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File: b7feed972f729e5⋯.jpg (2.86 MB, 2038x1471, 2038:1471, Explosion-Nuclear-Bomb.jpg)

6a444f No.114336

Brendan Dilley has an Intel Source that has been proven to be accurate several times over the last month or so. The source is not Q, but acknowledges that Q is legit. This source in the past only claims to be a government contractor, but was allowed by his bosses to leak this intel out. For example, here is one of the latest accurate predictions:

Brenden Dilley Intel Source 1/17

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/954010498449600512

"We've got media indictments coming. There's a large quantity of media involved with some very dark or disgusting things - corruption, willfully sharing fake news in exchange for money, (or) other far more deviant and disgusting things. This is the reason they fight so feverishly against the president"

1/18 - Happening - Newsweek got raided

I will begin posting Synopses of the upcoming Periscopes on this thread…

6a444f No.114345

Brenden Dilley Intel Source 1/18

https:// twitter.com/Realpersonpltcs/status/954218038659710976

"Obama will hang for his sins, this is way beyond this FISA Stuff"

"Where was Obama during Benghazi, NSA has the answer."

"The HAMMER RAW INTEL has Obama and certain several others in a certain place"

"HAMMER pings all cells and mapped who was present and their location and more"

"HAMMER is a supercomputer"

Why are non-administration personnel present in top secret meetings is also part of the extra intel"

"Binney is a hero"

"William Binney creator of NSA Super Computers"

"During Benghazi, Hillary was at her Satanic Ritual, oops! They don't allow cell phones at that event! With Many Celebs"

"Obama was elsewhere (not allowed to state' where it is as it's part of __ (I'm not authorized to say)"

"They are screwed, Trump has the Intel"

"McCabe en route to his GITMO tour"

Dilley - Was there a threat today (toward Trump)?

"Trump not at the Pentagon, he was somewhere else safe"

"The threat was credible, but the president was absolutely safe"

"2 more HUGE MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR news organizations are on the hit list as far as being raided - that's coming - just like Newsweek was today"

Dilley - "For what?"

"State secrets illegaly being passed to non-state entities through these organizations"

"2 of biggest - One is a paper, one is a news show"

"Stuff we know would make your hair crawl… unbelievable amount of corruption"

"if we released 10% of what we know, people would lynch the last administration, watch tomorrow"

"Soros, Gates, Buffet, Rockefeller, Tony Podesta, The Chinese Military was sitting in on Top Secret - IT WAS AN OPEN HOUSE"

"The Hammer has Obama at 'a certain place' with all these guys"


"Non-administration personnel present in top secret meetings was normal in previous administration"

"They're F****"

"POTUS Totally Safe"

"Are civilians safe" "yes"

"Watch a certain news station - they're next"

6a444f No.114347

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/954372550447980547

Brenden Dilley Intel Source 1/19

Brendan claims he has more information he will drop in the future (not able to release at this time) that is WAY worse than the "memos"

But was able to release the following:

In previous administration, Over 100+ meetings involving unauthorized non-administration personnel discussing Top Secret/Classified Intel - Soros, Gates, Buffet, Rockefeller, Tony Podesta, The Chinese Military" (Citizens and Military Foreign Nationals)

Topics of discussion

Insider Trading

Top Secret Information

Advising the Cabal's Money Men to move their assets etc so they would never lose

The Top Tier billionaires dictated policy to ensure that always made and never lost

Look at the bailout cash… Who got it?

Cabal told Obama what to do and as it was about to get done, Obama would e-mail them from an unsecured server and they would clean up "money-wise"

Obama traded secrets just like Hillary

BLM were taking instructions directly from Obama and his unsecured e-mail account

He had an unsecured account and was trading state secrets to the most wealthy people in order to profit himself

6a444f No.134183

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/955463173783437312

Brenden Dilley Intel Source 1/22

Releasing the memo means that we need to mobilize our military and swoop up the culprits

Keep your eye out for local Marines or National Guard mobilizing, that is a good sign that the memo is about to be released within hours

Mobilized military because there are people on the LEFT who are so misinformed that they won't accept the implications and consequences of the memo, alluding to the arrest of Obama

Memo is imminent and just the beginning (scratches the surface)

Q is not a single person but an organization

According to Dilley, his Intel Source gives it to him straight and doesn't attempt to convey information via cryptic messages

One of the Obama's is camped out at Martha's Vinyard with one of the Rothchilds

Mueller will be getting a free pass as he WILL receive a Presidential Pardon

Mueller is doing what he's doing to avoid his own prison time. He will always be remembered as "disgraced" no matter how many people he puts in prison

Main message today - Pray to God and love your country

Adam Schiff is a traitor, answers to foreign actors

Julian Assange is enjoying his life

Soros doesn't end up with a prison sentence - he's being taken out ("catch a bullet")

Alex Soros is useless without Soros money. Everything WILL be confiscated.

No text messages lost. Deep State trying to leverage a lie to discredit the memo. Basically they say no evidence and if DOJ offer it up, Deep State say it's lies and "texts are lost". 3 NSA programs have the texts and they cannot be deleted, all Hillary's emails are intact.

All Deep State e-mails and messages are stored in _ program and cannot be deleted, the raw intel cannot be tampered with.

Source is authorized to "release" FROM THE TOP

Trump is in control… the Intelligence Apparatus is in control

The main problem to solve - How do you redpill the country, thus avoiding too much Civil Unrest?

6d5111 No.134359


well thats simple, if you control the msm first, then you can spin any news to a positive angle, you can red pill them the most disturbing of news and put a happy face on it that its been routed out and society can move on with less corruption etc. the public only ever panics to the news because the way the msm caters their news to raise fear, not hope.

df687b No.134476

Interesting, care keeping us updated with this?

6a444f No.134614


https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/955463173783437312

Brenden Dilley Intel Source 1/22

Releasing the memo means that we need to mobilize our military and swoop up the culprits

Keep your eye out for local Marines or National Guard mobilizing, that is a good sign that the memo is about to be released within hours

Mobilized military because there are people on the LEFT who are so misinformed that they won't accept the implications and consequences of the memo, alluding to the arrest of Obama

Memo is imminent and just the beginning (scratches the surface)

Q is not a single person but an organization

According to Dilley, his Intel Source gives it to him straight and doesn't attempt to convey information via cryptic messages

One of the Obama's is camped out at Martha's Vinyard with one of the Rothchilds

Mueller will be getting a free pass as he WILL receive a Presidential Pardon

Mueller is doing what he's doing to avoid his own prison time. He will always be remembered as "disgraced" no matter how many people he puts in prison

Main message today - Pray to God and love your country

Adam Schiff is a traitor, answers to foreign actors

Julian Assange is enjoying his life

Soros doesn't end up with a prison sentence - he's being taken out ("catch a bullet")

Alex Soros is useless without Soros money. Everything WILL be confiscated.

No text messages lost. Deep State trying to leverage a lie to discredit the memo. Basically they say no evidence and if DOJ offer it up, Deep State say it's lies and "texts are lost". 3 NSA programs have the texts and they cannot be deleted, all Hillary's emails are intact.

All Deep State e-mails and messages are stored in _ program and cannot be deleted, the raw intel cannot be tampered with.

Source is authorized to "release" FROM THE TOP

Trump is in control… the Intelligence Apparatus is in control

The main problem to solve - How do you redpill the country, thus avoiding too much Civil Unrest?

Yup, that's why I created this thread

6a444f No.134691


Yes, the reason why I created this thread

63a961 No.135686

Thank you for this information. It helps to be able to pray "target focused" prayers. Please keep us posted.

570243 No.137518

We're starting to see intel convergence between sources, with lots of information overlap. Usually this means either all information is coming from a single source, or that the information shared is actually true.

One thing I do agree on with many others, the truth shouldn't be redacted in any way this time. Too many secrets is what caused this, and given the state of technology, making sure people 'properly interpret' what is released shouldn't be an issue. We handled WW2, the cold war, Iraq, and many other countless conflicts. Give Americans a focal point for their anger and you can turn the energy to constructive tasks.


I would waffle about the memo and other 'media filler' for a few days/weeks while assets are positioned; with the damning information released either during or after an operation to capture or worst case, take out the offending parties. After which public trials on par with Nuremberg would happen; both to placate the masses as well as give them something to focus restless energy on.

Some on both the left and right will see this as a potential 'trump is muh dictator' moment, but if the corruption is clear enough, their numbers would be few.

Reading between the lines, it looks like a constitutional crisis is inevitable. Civil War / WW III seems unlikely but Americans as a whole losing trust in the federal government might just give the resurgence of individualism needed to purge this mess.

6a444f No.145810

https:// twitter.com/annvandersteel/status/955914720543956993

Brenden Dilley Intel Source 1/23

There has been a couple of traitors within the Trump Cabinet and he now knows who they "were".

They were leveraged unfortunately from things that had happened to them in the past. Please do NOT guess or speculate. Their names will not be disclosed.

They were helping Deep State by quarterbacking stuff against the President

Deep State had insurance policies by leveraging information from their wiretaps

While Trump had been diligently building his group, Deep State has been corrupting his cabinet because they had the intel as to "who were going where"

Wiretaps helped them get ahead to a degree.

Trump just waiting on Nunez and Gowdy to pass Trmemo up which I'm told is "imminent"

Trump will make an overnight visit to NSA Utah and Langley - Off the book visit to secure some data "in person". He has raw intel regarding "3" of his Cabinet to get from NSA. He wants last 7 years data on each.

Dilley has been sitting on INTEL for months, but because of last night's Q post, he is able to now release new INTEL:

Admiral Rogers approached Trump shortly after the victory in 2016. This is going to relate to something that happened months later…

But Rogers discovered prior to that meeting with Trump that there was a "plan" to kidnap Trump's Grandchildren. That's what was actually exposed at that point in the meeting because they don't have anything on the President. He's clean.

This is why Don Jr. dropped his SS security detail - there was a plan in place to snatch his "child" or "baby".


Reaffirmaton of General Flynn being a great patriot.

General Flynn and Admiral Rogers both playing a part to protect this country.

Also thank Bill Binney who developed the technology needed to bust these guys.

NSA has footage of a cabinet member from PREVIOUS administration "HURTING A CHILD" (no further details provided)

Keep military men and women in your prayers. They are fighting on behalf of the good people of this country. They are in the middle of dangerous operations as we speak.

This story tells you the level of DESPARATION the DEEP STATE is in to try to stop POTUS.

All this data can be dropped now because of yesterday's Q Posts and the revelation of "Secret Society"

Not easy to discuss but we are slowly preparing Americans for these drops.

You will never know the full scope of this and "you don't need to"

Confirmed TruPundit story about FBI texts regarding physically harming the President.

FBI is TOAST and major housecleaning will occur similar to what happened with the CIA. FBI may not be able to survive this.

Christopher Wray threatening to "walk out" on FBI/Sessions is FAKE NEWS. Disinfo is necessary.

Some "Trusted" journalists that patriots listen to are DELIBERATELY fed disinfo to keep scent off the main trail. Refrain from roasting these journalists - this being done on purpose.

The Intel Source has actually given Dilley "Fake News", but he can "sense" it's fake and refused to report it on his Periscope.

95% is legit, but 5% Dilley can TELL. Dilley calls him on his BULL.

TruPundit (Thomas Paine) is LEGIT. He was a former FBI "spook" and even HE is getting shocked by what he's finding out.

Trey Gowdy is playing his role. Mueller's investigation is legit and he's trying to be honest.

Get away from Paradigm on who is "Good vs Bad"… find out who can get leveraged.

None of this is a current threat. It's being released now BECAUSE it's past tense. So relax.

McCabe is in a "Black Site in the lower 48th" "singing" (Somewhere in the Continental U.S.)

Black Site = a place that exists that's not supposed to exist.

He's no longer in GITMO but he's not getting the Witness Protection Treatment

He did not enjoy his GITMO visit, which is why he's Singing and no longer there.


We are starting to let words out that is preparing the public: TREASON, Secret Society

Memo will confirm what most red-pilled people already knew.

86e180 No.151066


Dear Lord, woman! There is a reason everyone here is "anon". If that is your real name, delete your post immediately!

fa81d0 No.151632



and the mail! you can post without filling anything!

89361f No.151765


Does it matter?

What are they gonna do?

fa81d0 No.151803


send her spam! haha that's all they can do

7bdf28 No.153205


Research 'Ad Blocker'.

70f4d5 No.153386


Reported for dumb woman self doxxing.

Hopefully BO will remove.

2e116e No.154036

I could not find this stuff on Brenden Dilleys Twitter. Where’s the sauce?

51d7f0 No.154040

Sorry!!! I'm new to all this. Why does it ask for your info if you're not suppose to fill it in???

635d01 No.154246


probably on his streams

one of the periscopes being posted (that i saw) had him talking about the mccabe black site stuff

6cdcab No.154331


Follow him on Twitter and watch his Periscopes- either live or the posted replays. I can CONFIRM that everything posted in these rundowns is what Dilley has shared. His presentation "style" is unique and at times entertaining, but his source(s) look 100% legit. Much of what Dilley has shared has been aired BEFORE Q has posted it.

2e116e No.154678


Thanks! Glad someone posted a recap. I don’t watch anyone’s YouTube videos or Periscopes. Too much disinfo gets spread that way.

927f20 No.154797






Seems credible info. No more or less so than Q.

So has anyone analyzed the info. I understand that the source is saying its no use guess names in one instance, but really there is a absolute message of hope in all of this.

And we shouldn't have to wait long is history is any indication. DJT is about to leave for Davos, which would be the perfect time to round up some of these criminals….

c95d69 No.154817


Link for Dilly's twitter?

6d4eed No.154819


Praying Medic on periscope

Brenden Dilley on Periscope

Your Voice America on periscope.

All excellent sources for current events.

45b552 No.154821


My parents are paranoid because my nephew is always at the computer whenever he visits. My dad gets all kinds of these low-class emails in his spam and he doesn't want the kid to see them and get the wrong idea. This stuff is disgusting. I wish they'd stop bothering us normies with it.

That said, I think you'll be very pleased with the Brave browser. Try it and you won't see this crap.

6d4eed No.154839


@hublife is Dilley’s Twitter account.

45b552 No.154850


>Link for Dilly's twitter?

Dilley's a douche, but I can't argue with the info he's dropping. I always had a feeling that this is where it's been leading.

My sick sense of humor finds a certain warped sense of poetic justice to our first black president meeting his fate at the end of a rope. Don't worry my fellow AMERICAN blacks, HE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. He is a Kenyan, from East Africa, while most African Americans come from Western Africa. He has about as much to do with you guys as a Mexican has to do with an Eskimo.

d5369c No.154905


Read and learn. Don’t ask questions. If your told not to do something. Just don’t do it. This isn’t a game. Nor a chat group. Lurk and read and learn. Research. If you doxx yourself or others you will be removed. We are anons for safety.

a1ea85 No.154945


This board is for Q research. Quit talking about yourself.

daf803 No.155036

>>145810 thanks for the summary, enjoy his periscopes and drops

927f20 No.155052

File: 5f2ebd0ed69b349⋯.png (742.61 KB, 1016x799, 1016:799, Screen Shot 2018-01-25 at ….png)

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File: cee0f1e7ae7d7a8⋯.png (57.38 KB, 886x144, 443:72, Screen Shot 2018-01-25 at ….png)

File: f600344147a7616⋯.png (53.75 KB, 1161x123, 387:41, Screen Shot 2018-01-25 at ….png)

File: eca14093c0fb070⋯.png (684.98 KB, 737x497, 737:497, Screen Shot 2018-01-25 at ….png)



http:// themillenniumreport.com/2017/03/the-hammer-ultra-secret-supercomputer-system-used-by-ciansa-to-wiretap-trump/

45b552 No.155077


>This board is for Q research. Quit talking about yourself.

Who made you the hall monitor?

927f20 No.155092


"2 more HUGE MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR news organizations are on the hit list as far as being raided - that's coming - just like Newsweek was today"

Dilley - "For what?"

"State secrets illegaly being passed to non-state entities through these organizations"

"2 of biggest - One is a paper, one is a news show"

Just guessing NYT and CNN…

daf803 No.155110


often does am coffee periscope, shows up on twitter

927f20 No.155112


>TruPundit (Thomas Paine) is LEGIT. He was a former FBI "spook" and even HE is getting shocked by what he's finding out.

Must watch https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=xySOFEMR9n4

72b2dd No.155693


Bezos+Podesta= Washington Post.

4e364f No.157544


Go to Facebook and talk about your mom. The anon is right. Don’t talk about home life or anything other than Q. The 3 letters are on here. QReseach boards were set up when Qs ID was compromised. The new rules for THIS were #1 - Q research only. #2 don’t tell others about the group - because they come in and start chatting it up. There are top level people in here. Lurk and learn.

4efa54 No.157575

Brenden Dilley tweeted the following early this morning:

12 have been sat for 39 days.

Obama former cabinet beginning to lawyer up.

McCabe singing. One of the names he gave up is now the informant that is being referred to.

19 charges. 3 are involved in criminal enterprise and sponsor of terrorism. BHO

2:09 AM - 25 Jan 2018

Giant RICO case incoming for rest

Tribunals for top perpetrators

POTUS authorized huge red pill for public

Flynn sitting on dark evidence

2:18 AM - 25 Jan 2018

6a444f No.157821


Thanks Anon, please follow @hublife to confirm. Each "Intel" tweet Dilley makes, I will post. He's never done this before, but it makes my job much easier!

6a444f No.157826

Brenden Dilley



19 hours ago


If you want to know the direction things are heading…

When you see the name of Obama's attorneys revealed, keep an eye out for one who is experienced in "military law."





6a444f No.157841

Brenden Dilley Tweet



6 hours ago

Giant RICO case incoming for rest

Tribunals for top perpetrators

POTUS authorized huge red pill for public

Flynn sitting on dark evidence




6a444f No.157866

Brenden Dilley Tweet


7 hours ago

12 have been sat for 39 days.

Obama former cabinet beginning to lawyer up.

McCabe singing. One of the names he gave up is now the informant that is being referred to.

19 charges. 3 are involved in criminal enterprise and sponsor of terrorism. BHO



4efa54 No.157882


I did confirm the tweets before posting. Let me just say that I know Dilley and he's the real deal. I'm glad you are doing this. I just posted the info here because I didn't want too much time to pass and I wanted to get it up. Kudos for those who created this thread and are keeping it up.

6a444f No.157960


Haha! the request to follow @hublife was not for you - it was for the wider audience in 8ch! Agree that Dilley is the real deal!

6a444f No.158104

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/956556430315679744

Listening to today's Periscope… Funny guy, Periscope starts out with "Final Countdown" by Europe.

4efa54 No.158138


I listened to it. I hope you can write a summary, otherwise I will later today. I'm off to campaign.

aa1852 No.158139

>You will never know the full scope of this and "you don't need to"

>Mueller will be getting a free pass as he WILL receive a Presidential Pardon

>Mueller is doing what he's doing to avoid his own prison time. He will always be remembered as "disgraced" no matter how many people he puts in prison

Hmmm… I get the idea Mueller isn't the only one who has had a come-to-Jesus moment and started working for the 'good guys'. That first sentence suggest to me the current 'good guys' were once willfully a part of all this corruption but suddenly realized some of their assets, like the NSA, could be used against them.

When did we get to see Bush in jail? What about the bailouts and warrentless wiretapping that happened at the end of that administration?

45b552 No.158357


>Go to Facebook and talk about your mom.

Who made you hall monitor?

6a444f No.158484

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/956556430315679744

Brenden Dilley Intel Source 1/25

"12 have been sat for 39 days."

Meaning - 12 members of the military tribunal have been sat for 39 days reviewing the information

They have not just been twiddling their thumbs

These are NOT jurors!

Why 12? 12 members are required on the panel in order to entertain the DEATH PENALTY

Normally, that number is 9

Dilley claims he's known that since day 1 (we're on day 39)

Source admits he is late to the drop that "Obama is lawyering up", but now has confirmed it.

Finding the Obama lawyer who is an "Expert" in Military law will give a clue that ALL this intel is legit.

More "lawyering up" for the "cabinet members"

A lot of them don't know what's coming

They now have a new "source" from the FBI.

The reason why they have this new source is because of McCabe's singing which gave them this guy that basically was a "keyhole" to everything

McCabe delivered him.

This "guy" has everything.

Obama pissed himself when McCabe delivered this "guy"

There are approximately 19 charges for Obama alone 3 of which involve "criminal enterprise sponsors of terrorism"

Assange photos and videos of him at the Ecuadorian embassy pre-recorded. He's no longer there.

"Expect Pictures and videos of Assange coming out because they need them to keep looking over there"

"Nobody is getting pardoned except for (maybe) Mueller"

Flynn won't even need to get pardoned

Thomas Paine FISA memo drop today confirmed

Not a drop… Dilley Opinion - "Christopher Wray is a SAVAGE. Wait till the OIG Report comes out."

43f221 No.158585

File: 13b7626e41ce1fd⋯.png (641.76 KB, 1079x792, 1079:792, DEXATI20180125125512.png)


83b0f2 No.159718


Mueller met with President Trump the day before he was assigned as Special Counsel. Trump (and his people) described the government's evidence against Mueller and offered him to opportunity to redeem himself and possibly avoid jail time. He took the offer.

fa7968 No.160563


There have to be 12 on a military tribunal for death penalty.

fa7968 No.160585


There have to be >>157575

on a military tribunal for death penalty.

fa7968 No.160587


There have to be 12 people

on a military tribunal for death penalty.

040572 No.161140


Are we sharing these drops on social media?

Without links back to here of course.

87daf8 No.161923


Sometimes the people

Must establish New Guards for

Themselves by force of arms.

It's in the Declaration.

Lynching is force of arms.

DOJ execute Justice on former Administration





b54121 No.162640

Still not satisfied. I want to know why all the truth won't come out…eventually. I get the protection of sources and methods and I get the idea to shock only enough to wake people up without killing them. Perhaps details don't need to be known, but if it's satanic rituals involving torture and death of people, at least say that. We need a degree of evil, at least at some level within and across different leaders throughout society and in such a way that the knowledge can be accurately recorded and passed down through the generations.

And if you're not going to say why, then why not? What makes you better hiding info this time? What makes you different from them? What makes all of this evil not able to come back from the abyss, albeit in 50, 100, or 1000s years. Light…and trust. Unless you've spoken with the creator and the message is to only show us 40%, then is there a lack of faith in the light?

I get it. It's probably a really difficult political and philosophical question to weed through. Maybe not knowing is better, but I'd still like a legitimate response as to why. To date, I've just heard a bunch of excuses…and you know what they say about excuses.

Anyway, thanks for these posts. Getting pretty tired of cryptic Q, but thank God for everyone involved.

3de38b No.163128


Connect the dots.

Dec. 16th DJT leaves for Camp David for overnight stay.

Dec. 17th Atl airport power outage.

Dec. 17th DJT leaves CD at night heading to WH.

Dec. 19th Amtrak derailment.

Jan. 25th "12 have been sat for 39 days."

39 days before Jan. 25th is Dec. 17th.

To paint the picture.

BHO was detained in Atl at the airport and transported to Camp David where DJT was waiting for him with a military tribunal. The Clowns derailed a train in retaliation.

Yesterday he retained legal council after he found out who is the key witness that was provided by McCabe.

6a444f No.163180


Boom! Big if True. Can anyone confirm where BHO is and any sightings for the past 39 days?

f84e9f No.163271


927f20 No.163625


My thought is there are a (relatively) small number of people involved and if you remove these people permanently by freezing their funds and putting them in jail (or otherwise taking them off the streets) most of the evil will stop.

Of course, eventually someone else will try to take their place, but hopefully systems will be in place to neuter those challengers before they achieve their goal….

The 'helicopter' approach. Don't worry about the small fry, take out their leaders and the small fry will dissolve….

927f20 No.163679


I like the way you think. But why BHO? Why not McCabe for example?

c3c0e1 No.163715


He officiated a wedding last weekend.

https:// www.cnn.com/2018/01/23/us/obama-wedding-officiant/index.html>


3de38b No.163831


Because BHO was flying around the world undermining the POTUS. McCabe is a pawn compared to BHO.


CNN is fake news. Was it so secret that they couldn't provide a photo?

b54121 No.163835


Maybe. Whatever the reason, I wanna hear it from the horse's mouth.

f2458a No.164407


Fuck off it’s not about (You)

a54165 No.164415

Lurker here- please explain how military tribunals could be used against Obama as theorized in prior bread, trying to redpill…..would like answer, can call me fag, nigger or whatever, love your colorful language here, but genuine question

f2458a No.164432


lurk moar

f2458a No.164445


But really… crimes against the state nigger fag kike 14/88

a54165 No.164593


I’m serious- I read tribunals only in war time…explain to me???

b54121 No.164608



They think they can control it by taking out a few bad eggs…put pandora back in the box…

Red pill us a bit, but don't wake everyone up.

There needs to be a collective awaking to the stain on humanity for posterity.

What? They think will all this tech, they can avoid another cabal? Maybe for a while…

New tech is coming. It's decentralized and encrypted. The only reason Trump is winning is because of the ability to see comms. That won't be possible anymore. It will bring great things for people and humanity. Maybe it will even decentralize governance such that the type of cabal today would be impossible in the future. But just as life finds a way, evil finds one too. Its got to be epic and total.

b54121 No.164616


Executive Order. Dec 22, I think. War powers declared.

b54121 No.164623


And Trump has 90 days.

a54165 No.164630

a54165 No.164636

Dilley stated Dec 17 tribunal in Camp David after BHO extraction, wouldn’t that disqualify him?

a54165 No.164642

b54121 No.164664


Good point. It must go back further then. Is there another similar EO?

b54121 No.164683


Dec 22 EO was human trafficking.

Obama got rounded up on something else?

Rounding him up doesn't mean he was charged. Maybe just brought in for questioning…

Clearly he's be out and about since then, right? Or was it just the one time to the wedding since then?

465e27 No.164714

Wouldn't knowing and using the private email server alone be treason knowing anyone can see classified intel?

b54121 No.164729


If he was commander-in-chief, he's military. I don't think it needs to be wartime.

4efa54 No.164788


I think it's a case when somebody threatens the United States of America (treason, selling secrets, collaborating with declared enemies of the state, etc.), it then becomes a military thing, and military rules, procedures take precedence. .

60450a No.165077


Yeah, so this sounds to me like we're talking assassination through "accident" with zero public disclosure.

A semi-secret tribunal will come to a decision and then their plane with crash.

Anyone else get this impression?

040572 No.165081


Not everything will be made public, there is no doubt about that.

040572 No.165087


Huma asked the same question…well, she wondered why his emails weren't marked classified..

927f20 No.165167


Start here https:// www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1858&v=ASbxCV_phgs

927f20 No.165176


See https:// www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1858&v=ASbxCV_phgs

927f20 No.165239



Summary of Facts (for those too lazy to watch 34m of YT)

If the US deems you an enemy combatant:

1. You lose your constitutional rights immediately;

2. You may be detained at any time, any place, any where;

3.You may be imprisoned at a location unknown to anyone (you will be off the radar);

4. Your right to counsel will be severely limited (due process will be limited or non-existent).

927f20 No.165327

File: df119db1cc456a9⋯.png (612.52 KB, 1624x759, 1624:759, Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at ….png)

File: 576ea01820078ad⋯.png (2.39 MB, 1337x859, 1337:859, Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at ….png)

McCabe is in a "Black Site in the lower 48th" "singing" (Somewhere in the Continental U.S.)

Could McCabe be at Fort Huachuca?

Arizona is the 48th state…Fort Huachuca is in the lower part of AZ

f26d4f No.165348


Screen shot

6a444f No.165512


Dilley is from Arizona… out of all the ppl to reach out to, why Dilley… maybe due to proximity?

927f20 No.165566


The intel Dilley received from his source was that "McCabe is in a "Black Site in the lower 48th" "singing" (Somewhere in the Continental U.S.)".

7a702e No.165581


Great Video. It would have been even better if the host would shutup and let him speak.

635d01 No.165602


i watched that video a few days ago and am sure he said the trupundit guy was somebody else

927f20 No.165662


There are 2 Thomas Paines. One is associated with True Pundit, the other with American Intelligence Media.

It was the second one that Lionel interviewed. The first choses to remain anonymous…

b54121 No.165831


It's a team of guys.

There's one that kind of does the PR part.

2dc013 No.169194


Good to know. I heard Lionel interview the AIM guy and the interviewee lost all credibility for me when he started talking about aligned stars in Trump's astrology chart.

635d01 No.169278


>being this dogmatic

83b0f2 No.169595


The 40/60 refers to operations. 40% are public. 60% are covert and refers to the works of special ops marines, spies, etc.

29572c No.170549


Who can be trusted at the NSA?

b54121 No.171289


That's not what Q has said. He's reiterated that some stuff is just too dark, meaning the behaviors of the targets, not the operations. Yea, I don't really want to hear about torture techniques or whatever. But I do want to hear about all the criminals and at least an overview of what they've done…enough to give the world public's imagination a spin. 100% of the crimes, 40% of the details.

ce29f2 No.171412

this "guy" McCabe gave over - Peter Strzok - who supposedly doesnt exist. So, who interviewed Flynn?

b54121 No.172651

Here is a great summary: https:// www.youtube. com/watch?v=7kTZ6EerZjc

It reminded me of something and it's potentially why we shouldn't know the other 60-80%.

"But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt."

We need most people to stay pure and move forward without looking back. Trust that justice will be done. That's a hard dose to swallow being someone that likes to know the details. There will are definitely people who are choosing to stay behind and become pillars of salt so that justice may be done. Certainly, there will soon come a time when it will be clear that it's the moment flee the city and not look back.

3d609e No.173568



Hmmm. I've heard someone speak like that before. Thanks for the thread.

95ee97 No.174307


Did he?


95ee97 No.174341




6e520b No.176183

There was a time when Americans believed in freedom.

The US is dying from a million cuts. Part of the reason the USA is a nanny police state now is that whenever there is a problem, the kneejerk reaction in the US is to call for a new law.

Nanny state laws are not the best solution, however. Nanny state laws lead to more laws, higher fines, and tougher sentences. Thirty-five years ago, DWI laws were enacted that led to DWI checkpoints and lower DWI levels. Seatbelt laws led to backseat seatbelt laws, childseat laws, and pet seatbelt laws. Car liability insurance laws led to health insurance laws and gun liability laws. Smoking laws that banned smoking in buildings led to laws against smoking in parks and then bans against smoking in entire cities. Sex offender registration laws led to sex offender restriction laws and violent offender registration laws.

Nanny state laws don’t make us safer, either. Nanny state laws lead people to be careless since they don’t need to have personal responsibility anymore. People don’t need to be careful crossing the street now because drunk-driving has been outlawed and driving while using a mobile phone is illegal. People don’t investigate companies or carry out due diligence because businesses must have business licenses now.

The main point of nanny state laws is not safety. The main purposes of more laws are control and revenue generation for the state.

Another reason laws are enacted is because corporations give donations to lawmakers to stifle competition or increase sales.

Many laws are contradictory, too. Some laws say watering lawns is required, while other laws say watering lawns is illegal.

Many nanny state laws that aim to solve a problem can be fixed by using existing laws. If assault is already illegal, why do we need a new law that outlaws hitting umpires?

Nanny state laws are not even necessary. If everything was legal would you steal, murder, and use crack cocaine? Aren’t there other ways to solve problems besides calling the police? Couldn’t people educate or talk to people who bother them? Couldn’t people be sued for annoying behavior? Couldn’t people just move away? Even if assault was legal, wouldn’t attackers risk being killed or injured, too? Do people have consciences? Having no laws doesn’t mean actions have no consequences.

If there is no victim, there is no crime.

We don’t need thousands of laws when we only need 10.

Should swimming pools be banned because they are dangerous? Hammers? Bottles? Rocks? Energy drinks? Pillows?

Where does it end?

Freedom is not just a one way street. You can only have freedom for yourself if you allow others to have it.

Control freaks might get angry when a neighbor owns three indoor cats, but what did the neighbor take from them? Why should this be illegal? Is outlawing cats something a free country should do? Doesn’t banning everything sound like the opposite of liberty?

Instead of getting mad at people who like freedom, why don’t people realize that freedom is a two way street?

If you allow others to paint their house purple then you can, too.

