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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: 46a60c07f8e0f7e⋯.jpeg (12.34 KB, 384x384, 1:1, images.jpeg)

151e2f No.1641679

David Wilcock smart guy.

Research about him.

dbaf4a No.1641878

File: ccaadec4585b5e6⋯.jpeg (125.48 KB, 640x640, 1:1, RaAnon.jpeg)

File: 05100719113cfbd⋯.png (821.83 KB, 970x545, 194:109, 000000000000.png)


Are we making new threads on here again?

>David Wilcock smart guy.

He'd like for you to think that. Gives him a "high" to be center stage. He is a master at regurgitation of information, I will give him that much.

>Research about him.

I have… extensively. I've been watching him for years, closer than you might know. I've seen a bullshit artist extraordinaire for many years, who sometimes speaks to legit insiders. My personal extrapolation based upon a precedent set from witnessing a myriad of examples, is that he's a famefag sellout.

David has an Ego complex. He has always wanted to be "the guy" for disclosure, and is hell bent to make it transpire by any means possible. He cares more about FAME and MONEY than he does about TRUTH. If someone is not known to be a sellout to the Cabal to their fans, their fans will still pay attention and listen to them.

Is it a coincidence that he, Jimmy Church, David Semen and Isaac Green are switching polarities with their outlook on Q?

No… it's not a coincidence.

>Be careful who you follow. - Q

Was Roseanne REALLY on the Q / POTUS team?

What if Roseanne pushed the "#QAnon" then deliberately "fell from grace" after establishing herself as a Trump supporter?

Why did she blame "Ambien" for the tweet that caused all the trouble?

Did Elon Musk make a tweet about "Ambien" and drinking?


Distraction from Q?

What is the inversion of truth?

The inversion of WISDOM!?

Is it a coincidence that Roseanne has played the "Anti-NWO" angle more than once in the past?

Yet she is a self proclaimed Zionist?

What is a Zionist?

What REALLY is a Zionist?

Are there two different kinds?

If you are in "showbiz", who pays your bills?

Is Roseanne self-sufficient now with income?

(((Roseanne's Nuts)))

Why did her show REALLY get cancelled?

How many celebrities are TRUE Trump supporters?

Is Trump the bad news bear for Hollywood?

Why so many actors attacking him?

>Up is down

>Left is right

>Black is white

>There are no coincidences. - Q

>Be careful who you follow. - Q

>The Light will reveal the Truth. - Q

>The Light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q

>You are missing the connections. - Q


675b10 No.1642245

Research HIS TOPICS. Not him only.


Are you done egofagging?

8485f9 No.1644057


Fuck off. Wilcock is a famefag fearmongering nutjob who parasitically attaches himself to things to draw as much lifeforce as he can. He's unneeded and a fucking loser.

ec3b1a No.1644108


Yep DW is a total famefag.

"Buy my books, wait for the next update.

The alliance wanted me to post this update within 48 hours, but they don't understand how hard it is getting ready for my next conference. I must prioritize. Tickets are $150 a piece. Come join us in this super plush hotel. I promise it's not a casino. I just want to be comfy. Nothing lavish.

The updates can wait."

Sound familiar?

c15cab No.1644114

That's strange, because he only speaks of Q in very high terms in this recent interview https://hooktube.com/watch?v=LQiQdB4lwhU

So maybe you should go fuck yourself to death you cum-guzzling queerbait faggot.

675b10 No.1644119


Jesus fuck can't you read

675b10 No.1644224


I apologize for this comment. When you are less spiritual, you get angry, then you make mistakes, and before you know it you have a potentially wonderful disclosure-filled thread starting off with swearing.

DW has info that may or may not be true. So is it wise to either blindly follow someone or go to the other extreme of saying he's completely fake? And this should be the same for every "contactee" ever from Moses to Billy Meier or Kabamur. Get a complete picture. You have tons of unrelated people saying essentially the same thing. This is not a coincidence - something is happening on our world and beyond, with positive ETs assisting in the process.

8485f9 No.1645932


Oh, I'm sorry.

You are clearly more spritually involved and with keener insight than I to grasp how right Wheelecock was about the 2012 portal that never happened, about how sophisticated his pedant sophistry is in articulating nauseating details of his life and how he's a reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, about how he continues to gatekeep alleged intel until it just so happens to corroborate with other intel from clearly non-spook sources, about how he props up demonstrable frauds like Corny Goad who speak of trysts with froth density Anshar and holographic seances with giant blue space chickens no one else has conveniently ever reported, etc., etc.

Let us all bow down to his Greatness David Wilcock for just this night for $149.99.

Fuck of, shill.

8485f9 No.1646025


He has a certifiable army of useful idiots parading his work. Yeah, Jimmy Church is a cobtributor to this continuing problem, providing a constant stream of disinfo "for the mASSES" as he likes to call them (probably a form of personal disclosure to save himself from the brunt of karmic retribution). To think people swallow this crap mere plays into how hungry they are but too willing to swallow the first hint of something without critical thinking whatsoever.

