Jon Faust, STRUCTURE, The FED, and Q - How it all connects
>>2260304 :: Q & FED. Find and build the "structure."
>>2382758, >>2388235, >>2398952 :: Q, CSW, "Structure", and Bitcoin connections.
>>2613838, >>2635108, >>2645805, >>2650835, >>2655671, >>2658642, >>2660816 :: Digs on Q>>Fed>>Powell>>Faust>>Bitcoin.
>>2661057, >>2673366, >>2682208, >>2682219, >>2682238, >>2682247 :: Digs on Q>>Fed>>Powell>>Faust>>Bitcoin part 2, "the loop is starting to complete."
>>2685151, >>2688831, >>2698274, >>2698327, >>2712747, >>2724002, >>2724007 :: Digs on Faust part 3, "It's not all sunshine and roses: prepare for battle."
Emin, Avalanche, BloXroute, Turkey, and Russia
>>2794689, >>2794789, >>2805107, >>2822041 :: On Emin, DARPA, and Avalanche
>>2977157, >>2977322 :: On Russia, Banking and Cryptocurrency
Crypto Coincidences: You have more than you know
>>2650464, >>2660545, >>2668777 :: 9/11, 444, The Great Awakening, CSW's Twitter account, and Bitcoin.
>>2402902, >>2520727, >>2527461, >>2526332, >>2602866, >>2679859 :: 3301, Phoenix, The Bible, The Plan to Save the World, Covfefe, and Bitcoin Sign Guy.
>>2636339, >>2856344, >>2856320 :: Dr. Wright predictive programming, Oct 31/CSW's father/Bitcoin/21, 21 and the BCH stress test.
>>2684892, >>2684655 :: Coincidences having to do with MaidSafe. Needs more research.
Attacks on Bitcoin
>>2492078 :: The takeover of Bitcoin by Bilderberg, FED, and Mastercard
>>2573675, >>2573686, >>2573697 :: IRON EAGLE, the story of the FED vs Crypto vs Gold.
>>2477178, >>2602247, >>2650305, >>2650351, >>2650861, >>2651168 :: Cabal symbolism in crypto
For Preppers: Gold & Silver, plus other traditional money systems.
>>2688221 :: Synopsis of the situation with Gold/Silver, pros and cons.
>>2763137, >>2732489, >>2689736 :: What to do if SHTF
>>2859369 :: Why S probably won't HTF.
>>2511855, >>2512431, >>2512462, >>2521142 :: On Bonds, Dollars, and the stock market. Be careful what you hold.
>>2605261, >>2680264, >>2681731, >>2746600 :: Money as an illusion and a possible future system without it.
>>2769765, >>2830196, >>2847326 :: Self Sustaining Cities, Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Food For Thought.
Misc Interdasting and Esoteric Posts
>>2259407 :: Letterfag gives theory on Cabal attack on crypto and a future without money, think binary.
>>2365980 :: Are You A DEBT SLAVE? Anon's large Q style post on the reality of our situation.
>>2366530 :: Anon digs on Q's previous drops re: Money/FED
>>2856278, >>2921259, >>2938534 :: Bitcoin, Bethesda, CSW2, and Time Travel
>>2388444 :: Q's "structure" comment and Bitcoin.
>>2398952 :: Q's "structure" comment and Bitcoin Cash.
>>2512026 :: Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin.
>>2600417 :: Is Bitcoin a Government Project?
>>2520727 :: Bitcoin and the Phoenix - new world currency?
▶ 0f7344 (2) No.3060086
post cabal private debt slavery loan based money creation banking system is a public credit freedom grant based system. change heartless service to self cultured control freak bank executive board with heartfull service to others cultured creation freaks to direct money by granting for humanitarian projects as human focus shifts from private material gain to public immaterial gain. humanity now seeks 'physical immortality and grants' instead of 'death and taxes' so all movement of resources shud reflect this including money creation banking industry. culture shifts from competitive hoarding 'dog eat dog' 'hell on earth' creation to cooperative sharing caring 'heaven on earth' creation culture as mentioned in 'celestine prophecy' book series by james redfield. mentally enslaving fear based theology that encourages u to distrust urself is replaced by mentally freeing love based theology that encourages u 2 trust urself as mentioned in 'conversations with GOD' book series by neale donald walsh and GOD. people will indentify themselves more with unifiying natural reality instead of artificial constructs such as nationality,religious registration or any to do with the physical body such as skin color,dna,ethnicities,etc. if i close my eyes and imagine something it is 'I' looking at the imagined something. the best english word i hav come across to define 'I' is 'awareness'. quatum physics experiments show dat energy only becomes matter wen seen thru human eyes thus all physical bodies are artificial constructs. this energy experienced as matter is a naturally occuring artificial contruct to help u experience the ILLUSION of separation that may 'divide and rule' us if u dont know the natural reality that 'unifies and sets us free' from this illusion of separation.
▶ 0f7344 (2) No.3060159
post cabal private debt slavery loan based money creation banking system is a public credit freedom grant based system. change heartless service to self cultured control freak bank executive board with heartfull service to others cultured creation freaks to direct money by granting for humanitarian projects as human focus shifts from private material gain to public immaterial gain. humanity now seeks 'physical immortality and grants' instead of 'death and taxes' so all movement of resources shud reflect this including money creation banking industry. culture shifts from competitive hoarding 'dog eat dog' 'hell on earth' creation to cooperative sharing caring 'heaven on earth' creation culture as mentioned in 'celestine prophecy' book series by james redfield. mentally enslaving fear based theology that encourages u to distrust urself is replaced by mentally freeing love based theology that encourages u 2 trust urself as mentioned in 'conversations with GOD' book series by neale donald walsh and GOD. people will indentify themselves more with unifiying natural reality instead of artificial constructs such as nationality,religious registration or any to do with the physical body such as skin color,dna,ethnicities,etc. if i close my eyes and imagine something it is 'I' looking at the imagined something. the best english word i hav come across to define 'I' is 'awareness'. quatum physics experiments show dat energy only becomes matter wen seen thru human eyes thus all physical bodies are artificial constructs. this energy experienced as matter is a naturally occuring artificial contruct to help u experience the ILLUSION of separation that may 'divide and rule' us if u dont know the natural reality that is at the center of all things that 'unifies and sets us free' from this illusion of separation.
▶ 701505 (89) No.3061286
Thank you anon. Beautiful breakdown of notables.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3069935>>3120147
>Finder of this should apply
Not sure I'm cut out for any type of formal organization.
And there are some things I need to take care of IRL before I can commit myself to anything.
>it was blowing his mind
>the coincidences are really adding up
Count me in with him too.
It's still hard to wrap my mind around everything I've found so far.
Apologies for the delay again anons. Got lost down a different rabbit hole.
Here are two more proofs.
1) "All Happening" proof with coincidences between Calvin Ayre's twitter and Trump's twitter.
2) "Reformation Day" proof showing what I think is the importance of Oct 31 and its relation to Bitcoin and Martin Luther (both are fighting against {them}).
The second proof includes another 10/31 date I found in the 'Making a Mint' paper that anon referenced above. That was a breakthrough for me.
I want to make a longer post about that paper, that'll be next.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3070357>>3070426 >>3070670
>>2857505 (checked 5:5)
Thank you anon, I wasn't able to make the connection between MIT and the 'How to Make a Mint' paper.
(This paper has 17 subsections)
Looks like the paper was completed on the 18th of June (pic 1), which is a date I have seen before while searching around for stuff tangentially related to Q. I'm not quite sure of the significance of this date yet. When looking I did find reference to a man named Lord Haw-Haw but it doesn't seem to fit perfectly.
But there was another date that I was able to make sense of right away - the date that this paper was sent to MIT: October 31st.
I now know that as Reformation day, which fits nicely with what Bitcoin is all about.
Your theory about the NSA and Bitcoin and how they planned it out makes sense.
And it aligns with a lot of the gut feelings I've had about this space for a while.
While searching around I managed to find something that backs up your theory nicely (pic 2).
It's a letter of response from the NSA to someone who attempted a FOIA request on Bitcoin.
On the surface it seems like it's saying "We cannot give you any information about this at all."
But of course, there's always more:
>What we are authorized to do, and how we do it, is described in Executive Order 12333.
1+2+3+3+3 = 12 <-> 21.
>the materials you request [are] a currently and PROPERLY CLASSIFIED matter in accordance with Executive Order 13526, Subparagraph (c) Section 1.4.
That's the EO that Q recently posted about.
1+3+5+2+6 = 17.
Reading it we find this:
>Information shall not be considered for classification unless its unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause identifiable or describable damage to national security.
>And it pertains to one or more of the following:
>Intelligence activities
So it sounds like information relating to Bitcoin would have no need to be classified unless the NSA was involved with it somehow. That's reading between the lines.
Since the information is said to be 'properly classified', that means that like you theorized, that the NSA was involved with Bitcoin in some capacity.
>In addition, this Agency is authorized by various statutes to protect certain information concerning its actives.
"We can't talk about Bitcoin because it's one of our activities". Basically.
Interesting to note that they had no reason to write this whole last paragraph since they already showed that information relating to Bitcoin was properly classified.
It's like they want us to know the real answer, without breaking the law to say it.
Another interesting coincidence with this paper, beyond just the EO numbers. The original version of the picture that was posted online has a dimension of 777x1024.
I think we can pretty much say case closed to your theory - as being correct and true.
These digs should be helpful to anyone that was on the fence still.
There's also some articles that came along with this paper for anyone to read if curious:
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3070426
Oh and since we defined 444 in this thread, I think it makes sense to define 777 as well.
But first this:
Consider my mind blown.
>the 21 coincidences are really adding up.
Anyways, back to reality:
One of the definitions I found online was that 777 is a message from the angles that you are on the right path.
Meaning that whoever turned to the NSA to get more information on Bitcoin was on the right path, and that they shouldn't give up after reading the paper.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3070460
>Prepare accordingly.
Advice understood & strapped in for the ride.
I look forward to digging on the crumbs you have posted in this bread.
I will get to that asap.
▶ cbcf96 (1) No.3070494
are these emails going to have an assassination plot in them?
is that the insurance plan?
▶ deb742 (22) No.3070670>>3084711 >>3084982
Do we really think the US gov is going to move to a crypto released in secrecy? Sure they might know who has every bit, but wouldn't it be easier to just fork and say "we made this and tested it openly now publicly adopt a new crypto to ensure everyone has a fair chance to start anew" rather than deal with shifting the 1% to possibly a whole new group of people? Especially since those people are either the founders of the tech or just those that lost their wallet early on?
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3084711>>3084769 >>3084808 >>3085923 >>3120147
Alright anons, two more Bitcoin Cash proofs fresh out of the oven.
1) Plan Bitcoin - a proof showing relationships between 'The Plan to Save the World' video and Bitcoin. And perhaps how Bitcoin is part of the plan.
2) Bitcoin Phoenix - some of this has been covered in the thread before. This proof shows all the coincidences between the Phoenix cover on the Economist magazine and Bitcoin.
But with the Phoenix cover I found some really interesting stuff this time around that warranted the creation of a new proof.
I'll just list them off here.
a) 4chan's /biz/ alerted me to the fact that the top right phrases were anagrams, so I've included those.
b) I found a reference to 'Phoenix' and 'Ash' in the Satoshi Affair article thanks to anon in this thread encouraging me to read it, so I've included that.
c) Something about 10/10 on the coin around the Phoenix's neck (also thanks to /biz/) which matches the post here about October.
But those aren't even the most interesting ones
d) The greek letter on the coin is a Phi, which is the 21st letter of the greek alphabet. It also stands for the golden ratio. Obvious Bitcoin reference. 21, Gold, Bitcoin.
>the 21 coincidences are starting to add up.
And here are the kickers
e) I found that the release of Bitcoin was announced at 5:05
f) And that it was announced on January 9th, which is the same date (years prior) that the Economist with the Phoenix was published.
Absolutely solid and undeniable proof.
Which brings me to my next point…
>Do we really think the blah blah blah
Wake up anon.
Read the bread over and over.
Obviously I can't predict the future, but still. I'm doing what I can with what I have.
Read the thread, read the proofs. Decide.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3084769>>3084808
I've just noticed.
Bitcoin was released 21 years after the Economist article was published.
Need to update the proof already.
▶ faffc9 (8) No.3084982>>3085983
Some it appear, believe that a technology, promoted by the current banking system, is the way of the future.
If we allow this to happen, as proposed on this thread, then we doom future generations.
