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4674c5 No.20892

Q-Ideas about how to keep us from this Mess in the Future

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4674c5 No.20893

Q, I'm sure you are watching the boards, even though you can't post and I've been wondering what the plans are for the coming Reformation.....

Just by seeing the current trends, it does seem we will go back to a stronger respect for the Constitution and the Separation of Powers but what can we do to ensure we never get into this mess again?

I think we can all agree on some Amendments: Codify SCOTUS to 9 judges, 50 states (maybe WV and VA could re-unite to make room for PR), term limits for Congress---maybe even time limits. The fewer hours they are gathered, the less harm they can do to the people.

I think the new person to oversee the electoral college (which we should also codify) should be chosen at random from as local a place as we could get-like maybe an at random County Clerk or someone with NO political preference. Surely people behind the scenes can't anticipate who THAT person would be-and it being the sitting VP puts that person in a difficult position, as we saw this election.

That being said.......we saw how badly we were betrayed this year by everyone who should have stopped this fraud. I'm even disappointed in Ted Cruz and Rand Paul! What do they go on about "we never saw evidence" and "half the country is going to be disenfranchise"?! You never once mentioned the EVIDENCE the rest of us saw! What? Was there some sort of law they couldn't WATCH the state house hearing? Are you a Libertarian or not? Didn't you realize they didn't just wrest an election to give it to someone they preferred? They wrested the ability to choose who would govern them away from the people! In the future, the people need to have some legal recourse against corrupt judges, legislators and election boards. Every honest person who took a cursory glance at the sudden uptick, the boarded up windows, the blatant disregard for election law didn't even need the 8 hours a day for two weeks testimony (although it confirmed what we knew). How can we recall these people?

We also need something like paper ballots and/or every vote counter to have video strapped to them at all times.

Another thing we should codify is that we should have NO central banks and to go back on the gold standard. I realize this may take some time to roll out to not crash the system---but I don't know....maybe that'd be the best thing.

I know the Q team has a much better knowledge base on what goes on behind the scenes....how are we to prevent all the corruption of the last 50, 60, 100 years from happening again?

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c127c2 No.20894


A few ideas for Amendments:

Amendment 28: Abolish the 16th Amendment and remove all central banks from power over our money. Furthermore, prohibit any form of central banking in the future.

Amendment 29: All members of Congress may serve a maximum of two terms. Lobbying connected to foreign powers is hereby outlawed. Annual financial audits of all members of Congress and their families shall be conducted by independent and transparent third partues.

Amendment 30: Supreme Court justices shall serve a maximum of 12 years. Life terms were intended to prevent politics in the courts, but we have seen this fail.

Amendment 31: A new branch of government is to be created as an oversight to the three main branches of government. This branch shall be a link directly between the people and the military, such that the military may be aware of the will of the people.

Amendment 32: Income tax shall be permanently capped at 3% of gross income, and property tax shall be abolished.

Amendment 33: the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be questioned by Congress or heard in any court. A tyrannical government shall not decide what weapons can be possessed by the people for use against it.

Amendment 34: No technology with peaceful applications, such as cures for disease, shall be kept from the public. Neither shall such technology be priced out of the affordable range for 80% of the population.

Amendment 35: Military oversight of federal elections shall commence to actively prevent foreign interference.

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b68ff7 No.20895

I would put in place stronger holds on the constitution. Anyone that brings a bill to the house.

>House bills must first pass judicial branch who ONLY decides if it conflicts the constition.

>Public offices should have term limits, funds for campaigns are taken from tax payers and on a set plan only .

>No dual citizenship shale hold any public office

>This should be obvious, but any public office background check for valibility. No foriegn or conflict of intres

>Public office holder must be set to a higher standard IQ + EQ test before even able to campaign Merit > physical status

>Ban pornagraphy

>ban schoot teaching of conflicting nature (religon, homosexuality, abortion) Teach out to think, how to do taxes, stop peddling lies and victim statis (critical theory nonsense)

>Ban the use of mix race ads and movies that don't fit the point of the story.

>Support family building techniques in schools Traditional encuragement

>Ban democrats in general - or "party politicians"

>SImple use of a summary sheet given to all citizens of their cannidates. (Take money and lies out of the equation) If they campaign and do the opposite, they must resign, and hold another quick election

>All offical traditional elections shale be voter ID citizenry, and paper ballot counted by proven sideless observers.. or at least machines created by honest americans....Mail in forbidden, collections early voting are all gone

>Voting days always off natinal holidays

>If constantly need goverment assistece > medically sterlize > any bum in the street > medically sterlized

>Break all incentives for breaking boarder laws illegal immagration

>encurage rebuilding african communities and have free back to africa ship line where a family can get up to 20k$ to move back to africa to help rebuild.

