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File: e9bb7e59799ffcb⋯.jpg (26.88 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 0(2).jpg)

368588 No.1788395



Take a redpill, leave a redpill.

This topic has gained traction in recent generals, so I'm dropping my meme archives (credit to /h8pol/).

Roadmap to Redpilling Success

1. Don't use their newspeak: with friends, family, colleagues, fellow students—ALWAYS CALL IT circumcision MALE GENITAL MUTILATION. It's harsh, brutal, and true. It strips the veneer and lays bare the truth of the issue.

2. Equate it with Female Genital Mutilation: why is one universally abhorred—to the point that the US has recently passed legislation to ban it (citation missing: see recent events in Minnesota re: the explosing muslim population)—and not the other?

3. This a PRO-CHILD issue…NOT ANTI-JEW. That's just a cohencidence Nothing triggers the normies amygdala response like "anti-semitism": it's an immediate thought-killer. For practicality and efficacy—DON'T NAME THE JEW. Let the normie make the connection.

4. Muh Bible: the Christian Bible, aka the New Testament, nowhere commands you to lop your son's peter.

5. inb4 "it just looks weird: Russians aka white Christians eschew the practice and they are an admirably virile country.

368588 No.1788438

File: 0d31866dad5620d⋯.png (2.77 MB, 1077x9425, 1077:9425, merch anti circ screencapt….png)

jewish anti-MGM movement

368588 No.1788441

File: 23448ada45fce8c⋯.jpg (377.67 KB, 1008x1580, 252:395, circumcision_nostars.jpg)

>inb4 foreskin reparations movement

368588 No.1788445

File: d74009f88f2a177⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 504.02 KB, 1920x1766, 960:883, 0b03bbc5f528ae1dffa08fd4e9….jpg)

368588 No.1788462

File: 382e732b110135c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 38.79 KB, 510x445, 102:89, 4c58ca601949bd82357d7af3d3….jpg)

File: 5aef426c0b9a4e3⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 740.03 KB, 1185x1325, 237:265, 5aef426c0b9a4e3c95bdc762e8….png)

File: a85be27f5170635⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 75.92 KB, 1872x740, 468:185, 6e1f8e82c24b248fb9dc2650cf….png)

File: c32875d336b9a2d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 323.35 KB, 798x816, 133:136, 9a1e6b1ef57cd0b258e54207ad….png)

File: 64b376c59148be7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 57.71 KB, 500x388, 125:97, 9cffca406d9525141601c2fc0d….jpg)

(sorry: these were from /h8pol/ so there's bound to be some anti-jew sprinkled in)

368588 No.1788471

File: d8f1e457b795094⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 153.13 KB, 653x1024, 653:1024, 19d6c91bf6403b16f9ce337032….jpg)


woops didn't mean to spoiler those

spoiler intended here

368588 No.1788499

File: 9d5fcf6db2d8b6a⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1246x9882, 623:4941, 9d5fcf6db2d8b6a47bbd129f4b….png)

File: 262aa2da551d12e⋯.jpg (405.3 KB, 1600x941, 1600:941, 35dab04e182db15176d120bfaa….jpg)

File: 06a44bd61ac8825⋯.png (70.86 KB, 641x707, 641:707, 35e4f8b698f95dbc31924608a6….png)

File: 6c20a8d55496ff3⋯.jpg (614.06 KB, 1288x2080, 161:260, 46e45300313e2dcd8208971d94….jpg)

File: 31b5f774fe96633⋯.gif (225.18 KB, 1000x2450, 20:49, 77b7ec0773739d3dbae2e124b8….gif)

maybe i should just made a mega

368588 No.1788520

File: 4f4632d1f8d29e2⋯.jpg (29.27 KB, 541x499, 541:499, 391c6a2f66514fc99d689bf386….jpg)

File: 9d828b1f08c8ada⋯.jpg (176.26 KB, 1714x1354, 857:677, 1860b3f6cd75427563a9e04097….jpg)

File: 02aa7a2905e0bc8⋯.png (36.12 KB, 370x1031, 370:1031, 5667fd75488c33358bd7084bf5….png)

