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File: ded3395242e53ca⋯.jpg (175.01 KB, 600x500, 6:5, GetFile.jpg)

00602b  No.99728[Last 50 Posts]

How do you feel about her potential leadership over North Korea?

Do you think it's another 9/11 moment if Kim Jung Un dies? "We're gone to war" as the US Marines and Army usually say.

Do you think she will not go to war, and will in fact maximize trade with other countries to ensure Eternal Korea? I would not mind it if one day we all use North Korean Samsung smartphones.

The important factor in all of this is how are we going to convince her to make the right choices for her country. I mean her leadership can easily be comparable to Catherine the Great taking Russia over from her diseased brother Peter the 3rd.

If Kim Yo Jong can't take over North Korea through a relatively small Chinese-lead coup, who could become the first non-Kim leader of North Korea?

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00602b  No.99732

File: e94e5cdf4a73ca9⋯.png (902.54 KB, 2500x1304, 625:326, 1587703603450.png)


Here is a good meme comparing Kim Yo Jong to Murdoch Chan.

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ad4add  No.99744

>A thread died for this.

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64bb7e  No.99979

File: 475b6777cd60ee7⋯.png (448.2 KB, 582x1294, 291:647, FB_IMG_1587725907311.png)

File: 95e227a33b4a11a⋯.png (3.21 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, unknown_4_.png)

File: 6f0b8c95c151169⋯.jpg (39.25 KB, 760x475, 8:5, EWYUwJWXQAAm1VJ.jpg)

File: 497a2f084e5a974⋯.png (404.87 KB, 720x474, 120:79, FB_IMG_1587726197029.png)

File: 62bf38510d67378⋯.png (69.56 KB, 235x437, 235:437, kim_yo_jong.png)


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381fae  No.100186


Every criticism of the left image is about it being deplatformed and I don't even know who the fuck it is.

Be better than this, or be ignored.

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f28f84  No.100204

It'll be interesting if she becomes the nation's ruler but I bet she's a cunt. What kind of gay thread is this and no, nobdoy here will worship her you cia nigger.

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bf63ac  No.100214


This. I just feel like Glowniggers have so little intel of best Korea they come here to try to get anything they can. Like when Hilary’s aide or what ever they were went to (((reddit))) of all places to ask how to cover up top seceret material essentially. You would think they are not this dumb and desperate but they really are.

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bf63ac  No.100216


I forgot to add funny video for reactionary purposes. https://youtu.be/Prls6Iz3B3E

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46c610  No.100280


Glorious leader is cute! CUTE!

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30bd41  No.100296

File: 0f69a700a0db834⋯.jpg (115.65 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, B91M1xyCEAA69gZ.jpg)


No … no she isn't. She looks like Hiroyuki Tagawa.

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cb8d65  No.100302

She's likely going to be the last North Korean leader.

Women in position of power can't do anything right, especially in an autocracy.

UNLESS, of course, the army takes de facto control of the country and she becomes just a figurehead.

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357f0b  No.100305


>How do you feel about her potential leadership over North Korea?

tits or gtfo

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2e1922  No.100315


This kek


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1c93c8  No.100322

I bet the bro dominated the fuck out of her whenever he wanted.

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cc5d80  No.100398


> Kim Yo Jong

K Yo Yo

K Yolo

KY Jealous

KY Jelly*

Kim Kong after she hits the wall

*Jelly also means jealous apparently in bongland

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46c610  No.100400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes. And?…

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22a4ac  No.100536


Jelly is slang for jealous anywhere English is a native language.

"Are you jelly?"

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a7326b  No.100540

File: 6f88ff2c494593b⋯.png (259.84 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, EWci9mqUYAA63k9.png)

File: 7981b9eb270ef7b⋯.png (306.14 KB, 593x540, 593:540, 798.png)

Smug Imouto Dictator. What a timeline.

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5fe257  No.100546


It will really, really, really, really piss off Trump. He HATES women leaders. That makes it perfect. Anything that will make Trump run rage naked through the White House on a twitter shitstorm in an apoplectic fit of orange madness makes me smile.

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025af8  No.100547

File: 81014e3f81f92ac⋯.jpg (318.26 KB, 800x861, 800:861, 800px_Husaga_teckning_av_F….jpg)


>How do you feel about her potential leadership over North Korea?

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c3812e  No.100548


>what does /pol/ think of [x]

Sage and report.

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53942d  No.100559


This bitch makes little brother seem like an angel. Everyone in the intelligence community knows this CUNT has run the nation from the background while Kim playboyed around the nation as a powerless figurehead. Now this hardcore feminist is in total control. The same bitch who has advocated for preemptive nuclear strikes against the West as well as China many times. .Kim is as DEAD as a door nail and Dr. ShAkY HAndS is going to be executed as a spy and a assassin.

Expect a live above ground test of the Norths nuclear weaponry in "honor" of little brothers death VERY SOON. After that…..who fucking knows!