>Deport criminals. Prison sentance of 10y max, deport the rest to madagascar

>Each house BIll summary shale be passed to each cell phone in america free of charge to read and if secure can vote on in real time (might be able to get rid of the house of represenatives this day in age due to quick communicaitnos

>House reps if decided to keep them, will be a stay at home job. Write up bills if needed, post on website, they shoot out to all citizens after it has been read and summarized (summary must be agreed upon by multiple senators first)

>Free speech mandate for Tech companies and rid the corporation are people non-sense

>simplify wallstreet stocks, make law requirng to keep stocks a certian amount of time otherwise heavy penalties

>refresh the amendments and audit congress at least once a year. surprise autids

For starters that should get some things sorted out.

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4674c5 No.20896

First, easy to see many a "patriot" is wasting the bread, so....chuck their views, they must be shills or worse

Funds taken from the taxpayers isn't a bad idea, though I'd add/prefer the media be forced to give "pro bono" air time and let those traitors pay for it.

Yes on voter ID!!! Nationwide and purge the polls.

I'd also do away with the Department of Education. Brainwashing anyway. Just give vouchers. Things will naturally float to the top.

Yes, social media reform!

I wonder how we can keep people from nepotism? At the surface, it would seem just making it illegal for people related by blood or marriage would at least help. I'm sure they'd find ways to circle it around still, but we could at least make it less easy. Make them publish who they live with, marry or are related to and these people should be restricted in what they can do.

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4674c5 No.20897


"Amendment 31" ---what would that look like, do you think? Might help us be able to make people more accountable and give us recourse.

Supreme Court justices for 12 years.....maybe. But how would we keep money from buying new judges as well?

Hopefully the rumor of no income tax is true kek. But the government does need to build roads and fund the military. I prefer a nationwide sales and use tax, as long as no income tax is codified first.

Riots---at what clearly delineated point do we get to defend ourselves from rioters? We've seen the governerors and mayors will fall down on the job. How do we get rid of them?

Also----NO emergency powers to extend beyond a specified period. As long as an emergency can be used to change things by executive orders, one will be created.

Mandatory vaccines should be eliminated and critical supply chains to be kept at home, at least to the extent we need them for basics (medicines etc)

How do you think we can enforce the transparency of cures and technologies? Making it against the law by itself wouldn't be enough. They flout the law. We need checks and balances. And many people need to be held publicly accountable to put the fear of repurcussions in people

What to do about the Deep State situation?....

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c127c2 No.20898


Not sure, but we need a public version of Q where the military and civilians can communicate openly. There needs to be that human element to discourage the military from attacking its own people, or to get an idea of how well the people are being represented by Congress.

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8929e0 No.20900

File: a7c8a13136ee2af⋯.png (3.68 MB,1920x1963,1920:1963,ClipboardImage.png)

I hope you are sharing your thoughts on Gab or something, too.

I cant add anything to your thread, but

if you reflect back to Q posts

a lot of them predict Dem reaction


the election fraud specialists refer to white hat hacking techniques they have been using to sort out the deception.

I wonder if the Q team has been involved in that?

The military has been told not to flash the pepe symbol.

direct ref to Q anons, right?

"Q anons" and "white supremacists" are being merged in the Leftie narrative.

So anyone in Military Intelligence automatically looks threatening to the Dem leaders.

If you replace "White Supremacist" with "Q anon" or "Trumper", it all gets pretty transparent.

The Left mistake is to call 78m citizens "white supremacists", including the POC trumpers.

Maybe if Q reappears on an open, safe platform

like if Trump launches one

then more normies can see directly what Q says.

Normies cant find Q online by themselves.

one last thing:

remember Q post #1?

the arrest of Hillary, cancellations of passports, and national guard sweeping for Dem criminals?

i wonder if that is the scenario they were preparing for on Anitifa Day at the Capital?

i think we Q anons are going to look back at the posts again over time

and see patterns we couldnt see before the election.

Q said he uses misinformation too, just to trigger panic in DC.

i wonder if we will have a better understanding of the Q posts

in retrospect.





"racists" "homophobes"


their heavy-handed use of MSM

their insults to our military


Maybe Q was shit-disturbing just to get them to reveal their true selves.


