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File: 4f7fb14fb7869e1⋯.jpg (108.9 KB,1022x1024,511:512,1609970739604.jpg)

5af7b1 No.20420

Almost two years ago the Purple Anon came to the original 8chan to warn us all about Q. We didn't listen. We have ourselves to thank for this. Purple Anon even told us Biden would be president in Feb 2019 and that Trump sold out to create a family dynasty for Ivanka and Jared.

Read these archives I think they are pretty legit but we need to find out more. I think this might be the answer to who Q is, what the real deep state is like, and who is really fighting it.

Turns out there are actually people trying to take on the deep state it's just not the Q team.























http://archive.vn/QgJjh ( he is not OP Purple is 3Kj1VXr3)

Purple in that last thread even explains how fake the underground child tunnels were. This is all misdirection to cover up the real crimes of the elite.

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5af7b1 No.20421

File: 7c0c539ef6c8f3d⋯.png (1.9 MB,970x9998,485:4999,1550787238997.png)

File: fd85479477f1f43⋯.png (895.56 KB,1205x2997,1205:2997,1557383620215.png)

File: ca63e0af17aa331⋯.png (1.08 MB,1932x1998,322:333,Screen_Shot_2021_01_19_at_….png)

File: 0d3b5615bb2826e⋯.png (98.98 KB,2058x218,1029:109,Screen_Shot_2021_01_19_at_….png)

This is what proofs look like anons.

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5af7b1 No.20423

File: ca63e0af17aa331⋯.png (1.08 MB,1932x1998,322:333,Screen_Shot_2021_01_19_at_….png)

File: 0d3b5615bb2826e⋯.png (98.98 KB,2058x218,1029:109,Screen_Shot_2021_01_19_at_….png)

for some reason these didn't upload full resolution

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b5fb97 No.20424

I agree with about 96% of this research. Why must we set some violators aside while others we expand their guilt outwards with no real proof.Very good points.

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dec49c No.20429

Its always fucking kikes man. Dammit all. Kikes kikes kikes kikes. I hate jews.

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1709a5 No.20589

I will say this.... We know BIDEN is corrupt there is no doubt....along with pelosi and the rest... THEY ALL WORE PURPLE at the "innaguration" PURPLE is EVIL thats all I have to say about that.... no matter who "Q" is ( which i believe humanities conciousness of ELOHIM) WE WANT FREEDOM


WE WANT FREEDOM< TRUTH and the pursuit of happiness

so however is for that ..... is what the people need to fight for

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9f4923 No.20601



I can't open the last two. Pls fix.

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e30f48 No.20602


My AI analysis detects the way you write has indications of mental illness and fantastical thinking. Purple flowers must all die now.

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5af7b1 No.20815

File: ca63e0af17aa331⋯.png (1.08 MB,1932x1998,322:333,Screen_Shot_2021_01_19_at_….png)

File: 0d3b5615bb2826e⋯.png (98.98 KB,2058x218,1029:109,Screen_Shot_2021_01_19_at_….png)

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5af7b1 No.20817

File: 0fa5611cb0f6c25⋯.png (1.08 MB,1932x1998,322:333,GRRzB7w.png)

File: f2539ce2cc1b6c2⋯.png (98.48 KB,2058x218,1029:109,PMU7IOk.png)


For some reason I cannot upload them in normal state. Maybe a mod is banning them.



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