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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Pro Aris et Focis

File: aa70b5bab2b85aa⋯.jpg (305.08 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 5a9fc18a8f371b171a24217b7a….jpg)

058f1f No.132577

Brace yourselves for stormy seas lie ahead








Battle Bread II >>126923

Updated Battle Plan for Monday Day Time EST >>128442

Remember to Cover POTUS >>122874

Q's Private Board


Current Tripcode: !UW.yye1fxo

Latest Q Posts:

Monday, 1.22.18 EST



>>127256 rt >>127246










>>131822 Q Posts (Now deleted)

Sunday, 1.21.18 EST





>>118572 , >>118780 , >>119278, >>119594 , >>119658 (/51 POSTED, DELETED, TRUMP TWEETED 51m LATER)

>>119769 rt >>119569

>>119877 rt Q

>>120050 rt Q

>>120138 rt Q

>>120361 rt >>120326

>>120998 rt >>120926


Friday, 1.19.18 EST


>>97705 rt >>97686

>>97753 rt >>97724

>>97777 rt >>97752

Thursday, 1.18.18 EST


Notable Posts on the Q Drop

QPost Theories >>91365 , >>91489 , >>91410 , >>91412 , >>91503 , >>91521 , >>91571

>>91608 , >>91977 , >>92034 , >>92085 , >>92265 , >>92566 , >>92635 , >>92659 , >>92756

Names from latest Q Post >>116713

Previous Q Posts

>>43766 rt >>43719

>>43627 rt >>43088

>>42981 rt >>42090

>>49343 rt >>49330

058f1f No.132590

Board Rules




Quick Access Tools

--Searchable, interactive Q-post archive w/ user-explanations



--Q archives


--POTUS-tweet archive


--QMap PDF(updated 8.19.18)

https:// anonfile.com/Cev81dd1b4/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_5.8.1.pdf



--Raw Q Text Dump - Amended


>>86977 , >>86798 , >>86900 , >>87061 , >>92692

SpreadSheetAnon and MA have vouched for RawTxtAnon that his work is accurate.

If any anons find inaccuracies in the Raw Text Q Dump, please post a list of them, as with any resource.

Current Tasks

>>117509 New hashtag - starts 4AM ET 1.22.18


>>82455 #FakeNewsAwards Meme Battle Debrief & Discussion

>>82238 Is this P? Crumb it.

>>47341 <---- Memes War Room & /OPS/ General ----> >>47062

>>32223 Qchess Game with julian


>>7253 Irrefutable Evidence (9/11 Research)

>>5125 The Lie The Vatican Told

>>4520 Australia Connections

>>4375 How to Read the Map

>>2658 Stringer General

>>1261 Focus on Loop Capital

>>618 Find The Markers

>>5899 Follow the Wives

>>4822 Foundations

>>2956 Sealed Indictments

Resources Library

>>127717 QMap 'Adm R's Our Hero Edition'

>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information

>>4274 General archives

>>417 Image archive by topic (updated)

>>4356 Tools and Information

>>4852 Free research resources

>>4362 Planefag tools

>>4369 Research threads

>>4794 Redpills

>>11382 Redpills UK

>>3152 Redpill scripts

>>3301 General bread feedback

>>16785 Prayer

Recent/Notable Posts:

>>132102 Have no fear

>>129414 Events on March 13, 2013

>>129214 The Insurance Policy (Graphic)

>>128179 We're Russian Bots today again @HuffPost

>>126687 #ReleaseTheMemo still trending high on Twitter (Over 10k per hour)

>>126879 SchumerShutdown uptrending hard

>>128093 Sarah Carter's Twitter account has been compromised

>>125501 The 16 Year Plan to Destroy America (Graphic)

>>121850 , >>121861 Fear the Storm (Graphics)

>>123697 , >>124659 Night Riders Flying

>>124268 War Room Update

>>123470 For God and Country connection?

>>124120 FW Crumbs. Partial screencap >>123809

>>122395 Q Post find? Reading backward, it's DC LRI BROKE HRC

>>122013 Big intel meeting tonight, Trump running the show

>>121246 , >>123330 Qcodefag removed user-explanations and added an ad tracker

>>115043 Asia Foundation $12.8 Million Dollar Donations

>>108098 Fake Memo is Fake. >>114961 Fake #Memo Released to Twitter

>>114940 Missing [3] Theory & Eric Schmidt's Internet of Things

>>114273 Federal Audit Clearinghouse Database

>>113903 List of All Clinton Donors

>>90009 State of The Union Countdown

>>91310 Names from QPost /40

>>91912 Possible TRUST meaning

>>89467 , >>90672 , >>89335 , >>89613 Q is anon and told us last week about DWS

>>88073 Sources on Q's Images

>>88094 , >>88141 , >>88152 , >>88179 , >>88181 , >>88268 , >>87940 , >>88835 Q's Image Findings

>>88325 Past Q Post FISA Connection

>>91934 Private Contractors. Benghazi?'''

>>82961 Take it back to TASK?

>>91507 The R'Shields Rundown

>>90579 POTUS & Q - Another Delta Found

>>87284 Big News Day!!

>>86322 Terrorist connection to LV reported >>86848

>>82184 Some WikiLeaks digs about Mika & Zbigniew Brzezinski

>>81499 Reviewing Phases I & II of the Meme Battle

>>81151 Anon made 3,545,510 impressions in battle

>>80885 POTUS Gained almost 10.5mm followers on Twatter

>>80862 This is how Twitter gets taken down

>>77935 Coast Guard Search

>>118435 Notable Post From the Previous Bread(s)

>>9019 Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)

>>42847 1/13/18 Events

>>4142 Daily News Thread




058f1f No.132619

pastebin .com/rYiGGkpj

current paste, new formatting

40a387 No.132622

Drones over "us" or drones over U.S.?

2035fb No.132623

Thank you baker 👨‍🍳 tasty 🍞

76b1f3 No.132632

Finally seems to be running smoother… good lord that last thread must have posts they don't want us to see.

cbfc43 No.132633

File: 19517d13c3494f3⋯.png (586 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Nothing is ever deleted - ….png)

Posted too late in the last bread

34bfbe No.132634

Thank you baker


4022cb No.132636


go look outside, hope not over us,lol

76b1f3 No.132637

File: 87b8f86fb6bba86⋯.png (221.91 KB, 773x567, 773:567, $$pepe001.png)

bfd5c2 No.132638

File: 81c2ba1429ebcca⋯.jpg (9.14 KB, 268x188, 67:47, images.jpg)

063255 No.132639

Are they listening to me now? Please speak.

4022cb No.132640

Yeah Baker Rock on!

010640 No.132641

Hunt for Red Octoboer = Turning of Silicon Valley from Bad Guys to Good Guys? EM? (Theory)

0564d9 No.132643


especially appreciated on this night. thank you.

25d679 No.132644

File: eab7422b3ce4f29⋯.png (125.68 KB, 1004x703, 1004:703, 22-01-2018_Q_Post#53_Trump….png)

53m Delta between Q Post 53 and Trump Tweet


good job baker

04b7aa No.132645


There's a lot more to it. That's just the beginning....

cf1cb3 No.132646

File: be15c82dc4e992b⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, bread.jpg)

Nothing like fresh bread.

Thank you, baker!

b30ab5 No.132647

Thanks for Bread.

Don't feed Trolls and Shills.

Keep Calm and Filter On.

Last Bread was Shilly as Fuck. FOCUS

6f7bc2 No.132648


Can someone please bless this bread with a nice version of the Punished Trump meme?

4f6de4 No.132649

black hats in FULL panic mode.

4d775e No.132652


>Who are we taught to trust?

>If you are religious, PRAY.


4beada No.132654

File: a8ba7f0545a8bd5⋯.png (186.48 KB, 590x393, 590:393, DJT11.png)

cf1cb3 No.132655

File: a2f6eea363b0b5d⋯.png (437.51 KB, 1552x542, 776:271, Screen Shot 2018-01-23 at ….png)

62e603 No.132656


Yes…. thats the reason for the deletes on ga.

time stamps wrong

6f5ff1 No.132658


They just did a security test on themselves.

That's all. They ddos themselves to test something

e28d3d No.132659


you'd seem different if your life was in mortal danger

ce5f5a No.132660


Yes, a genuine love for all.

40a387 No.132661


"Us" as in white hats.

3221e1 No.132662


Thanks for Bread.

Don't feed Trolls and Shills.

Keep Calm and Filter On.

Last Bread was Shilly as Fuck. FOCUS

316769 No.132663


– for humanity..

but it is all our responsibility to rebuild. To keep future generations safe, to pass on our knowledge.

Initial exposure may be from the top, but the full cleaning out and rebuilding is done at all levels.

The world is watching, have faith in us in return.

Sheltering the world from knowledge is what bestowed power on these people in the first place.

579d43 No.132664

Thank you Patriot Baker for this amazing bread!!!

bca586 No.132665

File: 43ba0ff7e9f8a9e⋯.png (96.31 KB, 1249x651, 1249:651, [53].png)

5f83e5 No.132666


She will be

25d679 No.132667


yep , i thought the same thing when i was throwing that together , DDOS attack , slowing shit down , for a reason

f3d1e5 No.132668


Thank you!! This helped me calm the fuck down. I swear I nearly lost it. It feels like I'm losing it sometimes!!

6483f5 No.132669



2f4171 No.132671


"continuity of government"

526da8 No.132672


probably testing the waters before a really good crumb drop

16cdb9 No.132673

Melania isn't going ot DAVOS with Trump :(

4e10ec No.132674



cf1cb3 No.132675


Thank you, anon.

2035fb No.132676


Looks like watching the coast lines

04fb37 No.132678

Surrounded by Trump haters all day at work. Redpill as many as I can without entirely losing my livelihood. (It has taken a $ toll over the past year). I understand about prosecution needing to happen methodically, etc, but need to see a few perp walks to help carry on!

f3f11d No.132679

Folks at https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/ should be teamed up with for meme distribution/awareness

e8db6a No.132680

Add full disclosure whiners to the list of shills. Seriously if they had any clue they would know why the general public cant know it all at once. The truth is out there

23dbab No.132681

File: be16de65c7f58f4⋯.png (714.24 KB, 1366x658, 683:329, specop1.png)

File: fbb0f4e8feec727⋯.png (676.1 KB, 1366x658, 683:329, specop4.png)

File: a3e279b425b5e68⋯.png (611.6 KB, 1366x658, 683:329, specop6.png)

File: 05769a11c23550c⋯.png (611.32 KB, 1366x658, 683:329, specop8.png)

spec ops having trouble landing?

e8fdf8 No.132682


You seem real damn willing to just forget and ignore alot of shit.

A little too willing.

e120b5 No.132683



5f83e5 No.132684


Going to post it again. Hang in there Anon.

ce5f5a No.132686

a4b3f3 No.132687


I thought about that too, but I think since he used all caps, he probably meant over the United States tracking down the black hats

e508c5 No.132689

fixed your formatting. learn2chan, faggot

>>132420 re: >>130638

What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

>Let the people know. It won't be a surprise. We have heard main media (CNN) pretty much trying to get people to kill Trump already.

What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

>If they are Leaders of their country that is a tough one. Pretty sure you are talking about Leader/s. You would know better then us.

Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22]. This is only the beginning.

>We know

Be careful what you wish for.

>We know this too.


>This is code for assassination. As the World Turn soap opera was interrupted when JFK was killed.

Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?


What happens to the FBI?

>After the FISA memo when everyone knows what Obama and Hillary had done. We know it was the criminal element of the FBI only.

What happens to the DOJ?

>After the FISA memo when everyone knows what Obama and Hillary had done. We know it was the criminal element of the DOJ only.

What happens to special counsel?

>Tough one. Make him tell main media he is done. You might take a few years off his sentence.

What happens in general?

>It's all in the delivery.

Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.

>True. Our courts will be tied up for years. Good job opportunity for young lawyers.


>Not if given crumbs out like Q did for us.

Think logically.

>I am.

We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].

>See how the public takes the FISA memo and the 16 year plan. I think starting a few crumbs is indicated soon though. We have already put some out.

Those [good] who know cannot sleep.

>I bet. We have trouble sleeping too and don't know it all.

Those [good] who know cannot find peace.

>It will come in time.

Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.

>We Anons, will not rest until they are held accountable either.

Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.

>Probably not but imagination is a great thing sometimes. Besides, I bet there are movies made about the horror these people do…right? Hostel comes to mind.

Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.

>I found out last year everything I believed in was a lie. Everything I thought was a conspiracy was true.

Who are we taught to trust?

>Ourselves. Some put all their trust in God which is not really a good idea. You need to fight for yourself with God helping.

>We were also taught to trust authority which is proving to be a problem.

If you are religious, PRAY.

>God, please protect us from EVIL. We are doing our bit too.

60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

>I don't think so. Maybe 40% hidden but this is our world too. We deserve to know so this does not happen again…ever. People will go back to sleep if we don't scare them a bit. This could all happen again in 50-100 years if we don't tell our kids down through the generations what they were like and to look out for.

These people should be hanging.

>I agree. Hang them but if you think people can't take it. ENCOURAGE THEM TO COMMIT SUICIDE.


23dbab No.132690

File: 096ae4d726e608c⋯.png (612.97 KB, 1366x658, 683:329, specop9.png)


and then this. see altitude

b41b8a No.132691

Remember back around the inauguration MSM were openly running "what if" stories about 'something' happening to POTUS? Now we know those were psyops to condition the people for an assassination.

https:// www.dailywire.com/news/12606/no-joke-cnn-regularly-encourages-assassination-john-nolte

cbfc43 No.132692



5f83e5 No.132693

What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

—Let the people know. It won't be a surprise. We have heard main media (CNN) pretty much trying to get people to kill Trump already.

What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

—If they are Leaders of their country that is a tough one. Pretty sure you are talking about Leader/s. You would know better then us.

Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].

This is only the beginning.

—We know

Be careful what you wish for.

—We know this too.


—This is code for assassination. As the World Turn soap opera was interrupted when JFK was killed.

Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?

— Yes

What happens to the FBI?

— After the FISA memo when everyone knows what Obama and Hillary had done. We know it was the criminal element of the FBI only.

What happens to the DOJ?

— After the FISA memo when everyone knows what Obama and Hillary had done. We know it was the criminal element of the DOJ only.

What happens to special counsel?

—Tough one. Make him tell main media he is done. You might take a few years off his sentence.

What happens in general?

— It's all in the delivery.

Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.

— True. Our courts will be tied up for years. Good job opportunity for young lawyers.


— Not if given crumbs out like Q did for us.

Think logically.

— I am.

We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].

—See how the public takes the FISA memo and the 16 year plan. I think starting a few crumbs is indicated soon though. We have already put some out.

Those [good] who know cannot sleep.

— I bet. We have trouble sleeping too and don't know it all.

Those [good] who know cannot find peace.

— It will come in time.

Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.

— We Anons, will not rest until they are held accountable either.

Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.

—Probably not but imagination is a great thing sometimes. Besides, I bet there are movies made about the horror these people do…right? Hostel comes to mind.

Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.

— I found out last year everything I believed in was a lie. Everything I thought was a conspiracy was true.

Who are we taught to trust?

— Ourselves. Some put all their trust in God which is not really a good idea. You need to fight for yourself with God helping.

—We were also taught to trust authority which is proving to be a problem.

If you are religious, PRAY.

—God, please protect us from EVIL. We are doing our bit too.

60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

— I don't think so. Maybe 40% hidden but this is our world too. We deserve to know so this does not happen again…ever. People will go back to sleep if we don't scare them a bit. This could all happen again in 50-100 years if we don't tell our kids down through the generations what they were like and to look out for.

These people should be hanging.

I agree. Hang them but if you think people can't take it. ENCOURAGE THEM TO COMMIT SUICIDE.


2efd46 No.132694



0564d9 No.132695



54857e No.132696


I've got a feeling they are going to find out they were traffickers, that some of the kids are not theirs, and that they have been responsible for the deaths of many more. The connection to Clinton only confirms it for me. So now we have Turpin and Paddock... two bad men connected to aerospace/defense contractors. No coincidence.

9d1e27 No.132697


6f5ff1 No.132698


Maybe it is for when they release the memo, to make sure they can handle the traffic…?

683d63 No.132699

Is Q saying that the 'missing texts' do indeed contain assassination language but POTUS has decided that as long as the guilty get charged with severe crimes, it is not worth unraveling everything and all the social deconstruction that will take place so POTUS has decided to keep this aspect of the corruption close to his vest?

