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File (hide): 55612f0f89454ff⋯.png (90.61 KB,340x253,340:253,2021_11_08_10_32_53.png) (h) (u)


e4cf6d (1) No.71828 [View All][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Archive QR deletions here

This thread is for substantive or notable posts deleted from /qresearch/ so we have a record.

There is a separate thread for Q-LIKE posts deleted by BV on /qresearch/"

PLEASE START BY TRANSFERRING POSTS from "Archiving Q-Likes" thread first before adding new ones

27 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Post last edited at

5107f2 (1) No.71944


>>>/qresearch/14112922 , 17 million gallons of sewage on California beach! 17.

17 million gallons of sewage on California beach! 17.



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653bdc (1) No.72054

anybody who wants to discuss the changes on the Q research board is welcome here


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3cf3d3 (2) No.72873>>72888

Deleted from

>>>/qresearch/14131459 Q Research General #17879: Az is so hot right now! Edition





Highlights from AZ Audit Senate Hearing 7/15 from Arizona Conservatives Take Action


Images were not archived yet.

Text at telegram-link:

Highlights from AZ Audit Senate Hearing 7/15

Hand Count

• Ballot duplication nightmare. Serial numbers are required to match the original and duplicated ballot. “Thousands” of ballots are either missing serial numbers or have unreadable serial numbers printed over a dark black ballot identification box. Ken Bennett stated that it’s impossible to determine whether a ballot was duplicated more than once. Kelli Ward has previously stated there 27,869 duplicate ballots.

Machine Analysis

• Fictive equipment verification process. Senator Peterson noted that if the EAC equipment verification process cannot handle evaluation by an audit, then we need a new certification procedure.

• Cyber security vulnerabilities, missing security event data, and suspicious logins. Ben Cotton of CyFIR emphasized the critical need for router and Splunk log data. He gave 4 reasons:

a) The November election system breach reported by Maricopa County and the SoS.

b) Extreme cyber security vulnerabilities: the last malware and operating system/ security patch update was in August 2019 when the Dominion software was originally installed. “It would take less than 10 min to gain system-

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3cf3d3 (2) No.72888


Image information:

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6681bb (4) No.74040>>74041 >>74052

bread 17915


This one got deleted fast.

That Douche Flapjack was in bread earlier and got called out.

Started running AirVpn like Flapjack and OSS do and decided I mention it as an option for other anons. Board locked up and post didn't even show an one computer.

Luckily another one I had running at the same time caught it.

Two tabs and two computers at the same time man

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6681bb (4) No.74041>>74042

File (hide): 782066dc95a4018⋯.png (262.14 KB,850x524,425:262,17915_14161042.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): b720bc52e042c2f⋯.png (197.58 KB,1076x487,1076:487,scuttleIt.PNG) (h) (u)

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File (hide): 6ae4e46cb87e8a8⋯.png (94.75 KB,1267x302,1267:302,muhNewFlapjackSockPuppet1.PNG) (h) (u)


> Flapjack and OSS

as if they aren't the same dickweed

Earlier that same bread,

Another one that got banhammered in a hurry.

And in fact, as soon as he was called out for running OSS as a sock puppet, flapjack made himself a new sockpuppet.

Of course the scuttle it deleted post probably got his panties in a wad too

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6681bb (4) No.74042


this one I managed to archive




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6681bb (4) No.74052


>AirVpn like Flapjack and OSS


you know he does

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39d4b1 (1) No.74887

File (hide): fa96bef7e9d95c1⋯.png (101.14 KB,698x528,349:264,banned.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9b89455fd291cdf⋯.png (225.02 KB,1435x446,1435:446,QR_NOS.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d8a47b04a081d07⋯.png (662.96 KB,1441x970,1441:970,QR_pegasus.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a342610e7332fbd⋯.png (495.05 KB,1180x955,236:191,moar_QR_pegasus.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a451d9cd5a11611⋯.png (385.86 KB,916x745,916:745,even_moar_QR_pegasus.png) (h) (u)


since wednesday 7/21 notables contain FOURTEEN (14) posts (count 'em) related to the NSO/Pegasus spyware story. funny, because THREE DAYS EARLIER on 7/18, i found leads to the same story on the EWillHelpYou telegram account (https://t.me/s/TheOfficialE) along with suggested diggs, but when i posted what i found on QR, the "BV" and a small handful of his sycophant shills berated and belittled me, and disparaged the posts while proudly declaring they hadn't even bothered to read them. when i defended myself and my post then questioned the BV's ulterior motives, i was banned for life with no appeal, and all the posts were scrubbed from the QR board.

and i am not the first. i've watched as other true anons got banned, one after another, for similar frivolous reasons in the preceding weeks by this same power-drunk petty tyrant BV. he/she is either a petulant child unfit for the position of BV, or a clown shill sent here to corrupt and subvert this board and drive away patriots or outright ban them if they don't leave out of disgust.

this is, after all, a FREE SPEECH BOARD, and banning anons simply because they espouse opinions that differ from BV's is NOT ACCEPTABLE.what will it takeuntil this POS is removed from the position of authority entrusted to them, banned for life, and taken out behind the woodshed, and taught a lesson by patriots? and at the same time, all real patriots banned by this glowing clown need to have have their IPs un-banned.

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ad4d61 (1) No.79324

File (hide): 7b3569a1bedcae5⋯.png (428.18 KB,1874x2395,1874:2395,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

August 1

BV says jon doodle/babyfist/mj12

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7efd6f (20) No.99742>>99743 >>99745 >>99748 >>99749 >>99751 >>99752 >>99753 >>99756 >>99758 >>99763 >>100065 >>100069 >>100072 >>100073 >>100074 >>100075 >>100076 >>100077 >>100078 >>100080

MASS DELETIONS on 10/9/2021

Posting everything that got deleted, not just the deleted notables.

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7efd6f (20) No.99743>>99744


Thread 0014423543 Q Research General #18246 : 50 Full Forensic Audits, Not The Bullshit Audits Edition

Not in DB:

Not on web anymore:

>>>/qresearch/14423703 UserID: d775f1


You want to focus on "child trafficking" I commend it and I salute it.

I am going to focus on the one thing most people here ignore and that is SEX TRAFFICKING AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING.

My name is not "Karen" you stupid fuckboy!

I'm not here to discriminate against and hate women.

I am here to save WOMEN from SEX TRAFFICKING.

If you don't like it, IDGAF.

Got it, dickheads???

>>>/qresearch/14423719 UserID: f6b58c


henry divorced (you):fraud vitiates

reaper broke promise:fraud

"Unit E.xbot"


They've only lasted this long because their deployed raperootkit ebot is still playing the drumbeat that keeps (You) locked in fear. The *chan equivalent of a CNN newsfeed.

4 years of drumming.

banned more than 12 times, site-wide, for flooding us with CP

Has themselves posted proof they embed pictures with themes of anal sex, and this is packaged as a threat to (You)re life through the network of subliminal associations their language was made to fuck

And the biDen of absolute retards protects this monster

Get it yet?

This place is a hollow shadow of its former self, raped into stupor by insidious clowns pretending to be frens.

>>>/qresearch/14423738 UserID: d775f1


I'll stop the "f-u's" when when you stop calling all women "Karens". It's pissing me the f-o at this point. Practice patients when women come forward with pertinent info you all quickly dismiss as "Ka

>>>/qresearch/14423756 UserID: d775f1

Why did Newsmax speak over Trump's entrance tonight at the rally? I thought that was very rude of them. Just saying...

>>>/qresearch/14423772 UserID: d775f1

>>14423718 >>14423731 >>14423741 >>14423748


You must be a RINO or a clown.

>>>/qresearch/14423793 UserID: d775f1





>You want to focus on "child trafficking" I commend it and I salute it.

Read it again retard mfs.

Woman haters club.

The Richards

The deniers.


>>>/qresearch/14423814 UserID: d775f1


OMG you dumb bitch.





Got it, dumb bitch?


>>>/qresearch/14423822 UserID: d775f1


>>14423744 >>14423781 >>14423795 >>14423809

>>>/qresearch/14423842 UserID: d775f1



>>>/qresearch/14423851 UserID: d775f1



>>>/qresearch/14423855 UserID: d775f1



>>>/qresearch/14423864 UserID: d775f1



>>>/qresearch/14423888 UserID: d775f1




>>>/qresearch/14423892 UserID: d775f1




>>>/qresearch/14423950 UserID: d775f1


>>>/qresearch/14424020 UserID: d775f1



>>>/qresearch/14424038 UserID: d775f1


Women write like that.


