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File: 3f07875cf4954c0⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QR1448.png)

950094 No.1157762

Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.


Redpill for normies: >>1087693 Proof POTUS was behind Q even before he appeared on the chans.




Vincit Omnia Veritas

Rule -1: Do not respond to shills.

>>1071025 How to Quickly Spot a Clownshill

>>1113115, >>1113120 How to filter a Shill


1. Do not post on accounts that are being tracked. Watch, archive, report.

2. If you find an important account, please archive before posting link to 8ch.

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.


>>1126202 For Instagram mirroring (We need better tools)

>>1127332 For website mirroring

Board Rules


Q's Latest Posts

Q's Tripcode

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ

Monday 4.23.18

>>1157518 ———————- Reminder. Iran is Next. Marker.

Sunday 4.22.18

>>1152145 ———————- https:// m.youtube.com/watch?v=JDVT-8tUfiE

>>1147720 ———————- Today is Earth Day.

>>1145824 ———————- Do you understand the gravity of what’s unfolding?

>>1140227 ———————- MB Connections

>>1140780 rt >>1140510 — Salon article Michelle Bachmann witch hunt

>>1141069 ———————- Civilization Jihadist

Saturday 04.21.18

>>1133942 rt >>1133925 — AMERICA WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN! 11.11.18.

>>1133862 rt >>1133796 — They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed

>>1133464 rt >>1133332 — Fire up the memes!

>>1133332 ———————- What will next week hold?

>>1133238 rt >>1133204 — We came here for a reason

>>1133189 rt >>1133099 — Expand Further. Blackwater USA. Plausible Deniablity.

>>1132004 rt >>1131959 — Look at those palm trees!

>>1131877 rt >>1131741 — As the World Turns.

>>1131963 rt >>1131935 — Anons honored by your presence

>>1131741 ———————- Yesterday.

>>1131328 rt >>1131287 — Coincidence?

>>1131266 rt >>1131254 — Think private email addresses

>>1131254 rt >>1131247 — Think public & private Twitter accounts

>>1131191 ———————- Right on Q

>>1130667 ———————- Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest.

>>1130369 rt >>1130171 — Think Sessions

>>1130171 rt >>1130125 — Maggie Haberman on HRC team

>>1130089 ———————- Wikileaks Podesta emails

Friday 04.20.18

>>1124872 rt >>1124637 — The world is watching

>>1124271 rt >>1124212 — Alefantis pic big, but risky

>>1123696 rt >>1123617 — POTUS warning shot

>>1123575 rt >>1123519 — Hussein diddling Maggie/Wendy since 10?

>>1123499 rt >>1123388 — Hussein & Maggie

>>1123388 rt >>1123269 — Agnes Nixon Soap Operas (article)

>>1123269 rt >>1123074 — As the world turns.

>>1123074 rt >>1122995 — The door will be opened later.

>>1122995 rt >>1122741 — Hussein/Wendy Over the Target

>>1122280 rt >>1122226 — Wendy?/Marina

>>1122111 ———————— Hussein with Wendy

>>1121949 ———————— Allison Mack tweet with a pic of Abramovic

>>1121353 rt >>1121283 — Canary palm tree, signal?

>>1121272 ———————— Mack is naming names

>>1117177 ———————— Canary palm tree

>>1116344 rt >>1116307 — TRUMP card coming

>>1116309 rt >>1116269 , >>1116276 — They fall for it every single time/How do you 'legally'

>>1116248 ———————— SR June JA

Thursday 04.19.18

>>1109466 ———————— Q&A again

>>1109320 rt >>1109176 — Yes, midterms are safe

>>1109196 rt >>1109132 — WW

>>1109139 rt >>1108927 — SR connect to DNC

>>1108971 rt >>1108947 — Structure

>>1108949 rt >>1108920 — Fake. We control

>>1108897 ———————— Q&A 5 min

>>1108850 rt >>1108831 — What makes a good movie?

>>1107913 rt >>1107523 — Memos are FAKE

>>1107796 rt >>1107717 — Who captured?

>>1107754 ———————— Eyes only

>>1107080 rt >>1106974 — The words used re: Intel & buying/selling will bury her

>>1106873 rt >>1106719 — The importance of this cannot be expressed more clearly

>>1106728 rt >>1106719 — 13min mark

>>1106719 ———————— Big ERROR

>>1105360 rt >>1105264 — Push to DIVIDE is strong

>>1105264 rt >>1105115 — SKY Event

>>1105115 rt >>1105041 — What are you witnessing unfold?

>>1105041 ———————— Rudy. NYC. Relationships High

Find Previous Q Posts at: qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If it ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Backup Q Posts


950094 No.1157769



>>1133464, >>1134569

Al Gore





>>1143022, >>1143031

1. Map Huma's Family: Parents & Siblings

>>1142939 Huma's Sister, Heba, attempted to undermine RIGHTFUL outcome of Presidential Election

>>1143533 Follow the Money. Check out Dearborn, MI also


>>1143739 MB & OBAMA


>>1101878, >>1101894 Private Investigation Into Obama By Dr. Taitz

Obama Timeline

>>949587, >>949333, >>949547

>>1066725 POTUS Schedule vs Obama 'vacation'



: D/L Video, Data Mine & Build Profile (Eyes Only)''' >>1113402

>>1135628 Nancy Pelosi's Twatter Archive

>>1118046 NP 1997 NK Talk www.c-span.org/video/?91427-1/north-korea-hunger-problem

>>1114611 32 Page PDF on NP: Needs DIGGING

>>1114530 Intelligence Committee Senate Report on NP's NK visit

>>1114037 NK selling arms to Iran: CIA Reading Room sauce

>>1113439 Alexandra

>>1113436 Christine

>>1113406 , >>1113553 , >>1113534 Paul

>>1113414 Offspring: Profiles

>>1107156 Dig On Feinstein's Husband

>>1112484 Complete archive for the @TeamPelosi twatter, including images

>>1111792 NP's financial disclosures

>>1107270 NP's net worth

>>1108812 NP Family: A Who's Who

>>1109003 NP Family: An overview

>>1113725 , >>1114100 Pelosi in NK

>>1113283 , >>1113404 Did Pelosi giggle when asked a Q about NK's recent ICBM?

>>1115633 NP violated NPT and 1994 Agreed Framework

NP Video Links and Resources

>>1113394 Download the NP video using https:// video-download.co

>>1110963 Streamable download of Pelosi NK vid available

>>1113792 Download straight from anonfiles

>>1107614 Pelosi video expanded version

>>1114951 Bash script



video report: https:// twitter.com/IntelCrab/status/987765785400573953

>>1134056, >>1134177, >>1134803

950094 No.1157772



>>1157086 Tom Arnold is losing it.

>>1157093 A former Mexican state governor as extradited to the U.S. from Italy.

>>1157221 Pompeo's Nomination For Secretary Of State Gets A Huge Boost

>>1157303 "SWIFT"

>>1157402 They don't serve Wendy's at GITMO.

>>1157431 Shania Twain apologizes to the Thought Police?

>>1157639 Multi-casualty accident in Toronto.


>>1156530 LGBTQ language in 2nd grade

>>1156693 Steven Spielberg advising Nancy Pelosi.

>>1156694 CDAN/Aviici

>>1156748 You're next, swamp rat. (James Woods)

>>1156879 Do you stiml trust them?

>>1156926 Yet another case for homeshooling


>>1155793 OPEC, Europe oil markets hit

>>1155808 Hannity and “Tick TOCK (LLC)”

>>1155840 Iran switches from USD to EUR

>>1155992 Peso dropping as Trump talks NAFTA, immigration

>>1156056 Robert Anderson, anti-nuclear financier

>>1156116 Cadillac CEO resigns


>>1155209 Armenian President resigns

>>1155270 Did Rosenstein witness something?

>>1155292 EO on Military Decoration

>>1155314 Qanon twitter strategies graphic

>>1155388 JA on bringing down .gov

>>1155478 , >>1155490 Lists of useful twitter handles

>>1155491 Codemonkey reporting on DDOS attacker schedule


>>1153956 Instagram download tool

>>1153990 Volker Hesse and the Satanic CERN Tunnel Ceremony

>>1154085 Expand Your Thinking ~ Proofs, Charts, Maps & Connections. A How-To In PDF Format.

>>1154096, >>1154110, >>1154114, >>1154060 International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children

>>1154255 Mesira >>1154525 Moser

>>1154374 Operation Shell Game.. Needs more focus

>>1154470 Dig on Matthew Mellon

>>1154616 Trump Is Right: A ‘Pakistani Mystery Man’ Has Documents Wasserman Schultz Didn’t Want Prosecutors To See

>>1154619 Extreme DDoS

>>1154626 The key is what They call "mirror neurons".

>>1154674 George Maior was decorated four months ago by the CIA.


>>1153220 Seoul halts propaganda broadcasts at border with North Korea

>>1153247 Transcription of Ronald Reagan's speech "We Must Fight"

>>1153517, >>1153610 "As the World Turns" marker theory

>>1153496, >>1153814, >>1153827, >>1153862 Cher and Anthony Kiedis

>>1153539, >>1153563 Planefag activity

>>1153577, >>1153640 Bronfmans/WDSHN/Hensleys and NXIVM

>>1153753 Infinity War premiere tonight in the very busy Los Angeles

>>1153829 Memefag's phenomenal work on Hussein/Wendy images.

>>1154476 When human sacrifice was 'the highest altar'…


>>1152450, >>1152598 144k update, sounds like us, eh

>>1152580, >>1152690 Nunes: they should sue themselves

>>1152643, >>1152956 Don't be stupid and prod the bear Norway

>>1152655 Soros honeyhole update

>>1152674 North Korea's nuclear announcement is clearly a publicity stunt, US lawmakers (Rep. Corker) says

>>1152733 Qanye mirror

>>1152839, >>1152919 The Connection Between Russia and 2 Green Groups Fighting Fracking in US

>>1152978 POTUS Schedule

>>1153066 Reagan's letter to Bush

>>1153016 WikiLeaks To Countersue Democrats; "Discovery Is Going To Be Amazing Fun"

>>1153106 Was Tesla’s Genius The Other Side of The Autism Coin?

Best Of Bread >>311157

Auto-Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

950094 No.1157776

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got!

Latest Tags:

#TarmacMeeting -- #Tarmac -- #ReleaseTheVideo

#TaxCuts → see below -- #LetsSueFacebook → #InternetBillOfRights (still relevant)

Hashtag: #QAnon on every twat/reply/quote

Throw in ANY extra hashtags you want!

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Keep the info graphs, you'll find many useful hints within them.


Best Times to TWEET:



Fox News Live Stream http:// usnewslive.tv/foxnewslive/

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Quick Access Tools

QMaps all in GMT

>>1064804 Q Map Graphics in GMT (1 to 13 of 17)

>>1058686 Q Map Graphic in GMT (14 of 17)

>>1058700 Q Map Graphic in GMT (15 of 17)

>>1064819 Q Map Graphic in GMT (16 of 17)

>>1138620 Q Map Graphic in GMT (17 of 18)

>>1138630 Q Map Graphic in GMT (18 of 18)

QMaps in EST

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg

>>1147103 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-07_2018-04-09_Read carefully).jpg

>>1147098 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-03_2018-04-07_Open the door.jpg

>>1147092 Qmap_graphic_2018-03-10_2018-04-03_Safe.jpg

>>1147087 Qmap_graphic_2018-03-06_2018-03-10_More coming.jpg

>>1147080 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-23_2018-03-06_Eyes in the SKY.jpg

>>1147072 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-15_2018-02-22_DISTRACTION.jpg

>>1147063 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-07_2018-02-14_PAY THE PRICE.jpg

>>1147057 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-31_2018-02-07_Think intel.jpg

>>1147051 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-26_2018-01-31_FREEDOM DAY_.jpg

>>1147032 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-13_2018-02-05]].jpg

>>1147024 Qmap_graphic_2017-11-20_2017-12-07]].jpg

>>1147018 Qmap_graphic_2017-10-28_2017-11-20]].jpg

>>1147010 Qmap_graphic_2017-10-29_2017-11-09]](lastconfirmed).png

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side by Sides, Good Memes

Research Section

* QMap PDF (Version >8.13.0 [updated 4/22])

>>1145475 http:// irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.13.0.pdf

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Updated Q archives: qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

* Qcode guide to abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https:// factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS-tweet archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https:// anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* Spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Linode server Q Database: https:// www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Stock Movement Scraper: http:// qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link >>851957

* WebAlert app can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub (vetted by >>968129 )

Resources Library

>>4352 ------ A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information

>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>3152 ------ Redpill Scripts

>>16785 ----- Prayer

>>257792 ---- Letters of Gratitude

>>169315 ---- Notable Resignations Thread 1/2

>>1147812 --- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>410413 ---- Q Communications re:deltas

>>1065418 --- Germanarchiveanon

>>1138899 --- HowTo DL from insta/YT in linux

Q Research Graphics Library

https:// mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ

Nearly 15,000 memes and infographs.

Memes : Stockpiles

Memes19 >>1144040 (Apr 22-)

Memes18 >>1027465 (Apr 14-)

Memes17 >>877198 (Apr 4-14)

Memes15 >>596831 (Mar 8-18)

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Learn to Bake! For God & Country!

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Bakers Manual also available at >>1010064

or read: https:// pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

950094 No.1157779



1ab95d No.1157801

File: f0dc92998eb9d66⋯.jpg (101.68 KB, 500x740, 25:37, ca2fcd1d09ad816add90ae7c41….jpg)

Given the lag issues, baking this bread earlier than normal was a wise decision.

Well done, Baker.

2db2cd No.1157816

File: 33d95e96989812f⋯.jpeg (595.58 KB, 1500x1950, 10:13, C00F98C9-0CB0-4454-98E3-F….jpeg)

Q- must read

2099d9 No.1157817

File: aa60a0b5a4424a6⋯.jpg (56.47 KB, 317x475, 317:475, killthemessenger.jpg)

File: c72eebcd4356260⋯.jpg (36.94 KB, 400x527, 400:527, reagan knew everything.jpg)

File: b267917c17fe13f⋯.jpg (146.56 KB, 1680x1080, 14:9, reagan-and-cocaine.jpg)

>>1157743 (repost from last bread)

>How does the C_A fund non sanctioned ops?

By running drugs, weapons, and destabilizing nations at the behest of their real employers.

ISIS began burning poppy fields in Afghanistan

https:// hightimes.com/news/world/isis-reportedly-burning-poppy-fields-to-gain-foothold-in-afghanistan/

http:// english.alarabiya.net/en/perspective/analysis/2015/06/29/In-turf-war-with-Afghan-Taliban-Islamic-State-loyalists-gain-ground.html

Probably because the CIA was using the Afghanistan War and the soldiers we sent there to protect poppy fields:

http:// www.dailyunconstitutional.com/1533-u-s-marines-protect-afghans-poppy-fields-general-says-20000-troops-should-stay-in-afghanistan/

This isn't the first time, either. In the ~80s, they fueled operations by running crack into black neighborhoods and creating gangs in order to destabilize them further.

https:// www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/10/gary-webb-dark-alliance_n_5961748.html

Information on Destabilizing Nations (Confessions of an Economic Hitman):

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWuAct1BxHU

3bf579 No.1157831

http:// uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=11A+P+2.2&f=treesort&fq=true&num=0&hl=true&edition=prelim&granuleId=USC-prelim-title50-section1701

9df037 No.1157838

File: bbc1d25627a20d5⋯.jpg (50.73 KB, 736x543, 736:543, 2e166b94fd246e7483b9b51aaa….jpg)

950094 No.1157845

new baker requested

<I gotta get some work done…

10528b No.1157854

File: d3462e9fa8b5b20⋯.jpg (311.83 KB, 532x1244, 133:311, Iran side deals.jpg)


>The U.S. will NOT agree to continue the Iran deal as it currently stands.



Susan Rice Admits Secret ‘Side Deals’ with Iran www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/22/susan-rice-admits-secret-side-deals-with-iran/

3b52f6 No.1157855

File: 2d0f029c899a333⋯.jpg (195.92 KB, 650x900, 13:18, White died for.jpg)


10528b No.1157865

File: e9e3f23ec6534a6⋯.jpg (978.75 KB, 2152x1236, 538:309, EPA Slush Funds 2016.jpg)


EPA Slush Fund!

6d4cac No.1157873

Bloomberg gives $4.5 million to help U.S. keep Paris climate accord commitment

<https:// www.cbsnews.com/news/bloomberg-gives-4-5-million-to-help-u-s-keep-paris-climate-accord-commitment/

1d1037 No.1157875

File: e7880048bb104e8⋯.jpg (63.91 KB, 432x768, 9:16, H3mrtChmJhOuQH4MaY3TCvjL8p….jpg)

Times are changing before our eyes

e24ee6 No.1157877


With help of God, POTUS and Q, West will be revived again.


97798f No.1157878


To be fair, I don't think Amy Schumer was ever particularly popular, she just had a major astroturf campaign behind her thanks to her (((connections)))

0c1e6e No.1157879



Heads up.

>Iran is next.

This is a marker


A marker for a delta or placeholder in previous drops and future proves past.

>CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2.

911 Classified section Appendix 2.2


Bonds due to mature in 2002


Bonds used to fund the fall of the Soviet Union through market manipulation

>Jan 1.

Due to mature Jan 1 2002

>Jun 1.

Due to mature Jun 1 2002

>No inspection @ GZ NR sites.

No inspection at Ground Zero non-radiological sites

>No missile tech prevention.

Missile hit the pentagon

>Load carrying.

Load carrying columns were rigged


Third stage of ICBM

>Think NK.

Hold the world hostage

>Who controls the $?

Reserve banks

>Who really controls the $?

Those who hold the world to ransom and threaten it

>Why does the EU have a vested interest in this deal?

EU are squeezing money via Iran and climate

>Who receives the money?

Corrupt politicians and their friends

>When the US sends billions in aid and/or climate and/or etc who or what entity audits / tracks to confirm intended recipient(s) rec?



See above

>How does GS fund WW counter-events?

US Taxpayer

>Who funds WW leftist events?