7332bb No.132700


Deleted No.54:

Drones over US.

Tracking only.



[] is the negotiating table?

efca27 No.132702


Much easier on the eyes. Thank you

718efd No.132703

Thanks baker. Kinda sucks that I have to be up early.

2fe84b No.132704

File: 8da490063942660⋯.png (885.68 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Q Post 56.png)

I sceen shat Q Post #56

▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/21/18 (Sun) 12:28:00 No.49





▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/21/18 (Sun) 12:54:33 No.50

https:// www.judicialwatch.org/blog/2015/06/communism-in-jarretts-family/


▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/22/18 (Mon) 20:19:54 No.52



▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/22/18 (Mon) 20:37:35 No.53

Drones over US.

Tracking only.


▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/22/18 (Mon) 20:39:22 No.54

Drones over US.

Tracking only.



▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/22/18 (Mon) 20:41:08 No.55




▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/22/18 (Mon) 20:46:38 No.56



69d9e4 No.132705


I don't want to see this shit, Kennedy's were more than enough

77980b No.132706


Her minions will be, but she will escape. DoJ will not invest researches unless 99% conviction. I don’t see it.

5f83e5 No.132708


Thank you.

6483f5 No.132709


HRC is dead bitch in a boot bout to be burried beneath the casket

5f0399 No.132710

16 year plan

Stage SC = Silent Coup

3221e1 No.132711




^Pay attention

23dbab No.132712

File: 09f643b47fb65ae⋯.png (589.77 KB, 1366x658, 683:329, specop10.png)


and now this. no plane.

897a5f No.132714

File: 15c064c271db0db⋯.jpg (87.63 KB, 788x301, 788:301, matt.jpg)

HaHa! Gaetz going at Montel! Gaetz deserves big props for fighting for POTUS relentlessly!

eab081 No.132715

I think a question worth asking is WHOSE drones are they ours or theirs?

6f7bc2 No.132716


That phrase hit me powerfully on that beautiful night. But to me it was about not being a hippie postmodernist farmer or whatever and perhaps getting a nice job and house, etc…

Meanwhile the orange madman was busy thinking about his childhood dream of freeing America from the clutches of the Cabal!!

This timeline is beyond words anons.

579d43 No.132717


Supreme Court.

e28d3d No.132718

Regarding the main Q drop and trials etc. I believe the court system will be totally reformed because we will NOT be able to handle that kind of a case backlog, along with military tribunals. We're not going to waste much time declaring people guilty as long as there's solid proof and punish them immediately.

4271b3 No.132719

Who do people trust?


Monsters Inc.

SCREAM - powerful substance harvested from terrified children.

ADRENOCHROME- Powerful substance harvested from terrified children.

These sick evil, bast@rds have been rubbing our noses in it and made a children's movie out of it.

0cdbc4 No.132720



ce5f5a No.132721



026183 No.132722

Posted at the end of last bread >>132621

“He worked on Air Force One when Bill Clinton was president."

https:// www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/house-horrors-couple-planned-more-11884974

Turpin Family

a920f1 No.132723



544c67 No.132724

Hey guys, is @ThomasWictor controlled opposition? After Q's latest post, he made a thread specifically to discredit him. Wictor seems to have a good eye for most things so it seems odd that he would suddenly come out against this. Am I reading too much into it?

6cd9b4 No.132725

File: 8abed88906a672b⋯.jpg (133.6 KB, 1500x1403, 1500:1403, lgbtQ.jpg)

I found this shirt over at goatstee.com

Hmm, it's missing a letter… ;)

Run with it, memefags!

5bee90 No.132726


You didn't listen to Q group, they didn't say redpill ahead of the news, they said news proves past, you are kicking yourself in the nuts if you redpill something that isn't in the news. We are here to document the hints they give us, then when it's in the news we shove the pill up their ass.

c839be No.132728

File: 0c51476f01c3df6⋯.jpg (6.65 KB, 278x224, 139:112, im_fine_really.jpg)

Would I sound paranoid that I just moved my 9mm & 2 extra clips to my desk? lol

f3d1e5 No.132729

File: 7b1034c5698a013⋯.png (4.3 KB, 668x116, 167:29, ClipboardImage.png)

So, Q is saying that every case involving the DOJ/FBI from the past can be challenged.

Is there a way to circumvent that by putting new laws in place? I don't know, something that says you can't go back and contest because those cases were tried and won on evidence presented or something. I don't know enought about the law, but I'm sure we can handle that.

Is Sessions scared? Is that what happened Q? Did Sessions drop the hammer on his foot instead of these criminals? Again like the recusing? Then fucking replace his ass.

Who here can just sit back and continue this charade while knowing that children are being tortured and sacrificed while the witches are taking vacas in Hawaii?? Is that right Q?

1102ea No.132730

File: 51988a184957296⋯.jpg (58.04 KB, 500x406, 250:203, feviljdfsdfev.jpg)

fe991a No.132731

Post numbers and time diffs were

>51 53 ==> EA EC (A=1,B=2,..)

Does EA EC mean anything? Probably not…

b9a450 No.132732


Ditto, anon, absolute ditto!

5278e5 No.132733


or maybe he just wanted to grab our attention to the timestamps

e120b5 No.132734


It’s more about every case being up for review, every conviction for the last how many years?

4e10ec No.132735

File: 1144e0d2e288aab⋯.png (338.72 KB, 570x828, 95:138, screenshot_67.png)


275791 No.132736


You mean like he is pissed. Yep.

cf1cb3 No.132737


Look out, I'm comin' in hot!

54c710 No.132738


He has blocked people that suggest false flag operations exist.

76b1f3 No.132739


No, after last week, I'm always armed.

778a9c No.132741

He is ranting the last 4 - 5 days. "i'm not a Jew-lover, they are just God's chosen ppl. Deal w/ it or : blocked"


4f6de4 No.132742


"clips" Hmmm ?

3e893c No.132743

seems like the shilling has slowed

964c64 No.132745


Just interesting that that happened on 11/12/17 and was mentioned by Q (assuming same Sara(h) A. (C) and the same happened today - 1/22/18 and 8ch went down.

Do you believe in coincidences?

fc9fe6 No.132746


My guess is the drones are tracking an empty box. Whatever they think they are tracking is not there. Are they over Mar a lago?

60707e No.132747

Google now has a childrens game where kids can electrocute the President. Disgusting!

f34207 No.132748


I've been saying that for a while…

I was tweeting with him when he was learning how to actually create a 'thread'…

Followers skyrocketed, and he changed. Bigly.

Seth Rich was a mugging.

No such thing as Deep State.



Paddock accidentally shot himself in the chest..

Something happened.

He blocked me a while back for calling him out.

81027e No.132749


This is perfectly said.

af6b1f No.132750

File: 7a88a7c0ecff407⋯.jpg (39.66 KB, 700x525, 4:3, podbormH.jpg)


>black hats in FULL panic mode.

<- pic related

5bee90 No.132751


No Glock, 4 17 and 2 33 clips and 1,000 rounds in my bag, never leaves my reach, we may need to help those that can't help themselves.

641651 No.132752


One of "them"

861db6 No.132753

File: 1de40585a2ab55a⋯.jpg (43.35 KB, 216x312, 9:13, clown1.jpg)


NO .

Not at all!!!!

df2e04 No.132754


What about Ann Griffin or whatever her name is with his decapitated head? That bitch is evil!

275791 No.132756

0564d9 No.132757


he is brilliant and damaged and admittedly a bit unstable. enjoy him for all of that and you won't miss much.

bfd5c2 No.132758

File: 8c69d30809ccdb7⋯.jpg (40.63 KB, 480x658, 240:329, faf.jpg)

e120b5 No.132760


Every conviction pretty much ever would be subject to review. Every defense attorney would claim tainted case and try to get convictions overturned. It could lead to a collapse of the justice system.

4f62e9 No.132761

File: 143e70466609040⋯.jpg (71.44 KB, 850x588, 425:294, da87d6fg789ad6f6f7_b.jpg)


SHIT - The ABCs kicked up a faggoty DDOS attack? I took a nap and missed it! Must have hit a nerve today. First a bunch of Turkish posers and now this? KEK - Shit got real all day today - and this is just the beginning...

c839be No.132763


lol! Fine! Mags if makes you feel better!

76b1f3 No.132764


Oh no… Don't get politically correct. We all know they're technically "magazines" clips is slang, easier and preferred. Political correctness has dominated everything. Keep it off our guns. Even in the military we said clips sometimes.

3e893c No.132765


i dont think it will come to arms… considering the numbers involved over a varied terrain… information is the best type of warfare at the moment

1766b5 No.132766


Magazines. Clips are something else entirely.

23dbab No.132767



5f83e5 No.132768


You have not been paying attention to the Q posts it seems

dfed91 No.132769

do we have some planefags on the drone thing that Q mentioned on his board

861db6 No.132770

File: 12b9f98e688a570⋯.jpg (81.35 KB, 336x349, 336:349, SS2.jpg)

Give em frogs…

df2e04 No.132771

Reminder POTUS heads to Davos tomorrow. (1/23)

54c710 No.132772


That's interesting because 'Navy Jack' also insists that Seth Rich died from street violence. He did his own investigation, of course.

5bee90 No.132773


Somebody harms a kid or human trafficking, i'm not waiting to talk it out.

eeddea No.132774


Very suspicious. He is able to tweet about the FBI working against the President but goes insane at the thought they might have discussed how to "get rid" of him? I don't get it.

641651 No.132776


Ohhh, I know :)

275791 No.132777


I don't like it.

3e893c No.132779


oh thats different… i rather hang'em and watch them squirm first

1a2a94 No.132780

File: 2b89e453cbfe920⋯.png (1.18 MB, 2001x1125, 667:375, 4B772F80-9D9E-476E-9AD5-4A….png)

File: ff29c6eb5a03359⋯.png (1.11 MB, 2001x1125, 667:375, 92BAEEC3-96AD-4853-B4AD-D6….png)


fbba71 No.132781


With what we now know, ever conviction is subject to review. We stand at the edge and stare into the abyss.

df2e04 No.132782


Why? Trip is spot on

89473f No.132783


Only those who have a greater amount of this stuff in them.

Sure, it might be to some degree a line in the sand, but ultimately we need to identify the kind of person that gravitates to this.

Also I was not really suggesting killing of anyone solely because of their classification as psychopath, or Reptilian (watch Billy Cogan's interview about seeing a shape shifter) etc...

But rather that those who are not killed for their crimes, can still be limited from having a position of power they can abuse.

And there would be different levels for different things, but the point is we need to look at personality tests, DNA tests and find out who is suitable for public office, and figure out who needs to be tracked.

What groups and organizations (Satanists, Masons) need to be watched and limited.

But hey, great attempt to straw man what I was saying.

929166 No.132784

I read that, too. Normally he is a great thread writer and very logical. His argument against Q was pretty weak, though. He prolly only responded bcs everyone was asking >>132724

ff4ab7 No.132785


Really disappointed about him. Used to read his threads all the time. I think he is CO

718efd No.132787


Awesome shirt.

61ed80 No.132788


I don't like the due fact he is going there. I want him in full body armor and his own line he should say is "your all under arrest" then get off the stage.

3221e1 No.132789


He has some decent threads and some knowledge. NO ONE has 100% inside knowledge. He's just a normal person with HIS OWN OPINION. When following people - REMEMBER it's just their opinion.

If you have been following him, he has said MULTIPLE TIMES, do NOT sent me Q shit. But dumb asses still do. Then that pisses him off…and he'll go on one of his rants.

Personally I love eccentric people with a different viewpoint. That's why I follow him.

I just WISH people would stop would gather knowledge and stop stop stop letting others choose how you feel or TELL you what is TRUTH. Always use your own discernment. Use your brain. Do your research. Watch things unfold. And continue to question everything.

275791 No.132790


Walking into the lion pit.

5bee90 No.132791


Yup, 33 round mags are great, have not had a issue yet, hard to unload at an indoor range.

77980b No.132793


Past/current FBI/DOJ, judges, other LEOs should cause every federal case tried in last 20 yrs or so, subject to mistrial.

3e893c No.132794

what the fuck happened between this bread and the last one… its like all the shills disappeared… maybe they got droned lol

487078 No.132795

File: 2c00cee1eb59295⋯.gif (46.88 KB, 343x520, 343:520, queenofhearts-national.gif)


England is most likely.

Traditional enemy, but people have been conditioned to forget that. Since WW1.

e68cde No.132796


Wictor and Imperator_Rex not accepting of conspiracy theories including 9/11. Which, considering their stance on the current happenings, very unbelievable. I think there are not as aware as they think they are.

861db6 No.132797

File: 1f9dab9480106db⋯.jpg (89.88 KB, 722x504, 361:252, 911 david gapp.jpg)

865d35 No.132798

ca872e No.132799


Pffft..deep state disinfo limited hangout gaslighting blowhard shilling stink nugget gargling cumguzzling glow clown rusty trombone giving faggot is what that joo & SA sandnigger luvin POS shit is

eeddea No.132801


Navy Jack is more interested in Navy Jack than the truth or Maga.

cd7037 No.132802

Who else is surprised to learn there weren't drones above US before now?

2035fb No.132804


One within reach no matter what room I am in

df2e04 No.132805

718efd No.132806


They are called mags. Get with the program.

9770ed No.132807



Big win for Republicans as Democrats cave on Shutdown. Now I want a big win for everyone, including Republicans, Democrats and DACA, but especially for our Great Military and Border Security. Should be able to get there. See you at the negotiating table!

8:30 PM - 22 Jan 2018

MagaPill laid a SHITLOAD of tweets underneath this message in his feed… first one was 2 mins after Potus .talking about Strzok/Page mentioned FBI Secret Society

Link to MagaPill Site



🇺🇸 MAGAPILL. com


An FBI "Secret Society" mentioned in Strzok and Page Texts.

@JeffSessions Needs to take control and end this madness!

It's time to #ReleaseTheMemo

#MAGA #GreatAwakening #TheStorm


9:00 PM - 22 Jan 2018

there's MUCH MORE on MagaPill site

6faf06 No.132808

On Feb 6 Queen Elizabeth’s II will have been on the throne 66 years

54857e No.132810



You think that if there are actually drones tracking bad guys right now that they would broadcast their positions on the internet? They are probably there, but no one can see them.

cd7037 No.132811


New thread

fbba71 No.132813


He has his strengths and his weaknesses. As long as you are aware of his limitations, he's OK.

1766b5 No.132815


Or put another way, a lion walking into a den of vipers and thieves that he intends to route out.

5f83e5 No.132817


Looks like we will be needing some new courts for the new judges and lawyers

861db6 No.132818

File: 3fd7888e50ac5d6⋯.jpg (165.13 KB, 600x371, 600:371, Conspiracy-Theories-EMGN6.jpg)

2fe84b No.132819


Had a 502 trying to view /greatawakening/ moments before I screen shat Q Post #56

929166 No.132820


Always good to keep your stuff close…Glock 30 and 19 upstairs, 19 and 17 downstairs.

678077 No.132821


Do you see any drones Anon? That Q post worried me.

72a4cc No.132822


Hey wannabe gunfag… they are called magazines SMH

1102ea No.132823

File: bad52fc60eedfce⋯.jpg (93.94 KB, 650x488, 325:244, 97f69d819343c7d32fa65bb348….jpg)

23dbab No.132824


as the world turns?

3e893c No.132827

i was thinking about that 40/60 with respect to the pedo shit… i think the 40/60 is only with respect to the current time frame… i imagine at one point it will be all available for review… to a degree

9b04f2 No.132828

File: 330b717b75b4724⋯.jpeg (39.4 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 8C5C6073-27C6-4578-8AA1-6….jpeg)


5bee90 No.132829


Like I said I don't fear for myself, I fear some fucks starting shit downtown, burning it down, messing with cars, the shit antifa is already doing, blowing up our oil trains, i think our biggest problem will be stuff like that, they are pussies and won't attack us head on, they are going to blow and go and our police forces may need help, if I see a cop down, out comes the arsenal too, how many cops have been killed so far, bleed out on the streets.

04b7aa No.132830


This has already begun. I know someone who's case is being reviewed. This is going to be a nightmare. Most have no idea how many judges are involved, how many AGs, prosecutors and attorneys. I

cd7037 No.132833



e8db6a No.132834


This fag doesn't get it


This one does

aec1dd No.132835


where is King89? AC130

df2e04 No.132836


Q did say they hadn't even gotten to the human trafficking & sacrifice shit yet….that's gonna be a real bomb.