>>>/qresearch/14424059 UserID: d775f1

Fuck this stinking pile of shit bread.

>>>/qresearch/14424062 UserID: d775f1


>>>/qresearch/14424063 UserID: d775f1


>>>/qresearch/14424077 UserID: d775f1


Not able

>>>/qresearch/14424080 UserID: d775f1


Send dick pics or gtfo Richard.

>>>/qresearch/14424105 UserID: d775f1


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7efd6f (20) No.99744


>>>/qresearch/14424118 UserID: d775f1


It's the Richards.

>>>/qresearch/14424154 UserID: d775f1


Thank you, MAGA POTUS!

>>>/qresearch/14424206 UserID: d775f1

Good night, Richard.

>>>/qresearch/14424217 UserID: d775f1


...and Richard

>>>/qresearch/14424226 UserID: d775f1


Never heard of him.

Can I call you Richard?

>>>/qresearch/14424239 UserID: d775f1


At least you're funny.

>>>/qresearch/14424263 UserID: d775f1

Why are all the woman hating Richards posting Q drops?

>>>/qresearch/14424287 UserID: d775f1

This place is a stinking mess.

Same time every night.

Sweet dreams woman haters.


>>>/qresearch/14545724 UserID: 07c02e

Bumpitty bump bump bump. Fill this bread niggas.

>>>/qresearch/14545727 UserID: 07c02e

>>>/qresearch/14545733 UserID: 07c02e

>>>/qresearch/14545737 UserID: 07c02e

>>>/qresearch/14545740 UserID: 07c02e

>>>/qresearch/14545755 UserID: 07c02e

>>>/qresearch/14545769 UserID: 07c02e

>>>/qresearch/14545790 UserID: 07c02e

>>>/qresearch/14545797 UserID: 07c02e

>>>/qresearch/14545803 UserID: 07c02e



>>>/qresearch/14545814 UserID: 07c02e


Absurd gibberish.

>>>/qresearch/14545834 UserID: 07c02e

>>>/qresearch/14545850 UserID: 07c02e


You a "sovereign citizen" too I bet?

>>>/qresearch/14545859 UserID: 07c02e

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7efd6f (20) No.99745>>99747


Thread 0014583471 Q Research General #18448: From Sea to Shining Sea Edition

Not in DB:

Not on web anymore:

>>>/qresearch/14583588 UserID: 3f1744


Never going to happen.

Trump is sitting in FLA holding his dick.

Do you really think that the JEWS are going to let their control just slip away?

The fact is, we are all slaves to the jews, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Goyim will follow the orders of their jewish owners for a buck, rather than stand against the jews that feed them.

This was made possible by the BOOMERS, who should all die en masse, but won't.

Slave to the JEWS?

Thank a BOOMER, starting with Trump.

>>>/qresearch/14583623 UserID: 3f1744


True enough. No one owes anyone anything.


The jews believe that they own the GOYIM and that the GOYIM need to PAY JEWISH TAXES so the jews can sit around, rape and murder goyim children without EARNING THEIR KEEP.

Good point, anon. Just say it to the right PARASITES.

>>>/qresearch/14583652 UserID: 3f1744


Listen up, ASSHOLE.

Trump was fucked out of his rightful office.

ALL OF THE CRIMINALS are running around free.


If that is winning, you have a very PERVERSE sense of the meaning of the word.

WAKE UP ASSHOLE. You are not doing yourself or anyone else any favors by keeping your head firmly planted up your ass in FANTASY LAND.

>>>/qresearch/14583684 UserID: 3f1744


Stfu! I/m sorry that the truth hurts your fee-fees, you STUPID HEAD UP YOUR ASS MORON, but you are a SLAVE, and are TOO STUPID TO SEE IT, and through your own stupidity, Encourage others to be as SLA


Your stupid memes just prove my point asshole. You fuckers really are stupid. Perhaps the JEWS are right,,,

Maybe it is a good time to rid the earth of STUPID PEOPLE.

>>>/qresearch/14583765 UserID: 3f1744


See thats where you went wrong, you though that rhetoric came before grammar, and that's where you fail like the miserable low IQ jew you are.

Sucks to be you, jew.

>>>/qresearch/14583771 UserID: 3f1744


You have no clue about what the fuck you are talking about do you?


>>>/qresearch/14583790 UserID: 3f1744


Very True.

The jews are about to unleash hell upon us all, and because of all of the JEW LOVING MORONS that ENABLE THEIR JEW MASTERS, NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING.

Get your head around fact vs DELUSIONAL THINKING.

>>>/qresearch/14583818 UserID: 3f1744

Trump has a "secret" army of "PATRIOTS" that are coming to save the day.


Trump will be luck to survive another year.



Once you accept this fact, you can actually be effective. Until then, you are a DELUSIONAL SLAVE that will BELIEVE ANYTHING, making you nothing more than an PAWN in the GAME.


>>>/qresearch/14583854 UserID: 3f1744



For the Dyslexics:


Your meme is weak, and pathetic.

Just sayin'.

>>>/qresearch/14583865 UserID: 3f1744


There's nothing secret about PATRIOTS selling out to their masters, as they have done for decades.

You must be what, 12 years old?


>>>/qresearch/14583904 UserID: 3f1744


You have no idea as to how LOGICAL and RATIONAL ARGUMENTS are arranged, do you jew?

I don't know what is more sad. The fact that your DISPLAY YOUR JEWISH IGNORANCE for ALL TO SEE, or the fact that you have no IDEA as to the RULES of RATIONAL ARGUMENTATION, and nit-pick, like the pat

You are an example as to why DECENT, MORAL, and RATIONAL people want to HUNT JEWS DOWN, and KILL THEM WHERE THEY STAND, or so I have read on the internets.



Address the argument or SHUT THE FUCK UP STUPID CUNT.

>>>/qresearch/14583925 UserID: 3f1744



You're right, jew.

I am a fed...

Jesus CHRIST, you STUPID JEWS are so pathetic.

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7efd6f (20) No.99747


>>>/qresearch/14583943 UserID: 3f1744


>it WaSnT thAT tHEy LovED NeWSomE itS ThaT thEY, tHe jeWs riGged tHe elEcTion.

>>>/qresearch/14583958 UserID: 3f1744


Illegals the the least of their problems.

Once they allowed JEWISH BANKING into the state, the ILLEGALS started pouring in, the GUN RIGHTS were restricted, and the JEWS took over the 7th largest economy on the planet.


This is what jews do when you allow them to take over.

>>>/qresearch/14583971 UserID: 3f1744


Why did you jump to PEDO shit, when I was accusing you of thinking like a child, JEW?

Could it be your lust for underaged girls and boys?

I think so.

I hope you, your family, and every member of your disgusting JEWISH tribe are hunted down and MURDERED in the streets, like they talk about on the INTERNETS, you PATHETIC JEW SCUMBAG!

>>>/qresearch/14583999 UserID: 3f1744


>Let me tell you. You will do nothing and you are powerless to do anything. You are enslaved to the Jews and instead of attacking your masters you come here asking for help because you are too patheti

Uh, huh.

Jesus Christ, you are pathetic.

>>>/qresearch/14672719 UserID: dea1db

And another...

>>>/qresearch/14676681 UserID: dea1db

Why you lock that other bread 10 posts out and leave this spam bread open? Baker playing favorites to his banner ya reckon?

>>>/qresearch/14676686 UserID: dea1db

>>>/qresearch/14676699 UserID: dea1db

>>>/qresearch/14677198 UserID: dea1db

>>>/qresearch/14677202 UserID: dea1db

>>>/qresearch/14677204 UserID: dea1db

>>>/qresearch/14677237 UserID: dea1db

>>>/qresearch/14677239 UserID: dea1db

>>>/qresearch/14677240 UserID: dea1db

>>>/qresearch/14677242 UserID: dea1db

>>>/qresearch/14677247 UserID: dea1db

>>>/qresearch/14677251 UserID: dea1db

>>>/qresearch/14677253 UserID: dea1db

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7efd6f (20) No.99748


Thread 0014592158 Q Research General #18459: Qomfy Moonlight Ride Edition

Not in DB:

Not on web anymore:

>>>/qresearch/14592228 UserID: 46f95d


>>>/qresearch/14592240 UserID: 46f95d


Sweet quads. Not even pot cookies could lure me in.