If you allow others to own a gun then you can, too.

If you allow others to swear then you can, too.

If you allow others to gamble then you can, too.

Who wants to live in a prison?

Think. Question everything.

cdc585 No.176848

File: 111ed5369f466ff⋯.jpg (55.94 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, lockheedmartin.jpg)


>The US is dying from a million cuts. Part of the reason the USA is a nanny police state now is that whenever there is a problem, the kneejerk reaction in the US is to call for a new law.

No it's worse. Rather than be their own mutual law enforcement and military, Americans are content to hire 24/7 mercenaries with absolute monopoly of violence. Standing armies are the greatest threat to liberty. Nothing whatsoever has made that fact obsolete. That is what will end us. Our faith is in pilots who sow chemtrails, sailors who smuggle uranium, and troops who guard traffickers.

The United States Armed Forces are the White Horseman of Revelation. They masquerade under an air of legitimate authority while destroying the world through conquest.

c073d1 No.177928



I totally agree. We will repeat this whole mess in 100, 200, 1000 years if all that is hidden in darkness is not brought out into the light. Perhaps not every photo, video and audio file needs to be played publicly, but certainly the written detailed contents of those must be made known.

b54121 No.181000



He's definitely not around. Still free and hiding or not?

b54121 No.181075


This is why I question the shaming of Lot's wife. Maybe looking back will make us hard, but not the FUD of becoming pillars of salt. Maybe if Lot had looked back instead of getting drunk an impregnating his daughters, the the cycle of sin might not have seeded itself anew IMMEDIATELY after the destruction of it.

5ddd61 No.182253

May Almighty God bless Q!

c4b180 No.189260

new dilley drop

p scp.tv/w/1MYGNjwDMNXGw

starts 28.30

6a444f No.189291


https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/957474926448992256

Brenden Dilley Intel Source 1/27

Memo will NOT be read during SOTU (not appropriate)

Pay attention to the GW Pundit article on the executive order

Gitmo used to extract information out of scumbags, release them back out into the world and keep them on a short leash.

Hannity pissed off some Deep State people last night.

White hats are gonna use old videos, old pictures, old articles to prove that Assange is still in Embassy. They created the videos and took the pictures to prepare for this to make sure that no one would know where he was at

White hat releasing this deliberately to keep everyone looking in a different direction.

Another Soros may have been taken, not Georgy.

George Soros believes that he could beat Trump.

George Soros WILL be taken out but it won't be U.S. Military, nor even a U.S. Citizen.

It will happen from another country's military who is "absolutely fed up"

Don't assume that if Intel gives the "last name" of a person, you automatically figure out the individual.

You're given small pieces of information deliberately because they don't want to give out the whole farm. People get overzealous to try to solve and assume the intel is regarding particular individual. Instead of taking the "raw intel" the way it is, and staying open, people want to "play investigator" and "piece it all together".

"You get going down these paths, it's not good."

"You go down a rabbit hole that's not accurate, and then when the truth comes out, you get disappointed."

I thought I heard "this". You didn't. You heard something, interpreted "this", ran with it, and now you're here.

Podesta didn't write that article that came out the other day. Robby Mook wrote it, Hillary helped.

Skippy was in ill health at the time. He is not doing so well health-wise

The intellience community is annoyed because some of you guys aren't normally watching Dilley scopes and only in there to watch for Intel, write things down, then publish it on YouTube as if it were your own. You start to build your own brands around it.

The Intelligence Community know you who you are and they don't like it.

It's not a good look whether you're doing it to Q or Dilley's Intel Source or other sources.

"Annoyed" is not even the right word.

They don't like it because you guys SCREW IT UP and you change things, add thing, and you start being "conspiritorial" instead of just taking the information.

With the Intel, people are trying to play "Clue" instead of just watching what's happening (and) having some faith, they start stealing information and pretending that someone told it to them. They're capitalizing on it. Good Luck!

If you're taking that information and you're rebranding it and putting it out as your own, good luck, it's not going to end well for you.

They know where you live and they know where you put your money. They have everything. You're not anonymous at any point ever when you're on the Internet.

Direct Quote from Intel:

"Sadly, people see a surname, add who they wish it to be, then spout it elsewhere and devalue the intel. Seen some shocking copy/paste style jobs and for the record, Skippy is in ill health at the moment."

"Skippy was in a military medical facility till Monday, just left. Waiting to hear where he is right now. His brother is in the lower 48 in Military Custody."

"GITMO journeys are to get the intel, they are not yet permanent residents. Again, for the record, we have never said they were there permanently. We said they had visits, some for much longer than others. There are so many moving parts on this that it changes not by day or week but by the minute."

"MSM is the disinformation campaign to rock patriots."

"Example, POTUS just had to clarify he never wanted to sack Mueller. I think he has said it about 40 times+. Yet media runs a hack piece and he has to say it again."

"David Duke Disavow stuff - Same Way. They are just a smear campaign to slow the Trump Train."

"Podesta Op-Ed (Hillary really) is the same crap as is Obama. They wanna push a narrative that they're untouchable and they get the low-educated CNN and Company to fall for it. Same with this John Kerry shit that's weeks old info, yet is churned out. They're trying to muddy the waters and put blood in the water. Disinformation is a tactic - both sides. However, our side is done to protect assets. Their side is to cause carnage."

Old news being passed as current.

We're livid with people "repacking the Intel as theirs" and adding lies and misinformation to it. It distorts the facts.

6a444f No.189292


Current Assange footage being used by BBC, etc. May of 2017 footage. Wikileaks footage as recent as December, early January.

Dilley has a "BOMBSHELL" that cannot be dropped just yet. Green light to drop this until probably early next week.

Q rolled out the word "Cyanide" and that HRC, Soros, and Hussein would not see a public court.

Huge Military references in the drops.

Dilley mentions to source that he doesn't listen to Q: "I don't read Q drops, that's why I got you!"

Source replies, "True, but cross references of my drops and Q drops plot the way it would go."

Other 'special' item skipped.. Dilley not allowed to tell yet.

Dilley asked about Prince Alwaleed: "He got released?!?"

Intel Source: "Ya, minus some toes and a device fitted internally. Think 'Kill Switch'"

There's more (Alwaleed) data after that drop that Dilley can't say it.

Confirmation - Earlier today, Jerome Corsi dropped that Hannity was attacked by Deep State for posting form submission 1649 - which is a reference SUGGESTING Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton (were) guilty of treason. Qanon warns Deep State in panic, will attack Conservative, Libertarian, Red-Pilled Journalists… This is from Jerome Corsi, a tweet that he put out.

Intel Source - "He's on the right track", Not confirming EVERY bit of it but at least stating that on the right track.

Dilley states he has deliberately withheld Intel from audience that he felt was preposterous, but ended up becoming true. He claimed he knew about the December Executive Order a week in advance, but couldn't believe it and refused to release it. He sat on it because he was running for office. Too risky to drop.

6a444f No.189295


Dilley's advice on any intel drops:

"Don't get too wrapped up into it. Have some fun, go enjoy your lives. Cause all this is going to happen whether you're watching it and glued to your phone or your Internet OR NOT. It's all gonna happen. It's all gonna play out. I would just hate for a lot of people to get sucked into the drama of all this and you start neglecting your own lives. Then you start getting emotional about this… You start demanding… GIMME THE INTEL!"

Intel source picked Dilley because they watched "Your Voice America" and was able to vet Dilley. They chose him because of his ability vet, process, and communicate information.

Besides Fox and Friends and Hannity, "YourVoice America" is a favorite show 'Inside the White House Administration'

Sean Hannity knows a LOT.

No deals for the people at the very top.

Every day, Intel is being dropped and will continue to be dropped. Not all at once to prevent civil unrest. When the "Hammer" drops, people will not be so surprised.

"There is no panic. There is, however, people who jump to conclusions and muddy the Intel. Some do that on purpose just for the many reasons we say"

5e0241 No.189802


there was a report on Atl that an Obama aide, lost an confused, phone dead etc, at the time, but sorry lost in the fog of 8chan>>163128

4efa54 No.191028




Nice job, anon. I heard this long p-scope as well and your summary is spot on.

70e8f8 No.192549

Future proves past.

10 days of darkness. Shutdown.

Shutdown started on the 20th. Ends on the 30th. Same day as SOTU address. Praying for light

aa14e4 No.193106


What shutdown? Why don't we see anything?

dbaa7e No.194207

What about UK? Will the truth about Ted Heath ever come out?

04564a No.194468

1/13 Hawaii real false flag? 1/16 same false flag attempt in Japan? Newsweek raid 1/18, related to counter ops in POTUS administration? Blackout begins 1/20. SOTU 1/30. Future reveals truth about the past.

3d21a6 No.194475


Shutdown, was Qanon going dark for the 10 days that he made no posts, From Dec. 25th to Jan. 4th when he posted again. imho

70e8f8 No.195116

I thought The shutdown refered to the US govmnt shutdown that began on the 20th. Shutdown didn’t last long, but I believe it was the start of the 10 days of darkness Q referenced. Basing this on his future proves past statement. I could be wrong. But in this theory, the darkness ends on the 30th which is the SOTU.

70e8f8 No.195124

But the 25-4 makes sense too.

3d21a6 No.197438

Consider that Qanon speaks of the near present usually. The 20th would have been almost a month off from the post, which would be unusual. Also the govt. shutdown lasted only a couple of days, seems to me it is the tail wagging the dog. It serves no purpose to mention it at all, especially a month early. 10 days of what exactly between the 20th and the 30th that we need a heads up or a bread crumb for? Just my 2 cents

273352 No.198516



>"Don't get too wrapped up into it. Have some fun, go enjoy your lives. Cause all this is going to happen whether you're watching it and glued to your phone or your Internet OR NOT. It's all gonna happen. It's all gonna play out. I would just hate for a lot of people to get sucked into the drama of all this and you start neglecting your own lives.

ty. wise advice.

4628e8 No.198860

Is there an archive of previous Dilley periscopes or transcripts I can read going back to the beginning of his intel drops? Thank you to those putting this out and spreading it…in context of course.

6c2e13 No.199090

File: ee3499751014cb7⋯.jpg (220.44 KB, 492x464, 123:116, MOL Front_12490.jpg)

a3a825 No.201065

new dilley drop

p scp.tv/w/1OyKAdLePenxb

6a444f No.201439

6a444f No.201454


Won't have time to transcribe till later. Someone else can try. Until then, here is an interesting tweet he made:

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/957999480296517632

Hmm… Wouldn't it be interesting if the media started talking about the "Popular vote" this week and there was strong evidence to back up the claims?

868f56 No.201515


What’s up with MCCabe? Previous Dilley drop said he did a tour at GITMO and then was in a black site. Said he was singing.

Now he is back and resigned?

That doesn’t sound right?

Was he ever really gone?

46a0bf No.201577


DIlley has also said as noted above that the "stays" in GITMO are temporary.

a3a825 No.201597


Dilley explains the catch and release system.

Its to scare others - did they talk and thats why they were released.

Also so they could find others in the network and close down escape routes.

Dilley talked about the planes ( I presume talking about all those planes that were turned around mid flight a few weeks ago) and the closing of escape routes.

024c8f No.201955


>new dilley drop

>p scp.tv/w/1OyKAdLePenxb

Half hour of waffle by some guy raising funds for a congress run.

He's going to swim with manatees on holiday with his partner.

The little relevant discussion he says is:

-He says some deep state actors are given enough rope to hang themselves with - which is obvious anyway.

-12 judges sitting in tribunal for 39 days of a military tribunal.

-Gitmo questioning sessions happening

-Koch brothers bankroll 1000 pieces of legislation per year, with 20% success in passing

-$400m put up by Koch brothers this year

-Dilley wants term limits, and is running against this bank rolling

-Much words, low info


8d5199 No.202198


That's what I took from it.

46a0bf No.202322


He also mentioned that we should look for stories coming out regarding the "popular vote."

024c8f No.202360


True! Thanks!

"Popular vote" stories this week in the MSM.

There was so much waffle I forgot that bit.

6a444f No.202419

Don't listen to ppl giving their less than stellar review. They're either shills or Low-IQ. There's vital Intel here… Here's the first 6:44 minutes… another 20 or so minutes to go:

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/958002186302119936

Brenden Dilley Intel Source 1/29

Comment on Rod Rosenstein article. "A lot of people are getting fired"

As with all Intel, there's no way to "vet" this information.

The only way to vet this information is based on what happens afterwards and what comes comes to fruition

Funny comment by Dilley: "Lord knows there's gonna be about 50 of you that'll take this and go repurpose it, add your own garbage to it, shoot Youtube videos and talk about me in them, and then try to drive traffic. If you're building a brand off of this information, there's something wrong with you.

Catch & Release - Why would they use Catch and Release with big-time criminals?

Over several years, Obama removed military men from key positions because they refused to sell their men & their country. Obama is a CIA cutout, a traitor. While present(?), the military held back out of Patriotism to God and Country, they will not back down now.

The "16 year plan" is not a conspiracy theory. It's a CFR Globalist Plan. They protected the office of the President and they upheld the constitution, held back from having a military coup because they knew Trump would rescue the country. Trump is a stable genius who has been involved on the inside of a Patriotic movement for over 2 decades."

Dilley leaves out a portion of this write-up - specifically about the Patriotic Organization. Dilley doesn't belive it's relevant.

"Hold onto your family and say your prayers… Big Week!"

"Norfolk Virginia, stay away!"

"Catch and Release, in Q post like everything has 2 to 3 meanings. In the case of GITMO visitors, it's "release them" so their co-conspirators "WORRY" they "sang for release" and it's also to catch out their handlers and any low-level personnel who were assigned to run ratlines to help them escape."

9dee75 No.202453


Nice work anon, thanks for your work.

Too bad some get caught up with trivia.

46a0bf No.202487


Yes - THANKS! Listened to it all the way through and already forgot some of these things. Thanks for noting them. Interesting that Trump was involved w/plan for couple of decades.

Great work noting info!

8d5199 No.202550


Thanks for summarizing it in a lot more in detail. I've started to watch it a second time, and I've realized that there was a lot more detail in it than what I picked up the first time.

cdf04f No.202569

What's going down in Norfolk, VA this week??

024c8f No.202968


>Don't listen to ppl giving their less than stellar review

>Don't listen to honest assessments.

I have no issue with what he revealed, but the method - he could have said everything he needed to say in 2 minutes, not 34 rambling ones.

You can review for us next time, you have the time anon. I need to go MAGA el$ewhere.

4efa54 No.203073


Dilley's periscopes are designed to communicate with his followers. As such, they include of a lot of stuff his non-followers might find to be a bit "rambling." The anon who has been summarizing the scopes is doing a great job.

88b27a No.203082

a3a825 No.203110

Dilley was talking about protests and whether people will protest when they already have more money in their pockets..

I think the key part was "will they accept an extra $200 when the risk being smashed by the NATIONAL GUARD"

an early Q post around the time of the antifa up rising suggested the same thing.

Qpost 2 nov.

My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

024c8f No.203247


Makes sense. I'll pass by for the summaries.

Keep up the fight whatever front you're stationed on!

c073d1 No.204653


A friend of mine's husband works for State. I'm not entirely convinced he is State, I think he is really a white hat seeeyeaay, but that is for another conversation. Anyway, he is overseas now, but coming back soon for a long term assignment in…you guessed it, Norfolk. Hmmmmm. Big Naval presence there. Wonder what will be going down there?

c073d1 No.204775


NATO has two Strategic Command headquarters. One of them is in Norfolk.

5abae7 No.205134


Wouldn't be the first time that Q crumbs have had more than one meaning. The Gov't shutdown on the 20th could clearly fit the narrative. We'll see.

768018 No.206349

A lot of them have disappeared from his list for me. Periscope has been fucking with his post a lot. Dropping them cold when he mentions certain things, etc.


e0b492 No.206731


>the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed

I still haven't seen this explained. This simply did not unfold the way Q said it would, which begs the question of what else Q said that is simply false/disinfo.

6a444f No.206993


"It was successful as we closed out their Belize to Marshal Islands escape route via WHO(?) and many other routes. Remember 'PLANES'"

"The top-tier targets are now on notice."

"We will prevail. We are patriots. Justice will be swift and unrelenting. Pray for your military"

Dilley comments/opinions:

There's a strategy/game being played and information being shared that a lot of times isn't going to make sense right away.

There was info given to Dilley in November that didn't make sense till this week.

There stuff in December that didn't make sense till a couple of days ago.

There stuff that he is sitting on that still doesn't make sense.

Be careful not trying to figure out the entire puzzle. It's a loose outline as to not be "shocked" when it happens.

The socratic method as to which they teach and share which lead you to your own conclusions is to get you interested and aware. Don't take your eyes off the prize.

Referred to his early tweet:

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/957999480296517632

Hmm… Wouldn't it be interesting if the media started talking about the "Popular vote" this week and there was strong evidence to back up the claims?

"Whoever is feeding Thomas Paine information is potentially feeding me info as well."

PLANES = "reference a past event not anything going forward."

"They've cut off the routes those planes were going to escape through."

Media knows that their days are numbered

Rosenstein is dirty, we've said that from the getgo, but they were all used. A lot of them. There's a reason they were kept close in the administration to continue to do their jobs. They maintain their relevency and hubris. Then the hammer drops.

They're allowed to stay on for reasons such as:

Exposing others

Potentially turned to keep themselves free.

Some of these guys were allowed enough rope to hang themselves.

This is not just "Team Trump". Military Intelligence is all over this strategy. It's something that they with the president have laid out.

Christopher Wray is not dirty. He will clean this up.

Memo IS coming!

Hillary is still in the spotlight. Think that's an accident?

The media is trying to maintain prominence that these people are still powerful/relevant/everything is normal.

The Optics are this: If they're still in the public, everything is normal, everything is going to be fine, and they won't go to jail.

Same thing with Obama - Him giving a speech makes everything feel normal.

Who decides civil unrest? The People (unlikely if people are happy and getting a good paycheck)

It all boils down to "Is America ready or are they going to care."

Americans may have too short attention spans to care.

Speculating that protests might be going down because they lost funding or they're finally working and have careers.

Dilley begins clowning people who are waiting for the "Memo"

The Popular Vote Total was not accurate.

About election figures: "I wont release them today, (will talk about it in a couple of days) but as of January 25th, I saw the figures and they're not close. Oops, voter fraud!"

Gitmo is an in-and-out kind of thing… "Catch-and-Release"

No further info on the details of memo

Koch brothers are spending $400 Million in campaigns

Their candidates put forward about 1000 pieces of legislation (written by Koch's Corporation) and 20% get passed = Politicians are owned by big companies - part of the problem.

6a444f No.207042

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/958109947375501312

Did you like the Executive Order that @realDonaldTrump signed on December 21st?

I hope so, because there is a DOOZY of an EO getting signed soon. Tick Tock.




6a444f No.207059

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/958100306935476229

Forced to resign my ass. He was fired weeks ago and began singing like a bird during that time. Media is JUST NOW becoming aware of these facts.

6a444f No.207072

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/958096418136252418

It's cute because America thinks there is only "one" explosive memo…

Wait until you see what they've been compiling behind the scenes.





6a444f No.207122


It's a labor of love…

Both for him, because I'm a campaign supporter….

And for all you anons… so you don't have to sit through his Periscope ;)

4efa54 No.207331


Campaign supporter here as well.

04564a No.208763

04564a No.208845

JSS HI (?) Spk (?)

Heart attack 0113 'dies'

Trying to connect the …

5d9855 No.211813

File: 8aba9f25310c3c7⋯.jpg (9.49 KB, 300x179, 300:179, th.jpg)

Isn't this criminal? It's like the Watergate break-in all over, again. Dead of night, unauthorized entry, private contractors. Shouldn't they have been rounded up on the spot and arrested?

e5ec82 No.212144


f acebook.com/dilleyforcongress/videos/vb.303956383430515/321835941642559/?type=3&theater

Main drop: TRUMP won the popular vote.

This will come out in the next 2 weeks. The NSA went through the data and as of 25th jan 18 the votes are:


Killery: 57,177,958

With killery getting approx 7 million votes from machine fraud….

6cdcab No.212227


Same intel dropped on Twatter before his FB Live:

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/958372286108766208

9dee75 No.212471


Looks like some shills are trying to get out front..

http:// napavalleyregister.com/news/opinion/columnists/thomas_d_elias/thomas-d-elias-state-s-election-boss-beats-trump-on/article_18914e41-3f30-5022-96bc-9af297494e5e.html

d19ec9 No.212580


And you expect us to believe this?

eb051b No.212630

Just dropping in to remind you that you should take your meds

d19ec9 No.212707


Had to come back to this.

1. The NSA? Sure thing. They’re totally the ones in charge of that stuff, and they would SURELY report honestly on it even if they were.

2. So surely, if this was true, you could list the extra states’ EVs that Trump won, right? Perhaps he even won California?

342113 No.212971


You don't have to believe anything !!! Look at it, and see what shakes out in a couple of weeks . If true, then you have a potential good source of Intel….That's all

46a0bf No.213117


As Dilley has repeatedly stated, this cannot be properly vetted until or if it is shown to be true. I'll wait to see what unfolds, but it's an interesting heads up nonetheless. It also wouldn't surprise me because of the problems experienced by many voters with the electronic voting machines in previous elections. Beyond this, there appears to be a huge problem with voter fraud that only the LEFT refuses to acknowledge.

d19ec9 No.213254


>Look at it, and see…

So… Listen and Believe™, then. Got it.


>until or if it is shown to be true.

And what evidence is there that it is even remotely possible to be true? I can say, “A video will be revealed that shows Hillary Clinton speaking directly with a representative of an alien race,” and that statement has exactly as much weight as yours about the popular vote. Zero evidence, zero reason to believe it, and zero additional information beyond the initial statement.

46a0bf No.213305


Yes, that's a BIG DUH…It is a STATEMENT that Dilley made. No one here is forcing anyone to believe anything. I suggest you take it up with Dilley if it bothers you that much. I couldn't care less (smh).

74adaf No.213489


can you elaborate on "gitmo questioning sessions happening?"

74adaf No.213532


nevermind, i thought this involved jeff sessions first time i read it, sorry

d19ec9 No.213864


>oy vey I’m fine with believing anything that anyone says from any source ha ha u dum for not take word as fact

Why post this at all if you have no evidence?

46a0bf No.214190


I never said I simply believed anything w/o evidence. I said it would not surprise me if it was true and that I would wait to see how it unrolls.


aaff0a No.214603

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fh2_3WFEqYA

73a9b9 No.215032


>adding lies and misinformation to it

Yet you just said that is what is being done by "the good guys" it seems if this is a problem in a free country, then do not release the intel.

Simple right? People have a right to discuss it publicly when it is made public. Even if its wrong.

And so they will. Because you made it that way.

4c0e87 No.216182

Look in the EO on WH webpg… Pres declared a state of national emergency which allows tribunals for the stated offenses. Set up to handle treason, pedos, etc. Trump extreme genius plan here, so we will watch them drop like the vile flys they are…. patience, everything is stacked in it's appointed time… God is in charge!!and the whole truth will be seen for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. We will get our $ back for sure.

4c0e87 No.216548

Eyes see… ears hear… an observation on Snowden, the black hat hack…he sold us out to our enemies- SAP, downloads, everything he could get his hands on. On purpose, under CIA setting the "globe" to take us out and appearing like some do gooder loser. Expect him in a body bag or hanging w his cia buddies just like Q has indicated. Assange is a white hat, instrumental in the red pill operation & takedown of evil. Still need to see half of HW on the bad side of indictments… that should open some eyes… finally!!#

4c0e87 No.217109

Think about it… one of the biggest nets under the EO is corruption. They have Hussain Hillary Huma Podesto, the one who's name we don't say media, CEOs, senators and it goes on and on and on, and that's just for corruption nevermind the other stuff. DOJ will strategize with the highest level crimes biggest $ catch and longest and most severe sentences to serve justice. It's like crime containment, fish in a fish bowl… where oh where do you start?? So many many sting operations are OPs…. that's why patience is required. It's not over til the fat lady sings. Black on black. They really are sooooo stupid!!! We will all have great pleasure watching the annihilation of mockingbird. America first, and many other countries already prepping to follow. Lets make it a global cleansing. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood but dangerous times for sure. Stay safe invisable force

4c0e87 No.217367

Bring on the National Guard!! That's the next thing I want to see!! Q is guiding us and despite the yee of little faith who diss on him, things are unfolding before our eyes…. look at the bigger picture. Keep eyes open… he gives us downloads for our eyes…. there's a big roundup a comin!! If not by indictments by National Guard. They didn't get Guantanamo expansion and 3 bed hospital for grins. Funny funny… internment meant for us is turned around on them!! Shock-boom-bye 4-6% gone forever.

04564a No.217596

"Catch and Release"

"Safety and Security"

576115 No.219225


>"Obama will hang for his sins, this is way beyond this FISA Stuff"

I hope the court Martial nullifies the point his little lawyer shopping spree

576115 No.219338

File: 969e491f5b7bac8⋯.jpg (170.18 KB, 750x954, 125:159, A599F017-2248-4657-BBAD-D7….jpg)


lel, newfags… ayy

e0b492 No.219797


Stop responding to this gaslighting shillbot

0bab15 No.220868


Like your questions, very important. In a way, the truth is in process of coming out (for all to see that have eyes to see) to an extent we do not know yet. But there is another level of truth, a bigger red pill, another step. Think big big big!!

Ask: what is this time suddenly upon us, this generation?

What have we been appointed to do?

Who appointed us?

What is the duration of our appointment? Who do we serve? Why?

The first red pill, this red pill, that opens our eyes (and increases our forces), what do we see when we take it??

We see evil, real evil, right…and lies lies lies

coming against us- abominations and destruction, against us all, all kinds of weapons against humanity, our bodies, our food, our planet - all designed to destroy us, to kill us, and we are in the process of being eliminated. You know how close it got, and we don't fully know the outcome yet.

Looking closer, eyes more open, next level, next pill, we see the WAR


GOD OF TRUTH V. SATAN father of lies. Spiritual warfare, the red line

Foretold by God since the beginning,

Ignored by man through the ages.

Now we are here.

Let that sink in.

What does God say? The whole world will be deceived…. and many will be destoyed because of lack of knowledge…. were is truth? were is knowledge, even the secrets of the universe…yes, even the God particle…

dot upon dot verse upon verse. He directs us to the truth. WORD.

So how does satan work & get his forces to destroy, his army?? Lie upon lie, generation upon generation.

Truly, Lies have laid us waste.

So, What is our appointment?

To expose the lies, be diligent vigilante responsible… guard the truth, pass it down, tell your children, your grandchildren, everyone, show them what happened here- how evil was shut down. Cuz you're right, it will not be eradicated until another time, unless the great day of the Lord is upon us now. Who knows?? Only God knows…but we must be prepared…

Want more pills, read the Book of Enoch and you will see they knew all along, these evil scums… it's where they get all there movie lines from, and cartoons, then they tell us it's lies, and mock God, on purpose.

Enoch will also explain evil and what really happened to us, what's really at Antartica and why they tried to destroy the Book of Enoch from the face of the earth so we wouldn't know the truth, the same as they try to erase God. Google it… pdfs available for free. Won't take you long to read but guaranteed greatest red pill you will ever have, and you will know in a big big way that you've been red pilled, again!! They really really hate people getting red-pilled…

Thank God for Trump and Qs where one goes we all go. Arm yourself with the truth… satan (and hollywood) hates that.

Who does Q work for???

That's right. Who's your Daddy (and I'm not talking religion)

GOD IS REAL!!!!! God bless you all & may God protect us. Keep praying

8d5199 No.220945

I don't know if anyone else notice it during the SOTU, but Trump specifically said that Gitmo was open, will continue to remain open, and it will be expanded to hold more hostiles of the US. I could be wrong, but I believe that that helps confirm the "catch and release" statement. A new EO signed targets terrorist organizations and "associated forces engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners."

6a444f No.221062

Brenden Dilley Intel Source 1/29

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/958372286108766208

Introducing this new Popular vote statistic "as of January 25th"

Popular Vote Dilley published coincides both with the memo and other things that will be coming out.

At first, the left used this popular vote as an argument to de-legitimize his presidency.

They then followed it up with Russian investigation.

"This is how they deceived the public"

They needed you to feel marginalized when you were really the majority.

They needed you to feel alienated when you were in fact the "Popular Vote"

NSA contributed to this report. Figures Dilley provided is still not a finished product.

You deserve to know really how many Americans believe the way you believe

The apparatus of control they use is "perception"

If they can modify and alter your perception of the world, they can control you & keep you a little more quiet.

Reality: The country wants what President Trump is bringing

"The memo is bad, by the way"

Jacksonville Airport, more people trying to get out town

RR is a scumbag.

Those raids from over a month ago:

"They kicked over McCabe's door"

"There was a van in Chicago that got pulled over and had files in it, and in this van was a whole lot of information that RR didn't want people seeing"

Dilley claims he knew about RR being in trouble over a month ago.

The popular vote is the drop alluded to from previous Periscopes:

Taken from the "NSA Core Records"

As of January 25th,


CLINTON: 57,177,958

Hillary got "7 millionish" of Trump's votes from machine fraud.

No way of vetting this intel, but future will prove if this is true.

"In addition to an Electoral College ass-whipping, this is a popular vote ass-whipping which would have put the whole 'Hillary Clinton should be president" argument to bed day 1. But they didn't want you to have that, they didn't want you to know that and so the "Popular Vote" lie is what allowed for the "RussiaGate" lie to take place.

The popular vote lie planted doubt in the voters minds.

They wanted to put the narrative and perception that this a much closer race than Americans believed, which then allowed them to introduce the idea that had only the "Russians" not gotten involved, President Trump would not be there.


Everyone hated Hillary Clinton

She got dominated in the popular vote

She got dominated in the electoral college

There is no Russia Scandal

How many months did the media run with "Hillary got the popular vote"?

Dilley cracks a joke about a female troll in his Periscope: "That is the face that only 13 cats could love!"

Voter fraud WILL be made public

"Look for around the end of the week for it to pop"

635d01 No.221126


thanks for summarizing these m8

what about their other methods of voter fraud and soros tricks? if he is running, surely he doesn't want to be alabama'd

8d5199 No.221635


Which one? I have read the one from 12/21 putting the US into a state of emergency and the one from 1/30 abandoning Obama's policy of closing gitmo.

c073d1 No.221695


Read the Ethiopian Book of Enoch, as from what I have researched, it is the real one. Others are disinformation.

46a0bf No.222906


I heard that too. He was speaking AGAINST the asinine "catch & release" under Obama. Known terrorists should not be caught and released. They only wind up on the battlefield again. GITMO will likely be around for a long time.

0bab15 No.222989


Yes!! I agree, it's best translation for sure. Amazing to see how HW uses it to present fairy tales… and Antarctica goings on between nations/military expeditions (keeping citizens out, truth withheld) …. we need to know all the lies told us. NASA farse budget pays for deepstate black ops… billions…

710d1f No.223222


Interesting that Trump mentioned in SOTU that it is time to END the catch and release program. I thought he made many such veiled comments to the cabal during the speech. All of those Democrat sourpusses we saw were due to the realization that it is soon to be catch and stay.

4efa54 No.223444



>All of those Democrat sourpusses we saw were due to the realization that it is soon to be catch and stay.

Which, in fishing lingo, means catch, clean and fry.

aa2dfc No.223630

did you guys see the GOP lawmakers' chartered train just hit a truck "stuck" on the tracks and derail…. near Charlottesville.

04564a No.224202

Catch and Release ends

For Safety and Security

EO signed 1/30/18

MS13 crackdown

Where will they go?

Who will they lead to?

710d1f No.224241


What is HW?

e86a87 No.224376



p scp.tv/w/1nAJEWEovjkKL

From 6.56 to 13.25

Main drops

DHS ramping up voter fraud, it will be huge sometime after memo bombshell. Their is a independent review on top of the DHS review. This is a precursor to VOTER ID LAWS push by POTUS.

GITMO EO is not the EO Dilley warned us about. It's a precursor to the EO we were talking about. Testing the waters to see how they respond. The next one is the real one.

Bill gates in a panic. Big pharma companies crapping their pants.

Enemy combatants defined.

Who arrests them.

Annex 2 defines the rules of engagement.