3e893c No.132837


some friends and i are ready to fight back.. where i live… they would be incredibly stupid to come here

3221e1 No.132838


^well said. Agreed.

fbba71 No.132839


Everyone has their blind spots. I sure had mine for a long time. Came around early last year.

eeddea No.132840


To be fair he could teach courses in Middle East dynamics.

aec1dd No.132841


no Niburu isn't due back until 2800ad

c839be No.132843


I have been noticing a gradual change in tone for the last three months.

As the situation changed so did the direct/blunt nature of Qs posts.

I think it was a way of getting annons ready.

Way past the "Q is fake to disbelieve it at this point."

Too much chaos going on in the real world for a larp.

A black had imposter does not make sense either, after /pol/ butt raped twitter for 3 days strait under Qs direction.

6483f5 No.132844


You can't just pull a Q post and send it to someone and expect them to believe it, you ahve to be an invested follower. Then you will have context and understand everything that has happened, sending a couple posts does nothing

3e893c No.132845


i imagine that is the info that will be the cause of panic

cbfc43 No.132847


It's real life. And you have also made the very point against full disclosure for all the sane people here today/tonite.

Thank you for that.

04fb37 No.132848


Some truth in his work. But he's been debunked as a supporter of illuminati mystique of their genetic superiority/right to rule.

cd7037 No.132849


Q might as well stop pretending the future doesn't exist though. The future is.

5bee90 No.132850


Take our guns at your own risk, we thought it was a bunch of liberal BS, this shit is real, they are trying to overthrow our gov and country.

544c67 No.132851


I agree with that assessment. He seems to be knowledgeable in certain aspects but then after Q makes a post, not only is the site DDoS'd but also Wictor FINALLY addresses Q and makes a dedicated thread? Q said no coincidences so… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Just wanted to get a few anons thoughts since the timing was so close.

2fe84b No.132853

File: d5e1593c49cf6fe⋯.png (894.71 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, GreatAwakening 502.png)

>>132704 Had a 502 trying to view /greatawakening/ moments before I screen shat Q Post #56

3e893c No.132854

boards going slow… inc shills i bet

c62f1a No.132856


How many cops have assisted the targeted individual program and stood by while they were being tortured and killed for sport and profit?

e120b5 No.132857


Thing is, he’s not not saying they won’t Be he’ll held accountable just that it won’t be public. If they get life sentence/ death for a known charge and are also guilty of 10 sealed charges they are still sancrioned

23dbab No.132858

File: 661cfbf71b9bbdd⋯.png (447.64 KB, 1366x658, 683:329, rivet.png)

"The RC-135V/W Rivet Joint reconnaissance aircraft supports theater and national level consumers with near real time on-scene intelligence collection, analysis and dissemination capabilities."


f34207 No.132859


That's some funny shit right there…I don't care who you are…Thanks anon. I needed it.

4f62e9 No.132860

File: 0fd3bca89b7a848⋯.jpg (44.39 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, c78z6v87zcxv6cv.jpg)


Here's a good base to work from if you wish, anon

eab081 No.132861

I saw Q saying the most heinous crimes of these scum will not be disclosed?

I hope that won't be the case

fe3416 No.132862


I think that you are correct. Protect the children as much as possible. The rest of the corruption will come to light.

3221e1 No.132863


Yup. Agreed.

b9a450 No.132864


I think the children need to be rescued, recovered and shown a peaceful world. Think!

2f4171 No.132865

File: d8e01c5fc88ee5d⋯.jpg (139.03 KB, 880x660, 4:3, ec85c7f30e9f67b46573431c10….jpg)



eaa94e No.132866

Anon returning here.

I have caught up on all q posts, scoped the missing q posts after (missing) 51.

Saw the screencaps of board flood and systems down.

Can someone tell me where we stand at this very moment? Do we have any info on drones?

Noticed mentions about assassination texts; has british royalty been mentioned?

Thank you in advance.

cf1cb3 No.132867

File: 3408552949b5002⋯.png (576.2 KB, 1568x678, 784:339, Screen Shot 2018-01-23 at ….png)

Wew, lads.

What a night, eh?

Gotta hit the rack and get ready for workfaggotry later. Godspeed and prayers to all Patriots!

Last CONUS scope from this parttime planefag.

f69813 No.132868


Vulnerable people/kids who pray become prey of priests and other abusers

3e893c No.132869


the public will demand answers though… you cant make higher ups just disappear without a portion of the population wondering where they went

35cffd No.132870

File: 76cf34cd16252a2⋯.png (28.51 KB, 500x500, 1:1, clowns_suck01.png)

63839a No.132871

File: 80ef52eb9e953bb⋯.png (347.28 KB, 590x350, 59:35, ClipboardImage.png)


aec1dd No.132872

studied him for 30 yrs, more truth than fiction. US military had a unit devoted to his work when we went into Iraq 2003


9770ed No.132873



FBI 'Secret Society' Found in Strzok and Page Texts

Issued on: January 22, 2018

magapill. com/o/fbi-secret-society-strzok-and-page-texts. htm

Tweet included in article:

John Ratcliffe‏Verified account @RepRatcliffe

The thousands of texts @TGowdySC and I reviewed today revealed manifest bias among top FBI officials against @realDonaldTrump. The texts between Strzok and Page referenced a "secret society."

4:34 PM - 22 Jan 2018



Congressman Ratcliffe reveals that Strzok and Page reference an FBI 'Secret Society'

This bombshell information revealed by the Congressman is only another drop in the bucket.

There is no two ways about it, Strzok and Page were directly collaborating with the FBI's number 2 man, Andrew McCabe, in order to commit treason.

TREASON: The offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance

So how far up the chain does the treason go?

Was Obama an active participant in attempting to overthrow Donald Trump's Presidency? Who else was directly involved and why aren't they in handcuffs yet?

It is nearly a certainty that Deputy AG Rosenstein is a member of this 'Secret Society' hit squad sent after President Trump. The memo will at the very minimum reveal Rosenstein's complicity in this scandal.

When the memo is released from the intelligence community showing how deep this rabbit hole goes, Jeff Sessions will have to reassert his authority in this matter and end this madness.

America deserves to know the truth and justice needs to be served. We are tired of seeing all this treason and no handcuffs.

cd7037 No.132874


It's not up to Q. It's up to us. Begin to imagine the future you want now.

f34207 No.132875


I called him on that…he and I went back and forth…while we were tweeting, he deleted the Seth Rich thread…and deleted our conversation…

Strange, huh?

2f4171 No.132876


This. Everyone forgets about compartmentalization.

5bee90 No.132877


Yes Anon, we are not looking to start a war but fuck your mom if you think we won't finish it you commie bastards.Better bring more than your metal poles and bike locks.

cf1cb3 No.132878

File: 50b8e9a15ec6b21⋯.png (285.16 KB, 1563x578, 1563:578, Screen Shot 2018-01-23 at ….png)

fc6ab1 No.132879

File: 2dadc6e679b7847⋯.png (322.87 KB, 1366x635, 1366:635, Screenshot-2018-1-22 ADS-B….png)

Lockheed EC-130H Compass Call (Electronic Warfare) in the Air near Tucson.

55a6cd No.132880


no drone info

speculation re. "allies" is brits MI and/or mossad

f69813 No.132881


Thank you sir. Thanks for keeping an eye on the sky for us. Sleep well, patriot

b9a450 No.132882


You want the entire population suffering PTSD? Idiot!

ce5f5a No.132884


c839be No.132885


there were at least a dozen anons that confirmed the deleted post. Q did not deleted it until it was posted on the board.

Q was making a clever point but I can see how a outsider would not have context for such a subtle message.

25d679 No.132886


it seems quite a few did , was under attack , per Q #55

>screen shat ← lel

6f12cf No.132887



f69813 No.132888


I think the people that want 100% disclosure don't know the full extent of how bad things can really be.

3e893c No.132889


lol… you have no idea the firepower i have access too

df2e04 No.132890


That will be a very hard pill to swallow… all of this will prepare them for it though. Not that it won't be shocking, it'll just be a very huge eye-opener.

It'll prove to them the massive conspiracy, cult, and "secret society" that has been plaguing the world for centuries.

9d1e27 No.132891

24 ! could be 24th, The day after Davos?

275791 No.132892


No info on drones from planefags yet. I am taking Q's post to mean that we have our drones up for protection here. Queen was mentioned but we are all still getting our bearings after the attack.

487078 No.132893

File: acbdf8b7d7f6494⋯.jpg (934.97 KB, 1458x1668, 243:278, 911anneversaryseamless.jpg)


Had to block Victor a long time ago.

I take Rex with "a grain of salt"

I think some of these people are honestly deluded.

Then other times I believe it's because they know where their bread is buttered.

could they really be that stupid?

Seems unlikely, but possible.

Considering even the ostensible "9/11 Truth" promoters are owned.

That's a biggy. The "release" will likely…. do whaaa ?

I do know people become afraid when they learn about it. And that fear can even be 'catchy" very weird. Fear is dangerous. That's why the perps incite it and take advantage of it. People will calm though. I 'm glad I was told to calm people, since I would not have figured that out myself. Thank you, Q

929166 No.132895


My parents raised me to be self-sufficient and never trust the govt. I just grew up that way…and I know they would have taken them if HC got in

aec1dd No.132896


meh, training


f34207 No.132897


I don't even mind the blind spots. I have a shit ton of them…

But, I really can't take the way they (and their minions) belittle anyone who questions the narrative.

Arrogant pricks.

f0ed03 No.132898


>>>132420 Read today that they are searching for dead bodies at their house.

62e603 No.132899

>>132733 Yes and…

Time stamps for 52 and 53 on GA are still around Z+8 time.

cd7037 No.132900


PTSD is evolutionarily benefitial at certain points. Such as, revolutions.

cf1cb3 No.132901


Anon requested

7f2830 No.132902

File: e523e129411839e⋯.jpeg (877.3 KB, 1957x1086, 1957:1086, 6100000E-BDF6-4A9B-998B-C….jpeg)

eeddea No.132903


#1 - Q or POTUS is unlikely to ask our opinion about how to prosecute these evils. As much as we would like it lol.

#2 - We trusted their judgment to this point. Q gives us as much intel as he can… and that we need. He is constantly redpilling us as much as we are redpilling family/friends. We flatter ourselves that Q needs us… if so, we have no choice other than to trust or reject. I trust.

4f62e9 No.132905


I don't follow him on twatter - I've seen him say things in the past that I didn't personally think was legit - although I feel he probably does.

3221e1 No.132906


Did you miss today's previous breads about how WORTHLESS Navy Jack is? DO NOT FOLLOW HIM. He is a HIRED disinfo shill. He will post MUCH that makes sense…seems likes he's a good guy. THEN BAM! Flip and BS spewed all over the place. Read previous threads. Much discussion on it today.

55a6cd No.132907


lots of general chatting -> anons discussing what scope of Q/Trump public disclosure should be, etc.

35cffd No.132908



>Arrogant pricks.

Arrogance is just stupidity with some lipstick on

f72b4a No.132909

File: 0a0aeb6cdaa47a7⋯.jpg (422.74 KB, 1477x1108, 1477:1108, 1853gdgrgfrfrdrg9.jpg)

eab081 No.132910

Q mentioned that the texts may have discussions about assassinations

Maybe that's why Don Jr ditched the SS

317e30 No.132911


I dont have 56 but I do have 51

5f83e5 No.132912


There were agents put in among the Antifa. Once they learn about the 16 yr plan most will come around. We can not fight each other right now. Let them come to terms as we did.

fbba71 No.132913


It certainly can be off-putting.

5bee90 No.132914


Children are witnesses, what do you think the cabral is doing with anyone that is a witness, we see people dead every day now, all mysterious, we have to get them, they won't give them up.

3c2f85 No.132915


Any idea where it went?

These guys are stationed at Davis-Monthan outside of Tucson, so may be either training flt or deploying crew

bca586 No.132916

File: 03626e220e3fa7a⋯.png (718.62 KB, 2118x1210, 1059:605, [50].PNG)

Here's a reference graphic for the confirmation yesterday.

a2750a No.132917


The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska

Published in 2011 - how many have read this? Not Enough

b9a450 No.132918


Exactly, that's why I'm saying "Think!"

God love us all, we all come here and learn.

I stumbled upon it all in early November, knew about the depravity already but the efforts being made by DJT, Q and co. was merely a fantasy.

678077 No.132919


Thank you for the info. That Q post did freak me out about the drones.

845a0e No.132921

df2e04 No.132923

File: ec7673de403a1f6⋯.jpg (128.97 KB, 666x500, 333:250, d02d65f301277076927b937d7a….jpg)

No rope needed, one flight of stairs and these fucks are dead.

2f4171 No.132924



If every attorney and judge has a secret commission (secret society) then it's material fraud upon the court.

Don't ask how I know this, but they know I know. Left them a golden bridge, as I suspect Trump will.

b41b8a No.132925


Think WW2 level fight for freedom - the cabal won't go down without a fight. But people need 100% disclosure to be motivated and know why we fight.

af6b1f No.132926

File: 1add32042161ec6⋯.jpg (85.78 KB, 700x460, 35:23, we-heard-8chan.jpg)

993d39 No.132928


I’m automatically skeptical of any fame fags on twitter. Even if they’re legit, their egos almost always get in the way

3e893c No.132929


i do not think that is a card they want to play against trump… there will probably be no more behind the scenes shit at that point

641651 No.132931


Kek. Its not a tumor!

cd7037 No.132932


We flatter ourselves that we need Q. This revolution is inevitable. Q is just a fun way for it to happen.

04b7aa No.132933


Unfortunately, I have heard those on here since 4Chan who would actually round everyone up do a blood test and wipe everyone out. Glad you aren't one of them. Yes, there are things that can be done that will expose those who need to be exposed and to prevent this from happening again, but people are going to have to wake up a bit because most on this board aren't even ready to start talking about the Reptilians and other beings that walk amongst us. Without people waking up to those truths, it's going to be pretty hard to get to the root of the problem. Glad that I'm not alone on that and yes, Billy's interview was very helpful to me.

55a6cd No.132935

File: 57a3aa60e215dc2⋯.png (103.64 KB, 584x509, 584:509, Q.2.012218.png)

File: 9805fc9a534e860⋯.png (181.87 KB, 1149x571, 1149:571, Q.012218.png)

6362d4 No.132936

File: 65e31eb829e7810⋯.jpeg (242.14 KB, 1000x805, 200:161, 0B2B7F1B-65DD-4AFB-BDE0-6….jpeg)

23dbab No.132937

File: aa28f36a4dccc28⋯.png (321.93 KB, 1366x658, 683:329, cn35.png)

why the questionmark? drone?

c839be No.132939


That is what the shut down was for. It freaked out both the right and the moderates. However when the DEMS folded like a cheap suit over the weekend it made their far left base despise them.

Hard to gin up a riot when your most feral supporters now hate your guts.

cbfc43 No.132940


It's another faceberg wave, it will pass.

df2e04 No.132941

bcbba8 No.132943

The messages sent to us aren't difficult to decipher, especially after a little time spent going through them. I am one of the people fortunate enough to have found out the full picture before all of this. You have been given the full picture. You have to do a little digging but it is all there I assure you. So if you are waiting on the Q team to say something that makes you a believer that means you just havent research the crumbs they have left for you yet. Please stop asking so many questions until you have reviewed the Q posts in their entirety. Like I said the truth is there, they even elude to some of the worst of it. The rest will be found out in your research. When you read about it you will understand that it is something that needed to be learned for ones self. Many of the acts are unspeakable. Stop waiting for the perfect chart or diagram, the information has been dropped for you already, research.

3e893c No.132944


excellent point

9770ed No.132945

More from MAGAPILL

magapill. com/p/ice-is-recruiting-veterans-to-combat-child-trafficking. htm

President Donald Trump's Accomplishment List:

ICE is Recruiting Veterans to Combat Child Trafficking

Human Exploitation Rescue Operative (HERO) program is recruiting Veterans to rescue children.

Issued on: January 11, 2018

The Human Exploitation Rescue Operative (HERO) Child-Rescue Corps is a program developed by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) in conjunction with the National Association to Protect Children.