>>>/qresearch/14592253 UserID: 46f95d


>>>/qresearch/14592284 UserID: 46f95d


>>>/qresearch/14592309 UserID: 46f95d


>>>/qresearch/14592366 UserID: 46f95d

>>>/qresearch/14592383 UserID: 46f95d


>>>/qresearch/14592423 UserID: 46f95d

>>>/qresearch/14592440 UserID: 46f95d


>>>/qresearch/14592459 UserID: 46f95d


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7efd6f (20) No.99749


Thread 0014593685 Q Research General #18461: Audits Rinos and Watch The Water Oh my Edition

Not in DB:

Not on web anymore:

>>>/qresearch/14593952 UserID: 766c5a






Wow. Your memes are so awesome. I can't wait to steal them and share them with all my normie friends.

>>>/qresearch/14594020 UserID: 766c5a


Larppity larp larpin away...

>>>/qresearch/14594116 UserID: 766c5a


>>>/qresearch/14594296 UserID: 766c5a


>>>/qresearch/14594378 UserID: 766c5a


Wow! How do you come up with such amazing memeage my friend? So many cutting edge examples.

>>>/qresearch/14594430 UserID: 766c5a


Top fuk'n kek!

>>>/qresearch/14594444 UserID: 766c5a


You're gonna get fungus all hot n bothered.

>>>/qresearch/14594504 UserID: 766c5a

>>>/qresearch/14594579 UserID: 766c5a

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7efd6f (20) No.99751


Thread 0014594506 Q Research General #18462: DURHAM HABBENING, GUARDIANS Edition

Not in DB:

Not on web anymore:

>>>/qresearch/14594598 UserID: 071cd3


Fuck off with your warroom dough nigger.

>>>/qresearch/14594611 UserID: 071cd3


>>>/qresearch/14594620 UserID: 071cd3


No one cares about your script time checks.

>>>/qresearch/14594626 UserID: 071cd3


>>>/qresearch/14594633 UserID: 071cd3


>>>/qresearch/14594644 UserID: 071cd3


>>>/qresearch/14594764 UserID: 071cd3


Drop a fucking moab.

>>>/qresearch/14595021 UserID: 071cd3



>>>/qresearch/14595136 UserID: 071cd3


>>>/qresearch/14595167 UserID: 071cd3


>>>/qresearch/14595202 UserID: 071cd3



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7efd6f (20) No.99752


Thread 0014620837 Q Research General #18495: EBake

Not in DB:

Not on web anymore:

>>>/qresearch/14620858 UserID: e443c7

>>>/qresearch/14620861 UserID: e443c7

Oh yeah...thanks ghosted ebaker.

>>>/qresearch/14620866 UserID: e443c7


>>>/qresearch/14620911 UserID: e443c7


Why the spam faggot?

>>>/qresearch/14620912 UserID: e443c7


Why the spam faggot?

>>>/qresearch/14620925 UserID: e443c7


Yeah same shit here fwiw.

>>>/qresearch/14620954 UserID: e443c7


>>>/qresearch/14620968 UserID: e443c7


Go dilate fungus.

>>>/qresearch/14620984 UserID: e443c7


On a side note...One of the must stupid tattoo ideas ever. Every single one of my friends that do tattoos hate doing these.

>>>/qresearch/14620990 UserID: e443c7


>>>/qresearch/14621015 UserID: e443c7


Jfc quit huffing the jenk.

>>>/qresearch/14621023 UserID: e443c7


Ooohhhh noooes down almost 1%. Whatever shall be done?

>>>/qresearch/14621039 UserID: e443c7


Please tell me moar oh great investment fag.

>>>/qresearch/14621078 UserID: e443c7


Sure to be recorded as a wuflu victim.

>>>/qresearch/14621080 UserID: e443c7


No one wants those tofu cities.

>>>/qresearch/14621113 UserID: e443c7


Wasted quads.

This isn't a chat room faggot. Go back to reddit.

>>>/qresearch/14621129 UserID: e443c7


Awww. Que up the defeatistfags.

>>>/qresearch/14621149 UserID: e443c7


>>>/qresearch/14621168 UserID: e443c7


>>>/qresearch/14621174 UserID: e443c7



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7efd6f (20) No.99753>>99754


Thread 0014637320 Q Research General #18516: #WorkTogether To Get Her Edition

Not in DB:

Not on web anymore:

>>>/qresearch/14637342 UserID: 2e9757

The chinese hatred today, do you think…

it's related to the control system based on a masterful understanding of the Chinese meridian map?

Is it depleating your actionable hatred against china before you understand they've been the dark pressure attacking this board?

That China has found a way to train groups of people into hiveminds, to control them with vagus nerve manipulation?

Do you think our enemy listens to what we discover?

Plan around it?

IDEN threats and neutralize them?

We saw on Sept 20th they have deployments that deplete our dopamine systems of charge, to nullify any potential action that resulted from the Federal Vaxxx Project Veritas video.

Do they have deployments that can redirect anger?

Because this place isn't "humming" with hatred like it would if these comments were organic.

I suspect a shield to protect china from anger is currently being deployed.

>>>/qresearch/14637347 UserID: 2e9757


You are trapped in an entrainment chamber that hooks your Vagus Nerve into a manipulable framework the admins of this board have spent years putting into place

Known as the "Governing Vessel" meridian in chinese lore.

The tension in your head, ringing like a bell of fear.

(Or how about the massaging waves of bubbly goodness for being a good driven NPC)

It started again when the images came back, seems they need images to whip up this drumbeat.

The interesting thing, is that I've had images disabled since before the media server went down.

Yet the tension came back.

Take this for what it's worth:

It's possible one agent is made to be the pylon of this drumbeat.

They deploy images that invoke deep fear.

That fear feeds their sphere of pressure/influence, and deployments of attraction are made often to ensnare any who venture close to the hivemind of this board.

That sphere of influence "humms" with your Vegus Nerve, and waves of agitating energy are sent through the pylons influence to restrict your thoughts like a Harrison Bergeron Band firing off a 21 gun

They want you married to that censored state of mind, to the entrained hivemind all buzzing with fear and primed to listen to a dark lord.

Here's the pragmatic example:

They send pulses of influence, defined by the subliminal layer of the current picture posted or the hidden association of the odd word said, to all bodies trapped by the mark/aura of the pylon.

A certain deployment gathers everyone into the daily net.

Another, is to 'ping' your GV1 Acu-Point (at the end of your tailbone, beside your ass).

That fear builds up to be the ringing tension in your mind, and once afraid to that level, they begin telling you what your tomorrow is going to be like.

Or, they tickle you pink with dopamine like they have on Sept 20 to expend our actionable energy before the scathing Veritas Federal Employee drops against the kill-shot vaxxxine.

They have more that suit different purposes of herding the NPCs they create (That's you btw).

You... didn't think it odd, that the muh_dick poster is still here, still talking about how far up your ass their dick is? [feels like a gerbil?]

You... didn't think it odd, that swordy speaks so often of "god", training you to think that the pylons impression is the Most High?

It has been repeated over 100,000 times.

This is how we know the mainstream media establishes a narrative; Repeat until true.

You're being dog trained, through the good/bad impressions upon your Vegus Nerve, and the repetitious drumbeat of an insidious pylon.

The worry is what they try to freeze.

You can relax the worry away, it's a deceptive trick they play, though you'll see the worse-than-water-torture effects of their currently established means of control.

Many more see these trends than what's publicly allowed to be shown here.

Your fear of their subliminally laced pictures fuels the pylons aura.

Threats of violation make you submit + see this pylon as god.

Floods of dopamine brain mush washes neuro-networks into/outof your mind.

Goregirls so you feel sexually fulfilled with your new servitude.

They are playing your Vegus Nerve like a fiddle.

The aura runs agitating energy up your Governing Vessel meridian, like a queen sending commands to its insect hives (They each have a neuron running along their back, it's how they're governed.).

Be a good NPC and bow to satan?

He can make your brain feel mushy and body feel relaxed if you do, if you don't, you'll be anally violated every 21 seconds until you submit.

The biD[e]ns who run this board are insidiously calculated with how they fuck your tomorrows over.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7efd6f (20) No.99754>>99755


>>>/qresearch/14637428 UserID: 979896



>>>/qresearch/14637440 UserID: 979896


>>>/qresearch/14637474 UserID: 979896


You should be euthanized for desecrating Olga.