Will it become public.

2a8396 No.224573



4efa54 No.224667


Virtue signalling?

46a0bf No.224768


Yes and some guy named Tasini who writes for CNN literally praised God (she) for that and Gowdy’s letter stating he’s retiring from politics.

46a0bf No.224781


Thx for info.

46a0bf No.224802


I thought it referred to >>224241

Was under the impression it refers to Hollywood in most cases.

04564a No.224857

Why would TG retire?


77910f No.224887


Fucking kill yourself. I asked a question. If you faggots can’t handle questions, you admit that your shit is all false. I’ll ask you now; what evidence do you have that the uncited, unsourced claim from a random person with no position of authority is true?

0bab15 No.224903


Hollywood. Not saying there are not good people in CA. But HW is one of the greatest stronghold assaults on our nation by lucifarians. Over the years attacks children, brainwashes. Repaces evil for good and calls good evil. TV. Celeb pushers of NWO, major component/contractors w badactors. Why we are where we are today… Seeped in, slow intentional & steadily increasing doses in our face. Decades. Dem & deepstate west coast headquarters to launch/promote/execute the "16" yr plan… Q asks who owns HW? Since invention of TV works hand in hand w media cia ops networking pure evil to destroy us agenda. Thank God we are activating a wake-up counter op. Truly many don't realize the life/death importance of these historic times. Thank you God for leader Trump in place & all qanons, patriots & Gods people engaged in this battle.

We have more than special op

forces helping us.

Wake them all up/red pills everywhere

Truth (GOD) is alive & will prevail.

The "satans" know that

Know your enemy

He hates mankind, even his own followers. He indoctrinates.

Red pill the sleepers. Activate.

We have sleeper cells too:))


Fight fight fight

Fight like David!!

2a8396 No.224913



They have already told you, none. They believe it because these are the people who have been predicting things like the memo would be happening, before the memo was written. Not exactly "Devin Nunes will write a memo exposing the deepstate" but intel drops that predicted the info that's on the memo congressmen have talked about.

Does that answer your question?

04564a No.224969


Primetime Propaganda

Ben S

Opens the door into the secret agenda of HW

2dc013 No.225049


Or getting ready for potential Supreme Court nomination. Start making the transition from politician to jurist. Good place for him.

04564a No.225056


It's a call to investigate and connect the dots yourself. To understand and see the pattern and path of corruption. It goes so deep and for so long that there is no way to expose it in a single statement, and why would someone expose themselves given how trivial life and liberty is to the people behind these things? There is good reason, just as the network of free minds in here has good reason to use the name Anonymous.

Stop taking the sleeping pill.

Connect the dots.

See deeper [20/20]

9dee75 No.225086


Interesting obs, thanks.

710d1f No.225236


Q did mention that Gowdy is getting ready for a new assignment. Justice Kennedy was rumored to be retiring last summer, but supposedly was asked to hold off for a year.

710d1f No.225286


Sorry, I should have posted the relevant Q drop re:Gowdy.

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/14/18 (Sun) 14:49:27 No.22


TG departure [HEC].

NOT to testify.

NOT needed to testify.

Think logically.

NO NEED to step down if needed to TESTIFY.


What ROLE might TG be walking into?

Who can WE TRUST?

RATS everywhere.

EVIL everywhere.

TRAITORS everywhere.






Boards changed due to statements re: private comms - FALSE.

Boards changed due to failure to IDEN accurately.

Boards changed due to MISINFO.

Targeted approach to direct flow of info created.




MAJOR players here to distract, create doubt, and alter the direction.

SC: MISINFO everywhere.

SC: MISINFO from past reliable sources.

SC: AXIS OF EVIL can & will return FIRE [is].

SC: Seek immediate [F9-Sx_VB8239].



At the bottom of the Q post, what does SC mean? Secure comms? Tx.

46a0bf No.225333


That’s what I’m thinking as well.

46a0bf No.225411


Your question makes NO sense. You seem to want to argue about something that cannot be proven one way or another until or if it comes to pass.

We are ALL free to agree/disagree w/info provided. I don’t see anyone trying to force anyone to believe anything. It’s all simply a place to exchange ideas. That’s it.

Is ANYONE here attempting to coerce you or anyone else into simple accepting what either Q or Dilley is stating is true? Anyone?

If not why are you getting so bent? Seems like wasted energy.

9dee75 No.225419


Recommend ignore as best approach.

116702 No.225427



See line #16 in Q's drop that begins with "TRUST SESSIONS"

2a8396 No.225432


In reality he finds the information very interesting and wants it to be real, right now. Since it's not he lashes out at the posters in this thread.

46a0bf No.225722

Okay, I'll take your word for it. I'd like it to be real too. I'd also like the MEMO to have already been released.

I also see DOJ has moved to drop bribery case against Mendendez - not sure exactly why unless they truly mean that they didn't have enough evidence to convict.

3301ed No.225728


Nailed it. Now can we all agree to move on from thiis fool?

c87667 No.226010


The one he signed Jan. 30

(Take spaces out of link below.)

https:// www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/presidential-executive-order-protecting-america-lawful-detention-terrorists/

46a0bf No.226235



6a444f No.231631

Brenden Dilley Intel Source 1/29

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/958723767185768448

Someone lady from Canada made a graphic of Dilley's Election numbers, shared it, and now Reddit/Internet is exploding screaming for a "source"

Democrats are screwed because all of their big money is far left, but all the votes are in the middle and slightly to the right

"Booker has a problem" (Dilley doesn't want to say anymore)

Yesterday's EO Trump signed yesterday regarding GITMO is NOT the EO that Intel Source warned about

It is a precursor to the one the Source is talking about.

It's testing the waters to see how they respond. The next one is gonna be the "real one"

There's multiple memos

"Enemy Combatants - Define? Who arrests them? Annex 2 defines rules of engagement.. Will it become public?" (Coded - Dilley doesn't understad what this means, but maybe Q followers will)

"Bill Gates in a panic. Big dodgy pharmaceutical companies crapping their pants"

DHS ramping up the voter fraud. Will be HUGE. (This will occur) sometime AFTER memo bombshells.

"They have an independent review ongoing on top of their own review"

"It's a precursor to Voter ID Laws pushed from POTUS on the back of HUGE evidence of fraud"

Dilley knows who's doing the independent review. "It's TOP TIER"

Dilley speculates on Alabama

"I have a feeling they're building a case."

Using Alabama as a way to make sense of what happened nationwide in the general

Regarding the timeframe of the release of the memo - "My guy won't tell me"

6a444f No.231653

Oops, reposting with CORRECT Date:

Brenden Dilley Intel Source 1/31

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/958723767185768448

Someone lady from Canada made a graphic of Dilley's Election numbers, shared it, and now Reddit/Internet is exploding screaming for a "source"

Democrats are screwed because all of their big money is far left, but all the votes are in the middle and slightly to the right

"Booker has a problem" (Dilley doesn't want to say anymore)

Yesterday's EO Trump signed yesterday regarding GITMO is NOT the EO that Intel Source warned about

It is a precursor to the one the Source is talking about.

It's testing the waters to see how they respond. The next one is gonna be the "real one"

There's multiple memos

"Enemy Combatants - Define? Who arrests them? Annex 2 defines rules of engagement.. Will it become public?" (Coded - Dilley doesn't understad what this means, but maybe Q followers will)

"Bill Gates in a panic. Big dodgy pharmaceutical companies crapping their pants"

DHS ramping up the voter fraud. Will be HUGE. (This will occur) sometime AFTER memo bombshells.

"They have an independent review ongoing on top of their own review"

"It's a precursor to Voter ID Laws pushed from POTUS on the back of HUGE evidence of fraud"

Dilley knows who's doing the independent review. "It's TOP TIER"

Dilley speculates on Alabama

"I have a feeling they're building a case."

Using Alabama as a way to make sense of what happened nationwide in the general

Regarding the timeframe of the release of the memo - "My guy won't tell me"

e0b492 No.231939


>Enemy Combatants - Define? Who arrests them?

Corrupt politians. Secret Service.


88b27a No.232504


What happened to 1/30?

88b27a No.232559



https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=76xsREcoOsA&t=5s

9dee75 No.235611

Dilley dropping on fb live now…

https:// www.facebook.com/dilleyforcongress/videos/322715048221315/

f84e9f No.236186


this is good stuff

36b404 No.236277


a summary would be greatly appreciated

d7c7e6 No.236404


Agree! Enjoy the summaries! Thanks!

4efa54 No.236464


If I don't see a summary posted soon, I'll tackle it.

569787 No.237016


I like this. Matched with the Q dropwhen asked who was extracted


BisHOp = BHO is p ???

4efa54 No.237102


This anon at /qresearch/ put up a summary that looks pretty good at first glance >>>237013

There's some additional information I'll try to post soon.

4efa54 No.237151


I must be getting Alzheimers or something. Forget how to cross link, I've done it before. I'll try this for now:

https: //8ch.net/qresearch/res/236717.html#237013

b3ad9c No.237473


▶Anonymous 02/01/18 (Thu) 13:29:04 ID: f7f643 No.237013


This is what I could figure out from what Dilly was saying.

These are the ones we know that are being given info


>Brenden Dilley


>Thomas Paine

Dilly also said:

400/33,000 Hillary's email carry death penalties.

Hillary's server has Obama's emails from his sever about the Benghazi mess. His carries penalties too

Then from the info he was sent:

Marines are rolling 3 groups

12 military panel was the target they were original after

They were in Norfork, Virginia

They are now working in a more secure place

Marines moved them recently

Someone we know in politics leaked their location .

>(Adam Schiff?)

He found the location by a purposeful left memo but the penel had been moved 24 hr earlier

Enemy combatants define

Martial law define

Freedom define

Patriots rise God country humanity

President maintains authority to detain certain persons as part of his constitutional powers as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive and those provided by the authorized for use Military Force AUMF of SEPT 18, 2001 .

Generals together

Top ones are now coordinating from bunker

Stealth then light Patriots rise

Pray Pray Pray

Thank you Hannity comms active

Wray is a Patriot

Gowdy is a Patriot

4efa54 No.237756

Detailed Dilley Intel Drop, 2/1/18, AM. Part 1

Dems freaking out over memo, do not want it released. They know what/who it implicates.

The memo is the tip of the iceberg, the beginning of the process for letting people know what is going on.

Dossier, paid for by CF, Obama, McCain, Comey/FBI, to try to take down Trump.

Mass corruption in FBI & DOJ.

Ds trying to block meme by saying there were changes to it.

This is true, there were changes; about 4 words total redacted for procedural reasons

Adam S crying about memo being changed, but normal process being followed.

Once memo goes from Legislative Branch to Exec Branch, it's up to Exec Branch (POTUS) to decide what needs to be redacted, if anything at all.

Things following procedure, but AS/Dems trying to prey on ignorance of public by saying what is happening is treasonous/scandalous.

It's POTUS' job and his right to decide when it comes and what is/is not redacted, considering input from FBI, etc.

Dilley's intel source says 12 judges have been sat for 39 days for military tribunals looking at the evidence.

13,600 sealed indictments nationwide (as per "Pacer," an attorney website for looking at this kind of info). The average for this time of years is about 1,900 indictments.

Mass RICO cases that will hit the Judicial branch (white collar crime, pedophilia, child trafficking, drugs, gun running, etc.) – this will be what the majority of the 13,600 indictments will be about.

Then there'll be a "grouping" toward the top, the leadership, this is what's freaking the Dems out.

These leaders will not have opportunity to face a judicial judge, but a military tribunal.

How can they be forced to face Mil Tribunal instead of normal judicial court?

Happens when they are charged with Treason and high crimes and classified as Enemy of the State.

POTUS EOs. Another EO coming that is big; testing the waters first

The Dec EO allows assets to be seized for a broad number of reasons.

Then the Gitmo EO, which ties together with Trey Gowdy who was picked for a specific role dealing with this situation.

(to be continued)

4efa54 No.237983


Detailed Dilley Intel Drop, 2/1/18, AM. Part 2

Dilley's opponents are a bunch of "schleprocks" that can't be trusted with any sensitive information.

Gowdy is not going to the DOJ that Dilley knows of, there's a specific role he'll be playing.

Can't give out the title, not authorized yet.

Dilley attacked for Popular Vote, 2016 drop the other day as to source. Dilley is the first source with his guy. And this source says DHS with assistance of the NSA have created their own investigation into the voter fraud for the popular vote.

There's an independent investigation outside of the government that just wrapped up their study into the popular vote of 2016.

This information has been passed on to the DHS, it corroborates what they had found, those investigations will be released.

There was a senator yesterday talking about the popular vote and he want so see the numbers.

Dilley go the Pop Vote intel a week ago, said it would start to see it heat up this week.

The popular vote plays a direct ole with the Russian investigation.

Pop vote is how they justified obstructing/delegitimizing the President

Russia invest. was how they were going to get Trump removed

They overplayed their hand; didn't realize Mil Intel was way ahead of them

A lot of what you're seeing is theatre.

4efa54 No.238186



Detailed Dilley Intel Drop, 2/1/18, AM. Part 3

Don't ask Dilley for a source. He is not a journalist, he is a congressional candidate. He can't give his source.

Don't ask Dilley to expand because if he could expand, he would. He only releases the information he is authorized to release.

The veracity of the information can only be based on the outcome.

If you don't like what he says and you want to dismiss it, that's fine.

But if you want to see the information, put it in your back pocket, and hope it comes to pass, then great.

Dilley started getting intel on November 1, 2017. A lot of it has come to pass in many crazy ways.

He had intel on the Dec EO two weeks in advance, that they were working on something very significant.

J Assange being moved, he is not where they say he is, he got moved a while ago.

He got that corroborated by perhaps the most trusted source in conservative news.

(to be continued)

f13290 No.238203


February 1, 2018

Dilley went back to Periscope and gave the following intel:

Dilley confirmed that Trump DID find 3 members of his cabinet ARE problems. He will NOT say who they are nor should we even try to guess.

By this Spring Gen Flynn will be back in his old position. Flynn is totally innocent. The 302's from FBI were falsified.

Just given this intel…

Wray's a Patriot

Gowdy's a Patriot

Important that people don't miscalculate that. Drones are up and we're rolling!

Flynn and Adm. Rogers saved our country!

c404cb No.238270


Don't forget Bill Binney ! Patriot.

4efa54 No.238547




Detailed Dilley Intel Drop, 2/1/18, AM. Part 4

The following information will sound very cryptic. He doesn't try to break a lot of this stuff down. He gives it as he receives it.

God willing it'll make sense and if it doesn't maybe it will eventually.

Middle of the night, last night, he gets a message: the Marines are rolling, three groups.

The 12 military panel was the target they were originally after.

This is regarding the train thing yesterday.

He can't expand on some of it.

12 military panel was in Norfolk VA; they're now working in a more secure place. Marine moved them recently.

Can't say who, but someone in politics leaked their location (12 member tribunal panel).

He (politician) leaked their location. He found it via a purposely-left memo, but the panel had been move 24 hours earlier.

Now for the cryptic stuff (you're on your own):

Enemy Combatants Defined

Martial Law Defined

Freedom Defined

Patriots Arrive, God, Country, Humanity

The President maintains authority to detain certain persons as part of his Constitutional Powers as Commander and Chief and Chief Executive and those provided by the authorization for use of military force, the AUMF of September 18, 2001.

That part of the last EO is so beautiful. Generals together, top ones are now coordinating from bunker, stealth then light, patriots (rise? arrive?), pray, pray, pray, thank you Hannity, Comms Active.

Wray is a patriot, Gowdy is a patriot.

(to be continued)

f70865 No.238642


Cabinet members?.

From SOTU:"So tonight, I call on the Congress to empower every Cabinet Secretary with the authority to reward good workers — and to remove Federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people."

66c002 No.238996

File: d815c308b78f714⋯.jpg (398.54 KB, 720x480, 3:2, medium.jpg)


http:// www.standardhotels.com/culture/room-1708-brooke-candy

4efa54 No.239134






Detailed Dilley Intel Drop, 2/1/18, AM. Part 5

Dilley's source is in the same circle as the Q team that's been dropping intel elsewhere. Thomas Paine from True Pundit (TP). TP fed almost identical intel as Dilley. Sean Hannity is another source; he needs to be protected right now as he's another source.

Hoping the memo release is today but won't be surprised if tomorrow.

Dilley was slow to release some intel he wasn't fully comfortable with early on, but when he saw it come to pass he realized he was "late to the party" so his confidence grew.

Disinformation goes both ways.

There is a method to madness in how Trump uses Twitter. Very specific.

Sara Carter, John Solomon good sources. Nick Short too. Conservative Tree House (sundance) – he's got it dialed in. Very good and easy to understand.

MSM is going to spin this is the President is arresting and trying anyone who stands opposed to him. They're going to try to gaslight the average American, the voters, into violence, destruction and they're going to do this because the media has been complicit in this operation against the USA for the past 35 years.

Trump's smashingly successful SOTU address and his successful economic policies have won a lot of people over (75% SOTU approval), so people are less likely now to do what the MSM wants them to do (violence, etc.). They may not love Trump (yet), but they like how things are going and the extra money they have.

Antifa, BLM have all but gone away. That narrative is going away because of success.

But all of this is not going to stop the Dems, the MSM and the GOPe from trying to gaslight.

Dilley believes there will be a lot of shock and disbelief across the country when this rolls out but not too much violence, if any, because the country is enjoying have money again.

Intel source says memo tomorrow probably. Missions today to sensitive for memo to disrupt. Pray, pray, pray, patriots (ride?), defend the republic, enemy combatants must fall.

The train incident was not an "accident."

There are no coincidences.

We are getting stuff in drips because when the final exposure comes with this memo you're going to be stunned, even people who have been studying this are going to be shocked.

The Benghazi cover-up and the cover-up of HRC's server was done because Obama was directly involved. HRC server had emails from Obama and his server. This is why they had to bury that.

Of the 33,000 emails on HRC's server, 400 carry with them the death penalty based on the intel that is in those emails. 400 of those emails are high crimes against the USA. Obama's are no better.

0827d7 No.239877


You may be onto something anon.

When asked who was taken in ATL, Q said :

Think BIG.



Hussein would fit.

0bab15 No.240097





Consider we are in midst of MASSIVE operations positioning forces to extract justice and execute judgment while defending & freeing our people @ the same time.

Distinctions for justice

Players, handlers as opposed to

Puppets enslaved & slaves (sheep)

((Who got freed re (activated USA) are not the target))


(muliple choice, use discretion for optimum effects, factual setting matters)

Background info/intel already given:



Q #62 link 12/21/17 EO. Importance:

justice via Mil. Tribunals, access $$$, the bad of the bad, traitors, foreign agents/handlers. Not public, often open to death penalty. Reasonable recipients for this award would be terrorist, sponsors of same, traitors, big handlers WW bad on human trafficking, collusion corruption foreign agents. Hussein HRC, and one can hope for ES, MZ (who is a Rockefeller) and so on.



Justice via the home of >13,000 criminal indictments brought in various jurisdictions (to clarify, none of these cases are "civil" matters).

SEE record # of judgships assigned under our great greatest President Trump… note 10 filled in US District courts so far with 44 add…. note all vacancies in district 9 Ct Appeals serve 20% uf US population!! and appointments are lifetime tenures.

So there has been extreme planning & a lot of prep into rolling out these indictments. Remember when Q asked DC votes for Trump v. HRC…. she got almost 91%, Trump got 4%.

That should help explain filings per jurisdictions. Defendants in these proceedings can include multiple def. & multiple counts, l o n g sentences and will likely see witnesses /evidence here used in Guantanamo cases. Might expect public cases on pedo players, Hollywood big shots, voter fraud & cases that will set an example and deter future players & show the pubic what's really been going on. I hope at least some satanic ritual cases end up here for that reason with the biggest organizers (Podesto, Rothchild types) ending up at Guantanamo. Hope and pray for that!!!


3) Military Tribunals as result of civil unrest, re antifa types, etc.

Q gave background. SEE Jan. 26, 2018 23:42:19 #64 link to pdf re law on "Enemy Combatants" martial law, confinement, Guantanamo. Another welcolmed effective deterrent to get these idiots out of our face. Nobody gets a pass….



Jullian Assange is an important key for undeniable evidence, along with Qs mission, "we have it ll." This will make all proceedings go faster.

Also, expect similar activities in UKper Qs statement about May and MI5 and "housecleaning"

I hope this provides a little clarity to this angle of the show. Sessions has really been very very busy. This is all verifiable info.

God bless you all always

0bab15 No.240372

Did you pickup on Qs post re: activation and slaves (of congress & house) government being freed!!!!!

Puppet strings cut

No one to controll

No one to handle

No more using us for an AMT

No more no more no more!#!!#

Free free free!!!



0bab15 No.240526


Though not mentioned by your guy, another one getting intel is Michael Savage. The president called him after the state of the union… the next day on his morning show, it sounded like Qs drops, but he didn't mention Q. Another red pill source that may be easier to swallow for some. In fact, he's red pilling listeners, they just don't know it yet. Sent them to listen to the 1/30/18 show to hear the Q board intel!! The word is spreading. Another option.

0bab15 No.241146


Sorry… that would be the 1/31/2018 Michael Savage show radio broadcast of Q intel, incognito

121497 No.241713


I'm not seeing the missing link here … IF what Dilley's sources say is true: positioning for final Armageddon.

I am vehemently anti-established-religion in every sense. Much of the doctrine (as it's taught to us) and MOST of the organization is by, for, and of man. Corrupt, polluted, and just plain wrong, as far as my own personal opinion goes. Despite that, I've pretty much always assumed that the classic tale of Armageddon is indeed going to play out. It's pretty much a contradiction in beliefs but that's how it's always been. I trust what I trust, inner knowing, and I don't waste too much time thinking myself into a corner and over-analyzing.

That said, what I can't understand is how we make the jump from phase I (the Storm, and, by extension, its spread to other continents) to Armageddon itself. There should be no grounds for Armageddon to occur. The Storm succeeds, we all live happily ever after, and that is that.

Of course, the more the Storm succeeds, the more isolated the Middle East is going to become. They have no production per se to make them worth anything. All they really know how to do is kill others and kill each other. As we clean up our own act here, we'll need them less and less. This will plummet them into a period of darkness that will make them extremely vulnerable for an Anti-Christ who might be waiting in the wings. We can't redefine who and what those people (as a whole) are. They live to kill. Yes, there are always individual exceptions, but taken as a single population, murder will always be the primary drive behind their existence.

So maybe it actually does all come to play out. Who knows.

c75393 No.242017

File: 768ffdf8e3576a9⋯.jpg (139.94 KB, 828x471, 276:157, ms13pilotprogram.jpg)

The CAM program ran by State Dept (HRC), was cover for bringing in MS-13 gang members to the US.

http:// thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/judicial/289742-just-before-election-obama-doubles-down-on-illegal-immigrant-fly

e0b492 No.242568


>Much of the doctrine (as it's taught to us) and MOST of the organization is by, for, and of man.

I don't see how that makes it not real. If anything that should make it more real.Surely you don't dismiss everything that's "by, for, and of man."

87daf8 No.242901

>>161923 new guards. Finally. Somebody else reads the declaration.

d7c7e6 No.243215


Thanks so much for taking the time to write and share the summaries! Greatly appreciated! :)

6a444f No.243629


Thanks Anon! This is very good!

9c7684 No.244461


They would just use one from last year like Obama did at Christmas. Maybe he was snatched up around that time? It's weird he didn't rent the kids and take a picture with the family.

9c7684 No.244473

File: 5c4df34de9fca95⋯.jpg (201.32 KB, 720x522, 40:29, Jeff lynne.jpg)


I love E.L.O.

4efa54 No.244602



Thank you. I'll work on eliminating all the typos the next time I do this.

28f9d3 No.244937


The Bible speaks of a wilderness where the woman (the church) is relatively safe from Antichrist. Most believe that is the USA and that appears to be what is playing out now. Antichrist arises from among the nations near the Mediterranean, and becomes the leader of 10 European nations, the restored Roman Empire… before he is recognized as Antichrist, signs a peace treaty with Israel, then 3.5 years later becomes Antichrist after some kind of head wound, breaks the treaty with Israel, 3.5 years of all hell breaking lose on the earth, then Armageddon, then Christ returns to the earth.

45b552 No.245225


I personally don't care for Dilley's motivational coaching schtick. I don't really want or need to have a guy expose his softer side to me. Just give me the facts.

45b552 No.245277


>Wouldn't knowing and using the private email server alone be treason knowing anyone can see classified intel?

This is where I technically think they are going to have a problem. He's commander in chief, he can classify or declassify whatever the hell he wants. So, Barry's not going to hang for just having the wrong stuff on his server. They are going to have to show him giving money to Hamas, that his actions ended up killing u.s. troops, that he was allied with hostile powers or something along those lines. Basically they are going to have to show subversive/treasonous acts on his part. Based on what I've been reading, I don't think they'll have a problem doing this, but he's not going to hang just for having stuff on an unsecured server.

121497 No.245342


What I dismiss, I do from observation. What net effect does it have? NO everything "by, of, and for man" is not automatically dismissed. Just keep it in its context. Don't assign divinity and absoluteness to something we made up.

ab8241 No.245757

I see Fidel Castro's eldest son committed Suicide. "Fidelito" was 68.

Was it just a suicide? Or was there more to it? He was a Scientific adviser to Council of State. Sounds like he may have held some real power.

4628e8 No.245887


Could he have been behind the sonic weapons used against our people? If so perhaps suicide is too narrow a term for it. Maybe "assisted suicide"?

4efa54 No.246598


There's a lot I personally don't care for, but I refrain from boring others by telling them about it.

As we said earlier, whether we like it or not, Brenden Dilley—whether we like him or not—has been given intel. He says he was chosen for this. Dilley doesn't come here to drop his intel. Repeat, HE DOESN'T COME HERE. Dilley communicates with HIS followers on Twitter, Facebook and other forms of media. Those of us who do follow him believe the intel that Dilley drops is sufficiently credible, intriguing, and germane to the discussions that go on here at /qresearch/, so we provide Dilley's intel to this community, including the "sauce" (links) for anons who ask for it.

I know listening in on Periscopes/podcasts to learn what is going on can be time-consuming. Like many others, I prefer reading succinctly presented information over watching/listening to live shows or podcasts. So that is why some of us anons take the time to make summaries of his intel drops for the benefit of the team here. ("Just the facts, Ma'am.") Hell, it took me a couple hours to listen to Dilley's Facebook podcast yesterday and write it down to make sure I got all of the important points. There was so much I had to go very slow. Even then, I went too fast because my series of posts were riddled with typos. I'll do better next time.

It's all about the intel. If it's shown to be good, I don't care about much else.

31275a No.246773


Your summaries are reaching me and I'm living in East Asia, so I thank you very much. It's a great service! You'll never know how many people you are reaching (because I for one am sharing it with many others).

This is an incredibly historic time for humanity, so every contribution helps move us that much closer to freedom.

714c24 No.247091



I see events pointing to FEDERAL RESERVE. They have been funding terrorism. Janet Yellen just stepped down. Check out this report from 2012…


d91fbe No.247152


book: Satanic Witch https:// www.amazon.com/Satanic-Witch-Anton-Szandor-LaVey/dp/0922915849/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1517587972&sr=8-6&keywords=the+Satanic

9dee75 No.247247


Please report accurately… Yellen did not "step down" her term ends this weekend. The new Fed chairman, Jerome Powell, is sworn in Monday.

https:// www.cnbc.com/2018/02/02/yellen-to-start-monday-at-brookings-institution-following-bernanke.html

9dee75 No.247260


Your work is greatly appreciated, albeit silently. Thanks anon!

0bab15 No.248846


Love your reply.So you say you are anti-establishment on religion in every sense, reject doctrines taught by organizations/man, corrupt and polluted. Will, God totally agrees with you. Even God hates religion and says so many times in the WORD."Religions" are man-made, on man-made doctrines decided by counsels of men, incorporated & organized under IRS laws. Thus they are corrupt & polluted. Maybe this will help. Why redefine what God has already defined? So examine but leave man telling you how to think out of it. God doesn't work by indoctrination. Direct link. So this is spirital warfare Q & President integrate spiritual intel as part of their messages. Calls out evil distinguishes light, darkness, good evil, calls for prayers. But no religion dragged into it.God simply says "if you love me, you will obey me & follow my ways then I'll be your God. Period.Adding stuff, taking away stuff, making up stuff is the reason for contradictions and why people bicker & war over religion. Then God gets blamed. proof in history. Now, reconcile this battle we're in now & the fact the bible names molech numerous times over 2,500 yrs ago telling us that the even the elite burned their own children in the pit as an evil sacrifice to satan, to molech & warned us about this very day. And here we are with the same evilness going on… in real time… in our backyards WW, worshipping molech, processing blood, body parts & killing children & humans in evil sacrifices. God is getting ready to take them out.God is the only one who foretold all this, everything since the beginning, not any other god or religion can claim that, only God. Further, the God that foretold all things in advance foretold of & sent his son to save us during such times as these. So recognize the times, seek knowledge. But not from man. God says dot upon dot, verse upon verse front to back. Like Jesus. It's all in there, the secrets of the universe. But please please read the Book of Enoch. Important knowledge.Tells everything. Mindblowing. Pdf online. it's quoted a couple of places in the old & new testaments & dead sea scroll, but evil stole it to keep us dumb for 2000 yrs. But God preserved it when a few copies were found in Ethiopia in 1773…. but then some men in a committee decided for all we were allowed to read & kept it out of the Bible. It is for this generation. As for "Armageddon" God says nobody knows the time, but he names signs, & there is a lot happening. Prayer really matters. antichrists = anti christ, many among us. take it a day @ a time. IF YOU WANT MORE ANSWERS READ. ask God specific questions, he will answer MANY ARE DESTROYED DUE TO LACK OF KNOWLEDGE. that has global implications For now WE ARE THE STORM FRONT. The world is watching. fighting with God againstEVIL and evil is trembling. Like Q & Potus & others have said many times IN GOD WE TRUST!! PRAY just try… he will answer, he will guide you through this, be with you every step of the way, give you direct intel & save you from all harm. No religion required. He has endless love, unlimited mercy & knows u by name. No religion required. Promise.


There are many gathered in battle against our enemies May you protect us, be with us & remove, expose & root out the evil from our land & hand over our enemies that seek to cause us harm. Protect and give wisdom to our President and warriors &cleanse & heal our land from all kinds of evil & poison. We pray you bless each and every citizen of our Nation with wisdom to know you and grant us peace & great prosperity as we turn back to you, one Nation under God. Dear Lord we ask special prayers for our beautiful children that have been taken & murdered by monstrous evil persons, we trust they are comforted & healed in your arms, and for the hundreds of children in captivity facing evil and harm never before imagined or brought on this earth, please Lord, hear them, save them & comfort & protect them from further harm & safely deliver each one back into the arms of their loved ones. And for the perpetrators we ask that you hold each one accountabe for their evil heinous acts & swiftly destroy them from the face of the earth and cleanse our land. We know you are the only just one. Please comfort, heal &strengthen the families of the victims & heal our grieving nation with your love & unlimited mercy. Lastly we ask you to please forgive us for our sins & to help our people, even softening the hearts of the hardened & stubborn or complacent in spirit, by showing us your ways of love & understanding so that we may know you & grow in right spirit, for many are suffering and hurting for your love. May you help us to forgive, love & help one another as you do. We love you Father & thank you for sending your son & for all the blessings you've given us as a people and a nation. We come before you & ask these things in the name of Jeshua, you son, mighty counselor, our Lord & saviour Amen

4efa54 No.248892

Dilley AM Periscope, 2.2.2018, Reading of the Memo

It's one thing to have conjecture about treason. It's one thing to reports of treason. It's another to have it come from the House Intelligence Committee, and this is the very first memo.

Who knew what was going on?

Yates, Comey, McCabe, obviously Steele, Preistrap, Strzok, Rosenstein…

This is the beginning—this points 100% that Obama knew. All Obama's people, they all knew.

This makes Watergate look like a parking ticket.

McCabe knew, Strzok knew, Comey knew—they got Comey's signatures on this stuff.

They're all going down.

They have names of reporters who were propagating this fake news. The goal was to make sure Trump never became President.

They all knew.