The HERO Child-Rescue Corps Program is designed for wounded, injured and ill Special Operations Forces to receive training in high-tech computer forensics and law enforcement skills, to assist federal agents in the fight against online child sexual exploitation. Upon successful completion of the program HERO interns will have the knowledge, skills and experience to apply for careers with federal, state and local police agencies, and other organizations, in the field of computer forensics.

From Heros on the battlefield to Heros here at home. This ICE program puts Veterans on the forefront of protecting America's children. I can't think of a better group of people to hunt down child predators and rescue children from these evil people.

Since President Trump has taken office, there has been an unprecedented crackdown on child trafficking.


The media has made an effort to downplay this crackdown and in some cases have gone out of their way to try and 'normalize' pedophiles and pedophilia.

Instead of trying to normalize pedophilia, people should be lobbying for stiffer punishment if convicted, like the Death Penalty.

There are people, mainly on the Left and in the Media, that would have you believe that being a pedophile is a sexual preference.

That is how sick and degenerate these people are.

President Trump and AG Jeff Sessions are doing a good job combating child trafficking but Trump's supporters are waiting to see charges brought up against all of the pedophiles in Government, Hollywood and the Media.

These sickos have been protected by past administrations in order to blackmail them into being little puppets.

Trump has the opportunity to break this cycle and I hope he brings the hand of God down on these creeps.

I feel better knowing that our Nation's Veterans are being put in positions to fight this battle.

5bee90 No.132946


Keep the powder dry, we will need it, hopefully they will understand they don't want us to use it, speak softly, share the memo (carry a big stick).

b9a450 No.132947


Expand your thinking anon. There's been absolutely fuck all beneficial about my PTSD!

It makes EVERYTHING stop!

We'd be reliving (flashbacks) shit to the point of absolute chaos!

What the fuck amount of good would that do the victims? Idiot!

0b08ff No.132948


I read that p email. I was disgusted! Catholics have been the most vocal Pro-Life group of all

7246bc No.132951



With the shutdown off he has to go or he'll look soft. Already canceled the trip to England. As long as he's safe it's smart because there will be fuck tons of protestors there not protesting him. Possible opportunity for some good press maybe.

63839a No.132952

I'm so ready, I'm at a loss for words.

df2e04 No.132953

2f4171 No.132954

File: 9e728bba20c9a98⋯.jpg (10.33 KB, 280x172, 70:43, q.jpg)


The USA is a French project.

Hey, whatever happened to the French Crown?

275791 No.132955



1567e8 No.132956


Fuck off you glowing retard kike.

010640 No.132957

Consider: The KEY unlocks the MAP.

Bill Binney gave POTUS the key about 9 months back (according to Robert Steele interview) by showing him how to access the NSA database properly (Binney created it) and plot all child traffickers in the world into a concise MAP.

I think Trump et al (MI) didn't realize just how deep the rabbit hole went, I think after Binney left post 9/11, they were unable to utilize the NSA data to the fullest extent (Bill wouldn't give key).

Now that they have, they are no longer in a situation where they must save the US, rather, the world from a crazy Satan worshiping child murdering and raping elite, and it's sobering.

9770ed No.132958


there's also some twats from like NBC in there that I didn't want to copy.. but they're "interesting"

3e893c No.132959


i dont think we will… most antifa are cowards… once they release their position they will tuck tail and run

f71ff4 No.132960

File: 100f84a6c927021⋯.png (76.61 KB, 512x682, 256:341, Bill_cipher.png)

5bee90 No.132961


Yes, it used to be a threat we kind of just said yeah right, now it's real, they really were trying to finish us off

61ed80 No.132962


We all are. Patience.

83945f No.132963


This. We the people need to learn how to take our power back. It’s been psychological warfare waged against us and giving up power is a nasty habit that needs to be broken.

a920f1 No.132965


3221e1 No.132966





If only this message would pop up periodically as a reminder. Well said Anon…

6362d4 No.132968


Binney is a hero.

cd7037 No.132969


Evolution is brutal. PTSD is an evolutionary adaptation with a utility towards our survival. Today we live in a society where its utility is invisible. A post revolutionary world will look much different.

6faf06 No.132970

File: b9908cd1cd68ff4⋯.jpeg (433.42 KB, 1242x1966, 621:983, 77C5CBE1-A628-4F6D-85DC-4….jpeg)

http:// www


04b7aa No.132971


Good. Then I'm not alone. I don't talk about it here though as I got banned once for doing so back on CBTS, not to mention the clovvns went freakin' nuts! It'll come.

b9482b No.132972


They/We are… its being coordinated

5bee90 No.132973


Our savior is the cut off of SA funds, cut the money all these paid for soldiers of the left will walk, they just did it for the bucks. I think that will be the biggest path to world peace. The more they lock up (these money suppliers/drug dealers) the quicker it will come.

af9270 No.132975


That makes perfect sense. You, anon, are thinking logically!

2f4171 No.132976


Indeed. Bannon is a big fan of this book.

fbba71 No.132977


I confess I'm a tad shell-shocked as the full impact of >>130638 sinks in. I have an active imagination and I now really can't image the full, untold truth being any worse. My version of the Sum of All Fears, I guess.

fc6ab1 No.132978


Looks like it is sniffing something out at Dove Mountain Resort Just a little north and west of Tucson

http:// www.ritzcarlton.com/en/hotels/arizona/dove-mountain

54857e No.132979


Not a drone… USAF Special Ops Airbus CN235 maybe of the 427th Special Ops Squadron.

0b08ff No.132980



c72268 No.132981


I'm right there with you, anon. B.O.-bag by the door, full tank of gas.

63839a No.132982


That means a lot. Thanks.

So many thoughts going through my head.

I want to talk about what the most frightening things that can't be revealed are, but i think it's best to keep it to myself.

I want to pretend to live care free again or FIGHT!

df2e04 No.132983


Tryna cover up the (train) tracks?

cbfc43 No.132984


Quality post. Added to the spreadsheet, thank you.

05ddc2 No.132985

Every time I read that a % must be kept hidden 'for Humanity' I am taking that literally. Humanity as in, bigger than the United States. Globally. An If-I-can't-rule-the-world-then-no-one-shall mentality from a Host who hasn't thought things through clearly.

c09630 No.132986


>We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].

I think Q is saying this is our job to get this info out there. He didn't bring us this far to just drop it.

>60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

These people should be hanging.

Don't underestimate what humanity can handle, sir. Most people want truth. Or they will cope by denial.

>What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

Take them out. POTUS and his family must remain safe. The world is depending on President Trump, whether they realize it or not.

a920f1 No.132987


5bee90 No.132988


And once Soros won't page them $20 an hour

929166 No.132990

I am pretty low-key with others about my views on this topic and others. Hubs and I have been land shopping…we live in a very large metro area. The past year, more and more ppl are doing the same


526da8 No.132992


the impulse to chase a free lunch undoes them at every turn

4e10ec No.132993


^^^OP should sticky this….

c839be No.132995


All I know is that, its something that fires bullets really fast and it makes people die.

I have emptied over a thousand rounds in practice and I am a dead shot. Beyond that. I don't know anything else.

Never claimed to be a gunfag. But if you want to present yourself as a expert knock yourself out.

23dbab No.132997

File: 36989dd09d3b9e5⋯.png (345.7 KB, 1366x658, 683:329, drone.png)

no info at all on this one. what is it? a drone?

df2e04 No.132998


I'm sure Q will touch on a lot of topics but won't go into gross detail(s).

1b8e87 No.132999

File: 24ebe57d56b6b26⋯.png (566.04 KB, 888x961, 888:961, KEK EATS _.png)

b9a450 No.133000


You haven't got a fucking clue!

Go away and do some proper research - none of the shit (((they))) put in the fucking books.

Try working with the victims of such abuse!

Something you've REALLY gotta have your wits about you to do without causing further damage, which they're almost at the point of no return from!

Who the fuck would be capable if the entire population is in a state of PTSD? FFS!

What a fucking idiot!

4f62e9 No.133001

File: 14b07f98664588e⋯.jpg (52.07 KB, 451x591, 451:591, 10525946_10204569287102929….jpg)

865d35 No.133002

File: dacba51a7b91fcd⋯.jpeg (72.64 KB, 480x360, 4:3, AB49ACA7-CF1C-4AFE-B3E9-7….jpeg)


Many police involved. Advertised safety to pedos in Hollywood

579d43 No.133003


There are many that I know that are waiting for actual action. Something g that shakes the world so to speak when it comes to believeing what we are doing. There is tons of bluster and many people won't care until someone is locked up.

3e893c No.133004

its funny how weak antifa is… even when there were paid ops… fucking weak

04b7aa No.133005


Whole law enforcement agencies have been compromised. Even small towns and rural country Sheriff's Departments. Truly, the corruption runs so deep most would not be able to handle the truth.

cd7037 No.133007


All symptoms if any "disorder" are evolutionary adaptations that may increase the likelihood of the survival of species.

e120b5 No.133008


Agreed, but if they are disappeared due to public conviction a, they can also be guilty of non public charge b,c, and d-g

8222a9 No.133009



df2e04 No.133010


For example, not sure if Q or someone else said this but it's much easier to charge someone with human trafficking than all of that Satanic pedo sacrifice cannibal shit.

54857e No.133011



See above…

2fe84b No.133012


Yep, meme guerrilla warfare.

f69813 No.133013




lol gun people get so touchy with names

23dbab No.133014


ok. thanks. disregard may last post then.

5bee90 No.133016


Yes but what a sick world when we have to hide to feel safe, POTUS and Q Team and the rest of the Military are giving their all to make it so we don't have to, this shit the left has started has just ruined out lives, our dreams and the dreams of my young kids, time to stop it, we need to go back to a time of hope.

964c64 No.133017

File: 050736ae18891f2⋯.jpg (32.33 KB, 600x378, 100:63, FISC-Court-p82-600x378.jpg)


Here too:


a920f1 No.133018




( • )( • )

3e893c No.133019


if the punishment is greater than the crime… people will dig.. especially if they admit there are hidden charges

eeddea No.133021

At the risk of further shitting up the thread and also trying to teach pigs to sing, PLEASE PLEASE for the love of ALMIGHTY GOD do NOT post raw Q posts on social media. This is NOT about us. This is about saving America and saving a lot of women and children. The fact that Wictor got sent the raw Q message today hurt the cause. A lot. THINK!

6f5ff1 No.133022



https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CASA/IPTN_CN-235

678077 No.133023


So this possible drone is ours?

11c28f No.133024

Posted last, reposting. Hear the late S.M. Lockridge tell you, himself, who his King is. It will give good energy, too.

https:// www.ignitermedia.com./products/4-that-s-my-king

89473f No.133025


We absolutely need the release to be severe enough that this shit doesn't happen again, either ever, or for 1000 years.

With an incomplete take down and a public not sufficiently disgusted and angry and wary, this could happen again in 30 years.

Q, you guys are different only by not covering up crimes, we can trust a government that does not cover these crimes up.

The only exception should IMO be if soylent MCD's is people.

I knew about the Clinton's body count list in the 90's and it was compelling, I have had a long time to come to terms with this stuff, but it is going to be so much easier for people when they learn about it simultaneously with the collapse of those criminals!

What makes this shit so psychically damaging is because I think many of the white hats were not aware of this stuff, they have had the awful truth exposed in excruciating detail and it's still operating and part of the system they serve in.

But for those who finally learn of this AFTER it has been stopped, they have a totally different experience, there is no dread that the rest of us have had.

That is a totally different thing!

However what Q and co should not be releasing fully is horror level gore shit for horror fans to get off to! The 4chan faces of death horror shit, the kind of stuff that is really dark should be limited to text except for making images available only to the extent of providing proof.

6f7bc2 No.133026


I have a really bad hunch about Robert David Steele. He has been famefagging excessively and has said very false stuff. According to him we would have gold-backed currency like two months ago. Nevertheless I really trust Binney so it's weird since they appear to be friends. Steele's lies could be purposeful misinfo (as Q's). Honestly I really liked Steele a lot and was my go-to Q-famefag but eventually I realized that he was leading me down wrong rabbitholes (unlike Q). Nevertheless I am not sure and kind of want to like him, any insights?

5f0fe9 No.133028

I have been red pilling a friend based on you beautiful autists and lurking my friend is beginning! Thanks for your dedication and know you just made a difference with a new open eyed patriot

929166 No.133029


In Dilley's scope the other day, he was saying his source told him that Binney has been the architect of most of this. He gave others the key to the Hammer

93ab23 No.133030

File: cc619149d052960⋯.png (275.19 KB, 503x730, 503:730, Ifonlyyouknew4.png)


These "people" all deserve death. Q says the public can't know everything, I say it's imperative we get the 100% full truth. It is the only way to prevent this from happening again. Bullshit we can't handle it. Some of us have known for years of the elite satanic pedo rings. We want pure, transparent, complete JUSTICE for these atrocities. Anything less is unacceptable.

865d35 No.133031

File: e40a8421b0cc2a9⋯.png (4.87 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, D4716DE7-6A41-4CAE-9033-5C….png)

cd7037 No.133032


Most will handle it differently than you. Also, third-person trauma is much less likely to cause intense PTSD.

4f62e9 No.133033


Thanks for this - I know just who to send this to! Holee fuckballs

6ccbab No.133034

@thomaswictor on Twitter chose to dismiss us.

Such a lack of reason and willingness to consider anything other than his overblown sense of self worth.

Look at his latest twit stream.

030363 No.133035

File: 60848db36253939⋯.jpg (9.17 KB, 225x225, 1:1, index.jpg)


It should all be available.

I understand announcing on topics on national TV would be an issue, so maybe 40-50%, BUT a dedicated website or book should hold 100% of the evil so that we may always remember.

I thank God everyday for the divine intervention, how close we were to annihilation and centuries of enslavement in a dystopian, Orwellian nightmare

3e893c No.133036

ive been tryin to redpill people all over… just talking about it… random people even

8b69a0 No.133037


No one is saying play the videos of child rape at kindergarten…no one. No one is saying release any of these videos to public.

The people who are in favor of full disclosure want X person is going to jail for X crime.

A press conference that x crime occurred and x people were involved.

That’s not PTSD material….

The poeple arguing for “some”. E.g. we find out about x person who committed fraud and is going to jail, but we don’t find out about the child sex trafficking network per-say, would be making a TERRIBLE mistake.

What happens when only a few have the power of knowledge?

Do you understand what human consciousness is?

Do you understand the true nature of our enemy?

Do you understand that if the public does NOT find out, they will be ignorant and continue to vote (((them))) into positions of power?

My God people arguing ptsd for a few (maybe) vs the destruction of the human race all over again?

Not logical

8dde6a No.133039


Evolution is Fake News.

The religion of Evolutionism is what has brought us to where we are now.

5bee90 No.133040


Yes the left keeps them poor, drug addicted and hopeless, what else will they do to make a few hundred bucks, ride a bus to 'Bama and vote dem, hell yes, break some windows at a University, sounds good, do we get juice boxes?

275791 No.133041


100% are going down with no deals. We only get details of 40%.

100% are going down.

0b08ff No.133042


worth the read. You can pretty much check off almost all the Communists' goals of infiltration.

You can do the same with our Republic.


"Two will be taken and three will be shaken"

b9a450 No.133044


Fucking clueless! ^^^

83591a No.133046

File: 783af5c8bc16a24⋯.png (31.51 KB, 223x48, 223:48, 343.png)

File: fd7986e1945b66e⋯.png (69.11 KB, 322x73, 322:73, 578.png)


Anons, don't respond to posts encouraging your reply about topics such as guns, violence, or what you would personally do to the crooks to get your justice.

It might just be a drunk harmless anon, but it could be <<<their>>> bait to tag people who cough up info about their gun collection and military history.

Can someone post the internal shariablue document where it shows how they use this strategy in gun forums to build their lists? I saw it on 4, but didn't save.

3e893c No.133047


im fine if they withhold most pedo tapes.. i just want the crimes to be publicly listed

af6b1f No.133048

File: b73187d7f87cac5⋯.jpg (56.52 KB, 700x467, 700:467, 8chan-gets-attacked.jpg)

df95c2 No.133050


https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJrDMbKnQmQ

This is what they do not want you to see.

3221e1 No.133051


Another GREAT point.

>However this has been said OVER & OVER…yet, the minute a Q drop comes in…I see anons posting immediately online - even before they've had time to consume the information for themselves and crowdsource the meaning here with other anons.