US Taxpayer

>American taxpayer (subsidize).

And other tax payers

>Define nuclear stand-off.


>Who benefits?

Those holding the world hostage

>How do you ‘squeeze’ funds out of the US?


>Threat to humanity?

Hostage, pretend climate threat

>Environment push?

See above

>Think Paris accord.

More bullshit

>Who audits / tracks the funneled money?

No one

>Define kickback.


>Define slush fund.

Domestic embezzlement


Not any more

>No oversight re: Hussein.

That's why they are mad


To use slush fund with no checks or balances

>How does the C_A fund non sanctioned ops?

Money from trafficking

>Off the books?

Cash and gold

>Re_ read past drops.

It's all there

>Will become relevant.

Going public

>Welcome Mr. President.

Trump to go public (like presser)

>The U.S. will NOT agree to continue the Iran deal as it currently stands.

As per Press Secretary, Iran leaders are on suicide watch

343ef2 No.1157880

Meanwhile with CISCO SYSTEMS..

https:// www.marketwatch.com/amp/story/guid/759c614b-2784-41e6-b750-63ceaeb72734

cf1bda No.1157881

Just been reading previous breads to get up to speed.

"German Nazi repatriated gold" eh, just like that..? What a load of bollox.

it give me a serious clue as to what the Swiss and German Air Force trips here and there have all been about. It also links into these darned 2-reg planes if you ask me. They've been using military planes to move Nazi gold around as military jets can bypass customs and immigration.

The gold appropriated from various places was most likely re-smelted and re-marked at Barrick Gold in Canada, since the best place to hide a tree is in a forest. Bullion dealers know there's too much Nazi gold around to have come from that source alone, but since most gold leads to the Swiss and Rothschilds, it get easily covered up.

The Barrick Gold guy was 187'd as he had served out his usefulness.

a1775a No.1157882



I say half-woke because whenever racism is involved it reminds me they haven't grasped the full picture yet…

c39bfe No.1157883


Jens Weidmann - Bank for International Settlements

Welcome remarks by Dr Jens Weidmann, President of the Deutsche Bundesbank and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank for International Settlements, for the SAFE/CFS/Deutsche Bundesbank Lecture, given by Mr Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements, Frankfurt am Main, 6 February 2018.

The money seems to keep going back to Germany.

Why are there no BIS branches in the USA?

10528b No.1157884

File: 33fbe3ab57fbc6a⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 2388x1812, 199:151, 4-22-18 Five Eyes - No Int….jpg)

efc6e9 No.1157885

File: 88b7980f6062bfa⋯.png (25.83 KB, 766x177, 766:177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68f9bb146daa2fb⋯.png (178.43 KB, 593x366, 593:366, ClipboardImage.png)

from previous bread


ac9e23 No.1157886

File: 560d689dee5fd30⋯.png (321.19 KB, 908x678, 454:339, Screen Shot 2018-04-23 at ….png)


They were doing it in Vietnam, too. Air America.

https:// www.nytimes.com/1986/08/09/us/12-are-charged-with-smuggling-tons-of-cocaine.html

f30edf No.1157887


>Did u even read what I wrote


>u dumb nigger

Rolls off like water droplets on a frog.

>I posted it solely for the pic to be used.

…because you are trying to divide by using the false dichotomy of youth vs. boomers.

Synopsis: You are retarded.

ccecf6 No.1157888


Makes sense why ((they)) are against Pompeo.

1d1037 No.1157889


I agree, you have to continue to FEED THE BEAST with CASH to keep AstroTurf growing

5828c4 No.1157890


She was warned


afaaad No.1157891

File: 133e9c91b13c21c⋯.png (508.86 KB, 572x700, 143:175, 133e9c91b13c21c1b805ce880f….png)



Looks like the MOAB was located.


25acab No.1157892

Omfg .. The simpsons called the E.P.A. the hidden entity in the movie back in '08

238eaa No.1157893

File: 6fa2f4bb814e0f6⋯.png (419.53 KB, 800x571, 800:571, Clowns.png)

682e51 No.1157894


Look at the pyramid. BIS isn't something with branches - the branches are underneath - FED, etc.

df33e6 No.1157895

I just had an elderly retired black lady bless me on the twitter. It’s happening.

1d1037 No.1157896


When is the vote on Pompeo today?

10528b No.1157897

File: e4f802396c8ee23⋯.jpg (461.83 KB, 2404x1300, 601:325, 4-19-18 Q's Q&A set-up.jpg)

Q's 5 minute Q&A was a set-up and the Clowns did a deep dive right into it! lmao

Gotta love Q!

3b52f6 No.1157898


https:// www.express.co.uk/news/world/950173/Toronto-attack-pedestrians-hit-by-van-video-police-car

807852 No.1157899

File: c0b1f00c91866cf⋯.png (880.22 KB, 926x740, 463:370, zzzlondonkek.PNG)

e24ee6 No.1157900

File: 4d952f99b159bbd⋯.jpg (261.66 KB, 1659x1080, 553:360, allthepillsarered.jpg)

File: 8beaf1747602f50⋯.png (122.95 KB, 300x483, 100:161, liesofkikes.png)


Board under HEAVY DDOS attack within last 12 hrs. (((shills))) are flipping out the black pop redpill is going public, and majority of anons are wising up to the (((tricks))).

They even tried to bring in queers, degenerates etc from half chan and other places to (((shill))) and provoke Patriots.


f30edf No.1157901


>The Barrick Gold guy

Peter Munk

45a7fe No.1157902

File: 6514e1aee206cbc⋯.png (278.71 KB, 593x445, 593:445, ClipboardImage.png)

Foreshadowing a boom? Please be north, not south, please be north, not south.

9df037 No.1157903



Where you get "2002"?

bdb401 No.1157904


i hope you are spot on

first section re 9-11 very interdasting decode

2099d9 No.1157905


Yep. You're on the right track, anon.

EU's squeezing money because they don't have an actual functioning economy and they're trying to hide that fact.

e24ee6 No.1157906


notable, baker?

fc78cc No.1157907

"The U.S. will NOT agree to continue the Iran deal as it currently stands."

Telegraphing Trump's moves? Is this a good idea?

725cdb No.1157908


Will the present Iranian government survive or is the new deal for them too?

343ef2 No.1157910


Yep. The Simpsons Movie.

626254 No.1157911

File: bcdd27dbc206193⋯.jpg (641.67 KB, 1153x891, 1153:891, Hillary_Indictment.jpg)

Is this actually one of Hillary's, Comey's and Lynch's indictments?

https:// scannedretina.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/northern-new-york-district-court-clinton-indictment.pdf

faa1cd No.1157912

File: fb85d219319eed1⋯.jpg (100.29 KB, 1088x725, 1088:725, poppybushcia.jpg)


We had that old senile fool shot in his first year and he never gave us any trouble after that

571b4f No.1157913

>>1157865 EPA Slush Fund


c39bfe No.1157914


The money that flows into BIS is astronomical.

Is it being flown around the world as gold and various cash denominations in US military planes?

f30edf No.1157915


Trump is telegraphing the information necessary to carry out his strategy.

bdb401 No.1157916


no this is a law but nothing done under it

9df037 No.1157917



Barrick gold was British/Nazi gold moved after the war, in secret. Munk's death released the gold back to German hands.

7442eb No.1157918


Funny stuff…. Blacks are like that too. They'll rat on each other quick to get out of trouble. They call it "gitten down first"….

51cb1c No.1157919


EU = parasites. They can't produce shit so they suck from US. Why not, it's a proven recipe for so many.

5ca2cd No.1157920

File: 616eab0a5272f31⋯.jpg (273.06 KB, 1440x1749, 480:583, crimes.jpg)


Thank you for the recent Blue Skies Days.

They are amazing. And noticed.

Thank you deeply.

e3a4e5 No.1157921


Trump has outright said he has no intention of continuing the deal on multiple occasions.

f30edf No.1157922


fake and gay

0c1e6e No.1157923


Could refer to other installments.

Companies involved in certain bonds were devastated in the 911 attacks, as if they were specifically targeted.

3915cb No.1157924


good. just, next time, fix that spacing

10e66a No.1157925


Nørd baker here, can bake again

151a38 No.1157926


This is all wrong.

0c1e6e No.1157927


Apologies, that was the cut n paste from the last bread, I didn't check it.

bdb401 No.1157928


> Patriots

i dont think you know any

f30edf No.1157929


>Munk's death released the gold back to German hands.


668ba2 No.1157930


U can't be this retarded anon and not be a shill. Have u ever made a meme or relayed info/images to be used for such? For instance have you ever seen the memes with a dude in the park and a sign that's reads "change my mind"? It is then edited to put whatever message u would like in it. That was the goal hence why I explained it for the retarded when I posted it.

343ef2 No.1157931


it's better that you're ready for the big one..

0c1e6e No.1157932


Then write what you think you fucking retard.

Add some value instead of saying that EVERY time.


fc78cc No.1157933


That's called diplomacy, getting a definite confirmation from Q is different though.

0c1e6e No.1157934


Have some love too. Kek.

92d50b No.1157935


We rebuilt Germany, maybe it is time they repay us ??

c39bfe No.1157936



df33e6 No.1157937


A horn of beer for you

b68a9a No.1157938


judges are the most corrupt, heres hoping that the plan is take them out first

c39bfe No.1157939


§1701. Unusual and extraordinary threat; declaration of national emergency; exercise of Presidential authorities

(a) Any authority granted to the President by section 1702 of this title may be exercised to deal with any unusual and extraordinary threat, which has its source in whole or substantial part outside the United States, to the national security, foreign policy, or economy of the United States, if the President declares a national emergency with respect to such threat.

(b) The authorities granted to the President by section 1702 of this title may only be exercised to deal with an unusual and extraordinary threat with respect to which a national emergency has been declared for purposes of this chapter and may not be exercised for any other purpose. Any exercise of such authorities to deal with any new threat shall be based on a new declaration of national emergency which must be with respect to such threat.

( Pub. L. 95–223, title II, §202, Dec. 28, 1977, 91 Stat. 1626 .)

45a7fe No.1157940


May 12 deadline fast approaching. Mullahs out by 3.12 or JCPOA is dead.

e24ee6 No.1157941

File: b93288da20adcbc⋯.png (267.22 KB, 800x820, 40:41, youhavetogoback.png)


Re-check crumbs, weak bitch LOL


Plenty of Patriots around DC beltway, son.

f30edf No.1157942


Note: These charges are all civilian. These actors could easily be considered enemy combatants, which adds military tribunals and very possibly the death penalty to all of them.

cf1bda No.1157943


Yeah, him. High ranking in the food chain but obsolete. Cleaned up, Clinton-style.

10528b No.1157944

3b52f6 No.1157945

File: 892f8698b20def0⋯.jpg (96.67 KB, 640x384, 5:3, 911jews.jpg)


>I dont think

Yeah we know kike

6d8c71 No.1157946


Trump Curse Strikes Again!!!

fbe899 No.1157947

File: 97698b202f79d44⋯.png (580.83 KB, 1165x1143, 1165:1143, 3bb3e380417b3204e2545bbced….png)

File: ec68ebef53c9dea⋯.png (617.21 KB, 1069x1048, 1069:1048, 6cc6c080cfdcb05a4baa5806c2….png)

File: 51ff08c9a6b3d06⋯.png (512.86 KB, 1065x1049, 1065:1049, 071ff8327aa958ad414cc41f62….png)

File: 6711cf738f1759a⋯.png (582.38 KB, 1068x1049, 1068:1049, 517dadcd1bd5e2fdb4c04829cc….png)

Twatter Fodder (1 of 2)


These are great to go out on twatter in a 6-part series of tweets over a few hours.

#GreatAwakening #Qanon #WeThePeople #Corruption @POTUS

0615d6 No.1157948

>>1157518 (prev. board)

georgie porgie uses ngos, steyer funds events. probably the same method but I haven't searched it.

3915cb No.1157949


<didn't check it.

tsk tsk tsk.

never, ever hit "New Reply" before checking your posts…

no editing on here.

not much room for mistakes

e313b7 No.1157950

Slush fund source? Obamacare slush fund $986 billion stimulus x8 (his entire two terms with our lovely Congress passing the budget). No oversight or trail of where our money went.


Tools to try and find slush funds:

Defense.gov/news/contracts/ (DOD)


fbe899 No.1157951

File: e2cfcd6d84a5298⋯.png (454.34 KB, 1068x1044, 89:87, ad8e85c644577055f413529adf….png)

File: 8c4df7b6f5e744a⋯.png (644.7 KB, 1171x1152, 1171:1152, c8a9f9791118643f4f80fc5ac0….png)

File: d17f18b355c5f27⋯.jpg (248.7 KB, 1152x1144, 144:143, d17f18b355c5f272eb131bf69a….jpg)

Twatter Fodder (2 of 2)


These are great to go out on twatter in a 6-part series of tweets over a few hours.

#GreatAwakening #Qanon #WeThePeople #Corruption @POTUS

bdb401 No.1157952

File: b683b8cf8e77974⋯.jpg (4.64 KB, 276x183, 92:61, panic.jpg)


slide alert

citing meaningless code as MOAB

6d4cac No.1157953

In October 2017, The Wall Street Journal reported that Soros had transferred a staggering $18 billion to his Open Society Foundation, meaning the bulk of his lifelong fortune would be dedicated to promoting left-wing causes and organizations.

DCLeaks Revealations

In August of 2016, the DCLeaks network posted more than 2,500 hacked documents from the servers of his Open Society Foundations. Predictably, the spotlight was on Soros’s global network, but the shocker was the undue influence Soros exerts over every level of America’s domestic government. The hacked documents reveal initiatives to federalize local police forces, campaigns to rig elections of state attorneys general in favor of Democrats, and racial-based initiatives intended to tilt the 2020 U.S. Census so redistricting would guarantee Democrat control of Congress for at least a decade.

<http:// leftexposed.org/2017/01/george-soros/

0c1e6e No.1157954


Noted. Thank you anon.

a104bc No.1157955


Iran it is. I just hope our kids don't get stuck there and paying for it. go in overthrow it, bust up thwe nuke program, snag whatever gold and treasure there is. the GTFO

bdb401 No.1157956

File: 9e11a580d62608f⋯.jpg (9.79 KB, 300x168, 25:14, fakenews.jpg)

f59f55 No.1157957

File: 946f709ac483b11⋯.png (37.05 KB, 1018x236, 509:118, truepundit.com_.png)

https:// truepundit.com/rod-rosenstein-eying-exit-from-doj-mulling-job-offers-from-network-tv-news-and-law-firms/

0615d6 No.1157958


I am really bad at that. The latest mis-post I made, was not even when I finished typing so. bummer.

e24ee6 No.1157959



Interesting graphics. Will review, anon. Carry on!

Public MUST know.

7f8057 No.1157960


Good job baker .

338b50 No.1157961

>Welcome Mr. President.

>The U.S. will NOT agree to continue the Iran deal as it currently stands.

Welcome Mr. President MACRON (France).

They're discussing Iran on this visit. Methinks Mr. Macron will be feasting on red pills at Mt. Vernon tonight…. (unless he's already awake and playing his pro-Iran-deal EU part).

fbe899 No.1157962


uhhh… 7-parts…

950094 No.1157963


handoff confirmed

plz verify

f1bb1e No.1157964


Check the "about" section out… will not let me screenshoot it for security reasons.

Why Tock, LLC?

The name "Tock" comes from the name of a character in Norton Juster's 1961 book, "The Phantom Tollbooth". Tock is a watchdog. Tock, LLC is something of a watchdog, looking out for the needs of our tenants and our properties, so Adam thought the name just seemed to make sense.

Who is Adam?

Adam Goldman has been managing properties since 1994. A West Philadelphia native, Adam has lived in the area his whole life, other than living in Boston during college. He is a responsive landlord who works hard to keep his tenants as comfortable and happy as he can. "If my tenants have a problem, then I have a problem. I hate having problems."

25acab No.1157965

File: 7e784996f4498fa⋯.jpg (58.88 KB, 576x432, 4:3, epa.jpg)

a892bc No.1157966

File: d32849df0f4c6e2⋯.png (17.61 KB, 388x284, 97:71, 85asd3jfsksdfd4.png)

Captcha confirms MOAB dropping on HRC , SEL(L) HRC, not America

bdb401 No.1157967

File: 5add7810f387b61⋯.jpg (6.52 KB, 300x168, 25:14, popeinthepizza.jpg)


ill pray for your just fate later

c39bfe No.1157968



>Look at the pyramid. BIS isn't something with branches - the branches are underneath - FED, etc.

ed819d No.1157969

File: 4e907103f61a30e⋯.jpg (770.41 KB, 1080x2104, 135:263, 20180423_133208.jpg)

Thomas Yatsco - Assistant Inspector General Audit

look at his past notables…

https:// oig.usaid.gov/content/assistant-inspector-general-audit-0

f88041 No.1157970




So why the fuck are we paying taxes?! On products, income, and federal? Without representation?!


The only way you would if EVERYONE demands "reparations" in some way. This is why we need to fight for our rights and kill the cabal.


>Missile hit the pentagon

The area that hit housed a Quantum computer that was in the process of being used for a new financial system on the blockchain. Same with the Twin Towers…

3f9eb7 No.1157971


>>1157825 (last bread)

good job anon

343ef2 No.1157972


Macron free?

8b77d8 No.1157973

File: 8da6e29ff5c75dd⋯.png (499.89 KB, 553x510, 553:510, kag-hat-variant.png)

3348ec No.1157974

Holy See sets up Concordats with every nation.

These secret agreements lay out the terms of the relationship of their foundation with every country to include tax exemption, free from civil & criminal proceedings.

10e66a No.1157975


New Baker Confirmed

8ad948 No.1157976

End Julian Assange's isolation

65,879 have signed. Let’s get to 75,000!

https:// www.change.org/p/end-julian-assange-s-isolation

600fa0 No.1157977


Yesterday I got x beans lolll

e24ee6 No.1157978


Give that oedipus complex ridden french soyboy cuck a dose of reality.

b2083d No.1157979

File: 1bb62f0e62a99f3⋯.png (611.99 KB, 1188x736, 297:184, Screenshot-2018-4-23 The S….png)

File: 3422a1ce5b010c3⋯.png (49.82 KB, 530x428, 265:214, Screenshot-2018-4-23 Inves….png)

File: f5d1256281acce9⋯.png (46.49 KB, 1851x373, 1851:373, Screenshot-2018-4-23 Disse….png)


which one is it???