And people wonder why there's going to be Military Tribunals, why there's 13,000 sealed indictments now, if you go look on Pacer.

They're screwed.

The MSM is going to try to downplay it. It won't work. It's too late.

Hillary Clinton is mentioned in there. They're all in there. Unbelievable.

After reading the memo and just prior to signing off, Dilley got some intel that he shared:

Sedition = death penalty.

RICO = life in prison

Which category is top tier?

That's right, sedition, hanging time.

Sessions will talk to POTUS shortly.

Sessions can now unrecuse himself and kill Special Counsel and instruct Gowdy and NEP to start the ball rolling.

Storm is here, and it's beautiful.

I'll add; "Wow!"

508730 No.249286


Dilley also said today that his source is the same source that talks to Hannity. I thought that was good to know!

508730 No.249296


Also - what's NEP? I totally thought he said just "P" both times he read the intel.

33deef No.249385


Thanks Anon

Appreciate your recaps

Look forward to them everyday

Dilley has had solid intel so far

4efa54 No.249431


Dilley said (the second time he read through it) that he wasn't sure what NEP was. I'm not either. We'll figure it out soon.

4efa54 No.249457


Yes, you are correct. Damn solid stuff.

6cdcab No.249472

Gents, Dilley is now aware that he has a following over here, and was quite humbled by it. SOLID guy.

508730 No.249509


Earlier in the scope he also said something about arrests have been made this morning - something about one of them slipping their ankle bracelet - but they had them in their sights… Anyone else hear that too?

508730 No.249531

I've been following this whole thing on Q posts on half chan and 8ch since the beginning. Just recently found Dilley through the boards - using them to cross check each other - intel seems to fit pretty perfectly. Sometimes one beats the other to it, but they seem to match up and solidify each other. And this board isn't so shitty as the others have gotten. So hard to read… love the work they are doing, but so hard to read and keep up!

508730 No.249550


YES - thank you!

121497 No.249645


This is much appreciated. I had no setup for recording so I tried typing what I could of the intel this morning but I just didn't keep up. I knew somebody would post in here to fill in what I missed. Thanks much.

4efa54 No.249674


Yes, I heard but not clearly because I was distracted during the first part of the Periscope while I was looking for the memo. I began listening to the P-scope with my full attention when Dilley began his reading of the memo.

4efa54 No.249681


Thank you all. We're a team and we help each other.

121497 No.249735


Thank you for this. Book of Enoch: I will read it. It's a very quiet but very permeating "knowing" - absolute knowing; there is simply no questioning it or analyzing it because it IS - that pretty much everything you've outlined is just the way it is. Q and POTUS are not acting alone. In some way, on some level, there are divine hands in this. I don't even try to frame it with specifics. I only know that right now POTUS would be dead a thousand times over without that intervention; that train would have had an awful lot of dead congress people on it without that intervention. I know the old world I knew is being left behind. I know we're entering a new era. So much more than "a booming economy" and stuff at that level. That stuff is an effect. Collectively we are the cause. So again, thank you much for what you've offered - it resonated with and through me completely. What is, is. That is my concern: get in line with REALITY. How I feel, what I believe, what makes me comfortable and not, all have no impact on true reality. It simply IS.

121497 No.249828


Just following my instincts here, there is another point I want to bring up. I have a brother (one of four) who simply resonates with overamped violent rage. Everything he does is driven by it. He has done horrible things to me and continues to do his worst. Every time his rage flares up, he presumes himself to be God, above all laws; I want, I need, I demand, and that is that. It's all the license he needs to do anything and everything to anybody and everybody to "put them in their place."

So many people are like that, to varying degrees, He is most definitely at the far end of the spectrum; one short step away from "the worst there could be." Nobody is evil ALL the time. It depends on what their emotions are doing. The more intense their emotions become, the more they presume - with no thought placed on the matter - that they are the center of the universe and they call the shots; how it impacts anybody else is just too bad as they were all f***ed up to begin with. They are slaves to emotional imbalance. This seems to include all but a small handful of the population.

What's confusing me is, will they become more and more segregated as forward progress continues? To be completely honest, I don't look for much progress in most people as they are so adept at engineering their personal realities then holding everybody else accountable by denying they're the ones doing it. Their own power - God within them - terrifies them. And they don't even have a clue what's making them tick. They don't see the mechanics even in the most broad sense.

I'm finding it impossible to reconcile how this will play out, but I really have little need to reconcile it. Just watch things unfold. I have an extreme ability to pinpoint motive - and therefore patterns - in people's behavior. It's not something I'm seriously "into doing," I just do it because it's more something that happens to me than something I work at. I integrate it and move on. I can do little to nothing with the info I see because everybody resists and they become quite nasty if I start talking about it.

It will be most fascinating for me to see how society as a whole polarizes through the changes that are now occurring.

121497 No.249853


Ultimately there will be no judgement of humanity. None is required. Every person will declare their own position and will be an immovable force in doing so.

9dee75 No.249898


Agreed. Anons here are excellent. Let's keep it that way. Three simple steps 1) remain optimistic, 2) express gratitude, and, above all else, 3) serve

508730 No.250196


Agreed :-) Today is a GREAT day! Release the Hounds - the tip of the iceberg / just the beginning!

46a0bf No.250478


Actually according to context the “woman” in Rev 12 is the final remnant of ISRAEL. Occurs at midpoint of Trubulation (Mt 24). Because AntiChrist can’t get to the “woman,” he goes after others (Christians). This actually takes place in the Middle East w/commentators believing that the “woman” flees to a safe place in what was Edom.

Note the woman in Rev 12 is clearly said to be Israel because she gives birth to Jesus who came from Israel’s tribe of Benjamin and who ultimately was taken up to heaven after Hus death and resurrection. I don’t want to argue. Simply saying if context means anything it cannot be referring to USA or the Church.

f4574d No.250636

How 'society' will meld out is an interesting topic. So roughly 1/4 are pro Trump and conservative, roughly 1/4 are far left socialists, 1/4 are in the middle and 1/4 don't care for politics at all.

The 1/4 religious, Christian values, family nucleus believing, positive to most anyone until they show they are against what they believe and hold dear. The 1/4 maybe religious, Catholics, socialist, cross-dressing men in dresses can enter women's restrooms publicly at will, free country, anyone can come into the country, free country… etc. Those two groups are at the far ends of the social mass. They will never agree to disagree or agree on anything. So that portion or 1/2 of society will never 'meld' together. They will sleep, awake, do their jobs and then socialize in their personal spheres without considering each other, ever.

So to me, it's the 1/2 who don't care and the 1/2 who are fence sitters who will meld and merge into one of the two far left or right portions of society.

b0654a No.252341


The treason is the act of conspiring to overthrow the lawfully elected POTUS.

121497 No.252463


I don't think it works as a majority rule thing. Some things about being on Earth are just real. The truth - for whatver that ultimately is. Those who align with that move forward; those who don't … who knows? I don't think it's a good human/bad human thing; more like those who find water get to drink. A natural alignment of who and what you are, you end up where you do according to that.

f96cd3 No.252895

File: 19c04902d79c848⋯.png (425.05 KB, 1154x1036, 577:518, Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at ….png)


What if it wasn't really a wedding? 2 of HIS staffers getting married seems weird, the timing, their positions, i dunno.

ac1f9f No.253170



Wedding looked at in depth here. Very suspicious.

088917 No.253240


Political shotgun wedding.

Ex-wives and girlfriends testify. Current wives can’t.

6cdcab No.253786

Dilley just gave a shoutout on his Periscope two minutes ago to 8Chan for analyzing and posting his intel drops.

6cdcab No.253842

Link to Dilley Periscope with 8Chan shoutout. It is at the very end:

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/959624289929457664

06d6cf No.253993

They are building gallows…

Holy shit.

It's on.

https:// www.facebook.com/dilleyforcongress/videos/323329651493188/

3cb9d3 No.254140

I've been thinking about this too and wondering how it all plays out. What seems to be happening now reminds me of the parts of Revelation that talk about the judgement of the great whore/Babylon. But also where it mentions that the beast receives a deadly wound and then recovers and all people say who can make war with the beast. Perhaps Trump and Co. will deliver a deadly blow to the beast but it will in time reorganize and then comes the tribulation and armageddon?


06d6cf No.254193

A tale as old as time.


3cb9d3 No.254199

Benjamin? Don't you mean Judah? The Lion of the Tribe of Judah.


f9c09a No.254576


I see you, dyke

91a67d No.254588


>Even then, I went too fast because my series of posts were riddled with typos. I'll do better next time.

Thanks fpr the effort. This thread is awesome. Just found it last night.

Thanks 5 the work. Hopefully they give you a slight raise or bonus…..

f13290 No.254745

Just listened to Dilley on facecrap live talking to his AZ voters. He dropped this intel. Realize he did a drop earlier today but this is an update to clarify that drop.

There are 9 total memos. Dilley believes only 4 will get released.

Memo #5 states…Obama's Daily Briefings (top secret), which he passed on to Hillary, with daily updates on Trump's campaign via the wiretap. So HRC got all the intel of BHO's DB's on the wiretaps of Trump along with OTHER intel updates. SEDITION!

The content of the wiretaps is amazing. They, the O admin, were passing top secret intel to people who had no security clearance to read it.

OIG report is a shocker. Still being compiled. No date when will be released. It goes back 'really far'.

Gallos being built.

Uranium One section in Iran is beyond comprehension.

FYI, RICO cases have no statute of limitations. There will be at least one if not 2 very large cases.

Media is complicant.

In the FOIA release of HRC emails last night proves the daily briefings

sedition = death penalty

rico = life in prison

which category is top tier? that's right, sedition…hanging time.

sessions will talk to potus shortly

sessions can now unrecuse himself and kill special counsel

sessions can then instruct gowdy and NEP to start the ball rolling

storm is here, and it's beautiful

(My note: earlier it was posted that Dilley's source said Gowdy and P were ready to roll. Dilley actually spelled it out tonight and specifically stated NEP)

6cdcab No.254747


Watch the Twitter Scope before this one. Gave us Anons a shout out. Very cool.

f13290 No.254760


Thank you OP for fixing my faq up earlier. Much praise.

635d01 No.254869


sounds like gowdy is resigning to run whatever this NEP thing is

f13290 No.254901


Precisely. Have no clue what that NEP thing is. figure will be revealed to us either via Q or Dilley. Just waiting it out.

635d01 No.254909


National Emergency… Panel?

i reckon it's something like that

45b552 No.254931



>Memo #5 states…Obama's Daily Briefings (top secret), which he passed on to Hillary, with daily updates on Trump's campaign via the wiretap. So HRC got all the intel of BHO's DB's on the wiretaps of Trump along with OTHER intel updates. SEDITION!

Sedition would apply only after he was elected. Anything before would be Hussein's perogative, I would think.

>The content of the wiretaps is amazing. They, the O admin, were passing top secret intel to people who had no security clearance to read it.

I don't think this is going to go anywhere because Hussein is the ultimate authority on what gets classified and declassified. If they were acting at his direction, he was effectively declassifying these documents.

>Gallos being built.

LOL - Premature. Building them now would be like Comey writing a memo exonerating Hitlery before the interview.

>Uranium One section in Iran is beyond comprehension.

Now this is where they've got them in my opinion. Anything where they've profited from the sale of government secrets is going to get.

>sedition = death penalty

>rico = life in prison

Everybody should be clear that these are the maximum penalties. That is, if this is correct, and I'm too lazy to look it up.

3cb9d3 No.255011

The corruption is just breathtaking.


f13290 No.255023



Keep in mind the 'wiretapping' continued AFTER Trump elected. Just put that in the back of your head.

Consider a sitting Prez handing over his top secret daily briefing to a presidential candidate giving said 'wiretap' intel to them in effort to thwart opposition.

Understood we are looking at max sentences. We're in the beginning phases of disclosure. More to come.

NEP…keep thinking on this. Will be revealed in due time however Gowdy has definitely been 'tapped' for something big.

3cb9d3 No.255025

If BHO was sharing this info with HRC before election or before inauguration, if not sedition it seems like it would be some sort of criminal conspiracy or collusion or something.


f13290 No.255031


I just keep thinking…what if 'she' won..where we'd be. Bone chilling.

4efa54 No.255099

Dilley Intel Drop, 2.2.18 PM, via Facebook PART 1

FISA memo. MSM downplaying significance, tyring to pretend one-off memo saying it only covers a small window of people.

Memo a product of nearly a million documents.

Memo product of hundreds of hours of testimony.

Memo is smoking gun.

Unequivocally states that Comey, McCabe, Susan Rice, Yates, Priestap, etc., used the Steele fake dossier, planted in Yahoo news, they then took the dossier and the Yahoo article and took it to the FISA court.

The FISA court gave them the warrant to tap the phones of the Trump campaign.

This is not the full scale of it.

Not easy to get FISA warrant. Very difficult. Have to be a foreign actor doing intelligence, they think you're a spy, to get FISA warrant.

This means FBI conspired with Obama admin and HRC campaign to spy on US citizens who were running for office.

This is called a coup.

This is how you take over an entire country and usurp democratically elected government.

This is treason.

This is sedition.

This will get everyone who's on that thing hung, that's the penalty. No getting locked up for this.

You signed that thing, you signed your fate.

Obama had this information, he was complicit in this.

Don't let the media fool you.

This is one of many—there are more memos coming out.

Backed up by hundreds of hours of testimony, millions of pages of documents, black and white.

This is history you're seeing, the media is complicit and they know it.

The State Dept. has a memo coming out against them.

His one was the FBI/DOJ memo that showed they conspired.

You weaponize the Intelligence Community (IG) and your law enforcement community, the top, to fix an election.

This is something you would see in third world countries, not in the USA.

This is what you get shot for in front of a firing squad.

This is how you literally usurp 340 million people and the will of those people, and you plug in who you think should be the next president.

It's way worse than many of you guys probably realize.

Get the word out, intel coming in a moment you won't see ANYWHERE ELSE.

This is huge. Intel coming straight from the top (remember that when you're voting).

There are NINE TOTAL memos.

Believe only FOUR are going to get released.

Memo #5, a nuc about to drop on you guys, memo #5 states: "Obamas daily briefings [Top Secret], which he passed to Hillary, with daily intel updates on Trump's campaign via the wiretap." Along with other information.

This is called SEDITION.

This is what you would get hung for in the USA.

This is the highest level of crime that you can actually perpetrate, aside from treason, which Obama will have an opportunity to face those crimes as well.

Especially when you guys find out about the weapons and everything else.

But we'll stick to the topic at hand.

This dude was literally, illegally spied on a candidate for the Presidency of the United States

They took that information that they were spying on him about.

And passed it to another candidate in that race.

Even if they believed their nonsensical lie that they thought President (Candidate) Trump was actually a Russian spy, well, that whole narrative goes out the window when the next memo comes out and shows they were passing information to that political candidates opponent.

Now you're done. Dead in the water.

Now you have broken so many laws that it's not even funny.

This is why Obama lawyered up, why McCabe lawyered up, why Comey lawyered up, they're all lawyering up.

4efa54 No.255112

Dilley Intel Drop, 2.2.18 PM, via Facebook PART 2

The content of the wiretap is amazing. Can only share this one portion, not cleared to do the rest yet.

Touches on people without clearance involved and being shown top secret intel.

They were passing along the most sensitive intelligence that you can receive in government and they were allowing average Joes with no security clearance to read it.

This other part is really bad. Cannot read it yet (aroused anger) but it will give you the most respect for the President of the United States.

Inspector General (IG) Report. Unbelievable, it's going to take a while, not confirmed when it will be released, but it's a shocker. Gallows being built. Uranium One section in Iran stuff is beyond comprehension. This is what source telling Dilley.

It goes back really far.

As said before, you will be facing/observing is going to be military tribunals for those at the top, because treason and sedition are punishable by death, and that is not to be tried in a normal, everyday courtroom.

That is to be tried in a military courtroom.

However, also mentioned 13,600 sealed indictments now, of which we don't know hom any people that actually is.

There will be multiple RICO cases.

Why is that significant?

Fun fact about a RICO case: there is no statute of limitations.

So if you broke the law, part of organized crime, back in 1975, and the evidence is found in 2018, you're getting charged.

You can't out run a RICO case.

In a RICO case, you can be sentenced, maybe not to death, but life imprisonment.

We're going to have a really big RICO case. Probably two of the, maybe more.

This is organized crime.

Media is complicit.

[Dilley covered some information specific to the AZ Dist 8 Congressional race he's in.]

McCain has got major problems.

There's a reason he's not be in public in two months.

Five of the memos you won't ever get (raw intelligence), and you won't really need them.

The four you will get will be the breakdown of this whole mess. These will suffice.

Sedition = death penalty

RICO = life in prison

Which category is top tier?

Sedition -> hang time.

Sessions will talk to POTUS shortly.

Sessions can now unrecuse himself and kill Special Counsel and instruct Gowdy and NEP to start the ball rolling.

Storm is here, and it's beautiful.

Raw intel here, not broken down

Don't let anyone tell you that that memo that came out today wasn't significant. You've got to start paying attention.

There was a Freedom of Information Act release also on HRC emails which corroborate another portion of this memo that will be coming out which is that Hillary was getting Obama's daily briefings which is disgusting.

They have evidence that, not only did they weaponize the IC, they also weaponized the Judicial Branch. They weaponized judges, just so we're clear. And there's actual evidence.

That's way they (Dems/MSM/GOPe) ar trying to downplay this. They are freaking out.

This is how you end up with a banana republic.

Been saying for nine months, the only way to save this country is with law and order, restore law and order.

The rule of law must be established and respected or your country will fall apart.

[There was a Dilley Periscope that aired just prior to this that I didn't listen to, but I was told by a friend that this podcast covered it all.]

ad8580 No.255238



Thank you for your service anon

8f4446 No.255266

File: 11e7df96aae6ed1⋯.jpg (78.64 KB, 600x819, 200:273, 11e7df96aae6ed1ed58ad015ff….jpg)


>It's way worse than many of you guys probably realize.

Yeah, I'd be surprised if was worse than I or many of us here on 8chan can imagine. I've been on /pol/ for years, and in my view this party hasn't even started. The khazarian mafia (da j00s) and deep state were plotting to kill 90% of humanity (guess what, if you don't have a bunker with stores of food and water, you were likely going to get fucked). Not to mention the rumors of how they harvest adrenochrome in larger quantities.

06d6cf No.255873

Not necessarily premature. The general message is they will be sentenced via military tribunal, I'm not so sure there's anything that can be done to stop it—should something be handed down.

But I must pose the question: How much of these glorious fantasies can come to pass? Would we not be opening ourselves up to foreign intervention? Could this not spur forced global takeover of our government? If DJT or The Storm push too far, what is to say things won't come back around? We're not living in a world where other government official embrace national sovereignty, after all.


>>Gallos being built.


>LOL - Premature. Building them now would be like Comey writing a memo exonerating Hitlery before the interview.

06d6cf No.255880

I want to know when we finally get Soros, and all his Satanic spawn.

f06389 No.256074


According to Q we’ve got China, Japan, South Korea, Russia, And probably Hungary and others, including possibly Saudi Arabia on our side, and we’re saving UK, Germany, and Canada soon. Worldwide return to nationalism in almost all the world powers. Still know where I$r@el fits in.

84ffba No.256327

Sessions will talk to POTUS shortly.

Sessions can now unrecuse himself and kill Special Counsel and instruct Gowdy and NEP to start the ball rolling.

National Economic Prosecutor = NEP

"The Design of Competition Law Institutions: Global Norms, Local Choices"

edited by Eleanor M Fox, Michael J Trebilcock

Pg. 154

National Economic Prosecutor's Office

One of the footnotes: Art.385 Criminal Code punishes those who through fraud modify the natural price of goods, shares, and public or private rents.

I think I can see the 'inference' here.. but, this is just a guess…>>255112

f63c16 No.256459

National Exercise Program (NEP) is the principal mechanism for examining and validating core capabilities nationwide across all preparedness mission areas (Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery). https:// www.fema.gov/national-exercise-program

6be7a0 No.256686


Up to this comment, I believed Soros is under Rothchilds. What did I miss? Soros is the "do-it person" ?

c75393 No.256736

File: 230289b7d1a1586⋯.jpg (119.86 KB, 670x520, 67:52, dow666.jpg)

Heads up Anons. Bankster's issued a direct threat on Friday of FF. Easy to understand. Patriots stand with you all the way.

Live Free or Die!

Be sure to secure all the toys in NV A51, and also the blacksite north of that named "Disneyland"

46a0bf No.256752


Yes, sorry. JUDAH

Thx for catching that.

46a0bf No.256765


I’ve always understood he’s simply an AGENT of Rothschilds like he was an agent of Hitler.

Rothschilds will dump him as soon as they no longer need him…just like they’re going “Obama who?”

9638b7 No.256867

Hey Dilley, if this is you, I truly appreciate all your hard work.

cfe318 No.257006


>National Economic Prosecutor's Office

Explain this please…

2d946c No.257345


is it possible that they are going to get judge Nepolitano?

45b552 No.257650


>This will get everyone who's on that thing hung, that's the penalty. No getting locked up for this.

>You signed that thing, you signed your fate.

BS. Think about how an office operates. Someone puts a piece of paper in front of Yates or Rosenstein and says, "Here, sign this." They give them a 5 minutes summary of what they have, and get a signature. I'm not saying that they are not part of the conspiracy, I'm just saying that a signature alone isn't going to do the job.

>It's way worse than many of you guys probably realize.

I hope it is, because Hussein isn't going to hang over what we've seen so far. And believe me, I want Hussein to hang.

>This will get everyone who's on that thing hung, that's the penalty. No getting locked up for this.

BS again.

>Especially when you guys find out about the weapons and everything else.

Now this is where they've got them. Weapons to the Muslim Brotherhood used against our own soldiers will have you swinging from the end of a rope. Profiting from that at the same time, makes your hanging even more probable.

>Now you have broken so many laws that it's not even funny.

>This is why Obama lawyered up, why McCabe lawyered up, why Comey lawyered up, they're all lawyering up.

No question about that. It was well known that this dude was a leftist before he was even elected. And people were asleep at the switch and voted for him because of white guilt and the fact that he had a nice crease in his pants. Unbelievable how stupid the American people have become.

But I don't think Barry is smart enough to pull this stuff off on his own. He probably has people like Soros, and Bill Ayers and people like that pulling the strings from behind the curtain. I wouldn't be surprised if they start bringing those kinds of people in as well.

45b552 No.257788


>They have evidence that, not only did they weaponize the IC, they also weaponized the Judicial Branch. They weaponized judges, just so we're clear. And there's actual evidence.

The federal court system also needs a pile of Drano forced down their throats. Long overdue.

>That's way they (Dems/MSM/GOPe) ar trying to downplay this. They are freaking out.

>This is how you end up with a banana republic.

>Been saying for nine months, the only way to save this country is with law and order, restore law and order.

>The rule of law must be established and respected or your country will fall apart.

Maybe a lot of you kiddies don't understand this, but a big problem is the secularization of America. Back in the old days, not everybody was a churchgoer but they were immersed in religion as part of everyday life. People prayed in public schools (we did before lunch -1970's), everybody took Sundays off and the stores were closed and stuff like that. It was woven into the fabric of everyday life. Christianity is as much of a cultural exercise, as it has to do with religion.

The reason this is important is because for those who do not have a religious background in their families, they at least have some leadership when it comes to orienting your own moral compass. You didn't have to go look at a legal text to figure out right and wrong, you inherently knew it. We now live in loophole nation where people are just reading the law and looking for a way to weasel out of what their responsibilities are.

Just my two cents.

45b552 No.257886

NEP = National Espionage Prosecutor?

I just made that up, but it has to be something along those lines.

06d6cf No.258305


Pretty sure Dow dropping is a result of the market's uncertainty regarding the Federal Reserve, as it was also Janet Yellen's last day. Jerome Powell starts his tenure on Monday.

Market's don't like change.

http:// fortune.com/2018/02/03/federal-reseve-chair-jerome-powell/

06d6cf No.258316


Not OP, but if National Economic Prosecutor's office is correct, I believe that would get the ball rolling in regards to the RICO (racketeering) stuff Dilley talked about.

06d6cf No.258329


>BS again.

Glad you know how military courts/tribunals work. (And if you do, please explain your reasoning.)

06d6cf No.258334


>those who do not have a religious background in their families, they at least have some leadership when it comes to orienting your own moral compass. You didn't have to go look at a legal text to figure out right and wrong, you inherently knew it. We now live in loophole nation where people are just reading the law and looking for a way to weasel out of what their responsibilities are.


d91fbe No.258397


You don't hang for sedition.

Treason, yes

wrecking a train resulting in death, yes.

more here:

https:// deathpenalty.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=004927

0bab15 No.258460







Net effect is colossal. It's not real when real is replaced with a lie. Know your enemy. Who did POTUS call out when he said IN GOD WE TRUST?


Biggest programming of wet ware in history long long long time, coming to a "head" near you….

*event~2000ys ago. Solid foundation of truth because event fresh, witnesses. Produced "The Way" (not fancy "church" names of today

*since event 187,187,187millons millons millions* Who s #1emeny of God=satan/church of satan=illuminate =NWO=deep state

*Who wants to destroy mankind.satan

*present day churches infiltrated infected by illuminate-on the pulpit*history irradicateBook of Enoch(from3500bc,cc found 1773; burn word-france, Sunday law change 4thCommand.outlawed true sabbath 187targeted187,187,187

-Today CROSS wires of TRUTH or consequences.lies lies lied to tricked

***Have you ever felt like something special was directly dropped into your head, your brain….message guidance-devine interference?? God drops intel on his children all the time. They hide GOD IS REAL. Research this. Know your emeny.

46a0bf No.258545


Excellent explanation. I remember those day and I also remember when things started changing.

Whether truly religious or not ppl had a genuine moral compass for most things in the “old” days. That’s gone today and severe factions are the result of it.

0bab15 No.258552


Fyi beware google on sunday law research, up will pop conspiracy theories in todays time haha. Look at Sunday Law 364ad brought by Council of Ladicea. Sunday was is? day of worship for the sun. Gods day got thrown under the bus… or should I say chariot. Pope hijacked more than you know. Research

45b552 No.258632


>Fyi beware google on sunday law research, up will pop conspiracy theories in todays time haha. Look at Sunday Law 364ad brought by Council of Ladicea. Sunday was is? day of worship for the sun. Gods day got thrown under the bus… or should I say chariot. Pope hijacked more than you know. Research

Nobody gives a shit about the Pope except a certain small segment of Roman Catholics. Take Greece or Italy, for example. Everything shuts down on Sunday there. It's a day of rest and a day to spend with your family.

4efa54 No.258793


Not a law expert here, but according to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), 10 U.S. Code § 894 - Art. 94. Mutiny or sedition:

(b) A person who is found guilty of attempted mutiny, mutiny, sedition, or failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct.

https:// www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/10/894

While the UCMJ applies to members of the military, it can also apply to civilians under 10 U.S. Code § 802 - Art. 2. Persons subject to this chapter:

(10) In time of declared war or a contingency operation, persons serving with or accompanying an armed force in the field, [Note "CONTINGENCY OPERATION" here.]

https:// www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/10/802

Carefully read the Executive Orders signed by President Trump in the last 7-8 weeks. They declares a nation emergency and talk about things like enemy combatants, etc. giving POTUS broad powers to take action and allow for the full prosecution of high crimes (Nuremberg comes to mind for me). Trump and his team have thought this through on a level most people can't imagine and comprehend. They are going by the book.

I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of the black hat, bad guys who have CLEARLY betrayed and sold our country out, right now. And I wouldn't laugh off or dismiss any possible penalty either. I CAN'T IMAGINE worse crime being committed against the United States of America. Worst crimes call for worst punishment.

But, like everyone else, I'm just an observer. We'll see how it all plays out. That, we will.

0bab15 No.258800


You miss the point my friend… just totally went right over your head

4efa54 No.258814

File: a539a5e60185f2c⋯.jpg (74.08 KB, 587x620, 587:620, dilleytweets2.3.18.jpg)

45b552 No.258844


>Not necessarily premature. The general message is they will be sentenced via military tribunal, I'm not so sure there's anything that can be done to stop it—should something be handed down.

I doubt they are building them now, but you do have a point. They might be building the components and if there is to be a hanging, it will be easy to assemble the gallows without a lot of effort. I don't know how things work in Military Court, but back in the old days if you were convicted of murder, they put you down like a stray dog. You were gone in six months.

>But I must pose the question: How much of these glorious fantasies can come to pass? Would we not be opening ourselves up to foreign intervention?

Doubtful. Remember, there were other instances of rulers being offed for treason as Hannity alluded to in his 1649 post. The downside of globalism for these people is that you can't put them in exile because they can cause trouble wherever they are. You basically have to take them out.

6a444f No.258877

Detailed Dilley Intel Drop, 2/2/18, Pre-Memo Early AM Periscope

"#HappyMemoDay w/Congresional Candidate Brenden Dilley"

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/959450833850064897

(Part 1)

Summary: Late to this party. Some Anons have dropped later FB streams. No new INTEL in this older post, just a lot of review and insight. IMHO, End is some valuable insight for Q followers.

There's more than 1 memo, this is just the beginning

Reviewed McCabe's source (see previous Intel post)

The more the left pushed to block it and de-legitimize it, the memo was pulled from "far-right" to "center" & now it's moving to the left as the "Center-Left's" consituency are starting to want to see it. It's created national interest.

The left has played directly into Trump's hands AGAIN!

Trump "lets this build" & "CREATES EVENTS" (Must-See TV)

No one cares about the SuperBowl this weekend.

Next EO isn't going to "rock anything". It's basically going to be in sympathy with the Dec 21 EO & the January 30th EO.

Americans - "It's not about politics anymore" "We want the truth" "enough is enough"

The (Deep State) Objective was to "change the narrative" the other with the train station, but that only lasted only for a few hours because they weren't successful.

About Trey Gowdy and Christopher Wray: This isn't "Days of Our Lives" don't get caught up or emotionally invested in characters in this movie. The only person you should be watching is POTUS.

(Dilley personally believes) Trey Gowdy has very important role in all of this LATER, and that's why he stepped down.

But once you started getting emotionally attached to people in this story, you start having a hard time accepting new information or even accepting THE TRUTH

This is one of the risks of getting emotionally vested (mockingly - "But I liked him :(")

Let the information come to you and then let the truth "rise to the top" and who gives a damn about personality.


Think about how emotionally invested they became in Obama.

I don't think the LEFT doesn't want the truth. They just don't know what to do with that information.

If you find out that the character you've elevated in your household is a treasonous scumbag, what does that mean about you? (self-identity loss)

You do this with actors/athletes as well - stop.

Monica Crowley confirms what Dilley has been saying all along "This is the first of several memos coming."

Dilley's theory:

With regard to the FBI, "There's a lot of misdirection going on right now"

It's important that everybody be really patient.

"Everybody's lawyered up"

Reviewed the previous drop that FBI/CIA being completely broken up and "Done"

FBI will be rebranded as something totally different because of how pervasive he corruption is

CIA has quietly been absorbed as part or underneath the NSA

Part of what's going on even if you go back to the "Snowden stuff", the CIA didn't like the threat that the NSA Posed - technologically, financially, & influentially. This is part of what went with the Snowden situation.

Reiterates Bill Binney is a hero,

Snowden is CIA, went to NSA, tried to bring them down for what they were doing, back and forth.

Dilley has to continue reiterating "I am not Q. Just a guy who likes to problem-solve & people like to talk to me"

Periscope keeps asking who is 'good' vs 'bad', Brenden Dilley responds "it's not that simple"

John Brennan is "awful". He droned American Citizens illegaly.

He has a major problem & a lot of dirt on him.

Periscope asks 'Why are all these corrupt people still working?'

Dilley responds: "You don't really know anything."

"When you see Strzok or Paige working at the FBI, what if you care that he's cleaning the latrine?"

One of the most effective ways, until you're ready to execute your plan, to keep from being attacked, is allowing your enemy to believe that they're safe. So you keep them under your thumb wherever they're working.

All the misdirection is done to keep people safe. There's people whose lives are on the line with this entire deal. Operators who you will never know have their lives on the line doing this.

The value of disinformation is in keeping people safe.

The White Hats lie to keep people safe. The black hats like to try to cause chaos. Unfortunately you have to use deception, that's the name of intelligence. Keeps people safe and off of the trail of where your interests actually are.