5bee90 No.133052


Yup, this shut down for illegals is a good point, it's news, blast the memes

052912 No.133053


She moved into the Obama's DC home to plan all of this. Even Fox and Daily Mail covered it. Bizzarro world.

http:// insider.foxnews.com/2017/03/02/valerie-jarrett-moves-obama-plot-against-trump-dc-mansion

President Barack Obama's former top White House adviser Valerie Jarrett is moving in with him and will help with an "insurgency" against President Donald Trump, according to a new report.

The Daily Mail reports that the Obama team is setting up shop at the posh $5.3 million mansion in the Kalorama section of D.C., referring to it as a "nerve center."

According to the report:

Obama's goal, according to a close family friend, is to oust Trump from the presidency either by forcing his resignation or through his impeachment.


Spurred on by Jarrett and Michelle, the ex-president has come to embrace his role as the leader of the opposition against Trump, whose policies he loathes and whose presidency he considers illegitimate.

more at link

3e893c No.133054


lol it only makes me want to fight even more… oddly enough the shills just give us more ammunition

1b8e87 No.133055

File: 7851f51372555b5⋯.png (851.8 KB, 999x594, 37:22, CyberGorillaWarfare.png)

275791 No.133056


That's cute, can I tweet it?

929166 No.133057


I understand what you are saying….I take about 30% of what Steele says as true. All of it may be true, but he is too far out in front, above 40,000 as Q would say. I think some of these ppl have been saying all this for so long, they get frustrated and sound kinda intense sometimes

c09630 No.133059


>Do you understand that if the public does NOT find out, they will be ignorant and continue to vote (((them))) into positions of power?


317e30 No.133060


John Radcliff read text between strzok and page reference "secret society"

04fb37 No.133061

God bless POTUS

and all the Anons!

4e10ec No.133062


See the animal memes work every time….

6f7bc2 No.133063


The glowing clowns are glowing! We already went through this when Q talked about "exchange" and all that: concernfagging about full disclosure = FILTER (image just makes it more obvious)

d9522e No.133064


top kek

63839a No.133065

I wouldn't wish PTSD on anyone.

Think of the people, women, children that you see naturally enjoying life and smiling.

Is it good to take that away from them?

I want them to keep that natural happiness.

ba50bf No.133066

File: b5bd40aa7920028⋯.png (20.27 KB, 383x132, 383:132, flogo1.png)

Sooner or later you'll find your way here..

Tom Monaghan is best known for founding Domino's Pizza and Ave Maria University, but what is he most proud of? Founding Legatus.

df95c2 No.133067


And this one is really powerful. These are the real Californians. Notice how much police protection we need to stand up for the lives of children?

3221e1 No.133068



a6b03a No.133070


Very true. People can understand human trafficking, the Satanic pedo sacrifice and cannibalism is a whole other ballgame.

058f1f No.133071

File: 8cfcb4242577e8d⋯.jpg (38.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


there is always more anon


and we will by the nature of that never know where it ends

verify verify verify

With Q We Trust And Verify, his record speaks for itself.

23dbab No.133072


why would you need his permission?

c8c5f7 No.133073

Make them come to him, at the last minute, have planes ready.

0b08ff No.133074


I'll check it out. thx

c839be No.133075


Most would'nt even believe such horror from word of mouth or a memo. The only way to prove it would be to show them, which would cause a major freakout in most people! And that is assuming Q is not talking about something even more sinister…

Like we are living in a real life version of "they live." Revealing that shit would cause utter pandemonium that the world would never recover from.

I am sorry but the human mind is a very frail thing. Most people simply could not handle it.

929166 No.133076


She's a bad person…she has been slithering around, setting this game up for years.

Hell, she even got Moochelle and Barack together back at Sidley…shes a succubus

d9522e No.133077

File: 3b012b41421d9de⋯.png (757.52 KB, 1480x736, 185:92, fbi texts.png)

865d35 No.133080

File: eda1b19e3324a75⋯.png (694.58 KB, 857x492, 857:492, 3683E4C5-B533-4FAE-8303-F0….png)


Nice Digits of Truth

69d9e4 No.133081

File: 3e19b80b4fa87ce⋯.png (987.46 KB, 1428x1286, 714:643, ClipboardImage.png)

c0d465 No.133082

Has there been a consensus on when/where the a potential false flag could be based on Q saying to stay indoors?

fe3416 No.133084


Agree. They think that if we evolved from animals we can act like animals.

eaa94e No.133085


Full picture as in Mystery Babylon full picture?

Give the board some tips man, don't hold out on us.

865d35 No.133086


Drones overhead

6362d4 No.133087


Because it says 8chan

010640 No.133088


Likely Steele is correct about gold currency, wrong about timeline.

Q has been wrong about timeline too.

No harm no foul, it's a complex situation and they aren't totally sure how to navigate.

af9270 No.133089


>You want the entire population suffering PTSD?

I don't think most of thuse ASKING for 100% could handle 75%, look @ how they flipped out the last 2 days with heavy Q drops


>I think the people that want 100% disclosure don't know the full extent of how bad things can really be.

DIGITS CONFIRM w/o a doubt!

020ce2 No.133090

File: 5af3203cd33e504⋯.png (279.65 KB, 494x262, 247:131, Capture.PNG)

020ce2 No.133091

File: 5af3203cd33e504⋯.png (279.65 KB, 494x262, 247:131, Capture.PNG)

91f2f2 No.133092


So much ^THIS^ ... you don't even know.

Thank you ... for God and Country

d8479b No.133093


that was a personal message not for us

2f4171 No.133094

File: 823f1c767f89816⋯.jpg (43.52 KB, 474x474, 1:1, picton 1.jpg)

File: 85a508f68789b96⋯.jpg (47.22 KB, 620x400, 31:20, pickton 2.jpg)

File: 92ca8a9310b6d20⋯.jpg (187.02 KB, 1170x347, 1170:347, MMIW.jpg)



Yeah, that place. Pinned it on the simple guy.

Many more people involved.

055531 No.133098


This kind of thing was done to make people more accepting to the possibility. Nothing is a coincidence.

4f6de4 No.133099

<< What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

That has to be MI6 & MOSSAD.

af6b1f No.133100

File: 2aa3079204818e0⋯.jpg (52.49 KB, 695x418, 695:418, winning-never-gets-5a66cc.jpg)


Please do.

e8fdf8 No.133101


You sound like K talking to J in MIB. Where he said the population are too panicky and stupid to know the truth.

That sort of shit is what we are fighting against.

b9a450 No.133102


It was a private communication between Q and someone else on the board - not meant for us!

1b325f No.133103

where did everyone go? or is this site down?

275791 No.133104


That post wasn't meant for us. He was messaging someone specific on the board at the time.

acb661 No.133105

File: ff5d205a7edcd8e⋯.jpg (8.23 KB, 259x194, 259:194, download.jpg)


its a "bro" !

275791 No.133106

cd7037 No.133108


Thank you for engaging in the world even though you have experienced trauma. I look forward to the day you can recover more fully.

I'm not arguing a position. I'm stating the reality that sooner or later, all will be known and all will be knowable. That's just a fact. The end result, as you said, will be that some people experience varying degrees of PTSD. Some of those symptoms may prove evolutionarily useful in a post revolutionary world. That's why PTSD exists, otherwise it would have died off hundreds of thousands of years ago with other weaker traits. It is not, therefore, a weak trait.

I encourage you to notice the ways trauma has heightened your senses, strengthened you in certain ways, and forced you to grow in other ways.

I am neither clueless nor heartless. I hope the best for all.

9bc7dc No.133109


There's no more helpless of a feeling than having PTSD.

2f4171 No.133110


http:// www.freemasonrytoday.com/features/item/953-parallel-lines-john-hamill-public-transport-railways-freemasonry

No hope for widow's sons. Everyone has to pay their fare.

3e893c No.133111

PTSD can be overcome… it just takes persistence

055531 No.133112


And now we have the 100% release shills.

Remember folks, shills want deaths to happen.

Their goal is 95% population reduction anyway.

9f5026 No.133113

Spammers could use your computer as a "zombie drone" to send spam that looks like it came from you. Malicious viruses or spyware could be deposited on your computer, slowing it down or destroying files.

Drones over Us.

4022cb No.133114

File: aba5b18428b2197⋯.png (649.77 KB, 741x406, 741:406, memo27.PNG)

b12c0d No.133115

Sure to be MSM wall to wall coverage tomorrow…

http:// www.cbs46.com/story/37323169/feds-man-threatened-to-kill-cnn-employees

cd7037 No.133116


Feeling, yes.

But we know that feelings are not reality.

3e893c No.133117


pot helps

ff4ab7 No.133118


You want to be careful. Now someone can find you on twatter. Change your handle on there if it's your real name.

c347f5 No.133119

File: 5433a0ed7e370b5⋯.jpg (59.55 KB, 750x552, 125:92, IMG_20180122_234916.jpg)

File: 5433a0ed7e370b5⋯.jpg (59.55 KB, 750x552, 125:92, IMG_20180122_234916.jpg)

File: 5433a0ed7e370b5⋯.jpg (59.55 KB, 750x552, 125:92, IMG_20180122_234916.jpg)

File: 5433a0ed7e370b5⋯.jpg (59.55 KB, 750x552, 125:92, IMG_20180122_234916.jpg)



341be8 No.133120


Idk about others but my "freakouts" are more of its finally going to happen than the drops content

6ccbab No.133121

Fucking twitter war going on over Q

https:// twitter.com/OnWithLogic/status/955679386715467776

8dde6a No.133122


Well put.

No one wants to see the tapes. We know they exist.

It's just time for the satanic pedos to be exposed and brought to justice… They need to hang for their abominations against God and humanity.




The darkness would be shattered if the truth was revealed. It would destroy the divide… It would actually unite us for good.

Public perception is a huge tool. Just as the Deep State used their 9/11 to herd us into Patriot Act and War etc…

The Truth will lead us to the Light.

579d43 No.133123


Mushrooms in small doses as well

a01e1b No.133124


Brilliantly stated, anon. thank you

83945f No.133125


I get your point about PTSD, I have to deal with it myself, but at the same time, this isn’t about us; it’s about setting the stage for a better future for the next generations, of which may not be seen by us.

3e893c No.133126


this is true… read a little on that

bca586 No.133127


>anyone who disagrees with me is a shill

030363 No.133128

So Peter Strzok (and Lisa Page?) had an "insurance policy" just in case Trump was elected to have him or a member of his family killed with the help of the old SA regime…and this can be found with the FISA memo or the 50k texts between them or the NSA dump

b30ab5 No.133129

Let them TRY to discredit Q. More normies will look into him. Its free advertising.

63839a No.133130


It's good to see all the women on twitter etc. supporting this. But man, I see them and I think about how women bring me joy when I see them smile and laugh and be animated like they do. I don't want them to experience what some of us have. I don't want that natural joy they show to me destroyed/corrupted.

Bless them though.I smh at that being potentially loss. Sorry if that comes across as offensive to women reading this.

05ddc2 No.133132


I agree. Someone wealthy enough to pull political strings and try to rule the world will be able to afford a CONCRETE bomb shelter. And why stop at one carpet-bomb event? Why not another one a few weeks later? It's a terrifying thought, so, maybe keeping % private is necessary.

91740f No.133133

You are finding yourself on the edge of History unfolding before your eyes. Everything our fore Fathers fought against is now laid bare in front of you. (Don’t just think of the Constitution, Think Older) This is a fight of Good against evil, Freedom against Tyranny . All of it unfolding Right now. You are witnessing a Power struggle not seen since the days of Diocletian or the Punic Wars…. if successful this will be EPIC. Now, like then, the battle is being fought by a Strong Leader, surrounded by the best and Most Respected Military Advisors of our time. ( They are Officers and Senior NCO’s that are extremely educated and Well Loved , along with Men that would follow them into battle and die, and also by Men of great honor that would HOLD with them . ( not pansy ass butt kissing career fcks ) Men who would pick up Estoc and wield her. This battle , like the others is being fought with the Blood and Honour of great Soldiers you will never see or know, the sword will be wielded by Attorneys in a courtroom against captured Traitors and their highly paid pompous clowns. The sword will be wielded again, against all those who support them and were but bought slaves and minstrels). Wielded again by Men of the 3 letter agencies that still hold true, and by Foreign Powers that fight our same fight. YOU all the Anons here need to take your great humor, and phenomenal f’n intellect and do your part. Pick up the Sword and take the message to the People, do it with humility, shield it , and let them know we are One! Not divided by color or religion, Not by Liberal or Democrat, Republican or Libertarian ..We are Indivisible! America is but a Great Tapestry woven over centuries of all Peoples bound by a Great Love of our Freedom. This game is far from over , and the next Chess Piece move is Yours Anons. Play well.

5dc994 No.133134

So back to Jared Kushner – In 2005, his Dad was convicted of numerous Federal crimes involving illegal campaign contributions to the Democratic Party….


https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Kushner

3e893c No.133135


thats reminiscent of leftist logic

7ce6c2 No.133136


Agree with you, Anon.

God bless POTUS, Q, White Hats in the ABCs, and all you Anonfaggots and your families. Rest and sleep in peace. Good men and angels are standing watch, and a Good God, who is angry with the wicked every day, sees and watches over all. Justice is coming. It will come soon enough. The good news is that we will get to enjoy watching at least some of these wicked ones meet their expected ends now. None of you wicked ones will escape judgment, though. That is enough.

e8fdf8 No.133137

There was a reason General Patton slapped that coward in the field hospital.

b5c102 No.133138


Shithole. Confirmed.

1b8e87 No.133139

File: 98b111ec2190341⋯.png (185.66 KB, 777x781, 777:781, Comfy40-60.PNG)



ts'all good.

>re-read crumbs

(oh since using up a post, i think this also showed how slide/shill (shlide?) is the whole "fkn famefags posting q drops on twitter look wat yerv DONE" thing is a bit pointless.

Message is/wasn't for us. Combination of ourguys/notourguys. Either way, and especially if it's another message that sends shivers down what's left of every clown and handlers and spiders spines, well… i'm not quite sure i see a problem there.



af6b1f No.133140

File: 40b59859e135959⋯.jpg (73.08 KB, 700x503, 700:503, tfw-youre-a-5a66ce.jpg)

3e893c No.133141


jared has always struck me as a wild card

6ccbab No.133142


Yup. Respect lost. Flood that retweet whore. Someone I follow challenged him to a debate.

275791 No.133143


Kush is clean.

010640 No.133144


If you're referring to Veith's work, yes, that's a good place to start. Knowing the history helps to know the present, even if Veith is not correct about some key issues. Eat meat, spit out bones.

63839a No.133145


I've never seen MIB. Maybe I should.

5e9e66 No.133146


What or who does (MI) refer to? I've seen this several times without enough context to work out.

865d35 No.133147

File: f3f58f691f492e9⋯.png (358.54 KB, 490x516, 245:258, DDF074E9-8DD0-4432-8282-B2….png)



ff4ab7 No.133148

Secret society is trending on twitter

cbd864 No.133149

Demoralization must be reversed by the Church

Destabilization must be reversed by police action.

Crisis must be reversed by military action.

If these schmucks drive this to crisis, we'll have military action. Bezmenov.

976cc0 No.133150


There are Twitter polls out there that still have Trump losing. We can fix that easily

993d39 No.133151

eaa94e No.133152


Military Intelligence. Keep up.

275791 No.133153


Military Intelligence. Rather than FBI CIA since they are dirty.

8a6360 No.133154

File: 2471652e65e3497⋯.jpg (363.19 KB, 1574x2016, 787:1008, Screen Shot 2018-01-22 at ….jpg)

File: dfe20c6d2a5f0fa⋯.jpg (422.42 KB, 2156x1212, 539:303, Screen Shot 2018-01-22 at ….jpg)

865d35 No.133156

File: 6c5627c43782869⋯.png (337.62 KB, 400x400, 1:1, DAF05FF4-B78B-4C30-95EB-5F….png)


What an asshole!!

5f0399 No.133157


Stage the Supreme Court?

I'm not even sure what that means outside of killing Scalia. Makes more sense as Special Counsel or Silent Coup

3e893c No.133158


so can twatter kek

845a0e No.133159

Paddocks linked to Bohemia grove on twatter…property closeby uhmm wow?

275791 No.133160

5dc994 No.133161


Really fag? get back to lurking some moar

23dbab No.133162

8chan is more than this board

929166 No.133163


Something happened on twitter tonight…dont know what but a lot of fools be tripping

Wictor's argument against Q was kinda weak and the mockery was rude.

