Every major city in the US has an art bar that fronts for the Illuminati.
Each one has a member ledger where they keep track of every member and their secret Illuminati bank account.
To pay your bill at one of these art bars, you say you're a member. They present you with a bill, and you sign. They get out the member ledger, match and verify your signature, and deduct the amount from your account. Supposedly they have the best interest rates in the world, too.
The most famous Illuminati art bar is 111 Minna Gallery in San Francisco. It has the name and signature of every member since the beginning of the Bohemian Society in their member ledger. They keep the ledger behind the bar, behind the cash register.
I am not advocating stealing or crime - that is against board policy. I'm just saying it would be REALLY REALLY great to have a copy of that ledger and publish it for the world to see...