I am confident that we will sweep the elections


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4674c5 No.20908


Yeah we already swept the elections, that's why they had to resort to such blatant fraud all but the willingly ignorant know it.

A public version of Q isn't a bad idea. I mean, I know God and they've got this current situation under control...but still, let's try to make it so they don't have to resort to it again.

One thing we do need----every schoolchild should be taught the importance of true election (otherwise you are slaves) and learn and be tested on the Constitution. That way when they cross it, we know and don't have to depend on the "judges" interpretation

So, again....how to get rid of corrupt judges....

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9e373a No.20909


We were lied to and no one is reading this doing anything but laughing. This chapter is over but we can move on to another. If a chick didn't call you back for this long, would you think she wanted you really bad?

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926415 No.20910

I think it's a bit funny that many of the proposed changes/amendments are things that the Democrats have been fighting for for years as progressive policies and have been fought tooth and nail by conservatives.

Campaign finance reform in particular is something you'd have full support from AOC and Bernie on.

As a die-hard Democrat, here's several things I and other Liberals would love to see.

Limited and equitable campaign funding as well as debate and clear statements of purpose by prospective lawmakers. More than anything, in the age of 10,000 media outlets and PACs, this could best be governed by a dramatically shortened election season instead of trying to police a long season. Australia, for instance, has a 38 day campaign season for their Prime Minister.

Term limits for Congress, as well as Supreme Court and major Federal Judicial appointments. No slitting each other's throats for a politicized post that can last decades.

Abolish Gerrymandering and replace it with equitable districts, chosen by algorithm and not the politicians themselves. IE, you get an equal % of the population in an even split of the state geography.

All elected officials should have to place their personal finances in a blind trust, maintained by an impartial 3rd party. No one should have the ability to so easily enrich themselves with insider info and policy.


Some of the oversight/military control stuff mentioned is directly contradictory to the entire reason we formed a democratic, civilian government. That's too much power with not enough checks by civilian authority. You realize only about 1/3 of officers identify as Conservative, right? (Military Times survey)

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4674c5 No.20913


Well, I can see where and why you might think that but he can't post now till it's over, probably. That only makes sense. Everything I've been seeing still says God's in a rescue operation and we're almost there. I'm banking on sometime around Nov 3-4 of this year for things to have leveled out somewhat. Or maybe to get REALLY going. But I lean to level out


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4674c5 No.20914


I don't think anyone has fought for campaign finance reform...we haven't had a two party system in ages----it's all been uniparty playing an elaborate good cop/bad cop routine and who was the good cop and who was the bad cop depended on what side of the political aisle you were on. In the end, the taxes are raised, people become more dependent and they skim off the top and put their family and friends in positions of power and money and "one hand washes the other". Each points the finger at the other and the people are divided.

How would we ensure that the blind trust was an impartial 3rd party and not someone bought off in a back room deal who only looks impartial? I mean.....H getting off afte scot free after destroying emails and phones says how "impartial" any system can be. We need a way to oust those people too. As it is, we have no recourse for Deep State people.

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4674c5 No.20915


And I doubt seriously you'd get even AOC or Bernie for true reform.....if she wouldn't work with Cruz on the Reddit scandal, would she really work on finance reform? Good God what a contrived reason too. Reminds me of Jodie Foster in "Maverick" when Brett corners her on her claim to have come from Mobile("Maybe we know some of the same people"- "I've tried so hard to forget that place")

No....she'll talk about finance reform, and then worm her way out of having to abide by the rules she puts in place. Bernie's no better. He used to talk about the evils of the "billionaires and millionaires" --till he became a millionaire. Now he only derides the billionaires. He's a lazy bum from the get go-that's why he wanted other people's money and blamed them cause he didn't have it. She's no better-acting like all the rest of us haven't stood in the walk -in crying because our legs hurt and customers were mean to us. Get over yourself. Crenshaw lost an eye because people were literally attacking him.

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926415 No.20916


Ignore what you think politicians would and wouldn't do for a moment. (Most Dems I know think the DNC is pretty useless and ineffectual anyway)

Is there anything significantly wrong with those policies? They directly address an entrenched political class with efforts to balance their ability to speak to the electorate with campaign finance reform and then limit their time in office with term limits.

As for the blind trust, the best antiseptic is sunlight. The fund's activities should be completely transparent with every trade published. Now, if the response is that 'how can you trust what's published', there's hard solutions to that on a technical level, but also that way lies madness. How can we be sure anything is ever real? There's some level where you have to either accept that it's as secure as it's going to be, or swirl into endless paranoia.

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