People have to learn how to make up their own minds

And I heard one of those Congressmen…he was freaked out and his language led me to believe he was talking about POTUS' safety in regards to the memo

b30ab5 No.133164

Guys SecretSociety Trending this is a PRIME time to tweet the shit out of some Cabal Memes get the NAMES out there

1b8e87 No.133165

File: c3d676b85adbb6a⋯.jpg (37.14 KB, 600x600, 1:1, metyrone.jpg)


#SecretSociety memes?

1112ca No.133166

>▶Anonymous 01/23/18 (Tue) 07:18:46 d68b83 No.131081

>What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

Apparently nothing, if you don't tell anyone about it. If you tell someone about it, the people involved would be prosecuted and sent to jail, hopefully for a very long time.

>What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

Then the people of those allies should be told, and the proof shown, so they can help clean up their own mess. If this is the official policy of the "allies" then we should cut all ties, military, economic, trade, and diplomatic. They are not allies QED.

Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].

This is only the beginning.

>Why forget it? Let's finish that particular loaf and see some people put in jail, as there were many offenses that warrant jail time.

Be careful what you wish for.

>I wish for the bad guys to be identified publicly and to pay for all of their misdeeds. Is this a bad thing? I say, "No!" It is "justice.


>East to west. Saudia Arabia. East of that is the US. East of that is Asia. East of that is Europe. Yes, that's the order. But cleaning up the US is paramount at this time.

Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?

<They MUST be publicly disclosed. If we do not, we are leaving the door open to similar acts in the future. "This (wacko theory) was part of what they withheld" will be the excuse for all future denials without FULL disclosure.

What happens to the FBI?

>Hopefully their ranks are thinned, and the US population forever more eyes them with distrust, AS WE SHOULD!!! They have betrayed us, and they should suffer for their betrayal. The good ones are guilty for not blowing the whistle, if nothing else. The bad ones should be jailed or hanged.

What happens to the DOJ?

>See previous. You fuck up, you pay for it. It is as simple as that.

What happens to special counsel?

>SC has always been a political dog and pony show. Get rid of it and start doing your JOBS, FBI and DOJ!

What happens in general?

>We find out the truth, which is what we deserve. Quit hiding shit from us for NO GOOD REASON! This secrecy is part of the problem and one of the reasons we're in the shit today.

Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.

>Yeah. Here's some violin music. You made the bed. Freedom has a price. Liberty has a price. Justice has a price. Retry every fukking one of them if you have to. I don't care. The evil you are exposing is much worse than anything else that could happen, regardless. They wanted to kill my kids and grandkids. I don't care what your "problems" are to root them out. They are animals… no, they are slime, and the only way to clean up slime is to wipe it all up and dispose of it permanently.


>Yes, hiding things is lawless. I'm glad you are seeing the sense.

Think logically.

>YOU think logically. If you leave one seed unaccounted for, you are letting the forest grow back for later generations. The full disclosure is necessary to stop this from ever happening again. Too bad it's a bit harder to do the complete job.

We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].

>So start. It's your timeline. What I object to is the secrecy when it is all over. Hang the traitors. Jail the miscreants. Shine the light of truth on everything and let the chips fall where they may.

Those [good] who know cannot sleep.

>You're damned right… and I only know what you've hinted at.

Those [good] who know cannot find peace.

>Again, damned right. Peace will only come once those who want war and death are defeated.

Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.

>Completely? How can you know if you hide 60% of it? How can WE know if you hide 60% of it?

Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.

>So show us and prove it.

Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.

>I trust no one anymore. This obviously indicates the priesthood and religions in general… but I trust only God and my conscience. My conscience cannot tolerate the thought that you are letting 60% hide their misdeeds from public scrutiny.

Who are we taught to trust?

>God. And I still trust God. Men? I trust them to work in what they see as their own best interests and according to their own consciences, knowing full well that many of them do not have consciences.

If you are religious, PRAY.

>Pray… and be prey to the evil ones.

60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

>No. 100% must be made public - for humanity.

These people should be hanging.

>Then hang them after their fair and just trials.


5dc994 No.133167


Hoping so.

5bee90 No.133168


The pig farm, sick shit, still don't know where all the feet that washed up this summer came from

23dbab No.133169

55a6cd No.133170

File: c89e6c068920cc9⋯.png (465.01 KB, 661x454, 661:454, st:page.1.png)

e290c1 No.133171

File: 23341b7a791ad79⋯.png (2.99 MB, 2560x1076, 640:269, gates.PNG)

Looks like Gates is making a break for it.

e290c1 No.133172

File: 23341b7a791ad79⋯.png (2.99 MB, 2560x1076, 640:269, gates.PNG)

Looks like Gates is making a break for it.

cbd864 No.133173


Freaky group. Jeb is connected.

c70005 No.133175

It’s sick he is oathkpr>>132772

89473f No.133176


Yes, well people need to WAKE THE FUCK UP!

That's why we have these problems, a nation of sheep will beget a Government of wolves!

Even once this is totally cleaned up, people need to be effected that this stuff cannot happen again for a thousand years!

The public need to be permanently scrutinizing Government and Corporations forever more so this cannot happen again.

b9a450 No.133178


"I encourage you to notice the ways trauma has heightened your senses, strengthened you in certain ways, and forced you to grow in other ways."

Seriously, you haven't got a clue!

"…otherwise it would have died off hundreds of thousands of years ago with other weaker traits. It is not, therefore, a weak trait."

More bullshit! How long do you think mankind has been in existence? You've totally drank too much of their Kool-Aid.

Also, PTSD is merely one part of the mass problem that would occur. Yes, the whole truth will come out, but not all at once. It needs to be slowly dripped out.

Have you ever been to a mental health treatment centre? Inpatients? Imagine that everywhere. Now, with all of that going on and people getting triggered left right and centre, who's gonna be capable of deprogramming the millions of super-soldiers? Who's gonna be there 100% for the victims? Who's gonna be able to function well enough for all of the other aspects of human existence to continue 100%?

Seriously, THINK more - and don't EVER make assumptions about me, again.

You're talking to someone who works with such victims. I see what it does to highly trained staff, their families, etc. Imagine that on a global scale… fucking hell!

2627ca No.133179


That grizzled old fucker needs to take his meds.

cbfc43 No.133180


Yes, that is the point. The meme is shocking because the entire public act was shocking and grotesque and frankly evil (in the non-religious sense) - trying to normalize assassination of the POTUS.

Other anon's reaction was exactly as predicted:

older people who remember the Kennedy's are immediately freaked out (as they should be). Younger people who didn't live through that will see it differently but still understand the point being made.

We get overrun with shit-tier memes sometimes and good ones slip through. Psychological warfare is intense and not for everyone.

55a6cd No.133181

File: 8525542c6b1d220⋯.png (396.06 KB, 609x408, 203:136, 8chan.chill.png)

b9482b No.133182



wow anon, thanks for sharing. spread this around!!

LA of all places. i would have never thought!

ff4ab7 No.133185


Not enough. Trending because of tweets by rep ratcliff. we need to throw some memes up there.

4e10ec No.133187



8dde6a No.133188

Matthew 10:26 KJV

Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.

and for those that hard time comprehending KJV…

Matthew 10:26 NIV

"So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.

2fe84b No.133189


> Just twatted this to @POTUS

af9270 No.133190


people suicide themselves over feelings. Imagine a normie going from Fantasy Land to 100% in under a week. Think logically, many aren't strong enough to handle that, they wouldn't be able to think logically, and would be STUCK in their feelings. WE can handle 40% (maybe, the last 2 days stoked a LOT of feelz here), we ain't "normal" though. Even the strongest of us though, have a breaking point, even if it is higher than a normie, it's there. I know plenty around me would BREAK if they got even what we've gotten the last few months.

11c28f No.133191

File: 720140fdf90619c⋯.jpg (77.93 KB, 564x516, 47:43, Pig Farm Guests.jpg)

File: 98a8720ded28571⋯.jpg (154.65 KB, 600x800, 3:4, maureen-baginski-and-krist….jpg)


And now we discuss the chipper, and the death betting…

41b6ee No.133192


Looks like he was addressing the context of the post he referenced, agreeing that something needs to be done to those that want PDJT or his family dead.

929166 No.133193


And he implied anons are fame whores...that couldn't be further from the truth

63839a No.133194


That puts my head into a better perspective. I don't want to come across all tough guy, but I'm ready for whatever. I'm ready to laugh maniacally into deaths and those twisted fucks faces as I take them down or be brought down.

No mercy. Nothing to lose.

af6b1f No.133195

File: 20411bb19861846⋯.jpg (51.86 KB, 500x478, 250:239, how-many-secrets.jpg)

360d7b No.133197

How bout those of us who know WTF is happening filter/ignore those needing instant and total gratification. kids!

976cc0 No.133198


Agree, but thinking they might be "pacing" themselves.

Big following and they do generally great, cited work. I think the truth bombs will come in time.

Keep in mind:


1658e9 No.133200

Has anyone seen these texts?

af9270 No.133201

>>133111True (experience speaking). YET, 99% may need the hospital 1st

6f96ab No.133202

File: a90dc4397abc460⋯.jpg (363.17 KB, 1680x942, 280:157, ToughLads.jpg)

23dbab No.133203

File: 64b76b772cf89be⋯.png (430.92 KB, 1366x658, 683:329, rivet1.png)

"The RC-135V/W Rivet Joint reconnaissance aircraft supports theater and national level consumers with near real time on-scene intelligence collection, analysis and dissemination capabilities."

cbfc43 No.133204

File: f607877d4677afb⋯.png (60.72 KB, 1056x816, 22:17, workflow.png)




Please actually read the rules of the board. No seriously actually read them. Read them again until you understand why the answer is NO.

Please go read the rules of the board. We don't need any more twatters for facefags in here in our workspace.

976cc0 No.133205


reminds me of the Ender's Game manufactured dialogue created by Ender's siblings

4f6de4 No.133206

File: 1f031af01501daf⋯.png (198.34 KB, 489x289, 489:289, M 0136.png)

2627ca No.133208

File: c7b2cdad39172c3⋯.jpeg (223.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, A101586F-E4C5-4A44-B693-3….jpeg)

5bee90 No.133209


Gates has a Gulfstream not a Gates Learjet

1112ca No.133210

Fukked the formatting… Reposting with proper (I hope) formatting.

>▶Anonymous 01/23/18 (Tue) 07:18:46 d68b83 No.131081

>What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

Apparently nothing, if you don't tell anyone about it. If you tell someone about it, the people involved would be prosecuted and sent to jail, hopefully for a very long time.

>What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

Then the people of those allies should be told, and the proof shown, so they can help clean up their own mess. If this is the official policy of the "allies" then we should cut all ties, military, economic, trade, and diplomatic. They are not allies QED.

>Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].

>This is only the beginning.

Why forget it? Let's finish that particular loaf and see some people put in jail, as there were many offenses that warrant jail time.

>Be careful what you wish for.

I wish for the bad guys to be identified publicly and to pay for all of their misdeeds. Is this a bad thing? I say, "No!" It is "justice.


East to west. Saudia Arabia. East of that is the US. East of that is Asia. East of that is Europe. Yes, that's the order. But cleaning up the US is paramount at this time.

>Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?

They MUST be publicly disclosed. If we do not, we are leaving the door open to similar acts in the future. "This (wacko theory) was part of what they withheld" will be the excuse for all future denials without FULL disclosure.

>What happens to the FBI?

Hopefully their ranks are thinned, and the US population forever more eyes them with distrust, AS WE SHOULD!!! They have betrayed us, and they should suffer for their betrayal. The good ones are guilty for not blowing the whistle, if nothing else. The bad ones should be jailed or hanged.

>What happens to the DOJ?

See previous. You fuck up, you pay for it. It is as simple as that.

>What happens to special counsel?

SC has always been a political dog and pony show. Get rid of it and start doing your JOBS, FBI and DOJ!

>What happens in general?

We find out the truth, which is what we deserve. Quit hiding shit from us for NO GOOD REASON! This secrecy is part of the problem and one of the reasons we're in the shit today.

>Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.

Yeah. Here's some violin music. You made the bed. Freedom has a price. Liberty has a price. Justice has a price. Retry every fukking one of them if you have to. I don't care. The evil you are exposing is much worse than anything else that could happen, regardless. They wanted to kill my kids and grandkids. I don't care what your "problems" are to root them out. They are animals… no, they are slime, and the only way to clean up slime is to wipe it all up and dispose of it permanently.


Yes, hiding things is lawless. I'm glad you are seeing the sense.

>Think logically.

YOU think logically. If you leave one seed unaccounted for, you are letting the forest grow back for later generations. The full disclosure is necessary to stop this from ever happening again. Too bad it's a bit harder to do the complete job.

>We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].

So start. It's your timeline. What I object to is the secrecy when it is all over. Hang the traitors. Jail the miscreants. Shine the light of truth on everything and let the chips fall where they may.

>Those [good] who know cannot sleep.

You're damned right… and I only know what you've hinted at.

>Those [good] who know cannot find peace.

Again, damned right. Peace will only come once those who want war and death are defeated.

>Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.

Completely? How can you know if you hide 60% of it? How can WE know if you hide 60% of it?

>Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.

So show us and prove it.

>Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.

I trust no one anymore. This obviously indicates the priesthood and religions in general… but I trust only God and my conscience. My conscience cannot tolerate the thought that you are letting 60% hide their misdeeds from public scrutiny.

>Who are we taught to trust?

God. And I still trust God. Men? I trust them to work in what they see as their own best interests and according to their own consciences, knowing full well that many of them do not have consciences.

>If you are religious, PRAY.

Pray… and be prey to the evil ones.

>60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

No. 100% must be made public - for humanity.

>These people should be hanging.

Then hang them after their fair and just trials.


af9270 No.133211


Many of us are strong. Still, I'm seeing that some are not as strong as they think

4f62e9 No.133213

File: 20b81e3f94a49c4⋯.jpeg (157.99 KB, 1200x647, 1200:647, DQkRWXUVAAA1D-z.jpg large.jpeg)


I have been posting the Epstein temple pic for awhile now on twatter and I've not seen any shills try to attack it or dismiss it. This is not my work - I got it from the MEME bread back when we were all still on cbts prob sometime in Nov(?)

Right - we don't need tapes - BUT. people could be redpilled with more good work like this. They will probably need to be redpilled to some extent on this subject matter to SOME degree. "human trafficking" is so broad-brush, it just doesn't put a face on it in this world devoid of empathy. PTSD? not if done tactfully. Our job is to redpill - I personally agree with both sides of this debate. I take that word (redpill) to mean change the public discourse and what is hereafter considered to be common knowledge - so that we can move on to other topics (relating to other sectors in which this same cabal has its tentacles)…

929166 No.133214


I think they have to stay middle-of-the-road to keep that follower count high

A lot of the comments under Wictor were of ppl saying they actually believe Q

e120b5 No.133215


And how many “private” teams with direct access

a6b03a No.133216


Fuck you I know a lot of what is going on and I can take most of it but my self mechanism kicks in when we talk about the Satanists and worst. My body is set on pins and needles and my breathing rate slows down. You are probably going to know everything but it doesn't mean that the whole world has to know. Right now I am worried about POTUS. This is starting to weigh on him also. He just doesn't look the same. Tired out.

4e10ec No.133218


If you only knew how close to the truth you really are….

05ddc2 No.133219

All the cucks of the world need only delete their profiles when this all comes out. I'm sure the 90% in the hospital was literal. Assuming there were any hospitals left. This is what keeps me up at night. I hoe I'm wrong. But if (((they))) are willing to sacrifice kids, what else are they willing to do when cornered. I hope the POTUS stays safe.

cd7037 No.133220


I didn't say you have PTSD.

I said you have trauma, which I can read in your writing. Instead of getting angry, perhaps wonder what it is I notice you experienced?

No one, I repeat no one, feels so strongly about something they haven't experienced. And I hope you can recover fully and feel strong again.

e8fdf8 No.133222


So why the fuck even bother? Just let the Eloi live contently while the Morlocks feast.

a01e1b No.133223


Wictor really disappointed me tonight. Smart man, but definitely being used as disinfo.

f5cd50 No.133224


I like.

72ec24 No.133225

I myself needed to take a time out to think..

We need to stay professional, objective, and clear minded

in order to do a good job..

