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File: 5e5dacd92f80e5d⋯.png (179.54 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, weHaveTheDocs.png)

File: 3b869b8ede7e005⋯.png (687.29 KB, 823x845, 823:845, Capture1.PNG)

e758b9 No.1175879

This thread is for the analysis of the leaked OSF files originally hosted at dcleaks.com:

https:// www.investors.com/politics/editorials/the-bizarre-media-blackout-of-hacked-george-soros-documents/

You can download them through one of the following methods:

Mega.nz link:

https:// mega.nz/#F!kp8DlTgS!xvKO1NgmOZcNtEifQYaUfw

Torrent file direct download here:

http:// anonfile.com/Abfdj0e8be/SOROS_FOUNDATION_HACKED__DATA_DUMPS_BEGIN_.zip.torrent

ipfs hash (will be seeded later):


please download and share–these were very difficult to find, and there is a good reason for that. We can't let this resource disappear!

There will be one rule for this thread: do not ask anyone to look for, or post any particular files from the collection. If you are too cowardly to download this data and help other anons bear the burden of carrying the evidence, then you don't deserve to know what's in them. And before you say "I can't take any risks, I have a family," number one, this is fair use of something that was already published by somebody else, and number two, go fuck yourself–we all have family.

Download them yourselves, problem solved.

e758b9 No.1175978

File: 040706eecd1679e⋯.png (648 KB, 1921x1568, 1921:1568, whatKindOfBaker.png)

I'm making a separate thread for two reasons: The first is that the baker for threads in pic related did not think that this was important enough to make it into the notables–although apparently he/she thought that speculation about time travel was important. That's what I get for posting when high school gets out.

The second reason is that it simply deserves its own thread. There is tons of information in here that is relevant, as you will see in the next post.

If you're just trying to keep up with the information presented on the threads, I urge you to learn how to become a baker. This anon makes heavy use of the notables whenever he doesn't have time to go through the threads; I cannot imagine how many important posts I've missed because someone thinks that speculation about time travel is more important than hard evidence of collusion. See the next post to get an idea of what's inside the files.

e758b9 No.1176060

File: fe86caf68a796d9⋯.png (205.97 KB, 527x1562, 527:1562, OSFUSStaff.png)

File: f1476c60ae386e4⋯.png (295.03 KB, 943x906, 943:906, CaptureArmenia.PNG)

File: 371f234e52d18cf⋯.png (95.14 KB, 657x656, 657:656, CaptureRomaChildren1.PNG)

File: dd001b022fe8df7⋯.png (113.74 KB, 840x651, 40:31, CaptureRomaChildren.PNG)

File: c07b410184ba8cb⋯.png (108.83 KB, 907x900, 907:900, CaptureChildPact.PNG)

a5e6f6 No.1176307


>go fuck yourself

If there is useful information I will post it in the research thread. Keep your silly little thread dick.

e758b9 No.1176438

File: 4bbeb650ae33585⋯.png (446.52 KB, 992x861, 992:861, SorosICIJ.PNG)

File: c0a8e2c72d32a9a⋯.png (143.46 KB, 1050x847, 150:121, CaptureDongyaICIJ.PNG)

File: 6928ca7226cad64⋯.png (206.73 KB, 858x773, 858:773, CaptureDandong.PNG)

Read this story:

http:// www.foxnews.com/world/2016/05/16/panama-papers-reveal-george-soros-deep-money-ties-to-secretive-weapons-intel-firm.html

According to the article:

>Soros, 86, is worth an estimated $25 billion. His Open Society Institute is one of ICIJ’s main funders, granting it $1.5 million last year. The Panama Papers data reveals only the tip of Soros' offshore iceberg, the Quantum Group of Funds. The ICIJ’s leader, journalist Gerard Ryle, said he had not noticed Soros’ companies in the Offshore Leaks database until FoxNews.com called the matter to his attention.

“I suspect we would have more information [on Soros] because the public database … does not contain the underlying data,” Ryle said in an email FoxNews.com.

FoxNews.com has requested access to that data.

Because it is based offshore, the Quantum Group of Funds is not normally subject to regulation by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. But in the mid-1990s, Soros Capital bought several SEC-regulated firms, an act which required it to disclose the basic design of the Quantum network of interlocking offshore companies and bank accounts that shield Soros’ billions.

Soros Capital set up an offshore company in the Cayman Islands for the purpose of investing private equity with the Carlyle Group, alongside members of Saudi Arabia’s Bin Laden family. Carlyle’s partners include ex-heads of state and former CIA officials. The private equity partnership specializes in buying and selling weapons manufacturing and intelligence gathering companies with government and military contracts and it also uses secret offshore companies to conduct business.

Offshore Leaks does not include SEC information, but it reveals Soros Capital as a major investor and corporate officer of AIF (Indonesia) Limited. AIF combines private investments with public funding contributed by Asian governments to develop massive infrastructure projects. The database links Soros Capital to Dongya Ports Limited, owned by a tangle of offshore entities.

In yet another instance of information that I had posted months ago that didn't make it into the notables, the biggest leak in history is available for us to access. Pic related is from a search on Dongya Ports:

https:// offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/124372

There is one big problem with the ICIJ, however–they're funded by Soros. Luckily, they're torrenting the entire contents of their data–around 3 TB worth. Here's the link:

https:// offshoreleaks.icij.org/pages/database

We need to get copies of this data, anons, so we can make sure that it is being accessed properly. The ICIJ has a $1.5 million dollar incentive to ignore anything related to George Soros. Unfortunately, this anon doesn't have that kind of storage space (yet). But if you do, please get a copy of the data!