Can I see an alternative form created ? Yes.
I can as well see a completely different system, that does not entail bitcoin whatsoever.
Some can't seem to think out of the box.
Some can't envision a new system/structure in any form.
Some can only work with what they have been taught, rather than what would actually work for humanity as a whole.
Some only wish to get a "jump" on what they believe is the "future" out of greed, not for the purpose of what is the fairest system.
I will again ask 2 questions.
If you had no access to internet/electricity, how long could you survive on the current system of bitcoin ?
If you were given 1 million dollars tax free what would you use that money for ?
▶ aaefc1 (1) No.3085574>>3085983
BTC was created, owned, and operated by the cabal jews you dumb fuckwits. The planned future *dark* currency, probably engineered at DARPA, for TOTAL financial control of the world.
▶ deb742 (22) No.3085923
>Wake up anon.
>Read the bread over and over.
Ugh, like I'm contributing asleep.
Didn't Roger Ver register the domain name years before the paper was released?
Don't we have reports of bitcoin inflating from$1k-$7k due to a single trader?
Bitcoin has the hype of MSM. They want it too much and from reports about it rapidly falling into the hands of a few, I wouldn't be surprised if BTC was the NWO One-World-Currency plan.
Doesn't Payseurs family own ATT, which meddles with torrents?
Bitcoin isn't an American tech and won't be adopted. If it were it'd be a risk to the US and likely benefit everyone else more than Americans.
▶ deb742 (22) No.3085983
>If you had no access to internet/electricity, how long could you survive on the current system of bitcoin ?
I honestly can't imagine a society without electricity. If we had no electricity money would be worthless and everyone would go back to farming in-between church visits. As for internet being down, as a 'technologist' that won't happen. There's too many adhoc ways to mesh local networks and too much fiber for anyone to be offline a full day, unless they wanted to.
Right now if the internet were disconnected mesh-lan's , you couldn't use bitcoin for the same reason it was a useless idea before double-spend arose. But just like SWIFT started with a grace period, most of you forgot what it was like to wait for a check to clear but still provide a service assuming it was good.
>If you were given 1 million dollars tax free what would you use that money for ?
Easy, already there. I don't think about money as "what it buys me", see it as a way of gaining followers trust to work toward a mutually beneficial cause. When you build it, someone has to own it, and that's where you get billionaires and society not understanding why "bill gates or mark zuckerburg don't just sell it all and give it away", ugh goy IS a real thing apparently.
I go into tech to rebuild our community centers and libraries. I wanted to bring fiber to every one, hopefully combine, and distribute from there to schools and public places before residences. I joined wework early with this goal but sadly they lied and never intended to build anything but a name. I wanted libraries and community centers to be like ww's lounge/plug-and-play-tech-center/ with the ability for people to get internet, loan and rent tools, and collaborate. I grew up right next to Edisons 'workshop' and that's want I wanted to make 21st century, nationally.
Everyone thinks only 1 step ahead, and today that's to 'get rich'. If they thought about what they'd do when they get there, they'd skip step1 (get money) and just find people to get to work. Sadly I can't get anyone to join me just to build, because everyone can "get paid more" here and there and they don't care if that's shooting themselves in the foot tomorrow.
What about this NESARA I keep seeing get banned from 8ch?
> https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=awaeZq44TvI
▶ 751417 (1) No.3086027
Incorrect. Satoshi used the koblitz curve (secp256k1) instead of the NSA backdoored curve (secp256r1) specifically to dodge NSA niggers.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3088931
Have a feeling, and it has three decades of experience behind it.
I have a hard time accepting that we will be seeing anything related to the old system after the current qtr end. Specifically speaking to what some of us human traders used to call earnings season…when it meant a little more than today.
Black money cut last year-depending on what source and to whom it could have been cut off on day 1.
Our 'economy' is already beyond the law of large numbers-for me it died on 09811. Puppets and stew-meat since.
Pull the plug on it at qtr end and spend the next 3 months rebuilding it and rolling it out so that the world is ready to start fresh on Jan 1, 2019.
▶ 2f4e18 (3) No.3103076>>3103839
“Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants -- but debt is the money of slaves.” ― Norm Franz, Money & Wealth in the New Millennium: A Prophetic Guide to the New World Economic Order.
Images of gold coins from "John Wick" and bar-coded bullion from "Looper".
▶ 2f4e18 (3) No.3103839>>3111293
The major flaw of cryptocoins is that they are not backed by anything and so are not reliable as a store of value. Most crypto holders are governed by greed and fear and so are easy prey for those with the means to manipulate a zero-sum game. The peak market cap reached early this year represented a massive transfer of wealth from the ignorant masses chasing a dream to a small number of early speculators astute enough to cash in at the right time. Many of the losers bet more than they could afford, borrowing or mortgaging to buy into a "sure thing", without understanding anything about cryptos. The pain of their losses will stay with them for a long time. Without an influx of new buyers, the market cap will continue to go down. There is no built-in floor. As miners are no longer able to make a profit, they will stop mining, thus making cryptos more vulnerable to attack.
The only way for cryptos to be viable as a store of value is if they are backed by something like gold, but then it is necessary to trust someone to hold the gold. But if you are going to trust someone to hold gold for you, why not trust a company that also has a more efficient centralized way to transfer value. For example, Goldmoney, for one, features free and rapid transfer of your stored bullion to anyone who also has a Goldmoney account.
Cryptos have had the beneficial side effect of forcing banks to compete better. My bank is now part of a network of banks that uses Zelle to transfer dollars rapidly and with no fee within the network. Without a doubt I trust my bank more than any crypto exchange (even though I distrust banks in general).
Zelle is an example of a PUSH payment system, like Bitcoin, in contrast to the risky PULL payment system that we have all been using when we use standard bank cards. When we give our card number and CCV code to an online merchant, we are authorizing them to pull money from our card. The only thing preventing them from pulling as much as they want is trust, which is abused in an amount of billions of dollars per year, considered by Visa and MasterCard as the cost of doing business. Some banks are already allowing push payments directly from your Visa or MasterCard directly to another card, emulating Bitcoin but less costly and slowly and on a much larger scale.
The only real usefulness I see in cryptos is as a means electronic transfer of value that can avoid border controls and generally hide activities from governments. The goal is not to store value but transfer value, so in and out quickly hoping to avoid a crash in price.
▶ deb742 (22) No.3111293>>3112332
I don't see how zelle is an improvement on anything it's adding a middle man, between middlemen we all claim to not trust. When does that do anything but complicate and sweep dirt around?
▶ 2f4e18 (3) No.3112332>>3113698 >>3119461
Before Zelle, to send money to a friend you wrote a paper check and handed it to him or sent it to him in the mail. Then he would bring it to his bank and deposit it. Then he would wait several days for the check to clear. With Zelle, you go online, enter your friend's email address and the amount, and click a button. A couple minutes later the amount is credited to your friend's account and is available to use. Much like Bitcoin, only faster and cheaper. Can you see how Zelle is a major improvement?
Yes, the bank is still a middleman as it was before. Comparing to Bitcoin, the trade off is trusting a middleman in order to get better service. But actually, most Bitcoiners also rely on middlemen (exchanges), which are notorious.
▶ deb742 (22) No.3113698
>Before Zelle, to send money to a friend you wrote a paper check and handed it to him or sent it to him in the mail.
You live under a rock? There's a huge gap between "Catch me if you can" and Zelle. Paypal did what you say and it's instant now. Before paypal banks didn't have much in way of online banking. Paypal bridged the gap so ebay could dominate mom&pop and looks like all zelle did was remove all banking features and just acts as a SSO between banks aka NBD
▶ deb742 (22) No.3119461
> Can you see how Zelle is a major improvement?
I only see a zelle shill faggot
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3120033>>3120147
Updated Proof
Is Bitcoin a Government Project?
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3120147>>3147869
>>2388444 :: Q's "structure" comment and the Bitcoin whitepaper.
>>2398952 :: Q's "structure" comment and Bitcoin Cash.
>>2512026 :: Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin.
>>3120033 :: Is Bitcoin a Government Project?
>>3084808 :: Bitcoin and the Phoenix, new world currency?
>>3084711 :: Bitcoin as part of The Plan (first image)
>>3069935 :: 'It's Happening!' Bitcoin Proof
>>3069935 :: Reformation Day Proof
>>3100767 :: Bitcoin and the Holy Grail (potentially incorrect proof)
I think that's enough proofs for now. I wanted to get them out of the way before things picked up (if they do).
I know there's still the connections between the word 'structure' and Powell and all that… I'll get to that later if it's needed.
For now I want to get back to digging.
▶ ac5970 (24) No.3122872>>3265842 >>3448409
How many quakes @ 6.2 km depth before it is statistically impossible?
Golden State pressure relieved by [DS] at the expense of others (sacrifice)
GOD has the final decision.
▶ 304b26 (1) No.3140338
Nothing happens till glass-stegall is implemented
▶ 202556 (1) No.3141211
that didnt age well though. definitely fake.
the aliens comment, "we are center of universe, us and only us" is directly contradictory to Q drops.
▶ 03b424 (1) No.3146344>>3147299
Stop participating.
You have more power than you realize.
If usury falls, the world will be free.
▶Anonymous 09/08/18 (Sat) 00:10:17 c2be9d No.12121979>>12122929
>>12018043 (OP)
The remedy is simple. It is spelled out in the King James Bible that you are not to be a respecter of persons. You are not to add to God's law, nor take away from it. Did God's law (natural law) come before the laws of man? Which set of laws shall supersede the other? Are the public servants in seats of power in your country sworn to uphold the laws of God, and can you call them into the rightful and proper discharging of their duty?
>give unto Caesar what is Caesars
Caesar is bankrupt. Caesar has nothing. The creator of all that we perceive, and all we do not, is the sole possessor of all value in the universe, and you are created in his image. Your free will cannot be violated if you are standing on the feet that were formed in his hand, rooted to the land he gave for your feet to travel.
You who have been redeemed, why would you go back to voluntary servitude? What if you are not your name? What if that, along with great swaths of commonly accepted language, has been co-opted for use by the devil, he who is in the world? Who is greater? He that is in you, or he that is in the world?
This is the spiritual remedy. The one for your body, for your physical being and existence in this place of learning and wide reaching thought. That you may direct your energy for creation, that you may more closely resemble your creator.
The remedy for the use of current(cy), the energy by which we measure our toil and the work of our hands and minds is no more complex.
>my house, my rules
By using the Fiat created for us, using us as collateral, out of thin air in order to harvest a lifetime of vitality, we agree to (((their))) rules. We are playing cards at their table, the dealer is in charge, and the house always wins.
>12 USC 411:
Federal reserve notes, to be issued at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the purpose of making advances to Federal reserve banks through the Federal reserve agents as hereinafter set forth and for no other purpose, are authorized. The said notes shall be obligations of the United States and shall be receivable by all national and member banks and Federal reserve banks and for all taxes, customs, and other public dues. They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, or at any Federal Reserve bank.
>shall be redeemed for lawful money on demand
This is not legal tender. This is lawful money, still valued at $42.22/ounce of gold. You can demand this currency, in the form of US Bank notes, of which there are still $300,000,000 held in reserve by the Fed, or Non-negotiable Bank of Canada notes. All that is required is an endorsement on the back of any check to the effect of:
Redeemed in Lawful Money
Pursuant to Title 12 USC 411
True Name dba LEGAL NAME
This makes the bank unable to fractionally lend against your signature. This is the power you have, that you have forgotten .Your freewill cannot be co-opted or drastic repercussions will befall the perpetrators and (((they))) know it. This thread goes to strike at the root of the evil. All the pedo shit, all the trafficking, the fucking lies, the occult entertainment, the distractions, the poisoning, the harvesting of human energy. All the kikery stems from this vile growth.
There is a way out. For as long as I've felt the great "wrong" in the world, I've known deep down that the "right" had to be simple. Who does the kingdom of heaven belong to? Why are our children under the heaviest attack?
When do you lose the right to cut your neighbor's grass for a compensation of your choosing, and in agreement with you neighbor?
▶ b5a505 (5) No.3146854
stumbled upon an interesting looking thesis abstract…
I can't find the full copy though…
▶ 344a86 (10) No.3147299
Not entirely sure what to make of this post but it rings true. Plus the time 10:17 and date of the original post 09/08 both mean a lot to me. I hope I can learn a lot more about this
▶ b5a505 (5) No.3147630
Roger Ver is such a patriot!