If the knowledge shakes you up., just step back , go hug your wife and kids, tell them you love them, let them look at you funny, like :DAD U sick: … Then work to get those child murderers

7ce6c2 No.133226

caeb6b No.133227

I think he’s a blowhard muslim sympathizer >>132724

63839a No.133228

Washed away with crimson tide

By my hand I keep testing time

Quench the fire that drives my soul

Soothing me as death takes hold

d17e7e No.133229




it really makes sense, q must get stamp right in order to deliver proper message… thus delete if site didnt load it correctly (ex: lag-attack)

e508c5 No.133230


jesus christ anon. see:


8c0837 No.133231

victor aint deep state imo. he just has a different learning style. some people just don't jive that way, still great thinker >>132724

6362d4 No.133233

Another way to red pill the normies- “The Whistleblower” movie. A true story about Dyncorp and human trafficking. Demonstrates how it can be done.

af6b1f No.133234


>fair amount of penis

instant classic

af9270 No.133235


>the 100% release shills.

>Remember folks, shills want deaths to happen.

>Their goal is 95% population reduction anyway.

SOMEBODY had to say it!

098618 No.133237

File: 8d0dd0a98dda0c5⋯.png (907.17 KB, 1544x1128, 193:141, attackoftheclowns.png)

What is in DE Klab Junction,NY it is getting pounded?

41b6ee No.133238


I figured him for more of a Boeing fella?

93ab23 No.133240

File: 7ea18e37b1086aa⋯.png (290.84 KB, 347x290, 347:290, Rage16.png)


10/10 You are not alone in these sentiments, anon.

Q! Nothing less than full disclosure is acceptable! These sick fucks deserve the rope!

1895b3 No.133241


Well said!

48a7cf No.133242

O say can you see, by the dawn's early light,

What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming,

Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,

O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?

Post last edited at

3dd1f4 No.133243

60/40… wow

It can only mean revealing more than 40% would trigger nuclear war. Yehovah please have mercy on us, help us to forgive those who have wronged us. Give us strength for the time ahead.

3e893c No.133244

all quiet on the western front… i really wonder what news or pictures are going to start turning up

718efd No.133245


You shall forever more be known as Dead Eye Dick. Or just Dick for short.

c92cee No.133246



cd7037 No.133247


Also, I did not say all at once, did I?

ee1229 No.133248

File: 84ec2522a74804b⋯.jpeg (7.93 KB, 287x176, 287:176, images.jpeg)


I'm going with the VJ triggered (sniffer). Eyes On is exactly what it means. They literally watched VJ get triggered by the post. (IMHO)

Nice taunt.

dd3418 No.133249



3e893c No.133250

aannnndddd theyre back

c72268 No.133251


Yes, and a support system, even if it's only one person. You have to have a trusted source of encouragement, bc it can get rough.

4f6de4 No.133253

b9482b No.133254


it starts locally. just look to the local word on the street. i know in my little home town, the child trafficking is happening. the cops know it, what does anyone do to stop it. its deadly.. because gangs and very bad people will protect it. but we can sort of posse up and demand it stop in each and every city, town, parrish etc.

c70005 No.133255

Ive watched Steele since 911 big book reviewer on Amazon if that’s the guy, he’s trying to monetize his stuff >>132957

48a7cf No.133256

And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,

Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;

O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

Post last edited at

04b7aa No.133257


Yep. Exactly what I'm talking about…


Yes, and people will wake up. That said, traumatizing the people will do no good at all. It has to be done methodically. With compassion and love. Without that, this mission is a complete failure. There are no third-parties in this, to believe that is naïve. As things become disclosed, people will realize that their own personal lives were affected though they knew it not before. Nothing is as it seems.

360d7b No.133258



638920 No.133259


He's always been a complete dick and he's blocked me tons of times over the years. I agree with a lot of what he says but every time I call him out on an error, he goes nuts and blocks me. :D

83591a No.133260

File: 7acd30643507213⋯.png (204.42 KB, 916x76, 229:19, ci.png)


Found a copy at 8ch.net/cbts/res/59512.html#106891

fa4333 No.133261


what's the connection with dental work?

dd3418 No.133262


He is a Zionist famefag. He also hates Assange.


a2750a No.133263


full talking-points version, laying out how msm will say Trump (should be) responsible. Kid's a known mental case, already on bail for making other threats


055531 No.133264


I understand why Q is usually so cryptic now.

His post wasn't cryptic enough and ended up triggering a DDOS :/

bd0336 No.133265


The "banned" Conspiracy of Silence movie on YT is a good documentary on the Franklin Cover-up as well. "Who Took Johnny" on netflix is another one that is closely related

6362d4 No.133266


Caps are a dead give away.

23dbab No.133267


fort drum

da62ab No.133268

File: 37eb574bd013038⋯.jpg (738.06 KB, 1622x1262, 811:631, Secret Rogue Clowns In Ame….jpg)

File: 3fe0ea4c9389bdf⋯.jpg (723.39 KB, 1622x1262, 811:631, Secret Rogue Clowns In Ame….jpg)

File: 74f070bdf05037b⋯.jpg (938.94 KB, 1968x1262, 984:631, Secret Rogue Clowns In Ame….jpg)

Look how many of these bastards are up to their corrupt necks w/ CF!



7ce6c2 No.133269


I think Thomas Wictor is a nice eccentric guy who is on our side, but has issues and is not an expert on Q, not a follower of these boards, and should not be viewed as an expert on anything other than certain forms of complex jazz and WWI flame throwers.

c8c5f7 No.133270



275791 No.133271


A good time for me to go to bed then. Night anons and 3 letter agency losers. We battle again tomorrow.

5bee90 No.133272


I have a neighbor that is a controller there at Boeing field, will have to ask him, the pictures I saw were Gulfstream but he probably has a lot depending on mission, I would feel like a fag on a 737 when I could be on a G650 banging beaches in Banff for the weekend.

3e893c No.133273


but caps are cruise control for cool

48a7cf No.133274

On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,

Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,

What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,

As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?

Post last edited at

54857e No.133276

Fort Drum is near De Kalb Junction, just so happens was where Chelsea Manning was stationed.

4f62e9 No.133277


I stated earlier I don't follow him somewhere up the bread (for reference). I don't know - he gives me that "Noam Chomsky vibe". That's really why I dropped following hm so quickly - to elaborate on my earlier comment.

c0d465 No.133278

61ed80 No.133279


That smile, say what you will about alex jones but they always have THAT smile that little girl has.

48a7cf No.133280

Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,

In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:

'Tis the star-spangled banner, O long may it wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Post last edited at

f0cea6 No.133281


Omitting our current mission, is there any factual info that the chans have been used for comm's previously?

93ab23 No.133282


Of course he is, he's Mossad disinfo.

4e10ec No.133283



3e893c No.133284


word has it chelsea manthing doxxed the night for freedom event

48a7cf No.133285

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore

That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,

A home and a country, should leave us no more?

Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.

Post last edited at

ff4ab7 No.133286


Makes it clearer why they virtue signal so much. Can never get that poop off their shoes.

61ed80 No.133287

Reminder, anything from /thestorm/ is coming from a shithole board.

1766b5 No.133288

File: 73e1c788b7509b5⋯.jpeg (88.56 KB, 500x454, 250:227, DE55F779-0386-48DB-8A17-9….jpeg)

976cc0 No.133289


Yup. They are the keeping the thin candy-coating on the outside of that big red Advil.

c04311 No.133290


Of all the shilly stupid things I have heard on here.. You take the cake for the stupidest

275791 No.133291


All the time with parts of the stringers and when he tells the owls "happy hunting" and such.

5bee90 No.133292


Must be that time of the month for Linda

af9270 No.133293


Not what I said, but if that's what you read…

030363 No.133294


David Seaman? That you?

098618 No.133295


Close 47 miles

63839a No.133296

Take care of yourselves, stay innocent, realize what were in for, stay ready.

I'll make things right to the best of my ability.

48a7cf No.133297

No refuge could save the hireling and slave

From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:

And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave,

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Post last edited at

b9482b No.133298


KEK n TRIPS n thangs

83945f No.133299


When Q said learn our comms….

72ec24 No.133300


Time for her Night feeding ..

fe3416 No.133301

File: 71ce150f25000ef⋯.jpg (103.47 KB, 898x763, 898:763, PellicanProject.jpg)

1b8e87 No.133302

File: 2b64b55b303738c⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_pepeCrumbs_LARP.png)

would y'all stop feeding it (You)'s already?

we know they won't stop but you're just burning up breads for nothing

48a7cf No.133303

O thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand

Between their loved homes and the war's desolation.

Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the Heav'n rescued land

Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!

Post last edited at

c8c5f7 No.133304


The plane page says OPERATOR BILL GATES.

4f6de4 No.133305

File: b82f22b01c0f876⋯.png (182.82 KB, 500x250, 2:1, M 0137.png)

865d35 No.133306


Give it up. You sux. Like 5th fucking try? Hang yourself snowflake shill

23dbab No.133307




"Missile-tracking Computer Data Center Opens at Fort Drum"


48a7cf No.133308

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,

And this be our motto: 'In God is our trust.'

And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Post last edited at

54857e No.133309


Not surprising… she is going all militant lately since she decided to run for congress. She is going to end up getting herself in trouble again you watch.

360d7b No.133310


YOU again, fkn fag… filtered… and will continue filtering your faggot ass when you switch ips

6ccbab No.133311

ha ha one of us trolling the shit out of him.


89473f No.133312



We just need enough to know what's been happening and get serious about this shit never fucking happening again this epoch.

Failure to do this is failure to change anything, Might as well let them nuke us now and end the world if this shit isn't going to be stopped from happening again the moment Trump is out of the WH. Because we have had this chance, we likely won't get another!

These people have been fucking things up for thousands of years.

Not doing so would be like in movies when the hero knocks the bad guy out and let's him recover when his back is turned!

865d35 No.133313

File: 8bd5b2ce414d953⋯.jpeg (32.72 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 3D8BE4B7-E18D-4B3F-B294-2….jpeg)

cbfc43 No.133314

File: b49ba15a07dfed6⋯.png (702.83 KB, 1014x865, 1014:865, child sex trafficking - no….png)

File: d436c64616409c6⋯.png (818.52 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, OP CCX1 Child sex traffick….png)

File: ab20f3213c39e38⋯.png (306.79 KB, 876x837, 292:279, OP CCXI - child traffickin….png)

File: 48f030a73cb4a6f⋯.png (483.38 KB, 882x1136, 441:568, OP CCXI - child traffickin….png)


You CAN inform people about human and child trafficking without sounding like a tin-foiler lunatic and without breaking their minds in the process. It is delicate, but if done correctly can be easily grasped and have a big impact. Part of the trick is to not just be gory-horror about it but use successful cases as the entry.

These were made when POTUS declared human trafficking month - used current cases to make the most important point (seed) that something is being DONE about it, and give them hope that it is continuing and is being handled as much as possible.

This really is psychological warfare. If ammunition is poorly made it won't work. If you lob only grenades when a sniper rifle would do better, you botched the job and got your whole unit done in and maybe lost the battle.

4022cb No.133315

File: 698326524fbef7b⋯.png (602.79 KB, 936x530, 468:265, Filtered.png)


pelican boy is back

48a7cf No.133316


Refresh your page lads, it will be a more patriotic experience <3

Post last edited at

72ec24 No.133317


Gates could have 100 jets…

Maybe trying to skip -a-do-da

3e893c No.133318

File: 99fc5d64b125341⋯.jpg (39.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, gayfish.jpg)

3fe81f No.133319


lmao..could well be

11c28f No.133320


The Boy with the Henna Tattoo HD Documentary

https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=uEi5zYNSRuQ&pbjreload=10

Includes the 2 detectives who rescue him.

How about some res-Q memes. Mama wants to save kids more than anything.

c0d465 No.133321


















c347f5 No.133322


He works for Mossad.

There are paid shills inside America who work for Mossad folks. They're an offshoot of Black Cube.


https:// www.haaretz.com/us-news/ex-pm-barak-gave-weinstein-info-on-israeli-firm-hired-to-fight-accusations-1.5463816

54857e No.133323


They must run a cracking operation out of there… a lot of SMTP traffic generated from that area especially.

25d679 No.133325

4f62e9 No.133326


These kids, if you study the whole PedoGate thing in-depth and talk to ppl who are escapees, inform that they are taught (like elites would do sadistic things to theri own children in families like the Roths) that pain is something to love. That - that is what makes them stronger than the avg human. That it is even necessary to break a mind into several split personalities via pain/trauma to achieve that end. Parents put a mousetrap on a baby's finger in the cradle and leave the room - don't come back until baby stops crying. It gets off into MK ULTRA shit in that regard as well. If you really read up - kids chained up, locked in cages, bred in captivity - all of it - it gets pretty fucked up and heart-wrneching. Not for the weak stomach. When those ppl outside LA got caught with 13 kids in the basement recently - I IMMEDIATELY thought of all this I just laid out. These ppl are SICK.

030363 No.133327

File: 5762b53828fa3b7⋯.gif (981.32 KB, 500x348, 125:87, grt.gif)



e508c5 No.133328



get fucked, kike shill

3fc499 No.133329


Reeeeeeee the 60%

The MSM reports 0% of what is posted here, so I think Q is free to disclose 100% here and that will guarantee that way less than 60% is disclosed to the public

Anons can handle the truth and want the truth

bcbba8 No.133331

We will see how much truth they decide to hold back when the simps start screaming that everything is politically motivated and contrived, I imagine people will have access to about as much proof as they care to stomach once its all said and done. The publics denial runs deep and there are just too many people that are going to be arrested and smoked before this is all over to not have much of this in the public domain. Its a necessary evil. They will walk this out but I think the public will end up having a fairly complete picture out of necessity.

333323 No.133332

File: cc19b520fbd2f06⋯.jpg (212.98 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ot7i53qtg5hy3yuce2.jpg)

a1dbce No.133333


He’s a JIDF/Saudi shill.

d8479b No.133334

File: 1b9695af92ff855⋯.png (15.83 KB, 753x128, 753:128, Capture.PNG)

File: bb00d1216cd675c⋯.png (20.4 KB, 740x198, 370:99, c26862d1436e111eac1235da69….png)


What is the ABSOLUTE WORST thing we could possibly image to be 100% confirmed?

devil worshiping demonic aliens running the elites torturing, sacrificing, raping then eating the remains of babies and children that were farmed and stolen for this purpose

every one of our favorite politicians & celebrities are in on it for cash and some participate

hybrid alien/humans run slave plantations of the kids they dont eat on other planets mining raw materials

seriously i'd like to hear THE WORST thing you can think of that would put most of us in hospitals as Q claimed.

Everyone chip in and drop hints to normies about this worst case scenario so that way when the truth hits, we can say "well at least it wasnt as bad as i told you"

d0c364 No.133335

40/60 is cool… if you want them to be able to continue committing 60% of the crimes because there is no disclosure or penalties.

You need all the horrific stuff to be exposed, enforced, and written about in history books so that it's not forgotten and allowed in the next generation.

83945f No.133336


These are great

7ec2d0 No.133338

File: 88ac85cb5881713⋯.jpeg (343.25 KB, 1779x1001, 1779:1001, 478194CE-EF7A-4392-813B-A….jpeg)

4022cb No.133339


Patriot little bot/y

eaa94e No.133340



a23c09 No.133341

f69813 No.133342


That bottom picture could give me nightmares. Bless her

3e893c No.133345

seems Q-rogue on twatter is still restricted … do those running twat not realize that just backfires anymore… the game is over for them

bca586 No.133346



a52372 No.133347

File: 9ec6a72226c823f⋯.gif (3.77 MB, 348x550, 174:275, 9ec6a72226c823f3c9ffda35aa….gif)



41b6ee No.133348

Until the bad weeds are uprooted. Our children and grandchildren will have to deal with them.

93ab23 No.133349

File: aac71f36757de0e⋯.gif (2.83 MB, 500x250, 2:1, Oven6.gif)





dd3418 No.133350



Shut the fuck up. You are not the police of the board.

da62ab No.133351

File: b27429af7155bdd⋯.jpg (182.74 KB, 960x640, 3:2, Netanyahu USA can dry up a….jpg)

4f62e9 No.133352


Who is still trusting anything about Q from /thestorm/? kek

098618 No.133353


It is one of the hottest spots on the map along with Dubai and then Lynnwood, Wa (microshit)

c347f5 No.133354

File: 1d136186717644f⋯.jpg (117.76 KB, 650x558, 325:279, devin-nunes-bill-priestap-….jpg)

File: 357d59aa53be40d⋯.jpg (115.64 KB, 789x416, 789:416, ron-johnson-page-2-priesta….jpg)

File: 1460cda1b95779c⋯.jpg (53.52 KB, 795x295, 159:59, ron-johnson-page-3-priesta….jpg)

File: a1684403b2471a1⋯.jpg (837.34 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20180123-000101.jpg)



https:// twitter.com/IWillRedPillYou/status/955668711398047745



bcefe4 No.133355

Watching Sean Hannity for some time and tonight he no different. His talks every night mirror Q in many, many ways. No, I'm not at all saying he is Q, nothing of the sort. But his story line for the past year has been spot-on for what's going on now.

