"folder":"President's Office",
"filename":"-2015 materials from presidential portfolio reviews documents for internal use only -africa regional office international justice november 25 2015-afro international justice portfolio elements 11.2015.doc",
"activities": [
{ "type":"grant", "recipients":"CODESRIA", "amt":200000, "date":null,
"location":null, "attr":[ "Adv.CSO" ] },
{ "type":"grant", "recipient":"PALU", "amt":200000, "date":null,
"location":null, "attr":[ "Adv.CSO" ] },
{ "type":"grant", "recipient":"ACRI", "amt":109300, "date":null,
"location":null, "attr":[ "Adv.CSO" ] },
{ "type":"lobbying", "recipient":"AU", "amt":40000, "date":"2015-07-1",
"location":null, "attr":null },
{ "type":"lobbying", "recipient":"ICC OTP contacts", "amt":24888, "date":"2014-04-22", "location":"the Hague", "attr":null },
{ "type":"operational", "recipient":"Kenya National Commission on Human Rights'", "amt":null, "date":"2015-07-01", "location":null, "attr":["consultation meeting"] },
{ "type":"operational", "recipient":null, "amt":19300, "date":"2014-11-01", "location":null, "attr":[ "planning meeting", "7800 from AfRO", "11500 from HRI" ] },
{ "type":"operational", "recipient":null, "amt":7569, "date":"2015-03-01", "location":null, "attr":[ "planning and coordination meeting" ] },
{ "type":"operational", "recipient":null, "amt":25670, "date":"2015-06-01", "location":null, "attr":[ "working group meetings" ] } ],
"Regions":[ "Africa" ],
Different type of file, had to modify somewhat. Hope to have a good, universal data format for all files before long. Note that I added a "date" category–should be added to all the entries, if possible, in order to corroborate certain events. Also, the word in the file is "advocacy," but they explain elsewhere that "advocacy" can be taken as "lobbying."
Something noteworthy about this: they lobbied the Hague in 2014. This may be very significant. More info on that later, going to see if I can find more stuff like it.
"AU":"African Union",
"AUC":"African Union Commission",
"IJ":"International Justice",
"ICC":"International Criminal Court",
"ICC-OTP":"International Criminal Court, Office of the Prosecutor",
"ICC-AU":"International Criminal Court, African Union",
"CODESRIA":"Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa",
"PALU":"Pan African Lawyers Union",
"ACRI":"African Court Research Initiative",
"HRI":"Human Rights Initiative",
"NHRI":"National Human Rights Initiative",
"CSO":"civil society organization, or have a strong 'civil society assistance'
"OSJI":"Open Society Justice Initiative",
"OSIEA":"Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa",
"OSISA":"Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa",
"OSIWA":"Open Society Initiative for West Africa",
"PEV":"Post Election Violence",
"KNCHR":"Kenya National Commission on Human Rights",
"Adv.":"have a strong advocacy component",
"AfRO":"World Health Order, Regional Office for Africa(?)",
I'm compiling a master list of aconyms, which I'll share later. I'll post them at the start of the next thread, if there is one. For now, just do a search for whatever you're looking for, hopefully it will have been noted.