Oh, wait…he renounced his citizenship?
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3147730>>3289947
In the Wishes and Rainbows from Boston Fed re-issue of 2007.
Here is BW page on it.
credit to him for the long, hard work in this fight. Why doesn't he have a show on RT?? Better him then Mr. "numbers matter".
I digress. The pic is the major change from version 1981 to 2007.
If you take the reader's perspective on that panel…the scribble of 11+9 becomes 6+11. 17
I have to say there were people that were on to this as well. A group of us tried to get hardcopy's of the re-issue only to be left with the .pdf version. Rumors around were it was going to be issued but no one knew when. Surprised many coming out on New Year's day. The original is priceless, can confirm BW on that. Try and find one.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3147819>>3289947
▶ b5a505 (5) No.3147869
partial truths
alternative facts
some interesting craig wright stuff.
I'm still open to him, but don't lean his way at the moment. BCH is unbelievably shilly and I think Ver is a lying manipulative SOB.
▶ 8b121e (2) No.3154169>>3161900 >>3162190
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
"The banking complex can manipulate the price of bitcoin with derivative securities."
Yes, The City within a City (London) governs all banking rules. Until truth aeries in research digging under every rock, leaf and tree, where the Sun sets. The transparency starts here to lead the way for pier to pier on Blockchain and\or Quantum.
▶ b5a505 (5) No.3162190
That was an interesting clip. It makes a powerful connection for how any market crashes might get resolved. Moreover, the very last scene of 5 steps to end offshore secrecy spoke directly to the comment that Trump made during the campaign about thinking he could see the Dow Jones average at 100,000. I don't know all the perspectives on those 5 points…5:5 maybe?…but #4 speaks to me on the 100,000 comment. Companies may actually be producing enormous wealth that isn't getting taken into account/pay back as dividends…
debt/retirement/pension problems solved.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3196363
always takes a little time.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3231291>>3264490
Nothing to see here. Kek!
▶ 5f8c0e (2) No.3243747
Consider the ideas in these 2 Manifestos
▶ 5f8c0e (2) No.3243835
Usury and Interest should be abolished and be punishable by death.
Direct and Indirect taxation should be abolished.
There would have to be limits on land/real estate ownership, so certain "people" are not able to own all of the land and valuable real estate.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3254113
To counter the idiot videos out there suggesting that the Fed's charter was never renewed… Eat this.
No fucking wonder we are at this stage with 'experts' getting a video cam and posting.
Took all of 2min to debunk that.
Now there is some interesting things surrounding licenses and money transfers in/out. Certainly spoopy however it is not the result of the Fed charter "expiring"
▶ deb742 (22) No.3264463
I don't like these bullet points as they hide dependencies. Bitcoin is useless without a centralized internet, like it or not but a decentralized internet makes crypto impossible. How do you find a miner when there's no internet or power? How do you trade if you and the person you're bartering with don't have a trusted connection between your providers?
Calling crypto anonymous is like saying cash is anonymous. At least cash can trade hands without leaving a trace. Imagine if $1 bills were marked as being involve in the drug trade, would people start refusing to accept certain bills because they clearly passed hands of those they don't want to support in any way?
I see the future being a mix of crypto and metal. Coins will arise from the common needs of a society and people will hold multiple currencies directly attributed to their needs rather than this "one shop USD" which no one seems to trust but they trust it's too big to let fail and someone else will fix
▶ deb742 (22) No.3264490>>3268724 >>3269229
No context? Graph is of what?
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3265842>>3265882
Alright, these crumbs. Let's dive in - first the face value stuff, then the crazy connections.
All for a HAARP?
The trio of 1993, Gakona, and the Photograph in your post led me directly to HAARP (img 1).
HAARP was established in 1993 @ Gakona, Alaska for the purported purpose of studying the ionosphere.
But a quick online search shows that many believe HAARP is actually being used as a weapon - a Direct Energy Weapon (DEW).
It is claimed that weaponized HAARP has the ability to modify weather, to cause earthquakes, and to generate and control other similar calamities.
The people who put forth this theory claim that HAARP is the cause of many earthquakes worldwide, in the Tohoku earthquake (Japan), in the Haiti quake, that it has been used to try and activate Yellowstone, even that it has connections to 9/11, and so on.
It seems strange, but the evidence is compelling (img 1 again).
Based on this idea it might be true that 3/11 was Japan's 9/11 (couple this with the Fukushima Israeli firm theory for more 'coincidences').
Speaking of Earthquakes and Tsunamis, there is this:
Palu Earthquake
This just recently occurred: a magnitude 7.5 (7+5=12) quake, at a depth of 6.2 miles (img 2).
>How many quakes @ 6.2 km depth before it is statistically impossible?
It almost feels like we are being trolled, but this is no joke.
>Golden State pressure relieved by [DS] at the expense of others (sacrifice)
So I take it from this that the DS was using HAARP to keep the 'Big One' at bay, with the consequence being that forest fires would be started by the DEW.
Both California and the Cascadia Subduction Zone up north are overdue for large quakes.
>Listen to me.
>Late October, after Golden State Quakes.
This relates to the time travel crumb. I'm listening.
If the Golden State Quakes in late October it could prove TiTr or…
It could mean that another group than the DS will use DEW in late October; or 'GS' and 'Quake' could refer to different things. GS/DS? DS similar in shape to GS. Too far? Below:
If the DS/GS? is doing all of this stuff, and it is known by all…
Asarah B'Tevet
Finally we arrive at the final crumb. TeveT.
Asarah B'Tevet, also known as Tevet 10, the tenth day of the tenth month, marks the beginning of the Siege of Jerusalem carried out by NebuCHADnezzar.
The calendar they used back then was different, but if we ignore that and just keep the spirit of 'the tenth of the tenth' in mind, then this would line up with October 10 for our purposes.
Digging on the truth of this matter led me to some very interesting posts (img 3).
>Was Nebuchadnezzar II getting revenge?
<Against the DS of his time?
<Will we do the same? On the same date?
I'm not intimately familiar with the Bible, but I was under the impression that it cast him in a bad light. Even though we discovered in this thread that the Bible has structure that is familiar to us, there seems to be a chance that certain parts of it are not accurate portrayals of history. Perhaps the Bible is a mixed bag - some good, some bad.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3265882
Now let us enter a parallel dimension where things get funky fast:
Digging into the HAARP & 9/11 theories (which is beyond the scope of this post), one quickly runs across the idea that 9/11 and the missing money was connected with NESARA in some way (img 1).
There seems to be a lot disinfo surrounding this topic, perhaps on purpose, but I think it might be hiding a kernel of truth.
I'm beginning to learn how and why disinfo is used.
The dates we looked at before have relevance again, which gives me some confidence about the direction of this dig:
1993 - Supposedly a U.S. Supreme Court case happened in this year that paved the way for NESARA.
Tevet 10 - Again, supposedly on October 10, 2000, WJC was forced to sign NESARA into law by the 'White Knights'.
So will future prove past, and will Tevet 2018 connect to Tevet 2000 in some way? The people who talk about NESARA bring up the idea that it will create the need for new elections, which lines up with what happens this November.
There's also this:
21 Trillion missing from pentagon (image 1 again). Was this part of the so-called 'Prosperity Fund'?
That's a lot of coincidences for a theory which should be outlandish. All in all, I am paying attention and will see what happens with regards to NESARA this October 10th, if anything.
And to cap things off we get to this:
The Omegans
There's a theory floating around that a group of people called Omegans are working to change the world for the better, and that this has connections to NESARA and to the Awakening (img 2).
It sounds outlandish again, but there are coincidences that are forcing me to pay attention.
1) The Bible makes reference to Omega
>I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
2) JFK's inaugural address makes reference to Beginning (Alpha) and End (Omega)
>We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom--symbolizing an end as well as a beginning
3) In the main breads, a poster who uses Q-like syntax has a signature of ]OMEGA[. He comes around sometimes.
4) The 'I, Pet Goat II' video, which I previously confirmed as being connected to this movement in some way, contains references to Omega, the doomsday clock, and to the Phoenix and Phi symbols (img 2 again).
Like before, that's a lot of coincidences for something that shouldn't add up.
Forcing me to consider.
Also, while I was constructing this post, a song came on that contains JFK's inaugural address…. spooky.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3267120
Anons, I want to share some more 21 coincidences that I found while I was digging.
1) bloXroute Whitepaper: A new technology for helping cryptocurrencies to scale. Is 12 pages long and uses the word 'structure' 12 times. Think mirror. Found thanks to Emin.
Perhaps this showcases some of the Russia/Turkey connections talked about earlier (check the names). Global Alliance like JFK asked for?
2) The Case Against Patents: A 21 page long paper from the St. Louis Fed talking about why patents might not be so great. Glad I found this one.
>Do you believe that information should be free?
>Do you believe that censorship harms humanity?
3) California Blockchain Bill: A bill recently introduced in California about blockchain technology. AB-2658, where 2+6+5+8 = 21.
There's another government document just released with ties to 21. DOS released 286410.pdf about Iran. Adds to 21, also 48 pages long which is 12 x 3.
This number is really popping up all over the place. Why…
4) /Avenatti/ Train of 21: Just for fun.
And now for one a little more 'out there'…
5) 42: The Answer to Everything: In the book Hitchhiker's guide, the answer to Life is said to be 42, which is 21 x 2. It was thought about for 7.5 mYa, where 7+5 = 12.
Like I said… this number is everywhere…
So with that in mind, I tried to find out what's so important about this number. 21. Why?
Of course there is Matthew 21, but that wasn't enough to explain how prevalent this number is, so I dug a bit.
21 is the 7th unique number in the Fibonacci sequence.
21 is also 7 x 3, which is 777, so 21 is important for people who think 7 is important.
But 21 always has significance with the 3,6,9's that Tesla talked about.
7x3 can also be viewed as being 3333333, which can reduce to 33,6,9
Mason 3 3, 6 and 9.
Add all those together…
Multiply them all…
Prime factors…
And to cap it all off:
21 12, think mirror. Sum the two number OR sum the digits of each number (both work):
>33, 33
Important for masons.
Sum each digit independently (2 + 1 + 1 + 2):
OR subtract 12 from 21
So perhaps this is just a little piece of why 21 is such an important number in certain circles.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3267312>>3268325
Finishing up my dig on Cicada.
I think I can finally answer if they are (((Cicada))) or /Cicada/.
All signs point to them being /Cicada/.
Of course there's the 17 coincidence, but that wasn't enough. Got some more now.
1) Gematria of Cicada is 21 in 3 different ciphers. Also is 42 in another… I also now understand 3301. Big clue here.
2) Freemason imagery used in a previous Cicada puzzle. I read about whitehat Mason lodges that went into hiding. 21, 33, 17, etc etc. All is adding up now.
3) JVP, an OG in the Bitcoin world used the phrase 'bitkoan'. The word 'koan' immediately made me think of the Liber Primus.
4) Here's the use of the word Koan in the Liber.
5) "Amass great wealth". A phrase from a page in the Liber Primus. I've always thought this was in reference to Crypto, but could never be sure until now.
So I think this is convincing enough now.
/Cicada/ it is.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3267576>>3271187 >>3312715
>Gold Standard
>Potential Problems
I recently found this Reddit post which goes into why the Gold Standard, or why a Gold backed currency might not be the best solution. Since many here are very pro this idea, I figured I'd post this up to see what others think.
Quicky summary:
>Currencies should be stable, immutable, etc. Aka not fiat.
>Gold proponents point to the failure of fiat as a reason to return to the Gold Standard
>The problem with Gold is that the thing backing the currency (metal) and the currency itself (paper) are separate
>This leaves room for tampering, subversion, corruption, etc.
>Bitcoin might be an 'optimal currency' because the thing backing the currency (Bitcoin) is the currency itself.
Just something interesting to consider.
The other image I thought I'd throw up here is from the Beaver poster. It's about money.
He doesn't talk about Crypto, but gives some good ideas about what money actually is, and what the best form of it might be.
▶ 701505 (89) No.3268325>>3268627 >>3294904
Thank you anon. Your posts are always enlightening and thought provoking.
I had yet to go down this rabbit hole. Very interesting.
Maybe this was already discussed, but I couldn't find it. Many cicadas have 17-year life cycles. I had a memory of going to a fair as a kid and seeing cicadas everywhere and the number 17 stuck in my mind.
On a semi related note…I was thinking about 17 recently, and realized it's the 7th prime number in order (2,3,5,7,11,13,17)
If we interpret it as 3+3+0+1 we get 7 (semi-kek).
