>/comfy/ moving forward without trip.
>Identify by info and style.
ID will be the same (unless you switch IPs).
You might know already since you're savvy enough to properly crosslink threads. …those unnecessary line spaces, though
Definitely identify your legitimacy by your info, though. Any insight into the style or just adopting "Q-style" per the medium?
>autists bottle neck
Au contraire, my newfriend. Clowns and attentionwhores shit up the general while autists strive for categorization, sorting, and orderly and logical workflows.
>Clown chimes in conveniently.
OP >>2217942 use this thread we'll make summaries and graphics here and distribute them into the general notables.
>Third CIAnigger chimes in.
>black list anon, HIGHLY recommend you bring the drops back to the main bread so it can be added to the notables and gain greater autist exposure.
Planefags do their own thing and update in the notables every bread.
Let's keep an eye out in the general for the compiled pastebin of previous posts so we don't have to do it.
I suggest we're /comfy/ enough in here to create a methodology.
>Step 1: agree on a methodology
>Step 2: compile posts into easiest format
>Step 3: extract info from posts
>Step 4: sort info (initials, names, companies, images, links)
>Step 5: expand info: decode initials; dig names and companies
>Step 5: synthesize info: map connections between names and companies; cite sauce, relevance, implications
>Step 6: visualize info: make a map, organizer, or side by side for just 1 data point (person---connection—person) at a time
>Step 7: build the web: link up each micro map so it expands into a comprehensive network
I made a NXIVM thread (now slid off board) when it broke, and I wish it had some order to it. For example
great digs, but at the end of the day it's just an unsorted data dump that complicates more than it clarifies. If it's just 8 UIDs in here, can we adopt something of a template for posts that adhere to a methodology we settle on?
I'll do a sample dig in the morning.