51cb1c No.1157980

Sometimes I think POTUS ought to pull a Michael Corleone and settle all (US) family business in one fell swoop.

aa84f3 No.1157981

File: c65d109ebddac85⋯.jpg (292.96 KB, 1556x1190, 778:595, 25-5.jpg)

File: 794e91f5727fcea⋯.jpg (76.69 KB, 750x460, 75:46, 270770_572.jpg)

File: ca466cf0e61a2fe⋯.jpg (139.34 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 615350_429824983733523_206….jpg)

File: a9034eaf2ac7b75⋯.jpg (206.24 KB, 800x1104, 50:69, Trump-Rides-the-Bomb--1319….jpg)

File: 117686d4dd134ba⋯.jpg (71.7 KB, 500x320, 25:16, camp-pendleton-fire-jrylan….jpg)

e24ee6 No.1157982


Already happening.

Combine with Godfather III.

3f9eb7 No.1157983

File: 9837f54fd496d08⋯.jpg (73.29 KB, 722x542, 361:271, dropmoab.jpg)

343ef2 No.1157984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pence Speech live (NASA)

8493c5 No.1157985


Thank you Q and Mr. President for asking the questions that get me thinking and connecting the dots. I've known for years that things weren't right and something fishy was going on, but even though my gut is fairly reliable, facts help confirm. Appreciate you all! Trusting and praying!

bdb401 No.1157986


what makes you think he wont?

f688c8 No.1157987


I have long wondered if ahmadinejad was telling the truth from the get go

3b52f6 No.1157988

File: 09fc80a069c22ac⋯.jpg (54.7 KB, 831x454, 831:454, Naamloos.jpg)


We are already hitting Irans nuclear stations

http:// ds.iris.edu/ds/nodes/dmc/tools/event/10763734

mb4.5 Southern Iran

2c2529 No.1157989

File: 570e8cf11f84ef5⋯.jpg (37.26 KB, 512x384, 4:3, o0vz5s.jpg)


he tweeted 4 times today retard

c39bfe No.1157990


Branches was a bad choice of term.

Why no footprint in USA?!! Make more sense?

45a7fe No.1157991


China deal, with McTraitor

5623cc No.1157992

File: 3f9cdf858be8a34⋯.png (1.22 MB, 841x690, 841:690, afganistan2.PNG)


>How does the C_A fund non sanctioned ops?

>Off the books?

Super Secret Sauce

Project Cassandra

https:// www.opslens.com/2017/12/20/obama-iran-project-cassandra/

626254 No.1157993


Please choose your words more carefully, because a cunt has a use.

857fc4 No.1157994



c19b69 No.1157995

File: 63e282e4df20321⋯.jpg (10.63 KB, 200x200, 1:1, alan-sabrosky-thumb.php_.jpg)


Why Admiral Mullen in the meme, shill?

cf1bda No.1157996

File: 97df0b05977684d⋯.jpg (464.17 KB, 1821x831, 607:277, 2FPLF.jpg)

Here's a new 2-reg plane that I've not spotted before. 2-FPLF, owned by Miralty Holdings, maybe some naval connections?

I'm going to see what I can dredge up on Miralty.

f30edf No.1157997


Again? Hm….

58e2b2 No.1157998

File: 50ba246c05ec082⋯.jpeg (563.42 KB, 750x974, 375:487, 56C1808A-E038-44F1-B831-E….jpeg)


Script from Simpson’s EPA

df33e6 No.1157999


Guggenheimie? I’m convinced

247003 No.1158000

War room tweet tip for MOAB

use TWEETDECK to be able to follow your fav #hash and RT it AF.

Same goes for RT in your fav followers.

works best on laptop or pc (phone fagging hurts your autism so limit it)

have a good practice round.. it makes ALL the difference. had close to a MILLION exposures with about 15 tweets and little effort, and RT other anons stuff AF.

==>just DOIT. perfect for coming MOAB(s)

Q: Request 4 GEOTUS: WWG1WGA as discount code for trump hotel in DC around 11/11?

338b50 No.1158001



Macron was promoting the old Iran deal prior to departing France on this trip. (Could be his real opinion, or could be acting.)

It will be interesting to see if he is still in that mindset after this trip to the US.

3b52f6 No.1158002

File: fa684c9146fc2ca⋯.jpg (49.79 KB, 316x221, 316:221, 911hchchchchchc.jpg)


Same tired memes faggot

2b9c9a No.1158003

Not to be a self concernedfag but having surgery soon pray for me anons and may the memes never end.

f30edf No.1158004

Pence is chairman of the new Space Council.

25acab No.1158005

File: f21f8736b36cc11⋯.jpg (54.8 KB, 576x432, 4:3, hilary.jpg)

337bd1 No.1158006



An unexpected explanation, but I like it…))

98599e No.1158007

File: 6cf14ee892a0af6⋯.png (330.34 KB, 622x862, 311:431, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84eef363e96d973⋯.png (415.79 KB, 622x779, 622:779, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// twitter.com/xolexieox/status/959231214401081344

The helicopter crash into the water. The deceased..

Kimberly Lynne Watzman is a GM at the Standard Hotel in West Hollywood which is in Adam Schiff’s 28th district, Brian R. Reichelt is the regional finance director for the Hotel’s parent company.

a892bc No.1158008

File: 572bd205f291d6a⋯.jpg (17.09 KB, 500x332, 125:83, 170501-trump-meet-kim-feat….jpg)


You can do it, anon, Godspeed!

f0058f No.1158009


Sel her down the river

e24ee6 No.1158010


As another Patriot said, Identify, Alert newfags, Ignore, Bury.

Easy. Stupid fuck using fake (((pope))) for its purpose lol (((GLOWING BRIGHT)))


dfb2f9 No.1158011


Always have room for Prayers for Anons.


b2083d No.1158012


yeah… and they blamin potus for it…

c39bfe No.1158013



Banks' outstanding claims on offshore banking centres surpassed their previous peak recorded in 2008 during the Great Financial Crisis (GFC). Outstanding cross-border claims on offshore centres totalled $4.6 trillion at end-2017, compared with $4.3 trillion at end-March 2008.

25d216 No.1158014

Do you believe?

The world is awakening.

https:// www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2018/04/armenia-prime-minister-serzh-sargsyan-resigns-protests-180423120123655.html?__twitter_impression=true



233b25 No.1158015

File: 1c27898ae5127e2⋯.png (462.61 KB, 1540x622, 770:311, ClipboardImage.png)

Why is there a Trudeau / Kennedy working PR for the Obama state dept?

Defending Clinton State Dept.

Truck just slammed in Canada. I think the meeting with France (strings of macron cut) triggered this counter-attack in Canada.

This all following Q-drop about Iran deal (250B!!!!)

343ef2 No.1158016


Very interesting..

The Mr. Trump coordinating the fight agaisnt the Deep State And Pence with the Space Force…

f88041 No.1158017


I've been telling y'all to make memes on not just ending the fed but GOLD BACKED CURRENCY which could be traced via a blockchain system. That's why EO 11110 was in play. JFK died for this. The ultimate blow to the cabal. Track their money to HIT (((their))) money. Come on people. Jesus fucking Christ! Let's go!

b2083d No.1158018

File: f1b3524f5262b87⋯.png (162.96 KB, 547x1067, 547:1067, Screenshot-2018-4-23 250 b….png)


iran deals have every number BUT 250B

24d6f6 No.1158019

File: 9d93c1eb745ad96⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1415x938, 1415:938, lp.png)


In the previous bread anon was talking about Paul Walker's mysterious death and his charitable work in Haiti.

It's also important to note that Chester Bennington and Linkin Park did charitable work for the Clinton Foundation in Haiti.

Chester died a mysterious death as well. It was rumored that he was interviewing and investigating sexually abused children and was going to break some major stories and possibly name some high-level names.

Did Chester and LP also find out about what was happening in Haiti?

https:// linkinpark.com/news/news/429213/lptv-haiti-srs-clinton-foundation

dc95e6 No.1158020


prayers sent WWG1WGA

51cb1c No.1158021


I think he will, just thinking out loud. But I'll know it when I see it actually happening, just like I saw it in Godfather 1.

ed819d No.1158022

2c2529 No.1158023


coincidences are for conspiracy theorists like CNN

e3a4e5 No.1158024



Start making arrests faggot

151a38 No.1158025



Ok here is what I think:


>Iran is next.


NK down, Iran up. New challenger approaches.

>CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2.



>Jan 1.

>Jun 1.

Iran deal money. Worst deal ever made. Why did Obama give Iran so much money for?

>No inspection @ GZ NR sites.

>No missile tech prevention.

>Load carrying.


>Think NK.

For missles. Nuclear ones. NK part 2, here we come. Have to defuse.

>Who controls the $?

>Who really controls the $?

>Why does the EU have a vested interest in this deal?

>Who receives the money?

>When the US sends billions in aid and/or climate and/or etc who or what entity audits / tracks to confirm intended recipient(s) rec?


Oil, Organs, War, Chaos, Blood, same story over and over. See below.

>How does GS fund WW counter-events?

>Who funds WW leftist events?

>American taxpayer (subsidize).

>Define nuclear stand-off.

>Who benefits?

GS uses american taxpayer dollars funneled out of the country through sneaky schemes in order to ruin the world and create chaos to the benefit of the families.

>How do you ‘squeeze’ funds out of the US?

>Threat to humanity?

>Environment push?

>Think Paris accord.

>Who audits / tracks the funneled money?

Global warming scam used to squeeze money from USA to fund the above

>Define kickback.

>Define slush fund.


>No oversight re: Hussein.


>How does the C_A fund non sanctioned ops?

>Off the books?

Everything done in a shady and corrupt manner in order to allow the money to be used for any purpose imaginable.

>Re_ read past drops.

>Will become relevant.

>Welcome Mr. President.

>The U.S. will NOT agree to continue the Iran deal as it currently stands.


Macron is the installed leader and mouthpiece of the families in the EU, will negotiate Iran deal with Trump

f30edf No.1158026


Another one bites the dust. Add this to the list!

Good stuff, Mr. Q!

c39bfe No.1158027


It's like a hidden door I can hear noise coming from but just can't zero in on….grrrrr

807852 No.1158028

File: 2de76b1f9755ecc⋯.png (149.63 KB, 612x590, 306:295, 6bgaun-d9yqbf0hrtxy.png)


i do , why i have been following since beggining .

3b52f6 No.1158029


No coincidences thanks for letting us know the bad guy got the boot

df33e6 No.1158030


True. I feel it in my bones

f88041 No.1158031


Gold backed currency, Q! End the fed! Stop these pointless taxes that keep us enslaved and pay for our own deaths. Please!!!

d35671 No.1158032

File: 1f21253eff9c773⋯.png (75.05 KB, 672x768, 7:8, 1f21253eff9c773caf96a6f9f1….png)

File: 1d3813d3374ab1d⋯.png (1.14 MB, 4351x2551, 4351:2551, asfa.png)

File: f99bd26a115d6f6⋯.png (457.73 KB, 821x595, 821:595, fa4554143f5adfd6688435b91e….png)

665b5e No.1158033

File: 11341a17143987a⋯.jpg (58.11 KB, 401x630, 401:630, FREE FLYNN.jpg)

ed819d No.1158034


Q - xx-xxxxx-x-39670

Another crumb?

a1775a No.1158035


Didn't we just finish talking about Armenia not too long ago?

b41a6c No.1158036


Can we trust Pence? a lot of chatter about him and Nikki Haley wanting to run in 2020

f0058f No.1158037


About time the world awakened; thank you, Q!

bdb401 No.1158038

File: 43eda3bfccee241⋯.jpg (10.55 KB, 259x194, 259:194, PEPE.jpg)

99adf6 No.1158039

File: 86190cc845f4552⋯.jpg (192.63 KB, 845x497, 845:497, meds.jpg)

https:// www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/04/23/author_rosemary_gibson_us_is_becoming_dependent_on_china_for_vital_medicine.html

b6edfc No.1158040

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 63:

Comfort and Assurance in God’s Presence

A Psalm of David, when he was in the Wilderness of Judah.

63 O God, thou art my God, I seek thee,

my soul thirsts for thee;

my flesh faints for thee,

as in a dry and weary land where no water is.

2 So I have looked upon thee in the sanctuary,

beholding thy power and glory.

3 Because thy steadfast love is better than life,

my lips will praise thee.

4 So I will bless thee as long as I live;

I will lift up my hands and call on thy name.

5 My soul is feasted as with marrow and fat,

and my mouth praises thee with joyful lips,

6 when I think of thee upon my bed,

and meditate on thee in the watches of the night;

7 for thou hast been my help,

and in the shadow of thy wings I sing for joy.

8 My soul clings to thee;

thy right hand upholds me.

9 But those who seek to destroy my life

shall go down into the depths of the earth;

10 they shall be given over to the power of the sword,

they shall be prey for jackals.

11 But the king shall rejoice in God;

all who swear by him shall glory;

for the mouths of liars will be stopped.

337bd1 No.1158041


Excellent news, Q-Team.

9/11 related 1st drop?

233b25 No.1158042

b21550 No.1158043

File: af27d0b6f6f20f3⋯.png (107.11 KB, 740x229, 740:229, Regime Change in Armenia? ….png)

6a45c3 No.1158044

File: ebbb1a41e7cd30b⋯.png (705.47 KB, 1272x963, 424:321, Pepe Zuma.png)

668ba2 No.1158045


We can literally feel the positive energy now.

1ab95d No.1158046


No way in hell that's a coincidence.

Good stuff.

Iran is next - were the protests we'd seen a month or so ago a primer for events to come?

d9f671 No.1158047


WW birth pangs!

e3a4e5 No.1158048


Indict someone

I'm tired if watching pedophile satanists run free

6c7ef0 No.1158049


Adam Schiff is a handler for the people that visit this hotel, probably.

51cb1c No.1158050


I believe. Help my unbelief.

571b4f No.1158051


Q - Does "As The World Turns" have to do with threats at the time?

Dates Q posted "As the World Turns"











04b820 No.1158052

File: a536613bf1b3df3⋯.jpg (156.43 KB, 744x657, 248:219, armenia.jpg)


lots of clowns in Armenia

343ef2 No.1158053


Who is the next in Armenia?, Black/Gray Hat?

9d379f No.1158054


What a time to be alive.

c0e2a3 No.1158055


Yep As more become awake more will red pill others to the point it becomes WW

d88095 No.1158056


link to the 911 Classified section Appendix 2.2?

fb94f3 No.1158057

File: 8ddd455e8650af6⋯.png (91.19 KB, 1285x564, 1285:564, Pruitt.png)

ac5196 No.1158058

File: 3d16aee790a49b2⋯.jpg (338.64 KB, 1246x898, 623:449, RR.jpg)

RR 1 year anniversary approaching Wed.


f0058f No.1158059


Myself included; or at least since the first week of November

bdb401 No.1158060


it will be EPIC

dfb2f9 No.1158061


I believe…look at all the Pepe midwives on deck.

be5a9a No.1158062

File: 1bbedafc8286a05⋯.png (437.98 KB, 551x682, 551:682, HRC4Gitmo.png)


I believe, Q!

488a62 No.1158063


I'll be damned, I actually beat Q to the punch on something.

I posted about that earlier.

992e11 No.1158064


We believe, are excited and are extremely grateful!

Get 'em Q!

d35671 No.1158065


hopefully someone who wants to finally get the clowns out of there

1d1037 No.1158066

Al Jazeera's Robin Forestier-Walker, reporting from Yerevan, said Sargsyan's resignation was "astonishing".

"Thousands of people are on the streets, cheering and hugging each other, jumping up and down and honking their horns … things happened so quickly, I don't think the crowd was expecting this but it is exactly what they wanted," Forestier-Walker said.

"We saw soldiers take to the streets, we saw priests, children and their parents, young and old coming out to show Armenia was really united in wanting these changes."

"This is an indication of how much people in Armenia have realised that they had the power to affect change in a system that was widely regarded as corrupt."

25d216 No.1158067


Why was Armenia mentioned recently?

Clowns losing control.


52bbce No.1158068


That had all the halmarks of leftist NGOs fomenting a color revolution. Just like Ukraine.

b21550 No.1158069


Unsure.. either the protests are Soros backed or white hat backed..

Unsure, looking for Q to enlighten..

Or wait until future proves past..

b6edfc No.1158070


Prayers on the way!

God Bless!

e24ee6 No.1158071


hmmmm so armenia operation was white hat?

Were clowns based out of armenia getting desperate? LOL

NO COINCIDENCES. 4 actors? white hat comm?

(((shills))) are STUPID.

f59f55 No.1158072

File: eb70a111df7e88b⋯.png (21.61 KB, 768x151, 768:151, newsbusters.org_blogs_.png)

Chozick is indignant about the prejudice swirling around Clinton’s candidacy and fantasizes about defending her. “Bernie’s supporters, Republicans, and garden-variety Hillary haters always told me it wasn’t about gender,” she writes. “They’d vote for a woman, just not THAT woman. . . . I wanted to scream at every critic that thirty years of sexist attacks had turned her into that woman. That sooner or later, the higher we climb, the harder we work, we all become that woman.”

Someone needs to tell the Chozicks that not every woman spent her days as a governor's wife coming up with corrupt little schemes of self-enrichment, from Whitewater to the quick $100,000 gain on the cattle-futures market. But more importantly, not every woman tolerates serial infidelity so she can run for president one day.

https:// www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/tim-graham/2018/04/22/ny-times-reporter-cries-sexism-i-wanted-scream-every-critic-hillarys

f800d4 No.1158073



What's with Armenia? I never trusted the place or the people, especially after Anita Sarkeesian's rise.

088c94 No.1158074


Armenia - future proves past!

1b2373 No.1158075


Celebrations in the streets.