However, if we use the digits on a keyboard in order, (that is 0 could represent 10 instead) we get 3+3+10+1 = 17 (full kek).
If we use the same methodology of assigning primes to numbers based on their order (i.e. 17 = 7 like above), 5:5 becomes 11:11.
▶ 344a86 (10) No.3268627>>3294904
Some cicadas have 21 year cycles. A number of years ago the two groups emerged the same year and we had cicadas everywhere. The years they come out together happen 21 times 17 years.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3268724>>3269229
This is a finance discussion. I will give you that as I did not grab enough of it. Point to you.
See first sentence.
Key financial barometer that is widely known. Trillions attached to it.
▶ 701505 (89) No.3269241>>3277898 >>3394391
I am not a chartfag, but that looked like a interesting line to draw.
▶ ac5970 (24) No.3271187
In 1980, they were 1 in thousands.
Today, they are 1 in 36.
The crippled cannot: Form a resistance, organize or fight.
The above, just one possible outcome.
Autoimmune diseases, major.
+25% since 1975?
Think of the children!
USGS, has it all and you can too!
ULF, em rad., shallow faults 6.2
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3277898
Look at the volumes at 2 touchlines before breakout. Its all highly manipulated however IMO VP was allowed out of a major portion of his chunk for playing ball. He has bought wisely using the proceeds imo. China has not been allowed the same courtesy. Holdings have decreased for sure over time but not at same rate and % as Russia.
▶ 12ccde (1) No.3288371
>hoard gold & silver coins
>zombie acopolyse occurs
>try to pay for milk
>milkman can’t verify worth of coins, tells me to ‘fk off kike’
>eat cereal with water
>neighbour smokes pot & bathes in pool of milk like a Roman Emporer, thx to pot&milk coin phone to phone satallute xfer
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3289947>>3293178 >>3293948
I have begun digging into these posts.
Normally I would wait for a Eureka moment before posting.
On the topic of RootA.
The original magazine is steeped in Cabal imagery. And it has some interesting References.
The 6,11 9,11 find is nice. But it causes a certain thought to titrate - why the need for a reissue?
I like Bix and his videos.
But I wonder about him leaning towards Litecoin.
Neutralizes my almonds.
RootAll Evil.
On Japan.
I haven't yet been able to find a place to listen in on Japanese Bitcoin users to see what they expect from Abe.
But I dug anyways.
If I take the TPP crumb, and add it with the Phoenix article, some interesting possibilities make themselves visible.
Will dig more later -
Hopefully not too far off the mark.
▶ 9203ea (9) No.3291462
Greetings Coinfags. Longtime Lurker. My autism cued me into the similarities between these financial white hat "robot videos" and the "robot videos" Q posted back in the day re: draining the swamp. It drove me nuts when I couldn't find out who created the videos. You will also notice many of these white hat financial people are "fringe" and not the "CNBC" type. Extremely informative Videos. Extremely
1. Google "Economic Predictions" >> Video >> Filter "Last Week"
2. Google "Global Currency Reset" >> " >> "
3. " "Global Economic Reset 2018 >> Video >> "Last Month"
XRP signing deals with domestic banks
TRON is the shit
*Do not leave $ on Exchanges - Store in Ledger Wallet
There will be some obvious dillution to the yankee dollar. Petro Yuan (Convertible to GLD) replaced Petro Dollar when Russia started trading with China not in USD. It appears SA going that way too.
Ill gladly take freedom and no fed + clean slate on treasury default in exchange for the Yuan being new reserve currency.
Bix Weir is a certified ninja…and a silver stacker
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3293178
Re-issue needed to set stage for 2008. Changes reflect in strategy shift as defined the in the aforementioned slide .
BTW there are two additional comics put out by the NYFED. The Dimes one is absolutely "Space Cash".
Yes BW is a warrior…we all are. Been a long fight.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3293948
Anyone touting this crypto is better or worse than another is just speculating. I prefer to have the bad actors washed away before I hang my hat on any of them.
Japan…Yakuza needs a good flushing. Abe seems to be a bit better although his alternatives are pretty limited. I certainly understand the situation he is/was in however the steps leading up to Sendai quake can be laid at his feet. Big mistake announcing plans to work with iran. BIS took total control shortly after.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3294904
Very interesting links and relationships there.
Thank you anons.
>3+3+10+1 = 17
>17, 21 year cycles
I'm comfortable saying there is probably a link between cicada and Q now. Awakening, Emergence, etc.
I've always leaned this way but it's nice to have something more solid to back it up.
▶ cd5609 (1) No.3298008>>3300921 >>3301033
POTUS will likely not take on the Fed this term. Next term is another story all together.
He needs time to leverage the US to be in a prosperous enough position to buy up (quietly) real gold.
Once that happens if he abolishes the Fed he tanks world economies that rely on US Fed backed dollars. Buh-bye C!
Economy fags! Poke holes in my theory, and thereby teach me sumthing! Love you fags!
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3300662>>3300950
Oh, now this is an intreedasting brain melter.
1. The Rebel logo is a Phoenix.
>The Alliance Starbird, also known as the Phoenix, was the insignia of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
2. The Imperial crest is a six pointed star of Remphan.
>The Imperial crest was the six-spoked symbol of Sheev Palpatine's Galactic Empire.
3. The Rebel ships contain imagery of sun/light.
Maybe that's why the X-Wings are always shown while rotating (spiral).
4. The Imperial ships contain imagery of the Hexagon of Saturn and related.
Was it always this? Wonder why I never noticed before.
55. The movie was released May 25th, 1977.
May 25 can also be written 5:25, and when put on a clock makes the shape of a Q with both hands at 5:5.
Like I said, very intreedastzting.
>Often described as a rising phoenix, the Starbird represented the Alliance's goal of setting the stage for the Galactic Republic to rise again from the ashes of the Galactic Empire that it swore to topple.
Go Phoenix Go
▶ 35f417 (4) No.3300921>>3301033
Yep. Too much on his pate to address Fed. in first term. And after 2020 he can do as he pleases with less interference and political hoopla.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3300950>>3306065
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The main theme is also 5:5 long.
Nice little detour we found.
▶ a782aa (1) No.3301033>>3301098
Fed is already done… rolled into the treasury.
(maintaining the "structure"/distribution framework)
Reset just needs to be announced… New US asset backed note is already funded.
▶ 35f417 (4) No.3301098>>3301141
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3301141>>3301160 >>3301187 >>3394391
Dig into recent Treasury and Fed filings. Effectively the FED is ball-less and has been for some time.
▶ 35f417 (4) No.3301160
▶ 35f417 (4) No.3301187>>3301506
Who is setting prime interest rate? Trump have input?
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3301506
The bond mkt. Less so in recent yrs as MASSIVE
printing distorts. Post above about how T changed accounting of what they call auctions several yrs ago. Since that time it's just been a process of layering more and more paper on top of the pile. In 2008 I kept waiting to see capitulation….never got it. All of that was too controlled. We will see it this time for sure.
Not my first,second or even third rodeo.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3301790>>3302278 >>3302322
Take an hour and comb through treasury. I guarantee you will have a different perspective when you finish. The main board is filled with newbs/norms busy with the kabuki playing out.
See the bigger picture.
Protect yourselves fellow anons. This only happens ONCE.
▶ 6ea7e6 (2) No.3302278
Too much Glory…
How about:
Irregular warfare?
▶ 6ea7e6 (2) No.3302322
I mean we DO put the SPECIAL
In special forces… but…
▶ ac5970 (24) No.3306065>>3306275
"With the help of local crime syndicates in East Asia, the Yakuza is known to profit from nearly all aspects of sexual exploitation: sex trafficking, sex tourism, prostitution, and “mail order” marriages. The U.S. Department of the Treasury is committed to countering networks that are engaged in human trafficking and is a member of the President's Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (PITF)."
▶ ac5970 (24) No.3306275>>3306384
"As of August 7, U.S. sanctions came back into full effect on:
the acquisition of U.S. dollar banknotes by the Government of Iran;
Iran’s trade in gold and precious metals;
the provision of graphite, raw or semi-finished metals, and software for integrating industrial processes;
transactions related to the Iranian rial;
activities related to the issuance of Iranian sovereign debt; and
Iran’s automotive sector.
Once the second phase ends on November 4, 2018, we will reimpose the remaining sanctions that were lifted under the JCPOA. These sanctions include far-reaching sanctions on Iran’s energy and shipping sectors, and on foreign financial institutions conducting certain transactions with the Central Bank of Iran and designated Iranian banks. We will aggressively enforce these authorities. We intend to hold Iran accountable for its lethal and destabilizing actions, and to leave no doubt that it must return to the negotiating table."
▶ ac5970 (24) No.3306384>>3322370
Trust the Plan.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3310755
Tether being pegged at $1.00 is telling me that the bad actors have or are being removed. See Blockone, EOS and Noble Bank.
Throw Bitfinex in the mix and you have quite a picture.
If you do not have your own private keys to your cryptos…YOU ARE INSANE!!!!!!
▶ 8b121e (2) No.3312715>>3329421 >>3329569
Martin chimes in with his thought on metal standard. Actually we need to consider the value of human labor as a exchange rate. Once we rid of the Fed and Central Banks.
"The true value of money is the productive-capability of its people. China, Germany, Japan, all rose from economic depression WITHOUT gold."
▶ 701505 (89) No.3316473>>3329569
Here's another interesting one from suspected /ourguy/ CSW.
Someone tweeted a pic of vitalik doing some oddball dance.
When asked about it, the other pic is what CSW had to say.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3317122
Lather,rinse, repeat. This is so typical of momo stocks. Send it higher and then do a convert deal at some ridiculous price.
The momo cools off and then they 'announce' what amounts to a free payday for all the officers. Seen this movie way too many times.
BTFD not going to work once that is out.
▶ 1dea9a (1) No.3319285
> [Gold] is difficult to break into smaller payments without a furnace.
Although that is true, it is likely that gold could be replaced with money substitutes (think IOU) that are controlled by private individuals and banks (not government).
The collapse of the fiat system doesn't mean the collapse of money substitutes.
Look at a history of money and banking. You will always see that precious metals were the primary choice of money -- and when the problems that you correctly identified surfaced, money substitutes (certificates, "dollars" that were redeemable for X amount of gold/silver) were sufficient.
▶ ac5970 (24) No.3322370>>3327440 >>3328932
Game begins NOW!
Ready to play?
▶ 1b3923 (4) No.3325967
▶ ac5970 (24) No.3327440>>3328932 >>3330961
Day 2
▶ 9553aa (1) No.3327683
any other cryptocurrencies still have a large number of unspent coins belonging to their anonymous original owners like Satoshi with btc/bch? don't really follow alts, but maybe an interesting question to ponder
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3328932
Holy shit, it's actually happening.
>It's not about money,
>It's about sending a message.
>Everything burns.
▶ deb742 (22) No.3329421
>The true value of money is the productive-capability of its people.
This is why the purchasing power of the usd started dropping when it was based on petroleum and became the petro dollar. You can predict a countries growth a few generations assuming it was a world power not to worry about many threats. Bundle that with a known rate of depletion, they can know the date the usd-dollar will end before it even changed to the petro-dollar.
I wouldn't be surprised to find out that after the union took a loan to pay for the war and implemented the first tax in 1871, if they didn't have the entire country owned by the house of saudi by the 1970 and then just script the next 50 years of milking the brand best known as the US Dollar via petroleum and exporting the most of it.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3329569>>3356698
>acting like child molesters
Kek, thank you for this find anon.
I've heard rumors about VB on the other boards and breads.
Wonder if he'll survive the flood?
Also learned of ETH <-> Ambrosia <-> Thiel, etc.
Will be interesting to see how it all plays out.
Also, the person CSW replied to has a very interesting twitter account.
Lots of Q and Bitcoin stuff, very relevant to what we are trying to do here.
I've been reading around and there are some good comments on his posts too.
One person linked an article that theorizes on a chance that BCH will become the new free market crypto-USD.
Tied in with the 'The Storm'. Digital NESARA. There was a proof posted above about the 'hoy grail' - I've only just realized that 5/14 can be 5:5. 5:23 as well, for Professor X's tweet.
But, who knows. Interesting times ahead nonetheless.
I agree with what he says about true value being derived from work, from production, from creation, from the people.
To this end I dug a bit on the Greenbacks that Lincoln experimented with.