I will be posting a list of companies/groups listed in the papers as time goes on. My priority will be the USA, but anons from other countries (especially Europe and the volatile Eurasian regions) need to get their own copies, because the info in here may be a revelation. We should also be cross-checking with the sanction list from the Treasury:

https:// www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Pages/default.aspx

"Dongya Ports." Sounds Chinese. Possible it may have operated out of Dandong?


Nobody cares where you post the info, as long as you duplicate the data. When only seven anons are seeding, that pretty much says everything you need to know about the sort of anons that proclaim to be invested in this. Go put on your frog backpack and your Guy Fawkes mask, nobody cares.

59c05f No.1176744



too many jokers and shills tonight. I gave up. Thanks for making this thread

e758b9 No.1176853


My pleasure. Thanks for stopping by :)

50767e No.1177101

https:// archive.is/oxh4K looked at one file two years ago:

> The George Soros network linked up with Muslim Advocates in January 2008 to form the "National Security and Human Rights" project. Part of the project was legal work to oppose illegal actions, such as torture, undertaken in the war on terror. By 2010 it had evolved into a project to suppress the American public will to continue fighting the war, or as they put it in bureaucratese:

> The Campaign will seek to dismantle the flawed “war on terror” paradigm and …. replace the politics of fear and anger with a national resilience that recognizes adherence to core democratic and open society values

http:// soros.dcleaks.com/download/?f=/tab%2005%20national%20security%20human%20rights.pdf&t=us

Search for No.327795 and keep reading, there's much more.

e758b9 No.1177234

File: 12aad7139d10d1a⋯.png (601.07 KB, 1160x889, 1160:889, wsj_MaXiaohong.PNG)

File: abac88ad357824f⋯.png (164.75 KB, 1395x781, 1395:781, static10.squarespace.com.png)

File: aa3868c6cdcd1c2⋯.png (142.67 KB, 811x845, 811:845, USvMaXiaohuang.PNG)


I am trying to map out a pathway between the supplying of North Korea's nuclear program and its benefactors. In order to understand the whole story, you have to understand how the sanctions came about…so here's a quick primer:

I recommend reading some of this guy's blog on North Korea to get more of an expert's view:

http:// freekorea.us/author/joshua-2/

Through his articles, I learned about how a small thinktank consisting of two students was able to figure out what Obama supposedly never could: how to use sanctions to bring North Korea to its knees. Here's their page (second pic related):

https:// c4ads.org/risky-business/

You'll also want to look up "In China's Shadow," the groundbreaking report. In that, you find that a woman named Ma Xiaohong was handling a huge portion of Hong Kong's illicit trade (first image):

https:// www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-china-move-against-firm-suspected-of-aiding-north-korean-nuclear-program-1474300834

This woman reeks of cabal–well spoken, fawned over in the media, egalitarian, and thoroughly corrupt. She has had charges brought against her, but she's holed-up somewhere in China (my suspicion is that she made a plea bargain and sang). Regardless, by reading C4ADS' report, I found that there were four shell companies operating out of the British Virgin Islands that they operated through. You can find the court documents here:

https:// www.justice.gov/opa/file/897041

The four companies are in the last pic. So right now, I'm looking through the ICIJ database to see if Soros and those companies are closely linked. Most likely not–Soros seems to have been primarily interested in Europe and the US, but you never know…

e758b9 No.1177288

File: 398bbfe7d00cac7⋯.png (91.29 KB, 884x742, 442:371, natl_sec_human_rights.PNG)

File: b6a4d8138d1fe0b⋯.png (46.96 KB, 698x508, 349:254, natl_sec_human_rights_pg1.PNG)


It's a small file, but lots of pages (102). I've uploaded it to anonfile for you–if that's where your interest lies, you'll do a better job of researching than I will:

http:// anonfile.com/F4Edjfedb9/_tab_05_national_security_human_rights.pdf

I still recommend you get all of the files, as linked up top. There are tons of items like this in there.

e758b9 No.1178532

File: 46fdd279ae7a5f4⋯.png (69.69 KB, 810x868, 405:434, Capture.PNG)

File: 169aea414b2a3ad⋯.png (42.47 KB, 817x638, 817:638, Capture1.PNG)

File: 4c396823419a4cc⋯.png (71.36 KB, 778x934, 389:467, Capture2.PNG)

Excellent resource for finding links between Soros and the DC Swamp:

https:// www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2017-07-03%20DOJ%20to%20CEG%20(DOJ%20Settlements%20Policy%20Change).pdf

This is a letter from the DOJ to Chuck Grassley, detailing how the money from settlements was doled out. When it was released, it was still a work in progress…but there are still dozens, if not hundreds of organizations named. It will be interesting to see how many of them are linked to Soros :)

Here's one of the reports from Citigroup: http:// www.citigroupmonitorship.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Citi_Monitorship_fifth_report_6-27-2016.pdf

The list of orgs goes from 21-25 (three of them are pics related).