And yes, what you posted is 100% on target. DW wants to milk the Promis of Disclosure cow for as long as possible.

Fuck that asshole. And fuck Gaia(m).

312e0d No.1647325

He :b a shifty niggs

e62ff2 No.1648255

imho DW is fake and gay. Have friends that fall for his schtick.

He came across my radar early in his online breakout. Kept talking about how he was learning the (basic) three-act Hollywood script-writing secrets from books and what wonderful opportunities it was creating for him.

Next thing you know, he's an insider!

dbaf4a No.1648609

File: 5d2d9be360e5452⋯.jpg (9.38 KB, 347x145, 347:145, 11111111111.jpg)











Knowledge speaks.

Wisdom listens.

I've been listening.

One may wish to look a little closer at the situation.

>Research HIS TOPICS. Not him only.

I agree.

>Are you done egofagging?

If this is considered Egofagging, my apologies. Truth should never contain Ego.

>Wilcock is a famefag fearmongering nutjob who parasitically attaches himself to things to draw as much lifeforce as he can.

This is Truth.

>Yep DW is a total famefag.

This is Truth.

>That's strange, because he only speaks of Q in very high terms in this recent interview.

You are very incorrect… Child of Light…


There is no way you can convince me that DW is an insider, or that he is Just and Pure of Heart. He is a sellout to the Cabal. Among many of his "friends".

>Get a complete picture.

I do, therefore I weigh the Messenger just as much as the Message. DW has shared information (whether inverted or not) that has drawn a more complete juxtaposed picture, despite HIM and his paradigm.

>Yeah, Jimmy Church is a cobtributor to this continuing problem, providing a constant stream of disinfo "for the mASSES" as he likes to call them

This is Truth.

>Next thing you know, he's an insider!

Kind of funny that… isn't it?

There is something I choose to address, whether you choose to listen, or choose not to. There has been… more than one coincidence between Q's posts and mine. Yet, very few have made the correct connections. Why did I first start posting as "Ra" The Egyptian Sun God… or rather, "Light God"? Didn't Q mention Ra previously? Ego is an inherent human trait, and for those studying Carl Jung, our shadow never leaves us. Ego is what separates us from automatons.

This is not about Ego, this is about Truth. Whether you choose to believe it, or choose not to… it makes no difference. The end to know will be yours.

>The more unrealistic it all becomes. - Q

>The end to know will be yours. - Q

>The LIGHT reveals the TRUTH. - Q

>The LIGHT reveals those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q

>You are missing the connections. - Q


edff8e No.1648734

New Age deception.

DW himself is probably deceived.

It's occultism in a modern package.

Occultism is interaction with the unseen.

You will find demons and fallen gods there, if they deem you useful for their anti Christian bidding.

Wake up and seek truth and learn about what (((they))) made us ignore and dismiss.

Don't be mislead, be careful who you follow.

John 3:16

675b10 No.1648979

Question for everyone here.

If there is a dark occult force, then where is the POSITIVE SPIRITUAL force? And more importantly, how can you recognize it? With religions and old (dis)belief systems?

Also what is the difference between the message and its messenger?

675b10 No.1648987

Many here have given zero intelligent thought to the topic presented.

That's ok, it's not my loss nor my duty to defend it. Truth will be known in any case.

3b22bc No.1649096


The best answer I can give re: how to recognize it with all the mixed messages out there today, is yes, there IS a positive spiritual force - I know Him as God. But don't be fooled by these man-made churches. Satan lives there too. The best reading source I've found is a book called Pagan Christianity. It breaks everything down to how positive spiritualism as in Christ's day & before, have basically been hijacked for centuries & why. This book is so good, I can't tell you how many times I've read it. I'm enclosing the free pdf d/l for it. Please read it if you are so moved to. And above all, remember this; our Father wants nothing but the best for us & it's all about the Relationship.

God Bless..


18d06c No.1649233


The message is crap especially if the messenger is in the business of deceiving.

There is a big Loving spiritual force out there that is stronger than all others. Team up with Jesus Christ and he will show you. The more you read the words of the Bible, the stronger you will become, and the more you will see.

Remember always John 14:6-7

"I am the way, the truth, and the life!" Jesus answered. "Without me, no one can go to the Father. If you had known me, you would have known the Father. But from now on, you do know him, and you have seen him."

d8239a No.1649291


The Bible has been corrupted. The Bible is not *the answer*.

dbaf4a No.1649341

File: d38fbe95041cada⋯.jpg (102.15 KB, 530x436, 265:218, Truth Lion.jpg)


>That's ok, it's not my loss nor my duty to defend it. Truth will be known in any case.

The truth is like a Lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.


a23eca No.1649395

dbaf4a No.1649723

File: 837455aa4683667⋯.jpg (17 KB, 148x255, 148:255, The Fool.jpg)


>That's ok, it's not my loss nor my duty to defend it. Truth will be known in any case.