7872b8 No.1158076


Can't help but believe. The energy is contagious

b21550 No.1158077


Ok, that answers it.. >>1158069


2c2529 No.1158078


down she goes

c39bfe No.1158079


One can sense Iran around the corner.

Odd is the news coming out.

Gives a tickle as to what is really going on inside it's borders

1d1037 No.1158080


"This is an indication of how much people in Armenia have realised that they had the power to affect change in a system that was widely regarded as corrupt."

df33e6 No.1158082


Was it before he posted the Armenian shills were here? I doubt it.

5e82e7 No.1158083


Please God, let it be so.

e3a4e5 No.1158084


Indict someone I'm sick of watching pedophile satanists run free

337bd1 No.1158085


Spooks on Board.

4e0ade No.1158086


Lots and lots of GOOG, fren.

247003 No.1158087

File: dca83ddd831b07b⋯.jpg (37.68 KB, 650x400, 13:8, herding cats.jpg)




b0a966 No.1158088


Thank God.

What a show!

600fa0 No.1158089


Talking yes finished no :)

f688c8 No.1158090


Starting to think this is what the US needs. Maybe we should assemble like these folks and force these fuckers out in to the open

2099d9 No.1158091

File: b5934ac0f7853fc⋯.jpg (62.82 KB, 715x351, 55:27, Holy Crap.JPG)






Holy Crap. He was trying to take over the entire country and become it's permanent ruler.

http:// www.dw.com/en/armenia-tens-of-thousands-call-for-pm-serzh-sargsyan-to-step-down-after-power-grab/a-43479239

https:// hetq.am/eng/news/87505/open-letter-to-serzh-sargsyan.html

807852 No.1158092

File: 40358c80b1eaebc⋯.jpg (165.06 KB, 782x556, 391:278, 33a53259a62d1f9b838ebb44ce….jpg)


Clown train . buh bye .

9a5761 No.1158093


Are you loosening up your identity? It appears so because your recent posts have included some somewhat identifiable links….

49e700 No.1158094


If it was real, it would be in the notables.

It's been floated around here several times and discounted.

8c961d No.1158095


"This is an indication of how much people in Armenia have realized that they had the power to affect change in a system that was widely regarded as corrupt."

806653 No.1158096

File: 54c0d1fc51a8048⋯.jpg (225.88 KB, 781x459, 781:459, Screen Shot 04-23-18 at 02….JPG)

25acab No.1158097


Funny Iran is having the same problem with Govt vs. The Masses…. Sounds like we've got them by the balls

725cdb No.1158098


Awakening to what? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. If the Fed isn't being dismantled then (((they))) are still in charge.

f800d4 No.1158099

Anons, what is best place to ask Q a question that is not related to current events? It's something more personal and wanting to help.

b625a2 No.1158100


2735d2 No.1158101

File: 13b11de7c70ea8f⋯.jpg (79.73 KB, 640x640, 1:1, strongest weapon.jpg)


I believe!

We are awakening, more and more friends and family are following!!

Keep it up, we are winning!!!

God Speed, we are praying

No coincidince

2735d2 No.1158102

File: 13b11de7c70ea8f⋯.jpg (79.73 KB, 640x640, 1:1, strongest weapon.jpg)


I believe!

We are awakening, more and more friends and family are following!!

Keep it up, we are winning!!!

God Speed, we are praying

No coincidince

f0058f No.1158103

6a45c3 No.1158104


df33e6 No.1158105


Exit left

c0e2a3 No.1158106


Walls are closing in on the clowns

d9f671 No.1158107


It freaks me out, but I think these are all the assassination attempts.

79e734 No.1158108

File: 1d5b7fd9515404e⋯.jpg (35.79 KB, 600x314, 300:157, NIdfoOWE.jpg)

Isaac Green


54s55 seconds ago


FBI clears Michael Flynn in probe linking him to Russia

a892bc No.1158109

File: 2d1d20a74f1ab9e⋯.png (265.15 KB, 458x866, 229:433, 33ed.png)

File: f23481732d71cf3⋯.png (210.6 KB, 1168x804, 292:201, 112.png)

File: bbc1b4141d5052c⋯.png (334.87 KB, 620x340, 31:17, bbc1b4141d5052c721a950e28b….png)


When will Romania be free of Soros' chains? Everything from public administration, to District attorneys, to universities are full of Soros and CLOWN assets, brainwashing our young and stealing our old.

The WW Freedom can't come fast enough, Q

Bless POTUS and Q Team!

338b50 No.1158110

Here's the sauce on Macron's incoming point-of-view (prior to visiting President Trump on this trip).

It will be interesting to see if this changes in the next couple of days.

"The 40-year-old Macron said Sunday that he has a “very special relationship” with Trump, suggesting they’re political “mavericks” mutually committed to fighting terrorism and reducing the influence of rogue nations and dictators.

"However, he suggested that Trump stay in the so-called Iran Nuclear Deal, in which economic sanctions are lifted on Iran in exchange for leaders winding down their nuclear program, ahead of a May 12 sanctions deadline."

http:// www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/04/22/frances-macron-speaks-to-very-special-relationship-with-trump.html

a85aeb No.1158111


merkel cabal has to go down aswell

we are suffering here in Germany

god bless

f1efaf No.1158112


Wait until America wakes up. There will be blood.

e24ee6 No.1158113


restructured, taken out of (((their))) hands. We are leaving them with nothing.

f30edf No.1158114


>Walls are closing in on the clowns

…and there are no exit doors.

f0058f No.1158115


Hallelujah, praise God!

004987 No.1158116

https:// globalnews.ca/news/4161785/pedestrians-hit-white-van-toronto/

a1775a No.1158117


Please See



>There HAVE been arrests dipshit.

>But here we are STILL dealing with the nonsense.


>Q team is doing things differently.

571b4f No.1158118


Q - Can't the Clown Department be slashed down to the

bare minimum of staff in the meantime? Disable their Department.

04b820 No.1158119

File: 1b5152770811d3c⋯.jpg (238.11 KB, 433x951, 433:951, armenia_trafficking.jpg)


human trafficking

135a8f No.1158120


I believe God bless you and the President, and the USA

0c1e6e No.1158122


Noted anon and thank you, though I would never refer to the lady-flower as that.

b1143f No.1158123


I have seen quite a few of these images from www.maga1776.com. I think they are great/super/awesome but their is no website for that domain. Can someone tell me how I can get access to more of these infographics. Either way, TY to whoever is making them.

9d2374 No.1158124


clown location - cyber

cf1bda No.1158125

Well, look what we have here.


Miralty Holdings.

http:// www.datalog.co.uk/browse/detail.php/CompanyNumber/08454018/CompanyName/MIRALTY+INVESTMENTS+LTD

http:// www.datalog.co.uk/browse/detail.php/CompanyNumber/08454018/CompanyName/MIRALTY+INVESTMENTS+LTD#directors


46 - Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles

469 - Non-specialised wholesale trade

46900 - Non-specialised wholesale trade

Diana Agathokleous Director CORPORATE ADMINISTRATOR 2013-03-20 CYPRUS

Diana Agathokleous MELTON ALLIANCE LTD Director 2016-01-18 CURRENT 2016-01-18 Active

Diana Agathokleous NORDIC INVEST LTD Director 2015-10-09 CURRENT 2015-10-09 Active

Diana Agathokleous PROFITCOM LIMITED Director 2015-10-09 CURRENT 2015-10-09 Active

Diana Agathokleous DORNECO COMMERCE LTD Director 2015-09-28 CURRENT 2015-09-28 Active

Diana Agathokleous DELGADO FINANCIAL LTD Director 2015-08-27 CURRENT 2010-08-27 Active

Diana Agathokleous MIDWEST TRADE LTD Director 2015-01-03 CURRENT 2014-01-03 Active

Diana Agathokleous BERLONA BUSINESS LTD Director 2013-07-23 CURRENT 2013-07-23 Active

Diana Agathokleous ATLANTICUS PARTNERS LTD Director 2013-03-20 CURRENT 2013-03-20 Active

Diana Agathokleous BERLONA CONSULT LTD Director 2013-03-07 CURRENT 2013-03-07 Active

Diana Agathokleous NEXXUS CONSULT LTD Director 2013-01-04 CURRENT 2013-01-04 Dissolved 2014-08-19

Diana Agathokleous DARRICK ALLIANCE LTD Director 2012-03-05 CURRENT 2012-03-05 Active

Diana Agathokleous CENTRIX ALLIANCE LTD Director 2012-01-05 CURRENT 2012-01-05 Active

Diana Agathokleous INTERNATIONAL SPACE SERVICES LTD Director 2011-06-22 CURRENT 2011-06-22 Active

More to follow

e6c97a No.1158126

File: 5e02e7f106792fe⋯.png (507.05 KB, 1518x1002, 253:167, ClipboardImage.png)

dd872f No.1158127

File: 3216276aabab496⋯.png (98.11 KB, 668x389, 668:389, SAdams re Kanye Posters.PNG)

File: 9835cdc2f51a426⋯.png (205.4 KB, 424x439, 424:439, GPundit re Kanye Posters.PNG)

“Keep America Great” KANYE WEST 2024 POSTERS Hit Streets of LA, Chicago and New York City


d9a17c No.1158128


when will it be realized that security is an illusion? Find faith in something, anon

337bd1 No.1158129


Wow, great timing if true!

ab0c79 No.1158130


Didn't Pompeo already do that?

a10bce No.1158131


Oh, if only Merkel would finally resign too.

be5a9a No.1158132

File: d27465fbba0b27b⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 5760x3840, 3:2, Astana.jpg)


What are the clowns up to in Kazakhstan, Q?

ad1c56 No.1158133

File: 7197ae2eebe7aa5⋯.jpg (150.84 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bugs-bunny-cartoon-smoking….jpg)


Ehh Could Be!

Keep rifling anon!!!


f30edf No.1158134


Ah…..isn't Armenia one of the hotspots for human trafficking in the world?

343ef2 No.1158135


This is World American..

49e700 No.1158136


Dubs checked!

0c1e6e No.1158137


God bless anon.

4cfad3 No.1158138

File: 2b4d225391671e1⋯.jpg (522.5 KB, 1024x600, 128:75, TheOnlyOne.jpg)

c08ed9 No.1158139

File: b55f7cd0ea3708f⋯.jpg (47.24 KB, 460x361, 460:361, armenia.jpg)

df33e6 No.1158140


A letter to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

f88041 No.1158141


America will never be great as long we we're funding our own slavery. Give us our money back, Q!

3b52f6 No.1158142


Building the Luciferian capital

f30edf No.1158143


^^ THIS! Remember Q pointing out the 4 clowns present located in Armenia!

bdb401 No.1158144


bullshit post

nothing here

b21550 No.1158145

File: af27d0b6f6f20f3⋯.png (107.11 KB, 740x229, 740:229, Regime Change in Armenia? ….png)


Q, white hat backed/organized or black hat backed/organized or organic?

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-23/western-backed-regime-change-looms-armenia-pm-resigns-following-mass-protests

247003 No.1158146


how about that discount? Wanna fly over from FAR away


1b2373 No.1158147


Clowns lost Armenia

f1efaf No.1158148


Yes, but without evidence, there will not be any trial for them. They will go back to their old ways in 3 years or less. An air tight case needs to be built to get them out forever.

992e11 No.1158149


Probably. Where there are clowns, there are missing kids.

4f80b6 No.1158150


Armenian news are just a minor footnote in German MSM… no talking points? No one to tell you what to write or to think?

6f2474 No.1158151


https:// en.mehrnews.com/news/130669/Armenian-MP-says-Soros-behind-unrest-in-Armenia

2735d2 No.1158152


WW World Wide awakening!

83aea1 No.1158153


I'll believe when Hussein and the Clintons are convicted

6a45c3 No.1158154



233b25 No.1158155

File: 2dd9491bc5fb6b2⋯.png (234.5 KB, 757x753, 757:753, ClipboardImage.png)

2f7069 No.1158156


Daniel Plainview

cf1bda No.1158157

Miralty Holdings, part 2

Related Directorships for W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd

Officer Related Company Role Date Appointed Role Status Incorporation date Company Status

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd NEWBRIDGE TRADING LTD Company Secretary 2017-01-11 CURRENT 2011-01-11 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd MELTON ALLIANCE LTD Company Secretary 2016-01-18 CURRENT 2016-01-18 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd NORDIC INVEST LTD Company Secretary 2015-10-09 CURRENT 2015-10-09 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd PROFITCOM LIMITED Company Secretary 2015-10-09 CURRENT 2015-10-09 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd DORNECO COMMERCE LTD Company Secretary 2015-09-28 CURRENT 2015-09-28 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd MIDWEST TRADE LTD Company Secretary 2015-01-03 CURRENT 2014-01-03 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd ARONEX COMMERCE LTD Company Secretary 2014-05-16 CURRENT 2014-05-16 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd KONDARIS LIMITED Company Secretary 2013-09-09 CURRENT 2013-09-09 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd BERLONA BUSINESS LTD Company Secretary 2013-07-23 CURRENT 2013-07-23 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd DEVIGI GLOBAL LTD Company Secretary 2013-04-16 CURRENT 2013-04-16 Dissolved 2015-12-15

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd ATLANTICUS PARTNERS LTD Company Secretary 2013-03-20 CURRENT 2013-03-20 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd BERLONA CONSULT LTD Company Secretary 2013-03-07 CURRENT 2013-03-07 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd DARRICK ALLIANCE LTD Company Secretary 2012-03-05 CURRENT 2012-03-05 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd FLAVIA TRADING LTD Company Secretary 2012-01-05 CURRENT 2012-01-05 Dissolved 2016-02-02

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd CENTRIX ALLIANCE LTD Company Secretary 2012-01-05 CURRENT 2012-01-05 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd INTERNATIONAL SPACE SERVICES LTD Company Secretary 2011-06-22 CURRENT 2011-06-22 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd CORONA COLLECTOR LTD Company Secretary 2011-06-08 CURRENT 2011-06-08 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd ONLINE MARKET RESEARCH TECHNOLOGIES LTD Company Secretary 2011-05-14 CURRENT 2009-05-15 Dissolved 2016-10-04

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd CORRIGAN COMMERCE LTD Company Secretary 2011-05-06 CURRENT 2011-05-06 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd SADLER ALLIANCE LTD Company Secretary 2011-05-06 CURRENT 2011-05-06 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd TRITEX ALLIANCE LTD Company Secretary 2011-05-03 CURRENT 2011-05-03 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd XONIX TRADING LTD Company Secretary 2011-05-03 CURRENT 2011-05-03 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd ABACO GLOBAL LTD Company Secretary 2011-04-28 CURRENT 2011-04-28 Dissolved 2017-08-08

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd NEODICA LTD Company Secretary 2011-03-28 CURRENT 2011-03-28 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd TRODOS LIMITED Company Secretary 2011-03-28 CURRENT 2011-03-28 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd ROMFORD COMMERCE LTD Company Secretary 2011-02-21 CURRENT 2011-02-21 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd BEXLEY PARTNERS LTD Company Secretary 2011-02-21 CURRENT 2011-02-21 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd N.D.I.G. LIMITED Company Secretary 2010-10-19 CURRENT 2010-01-13 Dissolved 2016-12-06

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd ARISTO INTERNATIONAL LTD Company Secretary 2010-09-24 CURRENT 2008-10-03 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd EURO FOOD CONDUCTOR LTD Company Secretary 2010-09-20 CURRENT 2008-10-03 Dissolved 2017-02-04

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd DELGADO FINANCIAL LTD Company Secretary 2010-08-27 CURRENT 2010-08-27 Active

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd INTERWARE LTD Company Secretary 2010-06-17 CURRENT 2007-09-12 Dissolved 2015-07-21

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd BIZ DIGITAL LTD Company Secretary 2010-06-17 CURRENT 2007-09-12 Dissolved 2017-01-17

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd SC INNOVATIONS LTD Company Secretary 2010-03-10 CURRENT 2010-03-10 Dissolved 2017-02-14

W.i.s. Secretary Services Ltd BRUNIS LIMITED Company Secretary 2010-03-10 CURRENT 2010-03-10 Active

600fa0 No.1158158


Ppl like you that comment like you know more then q or POTUS need to just hush lurk learn or go …ppl who think they know everything cannot learn anything …

f800d4 No.1158159


I wish. Also, I'm in Canada.

04b820 No.1158160


i'd say it 'was' …

c08ed9 No.1158161

Q ~

wondering when next Q & A will be?

missed last one

f30edf No.1158162


Iran is next. (But that's also a marker, so we're not really sure WTF is going on.)

bdb401 No.1158163


more bullshit

copy paster waster

0a3ab1 No.1158164




Confirm assassination attempt?

ba39d1 No.1158165

I just can't believe there are no people in the media who have the integrity to report honestly. They would rather keep this sham going when it is obvious that the corruption has almost destroyed any freedom we have. Same with those in the CIA and other government agencies. Turn on your masters and help us get our country back.

f0058f No.1158166


I'm glad to have this side by side pose of FLOTUS 44 and 45; need a meme indicating Melania as "woman" and Mike as "not a woman"

b21550 No.1158167


Any connection between Armenia and Iran??

f30edf No.1158168


>Where there are clowns, there are missing kids.

Sadly, yes.

2c2529 No.1158169

File: b9c8ff9dd0ef82b⋯.jpg (24.62 KB, 253x255, 253:255, 20feccd7fcfd3fd91924005ffb….jpg)





3bf579 No.1158170

File: 34fe3201262582d⋯.png (103.7 KB, 1481x831, 1481:831, 1111112345.PNG)

File: 0313c79a92d8a37⋯.png (83.88 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, stayontarget_newthumb.png)

Sec 11A P 2.2

http:// uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=11A+P+2.2&f=treesort&fq=true&num=0&hl=true&edition=prelim&granuleId=USC-prelim-title50-section1701

stay on target

600fa0 No.1158171


Prayers for Canada

efe28f No.1158172

>>1157891 This is a 96 page fucking MOAB guys. Pay fucking attention!!!!!

http:// uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=11A+P+2.2&f=treesort&fq=true&num=0&hl=true&edition=prelim&granuleId=USC-prelim-title50-section1701

a785ae No.1158173


TONS of clowns in Lancaster PA… please keep your eyes on them

fb4eb4 No.1158174


Yes. I know it all to be true. Ridiculed, laughed at, conspiracy push again yest. Either asleep or corrupt. Officially, alone, with the truth while they all further throw stones. I pray for all fighting this battle, protection for POTUS/Q & all protectors. I pray for FREEDOM.

