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615de5 No.21063

Juan O Savin is having a gathering in Vegas to premier a new movie with Mel Gibson and James Caviezel. He's inviting all the pod-casters and influencer's from everywhere. It's from Fri the 19th til Sunday. Gathering them all so the message gets out clear as to what is happening. This is big. imo

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4da844 No.21065


Good its time......

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000000 No.21067

What's so big about it? Being curious not doubting you. I love Caviezel, Gibson not so much.

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615de5 No.21079


It's more about all those that were invited. All the pod-casters you're used to, influencers that show truth as best they can. To me it is a gathering to get everyone on the same page for when they need to educate the public. It coincides with the Supreme court hearing the election lawsuits. If civilians can't restore the republic the military will step up. Things will come out in the open.

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89f615 No.21086


What was it??

Probably 2nd jesus movie

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615de5 No.21087


Still focused on the movie? You missed the whole point.

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89f615 No.21089

I mean I'm only living person left here so wth???


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89f615 No.21096



"The sound of freedom" ??

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615de5 No.21101



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89f615 No.21104

For all the morons left who need red pilled but quite frankly I have seen enough. I have nightmares when I do sleep which is infrequently....

I believe I'm at 4 yrs of watching and waiting...knowing...a year watching this site, reading...

At this point I'm just praying I live to see anything happen....

Like "HIGH PROFILE ARRESTS" like going back to our president as a free republic...


I'm just worn down of not finding the information I want in forum I can speak freely in...free speech is gone I think

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89f615 No.21106


I go get a random email will u email me a way to contact u...I know you can say something via email I'll know is u...

I deleted parler gab all that crap....I need someone to ask a few questions too who isn't going to jump down my throat for not getting it.... I swear I'm not a stalker or weirdo...course the bad 1s say that too I guess but I feel u have the answers and can explain it in way thats relevant to me...cuz im devastatingly confused about 1 whole aspect of EVERYTHING.... you could get a extra email too if u don't want me to know who you are....just saying...and I don't think it's above your pay grade😁 please🙏🏻 I can't ask anyone else

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2ac346 No.21108


You're going to have to appear IRL anon, no one is going to rebel on our behalf no matter how much support or taxes we have given them. While it's not your (anyone else here's) fault that satanists have been taking over the country before you were born, we're only going to see change if we're the ones who take the reins. The US government and all of its employees are plumb out of public trust.

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595bcb No.21109


I know it's frustrating. Some of us have been awake for many years knowing our government has been compromised. I'll spare you the red pill education. Influencers and podcasters got carried away with dates things will happen, got everyone's underwear in a bundle. After listening to those who attended the get together in Vegas I get the impression that March is the month to watch. High Profile arrests have already happened along with a few executions. You won't see anything official on this. You won't see anything official about anything until they are ready to come out in the open. I'll post a series of links for you to browse and stay entertained while the movie plays out. Hang in there, the good guys have already won. You could find a site that allows you to speak freely without censorship, currently those are called echo chambers.

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77febf No.21113

Myself being known hell I been ousted long ago...it's personal...

I'm asking 1 person for help...thats it...

About something I don't get....nothing I read explains it...im hoping for help that's all...


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6dc7dd No.21185

The movie open??

Or come available for rent or to buy???


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c5be3b No.21213

Passion of the Christ: Resurrection

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0f997c No.21215


Sound of Freedom

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