The Truth will be known… The Truth is like a Lion.

Here is another perspective on DW, the people's (((Fool))). It's worth a watch.


Is it a coincidence that posts are being made to draw attention to DW? To try to convince people that he's a "smart guy" with credible information, and that he's Just and Pure of Heart?

>There are no coincidences. - Q


>The Bible has been corrupted. The Bible is not *the answer*.

If you are reading something from a book or the internet, remember that a Man put it there. Man is fallible, and therefore subject to falsehoods and misinterpretation.

Remember the first rule to the (((Law of Wisdom))). You cannot believe anything beyond 99:1%. If you do, you do not allow any new knowledge into your Sphere of Wisdom. Always leave the 1% open to your Intuition and your Heart.

Q / POTUS are utilizing the Christian angle for a very specific purpose. Many Christians will need Time to heal after the house of (((Cards))) falls at The Vatican (depending on how much is disclosed of course). I don't wish to alienate anyone based on their belief systems. As human beings, we were given Free Will… so that Life may find it's own way.

Extremism of any form should be avoided… Whether you choose to listen, or choose not to. Religious differences are the fastest way to create division among Anons and Truthers.

>They want you DIVIDED. - Q

>Be careful who you follow. - Q


71d06a No.1651266


>DW himself is probably deceived.

I don't think so, CG strikes me more as a man that is deceived(victim of blue beam fuckery?), something about DWs face tells me he is not to be trusted, he knows what he's doing

a23eca No.1652189


-check all sources

-check what rings true

-empty your pre-learned conditioning (ESPECIALLY religious and emotionally-charged ones)

-find your own big picture, not exclusively someone else's digest

You have CE-5, you have proofs, you have meditation… there are no limits. You can learn a lot.

250ca2 No.1652320



You sound like one of those naive channelers who thinks no interdimensionals ever deceive or fuck with people.

Sure, have an open mind, but try not to keep it so open that your brains fall out.

a23eca No.1652678


Good luck "channeling" open peaceful ET contact

I'd point you to YT but it's no use these days ("drone! satellite! cgi!…")

cf44a0 No.1653840

File: d5b40b946680cea⋯.jpg (136.94 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, SamanthaPower.jpg)

Of all the political stories from 2017, surely the most curious is this: why is everyone ignoring the bombshell revelations from Samantha Power? As you recall, Power was caught using her security clearance as a U.N. ambassador to review private conversations by U.S. citizens. According to official records, she requested the unmasking of these private citizens over 260 times in 2016.

6814f9 No.1657171



2012 was a huge blunder, I had watched pretty much everything he released around that time. I feel like he kind of went underground after that and he clearly tried his hand at coaching others on his network show like Goode to be the mouthpiece for their Star Wars extended universe fan fiction.

A lot of those former "gurus" have their own shows now. It's a safer business model because they can simply do the interviews and keep a few degrees of separation between themselves and the information their guests present. In the case of someone being proven a fraud or their info being called into question the interviewers can just disavow them and move on.

df39e7 No.1657323


>>>Ego is an inherent human trait, and for those studying Carl Jung, our shadow never leaves us.

Every see an infant with ego?

>>>Ego is what separates us from automatons.

The (constantly changing) "I" of ego IS the automaton, but conscious attention separates Man from Hu-man [see Monster].

A man must die in order to be born, so that he may live.

53bbc7 No.1659852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He reminds me of this, kek

srsly man tone it down

the last thing we need is division here

if you don't believe in space twitters - OK

if you dislike how DW earns money - OK

However, literally nothing is more important than Great Awakening and SPIRITUAL GROWTH.


Thank you for this link. I will read it when I have the time. Could be useful for bible humpers worldwide.

1650fc No.1662405

>>1659852 meditating meat-tards believe terrorizing and slaughtering a sentient being for its taste is justified by saying, "amen"

an Orangutan's shit is more spiritual than carnists.

1650fc No.1662513

>>1641878 David Wilcock is an obfuscating carnist. You too RaAnon - carnist.

You are divided : this WAR is carnist vs. carnist.

anti-live vs. evil.

artificial intelligence vs. hu-man.

Until you become MAN you are a hostile invasion.

edff8e No.1663391


No evidence for your popular belief that the Bible is corrupted.

Seek truth.

Be careful who you follow.

edff8e No.1663413


Happily inviting the femons ehen they're nice to you…

Lack of knowledge will be man's undoing…

edff8e No.1663424


Crap… should have checked spelling..

Demons. When.


edff8e No.1663450


Yes i have seen infants with an ego.

Ego = self.

People suck.

Hadn't you noticed?

edff8e No.1663488


Jesus Christ.

edff8e No.1663507


Like most new agers he's probably blinded by his ambition to be god like…

67c921 No.1663603

A shill. Simple.

