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972c57 No.20637

Who's the guy in the dark coat? no medals? Not military?


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729ae3 No.20639

The person in the below picture has an overcoat. You don't wear medals on outerwear.

Basic military etiquette.

Nice try tho.

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972c57 No.20640


I guess turning your back on the eleged potus is just basic military etiquette.

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7fcfd8 No.20641

Not in the military I see. Stop stretching. It makes us look like losers.

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f850d2 No.20644


The poster is right as you don't wear Medals or ribbons on outer wear, but I also have never seen outer worn during such a public and serious event such as that. General its Dress Uni and Medals. Maybe in like freezing cold but even then I have stood on parade in Just Dress DEU's and no over coat for Remembrance day I dono. Your right though could be a stretch. Seems Like the more that time passes the less anything else is going to occur

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