343ef2 No.1158176


Protest. Destroy the Cameras and uses molotov.

Also paint to blind the police/military and Anti-riot

a57995 No.1158177


That will likely be one of the last things to happen. Have to destroy this thing from the ground up, not the top down. Have to disable their ability to do harm first.

9d379f No.1158178


They would lose their gravy train.

The love of money…

10528b No.1158179


>Clowns losing control.


God bless you, Q/POTUS!!!!!!!!!

5685e2 No.1158180


Armenia was the origination of BOT swarms or the DDOS attacks against 8ch, for what I remember.

bdb401 No.1158181


"Clowns losing Control"

Yes Yes Yes

Now that's what we like to hear!

e313b7 No.1158182


They are self-funding with all their criminal activities- shutting down the legit side won't do much except stop the good ones from going after the rogue ones.

df33e6 No.1158183


No problem bro. We’ll be there soon

7f8057 No.1158184



Cut those Strings .

Uk soon ?

6d8c71 No.1158185


The missile that hit the Pentagon also took out the records and the investigators of the "Missing 2.3 Trillion dollars" that Rumsfeld announced on 9/10

600fa0 No.1158186


Looking ! I’m thinking there must be but thought I was alone in my thought

5e82e7 No.1158187


Give us some context, anon. Looks like it could be interesting but can't relate to anything.

bdb401 No.1158188


>I just can't believe there are no people in the media who have the integrity to report honestly

think honeypot, extortion bribery job security

those are the reasons

cf1bda No.1158189



Bit too quick on the trigger there, Anon. This is related to the 2-reg plane I posted earlier. Have I touched a nerve?

5ac25a No.1158190

File: c773f2384dd6d19⋯.jpg (68.75 KB, 700x352, 175:88, UK 250B.jpg)


b21550 No.1158191

File: 96c126af543f314⋯.png (52.93 KB, 1255x304, 1255:304, Armenia.png)

Found some connections between Iran and Armenia

http:// thehill.com/opinion/international/380747-possible-sanctions-for-the-russia-armenia-iran-axis

69abe6 No.1158192

Ye Nas



We lit

Y'all asked for a champion

God son









0c1e6e No.1158193


Roseanne and Kim K's husband are each a bridge to awaken people.

Many such cases!

daeb0d No.1158194

( •ω• )σ ( . Y . )

b1143f No.1158195


That is why there were so many Armenians lurking here?

b21550 No.1158196


Found one.. >>1158191

d35671 No.1158197


can you repost with sauce???

would be a notable if you can

ad1c56 No.1158198


Russian Armenians Cool!!!

Persian Armenians FUCKED!!!

b2083d No.1158199


whoop.. there it is

ae0c33 No.1158200

File: 0598ccb6f9e4c85⋯.jpg (12.3 KB, 255x165, 17:11, ae932a922a12ece90629d018b8….jpg)


Wow - how long has this nation of people been secretly been getting raped over and over by their own appointed leaders

How much longer will the State Troopers be the chauffeurs of choice for the senators whores and their secret 10 year old sex slaves?

How much longer until the people discover what has been happening and take the power back into their own hands?

These rats found out, and the people will drag them from their armored redoubts and hang them high in a court square for the birds to feast upon.

We either bring judgement by our hand

Or the Great Judge will fall upon us all, and none will stand in that day.

God Help Us All.

806653 No.1158201


As a signal to Clowns Q is on to them?

98599e No.1158202


Hello plane fag .. 2 reg? Bas.gg?

0c1e6e No.1158203


meganon lives?

afaaad No.1158204

File: 568e9b7e951c2b0⋯.jpg (406.11 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, whatdowehavehere.JPG)


http:// uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=11A+P+2.2&f=treesort&fq=true&num=0&hl=true&edition=prelim&granuleId=USC-prelim-title50-section1701

548b1e No.1158205

File: dbb61ac943d0d87⋯.png (400.23 KB, 619x463, 619:463, ClipboardImage.png)


Anthony Bourdain


https:// www.thedailybeast.com/anthony-bourdains-journey-deep-into-the-heart-of-trump-country-i-was-utterly-disarmed?ref=yfp

343ef2 No.1158206


Putin must do something with Kazakhstan soon..

8be371 No.1158207


http:// thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/foreign-policy/276961-christian-armenia-and-islamic-iran-an-unusual-partnership-explained

3774a8 No.1158208


Q Why can't we do something about the rogue clowns? Isn't someone in charge!

f688c8 No.1158209


Ye[p there are, the ATF is saying there was an inventory error and that they are not missing half of the explosives. Well if that is the case then they should be able to produce the variance request submitted by the pipeline operator or the fine the ATF issued them for such a big fucking error.

8c961d No.1158210


Iran has a natural gas pipeline to Armenia that cuts into Russia's offerings….

5623cc No.1158211


I was gong to say, was he one 4 IPs from the other day?

bdb401 No.1158212


no sauce

list means nothing

d88095 No.1158213

File: 325f9c0b90b8740⋯.png (1.27 MB, 798x558, 133:93, Capture.PNG)


There has been earthquake after earthquake around there. dutchsinse starts talking about Calif at 8:00 This gu knows his stuff.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=m90hh8goZ5c

233b25 No.1158214


much love chessfag


ba39d1 No.1158215


Agreed. But too damn bad. Now we must make them give up the gravy train.

0c1e6e No.1158216


911 bonds.

Look up the number with that.

e6fb8a No.1158217

File: 599ea5c0c1d135b⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1437x577, 1437:577, MAGA:TED:LIEU:INAPPROPRIAT….png)

File: cdd8cdb3965d0cc⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1438x680, 719:340, MAGA:TED:LIEU:INAPPROPRIAT….png)

247003 No.1158218


macron is a disgusting scum bag. seen his mum, i mean his witch wife??

f1efaf No.1158219

File: 516c70ba02a08cb⋯.jpg (34.51 KB, 586x307, 586:307, f6ae5c8995a0650faf2526597c….jpg)


They literally will not be able to walk outside. Heck, their homes will be in trouble. Just look at how blood thirsty people get over minimal things compared to what has been uncovered since October.

dd872f No.1158220

File: 1eb81e173063358⋯.png (37.03 KB, 661x352, 661:352, SAdams re Fake News y Kany….PNG)




f88041 No.1158221


America will never be great as long we we're funding our own slavery. Give us our money back, Q!


Come on, anon. Focus on OUR own nation first. We're in bondage FFS.

9d379f No.1158222


I knew one of the people that died that day. This really angers me.

5ac25a No.1158223

File: c773f2384dd6d19⋯.jpg (68.75 KB, 700x352, 175:88, UK 250B.jpg)


https:/ /www.haaretz.____com/u-k-bank-accused-in-iran-scheme-1.5278511

27c7b6 No.1158224


So Sargsyan was a clown?

And how about Iran? Also Clown country?

807852 No.1158225

File: 31d486e49caaaf4⋯.png (18.68 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 6ffe77-bezldwhcwu1z.png)


UK turning out to be a real shithoile …

" not the patriot citizens"

bdd2a4 No.1158226

File: c860390c8361a8a⋯.jpg (581.27 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Exec_orders_wendy.jpg)

3ce588 No.1158227


Q, if we get over the current crises successfully, we want to avoid a repeat of the same problems down the road. The key is the destruction of the MSM in its current globalist brainwashing format. It is essential that real media and real journalism RECOVER during Trump's two terms. Please increase efforts to introduce real media and real journalism to the sleeping masses. It will take time, and it will be a gradual process. IMHO the President can facilitate by engaging with real media and real journalists, which will force the MSM to cover the material and thereby identify these alternative platforms to the public. They should be present in the daily press briefings and heard from. And we must begin now. If we can reach a state of 8-chan-like crowd sourced news and citizen journalism taking its position alongside a reformed and refurbished MSM, we will have a real chance of avoiding a rinse and repeat of similar existential threats down the road. We can't afford to make this mistake again. Godspeed.

10528b No.1158228

File: 51623259ed5f343⋯.png (34.45 KB, 581x307, 581:307, ClipboardImage.png)



"Thousands of people are on the streets, cheering and hugging each other, jumping up and down and honking their horns … things happened so quickly…"

AMAZING, Q!!!!!!!

f88041 No.1158229


Can we DDOS their site or hire deep web hackers? Just saying…

c39bfe No.1158230

File: 3f80c9f4e226502⋯.jpg (388.29 KB, 1227x1925, 1227:1925, img057.jpg)

File: 05c2ebdbe2d9d6a⋯.jpg (63.55 KB, 533x400, 533:400, 8.jpg)


Don't care if I am Doxing myself.

May be busted up now but, I'm all in…

When and where….WWG1WGA

bdd2a4 No.1158231

File: 25653e4be5e60fe⋯.jpg (696.44 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 5_eyes.jpg)

488a62 No.1158232


Ants nest. Who really knows what every single ant is doing at any one time?

600fa0 No.1158233


Wtg ! Thks for share

2099d9 No.1158234


http:// www.cbc.ca/news/world/u-k-bank-accused-of-laundering-250b-for-iran-1.1281940

a785ae No.1158235


Im 20 minutes from there. Clowns alllll over this city.

d7cc59 No.1158236


US (Obummer) paid Iran money "in exchange" for hostages (extortion). Money went into the proliferation of ICBM tech and hardware that eventually got shipped to NK to produce nuke threat to squeeze money out of the US on a "humanitarian" front (for their people). In other words, NK was hostage to Iran and the political stage to act as a bad actor towards the US; just to feed their people. I'm presuming this problem is now fixed.

EU was skimming money to go to GS in his NPO ventures to propagandize WW protests; specifically focused on the destabilization of US morale.

On another front, Gore and his affiliates use the green strategy and the EPA to "tax" countries by measure of carbon footprint. He gets rich as a mother fucker. EPA becomes a laundering scheme to funnel even more money into Clown operations to cause further destabilization in ME; perpetuating the cycle.

Seems logical/probable.

a49189 No.1158237

Jens Weidmann: He knows where the money goes.

BIS Board of Directors elects Jens Weidmann Chairman

On 6 September 2015 the Board of Directors of the Basel-based Bank for International Settlements (BIS) elected Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann as its new Chairman. His three-year term of office will begin on 1 November. President Weidmann is the first German citizen to serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the BIS, which was founded in 1930.

The BIS, also known as "the central bank’s central bank", is the world’s oldest international financial institution. The Bundesbank is one of currently 60 member institutions. [He is president of the Deutsche Bundesbank.]

The Board of Directors determines the strategic and policy direction of the BIS. It also supervises BIS management. It meets at least six times a year. Its composition includes six ex officio members – the central bank governors of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Each of these members may appoint another member of the same nationality to the Board. Pursuant to the BIS statues, up to nine governors of other member central banks may be elected to the Board of Directors.

https:// www.bundesbank.de/Redaktion/EN/Topics/2015/2015_09_07_bis_weidmann.html

ae0c33 No.1158238


U.K. Bank? Or City of London Bank?

World of difference

b21550 No.1158239







"Armenia also has defense ties with Iran. United Nations sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program hampered the growth of military ties between the two countries, but the signing of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in 2015 has opened new possibilities for Yerevan. Deputy Ministers of Defense David Tonoyan and Movses Hakobyan (currently chief of general staff) led delegations to Iran in May and June 2016. According to press, “The visit resulted in a memorandum of mutual understanding and a number of agreements that are being kept secret.”

In early 2017, the new Armenian defense minister, Vigen Sargsyan, paid an official visit to Iran to discuss military cooperation in the fields of military industry and science. Sargsyan also held security discussions with Iran’s National Security Council, and visited several defense industries. “Armenia seeks to expand its cooperation with Iran in the defense sphere and we believe that this visit will promote further cooperation,” he said.

Iran made a reciprocal trade visit in October, when Iranian Defense Minister Nasrollah Kalantari traveled to Armenia to renew talks about Armenian-Iranian military cooperation. Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarifi applauded Armenia’s initiative, emphasizing the importance of increased bilateral cooperation."

bdd2a4 No.1158240

File: 21e24016ca2b43d⋯.jpg (122.16 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, haiti_01.jpg)

File: a6ca72c990e658c⋯.jpg (123.02 KB, 1440x907, 1440:907, haiti_02.jpg)

b51aee No.1158241

If the slush funds are drying up, that would explain all of the CongressJerks that are not running for re-election. There will be no money in it. Like it is supposed to be.

We desperately need the return of the citizen politician.

8b77d8 No.1158242

File: 78eeea37915cf85⋯.png (592.8 KB, 1169x900, 1169:900, as-world-turns.png)


Here is a relevant "as the world turns" book.

http:// phoenixsourcedistributors.com/PJ_64.pdf

b2083d No.1158243


thx honey ( • )( • )

ed819d No.1158244

File: 57bf396eea2fd50⋯.jpg (573.87 KB, 1075x1587, 1075:1587, Screenshot_20180423-140043….jpg)

f88041 No.1158245


>things happened so quickly…

Yet Murica is taking forever while people are getting gunned the fuck down in FFs

10528b No.1158246


Tears of joy for these people!


97798f No.1158247


Methinks the appointment of Pompeo to Sec of State has something to do with helping rein them in, especially if the goal is to put the CIA under the jurisdiction of the State Dept.

04b820 No.1158248



daeb0d No.1158249

File: 1f7b8ed5a5c497f⋯.jpg (168.51 KB, 700x465, 140:93, IMG_1984.JPG)

bdd2a4 No.1158250

File: 896c898ee756d1d⋯.jpg (349.7 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, LadyJustice.jpg)

File: e19ea32196c0601⋯.jpg (745.61 KB, 2040x1442, 1020:721, fallofhillary.jpg)

File: 62269f5219b0699⋯.jpg (260.6 KB, 973x800, 973:800, lock-hillary-up-ben-garris….jpg)

2aab82 No.1158251

Q can you confirm this video?

It was created 4/20/18.

Is this the MOAB that u speak of?

Is this why they raised Cohen's office?

They are running scared. Panic mode.

https:// youtu.be/MJ6rFVhiMX8

ed1154 No.1158252

Please Q help ITALY!

They're going to form a govt with the DEMs, the election losers!

Please do something!

3c63ad No.1158253

File: 5324631ee28aea0⋯.jpg (341.3 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 9280552f60af6544334c93b591….jpg)


Let the LIGHT shine on these EVIL traitors.

Prayers UP for ALL operators and patriots world wide.

< This MEME is for YOU

[A11 SYS G0]

984312 No.1158254


When the military created the Internet, they knew this would happen.

d35671 No.1158255


notable here


for connection to $250B Q post on Iran money laundering

cf1bda No.1158256

Context: The 2-reg planes are all registered in Guernsey, a well known place for financial fuckery. These planes are also 'military' too, so they can bypass customs and immigration. They appear to be linked to a shady outfit called Business Aviation Services (also in Guernsey) that seem to be 'Wheelmen for the rich', like Grand Theft Auto in the sky.

So many financial outfits linked to a 2-reg plane linked to Guernsey and your almonds aren't activated by it all? It screams shell companies and money laundering.

b21550 No.1158257


DIG " Lizin biochemical corporation"

"The recent flurry in defense cooperation is merely the resumption of older military ties. In 2002, the United States blacklisted the Lizin biochemical corporation for selling dual-use equipment to the Iranian-controlled Al-Ahd Sadeq Trading Company in the United Arab Emirates. Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian admitted that Lizin had sold the products, and that the United States had warned Yerevan of the product’s dual use capability. Armenian president Robert Kocharian denied any government involvement in the company, despite the fact that the United States identified Armen Sarkisian as the deal’s broker. Sarkisian is the brother of two previous Armenian prime ministers.

Between April 2006 and June 2008, according to a State Department cable released by WikiLeaks, coalition forces in Iraq recovered from Iranian-backed militias multiple RPG-22 antitank weapons and PKM machine guns purchased by Armenia. Some of the weapons were used to kill American servicemen. The United States concluded the weapons could only have reached Iraq via a deal between Armenia and Iran.

Yerevan has become the pivot point of a potential Russia-Armenia-Iran axis. According to Lt. Col. Vladimir Evseev, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and head of the Caucasus Department of the CIS Institute, it is time to create a more formal defense triangle. To cement this alliance, the three countries signed a roadmap in 2016 to unite the three (and Georgia) in a North-South energy corridor. Armen Manvelyan of the National Academy of Armenia said that in this process, Armenia should put emphasis on its experience in cooperation with Russia and Iran.

Armenia is a small country and needs the support of its more powerful neighbors, but it is treading a dangerous road in uniting two countries that oppose American interests. The European Union is taking the right steps in signing a Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement with Armenia, giving it an alternative to these hostile powers. The United States should also take steps to encourage Armenia to look to the West for help."

7f8057 No.1158258


On the dnb

Dutch national bank

0c1e6e No.1158259


I like this better.

Well done anon.

Sorry for calling you a cunt, I was wrong.

Well played.

729054 No.1158260

US District Court, Central District of California, Western Division. LA Main Information: (213) 894-1565

Case 2:18-cv-03184-DMG-SHK Document Filed 04/16/18

https:// www.scribd.com/document/377099398/High-Crimes

5ac25a No.1158261


its teamEvil vs teamGood.

Good people don't try to scam and rape,

then hide their evil.

teamGood doesn't think that way,

so teamEvil always one step ahead.

It's how good people respond determines

how far teamEvil goes. Gh.

df33e6 No.1158262


Hahaha. I just spewed

cf1bda No.1158263


Just posted context below.