>>>/qresearch/14637489 UserID: 979896

>>>/qresearch/14637534 UserID: 979896


>>>/qresearch/14637571 UserID: 979896


>>>/qresearch/14637586 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637597 UserID: 979896


>>>/qresearch/14637635 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637639 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637642 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637651 UserID: 979896


>>>/qresearch/14637652 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637660 UserID: 2e9757









pylon gibberish

>>>/qresearch/14637665 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637670 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637673 UserID: 979896




>>>/qresearch/14637677 UserID: 2e9757


pylon gibberish

>>>/qresearch/14637686 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637690 UserID: 2e9757


>>>/qresearch/14637693 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637706 UserID: 2e9757

















vegus nerve >swarms

>>>/qresearch/14637715 UserID: 979896



>>>/qresearch/14637717 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637745 UserID: 2e9757

















If you have a headache from this monster, try tapping various acu-points along your Governing Vessel meridian.

GV-17 to GV-21

The line that runs along your center.

Tap the back of the head. Top of the head. The middle point between them.

Try it?

>>>/qresearch/14637757 UserID: 2e9757



This is an agent of the plyon.

He's why your brains feel like absolute mus.

He's why your heads rang like a bell of fear.

There was commands / submission demanded between that change of atmosphere.

Dog training.

World wide dog training, by a pylon/aura that is fed with the fear generated here.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7efd6f (20) No.99755


>>>/qresearch/14637759 UserID: 979896


o7. Stolded.

>>>/qresearch/14637777 UserID: 2e9757

Fuck the bug

>>>/qresearch/14637792 UserID: 2e9757


Not anything near what that poster is implying.

>>>/qresearch/14637810 UserID: 979896


Should we start a red mound bun?

>>>/qresearch/14637842 UserID: 2e9757



ID:5db531 is an actual psycopath, justifying reading a trigger happy novel to a group of people they have been fiddling with for years.


>>>/qresearch/14637855 UserID: 2e9757





It's not about bible love, have you wondered why pickle masks like swordy and satans_toilet talked almost exclusively about who god is?

Social engineers telling you who god is…


Why was swordy freaking out after exbot was perma-banned for posting CP in thread #17140?

He's the one posting all those Q drops surrounding the Vatican, "coincidentally" embeded with satan faces and skulls - the same ones exbot was caught posting.

Almost like he's creating his own church...


Question: Would a social engineer waste a meme?

Would they try to subliminally poison what they post?

Watch his style.

"Poison what we want to consume."

= ==== =


= = = = =

turns out to be:

(~2 years ago:)

>think of all the young minds i am leaving an impression upon!

>an impression that tells their better senses that [you] are fucking evil as you… are fucking evil!

>can [you] say "KEK"? :D

>Muh faithful Traitors who would sell america's soul to muh church in a NY second!

>gosh you have those pretty memes and all I have are Q DROPS AND NEWS STORIES…


Same poster?

exbot is pastor of "muh church" as they call it.

The odd language they "speak" is designed to bypass your conscious mind and talk directly to your subconscious.

It's built with the help of other team members in the news flood pictures and elsewhere - a neural network of associations designed to keep your mind locked in fear.

And that church is SELF-PROCLAIMED to be for those who "Sell americas soul in a NY second"

Can it be more clear? These are not your frens, they are insidiously calculated in their deployments.

So he's using those drops, not as a means for review,

not as a means to share insights.

They center around the Church because he embeded their satan face in each one.

He's creating his own church, of satan, here; Now.

See it?

You will~

>>>/qresearch/14637876 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637881 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637884 UserID: 2e9757

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7efd6f (20) No.99756


Thread 0014595262 Q Research General #18463: Eugenics Big Sus, Thin Red Lines, NUREMBERG Edition

Not in DB:

Not on web anymore:

>>>/qresearch/14595424 UserID: 46c80a


>>>/qresearch/14595439 UserID: 46c80a


>>>/qresearch/14595470 UserID: 46c80a


BV that you?

>>>/qresearch/14595495 UserID: 46c80a


Sweet infinity dubs.

Right on. I miss that guy. #nobrohomo

>>>/qresearch/14595518 UserID: 46c80a


That was a glorious night. o7

>>>/qresearch/14595525 UserID: 46c80a


>>>/qresearch/14595571 UserID: 46c80a


>>>/qresearch/14595583 UserID: 46c80a


>>>/qresearch/14595675 UserID: 46c80a


>>>/qresearch/14595698 UserID: 46c80a


Unlike your shitty screen shot.

>>>/qresearch/14595747 UserID: 46c80a


No salt here fren.

>>>/qresearch/14595761 UserID: 46c80a


Cause phonefags can't crop a pic? Got it.

>>>/qresearch/14595831 UserID: 46c80a


I'm well aware, thanks.

>>>/qresearch/14595852 UserID: 46c80a


You're most likely replying to pedojoe fwiw. He'll change it up to underage girls soon enough. Food for thought.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7efd6f (20) No.99758>>99759



Thread 0014637320 Q Research General #18516: #WorkTogether To Get Her Edition

Not in DB:

Not on web anymore:

>>>/qresearch/14637342 UserID: 2e9757

The chinese hatred today, do you think…

it's related to the control system based on a masterful understanding of the Chinese meridian map?

Is it depleating your actionable hatred against china before you understand they've been the dark pressure attacking this board?

That China has found a way to train groups of people into hiveminds, to control them with vagus nerve manipulation?

Do you think our enemy listens to what we discover?

Plan around it?

IDEN threats and neutralize them?

We saw on Sept 20th they have deployments that deplete our dopamine systems of charge, to nullify any potential action that resulted from the Federal Vaxxx Project Veritas video.

Do they have deployments that can redirect anger?

Because this place isn't "humming" with hatred like it would if these comments were organic.

I suspect a shield to protect china from anger is currently being deployed.

>>>/qresearch/14637347 UserID: 2e9757


You are trapped in an entrainment chamber that hooks your Vagus Nerve into a manipulable framework the admins of this board have spent years putting into place

Known as the "Governing Vessel" meridian in chinese lore.

The tension in your head, ringing like a bell of fear.

(Or how about the massaging waves of bubbly goodness for being a good driven NPC)

It started again when the images came back, seems they need images to whip up this drumbeat.

The interesting thing, is that I've had images disabled since before the media server went down.

Yet the tension came back.

Take this for what it's worth:

It's possible one agent is made to be the pylon of this drumbeat.

They deploy images that invoke deep fear.

That fear feeds their sphere of pressure/influence, and deployments of attraction are made often to ensnare any who venture close to the hivemind of this board.

That sphere of influence "humms" with your Vegus Nerve, and waves of agitating energy are sent through the pylons influence to restrict your thoughts like a Harrison Bergeron Band firing off a 21 gun

They want you married to that censored state of mind, to the entrained hivemind all buzzing with fear and primed to listen to a dark lord.

Here's the pragmatic example:

They send pulses of influence, defined by the subliminal layer of the current picture posted or the hidden association of the odd word said, to all bodies trapped by the mark/aura of the pylon.

A certain deployment gathers everyone into the daily net.

Another, is to 'ping' your GV1 Acu-Point (at the end of your tailbone, beside your ass).

That fear builds up to be the ringing tension in your mind, and once afraid to that level, they begin telling you what your tomorrow is going to be like.

Or, they tickle you pink with dopamine like they have on Sept 20 to expend our actionable energy before the scathing Veritas Federal Employee drops against the kill-shot vaxxxine.

They have more that suit different purposes of herding the NPCs they create (That's you btw).

You... didn't think it odd, that the muh_dick poster is still here, still talking about how far up your ass their dick is? [feels like a gerbil?]

You... didn't think it odd, that swordy speaks so often of "god", training you to think that the pylons impression is the Most High?

It has been repeated over 100,000 times.

This is how we know the mainstream media establishes a narrative; Repeat until true.

You're being dog trained, through the good/bad impressions upon your Vegus Nerve, and the repetitious drumbeat of an insidious pylon.

The worry is what they try to freeze.

You can relax the worry away, it's a deceptive trick they play, though you'll see the worse-than-water-torture effects of their currently established means of control.

Many more see these trends than what's publicly allowed to be shown here.

Your fear of their subliminally laced pictures fuels the pylons aura.

Threats of violation make you submit + see this pylon as god.

Floods of dopamine brain mush washes neuro-networks into/outof your mind.

Goregirls so you feel sexually fulfilled with your new servitude.

They are playing your Vegus Nerve like a fiddle.

The aura runs agitating energy up your Governing Vessel meridian, like a queen sending commands to its insect hives (They each have a neuron running along their back, it's how they're governed.).

Be a good NPC and bow to satan?

