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File: fa3e3c46aad7eb9⋯.jpeg (239.58 KB,850x1464,425:732,4FD59867_921A_4256_9F3C_C….jpeg)

fbffad No.20852

You are a faggot if you follow Q

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a781b4 No.20859

You seem to have serious issues with Q. Perhaps you are a libtard faggot? Perhaps your mommy didn't hug you enough? Perhaps you're a liberal that just hasn't moved on from your TDS? Whatever it is its more likely that your just a faggot that needs to post dick pics to get off. We know you are sick. Maybe you need counseling?

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866242 No.20860


You're cute. Normal, rational people have problems with Q because it's full of racists, anti-semites, and conspiracy wackjobs. I like a good conspiracy as much as the next person, but to believe that the elite are running a satantic pedophile ring out of a non existent basement of a pizzaria is just absurd and runs the same lines as the Nazis "Blood Libel" which said that the Jews did the same thing.

Wake up and realize that the left doesn't hate you because we're full of hate, we hate you because you're becoming what we literally fought against in WW2. You can still awake from these delusions you were lead to believe and join civilized society.

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4afae3 No.20861

File: 29e5c01b3acf7a2⋯.jpg (98.96 KB,720x960,3:4,quurlk.jpg)

>>Be OP

>>Wake up hungry & broke every day

>>At bus stop sucking dick for cash, Easy work no other skills

>>Some van pulls up and stops "in the middle of business here wtf"

>>Van window rolls down "Hey OP, get that dick out of your mouth we have a job you can do!"

>>OP does just that hops into the van. "How much semen is required and how much does it pay"

>>"No No op, you will just post things online now, for shareblue"

>>OP "okay sounds okay"

>>Op now goes out of his way to find and load into post actually does the captcha and everything to call people faggots online

>>OP's FW he realizes shareblue will soon be out of business

>>OP is rusty at his old job better practice.

pic related

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78e545 No.20911


An ugly representation of every clown trick in psyche warfare.

Pathetic way to earn a livin...

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866242 No.20930


Not everything has to do with Psyche warfare my friend, just an anon trying to help you see how corrupt this path you are on is. I do not care if you still believe that Trump would have been a better choice, but these lies Q has spread, such hatred woven into them.

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