807852 No.1158264

File: 90625a22d0f1109⋯.jpg (205.34 KB, 834x1000, 417:500, sriracha-cock-sauce-t-shir….jpg)


leech jumping teets … hang this fuck

343ef2 No.1158265

File: c98dcff650f6f9c⋯.jpg (90.99 KB, 604x519, 604:519, 2f3e7b8d117aeda2ec34aea0d5….jpg)


Enjoy the show.

ed1154 No.1158266


Please Q help ITALY!

They're going to form a govt with the DEMs, the election losers!

Please do something!

f0058f No.1158267


Instead of waiting for POTUS to fire him, which would make Sessions mad?

fc78cc No.1158268

http:// www.lefigaro. fr/actualite-france/2015/07/16/01016-20150716ARTFIG00291-ce-que-prevoit-la-nouvelle-loi-sur-le-droit-d-asile.php

France overhauling its immigration laws… asylum seekers will have their requests processed within 9 months as opposed to a 2-year period spelled out in the previous draft. Deportations are still carried out at very low rates so the "assets" aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

I wonder if Trump has leverage over Macron to put an end to France's suicidal immigration policy.

548b1e No.1158269

File: 3662587dd1594a6⋯.jpg (61.9 KB, 650x411, 650:411, LondonSH.JPG)

File: 4c241ae70d74aaa⋯.jpg (190.47 KB, 620x810, 62:81, UKMeme.jpg)

8c961d No.1158270

File: 6a66e4a1258ce51⋯.png (280.26 KB, 1520x837, 1520:837, Iran–Armenia gas pipeline.png)

File: 5eb2bdadc80cd5c⋯.png (489.8 KB, 746x407, 746:407, ClipboardImage268.png)

File: 8b9ef8cbf22c158⋯.png (121.38 KB, 701x517, 701:517, ClipboardImage269.png)



Iran–Armenia gas pipeline

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93Armenia_gas_pipeline

79e734 No.1158271

File: a699295a0af24e0⋯.jpg (23.9 KB, 960x640, 3:2, DbfU-HBWkAAKGxl.jpg)

U.S. Army

Verified account


1m1 minute ago


#USArmy Soldiers are determined

Ready today and tomorrow to accomplish any mission, anywhere


a1775a No.1158272


Ya the reason j.cole always getting slept on.

5ac25a No.1158273

File: 27af52e20972091⋯.jpg (193.15 KB, 800x600, 4:3, MOAB next week.jpg)

cf1bda No.1158274


Yep, I reckon so. It's smelly, that's for sure.

668ba2 No.1158275


Wonder if this was the reason for staging this attack in Toronto. Seems like a MOAB if true because he can be placed right back into the NSA position.

5e82e7 No.1158276


Dutchsinse is the best on EQs - a true autist.

fb94f3 No.1158277


Clowns Losing Control in Armenia?

How does this impact Iran?

Previous Armenia weapons dealings with Iran? While US has provided Aid in the past to Armenia..

e24ee6 No.1158278


Melania Trump Goes All Out For State Dinner: Presidential China, 1200 Cherry Blossom Branches, Opera

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-23/melania-trump-goes-all-out-state-dinner-presidential-china-1200-cherry-blossom

Now, is this a sign macron is about to get MAGA'd and brought in line?

343ef2 No.1158279


Yep. In Iran also there protests.

bdb401 No.1158280


tx now it makes sense

more fuckery no doubt

f1efaf No.1158281


Agreed. Some people worked on cleaning up those sites and will end up dying young from cancer or other rare diseases. Then you have all of our soldiers that have been killed on the battle fields. So many lives lost not just on that day, but since that day. Unacceptable.

bdd2a4 No.1158282

File: c941c096015bc63⋯.jpg (275.55 KB, 1200x1015, 240:203, strongertogether.jpg)


db7f89 No.1158283


Seems like a lot of dominoes falling into place. Ahead of s he duke and waaay under budget as per the plan. Go POTUS, go Q!

ff821a No.1158284

File: d22824cb1204653⋯.png (322.39 KB, 600x380, 30:19, IMG_1927.PNG)

any doggo photoshop weiners of teh contest ??

5623cc No.1158285


Problems RR lmao, OMG this makes me feel sooo happy.

Lets get Hannity to make an offer he cant refuse.

e24ee6 No.1158286

600fa0 No.1158287


Nice find anon !

2f7069 No.1158288



992e11 No.1158289


My feelings are this.

If we can think of it, no doubt Q team has thought of it.

These Patriots have a plan, it's working very well. We need to continue to trust and assume it is a thorough plan.

They have all the info. They will know best how to fix and prevent.

They won't leave us in chaos or as sitting ducks.

806653 No.1158290

File: d7473c68091aedc⋯.jpg (93.99 KB, 703x197, 703:197, Screen Shot 04-23-18 at 07….JPG)


https:// www.rt.com/news/424913-toronto-van-pedestrians-run-over/


Van strikes pedestrians in Toronto, up to 10 people injured

Published time: 23 Apr, 2018 17:57

3774a8 No.1158291


So then have the military exterminate them

571b4f No.1158292


Go door to door bringing like minded people together -


247003 No.1158293


names sound intruiging. like names Cabal wud use to hide dirty funds in. they MUST give some sort of hint.. "profitcom" "corona collector" hmm..

b21550 No.1158294



So biochemical, defense, and energy connections between Iran, Armenia, and Russia.

f32cce No.1158295



is the whole world awakening, or just parts of it? China and Russia friends or foes?

11ed32 No.1158296

Loop Capital and Climate change ?

3f9eb7 No.1158297

File: 6eb98e6ee880956⋯.png (65.48 KB, 290x392, 145:196, ClipboardImage.png)

9ba4bc No.1158298


It has been in place since 12-28-1977 actually.

df33e6 No.1158299


Hang tight… Rome is first

bdd2a4 No.1158300

File: dc3bc15600da003⋯.jpg (568.12 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Q_abedin.jpg)

https:// youtu.be/uo0FGpx7qjc

db7f89 No.1158301


>*ahead of schedule


0e1f03 No.1158302

File: 46e1053f0b587aa⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1602x873, 178:97, aljhouthi.PNG)

copy pasta of article

The political leader of Yemen's Houthi rebels has been killed in Saudi-led air strikes on Hudaida province, the group has said.

The Houthi-run Al-Masirah TV network reported on Monday that Saleh al-Sammad, the president of the Supreme Political Council that runs Yemen's capital, Sanaa, and other rebel-held areas, was killed on Thursday.

The group said it had elected Mahdi al-Mashat as Sammad's successor.

In a televised address later on Monday, the Houthis' leader, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, said that, overall, seven people were killed in Thursday's air raids.

"This crime will not break the will of our people and state," he added.

"Aggression forces, mainly, America and Saudi Arabia, bear the legal responsibility for Sammad's death," al-Houthi continued.

"This crime will not pass without accountability."

There was no immediate comment by the Saudi-led coalition.

Traditionally based in Yemen's northwest, the Houthis overran much of the country, including Sanaa, in 2014, citing anger with the government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

In March 2015, a coalition of Arab countries assembled by Saudi Arabia launched a massive bombing campaign aimed at rolling back the rebels' advances.

Since then, the Saudis have carried out more than 16,000 air raids, resulting in mass civilian casualties with weddings, hospitals and funerals targeted.

'Biggest blow'

Hakim Almasmari, editor-in-chief of the Yemen Post, said al-Sammad's death was a "very significant" development.

"He was the acting president in the Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen, so this is considered the biggest blow for the Houthis, politically, since the war started," he told Al Jazeera.

Almasmari noted that the location of the incident was also important.

"Hudaida is considered the most secure place for the Houthis, where they have all their intelligence," he said.

"This is a big backlash for the Houthis, security-wise as well," he added.

"It's not a secret that Hudeida is much more secured than even Sanaa itself, so for him to be killed in Hudeidah, under all the extreme security measures that they go through there, [raises questions] whether they are infiltrated in Hudeida province itself or within the intelligence apparatus in general."

Almasmari also said it was not surprising that al-Sammad's had been replaced by al-Mashat, whom he described as "a very influential figure within the movement".

e6fb8a No.1158303

File: 8c6a0d0a43fbc32⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1179x697, 1179:697, MAGA:HOUSE:SENATE:NO:GOOD.png)

File: 4bf6dbe9698ba9d⋯.jpg (51.68 KB, 641x341, 641:341, MAGA:SLIPPERY:JAMES:COMEY:….jpg)

File: fb7c0ebc571b13c⋯.jpg (31.19 KB, 641x341, 641:341, MAGA:SLIPPERY:AGENT:COMEY.jpg)

fb4eb4 No.1158304


York & Harrisburg also. PA selling drugs & children? ABSOLUTELY

How the Middle D of PA has stayed out of the spotlight has only one simple answer, they are ALL corrupt, covering for each other. Clean that House.

d35671 No.1158305


would have been just a hint bit better if he drew the bandages on their left middle fingers

bdd2a4 No.1158306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e0042b No.1158307



In short, dear anons:

It's happening.

It's finally happening.

Armenian president resigning, a Romanian minister too IIRC. Those who have any semblance of a survival instinct are getting the hell out of dodge, because heads are going to roll. Soon.

Thank you, thank you so much yet again, Q. We stand ready for the MOAB to begin the truth flood.

992e11 No.1158308


This will be us soon!

6d4cac No.1158309




d7cc59 No.1158310


How close is this, Q?


bdd2a4 No.1158311

File: 72d4fbfe70dfddc⋯.jpg (235.47 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, heart.jpg)

c96ec7 No.1158312

File: 31e695d2116c3b4⋯.jpeg (491.93 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 661D0F57-E6B5-4FB8-8F3A-1….jpeg)

Swift and Iran money trail.

Links put together.

6d0904 No.1158313

File: 828756d2b8be7cb⋯.jpg (62.68 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Secretary_Clinton_and_Serz….jpg)



668ba2 No.1158314


Because of Gen. Flynn.

cec8b9 No.1158315

Checked in on twatter and zuckbook. They are unquestionably losing steam and relevancy compared to even 6 months ago.

5ac25a No.1158316

File: 8e91a4a2758f247⋯.jpg (158.84 KB, 667x698, 667:698, UK 250B_2.jpg)


https:/ /www.cbsnews.____com/news/british-bank-settles-iran-money-probe-for-340m/

b21550 No.1158317


This has a long history!

27c7b6 No.1158318


honestly - I was a bit fed up with "protests" in the last years, because it was always SOROS + clowns!

But now we see "good" protests?

098485 No.1158319




4d40df No.1158320

File: 4b71a5663e2a670⋯.jpg (199.09 KB, 820x546, 410:273, pancakes-bitch.jpg)

>>1156506 prev.

Koonye is a sack a bullshit.

(not quoted in

>>1156486 )

n if u don't have de cajones to stand behind your own opinions,

rather than cower behind your silly fake quotes,

then You are somethin' much stankier…


f1efaf No.1158321


All we need to do is have everyone hit their website at once.

f30edf No.1158323


Is this legit? Can it be more obvious?

f88041 No.1158324



We're behind schedule, faggot. How many times have we flipped the hourglass let alone added more sand to buy time. People are dying because of this stall. My friend's mother collapsed and died at work after working her ass off last week. I'm so fucking done of this plan when nothing has been done for the people on a grand scale.

51cb1c No.1158325

File: ccf61c56e5f65a9⋯.jpg (60.24 KB, 484x432, 121:108, spyforfood.jpg)

e24ee6 No.1158326


[POPE] is going to have a BAD May.

That motherfucker is going down for everything.

247003 No.1158327


One guess: CNN?

cec8b9 No.1158328


Maga that.

f88041 No.1158329


Soooo what are we waiting for?

e61936 No.1158330


Amen, They have earned it. Soon the world will be free!

600fa0 No.1158331


I’m with you on opinion ty for your post !

11ed32 No.1158332


receives 250B

fine 340M?

343ef2 No.1158333


In that Bill. Some suppoters of Macron don't vote in favor.

He's playing the ball.

6d0904 No.1158334

File: 6566953157586a0⋯.jpg (51.36 KB, 720x340, 36:17, CER4ZkqWoAA-Aol-720x340.jpg)



Suprise, surprise…

6f1a3c No.1158335

File: 4d258e8d8ac0adc⋯.jpg (54.92 KB, 640x427, 640:427, GettyImages-629491094-1524….jpg)


Q – I have a theory about Kanye and Kim. I believe both were to endorse Trump prior to the election, but they were stopped by their management, specifically Scooter Braun (same with Bieber in Cleveland.) Is the Kanye we see now on twitter really Kanye, or did they silence him and we replaced him with a lookalike and took control of his twitter?

Am I way off or is this something we should consider? Also applies to Taylor.

302338 No.1158336


Drop moab

afaaad No.1158337


Check ammendments

8c961d No.1158338

File: 103905f71ecfc60⋯.png (158.67 KB, 584x571, 584:571, Iran Clowns.png)

bdd2a4 No.1158339

File: c5526f3fe73c8bb⋯.jpg (366.11 KB, 1200x881, 1200:881, hillary_oz.jpg)

File: 62269f5219b0699⋯.jpg (260.6 KB, 973x800, 973:800, lock-hillary-up-ben-garris….jpg)

File: 896c898ee756d1d⋯.jpg (349.7 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, LadyJustice.jpg)


Let's just pretend she is common folk for a while. Just until the verdict is read. Who knows how to tie a noose?

f88041 No.1158340



2019 isn't soon.

fc78cc No.1158341


Has it occurred to you that servicemen have families too and that sending them straight into the grinder unprepared sounds like a good idea only when you're an armchair warrior?

806653 No.1158342


UK Has been hollowed out from the inside for decades please help us too Q.

11ed32 No.1158343

File: 317df6a1884803c⋯.jpg (96.18 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, DZZhrUZUMAA2BnW.jpg)

3f9eb7 No.1158344


Iran is on Armenia's side

83aea1 No.1158345


Maduro needs to step down next

0c1e6e No.1158346


It was a guess anon. Could be something completely different. A statute or doc that is something else.

3915cb No.1158347

phew, thank god for all those concerned/critical thinking anons that told us over and over and over and over and over again that #qanon was just about an Armenian instrument, eh?

whatever would we have done without your essential input

bdd2a4 No.1158348

File: d871a05232b508c⋯.jpg (698.54 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, yourfired.jpg)

Judicial BOOM!!!!

6d4cac No.1158349


she's purdee.

3f9eb7 No.1158350



5c740e No.1158351


Bring it yo. Just drop that shit here first.


Why should we care bout j cole?

8e624e No.1158352

How do I get around the IPhone update?

Not particular tech-savy just cant post from IPhone and its pissing me off! Any help Please?

548b1e No.1158353

File: 5e75c27aa6e08cd⋯.png (289.43 KB, 574x342, 287:171, ClipboardImage.png)



27c7b6 No.1158354

File: 9798baaa2caab14⋯.gif (53.52 KB, 290x268, 145:134, rat-leaving-sinking-ship.gif)


rats are leaving….!

8493c5 No.1158355


I don't know much about Armenia, but I take it this is a good thing. Right? Or is it a GS sponsored uprising?

cec8b9 No.1158356

File: 035d062accdbf44⋯.jpg (76.56 KB, 487x527, 487:527, hitler why jew think.jpg)

bd72f4 No.1158357


Q when you mentioned Armenians coming to the Chan’s was that actually a command?

120601 No.1158358


the world is connected…

the world is watching…

the world is awaking…

as the world turns….


488a62 No.1158359



'Iran is next"….

004987 No.1158360


Multiple fatalities reported

a9a123 No.1158361


i believe because of this - https:// www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/04/algeria-military-plane-crashes-boufarik-airport-reports-180411081014559.html

on a similar topic (same situation exactly 8 years ago) - will we ever know the truth behind downing polish presidential plane in Katyn? the vicious 'Putin did it' narrative is really painful and blocks awakening here.. https:// www.nytimes.com/2010/04/11/world/europe/11poland.html

"The plane was carrying a delegation of 96 deserved and distinguished patriots, members of the Polish elite, including the Polish President Lech Kaczynski and his wife, former President Ryszard Kaczorowski, the entire general army command, the Chief of the Polish General Staff and other senior Polish military officers.." - any connections to be made and dug through here? trusting the plan and praying, Godspeed & Freedom For All.

10e66a No.1158362

Baker here

Updates for notables?


>>1157831 §1701. Law excerpt

>>1157879, >>1157825 (#1447) Q post, Iran next marker

>>1157865 EPA Slush Fund

>>1158025 Q post theory

>>1158191, >>1158239, >1158270 Found some connections between Iran and Armenia

>>1158223 connection to $250B Q post on Iran money laundering

>>1158228 Armenia opposition leader demands snap election after PM resigns

>>1158242 "As the world turns" book.

48da1a No.1158364

If POTUS is impeached you only have yourself to blame with not acting soon enough. Carry on Patriot.

f30edf No.1158365

c08ed9 No.1158366

The Clowns primary enforcement mechanism of their agenda is Wet W_rks.

It takes a special set of skills to bring down a plane, stage a suicide/heart attack, infiltrate a secure residence, etc.

These types of skills are learned somewhere, small circle, most are know + No Such Agency data, likely not hard to track, identify, eliminate.

Wondering why these teams/individuals are not taken down en masse?

be5a9a No.1158367

File: e09d7c987e6c4e7⋯.jpg (663.84 KB, 800x533, 800:533, _DSC7502 - Version 2.jpg)



Astana seems like a pretty weird fucking place.

767b5e No.1158369


Burnt into nails

One question only:

Are the volcanoes still active?

Are the volcanoes still active?

Please do not disappoint me!

I believe in voodoo again.

Plug needles into the phone book.

Are the volcanoes still active?

I know you will not disappoint me


25acab No.1158370


Feet pic.. Or GTFO

343ef2 No.1158371


Check the tweets. ANTIFA isn't in the protests :)

c946ab No.1158372


Was a 187 put on Avicii for exposing trafficking

f91e71 No.1158373

http:// www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/pedestrians-struck-white-van-1.4631564

Hey Q,

Anything on this, or just a case of exceptionally bad driving?

I'm hoping the latter.