I'll be busy for awhile, so have at it :) Also, posted this info in General #1474, but the baker's tired and might miss it. Enjoy!

e758b9 No.1182857

File: 6f3e7103e5e2b66⋯.png (210.23 KB, 1111x833, 1111:833, Capture.PNG)

File: 8788374cbba9e2e⋯.png (297.85 KB, 1106x826, 79:59, Capture1.PNG)

File: 4fb22a8255b2e2d⋯.png (289.11 KB, 1102x827, 1102:827, Capture2.PNG)

File: 0576abff7097ecb⋯.png (282.87 KB, 1100x824, 275:206, Capture3.PNG)

File: fa40584eb658dd8⋯.png (308.5 KB, 1100x827, 1100:827, Capture4.PNG)

http:// anonfile.com/p8ebk9e1b4/_1_u_s_sourcing_and_grantmaking_ed.pptx

For any lawfags or accountantfags that can make sense of this info. One of many files–get the entire archive as listed in the first post for more.

e758b9 No.1183121

File: 36776ba688a0435⋯.png (131.71 KB, 844x880, 211:220, Capture.PNG)

File: ab552457d9e5819⋯.png (107.09 KB, 822x835, 822:835, Capture1.PNG)

Roadmap to the destruction of Baltimore?

What does + and Liberals do? How do they operate? They sew discord. At its core, Communism is an Idealist concept: a fantasy entirely divorced from reality. How has it always come about? Revolution, which was the product of sewing discord. It is the real manifestation of the breaking of the tenth commandment: "Thou Shalt Not Covet…", and it has killed more people than all world wars combined.

It is also a convenient way for oligarchs to gain control. When money is in the hands of individuals, the oligarchs must cater to each individual…but when money and power is centralized into the hands of a few government officials, they only need go to a few. It is what always happens. When someone says "we've never seen real Communism," the truth is that we will only see the versions of Communism that have plagued this earth so far–nobody will ever change human nature, no matter how much they try to brainwash and censor you.

With OSI operating in Baltimore since 1998, you can bet that they've had a great deal to do with the stresses that erupted there. The document "baltimore overview" in the USA file lists some of their affiliates. This would be better handled by someone familiar with the city.

e758b9 No.1183750

File: 19b6d3f10a7ccb6⋯.png (394.68 KB, 2872x883, 2872:883, USP_StaffChart4_11_12.png)

File: a5ddafebe81b6b7⋯.png (301.1 KB, 2872x895, 2872:895, USP_StaffChart6_13_12.png)

USP (US Programs) organizational charts, rendered from files found in the US Folder:

"_usp staff chart 4.11.12.pdf"

"_usp staff chart revised 6.13.12.pdf"

e758b9 No.1184004

File: 8e62e3933dfc054⋯.png (112.59 KB, 698x867, 698:867, OSFSetsObamaAgenda.png)

Bribery, or lobbying? Can one call on past grantees to push for legislation?

Excerpt from USA folder, file:

"_usp sept 2014 board book final 10 2.pdf"

Entire doc uploaded here:

http:// anonfile.com/meg0k5eebf/_usp_sept_2014_board_book_final_10_2.pdf

e758b9 No.1197110

File: 92e83e9f5127439⋯.png (62.74 KB, 1417x573, 1417:573, Capture.PNG)

One of the emails from the USA folder:

"_Proposed US Sourcing Plan for 2013 Onwards.msg"

This is an example of how these organizations get around laws designed to keep money from being used for purposes it isn't meant for. A good example of this would be Planned Parenthood: the argument they always use is that the money they receive from the federal government "isn't used for abortions." Yet when they get $500 million from US taxpayers (about half of which are opposed to abortion), what stops them from doing something like this?

"attn baby killer associates: please change the grant name from "US Taxpayer Money" to "money designated to kill baby fund". The US taxpayer money is used to fund things that would otherwise be paid by the unfettered money, allowing them to plow more of that unfettered money into abortions.

I realize that abortion is a contentious topic, but it is important to realize that it isn't just Planned Parenthood that does this; money that is sent to "help poor people buy homes" isn't necessarily sent for that purpose. When we send money to an organization for one stated reason, it frees them to use money for all their other reasons…whatever they may be. That's why it's so important to look up these companies receiving grants from Soros, and to call out the media when they bring up this kind of lie. The normies need to know how it works.

e758b9 No.1197265

File: 4c8707f314e9bfd⋯.png (109.18 KB, 712x682, 356:341, Capture.PNG)

USA folder:

"_memo docket i tif.pdf"

b722cb No.1274738

File: fa92d74eec849f7⋯.png (119.24 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Aliases.png)

Compiling a list of aliases for research purposes. Most of these are revealed in government docs & news stories; they show up in HRC's emails over at wikileaks as well. But having them all consolidated should speed up the process of figuring out who's who in email coms.

Here's the text version (to be updated continuously & shared):

Cabal Aliases (email and otherwise)

Barack Hussein Obama (POTUS) Barry Soetoro, bobama@ameritech.net, ?

Hillary Rodham Clinton (State Dept) H, Hrod17@clintonemail.com, hdr22@clintonemail.com,

Gert, Gertie

Chelsea Clinton (Clinton Fndtn) Diane Reynolds

Loretta Lynch (Justice Dept) Elizabeth Carlisle

Eric Holder (Attorney General) Lew Alcindor, Henry Yearwood, David Kendricks

Kathleen Sebelius (HHS) KGS2@hhs.gov

Lisa Jackson (EPA) Richard Windsor

Donald Berwick (CMS) ?

