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File: 2bf537e99aa6e71⋯.jpg (896.02 KB,1600x1200,4:3,IMG_20210202_175611.jpg)

4c52d0 No.20779

Dayum who is this phage

Totally wouldn't let Mike Lindell talk about the election fraud man they are SQARED!

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8aacf0 No.20785


We get it anon, You enjoy the taste of Trumps balls.

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3d2e96 No.20798


Do you know why he didn't let him spew his election fraud theories? Because Dominion threatened a lawsuit. They know that their machines are fine, and that there was no wrongdoing. Obviously, Nesmax doesn't want to pay millions to Dominion. And did you notice that Hannity, Carlson, and Lou Dobbs also shut up completely about election fraud and stopping the steal? That is the reason.

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7c8c15 No.20806

File: 1aa8bd6487bd30b⋯.png (202.72 KB,932x868,233:217,1609151564102.png)

Dominion and Smartmatic open themselves up to discovery if they sue somebody and they have to show all their paperwork and you would be able to prove the election results were tampered.

Dominion and Smartmatic are willing to put all the chips on the table, all the evidence.

But if youre wrong you just proved the election wasnt stolen oh and the lawsuit goes through and you owe 1.3 billion dollars.

So why isnt anyone taking them up on their offer?

Come on, be a patriot, Rudy Giuluani. Dont just settle out of court and read an apology letter like a cuck. "Let's have trial by combat" 'in the courts' right, Rudy?

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54e6ad No.20824


I feel you ( resonate)

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8aacf0 No.20826


They wouldn't be threatening legal action if there was evidence of fraud. The mere fact they ARE suing, should tell you that everything Trump and the Right has spouted about fraud, was false.

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f1eddd No.20864

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f1eddd No.20865

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f1eddd No.20866

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f1eddd No.20867

File: 94a818f2ac3259b⋯.png (998.59 KB,1280x628,320:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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f1eddd No.20868

File: 010c819bc088c04⋯.png (1.37 MB,872x1280,109:160,ClipboardImage.png)

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f1eddd No.20869

File: 3e8ee92458b5dad⋯.png (488.28 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f1eddd No.20870

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8aacf0 No.20883




>Cashapp and bitcoins in server for a free channel in a free application

Topkek, godspeed I hope the idiots give you every penny.

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8aacf0 No.20884


>What is mail in voting

Maybe if Trump didn't convince the entire right that mail in voting was fraudulent you'd have seen more mail in for him as well. Instead you all flocked to ballot sites like the lemmings you are in the middle of a global pandemic.

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7be49a No.20903


if you looked at the one video they were tearing up ballots intended for him. Mailed in ballots were the key for dems using the virus as a weapon to keep their constituents scared (or was this just part of the scam)and thus voting with mail in ballots or don't you get it yet. I guess if not, you will never. Trump said it perfectly. If he had lost fair and square then okay. ABSOLUTE PROOF- you should watch it, by Mike Lindell, You shall know the Truth and its the Truth that sets you free.

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51fb4a No.20905

File: e7d036468fbde67⋯.webm (526.92 KB,720x720,1:1,1612562642119.webm)


tried to watch this guy. too much sarcasim and his bf seem too "reddit" like circljerk eachother. Kinda offputting in the message what ever it may be.

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51fb4a No.20907

bump past phyco lyrics

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