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a7326b  No.100565

File: b823803c9837e9f⋯.jpg (430.52 KB, 1200x2355, 80:157, 2017_11_18_korean_polithic….jpg)

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48a608  No.100587

File: 41a881512b8e21d⋯.png (1.4 MB, 612x930, 102:155, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 818e7d1b3224f61⋯.png (905.77 KB, 500x743, 500:743, ClipboardImage.png)


Whelp, your mother certainly failed with you.



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c46bb6  No.100593

File: 9766fcc4e68fbd7⋯.jpg (134.62 KB, 750x1054, 375:527, 1518523009905.jpg)

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bd5010  No.100600


>Jelly is slang for jealous anywhere English is a native language.

>"Are you jelly?"

This board has truly become shit.

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f81fa8  No.100604


Who's the one on the left?

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64bb7e  No.100605

File: ffbd44f5fd362f3⋯.png (444.64 KB, 673x591, 673:591, EWeH5ZqX0AAcQ7D.png)

I dont know if it means war, but this gal's a goldmine of memes

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41dc28  No.100612


>Now this hardcore feminist is in total control.

so the best Korea is about to fail and complain?

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07420f  No.100637


>fail and complain

Wait, haven't they been doing that for the last 50+ years?

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46c610  No.100641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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54b63a  No.100644


>This board has truly become shit.

>thinking it was anything else

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aa0cfb  No.100658


Man on street of Pyongyang say “when she smiles, it’s like heaven shining.”


True. But she’s still more competent than her brother.

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6f865d  No.100659

File: f29aa682f707bcc⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, kim.png)

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67012f  No.100661

Women should never be allowed in power but I will make an exception for anime dictatrixes

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eff64c  No.100662

So, is this going to turn out better or worse than Worst Korea's Leaders being found to be part of a cult?

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aed979  No.100668


I hope not North Korea gave the most funds and weaponry to Palestine during cold war. best Korea is the biggest thorn on the globalist agenda besides Iran.

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000000  No.100697


You're about to get the boogaloo you've been waiting for bros. If you have not started - get /fit/ NOW! DO NOT WAIT! DO NOT DELAY! BEGIN TODAY! SHIT IS ABOUT TO GET _WW3_ REAL!


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000000  No.100708



There will be no "Best Korea" faggot.


Next week you'll realize anon wasn't lying when you start hearing about "a military standoff" in the region. I told you last week Kim Jong Un was dead and you fucks thought I was pissing in the wind. Also……..nah fuck it - why am I trying to help you doubleniggers when you only ever treated me like shit for doing so? GO FUCK YOURSELF!

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c3812e  No.100738


>torpedo declares himself god

>thinks anyone gives a fuck what he claims to have said, and which he didn’t say, because he’s an autistic lunatic

Just die.

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000000  No.100743


>I am goyim

We know

You cattle are never smart enough to realize we always have to tell you before it happens.

g_d requires goyim to have a choice in the matter, and because you ARE dumb goyim you ALWAYS choose to do nothing.

Mazel tov!

>Next week you'll realize anon wasn't lying when you start hearing about "a military standoff" in the region.

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146067  No.100766

File: 58041201667e5f3⋯.jpg (298.49 KB, 1080x1481, 1080:1481, image_2020_04_26_08_46_29.jpg)

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a18af4  No.100773

File: 6a92d01cc819244⋯.png (76.5 KB, 313x587, 313:587, female_leaders_in_a_nutshe….png)


>North Korea might soon have a female leader

North Korea really is going to collapse, isn't it?

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4adbb3  No.100776


"West" as well as China have a pretty vast territory and a lot of launch platforms. Launching all 5 of their functional ICBM's, the two of which will fail, and two which will get intercepted doesn't exactly make it a "preemptive" strike. Stop with the fearmongering bullshit. At least they could level a good portion of SK, that would be a blessing for the world, they deserved it for creating K-pop


Come on Chaim, you've been saying that for years and nothing ever happened.

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2cce3f  No.100779

File: db2ec36749dfff7⋯.mp4 (369.75 KB, 720x480, 3:2, 8Channers_1.mp4)



are you guys serious?

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3156de  No.100783


I want to fuck her. I know that much.

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cc3d83  No.100785


>and not just the Shadman

Cool, thanks, now I want to see her butthole

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061618  No.100839

Kim Yo Jong has been running North Korea the whole time, Kim Jongun has just been the figurehead.

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33bbcb  No.101044

File: cd437cac200ce35⋯.png (1.28 MB, 883x1012, 883:1012, chinese_raugh_out_roud.png)


"Frawress vicory."

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cc3c58  No.101074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I wish there were pictures of Kim Yo Jong in lingerie. She's a hottie

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ba4584  No.101141



She's only 4'2", a fucking midget, you fucking degenerate.

