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File: 786e03ec953d618⋯.jpeg (60.12 KB, 680x638, 340:319, Seeds.jpeg)

6f8876  No.7250

It's easy to drift in "wanting" the outcome of revenge, pain and justice.

But I know how easy it is to get lost in desire.

We all want "her" and the others to suffer their karma. Their actions are deserving of every ounce of pain they have served.

But if I spend time only on this thirst for revenge, what happens in a random moment, years from now, when someone pulls my most heinous tweet on a day and time far far away from all of this happening today? Am I, on that page, the monster we were all so frenzied to destroy? How will any grandchild ever discern the difference when it is all a dusty story of the past sitting on a shelf?

I fear that if we drift, we become the sharks in a feeding frenzy and that collective image will be the only remaining artifact of this horror. In a cruel irony, fate hands us over to the future as savages, caught up in a tirade of perceived righteousness while the actions which led us all to our ire fade into legend and lore.

I want the evil perpetrated on our young, the people responsible, the thieves and sexual deviants to be eradicated. I want it all to be DONE.

Q, please ask POTUS to reference this important distinction:

That what we want is for it all to BE DONE. That we want a better way forward MORE than we want evil to PAY for our pain. We want the corruption to BE rooted out, not merely the PROCESS of the rooting out and punishment in order to satisfy some compunction for vengeance.


Remind people that revenge and retribution, while it is deserved and acted upon for the purpose of creating a better life for mankind, the truest purpose for that punishment IS for our well-being and NOT for the satisfaction of seeing them all suffer for their actions.

I know people must be shown. I know we must all see it, feel it and remember what has taken place. And what life demands of us in return is that we become BETTER for it. That we use that knowledge in ways that continue to make life BETTER. That we do not dwell on our hurt. That we infuse the knowledge of good and evil and we use it for only betterment.

The demons who stole our young, destroyed their innocence and rendered their souls broken should NEVER have had access to us in this way, yet because they did, this is the reality we must incorporate as our learning and move forward.

Their suffering SHOULD fit their crimes, or so we think in our human capacity, and it seems fit that we would end their lives, but not BECAUSE we lust for a payback.

It must be that the punishment is for mankind's benefit that they can no longer access these sick means of entertainment and psychopathy.

Most of all, this draining of the SWAMP is to save all those who are able to carry on.

Those who were not killed, even if they were tortured must be useful moving forward to help all to understand.

Those who can help others to heal must do so with the compassion which Christ taught us.

Those who are yet to be born must be loved, protected and set on paths of potential for humanity's ingenious ability to be creative and peaceful; a potential we have not been allowed YET.

Those elderly, vulnerable citizens who LIVED our history which has been threatened, to be rewritten, but must be preserved truthfully as it is both our legacy and our lesson.

I implore all you fellow, beautiful, intelligent, complex and phenomenal humans to stand, in energetic communion with only one goal:

That this wretched evil of sacrifice and torture and corruption and theft for the pleasure of psychopathic gluttons BE FINISHED so that we are all free to be exactly what we have always needed, wanted and created to BE. Humans were supposed to be divine creators of LOVE. Not the emotion. Love is NOT emotion.

Being LOVE is BEING the energy which strives to make others' lives the best they can be.

We, the People do not consent to our lives being hijacked by those who would take more than their share for base sexual/bloody pleasure and power.

No pleasure, no power is justification for such a treachery.

They must go back to the shadow from whence they came, far from this beloved planet, our human home, our every atom, the fiber of our every cell.

Do not lust after the blood of those wicked people.

They WILL bleed.

Focus on all who need Love, Care and Compassion.

Stay True to the Cause.

The Mission is to preserve US.

We, the People, the collective of Mankind are all that matters now.

And, Q is right, we must handle with care.

God Bless all of you, all of US.



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6f8876  No.7252

File: abfc4194a8e7a87⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 3629x4392, 3629:4392, Constitution_Pg1of4_AC.jpg)

File: d18437f19507b85⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 3665x4452, 3665:4452, Constitution_Pg2of4_AC.jpg)

File: 0e4ce3e48bcc911⋯.jpg (1.65 MB, 3655x4422, 3655:4422, Constitution_Pg3of4_AC.jpg)

File: 42c384bb5765120⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 3651x4426, 3651:4426, Constitution_Pg4of4_AC.jpg)

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aff68f  No.7254

File: e7b3d39de69b255⋯.jpg (32.06 KB, 600x400, 3:2, The_Punisher.jpg)

File: 4a0237fffc72ae9⋯.pdf (303.14 KB, ASSOCIATED_WITH_JEGE_LLC.pdf)

I am not sure of ALL big donors, but highlighted are anything over $1,000. Interesting are the JEGE Associates. The J E that didn't kill himself, KEK.

Still digging on names and it takes a while but I thought I would throw it out in case any highlighted (or not) names jump out at ya.

Most of my docs are from 2017/18 research and I am not sure of websites (sauce?)

Anything I can corroborate, I will, but most got torn down after JE got arrested...

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158374  No.7370

File: 24510ee054335c9⋯.jpg (328.16 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20200512_103350….jpg)

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158374  No.7925

Clear your mind and heal.


Meditative focus.


(Spiritually) Unified in LOVE for life.

(Philosophically) Cooperative with and within our environment.

(Physically) A place in which we can thrive.


I'm stuck.

Q, What, exactly, is We?

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