Ken Salazar (DOI) ?

Gary Cohen (HHS) ?

Seth D Harris (DOL) harris.sd@dol.gov

Lois Lerner (IRS) Toby Miles

Tom Vilsack (USDA) id@osec.usda.gov

Erick Snowden (CIA) ejsnowd@nsa.ic.gov

ee83cd No.1275251

File: d92978cc4ef96de⋯.jpg (179.12 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, MULLER_BASE_MEME_LOOSER.jpg)

b722cb No.1276436

Going to start parsing the data from each of the files.

The idea is to extract the "people, places, and things" out of the files, so we can see how they relate to mentions in other files. This will make it easier to cross-reference against other information, such as the Podesta emails, the Panama Papers, and all the other evidence we've come across.

The idea is to set the information up for a database. Ideally this could someday be displayed in a format similar to the ICIJ's setup (see pic in this post):


I'm no datafag, nor am I a web programmer…so any corrections or advice is welcome. As time goes on and more of the files are parsed, perhaps some datafag can weigh in and offer a suggestion as to how everything should be structured…but since this is just starting this out, expect the categories to be modified. For right now, my main interest is in being thorough, so that anyone interested in doing something with the data can get what they want out of it. The only things that I've associated so far are the specific programs with the countries they've been implemented in. For the first file, that makes sense because it's explicit; maybe not so much later on.

I am starting with the "President's Office" folder, working my way down, with the files ordered alphabetically. I have noticed that, on my system, some of the files have to be renamed in order to open them (filenames are too long). Just a note for people with difficulties, but please use the original filenames when you list them. Also, if you decide to help (and that would be wonderful), please call out which files you're going to parse so there's no duplication of effort. I will be putting these in JSON format; there are a couple of JSON format checkers online that can help. Here's one:


Finally, please call out unidentified acronyms as you figure them out…and if you don't know what one of them is, make a note at the end, outside of your data, and we'll try to keep an eye out for it.

So with that, here's the first one…

b722cb No.1276454


"folder":"President's Office",

"filename":"-2014 portfolio reviews may 9 2014.xlsx",


"names":[ "Chris Stone" ],


"Documentary Photography Project",

"Early Childhood Program",

"Education Support Program",

"Fiscal Governance Program",

"Global Drug Policy Program",

"Higher Education Support Program",

"Human Rights Intitiative",

"Information Program",

"International Migration Initiative",

"Making the Most",

"Open Society Fellowship",

"Open Society Justice Initiative",

"Program on Independent Journalism",

"Public Health Program",

"Roma Initiatives",

"Scholarship Programs",

"Think Tank Fund",

"Women's Rights Program",

"Youth Exchange" ],






"Latin America",

"Middle East",

"North America"],

















"Civic Core",

"Drug Policy",

"Voting Rights",






ARO = "Arab Regional Office", I just listed this as "Regions: Middle East"

MENA = "Middle East & North Africa", same as above

OSIFE = "Open Society Initiative for Europe", listed as "Regions: Europe"


RPI = ?

b722cb No.1276724



"folder":"President's Office",

"filename":"-2015 calendar of presidential portfolio reviews dec 20.xlsx",


"names":[ "Chris Stone" ],


"Documentary Photography Project",

"Early Childhood Program",

"Education Support Program",

"Fiscal Governance Program",

"Global Drug Policy Program",

"Higher Education Support Program",

"Human Rights Intitiative",

"Information Program",

"International Migration Initiative",

"Open Society Fellowship",

"Open Society Justice Initiative",

"Program on Independent Journalism",

"Public Health Program",

"Roma Initiatives Office",

"Scholarship Programs",

"Think Tank Fund",

"Women's Rights Program",

"Youth Exchange"],






"Latin America",

"Middle East",

"North America"],





















OSEPI = " Open Society European Policy Institute"

I think it's better to list the orgs in their own separate category. Also note that I'm inferring regions by the orgs listed, as noted in the previous post.

b722cb No.1278811



"folder":"President's Office",

"filename":"-2015 materials from presidential portfolio reviews documents for internal use only -africa regional office international justice november 25 2015-afro international justice portfolio elements 11.2015.doc",





"activities": [

{ "type":"grant", "recipients":"CODESRIA", "amt":200000, "date":null,

"location":null, "attr":[ "Adv.CSO" ] },

{ "type":"grant", "recipient":"PALU", "amt":200000, "date":null,

"location":null, "attr":[ "Adv.CSO" ] },

{ "type":"grant", "recipient":"ACRI", "amt":109300, "date":null,

"location":null, "attr":[ "Adv.CSO" ] },

{ "type":"lobbying", "recipient":"AU", "amt":40000, "date":"2015-07-1",

"location":null, "attr":null },

{ "type":"lobbying", "recipient":"ICC OTP contacts", "amt":24888, "date":"2014-04-22", "location":"the Hague", "attr":null },

{ "type":"operational", "recipient":"Kenya National Commission on Human Rights'", "amt":null, "date":"2015-07-01", "location":null, "attr":["consultation meeting"] },

{ "type":"operational", "recipient":null, "amt":19300, "date":"2014-11-01", "location":null, "attr":[ "planning meeting", "7800 from AfRO", "11500 from HRI" ] },

{ "type":"operational", "recipient":null, "amt":7569, "date":"2015-03-01", "location":null, "attr":[ "planning and coordination meeting" ] },

{ "type":"operational", "recipient":null, "amt":25670, "date":"2015-06-01", "location":null, "attr":[ "working group meetings" ] } ],

"Regions":[ "Africa" ],



























Different type of file, had to modify somewhat. Hope to have a good, universal data format for all files before long. Note that I added a "date" category–should be added to all the entries, if possible, in order to corroborate certain events. Also, the word in the file is "advocacy," but they explain elsewhere that "advocacy" can be taken as "lobbying."