6dc2a2 No.1665563

665317 yeah - 'n feels good ; having all 'em bases 'n that . . ..

butt we still need to Clean House : Clean enough for a Barron thank you very much !

'cause cohabiting with house-trained animals (hygienic) is our limit.

Anything else trespassing.

Who recall the signs, "Trespassers will be shot" or is that just a "Texas" thang?

6dc2a2 No.1665607

>>1651266 their is something about D5 worthy of hu-mans' attention.

Q Alcohol : Trivium WHAT

Quadrivium WHY : r u WITH HIM?

or kNOT <:> !

If YOU mean harm you'd better be ready to look into HIS Barron' EYES . . .. … / <:> !

8f44b6 No.1666435


>muh 2012 is going to happen guys seriously!!1 buy my new book!

If you trust this guy then the good entities of this world have no reason to trust you.

dbaf4a No.1666854

File: 05100719113cfbd⋯.png (821.83 KB, 970x545, 194:109, 000000000000.png)


>You too RaAnon - carnist.

>anti-live vs. evil.

>artificial intelligence vs. hu-man.

>Until you become MAN you are a hostile invasion.

Is it a coincidence that the "carnist" = evil angle was played over on the other [Board] Eye post on? Really? Coincidence?

(((They))) want [us] divided.

(((They))) are losing all control.

>They want you DIVIDED. - Q




>There are no coincidences. - Q

>The Light reveals the Truth. - Q

>The Light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q

Wisdom does not cast (((Judgment))).

Wisdom does not "Veganfag".

Shills are a part of my diet.

I eat shills, I just remember to shit them out at the end of the day.


>>muh 2012 is going to happen guys seriously!!1 buy my new book!

Movies can "sometimes" be more enjoyable than books.

>If you trust this guy then the good entities of this world have no reason to trust you.

>Be careful who you follow. - Q

>You are watching a movie. - Q


39cdb6 No.1667197

Something Wilcock posted back in 2014:

“We will see the arrest and prosecution of top banksters, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, anyone who has been violating the law. This will target people and groups who have used lobbyists to change a law from something that was real and good for humanity into something that would further their cause. People who have blatantly violated laws and committed treasonous acts contrary to the life and living conditions of humans are strongly likely to be arrested or certainly thwarted. This will also include a significant majority of the senate and congress in the United States.”

This seems quite on target isn't it, if we look at what is happening currently? I think he's actually right about a lot things but…. predictions can always be difficult and timelines can be off.

Source: https://benjaminfulford.net/2014/11/11/signs-of-cabal-defeat-are-now-obvious-but-expect-one-last-big-push-for-war/#comment-287841

8f44b6 No.1667351


Dude Jesus said the same thing.

So has every other man.

Just because the guy has a huge ass forehead it doesn't make him legit.

c0eaf8 No.1667428


It's about the message,

not about the messenger.

You'll find many many Q-related coincidences as well as crumb confirmnations in the so-called "new age" department. There has been a massive psy-op campaign in the past to discredit and destroy spiritual and aware movements (mockingbird, bluebeam…) that most people now call "new age" or "conspiracy" - both CIA engineered terms.

Only by discerning the truth yourself will you find what is true. It's not hard.

f5a12e No.1667819


Who's next, David Icke? George Kavassilas? I mean, if we're going to start threads on people like this, it could at least be a worth while person, like Terence Mckenna for example.

dbaf4a No.1668224

File: 823751ba2e7b090⋯.jpg (78.57 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 0000000000000000.jpg)


>Source: https://benjaminfulford.net/2014/11/11/signs-of-cabal-defeat-are-now-obvious-but-expect-one-last-big-push-for-war/#comment-287841

Didn't Benjamin Fulford identify himself as a (((White Dragon)))? The mouthpiece for the (((White Dragons)))?

What is a Dragon?

Who are the (((White Dragons)))?

Do you believe they are genuine?

What is controlled opposition?


>It's about the message,

>not about the messenger.

I choose to disagree.

It's about both.


789b2d No.1669539


>It's about the message,

>not about the messenger.

If that were true, Wilcock's work would be anointed by source, he'd be upfront, not charge a dime, and we wouldn't see these stupid threads trying to drive interest in him.

A message never comes without a messenger. In Wilcock's case, it is actually legitimate to look at him before spending too much time on the (BS) message.

5e175e No.1670106


He would starve to death if he did not charge anything..it's not like he does much other business.

e26a6e No.1670137

His head is enormous, he must be smart

c2f714 No.1670441


ego (n.)

1714, as a term in metaphysics, "the self; that which feels, acts, or thinks," from Latin ego

To me, ego means "no space" (from identification) - man's greatest enemy.

I submit that you've only seen infants who's "I" was centered in essence, that is, what they bring into existence with them, partially as a function of the impressions from stars and other planets.

Gradually with socialization, acculturation, "education" and, with other impressions which the organism is exposed to, a (false) personality is built up surrounding the essence and, usually by the age of 7-10, the "I" is centered in this (false) personality, that which he acquires in life.