6a444f No.258881

Detailed Dilley Intel Drop, 2/2/18, Pre-Memo Early AM Periscope

"#HappyMemoDay w/Congresional Candidate Brenden Dilley"

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/959450833850064897

(Part 2)

You've got to be okay with the fact that you're going to be lied to by people. No choice.

You're going to be lied to by good ppl. Dilley acknowledges that they lie to him.

"I had to willfully enter into this situation knowing looking I could look like a collossal idiot because they might use me for disinformation. I had to considere that - that they might use me. Cause I had a brand & a certain level of credibility that I was afraid to put on the line with this stuff which is why I kept a lot of -"

"I kept a LOT of information in November and December back"

An average Joe would've probably released everything, but when you have a public brand like Dilley - life coach, talk show host, congressional candidate, it's risky because you could end up with egg all over your face and ruin everything that you've tried your whole life to build.

"Part of the anxiety of all of this is that they might use me for disinformation to keep people safe, but it might end up destroying my credibility which is something I obviously don't wanna do - I've worked very hard to be someone that people could trust and believe in"

This is where an element of faith comes in - at some point you have to have that faith in your own ability to decipher good intel from disinformation."

Dilley has to trust his judgment & critical thought more than he does any ppl's "Intel"

Dilley's trying to get deeper explanation.

If you trust your gut and your own critical mind, you stop being attached to the delivery or who's delivering a message.

Dilley acknowledges again some of the ppl giving him drops are giving disinformaiton that he's deliberately not reported.

And some of the good intel given him has slipped through. But Dilley has to still trust himself to recognize true info.

At the end, Dilley took the risk to do this because he had faith in his critical thinking to discern intel from disinfo.

"I believe my source is legit, but what I believe in more than my source being legit, is my ability to recognize true information."

"I know how to sniff out BS"

And I'm still trying to… no one is infallible.

If you don't believe Dilley, look at the outcome over the last year…

The end of CNN, MSM, everyone's credibility has been destroyed…

Even the early new media 2017 characters on the MAGA side who broke "HUGE" stories and then crumbled. Then a new character came into view because HE drops a huge story, everyone follows him, then HE crumbles. You've seen this over and over - the build-up and destruction of new characters on Twitter/Social media. That's because none of these guys realized that they were being used.

They thought - oh "I'm going to keep dropping this intel because they're going to ALWAYS gonna give me good information." - WRONG

45b552 No.258882

File: 4e8db67a753d810⋯.jpg (208.19 KB, 1500x1186, 750:593, Execution of the Lincoln c….jpg)


>Carefully read the Executive Orders signed by President Trump in the last 7-8 weeks. They declares a nation emergency and talk about things like enemy combatants, etc. giving POTUS broad powers to take action and allow for the full prosecution of high crimes (Nuremberg comes to mind for me). Trump and his team have thought this through on a level most people can't imagine and comprehend. They are going by the book.

There is no doubt. The only caveat is that some of these people will get lesser sentences or will be allowed to plead down to another charge. Those going to trial for treason will hang if found guilty. Just charging them is such a big step, they have to hang.

6a444f No.258890

Detailed Dilley Intel Drop, 2/2/18, Pre-Memo Early AM Periscope

"#HappyMemoDay w/Congresional Candidate Brenden Dilley"

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/959450833850064897

(Part 3)

The rise and fall of Social media Characters:

Don't be naive and recognize the game. White Hats trying to force the public to get smarter and stop deifying Internet figures.

Dilley states "Even with me… if it doesn't make sense to you, absolutely reject it & We should have a dialogue about it"

This is where a bunch of Internet guys soared on social media and were receiving real intel, and then they were planted with fake intel, but these guys were so into themselves (driven by their ego) that they release it and it destroyed them. They reported massive news that on its face, made no sense.

Example "100,000 of U.S. troops were invading Syria." It doesn't matter WHO gave you that Intel, that was stupid to report that. Critical thought should have stopped that right there.

This phenomenon happened to a "bunch" of guys

"General Kelly is this…"

People had their credentials revoked from the White House because of bad reporting.

These guys took themselves too seriously and trusted blindly, and they should've never done that.

"I still tease my source - dude that sounds like crap"

"I piss my source off regularly"

"He'll try to get me to say stuff, in some sort of 'sing-songy' way"

And there's always a justification for it, but I'm like "I'm not doing that! That's cheesy!"

Even if source insists, Dilley says no, "I don't know what to tell you, get somebody else"

"I've pissed off my source numerous times"

Dilley states that his source sometimes does the "cryptic Q messages" and Dilley replied "Nah Bro! You wanna deliver Q messages, go take that nonsense over to the Q boards and they can break it down, cause obviously, it's good information, but I'm not that guy. Don't give me the information that way."

Q Drops/Socratic method is very effective way of educating people.

Once the slow drip of breadcrumbs start to make sense, it's an effective way of penetrating the brainwashing.

Once you've breadcrumbed people with logic, it can break through the emotional brainwashing. It works, it's smart.

3cb9d3 No.258920

Good guess.


4efa54 No.258957




Awesome! Thank you anon!

daf803 No.258985

Thank you for your work >>246598

06d6cf No.259002


>You don't hang for sedition.


10 U.S. Code § 894 - Art. 94. "Mutiny or sedition"—https:// www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/10/894

However, hanging is not a guaranteed result, as one "shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct". I'd believe there would be no real death penalty, instead some form of extreme life sentence.

45b552 No.259043


I think you're missing the point. It's not about religion, its about a common culture. Christianity was woven into that culture and it kept people mostly on the same page. If you look at the spectrum of countries from shithole to heaven, the honest ones are places you want to live in and the more corrupt they are the bigger shitholes they are.

Northern Europe is the standard. My ancestry is from Southern Europe, and they're a little sleazy about how they do things. Hence, you see slightly more shithole there. Go further south, and you see more corruption and more shitholes.

Don't get me wrong, it's also a chicken and egg thing. They have to be corrupt because they don't have shit and that's the only way to get ahead. But it all starts with being a nation of laws and what underpins that is a common sense of morality and honesty. The moral compass of the Western Christian world.

daf803 No.259066

>>255099can’t thank you enough after bouncing from B to TP to Q to DrC this is my spot still listen to BD peri coffee he is no BS when have to leave to go to work can catch summary here TYTYTY

45b552 No.259094


>Glad you know how military courts/tribunals work. (And if you do, please explain your reasoning.)

I may not know all the ins and outs of military tribunals, but if they get Hussein on anything but the MOST SERIOUS crimes, the country's going to burn.

Law is not always black and white. Okay, so he let a lot of classified information spread. They guy made a mistake and he has a right to declassify whatever he wants, anyway. You can't hang him for that. But if he sold it or if it spread to our enemies, yes, he's going to hang.

Don't get me wrong. I want to see that nigger hang. (No offense to regular black folk.) With all his baggage, I still can't believe people elected a MUSLIM COMMUNIST as President. I am really ashamed of how DUMB people have become.

4efa54 No.259142


The person hanging on the far left in the image is a woman, Mary Surratt. She was implicated with the other three in the plot against Lincoln.

Many at the time felt the government would never hang a woman. On the morning of the hanging, her attorneys asked a DC court for a writ of habeas corpus, arguing that the military tribunal had no jurisdiction over their client. The Court issued the writ, but when President Johnson was informed of this, he cancelled the writ (under the authority granted to him by the Habeas Corpus Suspension Act of 1863). Mary was then promptly hung along with the other conspirators.

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Surratt

No civilian court was able to stop the President in executing justice.

Reflect on this.

daf803 No.259316

I heard him say that too that is why I like him true to no one but himself that is one reason he is being given drops he is =hannity=TP etal>>258890

e97ac4 No.259350

Dose anyone else think that the judge/judges that approved the fisa warrant are corrupt also since you are supposed to show new evidence every time it’s renewed but yet we are still told there is no evidence…..???????

4125fc No.259372

Without a doubt! Everyone is blackmailed.

45b552 No.259482


>No civilian court was able to stop the President in executing justice.

>Reflect on this.

No question. But this isn't 1863 and there are politics and sensitivities involved, not to mention the risk of more Detroits and Baltimores burning. I just don't see the military tribunal hanging him unless it is something really, really, really big.

06d6cf No.259567


Maybe on July 7, 2020 we'll see a reenactment of this on the anniversary of Surratt's hanging (July 7, 1865). What woman could fill her spot? Hmmmm…

06d6cf No.259583

File: 5c9ad3258375390⋯.jpg (163.44 KB, 1024x578, 512:289, Lawandorder01.jpg)


Also, can we bring back these public displays? That's one way to restore LAW & ORDER.

06d6cf No.259606


>No question. But this isn't 1863 and there are politics and sensitivities involved, not to mention the risk of more Detroits and Baltimores burning. I just don't see the military tribunal hanging him unless it is something really, really, really big.

Sadly, I would probably agree with this. However, I believe it could be arranged for the conspirators to never see daylight again.

45b552 No.259633

Let me throw out something else to chew on:

-Hussein's birth certificate.

-Cancellation of debt.

If Hussein wasn't eligible to be President, technically he wasn't authorized to run up all that debt. What if this is the theory underpinning all the debt negotiations? And if he ran up all this debt to try to take down the government …

Just food for thought.

b4993f No.259645

UK has now drafted UWO's unexplained wealth orders as part of their Criminal Wealth Act to seize assets over 50k. Coincidence in timing?

06d6cf No.259649



Subjective. Subjectivity isn't law. If it goes against the books, and they play this by the books, then it'll play out how it plays out.


>Law is not always black and white. Okay, so he let a lot of classified information spread. They guy made a mistake and he has a right to declassify whatever he wants, anyway. You can't hang him for that.

Wanna bet?


>I still can't believe people elected a MUSLIM COMMUNIST as President. I am really ashamed of how DUMB people have become.

Agreed. Let who the books say must hang, hang.

06d6cf No.259676

There's a point to be made with your overall supposition.


>-Hussein's birth certificate.

This is where I am curious things will get interesting. Escalate this high enough, and that situation may come back into play. Not only would the courts be able to get him on sedition, but how about running for the highest elected office in the UNITED STATES with deception and deceit, and winning?

There is so much that can happen if this goes far enough, it's insanity.

91a67d No.259764


>Sunday was is? day of worship for the sun.

Moon's Day

Tuesday = Mars Day

Wednesday = Mercury's Day

ThORSday = Thursday = Jupiter

FRIDAY = Venus' Day


Did not know if everyone knew/knows that. The WANDERING STARS are the PLANETS in the SKY.

91a67d No.259809

File: 8d04a98fb2bd65a⋯.png (632.03 KB, 851x315, 851:315, the-book-of-q.png)


>Dose anyone else think that the judge/judges that approved the fisa warrant are corrupt

100%. Thomas Jefferson warned of the Judicial Branch, because of it's power and it's potential for corruption. He mentioned it is the most dangerous of the 3 BRANCHES of GOV'T.

However with my own personal experience.

Ask yourself this, "If you can buy your way out of it, is there such a thing as right or wrong? "

And I personally know that it sometimes not who you know, but WHOM you know !

06d6cf No.259842


>Thomas Jefferson warned of the Judicial Branch, because of it's power and it's potential for corruption.

He sure did. It's worth looking into his views on the matter. This is a good start:

http:// tenthamendmentcenter.com/2012/06/04/thomas-jefferson-on-judicial-tyranny

>He said judicial tyranny made the Constitution “a thing of wax.”

>Jefferson was plainly alarmed by the possibility of judicial tyranny.

>Jefferson plainly had an answer against judicial tyranny.

>He saw judicial tyranny as an undermining of the Constitution.

>Jefferson saw judicial tyranny as an all-out assault on the Constitution.

>He saw judicial tyranny as the greatest danger to the nation.

>For judges to usurp the powers of the legislature is unconstitutional judicial tyranny.

O was a Constitutional lawyer—learned the rules so he could BREAK the republic.

4efa54 No.259865


Really, really big? Really, really, big?

Just for starters, we have the weaponization of intelligence to destroy political opponents, we have the Executive, Legislative and the possibly the Judicial Branches of government obstructing justice to subvert the Will of the People of the United States of America? Just for starters, mind you.

How much really, really bigger does it have to get?

06d6cf No.259893

File: 897ce6beae92171⋯.jpg (237.78 KB, 1920x1034, 960:517, maxresdefault.jpg)


>How much really, really bigger does it have to get?

0bab15 No.260181


K, Common ground?Yes yes yes nation of law, law & order. Yes. Restore it. The subject of this operation before our eyes. Let it happen!!!


It's not about religion. What's been woven into our country is what we are undoing today. The standard has been corrupted. Intentional download. Of evil. That's why we as a people nation & world all lack truth, laws & justice. So to SEE you need to step outside the tainted circle and look, learn. Research now available access now granted. This era, not our grandpas generation, this generation. That's where the truth can be reclaimed. Goes back only to the same point if you take the things, crumbs, whatever, from outside the circle & argue them back onto the circle. Circular argument goes to nowhere. There is no common culture except circular taint world… avilable everywhere. In the loop of lost prey.


It's the point that's missed. It Really REALLY matters how long they've been f##ing with us and it matters what truths have been replaced in our brains with lies. Law keeps us safe or at least evil @bay. Hopefully returning soon to a world near you. Know your enemy. Moral compass is not from "religion" It's from GOD, the real one.

do yourself a favor & read the Book of Enoch





Q 1/22/2018



Notice the similarity?


0bab15 No.260254


There's more to Saturday, the 7th day. It's actually a sign created @ creation it's in genesis (before Jews, God made it to rest with him) It's a sign you're his.

Sunday Law made it against the law to worship God on Saturday


187,187,187same enemy

0bab15 No.260388


One can only hope they void his whole presidency and recind all his crap pie

His birth certificate is a fake and the lady in Hawaii who was involved in getting records on record got 187 as a big thank you. Where is he anyway?

0bab15 No.260429


Makes BHO a foreign agent sitting on our thone, doesn't it? Plus so much more. He obviously was executing his own agenda to wipe us out. Q says they have everything hope that's date stamped and sent to partners in crime.

4efa54 No.260611


An apt analogy might be the US in the late 1930s becoming enamored with a smooth-talking young German man named Adolf Hitler who promises lofty things to the population, but he actually hates the country. His background should disqualify him, but people don't seem to care and they shrug off any objections from patriots to the contrary, and Adolph has the support of the fawning media so they squelch any efforts to publicize the fact that he doesn't quality. He is elected, and then begins to undermine the institutions of the United States.

45b552 No.260760


To me, it's even simpler than that. I can't believe the people in this country are so stupid and so brain-dead to elect a communist Muslim as president!!! A Muslim!!!

I just don't know what you can do to wake people up from this massive stupidity.

45b552 No.260780


>Not only would the courts be able to get him on sedition, but how about running for the highest elected office in the UNITED STATES with deception and deceit, and winning?

I would think they definitely want to do that. Part of this exercise is making the penalties so harsh that nobody wants to attempt to try to do any of this again.

06d6cf No.260840




P. R. Y.



From MW:

- to look closely or inquisitively;

- also : to make a nosy or presumptuous inquiry

710d1f No.260936


see >>258814

Should no longer be life appointments. I believe the Constitution does not specifically

list judicial appointments as lifetime, but neither does it list a term of office. It just evolved to be lifetime. Time for a change.

710d1f No.261022


The FISA/surveillance conspiracy is really big. However there are hints of other crimes even bigger, and probably something that would result in the minority community turning on their supposed heroes. The Obama-Hezbollah drug tie-in could link Obama to drugs going straight to the streets on minority city neighborhoods. Obama is tied in with the whole cabal mess. What happens when the black soldier who died in Somalia (Trump's dust-up with the rep from FL) turns out to have died from an attack by the cabal? Or, just in general that O provided arms to groups that killed US troops. If those insinuations about what is to come are true, the FISA issue will just be the opening course.

710d1f No.261058


Can't just cancel it. It is not all owned by bad actors. Much of it is owned by pension plans, and in 401ks. Also owned by foreign governments. Can't just tell them oops, sorry, there goes your trillion dollars. One possibility is the approximately 3 trillion in treasury notes owned by the Fed. If Trump closed the Fed, those 3 T could be wiped out. Better than nothing.

710d1f No.261118


We need much more comprehensive media laws. A return to the ownership structure pre-Bill Clinton would be a good first step. The laws were implemented after the 1920s crash to limit concentration of media ownership/power similar to the Glass-Steagall banking laws. No surprise that both sets of laws were rescinded under Bill Clinton as the NWO was setting the foundation.

I f y

0bab15 No.261268



At least 3 fisa judges denied it (see the 99pg ct memo). They didn't have any problem seeing through the bs, and they didn't mence words slamming the application. They went judge shopping.

You bring up an interesting point. There is such a thing as a judicial review, Citizen can file complaints against Judges. It's not a court proceeding or filing it's more like a form you fill out and submit. Usually the State Bar in the jurisdiction where the judge sits would have that info. Probably online too. I'll research it & update.

But, that is one way to remove a judge. Would be funny if they were flooded with hundreds of complaints


2dc013 No.261588


There is a rumor that Strzok is the one who phonied the birth certificate. He's a documents guy. But he made a mistake a put the pdf or the Photoshop file on the server with the layers still intact, not compressed into a jpeg. And the white hats have that evidence. Is it true? Who knows?

6be7a0 No.261694


Law per se is not the answer. They require budget. We gotta stop earmarks (special interests) and amendments (special interests) and get down to bare minimum 'for the American peoples, not special interests.

fdc049 No.261720

My guess:

NEP = National Executive Prosecutor

To be high level prosecutor to prosecute the criminals that have committed crimes that fall under the Executive Orders. For example: Human rights violators, terrorists, and those who break the laws of the Constitution of USA etc.

TG - with his passion for the law and constitution is perfect for the job.

68c64b No.262056




Of course you can cancel it. Or you can cancel just the debt owned by foreigners. It may not be wise in terms of future dealings, but on the other hand, look what happened in South America in the 80s. Cancel the debt, and everyone comes running to loan them more since they have a clean balance sheet.

45b552 No.262465


>Can't just cancel it. It is not all owned by bad actors. Much of it is owned by pension plans, and in 401ks. Also owned by foreign governments. Can't just tell them oops, sorry, there goes your trillion dollars. One possibility is the approximately 3 trillion in treasury notes owned by the Fed. If Trump closed the Fed, those 3 T could be wiped out. Better than nothing.

Remember when Trump said he was going to negotiate down all our debt during the campaign and everybody freaked out? I know, this is out there since he had "apparent authority", but that doesn't mean Trump can't negotiate with it. Every. Single. One. of those debt ceiling increases he signed could theoretically be invalidated.

Plus, there's some money in a pot called the "Global Stabilization Fund" that's out there. $70 trillion or something like that? But who knows what's true and what isn't anymore. Between all of the lies and all the disinformation out there even people like me, who have always been on top of current events, are thoroughly confused.

45b552 No.262542


>My guess:

>NEP = National Executive Prosecutor

>To be high level prosecutor to prosecute the criminals that have committed crimes that fall under the Executive Orders. For example: Human rights violators, terrorists, and those who break the laws of the Constitution of USA etc.

>TG - with his passion for the law and constitution is perfect for the job.

I was thinking about something else. JAG is going to be handling the prosecution. TG was an attorney with the justice department, but I don't know if he has any experience with military law. They're going to want someone who knows military law like the back of his hand AND a JAG prosecutor is going to be nonpolitical. You need nonpolitical to hang the "first black (not really) president".

So it probably is "National Economic Prosecutor". If it's not that, I bet it's some term of art that goes back into English Common Law.

e08f01 No.262579


>Q rolled out the word "Cyanide" and that HRC, Soros, and Hussein would not see a public court.

Q did not mention the word "Cyanide" in any of his posts/replies.

88b27a No.262580


Thank you for what you are doing. This intel unfortunately is being delivered to us by what I would call 'a rambler'. And your summaries are concise and accurate.

We also need to recognise Zach (from Alex Jones fame) as his intel is also cross-referencing Dilley's source. Yesterday he confirmed that McCabe and Alwaaled 'sang like birds'. I don't believe that Q mentioned these two. He also confirmed the train was being monitered by helicopters and drones and the roads around the track had been closed off. He talks about the missile launch on Hawaii from a submarine and he tells of a proposed false flag at the Superbowl involving Somarlians and a 'dirty bomb'.

06d6cf No.262698


Speculation doesn't help if you're inventing a new meaning for an acronym. I would not believe this to be the case. Gov't would sooner use already-existing titles than create new ones, if not to simply avoid headaches caused by any opposition.

06d6cf No.262746


>We also need to recognise Zach (from Alex Jones fame) as his intel is also cross-referencing Dilley's source.

The same could be said with any source going to Dilley, but I actually believe Dilley's source is likely providing legit information compared to Zach.

Remember, Q stated *numerous* times:

>Disinformation is real.

>Disinformation is necessary.

If you wanted strategically-necessary disinfo out there, you would 100% try to get it out there through InfoWars.

Not discrediting Jones or Zach, but Zach could very well be a disinfo agent being used to purposely muddy the waters. He's got Jones' full confidence as well—perfect ruse.

45b552 No.262758


>Speculation doesn't help if you're inventing a new meaning for an acronym. I would not believe this to be the case. Gov't would sooner use already-existing titles than create new ones, if not to simply avoid headaches caused by any opposition.

I know I didn't make my point clear, but nobody had ever heard the term "House Managers" until Clinton's impeachment. NEP may be this kind of a term, buried in the law somwhere.

45b552 No.262778


>Remember, Q stated *numerous* times:

>>Disinformation is real.

>>Disinformation is necessary.

He also said 20/80, now 40/60. If I read this right, that means 40% percent of the stuff they're giving us is real, which actually isn't bad.

88b27a No.262823


Alternatively Dilley's source could be proving disinfo.

What criteria do you use to rule in/out a source?

One source provides it anonymously, another provides it to an unknown social media flower and the other to a lunatic who provides an alternative news service.

What's the difference?

462da7 No.263041


No. 40/60 means 40% of corruption/pedophilia etc will be released to the public.

Not real info/disinfo.

06d6cf No.263160


>What criteria do you use to rule in/out a source?

My criteria is irrelevant. You choose to believe what you choose to believe. But you should find your own reasons as to why info Zach provides to InfoWars might be less reliable than that provided to Dilley or the 8ch.

I'll give you one rationale, find your own reasons after if you wish. For me, it's reach.

The Q phenomenon got around quickly. For the mission, maybe it got out too quickly. So to temper things down a bit, you have Zach (who may very well be a part of the mission and/or have his own high-level sources) call Jones (a noted "crazy conspiracy theorist") and provide some legit info but a lot of disinfo as well. Since you know the TARGET monitors InfoWars, this is the perfect place to put out some wholesale disinfo to muddy the waters.

Now, I'm not saying Zach provides only disinfo, but I have no reason to think he's telling even 20% of the truth. He could very well be with the good guys but on a disinfo mission.

26ffda No.264313


Read the EO's again and the Memorandum from 2002 posted by Q #64. Financing and facilitating Enemy Combatants puts you in the category of Enemy Combatant - even if you are a Citizen. The smallest action in support ,makes you as guilty as the one who did the worst. It's like RICO for Terrorists. Also, you don't get the same Constitutional Rights as you get under JUST Criminal Violations - specifically includes no right of Habeas Corpus.

88b27a No.264319


Sorry, I did not make myself clear. As this thread is titled 'alternative intel source' I was trying to determine what criteria is used when deciding what alternative intel is to be included here?

26ffda No.264374


I'm with you. Sedition isn't bc BHO/HRC went against Trump. It's bc they went against our Constitution and against We The People, the ACTUAL Power behind The Gov't, behind President Trump. They attempted to prevent a Free and Fair Election and are STILL trying to overturn the results, the Will of The People. THAT's the sedition. (The treason part is all the crap with Iran, NK ISIS, etc.

0fdc76 No.264428

Mueller has been working for the good guys, his brief is to oversee the investigation, as well as “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.”

Flynn was a sting.

Mueller has the dirt on EVERYONE….

ab24c0 No.264533


Amtrack train collision breaking news heads up anons

ab24c0 No.264566

http:// www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message3757375/pg1 news on the trainwreck

9638b7 No.264852


if this was an FF why do they still have the capability to operate if the good actors hear and see all? That a rhetorical question. If this is an FF, this is why it all needs to be made public NOW so other lives can be spared.

ae72de No.265634

They may "see and hear all" but not necessarily beforehand. Some may be after the fact, studying data.

bc1c0f No.266285

Q has been very silent this past week something big must be happening .I guess its also gave us a chance to go back and re read everything but must admit with everything going on i was looking forward to Q dropping some more details unless they are waiting for the normies to catch up

bc1c0f No.266393

Also wondering i seen a youtube video dropped the other day about the LV shooting.

In this video it said new documents have been released stating that he had infact booked rooms at the other side of the hotel.Which would have had him facing the federal airport and that he complained to staff he wanted the room he origanally booked.

This means his actuall target wasnt the concert it was the airport .Was this what Q meant by trump escaped an attempt on his life in LV ?Did airforce one land in LV that night ?

Is this why there has been a cover up ?

Was this an op that went wrong for both sides?Was he refused that room so he had no shot at the airport and was going to be raided and caught with the weapons and attempted murder of Potus ?Only he realised he was being watched and his plot had been foiled so rather than allow the media to find out he was there to assassinate trump for the deepstate he turned it into a FF terror attack to take the heat off why he was really there .

Like i said not sure if this documents the youtuber showed was 100% but he never put two and two together that he was really there for trump

06d6cf No.267045


>Q has had a really bad week.

Not disagreeing, but not sure why I would agree, either. Please elaborate on how Q is having a bad week.

83b0f2 No.267435


Hussein was working for a foreign entity for his entire presidency. He committed multiple acts of treason. He committed multiple acts of directing and aiding terrorists. He betrayed the U.S many times in exchange for $ millions per act. He is going to be convicted and executed.

91a67d No.267455

File: 9cbd3dc88c33de6⋯.jpg (172.71 KB, 400x541, 400:541, Mary_Surratt_media_release.jpg)

File: 9d1045aaf54b953⋯.png (807.03 KB, 800x483, 800:483, Trial_of_conspirators_in_L….png)

File: 9590aa51bbace34⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 894-ARTICLE-94-MUTINY-OR-S….jpg)





>THAT's the sedition.

>Those going to trial for treason will hang if found guilty.

4efa54 No.267532


I really don't understand the assertion that Q had a really bad week. The memo was released!!!

Just like you can't drain an Olympic-size swimming pool overnight, the same goes with the swamp. Once you start the process, it's takes a long time because it wasn't filled in one day in the first place. And the process is underway.

I'm just an observer and I don't know this, but I believe the Trump administration is in the process of taking out all of the key bagmen, which will be a necessary first step in taking down all of the illicit networks. Remove the ability of the black hats to attack and counter-attack by methodically removing their physical ability to do so. This is going to take time. Like a python subduing and swallowing its prey. Eventually, they'll be gone.

What I DO KNOW is the memo revealed there's conclusive documentary evidence that crimes were committed. No more rumors or guessing anymore—we now know for sure! And next up, we have the IG report that will come out in the near future. That will be a huge blow!

This will all take time to unfold, and I actually enjoy the fact that it does take time. I enjoy watching these evil traitorous bastards squirm and twist in the wind as they sweat bullets wondering what shoe will drop next. With their almost comically pathetic, complete lack of foresight, they are no match for the brilliant strategic thinking of the Trump team. They're doomed. Justice is on the horizon and awaits us all.

The reality is we are winning, bigly. It was a very good week. For all patriots.

91a67d No.267560

File: 707498736977b47⋯.png (9.37 KB, 299x76, 299:76, Q-S-WEEK.png)

File: c87d02f1246014a⋯.png (587.16 KB, 955x500, 191:100, q_knews_comey-edition.png)


>Q had a really bad week

0bab15 No.267884


For you brother and others to situated. Pray for him, for God to help him, to free him from what has taken hold and is working in him, that is not from God. Prayers can bring results on him… pray for God to protect him, from evil, and to send his people to surround him, open his eyes, give him strengh. You don't have to engage in his energy, it's just a drain and he can't see right now.Do it in love.

Became in this day and age, we are all scrambling, we are all battling just to keep our wits. We're in the same battle facing real enemies. This is the evil that is oozing out everywhere, affecting all dimensions of our lives. If we don't learn how to identify it-how to discern what it is and recognize the threat, we become confused sitting ducks, helpless to it. Enslaved. THEY KNOW OUR WEAKNESSES

We need each other to be strong, to build to overcome. We need to love one another. We need to be awake

Peace God bless you your brother and us all WARRIORS

83b0f2 No.267906


It's not Q's job to entertain you. If you want more info, reread the Q posts since November 1. There's lots of info there.

0bab15 No.267957


Seems to me we're right on schedule and what possibly could be bad?? Why bring such negative assumptions into this? We should each and every one of us be praying for Q every step do you not realize how hrd and complicated this mission is, not to mention what's at stake and resting on his shoulders.

PATIENCE get some popcorn and enjoy the show

b54121 No.268187


Crozet is part of greater C'ville, just outside the official city limits.

b54121 No.268217


He's the GOP-appointed one who House Intel asked to be the point man for digging on all the documents because of his prosecutor background.

b54121 No.268236


What does [HEC is F9-Sx_VB8239] mean?

0bab15 No.268288


Could it have something to do with VanderBilt air force base space lauch stuff

9dee75 No.268293


In support of your excellent reply… Know that this is not solely a battle against a group of bad actors, but a battle against evil. Never deny its existence, because to do that is evil.

God bless all you patriots and God bless the United States of America.

0bab15 No.268314


Space x falcon 9 is out of there. California

0bab15 No.268339




b54121 No.268669



Right… Falcon 8 heavy is set to launch on tuesday.

b54121 No.268674


Falcon 9* Heavy

0bab15 No.268793


This is interesting to. All are Delta 4 lifts off. The 1/12/18 was NRO satellite radar reconnaissance. 9Th Space Operations Sq. -Semper Summatum. HEC could be Hawaii Emergency Comms??

HEC is F9-Sx_VB8239

Missing 8239… lots of rm. 239?

b54121 No.268803


>But, like everyone else, I'm just an observer

Wrong. Citizens are the government. We'll decide what happens to them. I'd love to see them hang, but perhaps in a grand act of mercy, we could let them sweat it out in Cuba for the rest of their lives. Wait, maybe hanging would be more merciful. Joking aside and regardless of punishment, we must still collectively figure out how to never forget, but still forgive. No more myths.

0bab15 No.268820


Semper Cummatum=

Always Finished

Loyal Marines

b54121 No.268900

File: 5bcbb3ac8802bb1⋯.png (826.16 KB, 898x1162, 449:581, Screenshot 2018-02-04 at 2….png)

File: 18c982a51ee2bf1⋯.png (1.58 MB, 892x1158, 446:579, Screenshot 2018-02-04 at 2….png)

File: f723ded430e690d⋯.png (309.75 KB, 712x856, 89:107, Screenshot 2018-02-04 at 2….png)

0bab15 No.268922


Justice is a separate animal from forgiveness. They deserve everything they get.

Myths, yeah, really need to know all the lies because who's to say what myths are really true fact, and what "facts" are really lies?

Let's hear the real story, NASA . POTUS speach w Buz Aldren, revealing… how did we ever do it all these years without space? POTUS knows. Like red hot chili peppers?or some band's song… space ..is in a Hollywood studio…CIA contracted movie.

Sorry, that one just gets to me.


research gps and if satellites are actually in "OUTER" space

b54121 No.268943


https:// www.hec.nasa.gov

b54121 No.268944

b54121 No.269000


I'm good on the local space stuff and on the probes…I feel good about the mars rovers, etc. The Apollo missions, at least the landings are very suspect. The Europeans screwed up a rover landing on Mars…not to mention we could never take off after the types of modern landings we do. That in consideration, it's ridiculous to think we not only made a landing but a take off from the moon. Did we go around it, sure, why not. The physics of that is easy. The alien stuff, well, I'm not convinced, but I wouldn't toss it out if I saw something more than just lights in the sky. That said, I'm perfectly open to other life in the universe. Seems obvious. I think we definitely have some tech that would seem alien at least. We'll find out what we do have hopefully. I imagine it will be step by step to help out humanity, keep certain technologies hidden for now, and for heaven's sake stop using the tech to fuck with people at the very minimum.