Something noteworthy about this: they lobbied the Hague in 2014. This may be very significant. More info on that later, going to see if I can find more stuff like it.


"AU":"African Union",

"AUC":"African Union Commission",

"IJ":"International Justice",

"ICC":"International Criminal Court",

"ICC-OTP":"International Criminal Court, Office of the Prosecutor",

"ICC-AU":"International Criminal Court, African Union",

"CODESRIA":"Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa",

"PALU":"Pan African Lawyers Union",

"ACRI":"African Court Research Initiative",

"HRI":"Human Rights Initiative",

"NHRI":"National Human Rights Initiative",

"CSO":"civil society organization, or have a strong 'civil society assistance'


"OSJI":"Open Society Justice Initiative",

"OSIEA":"Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa",

"OSISA":"Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa",

"OSIWA":"Open Society Initiative for West Africa",

"PEV":"Post Election Violence",

"KNCHR":"Kenya National Commission on Human Rights",

"Adv.":"have a strong advocacy component",

"AfRO":"World Health Order, Regional Office for Africa(?)",

I'm compiling a master list of aconyms, which I'll share later. I'll post them at the start of the next thread, if there is one. For now, just do a search for whatever you're looking for, hopefully it will have been noted.

b722cb No.1293633


Regarding the importance of finding that Soros lobbies the ICC:

Back when researching how/why Obama secretly gave Iran $400 million in cash, one of the ridiculous justifications that he gave was that there had been a ruling in 1983 that we owed them $1.7 billion. Digging further, I came across articles that mentioned it had been an ICC (International Criminal Court) ruling...but ultimately, it was something called the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal:


Both the ICC and the IUSCT are housed in the Hague. I found out that the ICC is a NGO, funded by governments and non-profits alike. In fact, I found out that it had largely been pushed into creation by Soros about twenty years ago. Furthermore, while researching that I realized that Soros created the European Council on Foreign Affairs--here's that thread:


I found out that the IUSCT is funded equally by Iran and the US, assuming that this document is still in effect and authentic:


Someone later referenced that post here:


So posting the jsons of the data will be on hold for a week or so, because there's no point if a website is already in the works. Besides, despite it being a good way to get to know the inner workings of the OSF, the work pretty much sucks ass.

d711d4 No.1297318

It's a shame this thread is not getting the VERY serious consideration it deserves. The importance of Soros and others like him is being overlooked. Yes, the corruption needs addressed, but it is by no means the only thing that needs our attention. Look at the content of the posts in this thread, and what you see is a comprehensive plan that covers EVERY aspect of our lives, including education, health care, work, governance, and the legal system. Look at the grant making posts - Did you notice the preponderance of local and state grants? Soros and ilk have infiltrated everything at every level of government, and the UN agenda is alive and progressing as you read this. Why is discussion about this discouraged?

Thank you, OP.

d711d4 No.1297381


Do NOT give up on this - I've been hammering at this for three years. I'm beyond frustrated that it's being ignored and, possibly, actively suppressed. Your thread reinvigorated me. Thanks.

94d913 No.1298019


trying to download the source… current links posted above not working.>>1276436


Please create as many Acronyms as possible. I will dump it into synonym file in ElasticSearch . Then we can use ML for re-enforcement learning. Essentially teaching it what it should be looking for. I can parse the files in C. I'm working on a GUI for these types of things (React, Webpack Redux). This will be a great test case.

f17439 No.1298462


It is my pleasure. It just means so much to be able to help make a difference.

I could not believe how completely silent the media was on this, given the info. Then to see all of the links, one after another cleaned off the web…it was the biggest confirmation of collusion between the media and Soros I had ever seen.

b722cb No.1298710

File: c07ed1ec7baa6c3⋯.png (27.33 KB, 914x448, 457:224, Capture.PNG)

File: 3de0db99cb53b6a⋯.png (38.29 KB, 883x782, 883:782, Capture1.PNG)

The mega.nz link is still working for me–did you remember to take the space out of the link?

I've been working on the acronyms, but have also been throwing definitions into the mix as well (as defined by them). For instance, in the chart I was looking at, you can see that the acronym was used to describe whether grants were basically used to lobby or not…which is pretty important to know. So I'll just post everything here and let you decide how you want to enter it.

