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File: 97160c315620a87⋯.jpg (131.16 KB,1168x1046,584:523,Trans_potato_head.jpg)

File: 4bb1f4ded84d0e8⋯.jpg (160.11 KB,712x1080,89:135,honey_booboo_levine_1_.jpg)

c783ad No.21142

Have you seen my Barbie doll collection?

When I trust you, I'll show you my teddy bears.

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093521 No.21143

File: 1e6ff2a4da9ea27⋯.jpg (518.46 KB,1427x2048,1427:2048,09dc_trumpspstein1_superJu….jpg)

File: 1985f0f2a0330d4⋯.jpeg (10.3 KB,203x248,203:248,download_1_.jpeg)

Trump likes little girls too like his pal

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c437f1 No.21148


That's one big ass little girl....1 he looks young as hell 2 she looks 18+ to me 3 if he liked babies you can bet your ass them movies would of been plastered everywhere long ago 4 big diff between dating legal adult whose a teen then raping selling and eating babies

Course now he's supposed to be the bad guy too who knows NO ONE WILL ANSWER ME

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c783ad No.21158


Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka in Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, FL, in 1996.

She was 14 yo.

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4246d6 No.21166


You're saying he has sex with his children....ok...ive heard the is it bad yout daughter is more attractive than your wife bs but I don't buy that....

But why not everyone is the God damn devil now

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c783ad No.21170

File: 43a7a3636deef1f⋯.jpeg (235.16 KB,872x871,872:871,pepe_melania_trump.jpeg)


No evidence DJT is anything besides a heterosexual man who loves woman.

What's your story?

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4246d6 No.21177

I said I didn't believe he has sex with his own children.....

My story has nothing to do with anything these folks do...I'm an anon period...from the beginning b4 the q title and q anons I been here for years....watching waiting hell b4 the chans and kuns...

What I've said is I support trump but at this point literally nothing can surprise me anymore....


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