Otherwise, NOT in MY country, NOT in MY city!

a57995 No.1158374

Q - How do corrupt State governors get dealt with in this process and state legislatures passing ridiculous legislation (i.e. - California trying to ban the sale of Bibles)?

b51aee No.1158375

File: be97f29ce61fdf0⋯.png (822.17 KB, 900x472, 225:118, congress-no-slush.png)

5685e2 No.1158376

Many EU countries took theirnuke power plants offline. Fukishima freaked the EU normies out.

So do these countries just pink slip all their nuke techs and R&D people and shelve all nuke plans, or do they just offshore them and look for off the book funding to keep the alarmed plebes at bay?

France, BTW, still has nuke power plants on line.

bdd2a4 No.1158377

File: c860390c8361a8a⋯.jpg (581.27 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Exec_orders_wendy.jpg)

File: 896c898ee756d1d⋯.jpg (349.7 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, LadyJustice.jpg)

These people are sick!

No more "pets"

No more special deals

Lady Justice is blindfolded

Equal justice under the law

fc78cc No.1158378


Yeah I've read that there is a lot of butthurt on both sides of the aisle. Is this a nod to Trump or is he out of ideas?

7f8057 No.1158379

ANONS who have been here from the start .

Can you feel it building into


Months of sleepless night , digging , red pilling.


Congratulations, NOW DIG ,DIG , DIG .

cec8b9 No.1158380

File: bb4ef1f2ac935d2⋯.jpg (44.79 KB, 640x409, 640:409, pelican 40000.jpg)

6d0904 No.1158381


Yerevan Shillhole.

11ed32 No.1158382

File: ac1b40bdc958a07⋯.png (541.92 KB, 1213x545, 1213:545, popCornStage1.png)

5ac25a No.1158383

"The state agency called the bank a rogue institution and quoted one of its executives as saying: "You (expletive) Americans. Who are you to tell us, the rest of the world, that we're not going to deal with Iranians.""

https:/ /www.cbsnews.____com/news/uks-standard-chartered-bank-strongly-rejects-iran-money-laundering-claims-by-us/

806653 No.1158384

File: 6b41e2880dbc859⋯.jpg (325.01 KB, 1052x738, 526:369, Screen Shot 04-23-18 at 08….JPG)


A white van has struck a number of pedestrians in Toronto, with police reporting that between eight and ten people have been injured

https:// www.rt.com/news/424913-toronto-van-pedestrians-run-over/

db7f89 No.1158385


That last bit, about the cash and gold, off the books. The gold that is traded off the books we can see is so large in volume and so valuable that when it is exposed the artificial facade of the publically acknowledged gold trade will be so dwarfed that a complete revaluation will occur. BOOM.

2c2529 No.1158386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


live coverage of Toronto van of peace

662dfc No.1158387


Shills out in full force I see, trying to muddy the waters and divide.

d346f1 No.1158388


Fantastic news!

f30edf No.1158389


>Wondering why these teams/individuals are not taken down en masse?

How do you know they're not taken down?

f32cce No.1158390


Armenia is allies with Iran and Russia, has border disputes and grievances with its other neighbors, could easily be used as a flash point by the clowns to spark a wider war - as they are trying to do in Syria…

bbe4c2 No.1158391



be5a9a No.1158392

File: b8051af12bee97c⋯.jpg (720.35 KB, 800x515, 160:103, _DSC7666.jpg)






cf1bda No.1158393


Diana certainly gets about…

https:// companycheck.co.uk/director/915970831/MRS-DIANA-AGATHOKLEOUS/summary

Mrs Diana Agathokleous holds 19 appointments at 19 active companies, has resigned from 26 companies and held 2 appointments at 2 dissolved companies. DIANA began their first appointment at the age of 39. Their longest current appointment spans 6 years, 11 months and 20 days at XONIX TRADING LTD

The combined cash at bank value for all businesses where DIANA holds a current appointment equals £3.7k, a combined total current assets value of £217.8k with a total current liabilities of £264.2k and a total current net worth of £-46.4k. Roles associated with Mrs Diana Agathokleous within the recorded businesses include: Director, Llp Designated Member

https:// nzlocalizer.com/biz/5174461/sentinel-1973-limited


Name Appointed Residential Address Status

Eduard PATKEVYCH 2015-10-23 4b/19 Morning Star Place, Mount Albert, Auckland, 1025 , New Zealand Current

Diana AGATHOKLEOUS 2014-05-12 Makedonias Street 2b, Paramitha, Limassol, 4540 , Cyprus Current

http:// www.ibcbelize.com/2017/11/17/filt-ltd/

Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the company (“FILT LTD.”) incorporated under the IBC Act of Belize commenced dissolution on the 13th November, 2017;


DIANA AGATHOKLEOUS of MAKEDONIAS STREET 2B, P.C. 4540, PARAMITHA, LIMASSOL, CYPRUS is the Liquidator of the Company, and any claims against the company should be forwarded to the Liquidator by 30 days from commencement.

Belize Formation Services Limited

http:// www.ibcbelize.com/2017/11/17/tatsu-ltd/


Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the company (“TATSU LTD.”) incorporated under the IBC Act of Belize commenced dissolution on the 13th November, 2017;


DIANA AGATHOKLEOUS of MAKEDONIAS STREET 2B, P.C. 4540, PARAMITHA, LIMASSOL, CYPRUS is the Liquidator of the Company, and any claims against the company should be forwarded to the Liquidator by 30 days from commencement.

Belize Formation Services Limited

So, Diana winds up companies for a living and she's pretty busy at it too. I smell a liquidator for the Elites at work.

Still digging.

3f9eb7 No.1158394

File: 27a7519523c2375⋯.png (74.79 KB, 640x393, 640:393, ClipboardImage.png)

from article Q dropped

302338 No.1158395


Drop MOAB now

9a1447 No.1158396


Germany isn't as bad as other parts of Europe. France, Sweden, Italy, and the UK are all much worse.

8b77d8 No.1158397

File: 2331bde3ff67d0a⋯.png (10.22 KB, 649x431, 649:431, georgie-flag.png)


Neighbour land Georgia has the Rothschild symbolism on its national flag

fb4eb4 No.1158398


When are the Corrupt in THIS Country going to be removed from operating within OUR Country?

151a38 No.1158399

File: e1736b696bd9346⋯.jpg (137.86 KB, 1300x866, 650:433, 41754422-map-and-flags-of-….jpg)


How much control?

f5ffc3 No.1158400

File: 34fd0f047609007⋯.jpg (272.02 KB, 800x600, 4:3, reset.jpg)

File: 0e4b43f72937d83⋯.jpg (317.7 KB, 800x600, 4:3, $vG.jpg)

File: c21e43388d09118⋯.png (353.42 KB, 799x601, 799:601, Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at ….png)

668ba2 No.1158401


Disable java in ur settings

805cc8 No.1158402

Was thinking the MOAB was a tarmac video, but that recent post hints to other things … perhaps 9/11.


992e11 No.1158404



The war is not won yet though.

Much left to do.

11ed32 No.1158405

File: dd5920974cc2a95⋯.png (345.78 KB, 1201x530, 1201:530, popCornStage2BeamOfLight.png)

27c7b6 No.1158406


LOL! great pic!

But what about the "arabian spring"…?

That was the clowns, I am sure…

(sorry, I am a bit confused)

343ef2 No.1158407


Maburro is connected with the project Cassandra. not for nothing. The VP is The Aisami (Iranian).

Hmm. Although I think that Venezuela will begin to the annexation movements with Colombia after of June.

cec8b9 No.1158408


That shooting was also the source of the gun grabbing Brady Bill and the Brady Foundation - gun grabbers.

04b820 No.1158409

File: 040854dab3b0859⋯.gif (82.33 KB, 691x629, 691:629, trumpism.gif)


its happening!

3f9eb7 No.1158410


a9a123 No.1158411


disregard, this anon needs coffee

armenia =/= algeria

katyn question stands tho

also, how hard is to post here when Q comes..

647b45 No.1158412

File: f58b0e735113315⋯.png (313.88 KB, 526x526, 1:1, Screenshot-2018-4-23 Julia….png)


>Account now run by his Campaign

337bd1 No.1158413


More in line what I was thinking, and the 9/11 interpretation was interesting also.

3b52f6 No.1158414


Research the Khazarian mafia…

Then it all makes sense.

bd72f4 No.1158415


Make sure Flotus knows how much we respect what she had to do at that funeral please Q.

7ec9dd No.1158416


It's Islamic terrorism

d346f1 No.1158417

10528b No.1158418

File: 2b7d53d35d9f794⋯.png (954.15 KB, 1148x1184, 287:296, 4-23-18 Armenia.png)

e24ee6 No.1158419



(((shills))) have nothing except cuckery and copy/pasta.


b97c8e No.1158420


To Q Team:

You's and I are from the same "sphere". Jeff Sessions MUST be removed, you know he's compromised and will never do what was/is expected and serve the PEOPLE and POTUS with what the "Plan" was/is. You know that and I know that. "Trust the Plan" has gone awry because of Him and Wray at FBI.

As long as Mr. Session is "head" of Justice Dept. their will be NO prosecution for Treason, Sedition, and Crimes against the Republic for Traitorous Hussein, Clintons et al. Time is of essence and POTUS is surrounded, YOU & I know that.

Sessions MUST be REMOVED at all cost, perhaps during Senate recess and urgent appointment made. TRAVESTY for POTUS and the American Republic. –Alpha

11ed32 No.1158421

File: 49379f8e3e95ce3⋯.png (398 KB, 1218x537, 406:179, BeamOfLight.png)

2ad6ac No.1158422

File: 3320b56600ed568⋯.jpg (258.53 KB, 1024x528, 64:33, IMG_20180422_224557.jpg)

All Q's.. And grey hands?

b356e0 No.1158423

Kansas to Iran regime "dust in the wind"

b68a9a No.1158424


praying for victory & enjoying the show!


(take down corrupt judges soon!! ty!)

54af99 No.1158425

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

6f866a No.1158427

File: 017116abd633dfd⋯.jpg (761.56 KB, 1240x3380, 62:169, Screen Shot 2018-04-23 at ….jpg)

File: 42d2a5a4f7aec66⋯.jpg (833.61 KB, 1194x3172, 597:1586, Screen Shot 2018-04-23 at ….jpg)

File: 169169b54a552cc⋯.jpg (261.9 KB, 1230x1724, 615:862, Screen Shot 2018-04-23 at ….jpg)


AL Jazeera Sauce

c898bc No.1158428







There is one YouTube video by an anon on it.

27c7b6 No.1158429


fiat money is doomed….

8c961d No.1158430

File: 8fe45639209f3a6⋯.jpg (70.55 KB, 487x527, 487:527, hitler why jew think.jpg)


I touched your meme up a lil'

548b1e No.1158431

File: 82fc963f03fd835⋯.png (565.49 KB, 709x503, 709:503, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9cb0580082eb1e4⋯.png (523.72 KB, 707x487, 707:487, ClipboardImage.png)

343ef2 No.1158432



f5b811 No.1158433


Someway clowns centralize their Iran operations in Armenia to remote control.

ca88e1 No.1158434


I got too many homo evangelicals tapping my line, they must be terrorist or cia fags

6c297b No.1158435

File: 76e53d01b532f55⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1242x1515, 414:505, ECBE58B1-845F-4339-A626-A….jpeg)

4 yrs ago…

c39bfe No.1158436


it is more complicated than that.

You can only post one time then you have to leave and come back.

it is NO fix

e24ee6 No.1158437

File: db5193c65c2c7b0⋯.jpg (215.06 KB, 937x960, 937:960, alinsky.jpg)

File: 6f4445064c08699⋯.jpeg (89.33 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, you'refired.jpeg)


SES/AIM (((shills))), you FAILED.

0c1e6e No.1158438

3f9eb7 No.1158439


pretty -→ purdee

11ed32 No.1158440

File: 10514b4b2b85786⋯.png (254.23 KB, 1229x532, 1229:532, tidalWaveOFPopCorn.png)

d555b8 No.1158441


Nice pic's anon!

3b52f6 No.1158442


Notice how airforce one has the colors of King Herod on it…

Light blue, white and gold

6f866a No.1158444

5a7809 No.1158445


I bet she had a hot shower as soon as she got back on the plane.

ad1c56 No.1158446


Been into this since FBI anon on po/

b0a966 No.1158447


God I love your work.

I hope I get to meet you one day.

4b3939 No.1158448


It's Happening!!!!!!


6c297b No.1158449

File: a0ccb04586e0838⋯.jpeg (769.39 KB, 1242x1179, 138:131, 7A09AD4B-BC18-411B-A0A7-A….jpeg)

343ef2 No.1158450


Civil War.

3b69d7 No.1158451

File: 7fceab1eee88110⋯.jpg (79.23 KB, 1009x566, 1009:566, ArmenianPMResignsQmeme.JPG)

bdd2a4 No.1158452


Whoop! Whoop!

We have an empty cell to fill…

has anyone seen Hillary?

b6edfc No.1158453

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 64:

Prayer for Protection from Enemies

A Psalm of David.

64 Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint;

preserve my life from dread of the enemy,

2 hide me from the secret plots of the wicked,

from the scheming of evildoers,

3 who whet their tongues like swords,

who aim bitter words like arrows,

4 shooting from ambush at the blameless,

shooting at him suddenly and without fear.

5 They hold fast to their evil purpose;

they talk of laying snares secretly,

thinking, “Who can see us?

6 Who can search out our crimes?

We have thought out a cunningly conceived plot.”

For the inward mind and heart of a man are deep!

7 But God will shoot his arrow at them;

they will be wounded suddenly.

8 Because of their tongue he will bring them to ruin;

all who see them will wag their heads.

9 Then all men will fear;

they will tell what God has wrought,

and ponder what he has done.

10 Let the righteous rejoice in the Lord,

and take refuge in him!

Let all the upright in heart glory!

194f35 No.1158454

File: c550b600604a810⋯.png (5.01 KB, 308x64, 77:16, ClipboardImage.png)

this guy is fucking LOSING it!

5e82e7 No.1158455




805cc8 No.1158456


It's time to rip the band-aid off, Q. We're ready to support.

f800d4 No.1158457



Going to ask Q if I can help by infiltrating a certain industry and work my way up the ranks. Got to be incognito. Industry linked to our tools and using a form of interactive media to keep us entertained. It needs a massive draining. May be impossible due to how California is, but will try. Last thing I want to see when I'm playing something is leftist propaganda. I don't want to be using systems that constantly spy on me too.

Wish me luck Anons. I want to try to help the president this way, but it going to take a while and it's a very big uphill battle.

f32cce No.1158458


that is the St George cross and was used in by the kings of Georgia at least as early as the 14th century

e24ee6 No.1158459


Excellent. Disseminate, anon.

2f7069 No.1158460


He hasn’t attacked Syria, not once. He did however wipe out most of not all of the black hat assets that the cabal was using to perpetuate the civil war.

11ed32 No.1158461

File: eeb783ae34d269c⋯.png (605.08 KB, 1221x540, 407:180, PanicModeTheBeamOfLight.png)

Sir they are about to drop the Moab !!

571b4f No.1158462

>>1158418 Armenian PM Resigns (Q posted Article)


3774a8 No.1158463


Armchair Warrior, listen little boy, I have done things for this country you only have nightmares about

e4e70c No.1158464


Wow. Biggest confirmation we've had.

3f9eb7 No.1158466


c47234 No.1158467


The only one who needs to wake up around here is you.

You are the cause of all the problems, sleepwalker.

343ef2 No.1158468


Astana is the drug capital for any architect..

e24ee6 No.1158469


Go with God. Vaya con Dio. White hats must be placed world wide.

fc78cc No.1158470

Q, can Macron be flipped or will he have to be dealt with accordingly?

0c1e6e No.1158471


Ooh la laa.

cec8b9 No.1158472


He needs to resign "to spend more time with his family. "

27c7b6 No.1158473


+ take care, that not many lives will be lost.

And these neverending wars shall be ended.

767b5e No.1158474

File: 5b926b8e2e028ca⋯.jpg (180.94 KB, 860x810, 86:81, ENT.JPG)



2f52ff No.1158475

File: 7c413ef148a27ee⋯.jpg (91.09 KB, 620x412, 155:103, drugwar2.jpg)

8c961d No.1158476


It's SCAM Govorner Jerry Brown did it in California then started CHARGING everyone $0.10 cents per bag at the checkout –– 120% scam and it needs to be looked into by GEOTUS!!!

e4e70c No.1158477

File: 0c64c2161c0c377⋯.png (43.95 KB, 632x376, 79:47, ClipboardImage.png)

c19b69 No.1158478


Kek! I loved Robot Chicken back in the day

ae0c33 No.1158479


Stay "Anon" Anons

This isn't our "coming out" party

668ba2 No.1158480


Roger. It's like putting a bandaid on a bullet wound.

d88095 No.1158481


KEKEKEK Armenia! Good one

11ed32 No.1158482

File: e11a34b454ff179⋯.png (462.86 KB, 1212x549, 404:183, plentyOfPopCornForPepe.png)

bbbf1f No.1158483


https:// nypost.com/2017/01/24/fbi-clears-michael-flynn-in-probe-linking-him-to-russia

Jan. 24, 2017

992e11 No.1158484


According to a coroner's report he died of accidental choking.

8c961d No.1158485



343ef2 No.1158486


Ring belt. Right?

45a7fe No.1158487


it's big, but not tip top, tippy top, big

806653 No.1158488


Yes, as soon as possible

eaa0a5 No.1158489

File: babeac7078bbd33⋯.jpg (505.57 KB, 1010x1347, 1010:1347, 20180422_100125.jpg)

6d0904 No.1158490


>Months of sleepless night

Actually sleep very tight.

Even dreaming every night I'm busy on this board. (Was even excited when POTUS responded to one of my posts…haha)

It has become my whole life.

I don't know if this is healty anymore…

We'll be fine, I guess.

Keep it up. Thanx anons.

c47234 No.1158491


Michael Bloomberg is another guy who has to go.

1d1037 No.1158492

How many more countries?

Is it 43 in total where the CIA has to be removed?

b93139 No.1158493


Don't you know that eating that stuff can give you very large breasts. Oh my god, I'm too late.

e24ee6 No.1158494



Nice try attempting to subvert, (((shill))) bitch. [We see ALL]

Our people will no longer be on the defensive. You have lost, West will be restored.