0bab15 No.269012



Check out Vanderbilt air force sight. Ot has all the recent launches and whats coming up…

0fdc76 No.269018

Rosenstein will be charged with sedition and be fired.

Cowdy will take up Assistant AG.

He will then be appointed Special Prosecutor.

They are so fucked………

4efa54 No.269030


I'm a citizen. I'm a veteran. I vote. I'm campaigning for a congressional candidate. Actively campaigning. I make my views on things known to my elected representatives and officials. I am involved in a variety of forums. I am involved here, anonymously. I speak out. All. The. Time. So in the sense being involved that way, I am the government.

But that and 5 bucks will get me a beer in the local pub. Example: the Second Amendment guarantees that my right to bear arms shall NOT be infringed. But my rights here are infringed all the time. If I disagree in certain ways, I go to jail. But I'm the government and it sounds really good on paper.

Look, I'm not trying to be cute or to quibble here. Despite the level of my involvement in government, the reality is I'm an observer. I do not have access to intel that you or others don't have. I'm a dime-a-dozen person. I observe, comment, and do what I can, personally, to make things better for myself, my family and friends, my community, and my country. I try to always play by the rules.

That's what I mean by being an observer. Maybe I should say active observer. I'm nothing special.

0bab15 No.269048


How do they explain all the missing data and trajectories for re-entry. Accidentally destroyed? Or were there ever any. And why are there only photoshopped pictures of the earth and they show different sized land masses? The scientists are saying they can't make it out… "vanburen bilt"

So how did the do it in the 60's

0bab15 No.269070


I so agree. We are all observers. Part of it's what we do with our observations…. And now we're taking red pills!! Lol

0bab15 No.269096


And our observations are relevant to time and location, even birth I dare say!! And here we all are!!

0bab15 No.269132


better, you're a white hat citizen. that actually matters.

0bab15 No.269151


Fyi, I read a news article said Gowdy turned down a federal judge position. I hope he's getting AG

b54121 No.269205


"We the people" is all, nothing more, nothing less.

b54121 No.269230


you'll have to be more specific.

Not sure what you're talking about with missing data.

photoshopped pictures? From the moon or local?

Different sized land masses?

b54121 No.269247



0bab15 No.269296


The physics of leaving earths orbit to outer space and re-entry have not been resolved. Temperature for one thing. Satellites have to be inside earths orbit or all their light elements would melt.

0bab15 No.269327


Oops funny.. its VAN ALLEN BELT

Im da. that's space related but not the air force base.

Sorry folks

73aa6e No.269333


Space X v band constellation of 7,518 satellites

7b4537 No.269365


Gowdy is a prosecutor. He's going to prosecute Hillary and Obama.

7b4537 No.269378


Why did I see a report that Hussein is visiting New Zealand in March? Surely not?

73aa6e No.269402


July 14th 2016, the United States’ communications regulator made rules pertaining to high-frequency airwaves that will open up more high-frequency spectrum for commercial use and lay the foundation for the next evolution of wireless technology, what is typically called “5G”.

Headlines celebrated the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) unanimous vote as a momentous milestone. The new rules open up 7GHz of additional bandwidth in the 60 GHz frequencies, also known as the V-band.

Fry fi coming to a brain near you soon!

b54121 No.269526


Not going to engage with this. Show your evidence.

26ffda No.269608


HEC is House Ethics Committee. Gowdy dropped that. He is on other committees though.

0bab15 No.269672


Telemetry data tapes from Appollo 11- first moon landing gone, per NASA. they say they were accidentally erased and reused…….

wait for it…… due to a tape shortage! So the most important proof data on re-entry and the moon flight, does not exist. Nasa held a news conf because lots of people have been questioning the legitimacy of the whole moon deal. Then there's problems re lack of actual pictues showing the earth from space. When you compare the pictures nasa has released, the sz. of the continents don't match… way way off. Their most resent one, nasa guy admitted photoshopping and putting different pics together, kind of like Obama's birth certificate… check out on nasa's own website and all kinds of info out there. But beware of fisheye camera lenses, that's deceiving fake intel.

One last red pill?? They-meaning no one on the face of the earth, or flying above- can prove the curvature of the earth…Even the smarty pants. It is true until the late1800s and early 1900s, the earth was believed not to be a globe. Why? RedPill

Verify this info, easy. Research admiral byrd too. There is a connect. He flew out a 3rd story windo to his deth, after they put him in a mental hospital. You know, room 187? They were afraid he was going to spill the beans. Look at the actual military files on utube. It was a massive military operation and now who goes to Antarctica?

0bab15 No.269726


SEE it for yourself. I researched it and it's all there from reliable sources, like NASA, nasa nasa. University astrophysicists galore. Even Neil deGrasse Tyson. It's amazing info.

0bab15 No.269839


I'm really sorry. There's just so much evidence. If you really want to know, just google

Missing apollo 11 telemetry tapes,

Can we travel through the van allen belt, Admiral byrd Antartica military project, and Photos of earth from space. You may have to hunt for the national geographic photos collection released over the years, ut the land masses to not even come close in size , or layout, when compared.

Evidence will follow

It's red pill. And just like what's happening here, there may be some wacked disinfo.. but pretty easy hunting for the most part.

45b552 No.270022


>Gowdy is a prosecutor. He's going to prosecute Hillary and Obama.

Nah! Cities will burn if a Republican is responsible for Barry's execution. The JAG Prosecutor HAS to be the one doing it. Which is fine, because I trust JAG more than I trust regular civil channels.

0bab15 No.270155


Only makes sense that Gowdy will prosecute states side. No politions, no public, all Jag, military panel for the traitors. The very ones they diss on the senate floor will pit them to death, if that's their sentence. Time will tell. Sweet Justice

719725 No.270169


Probably the most important aspect of a legal document, is the definitions. The words in the document can mean anything, until they are defined. So…

Enemy Combatants Defined

>Violators identified

Martial Law Defined

>Process outlined

Freedom Defined

>Not sure…Perhaps just the outcome?

Just my two cents.

121497 No.270193


That can only go so far. You can't let every criminal walk forever and ever because extremists will get mad. You'll have to take the hit, use the NG, shut up the extremists when they throw their snowflake tantrums, and move forward. If there's no consequence, there's no deterrent.

45b552 No.270879


>That can only go so far. You can't let every criminal walk forever and ever because extremists will get mad. You'll have to take the hit, use the NG, shut up the extremists when they throw their snowflake tantrums, and move forward. If there's no consequence, there's no deterrent.

This article may help explain things better than I can.

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judge_Advocate_General%27s_Corps

I'm not saying you shouldn't bite the bullet if you have to, but in this situation you don't have to. Push it off to the military court system where there won't be the taint of politics. JAG attorneys can serve in all the laws, prosecutors, judges, etc. Most people, except for the most extreme leftists, like the military. They can be trusted and that's why this is the best way to do things without having it blow up in our faces.

7d4e90 No.270904


O was born in Hawai'i, not Kenya. His BC was forged to insert the father's name which is not his real father. Look up "Dreams from My Real Father".

26ffda No.270957


F***in' Michelle. Right?

0bab15 No.271011


His real dad was Indonesian but there is a Hawaii bbc in Kenya and that's were dad#2. I think he was playin us on not usa Hawaii. But even his half brother says the bc is a fake. Quite a lot of examination of the doc, layered botch job.

719725 No.271032


The logical next question is what were these judges doing, which was blackmail worthy?

719725 No.271105


New twatter taunt for Clinton: #welcomebackmary

63a961 No.271126


For some reason, I got the impression that TG would be involved with dealing with the U1 situation…maybe special council

4efa54 No.271188


First woman hanged by the US: Mary

Next woman hanged by the US: [ ]

0bab15 No.271214


The one U1 case is in the US dist. Ct case. The thing about BHO and HRC is in the EO what they did to hijack our uranium and they are BIG government. DEATH PENALTY Big big fish. The US case he's transport and bribing. Not an official just lacking brains. Interesting if he turns evidence. There is going to be a lot of blac on black play out in an intricate order. Sessions is busy busy. Maybe already teaming w TG.

719725 No.271241


First Lady?

0bab15 No.271287


The worst history has to show maybe w exception of jezebel

994b7a No.271328

lynnnnn daaa?

0bab15 No.271340


TG could be very well be the lead on team involved w preparing the cases and gathering the evidence for jag.

That would suit him and he sure has the background. I see him w Sessions

4efa54 No.271587


Read about Jezebel's rendezvous with justice in 2 Kings 9:30-37. Substitute Hillary for "that cursed woman" and you have a fitting end for this evil traitor. As with Jezebel, history will not be kind to her.

0bab15 No.271628


Yeah let the dogs lick up her blood.

Seems very fitting

0bab15 No.271743


Wow. Thanks for that connect!

0bab15 No.271879






Found this at HEC.nasa. Portfolio of HEC PROJECTS entered 8239 in search. Got exact match:

ARMD-17-8239:Cetin Kivis (ARC)

Active. High Fedility

Stimulations support AATT Hybris Gas Electric Propulsion concepts

??? Is that 8239 ???

0bab15 No.272030


Enables heavier payloads OWLs??

6be7a0 No.272079

FYI year before: 2 different prophetsnamed DJT to be president and for two terms. One of htem dies one week after he was elected.

I built this page.

http:// rnc3.com/public/american-prophets.html

0bab15 No.272197


I tried to get to it and got a 404 error. Are there any spaces, or not?

0bab15 No.272257


So was the falcon 9 classified payload OWLs? It had 12/22/2017 lift off and 229ft high.

Lots of Q posts that day,

86378f No.273071

Call me crazy, but I'm pretty much convinced the payload was 4,10, 20.

Time will tell.

06d6cf No.273381


>4,10, 20

I always thought 4, 10, 20 was code for Donald J. Trump (D, J, T).

06d6cf No.273476


>Now, I'm not saying Zach provides only disinfo, but I have no reason to think he's telling even 20% of the truth. He could very well be with the good guys but on a disinfo mission.

Interview with Seedman (Jones): https:// youtu.be/YWAdJeE2dbk

After watching this—which I'm posting after the Super Bowl—I believe he's full of shit or nothing more than a glorified Thomas Wictor-type character; not actually on the inside but has some sources, yet nothing too reliable or concrete.

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but that's where I'm at with this Zach guy.

I'm still with Dilley, but I'm certain Zach is exploiting Jones to push disinfo or he's LARPing.

6de004 No.273508


I would have to concur 100% with this.

4efa54 No.273555

File: e1b7126f93b8a14⋯.jpg (14.06 KB, 480x95, 96:19, q11.01.17.41020.jpg)


Q decoded the meaning of this back on Nov 1 (this was on 4chan before he started using a trip code.) See image.

635d01 No.273656


i just listened to it then and most of his intel lines up with dilleys and Q's

really the only thing was a potential false flag at the superbowl and he said throughout the video they were doing their best to neutralize it

add the fact that he mentioned this in advance and there have been threads on other places like 4/pol/ discussing it, if they still did it, we would have more credibility spreading it to normies as a false flag than we have before

6be7a0 No.273778


Space after the http//

you do not need the http at all.. Just start with the url.

9a96bd No.274367


No pics of this. Supposedly gave a speech at a synagogue in NY on the 25th. 1 Grainy pic available.

No live hillary sightings since 12/13/17

I believe a lot of the big fish are already in custody

6be7a0 No.274521

File: 48f54b3261b857d⋯.jpg (33 KB, 527x221, 31:13, FF-threat_SB.jpg)

SB FF neutered

142780 No.274924



>No live hillary sightings since 12/13/17

She's talking live at Georgetown University right now, 1116 hours EST.

142780 No.274951


Should also add, I just heard her say "scourge of human trafficking"


5a6240 No.275075


can I get a quick rundown on this phosgene FF?

ad8580 No.275245


Can you post a pic, and any sign of ankle bracelet?

a314ce No.275345

Ok, allow me this one ramble anons..

BLUNT statement could be alluding to Blunt's statement that picking a fight with the President is a bad idea.

Didn't the CIA just tell the President that (((they))) would win the fight?

142780 No.276047



No view other than behind podium, saw her talking live behind a podium, via a feed broadcast by Circa news.

Hindsight thought is, could have easily put it on mute and looked further, but really didn't want to barf on my laptop.

80f052 No.276431

black forest was referenced by q a number of days / just before the (fire / quick) sale of rothschild's black forest grounds in austria. he's connecting it to waleed (dopey) just after he got out / spilt all the beans (post 27th jan). looks like they picked up info from waleed in incarceration regarding activities at the black forest location hence rothschild's firesale, na?

e97ac4 No.278591

Most referring the Q post 7.8mm to cash but I’m thinking it’s ammo bullet

c75393 No.279063

File: 5f4c8fcfd2e2acb⋯.jpg (165.15 KB, 1024x720, 64:45, georgiaguidestone-2.jpg)

Reminder from the past for the newly awoken.

Obama/Clinton plan was to eliminate 6.5+ billion people in a Fake WWIII

Georgia Guide Stones tell the story.

c75393 No.279121


Something I forgot to add. The elite plan was to do this by 2020 Saturn/Jupiter Trigon in air. see timeline when stones were erected how it relates to 2020.

8ad2c8 No.279280

File: 5487cc8cc7a5496⋯.png (2.84 MB, 1508x1190, 754:595, ufo.png)

Just saw UFO(s)2 accompany

fdc049 No.279340


92 Sisters of Evil. Level 5 Matrix Principals of evil.

Unholy marriages of power and corruption.

http:// themillenniumreport.com/2017/03/pedogate-operatives-in-very-high-places/

f80907 No.279437


She was sitting in the chairs with award recipients and there was not an ankle boot.

524d3c No.279443


Or part of an actual Estate Sale maybe related to an aviation incident mentioned a while back

4efa54 No.279527

File: b917844a997c638⋯.jpg (19.06 KB, 390x177, 130:59, q12.10.17 7.8mm.jpg)


There's a good reason why most refer to cash. It has to do with the $ sign.

fdc049 No.280062

Selamat Jalwa! Be Righteous. Much is happening. This new year begins with many cabal attempts to derail your promised prosperity by fabricating a war. Today we will discuss the nature of our blueprint to defeat the dark cabal. Our multi-layered strategies have garnered many successes and confused the cabal. They are desperate and each move they make only further tightens the noose around their necks. Our plan has forced the cabal to give up many of the positions it held at the end of last year. It has also caused the loss of many of their members to yet-unannounced arrests. This scheme places us at the very brink of success for global prosperity. It was designed by us, together with many of the ascended masters, including St. Germain, and our Earth Allies. Our goal is to institute the new republic for the United States, and the beginnings of GESARA worldwide, in a safe and efficient manner.

As stated in previous missives, nuclear war is not an option. Years ago, Heaven deemed that we were to thwart any attempts at nuclear attacks. Meanwhile, all this activity brought out the American secret space program, causing one of its elements to ‘go rogue’ and cooperate fully with us. These alliances are preventing the dark cabal from further delaying the RV-GCR and other prosperity programs. This victory by the Light serves to emphasize the rising demise of the dark cabal and its many secret elements. It also highlights why you are many steps closer to that which we all have long awaited.

Although the dark cabal continues to use old, tried-and-true methods to keep the world in chaos and fear, their inflexibility and arrogance is proving to be their weakness. We in the Galactic Federation use fluid group dynamics to solve problems, freeing us to remain flexible to each day’s unfolding. Ironically, our flexibility and fluidity are actually increasing the rigidity of the dark.

Truly, we now teeter on the threshold of a great victory. The last panic by the dark cabal is ending. The long-awaited victory of your prosperity is near. Hence, we are preparing to gradually disperse the funds that you require to transform your planet and establish the new Republic, end USA, Inc, and, most important of all, implement NESARA/GESARA. Remain patient and know, deep in your hearts, that wonders are converging that are to bring about global freedom.

Greetings! We are your Ascended Masters. We come now to discuss the marvelous interaction between Lightworkers and our collective associates. One of the more noteworthy unfoldings is witnessing increased interactions between the Light, you, and the Light’s various associates. We realize that Lightworkers are frustrated by the constant delays given to them while we set traps to eliminate your dark Cabal nemeses. This strategy is reaching a significant crescendo that is to lead to the end of the dark’s power.

Lightworkers are discovering that their shared power is weakening the dark’s hold on this reality. We are helping you discover the subtle ways of the Light. These gentle energies are now convincing Light collectives of their power. Any attempted manipulation by the dark is being thwarted by the rising yearnings of Lightworkers. You are learning how dark and Light integrate to create a greater Light that is wisdom.

Our Light force collective is moving all of us away from the malevolent trails of the dark and toward the benevolent avenues of the Light through divine Love. The dark’s agenda is to keep Earth’s peoples in a perpetual loop of frustration. The Light’s plan is to establish its own natural flow by raising the frequencies in and around Earth and within all her Beings. A synthesis is gaining momentum that has the potential to defeat the dark and its nefarious ways. Now you are able to penetrate the veils of this illusion.

Today we continued with our weekly messages to inform you of what is happening across this globe. Our space and Inner Earth families are providing the grounds for the great set of changes that are currently underway. We thank all who are so graciously aiding all of us in this mission to transform humanity. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

fdc049 No.280162


Yes it may be a bullet. 7.8mm also refers to a dry rope.

https:// www.mec.ca/en/product/5026-476/Fusion-Photon-7-8mm-Dry-Rope

524d3c No.280204


IMO Trump is also trying to bring this country back to God. For a little insight check out these vids. *gods judgement in America

https:// sidroth.org/television/tv-archives/jonathan-cahn-part-1/

https:// sidroth.org/television/tv-archives/jonathan-cahn-part-2/ *https:// sidroth.org/television/tv-archives/jonathan-cahn-3/ (Clinton years through Trump victory)I believe that Trump needs us all to return to God as an integral, part of this operation.

fdc049 No.280213

Selamat Balik! We return. The events of today are encouraging and continue to foreshadow the defeat of the dark cabal. The important point is to understand what this defeat would truly imply. The dark is reeling as it collapses in the wake of its unavoidable defeat. Consequently, we are ecstatic and realize that this is just the beginning of many rewarding events to come. We recognize what this process truly means to all of you who are working in the Light. We expect, after initiating our next gambit, to present you your long-sought victory of prosperity and freedom. We have now devised a special strategy to see that this is actually carried out. The dark can no longer rely on power as its main base. So far, the dark does not yet fully understand our intent. We are determined to achieve the victory that their defeat implies. It is not easy to remake a reality that is over 13 millennia old. We ask that Lightworkers persevere in the patience you have shown so far. An important event is expected to occur in the coming weeks, so be prepared. The dark realizes how close its demise really is.

The dark continues to deploy any stratagem it can to delay the inevitable. The long-delayed packages are being readied for release. The maneuvers of the GF and our Earth allies have enabled us to surmount certain obstacles. Once all is in place, be prepared for the sudden arrival of the RV GCR NESARA/GESARA, including all the rest of your promised prosperity. A number of discrepancies in the banking system are currently to our advantage. We are using their own system to out-smart them. These “banking rules” are to allow the long-promised Lightwork to actually occur. We clearly foresee a torrent of liberating activity when this discrepancy is resolved. The secret war in the banking system is being put right. This change is to result in the end of USA, Inc. and the just and undeniable rise of the Republic in the United States. We expect all of this to unfold in the coming weeks. Be prepared to witness these truly extraordinary events.

This prospect is to alter your world’s entire reality. We eagerly await the unfolding of our plans and some heart-stirring announcements. These disclosures will, indeed, change everything. They will allow NESARA to be realized to the world at large (GESARA). The time of your liberation is near at hand. When all is in place, we expect a series of broadcasts to clarify its meaning to every man, woman and child. Within a month of Announcements, soft disclosure will begin. We ask for your help in educating those who will be in fear as they learn of our existence. Disclosure will change everything - from religion to science to history to technologies.

fdc049 No.280218



We live in a time when the nuclear threat can be deactivated and the rise of the new consciousness explored to its fullest potential. Do not fear nuclear threats, for Heaven rendered them obsolete decades ago. We are delighted to see that you and your world are been liberated and welcomed, once again, into the Galactic community.

Greetings! We are your Ascended Masters. We come knowing that your world is now in transition. The chaos you are witnessing is simply the demise of the dark’s stronghold on you. Let us explore a vision of what lies ahead for you in your new reality. We are here to support this transition and to show you what it means and how you are to navigate the changes. Your reality is now undergoing a tremendous shift that goes unnoticed by many. Feel how these changes affect you on a daily basis. Use your discernment, for they are unfolding quickly and continue to do so. Energies are at work that can alter your perceptions of this reality. Spirit feels your expanding, loving nature and is happily watching these gentle changes transform every part of you.

Creation works on many levels. It is subtle, and gently alters the reality that is You. It is at these most minute levels that spirit is most effective. Using spirit’s tools, we alter your current reality by making you more conscious of the world and of those that seek to find a better way to the infinite. Working between these layers brings out Spirit’s way, allowing it to gently move you forward into a new consciousness. This new form of consciousness emphasizes how subtly these changes affect everything.

Spirit’s design is to create beauty and wonder at the simple things in life. Remember how spirit works to produce joy and love, for it is in these that we can work most effectively. We are here to help you in your journey home. Call on us: we lovingly await your requests. This is a team effort. When we work together, we are Victorious!

Today, we discussed the events that are soon to transform your world. Bless us all, and let these divinely ordained events manifest! A time of wonder is at hand! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!

fdc049 No.280306


The ruin of all past worlds and civilizations has been the sexual exhibition, sexual deviance, and sexual freedom groomed by Luciferianism to lead humans into the great sins of Babylon. We have seen and experienced this sexual deviance and grooming in our present civilization which with pedogate has been heading to groom society to except child marriages and pedophilia as a preference just like Homosexuals and Transsexuals

524d3c No.280507


The original 7 Heavenly bodies

The sun being Light……The giver of life

fdc049 No.280914


Witnessed treason.

fdc049 No.281255


Bonnie Watson Coleman

Joyce Beatty

Brenda Lawrence - Candy Crush

All on their phones…but Bonnie and Joyce were being reprimanded by constituents.

798916 No.282141

File: 5e71ecd7aaf53e3⋯.jpg (231.07 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Smoker_Pyramid_Meme_Done.jpg)

0bab15 No.282237


But what about the previous Q post


Blunt and Direct Time

Adam Schiff is a traitor to our cpunt.




tick tock.

Hope the 7.8mm was worth it.

Enjoy the show.



heli crash, Hotel GM, Newark leak set up, Memo (disaster for him), and so much more.


Q Feb 5 2018 10:42:15



Is this a serious accusation by Potus?

5 Feb 2018 4:39


little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan, and Clapper! Adam leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information.

Must be stopped!


Q Feb 5 2018 07:41:35


Would POTUS make a serious accusation if the TRUTH wasn't about to come to LIGHT?


The other Q posts were hours later. Note the list of slime players named w Schiff by POTUS. He's the one who made the accusations, like Q said. Plus we've been told, think memo think memo think memo

So sorry, I think you're out in the weeds- All crumbs converge in the tweet.

Shifty Schiff.

The flood is coming.

0bab15 No.282339



Maybe Schiff killed someone, or had them killed. Q directs the question Schiff. Just sayin. It is a bullet not money.

fdc049 No.282344


https:// books.google.ca/books?id=7cU8Kpzu9osC&pg=PA347&lpg=PA347&dq=Apache+Eric+schmitt&source=bl&ots=SoTx8ckFny&sig=mIkofUarxKeV-MvqtmzHGMlI3D4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi2yNKTt5DZAhUO0WMKHb5xDZYQ6AEIPzAC#v=onepage&q=Apache%20Eric%20schmitt&f=false

Operations: A Lesson in Defeat by Washington Post 2003 Eric Schmitt tied to Apache

Lesson in Defeat - Assassination room

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zCFMmz70mc

Mirror news

https:// www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/donald-trump-just-accused-opponents-11975823

Trump accuses opponents of treason for not clapping

f13290 No.282425

Dilley source post February 5 2018

4 Clinton assets neutralized. Patriots safe. Marines are watching. Rise up and believe. Light that feeds dark.

20/20 vision needed to see all crumbs.

3 letter agencies all corrupted but still full of Patriots destroying the dark who did control the reigns. Rise up.

Dark souls can't control hearts and minds. Pray Pray Pray God Country and Humanity

Raids on news outlets coming. We're letting them self destruct until we burn the carcas's

Voter fraud to step up to tell all. Interesting. Past plods to lead to answer

Memo leads where? 20/20 needed. All clear but to keep in order.

Valarie Jarret controls Obama but who controls Valerie?

Presidential EO controls all when hammer drops all intel. Game over.

0bab15 No.282520


Exactly. That's why he has millions of believers praying for him, and God is with us. No offense, but for me, I don't partake in books by all kinds of people, I only read the Word, and consider the Book of Enoch very valuable as it is quoted in the Bible, so Jesus studied it. Enoch said it's for a future generation, and NOW is the TIME.

My favorite translation (from original Hebrew) is the Complete Jewish Bible. God says to read it front back to get knowledge. Elsewise there is more of a splintering effect, disconnects not realized. Read the last verse in Ecclesiastes. Solomon explains "books" written by man real good. God is amazing!!! Battle on, God bless & pray for everyone, even for those in darkness to see the light. God is using these times for good:)))

0bab15 No.282609


Read Enoch, he tells all about the heavens, and scheduled orbits. But get ready to trip out… there are chapters on astronomy, and forget the moon is a lesser light. Tells you the exact ratio to the sun and how it waxes or wanes 7% of light each day.

Pdf free download. The Ethiopian translation is the best, but read them all. It won't take long and you'll be glad you did.

0bab15 No.282669


If you are our ascended masters, who exactly is your master?

I answer to God, the master of the universe. Who do you answer too?

0bab15 No.282709



Jesus holds "all things together" ie adoms. Do believe in Jesus?

0bab15 No.282759


didn't see your dry rope explanation, whether a dry rope or a bullet, seems likely it's some kind of killing device.

Wonder who was 187'd?

fdc049 No.282775


https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=IACkVSSBy5Y

From 18:13

I do not have the means to zoom in

Can someone?

0bab15 No.282781


Except when it's cash Q says mil. Like millions. This is mm like millimeter

faae6a No.282847



fdc049 No.282877



https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=IACkVSSBy5Y

From 18:13

I do not have the means to zoom in

Can someone?

0bab15 No.282888


Me thinks you are full of crap. Cabal… really. That's what you call it.

Me thinks the cabal is SATAN from long long time ago. You don't know his real name?

b3baf3 No.282921

WHOA! Go to the Getty Images site. The search function works flawlessly, except when you search for "state of the union"

Try it yourself!

http:// stories.gettyimages.com/

0bab15 No.282924


Fluid group dynamics = getting drunk

Why don't you go back to your youtube station. This place is for Q researchers, not actors.

ef388f No.283839


You are doing fine anon…anyone who doesn't like the context you present with your analysis is free to skip over it and move right along..unless they are being paid to troll of course !!

635d01 No.284204


thanks for the update

the cryptic stuff is wearing a bit thin imo

3cb9d3 No.284375


Blunt Direct Time=BDT currency

Blunt statement–Blunt from Missouri

6a444f No.284471

Brenden Dilley Intel Source 2/5

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/960698110266589185

The Swamp Strikes Back w/Congressional Candidate Brenden Dilley and Ann Vandersteel

Dilley reminds the audience about drop regarding Flynn "months ago" - happening now

Believes Flynn will be "back in the WH"

Drop today is "Sing-Songy" and cryptic, something that Dilley doesn't prefer, but gave it out in Periscope anyways.

Start of Intel:

"4 Clinton Assets Neutralized, Patriots Safe"

Marines are watching, rise up, believe

Light Defeats Dark

20/20 Perfect Vision needed to see ALL crumbs

3-Letter Agencies all corrupted but still full of Patriots destroying the dark, Who did control the reigns"

Rise Up, Dark Souls can't defeat awoke heart & minds. Pray, Pray, Pray


Raids on news outlets coming. We're letting them self-destruct before we burn the carcass

Voter Fraud.

Who steps up to tell all? Interesting.

Past plots path to answer.

Memo leads where?

20/20 Vision Needed.

All clear to read, but try to keep an order.

Valerie Jarret controls Obama, who controls Valerie?

Presidential EO Controls all when hammer drops

Raw Intel, Game Over"

End of Intel

Dilley states that how pervasive the corruption was within our country and within all of these aspects of government was so massive that you could identify the figure heads but it was really hard to figure out who was the in-between management. Because we know the boots on the ground for the most part are usually good people, whether FBI, NSA, or CIA, they're patriotic, hard working Americans just like the rest of us. It's that "Upper Level" that you start to have a problem with.

Raids on News Outlets, Dilley states NYT & CNN - "GUARANTEED"

Ann Vandersteel Recommends Thomas Wictor tweet streams

Hannity Video of Sara Carter on 2nd Dossier, Dilley's Intel Source Also Confirms (broke 20 something minutes ago from Periscope post)

Dilley reconfirms Thomas Paine Intel as a good source

Sundance at the Last Refuge (https:// theconservativetreehouse.com)

Latest drop on FBI/Russian Spy/Carter Page - This is full blown rogue treason and sedition - A sitting president weaponizing all facets of government against a single candidate that represented the WILL of the people - INSANITY

It's getting worse. They are slowly easing the American people into ultimate reality because you can clearly see how bad this is.

The lawsuits - They're gonna end up making Flynn super rich because of what they did to him

All the media can do is literally "RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA" who

They don't want to acknowledge the fact that their previous administration - their previous ICON and MESSIAH is a treasonous scumbag who was interfering with our own election.

Dilley states he think he source will be okay sharing with you guys…. So, Obama was spying on EVERYONE, EVERYONE in the government, in the different 3-letter organizations. They were all spying. Why….?

For Leverage.

Maybe they were cheating on their wife or husband or taxes, maybe their kids were scumbags, he was trying to use that against them. Obama was spying on EVERYONE.

He was ALSO SPYING ON THE SUPREME COURT and Dilley tweeted earlier out about the judiciary problem they had.

Spying on Supreme court, leveraging judges. Dilley was DM'd a recent story about a judge in Texas, Rudy Delgado, being bribeed for over a decade by a prominent attorney and the case popped. This kind of corrupt behavior was RAMPANT for the last 8 years


He was also "spying to get laws passed through"

And the one that made Dilley the most infuriated the other night:




They were feeding the Oppo research to his competitors in order to undercut him. As he is businessman himself, this drop made Dilley so angry, it affected his Periscope previous nights ago.

When you spend your whole life trying to build a business legitimately, and the government is using the entire spying apparatus that was funded by taxpayer dollars AGAINST YOU!!!

Someone like Trump who probably cut millions of dollars to the IRS, has that money turned around to fund the spying and feed his competiors in order to try to distract him from the campaign trail.

Dilley was fired up about this drop when his source gave it to him.



4628e8 No.284773


Many thanks transcriber anon!

c073d1 No.284847

File: a700b23a9c0bf40⋯.png (91.59 KB, 726x340, 363:170, Screen Shot 2018-02-06 at ….png)


>Q Feb 5 2018 10:42:15


Been trying to post this in the other board but it said the thread was full. How do you start a new thread?

Anyway, could this be the Blunt statement Q was referencing? See attached screenshot.

26ffda No.284910


Yes. We were. And don't think for one second that detention/death camps weren't on the way. It's what Totalitarian Gov'ts do. They kill 1st enemies, 2nd Allies who got them into power and could threaten them staying in power, 3rd - anyone they want!

bc1c0f No.285227

The FBI administers an interagency body called the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG) that brings together personnel from the U.S. Intelligence Community to conduct lawful interrogations that strengthen national security. In addition to its operational role in eliciting accurate and actionable intelligence from high-value terrorism subjects, the HIG serves as the government’s focal point for interrogation best practices, training, and scientific research. All research sponsored by the HIG is unclassified; researchers who work with the group are free to publish their findings, and most do.

bc1c0f No.285287

Damn you talk some shit take your alien loving ass for a walk off a short peer.