A man (potential) has become a man-machine, an automaton a slave to incoming impressions and his own acquired functions, whose destiny is to become food for the moon. Merely fulfilling a function in nature, never realizing he is a three-brained being and has very great possibilities.

This is your birthright which has been stolen from you.

In the grand cosmic scheme consisting of many octaves, he is but a part of a thin film of organic life on a plane(of existence) in a dark part of the universe transmitting and receiving impressions, a transmutation station, for the necessary growth of earth and its moon within its local branch of the cosmic ray of creation.

At this point, without necessary shocks and a great interest and effort, along with favorable conditions, necessary new knowledge (from outside of ordinary life), along with the right help, no further evolution of being is possible.

Man is as an acorn, which may become a tree. So a man may grow a soul.

A man must die in order to be born, so that he may live.

c2f714 No.1670470


>>>A man must die in order to be born, so that he may live.

…but, first he must awake!

771504 No.1670784


I think this is a very important statement. I've struggled over the years with that concept. It is difficult to believe the message if the messenger is without honor. It would make one doubt as to the legitimacy of the message - it could have been corrupted in the pass through.

I watched a movie where a young reporter was given an opportunity to interview a famous Bhuddist. She entered his hotel room and sat down and prepared for the interview. He came over and sat down across from her and flipped open his buddhist robes. You could tell by her face it was obvious he was exposing himself. When she hastily got up to leave exclaiming that she was there for an interview, he told her that "The messenger is not the message." The woman in the movie declined to interview him and left after having her illusions shattered about this man.

This movie scene has stayed with me long after the name has faded. I have come to see that the messenger and the message are very much tied together and that it is the actions of the messenger that tells you whether the message can be trusted or not.

It is the foundation from which I analyze most everything I read. Most things sit on the back burner in my mind until something comes along to either validate the message or negate it. Even then my inner skeptic keeps me from taking the bait.

6dc2a2 No.1671399

>>1666854 RaAnon , when something willfully CHOOSES to contribute to the destruction of the air, water and earth i need to live: I take it personally.

i Judge harm when i sense it.

You RaAnon obfuscate.

b1e938 No.1671903

He is a human just like us an fallible. We all make mistakes. He is a researcher. This is what he does full time. In our country you MUST make a living to buy food, transportation, and housing.

The fact that the shills and trolls attack him so much no matter where you go tells me SOMETHING he is talking about is over target. Does that mean I trust everything he says 100%? No fucking way. But I do dig into the same research he has dug into and come to my own conclusions.

Gaia tv finances (produces) most of his material. They pay him (as all their employees) fairly low. He isn't living in a mansion or driving around a nice sports car. Since most of his content is owned by parent company he can not post it away freely. Also, he does not set the rates charged by the conferences he attends and presents at. Those fees do not directly go to them, most of those fees go to paying the venue, and the other speakers who also attend.

People who like to shit all over him (the paid trolls and shills and the useful idiots who join along with him) leave lots of that out.

I would like to instead see them point out things he got wrong, specificly.

one of those was 2012 which was misread by MANY. It was the start of a change that happens on a 24,000 year cycle. any change on that scale isn't going to hppen over night or be immediately apparent to those living through it. 2012 was a block for most remote viewers. anything past that point was fuzzy and hard to read. It didn't matter if the visionary was in the middle ages, ancient Egypt, Babylon, during the industrial revolution, renascence, or even just a decade ago modern military researchers. NOONE could see past 2012. it was a big fuzzy point no one could see past, and had two different outcomes leading up to it. This is why so much focus on that exact date, but… that is when "the plan" Q & co are implementing really went into full swing behind the scenes.

Golden age, or Dark age, and the version people saw depended on their own behavior, heart, and world outlook.

The future isn't set in stone, it is based on our own decisions.

6dc2a2 No.1672034

>>1671903 Thank you for your wise words.

Regardless our views and perception of him; he's also a fellow (ayahuasca) Shaman. That's what garnered my attention.

and regarding 2012 (and y2k) - it did happen - anyone that's been under a worthy anesthesiologist will confirm the Way - ( think Type 1 and the symbiots ;-)

butt humans need to get their shit right

e367bc No.1672060


There's one thing DW hates to admit - but will when pressured by his audience. CE-5 protocols are how to make contact with ET.

DW will dance around disclosure, espousing his own farcical alien agenda all day long. He will name drop Greer when it suits him. But he will ONLY acknowledge that you can initiate ET contact thru the CE-5 protocols when specifically pressed by an unscreened question.

Why the fuck do you think that is.

FYI we need more anons to post their ET contact reports on the alien disclosure thread of /Qresearch/. Newfags can Google CE-5 initiative

6dc2a2 No.1672192


just what does he choose to eat?

Imagine if he swaps adrenochrome 'n flesh for cannabis C60.

That's when he 'n Q in all of u will stop slaughtering and live in Ortegrity.

