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File: b2d1b25cf66a2fd⋯.png (5.34 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 5b06ca5f7922944762569054c1….png)

774797 No.1119533


This palm - Barassus labellifer from India

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borassus_flabellifer

82d3ac No.1119586

File: f002292480587b7⋯.jpg (341.27 KB, 800x1253, 800:1253, Asian_palmyra_(Borassus_fl….JPG)

That's a negative ghostrider

9eee4e No.1121401

File: 176b5cef1d20aac⋯.png (23.26 KB, 586x335, 586:335, trump.png)


Borassus flabellifer, commonly known as doub palm, palmyra palm, tala palm, toddy palm, wine palm, or ice apple[2][3] is native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, including Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.[4] It is reportedly naturalized in PAKISTAN, Socotra, and parts of China.

92ce96 No.1121533


(pic related response) The democrats are idiots

0e84fd No.1121661

Q is hanging at Coachella…

dd7ba4 No.1125808

File: 21543d15f3d5a65⋯.jpg (293.35 KB, 916x1846, 458:923, PSX_20180421_003504.jpg)

Cuban Royal Palm…Gitmo?

Gitmo had ceremony this week closed to MSM.

https:// twitter.com/JTFGTMO/status/986368417841274880?s=19

Royal Palm, Cuba's National Tree and

Coccothrinax guantanamensis both

Endemic to Cuba.

b13be5 No.1131663

Canary Palm.


WeHo Standard

AS Connected


9eee4e No.1132615


Yes they are.

It is time for their veil of idiocy over reality to be torn down.

9eee4e No.1132654



9eee4e No.1132681

File: b4bd0d933126b0b⋯.png (299.91 KB, 573x371, 573:371, flo.png)

Ignore last post. Dun goofd it.



a6599d No.1134753

8ae4c0 No.1135619

File: 38ffea364661b2f⋯.jpg (555.06 KB, 712x683, 712:683, Palm_Trees_and_Judah.jpg)

There has been meaning of the PALM TREE expressed here since very early on at CBTS.

It is a story teller - and about one of the greatest stories ever told.

It appears in a sacred meaning of ancient texts on p55 of the (pic related) pdf : cog49.com/ft.pdf

The palm also appears, via the name "Tamar" (meaning "palm tree"), in a section called "Parable of Judah," p61 - the ancient's explanation of the Jewish Question.

This parable describes how the ancients foresaw the "eternal reign" and "eternal life" being preserved from the common man for all of historical time, until the present - and the plight of US leadership in first secluding it but then rediscovering it again today.

6a9849 No.1138861

File: 50b266758e6b89a⋯.jpg (22.27 KB, 193x261, 193:261, 28tuvx.jpg)

4b9fa9 No.1139165

https:// en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palm_Sunday

6a9849 No.1140063

File: 2c44f0ef19eb5e6⋯.jpg (22.26 KB, 193x261, 193:261, 28uqvf.jpg)

6a9849 No.1140084

File: c9d00df00e1d65c⋯.jpg (64.46 KB, 926x960, 463:480, 18767684_462321180778469_5….jpg)

f414a0 No.1140156


But… probably just a palm tree in Key West… where Potus was.

Keep it simple.

1832b8 No.1144548


hidden 5G microwave weapons?

9a9cbe No.1144928

File: 6fcd25e685b824e⋯.jpg (112.06 KB, 1024x574, 512:287, DbSCxRoUwAANqhT.jpg)

I had to pop in and see if there was more info on this post..I reckon there is more to it and Q sent us a double meaning..Its been bugging me, figured i'd dig around and came up with 2 possible paths.

1) warrent Canary-https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warrant_canary

2) Q telling us the location of something in the Key west footage

9a9cbe No.1144948

File: 172582969326ca6⋯.jpg (128.88 KB, 1024x574, 512:287, DbSEwtMVAAAfF2M.jpg)

a093c1 No.1145039

File: be31fcb84bb8361⋯.png (31.44 KB, 200x162, 100:81, coatofarms.png)

Isn't there a palm tree in Haiti's coat of arms? Could this be what Q is referring to?

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