We are trying to stop a satanic cult who think they are our masters and your alien asses would be next if they decided to arrive .We dont want illegal aliens jumping our borders never mind coming to our planet you fucking headcase keep smoking that crack aliens aint welcome

524d3c No.285405

read like: Hope the $ was worth it.

7.8mm like the 1.2mm before referred to

Reached est 1.2mm, Patriots.

the number now being reached? 7.8mm

710d1f No.285561


Or, Hansel and Gretel? Simulation games of children taken, chased, abused in deep secluded woods? These people are sick/evil.

f84e9f No.285650


29cc50 No.285689

File: bbfece7b7e4ae2b⋯.jpg (85.1 KB, 524x745, 524:745, 7.8mm.JPG)


"This was the .30-caliber M1906 cartridge with a 150-grain bullet. The .30-06 is .308-caliber (actually 7.8mm, but called 7.62mm)."

4efa54 No.285717


Thank you, nice job.

e92085 No.285735


You know, if the Hansel and Gretel analogy is accurate, do you remember what the witch was going to do with them??? Put in oven and then eat.

Sick indeed.

0bab15 No.285847


Sounds more like paid $ to murder, 187. In all other posts where Q specifies $/millions he says mil. This has = millimeter. Could be connected to Q asking what they have on Schiff.

0bab15 No.285862


So shot gun? Thanks for the details & research. Fits the scenario.

0bab15 No.285911



That is the first thing I thought of when Rothchild and dark forest linked, coupled w the sick stories going to light. Hansel and Gretel and the oven

There were a lot of sick fairy tales. And they do like to advertise their sickness in our face.

9037b4 No.286053


Maybe those sick fairy tales were intended as a warning to children. The parents knew about the darkness–or at least the rumors–and maybe the stories were written as a teaching tool.

73aa6e No.286099


More like perps driving a narrative that "monsters" lurked in the night.

Blaming the bogeyman is so 1768.

3013a0 No.286392

Tons of info here. When does any of it become useful for the real world?

fdc049 No.286406


http:// themillenniumreport.com/2017/03/pedogate-operatives-in-very-high-places/

Valerie Jarret #55 of 92 Matrix 5 Principal Advisor

Sisters of Evil

0d7300 No.286413


>Maybe those sick fairy tales were intended as a warning to children.

This is true.

Scary stories are very effective at getting kids to learn a message. Life was also much harsher when many of those stories were written, and parents had to make sure their kids were aware of very real dangers in the world.

fdc049 No.286530


The cabal are Lucifer's minions.

The Ascended Masters are of the light and do God's work.

This Age of Aquarius is Ascended Master St. Germain to bring freedom. Then Christ will come again.

Many groups honor Saint Germain as a supernatural being called a Master of the Ancient Wisdom or an Ascended master. In the Ascended Master Teachings he is referred to simply as Saint Germain, or as the Ascended Master Saint Germain. As an Ascended Master, Saint Germain is believed to have many magical powers such as the ability to teleport, levitate, walk through walls, and to inspire people by telepathy, among others.

The Theosophical Society after Blavatsky's death considered him to be a Mahatma, Masters of the Ancient Wisdom or Adept. Helena Blavatsky said that he was one of her Masters of Wisdom and hinted that he had given her secret documents. Some esoteric groups credit him with inspiring the Founding Fathers to draft the United States Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as well as providing the design of the Great Seal of the United States. (See Manly Palmer Hall's Secret Teachings of All Ages.)[10] In New Age beliefs, Saint Germain is always associated with the color violet, the jewel amethyst, and the Maltese cross rendered in violet (usually the iron cross style cross patee version). He is also regarded as the "Chohan of the Seventh Ray"[11] According to The Theosophical Society, the Seven Rays are seven metaphysical principles that govern both individual souls and the unfolding of each 2,158-year-long Astrological Age. Since according to Theosophy the next Astrological Age, the Age of Aquarius, will be governed by the Seventh (Violet) Ray (the Ray of Ceremonial Order), Saint Germain is sometimes called "The Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius". According to the Ascended Master Teachings, Saint Germain is "The God of Freedom for this system of worlds." According to the Ascended Master Teachings, the preliminary lead-up to the beginning of the Age of Aquarius began on 1 July 1956, when Ascended Master Saint Germain became the Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius, replacing the former Astrological Age Hierarch, the Ascended Master Jesus, who had been for almost 2,000 years the "Hierarch of the Age of Pisces".

In the works authored by Alice A. Bailey, Saint Germain is called Master Rakóczi or the Master R.[12] (In the Ascended Master Teachings, the Master Rakoczi [ otherwise known as the Great Divine Director ] is regarded as Saint Germain's teacher in the Great White Brotherhood of Ascended Masters.) Alice A. Bailey's book The Externalisation of the Hierarchy (a compilation of earlier revelations published posthumously in 1957) gives the most information about his reputed role as a Spiritual Master. Saint Germain's spiritual title is said to be Lord of Civilization, and his task is the establishment of the new civilization of the Age of Aquarius.[13] He is said to telepathically influence people who are seen by him as being instrumental in bringing about the new civilization of the Age of Aquarius. Alice A. Bailey stated that "sometime after AD 2025," the Jesus, the Master Rakóczi (Saint Germain), Kuthumi, and others in the Spiritual Hierarchy would "externalise", i.e., descend from the spiritual worlds, and interact in visible tangible bodies on the Earth in ashrams, surrounded by their disciples.[14] Alice A. Bailey said that St. Germain is the "manager of the executive council of the Christ"[15](Theosophists regard "the Master Jesus" and "Christ" as two separate and distinct beings. They believe in the Gnostic Christology espoused by Cerinthus (fl. c. 100 AD), according to which "Christ" is a being who was incarnated in Jesus only during the three years of the ministry of Jesus). According to certain Theosophists, "Christ" is identified as being a highly developed spiritual entity whose actual name is Maitreya. This Maitreya is the same being known in Buddhism as the Bodhisattva Maitreya, who is in training to become the next Buddha on Earth. According to Alice A. Bailey, the "executive council of the Christ" is a specific subgroup of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, charged with preparing the way for the Second Coming of Christ and the consequent inauguration of the Age of Aquarius.

3013a0 No.286534

I thought the author of Alice and Wonderland was a known pedo? I always find the irony of using so many themes from that movie with so much perversion in it.

fdc049 No.286588


>The cabal are Lucifer's minions.


>The Ascended Masters are of the light and do God's work.


>This Age of Aquarius is Ascended Master St. Germain to bring freedom. Then Christ will come again.


>Many groups honor Saint Germain as a supernatural being called a Master of the Ancient Wisdom or an Ascended master. In the Ascended Master Teachings he is referred to simply as Saint Germain, or as the Ascended Master Saint Germain. As an Ascended Master, Saint Germain is believed to have many magical powers such as the ability to teleport, levitate, walk through walls, and to inspire people by telepathy, among others.


>The Theosophical Society after Blavatsky's death considered him to be a Mahatma, Masters of the Ancient Wisdom or Adept. Helena Blavatsky said that he was one of her Masters of Wisdom and hinted that he had given her secret documents. Some esoteric groups credit him with inspiring the Founding Fathers to draft the United States Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as well as providing the design of the Great Seal of the United States. (See Manly Palmer Hall's Secret Teachings of All Ages.)[10] In New Age beliefs, Saint Germain is always associated with the color violet, the jewel amethyst, and the Maltese cross rendered in violet (usually the iron cross style cross patee version). He is also regarded as the "Chohan of the Seventh Ray"[11] According to The Theosophical Society, the Seven Rays are seven metaphysical principles that govern both individual souls and the unfolding of each 2,158-year-long Astrological Age. Since according to Theosophy the next Astrological Age, the Age of Aquarius, will be governed by the Seventh (Violet) Ray (the Ray of Ceremonial Order), Saint Germain is sometimes called "The Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius". According to the Ascended Master Teachings, Saint Germain is "The God of Freedom for this system of worlds." According to the Ascended Master Teachings, the preliminary lead-up to the beginning of the Age of Aquarius began on 1 July 1956, when Ascended Master Saint Germain became the Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius, replacing the former Astrological Age Hierarch, the Ascended Master Jesus, who had been for almost 2,000 years the "Hierarch of the Age of Pisces".


>In the works authored by Alice A. Bailey, Saint Germain is called Master Rakóczi or the Master R.[12] (In the Ascended Master Teachings, the Master Rakoczi [ otherwise known as the Great Divine Director ] is regarded as Saint Germain's teacher in the Great White Brotherhood of Ascended Masters.) Alice A. Bailey's book The Externalisation of the Hierarchy (a compilation of earlier revelations published posthumously in 1957) gives the most information about his reputed role as a Spiritual Master. Saint Germain's spiritual title is said to be Lord of Civilization, and his task is the establishment of the new civilization of the Age of Aquarius.[13] He is said to telepathically influence people who are seen by him as being instrumental in bringing about the new civilization of the Age of Aquarius. Alice A. Bailey stated that "sometime after AD 2025," the Jesus, the Master Rakóczi (Saint Germain), Kuthumi, and others in the Spiritual Hierarchy would "externalise", i.e., descend from the spiritual worlds, and interact in visible tangible bodies on the Earth in ashrams, surrounded by their disciples.[14] Alice A. Bailey said that St. Germain is the "manager of the executive council of the Christ"[15](Theosophists regard "the Master Jesus" and "Christ" as two separate and distinct beings. They believe in the Gnostic Christology espoused by Cerinthus (fl. c. 100 AD), according to which "Christ" is a being who was incarnated in Jesus only during the three years of the ministry of Jesus). According to certain Theosophists, "Christ" is identified as being a highly developed spiritual entity whose actual name is Maitreya. This Maitreya is the same being known in Buddhism as the Bodhisattva Maitreya, who is in training to become the next Buddha on Earth. According to Alice A. Bailey, the "executive council of the Christ" is a specific subgroup of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, charged with preparing the way for the Second Coming of Christ and the consequent inauguration of the Age of Aquarius.

fdc049 No.286617



Yes God/Creator/Jesus/Ascended Masters/Angels/Guides/Intelligent Benevolent Alien Races such as Sirian, Pleiadian

fdc049 No.286649


Q has mentioned many times to watch the wives.

Many Wives in that article. Wow! 92

4efa54 No.286690


Have any ideas?

fdc049 No.286771


Valerie Jarret #55 on this list of 92

Marix 5 Principals

Sisters of Evil

http:// themillenniumreport.com/2017/03/pedogate-operatives-in-very-high-places/

f503db No.286888


Falcon 9 SpaceX Missile launched fr. Vandenberg Space Missile Launch Center

pdf_8239 | Special Forces (United States Army) | Reconnaissance

fdc049 No.287065

American Monetary Institute = USA Inc.

https:// www.monetary.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/HR-2990.pdf

Kucinich’s HR 2990

Follow the money.

Not banks, USA corporation. Who owns and runs it?

0bab15 No.287086



The camps are already authorized and built under fema. Many ready in 2016. Verify fema detention camps. They were expecting us in them already…. via civil uprising. they are behind schedule!! Hahaha Sleeping Castle move…

fdc049 No.287091


Kucinich Resolution

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kucinich_Resolution

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Kucinich

0bab15 No.287163



No matter how you talk it up, it goes against the teachings if God. Michael leads God's army. God doesn't hide knowledge from us. The Way is the Way. Why redefine what God as already defined? I saw lots of this copied and pasted onto this Q research board. Enoch's words are from God. He was, and then he was not. You're words originate from man and books. False teachings

ef813b No.287187


Your writings reflect "the beautiful side of evil" as former satanists/luciferians call it. The Theosophical Society etc are luciferians/satanists. Only Jesus Christ is King.

0bab15 No.287224


Amen to that. Nobody replaces Jeshua. Jesus Christ. Nobody. That would make God a liar. God does not lie.

c75393 No.287300

File: e592f5999d29b3f⋯.jpg (85.24 KB, 642x360, 107:60, 2ndMemo.jpg)

Memo #2 Released…

Hannity: Second memo exposes deep state corruption

https:// youtu.be/cpQWzVOK3ps

9037b4 No.287515


>http:// themillenniumreport.com/2017/03/pedogate-operatives-in-very-high-places/

A very sobering article, indeed.

c4dd23 No.287716


01b4f6 No.288017


Have ye not been watchin' the news laddie. Get yer popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show lad/lass…

c4dd23 No.288035

Can someone define "man-in-the-middle" and Matrix 5???

c4dd23 No.288049

Can someone define "man-in-the-middle" and Matrix 5???

c4dd23 No.288059



Can someone define "man-in-the-middle" and Matrix 5???

01b4f6 No.288072


OK so as I understand it "Man in the Middle" is cyberattack where by comms are intercepted and relayed to original destination. As for Matrix'5… No idea Anon???

c4dd23 No.288142

File: 594060aae06f1db⋯.jpg (25.71 KB, 435x217, 435:217, Clipboard01.jpg)




Here's an example of their use in the list of evil female pedo enablers from Abel Danger. Don't know what Matrix 5 principal or man-in-the-middle means in this context.

9996ff No.288273

File: 0392207efd14338⋯.jpg (313.93 KB, 1870x1488, 935:744, OES-STONES-POEM-OF-BUILDER.jpg)

4628e8 No.288355


Wrong. Q has posted about thirty messages over the last week. Been quite talkative.

635d01 No.288434

please take random chatter that has nothing to do with alternative intel sources back to the general

7c1b50 No.288594


Found the picture number on Daily Caller, Inspect Element

https:// www.gettyimages.com/photos/912439238?

5069 x 3379 px | 16.90 x 11.26 in @ 300 dpi | 17.1 MP


e08f01 No.288627


Still seems to be blurred out on that line.

1b4423 No.288662

File: c2a4cc4bf5a138e⋯.png (228.11 KB, 995x618, 995:618, 1a.png)

File: b950dbda73542d9⋯.png (35.08 KB, 904x358, 452:179, 1b.png)

File: 3ab6108d80f7171⋯.png (6.51 KB, 371x321, 371:321, 1c.png)

File: 8ce279873108b5a⋯.png (4.58 KB, 274x297, 274:297, 1d.png)


I sought out input from a someone who has a good deal of expertise in relation to image cipers and he had the following thoughts.

When I zoom in, this is all I see (1a). It looks like simple anti-aliasing to me, and thus probably isn't a code. Now I have taken a look at what I assume Q posted (FREEDOM_.png) (1b) and the modified one posted to 8ch.net. Both are blown up a bit. The original is on the left, with the double flag image on the right. The one on the left has visible anti-aliasing. It could be a low resolution version of the image. The one on the right also has anti-aliasing, but it looks like it is a higher quality. This leads me to believe that the one on the left (from github.io) is really a thumbnail and the one on the right is closer to the source image. I did some searching online and found a Twitter account. https:// twitter.com/I_AM__Q

The image there is a .jpg file, which means it uses lossy compression to make an image. Here's the same section of the flag blown up with the image from Twitter. (1c) Do you see the squares with different colors within? That's because of how a .jpg file saves its colors. People don't notice it much with real photographs, but it is far more obvious when you look at cartoons, line art, and other things where you expect a solid, uniform color.

Here I have inverted the colors and you can also see this noise extending into the stripes. (1d) I've searched the EXIF metadata for clues, examined the file for any textual strings, I've even ran it through "outguess". I just thought about the images of the flag. It appears to be much more of a pattern than anything else. I would be able to simulate this by making the flag image and scaling it just a tiny amount. The antialiasing in the image would turn out to produce similar results to what's seen, assuming you remove the background and the foreground colors after the scaling.

If anything, I would wager there's stenographic information or the image may hold some sort of decoding key instead of an actual message that is represented with symbols made from dots. If you are truly set in using those dots as a code, I would suggest a binary type of cipher, perhaps a Baconian cipher where the positions of the binary bits for each letter are mapped to dots on the image. Or maybe a simple substitution cipher would get you what you need, however it doesn't seem to have that feel for me.

Anyway - that was his take.

6be7a0 No.289598



70f4d5 No.290282

Bump for interest.

e97ac4 No.291071

File: 56e9eb9c1fd90f3⋯.jpeg (105.3 KB, 768x671, 768:671, 48A4C5FB-BC1E-4F1B-9708-0….jpeg)

Is Q talking about the guy who took the pic he’s in the right place and close enough to get a good pic

fdc049 No.291392


This may help define Matrix 5. Matrix is a math grid which could classify them at what level they are in the Illumanati/Satanic grid. With middle men as puppets.

Reversal Mother = Satanic

The natural nurture of the woman/mother is reversed and they manage pedophile rings, human trafficking, sexual blackmail, horrible things to women, children and men.

Reversal Mother = Satanic

The Reversal Mother is the anti-life hatred for the Godhead that exists in the anti-female collective consciousness of the Satanics. The interdimensional aliens in the Orion Group, such as the Black Sun Dragon Moth have primarily used the Reversal Mother principle of Satanism to spread their war and blood sacrifice ideology on the earth. Those ideologies that endorse religious wars, genocide, eugenics, pedophilia, killing for God as a blood sacrifice, are specifically generated by the satanic collectives. They have accumulated the collective consciousness grids of the earth to be programmed with alien machinery running AI software for mind control, and that siphons energy off the planet to fuel other timelines and phantom realities. The planetary grid network is harvested by the NAA to gain energetic power from the dark matter of the earth grid, by hijacking and raping the vital essence of the female and mother principle energies. Thus, in order to gain full access to siphon the planetary consciousness energies, as well as the human soul energies, they have set up global Misogyny and Sexual Misery programs, like pedophilia. Sexual energy harvested in anti-sex reversals are especially used to further spread the satanic forces to take power and control on the earth. Anti-life means reversal of life and reversal of sex. Reversal Networks have been placed all over the planetary grid, in order to siphon the life force of the planet and take the creative forces away from the people. Anti-sex is to define the inability of the sexual partners to create the circuit of Microcosmic Orbit that allows the creative sexual forces to circulate the orgasmic energy into the heart flow, which expands the love that exists between them.

The war over free energy is intrinsic to the war over the consciousness of the earth people. These entropic systems have been put in place by the Controller Pillars of Society, in order to continue to enforce the hijack of the aspects of the female principle consciousness in all of its permutations. The female principle can be extracted of its animating properties and core essence that animates creation in matter, which is called the Aether or Azoth. As a result, the Fallen Goddess consciousness Aether is used in anti-sex rituals to animate Sentient Beings in the satanic hierarchy. Further, this is enmeshed with the creation of the Baphomet and Leviathan fields used by the Satanics to infiltrate the 2D grail gates. The access to manipulate and siphon the creational and sexual forces of the earth and humanity, as well as carry out massive Blood Sacrifice genocidal wars, has allowed Satanic forces to carry out their enslavement agenda while remaining hidden from the masses.[6]

Link to this info and more: http:// ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Satanic

fdc049 No.291490


A while ago Q posted something about trust and the ones that we trust in. Our mothers are our first nurturers and teachers who we trust. The satanic reversal mother will betray every aspect of that in horror.

fdc049 No.291576


This is so very much a war of Good vs Evil, Light vs Dark, Sex vs Innocent. It is a war that encompasses physical, spiritual, mental, emotional and dimensional (Matrix)

These women are on committees or in organizations that have to do with helping women and children ie:SOS women

They have easy access to prey on women and children in need or distress. So sad. Unacceptable. This needs to stop!

fdc049 No.291647


The Fallen Goddess "Aether" is the fifth element

fdc049 No.291653


Aether theories in alchemy, natural philosophy, and early modern physics that suppose a "fifth element"

3cb9d3 No.292018

Just copy it, go to the next thread that is open, and then paste and post.


3cb9d3 No.292048

You know, the Old Testament and the New Testament both condemn astrology. Can you just go set up a youtube and let people come to you instead of pushing it down our throats?


fdc049 No.292090

This is it!!!! Q


https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtKavt_9CT0

First few seconds on this video. Can hear woman's voice high pitch saying "Donald Trump should be shot" Then quick camera to the area can see Brenda Lawrence say last words and head nod "be shot". Can clearly identify her as Brenda Lawrence from photo playing candy crush because woman making treasonous remark has same shoulder scarf on right shoulder as Brenda Lawrence in candy crush photo

fdc049 No.292200


Q This is it!

https:// www.youtube.com


Live footage…first seconds…hear a woman's high pitched voice say "Donald Trump should be shot".

Then the camera swings to that area and catches the woman's mouth saying last two words with nod of head "…be shot". It is the candy crush woman Brenda Lawrence. She can be identified by the scarf on her right shoulder and witnesses standing with her heard it. Man to her right and Joyce Beatty to her left.

7e25a7 No.292549


Trump has no intention of paying it back. Try to recall Trumps proposal to Congress for the boarder Wall.

Key point -“trust fund for boarder security”

Who is going to fund the trust fund?

Seized funds from bad actors? Corrupt institutions?

This is brilliant if he can seize funds and dump

Then into security/Wall.

The big moves will happen if he gets re-elected.

Just like obama went full communist his second term, trump will go full populist/nationalist his second term.

He will take on the fed and fry the biggest fish if he gets a second term.

6f3587 No.292675


The City of London.

Owned in turn by the Vatican.

57453d No.293712

And that's the dead end.

488046 No.294164

Wow! For a thread that is supposed to be about Brendan Dilley's posts - it's gone RIGHT off the rails.

Shills won this one.

ae130c No.294461


Flak always increases when you are over the target.

65e76f No.294678


IF he wins a second term?!?!? Seriously? The man blew out one of the biggest political machines in history with billions and billions spent tearing him down and 90% negative press. Can you imagine how big he will win without all that? Trump doesn't lose. Period


add017 No.294999

File: a6cf544af436e12⋯.jpg (294.93 KB, 1344x960, 7:5, balcony1806lightera.jpg)

File: ac9e2011e0f8c65⋯.jpg (221.57 KB, 1344x960, 7:5, balconycameraman2lightarro….jpg)


I found the camera man up in the balcony. 1 second difference of him not being there and then I just happened to notice him slide into place a second later when I restarted the video

ce569c No.295065


If you think no disinfo gets spread on 4/8chan, you're living in lala land. Disinfo is everywhere. Do your homework

ce569c No.295080


I concur. PrayingMedic is very thoughtful and hunts down truth from a wide variety of sources. Worth waiting for his analysis. He doesn't just run out with info, but really analyzes and researches, so it takes him longer to get stuff out.

add017 No.295101


I just noticed this after I posted my pics. Excellant share. Ive already passed it on

ce569c No.295114


Speculation? If not, what's your source?

I'm inclined to believe this as it aligns with some other analysis I've seen, so asking out of personal interest.

ce569c No.295150




I thought American citizens got right to due process even when enemy combatants? Look at Jesselyn Radack and the John Walker Lindh fiasco. It was the entire reasoning behind her "outing" the DoJ

ce569c No.295184



I lived overseas in a Nanny State for years. The noose just gets ever tighter until someone comes in and shakes it all up and throws most of it away. (Enter Trump.)

4efa54 No.295253


>I thought American citizens got right to due process even when enemy combatants?

They do get due process. The due process, however, is administered/overseen by the US Military because, by becoming an enemy combatant, they become an enemy of the United States of America. No different than a Nazi trying to invade the USA. The military deals with it. Quite effectively, their track record shows. Trump's recent EOs help to clarify this.

Moral of the story: don't EVER become an enemy combatant. Not good.

9dee75 No.295323


Agree 100%. However, he doesn't lose because he doesn't presume to win. Neither should we. Fight on!

219703 No.295414

I miss the Dilley drops. Everything else in this thread is useless bullshit.

79d79e No.295558


If you look for it, there’s articles confirming mueller met with trump the day before. Media thought it was because he was going to replace Comey

4efa54 No.295644


As with the Q drops, the Dilley drops happen when they happen. A few anons here summarize the Dilley drops and post them here. Just keep you eyes open and ignore all of the distractions.

733bf7 No.295913

https:// qcodefag.github.io/

All the Q drops are here

fa918c No.297762

Baaaaaaa. Baaaaaaa!

fdc049 No.301313


Mercedes is going down ramp to under ground parking?

2 minutes _g

2 minutes under ground

6be7a0 No.301448

File: 138564dc2c083a7⋯.jpg (296.92 KB, 1049x1069, 1049:1069, hit-job.jpg)


Here, see the hit-job..


d43ab9 No.301977

Iron Eagle = Operation to extricate Assange or Snowden - They go behind enemy lines to extract a important asset.

fdc049 No.302811

File: 89d6b7dd0be6cf7⋯.jpg (39.41 KB, 536x400, 67:50, Obama ped 1.jpg)


When commander and chief is one to his rented kids. Lies in the answer to your question

fdc049 No.302894


Pizza Delivery.

Motorcycle, wearing helmet, what's in the pizza box? Pizza?

99c6ba No.303271


I don't know why, but I only get a blank page when I go to this site. Any ideas???

99c6ba No.303279



99c6ba No.303304

See https:// www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1858&v=ASbxCV_phgs


fdc049 No.303493



I agree. What I have posted is to bring information of God and Lucifer. This is a war of good and evil. It isn't just a physical war. Those who don't understand that in order to win this we need to pray and follow God's ways because unknowingly Satan has crept into all aspects of our lives without us understanding what that means. Those who do not understand this are not completely awake or red pilled. There are so many levels of this war of good and evil. Read up on Satanic worship and Lucifer to understand what their agenda is. This leads to why we need to abide by God and pray.

The Satanic worships main goal is to corrupt the sacred mother, woman/women who gives birth to life. The innocent child who represents new life. The evil reverses life to death. Reversal Mother = Satan Reversal Father = Lucifer. The Statue of evil Baphomet, represents a transsexual. It has breasts and a penis. Although this one in Detroit the breasts were removed because they wanted to hide the truth and make the statue look welcoming to children.

http:// time.com/3972713/detroit-satanic-statue-baphomet/

http:// ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Satanic

Babylon is the downfall of human beings. the end of a civilization. Babylon is created when sex and sexual perversion runs rampant. Reason for abortions and pedophilia. Pushing for acceptance of sex with children and child marriages. Why the state wants to own our children and take our parental rights away. Why we are groomed to accept transsexuals and homosexuals. Next is to groom acceptance of pedophilia. This is scary stuff!!!! These corrupt people are evil and sick. To understand what they are doing and what agencies and organizations they are in we need to know what makes them tick. How to recognize them and get rid of them. Symbols etc.

fdc049 No.303578


Read this report. 92 Evil women who are the reversal mother = satan. What they have done and who they are connected to. What organizations they are involved in etc. Quite an eye opener.

http:// themillenniumreport.com/2017/03/pedogate-operatives-in-very-high-places/

fdc049 No.303652


Thank you!

Shanghai doesn't like GS.

Q said he would take a bullet but not by us.

Wonder if he was there?

c113de No.303731


>IF he wins a second term?!?!? Seriously?

Wasn't there another congressional election in Missouri where a Democrat just won in an area that went hard Trump during the election? People don't like his jew foreign policy, at least enough to just not show up anymore.

fdc049 No.303977


CDC Brenda Fitzgerald resigns.

Holistic Doctors 187

They poison the water.

They poison our food.

They poison the air.

To make us sick. Then they push vaccinations that are poison and drugs that are poison.

There agenda is to generate money while keeping us sick and killing us off. Genocide. Depopulation.

83b0f2 No.304123

File: 6afcd1ec3a2af78⋯.jpg (49.12 KB, 306x439, 306:439, article-2168756-13ED50FD00….jpg)


The image in 302811 seems to be a fake. I'm not an Obama fan but let's not make things up.

83b0f2 No.304132


Obama's worst crime is not molesting his children. It is treason against the United States.

83b0f2 No.304359


The U.S. used to be the wealthiest nation. The cabal's plan was to bleed it until it dies. The cabal owns the military industrial complex as well as the pharm industry. Both create massive profits and politicians are bribed or blackmailed to keep it going. It is massive theft of the American people.

d7c7e6 No.305418


I agree! Dilley drops please! Thanks to all who take the time to share the drops with us! :)

2e080e No.306080


Just read he's on live now. Couldn't find it, will look for the summary here.

Thanks anons for your work summarizing, very interdasting!

9dee75 No.306112

Dilley just wrapped his pscope session.

You can find his pscopes here:

https:// www.pscp.tv/Hublife

He had to go but said he had more and would be back at 2200 EST

b22329 No.306121

Mention IS, Bezos, Gates, and Mudd

They are always monitoring their mentions.

Make them fly. Let's scare them.

Mention GHWB and his vile wife Barbara.

cc4a78 No.306184

Check this out…JihadiJustin's Itinerary…Democrats and Lieutenant Governors and HIGH TECH gurus… Dilley's source just sent him Intel and it involves Canada it seems…transcript of what Dilley said about this particular Intel drop :

Shanghai Grab & Hit : first of many

Watch the skies over Cali next

Then Borderland North (Canada)

Runners can't run with broken legs


Trudeau supposed to land in SF at 9:35am today

https:// pm. gc.ca/eng/news/itineraries

f84e9f No.306257


Dilley Intel Scope 02/08/18 1000 hours

Dilley played Down with the sickness as the intro to this scope…nod to Q from last night?

Dilley spoke to a ex-military c who speaks to generals. Says EVERY perp must do a perpwalk to restore faith in our republic.

Dilley is holding Trump and sessions to the highest standard. Says 'i am a sycophant to no man' if they to not prosecute.

Dilley says Arrests Happened 2-3 days ago, relates it to Q but wants to know who Q showed being arrested, not just "somebody in china." he will ask his source for a name!!

–Down with the sickness break as dilley asks his source for a name—

f84e9f No.306339


Dilley Intel Scope 02/08/18 1000 hours Part 2

Dilley says his source shared with him the ANON post >>297521 https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/297395.html#297521


Dilley says "he wrote that last night to me"

—Looks like that anon is Dilley's Source???—-

A commenter has told Dilley that it is BS, he says 'interesting'

Another commenter says 'not BS'

—As we know, Q said "NO"—

Dilley believes Q is in the administration

Dilley says there is real panic in DC, they have lost the ability to push back fast enough

Dilley says we need e-verify for voting

Mentions Weiner's phone contact list dropping

'Things arent done on your timeline' ref voter fraud

update on voter fraud - "voter fraud count at 8.75 million atm"

multiple reports will come out

f84e9f No.306365


Dilley Intel Scope 02/08/18 1000 hours Part 3

Dilley says his source monitors Twitter

His Source WILL NOT give a name for Q china arrest drop but give a hint: "WAS SUPERB"

Dilley mentions 84 doctors killed over last few years

Dilley was a personal trainer to a Lady who was a researcher on cancer cures.

She discovered something about the early stages of a cancer cure on Monday- by Wednesday, the lab was SHUT DOWN.This was in 2009.

f84e9f No.306402


Dilley Intel Scope 02/08/18 1000 hours Part 4

When Dilley gets to congress, he will SCOPE from the hill and name names as to WHO is on our side

New Intel:

Shanghai Grab and Hit 'first of many'

Watch the skies over Cali next

Then broderland north

Runners cant run with broken legs

Think misery

(Garbled) Mueller about to open his Special Counsel Reveal

935112 No.306417

Your post is confusing. Q already said no to his post.

>>297553 rt >>297521

935112 No.306421


meant to include >>306339

c7c3a3 No.306428


"Misery" as in the movie, perhaps?

f84e9f No.306436


Part 5 – this drop is going extremely slowly thats why parts are so small this time- Dilley is having Fun

Mueller is a guy trying to stay out of jail

No he is not a good guy


tell people to google their names we want to make them fly they are constantly monitoring their mentions lets scare them

George hw bush and his vile wife barbara should also be mentioned


>>306421 sorry, thats what i was pointing out by "we already know Q said no" but Dilleys source sent him that damn post literlly word for word so i have to put it in transcription

Dilley will be on at 2200 but migration to fb live will happen before drop

935112 No.306448

File: 75c4824601032c9⋯.jpg (170.76 KB, 861x1199, 861:1199, 1.jpg)

File: c6045e05b8dea6f⋯.jpg (208.57 KB, 753x1200, 251:400, 2.jpg)

File: e165a066c2721ae⋯.jpg (206.32 KB, 715x1200, 143:240, 3.jpg)

https:// twitter.com/ItsAngryBob/status/960902571610296320

935112 No.306452


I see. Thx for the esplain.

f70865 No.306465


Except there is a $ which would indicate money

Dec 10 2017 22:29:56



ID: be6798


Blunt & Direct Time.