He can make your brain feel mushy and body feel relaxed if you do, if you don't, you'll be anally violated every 21 seconds until you submit.

The biD[e]ns who run this board are insidiously calculated with how they fuck your tomorrows over.

>>>/qresearch/14637428 UserID: 979896



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7efd6f (20) No.99759>>99760


>>>/qresearch/14637440 UserID: 979896


>>>/qresearch/14637474 UserID: 979896


You should be euthanized for desecrating Olga.

>>>/qresearch/14637489 UserID: 979896

>>>/qresearch/14637534 UserID: 979896


>>>/qresearch/14637571 UserID: 979896


>>>/qresearch/14637586 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637597 UserID: 979896


>>>/qresearch/14637635 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637639 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637642 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637651 UserID: 979896


>>>/qresearch/14637652 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637660 UserID: 2e9757









pylon gibberish

>>>/qresearch/14637665 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637670 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637673 UserID: 979896




>>>/qresearch/14637677 UserID: 2e9757


pylon gibberish

>>>/qresearch/14637686 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637690 UserID: 2e9757


>>>/qresearch/14637693 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637706 UserID: 2e9757

















vegus nerve >swarms

>>>/qresearch/14637715 UserID: 979896



>>>/qresearch/14637717 UserID: 2e9757

>>>/qresearch/14637745 UserID: 2e9757

















If you have a headache from this monster, try tapping various acu-points along your Governing Vessel meridian.

GV-17 to GV-21

The line that runs along your center.

Tap the back of the head. Top of the head. The middle point between them.

Try it?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7efd6f (20) No.99760>>99761


>>>/qresearch/14637757 UserID: 2e9757



This is an agent of the plyon.

He's why your brains feel like absolute mus.

He's why your heads rang like a bell of fear.

There was commands / submission demanded between that change of atmosphere.

Dog training.

World wide dog training, by a pylon/aura that is fed with the fear generated here.

Thread 0014628438 Q Research General #18505: How far is nearest star? NeuStar Rodney Joffe Sussman Indictment Edition

Not in DB:

Not on web anymore:

>>>/qresearch/14628753 UserID: 133c74


No you ignorant nigger I was the one filling up the old bread. Neck yourself gerbil.

>>>/qresearch/14628757 UserID: 133c74


Thanks for locking the old bread. I was prepared to go the distance. o7

>>>/qresearch/14628801 UserID: 133c74


I came here throwing a tantrum? Keep projecting you waste of flesh.

>>>/qresearch/14628811 UserID: 133c74


JfC anon at least upload the fuk'n image.

>>>/qresearch/14628825 UserID: 133c74


I've no clue. Just uploading it because it was brought up. Maybe odongo is a common name? Who knows?

>>>/qresearch/14628859 UserID: 34e8c5


Your welcome

>>>/qresearch/14628907 UserID: 34e8c5WAS NOTABLE








First world problems, you cant even handle yourself with an even keel or deal with the small things in life

Drama drama drama

Spazzes out and chucks another tantrum.

Rolls eyes at you. I'm never going to like you. You are poor quality.

>>>/qresearch/14628926 UserID: 133c74



Nice work anons. Thanks.

>>>/qresearch/14628930 UserID: 34e8c5


Tidying up the ship before rack time


>>>/qresearch/14628932 UserID: 133c74



Ho hum.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7efd6f (20) No.99761>>99762


>>>/qresearch/14628938 UserID: 34e8c5





>>>/qresearch/14628944 UserID: 34e8c5

Seth Keshel, [21.09.21 08:37]

[Forwarded from US Audit Watch]

[ Video ]

🔥 GP BREAKING: Audio of Supervisor Steve Chucri Caught on Tape! 🔥

Timing is everything. The Arizona audit report will be made public this Friday.

On March 22nd, 2021, Steve Robinson and Shelby Busch met with Steve Chucri to push for Maricopa County’s cooperation with a full forensic audit by the Arizona Senate.

Chucri seemed to agree with the majority of voters who were calling for an audit.

Audio Transcript Highlights:

Chucri: ...I’m committed to people, I wanted to take out Adrian Fontes too and we did, I’m proud of that. That Guy’s a scumbag. And so why would we stop?

Chucri: ...You know what I think it was, in hindsight. Gates got scared because he barely won. And Jack got scared because he only won by 200 votes, and then there was an (old) audit and a recount, wh

If anyone is going to do the right thing, it will be Steve Chucri.

🔗 GP Article


🇺🇸 US Audit Watch Channel: @AuditWatch

🇺🇸 US Audit Watch Chat: @AuditWatchChat

Seth Keshel, [21.09.21 08:41]

Question asked multiple times today:

“Should we trust Karen Fann?”

Answer - No. Don’t trust any politicians.

Trust in the Lord your God.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7efd6f (20) No.99762


>>>/qresearch/14628952 UserID: 34e8c5

Liz Harrington, [21.09.21 09:02]

President Donald J. Trump joins the Glenn Beck radio program at 9:05 a.m., tune in!




>>>/qresearch/14628953 UserID: 133c74


>First world problems, you cant even handle yourself with an even keel or deal with the small things in life

>Drama drama drama

>Spazzes out and chucks another tantrum.

>Rolls eyes at you. I'm never going to like you. You are poor quality.

Hey dickface I've got absolutely nothing to do with that but please keep spazzin out yourself.

You're so fucking tiresome.

>>>/qresearch/14628958 UserID: 34e8c5



>>>/qresearch/14628969 UserID: 133c74


No one fucking cares about your filter you smooth brained nigger.

>>>/qresearch/14628973 UserID: 34e8c5


Not a fan either, but its President Donald J Trump is on NOW


>>>/qresearch/14628974 UserID: 133c74


Wow! How do you continue to produce such high quality top-tier memes? I hope one day to be as bad ass as yourself!

>>>/qresearch/14628975 UserID: 34e8c5

ElectionEvidence.com/UnmaskingTruth.org Official Telegram Channel, [21.09.21 09:05]

[ Photo ]

Seth Rich was killed in the same month Sussman and Elias started pushing the fake Russia conspiracy.


>>>/qresearch/14629005 UserID: 34e8c5

President Donald J Trump is on LIVE NOW


>>>/qresearch/14629048 UserID: 34e8c5WAS NOTABLE


EXCLUSIVE: Embarrassing photos backstabbing former press secretary Stephanie Grisham on her back with her legs in the air on White House floor on election night 2020


>>>/qresearch/14629054 UserID: 34e8c5


Did you see this in the notables?

>>14628076, >>14628081, >>14628089, >>14628091, >>14628101, >>14628110, >>14628113, >>14628138 Undiscovered Stars learn. How far is nearest star? NeuStar Rodney Joffe of "NeuStar" in Durham Sussman in

>>>/qresearch/14629089 UserID: 133c74


>>>/qresearch/14629136 UserID: 133c74


>>>/qresearch/14629181 UserID: 133c74


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7efd6f (20) No.99763


Thread 0014659529 Q Research General #18543: Show Me the Rally Edition

Not in DB:

Not on web anymore:

>>>/qresearch/14659689 UserID: 0a92da




Hmmm. Yes. I suppose I could..

confirm handoff?

>>>/qresearch/14659701 UserID: f3e6f7


>>>/qresearch/14659722 UserID: f3e6f7


No one gives a flying fuck about your shitty youtube channel. Go to reddit to garnish clicks you waste of flesh.

>>>/qresearch/14659738 UserID: f3e6f7


Kek. Nice one.

>>>/qresearch/14659813 UserID: f3e6f7


Kinda like more than enough of your shitty memes bread after bread after bread.

>>>/qresearch/14659900 UserID: f3e6f7


Ah yes, of course you gotta gaslight and project away like the usual niggerfaggot you are.. Go ahead and skip to your last tantrum wherein you tell me and the other anons to slurp on your needle dick.

>>>/qresearch/14660000 UserID: f3e6f7


>>>/qresearch/14660024 UserID: f3e6f7


Oh damn that's fuk'n kek'n greaaaat!

>>>/qresearch/14660048 UserID: f3e6f7


>>>/qresearch/14660076 UserID: f3e6f7


Nothing wrong with trigger control.

