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File: 12786ac4f72efe7⋯.jpg (240.12 KB, 650x975, 2:3, arische_leserin.jpg)

ed5288  No.99686

Something dawned on me, when I watched the first hour of "Nick Fuentes redpilling Zoomers" Stream.

"Immigration is a destabilising Factor."

When Nick spoke this sentence, it made something very clear to me, which I have already understood. Conservatives want to stabilise a system that is hostile to us. They want to make sure this system has a "common sense" fiscal policy. Has a balanced budget. Reduces entitlements. Make the system more efficient. Import higher IQ Immigrants to support the economy. (And increase the quality of the competition basically)

Why would we ever want to make this system run better? We as Right-Wingers are literally the battered and cheated on wife of the Conservatives. We keep making excuses for him. He cheats on us. He doesn't want to be seen in public with us. He even denounces us in public. He is in the crowd and looks on, as we get beat up by our enemy.

Let's take the Conservatives by their word. They aren't us. They are Centrists. We should stop seeing them as our only Ally. They aren't. We should divorce them, so we could start seeing other people. Like I for example would support making Sugar illegal. (or at least much harder to get) FORCE people to be healthy. I would be willing to flirt with the Greens for that.

I don't know how the situation is in America, but I am getting very annoyed by German Shizo Boomers, who always are busy with the latest conspiracies and call our goverment "a fascist dictatorship". Why do we think they are on the same team as us? They are anti-authoritarian Hippies basically.

Anyway so what do you think?

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17aa80  No.99689

File: 538bc0dddac1ad0⋯.jpg (44.32 KB, 650x396, 325:198, hitler_socialist.jpg)


Are you just figuring this out? NATIONAL SOCIALIST.

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ed5288  No.99695


I wish we had a clear name for this, except National Socialism. Just something else, invented by some new charismatic figure.


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995633  No.99711


Just call yourself a socialist or a communist - terms people already understand and that the majority of the younger generations already support - and advocate for all the same things, while using the language of Marx and the original late 19th century socialists.

Then just call any intersectionalist SJW type what they are - a neoliberal perverting the true definition of socialism. It's the perfect strategy, the general sentiment is already swinging our way, with the rise of the 'anti-woke left' and fashy zoomers, and you can advocate for all the right things without branding yourself with the tarnished taboo terms of 'national socialism' and 'fascism'.

This split is already materializing in Sweden's Communist Party and Örebro Party (which *could* be an argument for OP's accelerationist view, but then there's also the cucked UK): https://sputniknews.com/europe/201912201077662210-swedish-communists-launch-new-workers-party-without-multiculturalism-lgbt-greta-thunberg/

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24aa91  No.99718


what? are you telling me that conservatives, people who want to conserve the system that they grew up in are, different than fasist's that want a system that's hundreds of years old? are you telling me that conservatives, people who want to conserve the system that they grew up in are centrists? conservatism is centrism by definition, retard.

and calling conservatives your cheating husband, is retarded. conservatives dont want shit to do with you. we dont agree with you, we don't align with you, we have never tried to, just because we agree on a couple things doesnt mean we are part of the same movement. your more like a stalker who thinks that because we like the same music, that we are togethor.

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ed5288  No.99734


>and calling conservatives your cheating husband, is retarded. conservatives dont want shit to do with you. we dont agree with you, we don't align with you, we have never tried to, just because we agree on a couple things doesnt mean we are part of the same movement. your more like a stalker who thinks that because we like the same music, that we are togethor.

I agree with you, but sadly most people on the Right even when they nominally agree with you, still don't act like it. Like they still argue "the Republicans are going to lose every election, when this continues, because demographics", etc. Like they still have emotional attachment to them. Like they are just step away from understanding the truth.

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17aa80  No.99736


Your failure is extremely entertaining.

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3565bc  No.99837


You have 'conserved' absolutely fuck all. Go back to your Charlie Kirk conferences you faggot.

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7050ca  No.99886

<1 hour

<Nick, the (((spicnigger))), Fuentes

I think I might gouge out my own eyes.

Is this what they are using as torture in GITMO now?

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4acfea  No.99889

File: aafd168366d6b4c⋯.png (183.38 KB, 771x804, 257:268, aaf.png)


>different than fasist's that want a system that's hundreds of years old?

You faggots are just trying to negotiate the rate at which having your children raped by circumsized becomes socially acceptable while romanticizing the last 5 minutes passed, you literal cucks.

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747dd7  No.99893

File: 885f8849361d6a3⋯.jpg (180.92 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, commiessuck.jpg)


Communism is hundreds years old.

Communists are the real conservatives.

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747dd7  No.99901

File: 08ef2ac4e3ac475⋯.mp4 (2.69 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 29_Jul_2019_Nick.mp4)

File: b82dd2ca83d5bc0⋯.mp4 (2.23 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Nick.mp4)

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e19bd7  No.100026

File: 3df32b1cb0d6f4a⋯.jpg (59.7 KB, 740x1024, 185:256, Tulsi_gesturing_shitskins_….jpg)


>people who want to conserve the system that they grew up in are

I couldn't think of a better insult for conservatives than this even if I tried.

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d26753  No.100027


Based Ramones

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4acfea  No.100093




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b89951  No.100101


>see one publicity pic and declares "based!" "/ourband/!" "confirmed for /pol/!!!!!"

… and then you actually do a little research and find out 3 of them are hard core liberal socialist democrats.

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68a8dd  No.100568


Why not National Populist it means basically the same thing. Nationalism and Populism are becoming more and more common as the political polarization continues and how Trump and recucklicans show their true intentions of expanding greater israel and mass nonwhite immigration. To be quite honest I think we should reach out too the moderate Berniefags who feel cheated and can be brought to our side by converting them through social views. I’ve actually had success in converting some moderate libs especially atheist into our views because in a lot of ways we do share some common views with them. What with being against vulture capitalism and standing for actual science.

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