What I found is that even though these were superior to a gold standard that (((they))) controlled, the value of these notes still fluctuated wildly based on how people felt about the government at the time, and that as long as the rest of the world valued gold, the power of the Greenback was always in a precarious position.
I think the only way this works is if the entire world snaps out of the delusion at the same time, and if the money doesn't have to be backed by any one entity that people can lose faith in. If they money can back itself, and if the entire world can be willing to move into it, then we might get somewhere.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3330515>>3330847
▶ d1e15d (15) No.3330847
“It was a pleasure to burn.”
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3332119>>3332329
Nice find anon.
Interesting situation with all these countries trying to start their own cryptocurrencies.
But of course, I can easily see how this would be sleight of hand.
Hyperbitcoinization soon.
New Proof
That should be the last proof needed.
I noticed that people wanted to climb this ladder starting from Q's post, so this proof was essential.
▶ d1e15d (15) No.3332329
If Craig is even Satoshi, his approval of BCH doesn't say much in this smoke and mirrors world. It could just be more of a distraction. I'm not biting on anything until the shit actually hits the fan. Until then, it just seems like scammers from the crypto world and worshipers of Bitcoin Jesus are proselytizing too much. Ver is a douche who renounced his US citizenship. People are too learned at this point to fall for more empty pump schemes.
There is nothing proved. Only time-stamps…Only future proves past…stop phishing and just wait.
▶ d1e15d (15) No.3332773
From article:
A SOLID alternative with no blockchain
Another alternative to Facebook, one that does not use blockchain, is the pair of social media apps set in competition to each other called Patter and NotPatter. They are being built to run on a “fully autonomous network for the decentralised web called the SAFE Network”, “to test the concept of users being in control of their data, rather than the social media service providers”.
Dug Campbell, head of marketing and outreach at Maidsafe, the company behind the SAFE Network, calls it “a decentralised, private, secure internet -- using data structured according to SOLID, Sir Tim Berners-Lee’s linked data project.”
He explained the current problem and its solution to Verdict:
“Many people today use social media platforms to keep in touch with friends and family. But these are platform advertising businesses that survive by giving third-party companies the chance to target their adverts more precisely. That means two things: one -- they can’t let you take your data; and two – the platforms are designed with the overriding goal of maximising advertising revenue.
“Sharing information shouldn’t require us to pay a cost in terms of privacy. New decentralised technologies provide the promise of ensuring that users can move between platforms without having their data siloed and kept behind barriers built by the dominant technology platforms. What we really need is an internet in which all of your information is private and secure by default. You then choose your social circle and content that you want to engage in -- but at no stage are you locked into that platform.”
The Patter apps, he says, allow users to, “simply close your Facebook account, and within 10 seconds join a competing social platform… where the very first time that you open it up, you can see all of that data that you were using before -- friends, likes, messages, interactions – the lot.”
Making the case for a non-blockchain solution
Campbell argues that while beneficial, blockchain is not right for social media.
“We do not dispute that the blockchain can be valuable as an immutable ledger for transactions. But it’s not the right platform to protect vast quantities of data, especially the type of sensitive personal data you find on social networks,” he says.
“Data isn’t encrypted by default on blockchains -- in fact, the opposite is required as the whole point is that the record of transactions can be read by anyone. And a blockchain still can’t scale to capture every single transaction (a like, retweet, and so on) if it has any aspirations of being a global platform.
“So if you’re storing the data elsewhere and merely using the blockchain to record the proof that data existed at some point in time, you’re rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic -- your personal data is still being stored in a centralised location somewhere around the world and liable to be attacked.
“How does that solve security and privacy? It’s exactly the same problem that we see with today’s world wide web. The network needs to be completely decentralised and autonomous. True decentralisation requires the data to be encrypted then scattered around the network and broken up into fragments. Remove the fixed data targets for hackers and remove the fallibility of humans from the equation. Let the autonomous network itself decide how resources are allocated and ensure that the network is secured.”
The world is fully dependent on social media, a global habit often debated for its merits and failures. Facebook and the rest of the social media giants offer accessibility as well as familiarity. But the failure of big social media platforms to protect user data is becoming more and more obvious.
A blockchain alternative or another solution might already exist, but users need convincing it is not only a viable solution but a friendly one.
▶ 9203ea (9) No.3333178>>3335781
"Anyone who is touting one blockchain over another is just speculating"
Speculating is for normies. An autist determines reasonable value and makes decisions with conviction. (I.e selling house prior to 9/1, living in hotel, lurk 18 hrs / day, invest accordingly, what a fool?)
XRP and PNC bank establish formal agreement. (explore)
Does past volatility in any security = "No Good" or "Stay away" ?
Lurking Moar and Moar on these boards = SN identity and
Post Lehman White payper roots
BTC was a revolution but 33k daily btc transactions are anything but "anonymous" and post SN cabal interventions will likely cloud long term appreciation in the first coin.
Explore XRP:
Proprietary infrastructure?
Any unique capabilities for "across the pond" transactions?
Any bandwidth concerns re: mass transactions? HA HA HA
SLV >= GLD ?
explore and learn. Its fun.
Chasing performance can lead to disappointing results. Explore and determine value for yourself.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3335781
This anon is on it…
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3341315
Interesting Linkedin page as well.
Can't access due to authwall, might roll it in with the other dig.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3349222>>3349590 >>3385025 >>3389867 >>3394391
Going to leave a mark for sure. Wait until Sunday night!!!!!
▶ 9203ea (9) No.3349357
What's the catalyzing event this Sunday, anon?
I'm keyed in on dime - dime - this year. What did I miss?
▶ 9203ea (9) No.3349402
what's the catalyzing event sunday night anon?
i'm laser focused on dime/dime/thisyear
▶ d1e15d (15) No.3349590
trips speak:
K is good for America.
▶ 06ed05 (3) No.3349656
FIAT has ALWAYS failed.
▶ 06ed05 (3) No.3349907
I'm thinking of the Triangle shape YET AGAIN.
https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2221598.html#q2650351 etc
▶ 06ed05 (3) No.3349939
It's cerulean blue and triangular.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3349982>>3350024
the continued detonation of the 10yr note.
The rest of the world is effectively closed since 8:30amPST
IMO this pause here is the system sending out margin calls to the extremely over-leveraged inhabitants (i.e. all the big players).
"Mr. Margin on line….all of them!"
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3350024>>3351450
Keep in mind the drop of this week is not really much in % term. What is at work here is MASSIVE leverage. Think 3x levered ETF's short/Long.
We don't have any tits here so……
▶ 271fd2 (1) No.3350070
i got shilled off the planet a few months back for telling evryone to read fiat money inflation in france that should be required reading
▶ deb742 (22) No.3356698
>I agree with what he says about true value being derived from work, from production, from creation, from the people.
Gold and metals were the standard when it was assumed mining was possible everywhere important and the input yielded the same percent output. Meaning 100 men could bring the same amount of gold out of India as they could America. It wasn't until industrialization when certain actors had an advantage and oil had a standard that any major country could obtain.
I noticed these came out this week:
> H.R.7002 - To amend the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act to clarify the applicability of such Act to electronic records, electronic signatures, and smart contracts created, stored, or secured on or through a blockchain, to provide uniform national standards regarding the legal effect, validity, and enforceability of such records, signatures, and contracts, and for other purposes.
> H.R.7006 - To address the concept of "Too Big To Fail" with respect to certain financial entities.
Back to the value. I know that there's a known cost for transmitting the smallest form of data 'bits', and since that would be the foundation for crypto in addition to data/communication being essential for businesses I wonder if that HR7002 has anything to do with this postal service resolution HR7019
> H.R.7019 - To authorize the United States Postal Service to provide certain nonpostal property, products, and services on behalf of State, local, and tribal governments.
I could see USPS being used as the standard for human effort and the source for purchasing a crypto that the majority accept.
When you think about how Western Union started, it was similar and today it's known as financial institution. Didn't we just read about Ripple working with MoneyGram?
Why Ripple didn't take the billions it made last winter to just buy the brand and relabel all the terminals to Ripple, is UNFATHOMABLE to me.
▶ deb742 (22) No.3356772>>3357949 >>3419109
I looked it up because reading 1919 made me question it, but found this.
> British Israelism (also called Anglo-Israelism) states that people of Western Europe descent, particularly those in Great Britain, are the direct lineal descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. The doctrine often includes the tenet that the British Royal Family is directly descended from the line of King David.
So why wouldn't Israel be under British rule like Canada?
▶ deb742 (22) No.3357375
>A jab at the petrodollar.
Is petro dead? The whitehouse released an order to be able to build a new fuel cell system that's been known since 1947!
> I hereby determine, pursuant to section 303(a)(5) of the Act, that the development of and the purchase of equipment and materials needed for alane fuel cells are essential to the national defense
▶ d1e15d (15) No.3357949
makes satoshis to me.
▶ 283304 (2) No.3358372>>3358453
Think: Star Trek society. No, really--even Buckminster Fuller said it over 100 years ago, that the idea of having to "earn a living" was specious, when we have the technology (much of it suppressed) and resources to live great lives with all we need, doing what we enjoy rather than "whatever it takes" to earn a living.
I hope we move to a society where we don't use money at all! Sure, some backed in precious metals (silver as well as gold) might serve as a standby until we adapt, but really, the "value" of the money used in society is actually based on US--the "chattel," I think it was Bill Clinton referred to us as.
"They consider you no better than cattle" is a quote I've seen about the cabal. So once they're eliminated, the fraudulent Federal Reserve private banking cartel is either taken down or restructured past recognition, our lives will become infinitely freer, I believe.
▶ 283304 (2) No.3358453
And it's rumored that POTUS is thinking of restructuring the IRS (fraudulent, foreign entity taking income tax to service the "debt" from interest on money "loaned to us" by the Federal Reserve--printed on our printing presses), doing away with income tax, and going back to a Treasury printing money, letting tarifs finance govt, so it doesn't get too big. That would improve things vastly, right there–as well as zeroing out fraudulent debt. I'm hoping there's widespread debt forgiveness, especially mortgage debt. Buying a house means you pay for it essentially 3X if you take out a loan–once for the principle, and twice for the interest…
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3358635>>3360231
Don't overthink this. Scour the Banking Act of 1933
Go to Treasury and see how many changes have been made since FY2018 began. 2017 and 2016 are interesting. 2016 for the fuckery that was going on with Hussein going out the door.
How those changes line up with Fed operations prior to 1933.
It's not a tit-for-tat remove and replace. Times have changed so it must reflect our new digital future.
The US Mint pratically begged people to look at Silver Eagles in early September. They claimed a shortage of planch. for production. A quick scan of sales shows a shortage is not the case based on what they have produced with own legacy numbers. BW has excellent summary of this.
I think the Mint sent a HUGE signal to whoever was listening by stopping/starting its yearly run when they did. I can't recall such a scenario in the past. The only thing close is the long wait for delivery if you bought on the way up to 50 starting in 2010. Saw 6 week lead outs at the worst.
That was a shortage of a different nature.
Eye on the 10yr.
▶ b30974 (1) No.3360231>>3362553
i thought the play would be through silver also for the US - lines up with Q's wizard of oz references (the original story behind the oz tale about populists and cross of gold speech, etc). i'm curious about the comments you made though. can you post more links / sauce for me to follow up on what you just posted?
also does this mean you are buying silver, or avoiding equities? or just waiting on the sidelines….
i had been shorting tech but now that move is getting to be pretty expensive…. still think it's probably worth it but i'm not moneybags and can't afford to take too many gambles atm.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3362553
No skin in equity mkt. I have been a hard asset guy for 2 decades perhaps longer.
I need specifics if I am going to answer questions from you. I can point you to Ron Paul speech where he emphatically shows up BB when he states "only Treasury has the authority to COIN money". I believe it is above somewhere.
Again I can help you but you need to ask direct questions.
I have ZERO skin in this game…sidelines.
Want to make sure what happened to me in 2001 does not happen to anyone else. 9/11 wiped me and several others out. Out-of-pocket until early 2003 because of that shit. Fuckers need to go down and soon
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3362886
caveat: I do not have all the answers for you or me. What I can do is relate 3 decades of trading and experience to you.
I had this help starting in 1997. Its time to return the favor.
Thank you to the people who helped me in 1997 I know some of you are here.
I will be around today..
This is not an ego thing. It is a human thing. If more people shared what they know we would not be in this position…we are.
Don't ask what YOU need to do….no one can answer that for you . I can barely do it for me let alone anyone else.