"OSF":"Open Society Foundation",

"ARO":"Arab Regional Office",

"MENA":"Middle East & North Africa",

"OSIFE":"Open Society Initiative for Europe",

"OSEPI":"Open Society European Policy Institute",

"AU":"African Union",

"AUC":"African Union Commission",

"IJ":"International Justice",

"ICC":"International Criminal Court",

"ICC-OTP":"International Criminal Court, Office of the Prosecutor",

"ICC-AU":"International Criminal Court, African Union",

"CODESRIA":"Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa",

"PALU":"Pan African Lawyers Union",

"ACRI":"African Court Research Initiative",

"HRI":"Human Rights Initiative",

"NHRI":"National Human Rights Initiative",

"CSO":"civil society organization, or have a strong 'civil society assistance'


"OSJI":"Open Society Justice Initiative",

"OSIEA":"Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa",

"OSISA":"Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa",

"OSIWA":"Open Society Initiative for West Africa",

"PEV":"Post Election Violence",

"KNCHR":"Kenya National Commission on Human Rights",

"Adv.":"have a strong advocacy component",

"AfRO":"African Regional Office",

"RPI": ?

b722cb No.1299788


If there's something that I can do to help, please let me know. I'm happy to collaborate on anyone's project, so long as they're working to get this information out.

b722cb No.1301315

File: 3d85200716575cc⋯.png (613.28 KB, 1312x856, 164:107, Capture1.PNG)

Knowing that Soros owns the European Council on Foreign Relations, here's a direct link to the membership of the Council on Foreign Relations:


The link to the membership roster on the ECFR's website doesn't work, and another access point elsewhere on the web is password protected. I suspect that the 270+ members are listed on the CFR's greater list of over 5000 members, but I cannot be sure. If we could somehow get a hold of the ECFR's membership roster, it would be helpful.

If the posted link ever goes down, say the word and we can get the file up on the web again in no time.

d711d4 No.1302149


Thank you.

Do you want to keep this thread "Soros only," or can we include related/overlapping individuals?

Those unfamiliar with foundations pushing the NWO/UN Agenda, might find this overview useful.

https:// isgp-studies.com/liberal-cia-ngo-network

b722cb No.1302972


I think overlaps are inevitable with this guy, ha ha…if you think it's relevant and useful, please post to your heart's content :)

Early on, when I made the switch from focusing on graphics to research, I made a spreadsheet with all of the members of the CFR, the Bilderberg attendees, and the Trilateral Commission. I never quite finished it, but the Trilateral Commission was especially a pain in the ass because each person's positions were listed after their names. I didn't want to lose that info, but dividing it all up was ugly work. I'll post that when I finish it, but it may help you.

d711d4 No.1306462


Yes, you're right on the overlaps :-)

My focus has been on the Civil Society aspect. l Lots of overlap between them and Soros' Open Society. That's why I was so surprised when people who hated what Soros was doing seemed to have no problem with Civil. I'm not saying that all people involved with Civil are "bad" - like Open, most of them probably think they're doing good, not realizing how their "good" is ultimately used for bad.

e71964 No.1308410

HEY ANONS SOORY FOR CAPS! NEWFAGZ HERE. PLEASE READ!!! Why dont we all download george soros little precious notifiica app he is sing to help illegals. i have not look into the app but assume it works by creating reports. WHY DONT WE CREATE 100,000 OF FALSE REPORTS?? LETS GET THIS COCKSUCKER!!!

a2838c No.1308537


They could use it to track/identify us, probably. I can help you make a meme to spread, but after some of the things I've done the last thing I want to do is let one of his apps track me.

a2838c No.1308575


It's a really good idea, though…keep checking back for the next two or three days; I'll have something for you to spread. Really busy irl or else it would be sooner.

b722cb No.1349367


I'll need more time, and I don't think I'm going to drop it here. But something is in the works.

b722cb No.1349446

File: 5fbf5a766734f33⋯.png (925.39 KB, 2550x3299, 2550:3299, noticia.png)



Actually, I can't do it.

I was thinking about making a fake doc like pic related and spreading it, but I believe it would be against the law if done too well. At first I thought it might be okay as a joke, and I was almost willing to toe that line given that it's to combat something that is obviously abetting lawbreakers…but it's too much of a gray area for me. I think spreading the rumors would be enough to slow down that bullshit treason beacon of an app.

b722cb No.1352974

File: 362faf818900736⋯.png (96.12 KB, 683x901, 683:901, Capture.PNG)

File: 6709ec2b0be5b83⋯.png (138.79 KB, 698x940, 349:470, Capture1.PNG)

File: 05a1806c0bb9f6d⋯.png (99.42 KB, 701x546, 701:546, Capture2.PNG)

SOUK folder:

"-jekhutno osf contributions from may 31 strategies-jekhutno from may 31 unit strategies 1.pdf"

This one is -very- incriminating. Europeans especially should take note–have you noticed a lot of activity on behalf of the Roma (gypsies)? Why would Soros be so interested in them, and the Burmese? They outright lay out their strategies for manipulating elections throughout the EU in this file. Here's a taste.

b722cb No.1408191

File: 6d4d3fb653ec14e⋯.png (736.5 KB, 738x956, 369:478, Capture7.PNG)

File: 623a72962c7ac6c⋯.png (51.18 KB, 445x714, 445:714, Capture8.PNG)

File: 55ef5ab609d7ae5⋯.png (1.01 MB, 693x907, 693:907, Capture9.PNG)

File: 329aafef09f7f49⋯.png (616.93 KB, 783x938, 783:938, Soros_A_LICE.PNG)

Found another source for Soros information:


LaRouche has had it out for Soros for a long time, and I believe that a lot of the information we have on him is likely the result of work publicized by LaRouche. For instance, in 1997 he dedicated an entire of his "Executive Intelligence Report" magazine to him.