>>>/qresearch/14713099 UserID: c5e2fd

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7efd6f (20) No.99769

This notable was deleted as well:



Been thinking about the q drop announcing the arrest of Mr podesta. Most of us just know about his pedo problem, but really he likely has so many others. What else is he involved in? U1, the Russian dossier hoax, election fraud, Perkins coie, selling secrets to the Chinese like the clintons did? What else? The durham indictment of sussman could lead to him.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dec125 (16) No.100065>>100066


Thread 0014662694 Q Research General #18547: You stupid son of a bitch! - PDJT Edition

Not in DB:

Not on web anymore:

>>>/qresearch/14662802 UserID: b70498

A booming volcano just flew over my house

>>>/qresearch/14662816 UserID: b70498




>>>/qresearch/14662839 UserID: b70498








Very GMO

>>>/qresearch/14662871 UserID: b70498

Good ending Sir, they sounded excited and rightfully so.

Thank you for starting the Fight soon.

>>>/qresearch/14662898 UserID: b70498


hollow 8bit is hollow~

>>>/qresearch/14662916 UserID: b70498


Investments were made, their lives depend upon it~

>>>/qresearch/14662928 UserID: b70498



>>>/qresearch/14662936 UserID: b70498


>>>/qresearch/14662971 UserID: b70498



I doubt the stakeholders words would sting deeper than the FARMers above you.

>>>/qresearch/14662989 UserID: b70498





















pylon gibberish

>>>/qresearch/14663007 UserID: b70498







Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dec125 (16) No.100066>>100067


>>>/qresearch/14663016 UserID: b70498

We cast you out, every unclean spirit, every satanic power, every onslaught of the infernal adversary, every

legion, every diabolical group and sect, in the name and by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. We

command you, begone and fly far from the Church of God, from the souls made by God in His image and

redeemed by the precious blood of the divine Lamb. No longer dare, cunning serpent, to deceive the human

race, to persecute God's Church, to strike God's elect and to sift them as wheat. For the Most High God

commands you, He to whom you once proudly presumed yourself equal; He who wills all men to be saved

and come to the knowledge of truth. God the Father commands you. God the Son commands you. God

the Holy Spirit commands you. Christ, the eternal Word of God made flesh, commands you, who humbled

Himself, becoming obedient even unto death, to save our race from the perdition wrought by your envy; who

founded His Church upon a firm rock, declaring that the gates of hell should never prevail against her, and

that He would remain with her all days, even to the end of the world. The sacred mystery of the cross

commands you, along with the power of all mysteries of Christian faith. The exalted Virgin Mary, Mother

of God, commands you, who in her lowliness crushed your proud head from the first moment of her

Immaculate Conception. The faith of the holy apostles Peter and Paul and the other apostles commands

you. The blood of martyrs and the devout prayers of all holy men and women command you.

Therefore, accursed dragon and every diabolical legion, we adjure you by the living God, by the true

God, by the holy God, by God, who so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever

believes in Him might not perish but have everlasting life; to cease deluding human creatures and filling them

with the poison of everlasting damnation; to desist from harming the Church and hampering her freedom.

Begone, Satan, father and master of lies, enemy of man's welfare. Give place to Christ, in whom you found

none of your works. Give way to the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, which Christ Himself

purchased with His blood. Bow down before God's mighty hand, tremble and flee as we call on the holy and

awesome name of Jesus, before whom the denizens of hell cower, to whom the heavenly Virtues and Powers

and Dominations are subject, whom the Cherubim and Seraphim praise with unending cries as they sing:

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth.

>>>/qresearch/14663018 UserID: d79f75

told u

>>>/qresearch/14663023 UserID: b70498


God of heaven and earth, God of the angels and archangels, God of the patriarchs and prophets, God of the

apostles and martyrs, God of the confessors and virgin God who have power to bestow life after death and

rest after toil; for there is no other God than you, nor can there be another true God beside you, the Creator of

all things visible and invisible, whose kingdom is without end; we humbly entreat your glorious majesty to

deliver us by your might from every influence of the accursed spirits, from their every evil snare and

deception, and to keep us from all harm; through Christ our Lord.

>>>/qresearch/14663038 UserID: b70498


You clowns love that point~

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dec125 (16) No.100067>>100068


>>>/qresearch/14663132 UserID: b70498

























pylon gibberish

Imaginerring your tomorrows to suit their dark lord.

>>>/qresearch/14663163 UserID: b70498






This is an agent of the plyon.

He's why your brains feel like absolute mush.

He's why your heads rang like a bell of fear.

There was commands / submission demanded between that change of atmosphere.

Dog training.

World wide dog training, by a pylon/aura that is fed with the fear generated here.

>>>/qresearch/14663170 UserID: b70498

A booming volcano just flew over my house

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dec125 (16) No.100068


>>>/qresearch/14663189 UserID: b70498



Death:Life Ratio = 2:1

"Even if the vaxxxines have 100% protection rates, we still kill 2 people for every 1 saved"

And that's using the official VARES numbers, we know they're under-reported by a factor of at least 10x


It's important to stay On Target with the vaxxxine

Top five areas of the body the spike protein distributes itself to after 48H's:

Number = Total Lipid concentration (µg lipid equivalent / g [or mL])

Injection site 165

Liver 24.3

Spleen 23.4

Adrenal glands 18.2

Ovaries(females) 12.3

This spike protein is found in your blood, which means its transmissible to babies through breast milk and through the placenta.


Bridle said that “any proteins in the blood will get concentrated in breast milk,” and “we have found evidence of suckling infants experiencing bleeding disorders in the gastrointestinal tract” in VAE


There are some sick doctors out there telling you this is safe.

"CDC 45,000 Covid 19 Vaccine deaths Law Suit"

[PDF] Page 12/67

Printed sub title: Reproductive Health

"The mRNA Vaccines induce our cells to manufacture (virus-free) "spike proteins." The "spike proteins" are in the same family as the naturally occurring syncytin-1 and syncytin-2 reproductive proteins

And our bodies respond by producing antibodies against the threat of this spike protein.

Against your own reproductive system.

Distractions are keeping the publics resolve scattered.

They're killing us. It's a fucking harvest.

Their deployed subtle influences are turned up to 11, your dreams are a vector for their sick imitation of the reaper.

The spike protein that trains your body to sterilize itself.

If you don't die from the trillions of micro clots.


Sunlight's the Best Disinfectant~


In conclusion, all these results suggest that the water extract of Chaga mushroom is a very potent immune modulator that recovers the bone marrow system damaged by chemotherapy. It also suggests that


NAC + Turmeric & Black Pepper + Zinc

>>>/qresearch/14663272 UserID: b70498

The agents driving you into dirt, are twisting your internal beliefs into accepting the kill-shot vaxxxine

It's a kill shot, they want you to sacrifice yourself to their dark lord, to mark yourself with The Beast, and be dragged into the Lake of Fire with the evils of our world.

The vomit?

They pretend to be your fren.

While they claim your beliefs and their own, and bend your will to theirs.

>>>/qresearch/14663284 UserID: b70498



You're fucked up.

>>>/qresearch/14663353 UserID: b70498

>>>/qresearch/14663474 UserID: b70498

A booming volcano just flew over my house

>>>/qresearch/14668285 UserID: 5f3daa

>>>/qresearch/14668311 UserID: 5f3daa

>>>/qresearch/14668344 UserID: 5f3daa


Because they can't see in those fucking masks.

>>>/qresearch/14668439 UserID: 5f3daa


Yet abandoned... left to be stuffed with filler.

>>>/qresearch/14671445 UserID: 5f3daa


Still no fill

>>>/qresearch/14671448 UserID: 5f3daa

>>>/qresearch/14671449 UserID: 5f3daa

>>>/qresearch/14671451 UserID: 5f3daa

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dec125 (16) No.100069>>100070


Thread 0014660434 Q Research General #18544: Rally Bread

Not in DB:

Not on web anymore:

>>>/qresearch/14660538 UserID: 7e911d



100s of millions of people are talking about Jesus, all the time, right now.

Trump isn't even close.

Jesus is the Way

Trump is the warrior du jour

>>>/qresearch/14660611 UserID: 7e911d



>>>/qresearch/14661038 UserID: 103201













































insidious biD[e]n pylon gibberish

>>>/qresearch/14661041 UserID: 103201

Why do you think propaganda doesn't apply here?

Why do you think we'd be immune from the same kind of infiltration we want exposed about biD[e]n/DS?

Do you honestly believe the positions of leverage on this board are in Patriotic hands?

Do you believe the drumming new sharer is patriotic ?

Or do you see the tactical necessity to "hide in plain sight" as our enemy distributes their subliminal poison.


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dec125 (16) No.100070>>100071


>>>/qresearch/14661057 UserID: 103201



Why do you think propaganda doesn't apply here?

