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/pso2g/ - Pso2 General: Electric Boogaloo


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please help me oh god I can't into computer

File: c3d037807fe8a8f⋯.jpg (147.69 KB,679x679,1:1,1593828279075.jpg)


Hi everyone. This board's main purpose is a place for dumping all your lewd-related images, mod discussions and a general chat for everyone that wants a less spiteful place than the main thread. That being said; I highly suggest still using both places for posting, as this place can't really expand, or continue living without the main thread. I'm not entirely sure what to do with this board just yet, but I'm open to any suggestions, if it'll make things run smoother.

I don't really have many ground rules, as I'd like this place to remain at least somewhat like 4chan, but here's some basic ones we can all follow:

1. Don't derail threads with bullshit. Arguments are all fine and dandy, but when you completely derail a thread with drama for whatever reason, that's when your posts get baleeted.

2. No discord log dumps. I don't even care what the context for it is, if it's posted, it gets deleted.

I honestly can't really think of anything else that shouldn't be implied, so I'll just leave the rest to you guys. If anyone wants to make banners, feel free to post them in this thread, along with any sort of suggestions, concerns, etc. Just think of this as the defacto meta thread.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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