LaRouche is a strange cat–not really sure what to make of him. When it comes to identifying problems and sources of corruption, I don't think there are many that are his equal. For instance, I just skimmed an article mentioning Iran's Land Bridge aspirations…from 21 years ago(!). But his proposals to remedy those problems don't always match the clarity of the investigation.

This is assuming, of course, that everything that we've been told is the absolute truth…because the way that LaRouche's investigations match up to our work is so close that it makes one think that they're closely associated–almost too close. But a little logic tells you that Q has repeatedly shown that he works in close association with POTUS, so it's most likely that LaRouche has just been right on a lot of things.

Pic related is from a "dossier" put out in 2008:


Other pic ("Who Really…") is a 2017 report (click "download pdf", or just read off the page):


Search result pic: type "soros" into the search function of larouche.pub, you'll get those results

Last pic: very, very interesting…


b722cb No.1459346


It's been well over a week, and the new site isn't up…so the work continues.


"folder":"President's Office",

"filename":"-2015 materials from presidential portfolio reviews documents for internal use only-africa regional office international justice november 25 2015-afro international justice prd 11.25.2015.docx",

"date":"2015-11-24 11:33 AM",

"author":"Eleanor Thompson",



"agenda": [



"activities": [

{ "type":"operational",


"OSF" ],





"internal review meeting",

"the London Meeting" ] },

{ "type":"summary",

"coparties": [

"AFrO" ],





"$509,300 to three grants, $105,927 divided between four operational and three lobbying activities" ] },


"Africa" ],

"Countries": {

"Central African Republic":null,

"Cote de'Ivoire":null,






"South Africa":null" },


"African Court of Justice and Human Peoples' Rights",







"Extraordinary African Chambers for the Trial of Hissene Habre",

"East African Court of Justice",




"International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda",

"Journalists for Justice",


"Ministry of Justice in Cote d'Ivoire",







"TrustAfrica" ]



"ECCC":"Extra Ordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia",

"ECOWAS":"Economic Community of West African States"

This one is largely an overview of the OSF's involvement in African affairs, through encouraging lawsuits filed at the ICC, fundraising for those lawsuits, and more. Ostensibly it is supposed to help "International Justice," but we all know that is just the face. Soros owns the ICC, and the 40,000 ft view suggests that this has been a long-term strategy to legitimize a kangaroo court that would siphon money off the United States. BHO and HRC were meant to abet that goal by abiding by the decisions made at the ICC.

A good example might be how Obama originally cited an obscure, poorly interpreted ruling that stated that we owned Iran money as the reason he sent $1.7 Billion in cash over there. All of this is really a setup to destroy not only the United States, but likely European Countries that also bowed-down to these rulings without questioning their merit or authenticity.

b722cb No.1459619



"folder":"President's Office",

"filename":"-2015 materials from presidential portfolio reviews documents for internal use only-apro malaysia elections pr outcomes summary 6.2015.docx",


"date":"2015-09-09 7:26 AM",

"author":"Daphne Panayotatos",


"names": [

"Mary Agnes James: Program Assistant Malaysia Program",

"Christopher Stone: President, Open Society Foundations",

"Ibrahim Suffian: Ex-Malaysia Advisory Committee and Director of Merdeka Centre for Opinion Research",

"Martin Hala: Regional Manager, Asia Pacific Regional Office",

"Binaifer Nowrojee: Director, Asia Pacific Regional Office",

"Sana Ghouse, Program Officer, Asia Pacific Regional Office",

"Hatia Jinjikhadze: Deputy Director, Open Society Georgia Foundation",

"Prime Minister Najib",

"Ahmad Badawi",

"Maureen Aung-Thwin" ],

"agenda": [

"Malaysia Program"




"Asia" ],

"Countries": {

"Malaysia": {






"ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights",


"Program for Independent Journalism",

"Southeast Asia Press Association" ]


I've added the "Author" field, which is taken from the document info itself. The date field is now filled using data from the "last modified" information on the document. The "title" field has been added. The entries previous to the ones listed here will be updated for consistency, but I'm making note here in case anyone decides to copy-and-paste them.

Again, these lists are in no way a comprehensive outline of what is inside these documents–rather, they're just meant to pull out the names of organizations and people mentioned within these documents, so that someone interested in finding information on these subjects might be able to be directed to the relevant information quickly. Ultimately, it is for the purpose of seeing how everything links up over time–and not just for the purpose of nailing Soros, but for the purpose of following relationships, places, and times that would facilitate for the corruption of the world by all cabal actors.

If we could someday put this together with the info from, say, wikileaks and the ICIJ (which is undoubtedly compromised somewhat by Soros' monetary contributions), we might be able to track the money and corruption as it flows outward from these monsters.

b722cb No.1460276




"folder":"President's Office",

"filename":"-2015 materials from presidential portfolio reviews documents for internal use only-arab regional office equality non discrimination for palestinian citizens of israelsept 8 2015-aro palestinian citizens of israel portfolio el.docx",

"title":"Arab Regional Office (ARO)-Presidential Portfolio Review Palestinian Citizens of Israel-List of Portfolio Elements 6 August 2015",

"date":"2015-08-06 7:07 AM",

"author":"Dalia Zatara",




"activities": [

{ "type":"grant",


"Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel" ],





"Promote Equality and non-discrimination for Israel's Palestinian minority through litigation and advocacy",

"14 grants since2001 totaling $2,688,561" ] },

{ "type":"grant",


"Women against Violence" ],





"Strengthening the role of women in decision-making positions, and creating social change toward gender equality",