File: 5676ab6e2dd87df⋯.png (114.63 KB, 448x466, 224:233, 5676ab6e2dd87df431923e860b….png)

File: 50ed89d31a9b27d⋯.jpg (452.02 KB, 1763x2966, 1763:2966, 53808b6935dfda2cc900c1a238….jpg)

368588 No.1788526

File: 214f28f636fb25d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 32.85 KB, 637x423, 637:423, 98254b02e42acf5b7d8c8137d8….jpg)

spoiler very much intended

368588 No.1788538

File: 6933974b1dbf207⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 130.54 KB, 1000x1022, 500:511, 6933974b1dbf2078120bbf442….jpeg)

File: a3492545f0580ec⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 179.49 KB, 900x1098, 50:61, a3492545f0580ecceb1dff4724….jpg)

File: c47d06f43b7bc09⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 187.01 KB, 1600x923, 1600:923, b5529c6982a07a88323bcceff0….jpg)

File: ab847a9f1806d08⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 90.75 KB, 900x577, 900:577, bf61a3ea92d1ed3bb3ff2393ba….jpg)

File: 107e1dcda53b0a2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 365.63 KB, 616x624, 77:78, dd621b6aaca45a2657c22876c2….jpg)

just one bump

368588 No.1788550

File: 10e07a954785fb6⋯.jpg (92.62 KB, 960x724, 240:181, ef2cfc6e432e1400243f7f4728….jpg)

File: fab5e0a6bf83cae⋯.png (2.07 MB, 2872x2168, 359:271, fab5e0a6bf83cae12dda7556ec….png)


i'm a fucking sperg

didn't mean to spoiler

did mean to bump

23091d No.1788558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Penis - Sex Education 101


23091d No.1788592

File: 488b201ebd3ee0f⋯.png (319.36 KB, 815x1283, 815:1283, VPKCircumsionStudy(Circumc….png)

File: 2dce3df63b6770a⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1254x1072, 627:536, VPKCircumcisionVisualCompi….png)

File: 7b43b0b0726bb30⋯.jpg (967.48 KB, 1048x1570, 524:785, VPKResearchSexAndCircumcis….jpg)

Post decided to load without these. Let's see if they get censored again.

368588 No.1788620


>censorship paranoia

anon, you can't post an embed and images at the same time

good stuff though. look how triggered the shills are in the general

23091d No.1788705


Thanks for the info! While I'm here, I've seen a post with two videos. Would you know how to do that?

368588 No.1788751

File: a11cc274ffe10cd⋯.png (38.23 KB, 536x171, 536:171, Screen Shot 2018-06-17 at ….png)


webm, mp4, etc are attached like images and can include up to 5 (if under 15mb total)

see "hide post options and limits"

23091d No.1788801


I tried that, I must have been doing it wrong. I'll experiment again at some point. Thanks!

368588 No.1789234

File: 48adb5256fc7e65⋯.png (319.76 KB, 640x719, 640:719, 43c2b912ea3bfa19177a0d0239….png)

>all the (1)s necrobumping threads to slide this

Exhibit A: >>1788986

Exhibit B: >>1788966

Exhibit C: >>1702858

Exhibit D >>1788818

bumping because we're over the target

inb4 i'm just paranoid

11e45d No.1795425

We know that inflicting severe trauma on infants and children can result in dissociation.

We know that the effect of dissociation is to freeze part or all of the psyche at the age at which the trauma was inflicted.

It seems a reasonable supposition that strapping an infant down to a table and chopping the end off their penis without anesthesia, might constitute a trauma sufficient to cause dissociation.

It would follow that circumcision without anesthesia might be a contributing factor in the development of pedophilia (Not to mention a permanent feeling of victim-hood), as the circumcised person is locked into an infantile psyche and is naturally drawn to sexual partners of the same perceived age.

The question for research is whether or not there is a statistically significant incidence of pedophilia in men who were subjected to ritual circumcision?

ca06e1 No.1803225

File: d688de745531150⋯.jpg (42.47 KB, 640x920, 16:23, BigDC.jpg)

Muh dick cheese.

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