Why do you think we'd be immune from the same kind of infiltration we want exposed about biD[e]n/DS?

Do you honestly believe the positions of leverage on this board are in Patriotic hands?

Do you believe the drumbeat news sharer is patriotic?

Or do you see the tactical necessity to "hide in plain sight" as our enemy distributes their subliminal poison.


Capture.JPG? (Very interesting behavioral change with this one, this picture naming scheme is new and they've been doing this for 3 years!)

>>>/qresearch/14661075 UserID: 103201


Disgusting backstabber

>>>/qresearch/14661092 UserID: 103201

Evil are too much a control freak to let anyone else bake, as the admin team is known compromised / the enemy all along, it was seem undeniable they have been the only ones baking as early as they can

>>>/qresearch/14661097 UserID: 103201


Am I wrong?

>>>/qresearch/14661102 UserID: 103201


Fighting to break the entrainment chamber you setup, yes.

>>>/qresearch/14661105 UserID: 103201


Oh, you were going for the "I'm a cool kid" shtick.

Carry on~

>>>/qresearch/14661115 UserID: 103201


Couldn't help yourself sweetie, could ya~

>>>/qresearch/14661122 UserID: 103201


Ohhh, someones trying to sharpen their mind.

I'm shaking in my boots sweetie, you're clearly capable of much~

>>>/qresearch/14661133 UserID: 103201









insidious biD[e]n pylon gibberish

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dec125 (16) No.100071


>>>/qresearch/14661142 UserID: 103201























Evil are too much a control freak to let anyone else bake, as the admin team is known compromised / the enemy all along, it was seem undeniable they have been the only ones baking as early as they can

Am I wrong?

>>>/qresearch/14661162 UserID: 103201


You framed it incorrectly, and lost your point.

Propaganda specific to the platform.

(A drumbeat of fear to keep us from sharing actionable insights.)

Define drumbeat and you'll have answered yourself.

>>>/qresearch/14661171 UserID: 103201


God has other thoughts~

>>>/qresearch/14664370 UserID: 6ba250


>>>/qresearch/14664403 UserID: 6ba250


Tune in next week when pregnant Greta is caught seeking an abortion.

>>>/qresearch/14664404 UserID: 6ba250


I think you broke it... WTF

>>>/qresearch/14664871 UserID: 6ba250


You have my curiosity... now let's talk sauce.

>>>/qresearch/14677257 UserID: 6ba250

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dec125 (16) No.100072


Thread 0014676581 Q Research General #18564: THANK YOU NOTE TAKERS Edition

Not in DB:

Not on web anymore:

>>>/qresearch/14676656 UserID: da76e3

>>14673163 pb



>>>/qresearch/14677027 UserID: da76e3


vs. the Condemned

>>>/qresearch/14677039 UserID: da76e3


You ain't never had no fatlipped woman I see... kek

>>>/qresearch/14677050 UserID: da76e3



>>>/qresearch/14677114 UserID: da76e3WAS NOTABLE


Yep... I was just reading the same. I been in these guys camp... if Halford has the shot.. they all have the shot.

Richie was a cool cat and a shredder for sure. This will be a hard hit to the community if he is lost in the fray.

>>>/qresearch/14677176 UserID: da76e3


I was looking into this when I won tickets to Megadeth. The venue was the Walmart AMP even. Each artist had different Covid requirements listed in the policies.

I had heard of other people leaving the same venue because a shot was required... but for Megadeth I found no requirements.

I do believe it is the artists calling the "shots" on this. We should probably watch this closer to note who is who on the agenda.

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dec125 (16) No.100073


Thread 0014669814 Q Research General #18556: EBake God Bless You DJT Edition

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Not on web anymore:

>>>/qresearch/14669862 UserID: 4535f6



>>>/qresearch/14669875 UserID: 4535f6


I think the last milspec monkey video I watched picked up on those too if I'm not mistaken.

>>>/qresearch/14669885 UserID: 4535f6


>>>/qresearch/14669897 UserID: 4535f6


The absolute state of their "logic" is amazing.

>>>/qresearch/14669919 UserID: 592606

>>>/qresearch/14669931 UserID: 592606

>>>/qresearch/14669933 UserID: 592606

>>>/qresearch/14669948 UserID: 4535f6


Dig worthy for sure! Great job anon.

>>>/qresearch/14669961 UserID: 4535f6


>>>/qresearch/14669967 UserID: 592606

>>>/qresearch/14669970 UserID: 592606

>>>/qresearch/14669971 UserID: 4535f6


Yeah bewbs worth looking at with a timestamp will do.

>>>/qresearch/14669977 UserID: 592606

>>>/qresearch/14670002 UserID: 592606

>>>/qresearch/14670039 UserID: 592606

>>>/qresearch/14670060 UserID: 592606

>>>/qresearch/14670185 UserID: 592606

>>>/qresearch/14693353 UserID: 706207

No baker... old bread

>>>/qresearch/14693379 UserID: 706207


>>>/qresearch/14693404 UserID: 706207



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dec125 (16) No.100074


Thread 0014664253 Q Research General #18549: Election System is RIGGED, Decertify Decertify Decertify Edition

Not in DB:

Not on web anymore:

>>>/qresearch/14664778 UserID: 21e3bb

>>>/qresearch/14664787 UserID: 21e3bb

>>>/qresearch/14664805 UserID: 21e3bb

>>>/qresearch/14664821 UserID: 21e3bb

>>>/qresearch/14664840 UserID: 21e3bb

>>>/qresearch/14664859 UserID: 21e3bb

>>>/qresearch/14664931 UserID: 21e3bb

>>>/qresearch/14664971 UserID: 21e3bb

>>>/qresearch/14664978 UserID: 21e3bb

>>>/qresearch/14664980 UserID: 21e3bb

>>>/qresearch/14664995 UserID: 21e3bb

>>>/qresearch/14665004 UserID: 21e3bb

>>>/qresearch/14665005 UserID: 21e3bb

>>>/qresearch/14665010 UserID: 21e3bb

>>>/qresearch/14665016 UserID: 21e3bb

>>>/qresearch/14693365 UserID: 696618

No baker... old bread #2

>>>/qresearch/14693391 UserID: 696618


>>>/qresearch/14693417 UserID: 696618



>>>/qresearch/14693465 UserID: 696618

Fuckery is afoot Anons


>>>/qresearch/14693529 UserID: 696618



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dec125 (16) No.100075


Thread 0014693650 Q Research General #18586: Texas Audit Edition

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Not on web anymore:

>>>/qresearch/14693669 UserID: 46eae6

Was really quiet there for a minute...

>>>/qresearch/14693675 UserID: 46eae6

Was really quiet there for a minute...

I keep getting this...

>>>/qresearch/14693736 UserID: 46eae6

Where is #18585...?

>>>/qresearch/14693764 UserID: 46eae6


They not gonna give us a place to live... or die... for that matter. We can die where we are just as easy.

These are for our new voters.

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dec125 (16) No.100076


Thread 0014694506 Q Research General #18587: EBake Durham is coming Edition

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Not on web anymore:

>>>/qresearch/14694984 UserID: ff1bd2

Who is Durham gonna cum in this time?

>>>/qresearch/14695012 UserID: ff1bd2


Hello Mr. PIG

I am here to enjoy your memes


>>>/qresearch/14695088 UserID: ff1bd2


Your font color hurts my eyes but yes this is gud mem

>>>/qresearch/14695095 UserID: ff1bd2


>>>/qresearch/14695105 UserID: ff1bd2


It's not a nazi concentration camp unless it has a theater and nursery

>>>/qresearch/14695134 UserID: ff1bd2


>Dog Comms

I love those!

>>>/qresearch/14695135 UserID: 502968

Anon needs help with filler needed to shutdown this final stale bread

Shitposters requested


>>>/qresearch/14695156 UserID: ff1bd2


Some say (((they))) are not even from this realm

>>>/qresearch/14695195 UserID: ff1bd2


Kek, just when I thought I cringed all I could.

Just finally watched this full video

>pic related

for the first time yesterday and yeah, makes sense.