"7 grants since 2004 totaling $1,430,000" ] },

{ "type":"grant",


"I'lam, Media Center for Arab Palestinians in Israel" ],





"Defend rights of media professionals, and training of Arab media professionals in Israel through media research and advocacy",

"9 grants since 2003 totaling $1,083,000" ] },

{ "type":"grant",


"New Israel Fund" ],





"Strengthen the capacities of young Palestinian legal professionals in legal advocacy by undertaking an LL.M. degree in human rights law in the U.S. along with internships opportunities in Israel",

"9 grants since 2002 totaling $837,500" ],

{ "type":"grant",


"Mada al-Carmel - Arab Center for Applied Social Research" ],





"Contribute to better understanding of the impact of Israeli discriminatory laws and practices on Palestinian Citizens of Israel and inform advocacy towards policy change",

"6 grants since 2003 totaling $707,000" ],

{ "type":"grant",


"Kayan-Feminist Organization" ],





"Provide legal aid to Palestinian women in Israel, as well as, education on the legal system and legal advocacy and strategic litigation",

"7 grants since 2006 totaling $465,000" ],

{ "type":"grant",


"Mossawa Center: the Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens in Israel" ],





"Build an international network of support for the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel to challenge human rights violations they face",

"6 grants since 2006 totaling $260,000" ],

b722cb No.1460288



{ "type":"grant",


"Molad: The Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy" ],





"Garner Israeli public and political support against settlements by researching its economic implications and stimulating public debate, and presenting policy recommendations to end the Israeli occupation",

"2 grants since 2013 totaling $200,000" ],

{ "type":"lobbying",


"all listed in doc" ],





"Providing Ad hoc support to grantees’ advocacy missions to the US and EU with the support from OSF’s DC and Brussels offices" ],

{ "type":"grant",


"The Galilee Society - The Arab National Society for Health Research" ],





"General support to promote the health and environmental rights of PCI's through the service provision, awareness raising, research and advocacy",

"discontinued" ],

{ "type":"grant",


"Al-Tufula Center" ],





"General support to support work on early childhood care, women's rights and development issues in the PCI community",

"discontinued" ],

{ "type":"grant",


"Ma'an: Forum of Bedouin-Arab Women's Organizations in the Negev" ],





"Project support to promote the rights of Bedouin women in Israel through legal aid and advocacy",

"In collaboration with the International Women's Program",

"discontinued" ],

{ "type":"grant",


"Injaz" ],





"Project support to develop young municipal leadership in Arab towns, empower young PCI's civic engagement in political processes",

"discontinued" ],

{ "type":"grant",


"Sidreh, Lakiya Negeve Weaving" ],





"Project support to promote women's engagement in public life in Negev",

"discontinued" ],

{ "type":"grant",


"Baladna-Associations for Arab Youth" ],





"Project support to [blank]",

"discontinued" ],

{ "type":"grant",


"Arab Association for Human Rights" ],





"Project support to encourage youth debate and dialogue among PCI's",

"In collaboration with OSF's Youth and Debate Program to provide technical assistance",

"discontinued" ],

{ "type":"grant",


"National Committee of Heads of Arab Local Authorities in Israel" ],





"Project support to stimulate internal dialogue within the PCI community and encourage voters to participate in Israeli national elections",

"discontinued" ],

{ "type":"grant",


"PILI Foundation" ],





"Project funding to support public interest law fellowships PCI lawyers from Adalah",

"discontinued" ],

b722cb No.1460296




"Middle East",


"EU" ],

"Countries": {

"Israel":null },



"International Women's Program",


"Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel",

"Women against Violence",

"I'lam, Media Center for Arab Palestinians in Israel",

"New Israel Fund",

"Mada al-Carmel - Arab Center for Applied Social Research",

"Kayan-Feminist Organization",

"Mossawa Center: the Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens in Israel",

"Molad: The Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy",

"The Galilee Society - The Arab National Society for Health Research",

"Al-Tufula Center",

"Ma'an: Forum of Bedouin-Arab Women's Organizations in the Negev",


"Sidreh, Lakiya Negeve Weaving",

"Baladna-Associations for Arab Youth",

"Arab Association for Human Rights",

"National Committee of Heads of Arab Local Authorities in Israel",

"PILI Foundation" ]



"PCI":"Palestinian Citizens of Israel",

"PILI":"Public Interest Law Initiative (NGO)"

This is the last of three parts. I originally though two would do, hence the 1/2 in


8c4f5a No.1465342


I spent ages hunting down these open society foundation leaks about a year ago. The first lot i found had some important ones missing, but i eventually found them all.

I put them on mega.

https:// mega.nz/#!Q751hC6A!FJCl_m24N4qhCBtcDxduTclkknps_59iq269yutG8JM

5f11de No.1530721

File: 24e2d88a8253651⋯.jpeg (17.15 KB, 349x494, 349:494, jumping-jack-flash.jpeg)

I posted a thread entitled "Crossfire Hurricane Dates" on Monday. The thread is now a 404 error.

Q, are some questions not to be asked yet?

POTUS used 'Jumpin Jack Flash' just once at the end of January 2016. LL was briefed by FBI in Spring 2016. yet FBI lied about opening the investigation at the end of July 2016.

POTUS knew about the FBI investigation. Did you tell him?

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