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ad4add  No.101152

File: e90fbb11f7908cf⋯.jpeg (46.65 KB, 472x645, 472:645, 2BF275AB_F187_46BF_BB41_D….jpeg)


>Only 4’2

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46c610  No.101163

File: bb7c5ea05f867f9⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 480x366, 80:61, tenor.gif)


>only 4'2

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9724e4  No.101189



I meant her/his dick you homosapiens.

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03df5c  No.101217

File: 12554021ba284ae⋯.png (468.85 KB, 595x364, 85:52, kim_jong_un_firework.png)


>But she’s still more competent than her brother.

That's probably not a good thing. Jong Un was more into listening to Katy Perry while joyriding in his tank with James Franco, figuratively speaking. The Dictatorfu looks like she might be able to get a missle program working properly.

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03df5c  No.101218

File: 9efb37dfee09fd4⋯.jpg (156.44 KB, 456x480, 19:20, manlurch.jpg)


<She's only 4'2"

>someone with a brain running the Norks

My greatest fear and wildest fantasy in one delicious package.

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081938  No.101233


and nothing of value was lost

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7bac38  No.101268

File: 41d4c366d9ce8c9⋯.jpg (324.97 KB, 1080x1528, 135:191, PicsArt_04_27_05_20_07.jpg)


>How do you feel about her potential leadership over North Korea?

Feels Good Man!

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a8af98  No.101278



These are interesting claims. Any source for them or are you just memeing?

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22d600  No.101280


You can dismiss pretty much anything coming from Western sources about North Korea, doubly so for anything coming from the chans.

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64bb7e  No.101307

File: 3c78640f4a800f0⋯.png (1.86 MB, 2000x2177, 2000:2177, 071.png)

File: fd16d15aa786040⋯.png (749.89 KB, 638x960, 319:480, EWpZ_pXQAIEBGr.png)

File: aacd7d93e0c2ead⋯.jpg (90.6 KB, 637x900, 637:900, EWm8uMCXYAA1YV0.jpg)

File: dfe4798c79254a9⋯.jpg (74.74 KB, 960x678, 160:113, 1587908538669.jpg)

File: 21296986c091898⋯.jpg (196.29 KB, 1446x1600, 723:800, 1587904553823.jpg)


No way bro, this is the FBIs #1 source for NK info. Anon said so, right before he called me a nigger

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63c837  No.101382



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48a608  No.101422


There is a board called /imperium/ for people with that yellow fever.

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b3350b  No.101443


Poklonskaya? what is she doing here?

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9045d5  No.101463

File: 5f516b811508c18⋯.png (988.03 KB, 960x942, 160:157, 94510981_138294891097696_8….png)

File: 0e891f69fb87354⋯.jpg (54.64 KB, 800x857, 800:857, 1587904879370.jpg)

File: 8559a341f3750f7⋯.png (927.75 KB, 1340x706, 670:353, 1587902303394.png)


Yeah, idk

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c80fda  No.101949


wtf that's my fetish now

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0fb2fb  No.101974

File: 14d6ab9584155be⋯.png (731.47 KB, 650x920, 65:92, KYJtoast.png)

File: e0ff6a098c1fe0f⋯.png (181.86 KB, 680x680, 1:1, KYJsmug.png)

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771a7e  No.101977



>unconfirmed rumours about kim

could only come from shills

>potencial change in leadership

one puppet replaces another

Reminder that Iran actually hit US bases with a bunch of SCUDS, which is more than north korea ever did within recent memory

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108702  No.102001


What a fucking disappointment. I thought it was going to be a warhammer 40k board. I fapped though .

Also this NK commie cunt can go fuck herself.

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3d42b7  No.102080

File: dea94c8353f5898⋯.jpg (103.45 KB, 635x900, 127:180, 1588224575913.jpg)

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a39808  No.102089

File: f34ebf6ce324ea5⋯.png (799.96 KB, 893x1263, 893:1263, Patreon_post_image_11.png)

File: fb3ea3575fb0f46⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 555.94 KB, 893x1263, 893:1263, Patreon_post_image_19.png)

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75598a  No.102182

File: b3e4b8e9d44a7fa⋯.jpg (65.57 KB, 900x633, 300:211, 43083209_841045406098962_9….jpg)


All Gold


Will Check it out


I heard through the grapevine, albeit admittedly unsourced, that she's drawing all this attention, and nobody can find Kim, because he's actually here in the states right now?

I have nothing to back this up, was just wondering if some anons had heard anything similar. It might give some credence to how Trump was strangely confident that his buddy Kim was alive and dandy, despite (((media))) reports.

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5f7119  No.102240

File: 251b1665dca26de⋯.png (910.86 KB, 720x1034, 360:517, 251.png)

File: a1c97e35af9aa91⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1900x2048, 475:512, a1c.png)

File: 393d8cff6ba2896⋯.png (977.38 KB, 680x1020, 2:3, c24.png)

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aa0cfb  No.102575

Some people take a lot longer than that to recover from surgery. He was never in a coma. Little sis probably was nursing him. How dear.

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