Fuck off to israel and await your fate.

194f35 No.1158495


He's freaking out that he's going to lose. Yesterday he was yelling about being undocumented? PANIC

cec8b9 No.1158496


Avoid paying govt. Take when you can. Civil disobedience. Just do it. That is all.

6d4cac No.1158497

File: 68eccffc9a302e3⋯.jpg (37.96 KB, 300x400, 3:4, haitek 210.jpg)

600fa0 No.1158498


It showed her talent skill and intelligence …though I’m sure being married to Trump she’s done that type thing many times before , that was certainly the top challenge and I admire her strength

4b3939 No.1158499

Wonder if Kanye knew about this?

KK is Armenian

6d8c71 No.1158500


Funny the term "Mavericks" is used… Wasn't that What No Name and Baked Alaska called themselves during the 2008 election?

Could just be coincidence though..

247003 No.1158501

File: 97a4956f03c7e27⋯.png (194.56 KB, 1200x760, 30:19, chessboard.png)


Remember Magnum PI?

"Don't look at the dogs, Look at the lock!"

==> there is a war going on. DIG and stop being distracted by MKultra Reli clown hitting a few people. THAT WHY THEY DO IT! TO DISTRACT YOU. there's a few million of lives at stake here.


f1efaf No.1158502


then he "fell on a knife 15x's".

5ca2cd No.1158503

File: 891531ca5b26547⋯.jpg (151.84 KB, 1009x842, 1009:842, 5eyes.jpg)

What I don't understand about Nunes comments on Fox yesterday about 5eyes.

If five eyes doesn't spy on citizens, how was it able to clear the Russian Collusion BS? Makes no sense.

"There is no 5eyes" is that just because they can't admit it exists?

e6fb8a No.1158504

"Thousands of people are on the streets, cheering and hugging each other, jumping up and down and honking their horns … things happened so quickly, I don't think the crowd was expecting this but it is exactly what they wanted," Forestier-Walker said.

"We saw soldiers take to the streets, we saw priests, children and their parents, young and old coming out to show Armenia was really united in wanting these changes."

"This is an indication of how much people in Armenia have realised that they had the power to affect change in a system that was widely regarded as corrupt."


11ed32 No.1158505

File: 147cbca125f157a⋯.jpg (220.28 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DZYc0NNUQAY6f3Z.jpg)

343ef2 No.1158506


Who knows. But Now. it's better that The Status o Macron is cabal.

10528b No.1158507

File: cea7de8889bb8d8⋯.png (344.7 KB, 630x532, 45:38, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c6717386a71250⋯.png (66.69 KB, 626x386, 313:193, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e8cb0e128c081ac⋯.png (248.73 KB, 621x585, 69:65, ClipboardImage.png)

The POWER of the people on display!!!!!!!!!!

d88095 No.1158508



I kept telling them they needed to comb their hair but nooo…they didn't listen so now the Clowns are losing control in Armenia.

d35671 No.1158509

File: f281fa6d5591494⋯.gif (46.51 KB, 798x804, 133:134, 0b1f14436a40dd863fd2c03e9b….gif)

File: 1564dc62f8f1b5a⋯.jpg (387.51 KB, 800x655, 160:131, 1564dc62f8f1b5a41b7c76fa18….jpg)

File: b597e7c00e18005⋯.jpg (70.9 KB, 673x767, 673:767, b597e7c00e180050d25bac0635….jpg)

cf1bda No.1158510

https:// nzlocalizer.com/biz/4726899/top-priority-one-capital-limited

Top Priority One Capital Limited is a NZ Limited Company started on 31st October 2013. This organization primarily operates in Business management service nec industry within the Professional, Scientific and Technical Services sector. According to the companies register this company status is Removed.

The only director in this company is Diana AGATHOKLEOUS.

Top Priority One Capital Limited register office address is Level 4, 44 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton, Auckland, 1023 , New Zealand. There are one hundred and thirty-eight companies with the same register office address.

Main Register Information

Name Top Priority One Capital Limited

Entity Type NZ Limited Company

Business ID 4726899

Business Condition Removed

Business Start 31 Oct 2013

Created Ago 4 years, 5 months and 20 days

https:// en.datocapital.com.pa/executives/Diana-Agathokleous.html

Bingo! Panama!!

https:// www.cysec.gov.cy/en-GB/entities/asp/list/37738/

I need a Financialfag to help with this. She seems to be an administrator and liquidator of companies. It's smelly, whatever it is..

3f9eb7 No.1158511


The MSM in USA thinks we care about what the "royals" do




a1dcbe No.1158512

File: bbacfa991780608⋯.png (270.46 KB, 580x673, 580:673, Screenshot 2018-04-23 21.1….png)

806653 No.1158513


UK Had a 5p bag tax from Pig Fuck David Cameron

c7069c No.1158514

File: be27519d47924c0⋯.png (210.19 KB, 636x824, 159:206, page 1.png)

File: cbe64729beb2c56⋯.png (246.77 KB, 636x824, 159:206, page 2.png)

File: e6758f63bb56028⋯.png (228.49 KB, 636x824, 159:206, page 3.png)

File: 6c364715d37d1f8⋯.png (234.25 KB, 636x824, 159:206, page 4.png)

File: 83bd714e648e72a⋯.png (103.03 KB, 636x824, 159:206, page 5.png)

Iran Icbm tech

Sauce: http:// iranprimer.usip.org/resource/irans-ballistic-missile-program

7f8057 No.1158515



Watch those public appearances dry up .

They will start been ill.

FAKE deaths.

WATCH closer than before.

3f9eb7 No.1158516

File: cd35af840823a47⋯.jpg (177.94 KB, 939x803, 939:803, memewarpepe.jpg)

e6fb8a No.1158517

File: e8b3703702af695⋯.jpg (33.67 KB, 721x111, 721:111, MAGA:4:20-18 Glory!.jpg)


"Thousands of people are on the streets, cheering and hugging each other, jumping up and down and honking their horns … things happened so quickly, I don't think the crowd was expecting this but it is exactly what they wanted," Forestier-Walker said.

"We saw soldiers take to the streets, we saw priests, children and their parents, young and old coming out to show Armenia was really united in wanting these changes."

"This is an indication of how much people in Armenia have realised that they had the power to affect change in a system that was widely regarded as corrupt."

27c7b6 No.1158518

File: 52adbcf402b0f57⋯.jpg (179.63 KB, 1024x528, 64:33, qforce1.jpg)

25d216 No.1158519


Like NK, they have been freed.

Assets on the ground.


ba39d1 No.1158520

Patiently waiting for gallows.

Ok. Not so patiently.

c946ab No.1158521


Posobiec is such a deusch he also refuted pizzagate

5a7809 No.1158522


She's half Armenian to be precise.

b21550 No.1158523


Well, its a tad more nuanced than "armenia's" side but yes.. key.

11ed32 No.1158524

File: 2bf5b46186def10⋯.png (331.95 KB, 733x564, 733:564, 2bf5b46186def107ff04d75edc….png)

343ef2 No.1158525


The Ex-URSS…

Except Russia.

4cac51 No.1158526

File: d3880aeec35767e⋯.gif (2.16 MB, 480x265, 96:53, giphy (4).gif)


good golly, is this how it feels to be on top of the world again? I missed it. THE TRUTH IS FREE!

we are wining!!!!

cec8b9 No.1158527

c39bfe No.1158528


Iran next!!!

c19b69 No.1158529

File: ca12918ba6a6c77⋯.jpg (56.28 KB, 750x499, 750:499, smith11n-3-web.jpg)


Not Mr. Post-911-Dual-Citizen-NYC-Mayor…

Say it ain't so.

54af99 No.1158530


Hillary on a new cult recruiting hunt.

151a38 No.1158531

File: a9a4abce42d3d28⋯.jpg (88.95 KB, 564x729, 188:243, WRWY.jpg)


1a22f0 No.1158532


Khyber Pass Road – like in Afghanistan. Who names a road in the civilized road after that?

088c94 No.1158533

a49189 No.1158534


BIS member central banks

The Bank's capital is held by central banks only. Sixty central banks and monetary authorities are currently members of the BIS and have rights of voting and representation at General Meetings:

Bank of Algeria

Central Bank of Argentina

Reserve Bank of Australia

Central Bank of the Republic of Austria

National Bank of Belgium

Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Central Bank of Brazil

Bulgarian National Bank

Bank of Canada

Central Bank of Chile

People's Bank of China

Bank of the Republic (Colombia)

Croatian National Bank

Czech National Bank

Danmarks Nationalbank (Denmark)

Bank of Estonia

European Central Bank

Bank of Finland

Bank of France

Deutsche Bundesbank (Germany)

Bank of Greece

Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Hungary)

Central Bank of Iceland

Reserve Bank of India

Bank Indonesia

Central Bank of Ireland

Bank of Israel

Bank of Italy

Bank of Japan

Bank of Korea

Bank of Latvia

Bank of Lithuania

Central Bank of Luxembourg

National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia

Central Bank of Malaysia

Bank of Mexico

Netherlands Bank

Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Central Bank of Norway

Central Reserve Bank of Peru

Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (Philippines)

National Bank of Poland

Bank of Portugal

National Bank of Romania

Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority

National Bank of Serbia

Monetary Authority of Singapore

National Bank of Slovakia

Bank of Slovenia

South African Reserve Bank

Bank of Spain

Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden)

Swiss National Bank

Bank of Thailand

Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates

Bank of England

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (United States)

https:// www.bis.org/about/member_cb.htm

9d379f No.1158535


Truly wonderful to see!

a892bc No.1158536

File: 0fc85fad8aca3a0⋯.png (114.81 KB, 889x935, 889:935, 85asasdaaassdd343jfsksdfd4.png)

File: b7a1c74c2980bb5⋯.png (406.93 KB, 545x921, 545:921, 85asasdaaassdd3jfsksdfd4.png)

File: 0e56bc97f6ec23a⋯.png (81.01 KB, 925x310, 185:62, 85asasdasdd3jfsksdfd4.png)

Our Romanian president is a child trafficking LGBTQwasd supporter and has fraudulently obtained houses.

Documentary on child trafficking in Romania with his help…

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=a8x49UfvDBM#t=126

f30edf No.1158537


step by step, we walk together.

b0a966 No.1158538

File: 0034ba0c5b8b46f⋯.jpg (107.91 KB, 436x310, 218:155, gl5lso60vf.jpg)

7f8057 No.1158539




3f9eb7 No.1158540


right, nothings simple but understood

69928c No.1158541

6d4cac No.1158542



64697d No.1158543

File: c54ef01efa02a17⋯.png (10.94 KB, 664x75, 664:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8500f7e68cee39⋯.png (26.99 KB, 684x84, 57:7, ClipboardImage.png)

>CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2.

http:// comptroller.defense.gov/Portals/45/documents/fmr/archive/11aarch/11a_02_army_Nov02.pdf

Yet more plausible deniability for those up top.

ad1c56 No.1158544

File: eb2cf0db0e1c414⋯.jpg (199.32 KB, 740x581, 740:581, USS_Somers_hanging_big.jpg)


ByeBye Clowns!!!

YardArm for TRAITORS!!!!!!!

04b820 No.1158545

File: 054727124b076a7⋯.png (42.93 KB, 600x400, 3:2, spurdo_potus.png)


Iran next!

e24ee6 No.1158546


NICE. Removal of all these (((scum))) is vital, and human trafficking strings will be cut.

OUR nations will be OURS again.

f1efaf No.1158547


God Bless. That is amazing!!

f800d4 No.1158548




Second industry crash needs to happen. One way to drain the swamp there. Need a clean slate. More regulation may be needed to help it happen, but regulation that actually protects customers. New systems and inf

rastructure needed to help fight the beast.

I pray God helps and guides me and constantly helps me improve.

Hopefully Q approves too. >>1158457

1ab95d No.1158549


And Iran next.

What a timeline…

How will "4. EU" pan out?

People cheering in the streets?

b21550 No.1158550


Maybe include this one too >>1158257

It's from the same article from The Hill

343ef2 No.1158551


Which language?,


807852 No.1158552

File: 126f8ea65be2e3a⋯.png (109.1 KB, 411x490, 411:490, 6b5hyn-001-1k4cBGS.png)



will we ever hear the complete story of the white hats ? especially pre election .

a57995 No.1158553


So awesome seeing people freed from oppression and evil. I will dance in the streets here when the corruption is exposed and dealt with in the US. Can't wait!

8c961d No.1158554


Gah!!! It's one of the biggest elite scams to date –– ban plastic bags then charge money for them at the checkout!!!

5ca2cd No.1158555


So that explains why the referral letter is not being mentioned in the news?

063d1f No.1158556

Truly Inspirational


571b4f No.1158557


No one in CA gives a shit about bags.

Everyone brings their own reusable, or don't use any for a few items..

NO BIG DEAL. (And has actually eliminated all the bags (trash) in the streets.

3f9eb7 No.1158558




51cb1c No.1158559



Sounds like Jack failed the audition for one of the Budweiser frogs.

"Take it away, Jack!"

"Bud…" "larp…" "er…"

"Sorry, Jack. We need the 'wise…' guy."

69928c No.1158560


When will Earth be freed?

5623cc No.1158561


Love u man (no homo)

Nice Work!

3b52f6 No.1158562


YHWH bless the people of Armenia and keep them safe

b2083d No.1158563

a66e16 No.1158564

File: f615b29677f688f⋯.jpg (61.83 KB, 500x380, 25:19, Pope_Creepy.jpg)

File: 287b48888808c48⋯.png (485.14 KB, 996x697, 996:697, Pope_Jew_Psychoanalyst.png)

File: 8b0fc7a03122535⋯.jpg (48.17 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Pope_Jewish_Star.jpg)

File: cfe762c5d8a687e⋯.jpg (97.69 KB, 745x500, 149:100, Pope_Migrants.jpg)

File: 78050076a767c84⋯.jpg (247.1 KB, 1185x759, 395:253, Pope_Rothschild.jpg)


Pope is a puppet for the kikes.

cec8b9 No.1158565


Q indicates it is welcome news anyway.

668ba2 No.1158566


Armenian news was against Flynn due to his ties with Turkey. Might be a lead there.

1a22f0 No.1158567


Bloomberg was a fine Mayor. Crime went down, he cut way down on the nonsense. He went past the term limit. Mayor de Blasio now is very mediocre. I want Bloomberg back. – NYCareafag.

25acab No.1158568


IRAN -> Then the country we dont speak about

6d0904 No.1158569


You forgot clown nose.

f30edf No.1158571


We see 2%. There's another 98% going on. Remember that. :-)

7f8057 No.1158572




He's cleaning the planet ANONS !

2e2408 No.1158573

File: 630de8b58a62a97⋯.jpg (62.66 KB, 1409x971, 1409:971, nasim-bruce-lee.jpg)


Dig deeper Anon. What you hear from the Fox News media whores doesn't reflect the truth. IT's to support their narrative. Chemical weapons weren't an existential threat in Syria. In fact, is highly likely the reason for POTUS bombing Syria wasn't so much for prevention as it was to send a message to Russia, China, North Korea that Hussein is gone and the MAGA Lion is in charge.

Red lines mean something now.

27c7b6 No.1158574


german media ist SOO QUIET about that!

4f80b6 No.1158575


Iran is not next, other must fall to weaken their ability to cause harm.

dc294e No.1158576


Is UK free yet?

180a47 No.1158577


Well done Q team well done.


b0a966 No.1158578


Wow, just WOW!

One after another…WW


3f9eb7 No.1158579


lol just phonetics in english

"You are very pretty" -→ "You are very purdee"

anon just fucking around

8c961d No.1158580


That's not true you idiot! I'm from California and THEY USE PLASTIC BAGS! Maybe not where your elite ass lives!

cf1bda No.1158582


Q, please help me. Can you give us a clue about the 2-reg planes and Guernsey? I've been tracking them for months and I know it's connected to money and possibly laundering.

54af99 No.1158583


Kim K red pills the masses about the Armenian genocide too.


e24ee6 No.1158584


>saving israel for last.

7f8057 No.1158586

77f428 No.1158587

Chris Cornell & Chester Bennington did not commit suicide

cdcf4b No.1158588

File: a71e6e3a21c3586⋯.png (143.12 KB, 457x566, 457:566, Screen Shot 2018-04-23 at ….png)

04b820 No.1158589


homeless now just shit on the street instead of plastic bags like they used too. that's why there's a hepatitis outbreak in so cal.

>unintended consequences

7ec9dd No.1158591


Posobiec is ONI.

cec8b9 No.1158592


Dont respond to your own thread, Qfag. Lurk moar.

b93139 No.1158593


Freedom is contagious.

571b4f No.1158594


He acknowledges there is 5 eyes, but they were not used for this dossier.

3f9eb7 No.1158595


you'd know if it was


00950b No.1158596


History in the making

3c7eb7 No.1158597


Q, could you please mention germany soon?

c39bfe No.1158598


MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Berlin seeks a way to "safeguard" the Iran nuclear deal, formerly known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as its suspension may lead to an alarming situation in the Middle Eastern region, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said on Monday.

"FM @HeikoMaas: The situation in the Middle East would become much more dangerous without the nuclear agreement with #Iran. @g7 are therefore jointly looking for solutions to safeguard the #JCPOA," Maas said, as quoted by the German Foreign Ministry

It keeps pointing back at Germany. Is this where Cabal power is centered?

f30edf No.1158599


"Iran" may be a symbol for (((them))). In other words, all of these are "Iran", just like NK was.

151a38 No.1158601

File: 2afa6949d573c45⋯.png (161.5 KB, 512x512, 1:1, victory.png)

83aea1 No.1158602


people are not freed in NK, still commie dictatorship

f32cce No.1158603


Khyber Pass Road probably named because of its association with the British empire, like you find roads named Lexington in the USA

27c7b6 No.1158604


so she's not a elite puppet MKultra victim?

11ed32 No.1158605


Macron step down !!!!

Patriots know you are a rothChild.

You will not be served baby

b68a9a No.