Q Ortegrity : Symbiotic Control ; think Huxley and Orwell 33 minutes of wow !


Hey RaAnon : If the Devil states a Truth, would u accept it? We'll probably need to define words b4 we can calibrate. - 'cause Soma for pigs' 20 minute orgasm and public ejaculation of Pharisees is one of my least favorite pastimes. There are some things Children and sentience don't need to see.

6dc2a2 No.1672296

>>1670784 oh dear. You judge the veracity of Truth based on the messenger' honor! ?

Do you wish to take a Test?

i promise it's harmless :-)

56e902 No.1674075

File: 8ab54fc0533b42a⋯.jpg (15.44 KB, 255x255, 1:1, fc3d9208626c5d69bc22524187….jpg)

File: 08846c944468111⋯.jpg (15.15 KB, 255x150, 17:10, 733ce24ec7d42f3885ad1d4d2a….jpg)

File: 3a1caa420901b3c⋯.jpg (17.42 KB, 255x186, 85:62, cea771b2ee1c5e741d8d8452bc….jpg)

File: 35217ce37190fbb⋯.jpg (13.24 KB, 255x155, 51:31, 935e6852f17971569271d99de0….jpg)

File: a0c19aaa4771e15⋯.jpg (13.23 KB, 255x155, 51:31, 80608072507edbe2ea428e8b51….jpg)


>The Light reveals the Truth. - Q

>The Light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q

>Be careful who you follow. - Q

>Follow the White Rabbit. - Q

>You are watching a movie. - Q

>Time reveals all… - Dr. Strange








a61ec9 No.1676513

>>1674075 i don't follow parasites - and imagine being some of the people in these groups ;


- observing, recording and knowing the Truth about humans and bots…

Q Consequences : This is not a game or some DMT chopped-out salvia trip. This is as serious as man' next heartbeat. . .. … / <:> !

… you don't harm that, do you RaAnon?

721ed4 No.1679579

The amount of irrational inexplicable hatred and attacks against DW shows to me that he is onto something right.

Get fucked shill cucks.

3a88eb No.1681382


hu-mans behave like carnists, pedovores and bots - they don't have empathy.

DW is a carnist that "hears voices" .

I don't mean to sound like a dick or nothing; butt i don't swing that way.

I'd rather learn sign language from Orangutan. Gorilla too - after they wash their hands !

'cause MAN ain't scat eaters !

Ask The Barron

3a88eb No.1681493

>>1666435 DW hears voices too…

>"If you trust this guy then the good entities of this world have no reason to trust you. "

Concise. Nice.

It's all about Trust.

Q Logic : hu-mans can't be trusted with a MAN' body. They become parasitic.

Q Trans-human : So we're not giving them an artificial body; unless it's tracked .

Type 1 transition logic

Q Inevitable

b1e938 No.1686510


Shill lies exposed. DW is NOT a chaneler. He does study law of one which was channeled material, but he does NOT believe it blindly. He uses it to guide him to research topics which he uses to prove/disprove what is said by law of one.

Many channelers say the same types of things that DW says, but that does not mean DW 'hears voices'

You are confusing him with edgar cayce, someone MANY people think is DW in a past life, something even DW himself does not completely buy into, although he does acknowledged it 'might be true' due to the number of coincidences involved.

a28679 No.1687079



Wow, a rational post! Thank you for thinking straight and participating in the actual discussion!

51cd55 No.1687336

File: 3925392bcbbbc4e⋯.png (45.46 KB, 777x412, 777:412, signal-2018-06-06-101111.png)

File: cb72e120e06e55d⋯.png (171.72 KB, 1498x516, 749:258, signal-2018-06-06-093608.png)

File: 7a2c0bdbd86a329⋯.png (45.36 KB, 872x358, 436:179, signal-2018-06-06-082955.png)

File: 93c5833fddebcb8⋯.png (175.83 KB, 1058x785, 1058:785, signal-2018-06-06-083412.png)

David Wilcock is a pretender who still donates to Democrats.

Quit promoting this jackass.

He doesn't stand for anything but his own fame and glorification as these shill threads prove.

a28679 No.1688011

With all the shill efforts, one really questions the point of discrediting him so much. After all, he's just a nutcase talking about aliens, right?

568ce3 No.1691138

>>1688011 No. DW advocates and participates in kakistocracy. It's WHAT carnists do because of their adrenochrome addiction.

Until you stop your anti-live addiction, any CE-5 encounter could posses you.

Symbiotic beings don't communicate with parasites. hu-mans that choose to eat others for taste are possessed by parasitic nematodes.