Adam Schiff is a traitor to our country.




Tick Tock.

Hope the $7.8mm was worth it.

Enjoy the show.


f84e9f No.306483


Part 6

Lets run some names

Obama answers to VJ who answers to rogue CIA

Rogue CIA is run by GHWB

Who runs pt for GHWB?

——————My opinion: Kissinger————

4efa54 No.306752


And guess who POTUS happens to be meeting with today?

Dr. Henry Kissinger.

65a3ee No.306867



No fucking way. Superb Owl.

Was this the guy that orchestrated the failed phosgene FF on the Superbowl?

f84e9f No.307040


fuck, source on that

e92085 No.307105


Kissinger is definitely a person of interest. I've always wondered how that guy has managed to stay alive for so friggin long.

He is heavily involved in the trilateral commission, CFR etc. Or at least used to be.

e92085 No.307129


Kissinger and Rockefeller have had their dirty little hands in the game for a LONG time.

I remember seeing a video recording the voice of Rockefeller supposedly praising the media for keeping their secret.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bdQwPyF2aE

4efa54 No.307138


Fuck, go read POTUS' daily schedule that's available for the WHOLE WORLD TO SEE! Get some exercise.

e92085 No.307142


https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4L7GKSfsDQ

4efa54 No.307174


Here it is:

https:// www.whitehouse.gov/1600daily/

5f7445 No.307181

File: 8f5d4eac4f61f7f⋯.png (21.25 KB, 615x232, 615:232, Untitled.png)


>I will be meeting with Henry Kissinger at 1:45pm. Will be discussing North Korea, China and the Middle East.

This is VERY important.

Kissinger is the emissary of the cabal. (((They))) send him to meet Putin, and world leaders. He is used to bargain, to make last deals.

POTUS will say NO.

Kissinger will leave the WH with his tail between his legs.


e6fcee No.307225


great minds………

c75393 No.307240

Kissinger and Zbigniew are/were CFR/cabal handlers for presidents.

Potus is the first president in a long time that isn't part of the CFR/Cabal.

b22329 No.307250


Who is IS?

Who is IS?

e92085 No.307300


Yeah, and guess who Zbigniew Brzezinski's daughter is?


6be7a0 No.307405

File: 75fa8b4dc27a2f2⋯.jpg (57.06 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Redpill OK.jpg)

How do I distribute these RED PILLS?

Q. How do I locate a "person of interest" that is interested in new information.

A. Find someone who is asking questions.

Otherwise you will get accused of being stupid, or they will call you names.

Q. What cause people to ask questions?

A. Only people who don't think they allready know it all.. have the ability to ask questions.

Q. How to identify persons who are not a slave to their EGO?

A. Damn! I'm still working on that, but Jesus helps a lot.

Prayer works.

635d01 No.307478


it might have something to do with the raid in china

maybe they caught a high level player that ties all those asian regions together

49bbf3 No.307508


internet search?

9a0ca4 No.307661


Who is GHWB ?

9dee75 No.307734


41st POTUS

f70865 No.307744



George Herbert Walker Bush

4efa54 No.307885


Wow. So rouge CIA is run by a 93 year old Beavis-looking man who grabs nurses by the ass from his wheelchair.

9c0125 No.307908


Phosgene is a major industrial chemical used to make plastics and pesticides. At room temperature (70°F), phosgene is a poisonous gas. With cooling and pressure, phosgene gas can be converted into a liquid so that it can be shipped and stored

74adaf No.308022


kek. thanks for the humor anon.

I have to think he is acting as an emissary for someone else ie a +++ but idk

49bbf3 No.308068


you have to go back….RIGHT NOW!

33deef No.308198

Could someone please post all of today's 6 parts into 1 cohesive post like prior drops? Like to share with normies and it's easier when they are all in one paste.


fdc049 No.308203



566fca No.308255


Soros voting machines/voter fraud.

Same with Alabama

fdc049 No.308351


Kindly I say to you, pedophilia, raping and killing children is a horrific crime. Treason is a horrific crime. Can not compare to each other, apples and oranges. Obama is a pedophile whether this pic is true or not. He spend $65,000 tax dollars on hotdogs to the white house, symbol for little boys. He hired pedophiles. I hope he hangs.

74adaf No.308397








copy and past the content of these together is probably your best bet

ff4d27 No.308636


Michael Isikoff, Yahoo News. (Steele Dossier)

74adaf No.309138

calling planefags::::




76129f No.309338

https:// evilbloggerlady.blogspot.com/2013/01/democrat-senator-bob-menendez-dominican.html

f63c16 No.309389


Dilley Intel Scope 02/08/18 1000 hours Part 3

Dilley says his source monitors Twitter

His Source WILL NOT give a name for Q china arrest drop but give a hint: "WAS SUPERB"

Dilley mentions 84 doctors killed over last few years

Dilley was a personal trainer to a Lady who was a researcher on cancer cures.

She discovered something about the early stages of a cancer cure on Monday- by Wednesday, the lab was SHUT DOWN.This was in 2009.

Remember during the campaign when POTUS said that maybe we will even cure cancer. He KNOWS!

74adaf No.309535


alex jones (spare me your takes) maintained throughout the campaign trump knows that cancer has been cured and wants to release the cure.

fdc049 No.309645


He's already a billionaire, with a SUPERB record of making money for investors. Another score would only burnish his legacy; a run of major losses, by contrast, would tarnish it. Why keep your head on the chopping block, especially in view of the unpredictable economic and political forces roiling the market?

Superb Quotes


4e5b17 No.309692

File: c4d66b929f4b925⋯.jpg (531.86 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_20180208-192034.jpg)


Just got this on our Northern border

fdc049 No.309696


SUPER-Bowl, FF averted, Security breach averted, Owl


8cb9c7 No.309832


eurtwTF@g 02/08/18 (Thu) 15:15:41 38f130 No.308777>>308831


War Room still looking for new recruits

setting up special opps teams.

LOTS of freedom and need only little bit of time each day.

Noobs & Lurkers very welcome!

our thread goes slower, less ppl, tactics, trolling and fun.

Pls take a peek, we dont bite.


26ffda No.309838


Hopefully he will need to use bathroom as leaving - "Thanks for visiting the WH"

fdc049 No.309845


http:// www.ads-b.nl/aircraft.php?id_aircraft=11423198&pagenum=1&whatinfo=All

b5a92f No.309917


Is Q/Pres going to use a MIS to MAG with compents from a RDB aka coded leaks to or from the NSA/WIKI soon to blow EVERYTHING wide open and show us the LIGHT?

MIS = Military Intelligence Service

MAG = Make America Great

RDB = Remove Development Branch

https:// wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/cms/space_753668.html

3c267e No.309997


I would be interested to help in any way possible. I have never posted here before & am blown away by the skill level of the anons.

fdc049 No.310478


Stock market 666

Failed FF

Owl symbolism

Owl Rock Statue - Bohemian Grove Gentleman's Club 2,700 acres (Satanic worship)

Owl Rock Financial group business with Soros and University of California concerning stocks in 2017

9a3ad1 No.310564

File: fd89f0c420f12a7⋯.jpg (73.66 KB, 1188x387, 132:43, 40.JPG)

File: ee17688369d8534⋯.jpg (21.76 KB, 454x180, 227:90, 41.JPG)


Dilley Intel Scope 02/08/18 1000 hours

Dilley played Down with the sickness as the intro to this scope…nod to Q from last night?

Dilley spoke to a ex-military c who speaks to generals. Says EVERY perp must do a perpwalk to restore faith in our republic.

Dilley is holding Trump and sessions to the highest standard. Says 'i am a sycophant to no man' if they to not prosecute.

Dilley says Arrests Happened 2-3 days ago, relates it to Q but wants to know who Q showed being arrested, not just "somebody in china." he will ask his source for a name!!

–Down with the sickness break as dilley asks his source for a name—

Part 2

Dilley says his source shared with him the ANON post >>297521 *SEE PICS*


Dilley says "he wrote that last night to me"

—Looks like that anon is Dilley's Source???—-

A commenter has told Dilley that it is BS, he says 'interesting'

Another commenter says 'not BS'

—As we know, Q said "NO"—

Dilley believes Q is in the administration

Dilley says there is real panic in DC, they have lost the ability to push back fast enough

Dilley says we need e-verify for voting

Mentions Weiner's phone contact list dropping

'Things arent done on your timeline' ref voter fraud

update on voter fraud - "voter fraud count at 8.75 million atm"

multiple reports will come out

Part 3

Dilley says his source monitors Twitter

His Source WILL NOT give a name for Q china arrest drop but give a hint: "WAS SUPERB"

Dilley mentions 84 doctors killed over last few years

Dilley was a personal trainer to a Lady who was a researcher on cancer cures.

She discovered something about the early stages of a cancer cure on Monday- by Wednesday, the lab was SHUT DOWN.This was in 2009.

Dilley Intel Scope 02/08/18 1000 hours Part 4

When Dilley gets to congress, he will SCOPE from the hill and name names as to WHO is on our side

New Intel:

Shanghai Grab and Hit 'first of many'

Watch the skies over Cali next

Then broderland north

Runners cant run with broken legs

Think misery

(Garbled) Mueller about to open his Special Counsel Reveal

Part 5 – this drop is going extremely slowly thats why parts are so small this time- Dilley is having Fun

Mueller is a guy trying to stay out of jail

No he is not a good guy


tell people to google their names we want to make them fly they are constantly monitoring their mentions lets scare them

George hw bush and his vile wife barbara should also be mentioned


Dilley will be on at 2200 but migration to fb live will happen before drop

Part 6

Lets run some names

Obama answers to VJ who answers to rogue CIA

Rogue CIA is run by GHWB

Who runs pt for GHWB?

74adaf No.310614


thank you anon

-op of those

9a3ad1 No.310652


you're welcome

693274 No.310758


>https:// www.pscp.tv/Hublife

Dilley's source said "What's behind the curtain? Fourth Reich?"

Dilley then went into a story about a smart guy he knew who told him about Clinton and McCain installing brown shirts in the Ukraine after the coup there in 12.

a0fcc6 No.310854


US government illegally brought over 50,000 Nazis to America to create a New World Order and Fourth Reich in America under the guidance of George H. Bush.

693274 No.310915


Operation Paperclip. Focus on Senior Executive Service (SES). Fourth Reich SS

70f4d5 No.310936



I’m guessing you don’t want to dox yourself.

Next time posting, don’t fill in




Leave blank.

I’m reporting your post so BO can remove.

fdc049 No.310946

Phil Mudd held office for CIA's analytic ARM.

Taking out the ARM

FBI BRANCH First-ever Deputy Director

Hunted Al Qa'ida

President of Mudd Management security business

3c267e No.311004


I guess I'm dense. I thought your hint was for gmail & that most definitely didn't work.

fdc049 No.311032


http:// www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/10/13/rose-mcgowan-says-hw-raped-claims-amazon-executive-knew-scotland/

Bezos, HW rape case with payout

693274 No.311051


http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5369757/Family-members-statement-Jill-Messick-manager-suicide.html


fdc049 No.311163


Wow! She knew about Rose and took a job working for HW for years. She probably knew too much. Thanks for info.

fdc049 No.311187


We know Gates is trying to kill and sterilize everyone with his vaccines. His favorite topic and depopulation. India kicked him out because of the damage done there 30,000 plus girls and women. In Kenya he sterilized 500,000 girls and women with the gardisil vaccine. They found a hormone in it that causes sterilization.

fdc049 No.311232


http:// new.euro-med.dk/20150511-nwo-depopulation-prophet-bill-gates-to-stand-trial-for-crimes-against-humanity-the-guardian-dear-bill-gates-only-you-can-lead-us-against-climate-change.php

This article pretty much sums up Gates philosophy and crimes.

f84e9f No.311282

dilley livev on fb now

https:// www.facebook.com/dilleyforcongress/videos/325851541240999/

fdc049 No.311356


http:// techrights.org/2015/01/03/prison-and-gates/

Gates and pedophilia at his home

f84e9f No.311383

Dilley Live 2/8/18 2230 pm facebook live

regarding >>297521

his source says the info IS ACCURATE… there is a message there..there is a crumb in the post

JOHN MCCAIN is the man who runs point for GHWB

Someone is about to be arrested in California

hannity has intel

DHS busy at border

Someone has twitchy feet

Crumbs drop to incite perps to run

Fly, fly, fly

Michael Hastings has scary raw intel…murdered by maybe john brennan?

Hastings was sitting on massive intel

His girlfriend is a contributor on morning joe

why is USSS on high alert? not for reason you think…'think mirror'

Who protects POTUS? drones up,we see all, time to go hunting

Why are non government official pervs important to big picture. Think Weiner. now think Weinstein. Laptop. What does Perv #2 have?

Dilley says Big things are coming very very soon

including convictions and indictments

wheels are turning behind the scenes

nothing is an accident

Look at what is happening nationally re: finances re: local races

Who owns Bob stump? steve montemegro? Who did phil lovis raise money for? Who owns debbie lesko? What is she the head of? (For AZ-8)

Bob stump took a hammer to phone bc FBI investigation – Koch brother involvement

35d354 No.311430

File: 6b42508c574037a⋯.png (219.08 KB, 635x279, 635:279, Screen Shot 2018-02-08 at ….png)


3rd time I've heard this about Brennan. My Dad did hard time a few times, and man, some of these fuckers are scary. Not like Mad Dogg, an honest man and a WARRIOR who also would appear to be the coolest grandpa ever.

No…he is…BAD. Very bad. This from a guy who spent 30+ hours a week with chimos and murderers as "companions."

Oh well….Game's over.

Drones Up!! Karma is a bitch.

fdc049 No.311466


Wow! I knew Gates was sick, but this guy is involved in everything, all abuses against humanity. Pedophilia, human trafficking, genocide, sterilization. SICK!!! SICK!!! SICK!!!

55d9ad No.311614


Phosgene was one of the very first chemical weapons used in battle during ww1. They used to deploy it in 50gallon drums. an FF mass attack with that stuff would be devastating.

635d01 No.311631


weinstein's hard drive material would be legendary

shame we won't ever see the legal stuff released as fappening part 3

b36731 No.311737


Thank you. I just got off psychotic QR board where anything outside of Q equals blasphemy. FFS, and we wonder why everyone's been asleep while the cabal controls everything…

8d98a3 No.311970


The US tried to help the Ukraine get Russia out…the Maden affair Ukraine..(duckduck..) what we did was beyond evil.

8d98a3 No.312000


Stop whining, keep alt research on alt research board and you'll be fine. People know this board is here and can find it.

Also word of advice to the namefags who are filling out the "quick reply" with a name and email…fucking stop that shit you're doxing yourself. WE CAN SEE YOUR EMAIL address. Leave it blank. No namefagging.

55d9ad No.312002


If your looking just for Q posts try:


The Q posts are numbered and there is no noise there.

9a5ad0 No.312013


Lol! I saw that, too!

Mention "Dilley" and the cantdealanons are TRIGGGEEERRREEEDDD!!!!


b36731 No.312057


People can't handle that there can be multiple people working in concert to disseminate intel to effect a wider group. It's truly not rocket science.

fdc049 No.312105


There are a few on this board who like to rudely school everyone. Ego at play. They complain about Q stuff on this board. Most here are great, helpful and good Intel. The thing about what is going on is everything is connected and infiltrated so sharing information and asking questions broadens knowledge and truth. Welcome!

95da0f No.312178

File: 69153a9cc793ff5⋯.jpg (51.44 KB, 600x688, 75:86, warface.jpg)


>why is USSS on high alert? not for reason you think…'think mirror'

MIRROR, it's clones of people.

THIS has to be the MIRROR.

Top peeps have clones running around!?!?!

White hats have clones turned black hat for infiltration?

MKultra type shit with clones.

Wouldn't surprise me.

Just wargaming the possiblities.

51111c No.312286


Dilly's intel about the Fourth Reich is really interesting.

The "prophetic" retired firefighter Mark Taylor also references the Fourth Reich. He says,

"… Russia, that's right Russia, I will use Russia, the United States of America and her allies, to take on the 4th Reich called lSlS. For it has come full circle again, that's right again. The New World Order is trying to rise and take its' place, just like they did in WWll, using the

Nazi's …

Read more: www. sordrescue.com/uploads/4/7/7/9/47798703/10-19-16_full_circle.pdf

fdc049 No.312296


I discovered this info years ago. Started with the discovery of pyramids in Crimea. One was found initially and accidentally by a farmer then they eventually realized there were many pyramids buried along the coastline and under water. Then NWO started making their move with UN to force Ukraine into European Union. They were infiltrated by corruption and lost their independence. uprising etc. then Crimea asked Russia to move in in 2014 to help prevent them from becoming part of European Union. NWO and UN corruption destroying countries for their agenda. Cabal own islands and land in Antarctica pyramids have been discovered there too. They is another dimension to this war besides politics.

d5dc30 No.312615


Yeah, I don't buy it. People just aren't showing up for his jew foreign policy. There's no uptick in turnout for anyone else.

d5dc30 No.312624


That's your clue-in that you're being fed zionist propaganda.

45b552 No.312711


>Wasn't there another congressional election in Missouri where a Democrat just won in an area that went hard Trump during the election? People don't like his jew foreign policy, at least enough to just not show up anymore.

Todd Akin 2.0

80879b No.312760

File: 889038e05ebdafb⋯.jpg (669.67 KB, 1047x1172, 1047:1172, RedHouseReport.jpg)

80879b No.312779




This related background info from the Qresearch forum a week or so ago. Something called a Red House Report?

d5dc30 No.312810


>Entire government is completely dominated by jews

>All wars and foreign policy is explicitly carried out to the benefit of jews

>Media/educational complex is centered around exterminating the European people based on jewish lies and extortion rackets.

>Obviously it's all a secret Nazi plot!

51111c No.312833


Today Dilley said his source would not give a name for the Q Shanghai arrest, but he did drop a hint: "WAS SUPERB"

Some of the memes created for the Super Bowl included the words "SUPERB OWL."


Roy Potter did a short YT video claiming there had been a phosgene (chemical weapon) threat before the super bowl. He said his source told him the threat was neutralized by the USMC.

In one of the breads, an anon suggested that the office that was raided in the Shanghai tower was a chemical company.

What do you think? Is there a connection here?

d5dc30 No.312842


>What do you think?

I think it's all a zionist fairy tale.

fdc049 No.313104


Philadelphia Project, War, brought German scientists and technology to States to continue. One scientist went to South America obsessed with twins and stem cell/DNA research etc.

Many dimensions to all of this. Stargates not fiction.

fdc049 No.313148


Wondering if Soros?


FF failed, bad security was intercepted and replaced.

Market fell 666

Owl symbol at super bowl.

Owl Statue Moloch Satanic rituals

Owl Rock Financial Institute connected to Soros dealing in stock in 2017 questionable 1 billion raised concerning University of California.

Shanghai didn't like Soros.

d5dc30 No.313227


The NSDAP are the good guys.

51111c No.313400


Sure, maybe GS?


Dilley said:

"George Soros WILL be taken out but it won't be U.S. Military, nor even a U.S. Citizen. It will happen from another country's military who is 'absolutely fed up.'"

6a444f No.313505

<Part 1>

https:// twitter.com/Hublife/status/961620271546343424

Dilley Intel Scope 02/08/18 1000 hours

Although, great work by some Anons were done, I've provided another report with additional details

Someone in post asked Dilley if Q was real.

Brendan responded: "How much more evidence do you have to be shown that the information you're getting is legit before you finally believe it?"

Same question is asked of Brendan's source. "Brendan, is your source legit?"

Brendan responded: "I've been giving you information for 3 months. I don't know how many times in a row I have to be right before ppl go 'ok, we're gonna listen'"

"Your own critical mind should be able to decipher what's real and what's not anymore. It's time to start using your nugget"

"You ask the wrong questions. You waste time. You waste my time, you waste your own time."

"Who is Q?", Dilley responds "Who cares. It doesn't matter whether you like the Intel or you don't. If they're right, they're right."

"It doesn't matter if you know who Q is. At the end of the day, what you're seeing comes into the public domain and the information ends up being real."

Everybody wants things to be like CNN and Fox News. That's not the way this works. You're expected to be smarter than that.

You want spoon-fed information… Mockingly "Brendan, what date on this guy will this person come get arrested?"

Even if I had this information, I'm not telling you. That's just not the way this works.

Dilley expect smarter people in his scopes asking better questions.

Begins talking about news drops about Texts, Memos, revolving around Obama.

You can't put the Genie back int the bottle. IT IS OUT! The MSM is unsuccessfully trying to divert attention away from it."

Mocks George W Bush who was trending today claiming "Russia, Russia, Russia". No one cares what he has to say. He's a treasonous sh!tBag.

It's a big charade but the evidence is brutal. These ppl are AWFUL. They will not be able to run from what this is.

It's their HUBRIS that continues to try and maintain their power right now in America.

They continue to trot themselves out with their "comments" and "opinions". Nobody cares what George Bush thinks especially in this day and age.

"We know what you did Georgy Porgy! We don't care. You're full of crap, buddy"

Answers attack on Trump Supporters as "Conspiracy Theoists":

Even if president Trump wasn't in the equation, if you found this stuff out, you should be absolutely furious! There's no way any American should be look at the evidence against these people. They tried to take over this country and almost did.

Dilley's statement to POTUS "We will not settle for anything less than FULL BLOWN PROSECUTION for these people's crimes. No one can to walk on this one."


"I don't care if half the country tries a civil war because of it. As an American citizen, you either have a country or you don't"

Dilley spoke to a ex-military c who speaks to generals. Says EVERY perp must do a perpwalk to restore faith in our republic.

Dilley is holding Trump and sessions to the highest standard. Says 'i am a sycophant to no man' if they to not prosecute.

"Liberals can't allow the truth to happen because if the truth happens, they've got to reassess their own identity. That's why they reject everything"

"Q showed you guys an arrest last night? That's funny, My guy told me there were arrests coming a couple days ago. I was like huh?"

6a444f No.313511

<Part 2>

Dilley reached out to source to try to get an answer about the arrests in China.

Dilley then reads off an Intel Drop:

<1st INTEL Drop>

Is Q/Pres going to use a MIS to MAG with compents from a RDB aka coded leaks to or from the NSA/WIKI soon to blow EVERYTHING wide open and show us the LIGHT?

The end part tells you how accurate we are.


<End of 1st INTEL Drop>

Dilley says this drop was sent to him 17 hrs ago.

Dilley then interacts with his Periscope and they begin giving him misleading info about the post being a BS comment from 8ch and that it's innacurate.

Dilley moves on as he doesn't know what it means. "I don't care, I just share the info… I'm not reading it again… Huh, interesting"

Dilley believes Q is in the administration

Dilley says there is real panic in DC, they have lost the ability to push back fast enough

Dilley agrees with Periscope, we ABSOLUTELY need e-verify for voting

Mentions Weiner's phone contact list dropping

Scope begins to ask about Voter Fraud report.

Dilley confirms Voter fraud info/report WILL come out.

Responds to the ppl on Periscope: 'Things aren't done on your timeline'

Did make an update on voter fraud - "Voter fraud count at 8.75 million at the moment" - he got this drop a couple of days ago, but forgot.

"It'll come out. There's multiple reports. It just won't be one location"

"I can tell you that my source is EVERYWHERE". Dilley believes he listens to comments and twitter.

It's a team of people… Not just one person.

Source replies back that not allowed to give out any info person snatched in China.

Only answers "WAS SUPERB"

Dilley mentions 84 doctors killed over last few years.

Dilley retells story of being a personal trainer to a female who was a researcher on cancer cures.

She discovered something about the early stages of a cancer cure on Monday - by Wednesday, the lab was SHUT DOWN.This was in 2009.

They've had a cure for years.

Dilley encourages his Periscope followers to DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH

He is then is fascinated by the fact that may of his followers have good intel:

"You guys have got good information in here"

He then begins to give insight on what he's seeing:

"One of the things I hope you're learning from the Q drops and certainly from me is there is a VALUE in asking large groups of ppl to pray for the country"

"GOD & COUNTRY - Keeping those 2 things together… The power of your prayers are what's bringing about ALL of this truth. It's your PRAYERS"

"You're literally manifesting everything you're seeing right now. That is a HUGE thing that ppl are overlooking in this process."

"Your resilience for the truth. Your ABSOLUTE, UNRELENTING pursuit of that truth combined with your prayer is what's allowing all of this to happen."

"You're literally creating this. This was NOT gonna happen."

"You guys are actually bringing this about. IT'S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. This HUGE group, this HIVE MIND that you've got right now for TRUTH and for PRAYER."

"That's why GOD & COUNTRY - every single time."

"Right now, we've got the HUGE COLLECTIVE that is committed to the truth. That power is REAL and it's AMAZING"

2nd INTEL was dropped in the middle of Periscope:

<2nd INTEL Drop>

Shanghai Grab and Hit

'First of Many'

Watch the skies over Cali next

Then borderland north

Runners cant run with broken legs


<End of 2nd INTEL Drop>

6a444f No.313515

<Part 3>

3rd INTEL was dropped in the middle of Periscope:

<3rd INTEL Drop>

Mueller about to open his Special Counsel Reveal

<End of 3rd INTEL Drop>

Someone jokes on Periscope: I hope it's Gov Brown

Dilley laughs and compliments his Periscope:

"I love that you guys all know who the actual enemies are now. Cause there are a bunch of Democrats who are faceless. They're just democrats… and they're not evil people, they're just kind of.. whatever. But you guys know the evil ones. You guys recognize them REAL QUICK!"

Periscope asks: Is Mueller a 'blackhat'?

Dilley responds: "Mueller is a guy trying to stay out of jail. I've been telling that to you for 8 months"

Persicope asks about Rod Rosenstien

Dilley responds: "I told you guys RR would be screwed in like December. Remember when my source was breaking it down for you guys?"

People who Dilley agrees with Periscope on who is "Screwed":

Ted Lieu

Nancy Pelosi

Everyone keeps asking about if Mueller is a "Good Guy"

Dilley Responds:

"No he is not a good guy, he's just a selfish old bum who wants to stay out of prison so he's gonna do this in the middle. I keep telling you guys this."

4th INTEL was dropped in the middle of Periscope:

<4th INTEL Drop>


Tell people to Google their names

Let's make them fly

They are constantly monitoring their mentions

Lets scare them…

Also menion George Herbert Walker Bush and his vile wife Barbara

<End of 4th INTEL Drop>

5th INTEL was dropped in the middle of Periscope:

<5th INTEL Drop>

What's behind the curtain?

Is it really the 4th Reich?

<End of 5th INTEL Drop>

Dilley begins discussing someone he knew who swears that Soros and Hillary Clinton installed real Nazis into Ukraine Government.

"It is my genuine belief that the corruption is SO DEEP AND SO BAD that they're having to ease an American Public into the reality of what's been going on. It's is THAT BAD"

"I believe that your impatience, while understood, is completely necessary"

6th INTEL was dropped in the middle of Periscope:

<6th INTEL Drop>

Lets run some names

Obama answers to Valerie Jarret

She answers to the rogue CIA

Who runs the Rogue CIA?

George Herbert Walker Bush

Who runs point for GHWB?

<End of 6th INTEL Drop>

6a444f No.313518

<Part 4>


Dilley Live 2/8/18 2230 pm Facebook Live

https:// www.facebook.com/dilleyforcongress/videos/325851541240999/

A lot of people are compromised. This is all part of the red-pilling that is going to take place.

"They're all dirty and we're finding it out more and more"

Follow Sundance on Conservative Treehouse

"Bad news for anyone who is a bad guy."

"One of the things that I shared out the other day… and someone said it was a Q drop"

"and you guys said 'Oh that's NOT True'….'Hey this was a Q drop, we already debunked it'"

"My source came back to me and said 'No, you DON'T KNOW. That's not what it is'"

"So I wanna break that down for you guys a little bit"…

Dilley Breakdown:

"Not all of the information that you're gonna be given from me or even from other people, whether it's Q or any of these other organizations aren't - "

"Sometimes a (small) fraction of it will be what the truth is and it's buried within (a lot of) misdirection" (hand motions)

"This is just the way it has to be"

After Intel Source was informed by Dilley that Q's post was 'inaccurate',

Intel Source replied:

"Really? You're NOT reading the crumbs. There's a message there. Tell those on Periscope/FB live to READ WHAT IT SAYS & NOT to take it as Gospel. There is a crumb within that post."

<Intel Source Message Begin>

JOHN MCCAIN runs point for George Herbert Walker Bush and is the conduit between Bush and Soros

Who is about to be SNATCHED in California?

Hannity is just about to DROP something else as well.

DHS is busy at border

Michael Hastings Raw Intel is scary, I wonder who has twitchy feet now that coded Anon post told them we have the whole story fully deciphered

Crumbs drops sometimes for the purpose of the perpetrator ONLY

Fly, fly, fly. We can hear you breath.

Why is USSS on high alert? Not for reason you think…

'Think MIRROR'

Who protects POTUS

Drones up

We see all.

Time to Go Hunting.

Why are non government official PERVS important to the big picture.

Think Weiner.

Now think Weinstein.

Laptop from Perv #1.

What does Perv #2 have?

<Intel Source Message End>

6a444f No.313522

<Part 5>

Dilley begins speculating with FB Live:

Describes who Hastings is/Story…

Hastings was sitting on MASSIVE Intel

Hastings girlfriend is a contributor on (Dead Intern) Morning Joe/With Mika Brezinski (her father).

Dilley claims he has Intel from OTHER source outside of his Intel.

They are in agreement and say "Big things are coming very very soon!"

Convictions and Indictments are Coming"

wheels are turning behind the scenes

Nothing is an accident

Arizona Election talk…

Repeats Intel Drop, this time with his own opinions:

Who protects POTUS? Dilley answers, not just USSS, but Marines!

Perv #2 is Weinstein, what does Wenstein's laptop have?

Harvey Weinsteins charges are now at the DA's office & he could be grabbed @ any time.

How many people does Harvey Weinstein have leveraged just the way Anthony Wiener had leveraged through the laptop.

Dilley believes Weinstein was definitely into Human Trafficking & is going to try to keep himself out of prison & there is only one way to do that.

Turn on everyone else involved in it.

There are major happenings every single day now. THIS IS NOT AN ACCIDENT.

There are things happening both at home and abroad that you are completely unaware of.

Our president and our military, specifically our Sec. of Defense General James Mattis have managed to close all leaks on the military side.

You'll notice most Americans have no clue of any operations we're executing right now.

The media is in the total dark about what the military is performing right now. THAT IS PERFECT!

The less we know of what our military is doing, the safer our troops are abroad. This is a good thing so.

You've got military operations happening around the globe.

Many people that you may know… friends, family… Soldiers are being recalled in right now.

There are big operations underway and commencing very soon.

But more importantly, as this is being made globally, here at home,

there is a full blown panic within Washington DC/establishment class.

Because their handlers and their financiers are in real big trouble.

This is one of the most undertold stories in 2018

It's not going to stop at Obama, the Clinton, McCain, Flake. The ppl that "own" them will be outted.

The real goal is "how far up can we go to get the rest?"

The real power and money, this is where you then begin to see names like "Gates, Bezos, Soros"

These financiers of corruption around the globe are about to face their day and they're not going to have any choice.

Because without their money, they're nothing.

This upcoming EO that Dilley has been priming for weeks is absolutely still in the works. They're pretty close to rolling it out.

EO ties in directly with the last EO as well as with the Dec 21 EO.

One of the most important elements of this effort/Operation to restore this republic is YOU THE PUBLIC.

More ppl have to become aware of what's been going on and not be tolerant of this corruption.

635d01 No.313661







looks like we'll need a new thread for the next drops

8d98a3 No.314042


>Dilley said:


>"George Soros WILL be taken out but it won't be U.S. Military, nor even a U.S. Citizen. It will happen from another country's military who is 'absolutely fed up.'"

HA, Hungary going to BTFO George…but not really useful, he's got spawn.

b81869 No.314055


probably russia. putin hates the bastard

8d98a3 No.314067



30a82e No.314835

how do we help ?

how do we get the truth to people who are asleep ?

how do we sidestep ridicule ?

where do we pray ?

cf3d3c No.382398

File: 144e92b5cff745d⋯.png (160.71 KB, 479x505, 479:505, 1986475.png)

Happy St. Paddy's Day

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