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/prog/ - Programming


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File: 1455323149655.png (164.37 KB,800x846,400:423,Konqui.png)

96305e No.3938

Let's play a game.

>Pick a open source project you like/hate/think is horribly buggy or bloated

>post example code on how to make something it does better

>Hard Mode: Test and commit the change to the project.

>Damn Fine Autism Mode: Show profiled proof that your change made it better. Valgrind.

8ch shut the fuck up this isn't even flooding yet

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96305e No.3939



 The main Chromium project is located at https://www.chromium.org/.
The source code is available at https://chromium.googlesource.com/.
Instructions for contributing can be found at https://www.chromium.org/developers.


 The main Chromium project is located at https://goo.gl/i55pmC/.
The source code is available at http://goo.gl/zB2JyD/.
Instructions for contributing can be found at https://goo.gl/shpwff/.

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96305e No.3950

File: 1455410517009.jpg (26.84 KB,275x142,275:142,e.jpg)

How does one find a project to contribute, granted that all the software I use on daily basis is usually too mature and complex for any minor fixes.

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96305e No.3956

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96305e No.3957

File: 1455560118305.png (77.86 KB,433x331,433:331,his-smile-and-optimism.png)


>post example code on how to make something it does better

In many cases that would be a complete purge/redesign/rewrite so you see this isn't feasible.

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