568ce3 No.1691179

>>1686510 hey hu-man-bot, i bet YOU think you have empathy…


dbaf4a No.1692024

File: b2cfb368a0bd43d⋯.jpg (40.05 KB, 500x303, 500:303, DW 6.jpg)

File: 3e56bbf9666357a⋯.jpg (22.75 KB, 290x174, 5:3, DW 4.jpg)

File: 92b0cb6c4941a81⋯.jpg (15.62 KB, 259x194, 259:194, DW 5.jpg)

File: fa5115830931745⋯.jpg (43.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, DW 2.jpg)

File: 62f02ede280c3dd⋯.jpg (38.01 KB, 552x414, 4:3, Eye Meme 1.jpg)


>Fuck off. Wilcock is a famefag fearmongering nutjob who parasitically attaches himself to things to draw as much lifeforce as he can. He's unneeded and a fucking loser.

The most eloquent post in the thread… but it's true. Kek.

No coincidence there's multiple threads being created to divert attention to David Liecock, who's now telling everyone that Q is a LARP.

Keep exposing those juicy morsels of fuckery Anons.


5d878f No.1695834

File: 6c882bf30b6d671⋯.jpg (2.16 MB, 3008x2256, 4:3, dolphinsmile.jpg)

5d878f No.1695843

File: cf92854a1a22077⋯.jpg (35.67 KB, 402x500, 201:250, e3649ee2-8a64-4cf3-a5a0-1d….jpg)

d2075e No.1737446


Finally a logic argument.

dbaf4a No.1737757

File: a2a551ffd6acfb6⋯.jpg (21.75 KB, 252x255, 84:85, Vigilans.jpg)

File: 007a31b1febe485⋯.jpg (29.79 KB, 618x343, 618:343, Black Order.jpg)

File: 62f02ede280c3dd⋯.jpg (38.01 KB, 552x414, 4:3, Eye Meme 1.jpg)

be17a6 No.1794280


be17a6 No.1794289


be17a6 No.1794357



f06dcf No.1796407

File: b105e5f7ae789c0⋯.jpg (60.41 KB, 692x550, 346:275, 1456544_10156228486170618_….jpg)

Who once said to judge the message, not the messenger? Seems people still fail at this Lord, I hope you will help them actually think objectively.

Whoever would get into egofagging speak, violates scripture and tries to argue using Satan's energy rather than the Lord himself.

Research HIS TOPICS. Not him only. - no wiser words Yes research his topics.

This is Tomas Bohr's study using an ethylene glycol and water substrate, with a spinning rotating disc at different speeds, which lead to different vibrations. From the vibration certain shapes were derived.



Polygons on a Rotating Fluid Surface

Thomas R. N. Jansson, Martin P. Haspang, K˚are H. Jensen,Pascal Hersen and Tomas Bohr

Physics Department, The Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Kgs. LyngbyandThe Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen Ø

February 2, 2008

complainers sound like whiny kids. grow some balls first kids.

5d878f No.1797748

File: 8bb7ad9bd870c9d⋯.gif (826.19 KB, 500x500, 1:1, PVfE.gif)

f06dcf No.1828694

Source: http://www.


af8205 No.1904369


Funny. No shills referred to this post.

641d8b No.1923689

Do not listen to Sather and Wilcock. The two work hand-in-hand and are spreading Q lies, along with "It".

The truth is posted here:


5073ab No.1929794

>>1923689 calibrate by observing WHAT it chooses to eat. if it eats sentient beings for pleasure - you're IT.

f9a74b No.1937073


e6a04d No.1947607

File: 4568fcdfc4811d8⋯.gif (712.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ayycoughlmao.gif)




*cough* uhh, secret space programs, 22 genetic programs, time travel *cough* ascension, Mayans in stone ships from space *cough* hollow Earth

*cough* space Nazis, let me hit that bong, uh, what else, right, blue chickens from space, uh, Nordics

more stories to come, evidence? we have it right here, these people are the evidence Corey Goodmoney and his sidekick, dont forget to get high before you listen to his shyt, things will make sense then

b70697 No.1961701

Wilcock is a good guy, and a hard worker. He does tons of research on esoteric and hidden information, and then he writes best-selling books and gives it a larger audience. He has almost certainly done more to awaken people than anyone who is shitting on him on the internet.

He is certainly not infallible, and he is of course a famefag of cosmic proportions. But it should be clear to anyone with half a bran he's trying to do good, and for the most part succeeding at it.

Wilcock mostly writes for the "spiritual woo" crowd - people who are open to consensus-reality-destroying information well above the 40,000 ft limit. It is at this point impossible to tell how much (if any!) of this information is true, so we'll just have to take it with a pinch of salt. I'm personally OPEN to this kind of stuff, but I don't BELIEVE it until I can verify it. There's a difference.

However, Wilcock has also taken a clear stand for the swamp draining back down on Earth, and has made hundreds of thousands of his followers aware of it. That's gotta count for something.

93d5ac No.1968255


There is nothing in this world that hasn't been corrupted. But in everything, light shines through

e75f84 No.1975333


Good post. I was about to post essentially the same thing. Some compromises are made to make his information as interesting and reach the largest audience possible so I can understand the criticism. He takes his research as far down the rabbit hole as you can possibly go and makes some pretty bold claims, but he always presents this stuff as just a working theory. Furthermore he always cites a ton of facts in his books and most of his interpretations of them are logical.