>>>/qresearch/14695281 UserID: ff1bd2



>>>/qresearch/14695301 UserID: 502968

SHITPOSTERS REQUESTED @ 18446 to fill stale bread

>>>/qresearch/14695370 UserID: 502968

>>>/qresearch/14713104 UserID: 502968

>>>/qresearch/14713107 UserID: 502968

>>>/qresearch/14713109 UserID: 502968

>>>/qresearch/14713111 UserID: 502968

>>>/qresearch/14713114 UserID: 502968

>>>/qresearch/14713117 UserID: 502968

>>>/qresearch/14713121 UserID: 502968

>>>/qresearch/14713124 UserID: 502968

>>>/qresearch/14713127 UserID: 502968

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dec125 (16) No.100077


Thread 0014695323 Q Research General #18588: How Soon Is Now? Edition

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>>>/qresearch/14695345 UserID: 763577

Feeling a bit premature eh...? kek

>>>/qresearch/14695384 UserID: 763577


Feel free to at 18446

We need filler to close bread,

>>>/qresearch/14695404 UserID: 763577

Board started acting weird when 18585 should have been happening… but I cannot see it in the cat.

>>>/qresearch/14695415 UserID: 763577

Anon wants to see... what footage?

>>>/qresearch/14695435 UserID: 763577


Get some! GET SOME!

>>>/qresearch/14695732 UserID: 763577

Ironic that Dee Snider became a vax pusher...?

>>>/qresearch/14695736 UserID: 763577


Ironic that Dee Snider became a vax pusher...?

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dec125 (16) No.100078>>100079


Thread 0014696873 Q Research General #18590: Crickets and Frogs to Destroy Them Edition

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>>>/qresearch/14697012 UserID: a926b3


Trips confirm

Jew shillery is thick tonight

>>>/qresearch/14697036 UserID: a926b3


J wasn't a letter in Jesus' century... or the one after that even.

>>>/qresearch/14697058 UserID: a926b3


Meme o' the night contender right there... kek

>>>/qresearch/14697207 UserID: a926b3



Jesus and Lucifer...

... the right and left hands of Freemasonry.

They feed each other.

I believe in the higher power of creation. I don't claim to know it's name or celebrate it's birthday.

>>>/qresearch/14697239 UserID: a926b3


You have to believe in satan... to be satanic.

>>>/qresearch/14697251 UserID: a926b3


Then I don't have to believe in Christ to be a Christian either...?


>>>/qresearch/14697266 UserID: a926b3


Big Mike Obama of course

>>>/qresearch/14697280 UserID: a926b3


Do I have to believe to accept...? kek

>>>/qresearch/14697286 UserID: a926b3



Trans is the new woman... haven't you heard?

>>>/qresearch/14697309 UserID: a926b3


I could give a fuk about what anyone thinks about me. I'm good with my Creator... good luck with your Christ.

Now fuck off moar.

>>>/qresearch/14697330 UserID: a926b3

I don't bash or hate. Some of the stories about the man are pretty cool. But that is all they are since they're made up.

>>>/qresearch/14697333 UserID: a926b3

I don't bash or hate. Some of the stories about the man are pretty cool. But that is all they are since they're made up.


>>>/qresearch/14697342 UserID: a926b3

I don't bash or hate. Some of the stories about the man are pretty cool. But that is all they are since they're made up.


Trips confirm... the Christ story... is a good story.

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dec125 (16) No.100079


>>>/qresearch/14697416 UserID: a926b3

Got your goyim right here ya fuggin pedotard.

Don't you have some bloody foreskin to suck on.


>>>/qresearch/14697493 UserID: a926b3



>>>/qresearch/14697508 UserID: a926b3



>>>/qresearch/14697518 UserID: a926b3





>>>/qresearch/14697549 UserID: a926b3




>>>/qresearch/14697561 UserID: a926b3


When did Chelsea get her own SS detail?

>>>/qresearch/14697571 UserID: a926b3


>>>/qresearch/14697579 UserID: a926b3

Looks same... one is alpha... other gets pwned


>>>/qresearch/14697598 UserID: a926b3

>>14697591 It's...

Sir GlowsAlotWithRedText

>>>/qresearch/14697641 UserID: a926b3


You would need to know what it was before you could reference it. Your masters found themselves holier than thou and removed it from your reference materials... in addition to altering it.

Thus... who really knows...?


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dec125 (16) No.100080


Thread 0014697604 Q Research General #18591: Thank God It´s Friday Edition

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Not on web anymore:

>>>/qresearch/14697653 UserID: d6186f


>Baker is Out

>>>/qresearch/14697773 UserID: d6186f


The answer is crystal clear...

put it in tits or GTFO


>>>/qresearch/14697801 UserID: d6186f

Take some and fill that last stale bread. I been working on filling them all for a while and it's the last one.

A couple shitposters holding folders can knock it out in no time...

Please and thanks from this anon

>>>/qresearch/14697807 UserID: d6186f

QClock will tell you... download yours today and be anon like.


>>>/qresearch/14697811 UserID: d6186f

Why the server error and clinging to old posts... hmmm

Some fuckery going on still

>>>/qresearch/14697818 UserID: d6186f


You need the THC if you are treating pain

>>>/qresearch/14697846 UserID: d6186f


The key...

Fill bread 18446 to the bottom with shitposts in 1hour or less and the Oracle will tell you where the key can be found.

>>>/qresearch/14697854 UserID: d6186f


Leave now and get the garden ready

>>>/qresearch/14697930 UserID: d6186f



Superpower: travel to the nethwerworld

>>>/qresearch/14697934 UserID: d6186f


Netherworld that is...

>>>/qresearch/14697949 UserID: d6186f

NWO Agenda


>>>/qresearch/14697970 UserID: d6186f


Some would say... there are too many of us... and that the aliens won't work with us until we've culled our populace.

The incentive being... if we want what they have... then depop has to happen.

Because yea... why else would want to kill of your taxpayer and workers...?

I can only see it as some elite force dangling the carrot... and the marionettes... how they do dance to the handler's sway.

>>>/qresearch/14698008 UserID: d6186f


Patent is public domain... I forsee several making a mectin.

And at this point someone needs to... because humans have wiped out the animal supply like it's damn toilet paper.

>>>/qresearch/14698038 UserID: d6186f


Isolated in soil by the Japanese. I have not found any homemade DIY methods... yet.

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257641 (2) No.109767>>109772

Deleted notable:

>>>/qresearch/15018141 Just Found This On /pol/ - Seems Like Pretty Good Info. Covid by the numbers

Board log:

FEMA hidden 4 minutes /qresearch/ Created a new permanent ban on all boards for ...UOzmn9Py (#196286) with reason: 18 U.S. Code § 875(c)

FEMA hidden 5 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted post #15018141

Can't find anything like that inside the PDF.


doing repost because wonky image server

Just Found This On /pol/ - Seems Like Pretty Good Info


An Ad Hoc Super meta-analysis of all the government and scientific data regarding COVID 19 compiled from 60+ databases and over 800+ scientific case studies around the world

I Analyzed over 50 databases and over 800 scientific case studies on everything COVID 19. Don't worry I summarized it in the very beginning so you don't have to get lost in the weeds. The bottom line is I have scientific EVIDENCE we are being lied to and that this 'Pandemic' can end if we tried an evidence based approach.

You can read it here.


Read it yourself and if you love it and know someone in the media, share this with them. This report is freaking useless if nobody knows it exists.

Follow Me on twitter @ReluctantAnon (This is how you verify its me without Tripcode)

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257641 (2) No.109772


original post see here:


3 images were posted too, but were not available due to media server problems.

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7de19e (2) No.116247

File (hide): dc2c1f7ea7d1dfc⋯.png (12.4 KB,1029x130,1029:130,banandeletespreen.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 69babda76d6a536⋯.png (91.57 KB,1764x303,588:101,disabledtrip.png) (h) (u)

Just watched two posts deleted

The dirty onion is on a rampage.

must really suck to lose so bad?

Putting out black pills

"Everybody's gonna die" that was the "plan?

and massive spamming of "66WTF"

and nothing else can be posted

I saw a post by Doge right before it was erased some evidence that the dirty onion blocked the trip code of "Q"

That could be why he 's going insane.

This was the post I made that erased immediately ?

Dirty must be erasing a ton in order to only have the 66 WTF spam and nothing else

Other breads from today seem to be missing large chunks of postings.

Dirty is desperately trying to block some info

Doge has been hinting for days "Why don't you delete the board"

Maybe he have stuff on Dirty; finally.

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7de19e (2) No.116248

File (hide): 3090d994359dff9⋯.jpg (346.81 KB,1200x955,240:191,controlisanillusion.jpg) (h) (u)

I went away for a while, and when I came back all hell was breaking loose.

Dirty had been losing for days, Maybe just can't afford the sock puppets anymore; Or maybe just got tired of being a traitor?

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