Hannity has taken loads of heat over the past year, but I would have to give him some credit for sticking it out and staying with his story line from the get-go.

Anyone else notice?

1b8e87 No.133356

File: f52971bc7b8304f⋯.jpg (161.46 KB, 444x444, 1:1, KEK vs MOLCH.jpg)

File: 4a7b1b8eaf1d89e⋯.png (130.07 KB, 740x600, 37:30, Squeeze_moloch.png)

File: 083afa5b96ad0ad⋯.jpg (86.86 KB, 512x768, 2:3, KEK.jpg)

File: 113637f3dccc44d⋯.jpg (113.25 KB, 750x700, 15:14, KEKKMM.jpg)

File: 59ac3e6404fe54b⋯.jpg (506.17 KB, 1200x601, 1200:601, trss.jpg)



>symbolism will be their downfall.

c347f5 No.133358

File: 1d136186717644f⋯.jpg (117.76 KB, 650x558, 325:279, devin-nunes-bill-priestap-….jpg)

File: 357d59aa53be40d⋯.jpg (115.64 KB, 789x416, 789:416, ron-johnson-page-2-priesta….jpg)

File: 1460cda1b95779c⋯.jpg (53.52 KB, 795x295, 159:59, ron-johnson-page-3-priesta….jpg)

File: a1684403b2471a1⋯.jpg (837.34 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20180123-000101.jpg)



https:// twitter.com/IWillRedPillYou/status/955668711398047745



af6b1f No.133359

File: 81c61b2d1574ac5⋯.jpg (62.55 KB, 616x357, 88:51, in-the-year-5a66d3.jpg)

cd7037 No.133360


To be honest I can't imagine anything that would put 99% in the hospital. That must have been a metaphor or an allusion or something.

3e893c No.133361

acd28a No.133362


been lurking the threads for quite sometime…been outside the box looking in, trying my best to redpill those around me slowly..its amazing to seem them wake up….God bless you all and thank you POTUS and Q for all that you are doing…my family and my loved ones are at stack…and I will die and do anything I can to protect them!!!

6ccbab No.133363


Hes getting trolled hard by @onwithlogic and wont reply

expose this fuck

bcefe4 No.133364


Wow, very nice.

c347f5 No.133365


He's Black Cube

https:// www.haaretz.com/us-news/ex-pm-barak-gave-weinstein-info-on-israeli-firm-hired-to-fight-accusations-1.5463816

eab081 No.133366

From here to YouTube and Twitter

The push to "debunk" and "discredit" Q is palpable

Stay The Course


8b69a0 No.133367


“Humanity is too fragile”

“Humanity is weak”

“Humanity needs a savior”

“Humanity is too stupid to understand the truth”


We don’t reveal everything in a controlled manor we risk giving (((them))) another opportunity to fulfill (((their))) mission—-complete control of human society. Think cattle.

We must know. The veil must be lifted. We must “awaken”. We ALL must be given the chance to know our enemy.

This entire effort is about “the awakening”. We are creators. We choose the world we want and it happens. If we are ignorant we will not make the choice

c839be No.133368


Now I'm back in high school it would seem but thanks for the nickname anyway anon. :)

4f62e9 No.133369


It's fucking awful. These people honestly deserve worse than a rope. Won't go into details, but I have a few creative ideas for them.

c0d465 No.133370


He is in the loop but can only say so much. Remember when he was attacked relentlessly over Seth Rich

c92cee No.133372


Could be any employee or relative too.

I've flown on my company jet with other employees multiple times.

Owners weren't on it.

3e893c No.133373


who needs harassing on twatter?

e41107 No.133374

Made it to Trump Tower in LV Tell POTUS He has Great Taste & the staff was polite ! Bring on the Shot show ! traveled all day First day off Q in months……. Now I need my fix ! Thanks Patriots !

c347f5 No.133375


>if I post a fake meme with no sauce people will belive me

9f6abb No.133376

File: 8124d930d062a46⋯.png (75.43 KB, 558x46, 279:23, 130638.png)


Trust Q

4022cb No.133377


You got your ass kicked a lot didn't you?it's ok you can tell us, everyday or other day?

c8c5f7 No.133378


Where is the plane now? I'm just seeing if I'm on the same one. It has different identifiers but it came out of Spokane and is in Alberta.

d17e7e No.133379

File: c453ae99e2e8ed8⋯.png (117.55 KB, 1543x516, 1543:516, 76.png)

I'm rereading all Q posts.. many things didnt make much sense back then

030363 No.133380

File: 5b1170605669cbd⋯.jpg (297.78 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, DUMdMliXkAAf7ET.jpg large.jpg)

Does anyone know what painting this is called or what it represents?

a1dbce No.133381


Oh fug, Well at least Kek agrees.

cd7037 No.133383


Sara Carter has a connection, and gives him intel.

48a7cf No.133384

Refresh your page lads, for a more patriotic experience

Post last edited at

4f62e9 No.133385

File: 110abd3ebf28685⋯.jpg (64.53 KB, 728x506, 364:253, glowin_ass_clowns.jpg)


7a6a00 No.133386

1766b5 No.133387


>May you live in interesting times [Old Chinese Curse]


>I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace.

b9482b No.133388


Remember when Trump left China but Melania stayed for a bit to tour some areas etc… I always wondered if her life was in danger and that is why he left her there for a short time. Maybe she was the one aside from Don Jr, Melania is a threat in that she is 1. not a dude (Michael) but seriously, she is what all women truly want to be… in many ways. she is something we all gravitate too. possibly Ivanka but it just struck me as strange.

f69813 No.133389


Remember guys. We have proof. We've been building it for months

04b7aa No.133390


He who controls the judiciary controls the people. This is a land ruled by Law, not Kings and Queens. At least, that's how it supposed to be. Stack the SCOTUS with judges that will say the 2nd Amendment doesn't protect gun owners rights, or the Court rules that POTUS cannot have a travel ban and effectively the laws are manipulated to meet the agenda.

7332bb No.133391


Not my specialty but, in some programming languages [] means "operator." Maybe an empty op?

c92cee No.133392


had to

098618 No.133395


The 902d Military Intelligence Group conducts proactive counterintelligence activities to detect, identify, assess, and counter, neutralize or exploit foreign intelligence entities and insider threats in order to protect Army and designated Department of Defense forces, information and technologies worldwide.

The 902d Military Intelligence Group provides direct and general counterintelligence support to Army activities and major commands. The group also provides general support to other military department counterintelligence and intelligence elements, unified commands, defense agencies and national agency counterintelligence and security activities and organizations.[1]

f3d1e5 No.133396

File: d9122eee84fdc45⋯.png (549.48 KB, 602x648, 301:324, ClipboardImage.png)

48a7cf No.133397

Refresh your page lads, for a more patriotic experience

Post last edited at

fe3416 No.133398


Excellent anon. Copying that one!

23dbab No.133399


yes its interesting. might be something more to it. i was asking about it maybe a month ago but didnt get further than this. dig if you like. could be pay dirt right there.

83945f No.133401


Yeah I was thinking the same thing tonight.

cd7037 No.133402


There's absolutely no way I couldn't imagine it. With all due respect, you have no idea what I'm capable of imagining, Q.

fa4333 No.133403


I've looked into it a bit. A love for true crime led astray. It's not for the queasy. they are indeed sick and appear normal on the outside. I sat right across from the Green R. killer on lunch break for a summer and I had no clue till they caught him.

c8c5f7 No.133404


True. But we'll have them shoot it down over Alberta anyways, just in case. Kidding, dark humor is needed after the last crumb drop.

25d679 No.133405


fukken saved

72ec24 No.133407


We are actually food for the Reptilian Race..

the elite are charged with supplying them with food…

best size childsize made for easy swallowing…

99% in crazy hospital… done

c347f5 No.133408



4022cb No.133409


stop your so bright i can't look glofag

7332bb No.133410


Or a drone doesn't need an operator…

f69813 No.133411


And negative thoughts. They feed on our fear, just like in Green Lantern

48a7cf No.133412

Refresh your page lads, for a more patriotic experience

Post last edited at

1b8e87 No.133413

File: 692d7303bef8e59⋯.png (442.34 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_pepeCrumbs_You_During.png)


>rereading all Q posts


time never wasted, much better than shill-feeding and cat-herding

af9270 No.133414

Consider this anons…

We started out @ 80 private/20 public.

We, by request, are now being given 60 private/40 public.

There's reason to believe that next step is 50/50 or 40 private/60 public.

So, is asking for 100% RIGHT NOW even reasonable, when 40% got some of you sick yesterday?

Stages & steps, take it as it comes.

3fc499 No.133415


Ha thought the same thing…. it’s a ny sensitivity

eaa94e No.133417


This. Some of us have learned to be surprised by nothing no matter how much it directly affects us.

cd7037 No.133418


Nope, still wouldn't put 99% in the hospital.

cffcc9 No.133419


We're all infected and there's something in the air or water that keeps us from breaking out. If we stop getting it we all die. ???? How about that.

c72268 No.133420

>Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.

Hell, I don't trust but a couple of people and I know it's not one of them. I haven't EVER "trusted" any politician, so it won't shatter me, to find out which ones are sickos. I feel confident that Trump isn't evil. But what about Pence? He's in a great spot, if anything happens to the President. I haven't really heard anything bad about him. In fact, he's been criticized ruthlessly for his monogamy. But I have heard some scuttlebutt regarding some of his friends. There's sauce on other forums. Guy says that he's privy to information about high-level govt officials who are pedos and MP's best friend is on it. We're told to expand our thinking so…

83945f No.133421


Not if you have proof of it

e508c5 No.133422


>Reptilian Race

jews, anon. it's ok to say jew here

1766b5 No.133423

778a9c No.133424


www. whitehousemuseum.org/floor2/treaty-room.htm

dd3418 No.133425


You are not 99%.

eab081 No.133426

A message to the shills and clowns

You will not divide us

We have been here for months

The strength of our convictions are like steel


3e893c No.133427

well this fag is gonna smoke a fag… berb

95c8bf No.133428


>His talks every night mirror Q

noticed that too

030363 No.133430


He pointed out the fact that basically FOX is the only network covering these huge bombshells and they're missing out on the story of a lifetime but instead they sold out for a pathetic narrative.

Hannity will definitely be awarded and given credit for his part

11c28f No.133431


Using them until next ban and beyond. Thanks!


That the aborted babies are in our food supply.

d17e7e No.133432

File: 928d46461025a3e⋯.png (546.53 KB, 799x634, 799:634, ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like its them:

Pres. William McKinley Peace Treaty 1898

Treaty of Paris ends Spanish-American War - Dec 10, 1898

cd7037 No.133433


Yeah but still. 99% is a lot.

f243d1 No.133434


>Would I sound paranoid that I just moved my 9mm & 2 extra clips to my desk? lol

Went tactical myself….AR15 in bedroom closet with 6 30x Mags, tactical vest with ceramic plates.

9ce68e No.133436


Hi anons, I was reading about Davos, I am scared about POTUS, POTUS is very important for USA, and the world, for clean the evil and be free, Although we did not create, we can't to leave that the clowns do the dirty work, we do not have to think that POTUS is killed, we have to think in positive, and as i see this, i think that is better a Martial law in USA and if we use a new hastag ?#MartialLaw?

Sorry for my english level

23dbab No.133437



thats probably it then

058f1f No.133439

File: cb289358b772a07⋯.gif (351.46 KB, 500x219, 500:219, 2its all in the reflexes.gif)




cffcc9 No.133440


As I just said 99% of us are infected and don't break out because of something in the air or water that we need to consume on a regular basis. If it stops we all go in the hospital.

cd7037 No.133441


No. It'll be fine.

89473f No.133442


Essentially IMO 100% of the basic outline of their crimes and evil needs to be laid out in public.

Having things here (chans) does no good but make us feel like we are in the know.

We need the public, the normies, Joe blogs the plumber, and his wife Mabel and the kids old enough to watch the news to know the basic facts.

So that they understand fully and as concerned with stopping anything like that happening again!

The sickening content, except as evidence for legal proceedings and mild images accessible (but not shoved in faces) so people know it's real, should not be made available, because that does harm us psychologically and it would do more harm than good and much would be illegal to release.

e290c1 No.133443


Davos bound I'm sure

845a0e No.133444


South Africa?

25d541 No.133446


Install your own Actors on the Stage, through natural means or otherwise. All of them.

cd7037 No.133447


Sure maybe. Or it was referring to free medical care? Fuck I don't know

d8479b No.133448



cbfc43 No.133449


Have you read the spreadsheet yet? That and much more are in it.

https:// app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=6588bf56d814417bb759beca4fc52232

It's there for you

3c2f85 No.133450




Could be - MI guys are stationed at Hurlburt Field

641651 No.133451



Oh yeah. This is more of my line of thinking.

6f96ab No.133452

File: 89cf5fef59831a4⋯.jpg (29.1 KB, 332x512, 83:128, 38c635fa07264c33a0e7bdec07….jpg)

Refresh your page lads

Ban Cannons Away~

a7218a No.133453


The lizzies still have to be flushed out and dealt with, won't surrender, still dangerous, still feeding on children and getting high on their fear.

4f62e9 No.133454


KEK - get ready to flip hamburgers in bumfuckistan, cock-jockeys!

e41107 No.133455


100% Agree with this !

cd7037 No.133456

d17e7e No.133457


Thank you anon, i hadnt checked it since november!

4f62e9 No.133458

f5cd50 No.133466


04b7aa No.133469


^^^^This. This is VERY true. Fear is ((their)) version of a delicacy.

93bb57 No.133470


I smelled him about 2 months ago…bad vibes from his Tweets

54c710 No.133471


I guess it depends if it is for health or mental. If everyone knew they were somehow poisoned, that would make sense. For information to cause almost everyone to have a mental breakdown…I don't know. Maybe if it they are not human.

a763e6 No.133472


Yes. Spent time at a mass grave site in Bosnia. That alone was enough to really drive home just how evil even previously good men and women can be. Not something I care to think on much but also will never escape it.

641651 No.133473


I wonder if theyve ever showed themselves in a movie and passed it off as make up and costumes?

a7218a No.133478


At what point, then, do the bloodlines get dealt with?

When is the whole worldwide pyramid dismantled. That is what we need.

030363 No.133481

File: a190c0596a37398⋯.jpg (53.62 KB, 480x360, 4:3, redblue_pill.jpg)


From the conspiracies I've come across is that a deal was struck with the Draconian race so that they could harvest our DNA and they use the "Greys" as their living robots that are made from plant DNA to harvest us and Cows….The Draconians can't create their 'realities' like The Children of the Sun can. We all have the God Spark within our hearts

af9270 No.133483




How many would walk out of those hospitals with sanity intact? Not everyone has as of a strong disposition as we WANT them to have (read: sheltered), is all i'm saying. Let's be honest, how many adults are still walking around with the minds of children, and how do you tell a child that Santa (Fantasy Land in general) isn't real? You tell them SLOWLY. All at once will shatter some wills to live. Or, drive them to the streets in droves, and now that disorder needs to be calmed. it's not as good as it would be in our imaginations. Think logically.

See >>133414 , that's all I have to say about it for now.

61ed80 No.133491

How about we are all just a simulation to see how a species can rise and transcends to a higher state, that's it. Everything we know, love, fear, hate, fight for. All of it is a false reality nor can we comprehend this true reality. Our lives are nothing played out pre-destined by some code. At the very worse at a certain point it all resets and we are all subjected to this nightmare again with maybe a small change to the equation till we hit an anonymity. The time mankind transcends and progresses. What point that is I am not sure and even then, wouldn't the simulation at that point come to an end? Those who would be evil and bring mankind down you could say are prolonging the simulation, giving us more pretend time to "live".

af9270 No.133492


Just thinking logically, that's all Anon!

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