His most important contribution to the Great Awakening is making it clear to his readers that he doesn't see the idea of a cabal as theory, and he has been predicting this type movement for years. He has also been following things like the sealed indictments, Wikileaks, Vegas, and Saudi Arabia on his blog and I can't wait for his next book to incorporate all of this. If you are at all interested in the spiritual component of the Great Awakening that Q has made clear is important but has not really explained, then he is a great author to read.


Also, check out my thread where I go through some of his research. In all of the books I have read by him he goes through the signs that we are a critical moment in human history (with a focus on the unprecedented changes in the Schumann resonance over the past few days), and link it to some ancient prophecies Wilcock collected that describe a change in the world that is nearly identical to the Great Awakening.

074a53 No.1980155


See below a comment by Wilcock from almost 4 years ago:

"I spent all day yesterday gathering new info from insiders. Things are ramping up VERY quickly. My mind has been blown wide open. Lots of new people are starting to come forward and they may just be the first wave.

Apparently the preferred method of how the Alliance will get the planet back is going to continue to involve behind-the-scenes work for a period of time. It may or may not depending upon how fast certain things move.

Although I do not at all advocate this approach, we have the number-one source available to one of my highest-level insiders saying that we are going to see major people getting knocked off and it will be made to look like accidents. This could go on for weeks or even months. This was independently confirmed by others.

There will be a decisive shift, I was told. Some of the intel suggested it could happen fairly quickly.

The most intriguing new tidbit was that it will reach a point where everyone knows about the Cabal and what they were up to on an extremely public level. Once this happens, the media will be MANDATED to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, whether they like it or not.

I am going to keep a steady focus on getting a video pipeline established. The dream I just woke up from told me to relentlessly focus on this. There will be a need for it soon enough, as if there isn’t already."

Quite relevant to exactly what is happening these days huh? Guess certain things require time to play out. We need to be more open-minded and don't move too quick to discredit just because events don't happen as fast as we would like them to.

074a53 No.1980186


Especially the part where it says "major people getting knocked off" and "it will reach a point where everyone knows about the Cabal and what they were up to on an extremely public level".

b70697 No.2001655

In his latest post, Wilcock is 100 % supportive of Q.


IF Wilcock's sources are valid and his additional information other than what we know from Q is correct, then we're in for exciting times indeed!

46842f No.2003366


I can't verify the negative comments about DW; however, I can verify that when I listened to an interview conducted in 2012 by DW with a Whistleblower Anon named "Drake", I was "woke" for the first time. This was my first introduction to "The Plan", and I GUARANTEE after listening to the interview (it's almost 2 hours long), EVERYTHING mentioned has come to light. If you're new to 8 Chan, this should be one of the first interviews you should listen to in my opinion. Here is the link: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=BH1Xh7L8X8c


1acc0e No.2003877


How long are they going to be able to recycle this New Age stuff? Note the date below:

The Ascended Masters Light the Way: Beacons of Ascension

(Ascension Series, Book 5) (The Ascension Series)

(Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path)

Perfect Paperback – January 1, 1995

by Joshua David Stone PhD (Author) .

Look up the same-old-same-old from:


Helena Petrovna Blavatsky )12 August 1831 – 8 May 1891) was a Russian occultist, philosopher, and author who co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875. She gained an international following as the leading theoretician of Theosophy, the esoteric religion that the society promoted.

…… group of religions based on Theosophy called the Ascended Master Teachings: the "I AM" Activity, …..

Look at the topics under Hermeticism


There you will find a compendium of all the "mystery religions"

Add to that - Gnosticism amd will have a pretty complete picture.


1acc0e No.2003902


Do some real "research"

52ce1b No.2005592

Definitely NOT a smart guy. Smart in only the fact he knows how to spin tales.

f0265c No.2005709


No proof its corrupted? how about Q having to post the lords prayer because its getting fucked with? I'm sure this is also the first time anyone has ever tried to fuck with the bible, right? Nobody ever twists those words to their own ends. how can you be so naïve?

f0265c No.2005810


Furthermore, are you not watching the arrests? Perhaps you've noticed a startling trend of a lot of clergy being amongst the pedophiles and cabalists. Maybe you haven't seen the serpents mouth the pope likes to speak from. These are the gatekeepers for the bible and if you think that the bible is the one thing that they didn't try to corrupt then I don't think there is much hope for you here, as you clearly do not know the enemy we face.

Jesus Christ was real and his message was love, but if you cling to the book and every word written you will miss that message and mire yourself in dogma.

I think David Wilcock has an agenda and so does every other race of space nigger out there. Whatever the alien agenda is they have been cool with whats been going on down here so in my opinion the next step after we fix shit down here is to build a fucking space wall and make those space spics pay for it.

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