▶ bb65cd (2) No.3362892>>3365305 >>3366277
Hello Q Team,
Can you please take this post into discussion. It covers thoughts on the weaponization of the US financial markets and thoughts on restoring the US public markets as a venue for capital formation.
Near the beginning of the Q posts you disclosed Hodgman, so you’ve obviously early on followed all the relationships north into their origins. The purpose of the daisy chain of relationships is to craft a scenario where certain people can create un-natural outflows from the capital markets. I think you guys have that one under control. If you don’t, set up a meeting with FINRA’s short selling regulation dept. They are privy to all.
Nice job buffering us from the oil crisis.
There are a couple problems which have the same solution. First the markets have been weaponized. The weaponization seems to have just been activated. The second is, the blood letting above mentioned has ceased the US public markets from being a venue for capital formation; it’s a killing field for hopeful companies.
The weaponization was perfected down in micro-cap stocks. It is now being enacted within large cap and indexes. The process is to use automated trading schemes to increase volatility. With elevated volatility, humans simply pause waiting for cheaper prices. Bids get thin, HFT / AI slam through bids -- very fast vicious cycle.
The solution is 2 step simple:
1 human. 1 hand. 1 order. All orders must be placed, amended, cancelled by a human hand.
Reinstate the uptick rule while abolishing the use of liquidity shares. Make it so one cannot use short term counterfeit shares to sell short. The shares must exist to sell short. And make it so the short seller must wait for someone to take his offer. Frankly you can eliminate short selling all together. The argument that short sellers prevent investors from getting victimized by fraud is 100% opposite from the truth. By definition a short seller puts out more shares to even more long investors before exposing the fraud. Short selling if performed correctly actually hurts more people.
This 2 part solution will help to return the public markets into venue for capital formation. In 2000 there were 12,000 publicly traded companies on the NASDAQ, NYSE and AMEX combined. Now 4800. GDP is 80% higher.
Human market makers and human traders bring in golfing buddies. How many golfing buddies do HFT programmers bring into the market?
You have to rehumanize the markets.
And, in eliminating or containing predatory destructive negative GDP short selling, tiny companies will begin to IPO and do secondaries again. Currently if a company is below $500,000,000 in market cap and does not have free cash flow to repurchase stock defending against HFT short selling, the odds are very high they will be driven down in value to the point of delisting. There is no opportunity for them to build a hopeful, engaged shareholder base and then pursue the follow on funding necessary to grow the business.
And you might want to hurry up. They’ve just started selling the 10 yr and the spy tech large cap. There go the 401k’s and pension funds just in time for the midterms. Funny how the market changed the day Q asked if we were ready for arrests???
Thanks for all you do.
▶ d1e15d (15) No.3365305>>3393257
I recently met with some family office people. That field has had explosive growth in the last decade around the world, but no one really addresses why. Basically, because public markets aren't working, there are private markets for debt, LBOs, etc. Family offices are basically private secondary and tertiary private equity groups for the smaller LBOs that the big public companies pass over because of the regulatory demands. Lots of value is going to a few private hands and getting sucked from the system. Even between the various players, it's becoming a game of musical chairs, and all this private equity/hedge fund/venture capital money in the hands of wealthy families is going to blow up, then the public markets will be able to buy it back on the cheap because of the lower regulatory impediments. Public pensions win, Social Security saved, America restored. A lot of this alternative investment crap will wilt away and creep back into the hole from which it came or with the specialists and niche markets and out of public pensions and endowments. As for HFT, there is some argument for them, but I think there is much needed regulation of them coming…if not a total ban. The key is to incentivize long-term investing and keep the speculators at the margins picking up the scraps. It would be ignorant to try to get rid of them completely. They just need to be sandboxed.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3366277
You have to re-humanize the markets.
See Nanex.com for the theft of markets.
Imo EH will play a role in the prosecution of the exchanges.
It became an absolute joke when the exchanges started charging premiums for proximity to the main server racks. Co-location fee's soon became all the rage.
Fuckers just couldn't get enough.
Brad Katsuyama at RBC described this process through Lewis book. I did not read it until much later. For some it was a book you did not have to read. As BK tells in the book the actual fuckery with the trading speeds were also manifested in the opex markets too. Many times starting in 2007 about the time of the Bear Stearns fuckup (($2 DOLLARS!!))-for you JC- the opex market bid/ask were just moved away from your order to sell. Usually only a penny or so but fuckery nontheless. I had to place a buy for 1 in order to get the bid up to the hard sell order for 5 or more. You would not see this if market order used.
Chairs were removed on friday for sure. It's never announced.
Look up headlines on 091508.
It really got moving shortly afterwards. As a bonus we had CNN pimping how storm after storm See Pic.
All a big game.
We win this time.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3384111>>3384436 >>3394391
Good luck with the main board today…childcare.
4 markets slightly green a few hours before asia comes on.
The rest are not so much…..kek!
▶ d1e15d (15) No.3384436
Cramer likes child's play.
▶ 9203ea (9) No.3385025
Did anyone else just see that trips speaks post appear and then disappear? It was a 111 re: asia
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3385179>>3385193
▶ 9203ea (9) No.3385193
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3386476>>3386831 >>3419109
This is product of 1 ONE anon just like you. Nothing special about me. Perhaps a little older but nothing else.
This would just fly by on the main board now.
Read this:
then add this
Keeping in mind that boss has dropped 1909 as a key point in why/how we are here now. Find the early drop about it.
Add in this tidbit of info. to it
Shake a little with this….
Keep in mind the above on this day site and play with ranges of events and when they happened relative to '1909 changed everything'.
If you have visited northern AZ you may know some of the local stories.
Sometimes you just have to let go and go with it.
▶ ccbe90 (2) No.3386831>>3388264 >>3419109
Apr 11 Establishment of Tel Aviv by Jewish settlers (named 1910)
Jul 12 16th Amendment was passed by congress (power to tax incomes)
Sep 27 US President Taft sets aside some 3 million acres of oil-rich public land (including Teapot Dome, Wyoming) for conservation purposes
lots more too, busy year…
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3388264
Look into the deadliest, at the time, mid-air collision. 1956 I think. Lots to explore relating back to 1909
▶ 9203ea (9) No.3389867>>3390624 >>3394391
Trips Speaks. China lowers bank reserves 4th time this year. Shanghai Xchange down 3%.
▶ cff6d8 (1) No.3390624
sum ting wong in chyna
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3392855
Fuckers can't say "sell"…always a buy. Think Real Estate agents.
This is entertainment on the GRANDEST scale.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3392859
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3392892
Bond mkt closed for holiday.
▶ bb65cd (2) No.3393257
Small world. I've gravitated toward working for a family office. Agree that the wealth has been and is continuing to pool. Valuations are beginning to matter again. This is problematic for those who have ignored them. As we have moved into a world where all truths are eventually illuminated, I think a lot of the dismantling you discuss is inevitable as well.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3393425>>3394391
got the hint……done for now.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3394391>>3395100
>Anything familiar
The all seeing eye. Yes fiat is definitely (((their))) money.
Check out pic related though anons, FLOTUS placing a white hat right under the eye.
How's that for a Hidden Hand? Troll level: Maximum.
>It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means
He has some good ideas for a fictional character, but is too ashamed of his own power. How about:
>The choice is not between this, or that; but doing the necessary; the alternative is chaos.
Seems better.
Just tempered by the idea of being as smart and strategic as possible… this I am still learning.
>>3349222 (checked)
>>3384111 (checked)
Kek has arrived.
You know, I'm not much of a chartfag either, but the trend reversal is clear.
Looks like the show is about to begin. I derive no pleasure from this, but if the market actually does correct, it should wake people up.
Time for some popcorn.
>done for now
I hope not anon. I am enjoying every post in this thread.
I haven't overlook a single one.
I only contribute when I can though. Normally during the humid summer months, that means never, but through some miracle I have been able to be productive during this one. Historically all my best work comes Nov - Mar (living in the South).
Plus, I think things are just getting started. We may get some more company here soon.
Oh they really love their symbolism.
I think BTC may have bottomed 6 times as well.
I remember seeing a battle between 666 and 777 on BCH. That was fun to watch.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3394983>>3419109
SPX bottomed at 666.xx in early March 09….
Well, it broke and dropped another 75 points in just a few days (which happened to be an intraday low of 666 and change for those who like the macabre). The break below 741 took a few days to play out. It bounced around 740-750 for a couple of days and then hit the same down trending line I drew today as I did two weeks ago (the thinner line below). The SPX actually made it above that line, but couldn’t close above it. After not being successful at a true breakthrough the decline continued and the path of least resistance was down.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3395100>>3419109
Your instincts are telling you something.
Act accordingly. Said it once before above…..
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3398427
ESF to the rescue. Nice ramp into close.
Means absolutely dick with the bond market closed. It's actually MUCH easier to do this when that closes early for an extended weekend or closed altogether. The real shit-show starts in about 2 hours.
▶ d1e15d (15) No.3400440>>3419109
sounds about right…
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3419109>>3423026
>666 again
I do read you loud and clear anon.
I made my moves months ago.
And I know you see, there is more that I could do.
But I've done everything that I have the energy for. And I wish I had more, there are digs in this bread I want to complete.
But, anything more re: this happening would require me exerting my will over others - that I do not have in me at this moment.
I will let the market move them, as is the plan.
A certain brand of Russian Fatalism: Lying face down in the Snow & whatever happens, happens.
Who am I to run from this storm?
If there is pain coming, I will experience it.
If some burns while others soar, that is Karmic balance. I have to be careful not to become (((them))) while handling money matters.
Yes, R talks about that year.
And yes I know who R is and of his legitimacy so there is no need to psyop me in the other direction.
Those were also the first breads where I saw the drops about the British crown owning us.
>So why wouldn't Israel be under British rule
British royals are (((them))) who snuck into the royal bloodline, using that country and its wealth to promote Zionism, Greater Israel, etc.
Perhaps I should turn up my power level a bit in these breads. I have been very reserved up till now for the sake of the newfags.
▶ deb742 (22) No.3423026>>3425823
When you understand what "we" are, what you yourself attached with:
>>You do not know how deep this goes.
Look up Tesla aether:
Now consider newly released CIA docs that made their way on rebbit recently:
We're a ball of energy building ideas off the common idea that holds the 'idea' of this world together.
>>If you knew, you could not sleep. Many of you could never go on.
Some won't like the idea that they're exactly like the person next to them, just building off from where their parents idea of them started.
>>You need each other. You need every ONE of you.
Since we're all just an idea, we need to share more in common to expand more efficiently, faster, better.
>>Learn to ply nice with each other or be left behind. If one stumbles, pick them up. If one asks a question, give them the answer. That is how we grow.
This is how (((they))) kept us together. Think a pyramid of thoughts. Think about how Christianity needed to include the old-testament, how Islam was built off old and new.
Think of spectrum, like a rainbow, there's a place for everything and when everything's in the correct place we can build further. Like a bad idea (lie), it can only go so far before it takes too much energy to maintain that you need to 'redefine' it. A building can only go so high before it needs to be widened or strengthen the foundation. Pyramid. They taught us pieces over millennia and started the masses with pyramid building for a reason, it's how WE ALL understand and build around. A three sided pyramid specifically, 3D, has 4 sides, you just don't see the bottom because YOU believe it's there because you don't believe something could be ontop of NOTHING.
>>There's no more room in the plan for arrogance and self importance. if you turn ONE away, you've hurt the plan. If you hurt the plan, you'll be left behind.
Your place in the world isn't up to just you, it's up to those around you to ensure there's a spot. This is why we need to be on the same page. Take the POV of the pyramid architect, what's the most efficient method to build the blocks and move them to their final spot? You need millions of people but can you have millions of individuals doing what they want? You can if they all just want to fit it and get this thing built with the least effort asap. Think about south american relics. "Where'd they go?" they built HUGE intricate civilizations and bounced? They learned the truth and didn't have enough to continue the civilization. If you want the "idea of america" to continue you need to build a base and find a spot for everyone. So… "trust the plan" means learn your role and become a base for others that may be far behind and align with other 'bases' around you so you can build together.
Start reading up on building a business model and things like 'how to start a hoa' to understand how existing systems work
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3425823
Try explaining this to the ashes of your ancestors.
Great civilizations wiped off of the face of the Earth - why?
Which ancient civilization is the only one that still continues to this day - why?
I love sharing with others, with helping others, with building them up to be great.
But there is a way to do it stupidly, and there is a way to do it properly.
