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6ca65f No.21128

Go read it yourself. It's very long so I didn't read all of it.

The patent was granted in 2006, they've been using it for DECADES.

It's legal because "humans" are classified as "animals".

They can use ANY method of distribution, food, water, airborne, medications, and everything in between.

This also proves that they are, and have been, modifying our DNA. I always wondered how people could possibly be ignorant enough to ignore the MASSIVE amount of proof behind "conspiracies". This is why.

If you go read it, you'll notice 100's of references to other patents and publications. If anybody has the time, go look into them. Some of them sounded pretty bad as well.

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6ca65f No.21139

File: 9d6d30003e3abf4⋯.png (1.73 MB,1440x2880,1:2,Screenshot_20210217_223719.png)

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000000 No.21145


Oooooh, is someone butthurt that they bailed out of the EU because their far-right leaders told them it would be the perfect solution for all of their problems, but now that the problems are getting worse you need even more xenophobia to scare the flock?

Maybe you should be getting paid in reliable Euros instead of Pounds. When England re-joins the EU, you won't be allowed to keep the Pound any longer.

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a3cfee No.21147



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dac025 No.21151


It's funny that you think I'm in EU. Where am I now?

How much do you people get paid for trying to discredit this site? I'm sure somebody here would give you 10,000 yen or whatever that is in rupees to stay off here.

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fe910d No.21174

This doesnt prove anything. The patent is from 2003, sars was already a crisis by then. Have you ever tried to get a patent? Theyre cheap as shit. Think of it like registering a domain name. Buy Trump2024.com for 50 bucks and sit on it in the event he runs. Thats what theyre doing here. The "vaccine" aka experimental messenger rna therapy for sars was just speculation and a patent was filed in anticipation. Correct me if im wrong.

I have no doubt this shit was all manufactured. The lab is leaked from in Wuhan is paid for partly by US tax dollars, and if that wasnt enough, they renewed that shit after it happened lol. This vaccine is an utter joke. In 10-15 years the resulting children are all gonna be docile crafted human batteries like in the matrix or some shit.

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03d773 No.21182


I am the anon with the Israeli flag here.

Nice try.

100% Trumper

100% Q Anon

ID: dac025 is an imposter in this thread.

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bb8a32 No.21186


ha ha ha ha. If true they are just playing into our hands, mwahahahaha

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