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debaa4 No.3753

>Be me

>work in low-level kernel/driver development

>Working long nights to get everything done as soon as I can

>bi-annual performance review comes up

>MFW my boss says he's disappointed because I don't talk to the other employees

>apparently its a problem that none of them know anything about me

What are some fields where I can find a programming job that doesn't involve talking to normies or anyone else? I'm a motivated self-learner who's willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done on time as long as it doesn't involve interacting with other people.

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debaa4 No.3754

In networking jobs you can work from home.

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debaa4 No.3783

I've had my concerns that software development is more social than I'd like it to be. Even though I'm rather passionate.

So is this lack of communication work related, like communicating your changes or just small talk not coming from you?

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debaa4 No.3784

Stop being afraid of people and talk to your coworkers.

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debaa4 No.3796


Just depends on the boss. I do low-level networking with a side of low-level kernel/driver development and my boss is fine with my general anti-social attitude. Even brought up that I'm a nationalist at a team lunch despite being the only native white there and didn't get any flak. I have a feeling I'm just irreplaceable and I could meatspin and not get complaints. So basically, get better at what you do and eventually no one will bother you about not being social.

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debaa4 No.3803


This can work if you are socially aware. But since you (OP) don't like talking to normies, you might lack the social awareness to pull this off. No matter how irreplaceable you might be, a change in administration might get you fired. An empowered® female CEO won't understand or care about your low level nerd thingy if you become a liability.

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debaa4 No.3811

Tell your boss that you communicating to people is your own choice and if it hasn't hindered the company in any way and you're working up to/above standard then it shouldn't be a problem. Or you could just lie and live a fake life. Just tell them your parents have cancer or some shit so you have to take care of them outside of work. This lets you avoid getting any social requests from them like going for a pint at the local pub. Just make shit up to keep them distanced but enough to make it not seem like complete bullshit.

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debaa4 No.3847


I havent been to the office or interacted with a cowoker IRL for about 7 months and its cool. Im an engineer for a large ISP and have made myself subject matter expert for a few specific things. I think this depends a lot on the culture of your specific workplace.

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debaa4 No.3903


I'm not OP but from the way he said it, it sounds like it's a small talk thing.

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debaa4 No.3904


interact with your coworkers about work stuff.

also every once in a while let yourself be drawn into a conversation. i know it sucks pretty badly most of the time, but it usually doesn't take very long and you can do it why you're getting coffee.

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debaa4 No.3911


>empowered® female CEO

And that's why I'm considering starting my own business.

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debaa4 No.3914

This pretty much depends on your boss. Extroverted people tend to feel scorned if you don't talk to them, people who have worked as programmers themselves generally don't care.

Also OP, you could casually drop that you are a brony/furry into a conversation and your co-workers will stop caring that they don't know about you.

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5a5f73 No.5366


where would you scout for jobs? GA here

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cb8204 No.5373

>work in low-level kernel/driver development

For me, that was the job you could go to work and leave without talking to anyone. Apparently I was wrong. I have worked with development and I rarely did talk to other people, and still no complaint about it.

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10c1a9 No.5449

>Extroverted people tend to feel scorned if you don't talk to them


I don't understand it though. Extroverts seem to hate introverts.

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f83604 No.5450


They hate themselves that's why they need constant affirmation and confrimation that they are valued and loved by others. They're emotionally high matienece. They need constant stimulation. It's often like dealing with children. They're never statisfied, and once they get everything they wanted, they're miserable.

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015cf2 No.5451


>Even brought up that I'm a nationalist at a team lunch despite being the only native white there and didn't get any flak. I have a feeling I'm just irreplaceable

Hubris. A title 9 lawsuit could cause millions or hundreds of millions in losses. Almost certainly orders of magnitude greater loss than your salary or value. Dont think your invulnerable - everyone is replaceable at Zaibatsu Corp.

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fbf59b No.5452

That's life buddy.

Just ask a question about their lives and move on.

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fbf59b No.5453


Yup, they're definitely talking behind your back

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5d5307 No.5462


Reverse engineering.

It's a highly coveted contract job that pays probably the most money of any other computer science topic and you absolutely don't have to talk to anybody except "where is my paycheck".

If you're already doing low level, you can do reverse engineering, you can esp do abstract reverse engineering which is what GrammaTech does, using lisp to split up the program logic and any kind of source you want, to produce highly obfuscated binaries the kinds of which nation state malware uses.

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c2c3b3 No.5470


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13de20 No.5504

>work in low-level kernel/driver development

>I'm a motivated self-learner

How'd you get a low level programming job? I can't get shit without a degree. Any tips?

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