Even if we are all connected in some metaphysical way, which I do believe, that does not mean one high should give up his position. For what?
This is false. This is egalitarianism - a disease.
Will to power. Others are helped through your shining example - see Trump.
R did irreparable damage to our movement. The irony.
His message caused oldfags to stop policing the boards - quality declined rapidly afterwards. Mistake.
Newfags are helped the most through harsh criticism. This forces self-reflection. They lack.
Sorry anon but I am not interested in the idea of building Pyramids, systems like the HOA, or in continuing the 'idea of america'.
We can do better than all of those.
We must.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3425935>>3426911
I think it's starting.
Tevet indeed.
A little more like this and I might have what I need to get others to finally act.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3426911>>3427497
Chairs were removed last friday. It always takes some time.
and right on cue she-devil herself Blythe Masters surfaces.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3427497>>3427845 >>3427846
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>3426911 (digits)
>Blythe Masters
Oh, I am learning.
Shoutout to BW again.
Still not sure why he pushes these shitcoins, but his content is on point.
Why isn't he willing to discuss BCH?
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3427845>>3428436
He does a disservice to the rest of his body of work by picking any of them over another.
Unless he knows more. He may.
▶ 701505 (89) No.3427846>>3428436
BW sometimes misses the forest for the trees, but I agree that his general thesis is spot on and knew about the financial aspect of "The Plan" before just about any other civilian.
He doesn't discuss BCH because he says he "prefers to stay out of the BTC vs BCH fight" (paraphrasing) and prefers litecoin (LTC) instead.
An unnuanced position if you ask me as I don't think LTC values on-chain scaling like BCH does. (It also has segwit cancer).
Bix woke me to a lot of the rigging of markets, but I do my own research as Qanon says.
We are the cult of no cults.
▶ 701505 (89) No.3428053>>3428436 >>3433895
Thought of something else.
Dow down 800+ today.
Patriots in control?
If they are in control, they are letting this happen.
Americans care most about jobs/economy.
D_Party imploding, escalating violence, causing uncertainty?
Markets 'appear' spooked.
>Double meanings.
November >>>
>Red Tsunami?
Country reunited, uncertainty resolved, markets massive rebound?
]Patriots[ in control.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3428436>>3441350
>the cult of no cults
I have given some thought to why he would choose LTC.
1) Avoid the BCH trolls/bots/shills.
2) If BCH kills BTC chain (miner war) LTC will survive, and may even gain.
3) Silverbugs will be naturally keen on LTC ('silver to Bitcoin's gold') and getting them onto LTC-crypto is better than nothing.
4) Perhaps people who don't 'get' BCH shouldn't be buying it right now.
That said I am a maximalist and have no faith in LTC due to the fact that it is a brainless china hustle codefork of BTC and for the Segwit reason mentioned too. I did see that Lee was forced to sell his coins though. But…
BCH or nothing.
>All those shitcoins will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
Great post anon.
Yes, ever since I had a run-in with another anon in the main bread months ago, this has been my theory as well.
He told me to think about the plan, to think about 11/11, and to think about timing and 'crescendos'.
If the markets are to rebound before elections (a very important time), then the storm itself needs to wrap up before then, I would think. But who knows.
Also I have been watching some videos on the youtube channel of Craig Mason, very good stuff.
▶ c6e004 (1) No.3429318>>3429394 >>3431137
I keep on hearing people say that it's impossible to stop a collapse yet Q says that safety of the American people is a priority. How exactly are we going to reverse this system that has been in place for over a hundred years without going into a depression?
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3429351
I can only imagine the dinner 'conversations' tonight. Do not walk past any tall blgds in NY tonight!!!!
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3429394
re-value it to fair logical levels. We may even get a natural organic market at the end of it.
Speaking of natural
▶ be5416 (4) No.3430370>>3431166
What spooked the market today?
▶ 344a86 (10) No.3431137
I think the value of the dollar needs to be restored. Simply use cash. If electronic money disappeared the supply of money would go down and I think the dollar could be revalued to about its 1900 value. Don't know about a return to the gold standard but that is apparently constitutional. Poor people with pennies in couches could buy things again if a penny bought what a dollar does now.
▶ deb742 (22) No.3431166
▶ be5416 (4) No.3431583
I'm still not seeing why the indexes tanks. I know it's related to the tech stocks. It started at the open today. Someone must have said something over the weekend.
▶ be5416 (4) No.3431637>>3431784
Fuck it. I'm withdrawing from FX broker and just getting out of the market. Turn it into something else.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3431784
Really…you guys are seriously asking what caused this??
Where the fuck have you been in the last 10 years??
▶ e145fc (8) No.3433112
You fags ready to mK America great again
▶ e145fc (8) No.3433315
Anyone wanna give me a ride to somewhere safe
▶ bd00c0 (2) No.3433869
Hm. RED October… Stock Market Crash? That Red line that plummets on graphs? We would have to prepare for something like THAT in September…Multiple meanings and all.
▶ bd00c0 (2) No.3433895
I think you are correct about Red October being an economic restructure.
▶ e145fc (8) No.3434731
I'll just sit here until the software catches up to the hardware I have or they catch me first. Nobody wants to stick their neck out. Sad
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3434758
The biggest mistake anyone makes, and I certainly made it long ago, is only watching the indexes. This tells you nothing.
This system has made the word sell just another expletive.
Pull up any ratings and it all says the same thing year after year.
Well I would be pretty successful if I knew Geithner, Paulsen, Rubin, Summers, Bernancke et al were conspiring to throw trillions at the world's markets. Never mind all the research that points to Hussein 'liberating' plates into PI. Throw in the Black trust and all the cash, gold and who knows what else in Malay and Indo.
That starts to add up. I realize this is going to hurt but I have faith in these guys. Look how far we have come?
Zero out all the crappy debt held on paper while not decimating the public's savings, retirement-this is critical, and non-equity holdings. Corp./Gov't debt is going to get a severe haircut imo.
Mnuchin has been very busy and is a smart man-has many skills. I particularly liked the performance piece at Ft. Knox. Both did a masterful job-hats off to you both!….and on the day of the eclipse.
You cannot have an honest, open fairly traded market if you allow it to be pinned or trapped by paper. The CFTC needs some enforcement balls. Seems it is growing some slowly.
If they leave it in Chicago they need to do something about the lag with trading. Yes I know it's all laser's at the top end but you still have an exploitable latency lower down., i.e. retail.
Boss has managed a pretty soft landing for the unaware. I thought it would be much worse but as the last few weeks have gone by there is almost a calming effect.
The reactions to the coming news notwithstanding I think these guys/gals have got this entire thing wired top to bottom.
▶ e145fc (8) No.3434812>>3436299
This medallion is nfc correct? I am being aggressively scanned from several locations nearby and followed. All I want to do is put this thing in a wallet.
▶ e145fc (8) No.3434858
I read a good book about fiver optics and latency trading. I'm aware of the late cy issue I keep telling you it's note changing it. Under heavy state level electronic attack and I need help
I'm not going to use coms when they can read it too
▶ e145fc (8) No.3434934>>3435029
Remember the Cuba Sonic weapon embassy? I sleep with ear plugs in . Seriously about to dox myself and hope good guys get here first
▶ e145fc (8) No.3435029
Not sure if they want the coin or the keys. I just want somewhere safe to finish the last one.oliver clothes off with a twist at the end
▶ deb742 (22) No.3436299
No NFC, you nitwit. Get an RFIC credit-card sleeve or container to store in if the tin foil from your room isn't helping.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3437249>>3437742
this will have a period of time at open where it is propped to give the big boys an exit. Lather,rinse,repeat.
Market Makers are scum of the earth….
Self-help declared in 3,2,1…..
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3437742>>3437806 >>3438491
>Market Makers are scum of the earth….
I think handling money in general changes people, perhaps for the worse. But it is absolutely amplified when it becomes something like what they do.
Anons earlier in this thread brought up the idea of being able to live or function in a society without money. And I thought that was something worth digging on, because I am naturally averse to money, but the more I dug on it the more evidence I found showing that: no it is not possible.
I'll probably make a larger post in a bit showing what I found.
By the way anons, here comes the pain.
Roubini (pic rel) says crypto is the Mother of all Scams/Bubbles (MOAB).
And of course, he is right if describing the current state. 99% of this market has to go.
But I do have hope for the future.
The statement he released is 3(7) pages long.
>also 10
His hearing just went live:
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3437806>>3437931
Not that he was wrong about BS event however he is the broken clock because he never adjusted to the trillions being forced through a tiny spigot.
He will eventually be right but he missed much on the way up.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3437931>>3438491 >>3440967
But now is his time to shine. All of the points he is making ring true to me, even for the current version of BCH.
But the person he is speaking with is very well spoken pro-crypto.
Mr. Peter Van Valkenburgh.
BTW, is this a normal tablecloth color for the venue they are at?
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3438491>>3448409
Both speakers brought up the G20.
Worth keeping an eye on it this year. All the usual suspects will be there.
Also might be worth keeping an eye on the following two date (ranges).
Oct 12 & Oct Qth-20th
The magazine correctly predicted something happening on the 10th, we'll see if it continues to deliver or not. And for good or bad - unsure.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3440904
stick save for the moment
▶ 701505 (89) No.3440967>>3444129 >>3459194
Kek tablecloth.
Van Valkenburgh was well spoken. Seems to like LN a lot, but his point stands that eventually second layer solutions can make things simple.
LN just seems like it's being pushed prematurely to strangle bitcoin before its necessary.
Roubini is a hack of epic proportions. Jon Faust was ripping him to shreds in my mind.
▶ 701505 (89) No.3441241>>3459194
Getting close to this bread filling up.
Anon if you've got these notables in a good format, I think you'd be doing us a great service by baking new bread when the time comes.
Or anyone else that can bake that's great too. I will do it if nobody wants to but I am not certified.
This thread has been great fun and very enlightening. Thanks anons.
▶ 701505 (89) No.3441350>>3441877 >>3459194
>Avoid the BCH trolls/bots/shills.
>Silverbugs will be naturally keen on LTC ('silver to Bitcoin's gold') and getting them onto LTC-crypto is better than nothing.
Interesting considerations, but I am more inclined to agree with your last point.
>Perhaps people who don't 'get' BCH shouldn't be buying it right now.
BW does not strike me as a 4D chess type. He was making bold specific predictions in the hype of last year on specific coins that never came true. Damaged his credibility IMO. I was telling my friends, "it could go up, could go down." BW was screeming for moons and lambos.
>Yes, ever since I had a run-in with another anon in the main bread months ago, this has been my theory as well.
>He told me to think about the plan, to think about 11/11, and to think about timing and 'crescendos'.
>If the markets are to rebound before elections (a very important time), then the storm itself needs to wrap up before then, I would think. But who knows.
The RED results get people paying attention. Markets go down, FISA exposure, more corruption exposure, Trump pulls plug to drain swamp, markets rally. Perhaps this is a last chance for people to get in relatively cheap for the reset that's coming over the next years.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3441877
Particulary ironic for him that his recent video was another LTC to the moon.
That did not work today. Could though.
▶ d1e15d (15) No.3444070
▶ deb742 (22) No.3444129>>3444215
What's this https://Tether.to coin I just noticed started peaking the past 30 days. Previous name was "True USD"?
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3444215
▶ b127dc (1) No.3448409>>3449547 >>3459194
“You can believe in personal liberty or you can seek equality, but not both.
If you seek equality, you always destroy liberty. Humans are not equal.
The only equality is to be equally poor.”
▶ 84bac3 (1) No.3449531
Another Q proof. Red October. Pic related.
▶ deb742 (22) No.3449547
All people are created equal. You have the right to pursue happiness even if your pursuit leaves your thirst for happiness unquenched. It's unamerican to hold others responsible for your pursuit.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3450458
Shorts will cover into this pop. The smart ones covered some of it into close yest and the REALLY smart ones took a small long to sell into this morning's pop.
▶ 1b3923 (4) No.3450521>>3451166
Link to livestream:
▶ d1e15d (15) No.3450616
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3450841>>3452117
not very convincing…still early. Volume tapering off
▶ 1b3923 (4) No.3451166>>3452972 >>3459194 >>3470962
Dr Nouriel Roubini
Massive FUD against anything blockchain
Pushed only FinTech
"Crypto is the Mother of All Scams and (Now Busted) Bubbles While Blockchain Is The Most Over-Hyped Technology Ever, No Better than a Spreadsheet/Database"
Roubini digs:
1. Senior Economist for Council of Economic Advisers for Bill Clinton's admin.
2. Iranian Jew
3. Professor of economics at New York University's Stern School of Business
4. Visiting researcher/advisor at IMF
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3452117
big boys out…..see where it goes.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3452451
If you have candlestick (Kanji) skills the last 2.5 days have been a wet dream!! Up/Down with plenty of volume for retail entry/exit. I hope someone is cleaning up here. I would be.
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3453059
January 3rd 2013 Gold Price $1663.75
December 31st 2013 Gold $1205.40
Not 48% but some perspective is needed
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3453530
Leverage sucks when it moves against you…
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3459194
Nice find anon.
I got so caught up in the hype on the 10th that I overlooked that.
Is also an interesting time. Perhaps a reference to 9/11?
Your post made me realize that I need to get my head back in the game and stop getting too sucked into the show.
Found this, another that I have been overlooking for too long (image 1).
CSW makes a sign on his profile picture.
>"Without even A Sign of mercy"
From the other bread, if you remember.
He also linked to a 17 page paper called Plasma about building tokens on the BCH chain. That coupled with BloXroute and Avalanche should really boost the abilities of BCH - though while digging into those protocols I did find some potential poison pills. I'll include that idea in my post on that topic.
Roubini is absolutely just another banker fudster. And it seems by the numerology in his release that Patriots control.
But honestly I think his points should be taken in stride (they already are) in that we should strive to build a coin that can make all the doubters look like fools.
And for my tastes, no one will ever surpass the 'professor bitcorn' guy.
Yes I can bake. If the bread is full and another one isn't up I will bake.
I don't want to become the official baker but I can do the next one.
I will save my digs for the next bread since this one is almost full.
>BW not 4D
Perhaps anon. But I have come to realize that disinfo is needed at all times these days.
I guess it will be best to just let the future show what is actually going on.
>for the reset that's coming
Yes, but I am wondering if there will be a lot of pushback from the types who are worried about the mark of the beast.
I do see that argument come up often when discussing cryptos (image 2).
Will be interesting to see how that plays out.
Noted anon.
That is an interesting mirror frame.
A quick dig shows it was sold in the northeast US for a time.
Has Takeshita come to town? I will let the future reveal.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3460266
Oh but anons, there is actually one dig that I am glad to put at the end of this bread.
It is very 'out there', and unfounded, and risky, and for those reasons it makes sense to not put it at the top of a new bread.
The Family
A while ago when digging into Julian Assange I did come across an interesting group known as The Family (image 1). A quick reading of their goals made it seem like they were a group focused on taking in bright children, or producing such children from exceptional genetic donors, and making those children into people who would go on to change society for the better.
It almost reminded me of Wammy's House from Death Note in a way.
Well they were based out of Australia during the late 1960's and early 1970's. Right around the time of Assange's birth.
This coupled with the fact that Assange looks so much like John Trump made me consider that Assange was a product of this school by way of John Trump (image 2). Just a thought I had.
Anyways, the fact that this happened in Australia, and that it involved someone who went on to transform society through the use of technology got me thinking. It turns out that CSW's birth date is claimed to be in 1970, which is right around the same time frame, also in Australia.
Since we already learned in this thread that his name is a reference to a character from Mega Man, and that his father was coincidentally born on Oct 31, I started wondering if the names and dates were actually real, or if they were just part of the show as well.
CSW a product of The Family as well? Interesting to consider.
If so what's the true familial connection?
To wrap this section up, I did manage to find another person born near 1970 (1969) who bears a striking resemblance to CSW (image 3). His name is Kristian Thulesen Dahl. He is a Danish politician who seems to be /ourguy/ from what I could find - talks about the dangers of immigration, etc.
Another The Family connection?
Or just me being too autistic…
Romanovs, Kennedys, European Nobility and Earlobes
I was recently made aware that the outfit Melania wore to Egypt matched that of a Nazi character from the movie 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' (image 4). This got me thinking about WWII, Germany, Russia, the Romanovs, The Kennedys, etc…. about the struggle of Good vs Evil.
We know that Germany fought the same evil forces during WWII that took out the Romanov family, and it is rumored that Melania is from the Romanov line (also image 4). So I tried to find some connections.
This is where things get a little fast and loose.
So if you dig into the Romanovs you will find that the mother of Nicholas II was Princess Dagmar of Denmark. This shows a connection between Danish royalty and the Romanovs.
Next you'll have to remember that JFK Jr chose to fake his death on July 16th, which was the date that the Romanov family was executed by the Bolsheviks. This shows some connection between the Kennedys and the Romanovs.
Next if you dig into Nazi Germany and Denmark during WWII, you will find a very strange thing happened: When Germany advanced onto Denmark during WWII, they were given no official resistance, and the operation only took 6 hours. This might show some coordination between the Danish royalty and Nazi Germany.
There's also a Freemason link between the two as well - the Danish royalty are very easily connected with Freemasonry, and there is that infamous picture of Hitler making an 'M' with his hands. Q also asked "was Nazism every truly destroyed", "one finger attached to a hand"? This might show that Germany at the time was just part of a larger structure, a larger plan.
This makes me think that there is a battle between two sects of the European Nobility. There's maybe the good guys vs the black nobility who merged with (((them))).
So after WWII ended, the Nazis were defeated and I think the plan was to try and get the good guys back in power via America (operation paperclip). This led to JFK.
Unfortunately we know what happened next. And coincidentally it was after his assassination that The Family was started. That to me represented the next phase of the plan. A new type of strategy to take back control via new means. And it was still the noble bloodlines, but via unassuming identities.
This brings us full circle back to CSW. If you look at image 5, you will see I tried to see if he had any links to the Romanovs or Kennedys. And perhaps. The ears seem the same. Maybe the eyes. Maybe not. But one interesting thing to note is the Earlobes. Attached earlobes are (at least from what I can find) a rare trait, but they pop up all over the place when looking at the groups I have been mentioning so far in this post. On CSW as well.
So are there any connections there? Is this what Q means by 'bigger than even autists know'?
Who knows. No idea.
But it is interesting.
▶ 5fccc0 (2) No.3463468
Wouldn’t it Ben fabulous to see the real seal of the REAL Treasury on currency and our wonderful eagle instead of the pyramid with Osiris!
▶ 5fccc0 (2) No.3463937
Wouldn’t it be fabulous to see the real SEAL of the real TREASURY on our cUrrency and our wonderful eagle instead of the pyramid with the all seeing eye of Osiris!
▶ 9203ea (9) No.3465327>>3470962
10 & 10.
Not super difficult to figure out relationship and count from 0-10 on clock.
Just make sure you put the gap between nights 4 & 5.
May God bless all of us.
▶ 20a03b (1) No.3465426
> the BENEFICIARY but these evil p
hang them on independence day!!
I love you
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3466345>>3466683 >>3470962
filterfags on main board like daycare today. No matter..
Whatever your trading discipline is the action of the last 3 days is and has left a major mark. Attached pic does not care for ANY discipline. It simply exists….
▶ a2c45b (1) No.3466683>>3468831
I have not been watching the foreign markets
>Seems right considering US economy rolls down to world economy. My focus has been on my
>boycotts cheering failure
of a few like apple facebook twitter paypal target etc…. All with good reason
▶ deb742 (22) No.3468831
Some people claim US lost the dollar in 1913, some say 1971. I've gotta ask, would NWO rather the dollar collapse or wall st?
Are they making markets violitle to make people pull out to get it on their bank ledger to crash the world currencies or would they crash the market? It doesn't make sense to pump up BTC for such a short period unless it was meant to be an intermediary tool to embezzle
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3469439>>3470962
In my 30 plus years of watching and trading all types of foreign and domestic markets I have never seen a set of headlines as these tonight.
Even a cursory scan of all of these headlines should get your attention.
Please go ahead and be like the idiots on the main board today who are and remain convinced that our currently constructed system is not a piece of financial fiction.
do not get the wrong idea here I certainly know how these news items have and are used to generate herd trading patterns. The system COUNTS on it.
Do not bail the system out with your ignorance.
This only happens once.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3470962>>3471043
Anons, I dug a bit on Roubini and you know what…perhaps I was wrong to say he was a bankster fudder.
Maybe he's a double agent fudder.
He's either flipped, or one of our guys controls his accounts.
There's no way to know for sure, but when I listen to him talk everything he says makes sense. Not even just about crypto.
Of course there are the shady connections you guys brought up, and I found more too. Like a picture of him with Soros.
Partying with shady people decades ago.
But in this day and age of smoke and mirrors.. there's really no way to know for sure where allegiances lie without having access to all the information.
Browsing his twitter and some articles I found references to 17, 11:11 (11:55), a 'Q' reference, and of course his nickname is Dr. Doom, who has an outfit color we approve of, and the Dr. Doom character in comic book cannon has ideas about turning against the Cabal. That I found interesting.
He also started talking about 99% after we brought it up here.
So there's no way to know for sure..
>disinfo is necessary
But I am trying very hard to not let first appearances cloud my judgement these days.
With that in mind I will say that there's no way to know for sure - but in either case he does have a message that the majority of the crypto space needs to hear and reconcile with.
Alright anon.. I do expect much pain coming in the future.
I will rethink my strategy.
If that means what I think it means:
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3471043
Forgot to mention.
This could be something, could be nothing.
He signed up for Twitter on the same month/year that Bitcoin was released.
With exactly a 10 day difference.
and exactly a 5 hour and 17 minute difference.
We are already familiar with Matthew being related to Bitcoin.
Here's Matthew 5:17
>Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
It fits his potential role.
Worth thinking on.
▶ 8e7766 (1) No.3471162
Who’s this fucking jack hat?
▶ d1e15d (15) No.3471356
Jesus 2.0 tries to kill the FED.
"What if someone told you that you were the reincarnation of Jesus, and that it was your destiny to save the world from political and economic destruction?
Jack Cohen had his whole future before him. Just nineteen years old, he was a gifted athlete, a genius scholar, and a mixed martial arts prodigy, capable of leaving his mark in any number of ways. But his world turns suddenly upside down when a mesmerizing domme, Mary McDonald, enters his life and insists that he is Jesus 2.0 -- and that it is his mission to wage spiritual and political warfare on the establishment of Washington, D.C. Beautiful, clever, yet dangerous, Mary also tells Jack that she was chosen from above to lead him to his mission. Though he tries to resist, Jack finds himself thrust into a journey of sexual, spiritual and political awakening that will forever alter his life… and change the course of the world.
A blend of Atlas Shrugged, Fifty Shades of Gray and The Shack, mixed together with a megadose of PEDs, Kill Jesus is a wild, page-turning ride that will open your mind to a new way of thinking, while shattering any notions of a pacifist or puritanical Messiah."
Author's Biography
I am a mystic-philosopher and spiritual teacher and have authored three books -- “Beyond the Power of Now: A Guide to, and Beyond, Eckhart Tolle’s Teachings,” “Electrical Christianity: A Revolutionary Guide to Jesus’ Teachings,” and “Kill Jesus: The Shocking Return of the Chosen One.” The first two books are nonfiction, while the third is a novel.
When I’m not writing I regularly abide in a state of blissful at-one-ment with the Spirit. Over the past forty years, I have practiced Transcendental Meditation, Self-Realization Fellowship meditation, Buddhist Vipassana Meditation, Zen Meditation, Tibetan Buddhist meditation (Mahamudra and Dzogchen), J. Krishnamuti's "choiceless awareness," Ramana Maharshi's Self-enquiry, Adi Da's radical understanding, Kashmir Shaivist Shaktipat, and hermetic Holy Communion. I now teach my my own method of meditation: Plugged-in Presence.
Because I specialize in sociopolitical philosophy as well as spiritual mysticism, I enjoy mixing in sociopolitical insights with spiritual ones in my books.
I have a B.A. in sociology from the University of California, San Diego, and currently reside in Tijuana, Mexico. Beyond meditation, philosophy, and writing, my interests include working out, tennis, and travel.
Discussion in terms of Ken Wilber's Integral Theory. Interesting philosophy.
▶ 651062 (1) No.3472882>>3473849
Huge Civil War gold stash secretly seized by FBI?
http://archive.is/8ez8P (https://www.apnews.com/b8b4d27254814894b3a79aa3083fb356)
▶ 323d92 (1) No.3472979
Any austrian school fags here?
▶ 18a96e (89) No.3473849
And the idiots led the FBI straight to it.
Deserve to lose it.
▶ 948cfd (38) No.3474957